#touchstarved v
Touchstarved Humor
Giggly mofo
Laughs at everything
Can't tell if genuine or not
The type that laughs as he’s telling the joke
Almost want to say he laughs at dick jokes but i want to give him more than that
A chuckler
Not one for puns but a good one will get his eyes glinting a bit
Likes gallows humor if the time and place is right
Might make his own sarcastic joke or observation
Which is kind of funny since the delivery is so dry
Kuras either loves puns or hates them it’s a 50/50
Also a chuckler
He likes the clever type of puns not the stupidly obvious
Which is why i think he likes dad jokes
Because the really good ones are the ones you don’t expect
You’ll get a small chuckle from him from a good dad joke
One of the hardest people to get to crack
They don’t do laughing, jokes or anything of the like
However they do like jokes involving observations, wordplay or just straight sarcasm
Or a smart joke cuz it makes him both think and almost a smile
Before they end up scowling again
But you got them and they know it
Another tough customer
Def likes dark humor but unlike Ais, he has no sense of time and place
A good dark joke will have him laughing
But you again, can’t tell if it’s real or not
Like the joke has to be so out of pocket that it leaves Vere reeling before wheezing in laughter
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cutie-pinay · 3 months
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Happy Birthday Leander, you sussy fuck 🤨.
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toxintouch · 1 month
Ais playlist on repeat while I pretend that I'm going to finish any of my WIPs before his birthday on the 18th
I'm taking it off private and putting it out into the universe in hopes it may serve my fellow procrastinators well. And also just for people to hopefully enjoy.
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theywhodraws · 7 months
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thinking about bad and the way he doesnt rely on anyone unless he has to. he got so caught up in his paranoia last night that a dono had to remind him that, yeah, if a plan to protect the eggs need cooperation he’s going to get it. everyone loves the eggs. but he’s such a single parent its been him and dapper since the beginning and he’s so used to picking up the slack and helping others and Making Sure the eggs would be okay. he was the first one to switch to an axe after the tilin-juanaflippa incident. he doesnt like to trust people, and he doesnt trust that he can rely on people. but... even though that is so ingrained in him that he Forgot everyone would protect the eggs (the eggs!!) he still trusted baghera with dapper. he trusted fit with dapper. forever was one of the first people on his babysitting list and the plan was only changed because dapper wanted to hang out with the french. bad is silly salty about baghera ‘adopting’ dapper, but he’s silly about it. he was talking all yesterday about forever and wanting to talk to him about figuring out strats for protecting the eggs. when he got that dono he didnt wave his hand and go “okay but-“ or think of any other doomsday strategy he was just. happy. because oh, yeah. people will protect the eggs. bad doesnt trust people and he doesnt rely on people but like.... he’s getting there
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oxavane · 1 year
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BIG TITTIED ELDRITCH SOMETHINGS SORCERERS (??) IN YOUR AREA!!! THE SPICE IS AVAILABLE HERE: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv https://www.patreon.com/posts/leander-82983566
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jengarie · 1 year
i like that MC's whole attitude towards Ais so far is annoyance with intrigue because every time I play the demo, I roll my eyes whenever he shows up or speaks, while at the same time feeling the burning desire to know more about him
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torao-chan · 10 months
May I ask. Your thoughts on Leander Touchstarved. I've only seen him from your blog and he appeared in my dream last night. Is this a good omen or am I fucked
lmao I mean. I'd call that a good dream >:3c but my bestie would call that a nightmare so. probably fucked lmfao.
