przemyslawslusarczyk · 5 months
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Reminiscencje z Majówki 2024 - Zamek Królewski w Łęczycy lub też Zamek Boruty, rynek, Archikolegiata w Tumie (łódzkie). Kto lubi lub interesuje się diabłami polskimi w kulturze, sztuce i obrzędach lub po prostu chce je zobaczyć znajdzie największą w Polsce kolekcję muzealną diabłów polskich z dwoma salami rzeźb i nie tylko na czele z Borutą ale i Rokitą także, wieloma innymi. W tym moim ulubionym Diabłem Wiatrem, który uwielbia podkasywać przeodziewek wszelaki niewiastom oraz Diabelskim Sejmikiem (diabły na drzewie). A gdy po spacerze wokół zamku, rynku mamy chwilkę czasu obok Łęczycy leży Tum a w nim Archikolegiata Tumska - jedyny w Polsce zabytek romański z XII wieku zachowany w niezmienionym obrysie i formie od wieków.
Zapraszam także do postów z linkami do filmów z Łęczycy i Tumu na YT.
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dreamerkax3 · 2 hours
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aleksandra-czudzak · 5 months
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Zając ⦿ Hare ⦿ (Lepus) "Zającowi przypisywano również związki z siłami zła. Podejrzewano, że chętnie wcielają się w niego dusze zmarłych i demony. Na Podtatrzu i w Beskidach Zachodnich jego postać przybierał często topielec, który wabił człowieka aby go utopić, lub nawet sam szatan - prowadzący ludzi na bezdroża, aby zawładnąć ich duszą." ⦿⦿⦿ "Hares were also associated with evil forces. It was believed that the souls of the dead and demons willingly took on their form. In the Podhale region and the Western Beskids, it's figure was often taken on by a topielec, who lured people in order to drown them, or even Satan himself - leading people astray in order to take possession of their souls." - From "Góralskie czary. Leksykon Magii Podtatrza i Beskidów Zachodnich" by Katarzyna Ceklarz i Urszula Janicka-Krzywda. published by @tatrzanskiparknarodowy
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fairycruenta · 1 year
Głęboka, błękitna rzeka
Cierpliwie już czeka
Na pochłonięcie kolejnego człowieka
Serce skacze mu do gardła
A umysł topnieje z dala
On wie, że zaraz porwie go fala
I czuje mocno tą burzę
Co w jego wnętrzu tkwi
Zmarszczył zamyślony brwi
Gotów na ostatni przelew krwi
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usmiech-slonecznika · 8 months
Serce nie nadąża za tym rytmem
gdy pochłania mnie głęboki ocean.
Tracę powietrze i nie mogę oddychać
gdy piękno jego blasku mnie grzeje.
Na zmęczonej twarzy zawitał uśmiech
bo i tak nie mam jak się bronić.
Zachwycam się każdym ciała detalem
bo i tak zaraz zniknie mi z mojego widoku.
Minęło tylko kilka pełnych wrażeń chwil
a ja - jak topielec
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Hello there! Your latest post gave me some ideas.
1. Rosaria as a succubus (cliche, but always fun)
2. Ayaka as a Rokurokobi
3. Amber as a Latawiec (eng. Kite)
3. Shenhe as a Strzyga (closest English word: Vampire)
4. Kuki Shinobu as a Zmora (eng. Bane)
5. Kokomi as a Topielica (eng. Drowned)
6. Freminet as a Topielec (same as above)
7. Dori as a Skrzat (eng. Gnome)
8. Tighnari as a Dobrochoczy (literal translation: "well-meaning")
Just suggestions, nothing serious. I hope you like them!
Your ideas are awesome! I'm definitely gonna keep those in mind for next year! Although I wouldn't be able to keep a few because some characters were already written from this list!
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wrazliwy-ktos · 2 years
"Każdy wiek, każdy okres życia, ba, każdy dzień ma swoje krytyczne dziesięć minut, kiedy to wszystko, co do tej pory cierpliwie znosiłeś, a więc: twoja praca, twoje otoczenie, twoje niespełnienia, twoje pragnienia i twoja własna natura - naraz, ni stąd, ni zowąd, wydaje ci się nie do zniesienia. Jest to kryzys potężny niczym eksplozja. Pochylasz się nad swoją pracą i raptem odczuwasz niedoskonałość tego, co dotychczas zrobiłeś, a także nieznośną beznadziejność skali i zakresu oczekujących cię zadań. Pochylasz się nad swoim życiem i w błysku jednej chwili, niczym topielec, widzisz w skondensowaniu to wszystko, do czego byłeś zbyt leniwy, tchórzliwy, zakłamany lub samolubny, a co teraz zagraża wezbraniem i uduszeniem.
