#top gun headcannon
topguncortez · 7 months
[ DISCUSSION ]  for our muses to talk about kinks and figure out their boundaries together with Jake and Shy! Wife, please, they are my favorites
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Let's Talk About Sex - Jake Seresin x Shy!Wifey HC
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warnings: sex, daddy kink, small lactation kink, size kink, virginity, brief mentions of threesomes, voyuerism, watching porn, mentions of sexuality, mutual masturbation, sex in public places, mentions of body hair, quickies, cum kink
note: I know you probably wanted a fic out of this, but the best I could give ya was a headcannon without it being 97000 pages long. I hope you enjoy!:) also I would love to dive more into Shy!Wifey's sexuality and how she navigates it with Jake. So don't be afraid to ask about that!
g's slumber party || opposites attract masterlist
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Jake hated the saying "it's always the quiet ones," but in his experience. . . it usually was the quiet ones
When Y/N had met Jake, yes, she was a virgin. It wasn't that she was holding out for her wedding night to swipe her v-card. Sure, she was religious but she wasn't religious in the sense of "Sex before marriage is a sin."
For her, she just never felt comfortable going there or even thinking about going there with the guys she dated before Jake. Actually, for a while, she thought there was something wrong with her. She never got those warm feelings or that "rush of heat" to her core like the books said. Until she met Jake.
It still took Y/N some time to get totally comfortable with Jake. Their wedding night wasn't one straight from the romcoms and fairytales. It was a night of going slow, figuring out what she liked and what felt right. Y/N tried to fight through the pain she was in cause she wanted Jake to have a good time, but he could see her wincing. The night eventually came to a standstill with Jake refusing to go on because Y/N was near tears from the pain.
It also didn't help that Y/N was so in her head about how she looked. Should she have worn something sexier for him? Was her double chin showing? Should she have shaved or gotten waxed? Did Jake mind body hair or was this repulsing him?
The next morning, Jake sat her down and asked her "What do you like in bed?" All Y/N could do was shrug, meekly telling him "I don't know."
So, Jake suggested watching porn. He found a couple of amateur videos that he thought Y/N would like, and they watched them together. Y/N looked at them as though they were sex education videos while Jake was fighting off a stiffy the whole time.
"This? Gets your rocks off?" Y/N asked, looking at him. Jake couldn't help the boyish grin on his face, "Well. . . yeah. What about you? What do you like?" She took his phone from him, searching through the porn site until she found a video she liked. Jake was surprised to see it was two females, half naked and covered in oil.
Their second attempt at having sex together went better than the first. They had been doing some stuff together, mutual masturbation, oral sex, dirty text messages throughout the day, even the simple act of laying next to each other naked, getting comfortable with one another, all seemed to help. Their second attempt went much better than the first.
Ever so slowly, they started experimenting more and more. It started with doing more positions in bed, Y/N wanting to be on top to watch Jake's face as he came. Or her asking him to pull her hair. Or flipping herself over onto her stomach.
The first time "Daddy" slipped out of her lips, they both paused, both equally frightened and turned on. Jake felt his heart in his chest as he was trying to figure out what to do, but it was as if Y/N could read his mind, "Do that again, daddy, please." And who was Jake to deny her???
As if Jake couldn't get anymore possessive over Y/N. It was bad enough that she had his wedding ring on her finger, his last name as her own and the tattoo of his callsign on her ass. . . Jake also had to make sure she was stuffed full of him. He didn't know he could love the sight of her swollen cunt, dripping with cum.
"You like watching it, don't you?" Y/N asked, breathlessly as Jake's green eyes were looking between her legs. He smirked, leaning down and licking her, "Of course I do. . . Cause one of these days. . . I'm gonna get you so full of me, it'll knock you up."
Then, enter Baby Seresin number one, and their sex life totally changes. Not only does Jake develop a breeding kink seeing his wife grow and swell with his child, but his sex drive and Y/N's sex drive is through the roof. Quickies, anywhere and everywhere.
"Do you know how much trouble well get in if Penny finds us?" Y/N pants against his lips one night at the hard deck, "She'll forgive us once we tell her she is an honorary grandmother," Jake tugs down the top of her sundress, her swollen breasts popping out, "Fuck. . . look at you. Getting all ready to have my child. To be able to feed them. . . I love you like this," Y/N quickly slaps her hand over her mouth as Jake's tongue swirls her nipple before pulling it into his mouth.
