#training montage vibes..
sidsthekid · 1 year
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look at him go!! 🌟
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yakourinka · 2 years
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slightly clearer images from margaret's new skin. I do think that's mlynar training with her, not her father
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kitwilsonsass · 1 year
the thing making me feral for pretty deadly rn is just that these fucking past few weeks bits have given me those good vintage edge and christian tinglies and i just
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victim9d · 1 year
so whomst is teaching cassie to fight
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kosegruppaa · 11 months
this is a little cursed but.
i think stede and izzy have kinda the same dynamic as clary and alec from shadowhunters to me lmao
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hauntedfalcon · 1 year
they’re really not making a big deal of the fact that the prince can do magic too huh
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dan-crimes · 1 year
Watching a voice work compilation for Roger as Sonic and I will say he's on the lower end for my pick of Sonic voices but I will admit he's got some good lines in there and ALSO seeing these Sonic cutscenes without any context is kinda bizarre like how the fuck did Sonic IMPROVE after being in prison for 6 months? The fuck? It would have made more sense if Infinite said smth like "It seems you've become weak since our last fight. You aren't worth my time. Come back to me once you're worthy of a fight." THAT would make more sense for why he'd just leave Sonic alive after beating him again lmao I'm no writer btw dialogue is like my weakness I'm not good at dialogue so I'm sure this could be improved upon but yeah something of that nature would make more sense instead of Sonic getting BETTER somehow after being in prison
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piratefishmama · 1 year
Finders Givers | Part 5
“So why’d you freak out?” Eddie expected the grilling, the second they left that extravagant building, he expected the grilling. “I mean, they were both super nice, I mean… Robin was… wow, I mean did you see her? I just—” he also kind of expected that, with the way Chrissy had just frozen at her entrance? Yeah. he expected that. “Wowzers y’know? But Steve was really nice too! He’d have probably offered us those jobs Eddie, we need jobs! Just cause rent is frozen doesn’t mean we don’t need jobs, we could save up our wages and use it on like, a holiday or something, we could go to Hawaii an be dumb white people tourists like in Lilo and Sti—”
“Did you not feel the vibes that guy was giving off?” Eddie didn’t usually interrupt her, she could go on a tangent, and the tangents were usually pretty cute so he’d often just let her go on with herself until she ran out of topics, allowing her to feel comfortable to just talk without feeling like she shouldn’t, but this time… he couldn’t hold it in.
“Steve?” She didn’t seem to mind though “yeah, I almost offered to let you two have some alone time, he was giving you serious bedroom eyes—”
“Chrissy no, nope! Not that! No he’s—he’s weird.”
“Weird in a hot way? Cause in my humble opinion he was working that suit. Do you think that tan was natural because oo-wee was it working for him.”
“Well yes, we both have eyes, but also no, dangerous weird, y’know? Something felt wrong about him, Chriss.” He felt like he was drifting in open waters and Steve was a huge leviathan type thing just waiting in the depths beneath him to drag him down away from light, away from life.
“You’re just saying that because he’s the boss of this big multimillion dollar company. Next you’ll be saying he’s capitalism personified or something, rich man buys out the neighbourhood, blah blah I can’t do your infamous table speeches, but listen, Eddie, he’s… he seems nice, maybe he is just nice.”
“And maybe he’s the mafia.”
“HE COULD BE! We don’t know that he isn’t.”
“This isn’t a movie, Eddie, c’mon let's just go home, maybe we can call up later about those jobs, yeah? It couldn’t hurt to work at a place you play at. Lenny wouldn’t give us the time of day when we tried applying for jobs there before, maybe we can get one now, it’s like… fate! Maybe Steve and Robin will come in one night and we can wow them with our fancy bartender skills, which we’ll of course learn through extensive trial and error, maybe a training montage, I’ll get my very own uptown girl an you’ll get your own hot rich man who’ll buy you fancy things and pamper you like I know you won’t admit you like but I know you’d eat that shit up.”
“Thought you just said this wasn’t a movie.”
“Some movies are based on real life stories! It could happen! It’s more likely than the mafia, c’mon.” Well… she had a point, they did need jobs, and Steve had… well he’d been nice hadn’t he?
There could be so many ulterior motives to what he was doing but why would it have to negatively affect them? It could just negatively affect some dude called Phil who lived two states over, it didn’t even have to involve them, really. Besides getting them a new job, right?
“…Fine, but you can send over our resumes, I don’t want anything to do with this! If the handsome rich devil man decides to give us the jobs, and comes into the bar, and I HAPPEN to serve him, and impress him then I will concede that the universe would like me to have a nice thing happen, but I will not go looking for fairytale endings, okay?” He knew better than to get his hopes up.
Steve Harrington had looked at him like he was dinner, he’d done the whole stuck staring stupid bit, and it’d been endearing, cute, surprising considering holy shit Steve was like… way out of his league, but… if the universe wanted it to happen then the universe would make it happen!
Eddie would have no part in the process of it happening! He’d just… indulge a little in the end result.
“Someday, Eddie. Someday I’m going to convince you to go and find good things for yourself, and you’ll see just how easy it is to make yourself happy.”
“Someday perhaps, but today is not that day.”
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“Be honest now… what did you think of him?” It wasn’t a common thing, Steve sat in front of Robin’s desk, in the chair opposite her big floor to ceiling windows, with Robin looking pretty menacing in her high backed chair, shadowed, her hands steepled at her chin, thumbs pressed into her own throat in thought, her silence stretched long enough for him to tack on “think from a non-lesbian standpoint.”
“I think he looks like a passel of Opossum in a trench coat. A domesticated raccoon, a wet rat that some cruel individual permed for some reason.”
“Well that’s mean, and definitely not from a non-lesbian standpoint.”
“That’s from a person with eyes standpoint.” Steve rolled his own eyes and slumped backwards in the chair like a petulant teenager, arms crossed over his chest. “He looks like he’d scamper, Steve.”
“What’s wrong with scampering?! It’s cute to scamper!”
“It’s reserved for tiny critters, not fully grown adult men.”
“Men can scamper if they want to, don’t you impose your weird masculine rules on us, Robbie, it’s problematic.”
“I swear to god if I catch you on twitter—” shook her head, hand lifted to cut herself off “Steve… is this guy really worth all the money you’re throwing at this?” It was a lot of money, a lot, and they wouldnt get any of it back.
