itscherryterry-again · 2 months
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rare and sweet as cherry wine
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fan-fan-tastic · 1 year
Despite being a mass of potholes and quite repetitive, PIDW is very popular, popular enough to have a community of fans. This means not only having fanart, fics and even merchandise, but also an entire culture, with fandom lore and yes, even memes.
One of those was “When Mobei-Jun gets married” it was used to indicate something that would never happen, like “when hell will freeze over” or “when pigs will fly”. It was so popular that there were even some variants, like “it happen at Mobei-Jun’s wedding” or “when Airplane marries Mobei-Jun off”
Shen Yuan really liked this meme because it was supported by canon: there had been several scenes where after a fight, Luo Binghe would look over the spoils and let his right hand man pick a boon. Despite the ever-present trembling maidens, Mobei-Jun would always pick a weapon, or in an instance an ancient relic that had once belonged to his clan. So yeah, Shen Yuan used it pretty often, once he even let it slip out IRL, but luckily no one got the reference.
He even used it once in a thread that went viral: it was a pointless debate over OP’s incorrect interpretation of an arc. Shen Yuan was clearly right, he even had quoted several chapters to prove his point and so the other user had resorted to personal insults. OP had typed something like “You are ridiculous! When will you admit that you are actually a fan of the novel and not an hater?!” To which Shen Yuan had responded with “When Mobei-Jun gets married”
Now, this should have ended the discussion in Shen Yuan’s favor: the meme usually got lots of likes regardlessly of the context, and so he would have won the debate.
But OP for reason had decided to tag Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky himself.  “Great Master Airplane, would you marry Mobei-Jun if it means getting Peerless Cucumber admitting that he likes your story?”
To everyone’s surprise the author (sleep deprived an high on caffeine and energy drinks) actually did answer “Damn, I would marry Mobei-Jun for free”.
True to his writing style Airplane dropped the bomb to never addressed it again. That comment had started another meme, although less popular than the other about Mobei-Jun having been married the whole time to the author himself and the ship AirplaneXMobei became the most popular for the character. There few fans that had written crackfics had been insufferable about it, even resurrecting the ‘I shipped X before it was cool’ format just to flex.
After transmigrating into the scum villain and masterfully avoiding the original good’s fate, Shen Yuan one day receives an invitation to a wedding, accompanied by a mission by the System that just says ‘True to your word: User must respect the vow he once made’. Shen Yuan immediately understands what this is about: he would rather jump into the Endless Abyss than do that.
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talk-danmei-to-me · 1 month
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Looks familiar...
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theredcuyo · 13 days
Ace attorney went gay on accident and noncomintaly embraced it (CofMilesandPhoenix)
Persona went gay kind of on pourpose but did it too much and then panicked (Every Main character and their uh... Partners)
You get what i'm saying?
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luidilovins · 3 months
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Aw a little guy!!! Oh he's a little bit fucked up actually
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bloodymary-p · 9 months
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I had to get this out of my system
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holygroundgone · 6 months
just absolutely fucking obsessed with the 0.5 evil marriage bad end deep in love deep in suffering of it all, everything that could've possibly went wrong went wrong and they're in it together
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toxicyuribracket · 10 months
Toxic Yuri Bracket Round 28
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*Hiruko makes it hope as his tail wags happily at today since its his birthday*
"Dad, you sure that's high enough. We were still trying to get the cake set up." Shinryu sighed looking to him as Jun was decorating the living room.
"I know. But your father will be home soon.." he said happy.
"I know that but be careful.." he said seeing his twins watching their grandpa decorating.
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onioe · 25 days
“I’m a multi-shipper!”
My multi-shipping:
Hua Cheng / Xie Lian
Feng Xin / Xie Lian
Mu Qing / Xie Lian
Feng Xin / Xie Lian / Mu Qing
He Xuan / Xie Lian
Hua Cheng / Xie Lian / Feng Xin / Mu Qing
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multi-kpop-fanfics · 1 year
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tw: character death, mentions of alcohol, mentions of car crash, crying, double funeral, cursing, mentions of theft
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"Our deepest condolences, my dearies," the mothers in law hug the unfortunate men, tears staining their eyes and cheeks.
