#top 5 anything ask game
nwolf6 · 2 years
Top 5 People you've met through Tumblr?
ohhhh okai!! so, most of those sweethearts i’ve met partially on tumblr partially on discord, like i was following them, then we were mutuals and then we were talking on some discord servers — though some of them i met on tumblr only
1. @pinkydude my ride or die bitch 😌 my bff, we grow together, we have good and bad moments together, and through the last 2 years he became much more than just a fandom buddy for me 💛 even if i bonk his dumbass a lot
2. my love @ne0n-rust 🖤 just lemme swim through the OCEAN 🏊‍♂️
3.,4. @vos-videmus and @saevus-brutalis 🤍💀 my little cryptids, no matter the honks, no matter being Embodiments Of Darkness, i’d die for you 🙃
5. LOOONG long ago, like 10 years back, when i was a little goth kid barely speaking english and going insane on 2012 tumblr, i met @chernobyl--fetus 💕 we’re great friends ever since, through all those years!
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wisteriagoesvroom · 6 months
Top 5 Oscar Piastri expressions please! (He has so many and whoever says he doesn't, I will personally fight them)
1. mouth scrunch (sardonic, mild)
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2. the weird woobified-despite-himself heart eyes but specifically at lando because lando is his teenage crush and i’m not fighting ppl about it cus it’s factually true
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3. the challenging face when he’s being asked whether he’s truly the best driver on the grid and he’s like. is that even a question
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4. the one in the winter break picture with lily at the restaurant like good lord, that’s the face of a romance protagonist who got the happy ending
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5. whatever is going on here
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nottheweirdest · 3 months
top 5 favorite sonadow headcanons? :p
Love this question, though it's hard to pick lol I have so many! Top 5 swf headcanons!
1. Shadow is a secret softie. Hard, stoic shell, big soft feels in the inside. He cares deeply, feels intensly. He hides it (wouldn't want to show a 'weakness'!) and truly cares for a select few. Sonic tops the list.
2. Sonic has ADHD and Shadow is autistic
3. Sonic is fascinated with Shadow's chest fluff. He plays with it whenever he and Shadow are in private and cuddled close, to the point where it's a stim. At first it drove Shadow bat shit (he's not overly found of idle touch) but eventually it became soothing, something that will coax him into sleep faster than almost anything.
4. Shadow cooks. He enjoys it. Sonic gets overwhelmed in the kitchen and hates it -- though he's mastered pancakes. He'll bring them to Shadow in bed on the rare occasion he gets up before him. He's proud of his one dish and uses it to show his love.
He leaves a huge mess in the kitchen afterwards but Shadow loves and savors the gesture too much to say anything.
5. Sonic is big on traditions. The ones he's built with his friends fill in the gaps he longed for as a kid without a family. Shadow hates them at first. Partly because he doesn't enjoy being around Sonic's friends and partly because they make him miss Maria. Eventually, he finds a bittersweet joy in them that turns to warm appreciation when he sees how happy it makes his partner.
One year he even filled in for Big as Santa so the group's gaggle of kids wouldn't be disappointed. It was a role he returned to every year after and even though he pretended to hate it... He actually would go on a rampage if anyone tried to take it from him.
The others knew lol they didn't even try.
Ask me my top 5 anything!
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lurkingshan · 9 months
your top 5 good finales of BL (not necessarily of 2023)?
This is such a hard question since most shows have mid to weak finales, but I did come up with five from shows I watched this year (though not all originally aired this year).
I Cannot Reach You
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If you haven't watched this jbl yet, please do so immediately. It's on Netflix now in most regions. Truly a perfect friends to lovers narrative that is so smart about the tropes it deploys, and sometimes subverts. The finale left the relationship in such a strong place, paid off the sexual tension in a way most jbls don't, and did one of my favorite trope subversions of the whole show.
La Pluie
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I know some of y'all complained about the pacing of this finale but I gotta say, you're just wrong. We needed to see Tai make his long slow journey to work through his own bullshit and be the one to find Patts and finally use his words. It was a fitting end, an important conclusion to Tai's character arc, and a final exclamation point on the show's themes.
