#toto surfing video
starklyn · 1 year
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deltaromeo3 · 1 year
ᴍᴇɪɴ ꜱᴄʜᴀᴛᴢ ⋆ Mick Schumacher
pairing: mick schumacher x teammate!reader
summary: “we don’t meet people by accident, they cross our paths for a reason.”
warnings: this is a long one! google translated german…💀
✮ mein leibe - my love
✮ mein schatz - my treasure
✮ mein podiumssiter - my podium sitter
シ A/N: just a little something for the Mick girlies🫶🏼 ps. lets just pretend that Mick isnt a reserve driver!!!! also lets just pretend 2019 was 2 years back LOL.
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It all started two years back, when you had just transferred from Alpha Tauri to Mercedes, but Covid suddenly hit.
Video conferences were a thing and Mercedes was holding a team meeting online. Everyone was required to join.
This was a regular thing and often times they would just go over talks about where the team will be moving forward and so on so you didn’t really pay that much attention.
Suddenly, your phone dings. It was from an unknown number but you knew it was from Mick because the text read,
“Do you understand what Toto is talking about?”
You quickly saved his number before replying to his text, not realising a smile has made its way to your face. It’s unexpected really, you weren’t really close to Mick. He’s much closer to Jack and Sebastian.
“Not at all. I’m not listening. Are you?”
You looked up at your laptop screen, realising Mick was smiling to himself.
“That makes two of us then.”
Little did you know, this was the start of something bigger.
From then on, the two of you just grew closer and closer. He would bring you around on his bike.
You remembered how you didn’t have a helmet so you had to use his spare race helmet. But when your birthday came, Mick had gifted you your own even though you didn’t ask for one. You were happy nonetheless because it meant more rides around with him.
The two of you were always caught on camera always together, like that time in Singapore when it was raining. The camera caught Mick rubbing your sides so that you would warm up. They even caught Mick hugging you from the back whilst you were talking to Toto. You remembered this day clearly because you managed to clinch a Mercedes 1-2 with Mick by your side.
It was like the two of you were joined at the hip, everywhere he went, you were there and vice versa. Even during the drivers briefing, he would sit next to you even when there were plenty of empty seats all around.
And when you won your first podium, Mick was there, cheering you on the loudest.
After you came down from the stage, he immediately engulfed you in a hug, congratulating you, not even caring that you were sticky from the champagne.
Of course, not far behind were his mom and his sister, who were already walking towards you with open arms, ready to congratulate you.
“Liebling, darling, now you have no excuses not to come for dinner. Come, let’s celebrate your win!”
You looked over to Mick, he was smiling at you with his gleaming green eyes, hopeful that you would accept his mother’s offer.
“Cmon y/n!” Gina says.
“Okay okay, ich komme! I’ll come!”
She goes wide eyed, “You can speak german?”
You laughed at her reaction, “A little.” You pursed two fingers together. “Mick is teaching me, I’m still learning!”
She looks over to Mick, whispering something to him.
Mick chuckles, “Ich weiss. Ich werde versuchen Mama,” was all you heard. But that didn’t do you much good did it? I know… something-something… Mama.
Good god this was definitely a sign for you to take up German so you can understand the gossip between Mick and his mom better.
You looked at Gina, hoping she would translate it to you.
“Don’t look at me! I’ve no idea what she said to Mick,”
You smacked her arm, “You’re lying!”
She laughs.
Of course, everyone had their suspicions, but nobody spoke up and you didn’t think anything of it. Not until Jack came up to you.
Mick had invited you to come surf with him and Jack. You had always wanted to try surfing so you tagged along.
You were new to this so you really had no idea what you were doing, but lucky for you, Mick was there to teach you the ropes. After multiple attempts, you managed to ride a wave.
“That’s it! You got it mein schatz!”
After tiredly trying to surf, you decided to take a break, now seated down when Jack came and joined you. Mick was still busy chasing waves.
“Y/N,” He says as he sat down beside you.
“Jack,” You replied.
“He’s good, you know.”
“What, at surfing? Yeah you got that right.”
Jack shakes his head as he laughs to himself.
“No, not that you idiot!” He smacks his forehead. “I meant, he’s good for you. And you’re good for him, y’know?”
“Thanks…? What’s that supposed to mean?”
He shrugs, quickly walking off after he sips his drink.
You didn’t think much of it, brushing his comment off because deep down you knew Mick didn’t like you like that.
It was finally the end of the season. Last race down, and now you were on your way to spend Christmas with the Schumachers.
Initially, Mick asked where you were gonna be this Christmas and you replied with “at home.”
and he thought home was with your family, but after your Dad passed, home was your flat in Monaco.
He was appalled that you were gonna spend your Christmas, all alone in a flat with no Christmas tree and decorations.
“Mein schatz, how about you come spend Christmas with me instead?”
You stopped packing your stuff, “That’s so sweet of you Mick, but I can’t do that. I don’t wanna trouble you and your family,”
He gasps, “Der unsinn! nonsense! Mama and Gina would be more then happy to have you around! In fact, they asked if you were coming.”
You smiled, “Really? If it’s no bother to y-“
He interjects by placing a finger on your lips. “Pack what you need. I’ll pick you up tomorrow,”
You nodded in response but quickly panicked, “Oh my God Mick! I don’t have gifts for them!”
