#top-tier otp content
nyoomfruits · 10 months
lovin the landoscar content recently are there any other blogs or fics u recommend for landoscar content? thank u!!
there's currently 44 fics in the landoscar ao3 tag and i would recommend all of them actually BUT these are my personal favorites <3
Negative splits by leafmealone | T | 10k
So officially, Oscar Piastri, pretty good steepler and pretty bad pacer, was now a professional runner. They wanted him to steeple, mostly, though he’d be doing cross country in the fall, and Lando had pinky promised him, mid-distance guy to mid-distance guy, that if he wanted to get into the 3k flat indoor then he would get him in. Oscar didn’t really want to ask how he planned on doing that. Felt safer not to ask.
listen. LISTEN. this is so. oh my god this is so good i'm OBSESSED with this one. my landoscar otp tag is literally a quote from this fic i'm so. it has a very slow build and then the ending hits and you're like oh. OH. beautiful beautiful beautiful.
i'll kiss you first by venerat | E | 3k
“Uh,” Oscar says, when they’re in the car on their way to the airport. “I think you’re—um. Going into heat, mate.”
god this one is so. their DYNAMIC in this. lando being like a confident little shit being so ENDEARED by oscar makes me feel all goey soft every time. delightful premise, works SO WELL for them and everything about this is just so. AAAHHH
break my rules by venerat | E | 4k
Lando makes a considering noise. “A flirt?” He glances at the cameras, and Oscar can’t tell if it’s one of those we’ll need to edit that out later glances, or what. He looks back at Oscar. “You think I’m a flirt?” “You’re just, like…” Oscar flounders, flushing. “You’re very friendly.”
i promise this entire list isn't going to be just venerat fics but GOD they write the landoscar dynamic SO WELL it makes me feel a little feral every single time. the whole shag marry kill scene is so. GOD it's my favorite. a+++ i love this fic so much
askin' six days into june by peargasly (jamb) | G | 354
Lando almost flinches in surprise when there’s a hesitant touch to his waist.
i read this this morning and it fundamentally changed me as a person this might be one of the BEST lando/oscar characterizations i've ever read the DYNAMIC in this is top tier
sense and velocity by vertueusement | T | 11k | wip
“Well, alright, I don’t know if you lived under a rock or something, but Lando Norris goes here.” Uh, literally who? Oscar wanted to prod further but he could at least read the room and tell the one he spoke to didn’t want anything to do with him.
this is a wip so it is not finished yet but GOD i'm so fascinated by this whole thing. the premise is AMAZING and the author makes FANTASTIC use of the switching pov to show how we perceive situations differently all the time i'm so !!!!!!! DELIGHTED to see where this story will take us
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mothellie · 27 days
ST Ships Tierlist Tag Game
So. I did something no one asked for and that took a considerable amount of time to complete. I decided to make a tag game out of it so I didn't feel like I totally wasted my time (/lh).
I made three Stranger Things ship tierlists on Tiermaker, one for each age group. I'm a pretty huge multi-shipper and I was finding it hard to really convey all the pairings I liked and how I felt about them, so I spent the last week and a half doing this. I mainly just love seeing people be passionate about their ships, so here's an opportunity to put your faves on display.
The Tierlists
The Party Tierlist
The Teen/Young Adult Tierlist
The Older Adult Tierlist
Tag Game Rules
Do as many of the tierlists as you want. You don't have to do all three of them unless you really want to.
Download the image(s) of your tierlist(s) and put that into a post here on Tumblr. Can be your own original post or a reblog of this one. Though if you're going to make your own post, please link this post in yours so people know the rules, warnings and other info and know how to participate.
Tag at least five (5) other blogs (preferably within the Stranger Things community lmao) to keep the chain going. Although, you can just do this without being tagged if you want to.
As a general rule, no ship or character bashing is allowed for this tag game. Please be respectful to each other.
If you'd like, please also tag me in your post if you don't directly reblog this one! I'd love to see :)
Tiers Breakdown
ABSOLUTE OTP: These are the pairings you absolutely cannot live without. Your babies, your blorbos that kiss, the cream of the crop, etc etc. You're entirely abnormal about them and probably post/talk about them a lot. They consume your thoughts. Etc etc.
I love them abnormally: You love these pairings so so much. You're feral over them. You talk about them a lot and you might make content for them if you're a creator. However, they aren't quite in the top tier. Think of this as only a half-step down from the top tier. OTPs without as intense of an emotional attachment.
I love them normally: You love these pairings, but a normal amount. You aren't absolutely losing your mind over them, but if anyone asked you about them, you would probably say they were in your main ship list.
I like them: Exactly what it says on the tin. You like these ships. They're good ships and you'll enjoy content for them if you come across it, but that's usually as far as it goes. They're just neat.
I like them under certain conditions: You like these ships, but only in specific circumstances. Only in polycules, only if one of them is trans, only if they're completely removed from their canon stories, etc.
I'm curious about them: You don't actively ship these pairs right now, but the concept/dynamic is intriguing to you and you're open to the idea if someone can sway you.
No strong feelings: You don't actively ship these pairs, but you also don't have any strong feelings about them one way or the other. They just exist and you accept that.
They make sense to me, but aren't my thing: The dynamic itself makes sense to you, or you get why someone might ship these pairs, but you personally don't like them for one reason or another.
They don't make sense to me, not my thing: You don't understand the appeal of these ships, so you don't like them.
They make me uncomfy: The idea of these pairs makes you uncomfortable to some degree for one reason or another, so you avoid content pertaining to them.
If there's a character missing from the lists that you'd like to see added, you can DM me about it and I can see what I can do. I can't guarantee I'll be adding every character under the sun, but I'm pretty open to the idea adding a few more if someone really wants them. Alternatively, you can make your own squares if you have the means to do so. I think there's a way to add your own locally.
That being said, I have not added Lonnie Byers or Neil Hargrove, and I don't particularly want to for personal reasons. You can add your own squares if you have any ships you really wanna display involving them.
I cannot figure out what Gareth's canonical age is supposed to be, because this show fucking sucks at continuity, and the American education system has weird rules. He's also shipped both with the party members and with the teens/young adults. So he's included in both. I can't be fucked to try and determine what camp he should go in.
At the moment, there are only monogamous ships in these tierlists. This was mostly to conserve space and make sure all the pairings could get included, and that I'd have room to add more characters if I needed to. I bounced around the idea of making one or more for poly pairings, but the amount of effort that would take would be nearly double what this took. However, if people really want it, I might just bite the bullet because I love you guys. The same goes for a tierlist for crossover pairings.
