#tor skirata
mamuzzy · 1 year
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cuminhoid · 2 months
how it started: jango getting railed where it ended up:
For the first few years, Kal hadn’t really gone out of his way to help Jango transition to life with the Haat’ade (a feeling Il’buir shared)...
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b2-ar19 · 6 days
Mandalorian head cannons part three: Accents
Concord Dawn: A thick, country western accent. Often noted for its roughness and harsh sounding words. To Mando'ade living on Mandalore, it is intelligible, and it is considered butchered Mando'a by the upper class. Jango Fett and Jaster Mereel have really strong Concord Dawn accents, Jaster slowly lost his as Mand'alor. It only comes out when mad or frustrated. Kal Skirata also has a Concord Dawn accent, but it as not as thick, unlike Jaster's and Jango's. Arla Fett had one, but she lost it due to her time as Death Watch's prisoner. Pre Vizsla had one as well, but Tor 'conditioned' it out of him. Boba Fett has it, but it is softer than Jango's or Jaster's.
Mandalore: Standard Mando'a accent. It only changes when one is in Keldabe or in Sunduri. This is the accent a lot of Mando'ade have.
Sunduri: Sunduri accents mirror High Coruscant accents, with soft flowery words. It is jarring to traditionalists, who are used to the roughness and bluntness that is Mando'a.
Concordia: A bastardization of so many different accents. But similar to Concord Dawn's.
Krowncurst: Very rough. It is often described as being blunt and short to the point. No room for BS.
The clones: Pidgin Mando'a. No describable accent, due to the different trainers they had. The ALPHA-class and the CC clones have an accent that was the closest to a Concord Dawn accent. The Corries lost theirs due to being in Coruscant during the duration of the war.
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booklindworm · 1 year
Mando'a Dialects in- and out-of-universe
Outgame (irl) there are several different versions of Mandoʻa: The Shadows of the Empire Soundtrack version (Notron Cant), the Republic Commando Soundtrack version (Jesse Harlin's text), the Old Republic version (as seen in SWtOR or KotOR), the Republic Commando Novels version (Karen Traviss' version), the Mandoa.org version (their forum members made up a lot of extra vocabulary), several different tumblr versions, and the Disney version (as in the TV-series Star Wars Rebels). They all have distinctive similarities (the Notron Cant is an exception), but unfortunately, they also all somewhat differ. Since Karen Traviss published her Mandoʻa version online, complete with a dictionary, the Mandoa.org version and most tumblr versions are based on her version. Her version in turn is vaguely based on Jesse Harlin's version-the first Mandoʻa on file, so to say. I myself see them as different dialects or development stages of the same language.
See, Karen Traviss' Mandoʻa and also most of Mandoa.org's Mandoʻa uses Basic (i.e. English) grammar with a Mandalorian vocabulary, so I call that version Soldiers' Pidgin. It's obviously (ingame) a creole language that came into existence after the Mandalorian diaspora. It is this Soldiers' Pidgin that Kal Skirata taught his children (the Nulls) and possibly also the language that the Alphas taught other, younger clones (e.g. the CC class or the ARC-troopers) as a "secret" language to hide from the Kaminoans. If it was used by the clones in such a way, the GAR should have its own dialect. The different internet versions of Mandoʻa all seem to be based on Karen Traviss' dictionary, so I see them as different dialects of the Soldiers' Pidgin. The same reasoning can be applied to Disney's Mandoʻa.
The language of Vode An, Graʻtua Cuun, Darasuum Kote, etc. on the other hand uses a grammar that differs from Basic. It is an older form of Mandoʻa, probably the Mandoʻa spoken on Mandaʻyaim before the Excision - seven-hundred years ago. It's a lot more interesting (for me, at least). I propose calling it Classic Mandoʻa. It has its own grammar; it has a similar vocabulary as Soldiers' Pidgin, but with distinct and sometimes varying pronunciations (sometimes depending on the rhyme or rhythm of the song); it has a lot of epitaphs and kennings and references and can have very flowery phrasing. It's used, in or around the time of Palpatine's Empire, predominantly in older songs and poems. An irl-equivalent could be Shakespearean English.
We can probably view the (archaic) tOR version as vaguely translated into modern Mandoʻa (Soldiers' Pidgin, probably) since there is exactly no way that the language changes so little in over 3000 years. I also propose that the Basic back then has very few similarities to the Basic that's spoken during the Skywalker Wars.
Missing is a sort of current, modern version of Classic Mandoʻa. I think that is (sadly) very realistic. A society that is so broken up by something like orbital bombardment would likely, over the centuries, develop several different creole versions and try to keep their original language as unchanged as possible, leading to exactly the combination described above.
Here are some other people's thoughts:
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cienie-isengardu · 9 months
Jango Fett and Walon Vau: Galidraan and its consequences
For @delkios, sorry it took me so long to finish this part!
Previous parts: Age Difference & Childhood Trauma & < The Laws, Orders, Jaster Mereel and True Mandalorians (pre-Galidraan)>
With no doubt, Galidraan is the breaking point, both in the history of True Mandalorians and the personal relationship between Jango Fett and Walon Vau.
The Mandalorians under Jango’s leadership spent 8 years looking for Death Watch and their search led them to Galidraan. Hired by the governor of the planet, Mandalorians suppressed the insurrection
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[source - Jango Fett: Open Seasons, issue #3]
and in return Jango demanded the location of his enemy, Tor Vizsla,
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[source - Jango Fett: Open Seasons, issue #3]
but as it turned out, Fett and his people walked into a trap. Governor of Galidraan worked for Vizsla and on the man’s order, begged the Jedi Order to aid him against True Mandalorians under false accusation. 
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[source - Jango Fett: Open Seasons, issue #3]
When the Jedi approached Fett’s men, Jango ordered an attack that finally led to massacre. Fett was the sole Mandalorian survivor and after being turned over to governor, he was sold in slavery at the age of 22. He spent a few years as a slave until a pirate attack gave Jango an opportunity to free himself, then came back to Galidraan to retrieve usurped armor. Soon after that he found and killed Tor Vizsla. Instead of coming back to Mandalorians, he decided to go into bounty hunting.
As was mentioned in the previous part, various people, with emphasis on Jango’s own men, did not have a good opinion about Fett. He was called “a disgrace”, “unhinged”, “self-centered” and "selfish" among other things, while sources presented him in general as a loner.  Of course, years spent on Kamino and creation of clone army did affect Mandalorians’ memory of Jango however as tie-in material says, despite the reputation of selfish loner, Jango in fact considered True Mandalorians as his adoptive family and death of his comrades affected him deeply.
Fact Files, issue 22
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“Forgotten amongst the carnage was the young man who had arrived a stranger, but now carried with him the remnants of a group he had come to call his own. Jango was turned over to the people of Galidraan, who made him a slave. He eventually escaped, retaining the helmet and armor that he proudly worn when fought alongside his peers. He had been robbed of a family for a second time - from now on the bounty hunter’s mission would be one of self-preservation.”
Fact Files vol. 3, issue 14
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“His vow of revenge fulfilled, bereft of family and purpose and with little else calling on him, Jango traded on his considerable martial skills and became a bounty hunter. [...] Bounty hunting was not enough, however, to fill the empty hole in his life.”
And the most telling itself evidence is the fact that Jango Fett took part in Darth Sidious and Darth Tyrannus’ plan to destroy Jedi Order with army cloned from his own DNA:
Jango Fett: Open Seasons, issue #4
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Dooku: [...] I have no doubt that your clones will be the most formidable soldiers the galaxy has ever known. In time, they will be instrumental in the destruction of the Jedi. Jango: That's what I'm counting on... [...]
Republic Commando: Order 66
Vau straightened up. "You never liked Jango, did you?" "I liked him enough. What I didn't like was how he ended up. Jango never gave a toss about anyone but himself. Some Mandalore he turned out to be-he was always away in the latter years, and he was as bad as the Jedi when it came to turning a blind eye to what was happening to his clones. No, Shysa's a fool if he thinks a Fett dynasty is good for Manda'yaim. We're better off without him." "You reckon?" "I do. Sorry, but I do. You suddenly his best mate or something?" Vau suddenly grabbed Skirata by the collar. Shab, he was strong; he almost lifted Skirata bodily as he shoved him against the bulkhead. They'd brawled many times, drawn blood, come close to killing each other, but Skirata had never seen Vau lose his temper, not once. And that was enough to stun him into silence. "Now do you see? Do you?" Vau hissed the sibilant like escaping steam. Mird cowered on the floor, whining softly. "I'm sick to death of your sentimental twaddle about Jango betraying us by letting Kamino use his genes. He did it to stop the Jedi. He did it to create an army strong enough to bring them down. You drone on about the injustice of unelected elites, my little working-class hero-well, now they're gone. Yes, it cost our boys' lives, but the Jedi are gone, gone, gone. And they won't be killing Mandalorians again, not for a long time. Maybe never."
Additional Commentary: The same as for fallen True Mandalorians, Jango’s dedication to Jaster Mereel was not subdued with passing time:
Bounty Hunter game (2002)
Rozatta: "Ugh! I can't believe you're still flying that relic, Jango. Why don't you spend some of your hard-earned cash on a new ship?" Jango Fett: "Not a chance. She belonged to Jaster Mereel." Rozatta: "I know, I know, the Mandalorian soldier who took you under his wing. You ever think maybe you hang on to that ship—those memories—because you're looking for someone to take under your own wing?"
Jango Fett: Open Seasons, issue 4 
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Side note: Jango’s loyalty to Jaster Mereel was unshaken by years though it seems the desire to have an apprentice to pass Jaster’s legacy changed over time into a true sense of fatherhood - a fatherhood affected by Jango’s own trauma. 
Attack of the Clones novelization by R. A. Salvatore
Other than that, though, this was just a job, well paying and easy enough. Financially, he couldn’t have asked for more, but more important, only the Kaminoans could have given him Boba-not just a son, but an exact replica. Boba would give Jango the pleasure of seeing all that he might have become had he grown up with a loving and caring father, a mentor who cared enough to criticize, to force him to perfection. He was as good as it got concerning bounty hunters, concerning warriors, but he had no doubt that Boba, bred and trained for perfection, would far outshine him to become one of the greatest warriors the galaxy had ever known.
Despite Jango’s selfishness and lone nature, I think we may all agree losing his men on Galidraan is what ultimately defined his adult life. 
Now, let’s look at Walon Vau. There is no hard evidence why the Mandalorian did not take a part in Galidraan mission - my current theory, explained in previous part, is the possibility that Jango bent or even broke the moral principles of the previous leader in his quest of avenging Jaster Mereel’s death, a line that Vau refused to cross himself. Whether my theory is true or not, Walon didn’t show up on Galidraan, what saved his life, but he regretted that choice.
Republic Commando: Order 66
Vau didn’t meet Skirata’s eyes for a moment, but he glanced at Jusik. “I could have been at Galidraan, but I wasn’t, and I never forgot that. Not my fight. Should have been my fight.” “And you could have been dead, now, too. Bard'ika, if you don’t know-”
Vau shrugged. “I let him down once.” Vau would never shake off that feeling of having failed, the legacy of his vile father. He’d instilled it into his clones, despite himself. “But I never let him down again.”