He laughs, “Don’t worry mein schatz. Those are not important,”
And so here you are, in Switzerland, en route to the Schumacher residence. Gina was driving the car while Mick was asleep behind at the passenger seat. You were seated in front, beside Gina.
“I’m so happy you decided to join us. Mama has been talking non-stop about your arrival!”
You smiled at her remark.
“I really didn’t want to trouble your family, but Mick insisted I come when he heard I was gonna spend Christmas alone,”
Gina chuckles, “I think my brother has taken a liking to you, don’t you think?” She turns to look at you for a second before quickly looking back at the road.
“Yeah you’re not the first to say that…”
After you insist you help to clean up dinner because that’s the least you could do, you excused yourself, making your way to the balcony where it overlooked the huge backyard. Not to mention, the stars were particularly bright that night.
You leaned over the railing, looking at the scenery upon you, taking it all in, realising this is probably one of the best (if not the best) Christmas’ you’ve ever had. Your eyes welled with tears, extremely grateful to have spent Christmas with Mick and his family and not alone, sipping your sorrows away on a glass of wine.
You were so engrossed in your own feelings you didn’t even realise Mick was standing in the doorway.
“You okay mein schatz?” He asks as he walks over to you, hugging you from the back as he places his head on the crook of your neck.
You quickly wiped your tears, “I’m good. Just happy. Thank you Mick,”
He smiles, “Don’t worry about it. We’re happy to have you here.”
He lets go of the hug, walking off but he quickly returns with a mug.
“Here,” He says, passing you the mug. “Mama made hot chocolate,” You took a sip, moaning because it was delicious and it was just what you needed.
He suddenly giggles when he looks at you.
“What’s so funny?” You start to giggle when you heard him giggle.
“Y-you have a lil’ s-something,” He says mid laughter, pointing to your upper lip.
“Oh here?” You said as you touched your upper lip. “You’ve got a little something too!” You said as you point at his upper lip.
The both of you laugh, realising that you each had a foam moustache.
“Come here,” Mick gestures and you leaned forward. He swipes his thumb over your upper lip, wiping the foam away, afterwards sucking it clean off his thumb.
“There, no more moustache.” He smiles.
Flustered at his sudden action, “W-what about you?” You asked, trying to play it cool. He quickly licks it clean.
“You’re so silly Mick,” You smiled at his antics.
“Yeah? Tell me something I don’t know,”
Unbeknownst to you, Corinna and Gina caught this little moment.
“Glaubst du, dass Micki sie mag? Do you think Micki likes her?” Gina whispers to her mother.
“Mag sie? Dein Bruder ist verliebt. Likes her? Your brother is in love.” Corinna whispers to Gina.
Gina lets out a soft chuckle, “Glaubst du, sie weib es? Do you think she knows?”
Corinna chuckles, “Ich glaube nicht, dass sie es wissen. I don’t think they know.”
“Sollten wir etwas dagegen tun? should we do something about it?”
Corinna shakes her head.
Now back home in Monaco, you were unpacking your luggage when you suddenly spot a paper bag you’ve not seen before.
Curious, you took it out, opening it to reveal the contents inside.
There were a pair of white Chanel fluffy slides (you took a liking to them after seeing Gina wearing a black pair), a framed photo and a small square box.
It was a photo of a 1-2 podium of you and Mick back in Singapore. There was writing on the glass, “To many more wins with you, mein podiumssitter! :)”
You smiled, proceeding to open the small square box, only to realise it was a necklace of the Circuit de Monaco, your favourite track, and also where you got your first podium.
You shook the bag just to make sure there was nothing else inside but to your surprise, an envelope came dropping out.
It was a letter from Mick.
“I remember the day we met. You always think it’s on that conference call but you were wrong!
It was on that day when we had to do the pre season shoot. I remember I had no one else to talk to that day other than Toto, but as soon as you waved at me, I knew that we would be the best of friends. Never would I have thought that I’d be here… writing you this.
We have been friends for some time now; and not one day has gone by without me thinking of you. And when I do, the biggest smile comes across my face. I feel warm all over whenever i’m with you.
I thought this would pass, but when you came over and spent Christmas with my family I knew that this wasn’t something temporary.
You mean so much to me. I don’t know how to tell you face to face so I am going to put my feelings into words on a paper.
Mein schatz, ich habe mich schon vor so langer zeit in dich verliebt, und obwohl ich nicht weib, was du für mich fühlst, könnte ich keinen weiteren tag verstreichen lassen, ohne dir zu sagen, was ich empfinde.
(My treasure, I fell in love with you so long ago and while I don't know how you feel about me, I couldn't go another day without telling you how I feel.)
Lots of love, Mick.”
You jaw was now on the floor. This is unreal, absolutely unreal.
You quickly took your phone, clicking his contact, calling him up.
The line rings, and rings, and finally,
“Schatz,” Mick says, in a sleepy voice.
“Mick,” Your voice cracks.
“Schatz? Ist alles in Ordnung? is everything okay?” You hear ruffling on his side.
“Mick, Ich… habe mich… auch in… dich verliebt. I fell in love with you too. Did I say that right?” You struggled your way through the sentence, stuttering like an idiot.
Mick lets out a soft chuckle, afterwards the line goes silent. “Wait, you feel the same?”
“Yes silly! That is why I’m calling you!”
