#trans Licht
rjthirsty · 2 days
Swapping Clothes
Leni & Nokto Klein Words: 2k A/N: I created an IkePri AU with gender changes, and Leni & Nokto are the twins. CW: Implied child abuse, canonical abuse, trans themes from the mind of a child.
Nokto ran his little fingers over the frilly dresses hanging in Leni’s closet. They were some of the cutest things he had ever seen, and for a moment he thought how lucky his twin was to be able to wear such pretty clothing. Like a real princess. Like their mama.
For a moment he let himself fantasize about wearing something with ribbons and bows, and just how pretty he’d feel. Leni looked very cute in everything she was dressed in, and since they were twins, he should look as good, right? Yeah, he was sure of it. He’d be just as cute, and maybe he’d get someone saying he was so precious, just like Leni did. Maybe Mama would even call him her sweet little one.
He was starting to get tired of being the bad child, maybe… Maybe if he was sweet like Leni, maybe he’d be better. Maybe Mama wouldn’t be so upset that she had two kids, that she had a boy like him, maybe she’d be happy that they were both just princesses. Maybe she’d sing to him. Maybe she’d sing to them both instead of having only the good kid get rewarded, maybe they could both be good kids.
Urged on by a desire to cover up that dark feeling growing inside him, Nokto pulled an outfit out of the closet and held it in front of him. It had little pearls sewn into it, and a layer of lace adorning several cross-sections. It looked just like the thing a doll would wear, and he liked the complicated design of it.
The sleeves were embroidered with flowers– not roses, he knew what those looked like, but these weren’t roses. Whatever this flower was, was something he hadn’t seen before and the way the different color stitching gave it life was beautiful in his eyes.
“Do you want to wear it?” Leni’s voice came from across the room and Nokto nearly dropped the dress with the way he shook from the scare of hearing someone else there.
Leni had been somewhere else, he wasn’t sure where, but when Nokto had come into their shared bedroom he had noticed there was no one around, which was the reason he decided to look at the dresses. This wasn’t something he hid from Leni, he was always talking about how pretty her clothes were and how cute his sister was, but he had been reprimanded more than once for playing dress up and Nokto was starting to get the idea that liking things like dolls and dresses wasn’t something he was supposed to do.
The dark, uncomfortable feeling in his stomach became thicker as he turned his eyes from his twin to the dress in his hand. “I was just thinking it was pretty. You’re so lucky, Leni. You’re so pretty in all these dresses.”
Leni crossed the room and stood next to Nokto, looking over his shoulder at the dress in hand. “This one is really pretty. You’d look pretty in it too, Nokto.”
“Mama says it’s not right.” Nokto repeated what he had been told, his eyes dimming as the memory of one of the punishments he had received came clearly back to him as if it were just from earlier today.
“Maybe Mama just doesn’t like when she can’t tell us apart.” Leni offered.
The thought made sense. Leni and Nokto weren’t identical twins, but they looked very similar, to the point that they could be confused for each other, and had been on some occasions. They had the same soft silvery hair, and the same red eyes that looked like strawberries. Leni didn’t like people fussing with her hair, so even their hair was worn in a similar fashion, devoid of barrettes and ties.
“You’ll let me wear it? You can wear my clothes. Then we won’t look the same.” Nokto was moving before he had even finished asking.
He set the dress on the bed and went to his bureau, snatching out a set of shorts, socks, a buttoned shirt, and a vest. He pulled a complete outfit out of his armoire and happily bounced back to Leni who was just watching as he raced around the room. Lastly, he threw his arms around his sister, embracing her in the biggest hug he could manage. She was so nice. He was so lucky to have a sister like her.
“I can’t wait to wear it! It’s so pretty! Do you think Mama will do my hair? I want it up in all those braids like hers is.” Nokto talked as he began undressing.
“Maybe. But you can get someone else to do it if she won’t. She brushes my hair sometimes, but I don’t like when they tie it all up like that. It hurts.” Leni rubbed at her scalp at the memory of how it pulled when they twisted her hair into knots. “Do you really like it?”
“Yeah! Mama has hers up, and all the Ladies I see as well. They put all those pins and ornaments in them, and I think it’s really pretty. Yours is pretty, too, Leni. But I also like yours how it is. You have nice hair.”