The most interesting thing about Walon’s choice of words - the not my fight - is how he said a similar statement in next part of the series, the Imperial Commando: 501st, whose action takes place after Order 66 and Jedi Purge and the Mandalorian characters are forced to choose between helping Jedi survivors or not:
"They say half of his followers aren't even Force-sensitives," Jusik said. "And apparently thousands of Padawans trained at his academy-based onboard a ship. If he was really into power, we'd know all about it by now." "No wonder he got away," Skirata said. "Keep moving. Smart shabuir." "Are you taking any of this in?" Vau snapped. "Have you completely forgotten the last three years? The whole point of the war? Not Palpatine's war. Jango's war." Vau turned and stabbed a finger in Ordo's direction. "Why do you think he was created? To fill some emotional void in your sorry life? No. Jango did it to put an end to the Jedi because we can't trust them. We've never been able to trust them. He banked everything on letting Dooku use his DNA to build the only army that had a chance of taking these hut'uune down. And now you're talking about making concessions to them. You make me sick." "In case you hadn't noticed," Skirata said, suddenly unnaturally calm, "the winning side doesn't like us much, either. We're still under the heel of Force-users. Just one with a red lightsaber." "So why put us at risk? Why not just shoot Zey and have done with it? Kina Ha-that I can understand. She's a lab specimen. Scout-part of the package. But Zey? Let him go, and he'll search out his pals and try to rebuild the old Order. You don't need to do a deal with Altis to take them off your hands. You need a Verpine rifle and some guts." "Okay, mir'sheb, you go and finish them off. An old woman and a child. Ori'jagyc. Big man." "You think I wouldn't?" "If you don't-then what are we going to do with them?" "We get this far." Vau spread his arms. "We get this far. We finally get rid of the Jedi and its groveling lackeys. And what do you do? You help them survive and regroup. You, of all people. One minute you hate their guts and see them as the enemy, the next you go soft on them. Oldest trick in the book-put children and old folks and pitiful wrecks in the line of fire to shield a cowardly army. You know how we despise an enemy that tries to exploit that." "It's... not about that, Walon." Vau made a sweeping gesture of disgust. "If Fett were alive today, he'd spit on you, you know that? What did all those clones die for, Kal? So we could give the Jedi a second chance? Sheb'urcyin... aruetii." Butt-kisser. Traitor. Ordo waited for Skirata to swing a punch. He didn't. He just took it in silence. Vau turned and stalked off, snapping his fingers at Mird to follow him. Jusik shuffled his boots and looked embarrassed. "I think everyone revises history under stress," Jusik said. "He's forgotten that nobody knew Jango had set this up until the Purge happened. None of us had any idea what the clone army was really for, beyond something the Jedi Council didn't ask enough questions about." "He's right, though, isn't he?" Skirata still stood staring down at the floor. "I go out of my way to do the decent thing for Jedi. But I won't help my own Mand'alor." "You make it sound as if you had a plan that took account of all this, Buir," Ordo said. "Your only plan was to save as many of us as you could. You never set out to smash the Jedi Order, Fett did. It's a separate issue." [...] Jusik waited until Skirata was out of earshot and shrugged. "I hate it when they're both right. Come on. Better stand by to stop him throttling Zey." Vau had been far closer to Jango Fett than Skirata ever had. He understood-perhaps too late, but eventually-the depth of Fett's loathing of the Jedi. They'd cost Fett everything he held dear; the Death Watch had robbed him of more-a family and a surrogate father-but Fett still bided his time for years and saved his supreme act of revenge for the Jedi. That told Ordo everything. And you won, Jango. Shame you didn't live to see it.
In Republic Commando: True Colors, Walon himself admitted to having “little time for anyone else, regardless of species” with exception of Mird and clone troopers. The books made it clear he is an emotionally closed man, very detached to the point Etain compared his cold calmness to those of Jedi Masters. When it comes to Galidraan, he didn’t openly speak about missing any fallen comrade who died back then, only that he specifically failed Jango Fett.  
Side note: The only(?) Mandalorian from Vau’s past who was not Jango Fett nor connected to main heroes mentioned in book was his adoptive father:
Even I had a second father to adopt me … too late, maybe, but better than never… [Republic Commando: True Colors]
If adoptive father decided to go with Jango to Galidraan and died there, Vau would have another layer of guilt over not being there and to hate Death Watch. However the narration of Vau’s feelings about destroying the Jedi Order is still presented as “Jango’s war”. Considering how bond between father and son is very important in Mandalorian culture (especially the version spread by Kal Skirata), Vau rarely mentioned his adoptive father but we have three books in row (True Colors, Order 66 and Imperial Commando: 501st)  in which his thought are focused on Jango - how clones do not remind him the man , about Fett’s childhood, hate for Jedi and time in slavery, and even how Boba must feel now after losing a father.
The most interesting part is how the revenge on Tor Vizsla’s Death Watch and Jedi is framed as Jango’s war, not his and such narration doesn’t change even months after Jedi Purge. It is always Jango’s war, a battle Vau did not supported in the past but now will carry on Jango’s wish to destroy Jedi once and for good, as he argue against helping Jedi survivors - the children may not be count as the danger to Mandalorians by him, but he does not show much sympathy for a former Jedi General Zey which whom he worked quite closely in the past of two years. 
Vau’s loyalty to his former leader is surprising, as there were not so many people he openly cared about to this level. What is also worth to mention, Walon had no idea Jango’s part in creating Great Army of Republic was about revenge against Jedi, but from all Mandalorians hired by Fett, only he connected all the dots once Palpatine issued Order 66, what implies Vau may have the best understanding of the Jango's background, motivation and determination.
Republic Commando: Order 66
It was crowded in the small submarine. They all had cabins or bunk space, and Skirata wanted everyone to keep clear of the main crew deck, mainly because he was getting agitated with folks trying to keep out of his way. But also because he was worried about Vau. The old chakaar had taken the news about Sev in complete silence, not a twitch on his face, and that usually meant things within him were fermenting at an unhealthy rate. Vau stood leaning with one hand flat on the bulkhead the other tucked in his belt while he gazed down at his boots. Mird sat at his feet, staring intently into his face. Vau obviously wasn't looking at the strill. "Walon," Skirata said "can I do anything?" "I understand" Vau said quietly. "I actually get it. Shab, why didn't I see this coming?" His tone was so un-Vau-like that it got instant silence on the deck. "You want to talk?" Skirata asked. It was a lousy time. "What's the problem?" "Jango . . . Jango had patience. Jango could wait for eternity if he had to. And wayii, it seems he could wait after death, too."
Thanks to Kal Skirata, we know Vau was included in the project by Jango much earlier than the rest of hired Mandalorians:
Republic Commando: Order 66
"You never told me what you got up to on Kamino in the time before the rest of the Cuy'val Dar showed up,” Skirata said, trying to look as if he’d taken the outburst in stride. “So what else are you going to tell me?” Shab, they might not have been best buddies from birth, but they were as close as two Mando'ade could get. 
and actually Walon had some influence over Jango’s decisions in regard who should be hired:
Vau shrugged. “I let him down once.” Vau would never shake off that feeling of having failed, the legacy of his vile father. He’d instilled it into his clones, despite himself. “But I never let him down again.” “Don’t beat yourself up. I should have been at Galidraan, too.” “I know,” said Vau. “That’s why I chose you for the Cuy'val Dar.” Skirata grappled with the stomach-knotting realization that he really didn’t know Vau half as well as he thought he did. He chose me. Shab, he chose me. “Okay, Walon, answer me this, will you? No osik. Did Jango want me on the team?” “We discussed all personnel fully.” “Don’t talk like some shabla administrator to me. Did he want me?” Vau wavered for a moment. Outbursts and wavering in one night; it was all revelations. “You know Jango. He could get his downs on people, and then he’d see sense. Does it matter a shab now?”
We may not have a specific time frame when Jango Fett started trusting Walon Vau so much nor the reason for that, but without a doubt those two men shared a strong bond. At the same time, judging by Skirata’s words “You suddenly his best mate or something?” said to Vau in regard to his opinion about Jango suggests that either Kal didn’t notice their bond before and on Kamino or Jango and Walon did not flaunt much with their, if not friendship then at least professional working relationship. Both possibilities make sense, as Kal was at odds with Vau and Fett during the Kamino era so he could not care one way or another, while Jango and Walon were loners by nature.
Next part: Clone Troopers Training on Kamino
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elisemscott1122 · 1 year
Different Mandalorian Houses (Canon and Legends):
modern day, only Canon clans:
* House Viszla
- Tarre Viszla - creator of the Dark Saber
- Pre Viszla (Death Watch Leader)
- Paz Viszla (Children of the Watch)
- Ragnar (Children of the Watch)
* House Kryze:
- Bo-Katan Kryze (Nite Owl)
- Satine Kryze (during clone wars, Duchess of Mandalore. New age)
- Korkie Kryze
- (Bo-Katan’s father, mentioned in The Mandalorian show season 3)
* House Kast
- Rook Kast
- Veraslayan Kast
* Clan Wren: (first loyal to the Empire)
- Sabine Wren (Ghost Crew, Rebels)
- Ursa Wren
- Tristan Wren
- Alrich Wren
* Clan Saxon: (loyal to the Empire)
- Gar Saxon (killed by Ursa Wren)
- Tiber Saxon
* Clan Eldar
* Clan Rook (vassal of House Kast)
- Rook Kast
- Tayari Rook
* Clan Awaud: (eventually rebel alliance ties)
- Nam Beroya (leader)
- Vera Beroya (leader)
- Aga Awaud
* Clan Mudhorn
- Din Djarin
- Din Grogu
Legends clans/dissolved clans:
* Clan Keldau
* Clan Bralor
- Neth Bralor (leader)
- Jogo
- Rav Bralor (hired by Jango Fett to train the clone armies)
* Clan Cadera
- Jicoln Cadera (leader)
- Torian Cadera (leader)
* Clan Beviin
- Dinua Jeban (adopted)
* Clan Beroya (tied to clan Awaud later on)
* Clan Carid
- Baltan Carid
* Clan Deshra
* Clan Detta
- Suvar Detta
- Cham Detta
* Clan Kaja
- Kaja Honn (leader&founder)
* Clan Chorn
* Esok’s Clan
- Esok
* Clan Farr
- Ceta Farr
- Yenko Farr
* Clan Fett (mainly legends)
- Jango Fett
- Boba Fett
- Cassus Fett
- Arla Fett
- Sintas Vel
- Ailyn Fett
- Makin Marec
- Mirta Gev
- Vorten Fett
- Khomo Fett
- Melvin Fett
*Clone Troopers were not considered a part of clan Fett although they shared Jango Fett’s DNA*
* Clan Gedyc
- Lorka Gedyc (once head of Death Watch)
* Clan Ha’arangir (named after Mandalorian war God Kad Ha’ariangir)
- Kur Ha’arangir (leader)
* Clan Itera
* Clan Jeban
- Dinua Jeban
- Briika Jeban
* Clan Jendri
* Clan Jennis
* Clan Kelborn
- Merrk Kelborn
* Clan Keldau
* Clan Lok
- Artus Lok
- Mirli Lok
* Clan Lone
- Zadik Lone
- Akaavi Spar (left her clan to be with Lone)
* Clan Ordo
- Canderous Ordo
- Chernan Ordo
- Jekiah Ordo
* Clan Priest
- Dred Priest
* Clan Rodarch
* Clan Shale
- Arla Shale
* Clan Sharrat
- Kassor Quade
* Clan Skirata
- Kal Skirata
- Munin Skirata
- Ruusaan Skirata
- Jaing Skirata
- Ilippi Skirata
- Tor Skirata
- Ijaat Skirata
- Kad Skirata
- Jedi Bardan Jusik
- Jedi Etain Tur-Mukan
- Omega Squad- Niner Skirata, Atin Skirata, Darman Skirata, Fi Skirat
- the Nulls
* Clan Sornell
- Koblus “Ko” Sornell
- Haarm
- Gheedor
- Two unnamed Sornell children, and expecting one
* Clan Spar
- Akavvi Spar
* Clan Tenau
* Clan Varad
- Mavrix Varad
- Tyrus Brokenblade
* Clan Vevut
- Novoc Vevut
- Ghes Orade
- Mirta Gev
* Clan Nerak
- Ballag (leader)
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thedrown · 1 year
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Ghosts of The Separatists- Clan Sevelis
 The family of Sikha and Noma’s flyboy friend Amato, Mandalorian clan Sevelis is a fragmented shadow of it’s former self with the future of their legacy laid solely upon Amato’s shoulders...
  The current patriarch and matriarch of the clan are Amato’s parents, Amadeo Sevelis and Okka Maro. Amadeo was groomed essentially from birth to be the heir and future leader of the clan and took to this position as a young man choosing to answer the call of Jaster Mereel’s True Mandalorians in the pursuit of true honour. Before this his kin were little more than an obscure clan who found a niche in offering military training to various Outer Rim worlds left to fend off pirates alone. Unglamorous and not terribly well paying either, the True Mandalorians instead offered a chance for clan Sevelis to rise to something greater and in doing so become apart of uplifting all Mandalorians in the process. In preparation for their new duties Amadeo left his compatriots to prepare their armory and assets as he travelled to Makeb seeking out an old legend told to him by his father. On a remote floating island there would be an ancient warrior clad in the armour of a bygone era of Mandalorian glory and tribulation whom would determine if Amadeo was worthy to undertake this new endeavour in his clan’s leadership.  After months on the planet he would return to Mandalore sporting weathered and battered armour barely in one piece, but he returned triumphant and ready to pledge himself and his kin to real honour. While his clan subsequently gained respect and a level of prestige for their valor during the ensuing civil war with Tor Vizsla’s Death Watch, the disaster at Galidraan all but eradicated their numbers as well as any hope of enduring the post-war struggle of an ever changing Mandalore. Reduced to only a few families, distant and otherwise, Sevelis was crippled and just to survive Amadeo was lucky to join House Skirata as a vassal. Though this carried the image of being accepted moreso for pity than merit only deepening this dark time for them. With all this in mind it came to Amadeo that with the birth of his son there was only one avenue for his future, the future of their entire clan.