You heard whoops and cheers from him. He quickly clears his throat, “I’m glad I listened to Mama,”
“Remember she whispered something to me? That day when you got podium in Monaco?”
“She said ‘sie ist ein guter Mick, ich mag sie. Behalte sie, ja?’ Which means, she’s good Mick. I like her. Keep her will you?” He chuckles as he recalls back to that day.
You let out a soft chuckle, “Gosh I should really start learning German so I can better understand the gossip happening around me,”
Mick laughs, “Meine leibe, as long as youre with me you don’t have to worry about that,”
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annisassintchaska · 1 year
bestie can I request toto with a black!femreader? he’s just so daddy😩that video of him surfing?! *debby Ryan hair tuck* got me all in my Toto feels😪
Idiot: Toto Wolff x Black!Reader
TW: Cursing, Slapping (non abusive!)
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The morning had just started as the sun had risen, lighting up the bedroom that belongs to the Wolff family, Y/n and Toto. Y/n was never one to be excited about mornings as she would rather sleep through the morning and work through the evening into the night; however she knew that staying in wouldn’t get the chores and multiple emails waiting for replies done so she dragged herself up and into the bathroom for a shower.
Upon her return from getting dressed and walking around the house to collect the things she needed, Y/n noticed that her husband who should’ve been at home with her wasn’t in the house yet he left his phone on the counter in the kitchen. Dropping everything in the living room, she went out to the sides of the house, to the garden in the front and had gotten no sight of her husband, she made her way around to the back thinking that he might’ve been relaxing at the poolside or even on a conference call with the team, but dear Lord was she so wrong.
Y/n walked out to find her significant other down at the sea, surfing his heart away with the widest grin mixed with concentration on his face. She was so mad at him yet did nothing as she watched him endanger himself even worse than before as his eyes caught hers and after a couple of minutes, his surf was over and he was on his way to get cleaned up.
Returning to the house walking with his crutches, Toto wasn’t surprised when he was met in the living room by his infuriated wife who was glaring at him from across the room. “Hey schatz, did you sleep good?” He asked trying to distract her from being upset. “Yes I did in fact sleep good. Thanks for asking, but you know what didn’t feel good? The fact that my husband seems to be out to give me a fucking heart attack by doing some of the dumbest shit I’ve ever witnessed on this planet called Earth. Why the hell would you go surfing while injured?! First you went bike riding, now you’ve got a broken arm and leg-mind you this isn’t the first time! Your forearm and leg are in braces for Christ’s sake! If you fell into the water your ass wouldn’t be able to fucking swim! What is wrong with you?! Why do you keep trying to kill me before my time?! I’m way much younger than you but it seems you want me to leave this world before you, huh?!” Y/n scolded her husband as she spanked him on his good arm with her hands.
“Schatz I’m sorry. I really didn’t think your mind would go that far, I thought of it as a harmless morning surf” Toto explained but it fell on deaf ears to his wife who noticed him wincing everyone he moved an injured body part but chose to keep silent. “You see, this is why women live longer than men cause y’all just jump into anything without weighing the pro and cons. You literally have surgery in a few weeks and it’s like you want to make your injuries worse than better so guess what, maybe I’ll call and have them cancel the surgeries, yeah?” Y/n replied sarcastically as he sat down on the couch to rest while Y/n went to start the laundry.
An hour and a half later, Y/n was sat on one end of the couch with her laptop in hand typing away, while Toto sat at the other end obviously now feeling the painful effect of his stupidity from earlier. “Y/n/n my leg hurts!” He whined as Y/n only looked at him briefly before shaking her head and refocusing on her task. “Y/n I know you heard me, please help me. My arm and my leg are hurting! The pain sticks!” He cries this time as tears poured from his eyes, showing that he very well regretted his past decision.
“I’m sorry Mr.I can do anything no matter my condition, I am unable to assist at this time as I’m on my lunch break” Y/n sassed at him. She allowed him to wallow in regret for a couple more minutes before she got up to get his medications and the necessary items to help with the pain. “Here, take a bite of this. Swallow the pills, then you finish eating it.” Y/n instructed as she iced and elevated her husband’s swelling leg. Toto did as instructed and rested his head after everything was done while he waited for the pain to subside.
After a while the pain had been fully gone and Y/n was now resting next to him as they watched some Tom and Jerry to occupy their time. “Thank you schatz for your help, your patience, your love and your kindness. I know that I am a lot of work but you manage me so well.” Toto expressed as his wife listened calmly on the verge of sleep. “You’re welcome sweetheart. I just hope that you’ve learnt your lesson and that something like this will not happen again?” She inquired from her husband “Of course not darling, I promise to stress you a little less. I love you” he giggled out his answer “I love you too you idiot” Y/n joined his giggle in reply while peacefully falling asleep, knowing that no matter what he promised, she would still be getting regular heart attacks in the future all because of her love for him.
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onboardsorasora · 6 months
This was so good!!!
What if Daniel takes them dirt biking in Perth because that’s what he likes and the team is just like “we might not always have both feet on the ground but we do like to have 4 wheels”
For the first time, Daniel’s the one pulling out the crazy moves while everyone else is taking it easy
sorry this took so long Bestie, I loved this idea and wanted to give it its own chapter feel
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Bowling |Australia | Helmet | Other prompts
Daniel grinned at the dubious faces around him. For once feeling like he knew what was going on. After the surfing excursion in Melbourne, he’d suggested offhandedly that they go to his family’s ranch in Perth to go off roading. Lewis had been down immediately and Bono had been intrigued.