Ten kryzys, tych dziesięć minut, te (...) chwile powracają z upływem lat, jeszcze bardziej zapalczywe. Zdarza się, że wracają co dzień".
Sándor Márai, Księga ziół
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szyszkasosnowa · 1 year
I was tagged by @paulinaaam. Thank you!!! <3
rules: when you get this, list 5 songs you’ve been listening to & tag 5-10 people
Gladiator by Jann
Topielec by Projekt Leśmian
Hurdy Gurdy Man by Donovan
Jesus He Knows Me by Genesis
I'm tagging @drzewiej-niemota, @ciastkociastko, @la-vie-en-lys, @the-names-salomea, @leaveamessageafterthescream
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myth-lord · 2 years
What are all the sea monsters in mythika?
Not counting the lake monsters like Ahuizotl and Abaia ect. I only name the SEA monsters, not the aquatic or lake monsters.
Bakunawa - A variant of the Abaia in my project, but more based on the gulper eel, not big enough to swallow a moon of course, but still pretty big enough to swallow an entire sloop. They are deep sea Abaia.
Akheilos - The monstrous white shark-sized horror shark.
Isonade - The demonic Thresher Shark.
Akhlut - In it's aquatic form only, the Akhlut in my project can transform into forms that fit the environment, it can grow wings to fly and become half wolf/orca to adopt to aquatic life.
Globster - An aquatic ooze
Berberoka - Also living in swamps and rivers, there is a bigger Sargassum variant that lives in the ocean, Berberoka in my project are plants, kelp monsters.
Boobrie - While mostly living near swamps and rivers, they also live on beaches and in the ocean, these are giant monstrous Hesperornis.
Caleuche - The ghost ship
Caspilly - The monstrous lion-fish.
Echeneis - The speed-sapping Remora fish that can stop the biggest of ships to feed on it's speed.
Haietlik and Ikuchi - My favorite Sea Serpents.
Siren - A harpy variant with a beautiful voice and face, but nasty temper, they have beautiful blue feathers and mostly feed/torture sailors and other sea-going folk.
Heikegani, Karkinos and Saratan are my crabs, they mostly are coastal/beach going encounters, but some attack you from the sea.
Umibozu - Undead black-water elementals, the sea variant of the lake-going Hinqumemen.
Charybdis - The giant whirlpool creating toe-biter horror.
Longgui - Another name for the Dragon Turtle
Lusca, Kraken, Rogo-Tumu-Here and Iku-Turso - All my octopus monsters, spare for Migas which lives in swamps and trees.
Marool - the Demonic Angler Fish.
Merrow, Adaro, Zitiron, Yawkyawk, Siyokoy and Scylla, all my aquatic merfolk horrors.
Morgawr - A Elasmosaurus-like horror that also lives in lakes, but also in the sea.
Nakshatra Meenu and Stella the starfish horrors mostly live on the beach, but can attack you from the sea as well.
Nereid - The water nymphs live in any water.
Con Rit - The parasitic giant water centipede/Ragworm.
Qalupalik - The sea hag.
Naujakuksualuk - The giant sea roc based on the seagull.
Sazae-Oni - The monstrous or demonic sea slug.
Sermilik - The ice-controlling polar bear is sometimes found in the cold seas swimming around using it's ice-creating abilities to form ice-platforms when it needs to rest.
Shen - The illusion-creating clam monster that lures sailors into it's giant clam-maw.
Selkie- Both the gentle seal-variant, the powerful Walrus variant and the evil Leopardseal variant live in the cold seas.
Ahkiyyini - These skeletons use their music to control the waves and turn the most gentle water into a raging ocean within seconds.
Shellycoat - These aquatic trolls can be found in and near any form of water.
Trolual, Raudkembingur and Bakekujira - My three whale horrors, Raudkembingur is a demonic variant of the Trolual and the Bakekujira is an undead Trolual whale.
Vatnsandi - The gaint manta ray horror.
Tizheruk - The ice wyvern variant can be found in the ice cold ocean.
Ziphius - These half fish and half dophin horrrors use their extremely sharp beak and dorsal fins to slice through boats like a knife through butter.
Topielec - These sea zombies are found in any form of water, oceanic Topielec are mostly undead sailors, pirates or other.
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lvcy-fer · 16 days
Znów cholera wypłynęłaś, jak topielec.
Nie miało już być Cię w moim życiu. Niby na własne życzenie pozwalam Ci wchodzić w nie. Rzadkie rozmowy, potrzebuje ich. Mimo, ze nie dotyczą Nas, przeszłości, jedynie tego co dziś dzieje się u Nas w życiu. Tak cholernie cieszę się na każdą wiadomość od Ciebie. Tęsknię za Twoimi oczami i Twoim uśmiechem.