Jack O' Frost
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I love love love this underappreciated jbl about the lies, big and small, that we tell in relationships and how they affect trust, and I love that its message was ultimately that it is worth sticking it out with someone you love even if they have disappointed you. Ritsu's realization that he had also been dishonest, even if not on the same scale as Fumiya, and his realization of how much joy and confidence the relationship brought him, opened a door for him to see his way to forgiveness.
Wedding Plan
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THE GAYS WON!!! Yiwa told her parents to fuck off and eloped with Marine. Sailom was freed from his fake wedding and any expectations that he would ever marry a woman. Nuea got the love and devotion he deserved. And we got a beautiful story about finding the bravery to live an honest life and rebuilding your family with the people you can trust. Such a beautiful show.
What Did You Eat Yesterday?
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This show originally aired in 2019, but I watched it for the first time this year, and its first season has one of the best final episodes of all time. The show is slice of life but there is an ongoing relationship arc playing out across the season, and the season finale pays it off beautifully, with Shiro and Kenji experiencing a moment of emotional catharsis that was so well-earned. Not sure anything will ever top it.
Ask my top 5 anything in bl
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wen-kexing-apologist · 9 months
Top 5 color?
Ooo interesting question, and I have such different answers to this:
It's funny cause lighting design is one of my favorite things and yet I never talk about it. For uses of lighting, I have two favorites for the year:
Moonlight Chicken
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gif from @wanderlust-in-my-soul
The warmth of Jim and Li Ming's home, the cold of Heart and Wen's home, the way the light slowly dims throughout the entirety of Wen and Alan's break up? Moonlight Chicken has some of the best, most thoughtful, and incredibly interesting uses of lighting of the BLs I've seen from 2023. (Fun fact! Orange and blue lighting color combination is probably my favorite lighting combo because it's so gorgeous).
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Playboyy is certainly a messy messy show, and I don't think it is using it's lighting intentionally like Aof was in Moonlight Chicken, but it is getting fucking creative and artistic with some of it's lighting and I love that shit. They've been going hard on the reds and the purples in this show and I support it.
For my absolute favorite color moment of the year, I have to give that to:
What Did You Eat Yesterday?
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gif by @my-rose-tinted-glasses
Shiro getting him and Kenji matching aprons for Kenji's birthday. The colors may not match, there may not be a color exchange, but holy mother of god this scene absolutely destroyed me. Shiro has grown so much throughout the course of this show and it makes me so fucking emotional.
My singular favorite use of color in a show this year:
Last Twilight
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gif by @tomystars
Once again Aof is taking the crown for such intentional uses of color. I don't care here if the pink has an actual meaning to the color, what I care about is what this shirt does to show Mhok's character, grant some autonomy to Day, and give you a sense of how Day's vision works. Which, I know the show has been doing pretty consistently throughout, but you can really see here why bright neon colors work really well for Day, and why Mhok 100% puts those bright neon yellow laces on Day's old shoes.
and finally...
Net's skin
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gif by @ueasking
Net has such a gorgeous skin tone, and @neuroticbookworm and I weep every time some magazine, show, or other promo photo lightens his skin. Honestly I am personally not vibing with Middleman's Love but both Net and James look so good in it.
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lunar-years · 9 months
I may have missed it but since you’re right that there’s a CRIMINAL lack of ot3 scenes with all of them, top 5 with all the different sides of the triad? Or if that’s too much, top 5 JamieKeeley moments, because they’re underrated and I know you get it!
I’m going to do all three because I love talking about them 😄
1) when Keeley convinces him to go to the bonfire/ “you’re a battler Jamie”
2) Jamie seeking her out for advice after returning from Lust Conquers All and then Keeley later telling Roy Jamie’s brave because he’s at least trying to make a change!!
3) “we’re going to Brazil” hug!!! They are soooo smiley
4) Jamie apologizing for the photo leak and making sure Keeley wasn’t alone in that moment ❤️ my babies
5) season one Keeley coming to pick Jamie up for his wax. I just think they’re so fun.
1) the treadmill scene where Keeley brings up the charity single Roy recorded years ago because she’s been stalking (cough “researching”) his life & career online and he’s like “that was for world hunger!” or whatever and then Keeley says “and I believe it was the cure” cjshsjsk. Gets me every time.