Nokto brushed his fingers through his sister’s loose hair, petting how soft it was. His was very nearly the same, but it was different when you were touching someone else’s hair, and for some reason it felt softer than his.
“I think yours is pretty, too.” Leni said and pet his head like he was doing to her. Her tiny fingers toyed with a loose curl as she twirled it around her finger. “I have a lot of barrettes, you can use them too.”
“I can’t wait!” Nokto exclaimed, turning back to the clothes that were tossed on the bed to finish dressing up.
He was much faster at dressing than Leni was, though a pair of shorts and a few buttoned up shirts were easier to get on than the dress he was trying to wear. There was more than one time when he had to ask Leni to help him tie or fumble with a button that he couldn’t reach.
Leni usually had someone helping her dress in the mornings, but he didn’t get that treatment. The attendants that set out his clothes for the day usually just set them on the bed for him to change into on his own. And that was fine, he didn’t need help with the buttons that he could see, but Leni was always put into something with too many knots and snaps in places that she couldn’t get to on her own, so it made sense that she needed help and he didn’t.
It was the same with their hair. Even though they both had medium length hair, Leni’s was brushed every day, and his wasn’t. He had wondered if it’s because he was the bad kid, but even on the rare days he wasn’t the bad kid, no one brushed his hair. Eventually, he had decided that it was because Leni wore the dresses.
Something about being in a dress meant that people treated you differently. They paid attention to you more. They talked to you more. They said nice things and smiled at you more. They gave you sweets, and helped you get dressed, and brushed your hair, and got you things you didn’t ask for. Wearing dresses changed the way everyone acted, and it was strange being the same as his twin, except he wore slacks, and none of those things happened to him.
But it wasn’t just that. Yeah, it was nice to think how nice people would be to him if he was wearing the dress for the day, but he just liked the clothes. They just felt right. The way they poofed and swayed, the fabric they were made with, the colors and the extra designs, it was all stuff that made him smile and he wanted to be part of it. He still didn’t understand why it “wasn’t right,” but if it was because Leni and him looked the same, then they should have just said so.
Leni knotted the last strings on Nokto’s outfit, and smiled happily at him. “You look so pretty, Nokto!”
Nokto felt his cheeks heat up a little, he was smiling so much they were starting to hurt. He bunched his skirts in his hands and gave a curtsy. “This is my favorite dress of yours. I like these flowers here.” He said as he dotted his fingers along the embroidery.
“Those are snow lilies.” Leni poked her finger over the design, rubbing at the threading to feel the soft, delicate texture. “I like that they’re white, like our hair.”
“Me too,” Nokto brushed his fingers through Leni’s hair again. She was right, they were almost the same color. He hadn’t really known why he liked the flowers, but maybe that was the reason.
“Leni, you look just like me, right now!” He giggled as he stepped back to see all of Leni in his clothing. “It’s so funny.”
“So do you! You look like me!” She giggled as she looked over her brother wearing her clothes, and thought it was like looking in a mirror, except, this time, she was Nokto and not wearing the dress.
“Wait! What if I’m you today?” Leni suddenly blurted.
“You want to be me?” Nokto’s smile fell slightly as that sense of unease started growing in his stomach again. If Mama was having a bad day, she might make them work to be the good kid and bad kid, and often he was the bad kid. He didn’t want Leni to be the bad kid. He didn’t want Leni to be him . But…
Suddenly he was thinking about all the things that changed when you wore a dress. He was thinking about how Mama was nicer to Leni than him. He was thinking about how she might decide they’re both good kids, because if she tried to punish Leni they could just tell her and then she wouldn’t be mean to Leni. It would be a surprise. And she would realize they were both good kids. Then maybe there won't be any more bad days.
A smile bloomed on Nokto’s face at the thought. They could all be happy together. Yeah, it sounded like a great idea. “Yeah! Let’s do it!” He lunged in and gave Leni a hug, jumping up and down in excitement while he squeezed her tight.
The twins giggled and embraced as they made their secret plan, excited about the opportunity to play such a great trick on everyone else. The first thing they had to do was go trick their older brother, Yves. And they could probably fool Leanne, and Candice wouldn’t know any better. Chevalier was kind of weird, so they’d stay away from her. Suriyel often showed up at some point during the day, though Mama told them to stay away from her. She was evil. But even Suriyel wouldn’t be able to tell if they did happen to see her.