 Amato’s mother on the other hand married into Sevelis with her union to Amadeo. Unlike the Sevelis who sought out greater accolades, the Maro family instead operated outside the usual clan and house dynamics of many Mandalorians. As the name implies, they were but a single large, multi-generational family who were exceptionally aggressive fighters that could be found on the harshest worlds and serving the most ruthless warlords. Their reputation for chasing danger was only tempered by their encouragement of marrying off many of each succesive generation into larger houses and clans counter to trying to grow their own as most would. To the Maros it was a very simple principle: individual excellence in the combat arts to the highest discpline and to then “teach” others by adding their way of life into other clans irrelevant how small the effect. If even just their immediate child grew into the Maro mold then that was considered earning their place of honour in the family legacy.   Okka was no different, she was a fierce walking arsenal favouring slimmed yet heavy armour sealed tightly to the body and reinforced throughout while her weapon of choice are two large blaster cannon pods mounted to her gauntlets. It’s unclear how she met Amadeo though rumours abound they were on opposite ends of a bounty and in their competing efforts eventually came together over the mutual frustration of being unable to best the other in direct combat. Whatever the true story, they were and still remain a happily married couple with Okka’s unique background of individuality making her lack the stresses of her future obsessed husband. This made her only a slightly less overbearing guardian to Amato however as while she didnt put on the emotional burden of their entire clan onto him, she did throw him into the lion’s den when it came to developing his skills as a warrior. Yet despite this, Amato always felt closer to his mother due to her encouragement for his small achievments unlike his largely withdrawn father; something that made an unexpected incident the impetus for Amato finally returning to confront his Mandalorian heritage and define it by his own terms.
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
Whaaaaaat me managing to slip in some Kal Skirata low-key misogyny for old-time's sake into my fanfic?
Look, Traviss wrote that man into the fucking ground and has kinda ruined the character for life with the last Rep Comm book. Some hot and medium-spicy takes below.
I MAY end up cutting this, I'm kinda on the fence. Jaster makes a comment to the gathered boys about how you can sell everything up to and including your body but if you sell out your honor, you can't ever get it back. (This is in regards to his past experience with Tor Vizsa for context)
And I had Skirata make a flippant comment on how he thought it interesting Jaster would put that above selling your body and Jaster kinda calls him out saying he's not going to judge someone for selling their bodies so long as it's their choice and they have a say in the matter. And then points out they sell themselves just like sex workers do they simply sell their martial skills but they're no better than sex workers and he has no right to feel like he's superior somehow because of it.
Which I kinda want to keep because I think it kinda demonstrates Jaster's kinda pretty clear-eyed view on what they do and how he's remarked multiple times in canon about how they are selling their skills for money and don't look down on them because they do that. They comport themselves with honor and have a code of ethics but they are still mercenaries. (Also this is me projecting but I like the idea of Jaster being pro-sex worker and respecting the hustle) Maybe I am soapboxing a little bit here.
So yeah, I'm kinda waffling on this. I also have a low-key hate boner for Kal Skirata because of his pretty overt misogyny throughout the Rep Comm books. Like to the point in the last book I wanted to take a fucking shower and claw my skin off.
Which again I ask myself why am I including two characters I dislike in my fic? FUCK IF I KNOW. Maybe I'm trying to work out some of my personal issues with the characters in my own way.
Maybe I'm hoping if Jaster doesn't die, Jango doesn't lead them to disaster on Galidraan and proceed to go off the deep end, they won't turn out as bad as they did in the Rep Comm books.
Hmmm gonna add some spicy trigger warnings to this post just to be safe.
Also welcome the shit 1:00 El thinks about I guess. Anything I post after midnight is prolly going to be some level of fucked or unhinged in someway.
I’m like a fucking mogwai who got fed after midnight. And if you don’t get that reference you’re prolly too young to be around the parts. Go ask your parents or google that shit. 🙃
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stellevatum · 5 months
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Consider this timeline as a rough outline or default sort of thing. Especially in her later timeline where the directions can be split into divergent verses (Example: Guardian Verse is the “Main” for that timeline, Kingmaker II is an alternate timeline), so please check out the Verses page if you’re looking for a specific verse and details!
I don’t know BL’s indication of time, so I just have the BBY/ABY from SW and the CE from ME.
Prior to 43 BBY 2160 CE:
A child is born…somewhere…at some point to Celestials– one of the first born in a long time. (At least tens of thousands of years.) They are named Nari'ad – the Wanderer/Traveler. They are expected to be bridge from their now-isolationist race to the universe beyond.
Conflict among the Celestials break out on whether or not this should happen. They have had thousands of years of relative security cut off from the younger races, other think it should be prudent to have someone like Nari'ad.
Skira, the second eldest of Kad'Harangir’s children (the avatar of Vengeance) steals her sibling away and leaves out in wilds of her family’s former domains to die. Her older brother and twin Tor, makes sure the child is found.
43-42 BBY | 2160 CE:
Kar is found by Kaan Alor’ade – A True Mandalorian aligned with Jaster Mereel– in a ruined shrine to Kad Ha'rangir, an ancient Mandalorian god on Mandalore. 
Anakin Skywalker is born on Tatooine.
Ruusaan is born on Mandalore.
40 BBY | 2163 CE:
Death Watch sacks the Alor'ade stronghold on Mandalore, destroying it entirely. Juri Mirdalaan dies protecting her daughters. A grieving Kaan turns fanatical as he flees to his wife’s clan on Concord Dawn to entrust them Ruusaan, leaving the rearing of Kar to him.
39 BBY | 2164 CE:
Kar’s Force abilities manifest, leaving a Jedi envoy to Concord Dawn. They are chased off at gunpoint by a very protective Kaan, which takes the girl back to Mandalore with him to begin her training.
34 BBY | 2169 CE:
Death Watch massacre locals on Galidraan and incite Battle of Galidraan between the Jedi and True Mandalorians.
Kaan dies on Galidraan. It is debated if he was killed by a Jedi, or by his own daughter. The answer is never known.
Kaan’s brother Ven, who manipulated the skirmish now is clan leader and (grudgingly) guardian to his young ward. 
The New Mandalorians, led by Adonai Kryze end the civil war with the help of the Republic. Adonai is made Duke of Mandalore and offers amnesty to his Alor'ade Cousins– an offer that is refused by the Death Watch aligned Ven.
32 BBY | 2171 CE: (V: Cuy'val Dar )
The events of Phantom Menace occur.
Kar undergoes her verd'goten on Dxun. In reality it is an assassination attempt. She “passes” after fooling her would-be assassins and leading then in a week long chase.
Jango Fett becomes the clone template for the Clone Army and recruits some of the best of Mandalore to follow him to Kamino.
With that, Kar leaves for Kamino under the protection of her Uncle Jango and subsequently forgotten more or less.
Kar’s lifetime friendship with Mereel Skirata and the Nulls begins on Kamino.
Circa 21-22 BBY | 2180-81 CE:
Kar returns to Mandalore from Kamino. Talks between her and her cousin, the Duchess Satine, begin with hopes of avoiding another civil war. It is agreed upon Kar will not make any claims against her cousin in return she can so to the university of her choice with the blessings and support of her cousin.
Before the agreement is finalized, her uncle Ven has his Death Watch allies abduct and sell Kar to Zygerrian slavers before the cousins can come to agreement, neutralizing her as a threat and claiming she simply left on her own accord.
22 BBY | 2181 CE: (V: Clone Wars)
The events of Attack of the Clones occurs.
Kar is recruited into Republic Intelligence after being recovered from a gladiatorial ring in the Outer Rim. She becomes the Chancellor’s Hand– an agent only answerable to him. In reality she begins her tenure as his Sith Apprentice.
Kar begins to develop and building what eventually becomes QOSMA utilizing her resources her position gives her.
21-Late 20 BBY | 2181-82 CE:
After an experiment on Force Sensitive younglings goes wrong. Palpatine sends her to tie up the lose ends. Refusing to kill literal children, Kar attempts to smuggle them off world. The smugglers and children are killed by Republic Forces under Palpatine’s command.
After a confrontation with Palpatine, Kar defects from the Grand Army and leaves Coruscant with several other defectors, disappearing into Dark Space.
19 BBY | 2183:  (V: Defection)
The events of Revenge of the Sith occur.
The Jedi Purge Occurs.
While officially listed as KIA, the Emperor still has posted a bounty for information on her alive or dead
The events of Mass Effect occur.
The small Mandalorian tribe began selling their skills as mercenaries on Omega.
Kar finishes the first live iteration of QOSMA, her AI assistant in secret; rumors claim with help from Alec Ryder.
Cerberus turns their eye towards the expatriates; Project Pandora is the tenuous alliance between them, only accepted out of desperation. Cerberus allows them to afford to life; humanity gets a extra-galactic technical advantage.
18 BBY | 2184:
Kar defects from Cerberus, destroying Project Pandora and embezzling funds to assure her family’s survival
Kar’s Mandalorian band has become a bit of success, able to make ends meet. The charismatic woman soon even gathers non-Mandalorians into their fold, making as many allies as enemies.
One ally is the salarian doctor Mordin Solus. Helping both Ruusaan and Kar in there own ways; Ruusaan starting as a medical assistant, Kar finally starting her path in academia in an accelerated salarian university through connections of her “Mentor”.
18-17 BBY | 2184-85 CE: (V: Mandalore)
The formation of the first Mandalorian colony under her guidance. Soon the consequence of colonization brings them to the galactic attention. 
17-16 BBY - 2185-86:
The Citadel Council offers an embassy for the Mandalorians, expecting it to be a token gesture. They would be proven wrong, their ambassador would be a champion for the people and against useless bureaucracy.
With the new influx of wealth and influence, the seeds of the Void Collective– her intelligence network– are sown.
Kar is finishing her accelerated program, a thesis focusing on reapers and indoctrination. The research piques Cerberus’ interest.
The events of Mass Effect 2 occur.
Kar is recruited as a means of getting access of her research under the guise of helping Mordin retro-engineer Collector Technology
16-15 BBY | 2186-87 CE:
The events of Mass Effect 3 occur.
Kar’s people provide aid right off the bat, she advocates for galactic alliance in the face of the a bigger threat, leaving her frustrated at the powers that be.
As expected as in her position, Kar lead her forces in the large push on Earth, coming out alive but badly wounded and traumatized.
Kar finished her thesis on the reapers, and obtains her first PhD. In the following years, she will be known as one of the few experts on the reapers and other ancient machines.
15-14 BBY | 2187-88 CE: (ME V: Mandalore | SW V: Rebellion)
Kar starts to reconnect with her allies in her home galaxy; advising on the rebel cells and connecting to the Hidden Path
Through QOSMA, Kar has maintained a small presence in the Outer Rim.
The first successful galactic jump of the trabatra drive is made in secret, kept from Council’s purview and to avoid Imperial notice.
The events of Jedi: Fallen Order occur. 
14-12 BBY | 2188-90 CE:
Kar crosses path with Cal and Cere in a operation recovering artifact from the Empire, starting a alliance between her and the Mantis Crew.
Kar reconnects with Vector during a visit to Alderaan; the two rekindle their relationship.
Between 12-10 BBY | 2190-2192 CE:
Kar connects with Merrin from her departure from the Mantis, introducing her to the Hidden Path.
Through Merrin, Kar and the Hidden Path make contact with Cere and the Narkis Anchorites on Jedha, establishing the Archives and Hidden Path Safehouse.
Kar finally obtains her kyber crystal in a Jedha mine while scouting for the Archive.
Kar is conferred the title of Master by Master Cordova on Jedha.
10-9 BBY | 2192-93 CE:
Kar and Vector marry on Alderaan.
Orad is born on Alderaan.