My Tierlists
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Tags: @californiaboytoybilly @shieldofiron @applewillowstone @lorifragolina @alicetallula @half-oz-eddie @harringroveera @ocalaghan @whataboutthefish @larkandcarry + anyone who wants to join in can say I tagged you
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beatrice-otter · 1 year
sometimes they don’t come even if you build it
I just saw one of those fandom positivity posts that encourages people to be positive as a way of attracting other people to their blorbo/pairing/show. “If there isn’t enough fic for your fave or OTP, just create it yourself and be excited and people will join you!” And there’s some truth to that. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, and being publicly bitter about nobody liking your fave is not likely to get people to like either you or your fave. Staying positive and focusing on creating and boosting content for your fave is, at the very least, likely to make you happier than focusing on the negatives will, even if you don’t attract any new fans. I agree with all of that.
But the thing is, posts like this have been going around fandom since I started seriously participating in the early 2000s, and they are at best incomplete. I never see them acknowledge that this doesn’t work for all characters/pairings and it works disproportionately for the type of characters that fandom already loves and celebrates. It’s been used to silence people trying to discuss racial and gender bias in fandom. And it never takes into account the fact that quite often the people who are being addressed--the people who complain about their ship not being popular, or whatever--have already been doing the very thing the poster advocates. They have been making content, they have been celebrating their fave, they have been encouraging anyone with even a transitory interest in their fave ... and none of it has made a difference.
After years of work and trying to “be the change” and “build it” so “people will come” nothing has changed. They’re still just as alone as when they started. Maybe now there are a couple of people who will include their fave as a secondary character in a fic focused on other characters, who would otherwise not have included their fave, and that’s good. But it’s not the same as having a community of people, and while it’s better to write fic yourself than to have nothing you want to read, it’s still not the same as being a member of a creative community.
This isn’t always the case. I have seen people single-handedly create large and thriving fan communities around their blorbos. I have seen people write a couple of fic that acted as lightning rods and all of a sudden there were lots of people talking about that character or pairing or fandom. (This is most common when the fan creator manages to capture the attention of Migratory Slash Fandom.) But it’s not even close to universally true. I have also seen multiple examples of talented creators spending years turning out a ton of top-tier content for their blorbo or OTP and got nobody else interested in creating for that character or pairing at all. Lots of people would stop by, read their fic, some would comment with really nice comments. But they wouldn’t create anything for the character or pairing. It remained just as tiny as it ever had been.
In my experience, one person getting Super Excited About A Character/Pairing and creating content and encouraging others to do the same is most likely to work if the characters/pairings involved belong to the types of archetypes that fandom already loves. So, for example, a white male slash pairing that starts off rare is a lot more likely to grow than a female slash pairing featuring characters of color. A female secondary character who is straightforward and fights a lot or otherwise does a lot of “awesome” things is a lot more likely to get a growing audience than a female secondary character who is complex and less of a badass. And this is true regardless of how much love and effort their fans put in. Sometimes it works! ... a lot of the time it doesn’t. And it is more likely to work with white characters than characters of color, and it’s more likely to work with men than women, and it’s more likely to work with characters who fit the archetypes that are already popular. (Which means that the people who love that archetype probably also have other fandoms with similar characters/pairings with lots of fanworks that they can participate in even if their fave never gets big.)
So, yeah, trying to guilt and shame people is not going to work, it’s only going to make fandom less pleasant for everyone including you. Talking about how “nobody loves X” or “people should love X more!” are unhelpful at best. And I encourage everyone to create fanworks about their faves, and that’s even more true when you’re in a tiny corner of fandom with few (or no) others. It may work to attract people to your fave, and even if it doesn’t, creating something new is always good.
For fans who don’t love the sort of characters and pairings that tend to get big, who have spent years writing fic and creating art and encouraging anybody who shows half an interest in their blorbo or OTP and been loud and passionate in just the way people recommend and are still the lone fan.
Posts about “just be positive!” and “create stuff! if you build it they will come!” are. um. a bit patronizing and demoralizing.
Not to mention, acknowledging this disparity and analyzing it is necessary to discuss things like fandom’s racial bias, and other biases.
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katyspersonal · 1 year
002. Eileen. Now
My ask box is all crows now, huh? x)
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
002 I Give me a character & I will tell you
• How I feel about this character
I like her, but for some reason I do not think all that often about her? She is just one of those characters who is so crucial for the story itself and for the lore that I kinda... stop noticing them and take them for granted? It is hard to explain. I feel like she could certainly use way more exploration with her backstory and depths of her personality and relationships - that includes me too! Basically I think I am not being fair on her myself because she is just as important as Maria, Adeline, Valtr, Fauxsefka, Gascoigne... you know, THE core cast.
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All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Hmmm... I don't find Eileen very shippable, since her occupation suggests a great dose of emotional isolation. For all she knows, anyone she loves could go blood-drunk and she'd have to hunt them! I entertained the idea of the post-game scenario where she and Henriett raise the daughters of Gascoigne and Viola together now, but even in that case it'd probably work better as grandma + aunt taking care of them as a ship. I do think she used to see some women back in her youth, when she was just a student/doctor, even before the plague took her own place. Crack ship idea though - Eileen x Arianna! Thumbs up, thumbs down?
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Not going to call ANY NAMES *cough coooooough*, but I think the mother-son reminiscent bond between her and the Crow of Cainhurst is the top tier of the headcanons! I remember ancient times when I thought that Eileen and Crow were not even that familiar, and instead he simply mimicked appearance of Hunter of Hunters to not get questioned when he kills a hunter (important for his goals), but I've changed my mind since then! Doomed mother-son bond for life!!
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Not really an opinion, but rather a pet-peeve. We know from the lore that there WERE other Hunters of Hunters before Eileen, and only one was appointed at the given time. Presumably, Crow of Cainhurst is an apprentice and that's it!