“I mean… I don’t know, but then I didn’t know if Jane would be worth it, or if she’d get any use out of the bakery I bought for her, I didn’t know if paying Nancy’s debts off would be worth it, I didn’t know if any of you would be worth the effort and money I put in to bring you all in and keep you all healthy and safe, and I still did what I did for all of you, so… why is this guy any different?” So far he’d been a spectacular judge of character. “Plus!!! He comes with a very cute blonde!! I’m sure you noticed the very cute blonde.”
“Aren’t you worried that they might be dating?” It was a very good point, and one he hadn’t actually considered. But then—
“If they are then they are, it doesn’t mean I shouldn’t give them a chance like I gave all of you guys a chance.” Anyone who’d knock the shit out of their manager for their friend or partner was alright by him, it showed a loyalty that laughed in the face of authority, he LIKED when people laughed in the face of authory. Authority figures needed to be laughed at sometimes. And punched other times. Robin’s shoulders slacked, her expression shifting to one of soft amusement. “Yooooou wanted me to say that didn’t you?”
“Maybe a little. Just making sure you’re not thinking entirely with your dick. They’re not dating by the way… she’s not even a little bit his type.” Eddie had been quite open about his own sexuality, on purpose or just as a spur of the moment thing, Robin didn’t know, but it was nice to know Steve’s interest wasn’t entirely a lost cause.
“I was wondering why you dropped my relationship status in there.”
“Mmm… I did notice the very cute blonde… she seemed nice.” Bubbly, cute, like a cheerleader “and only because Chrissy seemed very nice… only because I would very much like to see her again… am I going to agree to go along with this nonsense without further complaint.”
“You cant agree to go along with something without complaint while calling it nonsense.”
“Watch me, Dingus.”
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 months
So the Macaque episode does still happen, only instead of trying to steal MK's powers, Macaque does a sudden change in plans and instead tries to get close to MK, acting as a very much unauthorized mentor and babysitter while Wukong is off searching for his cub... again. Just an entire afternoon of Macaque bonding with MK
I think Macaque in canon ultimately wanted Wukong to Hurt more than anything, since c'mon, he *knows* his bestie is immortal-immortal. He mostly wanted Wukong to know what it feels like to be on the recieving end of his powers.
So when he realises that Wukong in the Marble Egg au has a cub; Macaque realises that the better revenge is becoming MK's favorite parent instead >:3
Irl macaque monkeys do in fact kidnap babies, both to babysit, and to make the mom hang out with them.
Wukong: (*worried sick from running all over town trying to find his son*) Macaque & MK: (*having a wholesome father-son training montage*)
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The Noodle gang and The Stalwarts get involved in the search party, and the furious troop eventually track down where Macaque and MK are. Completely safe inside a theatre-dojo?
Macaque, grooming MK's fur: "Hey peaches." Wukong: "Don't you Hey peaches me! Give me back my son!" Macaque: "Okay he's yours." MK, runs into Wukong's arms: "Baba! Mr Liu'er is super cool! He's been helping me control my powers!" Wukong, suspicious: "He has?" (*looks over at Macaque*) Macaque, sly shrug: "Little guy needs a teacher. He's whacked himself with the Staff like six times today." MK, delighted: "I broke Mr Liu'er's wall of swords!" Wukong, checking over MK: "What?! Are you ok?!" Macaque: "He's alive isn't he?" Wukong: "Thats not the point! Do you know how many injuries can hide beneath the skin?! This is why I always hesitated to put you on babysitting duty back home!" Macaque: "And yet, the baby monkeys love me." Wukong: "That's because you can't say No to them!" Wukong & Macaque continue arguing like this as the gang watches Pigsy: "I'm a little confused. The Macaque guy just... wanted to babysit?" The Stalwarts, unanimous: "Yeah." Marshal Ma: "Macaque babysat the cubs for the longest time back home when we were younger." General Beng: "It's where he harnessed his power of storytelling." General Ba: "And his dramatics." Marshal Liu: "My question is whether this cub-napping was merely to fulfil an instinctual duty, or to force Wukong to talk to him?" Marshal Ma: "Oh definitely the latter. These two are about as stubborn as a pile of rocks." The Stalwarts: (*all murmur in agreement*)
Eventually after a lot of hissing (mostly from Wukong), the monkeys part without much violence. Strangely, Wukong doesn't tell Macaque to stay away or to never talk to his baby again...
As it turns out, having a baby monkey to care for acts as a buffer for monkey-arguments.
The Stalwarts do warn Macaque to at least tell one of them before he goes caring for MK in future or else they'll tear him apart like a banana for making their King worry. Macaque smiles and agrees to their terms.
Basically Wukong and Macaque have this sort of vibe in training/raising MK;
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korasonata · 1 year
Ok but this Cleo/El/Scott Coven is actually the most adorable thing. Cleo and El’s little practice session is legitimately like straight out of a movie training montage. Cleo teaching her hex casting. The way Cleo is legitimately SO excited when El masters her first explosion. El being nervous and overwhelmed when Cleo shows her the symbol for an artifact, and Cleo just being like don’t worry I’ll talk you through it. Cleo using her own amethyst shards to help charge her artifact. The cut at the end of the montage in Eloise’s episode that shows how she’s COMPLETELY demolished the training room from her advanced explosion spells. El giving Cleo a clock as a present to say thank you for helping her, and Cleo promising to help her more in the future if she ever needs anything.
And then Scott. Scott poking fun at her but also actually being really helpful in his own way? Him asking if he can curse her to test out a spell he hasn’t used before because he wants to have a bit of a laugh, only for him to remove it the second she says it’s too much for her and then promising to teach it to her as well. Him watching her trial, whispering pointers to her as she’s getting ready for the final fight. Bertha inviting Scott to their special school of magic, stating that it was only for the strongest witches on the server, and Scott immediately listing Eloise alongside himself, Shelby, and Cleo as the strongest members of the server, and when Bertha laughs he IMMEDIATELY defends her like “Eloise is stronger now.” And when Bertha just keeps laughing he goes “she just won her tournament, don’t laugh about that.”
The little outfit montage in the middle where Cleo and Scott help her pick out some armour.
El winning the retrial and Bertha congratulating her, trying to give her a speech about how proud they are of her and how much she deserved it, and El just straight up ignoring them, running away mid speech to check on her last opponent, asking if they were ok and going “I’m sorry, I didn’t give you a chance to breathe, but I really wanted to do Scott and Cleo proud.”
