#topics: Sports
scrimblyscrorblo · 5 months
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He’s gotta be a swimmer in a different modern AU I’m telling you he’s an athletics prodigy. Meanwhile Tengen is worried for his hair TT the chlorine……
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the-physicality · 23 days
thinking this labor day about all the athletes in women's sports who didn't have a stable league, who were only making decent money from a spot on their national team, who had to fight to get even a fraction of what they deserve. who spent their prime without a club league or the infrastructure to propel the sport. who came of age after title 9 in the usa [forcing schools to fund women/girls’ sports], the ones who fought for cbas and are only seeing big change at the end of their careers or after their careers concluded. who didn't have the media attention before, but are now showing just how much they can sell out stadiums and arenas. the players who played year round because overseas teams paid athletes what they were worth. athletes who endured and reported harassment but the league never took appropriate action. athletes who never had the media attention or ability to monetize their talent but who had careers that were just as impressive as the stars of today. who did it without the help of the science, technology, and medicine we have today. who set records with less support and fewer games in a season, which will be broken by kids who have had personal trainers since high school. athletes who played great games that are no long available to view, their talent no longer archived and accessible for young or new fans. athletes who still don't have a league or are just getting one in 2024. athletes who took it upon themselves to create change for which they will never reap the full rewards.
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notbecauseofvictories · 3 months
it's a good thing that I've developed a pretty cast-iron sense of self-worth, because otherwise....man, my boss could do a number on me without even really trying.
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pcktknife · 5 months
'its out of character for frye to get upset abt the splatfest loses' ....is it tho??
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penaltyboxboxbox · 5 months
to your point about f1 fandom not being that annoying, you’re so right. i’ve been in a variety of fandoms, some (*cough* voltron *cough*) where people literally tried to severely injure other people over ship discourse. nothing in f1 can top that, at least as far as i’ve seen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
YES THIS LIKE....idk the vitriol that does go around in f1 fandom AT LEAST IN MY OPINION is pretty comparable to what happens in other niches of sports fans, just in a different way. like the way the harassment and hatred does proliferate imo, reminds me very much of how like...... non-online cis het men also bully and hate on each other about sports teams and players. not to say it doesnt get intense and deranged, just that its VERY DIFFERENT and dare i say? more socially acceptable- if not acceptable than Understood- than it is to do similar things over something like anime characters or a video game.
I mean the very nature of sports is creating in-groups and out-groups........we're expected to have a level of animosity towards each other, and i think theres a lot more of a level of understanding when fellow sport fans dont like you because of who you support, vs in traditional fandom there is not always that built in understanding of like "oh people who like x will not like you if you like y" and theres i guess a lot less established rules/norms around who is in what group/what's acceptable in that group/etc etc etc..
I think at the end of the day- wether we are talking rpf or not- the annoyingness of sports fandoms is a very different beast, as it is very much based in a media that is completely BUILT on fighting each other, being us vs them, so the people within that fandom have some sort of understanding of the beef that they may perpetrate or receive.........and it is all based off of REAL THINGS happening before our REAL EYES, and i think there is some understanding in that about how real people get things wrong or tell lies to cheat or whatever, because teams are made of real people and people are fallible and biased, the teams themselves are just as human and ever changing as the fandom is...
vs traditional fandom media was not made to be in-fought over, it is purely individuals perceiving the exact same fictional text through different lenses and deciding who is consuming that text right or wrong. I think the drama largely comes from there not being enough compelling conflict within the text, or not being able to deal with intense conflicts within the text, and just like. spewing all that all over the internet. Like we're having moral debates over the actions of villains from a childrens cartoon some days. Be serious.
At the end of the day i think people yearn to be a part of the in group, and fandoms a lot of the time, are kind of just sports for nerds, and i say that as a nerd. But because traditional fandom is not like sports, and they dont get real fights to be invested in every week, they have to just start fights with each other because their show doesnt have any new episodes or the sequel movie didnt get cleared.
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firmflexing · 2 months
Smack about Sports.
Smack is a mini-podcast in which I try to tackle topics with common sense and logical reasoning, without bad intentions or ulterior motives. If a take happens to align with any political, religious or other kind of ideology, that is purely coincidental. It will inevitably upset someone, but please hear me out and remain civil.