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But at times I see takes that have Eileen as the one and ONLY Hunter of Hunters that ever was, who appeared long ago and was the one since Old Hunters prime...? Example off the top of my head - that one manga centering around Maria (that I never properly read...). You know, with gingerhead white-garb Adeline (just like miiiiiine!!), super sigma male asshole Laurence, Willem recognizing as the pope of the Healing Church before he yeeted... all that. Of course I am not saying to go and write several OCs, but... Eileen was not the only one, clearly... come onnnnn.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I want to see where Eileen's shack is at, so we know in what house to visualize her in the after-game events in which she totally doesn't die but simply retires because of health issues... She DEFINITELY just retires and simply stops fighting, right...? That's canon, you know? Of course you know that haha.,..
my OTP:
Again, I personally do not really have one that is romantic... I remember I used to be a big Eileen x Valtr stan, but that one indeed became platonic since then, especially since I shifted towards headcanoning her as a lesbian. However, as far as fan-stuff goes in general, I do support Eileen x Djura shippers! Very cool and based ship, definitely deserves its popularity! ...if 'popular content' and 'Eileen' are even compatible things fdanhfhds HELPPPP
my cross over ship:
Hmmm... None yet, however, I think in the crossover verse she'd be more likely to find love than in BB canon! I have a feeling that I'll find a great match for her somewhere in ER or DS, actually! .....yes, it has been far too long since I've touched any other universe besides Soulsborne...
a headcanon fact:
Like I mentioned in some other post, I think she was a student, learning to be a doctor! ...and then just a doctor. She wanted to stay in the university as a teacher, but could not stand aside when her place was plagued, and became a doctor! I do think her beak mask is the only thing remaining from the clothes in which she originally appeared in Yharnam!
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Thank you for the ask!!!!
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
My Top Reads of 2022
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Not totally back yet for another day, so I'm posting about reading rather than BTS. lol feel free to skip over it if you'd rather! I just wanted to share some of my favorite reads of 2022. I read 159 books this year (24 of them during my tumblr break the last few weeks!), here are just a few that I loved! If you want more opinions over these or perhaps over books I didn't love as much, I'd be happy to talk more about them!
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In no particular order:
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He Who Fights with Monsters by Shirtaloon (5 stars):
Content warnings for violence, mentions of cannibalism and death
A LitRPG style fantasy novel that is both high stakes but Still light hearted at the same time. I loved seeing the mayhem happen and the characters grow. It left me so excited to see how the over arching story continued to evolve. Plus I loved the friend groups dynamics here too! It's a little unpolished and times, can be a little slow, told through a flashback. But I loved Jason for the most part and loved hearing his adventures. Super funny and enjoyable.
The Deepest of Secrets by Kelley Armstrong (5 stars)
Content warnings for murder, gun violence, animal attack and mentioned animal death, sexually explicit scenes
Book 7 and the final installment of the Rockton series, but with the promise of a spin off that makes my heart soar. I love this series an unhealthy amount. Amazing characters, amazing writing, fast paced, engaging, one of my all time favorite OTPs. Thriller novels that aren't terrifying but kept the suspense flowing the whole time too. Can't wait to see where Casey and Eric go next. Book 1 in the series is called City of the Lost.
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One for All by Lillie Lainoff (4 stars)
Content warnings for ableism, SA, bullying, death of a parent, grief
I was so excited for this one! It was a little predictable and I honestly think it mightve been better If the romance was left behind all together. But the romance portion still wasn't bad. It was excellent for a debut novel. The representation for POTS here was amazing. I loved the strength in the MC, the friendships were all top tier and so sweet. I absolutely loved it! Especially well done for a debut novel too!
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The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater (3 - 5 stars through the books)
Trigger warnings, like ALOT of them. Full list can be found here
Had a billion friends begging me to read this one and I finally did! The author is the definition of why authors don't always belong in fandom spaces and is a bit of a mess, but I did enjoy these books! The first one started off super slow and was clearly a set up novel, but they just got better and better as they went. I wasn't a huge fan of her writing in other books, but it worked super well for this series. Massively character driven series and so much fun. The magic system was amazing. The friendship between Blue and the boys was top tier. I cried and I laughed and I had a blast. Not a huge fan of the ending, which felt like a bit of a cop out to me, but it didn't detract from my enjoyment enough to not still give it 5 stars at the end. Lol
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Spy x Family Manga (4 - 5 stars)
Content warnings for violence, gun violence
This one was recommended by my sister snd I fell in love so fast. Lol I also then watched the anime after. Very slice of life cuteness, mixed with spy and assassin shenanigans. Chaos incarnate and adorable. The trails of parenthood were hysterical, especially as a parent myself too. Lol although I'm not mixing parenthood with Spy work 😂
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Icebreaker by A.L. Graziadei (4 stars)
Content warnings for alcohol, blood, depression, suicidal ideation, homophobia, drugs, racism, sport related violence, sexually explicit scenes
Sports Hockey Romance mlm and so cute and so good! What a great representation for living with bad depression too. MC going through so much, but his relationship with his sisters is amazing, his budding relationship on his team is so good. Rivals to Lovers trope that's perfection too! I loved it so much! Fast and easy and fun to read and enjoyable every second!
She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker Chan (4.5 stars)
Content warnings for Ableism, Amputation, Castration, Death, Dysphoria, Homophobia, Misgendering, Murder (child) , Sexually Explicit scenes, starvation, torture (non-graphic), violence
This was INTENSE. But so freaking good. Historical meets fantasy. Mulan vibes, but way more grown up and based in more history. And it's queer. Fun, thought provoking, intense, and so well written too.
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The Lost Metal by Brandon Sanderson (5 stars)
Content warnings for death and violence
This is the 7th book in the series and every book in it is AMAZING. Released this year and wow what an epic conclusion. I laughed and I sobbed and I loved every second. Binged it in a day. These covers are so ugly lol but the stories are so good. So thought provoking. Fast paced but every freaking word counts. Engrossing and amazing story telling. The intricate plot contentions through the entire cosmere had me feeling a conspiracy theorist in the best way
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Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao (5 stars)
Content warnings for Misogyny & femicide, Rape mentioned, Physical & emotional abuse, Suicidal ideation, Alcoholism, Blood & gore depiction, Murder, Torture
This was so good!! So good! It could have used some more flushing out on the world building, magic system and character arcs, but overall I loved every second of it. It's giving me the morally Grey heroine and cast of characters I've always wanted. I loved that it set up with a fairly classic love triangle, but only to give us a bisexual polyship triangle! Badassery the whole way through too! Had me pretty consistently on the edge of my seat.
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^the line to end love triangles with all efficiency lmfaoo had me rolling!
Happy New Year! For those who enjoy reading as much as I do too, I hope the new year brings you lots of new good books to read and enjoy!