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space-blue · 2 months
The Acolyte Brendok Re-write
I went ahead and reworked the entire Brendok storyline to flesh out and improve on character development. This rewrite ends up to the same outcomes but is set to be one long episode or two back to back if need be, with a much deeper focus on our star POV character:
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This rewrite is very long (5.3k words) so I'm putting it under a cut. If anything is confusing let me know. Some scenes are not fleshed out at all as they're intended to be mostly the way they are in the show.
Thanks to my friends Paula and Vincent who helped craft this plot.
Torbin POV — He's our focal POV character for Jedi sections.
Instead of picking moss for 7 weeks they have been on a hyperspace survey, hopping from blighted world to blighted world, exactly what they expected to find. Torbin makes a deprecating joke about how excited he is to sample new rocks.
They drop out of hyperspace and discover the lush green world of Brendok.
Cockpit scene with the Jedi arguing loudly, strong emotions : excitement, confusion, lots of back and forth with words we and Torbin don't understand, and some of the conversation made all the more confusing by Kelnacca's shyriiwook.
The audience gets to be educated about vergence alongside padawan Torbin. But clearly the Jedi aren't sure this is what it is, and the vergence is made to be a very mythical and improbable thing. Sol argues it must be one, and Indara says he's being far too hasty. 
> Establishing early the theme of Sol seeing what he wants to see in things and getting ahead of himself.
Torbin seems excited that they can finally report something significant and go home. 
Kelnacca laughs and says something. Torbin is crestfallen and asks "Really?"
Sol, fixed on the world with poorly veiled enthusiasm, says "Of course, we can't pass up such an opportunity. We have all the tools we need as well."
Indara agrees and says they will land and take samples. When Torbin gives her a wounded look, she smiles and says this is definitely the last world on this mission before going home, but they can't not investigate. 
They crash land or damage their ship in some way as they come down. They try to call for rescue and find their comms broken. They trigger their distress beacon and prepare to wait. Indara decides to deploy the team collecting samples and data to not waste their time, since they're here either way.
On that first night, Torbin has nightmares. We don't get in them but see him have tremors and kicking.
Montage of how tedious and boring the life is, collecting moss and not finding the clues they expect. They have a camp OUTSIDE their ship (like a campervan extending so they can process samples and cook on fire, etc.) Field biologist vibe, and the adult Jedi all give off that field tech nerd vibe enduring the elements to get stuff done. 
Torbin (who is shown rubbing his forehead on occasion and blinking at his samples/at the horizon) is complaining a lot about the feeling that this is pointless, and Sol—who is very excited for the possibilities of a vergence—keeps trying to uplift and reassure him, getting in the way of Indara's training. They have a chat about it like in the show, making it clear that Sol is overstepping, despite it being in good spirits.
Torbin goes and has another nightmare, this time we're in it with him. 
He's running through a forest, and spirit/demonic smoky figures are running around him, laughing, cackling. He's being hunted. The trees part before him, shining bright. He comes to a hard stop. When the brightness equalises, we see the vista before him is the coruscant skyline. 
Cut to his face, teary-eyed, quivering smile of relief.
An arrow shoots through his throat. He goes to fall to the ground—next cut, the thing that actually hits the ground is an animal, shot there with an arrow by the witches.
(It's a scene transition to daytime in the real world)
Osha POV
Mae and Osha are there, being taught how to hunt. Mother Koril makes them rehearse their lessons on how to poison their arrow tips, and what poison is used for what season, establishing their mentor/student relationship and the future poison name-drop. The witches hunt as a group, and we see them using the smoke power to get ahead of an animal or away from danger. It is shown to be positive and useful.
Mae uses the Force to freeze one of the animals Osha is supposed to shoot and she takes exception to that. She starts an argument between them over how to hunt, saying Mae always does stuff like that and to stop. She wants to prove herself alone. Mae doesn't get it: they are always together so they should hunt together. 
A scout crashes the end of the hunt by reporting the presence of intruders further in the forest. Koril is first curious and cautious, but the witch says they seem to be Jedi and Koril goes into panic mode and repatriates everybody home.
The girls bicker the whole way home and wonder what Jedi are like and how dangerous they really are, with the adults too busy hurrying to really mind them.
Their settlement is in a crater/mountain/old mine too, but many of the buildings are made out of local wood. Only the inner chambers and private quarters of the girls and mothers seem to be in the stone buildings. However, LOTS and LOTS of lush carpets and tapestries are everywhere within these areas. Despite the abandoned mine setting, things are warm and cushy. That will also be great fuel for fire later. It gives the witches a strong visual aesthetic. They clearly do a lot of crafts. Visual representations of the Thread abound, and lots of spirals and dot work.
It becomes very clear that the girls are the only children and treated as little princesses.
Koril goes to talk to Aniseya. She reveals the presence of Jedi on the world. Aniseya smiles at her and says 'I know.'
Start of an argument, Koril demanding, 'When were you going to tell me about this?'
Aniseya saying it's fine, she's just keeping an eye on them through the eyes of their weakest member (Torbin). They crashed down in a valley beyond the river and should pose no threat. There's only 4 of them and they seem to be scientists/researchers/academics. 
Koril remains angry and says they can't afford to take any risk as the ritual is fast approaching and they can't miss this chance to tie the girls to the coven.
Aniseya has strong words then, challenging Koril over how much she thinks she cares for the girls and asserting she would never endanger them and only thinks about what's best for them. 
Here is when the girls come running in, having changed, and Aniseya flips to good mom and feeds them treats. Insert some cute family time together. Here is a good moment to have Osha voice how scared she is of the coming ritual and further the bickering between the sisters. Osha can complain about how Mae got in the way of her hunt, that she won't let her do anything on her own and this isn't resolved when Aniseya interrupts the fight and makes them hold hands, just like in the show.
Torbin POV
It's morning and Sol and Torbin are eating rations in the sun, sitting on crates by the ship. 
Sol gives a sheepish look over his shoulder to the ship's entrance, but approaches Torbin asking him if he's OK. He heard him scream early this morning.
Torbin breaks and confesses to his nightmares (and maybe headaches, triggered from Aniseya taking glances through his eyes). He's distraught and Indara approaches, annoyed, thinking that Sol is overstepping again. Kelnacca is on her heels. She arrives in time to hear Torbin say he thinks they're not alone on this planet. He's seen them. He sees them in his dreams. Adds something cryptic like "they live in the mountain".
This should be shot almost like a horror film moment. 
The masters exchange looks, but can sense his unease and agree to go investigate. Sure enough, they find proof of habitation. 
