bbqbastard · 2 years
Kerst Taco met Pulled Chicken - Winters genieten
Kerst Taco met Pulled Chicken – Winters genieten
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pocoslip · 2 years
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Look, I still love Shredder’s Revenge because Casey Jones is in the Game but Where’s Granitor??
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chantalvdreijden · 2 years
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Go the slomo way... #slomotion #snailtrail #snail #slak #traag #relax #takeiteasy #stuffedanimal #knuffel #christmasdecoration #kerstdecoratie #lovephotography #photographer #photography #fotograferen #fotografie https://www.instagram.com/p/CljFOo2DFZo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Monstrous Compendium Vol II - Traag Draconian by Zuzanna Wuzyk
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trafficpan-ic · 4 months
Im so good in rhyming when i have some glasses of wine
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sunhaloscarab · 5 months
thinking about the rock soldiers.......they could be so interesting actually.....
like. they were created by krang. how do they view him???
also general traag…….the idea of being so fanatically loyal to your creator (the MOST loyal in fact) and yet you do not even pause to consider how you see him
idk man i just think lesser-known tmnt characters should get appreciation
general traag/captain zorax crackship anybody?
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healution · 6 months
Denk dat ik eerder naar de gay bar zal moeten gaan als ik een date wil/nieuwe vrienden wil maken
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twafordizzy · 10 months
James Salter schetst relatie-perikelen in Barcelona
bron beeld: rollingstone.de Plaats van handeling is Barcelona, een appartement vlakbij Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia. James Salter (1925-2015) laat ons binnen bij Malcolm en Nico, een echtpaar dat zich in de Spaanse stad heeft gevestigd. Waarom? Malcolm is verliefd op deze stad. Hij heeft er een diepe genegenheid voor, die gedeeltelijk is gebaseerd op een verhaal van Paul Morand en ook op een voorval…
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Granitor and General Traag
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Konamicember- Let's get to the big finale- and kick shell in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
Konamicember- Let’s get to the big finale- and kick shell in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
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turtlethon · 2 years
“Rock Around the Block”
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Season 6, Episode 1 First US Airdate: September 12, 1992
Krang plots to use a satellite’s laser beam to free the Technodrome.
“Rock Around the Block” is the first episode of the sixth season of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. David Wise returns as writer, his most recent contribution prior to this being the previous year’s “Leonardo Cuts Loose”.
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In the Lair, the Turtles engage in a sparring session, with Michaelangelo battling Raphael. The other two Turtles are also paired off, with a frustrated Donatello repeatedly striking using his bo staff before effortlessly being flung across the room by a disinterested Leonardo. Splinter emerges to explain to Donnie that he was beaten through the principle of “Wu Wei”, using inertia to defeat an attacking enemy. He further elaborates that this is akin to gentle waves eroding enormous rocks over time, an idea that Mikey remarks is “pretty heavy philosophical stuff for a cartoon show”.
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Shredder is becoming stir crazy due to the Technodrome being stuck in the Arctic since early last season, and isn’t placated by Rocksteady and Bebop arriving to offer him a snow-cone. Krang encourages Shreds to pay attention as April is appearing on TV, and “we have to develop a story plot”. (Fourth wall breaks are now occurring in one-minute intervals. Not a good sign.) Another rocket launch is taking place in New York, this one to send a defence satellite into space. The satellite, April informs us, has a laser beam mounted to it that is capable of cutting through solid rock. Krang hatches a plan to have Shredder attach a device to the satellite that will allow him to take control of it. The laser can then be used to cut the Technodrome out of the ice. Shreds points out that there’s still the issue of the Turtles arriving to stop them, but Krang has this figured out. Guiding Shredder to the portal room, he summons General Traag from Dimension X, returning for the first time since “Four Turtles and a Baby” back in season four.
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The prospect of General Traag defeating the Turtles on his own seems absurd to Shredder, who dismisses him as a “boulder brain”. (That’s a bit rich given that Traag has only appeared in the show six times, and Shredder has about a hundred losses to his name.) Krang insists this won’t be an issue, introducing a weapon called a Rockolizer, which can be used to enliven minerals. He demonstrates this by tipping over a barrel full of gravel and firing the gun at it. A floating wave of stones soon entraps Bebop and Rocksteady.
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Shredder is openly resentful of Traag being given the Rockolizer over him, though Krang explains that it’s only fitting for a Rock Soldier to wield the weapon. Later, Shredder reminds Krang that he needs to defeat the Turtles as this is a matter of honour under ninja law. Krang placates him with a secondary mission of affixing a gadget to the defence satellite.