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useless-catalanfacts · 3 months
HI! Love your blog a lot!!💛❤️
I have a peculiar rant to make!
There are many motorsport events happening in Barcelona during the year, and they are often called "Spanish Grand Prix", and they are portrayed as the "home races" of people usually from other parts of Spain (most times these people are rich blokes from Madrid with links to Vox). I'm not Catalan, but that makes me so mad. It's once again the erasure of an entire history and culture. English-speaking media don't even make an effort to understand where they are, they are just happy to call it Spain and wonder why they're playing two anthems before the actual races.
But anyway, visca Catalunya i bona diada dels Països Catalans!
Thank you very much!
Yes, I completely agree with you that it's annoying. It's a way for the Spanish state (and every other state, because this happens to other occupied nations as well) to use the sports for propaganda and to cement the association "Catalonia=Spain" in the minds of everyone from around the world who's watching.
If I may, I will answer to your rant with another rant of my own. In general, most sports tend to be very state-centered. For example, for most sports you can't be a professional athlete unless you sign up for a specific state to represent it, wear its flag on your clothes while you compete, play their anthem if you win, the teams must be organized according to people who come from the same state, etc. And if you don't have one, then, bad luck, you either do it for the state that occupies your homeland or you don't get to become a professional sportsperson at all. But even if you have your own independent country that you identify with, still... why so much focus on it? Why is where these people come from so important that it becomes even more important that the person? Imagine if people did this with any other aspect of the athlete's background or identities: "Twilight fans won 5 gold medals this year, and Marvel fans went down to only 3". Or imagine if we did it by sexual orientation, conservatives would be so mad saying "why do you have to wave it in everyone's faces!?". All of those would be ridiculous, so why isn't this strong focus on what state they come from also ridiculous? It would seem more logical to focus on person, school/trainer, or teams that they could choose according to how they view the sport or how they think training works better or work better together. But we seem to just accept that the state (not even culture or nation, just a geographical-political administration unit) is the most defining trait.
That's why I personally never liked the Olympic games or world cups, it feels like it's more about nationalism than about sports. I used to follow them when I was young but I always felt like the gymnasts themselves weren't recognized enough because all the media was focused on "how many people from our country won", or "this sport was won by [country]". And Spanish media does this a lot, to the point that I think they are disrespectful to the sportsperson. Why do all Spanish people have to feel proud or like they won the games because someone from their state achieved something, but not when someone from another state did the same, even when someone from a state might be geographically closer to some parts of their neighbour state than other parts of their own? It's not like the random citizen who is supposed to feel like he himself won the games did, maybe he spent the whole competition eating chips at the sofa (that's me btw). It just never made sense to me. And even less for team achievements like F1 or MotoGP, where they play the anthem of the state that the pilot is a citizen of, but so much of that victory is owed to the rest of the team who worked on making and improving the car/motorbike, so it's a team effort but the anthem of the state of only one of them is chosen to be given the victory to. It makes no sense!
And if you're hosting on a city, it's the same. What does a state's anthem even have to do with an F1 racing? Why is it even there? Show the city and the area around it if you must show something, after all that's the people whose taxes are going to pay for that sport and whose lives are going to be inconvenienced by it.
Because that's another thing, events like the F1 race inside Barcelona (not on the actual track, when they made them fake-race on the street Passeig de Gràcia, afaik they were not even actually racing because the velocity limit was too low), the America Cup, etc contribute so much to worsening the worst problems of the city (touristic massification, gentrification, poverty, and pollution). For the America Cup, the neighbours of the Barceloneta quarter have to use cards that identify them as residents to be allowed in their own neighbourhood because that whole neighbourhood has been kidnapped by the America Cup people. And the F1 fake race thing in one of the busiest avenues of the city was very annoying to the citizens, too. It meant cutting a significant amount of the city's traffic, including public buses, and collapsing part of the metro system as a result. Some of my co-workers had difficulties arriving to our workplace that day because of it. Just so that cars can show off inside the city and pollute it, skipping the city's laws that aim to reduce air pollution by banning people whose cars pollute more than a certain amount (which in practise means old cars, the ones that poorer people are more likely to have). We can't use our cars in the city unless we can afford a green model, but they can cut off a whole avenue in the very centre of the city, asphalt it new just for them, and race there when they already have a track made for them to race in.