The events of Jedi Survivor Occur
The Tanalorr Temple is founded by Cal Kestis
Kar shares her time between the temple and her Milky Way duties. She serves as a teacher and advisor, providing different perspectives from non-Jedi Force tradition and experience training with biotics.
5 BBY | 2197 CE: (V: Rebellion)
The events of Star Wars: Rebels begin.
2-1 BBY | 2200-01 CE:
Now General Alor'ade of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Kar oversees the intelligence and underworld contacts for the Rebels, becoming the organization’s effective, if eccentric, spymistress. 
Ijaan breaks free from Grissom Academy; she is found on Koboh several days later attempting join the Rebellion.
0 BBY | 2202 CE:
The events of Rogue One occur.
Vector is killed in the destruction of Alderaan.
The events of A New Hope occur.
3 ABY | 2205 CE:
The events of The Empire Strikes Back occur.
4 ABY | 2206 CE:
The events of Return of the Jedi occur.
9 ABY | 2211 CE:
The events of The Mandalorian occur.
Between 5-34 ABY | 2207-2236 CE: (ME V: Mandalore | SW V: Queenpin)
Kar’s attention bounces between the two galaxies, her family, her research, and more. 
Kar once again picks up the thread of the mystery of her existence. Her patience comes to bear fruit, comes to Mortis. A planet long since calling to the Celestial for decades. At last, the truth is revealed: she is being of the Force– neither dark, nor light, but a catalyst and bringer of change in all its forms…
34 - 35 ABY | 2236 - 2237 CE: (V: Resistance)
Once again, Kar’s self-reflection is halted and is dragged into war. Equally defiant against Mon Mothma’s decision to effectively defang the Republic, Kar pulls her support with Leia and resistance.
The events of The Force Awakens occur.
The events of The Last Jedi occur.
The events of Rise of Skywalker occur.
After 35 ABY | 2237 CE: (ME V: Cosmic Castaway | SW V: Legend)
She is once again confronted with what she is, now works to accept and come to terms with this state of being. She once again returns to Mortis, making the place her secret base of operations. If she is to be the bringer of change, an immortal among mortals, she will do this on her terms.
Circa 57 ABY | 2260 CE:
On her 100th Birthday, Kar steps down as Mandalore, after concerns of her longevity may bring stagnation to her people. This is possibly the first time the title is passed bloodlessly. She is sent off with great celebration, as befitting one called Mandalore the Eloquent. (Mand’alor te Paklalat)
Circa 168 ABY | 2371 CE:
Formal contact is made between Kar and her biological parents. It is not a total reconciliation, and the relationship tenuous at times, it would be some time before any rifts start closing.
Circa 355 ABY | 2558 CE:
Multi-galactic expansion begins to spread out to the known galaxies. Colonies spread across six galaxies– the Bendu, Milky Way, Andromeda, and then later named Eridian and two others.
Circa 541 ABY | 2744 CE:
Led by the Archon, the kett invade the Heleus Cluster in Andromeda; causing the conflict with the Anagara.
Circa 568 ABY | 2771 CE:
The central government of the Eridian Galaxy begins breaks down, leading to corpocratic government lead by megacorporations years later.
Circa 604 ABY | 2807 CE:
Megacorps overthrow the central government, divvying up the sectors like Feudal lords. A temporary accord is reached.
Between Circa 607 ABY | 2810 CE:
The Corporate Wars begin in the Eridian Galaxy, full out galactic civil war between the Megacorporations.
Circa 614 ABY | 2817 CE: (V: Brave New World)
 As a galactic expatriate many times over, Kar finds herself again in new frontiers, arriving on the Nexus under cleverly forged information claiming her to be their first contact expert.
The Nexus arrive on Andromeda. In the attempts to settle, a revolt breaks out. Suppressed by the krogan, they are exiled,
Sloane Kelly overthrows the kett and takes over Kadara Port
The krogan depart the Nexus after being reused a voice in Nexus policies. settling New Tuckanka on Elaaden.
616 ABY | 2819 CE: (V: Brave New World)
The events of Mass Effect Andromeda occur.
Kar temporarily settles on Aya as a student and assistant to Moshae Sjefa, continuing to help the Initiative and Angara study Meridian.
Circa 617 ABY | 2820 CE:
The Corporate Wars end and the largest megacorp/conglomerates that we know today are the victors, controlling their respective parts of the Eridian galaxy
Circa 638 ABY | 2841 CE:
Typhon DeLeon finds the first Vault on Promethea; Atlas uses this technology to get an edge on the competition.
With every corporation eager to find their own Vault, the craze for hunting Vaults begins.
Between 661-664 ABY | 2864-67 CE: (V: Kingmaker I)
The events of Borderlands occur.
Kar is assigned to oversee the research/excavation of the Vault of the Destroyer at the request of Tassiter. After postulating it thought experiment, Jack pushes her to created the Eye of Helios using the Destroyer’s eye.
Kar and Jack have a falling out during the development of the Eye of Helios, leading to the enmity the two share for each other to this day.
Helios is constructed, Kar is now part of the D-Division, continuing her own research.
The events of Borderlands: The Pre-sequel occur.
Despite their enmity, Jack knows how desirable an asset she could be to the other Megacorps, and after some tough negotiations, convinces her remain as lead of R&D.
After many disappointments and at constant loggerheads with colleagues and leadership alike, a very disenfranchised Kar makes her departure after faking a collapse in one of her dig sites.
Between 664-666 ABY | 2867 - 2869 CE: (V: Guardian)
Kar’s departure leads her planet side and an eventual alliance with the local resistance. 
Originally staying the Frostburn with Lilith, she moves create her own living space in the Highlands.
The events of Borderlands 2 occur.
Roland Convinces Kar to join Sanctuary both for her protection and for her abilities.
After 666-667 ABY | 2869-2870 CE:
In the chaos following Jack’s downfall, the city of Opportunity falls into Kar’s clutches. It becomes her official foothold in this galaxy. 
Opportunity flourishes as a multicultural hub for the galaxy, mostly by mercantile groups, mercenaries, and those from other 5 galaxies willing to test their mettle against Pandora.
The events of Tales From the Borderlands occurs.
668 ABY | 2871 CE
The events of Tales From the Borderlands occur.
Atlas is revived by Rhys.
The Vault of the Traveler is opened.
The Watcher warns of an upcoming War
Hector unleashes the Infected upon Pandora, leaving the Crimson Raiders to lose both Sanctuary and the Vault Key.
Opportunity becomes a haven to locals affected by the Infected and has effectively become a power to rival the Crimson Raiders.
673-674 ABY | 2876-2877 CE:
The Calypso Twins leave Nekrotafeyo, and the Children of the Vault soon quickly grow like cancer upon the borderlands.
The events of Borderlands 3 occur.
Opportunity continues to be a bastion for Pandoran civilians, effectively warding off raids by the Children of the Vault due to superior technologies and organization.  
Kar returns to the Raider’s aid on Lilith’s request, providing the Raiders a capable general and tactician to bolster their seemingly dwindling chance against the COV…
674-675 ABY | 2877/2878 CE:
The Heist of the Handsome Jackpot occurs.
The events of New Tales From the Borderlands occur.
After 675 ABY | 2878 CE:
Kar returns to the temple of Tanalorr before making a tour to visit her usual haunts, the future filled with more adventure...
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julyzaa · 4 years
headcanons for Kal's biological children and ex-wife
(Definitely including my ocs from the Cyare short series)
Tor, Ijaat and Ruusaan are still Mandalorian,but don't wear their armor often
They wear variations of green to honor their Corellian roots
Tor wears pine green armor with sandy gold piping. He used to have it colored the same as Kal's, but Jango had to tell him that he looked a lot like his dad.
Ijaat wears sage green with his name on the left side of his breast plate to mimic his lab coat as well as reminding everyone he is a doctor. It also looks non threatening and it helps when he has to rescue civilians in war zones
Ruusaan has forest green armor with the right pauldron painted in the colors of the Pride Flag. She occasionally attaches a two sided cape that has the pansexual pride flag on one side and the LGBTQ+ flag on the other. Needless to say she is a great favorite at every pride march and parade she goes to
Kal wasn't at Galidraan because he was enroute to Tor's wedding, but turned around halfway there when he got a distress signal. Lets say that had been his last chance at fixing things between him and his kids
Only Tor has naturally brown hair, Ruusaan and Ijaat have dark blonde hair
Only Ruusaan and Tor have blue eyes
Ijaat is part of an emergency response team that was very active during the Clone Wars
He's met every clone Kal has raised/trained
He is in a polyamory relationship with his nonbinary SO, and Kom'rk Skirata
Tor is the only cishet member of his family(excluding Kal)
He is happily married to his Haysian wife, Kim Nguyen, and is a police detective in Corellia
He has two daughters, Tam and Yen
He is the one with the most issues with Kal due to being the eldest
He doesn't forgive Kal even after proving he has changed
Ruusaan met her wife, Harriet, when she was removed by security by breaking into Harriet's boss's office during a meeting
Ruusaan's wife works as an assistant to Jango Fett's non mando wife, Viridiana
Ruusaan's best friend is Walon Vau's gay half pantoran son, Aspen Ordo, whom he had with the Pantoran Mandalorian Senator, Thembeka Ordo, who I totally made up
Aspen got Ruusaan a job as part of his mother's security detail
Ruu accidentally walks in on Etain and Darman and Venku/Kad isn't conceived which makes Etain realize that maybe they can have kids after the war...and with consent from the father of the child
Ruu and her fiance try to host a family dinner that ends with Ijaat having to patch up Tor and Ordo who while brawling broke the transparisteel coffee table
Ijaat donates his sperm so that Harriet can have a baby with Ruusaan
Ruu has a starship named Auretti
Ilippi kicked Kal’s balls when they met
Instead of wedding rings kal and Ilippi got matching tattoos, he did give her a ring,but they chose the tattoos 
The Skirata Divorce made prenups a common practice in the entire Mandalore System
Even Death Watch demands that all interfaith couples(not that they allow them) to sign a prenup
She is happily married to a paramedic whom she grew up with
Ilippi isn't dead she was just in a medically induced coma
She shows up to Ruu’s wedding rehearsal scaring the shit out of Kal
She also dated Nyreen and is still on good terms with her
Jango was one of the few Mandos who remained friends with her after she left
He also introduced Boba to her and came to her for parenting advice
She eventually adopts the commandos Kal raised and any clone she comes across because everyone deserves a family not just the select few you are in charge of
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ihavearandom · 5 years
Has anyone written a fic where Kal Skirata’s kids get some actual closure with how their parents split?
Or like an AU where Illipi is able to give Kal a piece of her mind so he stops going “mY nOn MaNdO wIfE jUsT dIdNt UnDeRsTaNd Me”
Just any AU where Illipi, Tor, Ijaat, and/or Ruusaan gets to have some kind of talk with Kal and get to straighten stuff out and give Kal a reality check on how he treated them before he left.
I’m already in the middle of writing a thing but I wanna know if anyone else has done anything with them.
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cuminhoid · 1 month
was thinking about kaladin stormblessed as kal and then kal skirata jetpacked in through my window and punched me in the face (tor and ijaat emancipated a second time over that)
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izzyovercoffee · 4 years
Hm... hi? Sorry for any inconvenience, but I started reading RepComm (I'm at the beginning of Order 66, so I don't know if that happens later) and I can't help thinking about Tor and Ijaat meeting the Nulls, before and after they left Kal? Or if Ilippi survived, what would a meeting between the Nulls and her be like? And it made me realize that characters who don't like Kal are either just quoted or never appear or are dead or are framed as wrong and reading this is such an exercise in patience
ps: btw, love your meta! that's what made me want to read RepComm, to be honest, and sorry for the english, it's not my first language 
I’m so sorry it took me so long to reply!!! THANK YOU FOR THE ASK. And also, just thank you. Truly, thank you. I wasn’t sure if people still read the meta out there or not, but I’m glad that you enjoyed them!! also your english was beautiful, I understood what you said perfectly
but also LMAO at: 
reading this is such an exercise in patience 
Even after all this time, I still LOVE the Republic Commando books. I do---but rereading them is definitely an exercise in patience, now that I see all the problems and the glaring inconsistencies. But I still see the good parts, even great parts, and I keep coming back to them lmao 
I can't help thinking about Tor and Ijaat meeting the Nulls, before and after they left Kal? Or if Ilippi survived, what would a meeting between the Nulls and her be like?