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spiralaniepowodzen · 1 month
"źle jest”
tracę oddech
nie potrafię zapomnieć
znów truje się tytoniem
rozgrzewa moje płuca
tracę oddech
jak topielec
myślami się zapierdole
a fizycznie truje
w tej spirali nieporozumień
leżę w trumnie
lecz nie obok ciebie
samotny jestem
do szpiku kości będę
zdycham z nagości
z tej nicości
na świecie
każdy pusty
nikt nie podobny
do ciebie
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seewetter · 3 months
Mythic Creatures by Culture & Region
Part 5: East Europe, Northwest Asia
Europeans often think that East Europe and Northwest Asia is simply Slavic: if Poles, Czechs, Russians and many Balkan people are Slavic, surely all the areas of East and Southeast Europe must be Slavic. And if West Asia has Indo-Germanic languages and cultures, surely those must be Slavic too? Well no.
So here is an exhaustive list of Wikipedia's creatures for people who just get lumped in as "Slavic" when they are, in fact, from totally different cultures. While browsing Wikipedia, I also learned that there is a autonomous Buddhist European Republic run by descendants of the Mongol horde in Eastern Europe, something I was utterly unaware of (probably because they are incorporated into Russia, but also because I have some biases to work on).
Albania (not Slavic)
Djall Albanian (technically not Slavic!); Drangue; En_Albanian_Deity; Fatia; I Verbti_Albanian_Deity; Kukudh; Kulshedra; Ljubi; Lugat; Nëna e Vatrës; Ora; Perëndi; Perria; Prende_Albanian_Deity; Shtojzovalle; Shtriga; Shurdh; Stihi; Tur; Turoń; Vitore; Xhindi; Zana; Zojz_Albanian_Deity
Armenian (not Slavic)
Griffon; Hayk; Lake Van Monster; Vishap; Werewolf
Caucasus Region (not Slavic)
Batraz North Caucasian culture may not be Slavic; Germakochi; Ossetian Myth; Tutyr; Vainakh religion Georgia (NOT Slavic); Kopala; Ochokochi; Q'ursha Hungary (NOT Slavic); Busós ; Lidérc; Luwr; Ördög; Sárkány; Turul also Turkic; Vadleány
Romanian (not Slavic) (Land of Vlad Tepes)
Iele; Ileana Cosânzeana; Little Wildrose; Moroi; Muma Pădurii; Muroni; Nosferatu (word) allegedly Romanian; Pricolici; Samca; Sântoaderi; Sânziană; Solomonari; Spiriduș; Strigoi; Swan Maiden; Uriaș; Ursitoare similar to Roma & Slavic Ursitory; Vâlvă; Vântoase; Zână; Zburător; Zmeoaică; Zmeu
Having said that, many East European cultures are in fact Slavic. I will have to revise this section at a later date because I am rarely differentiating the Slavic cultures and lumped them all together.
Ala (from Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia); Alkonost; Aq Bars (winged snow leopard, heraldry from 800s onwards, also Mongolian); Baba Yaga; Babay; Baloz; Bannik; Bardha; Baš Čelik; Bauk; Bies; Black Arab; Black Panther; Błędnica; Blud; Błudnik; Bobak; Božalość; Božić; Bukavac; Cambion; Căpcăun (Romanian ogre); Chort; Chut; Cikavac; Cornflower Wraith; Čuma; Death; Ded Moroz; Devil Boruta Poland; Dhampir; Djadadjii (Bulgarian vampire hunter); Dobrynyna Nikitich; Domovoi; Drekavac; Drioma; Dvorovoy; Dzedka; Dziwożona; Fext; Fiery serpents; Firebird; German; Gold Duck; Goldenhorn; Ispolin; Karapandža; Karzełek; Kikimora; King Kojata; Kostroma; Krasnoludek; Kukeri Bulgarian; Laddy Midday; Lakanica; Lazavik; Likho; Likhoradka; Lisunki (see Lyeshi); Lyeshi; Mara_Goddess identical name with unrelated(??) death goddess from India Mara_Goddess2; Marțolea; Maruda; Masovian dragon; Mavka; Mermaid of Warsaw; Misizla; Moryana; Nav; Nocnitsa; Ovinnik; Paraskeva Friday; Pavaró; Pereplut; Płanetnik; Polevik ; Poleviki; Poroniec; Psoglav; Psotnik; Pvitrulya; Rarash; Raróg; Rokita; Rozhanitsy, Narecnitsy and Sudzhenitsy; Rübezahl; Rusalka ; Rusalky; Samodiva; Schrat also medieval European; Shatans; Shubin; Simargl; Skrzak; Slavic Fairies of Fate; Slavic Mythic Creatures; Slavic Pseudo-deities; Slavic Water Spirit\; Spor; Stricha (Ukrainian, while Strigoi are Romanian); Strzyga; Stuhać; Swan Maiden; The Nine Peahens and the Golden Apples; Tintilinić; Topielec; Unclean Force; Upiór; Ursitory also in Roma similar to Ursitoare from Romania; Vampire pumpkins and watermelons; Vazily; Ved; Vedmak; Verlioka; Vesna; Vila; Vjesci; Vrykolakas also Greek; Wars and Sawa; Wawel Dragon; Werewolf; Wild Hunt; Wild Man, Wild Woman ; Wild Men, Wild Women; Wurdulac; Zduhać; Zheuzhyk; Zhytsen; Zilant; Zlydzens; Zmaj; Zwodziasz
Russia (the European parts)
Russia; A Hut on Chicken Legs; Al (also in Mongolia, Persia, Afghanistan, Caucasus); Azovka; Brosno dragon; Chernava; Gamayun; "Go I know not whither and fetch I know not what" folktale includes creatures; Indruk; Koshchei; Meduza; Oksoko (3 headed eagle see article's points about scripture for ideas); Polkan; Russian superstitions; Shishiga; Swan Maiden; The Mistress of Copper Mountain; The Sea Tsar and Vasilisa the Wise; Tugarin; Verechelen; Vodyaniye; Zmei (aka Zmei Gorynich)
Kyivan Rus (modern Ukraine)
Notify me please if you find any mistakes or would like a disclaimer added if any of the creatures on this list are sacred or should not be used in art by outsiders.