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topgunruinedme · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes
Maverick: I’m an idiot.
Iceman: If you’re waiting for us to disagree, this is going to be a long day.
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saltsicklover · 8 months
Stupid Music HC
Bob Floyd would unironically listen to Saving Jane.
He would know absolutely all the words to Supergirl. He would blame it on having sisters, but the truth is it's in his preflight playlist.
He would also be astonished when no one other than Halo knows about them. After that, he'd be playing it all the time through a little travel speaker.
Penny would play it at the Hard Deck too, because she and Amelia fuck with Saving Jane.
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theg-unit · 3 months
rooster is BIG
Inspired mainly by this amazing fic https://archiveofourown.org/works/53421805/chapters/135212572 by SunMonTue. @tgmsunmontue on tumblr
A fun little fact is that of the original top gun 1986 cast, Goose is actually the tallest. (by only two inches but the tallest nonetheless)
Carol is not necessarily a small woman either, and her male family members are rather broad guys. All this culminates in young Bradley Bradshaw hitting age 15 and shooting up till he's a head taller than his Mavdad at 6ft. Everyone thinks thats the end of it that he'll really look like nick, tall runners build. But then he makes it to 20 and puberty gets a second wind. suddenly Rooster is 6'5" and fills out very solidly to be the tallest one in the family and the biggest. Slider thinks its hilarious that Rooster can now continue his tradition of just picking Pete up and carry him away from whatever Ice has asked him to retrieve him from.
Rooster doesn't utilise his build much. The oversized shirts, his tendency to slouch (to avoid hitting his head mainly) and unflappable demeanour mean that most of the daggers tend to write Brad off as a total teddy bear, and so, when maybe on a night out, they run into some trouble, Rooster narrows his eyes, slowly stretches up to his full height, cracks his neck as he rolls his shoulders that seem to now stretching his shirt... the daggers are suddenly reminded just how BIG Bradley is.
might continue this with a small fic idk. let me know? love you all!!
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momentaryescape · 7 months
Dad Bob Floyd
a/n- HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! I know its almost over, but college and work are a pain in the ass...hopefully I am able to post more this year, but I don't want to make any promises. Anyway me and my amazing friend @rewrittenreality here texting like a month ago about if the tgm dagger squad boys became dads, this is the result of that. I hope y'all enjoy.
Bob was over the moon when he found out you found out you were pregnant. He would surprise you with flowers and a gift for your baby. When he found out that you would be having a girl we went into full girl-dad mode. He found matching outfits for the three of you to all match with once the baby was born. 
The day your baby was born Bob couldn't stop smiling. The first time he held her, he looked like his life was complete. You walked in more times than you can count to him just staring at your daughter with all the love he had.
As she got older he learned how to do her hair in various styles, and would dress her so they could twin. When her favorite movie was the little mermaid he started calling her “Flounder” and it stuck. The dagger squad started calling her that too, leading to her being the first baby dagger squad member to get a callsign. 
On her first day of school Bob woke up extra early to make her her favorite breakfast, and get her a small bouquet. And when it was time to drop her off you could swear that Bob cried more than her. 
He would talk to your belly just like he did in your first pregnancy, which you swear is why she is a  daddy's girls. But you didn’t mind, you loved your husband any your daughter more than anything else.
When you found out you were pregnant, and that it was another girl, you couldn't wait for Bob to find out. He was on deployment when you learned of the second Floyd baby. When he got home he looked confused at your daughter's shirt. It read “big sister”. When it clicked he looked back and forth between her shirt and you before pulling you into a tight hug. When you told him it was another little girl he told you he was excited to be a girl dad again. So the matching outfits were updated to include another baby. And just like before, when your younger daughter’s favorite movie was Zootopia, he started calling her “Bunny”.
Bob was meant to be a girl dad. He made sure to raise them with all the love possible. He told you everyday that you were the best thing to happen to him, and that you made him the happiest man in the world.
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whohasthecards · 9 months
Bradley, Bob, & Jake as Brothers
Just imagining the dynamic if these three because of the Dagger Squad and Mav and Ice began started to bond.