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The four villains arrive in New York via transport module. Rocksteady and Bebop are alarmed after being confronted by a dinosaur, before Shredder points out that this is due to them surfacing in the Natural History Museum. Traag splits off from the group, wandering through a park and firing the Rockolizer at his “brother rocks”. Enormous spikes of rocks soon emerge from the ground.
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A frustrated April is wandering the offices of Channel 6 in search of a story when she spots Vernon lounging at his desk. He reveals that he’s engaging in the art of “transcendental procrastination”. A self-help video tape guides him through the process, with a Jack Nicholson soundalike explaining how to do nothing. This is interrupted by Burne Thompson, who informs his reporters that they’ve received information about rocks in Central City Park going “wacko”. The station boss demands they investigate.
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Donatello is still getting to grips with the concept of Wu Wei, asking Raphael to hit him with everything he’s got. Raph responds by chucking the living room couch at Donnie, which is less than helpful. The training session is interrupted by April via Turtlecom, who relays what she’s learned about the situation in the park, and the Turtles head off to investigate. April travels to the scene in her van, narrowly avoiding a giant boulder that emerges from the ground before the van teeters on the edge of the hole created by the flying rock as act one ends.
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Act two opens with the Turtles arriving in their van, winching April’s vehicle to safety. A wave of bouncing boulders then emerges, one of which flattens the news van moments before April and our heroes escape in the Turtle Van. Meanwhile Shredder, Rocksteady and Bebop arrive at the rocket site in a transport module, with Shreds attending to the launch while The Boys handle a pair of security guards. Krang phones in to check on how things are going and re-iterate the Scheme of the Day (largely, I imagine, for the benefit of any viewers just tuning in). Shredder assures the alien brain that everything is under control and urges him to “stay cool”.
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The Turtles track down and attack General Traag, only to find their weapons crumble upon striking him. Traag retaliates by using the Rockolizer to bring the entire road beneath their feet to life, then decimates an entire building, the bricks briefly burying the Turtles. (As is so often the case whenever a building gets levelled in this show, it’s hard not to imagine other people getting hurt as a result of this). April arrives on the scene and finds the Turtles unharmed. Having run out of tape, she’s granted the use of the Turtle Van so she can return to Channel 6 and get more.
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Traag creates a giant rock monster that begins lumbering down the street, and after seeing the Turtle Van escaping, mistakenly assumes the Turtles are escaping. He has the monster follow the van to Channel 6, where it begins pummelling the station building. The Turtles distract the monster from a nearby rooftop, narrowly escaping as it causes further damage.
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At the rocket site, Shredder finds Rocksteady and Bebop pretending to be space adventurers instead of attaching the control device to the satellite’s laser, and assumes control of the mission himself. Meanwhile, the Turtles commandeer a group of construction vehicles to attack the rock monster, leaving it no more than a pile of rubble. This victory turns out to be short-lived, as Traag arrives on the scene and reconstructs the rocks as an army of smaller warriors.
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The concluding act opens with the Turtles pinned down by Tragg’s new minions. A large rock crushing machine at the nearby construction site provides the team with an opportunity to fight back, as they lure the monsters inside. Raphael is able to snatch the Rockolizer from Traag and destroy it, forcing the General to retreat via dimensional portal. April points out to the team that there’s still the outstanding issue of the rocket that’s currently being launched, which Krang has assumed control of.
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Our heroes arrive at the launch site but find the rocket’s controls unresponsive. Shredder is already back in the Technodrome – which I suppose we don’t even question anymore as it’s happened so many times – and sits with Krang in matching command chairs as the satellite’s laser cuts the rolling fortress out of the ice. The villainous duo is jubilant as the Technodrome begins moving once more.
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Watching all this via monitor from back at the launch site are the Turtles, who find themselves unable to stop their enemies. Donatello suggests the team use Wu Wei to fight back, and so our heroes sit cross legged on the floor, eyes closed and grimacing. Bebop and Rocksteady fight over a comic book before accidentally damaging a console which operates the laser controls. This causes a giant hole to be burned through the ice directly in the path of the still-moving Technodrome, which crashes into the ocean.
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We end today’s episode in the Lair, where Splinter asks Donatello if he now has a full understanding of Wu Wei. Donnie replies that while he doesn’t entirely get it, after their experiences battling Traag’s warriors it’s an approach that’s better than “beating your head against a stone wall”, a gag that (justifiably) sees him taking a pizza to the face.
We’re now definitively in the post-Turtlemania era, and there’s a sense that while everyone involved accepts the best days of the show are behind it, no-one is willing to do anything to try and arrest the inevitable decline yet, and so instead we find ourselves going through the motions. “Rock Around the Block” is every bit your standard David Wise TMNT outing, by no means bad but there’s nothing going on here we haven’t seen countless times before. Bebop and Rocksteady’s antics and the welcome return of General Traag help, but I expect better from the show’s star writer, especially for a season debut that sets things up for the rest of the year’s adventures.