It hadn’t taken much to put together and he may have thrown Lewis' and Mercedes’ name around to get a quick turnaround but it was worth it when Michelle had sent the video of all the bikes and atvs being unloaded in the bush beyond his Mum’s garden.
He’s been nervous on the flight over, especially with how glum everyone was after the double dnf. But felt a sense of calm the moment they touched down in Perth. It had taken three buses (Mercedes of course) to shuttle them all to Duncraig and it for sure had garnered a small smattering of attention from their neighbours, but the section of the ranch they were at was secluded and away from everyone.
Everyone had taken the travel day to settle into Daniel’s unused farmhouse on the edge of the property. It was a tight fit but fun in the way a family vacation felt. Grace, Joe and his Nonna had been excited to cook for everyone and they chatted away with Lewis, Toto, George and Bono while Daniel wandered off to look at the vehicles. 
He’d wheeled his own bike out of the shed, which caught a few of the mechanics’ attention and that's how he’d inadvertently started a group tuning session. Working on something other than an f1 car while shooting the shit had seemed to be exactly what the doctor ordered. And the family meal afterwards was the cherry on top.
That was yesterday, today he grinned gleefully as everyone took in the ‘course’. He was proud of his little masterpiece, building the jumps himself with a few of his buddies over the course of three years. Before he headed to Europe and met up with Charles and subsequently Lewis.
“Lewis, George you are not allowed to do the hard course. Stick to the road course please.” Toto piped up, eyeing one of the larger jumps in the distance. This caused a round of snorting laughter.
“So! How about a track ride?” Daniel grinned and Lewis hopped on his chosen bike eagerly. Some of the mechs were definitely more hesitant, choosing the atvs– preferring four wheels to the death trap of two.
“Uncle Daniel!” A small voice yelled, Isabella ran out of the house holding a helmet that was almost as long as she was tall. “Nonna says to wear your helmet!”
“Ah, thanks Bells.” Daniel lifted her onto his hip. “Do you want to do the track ride with us?” He dipped his head and she put his goggles over his curls.
“Can we do the ET jump?” She asked and Daniel cackled an ‘of course’.
“ET jump?” George asked, putting on his own helmet. He chose a bike.
“The big one,” Daniel settled his niece on the seat of his bike and pointed to the jump in the distance everyone seemed hesitant about. “When you jump it, Isaac says it looks like the movie when he’s flying off.”
Lewis laughed and started his bike, he’d only looked at Daniel’s thighs in his shorts a normal amount. But they needed to hurry up before that changed with how amazing they looked clutching the bit of machinery.
“You’re really gonna jump it with her?” Someone piped up from the back.
“Oh, Bells has done this course loads of times. Right Bells?” Daniel looked down and she grinned up at him with a nod. He helped to fasten his helmet on her head and swung his leg over the back of the bike. “Ready?” He asked the team with a manic grin. 
He saw the moment a few of the mechanics realized that he may just be as wild as Lewis was, just for different sports. There was a new appreciation and respect in their eyes.
“Lets gooooo!” Isabella giggled when Daniel revved his back and took off in a wheelie. She giggled the whole way point in different directions. Daniel looked through his mirrors to see the line of off road vehicles behind him and whooped a cheer. He heard Lewis’ laugh beside him before he sped off for the first jump. Lewis landed cleanly on the other side followed by Toto and George. Daniel waited til everyone went (Bella yelling her notes for more speed) before taking the first jump and throwing a small kick for flair.
They did the first run that way, with some people gaining more and more confidence as the lap went on. The big jump was where a lot of people chickened out much to Daniel’s glee. They were all for jumping out of planes and doing all sorts of dangerous shit, but a pile of dirt was where they drew the line.
“I thought about making a pussy path around it but Chelle wouldn’t let me.”
“Uncle Daniel!” Isabella gasped.
“We’ll do a trick if you don’t tell your Nonna!” Daniel bargained quickly, causing snickers.
“The flip one.” 
“You drive a hard bargain miss Bells.” Daniel held his pinky out for her to hook hers to. She did so with a smile. “I guess we’ll show off a little for our friends.” Daniel teased, looping his bike further back for space and speed.
Lewis watched him with a grin, loving how confident and comfortable Daniel was on the back of his bike doing crazy tricks in the dirt. He landed the front flip easily on the other side, using one hand to clutch his niece’s body easily while they inverted. Isabella kept her hands clutched on the handlebars. The movement was smooth as if they really did this often.
Lewis watched Daniel enjoy the team’s cheers with a honking laugh and endeavored to do more things with him that made him light up this way.
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russilton · 2 years
Ok Mark I’m unwell and I don’t think I’ll get easily over that effin bowling video. I need one of your on point analysis of body language bc I just can’t fathom those two for real!!! Who the hell high fives bros by locking their fingers 😭!! Just go ahead and kiss you dingabats ffs😭💙
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I might be- I might be too emotional about this to write very good meta? Because I’ve been trying for days and I just absolutely melt every time I crack open this ask to see what happens.