In hushed voices, they talked about the places they’d go together and how funny it would be to tell everyone the truth after they tricked them. Nokto sat at the vanity while Leni brushed his hair. The way the bristles slid through his silver strands felt strangely calming and even in the giddy mood he was in, it made him want to close his eyes and just fall asleep to it.
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norel-ravenclaw · 3 months
My LGBT headcanons for Ikepri 🌈
Leon - Straight. Might be gay for one man on the planet if he was the right one
Chevalier - Canon demi-pan
Clavis - Chaos bi/pan
Yves - He wishes he wasn’t straight. Maybe the perfect feminine man would be able to reach his heart?
Licht - Demi-straight
Nokto - If he hasn’t fucked men in his negotiations I’ll eat my damn hat. (Also, who made the oc Adam? I love you for that)
Luke - Straight
Jin - Straight, but he’d be happy to make love to someone trans. All boobies are good boobies
Rio - Emma/MC-sexual 😆
Sariel - Canon pansexual (sapio-sexual)
Silvio - Sass-sexual, change my mind 😂
Keith - Bi, female preference
Gilbert - Emma/MC-sexual 😳
Kagari - Either straight or chaos gay
Matthias - Straight (to horny jail)
Azel - Either demi-straight, or demi-bi, but definitely most attracted to money
Cyran - Sapio-sexual bi (someone help him)
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fitz-higgins · 1 year
LGBT literature of the 1860s–1910s. Part 5
After a long pause, the list is back! Here we have a couple of plays, accounts by two trans women, lesbian poetry, and more.
1. Despised and Rejected, by A.T. Fitzroy (Rose Allatini; 1918). A pacifist novel published during World War One? With gay and lesbian characters? Yes, that was sure to get people in trouble. Its publisher was fined and the judge called it “morally unhealthy and most pernicious”. So, Dennis is a young composer who hates violence and therefore refuses to go to war. He also suffers because he is a “musical man”, that is, gay, and loves Alan, art-loving son of a wealthy businessman. His friend Antoinette, meanwhile, is “strangely attracted” to a woman. Nevertheless, the two attempt to love each other. When the war begins, Alan appears in Dennis’ life again, and they try to avoid being sent to the front together. Alan also persuades Dennis to accept who he is. Edward Carpenter himself defended the novel, saying that “the book is also a plea for toleration of a very much misunderstood section of humanity”. Read online
2. Autobiography of an Androgyne, by Ralph Werther (1918). Ralph Werther, also known as Jennie June, wrote this autobiography for doctors, and it is very revealing. Being a New York fairy (male prostitute) and possibly a trans woman, they tell frankly about the city’s gay underworld of the early 20th century and their personal experience, which is sometimes too frank and dark perhaps, but all the more interesting. Read online 
3. Poems by Mikhail Kuzmin. Kuzmin was not just the author of Russia’s first gay novel, but also a poet. Many of his works were dedicated to or mentioned his lovers. I’d recommend Where Will I Find Words (in English and Russian), Night Was Done (both in English and Russian), from the 1906-1907 collection Love of This Summer (available fully in Russian), mostly based on his love affair with Pavel Maslov in 1906. And also If They Say (in English and Russian), which is a great statement.