Torbin looks relieved at the news: it wasn't him losing it. But he's extremely aloof and clearly torn between going to confront these people and ask for hospitality + broker peace, vs. keeping clear of them since his dreams are so ominous. Anyway it's clearly not his call to make and they are very low on resources + have only a distress beacon and hope to send a message to the order.
Emphasise that the knights are more hopeful and open and consider themselves welcome anywhere in the galaxy, highlighting how unusual Torbin's anxiety seems. He looks like he's overreacting as far as the jedi know.
They bang on the door and after an awkward wait, a woman comes out and asks what they want.
They explain they crashed and have low food and no comms, and hope to trade and send out a message/confirm they're being picked up.
The woman frees the way and invites them in.
The vibes are off the entire time, but more in an awkward or uncertain way. 
When they are allowed to step in and talk to the mothers, the witches at the door perform a small welcoming ritual, dabbing their foreheads with a dash of white paint. Something intrusive and unconventional. Indara and kelnacca care the least/are used to putting up with weird local stuff, while Sol seems a little put off or wary, and Torbin is outright uncomfortable with being touched.
They go inside, get to be shown around a bit. The witches are very standoffish. Kelnacca strikes off to inspect their craft and is curious about the spirals and chats to an artisan who speaks shyriiwook. Indara is focused on getting a message out. Aniseya insists on sending it themselves (to make sure they don't plot against them). Indara promises them safety though if they could help understand the planet it would be great.
Aniseya plays dumb about the vergence (IDK what you mean?) but says they can answer their questions. Sol starts asking, more and more questions about the planet and the witches (when they arrived, where they landed, was the mine operational when they arrived, etc) making them grow visibly uncomfortable, as it seems like he's asking to figure them out, rather than the planet. 
Meanwhile Osha and Mae are spying on them. Mae insist on going back to their room as they were ordered to stay out of the way. Osha distracts her. She says look at the mighty scary jedi. They're not so bad. Sol is smiling as he asks his questions, Indara laughs politely with someone. Kelnacca is now trading food. They aren't that scary and also... There's a boy.
The girls fixate on Torbin, who looks tweaky and uneasy. They nudge each other, comment on his curls and wonder what he's like. Osha spots his lightsaber and points to it. She decides to go have a closer look. Mae insists it's not safe and that they should go back to their room.
Osha goes and pspspshhhs Torbin. He spots them and follows them to a more secluded area. He makes fast friends and shows off his lightsaber when asked. He looks much more at ease seeing kids around. 
They start quizzing him with dozens of questions all at once. Mae and Osha have different interests (Osha asking about other kids and what life is like on Coruscant, Mae asking why he's carrying a weapon and can she see it, or something like this). 
Torbin, who is clearly good with younger kids, answers them and starts reminiscing about what he left at home. The temple, his classes, his friends... he seems increasingly homesick. Osha asks how many other children there are and is shocked when she learns there's hundreds of them, living equally all together.
The chat goes in the direction of Torbin being the one asking questions and the girls guard is down. They tell him about the ritual they're about to take part in. Maybe he likens it to a knighting and they clarify they will become the leaders of their coven. Torbin asks how come they can become leaders if they're kids still learning. The girls don't really have an answer, but maybe Mae says it has to do with how good they are with "pulling on the Thread". They reveal they are FS that way (maybe pulling Torbin's saber out of his hand with a victorious smirk, which would make Torbin freeze in realisation).
They are then caught. Torbin is dragged away and the girls are forced back into the building. He is made to swear to not speak of the girls to anyone. He does. He gives his word.
The Jedi go back to their ship and very quickly Torbin says they are force users. This immediately clicks for the Jedi. "ah so that's why the vibes were so off. They're witches." sort of realisation. 
When asked how he knew, Torbin hesitates but quickly reveals the girls' presence. He says they claimed they too can "pull on the thread", which the older jedi immediately understand to mean use the force. 
Sol shows interest and curiosity and some concern. Only two children? Twins? And why are witches hiding them? Again we get to hear more about the Jedi's relationship with force cults via dialogue between Torbin and the masters. They explain to him why some force cults are seen more negatively, and he has only heard of nightsisters.
Torbin is asked for details and mentions what the girls said about being part of a ritual and becoming the coven leaders.
Sol continues to worry and the POV shifts to him.
In the morning he goes to spy on the witches, climbing the side of the walls. 
At first he only sees normal life scenes, but then he follows a large group that makes its way to the pit to begin a ritual. They carry a very elderly witch. Then they head to fields set in terraces carved from the rock wall. There he witnesses with increasing distress a death ritual, in which the elderly witch, clearly at death's door but still alive, is levitated between chanting witches with black eyes. She dissipates into smoke.
We experience and see how incredibly wrong and disturbing this feels to Sol. Dune-style montage of his vision/sensation of this, to highlight that her passing into the force was not usual. This is not peaceful or light. Maybe he feels nauseous. Visible reaction. 
But then the plants in the fields experience a mad growth spurt (close ups of sprouting seeds, things rotting faster, soil shivering with worms and insects, buds exploding into flowers and seed). Would go with whoompy and base heavy, oppressive soundtrack. 
The witches come out of their trance delighted and go observe the results in the fields while Sol makes his shaky exit.
He goes back to Indara extremely concerned and insists on "rescuing" the girls. Torbin feels more guilty now that he spoke up at all. He just wants to leave and is against going to fetch the kids. Outvoted again. Indara accepts the risk seems great and they can use the Jedi looking for kids as an excuse to confront them about this.
Osha POV
The girls are still arguing as they prepare for the ritual. Talk with Aniseya. Very little needs to change. The ritual proceeds and is again interrupted. Make that ritual look a little spookier but remain visibly just as safe.
Torbin POV
We go back to the show's scene of a home invasion by the Jedi, interrupting the ritual for the girls. The girls are hidden but this time Indara says she knows there are children here. Koril glowers at Torbin who tries to make himself very small.
Dialogue remains similar. The girls are brought forward. Sol softens and mellows and clearly is smitten with them and tries to recruit them. Torbin blurts out the mark on Mae's forehead is new, which makes everyone tense up. 
Indara insists the children be tested. Osha wants to. Koril argues. Sol argues. The camera pans to Torbin instead and their voices fade out to a hum. His face is twitching. Voices around him accuse him of lying, breaking his word, and being spineless. Intruder, child snatcher, etc. He breaks, blinks, and whispers "I'm sorry", and the moment the word is out, his eyes instantly go black.