Bradley: An only child who was suddenly given 2 baby brothers.
Goose and Carol's only son, became a Mama's boy
After Goose died, the class of '86 helped chip in to raise him, meaning before they settled in with their own families he got the attention of so many uncles.
Mav of course took the most active role, basically being the father-figure to Bradley after Goose died. Bradley sees him more as a dad than Goose, that's why it hurt so much when Mav pulled his papers.
Then suddenly, the mission happened, they turn into a permanent squadron, and wow is Mav bringing Jake and Bob around more and more.
Hmmm, so Bob's former squadron giving him some trouble? No they're not.
Goddammit, Jake, give that back, right now!
Bradley: Hangman's the worst, selfish prick (Jake ate his leftovers). Some guy: Yeah, the guy's a fucking selfish assho- Bradley: What the fuck did you just say?
Bob: The youngest child given an older brother that actually pays attention to him and a younger brother that he needs to protect.
Big age difference between him and his siblings, he's the baby, was born when his siblings were already teenagers and young adults, focused on their own lives than him.
He was spoiled and loved by his family though, but they couldn't give him a lot of time and attention. His siblings were building their own lives, his parents were getting older, and he was an "easy kid". Bob was quiet, easy to please, easy to ignore.
When he said he wanted to join the Navy, his family was not supportive and doubted his ability. Deeply hurt him.
Then Bradley came, who would actually listen to him. Ruffle his hair and offer to hang out with him. They would play instruments together and stuff. Who defended him against his former squadron when they were making fun of him.
Then there was Jake who loved poking fun at him, but never in a mean way. Who would forget to eat when he was busy or having fun, making him have to shove fruit snacks in his mouth. Who would simultaneously teach and make fun of him when playing pool.
Bob: Come on, Rooster, not the hair (Bob rolled his eyes as Bradley ruffled his hair) Bradley: Awww, you're taking after Jakey, caring about your hair so much. Bob: Well, we actually want to look presentable (scrunches his nose at Bradley's Hawaiian shirt) Bradley: How rude.
Jake: The forcibly responsible, yet ignored middle-child, being given 2 older brothers who are protective of him, and finally gives him the chance to be free.
Jake is the middle child, have two older siblings and one younger sibling. His parents were neglectful, did not care enough.
He and his siblings used to be tight, but due to circumstances falls apart.
His older brother is a Navy SEAL, but suffers from PTSD, when he's on leave, he gets into trouble and drinks too much. He has to bail his brother out a couple of times.
His older sister began to be distant, he doesn't know where she is, she sends money and calls every now and then, but she started a new life. Whenever Jake asks for help, she refuses, claiming that Jake is strong and smart enough, that he can do it. (Jake simultaneously can't blame her and is resentful of her)
His younger sister needs financial support since she's just a teenager, she's in college right now and Jake is extremely proud of her. Just lonely as well. She's doing well for herself, Jake wants to protect her innocence. He acts more like her dad than their dad ever was.
Jake always has to be the rock, steady and strong. He's just tired.
He's a twenty-something, and he wants to be a twenty-something, careless and free. Fuck up and have fun every once in a while.
Then Bradley and Bob comes in.
He can't help but allow himself to play around with them, mess with them, tease them. They make him let his guard down, it's fun being around them, he's not responsible of them outside of being their teammate.
And they actually pay attention to him, and dote over him. He grumbles about them being overprotective or being too much of a mother hen, but he's sad whenever they hesitate to ruffle his hair, wondering if they were overstepping.
Maybe one day, he'll tell them about his family.
Jake (sinks 8-ball in): HAH! I won this game Bobert, pay up Bob (rolls his eyes as he pushes the cup of peanuts towards Jake): Eat up, you mean. Bradley (Ruffles Jake's hair): You gotta let him win once in a while. Jake (pouts): But how will he learn? And plus, how else would I be able to get some peanuts?
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29625 · 3 months
He (Mav) was a “I sleep like a body in a morgue and sometimes sleep with my eyes wide open and scare the shit out of Goose because he thinks I’m catatonic” boy, and he (Sli) was a “I talk in my sleep, staring Ice dead in the eyes and say shit like ‘I hear voices’ in the middle of the night” boy
Can I make it anymore obvious? (they begin dating and continue to scare the shit out of each other with their antics for the next few decades until the death do them apart)
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sparrowstarsandsorrow · 10 months
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Saw this template and these 4 immediately came to mind
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fandoms--fluff · 5 months
Hcs for being Natasha “Phoenix’s” sister from top gun?