2) Keeley coming to the locker room after Roy’s knee injury in the season one finale
3) Sexy Christmas dip :)
4) when keeley gets the vanity fair shoot proofs and her and Roy celebrate in the kitchen and she jumps on him and says “I love you SO much” in the softest cutest voice.
5) when Roy pulls Keeley up in front of the boys after they win at Everton and she recites her tv tourist spiel lmao. Early flirty roykeeley is my favoriteeee <3
1) WEMBLEY HUG (my favorite ted lasso scene of all time)
2) lets go see some windmills :)/bike-riding/Amsterdam breakthrough confessions
3) Jamie telling Roy he had a poster of him on his wall as a kid at the gala, and then them toasting each other dying. True love in the making!
4) Roy inviting Jamie to his sacred kebab church
5) ugly ugly boy/big dumb hairy baby twat. What can I say I love terms of endearment 🤷‍♀️
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jasper-the-menace · 4 months
Top 5 poems!
Top 5 Anything
*squints* You know I've been reading poetry lately, huh?
5: literally anything written by Sappho. Go off, queen.
4: A Priest of Hermes by Carl Dennis, found in Practical Gods
3: Partner in Crime by Samatha King, found in Born to Love, Cursed to Feel
2: Dissolving by Ally Sheedy, found in Yesterday I Saw The Sun
1: -in the morning we are: 1 The Clowns by John Mooney, found in February Poems
That last one deserves to be seen in all of its beauty, actually. This poem has lived rent-free in my head since I first read it.
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The face concludes its reason behind the simple mask - the gratuitive countenance, the satisfaction. The mind precedes the illusion with thought; and these are they who have nothing.
These are they who have undertaken to bring something for nothing, and still receive and prosper. These are they who have come to listen, to replenish the void, congested eyes of onlookers. Where have they the energy it takes? This face, mightier than the crowds, is one.
They have fallen and they have risen. They extend to see in their hour simple refreshing smiles. They keep their honor, our childhood, locked in the justice of their face. And if, with expectance and demonstration, they exceed, we will conclude they are masters of our trust. We are spellbound onlookers watching the antics - the substance in the face, in the eyes.
Their eminent face brings us its reality. With reason and potential they exchange our trust with a recommendation. This rare breed of clown is aging, its face is its life.
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battywitch · 5 months
Top 5 books you would suggest to sb to get them into reading 😀
*suddenly forgets every book I've ever read* uuuhhhh.... maybe
Percy Jackson series
Murderbot Diaries
Saga, or Sarah Andersen's comics, depending on the person
Wayward Children series
maybe A Good Girl's Guide to Murder
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iguessitsjustme · 9 months
Hello. I actually don't know if you've done this one because there have been a lot of posts about this so if you have just link the post. 2023 top 5 BL songs. Thanks
More music asks wooooooo. My favorite. But top 5? Just 5? Only 5? I'll try.
Here is my top QL music of 2023 but let's see if I can't change it up a bit.
5. The Sign theme song. Every week I am blown away by this opening. I'm just straight up in love with the music here. It reminds me of something but I cannot remember what. I think there's a specific anime opening it reminds me of but I can't put my finger on it. But I am absolutely in love with it and it fits the show perfectly.
4. The Eighth Sense theme song. I always talk about The Story by Conan Gray when I talk about the music for this show, but I would be remiss to not mention that I also love the theme song. It's simply amazing. I love it a whole lot and it deserves more love and more mentions.
3. My Fault Acoustic- Sing My Crush. This song is the reason I first fell in love with the show. That guitar teacher does not deserve the love that Ba Ram put into this song.
2. Rainbow - Love Tractor. I had my issues with the show but the soundtrack was not one of them. I love this song a normal and healthy amount.
Second Wind - Sing My Crush. Is anyone surprised? Anyone. Nope. Didn't think so. This song just scratches a very particular itch in my brain and I love it. I will love this song until the end of time.
Ask Me Top 5 BL Anything of 2023
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snaxle · 12 days
Top 5 op villains
1. doflamingo 2. crocodile 3. rob lucci 4. arlong 5. monet and/or enel
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bluebellbanshee · 8 months
top five poems?