They’re just so open the whole damn time. It’s relaxed, easy, free, they’re having fun among their chosen family even while being filmed. George is loose and flexible, rather than sort of clamming up bashfully the way he can be, he’s peacocking and showing off. And he’s ENJOYING himself as he does so, the team clearly let him be funny and competitive. LEWIS let’s him be a little shit and meets him with open arms and a wide grin.
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Lewis, speaking of Lewis, he’s so happy in this video in a way that’s really god damn important. Every time he turns around he’s beaming wide and large, at the camera’s or at George. We don’t see Lewis openly giddy often, just when he’s really, really having fun. Like when he’s surfing, or with his remote control cars. I like to see Lewis let go and have fun, and that’s why seeing him with the travel team so eager and open is important. It reinforces what Lewis keeps saying, Mercedes is a family. Toto, Angela, Aleix, James V, Bradley, Bono, Riki, Valtteri, and more are his family. George is his family.
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Then there’s just George and Lewis with each other. Fond, giddy, affectionate. Leaning towards each other like they can’t bare to be apart, moths to a flame, magnets pulled together my invisible forces. They walk toward each other every time too. Yes back into the fold of the team as a whole, but they always end up with each other. Most importantly for the hand holding. It’s like George wanted to end with his favourite so he could excuse spending a little longer there. The pair of them trying so hard to be casual but slipping as George closes his fingers around Lewis’ hand, and Lewis pulls him closer.
It’s just a second of contact but sometimes it’s those short, unconscious actions that define us I think. It’s not the choices we think out, but the ones we do as easy as breathing. The reflexes that show where we are safest.
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I’ll leave you with this gif. I’m so genuinely sorry but I cannot remember if I got it from @grussell63 or @russell-63 so please check out both of their content, because they both do wonderful things and I keep staring at this so whoever made it has brought hours of joy. Which both Kat and Marie do anyway
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erelavent · 2 years
Just watched the Would You Rather video and I have FUCKING THOUGHTS
Both Val and Lewis choosing East Coast over West Coast makes me so happy. Thay have taste 😌👍🏽👌🏾🤌🏾
Lewis choosing Rupaul's drag race over an actual drag race because he thinks he can pull it off????? A FUCKING LEGEND AND IF RUPAUL DOESN'T INVITE HIM RIGHT NOW
Val and George get rights for choosing Cheesecake > Apple Pie (P.S. Lewis, Vegan Cheesecake exists). Hot Fruit is disgusting. Don't @ me.
Daniel having a crisis over apple pie and Cheesecake is hilarious.
Daniel calling himself Texan lmfao
Val not knowing who Wonderwoman is 😭😭
Dolly > Taylor. Nuff said (no offense to Taylor, Dolly is a legend tho)
Val not knowing who Dolly Parton is 🥲
Nicki not being allowed to ski or surf? Sir, how strict is your contract? Are you ok? Blink twice if you need help
Daniel choosing his activities based purely on his ability to party afterwards
Lewis choosing Lil Nas X > Drake is the only appropriate choice
Pierre choosing a tattoo of his husband Yuki
Lewis choosing a tattoo of Toto over a tattoo of George. George will be heartbroken but his marriage to Toto will be strengthened
Alex trying to figure out which tattoo would be less offensive to Lily lmao
Esteban and Checo being absolute crackheads and choosing both tattoos
George having a hard time choosing between Lewis and Toto 😂
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f1-baby1999 · 3 years
Right I've just woken up so I'm half asleep, looked on the F1 discord server I'm a part of and saw the videos of Toto crowd surfing, Toto with Val on his shoulders and Toto singing with people all while the both of them are absolutely shitfaced. I thought I was dreaming at first 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I guess that's one way to knock down the pain of what happened and good on them tbh as they still have something to celebrate (winning the constructors again)
I feel sorry for Susie and Tiff though for having to deal with their drunk as fuck men and also having to deal with their hungover as fuck men hahaha
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russell-63 · 2 years
I know it's good PR for the team to make it seem like the drivers are getting along but I feel like Lewis and George genuinely do. It has surprised me actually and Toto it seems; I do think the surfing posts were PR, but I'm loving the fact that it could have been a statement to the press, some fans and pundits that seem determined for them to be at odds with each other, I am also living for the idea of Lewis trying to convince George to skydive! 😂
The fact that there's no video, just a few photos who are obviously not professional ones, should be a clear indication that it wasn't pr but rather a private thing they had going on... imagine, drivers do actually stuff for fun and not for the media
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danglovely · 4 years
Everything I learned or experienced from watching the commentary track for “Community”:
*deep breath*
The Pierce writing the Greendale song subplot had a darker version cut by NBC.
Pierce helping Troy with sneezing had a cut Chevy line: “you used to be the big man on campus AND NOW YOU’RE A JOKE.”
Chevy Chase seems to not know what ecstasy is.
Dan Harmon definitely is familiar with it.
There was a shooting at the school they filmed the debate scenes at which put the cast and crew into lockdown. 
Joel McHale received emails from church groups regarding the content of his “Man is Evil” debate.
Donald Glover hits on Yvette Nicole Brown in a Barack Obama impression.
Chevy Chase loves being behind a piano.
He also loves doing prat falls.
He improvised calling his beastmaster owl “Abed” in Introduction to Statistics.
Jack Black filmed his episode in one day.