Leander is a bby. a poor lil meow meow. probably out here to either sacrifice the world including the protagonist potentially to resurrect a love or burn society as we know it to bring those in power down to equal footing with those below or somewhere in between. the fandom is still only a demo and a promise of a game in 2025 so like. theories are abound and actual facts are given out in slivers and then heavily lovingly dissected by the fandom!
theories are that he's the worst of a dating pool of 'people at the point of being the worst version of themselves when you meet them'; enough so that he's the only character who's bio has their fatal flaw fully crossed out and man that makes me feral to think about asldkjlgkfjsdlgk
in the demo, he's clearly shown traits as a master manipulator, easily able to distance himself emotionally from a situation and act as needed to further his goals, and is extremely charismatic. he's stated as liking everyone, and yet he has no close friends to claim. he is also depicted with the ideal person to be dating him being a romantic prone to turning a blind eye for love and that's a whole other thing I haven't gotten into yet alskdjglkfd
without a doubt, he's toxic and controlling and manipulative. his symbolic flower are white lily's for cripes sake- funeral flowers known to be extremely toxic to pets.
and i love all of that about him asdlkjglkfdsjkgl
so my opinion is; i love him to death! i can't wait to see how bad he can get when the game comes out >:3c but is he a bad omen?? salkdjlgkdjfslgfd probably lmao
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pigeonliker420 · 4 months
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whatevers wrong with this man i like it
#i didnt expect to like touchstarved from what id seen from its fandom but when i finally tried the demo i was pleasantly surprised#i looked at the meta first cos i do things backwards and. man. what a good reminder that the most vocal fans also are the most stupid#girl you are misinterpreting The Text so badly that what you consider the subtext is suspicious#i felt bad for the leaps i was making from a single prologue but i see you people are jumping straight off the cliff with nothing so nvm#anyway leander do you want to fuck all your friends. do you want to fuck all your friends that hate you leander#i fear them making a green character associated with flowers snakes ouroboros masks and 8s was specifically an attack against me.#if only i hadn't found this like a year before official release. got dam#i could and would go on but the nurse has arrived with my sedative#its actually genuinely hard to pick a favourite they all have aspects i really like so far#at first kuras' subdued personality kind of washed off me but then his ending to the prologue was v fun and put him in a different light#wtf a vn with characters that are all hits for me. unfair#i love that u can ask them all about each other at the end there. love how its modelling its characters social fumbles#in particular given everything the promo material says about leander and vere and how they talk about each other#u can get a picture of a very fumbled situation there lmaooo between leanders savior complex and veres inability to set down real boundarie#butttt you know them all for less than a day... i wanna know what happened there
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uldren-sov · 1 year
So if you play as the Thief background
And you romance Vere
Does that mean the ship is The Fox and The Hound?
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angeloferidia · 11 months
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TOUCHSTARVED x IDV crossover concept!
HEY GUYS!!! In honor of my Luca B badge coming home (NA/EU serv), I’m finally posting my silly idea of what a crossover with Identity V would look like!
I’m well aware a touchstarved crossover will most likely never happen, but a man can dream... (◞ ‸ ◟)
With that said, let’s get into it!
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Every character will be a survivor. Each skin would be of A tier rarity.
Kuras - Most likely would be assist or decoder. Seer (the owl would most likely become a dove or a small throne angel), OR Composer (totally not because I main him & their hair styles are similar)
Vere - I can see him being role of container or assist... Maybe Acrobat or Painter!
Ais - Feel he would be a rescuer or container. First Officer is the best one I can think of, hell maybe even Wilding (the boar Murro rides could be a soulless methinks) but I’m not rlly so sure
Mhin - Container or rescuer 100%. Mercenary OR Coordinator
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I’d include Sen & Elyon but since we don’t have much info on them idk who would fit them best 💀
Maybe in the future, I may make a part two with Sen & Elyon, hunter versions of the chars, & maybe accessory ideas?
If y’all have any other ideas, feel free to comment/reblog!
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(Gif creds: thylocarnifexx)
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stingslikeabee · 11 months
"that feels so good."
prompts for touch-starved muses . accepting
'That feels so good'. Now, these were common words heard at the Honey Bee Inn, as it should be the case with any pleasure house that hoped to have a good reputation. Only, in that particular instance, there was nothing remotely sexual about the interactions in one of the many suites of the brothel, even if they happened to house Melissa and Reno - arguably two people more than able to use their looks in their favor and turn their fair share of heads.