4. The Loom of Youth, by Alec Waugh (1917). A semi-biographical novel based on Evelyn Waugh’s older brother’s experience at Sherborne School in Dorset. It is a story of Gordon Caruthers’ school years, from the age of 13 to 19, and it is full of different stories typical for public schools, be it pranks and cheating exams or dorm life and sports. Although the homosexual subject was quite understated, the author implied that it was a tradition and open secret in public schools. The book became popular and soon caused a great scandal. Worth noting that before that Alec was expelled for flirting with a boy.  Read online 
5. Two Speak Together, by Amy Lowell (1919). Lowell was a famous American poet and lesbian. Many of her poems were dedicated to her lover, actress Ada Dwyer Russell, specifically the section Two Speak Together from Pictures of the Floating World. These poems are infused with flower imagery, which wasn’t uncommon for lesbian poetry of the time. Read online
6. De berg van licht/The Mountain of Light, by Louis Couperus (1905-1906). Couperus is called the Dutch Oscar Wilde for a reason: this is one of the first decadent novels in Dutch literature. It is also a historical one, telling about a young androgynous Syrian priest Heliogabalus who then becomes a Roman Emperor. Homoerotism, hedonism, aestheticism: Couperus creates a very vivid world of Ancient Rome. He also covered the topic of androgyny in his novel Noodlot, which was mentioned in Part 3 of this list. Read online in Dutch 
7. Frühlings Erwachen/Spring Awakening/The Awakening of Spring, by Frank Wedekind (1891, first performed in 1906). This play criticized the sexually oppressive culture prevalent in Europe at the time through a collection of monologues and short scenes about several troubled teens. Each one of them struggles with their puberty, which often leads to a tragic end. Like in The Loom of Youth, homosexuality is not the central focus of the play, but one character, Hänschen, is homosexual and explores his sexuality through Shakespear and paintings. The play was later turned into a famous musical. Read online in German or in English
8. Twixt Earth and Stars, by Radclyffe Hall (1906). Though it wasn’t known to many at the time, these poems were dedicated to women, some to Hall’s actual lovers. Read online
9. The Secret Confessions of a Parisian: The Countess, 1850-1871, by Arthur Berloget (published in 1895). This account is similar to the Autobiography of an Androgyne, albeit shorter. The author nowadays is thought to be a trans woman. They describe their love for women’s dresses, the euphoria from wearing dresses, makeup and wigs, the life as a “female impersonator” in Parisian cafe-concerts, and their love affair with a fellow prisoner. The autobiography is not available online, but you can read it in Queer Lives: Men’s Autobiographies from Nineteenth-Century France by William Peniston and Nancy Erber.
10. At Saint Judas’s, by Henry Blake Fuller (1896). This is possibly the first American play about homosexuality. It is very short. An excited groom is waiting for his wedding ceremony in the company of his gloomy best man. They are former lovers, and this short scene is not going to end well… Read online
Previous part is here
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archetype-earth · 4 months
Ikemen Prince Characters + You Coming Out as Trans (Part 1 / Domestic Affairs)
Jin Grandet - Honestly had some sort of inkling. The way you don't want to wear certain outfits, or say certain things. Just couldn't put his finger on it until now. - Very obvious, but he's incredibly supportive. - Matches the tone in which you come out. If you try to be light-hearted about it, he'll throw in a joke or two to keep the mood light, but let you know he's fully on your side. - If you're serious when you say so, or maybe even shed a few tears, he's serious as well. He'll wipe your tears, make sure you know he's taking this as seriously as you want him to. - Open to help you dress as the gender you are, not the one you were born as. Trust me, he's actually quite fashionable, and whether you want to stand out or fit in, he's got you. Leon Dompteur - Knew something was up, but patiently let you take your own pace in coming out. He might've seemed cool and composed, as he gave you advice beforehand, but he was incredibly worried about the burden you were carrying. - Supportive. Duh. - Despite him not being able to keep awake while reading, he searches throughout the library to see if there's any books (non-fiction or otherwise) that might help you connect. - Will, honestly—if you're okay with it—take you into his arms and tell you how proud he is of you. It isn't easy to unapologetically be yourself, but it's when you shine the brightest. He always loves it when you shine. - If you're okay with this as well, then he'll proudly introduce you as your authentic self and will correct anyone who says otherwise. Yves Kloss - Might or might not get this whole thing, but he knows very well what it's like to be hated and vilified about who you are. - ...So, of course, he's very supportive. He's nothing if not a very caring person! - Very prone to crying when you come out. Thinking about any hardships you might have or will face breaks his heart. - Another part of the fashion squad. Though, he might pick clothes that make you stand out, so forgive him if you want a more quiet approach—he just wants to make sure you always look your best. - Will most definitely bake a congratulations cake—or any other dessert that strikes your fancy. Licht Klein - Doesn't really get it. He'll think about it and the intricacies for a long while. - Don't get me wrong, though, he's very supportive. He might go out of his comfort zone to ask his more knowledgeable brothers just to see if he can do anything for you. - Very quietly supportive. He's just glad you have people you can trust enough to tell. - He's also another one to know what it's like to be hated for something you can't control, so while he's usually overprotective anyways, he'll cling a bit closer just to make sure nobody's out to get you. - If they haven't already (somehow), he'll ask the other Domestic Affairs Faction members to help cheer you up in a way he not might be able to.