Being Phoenix's Sister Headcannons
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She's five years older than you but holds that over you from time to time
You met Bradley and Jake after her Top Gun class graduation
Bradley treats you as his own little sister
And Hangman annoys you to no end, to which you annoy him right back
You've also got a flying license, you're just not a naval aviator
Nat and Bradley taught you how to fly an F-14 in sligjt combat, that was a week after their top gun grad.
Under no circumstances does Phe let you use the stove or the oven. She barely let's you use the microwave without her watch when she's state side
^Which is fair, considering the amount of fires you've had to extinguish
You live off a bunch if vending machine food at the top gun base
And that's how you met your sister's CO, Pete Mitchell, for the special detachment her, Bradly and jackass (aka Jake) were called back for. He caught you kicking the vending machine since it stopped half way through, not dropping the bag of chips you paid for.
To which you guys had a pretty good conversation together, forgetting to mention you're not an actual aviator.
He didn't learn about who you are until after the suicide mission. He saw you and Nat huh each other tightly after everyone got back state side, on the beach. Everyone was relaxing on the beach after the huge excitement that had happened.
Nat introduced you to him as her little sister, and you chuckled as his mouth gaped in surprise.
Everyone watches as you throw one of the footballs they brought at Hangman after him insulting your sister.
^Bradley giving you a fistbump and Nat sighs while trying to hide her smile.
You, Nat and Halo have a big sleepover movie night, just the three of you girls. Halo taking a liking to you, seeing a lot of Nat in you.
You 'borrow' a bunch of Nat's navy sweaters and wear them around the base and the Hard Deck, seeing how many people will belive that you're in the Navy.
You and Penny become good friends at the bar
^you learn some (a lot of) dirt on Maverick from her
Bradley explains to you about his relationship with Maverick and you may or may not have smacked him upside the head about how he cut connection with the man
^to which he agreed he deserved
The whole dagger squad now treat you as their baby sister and you can't go anywhere without 'protection' aka one of them.
You love your big sister to death, when you were younger you wanted to be just like her. Strong, loyal, pretty and much more.
Amelia and you become good friends, you like a mentor to her and teaching her about different flight maneuvers with model planes, everything you learnt from Nat and Bradley...and maybe....maybe Jake.
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After his mother, Bradley’s favorite person was always Maverick. His earliest memory was sitting on top of the piano at Kansas City Barbeque while his dad and Mav belted out a less than beautiful rendition af Great Balls of Fire and then being carried out dozing off in Mav’s arms. Although, he's not sure if he really remembers that day or if he can just picture it so vividly because Mav talked about it so often. Mav talked about a lot of memories with Goose. He told some stories so much, Bradley had them memorized word for word.
Mav was a constant in Bradley's childhood. He made sure he was there for every birthday, every Christmas, and on the anniversary of Goose's death he always took Bradley and Carol out for the night. If he was on land near by, he was there every Wednesday for family dinner—there was always an extra place set for Goose those nights.
When Bradley was in 3rd grade and didn't want to be in his school's Father's Day program, Mav dropped everything to be there, he didn't even bother to change out of his jumpsuit. He didn't care that he would face discipline for rushing off before debriefing; the look on Bradley's face when he saw Mav right next to his mom in the front row was enough to get him through a lifetime of reprimands.
Mav was the one who taught Bradley to ride a bike. He put band-aids with (somehow) poorly drawn smiley faces on every scraped knee and elbow during the very long process because, while Bradley might have been a natural pilot, biking did not come as easy. Mav took him to ball games on the weekends in the summer when he could and made sure he had the best swing on his little league team. He helped him fix up Goose’s old truck and then taught him to drive it. He never lost his temper, but instead laughed every time Bradley stalled it.
“Damnit!” Bradley would yell, slamming his fist on the steering wheel in frustration. “I swear, I'm never going to get this thing out of the neighborhood!"
“Just calm down and try again, kid.” Mav would say with a smile a mile wide. “You've got this."