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Some of my favorite poems
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nwolf6 · 2 years
top 5 cyberpunk 2077 locations :))))
OHMYGOD OKAY OKAY OKAY sorry upfront for horrible ps4 screenshots provided
1. this one antenna in Kabuki — its an absolute bitch to climb but gOD i just sat there and looked around, and it has lil fun secrets on top
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2. that bridge leading into Japantown and all the neons in the view
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3. the roof in Afterlife :)) when u get in the elevator and go on that lil roof, the view in between the buildings and down the street is sO GOOD and if u try hard enough u can jump on that lil thingy in between and AH
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4. anywhere in Kabuki tbh i just love this area so mUCH
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5. i dont have pics but T O T E N T A N Z. i probably wouldnt survive a party there but still would wanna go 😌
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jasper-pagan-witch · 1 year
Top 5 favorite magic books?
Ask Me My Top 10/Top 5 Anything
This is hilarious given the follow-up ask after this.
1: Grovedaughter Witchery | Bree NicGarran: General magic information.
2: Of Witchcraft And Whimsy | Rose Orriculum: General magic information.
3: Ozark Folk Magic: Plants, Prayers & Healing | Brandon Weston: Folk magic practices for and from my area of the US.
4: Queer Magic | Tomas Prower: Some queer history and occultism, though I'm still digging through the sources.
(4.5: Morbid Magic | Tomas Prower: As above, except with death instead of queer stuff.)
5: Kitchen Table Tarot | Melissa Cynova: Basic tarot information, and I'm talking basic, but I love something that gets straight to the point.
Thanks for sending this in, anon!
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nottheweirdest · 3 months
top 5 sonadow headcanons OR top 5 favorite kinks/tropes to write/read ;3
Since I just did the first option, I'll do the second. I feel like a lot of these will be obvious from my writing 😂 especially the NSFW answers
Sfw top 5
1. Soulmate au 🥹
2. One bed trope - I see this in tags and I am RUNNING
3. Angst with a happy ending - usually I can only handle this if I'm writing it tho 😅
4. Hurt/comfort - I love it when the boys take care of each other 😭
5. Fake unrequited love where they both have feelings for each other but are too emotionally dense to admit it 😂
NSFW top 5 below!
1. Tender sex - if there's no underlying love and affection my demi ass it out
2. Mpreg - I love it so much, prob too much
3. Abo dynamics - ties in with the above
4. Healthy BDSM - I see Sonic and Shadow each as switches but I go feral for top dominant Shadow. I'll pause here for literally no one's surprise 😅
5. Breeding lol plays in with the above 2? Perhaps I should discuss this with my therapist 😂
I have many more 😂 but yeaaaaaah there's 5!
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lurkingshan · 9 months
Not sure how many of these you'll have, but Top 5 'if they had sex right now, it would probably be less gay than whatever the hell is happening here' moments?
Hmmmm I think I do have a few. First, let me be a curmudgeon and say nothing is gayer than actual gay sex lol. But those moments when characters give their very gay intentions away or just lay it on extra thick are always so fun.
Yai and Jom making flower garlands, I Feel You Linger in the Air
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When having him literally read porn to him didn't get through, Yai moved on to doing the gayest activity he could think of. He really wanted Jom to pick up what he was putting down.
Jae Won teaching Ji Hyun how to surf, The Eighth Sense
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That was an awful lot of unnecessary touching, sunbae.
Tinn dressing Charn in his fussy blouse, Laws of Attraction
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Honestly it was hard to choose just one scene from this show but I think this one takes the cake.
Hantae pledging his life to Baram, Sing My Crush
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Fellas, is it gay to take one look at a sad cute boy and dedicate the rest of your life to making his dreams come true? ...fellas??
Mhok feeling up Day's hands, Last Twilight
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Sirs. What the fuck.
Ask my top 5 anything in bl
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kween088 · 3 months
Go to song right now?
Omg there are soooo many!!!! I’ll give you the top 5 songs I have on repeat these days and it’s in a random order
Slow it down by benson Boone
TGIF by Glorilla
Expresso martini by BJRNCK
Sunday service remix by Latto feat Flo milli and Megan the stallion
Drink don’t need no mix by Shaboozey
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