They were making good use of one of the tub, however - Melissa was washing Reno's hair with the utmost care and patience, as if the Turk was visiting a first-class beauty parlor from topside. The inn had a variety of amenities at the disposal of their guests, but renting a suite didn't come with the owner and whatever little spa treatments she was in a mood to give.
Those were perks unlocked by sincere friendships - well, as much as a Turk could afford to have. Their partnership was a fruitful one for both sides: it didn't hurt for any of the trademark suits from Shinra to have access to good intel gathered from all sorts of inebriated patrons, and it was more than fine for Melissa to have some unofficial protection when said suits were ostensibly visiting the premises.
It didn't often cross into a personal territory - but Reno was just too irresistible, wasn't he? There was something about the redhead that was hard to ignore, a mix of grace and lethality like a natural predator. Fitting for a trained assassin... And just the type of person that the madame felt comfortable to be around, as ridiculous as it could sound. Reno had no reason to hurt her - or any of the girls. As long as that remained true, the Turk was her best friend.
And by Shiva, Melissa had missed having that - a friend. Another soul to trade gossip with for sport, to lazy around in satin robes while sipping champagne and eating junk food and just being able to relax because, for once, Reno didn't need her taking care of him. The inn proprietress was no surrogate mother or older sister - she was just a friend.
Of the doting kind and willing to spoil him, of course.
"It better feel fantastic - I'm not this nice to just any pretty face dripping with charisma, I'll have you know," Melissa feigned indignation, but there was hardly anything about their interactions that supported the mock offense. Besides, the fact that they were looking at each other upside down made it all inherently funnier and the madame was the first one to crack, grinning at the Turk below her and removing herself out of his line of sight just to have a better angle to work with his scalp.
A few more minutes of the brunette massaging his head followed - the grand finish for the most luxurious treatment the redhead had been afforded in a good while. Melissa then grabbed a towel and offered it to Reno, helping him to a sitting position and out of the bathroom so he could properly towel himself dry and style the flaming tresses to his preferences.
"Now, in exchange for this lovely little treatment, I expect nothing but the best gossip from Shinra. It's so dull when it's board meeting season topside - the executives disappear and their minions are locked up at the office with endless overtime," Melissa sighed dramatically, fetching a pair of glasses which had been ready for them, "It feels like everyone is working for a change - and not just Director Tuesti."
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cutie-pinay · 11 months
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🍫Happy Pocky Day 11.11🍫
First one to pull away loses....
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rosemaze-reveries · 1 year
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from a discord game 👹 a relationship chart including only my oshis,, like a reviewing your exes sort of thing
color code: soulmates - it’s complicated - DEAD
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am I rewriting a canon scene to better explore my oc’s voice for a game that doesn’t come out for two and half years. maybe
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energybind · 11 months
as a scooby gang, they'd managed to wind up in some predicaments before. nothing that nobody wasn't able to weasel their way out of. [thanks to an injection from when they were babies and from a form of charm only young, money and power hungry, adults could have.] this had to take the cake, though. a night out at a bar gone wrong and so quickly: andre using his powers, a woman pierced through the neck, blood spilling out on the sticky floor, and a guardian saving the day. they'd manage to squeeze their way out of this one. for now.
❝ it's actually vought-a-burger— his favorite cheeseburger, ❞ yara clarifies before the realization dawns: this is not the time nor the place. the scene is set: andre perched on the edge of luke's bed, quiet as a mouse, hands covering his face as if they're erase the memory from tonight. luke and cate, kneeled down in front of him, attention once having been on him but now directed onto her. fuck. sighing, she sets the greasy paper bag on the end table to her right, before motioning for cate to follow her into the hall. once alone, she exhales the breath she'd been holding in.
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❝ this is fucking overkill. seriously, cate? hiding andre? he didn't actually kill anyone— he made a mistake at the bar and we fixed it! well, marie fixed it, but that's besides the point. ❞
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