Mav was the only person Bradley thought to call at 3am after hiking a mile in the pouring rain to the nearest gas station because he'd gotten his truck stuck in a ditch taking a corner too fast. Mav was there in 20 minutes. And instead of reprimanding him about his carelessness, Mav bought the shivering teen a hot chocolate and told him the story of how he wrecked his dad's old beloved car when he was in high school.
When Bradley graduated from high school, Mav gave him Goose's helmet. He'd pulled strings 16 years prior to keep the helmet from being repurposed for another pilot and paid a pretty penny to get it, but he'd never tell Bradley that. Bradley only found out when he joined the Navy himself.
Maverick loved Bradley like his own kid, and he felt responsible for him because, despite what any military hearing said, he would always blame himself for Goose’s death. That was why pulling his papers was the hardest decision he'd ever made and the easiest at the same time. He tried not to regret it, but Maverick hated feeling Bradley pull away from him; he hated that he wasn't one of the kid’s favorite people any longer.
But Bradley's favorite person never stopped being Maverick, it was only Rooster that couldn't face Captain Pete Mitchell.
Until he could.
- Hazard
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rewrittenreality · 7 months
Dad Hangman
Hangman Headcannon - A cute little dad Hangman blurb for a V-day collab with the lovely @momentaryescape!
Jake “Hangman” Seresin never thought that he would be a dad one day. That was until he married you. He was so nervous and excited when he found out you were pregnant. He was even more nervous when you found out you were having twins. 
From the moment the twins were born, a little boy and a little girl, Jake vowed to protect his kids with his life. He was such a great dad from the start, making sure you and the twins had everything you could possibly need and more. It was a common occurrence to see Jake carrying both kids around the house, each in one arm while he rocked them to sleep. 
Seeing Jake as a father just made you fall in love with him all over again. Jake “Hangman” Seresin, the ladies man, was now a committed and loving dad and husband. He would never let anything happen to you or your children no matter what. 
A/n - Hello! I thought I'd post a little something for Valentine's day before getting started on a request fic! Hope you all enjoyed! Lots of love!
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topguncortez · 1 year
♦ jake for headcanon ask!
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Jake is a classic car guy. For as much shit as he gives Rooster about the bronco… Jake isn’t much better when it comes to rescuing old cars.
His baby is a Red and Black 1971 Dodge Challenger R/T
He’s had that car since he was 16 years old. It was his first car that his dad got him to teach him the value of having a car.
And that car has been apart of all of Jake’s first. in fact, he even swiped his V-card to his high school sweetheart in the back seat.
But his love for classic cars didn’t just stop with Baby, oh no no no, Jake has a whole collection of toy model cars down in his man cave.
He’s got everything from Dodges, to Fords, to Chevys.
He spends his weekends driving all over Southern California going to old car shows. Sometimes he enters in Baby.
Jake’s favorite thing to do is take the top down, and drive up the coast with you sitting as his passenger princess
headcannon asks!
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hangster-hangout · 2 years
I just have a lot of thoughts about how the dagger squad is so focused on Hangman and Rooster getting their shit together that none of them think ahead and realize the After is so. much. worse.
Because Hangman and Rooster bicker just as much as usual but now it has this added flirty/suggestive tone to it that can only really be described as foreplay and it’s just. nauseating.
Fanboy sends a picture of them practically grinding on each other near the juke box at the Hard Deck to the group chat with the caption “right in front of my salad.”
When the squad gets deployed, Hangman and Rooster share a room. Payback shares a wall with them. He buys noise canceling headphones the minute he is back on shore incase this ever happens again.
Bob gets Rooster for secret Santa and gives him a gift certificate to get his car detailed because he once saw the two of them getting it on in the back of the Bronco.
Phoenix and Coyote’s BFF support team dinners have gone from ‘we can’t take the pining anymore’ to ‘we can’t take the heart eyes anymore’. One time they kill three bottles of wine and spend the dinner doing imitations of Hangman and Rooster calling each other ‘baby’ and ‘sweetheart’ and ‘darlin’.
They all make a show about how annoying it is to be around two people so disgustingly in love, but when Hangman and Rooster get engaged, no one cries harder than the five of them.