Scene proceeds as in the show. The witches promise to bring the girls in the morning for their tests.
Sol is vindicated and extra worried due to the way they treated Torbin. Unlike in the show though, Indara cannot ask for council guidance. She sticks to the rules and says Sol can't be for real, the girls are too old, the witches too weird, they won't let them go. Torbin may add they're here with their mom and it's fine and to please leave it.
As they walk to their two speeders, the celestial bodies overhead separate (the opportunity has passed and the ritual cannot resume)
Osha POV
Chat with their mom about the test with the Jedi the next morning. Girls arguing. Mae says there's no point as they're part of the coven now. Osha saying she isn't. Aniseya tells her that of course she's part of them, even if the ritual wasn't fully completed. She tries to reassure her, says she must lie. 
Osha whines and says she wants to show her progress and what Aniseya taught her. Aniseya explains that it would be dangerous and that the jedi have to know as little as possible about their true capabilities. Both girls ask why, as they still both think the Jedi were nice and don't seem like bad people.
Aniseya explains that the Jedi aren't bad as individual people and that maybe all of them here are very kind and good, but the order they belong to is enormous, wields power and controls it. It gets to decide who can use the Thread and in what way. Then she segways into a gentle and kid friendly explanation that many generations ago, their coven already had to flee a world to escape from the Jedi. She may say that they claim to be peaceful, but have gone to many wars against the Sith, and that you can't even call it a war when they wipe out a small coven.
The girls go to the ship and make their promise to lie.
We see Mae lie and tell worrisome things about becoming "one with all" to the masters like in the show.
Then Osha goes in. The same happens but she already knows about other kids and she simply asks what it was like for Sol and is shocked to hear they have babies too and that Sol was given pretty old at 4 yo. 
Once she's done with the test she's now not failing, we get to see her try more things. The remote and saber, a little spar with Torbin with sabers on low settings, push-feather with Indara. She's exhilarated and bright eyed and admits she wants to become a jedi. We SEE her be happy with them and ask questions she likes the answers to.
Indara is looking quite displeased with this. Torbin is very uncomfortable standing in the doorway, and Sol is smiling brightly and encouraging Osha, clearly bonding with her through the test.
When Osha steps out Mae already knows she must have told them the truth because she stayed in the ship for so long. 
We go back with the witches. Have same scene as in the show with osha deciding she wants to go, Aniseya promising to take her opinion into consideration, the witches being against it, and Aniseya choosing to let her go. 
The reason why the girls are so OP, must become leaders and the witches have no other kids (all relevant to the back and forth with Aniseya and should inform dialogue)
The coven uses group action. Most of the witches are fairly weak individually but can be powerful as a group working as one. The power of many. They rally behind powerful leaders. On their last world they were subject to attack, lost a lot of their children in particular, and their OP leader. Mother Aniseya/Koril were younger then, but the two next OP. They fled to Brendock in hiding, and discovering the vergence, Aniseya created the twins. Seeing their potential they were made as next leader. This would mean leading group rituals and protecting the Coven. They are only as powerful as their best witch, and Mae and Osha are like multipliers.
The witches don't make it sound like this is taboo, and more like Jedi would definitely take the girls away to study them and never return them. They can't afford this because of protection, they are not even done recovering from the damage of their last conflict.
Back to the story, with Mae furious. She is kicked out before Osha leaves the room. We now see her lock the doors and break the pad without anyone knowing, before she runs back into the building to get to Osha. 
Torbin POV
The Jedi rescue finally arrives at the crash site. It's just one man in a small ship. He's here to give them a ride back. Torbin wants to go now, Sol wants to stay. The blood test ping right then. 
The girls are suspicious to them immediately. Sol concludes they were born of the vergence. Indara suggests they might have been created from it, split somehow. She goes to use the new ship's comm to go as the council for guidance. 
They are all in their camping area, half packed up. The new jedi is watching them argue while sipping on his soup, looking confused. Indara comes back out saying the Council said NO. 
Osha is too old, and with her alone there's no proof they're the product of a vergence. They said they must come home, and will send another crew later on to mediate with the coven and investigate the matter.
Sol is distressed and says the girls are in danger. Mae is already marked. Osha outright said she wants to come. And if they bring back BOTH girls then the council will see they are a vergence and must be trained/studied. This is where he says he feels OSha is meant to be his padawan. 
Indara goes to protest, but Sol runs for a speeder to say he can negotiate with the witches.
 Indara yells for Torbin to follow him and stop him. (there's only two speeders and Torbin being lighter will be faster alone to catch up). She and Kelnacca run for the new ship telling the new guy that they'll be right back and please mind the camp. He looks very confused but resigned.
Torbin catches up to Sol outside the coven and begs him to stop. They can finally go home. They don't belong here. Sol ignores him and instructs him to shut off his mind so they don't get to him again and breaks in, Torbin on his heels.
Witches on high alert. Koril and Aniseya rush to the yard to confront the men.
Osha POV
Fight/argument with the girls in their room. They vent a lot of their usual criticism, push and pull over Osha's notebook, and in it Mae sees doodles of Torbin too (bit of a "turning Red" style acknowledgement that girls get crushes, but it also helps establish Osha as turned to other people and Mae perceiving this as a threat. 
Now Mae mocks Osha for having known Torbin for barely a day and she's already boy-sick.
Osha rips the book from her hand and goes to hit her with it. Mae reacts by pushing her with the force out of reflex. Osha doesn't block (as she didn't with their earlier training which still can happen when they come home from the hunt). She sends Osha flying across the room, hitting her head. She passes out and doesn't see the lamp breaking on the carpet, igniting it. 
Mae freezes, watching the carpet flare up. She tries to tamp it down, screaming Osha's name. She runs to her and tries to lift/drag/shake her but she's heavy and the fire is spreading. She rushes out screaming for help.
Torbin POV
The situation is heating up as Kelnacca and Indara arrive together. Sol has dropped the fact they should be taking both girls if they can and the witches are reacting like this is child snatching and straight up won't surrender Mae.
Indara tries to calm everyone. She's starting to make sense, and Aniseya goes to say something (maybe say she's OK to let Osha go), only for Mae's scream to be heard. She comes out screaming "Fire, fire!"
Sol yells "Osha!" Only for Mae to give him a weird look and say "Osha's trapped in the room!"
Sol blinks his surprise away. The witches turn on the jedi, many voices heard at once, asking what have you done!? Indara says "Nothing, we're all here, we just want to talk." 