Annie having sex with a guy, him revealing himself to be gay, and her never seeing his genitalia was drawn from Alison Brie’s life.
According to Dan Harmon, Slater is supposed to be the Jolie to Britta’s Aniston. 
Dan Harmon was worried people would think he was ripping of Funny or Die with Jeff and Slater’s relationship declaration form.
The cast of Derrick Comedy is Pierce’s joke team in Romantic Expressionism. 
Yvette Nicole Brown came up with the Burt and Ernie tag.
Craig Cackowski is on the show because his sister wrote for the show.
JUST MY OPINION, but Chevy Chase and Dan Harmon seemed quite appreciative of each other in the first season. 
The “Goldbluming” joke was a big point of contention between Joe and Anthony Russo.
I can’t confirm... but it really sounds like the show killed a frog for Britta’s prank. 
The Starburns - Abed chicken scene was an intentional homage to Heat.
Abed and Jeff are both cut off from people according to Dan Harmon. The difference is that Jeff can manipulate people and Abed covets that ability.
Jeff and Britta had sex in Modern Warfare partially to make the episode important to the overall story’s structure (in addition to it being the first real high concept episode).
Abed wears a Boondocks shirt because Sony owned it and it was free to use by the show. 
Dan Harmon does not respect Good Will Hunting as a movie.
The “so it begins, the greatest relationship ever known” kiss took 30 takes.
Betty White did not know Toto’s Africa before filming her rap.
The music budget for the second season was entirely spent on Abba music for Epidemiology. Dan Harmon paid out of pocket for the Sara Bareillis song they use in Paradigms of Human Memory. 
In Calligraphy, Gwynnifer is named after Dan Harmon’s twitter “nemesis”. He confirmed it is a code name for Britta, who had been hooking up with Jeff since the space bus. 
Dan Harmon repeatedly refers to Jeff and Britta as the inverse of Jim and Pam from The Office.
Bruce Hornsby was supposed to punch Pierce in the season one finale. 
Chevy Chase was upset with how cruel Pierce was in Advanced Dungeons in Dragons.
Levar Burton changed the line from “more fish for Levar” to “more fish for Kunta”.
The joke of the tag where no one says anything to each other while they surf their phones is supposed to be that it took place on Britta’s birthday, but the writers realized that it was the wrong time of year. 
Dan Harmon paid for that Sara Bareillis song because it was set over the first Jeff x Annie shipper video he had seen. 
The dean’s cartoon tag exists because Paradigms of Human Memory is somehow the only episode that came in UNDER expected time. 
At the end of Competitive Wine Tasting, Abed was supposed to hear a gunshot coming from Stephen Tobolowsky’s office after proving Angela was, in fact, the boss on Who’s the Boss?
Yvette Nicole Brown calls Gillian Jacobs “Stinkerton” for some reason.
No one on the commentary was happy with the Jeff calling Annie “kiddo” scene in Geography of Global Conflict. Actors, directors, nobody. 
Chevy Chase told Maggie Bandur that she shouldn’t write comedy. 
Dan Harmon tweeted as all the characters for #AnniesMove.
Dan Harmon realized the sound was off to Abed and Troy’s Christmas Rap while doing the commentary.
Dan Harmon said a lot of the planning in season three was about minimizing Chevy’s contact with the cast and crew.
Gillian Jacobs said she didn’t move much in Virtual Systems Analysis when Abed wasn’t supposed to be inhabiting her. (My opinion: none of the other characters seem to follow her rule.)
Alison Brie raps on set a lot.
Gillian Jacobs was in an Apple PC commercial that never aired. 
Dino Stamatopoulos repeatedly requested to be killed off the show.
Jim Rash’s stand-in was bronzed to fill in for Danny Pudi who was absent while his wife was having twins. 
Jim Rash was in and out for a bit while winning an Oscar for The Descendants.
Dean Laybourne was self-conscious about his appearance to justify John Goodman’s appearance for another movie. 
Moses Port said the opening of season four was supposed to be a fake out to make people think the show suddenly sucked.
Annie’s The Ring entrance was filmed backwards then run in reverse.
Britta’s ham costume had to be recolored to prevent her from looking like a scrotum. 
Intro to Knots was originally supposed to be filmed in one shot as an homage to Rope. The first two minutes was all they managed to get through. 
Gillian Jacobs says Troy and Britta have nothing in common.
According to Dan Harmon, Chevy Chase was happy to do his scene in season five and was open to coming back for more.
According to Dan Harmon, even if he wanted Chevy Chase back, Sony would have refused his return to the show.
Jonathan Banks told Christopher McKenna that he would “punch him in the heart” which Dan Harmon wrote into the show. 
It is all butt confirmed that Annie is the Ass Crack Bandit.
Advanced Advanced Dungeons and Dragons was so behind schedule that it totally rushed/altered the season five finale. 
Dan Harmon says Jeff shares things with Britta that he doesn’t with Annie but feels things for Annie that he doesn’t with Britta.
Dan Harmon and Paget Brewster were good friends before she joined the show.
Frankie’s backstory is that she is moving to Colorado to take care of her handicapped sister.
Chang is actually gay. 