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theg-unit · 3 months
Currently on a TopGun kick at the moment as my flat mate is rewatching it and while I was waiting for ao3 to come back online I was having a little think about my baby boy (rooster).
in the world where IceMav raised Brad together after his mums death (which I’m personally ballparking at age 9 for maximum angst), and where maybe they didn’t set him back or they did and reconciled far quicker, I’m in love with rooster being Iceman’s son. Sure everyone sees the obvious dressing like goose, and maybe he flies more like maverick in this universe (no perch in sight), but give me a Bradley that was raised by Tomas Kazansky.
Cause realistically speaking, Mav is on deployment most of the time. Ice taking a promotion keeping him on the ground, but moving around, taking Brad with him, globe trotting navy-brat Bradley, raised by his flyboy uncles. And maybe he rolls his eyes like his uncle slider and howls laughing like his uncle Wolfe but you look at him schmoozing at a navy ball, effortless charm with admirals much more powerful than him and the daggers and that’s all Iceman. And maybe when they’re off mission and some find themselves in trouble, Rooster narrows his eyes and finds a few extra inches of height somewhere, and this overly chill, slightly dorky pilot becomes ice cold and calculating. His words and gaze tearing its target apart.
Show me a Bradley who is a few years older than the other daggers and decides that these idiots are going to need a guardian angel and now is a good a time as any for all his lessons with ice to pay out. After all the COMPACFLT is retiring soon and Bradley needs to start climbing if he wants to stop all his morons from getting discharged.
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babygirllinds · 1 year
if you haven't already, you should do some spicy icemav hcs.
love your stuff!
I’d be honored to drop some HCs 🫡 I think I’ve only ever done HCs for Slimav so I’m happy to provide… and spicy? all the better 👀 also thank you so much for sending this!!!!
warning: smut ahead 👀 I definitely went overboard, but I hope you guys enjoy 🫠
The first time Ice and Maverick have sex is after the Layton mission.
Ice fell first that day in the bar. It was meant to be an intimidation tactic, but he got close enough to look into Maverick’s eyes and to smell his cologne and it was all over for him. Maverick was dangerous, but probably more so on the ground than in the sky. Maverick had feelings but didn’t acknowledge them because Ice was a dick, okay? It wasn’t until the mission and they claimed each other as wingmen that Maverick really let himself think about the possibility. Spoiler: Maverick fell harder
I think the adrenaline of the mission finally pulled them together. Especially after finding themselves alone together. Maverick kisses him first and immediately apologizes before Ice is pulling him back in and deepening it
They both jerk each other off in a frenzy with Ice’s other hand over Maverick’s mouth to muffle his moans. He’s bites Maverick’s shoulder hard enough to draw blood when he cums and Maverick nearly blacks out when Ice ghosts a finger over his hole
Ice and Maverick are absolutely gone for each other, as everyone can agree. There’s not a place that they haven’t had sex. Including a public place. They just really can’t keep their hands to themselves.
The car? Definitely fogged up some windows in their youth
Locker room? Ice definitely pushed Maverick to his knees just to watch as the water poured over him with his mouth full
Ice’s office? Let’s just say that his assistant knows when to tell people firmly that her boss is busy and not to bother him (Maverick brings her flowers in apology each time he visits)
Penny has 100% chased them out of the hard deck bathroom at some point and she definitely doesn’t let Mav live it down
Maverick is a brat through and through. The first time Ice let himself think of him in a sexual way, he imagined getting him to shut up with a firm hand in his hair and his mouth full of Ice’s cock
Mav knows he’s a brat too and he knows it gets Ice going to take charge. The man aimed to be admiral since the beginning of his career so taking charge of Mav is like practice in a way
Mav will do something that has everyone exasperated and Ice will gladly take him home and spank his ass raw
Ice also worries about him doing something potentially dangerous and winding up dead and most of his anger is how scared he is to lose Mav so no matter how harsh the punishment is, Ice is always pulling him into his arms and kissing his tears away and telling him how much he loves him
Leading into this one, they 100% have a dom/sun type of relationship in my eyes. Maverick craves attention and that’s why he acts out. Ice craves to be in charge and to take care of someone.