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miskeit · 7 months
Niepokój jest największym zabójcą miłości. Prowadzi do klęski. Czujesz się, jakby uczepił się ciebie topielec. Chcesz go uratować, ale wiesz, że zadusi cię swoją paniką.
— Anaïs Nin
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fairycruenta · 11 months
Cisza co w duszy gra
Przegrywam z nią
Śmierć po mnie gna
Jedno mi się marzy
Wiem że się to wydarzy
Brak mi było miłości
Skok z wysokości
W objęcia rzeki
Ostatnie życia męki
Rwący jej nurt
Pochłania mnie już
Skok z mostu
Prosto w fal szpony
Skrzeczące nade mną wrony
Brak powietrza
Duszenie się wodą
Nic mi ku temu przeszkodą
Wewnątrz burza
W płucach i w sercu
Ulga w końcu
Kark skręcony
Żywot zakończony
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fledgeling-heroes-r-us · 10 months
An Introduction to the Students at Janusz’ School For Super Humans
Basically what it says on the tin, an introduction to Janusz’ students. Basically compressed character files. For the time being, this only includes the names, ages and powers of each student. Further posts may follow regarding backstories.
The school itself is arranged into two main sections, children (3-12) and teenagers (13-18). Currently, Gary is the oldest student at 18, and Steinunn is the youngest at 3, but Janusz has stated that any students who wish to stay on after 18 are welcome to pursue further education (they are encouraged to take online courses as the teachers here aren’t really the best for providing university level education) or become staff themselves. This school functions heavily as a sanctuary for those with powers who have nowhere else to go, who are in danger beyond these walls. All students are at this school for their own safety. There is also a nursery set up when one of the teachers has a baby, and if any other babies are born this nursery can also care for them until they are old enough to have the same lessons as the other children.
I’ll do staff later probably.
Admir Abadzic - Admir is a 5 year old boy. His powers include the embodiment of the spirits of the drowned, specifically in the form of Topielec. Able to take on a zombie-like form, Admir is very resilient and does not seem able to feel pain or grow tired in this form. He can generate a limited water field around himself to drown others, swim at unnatural speeds and possess others. When in his Topielec form, Admir’s body gives off a corpse-like stench powerful enough to cause nausea in others within a certain distance. He is immune to poisoning, but water that drips off him in this form can carry bacteria typically found in rotting corpses. He has zombie-like enhanced strength and cannot be harmed by fire due to his damp form. He’s pretty much always dripping water everywhere. According to Admir himself, he gained his power after falling into a body of water that had taken many lives in the past, however he may have actually been thrown in intentionally with the intent to kill him.
Theresa Agius - Theresa is an 8 year old girl. Her powers allow her to ignore logic and reason, essentially acting with the fun, whimsical abilities of a cartoon character. Her limits are her imagination. She is the Looney Tunes Child.
Tor Ahlander - Tor is a 5 year old boy. He has control over any sewing equipment within his range, such as needles, thread, cloth, buttons and machines.
Talha Aladag - Talha is a 12 year old boy. His power is that he can manipulate the hair on his own body into dangerous spikes.
Vitalia Albano - Vitalia is a 4 year old girl. She has instinctive and supernatural combat abilities, often moving without thinking with unnatural speed, strength, precision, reflexes, analysis and control. Being such a small child, and having had no formal training, Vitalia’s body cannot actually keep up with her fighting prowess, often leading to excess strain on her body that causes her damage.