I also think about these things a lot lmao
I’m often torn on the idea of the Nulls meeting Tor and Ijaat, or the Nulls meeting Ilippi if she had survived her illness. The way Prudii talks about her, in Order 66, makes me feel that they’ve internalized the bitterness and the resentment that Kal very likely felt early, early on in their development when he was young, and broke, and alone on Kamino surrounded by people who hated him. 
Kal has long since softened (on her, on his marriage failing, on his biological children disowning him), since he defends her against Prudii’s statements, but the sad truth is that the Nulls learned that bitterness and that resentment from him, originally---as they were raised and trained by him. It’s truly hard to say how they would have reacted in meeting her, and I feel like all of the Nulls would have held very radically different opinions on the matter. 
But, depending on who was or wasn’t present at that meeting, and any subsequent meetings ... would likely change how they react or respond to her. With Kal present, there’s always an underlying need for them to perform in a way that would further secure his love in them (regardless of whether or not it’s “necessary,” though to a degree it is---because of the way he withholds affection when someone doesn’t do something he agrees with) versus showing their true selves, or expressing their true opinions beyond his hearing.
We saw Prudii’s, and his bitterness and resentment likely reflecting Kal’s when he was a decade younger, but I think Ordo would have been much more polite. A’den would have been curious, no doubt, but nosy. Jaing can’t help but be intimidating, even if maybe he doesn’t want to be, and Mereel can’t help but be excessively charming and warm. Kom’rk is a toss up---his choice to keep his distance from the core is one that can be read as a choice to stay as far away from Kal as possible, and it’s one that might lend Kom’rk to being kinder and far more understanding than the rest of Ilippi. 
I wonder, actually, if there would have been jokes about the one woman who tried (and failed) to “tame” Kal (as those kinds of jokes tend to go, I guess?) but if there would have been some respect there, too, for the attempt. Had Ilippi lived, had KT been less biased against her female characters, there’s an entire world of potential, just in highlighting Kal’s faults and how everyone can work around them (or how he could / should work on them). 
I mean, okay. I have obviously softened somewhat on my frustrations towards Kal as a character, and I find myself thinking a lot these days about the Kal we should have gotten, the Kal a large chunk of the fandom think we have (but don’t), and the Kal the books believe they gave us. I think about the way the books should have gone if they were faithful to the narrative arcs they started before they were derailed by excessive soap-boxing and a doubling-down to bend to biases that broke the momentum because they just didn’t make sense.
One of the major arcs being character growth---owning up to one’s faults and mistakes, and making a conscious effort to become a better version of yourself through blood, sweat, and (literal) tears.  
And maybe part of that would always be hindered, or outright cut short, because Ilippi never survived to tell her side of her mistreatment and failed marriage---and also because we were never, really, given the opportunity to hear Tor nor Ijaat’s own memories. 
I struggle to think about how Tor and Ijaat would have dealt with the Nulls. I get the feeling there would be a lot of insecurity in all of them---and a feeling of being replaced, and some lingering resentment and anger towards each other (that should be directed at Kal, but for a lot of reasons, just like in real life, would be misdirected instead to other people). 
Miscommunication is a major sore point for Kal in general---he has a huge inability to actually express his love in his actions, or clarify his intentions, which may be good, in order to separate them from his missteps, which are often terrible. Tor and Ijaat, if they’re well-adjusted men now, would find it hard to not see what being raised in that kind of environment had on the Nulls. They have a lot of issues as a result of their genetics, yes, but a lot of their lingering and prolonged mental illnesses can, in some part, also be attributed to the “affectionate abuse” Kal gave them, and I wonder if Kal’s biological sons still carried lingering emotional and mental scars from their childhood---or if they had so little direct interaction with Kal that what few moments they had were uniformly positive---and if their resentment towards him genuinely was, as they said, because he wasn’t there when Ilippi was dying from her illness.
In this scenario, actually, if Ilippi survived... would they still have divorced Kal from their lives and rejected his fatherhood entirely? All of that hinged on him not being present, him being away at Kamino, during her very last days. 
So much of this also undermines the idea of Kal’s control over the Nulls, and the rest of the clan. If Ilippi not only survived, but thrived, away from him? If Tor and Ijaat are living full and fulfilling lives without him in it? If Ruusaan never “needed” to be rescued in the way that she was? They all would have stood as examples of a life beyond making personal choices and decisions that were dictated by him, and would have, at the very least, been a life that could stand in direct comparison and be just as messy and complicated as real life tends to be. 
also WOW i really .... uhhh I really got away from the point here. I am so sorry LMAO I GOT CARRIED AWAY. IT’S BEEN A LONG TIME since I got to ramble about repcomm, and I really fixate on a lot of the missed opportunities these days, because there are SO MANY. But I guess that’s what fic is for, right?
Absolutely no pressure, BUT if you do decide to write fic about this, or do your own meta or exploration, I am ALWAYS excited to see what people come up with. I haven’t really been on tumblr that much lately, but I see now that The Mandalorian is out there and people are discovering (or rediscovering) Republic Commando, there’s a wealth of new stuff out there I desperately need to catch up on.
And I hope this find you well, ner vod.
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With all the hype from Celebration and the Kenobi series, I haven't read a whole lot, but I've been catching up today and I have thoughts!
First of all lmao Ordo's message to Kal - "I also married her" - like it's an afterthought or side note and not a huge freaking deal. That's so perfectly Ordo. Always business first with him. I adore him and Besany more than I can say.
Spaarti clones! Master Altis and his Jedi! I love seeing more of the old EU woven into this book (though I guess this technically predates No Prisoners). That's always been my favorite thing about being a hard-core Star Wars fan - all the little bits of a massive universe that tie together beautifully if you know enough of the rest of the story to recognize it but not in such a way that you can't still enjoy the story if you don't know all the other pieces.
(I have, hmmm, opinions on how current canon is doing on that front, but that's for another time)
The Nulls staging an intervention for Kal'buir!!! They love their dad so much and are so protective of him. I love that he got to finally adopt them all formally and it's especially poignant that it's right before his call with Tor. This book is giving me so many complicated family feelings and I love all of it.
yAY REPCOMM ANON 💕💕💕 it's been too long im so happy to hear from you again and ALSO i, too, have Opinions about disney's quote-on-quote canon >.> there is a reason i am finally and deliberately immersing myself in the EU instead lol but anyways -
yes!!! the altisians!!! i freaking love them, like - they were the new jedi order before the new jedi order was even a thing and they just sound so nice; if i was going to be a jedi i'd want to be one like them :DDD callista is an absolute sweetheart, her offering to help etain out is just. it's so jedi it's genuine and heartfelt and totally selfless and i love her for it
AND THE INTERVENTION okay i know this isn't part of it technically but this is possibly my favourite line in uhh relation to it slfjskf
"Kal'buir, are you feeling okay?" Prudii put his hand on Skirata's cheek. "Talk to to me, Buir. What's wrong?"
i just. i LOVE SEEING THE BOYS TAKING CARE OF THEIR DAD i love them taking care of each other too!!! we get so much family bonding time in this book, i'm so so SO with you i feel like this is one in which the characters are the family-est they've ever been!! we've got etain and laseema lifting each other up as sister-in-laws and laseema being the darlingest mummy to kad and the nulls sitting kal down and making him let them take care of ruusaan (also i love prudii's implication that they've tried to get him fix his ankle for a while now XD kal is STUBBORN bless him) and delta having a gossip sesh and jaller being the hero of the freaking century risking everything to protect his friends and ordo being jealous over kal and besany and ordo learning how to be married to each other and -
I LOVE THIS BOOK SO MUCH i know it's painful, but there's so much hope and love mixed into it i just - oh. it's the BEST. except for the near-the-end bit which destroys me to much to reread slkfjldsfj i won't spoil it but - i'm so happy you're liking the book so far!!!
also yES the adoption scene has to be the cutest thing, it's so mando XD ordo's businesslike to a fault but he didn't come by all of it naturally, i love that kal just casually adopts his lads over dinner. i've a feeling singing happy birthday is just not a thing in mando culture and personally i think they've got their priorities straight
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mistflyer1102 · 3 years
A/N: ImpComm era, AU in which Etain survives Order 66.
Summary: A short conversation between Etain and Kad about bugs while heading inside for the day.
As soon as she could see the clouds, Etain knew it was almost time to go back inside.
“Kad? Kad, we need to go back inside before it starts snowing,” she called, scanning the clumps of frost-coated grasses. She could barely make out the ground in the early evening light, and given that it was off the beaten path, she knew the grass was also tall. She could hear her son’s soft giggles nearby, and could sense him a few feet ahead of her. However, she could also tell that by hiding, he had no intentions of going back inside anytime soon. Snowfall or not, he planned to stay outside as long as he could. She had only meant to let him loose for a couple hours - the sun had actually come out that morning - to burn off some energy, but they ended up staying outside all day. She never planned to wander far from the family home on Mandalore, though, and could still see it if she turned around and looked back.
Etain took a step back when the patch of grass in front of her abruptly shook as Kad pushed them aside. “But Mama, you haven’t seen my hiding spot yet. It’s around here somewhere,” he said, pulling himself to his feet. Etain knelt slightly to brush off the dirt from his head, arms, shoulders, and torso. “Mird helped me find it,” he said while looking up at her with a grin, before he wrinkled his nose and grudgingly turned around at her encouragement.
“Really? What else did Mird show you?” she asked as she brushed the rest of the dirt off of his back. She took his hand in hers as he twisted around to face her again, and winced at how cold his fingers felt against hers. “Where are your gloves?” she asked as she leaned over his head to check his other hand.
He stuffed his hand into his coat pocket before she could see. “I don’t know. Mird was helping me look for bugs when we found a hole that we could crawl into. We could only go in one at a time, but it had roots and a lot of bugs,” he said, hunching his shoulders as he and Etain began to walk back to their house. Etain could see that more lights were on than earlier when she had last looked back. Even after four years on Mandalore, Etain still easily lost track of time. She and Darman had moved out of the main Skirata household about a year after she’d recovered from Order 66, but remained close by.
Etain couldn’t help wrinkling her nose at the mention of bugs. Well, that explains the beetles in the nightstand drawer last week. “Well, maybe we don’t bring the bugs to bed with you next time?” she suggested as she guided Kad back to the house. She gently squeezed Kad’s shoulder as a thought occurred to her. “Maybe if you ask Buir nicely, he can help you build something to put the bugs in next time you go collecting with Mird,” she suggested as they walked.
Kad glanced up at her. “Can I keep it in my room?”
Etain said, “If it’s secure enough that the bugs don’t get out, then yes, you may keep it in your room.”
“Can Mird help?”
Etain hummed. “Ask Uncle Walon when he comes to visit, okay?” she said, wrapping a gentle arm around Kad’s shoulders.
Kad was quiet. “And no bugs in the baby’s room, right?”
Ah. Ruusan had warned Etain that this might happen, when Etain and Darman had started planning for a second child last year. Having grown up in the Temple crèche there had been no competition for attention that she could recall, not as a child herself or when she visited the crèche as a Padawan to assist the crèche masters. Darman had grown up with his original squadmates. He’d once told her that while he hadn’t experienced much competition with his squadmates, there had definitely been competition among the squads. Ruusan Skirata, despite being the youngest of three, had heard from her siblings about what it was like having a new sibling in the house. Especially when Ruusan’s older brother, Tor, had had several kids of his own. Illippi may have been alone raising the three of them, but Ruusan said Illippi did her best to keep things fair among the three siblings.
Etain technically wasn’t showing yet, she and Darman planned to keep it a secret for now. But they’d told Kad, and Etain hoped to slowly get him used to the idea of a sibling before the baby was born. But she didn’t push, she wanted Kad to adjust to the idea at his pace. She’d reassured him that despite the changes, she and Darman would still love him as much as they do now.
She finally said, “Well, no, maybe not right away. We don’t know yet what kind of bugs your brother or sister will like, or if they like bugs at all. We should probably wait to see what happens, okay?”
Kad looked up at her, and she gave him an encouraging smile as they came to a stop a few meters from the entrance. “Buir is still gonna help me make that thing to keep the bugs in, right?”
Etain nodded. “I’m sure he will if you ask nicely.”
Kad chirped, “Okay!” before making a dash across the yard to the door. Etain winced as some mud splashed up in his wake. She sighed, and smiled faintly to herself as she wrapped her cloak tighter around herself before following Kad into the house.