They don’t let the dynamic rule their lives, but Ice is always there to be a guiding and firm hand in Maverick’s life. He always is looking out for him and making sure he stays on the right path
Ice will sometimes lay out a scene especially when he knows Maverick needs it. Let’s say Maverick’s adhd and anxiety (which that man 100% has both) has him crawling in his skin and Ice can’t take the way Maverick will let himself fester so Ice takes it into his own hands to have Maverick relax and let go and just let Ice do what he needs to do
Maverick is content to do whatever Ice asks when he’s under. Be it multiple orgasms or orgasm delay until he’s shaking and crying and Ice finally takes pity on him and fucks him
Maverick is a total pillow princess sometimes.
He likes to lay back while Ice just takes what he wants
Sometimes Ice will tie him up and just play with him for hours and Maverick is content to just lay there and let him
He’ll beg for it on days he feels horny, but too sleepy to put in the effort
Now on the other hand… Maverick also likes to actively take part in sex.
He loves the feeling of riding Ice while Ice just lays back. He won’t touch him, just lets Maverick take his fill, sometimes with hands on his hips and guiding his movements
Especially when Ice goes through chemo and is healing and too tired to keep up with him. Ice just wants him to be satisfied and is willing to let Maverick take active charge as he fucks himself on Ice’s cock
As much as Maverick loves missionary sex where he can stare into Ice’s eyes, he loves most every position. He wants to be with Ice anyway he can.
Let’s just say reverse cowgirl is his favorite. Especially when Ice is able to get a firm grip in his hair
Ice’s favorite position is the mating press… he feels the closest to Mav when he presses his legs almost to his shoulders and their chests and stomachs are touching and his face is close enough to kiss him
I’m sorry, but I need to speak my truth. Mav is a bottom except…
Except on the occasion Ice asks him to fuck him. He can’t say no to Ice and it’s not like he doesn’t like it. He loves being inside Ice. He just likes it better when Ice is inside him. Ice does too, but sometimes he just wants to feel Mav in a different way
Ice will usually take control of the situation, riding Mav until they’re both coming undone. He’ll fuck himself on Mav’s soft cock after Mav already came, chasing his own pleasure and then he’ll cum all over Mav’s stomach and chest (he rubs his cum over Mav’s treasure trail and then over his already sensitive nipples, marking him)
Also like earlier, when going through chemo, sometimes he isn’t able to get hard and he’ll encourage Mav to just fuck him. This is when they usually take it slow and Ice’s legs are over Maverick’s thighs as Mav thrusts slowly into Ice, still playing with Ice’s soft cock and kissing Ice all over his face and chest to show him how much he loves him
Let’s take about marking… because both of these bastards are jealous and possessive and we love to see it.
Ice is a biter. Let’s rewind to the locker room in Top Gun 1986. That chomp is all the proof you need
Mav comes out of their bedroom looking like he was gnawed on. There’s bites and fresh bruises over his chest, thighs, hips, ass, and shoulders. Never his throat (unless they’re on leave and there’s time for the bites to heal before Maverick goes back to work)
Ice also loves rubbing his cum into Maverick’s skin. It’s more a subtle marking because it’s not like anyone will see or know. But it settles Ice’s nerves being able to mark his lover with something so lewd
Maverick loves to dole out hickies. He’s sucking on any part of skin he can reach and often gets carried away with leaving them all over Ice’s neck and jaw. Ice has never been more thankful for his excuse to wear scarves after his throat surgery because Maverick is able to leave them without fear of either of them getting in trouble for unprofessionalism
Maverick also prides himself on the scratches and dried out scabs in shapes of crescents along Ice’s biceps or back after Ice fucked him silly enough that he just dug his nails into his skin. It thrills him when Ice will forgo his shirt while working out and someone immediately takes notice of the marks
Let’s talk about kinks…
Ice loves Mav the way he is, but he also gets such a thrill out of feminizing him. He loves calling Mav his wife or buying him lacy lingerie. Maverick also moans like a whore anytime Ice calls his ass his [tight and hot] cunt or his chest his [pretty lil’] tits
Maverick definitely has daddy issues or an authority figure kink. He grew up without his father and was consistently in his shadow. Sometimes when he’s far under, he’ll call Ice daddy and Ice goes crazy for it. He loves being seen as safe enough that Mav feels comfortable enough to say it. Mav also loves playing up the whole Lt. and Adm. thing in bed. When Ice finally became admiral, the sex is 10x hotter as Maverick clenches down around his cock and says something along the lines of, “show me who’s in charge, Admiral.”