Schuyler Antoine - Schuyler is an 8 year old girl. She can detect and enhance the weaknesses of others and objects, making the slightest weakness something big and easy to exploit. She can worsen and spread the mildest crack, wear and tear, sore spot or the like until it causes the target to crumble.
Clovis Beaulieu - Clovis is a 14 year old boy. He is capable of accessing and opening the meridian channels within his body and manipulate the energy within to enhance his own body, increasing his defence, attack and speed to devastating levels.
Fealty Beleno - Fealty is a 16 year old girl. Her powers allow her to manipulate the relationships between others, specifically building upon bonds between people and upon their physical and emotional intimacy.
Zippora Berwick - Zippora is a 17 year old girl. Her powers allow her to steal anything she can think of, physical and conceptual (ever wanted to steal a character’s gender? Zippora can do that). Her getaway skills are beyond compare as a result, allowing her to escape into places that shouldn’t be possible and hide in plain sight.
Sumati Bhavsar - Sumati is a 14 year old girl. Sumati contains an inner beast within her that she can use to enhance her own abilities, though this often gives her a more feral style, and give a solid form to in order to assist her.
Rakel Blomgren - Rakel is a 15 year old girl. She is able to generate spikes from surfaces and thin air that she can then use to impale others or as projectiles.
Gaute Bondevik - Gaute is an 11 year old boy. He embodies the archetype of the ethical hedonist, someone who indulges in pleasure not just for himself but to bring that pleasure to others. He exhibits magnetic friendship and high levels of empathy, allowing him to bond with others easily and understand how they are feeling. His innate joy and ability to spread that joy to others allows himself to push past his natural limits and never give up, and encourages others to do the same.
Qamar Can - Qamar is a 16 year old boy. He can spin his body at great speeds without being held back by his own rotational mass, able to change direction and make sharp turns without any loss of momentum or speed, and can accelerate to top speed or decelerate to a complete stop in seconds with no blowback.
Ajax Carthartt - Ajax is a 15 year old boy. He is bonded to an eldtitch horror he refers to as Smiley, and is able to draw energy from close proximity to Smiley and other similar creatures and artefacts. He can induce fear and insanity in others, is omnilingual and can borrow specific powers and abilities from Smiley, though this typically causes a blow back on his own body.
Roxie Chow - Roxie is a 12 year old girl who can generate emotional auras, use emotional empathy to bond with other beings and read their feelings, and utilise an emotional force.
Christine Cookson - Christine, or Kiss, is a 17 year old girl. She is able to summon demonic whips and form whips out of demonic energy.
Connor Cookson - Connor is a 13 year old boy. Connor can create and manipulate orgone radiation.
Taliba Dawood - Taliba is a 16 year old girl. She is able to bond with and communicate with birds. Her torso takes the form of a bird cage within which the bonded birds can rest.
Didi Duvaunt - Didi is a 14 year old girl. Didi’s powers allow her to heal certain status effects from others, such as poisoning, burns and paralysis, and undo the effects of debuff powers that lower strength, speed or defence.
Karina Eskildsen - Karina is a 3 year old girl who can use electricity to greatly enhance her body, transforming into an enhanced state of being.
Kavette Gates - Kavette is a 17 year old girl. Kavette can disassemble or deconstruct any object with ease, to a certain level.
Nahamathadad Hashmi - Nahama is a 17 year old girl. She is basically able to embody and become laser light.
Hoshi Hayakawa - Hoshi is a 6 year old girl who can create and manipulate various forms of software at will.
Angelino Hill - Angelino is a 17 year old boy. He has several cybernetic prosthetics created by his uncle in order to save his life, which also give him enhanced strength and senses, and shoot lasers from his cybernetic eye. As well as this, he has always had the power to induce pregnancy in others.
Matus Holub - Matus is a 12 year old boy. He can manipulate existing spikes in any way he wishes. He has been encouraged to work alongside Rakel.
Noelle Hopkins - Noelle is a 13 year old girl. Noelle can revive extinct animals.
Maxwell Hyakinthos - Maxwell is a 15 year old boy. Maxwell is one of the few obviously mutated children. He has purple skin, a large prehensile tail, sharp teeth and claws and entirely black eyes. He is able to walk on walls and ceilings.
Amaal Jalali - Amaal is a 14 year old girl. She has the power to turn others into canines. She turned a lot of people who were mean to her into small dogs.
Joan Josep - Joan is a 15 year old girl. Joan is one of the few obviously mutated children. Her skin is silver and shiny, and appears to be in horizontal strips. This acts as a dermal shield. Magnets stick to her.
Gunther Josephs - Gunther is a 17 year old boy. He can cast spells through written language.