It's all part of the capitalist obsession with uncontrolled growth, they want everything to happen here for more and more people to come. Not just with sports events, but anything that will be used as an advertising for the city. Like the Louis Vuitton catwalk that was happening this month in Park Güell (a UNESCO World Heritage Site btw) and which damaged part of the architecture. Until now, the hotel lobby was the main promoter of many of these events because they wanted more tourists, but even the hotel owners are now saying that this has gone too far and the tourism monoculture model has become absolutely unsustainable and is ruining the city.
Don't get me wrong, sports are important and we need to support them and promote people practise sports, and it's good for entertainment purposes and we have to support people having fun (that's what life's about!). But the model that professional competitive sports use needs to be completely rethinked. I think every city that has gone through the devastating experience of hosting Olympic Games will agree with this.
Anyway, that's just my opinion and what you pointed out is definitely more offensive, but when I stop to think of it I can't but see how it's all.... not great. Sorry for getting out of topic but I have been personally very annoyed by these sports and fashion events this month.
Thank you for your message and your understanding, I read it on the Sant Joan but I'm answering late. I hope you had a good diada dels Països Catalans and that you're having a great beginning of summer 🌞
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auslanderka · 1 year
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everyone's favourite shooting guard...
shohoku's no. 14 ➜ MITSUI HISASHI
slam dunk ep. 44
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raapija · 6 months
*madridista mode activiated*
real madrid fans could take the tiffosi in a battle of the unhinged fans. just saying.
When we win a tropy, we must go to Cibeles. ...which is a roundabout in Madrid. Ahem. It is a statue of the goddess. She is pulled by two lions and represents Atalanta and Hippomenes. And we believe (Real Madrid fans/Madridistas) that every victory is from her (i mean not me personlly bc what but ) We must show what we won for her. The Captain of our team will put the flag of Spain around the neck of Cibeles and so we will again.
It doesn't matter when we win. We will go. The team will return home, to El Santiago Bernabeu (our stadium) and we will drive to the foutain and our fans will gather, and we will celebrate together. If we win at 1am 5 hours away cool, 6am party at the fountain.
It is as it must be. Madrid stops. It is the way.
And then sometimes our drunk ass Captain drops the cup we have not won in 20 years and runs it over. But that is Real Madrid. And Fernando is a Madridista, And he would be that captain and what I am saying is write that au more and while youre at it, Real Madrid is right here ready to comsume more souls o.o
This sounds exactly like what happens when Finland wins hockey gold 😭
We all go insane, and gather at the great market place in Helsinki and bathe in the fountain. Also, in every city/town, everyone gets out the house no matter the time to blast music, party and wave flags 🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮
Pics to see how fucking mental it is:
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bogkeep · 8 months
i don't know how to fully articulate this but it makes me a little sad every time a video essayist or podcaster just Assumes their audience has Obviously Heard About X and doesn't bother to explain who or what that is... like of course not everything's gotta cater To Me but like let's assume i DO live under a rock (or rather: i'm autistic and european) and have never heard of this musician and have no idea what place they hold in popular media. ok thank you please continue with your essay
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skiinedknees · 1 year
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darkwood-sleddog · 1 year
because i had to (politely) warn/criticize an acquaintance musher who was out on the trail in 86% humidity and 80F weather running their dogs on a rig when i was there today, i thought now was a good reminder that:
dogs do not cool down effectively when it is more humid
dogs that have previously suffered heat stroke are more at risk of developing it again and will do so more easily than a dog who has never had heat stroke. This ALONE is a great risk to sled dogs.
in the northern hemisphere a majority of dog heat stroke incidents take place in July (which is the month I'm writing this).
most mushers do not recommend running dogs in harness over 50F. No your dogs are likely not an exception. All dogs can develop heat stroke.
HERE is a post with a helpful chart from the Australia Sledding Sports Association about how to determine a safe combination of humidity and heat to run in. (it is in Celcius, but the combination of what we walked in today was easily a 26 on this chart.)