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leqclerc · 6 months
I know sebchal is your main ship but have any others that you like?
Hello! 👋🏻
This is always a tricky question because I’m the type of person that gets ride or die invested in one particular thing that becomes a hyperfixation and then it consumes me and it’s all I think about day and night. And that’s Sebchal for me (still, even with how everything’s changed and how little content there is and how it’s probably heading towards a natural decline in terms of their product life cycle.)
The only F1 pairing that came close to that feeling for me was Brocedes between like 2015-2017. They were my first ship in this fandom, my gateway into RPF, and generally my biggest hyperfixation (until Sebchal). These days it kind of feels like that chapter is closed, like their story has sort of arrived at an organic conclusion (at least until there’s another Significant Moment that can be woven into the Tapestry of Lore) and that there’s not really anything new to add or explore through writing for example. But I do like to revisit old fics sometimes, especially the ones that were really significant for me (both my own writing as well as beloved fics by other authors). A lot of them stuck with me through the years, to the point where I will vaguely remember the plot or a very specific line from the fic or something. It was a time in this fandom that I look back on fondly. ❤️ Also shout-out to Hulkenrez 😭😭😭 This one feels very retro, most people probably don’t even remember their teammate days anymore, but that was a fun one!
Then there’s the “I like them but not necessarily romantically/not as an endgame pairing” tier. That would be Charles and Alex, Charles and Daniel, Sebastian and Daniel, and Charles and Pierre. Pretty self-explanatory, they’re intriguing options to explore but I don’t have it in me to be a multishipper (as in, shipping one character/driver with more than one person as an OTP) so to me they’re kind of interesting side options but not what I want in the long-term. If that makes sense? They’re not my first option but for example I wouldn’t mind getting gifted a fic/gifset/edit centered around them if someone really wasn’t vibing with Sebchal. That’s kind of where I’m at with these.
Followed by “I don’t ship really them but I totally get the appeal and will occasionally read fics about them if the writing floors me (affectionate)” and this tier features some surprises, including Carlos and Lando and Max and Daniel. I’m not up to date with the lore, I don’t necessarily go down rabbit holes, I probably can’t name Significant Moments off the top of my head, but I’m like, I get it. I’ve read fics about them and probably enjoyed them. It’s about as close to shipping as I can get ajsdkf
Honestly, most of the pairings for me fit into this category of like “no strong opinions either way.” They exist, I don’t really think about them all that often, maybe I will read a fic here or there if it’s really hitting for me, but they don’t rock my world, I probably don’t go looking for content/fics about them on purpose, but I won’t like die if I do come across them/engage with them.
No official tier for this one but I love a good rarepair!! Like if you wrote a Charles/Xavi fic (that doesn’t bash the other party obviously) I would be 👀 Mia/Britta?? Sure, why not!! Charles/Robert Lewandowski?? They do have reverse flags and this mf has been to F1 races in the past. I know Charles/Joris has been tentatively on the rise. Again, why not. Maurizio/Toto??? Hell I have written about them before, we love old men in love. 😤 They’re like fun little side quests or spin-offs from the main story. In conclusion: ✨Rarepairs✨
I started typing out this reply last night actually, but then you inspired me to actually try and coherently explain this via a visual medium, so I made a tier list absolutely no one asked for 😭🙈
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~check under the cut for the stuff I don’t like~
And finally. The lowest tier. The stuff I just can’t get on board with at all and probably have their tags filtered. And currently the main NOTP for me is Charles and Carlos.
I wasn’t really sure where to place Charles and Max, because they’re not quite on a Charles/Carlos level for me, but at the same time I don’t really vibe with it either? Although over the past year or so I’ve found one-sided unrequited Charles/Max (from Max’s side) might be my guilty pleasure. So they’re going a tier up because I can kind of work with it, while the NOTP is giving me nothing but negative feelings ajsdkfg
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biscuitboba · 7 months
Literally just rummaged through your blog and your Zolu content was immaculate, it served me so well. Ships where the fundamental basis of the relationship is Intense Devotion... makes me Deranged.
What I love is how like yes there are the big Zolu moments that any fan can think off top of their head (That first meeting in Orange Twon, Thriller Bark's Nothing. Happened, Wano's LUFFY!!!!) but what I love is that you pick out the small details as well that show how much they care about each other in the small things.
You call that being delulu (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ or overthinking but I eat that shit up (≧▽≦q). It's the small things that matter.
But what are your thoughts on other OP ships, any other OTPs? I can tell you right now that OPLA had me reevaulate the perscription on my shipping goggles for ZoNami. I did not see that ship coming let me tell you.
Or even in other media. I also noticed a recurring het ship in your blog that looks like it could be my jam but I don't recognise them or the fandom. Who were they?
Aww, thank youu for the compliment?!!😭❤💚 but yeah it's just that i can't help but to focus on all the little details (i hyperfocuse on little things like, a lot😅😅) People usually talk about the big moments (like in shells town, thriller bark, or wano), so sometimes i can't help but feel the urge to talk about the subtle moments and emphasize on them??
Talking about my other op otps... i also adore namivivi and frobin! And i also like saboala, mishanks, and usokaya too (they are on the 2nd tier, cuz zolu namivi and frobin are the one from the 1st tier, but ofc it's pretty obvious that im the most insane about zolu) my thoughts about them? I think they make me ill:) I can't help but to kick my feet when i read fics, see some fanarts, or just watch people talking about them🥺🥺 There are some other ships that i think are pretty neat too, but i don't gush over them as much as the first two tiers😅 im talking about kidlaw, kobylu, sanuso, lunami, sanami, kidkiller, etc... they are on the 3rd tier:D (kidlaw is so close to the 2nd tier tho)
I honestly can see why people ship zonami in opla loll, tbh i also didn't expect to see that ship coming out pretty strong in opla? But good for the zonami people i guess!:)
I think i reblog my favorite het ships like, all the time😭😭?? not sure which one you are asking for, but maybe you are referring to claire redfield and leon kennedy (cleon) from resident evil or cloud strife and tifa lockheart (cloti) from final fantasy vii(?)🥲
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jaylikesrainbowtigers · 10 months
Tag game, Stranger things edition
@hargrove-mayfields tagged me so you know I have to do this. Thank you so much!!
Ride or die ship: Hollogrove. Heather and Billy are my bread and butter. Like so much of my stranger things content is them. I just love them healing and growing together.