Pertti Joutsen - Pertti is a 10 year old boy. Pertti’s heart is infused with the power of chaos, giving him the ability to regenerate from any wounds and use and manipulate chaotic energy. He usually suffers chest pain and an erratic thought process.
Homayoun Khosravi - Homayoun is a 9 year old boy. Homayoun is one of the few obviously mutated. He takes the form of an anthropomorphic fox boy. He has enhanced speed and senses.
Parsa Khosravi - Parsa is a 12 year old boy. Parsa is one of the few obviously mutated. He takes the form of an anthropomorphic fox boy. He has enhanced speed and senses.
Katashi Kibe - Katashi is a 7 year old boy. Katashi is able to draw power from radiation of all kinds, making him stronger, faster and more durable. When away from sources of radiation, he is weakened and has a weak immune system, allowing him to grow ill easily. He is also able to instantly read the past of a person or object by touching it.
Moti Kidane - Moti is a 15 year old boy. He can release explosive waves of smoke in all directions at once.
Sanela Kirin - Sanela is an 11 year old girl. Sanela is able to manifest the physiology of ancient echinoderms such as sea urchins, stars and lilies.
Theodor Kraus - Theodor is a 13 year old boy. His power is taboo manipulation, the ability to make certain things forbidden within a certain field or circumstance.
Lissie Lauderdale - Lissie is a 17 year old girl. She is currently the only known transgender student at Janusz’. Her powers allow her to generate pheromones from her body which have a wide variety of applications, including acerbic, hallucinogenic, dulling, seductive and mental state manipulating pheromones.
Lorinda Lou - Lorinda is a 6 year old girl. She can release air waves in a variety of forms in a variety of pressures. This has multiple applications.
Lera Marchenko - Lera is an 8 year old girl. She has judgement manipulation powers, allowing her to bring down judgements on others instantaneously with her choice of consequence.
Morcant Mendelsohn - Morcant is an 18 year old boy. He is able to lock on to a target of choice, allowing him to trace them wherever they go, scan them for information and home in on them with attacks.
Freddie Miller - Freddie is a 15 year old girl. She can transform into and mimic the properties of electromagnetism. She can also use electromagnetism to fortify her normal body.
Aonghus Molloyi - Aonghus is a 6 year old boy. He can take on the traits of a Lavellan, monstrous, rodent-like and toxic. He is immune to disease and can tap into a feral state of mind.
Aishatu Musa - Aishatu is a 7 year old girl. She can generate whips formed from sonic sound energy.
Andile Mzikayise - Andile is a 7 year old girl. She has the physiology of an angel, however this has been twisted and mutated. Her body is naturally unstable, but her sister’s powers have kept her alive and well.
Sibongile Mzikayise - Sibongile is a 14 year old girl. Her abilities allow her to induce stability and balance in anything, keeping things solid and upright.
Gary Niewiarowski - Gary is an 18 year old boy. Gary has newt physiology. He is a strong swimmer, breathes through his skin and excretes a toxin through that skin. He is also one of the few students to be visibly mutated.
Pavla Novak - Pavla is an 11 year old girl. She can manipulate yellow lightning.
Etta Oakley - Etta is a 15 year old girl. She can manipulate, control and communicate with all forms of pinnipeds.
Steinunn Odinsdottir - Steinunn is a 3 year old girl. She can decrease the strength of gravity affecting an object, person or area. Tends to use this power to fly. Wheeeeee.
Olga Oropeza - Olga is a 6 year old girl. She can manipulate demonic light.
Jacob Petrov-Fierro - Jacob is a 17 year old boy. Jacob has large feathered wings, often referred to by friends as angel wings but probably more like those of an eagle. He can speak bird.
Serafin Pianka - Serafin is a 16 year old boy. He appears to lack nerves, is incapable of feeling or registering pain, and has impeccable automatic reflexes. He is capable of manipulating his own mental structure at will. Gives almost robotic, unfeeling machine vibes. Or mobile scarecrow vibes. He’s very flexible.
Cristal Rodriguez - Cristal is an 8 year old girl. She can create reverse worlds.
Daniel Royce - Daniel is a 13 year old boy. He is able to move at unnatural speeds.
Saturnina Saito - Saturnina is a 15 year old girl. She can channel her bio-energy field to create, shape, and manipulate the energies, forces, and substances that make up a quasar
Kynthia Salleas - Kynthia is a 6 year old girl who can heal others through any form of food she makes and serves.
Ainslee Savin - Ainslee is a 14 year old girl. She is able to take on the form of a Charybdis style sea monster, able to greatly increase her size and swallow and regurgitate large amounts of water, forming whirlpools as well as utilising this for other applications.
Shari Savin - Shari is a 14 year old girl. She is able to produce acid from her skin, infusing it to her skin to power up any strikes she makes.