Some mushers CAN train dogs during the summer. Those that are in much more arctic conditions where early am may sometimes be frosty this time of year are clear to do so. Although the Mush with P.R.I.D.E. Sled Dog Welfare Guide has some warnings about the risks running dogs in hot weather poses. Their description of heat stroke even mentions snow which, yes, is true. Sled Dogs can easily overheat even in snowy conditions. Even then though, the summer mushers i see (who are in like...the Yukon...) are regularly monitoring temperatures and not running when it is above 50F.
and look. I've been at the receiving end of weather temperature criticism myself. I once ran Sigurd and Zombie on a like...60F degree evening in summer as a novice and my mentor tore me a new one. I felt bad (and cried lol), but it is what it is and i never did it again. It's also why working with and/or seeking advice from sport veterans is important. I will also never stall or refuse to tell somebody they're posing a risk to their dogs, not only bc i care for their animals well beings, but because mushers pushing dogs like this does reflect badly on the sport.
The one thing i do to make sure i'm aware of how hot my dogs may be besides monitoring the temperatures? I overdress whenever i take them out.
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luvbug724 · 9 months
there are a million more palatable books if you're just looking for a queer romance i don't understand why people flock to aftg if they're just going to hate everything else about it
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electricpurrs · 3 months
are you with..?
the Hot Topic Knuckles Tube Top? yes
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okay but it’s like. if Lae’zel was in the modern day she’d be the top of all her classes (beating Gale who would be so fucking mad about it), on every sports team, head of the prom committee, just constant after-school activities, total overachiever, and she will not accept being second place to anybody. meanwhile Karlach is on every sports team but she doesn’t really want to be, she just wants to do sport for fun and hang out with her friends, but the head of P.E. made her join because she’s good at it. unfortunately getting mad about it makes her compete better. Shadowheart grew up in a weird church and was definitely homeschooled for most of her life and is only in a mainstream school for sixth form because her weird church want her to recruit new members (she sucks at convincing people the church is good). sometimes she says fucking insane things totally seriously and everyone in the class goes what the fuck. Wyll is a very nice empathetic boy who tries to get along with everyone including Shadowheart even though she roleplays warrior cats at lunchtime and Lae’zel even though she threatens to murder him if he gets a higher grade in the debate than her, and it blindsides everyone when they find out his dad is the Head Teacher. Gale would be taking five A-Levels instead of three or four solely for the academic clout it brings him. Astarion should have graduated ten years ago and nobody knows why he’s still here. Withers is the school nurse.
#idk why I wrote this or even why I thought of it but here you go#bg3 secondary school au apparently#also there wasn’t enough room to add:#Shads walks the mile in P.E. and got put in lunchtime remedial swimming lessons she doesn’t go to#Wyll gets asked to be on school council every year because he’s popular and well-liked and his dad is the Head but he keeps turning it down#he’s also nice to the dinner ladies and they give him extra helpings because they love him#Viconia phones the school almost daily to keep track of Shadowheart’s progress and everyone is fucking sick of her#Jaheira is the teacher all the gays flock to#Minsc is the school groundskeeper and there’s a running bet on whether Boo is real or not because nobody has ever seen him#(except Shads because she likes to sit under the tree at the end of the field and sometimes Boo sits with her but nobody asked her)#is Lae’zel Paris from gilmore girls? no comment.#Karlach really just wants to be on the football team and nothing else. she’s goalie.#Wyll is on a couple of sports teams because he wants to hang out with Karlach and she’s always busy with sport but it’s not really his thin#*thing#however he is in every school musical and he fucking loves that shit#Gale was definitely the smartest in his old school and then when he moved for sixth form he isn’t top of the class any more#and it’s causing him some Mental Distress#Arabella is one of those kids in primary school who are super smart in a certain subject and put in the gifted class and they do monthly#field trips to the secondary school and Gale volunteers to help teach year 7-8 level topics to them#Minthara runs the maths department like it’s the fucking navy
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I ended up running 7,6km / 4.7 mi today.
First day of running in my life.
Surprisingly, I survived.
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