She still checked Kad's bedroom that night, while Kad was in his bath, for any loose bugs.
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cienie-isengardu · 1 year
Jango Fett and Walon Vau: The Laws, Orders, Jaster Mereel and True Mandalorians (pre-Galidraan)
for @delkios, I promise, this is about Jango and Vau but I needed to talk about Jaster first
previous part: Age Difference & Childhood Trauma
Jango Fett: Open Seasons comics and Fact Files established that between Korda VI and Galidraan passed 8 years and during that time Fett (14 - 22 years old) was hunting down Tor Vizsla and Death Watch. 
Before I will bring sources and additional commentary for Galidraan, let’s take a moment to establish some available facts about True Mandalorians and Jango.
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[...] The orphan was adopted by Jaster Mereel and the Mandalorians - a legendary band of mercenaries with a reputation for ruthless efficiency. Jango was forced to adapt to the Mandalorian way of life. He travelled with the nomadic warriors, learning their code of honour and familiarizing himself with their state-of-the-art equipment. The guidance of Jaster Mereel, and an allegiance to the Mandalorian community, helped compensate Jango for the loss of the mother and father he had hardly known. After Jaster’s death, Jango became leader of the Mandalorians. [Fact Files #22]
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[...] As a boy, Jango was orphaned when his family was caught in the cross fire between the terrifying Mandalorian Warriors and their rivals, the Death Watch, on the planet Concord Dawn. A sympathetic Mandalorian commander named Jaster Mereel took pity on Jango and made him a cadet. Soon he was traveling with the nomadic army-for-hire as they toured the galaxy looking for a conflict, always in the service of the highest bidder. Over time, Jango rose through the ranks.  When Jaster Mereel was killed in battle, Jango was named commander, the youngest in the long history of the notorious mercenary army. Since ancient times, Mandalorians were brutally effective fighters, and especially so under Jango Fett’s leadership. However, while fighting to suppress a popular revolt in the Galidraan system, the Mandalorians ran afoul of the Jedi Knights, who wiped out most of the mercenary army and delivered the survivors to the governor of Galidraan. Jango became a slave, but he used the next several years to regain his strength and plot his eventual escape. He exacted revenge on his captors, reclaimed his Mandalorian armour and set off on his own as a bounty hunter. (Bounty Hunter Game Guide)
True Mandalorians were “looking for a conflict, always in the service of the highest bidder”  and described as ruthless and effective, “especially so under Jango Fett’s leadership” which implies a change (improvement) of their army. Jango in general is presented in sources as an excellent warrior and “perfect soldier” however as much as he was admired for his skills and courage, he wasn’t liked that much as a person, quite often considered selfish by his own people: 
Republic Commando Order:66
"Well ... if you want something to shine bright, it has to be polished hard." Skirata wondered exactly what Jango would have done if he hadn't been there to stop Orun Wa from having the Null kids put down. Jango talked tough-was tough-but his callous attitude didn't extend to children, however brutal it looked from the outside. "Jango might have been a self-centered chakaar, but don't believe all that bluster about Boba being nothing more than his apprentice. He wanted a son, no doubt about it. He knew what it was to be a kid waiting to die, so I reckon he'd have given the aiwha-bait a good hard kov'nyn and sent him on his way." Shame you didn't do a hit more for the other boys cloned from you, Jang'ika, but I suppose you didn't have much pity left after all that happened to you. 
[According to Glossary from Triple Zero, chakaar means in Mando 'a: thief, grave robber, general term of abuse]
"Deserter," the man said no hint of disapproval. "Discharged dead." Fi groped for the words. He knew what he wanted to say, but getting his mouth to obey him was another matter. He could feel sweat beading on his top lip. "Like a regular medical discharge, only a bit more serious." "It's okay, ner vod, you're among friends here," said the man. "Fett was a disgrace for letting the Kaminoans make clones for the Jedi out of him. It's not your fault." "Don't feel sorry for me," Fi said defensively. He didn't want pity. The Kaminoans didn't care any more than Fett did if the clone army was happy and well treated just as long as it won wars, but he'd had Kal Skirata looking out for him. "Our sergeant took good care of us. He adopted me as his son. We did fine." [...] "It's a small planet. A fair few Cuy'val Dar came back here when they'd finished training you." So the guy did know. The Mandalorian training sergeants handpicked by Fett hadn't all been fond of him, but they respected his prowess. And they'd been griping about life in Tipoca City. Well, there were no more secrets left to keep. Everyone knew about the Grand Army of the Republic now. It was dawning slowly on Fi that Fett, Mand'alor and bounty hunter, had been a good advert for Mandalorian grit, but his heroic status wasn't respected by some of his own people. The Alpha ARC clone troopers, hard men literally made in Fett's mold were scared of him, utterly loyal to his orders even after his death. But Fi realized that some Mando'ade here thought he was a selfish chakaar.
"Get it off your chest, Walon," Skirata said. "Come on, ner vod." Vau straightened up. "You never liked Jango, did you?" "I liked him enough. What I didn't like was how he ended up. Jango never gave a toss about anyone but himself. Some Mandalore he turned out to be-he was always away in the latter years, and he was as bad as the Jedi when it came to turning a blind eye to what was happening to his clones. No, Shysa's a fool if he thinks a Fett dynasty is good for Manda'yaim. We're better off without him." "You reckon?" "I do. Sorry, but I do. You suddenly his best mate or something?" Vau suddenly grabbed Skirata by the collar. Shab, he was strong; he almost lifted Skirata bodily as he shoved him against the bulkhead. They'd brawled many times, drawn blood, come close to killing each other, but Skirata had never seen Vau lose his temper, not once. And that was enough to stun him into silence. "Now do you see? Do you?" Vau hissed the sibilant like escaping steam. Mird cowered on the floor, whining softly. "I'm sick to death of your sentimental twaddle about Jango betraying us by letting Kamino use his genes. He did it to stop the Jedi. He did it to create an army strong enough to bring them down. You drone on about the injustice of unelected elites, my little working-class hero-well, now they're gone. Yes, it cost our boys' lives, but the Jedi are gone, gone, gone. And they won't be killing Mandalorians again, not for a long time. Maybe never." Vau was white-faced and trembling. Then he seemed to shake himself out of whatever alien persona had taken hold of him, adjusted his collar, and tugged down the sleeves of his flight suit. He was the ice-cold patrician again. Skirata still couldn't summon up any love or guilt about Jango, but suddenly it made sense, and he knew in his guts that it had been about a lot more than five million creds. Skirata thought of the abuse he’d heaped on Jango. He knew the man; he’d fought with him, in every sense of the word, and he’d also had comradely moments with him. The thought that he might have done him a disservice was one burden of guilt too many. He shut it out. If Jango had been playing the long game, Skirata had never caught a whiff of it. He knew it wasn’t all about the credits. He’d seen Jango cradling Boba in the early days, and that man wanted a son as much as any man ever had. So Skirata hadn’t looked for any motive beyond that. It was the only motive Skirata would have had. “I stand corrected,” said Skirata. How do I apologize? Where do I even start, with the osik I have to deal with now? “So I was wrong about Jango.” And now I know why Shysa wants Jango’s legacy to live on at any cost.
Republic Commando: True Colors
[...] but an ARC who’d gone AWOL was-impossible. Jango Fett had raised and trained them personally, with an emphasis on absolute loyalty to the Republic. Sergeant Kal said that Jango was an unhinged shabuir, but he always stuck to his contract, and that contract had included creating a loyal, totally reliable army. Darman had heard rumors to the contrary, and the Nulls were living crazy proof that a clone soldier could be as eccentric and wayward as any random human, but nothing had ever been confirmed.
Side note: From mando'a: shabuir - extreme insult - *jerk*, but much stronger
Republic Commando: Triple Zero
"Ordo, you just flattened an ARC trooper." "He was delaying us." "But you hit him. Twice." "No permanent harm done," Ordo said, lifting his kama to slide over the pillion seat behind Jusik. He sealed his helmet. "You can't convince Alpha ARCs of anything by rational argument. They're every bit as obtuse and impulsive as Fett, believe me."
Granted, the presented opinions are biased and definitely colored by Kamino experiences and post-Galidraan times in which Fett went into bounty hunting business instead of coming back to his shattered people (and in case of clones trained by Kal, also colored by Skirata's opinion of Jango). However Jango was also criticized by various characters as no team-player and in general, tie-in material kept pointing his solitary nature: 
Republic Commando: Triple Zero
Skirata had worked out fast that Kaminoans despised everything that didn't fit their intolerant, arrogant society's ideal of perfection. So... they thought Jango's genome wasn't the perfect model for a soldier without a little adjustment, then. Maybe it was his solitary nature; he'd make a rotten infantry soldier. Jango wasn't a team player.
Yes, I know how the Kaminoans did it. They used our genes against us, the ones that make us bond with our brothers, make us loyal, make us respect and obey our fathers-that's what they manipulated to make us more likely to obey orders. They had to remove what made Jango a selfish loner, because that makes a bad infantry soldier, and you can tell from the Alpha ARCS that the Kaminoans weren't wrong. But there's one thing I don't know yet-and that's how they controlled the aging process. That's the key. They robbed us of a full life span. But we will not be defeated by time, ner vod.     -ARC Trooper Lieutenant N-7-Mereel-in an encrypted transmission to N-11, Ordo
Internal memo penned by Hali Ke, senior research geneticist, Kamino, 27 BBY (source) 
Jango is given to solitude and affects a disdain for human relationships and connections, yet when he agreed to help train our army, he immediately summoned a band of mercenaries who shared his background. And, of course, there is the matter of his fee: Jango seemed barely to care for the considerable sum of five million credits, but was adamant that we create an unaltered clone of himself, whom he now refers to — without a trace of self-consciousness — as his son. I have seen him return to Kamino after killing men for credits, wash the blood out of his starship’s hold, and an hour later be gently talking and playing with young Boba.
Attack of the Clones by R.A. Salvatore
Taun We seemed genuinely perplexed,  and  so  she was, to see a human with so little apparent regard for other humans,  clones or not.   Of course, hadn't the Kaminoans just created an army for the  Republic? There wouldn't be wars without some disagreement, now, would there?   But that, too, held little interest for Jango. He was a solitary bounty hunter, a recluse - or he would have been if not for Boba. Jango didn't care a whit about politics or war or this army of his clones. If every one of  them was slaughtered, then so be it. He had no attachment to any.  He looked to the side as he considered that. To any except for Boba, of course.
The Cestus Deception by Steve
"Perhaps because you are the only one trained for command. That makes you more like Jango." His attention sharpened. "They say he was a loner." "Yes," she said. "But a natural leader, too. At other times he could be invisible, as I understand quite a few people learned to their brief and painful regret." Nate gave a hard, flat chuckle. Yes, indeed. "But if he wanted, when he entered a room every head would turn." She paused a beat. "Especially mine." Her voice grew softer. "But that was all so long ago. I was eighteen years old, and Jango was twenty-five." "Was he a bounty hunter then?" She closed her eyes, dredging up old memories. "I think he was in transition. He'd only been free maybe two years, since the Mandalo-rians were wiped out. I met him in the Meridian sector. He'd lost his armor somehow, and was searching for it." A ruminative smile. "We had just about a year together. Then things got dangerous. We were raided by space pirates. Our ship got blown from the sky, and in the middle of a really nasty space battle we were forced to take separate evacuation pods. I never saw him again." She paused. "I heard he survived, and got his armor back. I don't know if he looked for me." Sheeka shrugged. "Life is like that, sometimes." Her voice had grown wistful. Then she chuckled, and he drew back slightly and looked at her in puzzlement. "Why do you laugh?" "You do remind me of Jango. He always locked his emotions away. But I can remember times when he let them out of their cage." "Such as?" Her sweeter, saucier side was bubbling to the fore, and she was happy to feel it. She'd feared she'd never feel that evanescence again. ``If you're lucky, I might tell you sometime. She knew he was curious now, and pardoned herself for the slight exaggeration. In truth, Jango was a man of few words who kept his feelings in check. In his life, and his chosen lifestyle, that reserve had been vital for survival.
Fact Files #22
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Despite Jango's growing stature, he began to feel that something was missing from his life. He remained a loner, but yearned for a son - someone with whom he could enjoy the paternal bond that he felt he had been denied. His ambition would be realized in the most unorthodox way.