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Number 7 with Toto Wolff, George Russell and Lewis Hamilton -Georgie anon
go to a wedding with - Lewis, he'd be the best wedding date + all the moms would love him and you’d be so proud of him <333
go to a party with - Toto, yes based on that one video of him crowd surfing LMAO 
go to a museum with - Georgie, he’d probably know all sorts of cool facts and stuff, take me for a nice lunch after too 
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papirafinha · 3 years
mercedes were probably trying to get those videos taken down incase they’re used in court, imagine the scenes if mercedes tries to sue for emotional distress and then a video of toto crowd surfing to fix you pops up
I don't think they will waste time on emotional distress lawsuits 🥲 plus if that was the case I think they would've made people at the party sign NDAs left and right.
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lindacelestemonroe · 3 years
my lauren lopez character playlists!
i LOVE making these and at some point want to have one for every character but as it stands, i have 10! these are also changing constantly but here are the current tracklists :)
playlists include linda monroe, emma perkins, agnes florentine, emdroid perkins, tanya freemont, rory sampson, esther, lieutenant taz, zazzalil, & cynthia houston
click the section titles for the spotify links!
linda monroe
adore me - starkid productions
ex's & oh's - elle king
sex with a ghost - teddy hyde
charming - amber gray
someone gets hurt - taylor louderman
dark horse - katy perry
circus - britney spears
beggin for thread - banks
flood on the floor - purity ring
bad guy - billie eilish
i know what boys like - the waitresses
i kissed a girl - katy perry
me and my husband - mitski
ghost - halsey
heather - conan gray
sorry - halsey
bubblegum bitch - marina
superfreak - suprefreak
maneater - nelly furtado
agatha all along - wandavision
oh ana - mother mother
it's tough to be a god - annapantsu
world burn - taylor lauderman
killer queen - queen
toxic - britney spears
wiggle - starkid productions
emma perkins
new americana - halsey
get out - chvrches
chained to the rhythm - katy perry
jessie's girl - rick springfield
heartsign - purity ring
amber - 311
hey there delilah - plain white t's
superboy and the invisble girl - next to normal
begin again - purity ring
drugs - upsahl
verbatim - mother mother
cecilia and the satellite - andrew mcmahon in the wilderness
even the nights are better - air supply
bad at love - halsey
burning pile - mother mother
love song - 311
we come running - youngblood hawke
hey, soul sister - train
always the sun - the stranglers
everybody talks - neon trees
don't stop me now - queen
agnes florentine
lovegirl - jim and the povolos
valerie (feat. amy winehouse) - mark ronson
the beauty is - the light in the piazza
ily (i love you baby) (feat. emilee) - surf mesa
it's been a long, long time - harry james
i hear a symphony - cody fry
august - taylor swift
please notice - christian leave
ophelia - the lumineers
mr loverman - ricky montgomery
solar eclipse - jim and the povolos
space girl - frances forever
the moment - jim and the povolos
emdroid perkins
gasoline - halsey
the mother we share - chvrches
you should see me in a crown - billie eilish
circus - lindsay mendez
stranger than earth - purity ring
all mixed up - 311
hey ya! - outkast
stillness in woe - purity ring
meant to be yours - heathers
body - mother mother
girls on film - duran duran
livin' la vida loca - ricky martin
gasoline - leyla blue
another one bites the dust - queen
devil in me - halsey
arms tonite - mother mother
repetition - purity ring
space and time - 311
lofticries - purity sing
we are the champions - queen
tanya freemont
boy toy - the hot girls
wannabe - spice girls
don't you want me - the human league
girls just wanna have fun - cyndi lauper
tiptoe - boys world
lovefool - the cardigans
betty - taylor swift
what a shame - leyla blue
the benefits of being my man - mary kate wiles
woman (feat. the dap-kings horns) - kesha
video killed the radio star - the buggles
teenage dream - katy perry
material girl - madonna
donatella - lady gaga
rory sampson
hayloft - mother mother
pompeii - bastille
girls in bikinis - poppy
cuz i love you - lizzo
wake me up - avicii
dust hymn - purity ring
anna sun - walk the moon
radioactive - imagine dragons
bad blood - bastille
we didn't start the fire - billy joel
ants marching - dave matthews band
just can't get enough - depeche mode
rebel yell - billy idol
uptown girl - billy joel
love shack - the b-52's
we built this city - starship
hotel california - eagles
africa- toto
welcome to the jungle - guns n' roses
o my heart - mother mother
just another day - oingo boingo
rosanna - toto
iris - the goo goo dolls
lay all your love on me - erasure
sharp dresed man - zz top
thunderstruck - ac/dc
gimme all your lovin' - zz top
life is a highway - rascal flatts
lieutenant taz
get back up - starship
make party - jim and the povolos
strike back - talkfine, starkid
suavemente - elvis crespo
galactic love - jim and the povolos
wrecking ball - mother mother
greased lightnin' - grease
99 luftballoons - nena
committed - jim and the povolos
karma chameleon - culture club
hit me with your best shot - pat benatar
living on a prayer - the lights
never gets old - jim and the povolos
dancing queen - abba
it's a beautiful day - michael bublé
cupid's chokehold / breakfast in america - gym class heroes
walking on sunshine - katrina & the waves
firebringer medley - starkid homecoming
come on eileen - dexys midnight runners
don't stop believin' - journey
i'm gonna be (500 miles) - the proclaimers
time warp - rocky horror picture show
kids - mgmt
cynthia houston
take me to church - hozier
a change of scene - mary kate wiles
eyes on the prize i - lauren lopez
she blinded me with science - thomas dolby