Also let’s face it as well. Ice loves being called daddy, okay? He has daddy issues himself. His dad was a dick and constantly berated him. Ice took those feelings and put them to wanting to take care of the people he loves. He wants to be better than his father and show the people he loves he cares and he’s someone safe to lean on. So he won’t really say it, but every time Maverick utters the word ‘daddy’, Ice is ready to risk the god damn world for him
Let’s talk oral sex…
Maverick is a whore for blowjobs. He wants to blow Ice any chance he can. He likes to deep throat him and he also likes when Ice fucks his face. He loves how raw his throat feels afterwards and welcomes the sting
Ice is precise with his blowjobs. He takes his time until Maverick is shaking and begging to cum. He usually will finger Mav at the same time to bring him that little extra pleasure. He’ll make a show out of it too. He’ll suction his mouth over the tip like he’s trying to suck Maverick’s cum out of him like a straw
Ice also loves to rim Mav. Mav at first was like ??? No thanks. But then Ice took his time and licked him open with precision until Maverick cried from how good it felt. Maverick practically asks for it consistently now and Ice is happy to oblige
I probably have so much more, but my brain isn’t conjuring all of them up at the moment lmao. I hope everyone enjoys these though <3
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whohasthecards · 1 year
After the mission, Jake apologizes to Mav and Bradley about bringing up the Goose incident, and explains that he was just trying to get Bradley to fly faster and better in a fucked up way. They both forgive him, and Bradley thinks maybe now they can both be good wingmen to each other.
However, that's not the case. Although Jake still hangs around the Dagger Squad and gets closer to them, he's hesitant around Bradley. Not enough for most people to notice, he's still a sarcastic asshole, but he's wary around Bradley and Bradley doesn't know why.
Jake is actually still hurt about the time at the Hard Deck when Bradley told him, "Hangman, the only place you'll lead anyone is an empty grave." Bradshaw brought up one of his greatest losses when he was just joking around. It hurt. He knew that the proper thing to do is talk about it, but instead he just keeps Bradshaw at a distance and watches him to make sure that the other man won't randomly lose his temper. He's only accepted in the Dagger Squad because he saved Rooster and Mav's lives, he won't fuck that up by accusing Rooster of being an ass about something that happened months ago. Rooster probably didn't even remember.
He was right, Rooster didn’t remember. Just that they were making jabs at each other.
Rooster is talking to Mav and Ice about Hangman being distant and Mav just tells him to give Hangman time to get used to having a team.
Ice starts hanging around the Top Gun base more, and eventually starts building rapport with the Dagger Squad. Especially Lieutenant Jake "Hangman" Seresin who seems to really look up at him. However, unlike others who do, Seresin can actually hold a conversation and doesn't just hang on his every word and treat him like some kind of god. Ice likes the kid.
(Ice thinks the Dagger Squad knows about his marriage with Mav and how he raised Bradley. Dagger Squad does not know.)
Eventually, Ice asks about his relationship with Rooster and Jake spills the whole thing about what Bradley said, and the lost of his former wingman. Ice is livid. He confronts Rooster about it, and tells Bradley to apologize and to better watch his temper.
When Bradley does, Jake asks how he knows about that stuff. Bradley said Ice did and how his uncle is always trying to make sure wingmen stick together.
Instead of being comforted about this, Jake feels betrayed. Betrayed that sometimes he told Ice in confidence was just out and about now and becomes upset about it and walks away. He feels stupid for not realizing that IceMav was a thing and that Bradley was their pseudo-son, and thinks that Ice just wanted to get close to him, so that Dagger Squad would stay together.
Jake starts distancing himself from Ice and starts withdrawing from the team.
Everything eventually gets straightened out with some intervention from Mav, Javy, and the rest of the Dagger Squad. Mav by telling Jake that Ice just likes to fix things, and accidentally oversteps. Javy by threatening Bradley to never ever say shit like that to Jake again. Ice then apologizes to Jake and tells him he just found Bradley's behavior unacceptable and didn't mean to overstep. Jake accepts the apology and they both start bonding again.
Bradley and Jake start becoming true wingmen not only in the air, but also on the ground.
Happy ending, Dagger Squad + IceMav all vibing together.
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