The witches fire back they are lying/they have a new jedi/he must be here.
Torbin whips out his lightsaber right as the witches begin firing at him. 
All at the same moment or in very quick succession:
Koril goes for Indara and is deflected by Kelnacca
Aniseya goes to smoke rescue Mae, only for Sol to freak out at the sight of the smoke effect again and stab her. She still tells him "You could have taken Osha, she chose to go and I was going to let her".
Mae screams and rushes forward, falling over Aniseya. Indara leans over her and says they have to put down the fire, asking where Osha is. 
Koril attacks Sol.
Kelnacca and Torbin block arrows while Indara picks Mae up and asks to show her the way.
Osha POV
Osha wakes up alone in a room in flames. To her, she was left for dead and left to burn. She makes her escape as in the show. She can't get to the door due to flames. We hear screams and explosions as the whole place flames up. She makes her way through the tunnels.
Jedi POV
Cut back to Mae and Indara, discovering the room is empty. Indara is calling out for Osha, tries to sense her, says she's not here. Mae has already spotted the open pipe and darts away.
Cut to the Koril vs. Sol fight and Torbin blocking arrows. Things proceed as in the show, with Koril disappearing to smoke and the witches taking over Kelnacca, except Indara stops her efforts to contain the fire and find Osha when she hears Torbin scream. 
She winces in shared pain and rushes back out to see the end of the fight with Kelnacca. She intervenes again. This is way more visceral. We actively see depictions of her mental state. When the witches are cut off it's a thread snapping/strong sound design. Indara is shaken, mumbling an "oh no... I... I...' (clearly didn't intend to kill when she severed the bond)
There are still screams about the place as women try to escape the flames and smoke. Several explosions then.
Indara snaps at Sol "Find the girls!" before rushing to Torbin's side. Kelnacca is KO. Torbin is much more grievously injured. A sweating and visibly strained Indara takes a deep breath before trying to use force heal on him.
Sol, running inside to find the girls, stumbles on the witches all dead. Koril is WITH them, to highlight the fact she wasn't dissolving with the smoke effect, but teleporting, meaning Sol must have overreacted to this effect (and now he can guess what Aniseya most likely attempted and we know he knows).
He hears screams and follows them.
Instead of the girls being in a split gangway about to collapse just yelling each other's name, he finds Osha trapped outside the exit of her pipe system. She is still over the same drop, though it'd there is a lot more smoke that obscures the real depth of the shaft (and there's more coughing/strong impression things are burning all around).
Mae appears from the side and at a higher point (she's been tracing the path of the pipes trying to find where Osha would emerge and is getting to her now). She proceeds to move forward despite how dangerous the damage gangplank is, to try and reach Osha.
Sol yells for her to move back. He tries to find a clear pass, crying from the smoke in the air. Mae is saying she's sorry, she's also crying and saying "Mom's dead" to a horrified Osha who asks her "what did you do?!" 
Mae says "The Jedi came for you!" as an accusation. "I didn't—" and then the ramp drops a bit, they both scream. Sol yells for them to hang on and gets closer. 
Mae gets back up at the edge of the ramp and Osha grabs her hand and joins her. Their combined weight is too much. The ramp breaks and falls down over the pit. They hang on, screaming, and Sol grabs the entire ramp with the Force. 
He's crying, blinking, straining. Mae is slipping, her grip on Osha loosening. She has one hand on the ramp and one on Osha's top.
Sol slips in the Force and the ramp falls. Mae and Osha are shaken loose, but Sol grabs Osha with the Force, letting Mae fall (She was behind Osha, grabbing the back of her shirt, so she doesn't really see what's happening in the moment).
Things proceed as in the show, with heavier smoke and fire and Osha being dragged away from Aniseya not just because Sol doesn't want her to see the wound but also because there's real urgency in leaving. They run past the main door, where we can maybe see collapsed bodies. Sol runs to the weird black pit, on the edge of the settlement, the only place still clear of smoke. The music distorts around it, ominous. He looks around, desperate, passed out Osha in his arms. 
Light falls on him from above : the jedi ship, piloted by Indara.
Cut to the same scene as in the show with them in hyperspace, except they're not in their own ship but the much smaller rescue vessel. Kelnacca is passed out right next to Osha in a cramped room, and Torbin is sitting nearby, hugging himself, face swollen and eye shut by crusted blood. He's mumbling he's sorry again and again and Indara is actively soothing him/rubbing his back before the confrontation with Sol begins and she decides they have to cover this up.
Argument remains the same : Mae started a fire, everybody died, but we know the mom allowed Osha to be a Jedi, and she's the sole survivor. She also wanted to join, and though they can't exactly prove she was created by a vergence, they have blood samples and she can still be studied while she trains.
Osha screams and cries as Sol holds and hugs her. Camera cuts to Torbin. Pale faced, bloodied. He's finally still, his one good eye fixed dead ahead as we listen to Osha's wailing. 
Indara places a hand over his shoulder and whispers, 'It'll be all right. We're going home.'
Cut to Mae POV
Close up of her face, stone grey. Flakes of ash fall on her and coat her as the camera pans out. She's on her back on a lower gangplank in the shaft. She wakes up coughing, confused. 
She took a hard fall and is limping and hugging her arm, but she crawls to an exhaust port and emerges in the woods.
She's covered in soot and dried blood. Much, much dirtier than in the show. She turns back around : it's dawn, her coven is still burning/emitting a huge plume of smoke.
She looks around, the camera is far away, making her small and alone in the shot. She asks, in a trembling voice, "Oshie?"
Cut to black.
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partikron · 6 months
I know everyone is talking about a potential Godzilla X Kong follow up, usually with wholesome Mothzilla vibes, but I actually wish we could get something a little more grim. It goes very against Wingard's overall vibe with his films so far, but I'd love for him to explore the immediate negative backlash of Godzilla's globe-trotting nuclear training montage in GxK. Nobody would care that the attempted takeover of the surface world was stopped; multiple nuclear facilities were breached, Rome was decimated (partially Scylla's fault, true), Egypt got thrashed, some of the most important human structures ever built (the pyramids at Giza) were leveled, and Rio was completely populated when all hell broke loose during that four titan free-for-all.
The body count must have been insane.
I love the way Monarch handled the PTSD of the survivors of G-Day, and how it doesn't really matter to those whose families were ripped apart that the world was being saved at the time, they still watched their loved ones being crushed by a howling god of destruction having a turf war with another unstoppable nightmare abomination. I want to see how the humans in the MonsterVerse respond to being held hostage by walking natural disasters, I want to see how they turn Apex technology into Titan hunting tech that actually poses a threat.