Most annoying ship: St*ncy. I just hate it. What Nancy did to Steve was kind of something you can’t return from. I have seen the effects of a similar relationship on one of my irl besties and I would never wish it on anyone. I would cry if that ship happened in S5.
3. Second favourite ship: Either Elumax (platonic Elucas) or Eddie x Chrissy x Steve x Jonathan (with Jonathan, Eddie and Steve dating Argyle and Chrissy dating Robin. If someone has a ship name please suggest in the comments). I adore these ships as the developed relationships there are just *chef’s kiss* but the people who haven’t met? Just so much cute potential for love!
4. Favourite platonic dynamic: Stobin is my platonic tea. I adore Steve and Robin and believe whole heartedly that they are disabled besties. Platonic soulmates.
5. Underrated ship: Hollogrove obviously but Cunningway, Cheerscoops, Photocheer, Stargyle, and Murrlexi. Those ships are also so top tier but underrated. There are so many more.
6. Overrated ship: M*leven. Again I hate it. It is so teenage abuse romanticized. And too many people think that it is healthy or OTP. To be honest, Mike is a bit of an ick for me anyway.
7. One thing to change in canon: Destroy any hints or hopes of St*ncy or M*leven or any abusive relationship. Stop the characters putting up with it, to the extent that it is romanticized. Abuse is not good or something to be idealized. And actually include canon disabilities please.
8. One thing canon did right: Making Robin a lesbian and allowing Max and Eleven to have a strong friendship which is not focused on the boys. That trope is so overused so I am glad it was not used.
9. A thing I am proud of creating for the fandom: I am really proud of my Hollogrove stuff because there is so little content for my babies. But some of my work for @disabledbillyandsteveweek is also something I am super proud of and I can’t wait to show people.
10. A character who is perfect to me: Heather Holloway is my queen. Like she is so sweet and caring but obviously has so much depth potential. The Duffers really made a mistake not giving her more screen time. They could have done so much.
11. Most relatable character and why: Robin is the most relatable character for me. Her social awkwardness and passion for certain topics is really relatable to me. We are both band kids, lesbians and we even look fairly alike!
12. Character I hate most and why: Karen. Moral trash who willing flirted and tried to seduce a child her daughters age. She also put down other teenagers simply because she was being petty??? Like she is the adult in this situation. Even though she backed out of meeting Billy, the fact that she ever flirted with him is creepy. If you reversed the genders, the fandom would be freaking out and be like it’s so creepy!! It’s still the same situation?? Of course, it is creepy. Neil Hargrove is a close second.
13. Something I have learned from the fandom: To be more confident in sharing my opinions and work. Before I met a lovely group of people in the fandom I was so scared of being attacked for my preferences in the fandom but they showed me that despite us all not shipping or producing the same thing, we can all still support and respect each other. It really helped my social anxiety around sharing stuff, particularly for this fandom, online.
14. Three tags I seek out on ao3: I don’t actually read much stranger things on ao3 but Hollogrove, Hellcheer, and fantasy au’s are probably my top three for the fandom. I really want to see more fantasy au’s that aren’t just werewolves or vampires. I might actually write one now.
15: A song I strongly associate with otp and/or my favourite character: Pretty Brown Eyes by Cody Simpson for Hollogrove for a YouTube edit I saw. Love that song for them. Love Story by Taylor Swift is a close second.
I’m tagging @stranger-themes-blog, @carito-dorito , @mrsblackruby , @iloveyoubillyhargrove. Please don’t feel obligated to do this but I thought that I would share this with other stranger things fans.
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secretarykang · 2 years
who are ur fav blogs in fandom
truth be told, there isn’t a blog that i hate or don’t like as far as i know, but the ones i mentioned here are the ones that are truly close to my heart <3 the list might grow in the future so next time i’m asked this, the answer will probably not be the same
these are my faves, i love with my whole heart and enjoy their content a lot, very talented people with amazing creativity. seriously, i could watch/read their content all day and never get bored
the absolute loml @nutaella-kookie, i love her so much you have no idea <3 her brain, her imagination and plots and everything never fails to amaze me. i love her and everything she makes; @the-timeless-founder SUCH AN AMAZING PERSON, the content is top tier, forever thankful for creating saeclus, like him and devyn are otp and i consider the admin, beta, a great friend <3; @gingerall top tier content, top tier art. keiichirou is the loml, and the admin is such a lovely person <3; @smonie the admin and simone could step on me and i would thank them, i am a simp for both. again, another person with amazing content <3; @karlheinz-sama / @lovely-oh-so-lovelyyui the content is so good and the admin is so funny, also love the way karl is portrayed <3; @thegirlwithflowers my fellow romanian mutual, hope you cope with this heat babe, amazing art and such a lovely person overall.
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hanchandraws · 2 years
The Room of Swords finale,,,,, wow it was so good <333 (I’m already imagining post canon scenarios lmao the episodes were just top tier 10/10)
I’m so sad to see this comic end, but it was such a great experience from start to finish <333 RoS has been my obsession for just about two years now, and it’s still going strong even now that it’s over :) good thing I have a fic in progress to keep me busy haha
I’ve met so many cool people through this fandom and it’s been such an awesome community to be a part of <3333 y’all are great :D
As for the comic itself, I could go on for a while about all the things I love about it from the complex plot lines to how natural and well done the romance aspect was (seriously strawbarrow is my otp; I’ve never seen a ship done so well before in something like this) I’m so so glad my friend recommended me to read this :D
I’ll still probably be posting RoS content here (like I mentioned before I do have a fic in progress :D the first chapter was supposed to be out weeks ago but an unexpected surgery put it off >:P ) however I’ll probably also be adding some other art into the mix like an original story I’ve been working on for a while too :D my OCs are my beloveds and I’ve been neglecting them bc of my ros obsession lmao
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naitosutan · 11 months
(I didn't know how to respond to your tags on your reblog so I thought I would just send you an ask-)
I'm glad you thought I had some good concepts, I'm terrible at explaining things so it's nice to know that some people understood what I was getting at. And your tsum tsum steek drawing lives rent free in my head, it is so fricking cute. I love tsum tsums!! And I was glad I could influence your love of Steek, kvasgi's art of Steek was one of the first pieces of art for that ship that I saw which was part of the reason why I got into the ship too! And your sister's art is super cute as well, I love it all so much, especially her AU!
Since I'm here, I'd like to ask you, who are your favorite characters and what are your favorite ships?