Of particular note, the concept of Wu Wei in relation to combat is fine, but the way the Turtles utilise it at the climax of this episode is a middle finger to the viewer the likes of which we haven’t seen since The Mothball Incident of 1989. Are we supposed to accept that the Turtles stopped the Technodrome through mystical thinking? If they didn’t and the villains simply screwed up on their own, doesn’t this send the message that the Turtles might as well not bother even showing up and just let things play out? If that’s what this story is going for it becomes the opposite of “With great power comes great responsibility”. Let the chips fall where they may. It doesn’t sit right with me at all.
In keeping with the diminishing profile of the Turtles, CBS would commission only sixteen further episodes of TMNT in 1992, and so the days of Saturday morning double-bill premieres are now a thing of the past. Our journey through the series will continue at its usual twice-weekly pace though, with the next outing under the spotlight being “Krangenstein Lives”.
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bbqbastard · 1 year
Veilig BBQ'en met kinderen - Vaderdag ribbetjes recept
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Ik weet niet of je ooit desktop gebruikt (ik niet vaak) maar anders heeft xkit een optie om alt text altijd zichtbaar te maken.... Helpt niet op de app sadly
Ohh bedankt! Sadly gebruik ik desktop niet zo vaak (meer sinds ik een werkende telefoon heb), maar voor die paar keer dat ik het wel doe zal ik ernaar kijken!
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torture-themed · 2 months
To my beloved enjoyers of alien pet whump (which seems to be gaining some traction):
I have a movie recommendation for you!
Fantastic Planet is an animated film from 1973 about "oms" being kept as pets by the giant Traags. An om manages to escape his captivity with a traag learning device, and brings it to the feral oms. Together, they change history.
It's a wonderfully weird movie full of stunning visuals and fantastic whump. Dehumanization, poison gas, the works. I'd highly recommend giving it a watch!
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(I genuinely have no clue how to describe these last two or I'd add image descriptions. I'm sorry!)
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therobotmonster · 10 days
My Turtles of Grayskull 'Druthers
Okay, since the line is apparently not a limited-concept run but is going to instead run till the doors fall off, I'm gonna lay out my hopes and dreams for sweet-as-heck dumb conceptual mashups.
Lets stick some silly chocolate and some stupid-fun peanut butter together and make a decent candy and an awesome cereal.
I might be hungry.
Anyhow, lets make some monsters!
Ace Duck
I love the Tales of the Gold Monkey-inspired pilot Ace Duck more than the next guy, but this is MOTU we're dealin' with, we need ARCHIE Ace Duck.
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He's literally born to be here. Basic body, skeletor feet, reuse the April O'Neil wings, little red thong or trunks (from the wrasslin' line), plus he can get stratos's little arm wings, and an alt head with the Stratos Mask on (evoking a lucha dore mask).
Ty-Gor - NInjor / Tigerclaw (but green!)
Ninjor gets mutated with Eternian Tiger DNA to become Ty-Gor.
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Not limiting myself to the Fred Wolf era here. Basically its Ninjor with a Tigerclaw head (masked and two-eyed, unmasked and eyepatched), only with the green with orange stripes eternian tiger coloration. He gets a terror-claws skeletor claw, an eternian six-shooter (later usable for Rio-Blast) and the beastliest feet they can muster.
Mutant Evil-Lyn
Seeking to empower herself with this new "mutation" magic, Evil-Lyn made a potion of mutagen and Mantisaur venom. Ironically not her worst scheme.
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Mantenna pelvis with new insect legs, Evil-Lyn torso with humanoid and mantisaur-mutant heads (still wearing her tiara as a mantisaur), slip-over mantis-claw weapons.
I mean, it's not like she hasn't been here before. Lore establishes the Eternian magic gives her full control over her snake-form, and the ability to command the snake men... save for the Ratsnake King.
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Deluxe figure, reusing a LOT of Lady Slither, But using Stephanie McMahon legs and torso, some new snake-gauntlets and a swappable set of heads. Snake-head has the spit-fx feature from Kobra Khan, flared cobra hood. And a katana, obviously.
General Pig-Iron - Pig-Head / General Traag (By way of Rokkon)
Krang's mutagenic experiments continue, this time he combines Sun-Man's Pig-Head and the Rock-Soldiers' DNA to make one stone-tough pigheaded warmonger.
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The sculpt is mostly Rokkon, with a new stony pighead-face and more Traag-y chest (with ammo bandolier to mimic Pig-Head, 'natch)
The Ratsnake King - Rat King / King Hiss
Disappointed by the Rat-King's failures, Skeletor fuses him with the shed skin of King Hiss via sorcery and good old fashioned mutagen. The new horror can command serpents that were beyond even King Hiss's reach.