We all want the Kaiju to win, but I'd like to see them put on the run for a bit as the humans band together and try to take their world back. That tension that was briefly mentioned in KoTM was never really resolved, just never talked about again.
Just a thought.
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jolieblack · 5 months
Jolie’s thoughts on Silver Blaze (Sherlock & Co. podcast) Parts 1 & 2
… because I can already tell that this will get too long if I wait for parts 3 & 4 to drop…
I know Joel has said in several places that this case is his favourite ACD story, so expectations are high… and not being disappointed so far!
I already loved this one at 3 minutes in, with the opening montage of part 1 being totally over the top, mega blockbuster crime of the century style, and then the next thing we get is Sherlock practising the clippity-clop thing and looking for a new home for 327 ants.
Sherlock being a train geek (of course he is) and going on about the ghost trains just after John went on about the creepy Dartmoor legends got me, too. In my book, Silver Blaze has never had a gothic horror vibe to it, but it may well have now! Let’s see how that aspect will develop.
Other details I loved:
John‘s mum: "He‘s a very sensitive boy and you need to respect that." - "He’s not a boy, he’s a man… who plays with ants."
John and Mariana pushing Sherlock into the case by threatening him with a party, and John being a gleefully cackling little bugger about it when it works.
"Just trying to understand how your brain works." - "Yeah, you and me both, mate."
Sherlock giving us a whole paragraph straight out of ACD (the "plethora" bit) - I love how well it always works in contrast with how everyone else in this universe talks.
The dodgy SD card, which - I hereby predict - will turn out to be more than a comedy element as the case progresses.
Sherlock deducing the entry code for the cottage, we love to see that kind of stuff, don’t we.
"We’ve got a horse to find. Giddy up."- Love it when Sherlock speaks ordinary colloquial modern English like a foreign language.
"You are a child, a giant crime-solving child!" - Sherlock Holmes in a nutshell.
"I’ve done the washing up - he said, pausing for a thank you - " - "Thank you."
Oh and scrolling on our phone to the point of existential crisis till we pass out is so how we all fall asleep these days, isn’t it. Jonk Watson, the true Everyman for the 21st century.
And then we get feeeeels, too!
Starting with "Talk to me, John." - 🥹🥹🥹 The incredible intimacy of that little moment. Also, another 'John', seemingly out of nowhere - is this Sherlock being incredibly finely attuned to the moments where John's war trauma may re-emerge, such as in this scene where they’re viewing a very badly injured body, ready to step in with whatever emotional support may be needed? If so, our boy has come a long way already since the first sweet but clumsy "Would you like to hold hands and talk about your emotions?" when they were viewing the body in Thor Bridge and I’M HERE FOR IT.
And what was that shower scene??? Things getting very much *less weird* for Sherlock while he stares at his dear companion in the shower (who presumably doesn’t shower fully or even half dressed) and imagines what life would be without him? If this show was heading in an unequivocal Johnlock direction, I‘d say this was an awakening. As it is, I don’t believe for a second that Sherlock was high. He just wanted reassurance that John would stay in the picture forever, whatever exactly you like to imagine the picture to be. 😭
More lovely details:
"Cinderella will go to the ball" - "You stop being so bloody clever, and I will stop with the compliments." And literally two minutes later it’s "I'm not asking you to be comfortable, I’m asking you to help me solve the case!" and John being Sherlock’s literal beast of burden so Sherlock can look over a wall that even little John Watson climbs without any assistance only a minute later.
Sherlock Holmes telling John Watson to get on his knees as if this isn’t the moment the Sherlock Holmes fandom has been waiting for for over 140 years.
Sherlock being gentle and friendly with the horse!
And to wrap up, a few thoughts on the case aspect:
[Warning: Contains spoilers for the original ACD story and may therefore contain spoilers for this version, too!]
The limping sheep in part 1 had me going 👀 already, and now the cataract knife has made its appearance, I really don’t expect a lot of surprises when we get to the denouement, and I'm assuming that the fact that there is an imprint of the letter S from the walking stick on the head of the murder victim just means that there was a violent confrontation quite some time before June actually died. Why else would Sherlock agree with Inspector Gregory that the imprint is there, but also with John that those extensive and massive injuries could not have been caused by a single blow with a stick? Nope, not sensing any dramatic plot twists compared to the original version this time. Let’s see if I was right!
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gen15gg · 4 months
okay SO! these r a bunch of creloise fic ideas i came up w on the train ride home from uni bc am i not jus a girl who overthinks? w all the time in the world?? on a train???
so fair warning this is a LOT, but at least ik the old man sittin next to me was fairly entertained so u win some u lose some i suppose lmao 😭
- i def wanna see more 2000s or 90s AUs cuz duhhh i would love a little line ab them havin specific ringtones for each otha on their silly little flip phones (id cry if i saw this)
- OR OR OR clubbing scenes, meeting on the UNDERGROUND OMG!!!
(the trains that go under ldn for the americans idk if u lot kno what it is sorry, it’s like NYC subway??😭)
.. anyways cressida could always notice eloise reading something and tries to talk to her by either reading the same book or one journey jus offering the book “emma” (LIKE IN THE SHOW GUYS?!?) as a good read before she gets off on her stop OMDS and/or eloise always noticing cressida’s fashionable-ness for a fùckin 9-5 (yes cressida would be giving office siren absolutely) and maybe if the tables are turned, cressida is reading and eloise notices this and suddenly sparks up conversation bc she simply cannot shut her mouth (and replaying all the times she’s seen cressida in new outfits like the montage scene of anne hathaway in the devil wears prada LMFAO) n every tube journey they encounter each otha on, they go back n forth on their opinions on which eva book they’re reading atm OMGGGG n maybe on valentines one of them gives the otha a rose or a book before they get off SOMEONE RESTRAIN ME MY BRAIN IS WORKING OVERTIME 😭
- would also love to see more modern AUs in general like yes i loooove seein this pairing in different time periods, adapting to the ideas and limitations of that era MWAH to everyone who has been writing these i love you - let me kiss u on yo fùckin cranium MWAH !