"It's still so....hard to swallow," Junhui gulps down nervously, "Both of them....Gone just like that."
"We need to stay strong, my friend," Jeonghan rubs his shoulder in a comforting manner, "Neither of them would want us to be miserable and....Fuck."
He can't wrap his head around the fact that his wife and her best friend are lying in their coffins, looking devastatingly serene and peaceful, having already crossed the bridge.
The older man almost breaks down, plops down on his chair and grips his hair in pain.
"Please excuse us for a second," Junhui flashes a strained smile towards the older ladies and they take their leave, silently showing their understanding.
"Hyung, please, keep it together," the half blond man whispers to Jeonghan and hugs him closer to comfort him, "It will all end soon, I promise."
"It feels so....painful..." Jeonghan sobs, "We don't deserve this, Jun, we fucking don't," he almost growls, looking around at the many unfamiliar faces who say their final goodbyes to the eternally resting women.
"I know, hyung," Junhui cups Jeonghan's face, "Just be patient and it will end soon."
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"Well fuck me, you were absolutely right, Junnie!" Jeonghan snickers as he undoes his tie and pops the first buttons of his silk black blouse.
"I told you so!" Junhui pats his back, "Just a bit of crying and it got everyone!"
"For real though - I just pretended to stumble down and sob and boom! The aunties were puddle on the floor!" the older man laughs loudly.
"I did feel sad for the mothers though," the younger man grimaces, "It must have been devastating to see their children lying dead in a coffin."
"Ah, Junhui....." Jeonghan runs his hand over his face, "Were you feeling that remorseful when you cut the brakes of the car? Hm?"
"Were you feeling that remorseful when you found out that a million won were missing from your bank account and your beloved wife took them?"
"Answer me, Jun." Jeonghan steps closer to the cat-like man, demanding an answer.
"No. I fucking didn't - And I do not regret doing what I did," he boldly replies and his older friend grins wickedly.
"Thought so," Jeonghan pats Junhui's back.
"Now, shall we go grab a few drinks? Need to let the whole world I am single now."
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backpackingspace · 8 months
hey jun wu is evil right??? Like I've only watched the anine so far but I'm pretty sure I'm right about this
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darkfictionjude · 5 months
The darkest thing you’ll get to DDDNE already published is Samurai of Hyuga series on Hosted Games;COG. The fourth (?) book is the darkest by topics and fifth starts off pretty… dark. Never got to finish bc the author ruined it for me.
Lowkey still pissed at the end of book 4. But yeah I think that is the darkest IF I have seen especially released under the banner of an IF company
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maria-taiwin · 2 years
Honestly I understand people wanting to separate MDZS/The Untamed because there are various differences (for obvious reasons), but novel canon purists being hateful towards CQL!LWJ because "he's too petty and novel!lwj isn't" and I'm ??? I think novel!LWJ is the pettiest than the other versions, LOL. Not petty as arrogant and rude, but in his own unique way.
You have that different interpretation, fine, I also have mine and maybe we shouldn't fight over who is right on interpretations on fictional characters. But it baffles to me this blaming on CQL for every opinions (that maybe are just incorrect to you) but we could see the same point in the novel, maybe just on a different angle.
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nacrelysis · 1 year
they could be healthy. or they could be so irrevocably codependent, like roundworms inside each other's stomachs, that they crawl inside each other and never come out. a half-formed amalgamation of flesh and soul and obsession. i hope we both die, but the sun is so nice today, so...let's stay together a little while longer.
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shittyenstarsedits · 2 years
i had an epiphany. eden but they're performing toxic britney spears. i hope you do not enjoy this and it fills you with rage and you suffer the whole time you're watching.
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