Thanks again for the sweet response, have a great day!! ❤️❤️
@/steeklover AHH I’M SO SORRY I FOOLISHLY SAVED YOUR ASK AS A DRAFT ON MOBILE AND TUMBLR ATE IT 😭 Luckily, I had part of my response written already and I’ll try to reply as best I can to what I remember of your ask!
Did you know I’m a fool and inept at anything technology ._. I found the ask; somehow I saved the ask in my drafts completely separate from my response ahskkgj
Pls forgive me for the repost, I wanted to keep the original ask attached 🙇🏻‍♀️
I think you explained yourself pretty well! Legit, I always love reading your thoughts on Steek and seeing the ideas you have for them, whether it be your mood boards or playlists, I enjoy your ideas! You are THE Steek shipper to me so I really value your perspective on them and keep some of your posts in mind whenever I try to portray them!
Tsums are definitely a long standing obsession of mine lol Evie says thanks for the praise as well! Her AU means a lot for the three of us ✨
(Long post so favs and ships under the cut haha)
To answer your questions, I’d say Tweek is my favorite from the show, but Stan had definitely settled into also being a major fav of mine! When I was first watching it, I went into season six a bit bitter about Tweek taking Kenny’s spot but… he’s just a little dude :3 Simpsons Already Did It is one of my top favorite episodes lol Stan was a surprising favorite but I guess following him and his friends around the most, I really liked the way he was characterized and the struggles he deals with? I also love Kenny content 🥺🧡 Anything and everything for Kenny lol
Anyways, here are some of my top favorite ships!! As you can probably tell, my sisters and I have a lot of overlap in the ships we like, and tend to influence each other a lot lol I’m a multi-shipper who generally likes a ton of ships and also really enjoy crackships and rare pairs cuz of the untapped potential of interactions that could happen! I also enjoy polys but for simplicity I’ll put just pairings here! I had tried organizing them in a tier list but… it ended up as a ranking list anyways so…
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Stenny - I actually surprised Kim a lot when I first brought up that I liked her old flame lol My first and my fav ship, there’s something about them that makes me extremely happy and I can’t quite explain it. It probably has to do with their personalities and interactions, but I can’t really articulate it into words haha I also love all the fan created content of them! They’re lovely and adorable 💖
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K2 - The OTP of my sisters means a lot of amazing fics recommended to me that makes it hard to not love lol I’m not picky about how the dynamic is portrayed, I’m always down for these two together! They baby 🥹
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Steek - <333 SO much love for these two! Like I had said you were definitely a big reason for it. Plus why NOT ship your favorite characters together? They both have a tendency towards destructive patterns that I think the other could relate to, especially with seeking validation on their feelings? I think potential interactions between these two are severely under explored so I’m always searching for more Steek content!
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Revin - OKAY. This one was definitely a ship I shipped from the show before looking at the fan content lol Constantly seeing them together in the background just reminded me of playground crushes, and their moments were small but cute. AND THEN WHEN THEY BROKE UP I WAS DEVASTATED. CONFIRMATION THEY WERE DATING AT THE COST OF THEIR BREAK UP AND NEVER SEEING THEM TOGETHER AGAIN 😭 We’ve also headcanoned their personalities quite a bit and so I like to think of them both being a bit airheaded? Kevin constantly thinking about his sci-fi and Red seemingly not pay attention to things around her? Kevin calling their fruits sandwiches and Red just going along with it was also funny even if it’s just an animation error lol ALSO KEVIN BEING SO SAD AT THE BAY OF MEMORIAL PIGS DANCE AS RED DANCED WITH TOLKIEN I CAN’T 😭 I love little background details the most when it comes to characters, I think.
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Crenny - Again, Kim was a big influence in me liking Kenny ships, also Crenny has some of the most beautiful and heartfelt works I’ve ever seen and read? I think things would be pretty easy with these two and they’ve had some good moments together!
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Cryle - I know people say they don’t interact much but when has that ever stopped me lol They’re both stubborn in different ways, Craig more passive and Kyle more confrontational, I think? Like, I really liked the scene in Fishsticks where they’re both advising Jimmy. They were basically indirectly arguing against each other and I think that’s such an interesting and fun dynamic lololol There’s enough there for me to enjoy them together!
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Creek - Just LOOK at them lol. I do admit I like them a lot in the show but don’t seek them out in fanworks but they’re great <3
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Stendy - I HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT THEM TOO. Like Stendy is complicated but they’re also elementary school kids, of course they’re not gonna know how to relationship properly. But they’re still so messy?? And it’s just on their personalities mannn. I think Stan very much takes his friends for granted sometimes and especially his girlfriend. And Wendy isn’t a part of his friend group enough to really be comfortable discussing their faults? Like obviously he’s done some things and she has as well but things are always resolved offscreen or brushed aside so we never really see how they get over it. Basically they’re cute when he’s pining or when they’re domestically together and supportive but when they’re just not paying attention to each other they’re difficult lol
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Stolkien - Another ship from the show, I think their interactions are always so fun, especially in the later seasons 🥺💕
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Staig - I love rivals lol I think fandom plays up their hatred for each other a lot but Scauses really convinced me that they do notice each other lol That and Craig likes stirring the pot a lot XD
It feels like I’m missing so many characters and ships but I had to limit myself! Ten is enough haha (shout out to all the ships I do ship but didn’t make it to this list 😔) I tried to keep this short lol
I hope your days have been great as well!! Thank you so much for the ask!! 💖
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secretgaygenttomura · 2 years
001 BNHA (is that how this works? lmao)
Might as well be 🤷‍♂️
Tiny bit biased, but oh well
Favorite character is definitely Tomura. His writing is phenomenal, and the little unreliable narrator moments Horikoshi writes with him hit me right in the heart. Really finds its way right into my heart.
Ignoring the typical hate-bait characters because I think its fun to challenge myself (Endeavor, AFO, Overhaul, Mineta, etc.) My least favorite character would probably have to be Shinsou. It's not that I don't like him, I appreciate his character arc and that he has cool things about him, it's just that I don't find as much interest in him than other characters.
Don't actually ship much, but-
Daimura - Iykyk, OC involved
EraserMic - Practically canon in my head, S-tier ship.
BakuDeku - Even if it isn't healthy, it's entertaining and thought provoking, and that's all that tends to matter in fiction.