Paola Scutari - Paola is a 12 year old girl. She is able to temporarily banish a target to a space located outside of space and time, to a location of her own creation.
Misaki Shiro - Misaki is a 16 year old girl. She is able to produce a sticky substance from her sweat glands, capable of holding her weight if she uses it to stick to or swing from a surface. This substance is highly volatile.
Jitka Sindelarova - Jitka is a 9 year old girl. She is able to cause targets to rapidly age.
Ruth Spud - Ruth is a 17 year old girl. She is able to create armies.
Antonia Stanley - Antonia is a 16 year old girl. Antonia has manifested fly physiology, having wings, the ability to crawl on walls, compound eyes, and the ability to pass on disease, alongside some other abilities.
Reagan Tarlton - Reagan is a 3 year old boy. Reagan’s abilities amount to an unnatural ability with scam artistry, essentially able to charm and persuade anyone as long as it is within the context of a scam.
Slavomir Tesar - Slavomir is a 6 year old boy. He is able to create shields out of ice.
Julie Thombre-Zalkikar - Julie is a 5 year old girl. She is able to touch and manipulate light as a physical object.
Roelof Van Dael - Roelof, or Roe, is a 12 year old boy. Roe is able to manipulate earth and rock in a variety of forms.
Nikon Vlasov - Nikon is an 8 year old boy. He can tame and domesticate creatures by placing his hand upon their heads.
Chanticleer Walker - Chanticleer is a 13 year old boy. Chanticleer is able to control and manipulate a variety of reptiles.
Amina White - Amina is a 16 year old girl. She has manifested Orchid Mantis physiology, allowing her camouflage, ambush predator instincts, toothed arms and a powerful bite.
Tramm Wi  - Tramm is a 16 year old boy. He is able to run at super speeds.
Kristian Worley - Kristian, or Krissie, is a 17 year old boy. He is able to transform his forearms into powerful blades.
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lamanie-litera · 11 months
Zaduch zmarłych
Zrywanie się, biegnięcie i znów siedzenie bez ruchu, na tym właściwie wyczerpywało się jego dzieciństwo. Są w nim pokoje z zaduchem zmarłych. Łóżka, które, rozesłane, tchną zapachem martwych. To czy inne słowo, które nadciągało przez korytarze, szumnie, słowo „nigdy” na przykład, inne: „szkoła”, słowo „śmierć” i „pogrzeb”. Całymi latami prześladowały go te słowa, zbijały z tropu, „wciągały w okropne stany”. Potem wydawały mu się znów niczym śpiew w niesamowitym samoczynnym ruchu: słowo „pogrzeb” ku cmentarzowi, daleko ponad cmentarz i ponad wszystkie cmentarze, w nieskończoność, w wyobrażenie, jakie ludzie mają o nieskończoności. – Moje wyobrażenie nieskończoności jest takie samo jak to, które miałem w wieku trzech lat. A nawet wcześniej. Zaczyna się ona tam, gdzie oczy nie sięgają. Gdzie nic nie sięga. I nie zaczyna się nigdy. – Dzieciństwo przyszło do niego, „jak przychodzi do domu człowiek ze starymi opowieściami, które są straszniejsze, niż można sobie wyobrazić, niż można odczuć, niż można znieść: i których, ponieważ słyszy się je stale, nigdy się nie słyszało. Jeszcze nigdy”. Dla niego dzieciństwo zaczyna się po lewej stronie drogi i prowadzi stromo w górę. – Odtąd myślałem wciąż o tym, że runę w dół. Że mogę runąć w dół. Pragnąłem tego i podejmowałem rozmaite próby w tym kierunku… ale nie wolno robić takich prób. Jest to z gruntu fałszywe. – Ciotki swymi szkaradnymi długimi rękami wciągały go do kostnicy, unosiły go wysoko ponad pozłacaną balustradę, żeby mógł zajrzeć głęboko do trumien. Wciskały mu w rękę kwiaty dla zmarłych, wciąż musiał je wąchać i wciąż słuchać: „Cóż to był za człowiek! Jak ona pięknie wygląda! W co go ubrali po śmierci! Patrz! Patrz!”