the sun always shines on t.v. - a-ha
hot n cold - katy perry
plastic hearts - miley cyrus
madness - muse
suburbia - pet shop boys
vienna - billy joel
tainted love - soft cell
missionary man - eurythmics
renegades - x ambassadors
a little respect - erasure
poker face - lady gaga
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slvrarrws · 3 years
I’m crying at the fact that toto went crowd surfing in a video and in another, Valtteri was sitting on someone’s shoulders and there were like four merc employees with their hands on his back so he didn’t fall 
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russilton · 2 years
Eh wouldn’t count too much on netflix for providing a good storyline between Lewis and George or George/mercedes but if they manage to sneak in a Toto interview where he openly praises George I’ll fall off my couch in shock 🤣😭but what we can hope is for more britcedea material in general, the bonding kind and not the villainizing kind (surf video?candlelit dinners as paul di resta said?maybe a angsty storyline of love and friendship born out of rivalry lol. I should candidate for DTS maybe)
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Sometimes I think y’all don’t read my posts scandalised gasp
I live by the promise of hope for the best, prepare for the worst, otherwise life gets a bit shit
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nuclearblastuk · 5 years
THE NIGHT FLIGHT ORCHESTRA | Announce brand new song
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Swedish classic/progressive rock supergroup THE NIGHT FLIGHT ORCHESTRA have announced they will release a brand new song very soon. To give fans an idea of said track, surf to https://youtu.be/2XooPsXBElQ       Recently the band revealed they have begun recording the successor of     2018s 'Sometimes      The World Ain't Enough'. The band is currently working on the as of yet untitled album at Nordic Sound Labs using the same drum kit that was used during the recordings of ABBA's 1980      mega album 'Super      Trouper'!            “We are beyond thrilled to be able to use such a musical piece of history for the recording of our new album. Jonas is highly influenced by Per Lindvall,      the drummer in ABBA, who used this very kit, during the recording of ABBA’s masterpiece 'Super      Trouper' in 1979. The sound coming from this kit is still fantastic and it’s gonna give that extra flair to our sound. We’ve had two recording sessions so far in Nordic Sound Lab in Skara, Sweden and will have a 3rd final session in September. Then the new album is good to go. We are super excited about and can’t wait to share it.” - Björn Strid            Make sure to book your flights for these summer dates:      07.06.                  S          Sölvesborg - Sweden Rock      18.06.                  S          Gävle - Gasklockorna (w/ TOTO)      29.06.                  A          Klam - Burg Clam      05.07.                  D          Ballenstedt - Rockharz Open Air      11.07.                  D          Balingen - Bang Your Head!!!      12.07.                  A          Leoben - Area 53  Festival      13.07.                  CZ        Vizovice - Masters of Rock      01. - 03.08.          D          Wacken - Wacken Open Air *SOLD OUT*      17.08.                  F           St. Nolff -  Motocultor Festival      13./14.09.            D           Hamburg - Indoor Summer      15.09.                  F           Raismes - Raismes Fest            The band's latest effort 'Sometimes The World Ain't      Enough' was released on June 29, 2018, and met by critical acclaim by both fans and media and charted in various European territories, peaking at #16 in Germany.            The album was awarded "album of the month" in various big music      publications:      Aardschok (NL)      Rock  Hard (GER)      Rock Hard (FR)      Sweden Rock (SWE)            and reached the following positions in...      Eclipsed (GER)  #2      Metal Hammer (GER) #2      Rock It! (GER) #2      Powermetal.de (GER) #3      Deaf Forever (GER) #5            Following the release, the band went on an extensive and highly successful club tour throughout Europe and also re-released their classic early albums 'Internal Affairs' and 'Skyline Whispers' - now available on vinyl for the first time ever!            ICYMI:       Webisode #1: https://youtu.be/zigP7Xz-KJE      Webisode #2: https://youtu.be/yIOR4CyiYVI      Webisode #2.5: https://youtu.be/E_WBTeE4R4c      Webisode #3: https://youtu.be/0-ixPBnXpDg      Webisode #4:  https://youtu.be/pyjSPy6Pzu8      Webisode #5: https://youtu.be/KU8WExrgB9s            More on      'Sometimes The World Ain't Enough':       See the first trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7d9X0i5S5o      See the second trailer here: https://youtu.be/oxRduJiIISs      The third trailer is available here: https://youtu.be/zmYS5YsydIE      The fourth trailer can be seen here: https://youtu.be/XJN0QLIa6t4      'Can't Be That Bad' music video: https://youtu.be/Qvjiy0rZLLo      'This Time' music video:  https://youtu.be/9QdHI0if_xk      'Lovers In The Rain' music video: https://youtu.be/f7zcmpdg0so      'Turn To Miami' music video: https://youtu.be/CVtMiXEg2CI       
 www.facebook.com/thenightflightorchestraofficial      www.nuclearblast.de/thenightflightorchestra
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I’ve watched the Toto crowd surfing video like twenty times and cannot put into words how desperately I just really want to do that again. Celebrate. Go wild, crazy, drunk and party with people. It’s been so long since I last went batshit in a club. I actually genuinely crave just that: going crazy for a night, dancing and not thinking and having a genuinely good time while I drink more vodka mixes than is good for me
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