#touch some fucking grass !!!
swannposting · 8 months
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don’t care + didn’t ask + i wish all terfs a very Fuck Off and Die
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crazycatsiren · 2 years
People on the internet are fucking wild.
What gives you the right to just make assumptions, when you know absolutely fucking nothing about the person behind the Tumblr blog.
My grandfather is dying. He's been in the hospital since before Christmas. Any time now, he could be breathing his last. We've been preparing for the worst for a while. I've been so distraught this week. I've been desperate for distractions.
I'm autistic. Commercial aviation is a special interest of mine. I've watched numerous documentaries on MH370, and last night, I discovered that Netflix just released its own special documentary on it. Unable to sleep due to stress and worry, I stayed up and watched the whole thing. And on the show, they discussed the numerous wild and outrageous conspiracy theories that have been floating around everywhere since day one, which made me go holy gods what the hell are people thinking.
So that's what's been on my mind today. Since I often post about my special interests on my Tumblr blog, I figured some more diversion would do me good.
They say the age of technology has rotted brains, and I've tried to not be that millennial. But it's really not that far fetched. Kids these days literally don't know how to interact with people. They aren't even able to think of people behind usernames and URLs as real people. They think through a screen alone they can have a whole human being's entire life and character figured out solid, that there is nothing more to them than an online persona, an internet appearance. People aren't even people to them. Just social media profiles.
Do you think of me as a real person? With a real story to tell? Who is turning to her special interests and her blog to momentarily take her mind off of her grief and distract her from the heaviness in her heart? No, you don't. You want to lecture me about "empathy"? Are you even capable of having any to begin with, when you clearly can't even consider the fact that the people on social media are real people?
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okay i know i haven't been as active recently as usual, but i wanted to come on here and say this because i've seen a few posts lately that have given me the creeps.
stop speculating on the way professional athletes are raised. fucking stop it.
prospects is the particular case here and perhaps that's why i'm so mad about it because that'd be like speculating on the way i was raised or some of my friends. because i'm pretty much the same age as some of these guys and how they're being talked about lately is not alright.
i don't care if articles are written about them, discussing their family and the role they played in their career. i don't care because at the very least that is information that them and their families wanted to share with a writer, who for sure spent hours and hours collecting information and talking to them. but to try to infer things that aren't exposed, that aren't discussed in these articles, then you're no better than the person overanalyzing these people's every fucking move and making them feel like they have to be robots instead of being normal. you're that person that they're trying to avoid.
let's face the facts. none of us, NONE of us know what it's like to raise an athlete. an elite athlete at that. we don't know the situation, we don't understand what it takes to get to that level, we don't know what resources, drive, determination, etc it takes. we don't know. so commenting on what someone's upbringing is like with absolutely no comprehension of what it's like to BE in that situation and to BE an athlete like that is wrong. we, as fans, don't have the right and we certainly don't deserve it either.
this is not even going into how comparisons are being made between situations, which is entirely, ENTIRELY, unfair. again, we don't know these people. we don't know why they make the decisions they make, and we don't understand why they do certain things. especially when it comes to the college/major junior debate, i am so FUCKING tired of having to explain to people that it all comes down to what the athlete believes is best for them and not that one is simply a better system than the other. there are a million reasons to lean to one or another and genuinely, the way college hockey and incoming development programs to the college route (ntdp, ushl, canadian juniors) has been glorified on tumblr due to umich is disgusting. need i remind everyone that the usntdp and ncaa regularly hide sa cases and that the only reason they haven't come to light is that there is no one holding them accountable. this isn't in defence of hockey canada btw, they're a gross organization, but at the very least they aren't privately funded and can't just hide scandals away like it's nothing. the way people act like "college hockey and prep schools and the ushl are so amazing!!!! they get players out of the spotlight and help them become better people before just hockey players!!!!!!!" is frankly so shallow-minded that i can't begin to fathom it. there are differences between the systems, end of story.
overall, i'm tired of seeing people overanalyze decisions and actions like they're meant to be overanalyzed like that. yes, i understand that in writing fic, you can take some liberties in order to characterize who you are writing for. yes, i understand that interpations of articles and videos are part of how research is done for fic. but there's a line. there's a line that shouldn't be crossed, and in my opinion, speculating about how one's family relations are is stepping far over it. you wouldn't speculate about taylor swift or harry styles or billie eilish's family relations, so why are you doing it with hockey players. stop it. it is hypocritical to discuss how articles like this are being invasive to a player's life and then proceed to analyze how this article can tell you everything about the way a player was raised.
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silver-wield · 6 months
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Oh look, it's a pretentious wankpot trying to put me down. It's such a shame I literally could not give a fuck what you have to say about me. You don't know me, and the way you try to compare me to Aerith makes me want to vomit all over you.
Now, fuck off and don't even think of coming back to my blog trying to tell me about myself you mansplaining condescending brain rot riddled piece of shit.
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win-writes · 2 years
i have an anon in my inbox who’s sending me asks telling me that i shouldn’t talk to you and q, bc apparently (according to them) one of you is not real, and both this account and q’s account is run by the same person that’s pretending it’s two different people who are dating.