. Zanurzały go „bezlitośnie w morzu rozkładu”. W pociągach słyszał siebie mówiącego: „naprzód”. W długie noce lubił szparę w uchylonych drzwiach pokoju dziadków, gdzie jeszcze pali się światło, gdzie jeszcze się opowiada, gdzie jeszcze się czyta. Napawał się ich wspólnym snem. Tym, że w jego odczuciu „spali razem jak owce”. Związani ze sobą oddechem. Ranki wstają nad żytniskiem. Nad jeziorem. Nad rzeką. Nad lasem. Zstępują ze wzgórz. W świeżym wietrze głosy ptaków. Wieczory tonące w trzcinie i milczeniu, do którego wygłasza swoje pierwsze modlitwy. Rżenie koni rozdziera ciemność. Przerażają go pijacy, furmani, nietoperze. Trzej martwi koledzy szkolni na drodze. Wywrócona łódka, do której topielec nie zdołał już dotrzeć. Olbrzymie bloki sera mają dość siły, by go przygnieść. Ukryty w piwnicy browaru boi się. Pośród nagrobków bawią się w grę, która polega na tym, że jeden rzuca liczby drugiemu. Trupie czaszki lśnią w słońcu. Drzwi otwierają się i zamykają. Na plebaniach jedzą. W kuchniach gotują. W rzeźniach szlachtują. W piekarniach pieką. W szewskich warsztatach łatają buty. W szkołach uczą: przy otwartych oknach, tak że człowieka ciarki przechodzą. Procesje ukazują kolorowe oblicza. Dzieci podawane do chrztu patrzą głupkowato. Za sprawą biskupa wszyscy wiwatują. Na nasypie mylą się kolejarskie czapki, co wywołuje śmiech mężczyzn, którzy mają na sobie tylko spodnie robocze, nic więcej. Pociągi. Światła pociągów. Glisty i chrząszcze. Orkiestry dęte. Potem wielcy ludzie na wielkich drogach: pociąg, od którego drży świat. Myśliwi zabierają go na polowania. Liczy ustrzelone kuropatwy, martwe kozice, położone jelenie. Zwierzyna płowa, zwierzyna czarna, co za rozróżnienia! Zwierzyna gruba. Zwierzyna drobna. Śnieg, który pada na wszystko. Życzenia z ósemką, życzenia z trzynastką. Rozczarowania, od których pościel wilgotnieje. Strumienie łez wobec tego, co niepojęte! Choć niespełna sześcioletni dopiero, a już w takim niemiłosierdziu!
Miasta burzące się przeciwko swoim wynalazcom.
– Dzieciństwo biegnie wciąż za człowiekiem jak mały pies, który był kiedyś wesołym towarzyszem, a którego trzeba teraz pielęgnować i kurować, dawać mu tysiące leków, żeby nie umarł niepostrzeżenie. – Podąża ono wzdłuż rzek i zapuszcza się w górskie wąwozy. Wieczór, jeśli mu pomóc, konstruuje najdroższe i najbardziej zawiłe kłamstwa. Nie chroń nikogo przed bólem i oburzeniem. Przyczajone koty przecinają człowiekowi drogę mrocznymi myślami. Jak jego, tak i mnie wciągały pokrzywy na krótkie chwile w diabelską rozpustę. Jak on, tak i ja kruszyłem strach malinami, jeżynami. Stado wron ukazywało śmierć w ułamku sekundy. Deszcz przynosił wilgoć i zwątpienie. Radość wysnuwała się z koron szczawi. – Kołdra śniegu okrywała ziemię jak dziecko. – Nie było zakochania, śmieszności, ofiary. – W klasach szkolnych układały się proste myśli, bezustannie. – Potem miejskie sklepy ze swoim mięsnym zapachem. Fasady i mury, nic tylko fasady i mury, aż znów trafiało się na wieś, często niespodziewanie, z dnia na dzień. Gdzie znów zaczynały się łąki, żółte, zielone; brązowe pola, czarne lasy. Dzieciństwo: strząsane z drzewa, tyle owoców i ani chwili dla nich! Tajemnica jego dzieciństwa jest tylko w nim samym. Dzikie wyrastanie, tam gdzie były konie, ptactwo, mleko i miód. Potem znów: uprowadzenie z tego pierwotnego stanu, przykucie do zamysłów, które go przerastały. Plany wobec niego. Utysiąckrotnione możliwości, które kurczą się do zapłakanego popołudnia. Do trzech, czterech pewności. Niezmiennych. Do trzech, czterech zasad. Prawideł. – Jak wcześnie można wytworzyć w sobie odrazę. Już dziecko dąży do wszystkiego bez słowa. I nic nie osiąga. – Dzieci są przecież dużo bardziej dociekliwe niż dorośli. – Wywlekacze historii. Bez skrupułów. Karciciele historii. Wydobywacze klęsk. Bezwzględni jak nikt. – Dziecko, zanim jeszcze potrafi obchodzić się z chustkami do nosa, jest zabójcze dla wszystkiego. Często – jak i dla mnie – jest to dla niego cios, kiedy doznaje wrażenia, którego doświadczył jako dziecko, a które, wywołane przez jakiś zapach czy barwę, nie pamięta już samego siebie. – W takiej chwili jest się przeraźliwie samotnym.
Thomas Bernhard, Mróz, tłum. Sławomir Błaut, Czytelnik 2020.
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