Garaki × AFO - Haha funny old evil gays
Inko × All Might - Very wholesome, love the image of Izuku actually having All Might as his dad
DabiHawks - Same situation as BakuDeku, the sheer drama of it makes it incredibly fun to see.
I tend to avoid ships, really, (arospec person who desperately wants to read fanfics with a plot other than shipping) but having one of these always makes the content I'm consuming fun at least.
I find many characters aesthetically attractive in this show, but Tomura and Present Mic really hit it out of the park. I've already talked about Tomura, though, so lets talk about Mic.
Maybe its just my biased for tall, light-haired, long-haired men (Yes I loved Legolas in LOTR), but Mic is such a pretty guy- And either of his eye colors (green in anime and red in manga) really just resonate with me. Not to mention, he's just really genuine and funny ^^
A character I would marry? I probably wouldn't marry anyone in this story ^^', at most for tax benefits. Maybe I'd get along enough with Ms. Joke?
Okay, Character I would want to be best friends with? Dabi. Unrealistic? Absolutely, he would think I was so annoying. But at the very least we could discuss about our dads being terrible.
Character I would realistically be friends with? Probably Izuku, Iida, or Kirishima. I could make some good conversation with Izuku about quirks, and Kirishima's just the type to be friends with everyone he can. Iida however, we'd probably be bonding over being the "teacher's pet" type of person 😅
Random thought
I've always thought of the implications of how exactly Tomura would have found out his quirk doesn't work on himself. Really sad, but interesting nonetheless.
Unpopular opinion
Idk, this is probably just that I haven't seen any examples myself, but I don't see much appreciation for the less relevant characters in the show, and their histories. The nitty gritty of their implied character instead of the plain exterior usually shown in the sjow. Characters like Sir Nighteye, Nezu, Nana Shimura, Gran Torino, Gentle Criminal and La Brava, Giran, Kyuudai Garaki/Daruma Ujiko, etc.
I'd love to see other's interpretations of their histories :)
Canon OTP? Not sure what canon implies here, gonna say that its characters. EraserMic is my top rated ship. It just works.
Non-Canon OTP, Daimura, once again iykyk. Might become relevant in my comic.
Most badass character? AFO, God, I hate him, but he's genuinely surprised me so much with all the terrible things that he's done that it somehow leaves me... strangely impressed? Like, jesus christ, dude. How did you think of all of this?
Pairing I am not a fan of.
I don't particularly dislike anything that isn't blatantly illegal. KiriMina strikes me as off, but that's just because I headcanon Mina as Ace/Aro.
Character I feel the writers screwed up.
Twice, probably. Writing a DID/OSDD system is always a controversial point, and it never really seems to get done right if you're not part of one yourself. They certainly tried, and I respect the character in their own right, but Horikoshi certainly could have done more research while writing them. Not sure how but Tomura does seem more accurately written in experiencing dissociative amnesia and dissociative states, of both reality and identity. (Such as the Star & Stripe Battle, I still can't get over that)
Otherwise, Twice is a solid character disregarding how they portray systems, and they are one of my favorite characters, I just wish they got more justice.
My favorite friendship in the story has to either be the Rooftop Squad (Aizawa, Mic, Oboro, and Midnight) or Tomura and Spinner. There just seems to be so much genuine care behind the intentions of each of them.
Character I want to adopt? I just wish I was there to take in Tenko when he was roaming the streets on his own.
Adopted by? Maybe Nezu /hj seems fun lol-
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
002 with Raeda?
Raeda my beloved ;___; they mean so much to me
1. When I started shipping them:
Literally the moment we met Raine I was ride or die for it. I was never really into any Eda shipping until "Eda's Requiem" aired, but then I was forever
2. My thoughts:
They were instant best friends, they're childhood friends to lovers, they're exes, they've been mutual pining for decades, the HANDS and the DUET and the SACRIFICING. Don't get me wrong, I love how much queer rep there's been for younger audiences, but to see a plot involved middle-aged disabled queer relationship that's so? Loving and wholesome? And the way each of Eda & Raine are SO iconic & badass & are top tier characters makes it just. A forever OTP
3. What makes me happy about them:
They're so beautiful and the pining angst is 🤌🤌
4. What makes me sad about them:
They both hide things from each other to "protect" the other like fucking dinguses.
5. Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
When the characterization is way off and Raine is a lot less chaotic or flirty in exchange for being overly timid. Raine has stage fright, they aren't like frozen with nerves at every moment.
6. Things I look for in fanfic:
Characterization is always the big I look for, but mostly I want happy endings and the top tier humor. I especially love when they're tag teaming dunking on someone (like Darius lol)
7. My wishlist:
I'm not sure if this means in canon or in fan content? But in canon if we don't get an on screen kiss & wedding I may never recover. For fan content as fun & limitless as young Raeda is, I really love content of them as canon age where they actually look old. I dislike so much when middle-aged Raine is drawn with so much more hair than they have
8. Who I'd be comfortable with them ending up with, if not each other:
I can't even imagine Raeda not ending up together, but I also lowkey dig casual polycules with Darius or Camila
9. My happily ever after for them:
Marriage, Raine also adopts Kings (& Luz unofficially), Eda is the other parent friend for Katya Derwin & Amber
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televinita · 2 years
Earlier this month dollsome posted a poll of some favorite TV shows, and there was a space to write in your own favorite, and I had an immediate crisis of conscience upon realizing I do not know anymore.
(this got kinda long)
In high school and for a few years after that the obvious answer was X-Files, but lol no to that; even if the revival hadn’t tainted it, it’s been handily surpassed by way too many better shows at this point.
Up until the early 2010s it was definitely a CBS procedural, probably one of the CSIs or maybe NCIS. Now the only ones that have a chance at that title are Criminal Minds* and maybe Numb3rs; the rest are all uniformly like “you want me to watch cases? about strangers? when I could instead just make the episodes 10 minutes long by reducing them to the important parts, i.e. regular-character personal moments??” (...I actually do still have pretty good memories of the cases on CSI: NY and Cold Case, but I digress)
*which I joined up with in season 8; still haven’t seen huuuuge swaths of the entire first half of the series
I guess I could say The Office, which is a rare blend of strong character/shipper moments and episodes I genuinely enjoy watching again in their entirety, but also, how can a sitcom (even a smart one) be my favorite show*?? (even though sitcoms make up the vast majority of “shows I can watch over and over,” I’ve ruled most of them out because Office is honestly one of the only ones where I have beloved characters, let alone ships. And my favorite show of all time HAS to come with an OTP, it just has to.)