Of course, how much of Jango’s selfishness and seclusion was a natural part of his character and how much a result of trauma (especially post-Galidraan) is up to debate, however existence of such opinions gives us a solid reason to think that as much as Fett could be an excellent or even charismatic soldier, he didn’t need be necessary an easy person to work with. There is also a young age of Jango to take into factor and his personal desire for revenge on Death Watch.
On one hand, Jango had undying loyalty of people like Silas, on the other, there was Montross. And yes, as much as Montross isn’t objective in his opinion about then Squad Commander Jango, he did bring up an interesting point about young Fett and his clouded mind when it comes to Jaster. 
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Montross: "I think he sometimes forgets that you're not really his son. Hnh. That`s dangerous. Clouds his judgment. And yours. One day soon, Jaster will choose his successor. And he'll need a clear head for that." Jango: “Jaster will do what’s right for the Mandalorians. He always had.” Montross: “Let’s hope we can say the same about you.” [Jango Fett: Open Seasons, issue #2]
Montross did not further argue about Jaster’s ability to make a right choice that will benefit their group but put in doubt Jango’s ability to do the same, as in: put the good of True Mandalorians above his personal feelings and desires. Did Montross act there on purpose to hurt young Fett? Most likely, as he did not like how the boy was Jaster’s favorite.
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[...] He was also enraged by the attention his commander bestowed upon the daring young recruit, Jango Fett [Bounty Hunter Game Guide]
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Jango became a favourite of Jaster Mereel, something that didn't sit well with one of his men Montross, who sought to lead the Mandalorians in Mereel's stead. [Fact Files vol. 3, issue 14]
Still, his final words “You’ll kill them all, Fett” proved true once True Mandalorians again walked into Tor Vizsla’s trap, this time under Jango’s leadership and Fett’s orders - that changed from evacuation to shoot at Jedi - led to massacre of his men. 
The presented opinions and implications about Jango as a person are especially important in regard to Jaster Mereel. Jaster, despite more than two decades of being part of mandalorian lore, is not really developed as a character and a lot we learned about him comes from tie-in sources. He was described as:
“reformed murderer” who “held that the Mandalorians were merely highly-paid soldiers” [Dooku, JF:OS#1]
“a lawman [...] until murdered a superior officer. Wrecked by guilt [...] unable to contain his own passions, he sought to eliminate them in everyone else” [Tor Vizsla, Death Watch Manifesto/Bounty Hunter Code]
“Jaster sought true honor, not the right to ignore laws and moral codes” [Jango, Death Watch Manifesto/Bounty Hunter Code]
“deeply pious human”, who “brought a strong ethic”, and “fought tooth-and-nail to become reigning Mandalore and unite the disparate clans”  [History of the Mandalorians/SW Insider #80]
“A sympathetic Mandalorian commander" who "took pity on Jango and made him a cadet” [Bounty Hunter Game Guide]
Side note: Sources about Jaster like History of the Mandalorian, Jango Fett: Open Seasons and Bounty Hunter Code were talked about in my other text - full quotes can be found there.
Additional source, The Last One Standing: The Tale of Boba Fett by Daniel Keys Moran was an original backstory for Boba whose name back then was in fact an pseudonym adopted by exiled from Concord Dawn Jaster Mereel. With Attack of the Clones, the story was retconned but it is the first material that introduced us to strong morality of Jaster:
The last statement of the Journeyman Protector Jaster Mereel, known later as the Hunter Boba Fett, before exile from the world of Concord Dawn: Everyone dies. It's the final and only lasting Justice. Evil exists; it is intelligence in the service of entropy. When the side of a mountain slides down to kill a village, this is not evil, for evil requires intent. Should a sentient being cause that landslide, there is evil; and requires Justice as a consequence, so that civilization can exist. There is no greater good than Justice; and only if law serves Justice is it good law. It is said correctly that law exists not for the Just but for the unjust, for the Just carry the law in their hearts, and do not need to call it from afar. I bow to no one and I give service only for cause.
An unpleasant grin touched the young man's lips. "You'll plead me unrepentant." Creel stared at him. "Do you understand the seriousness of this, boy? You killed a man." "He had it coming." "They'll exile you, Jaster Mereel. They'll exile you!'' "I could always go join the Imperial Academy," Mereel said, "if I got exiled. I expect I'd make a good storm." Creel overrode him: "and they may execute you, if you anger them sufficiently. Is it such a hard thing to say you're sorry for having taken a life unjustly?" "I am sorry," said Mereel. "Sorry I didn't kill him a year ago. The galaxy's a better place without him."
Even with limited material, there is visible contrast in how Jaster and Jango were perceived. Mereel is a man respecting laws with strong ethical sense, sympathetic, deeply involved in mandalorian matters. Tor Vizsla - his enemy who literally could write down any lie and slander about Jaster in his propaganda text - associated him with passion for all possible things. And yes, Tor considered it a flaw, something that Mereel was unable to contain and something, most likely alongside the wrecking guilt, that deeply affected his approach to Mandalorian Way, yet still it does not paint Jaster in the negative light as Jango being called by his own men as selfish chaakar and uncaring loner, disgrace or even claiming they were better off without him.
(And isn’t there something ironic how both Tor’s opinion and Jango’s men's critique is said from the perspective of time and somehow Vizsla - an enemy - remembers Jaster in a much nicer manner than Jango is remembered by his own people?).
Jaster’s strong sense of morality (coming mainly from tie-in material than Jango Fett: Open Seasons, the prime source) could be also an important factor in regard to Improved True Mandalorians’ brutal effectiveness under Jango Fett’s leadership. 
Mind you, there are not enough direct sources to clearly support or completely refute this idea, as the original comics showed us only one mission taken by Jaster - an extraction of a rookie squad pinned down by hostile locals.
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[Jango Fett: Open Seasons, issue #2]
As Jaster said, the job’s a routine extraction mission, so there is a chance True Mandalorians did some similar missions in the past. The job did not necessarily mean Mandalorians needed to kill the “enemy” of the Korda Defense Force, just that they were going to save Korda Defense Force’s people which doesn’t sound that bad from a moral standpoint.
In contrast, the only mission done by True Mandalorians under Jango Fett’s leadership we know any details about is Galidraan.  
Jango Fett: Open Seasons, issue 3
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I'm going to tell the governor that the insurrection is over...
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"Your reign is secure" [...] "I killed your enemy now tell me where to find mine!"
Bounty Hunter Game Guide:
Since ancient times, Mandalorians were brutally effective fighters, and especially so under Jango Fett’s leadership. However, while fighting to suppress a popular revolt in the Galidraan system, the Mandalorians ran afoul of the Jedi Knights, who wiped out most of the mercenary army and delivered the survivors to the governor of Galidraan. 
Fact Files vol.3, issue 14
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Fett led the Mandalorians for eight years, during which the hunt for Vizsla was never far from their minds. When they discovered that Death Watch was being protected and funded by the Governor of Galidraan, they accepted a job dealing with a minor rebellion on the planet in order to get close to Vizsla. But when Jango left  the Mandalorians to go and collect payment (and to insist that the governor should give up Death Watch and Vizsla to them), it turned out to be a trap. Vizsla was waiting, and Jango had to make a fighting retreat.
Fact Files #124 
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Eight years after the death of Jaster Mereel, Jango Fett’s leadership had ensured the survival and even the growth of the Mandalorian group. The Governor of Galidraan hired them to deal with an insurrection that threatened his tyrannical hold on power. Jango’s men did their job, but when Jango went to the Governor, he was ambushed by the Governor’s new associates - Vizsla and the Death Watch.
The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
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Mandalorians were asked by the governor of Galidraan to quell an insurrection[...]
In general, tie-in material is in agreement that A) True Mandalorians under Jango’s leadership took a job to deal with an insurrection B) governor was corrupted (working for Tor Vizsla) and his rule was even called a tyrannical one. 
Korda Six was meant to be an easy job for young Jango’s sake yet still was about saving a rookie squad in need while Jango’s men took money to destroy people that most likely fought for their freedom, rights and/or democracy. All done just so Jango could get Tor Vizsla, the murderer of his biological family and surrogate father. We can’t be sure if Jaster Mereel would take that job. The retconned Jaster-Boba Fett most likely would
“What you're doing is morally wrong. The Rebels are in the wrong, and the Rebellion will fail as it should." Leia Organa could not keep the outrage out of her voice. "Morally wrong? Us? We're fighting for homes and our families and our loved ones, the ones who are still alive and the ones we've lost. The Empire destroyed my entire world, virtually everyone I ever knew as a child?" Fett actually leaned forward slightly. "Those worlds rose in rebellion against the authority legally in place over them. The Emperor was within his rights to destroy them; they threatened the system of social justice that permits civilization to exist." He paused. "I am sorry for the deaths of the innocent. But that happens in war, Leia Organa. The innocent die in wars, and your side should not have started this one." [The Last One Standing: The Tale of Boba Fett by Daniel Keys Moran]
However, would that be true for Jaster Mereel, known from Jango’s backstory? Would a person that according to History of the Mandalorians “brought a strong ethic that extended far beyond the limited Mandalorian ideology fighting for credits” be okay with destroying an insurrection against a corrupted official if he himself killed a corrupted fellow Protector and/or his superior? And yes, True Mandalorians were a mercenary band selling their martial arts for good money but that does not mean that Jaster accepted every job available. 
Jaster is known for his strong moral sense that put him in collision with Tor Vizsla and Death Watch that accepted only Mandalorian laws, the law of strongest/violence. Jango too was described as having a personal honor code, but so far sources are concerned, Fett's main rule was that once you accept a job you must finish it. It didn’t matter if his target was a criminal or people forced in slave labor. 
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As Jango taught Boba, “Your loyalty, your honor – these are the things that matter. When you accept a mission, when you give your word, it is all that matters. As you grow into a man, you must remember: in battle, there can be no mercy. [Tales 18: Way of the Warrior]
The final difference between Jaster and Jango comes to this: Jaster wanted to be Mandalore 
“[...] fought tooth-and-nail to become reigning Mandalore and unite the disparate clans”  [History of the Mandalorians/SW Insider #80]
while Jango did not show that desire nor was named by Jaster as his successor.  
Some sources incorrectly claim Jango was chosen by Jaster Mereel:
The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
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[Jaster Mereel] also appointed Jango Fett as his choice to succeed him as Mand'alor.
and Legacy of the Force: Revelation by Karen Traviss
"Why did Shysa think Fett should be Mandalore? Because his father was?" Jaina didn't add that Fett didn't strike her as the community-minded kind. "Bloodlines don't matter to you." "True, but Jango had a fearsomely good fighting reputation, and he was Jaster Mereel's chosen heir, so the Fett name has some power.
however Jaster Mereel, as was pointed out by comics, didn’t name his successor and as comics showed, he did not utter any last word before his death.
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[Jango Fett: Open Seasons, issue 2]
Furthermore, Jango did call Montross unfit to lead True Mandalorians for leaving Jaster Mereel for death but that is it. Fourteen years old Fett did not make any claim to the Mandalore title - it was Silas, the loyal soldier, who first said he would  follow Jango and no one else and other soldiers backed up that.
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Jango: That's not your call to make, Montross. I say you're not fit to lead us. You left Jaster on the battlefield. To die alone. Silas: I'll follow Jango. And do one else. Montross: Is that what you want? A child leading you? [Jango Fett: Open Seasons, issue 2]
Jango was already a great soldier, however that Jaster treated him as his son, does not mean he planned to officially name him his successor, as there could be better fitted, older and more experienced Mandalorians to hold that title (and maybe, when Fett would be older, then he could be their successor). Jango himself believed that Jaster will choose what is the best for True Mandalorians.
Now, let's talk about Walon Vau and how he fits True Mandalorians in the pre-Galidraan era. We know he joined Mandalorians at a young age. We also know that True Mandalorians is a name used by Jaster Mereel to distinguish his men from rebellious Death Watch -
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[The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia]
something that must have happened not so before Jango was orphaned (58BBY), however both factions were part of the same Mandalorian Mercs. So there is a real possibility that Walon Vau knew/was aware of Jaster Mereel - or was affected by his Supercommando Codex to some degree before he served under Jango Fett.
The same as Jango, Vau is presented as a very competent soldier but not exactly liked as a person, at least at the beginning of the Republic Commando book series. In general, the change in perception of Vau is the best seen through his difficult yet complex relationship with Kal Skirata however no matter how relationship warmed between Vau and other characters, the novels constantly described him as cold, detached, hard to read, sometimes even to the point he looked like he did not care about anything and anyone or generally speaking, as someone keeping his emotions under control.