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I'm so sorry dumbass people are disturbing you baby:(( you can block the anon and get this over with
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thorne1435 · 2 years
honestly a relief to hear that you didnt know about it! the petty infighting is exhausting and feels so universal when youve been in spaces where it is the way of things. and yeah you nailed it with the supposition that trans men have it easier bc we arent always actively demonized the way trans women are in the current transphobic zeitgeist... for some reason people have flatly accepted the narrative "terfs want to Save females from transition" as if forced detransition and medical neglect and sexual violence (among other violences) to Fix us into being breeding stock is something to be happy and humble and quiet about. and further as if trans men *arent* ever demonized as predators seducing away young women -- we get called lost lesbians and butches, but the butches and lesbians of yesteryear were also predators seducing girls away from proper womanhood. and thats not even getting into baeddelist horseshit. its all so maddening.
This is something me and my mom talk about sometimes.
My step-mom fell down the alt-right pipeline, so she's constantly spewing some garbage about how transgenders are a threat to children, even going so far as to lightly suggest I was a pedophile when I came out to her. But my mom acknowledged a trend in that regard.
Gay men were seen as pedophiles in the last moral panic. Trans women will be seen as pedophiles in this moral panic, until it ends. I think it's fair to call this the misandristic side of homophobia. We are perceived as queer men, so we are persecuted in a way that applies to queer men: accusations of pedophilia. So, it's interesting to me to see how it works on the misogynistic side of homophobia.
Also, I find it really funny that lesbians, and now trans men, are accused of seducing girls away from their "proper" lives, because in my mind the only way that would work is if the lesbians and trans men have better fucking lifestyles. You can't exactly seduce someone without being tempting, can you? Don't point that out to a TERF though, because if you do they'll internalize it and god only knows what would come from that...
Anyway, yeah, fuck all of this. If trans men are so dangerous(?) to trans women then I'll just wait to get bit in the ass by one, which presently hasn't happened.
At the very least, it seems way more useful to direct our attention towards the actual threat to our existence posed by transphobic legislators instead of to random trans people who are threatened by the same things as us but might also be a threat somehow in some shaky way that doesn't make any fucking sense.
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angel5ofp0rn · 3 months
I hate fandom sometimes.
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thatstorahbabe · 11 months
many of you should stop tone policing people on the pissing on the poor website and get in the streets imo
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jcffmoreau · 2 years
if you’re going to make annoyingly vague posts, do you mind not putting them in the rpt tag?
Bitch block me. The fuck is wrong with you? None of y’all own the tags—don’t like a post? Block it. Wasting everyone’s time and energy with this level of bull crap.
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mahoushojoe · 2 years
i dont care for that story going around about the saudi guy in the bar but its really interesting how it's brought out this people's violent hatred of arabs and/or muslims that was just simmering under the surface like a teapot on the damn stove huh
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ljbrary · 2 months
yoooo just had someone i was friends with block me on instagram because i posted something about the 12 murdered druze children but unfortunately they weren’t within the (((right))) borders in the middle east for basic human empathy to extend to them and therefore she cannot associate with me because i care about murdered kids regardless of their nationality
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amandamadeathing · 3 months
The Match from Another Batch:
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witchy-v1xen · 6 months
Addressing the toxic team black accusations against Tom Glynn-Carney.
First and foremost, he is not a rapist; his character, Aegon, the second Targaryen, is. Second of all, I hate how some of you pretend Viserys and Daemon weren't groomers. Nine times out of ten, you don't see sane people from Team Green making rape accusations against Paddy and Matt. Just please fucking stop it; it's like some of you really want to ruin this man's career. And you can say what you want, so please do comment in defense of the toxic actions being taken because I want all the smoke.  I was also told by my aunt that he was a rapist, but I was quick to shut that shit down from the door. It goes to show how quickly false information is spread and how much it could really impact somebody's life. It's disgusting and makes me sick that some of you team black fans have so much hatred for his character that some of you are willing to corrupt this man's life. I find it hilarious that some of you have the sheer audacity to be that fucking bold behind a computer screen or a screen of whatever mobile device is in your possession, but would some of you ever make a statement like that in front of his face? No, most of you wouldn't even dare to do so because he is able to sue for defamation in court by law. So, please don't ditch what you can take because you will get verbally bodied by me morally, and that's not a will; that's a promise. 
Please Reblog.
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mortal-kombat-1 · 8 months
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dolls-self-ships · 8 months
just saw someone on a self shipping post say to not use the word "obsessed" to describe their feelings for their f/o bc it's harmful to those with ocd and as someone with severe ocd please shut the fuck up and go outside oh my god
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bakudekublogblog · 8 months
it never stops being funny to me that people are bkdk antis in the year 2024 like “katsuki bullied izuku!! how dare you ship izuku with him” ??? take it up with izuku he’s is the one pining his ass off for him. I can’t make izuku not yearn for katsuki ??? I’m sorry I have observational skills?? izuku is just like that you think I can stop him??
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