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Ratsnake King uses the King hiss snake parts, with a new head & chest armor built on a mummy-esq reinterpretation of Rat King, snake-y crossbow and staff. Give him the Reptilax tail so he's a little snakey even in his 'human' form, he's a mutant, after all.
This idea is from @skeletor-enjoyer who posted it in the replies to my previous glow-up post on this dumb-as-heck (affectionate) line.
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This one's easy. New torso that allows for the Man-E-faces gimmick and a clear torso that can hold a gooey guts insert. Human face looks like nonmutant Seymour Gutz, Robot face replaced with foot-soldier (toonstyle) face, monster face is a hybrid MM/MEF monster face.
New limbs that will later be reused for Slushhead. Multiple replacement hands/limbs (clawful hand, etc) to simulate mutation/shapeshifting powers.
Foot 'Sploders - Foot soldiers / Blast-Attack
Krang: You know what Skeletoooorrruup? I like the iDEa of robots that are SUPPOSED to exPLooowwddee! Why can't YOU be this kind of go-getter Saaaaakiiii?
Shredder: You always undermine me in front of the crossover villains!
Skeletor: Don't stop on my account! I haven't had this much fun since Grizzlor fell into the slime pit! NYAH!
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Excuse to make a somewhat functional Blast-Attack chest. Foot Soldier head with cartoon bomb in place of the foot symbol, long forearm sculpt (useful for 200X Beast Man) with arm-shield accessories. Tons of weapons. Legs from various wrasslers' with pants/boots.
Doctor Orkocutt the Fugilock
Orko uses his magic to fix the Fugitoid, but the spell goes awry, merging them into a single magi-technical absentminded genius. They work better this way, but trouble is bound to follow.
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Orko Body, with premolds for a Netflix Orko in Classicverse arms, and a new fugiod-in-a-wizard-hat-head, with many many exchangeable hands.
Mutant Buzz-Off - Buzz-off/Killer Bee
A partially-translucent mutant like He-Man and the other corrupted hero mutants, only Buzz-Off is... kinda wild... wild enough I had to photoshop, albeit in a Q&D...
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The basic idea is mutant Buzz-Off uses Mantenna's legs, Mosquitor's torso, a new head that's still compatible with the Mosquitor-grabber, Buzz-Off's left arm, Clawful's right, alt head of grimacing half-killer-bee Buzz_off. The goo is green or purple instead of red, for a mutagen-feature.
If compatible with the Mantenna legs, using the Buzz-Off feet is preferable, the same with the Skeleton Warrior arm and the left arm.
Bionaceraton - Triceraton / Bionatops
Ancient power arises as a Preternian ancestor to the Triceratons is awakened.
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I mean, once again we pull out the Andre the Giant mold, this time giving it a tail and a Triceraton head, and slightly remolded chest armor. Garnish with sci-fi guns, put out in a handsome green colorscheme.
Mutant She-Ra - She-Ra / Swiftwind
Having last been in contact with Swiftwind before exposure to the mutagen, She-Ra's becomes an uncontrollable mutant Pegasus.
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Am I suggesting they put a Unicorn head and Sorceress Wings on She-Ra, possibly with new 'buff gal' limbs that would make a Netflix-inspired Scorpia Possible? Yes. Yes I am. She's got a unicorn-horn spear weapon and is filled with a horselike rage.
Look, its the TMNT crossover. You are required to have at least one of the New Adventures Mutants there, and Optikk is the most on-brand for the concept.
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You can make him out of mostly Roboto Parts with a new armor piece for the collar and a new eyeball-head. Or just make the collar lock onto the head joint and have a free-spinning eye.
Mona Lis-Ra - Mona Lisa / She-Ra
Someone has to use the power sword while She-Ra's a nightmare mutant abomination!
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It's pretty straightforward, She-Ra torso and upper arms/legs, new finned female lower arms and legs, new tailed female pelvis, new head. She-Ra's gear plus some extras to be shape-shifted forms for the sword.
Savanti Romeo and Renet
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They're just there They're already designed for this world. To justify it, they have... uh... Savante has the dragon blast dragon that was used with Ricky the Steamboat Dragon, and Renet has... uh.. the time staff thing Gwildor used. Yeah, that's the ticket!
Bonus Round: Obligatory A-Character Variants:
TechnoWizard Dontatello - Backdoor Donatello #1 figure.
Anti-Eternia Raphael - Archie Comics fans know why.
Mutant Teela - She's a snake, again! This time give her a real snake head and a tail guys.
Mutant Skeletor - Goat Skull head, goat legs.
That's it for now, but even though many of these are a stretch, I'm sure it demonstrates the blood isn't nearly squeezed from this stone.
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medewerkers · 2 months
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