In True Colors, Walon himself admitted to have “little time for anyone else, regardless of species” with the exception of Mird, the men of the Grand Army and most likely Jango Fett, for whom he agreed to train army for around decade on Kamino, cut away from the outside world. Similarly, in Imperial Commando: 501st, Ordo claimed he “had never known Vau to show the slightest interest in another living being” in the context of a romantic/sexual relationship.
(Side note: I do think Vau may be asexual/aromantic and depending on Jango Fett’s own sexuality this could be another factor why they get along better than Jango with Kal Skirata, something I talked more in another meta).
Republic Commando Prima Guide outright called Vau “borderline sociopathic”
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same as The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia:
"Like his peers, Vau was a Mandalorian mercenary. As one of the Cuy'val Dar, Seargeant Vau was known for his pessimistic demeanor, and his training was noted for the worst-case scenarios [...]. Many of his graduates considered Vau to be a borderline sociopath, especially given the way he planned missions."
Side note: in the book series it is actually trained by Kal Skirata clones who use terms like "Old Psycho" and "head case" for Walon, not Vau's own men. And generally speaking most terms like crazy, psycho or other mental implications comes from Kal or his men. Jango too was insulted as unhinged shabuir.
Though from my online research I’m not sure if “borderline sociopath" truly fits the book!Vau, I think it is safe to call him an introvert who most likely falls into the spectrum of Antisocial Personality Disorder. Similar to Jango, Walon is not a person who wants or needs to connect to people, beside the few special beings - for Jango it was Jaster and Boba, for Walon Mird and his clone trainees.
However in contrast to Fett, Vau seems to have much more defined morality. Yes, Jango followed his own personal code - keep your word and finish the mission you agreed to do - yet despite himself being a slave for at least two years, this experience apparently did not create in Jango empathy for enslaved, oppressed people as in the end, he was working for those who could afford his service, which includes the corrupted politicians and criminals enriched on slavery and illegal spice. And when Kaminoan scientistpointed out he lacked morality, Jango get angry:
Internal memo penned by Hali Ke, senior research geneticist, Kamino, 27 BBY (source) 
I have now logged many sessions with our prime clone Jango Fett, and concluded that he embodies his species’ contradictions. He is a killer many times over, ending the life of others without hesitation if paid to do so, yet his anger was obvious when I suggested he lacked morality.
In contrast, Walon acknowledged that he is a criminal by Coruscant standards and did not deny that at all. 
Republic Commando: Order 66
“I’ve known Skirata for some years,” Vau said. “He’s a criminal by Coruscant standards. So am I. But an outright traitor - no. He’s a professional.”
At the same time, he did not allow Deltas to cross the line between soldiers and criminals, as he was adamant they won’t steal money during raid on Mygneeto Bank
Republic Commando: True Colors
"Sarge, we got what we came for. Why are we robbing a bank?" "You're not robbing it. I'm robbing it. You're just opening a door."
“We can empty the-” “I steal. You don’t.” It was a fine point but it mattered to Vau. Skirata might have raised a pack of hooligans, but Vau’s squads were disciplined. Even Sev… Sev was psychotic and lacked even the most basic social graces, but he wasn’t a criminal.
- even if Walon personally considered depriving his biological family of their fortune as a matter of justice, for himself and clone troopers ("I'm not robbing for gain. I'm not a greedy man. I just want justice. [...] Justice for me; justice for the clone troops, used up and thrown away like flimsi napkins.")
Side note: Kal's comment even further imply how unusual was for Vau to rob a bank in the first place:
"Unconfirmed. We lost his signal. He had kit with him that General Jusik felt you would want to recover." "What for?" "He cleaned out a bank vault. Credits, jewelry, bonds, the works. Two bags." Vau robbed a bank? Skirata was taken aback. The miserable old di'kut was game for breaking any law, but plain theft - never. This was Skirata's style, not Vau's.
Walon also did not allow Delta Squad to take part in extraction of Jilka because he considered it "too dirty and political".
Republic Commando: Order 66
"What do you want us to do, Sarge?” Vau summoned Mird back to his side with a silent gesture. “Nothing.” “Sarge, we can-” “No. You can’t. Sorry. This crosses the line from soldier to … well, I don’t want you involved with this. I needed Zey to know what I was doing, but it’s better you don’t ask why, either.” “Okay, Sarge.” Scorch activated his helmet comlink, wondering if Vau didn’t think they were good enough to take on RDS. “I’ll get the schematics of the security cells, and we’ll have you an operational plan inside half an hour.” “Scrap the plan, Scorch, but the schematics would be very welcome. Get some rest. Kashyyyk is going to wring you dry.” “Okay, Sarge.” They had time to give him a bit of help. “We wouldn’t foul up, honest.” “I know. But this is too dirty and political even for special ops. Concentrate on Kashyyyk. Real soldiering to be done there.”
Side note: Freeing Jilka Zan Zentis out of RDS custody was more done for benefit of Besany and Ordo (and Skirata) than anything else but Vau drew the line and kept to the resolution that members of the Delta Squad were soldiers first and foremost - their mission were sanctioned by Republic military and whatever happened and whoever they killed during said missions did not make them criminals. On other hand, there is something to say about Vau and how much of "dirty work" he did for Skirata clan's benefit through the whole book series.
The books also points out that despite his brutality and detachment, he cared for his own military self-respect and wasn’t one for blindly following orders:
“Are you on brigade strength again, Sarge?” Scorch asked. “No. Still civilian status.” Vau wore a slightly preoccupied frown that didn’t seem to have anything to do with the business at hand. “That way I can tell Zey where to stick his orders without feeling I’ve lost my military self-respect. An army that refuses orders is a rabble.” Scorch had heard it all before. It was like a litany, and he knew his lines. “An army that refuses orders is a danger to its citizens.” “An army that refuses orders is dead.” “You ever disobeyed an order, Sarge?” “Only when it was unlawful. And that’s not always an easy call, not when the bolts are shaving your nose hair. I’ll leave that wisdom to the lawyers sitting on their padded shebse years after the event.” Vau had never been a chatty man at the best of times; maybe this was the private Vau, the one his squads rarely saw.
 Of course, what is “unlawful” in the opinion of a man that had no objection to brutalize clone cadets on Kamino or to interrogate and later kill an unarmed woman is up to debate.
Vau, for a former aristocrat, has also a very clear disdain for slavery:
Republic Commando: True Colors
"Of course," said Skirata, "we don't know if he's aware that the Republic sends out hit men to execute clones who want to try their luck in Civvy Street, either." Vau was watching the conversation with an air of boredom, which usually meant quite the opposite. He kept looking across to the one closed cabin, which had to be Ko Sai's holding cell, and exuding impatience. "If you broadcast that on the hour, all day on HNE, nobody would care, Kal. I guarantee it." "They'll care if the Seps start attacking Coruscant and interrupt their holovid viewing, all right." "But there's not going to be this massive wave of protest on behalf of Our Brave Boys. You'll be knocked flat by the wave of apathy. Goodness, our slave army, bred to fight, disposed of when it's too much trouble? What a sensible system! Good for the Chancellor! That's what we pay our taxes for!" Vau dropped the bored act and came very close to exposing emotion for once. "It saves all those civilians from having to look after their own democracy. The most you'll get is a few creds dropped in a charity box on the anniversary of Geonosis. No Senator is going to change a thing."
"Ugliness is an illusion, gentlemen." Vau began sorting through his disputed inheritance. "Like beauty. Like color. All depends on the light." The first thing that caught his eye in the family box was his mother's flawless square-cut shoroni sapphire, the size of a human thumbprint, set on a pin and flanked by two smaller matching stones. In some kinds of light, they were a vibrant cobalt blue, while in others they turned forest green. Beautiful: but real forests had been destroyed to find them, and slaves died mining them. "The only reality is action." 
"You do realize," he said to Skirata, "that if the troopers were given a choice, most would opt to stay in the army anyway?" "I do. We all prefer the comfort of what we know best." "They'd be as dead as volunteers as they'd be as slaves, Kal." "But they'd have a choice, and that's what makes us free men." "Actually, that's a load of osik. Plenty of free beings in the galaxy don't have a vote and don't get a choice about what they do each day. There's a very blurred line between slavery and economic dependence." 
Additional Commentary: The line:  "there's a very blurred line between slavery and economic dependence." most likely is related to Vau's biological family. From the same book:
“It’s the Arakyd special, Walon. Says more about you than credits ever can.” The gangster look was less conspicuous here than full Mandalorian armor. The idea was to look like they’d come for sportfishing so that submerging Aay'han offshore didn’t attract the wrong sort of interest. “Looks rather expensive.” “Another bauble from the Vau deposit box. My great-grandfather is said to have shot a servant with it for serving his caf too hot.” Skirata almost went for the bait. “You’re just saying that to make me mad, aren’t you?” Vau’s expression was unreadable. “You know I’d never do such a thing.” Mereel put a restraining hand on Skirata’s shoulder as he overtook him. The terrible thing about Vau and his family was that it was perfectly possible.
This little story - whatever true or not - illustrates well that a person doesn't need to be shackled down like a slave to be exploited and mistreated. A servant, a free person earning their own living - may still be economic dependent on a cruel master with no protection from abuse, even if in theory applicable laws should regulate the coexistence of employer and employee. But sadly, the same as in real life the domestic help was often abused and mistreated, the galaxy far far away is too filled with corruption, greed and general lack of care for the poorest and the most vulnerable.
Vau’s point is especially interesting in regard to Jango, who at least twice took part in suppressing rebellion against the planet's potentially tyrannical leader (Galidraan) and slave revolt against Kuat elite/ Corporate exploitation, as happened in mentioned previously Tales 18: Way of the Warrior
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Taking into account that Vau is
empathic enough to think there's a very blurred line between slavery and economic dependence and has some stories related to his biological family and its exploitation of other beings without an ounce of regret (slaves dying to mine shoroni sapphire, a stones used by his mother or the servant killed for trivial, petty reason)
he refused to follow orders he considered unlawful even under enemy's fire
we should ask this - did the mission on Galidraan was the line he refused to cross?
Mind you, there is not enough direct sources to prove it or reject this notion, so this is just one of possibilities, but if Walon Vau served under Jaster Mereel before Korda Six and shared similar approach to law and morality, after eight years of hunting for Death Watch (and knowing Tor Vizsla and his cunning nature, that was most likely a wild goose chase) he could become disinterested in Jango's more ruthless leadership at some point. Not enough to quit True Mandalorians but enough to notice that Jango may move further and further away from what Jaster Mereel would consider a good (morally and financial) contract for his people. After all, Galidraan was only partially about money, as it was above all a means to catch and kill Tor Vizsla, so Montross could be right, young Fett's mind was clouded when it comes to Jaster and avenging his death.
I'm not saying that Jango was a bad leader, but I think Vau not wanting to involve himself in suppressing a rebellion of ordinary people against a potential tyrant (aristocrat) fits well within established data about him. Even more if we take into account his statement:
Vau didn’t meet Skirata’s eyes for a moment, but he glanced at Jusik. “I could have been at Galidraan, but I wasn’t, and I never forgot that. Not my fight. Should have been my fight.” [Republic Commando: Order 66]
"Not my fight" most likely is about Vau's more ambivalent feeling toward Death Watch (that understandable after Galidraan turned into hatred) and recognizing that it was Jango's revenge quest but I think it may also be about the nature of the mission that went against Vau's own moral code. And another question without a clear answer is, did Vau ever disobeyed Jango's order before Galidraan?
At this moment, I think it is safe to assume that Vau knowing Jango for over two decades does not automatically mean they were close to each other from the start but considering that Jango at some point shared with Walon personal matters like childhood trauma (more details in previous part), he was no stranger either. However Jango being the Mandalore does not make him "moral authority" in Walon's eyes (the way Jaster was, maybe?) who could and in fact refused to follow orders if he did consider them unlawful. Young Jango on another hand was more concerned with his personal quest (revenge) than morality of his action and may have taken a contract that Jaster himself wouldn't. What could lead to some tension between those two, but as Galidraan and its dire consequences will shown, the potential personal conflict between Vau and Fett did not set them apart.
Next part: Galidraan and its consequences
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