*especially when I hate Michael Gary Scott with every fiber of my being, or at least 96% of them!
So now I’m like - oh god. Is it Glee? Maybe it’s Glee?? Has anything after that so thoroughly eaten my brain and made me happy watching both as whole episodes (season 666 not withstanding) and as short scene clips years after the fact, complete with fanfic consumption? But I am certainly too old for Glee to be my all-time favorite show, aren’t I? And/or too straight? How could my favorite show be one in which the heterosexual rep is less than 90% of the ships, and also not the best one.
Part of me genuinely thinks it could be Revolution, something smartly done but also action-packed that I have now watched 4 times in its entirety, and on which I have a top tier OTP to boot. Seems an odd choice for favorite, given that I don’t actually think I watch a lot of shows in this genre, but maybe? Same goes for Pushing Daisies.
Another part of me is in such a fannish fugue state right now that I’m like “OBVIOUSLY Blood and Treasure. OBVIOUSLY nothing has ever been better than this beautiful couple on this glorious cracky treasure-hunting ride,” but I’m too close to it right now to make a judgment call, given that I once had this same feeling about Zoo. (which was fun, mostly, but also no. definitely not my #1 fave. I haven’t watched so much as a scene clip since like, 2018)
Then there are a lot of single-season shows I loved, but single shows simply cannot be my favorite. No one remembers most of them, for one.
Maybe I would feel better if I made a top 10? Or if I listed my top 10 rewatchable sitcoms, deliberately excluded them, and then tried to list a top 10??
p.s. I came across this lovely book in the library, What to Watch When: 1000 TV Shows For Every Mood and Moment, which very much impressed me with its organization, comprehensiveness and ability to deliver on the subtitle while spanning decades all the way up to 2020 -- and I gotta tell you that as much as I cherish this one’s content, I am also very tempted to write my own personalized version. I think that might be the only way I feel okay. “what if I told you my thousand favorite shows? *hands you a Tome*” 
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kadoodles-on-ao3 · 2 years
have you ever considered shulk/fiora/melia as a ship?
Personally, I do not like it at all haha. Like I as much as I really really really dislike Fiora/Shulk, I think I dislike Melia/Fiora/Shulk even more. Very bad, no thank you, bottom of F Tier.
If you want to hear my rant reasoning I'll put it below the cut, but TL;DR I'm mainly interested in Shulk/Melia and that's it. Sorry if that's not the answer you were hoping for! Oh, and Happy Halloween!!
Part of it is because I'm not that much of a multishipper, especially when there's one ship in particular I really like a lot. If I have my OTP I do not want them spilt up nor want anyone else to intrude haha. And another part of it is I really don't think Shulk or Melia (especially Melia, especially especially when it's involving Fiora and Shulk) would be happy/emotionally-satisfied in a non-monogamous relationship. Not to mention the intense "male-viewer-insert Shulk-is-a-surrogate-for-me harem-fantasy" vibes it gives off haha. (Also, maybe this is just me, but a big vibe/culture/idk-what-word-to-use-lol around polyships comes off to me as people not really thinking characters can just... be friends??? Like if a character shows even a modicum of care towards another that must mean they're in romantic love. And if they do that to all their friends then they must all be in love. Friend groups do not exist there is only shipping. Oh and if they hate someone's guts then they must also be in love, throw em in the mix. I personally don't get it haha.)
But on top of all that, whenever I've come across Melia/Fiora/Shulk content, every single time it seems to be made with the intent/vibe of "I ship Fiora with both Shulk and Melia. And that's it." rather than a "full" OT3. (Same thing with Reyn/Shulk/Fiora/Melia, but that one's "I ship Shulk with Fiora and Reyn, and I also ship Fiora with Melia. And on an off day I might make Melia/Reyn content." But that's it. It's like everyone subconsciously agrees that Shulk and Melia are not to interact romantically, it is forbidden.) And more power to you if you like any of that that but... I don't haha.
I am starved for Shulk/Melia content. I even (used to) check fics/art of the popular polyships that include the two of them just to try to find crumbs of them being romantic together (as evidenced by my above rant) but I found absolutely nothing. Very few people seem to like them together for whatever reason, even people who like polyships with them in it. And with how much depth and potential and intrigue and lore-and-character-arc-integration and general-cuteness I think they have together, that confuses and saddens me.
Jeez I really need to get back to making my Shulkelia catalogue. There's actually quite a bit of art out there for them if you go looking! Not very much and often not very explicitly-romantic but... it's a rarepair for a small fandom for a game that came out over a decade ago, I will take what I can get.
I also really need to get back to writing AAAAAAA I'M VERY SORRY AGAIN
#ask#again i'm very sorry if that's not what you were hoping to hear anon!!!#and also sorry for a long response once again#i enjoy talking about the things i enjoy and dislike and the reasons why i do#also might as well note here the few xc ships aside from shulkelia that i don't dislike#i do not quote unquote actively ship any of these do not expect content of them from me haha#but they're in a category of... i don't dislike them. that's probably the best description#shulk/reyn does touch on the whole platonic-relationships-don't-exist thing in shipping culture for me but i like it fine#definitely a much better/healthier ship than fiora/shulk. that's because the xc writers like most writers don't know how to write good#female charas except by accident so. of course the camaraderie between two male charas feels healthier and more genuine#but it's still nice! they have a great friendship and if that progressed to a romantic relationship i think they'd be happy together#uhh who else?#dunban is way too old to be shipped with anyone else in the main cast and riki is obviously out as well#honestly i don't ship fiora with anyone. she needs to learn to be alone/single lol#i've only ever seen sharla shipped with reyn (which i do like as well) but honestly? i think sharla/shulk or sharla/melia aren't half bad#that's definitely the first time in history anyone has ever typed either of those ships out lol but i'd stand by them#is there anyone else?#alvis? i know shalvis is p much the most popular ship in xc but i do not like it. i don't know how people can ship alvis with anyone#like i get it. two well-written pretty boys. i understand. but i can't relate.#i won't explain because spoilers but. think of who he is. no one could be in a satisfying relationship with him. i'm sorry#tyrea? she's perfectly happy being single leave her be. and for the love of god do not ship her with her family jfc#so yeah it's pretty much just shulkelia for me#xenoblade 1#xenoblade
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oetravia · 3 years
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Every Brainia Scene Ever: 6x11 [5/14]
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