- imagine a 1920s jazz girls creloise like idk who would be a jazz singer (maybe cressida??), havin them be in ‘flapper girl’ attire.. IDK id jus love to imagine them in that environment perhaps smoking from those thingies that held the cig itself
- not to stress this too much (i am) but i wanna see them as a 90s or def a 2000s famous pairing!! like both are singers!! i mean cmon cressida would hav an unbelievable stage presence w her amazing outfits we’ve seen in the show itself and eloise would be more punk-ish i suppose!!
or eloise remains a singer and cressida is a model?! but in both situations it’s like they despiseeee each otha or at least eloise does of cressida bc of her overall appearance and the message her looks send (i.e. similar to bridgerton era blah blah expectations etc)
but then they hav to date as a publicity stunt to push down rumours that they hate each otha or maybeeeee penelope is a news outlet they’re trying to get the jump on by going ‘noooo we don’t hate each otha we’re actually dating!’ (they do hate each otha but they fall in love obvs)
or penelope is one of their publicists and has set this up??.. or they’re forced to write a song together IDK this can go any which way but i was inspired by the song “maybe” by emma bunton as a song cressida would DEFINITELY sing OR “let me see” by Morcheeba
man idk Cressida jus gives me the vibe that in this AU she could be equivalent to kylie minogue or a brit pop icon of sorts regardless or Kate Moss if u went w the cressida as a model version AND MAYBE ELOISE AS A PHOTOGRAPHER??? IDK!!!!
- also NEED NEED. NEEEEED. a MR n MRS SMITH AU OF THEM!!!! like omdssss
(im referencing the original film w angelina jolie but go wild if one were to write this, which most like won’t happen but oh well 😭)
but omds the tension that would be between them both !!!! like eloise fits the playful goofy but intelligent character of mr smith, whilst i can most definitely see cressida in the role of mrs smith! trying her utmost best to keep things calculated and goin according to plan but (as u kno if you’ve watched the film) eloise will ruin this calculated streak she’s got 😭 OMDSSSS i can jus imagine their banter as they fight
- uhhh fuck me a surfer AU??? why not atp i’d love to see it where either teaches the otha to surf?? or it’s one where eloise is the one travelling around instead of colin (lmao #white girl goin on holiday to find herself) or w him as this would be a modern AU n she meets cressida somewhere in the mediterranean (bc cressida was sent away by her father) n yk sparks and whatnot ensue 🤭
or omds a rendition of that mermaid movie ‘aquamarine’ ??
- jus had the biggest brain moment on this train ride me thinks… flowershop AU..
specifically an ‘imagine me & you’ AU. cressida had married some man ?? could be Debling to get her parents off her back but then falls in love at first sight of eloise the florist as she walks down the aisle to get married
omg i’m literally jus askin for creloise as ‘imagine me & you’ bc why not i think it’s adorable 😭
ANYWAYS!!! that’s ova but if anyone has any more ideas i’d love to hear them bc i hav serious brain rot from this pairing who will prolly not get togetha </3
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Project X (Cheeky Banter) • Ready Player Two • All Or Nothing • Vibe Lighting • Arcade Admission • Training Montage • Moon Chair • Phantasy Land • Static • Pixel Players • Spooky Week • Hydration Station • High Score Hotel • It Hits Different • Cosmic Window • Options Menu • Teamwork Makes The Dreamwork • Tetromino • Are They Fighting • End Screen
People may know Dan and Phil as popular Youtubers, this is the album they released for the songs use on their gaming channel!
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physalian · 27 days
On the one hand I am sick and tired of nostalgia bait trying to make up for shit writing to convince you that the movie is better than it actually is, but there is something special about Deadpool & Wolverine, No Way Home, and DOFP that the rest of the MCU just doesn’t have (did not actually see DP 2 and haven’t seen DP 1 since it came out).
I think the obvious dividing line is that these cameos serve a narrative purpose they’re not just there tossed in with the kitchen sink. I know Spiderman’s movies were by Sony but they fit the same vibe as what happened with Fox—these movies can only exist because they’ve been re-cast and remade and rebooted so many times, and because of the nature of these characters, and when the writers understand that that is the essence of a comic book character, that their story will never end, there will always be a new issue, a new evolution of them, so let’s embrace it instead of trying to fit it into an adaptation that dismisses it, it just works so well.
NWH does ride the nostalgia train a bit too hard, but Toby and Andrew still treated their roles, getting to be on screen again, play these characters again after their dismissal from the canon, regardless of what the actual story was about, that was special. The heart and soul those two brought to those characters was special.
DOFP is still regarded as one of if not the best X-Men movie, and it goes beyond the “nostalgia” of seeing the original actors working with the next generation, that movie felt like a passing of the torch in a way that didn’t crack jokes at the OG’s expense, like so many Marvel movies have done—laughing at themselves before the audience can laugh at them and making themselves really insincere and unable to embrace the cheesy corniness of what comic books are.
You could have a movie where every single iteration of Batman comes back in some DCU multiverse of madness, but so many of his adaptations are grimdark and serious that the only movie that kind of pulled it off was Lego Batman, and those fourth wall breaks were just a couple jokes, not literally having a script with tiny Lego Batman on screen acting across from the Bale Batman.
Not only that, these three movies didn’t just bring in cameos and toss their actors a sack of cash for a couple days of filming. It really felt like all these actors, who’ve all had if not awful adaptations, but less than thrilling ones, and even some great ones, are getting the chance to show the world/Hollywood/whatever that they were given up on too quickly, that they still had more left in them—and Hugh Jackman acting his ass off in DP&W just goes to show it. Dude has played the same character I think more than anyone else in comic book history? If not, he’s very close, or at least spans the most years in his role. He could have phoned it in, showed up and did the bare minimum, but he didn’t, and he gave a version of Wolverine that is both so like the character we’ve seen on screen for 20 years, and something new, because this isn’t our Wolverine.
And of course all the other cameos—the oldest Fox movie I’ve seen is the first Spiderman. I recognized Wesley Snipes and knew that Jennifer Garner was important, knew her weapons were significant, but I didn’t realize who she was until they said her name. I just know that her movie was pretty bad. The meta narrative of a Fox send-off victory lap, giving these characters and actors one last chance to give it all they’ve got just felt like it was done from a place of deep respect for comics, cinema, and the legacy of these movies—X-Men ran so the MCU could fly. It didn’t feel like assembly line MCU schlock at all.
So while I really, sincerely hope that the higher powers at Marvel don’t look and go “oh so they do like nostalgia bait,” this felt like so much more than “nostalgia bait”. I do not need more of it at all, but if this was the send-off that Fox never got when Disney ate it, then this movie and the end credits BTS montage was, at least I think, the best they could have done with it.
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