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ikeprincest · 1 month
Headcanon: Trans!Yves/Trans!Licht
Licht once admits how he envies Yves' confidence in his masculinity, since Yves is comfortable enough in himself to wear makeup
Yves immediately sits Licht down and starts telling him how handsome he is while applying very subtle lip and eye makeup to him, and then keeps telling him how handsome he is while kissing him silly
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kaluawoo · 6 months
What headcanons do you have for different Servamp characters?
Ohhh I went into my Notes for this because I wrote down a lot at some point but I'm forgetful, so here we go akfnsk
Kuro's a trans guy
Mikuni is polylingual (the languages I assigned him were uhh *checks notes* English, French, and German in addition to Japanese)
Tetsu is surprisingly good at English from dealing with tourists, and he can say "Welcome", "Thank you", and "Please come again" in a bunch of more languages. And play rock-paper-scissors in them.
Post-C3 (or I guess post-canon, assuming we get him back), Tsurugi wears SO much jewelry. Like "decorated like a Christmas tree" much. Like "you can hear him coming a mile away because his bangles and bracelets and necklaces keep jingling" much. He never Had anything, most of "his" stuff was C3 stuff, so once he gets out of, all that, he goes hard in the other direction
Gear owned or owns so many tamagotchi, all those different variants, too
If Licht ever hears about tamagotchi variants, he'll get an angelgotchi, and Hyde will get a devilgotchi to match/annoy Licht
Johann has never actually read Faust
Nicco had an ex who ghosted him once (I don't remember having that headcanon but it was written down so asdgjaksdh)
Jun gives amazing hugs
Tsurugi uses secret passageways in C3 to steal from the kitchens occasionally. Jun and Yumi know, but he shares the food so they keep quiet lol
Toma uses in-shoe heels to appear taller (forgot I had this one too but it's funny so I'm grabbing this back xD)
I already mentioned them but, Bi Genderfluid Tsubaki and since recently Enby Belkia :3
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fennec-fox-arts · 2 years
Hyde goes back to Licht's past.
" You'll be the master of a noisy vampire when you grow up."
"After the battle is over. Will you marry me?"
Tumblr media
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funky-sea-cryptid · 3 months
Do you have any LGBTQ+ black clover headcanons? Talk about them!
black bulls-
asta- pansexual trans man. asta is trans this is based as hell and also he likes everyone lol <3
noelle - bisexual (she's a disaster bi ok. she knew she liked men, but kahono was her bi awakening!)
charmy - demigirl, identifies as queer (her gender is Hongry)
nero - her concept of gender and sexuality is 500 years old. she's aromantic and her gender is bird
luck - his sexuality is magna
magna - bi get it bc he s. he sw. he swings both w. also he's a trans man
gauche - aroace trans man. there's no way that man is cis im sorry
finral - bigender trans-fem lesbian (he has a trans narrative and i can fucking PROVE IT!!!! this is the lesbian finral account!!!) he's a stupid gay bird <3
grey - aroace and genderfluid (no shapeshifters are cis thems the rules) (grey and gauche are in a qpr god bless them)
vanessa - trans woman and a lesbian as well because she's TOO SWAG TO BE CIS
zora - what are you, a cop? all you'll get is queer out of him (but he's trans as well)
gordon - aromantic gay and genderqueer (he's in a qpr with henry)
henry - aroace (he's in a qpr with gordon)
yami - bisexual king
nacht - a gay ass rat (he's a trans man)
liebe - devils don't have a gender lol
golden dawn-
william - he's gay for the elf bro nuff said
yuno - astasexual (he's demiromantic and gay)
mimosa - oh that's a LESBIANNNN bro
klaus - aroace mother hen
david - bisexual icon
letoille - she's a trans woman and het
alecdora - unfortunately he's rolling with the lgbt (vangeancesexual)
hamon - he's got that pan swagger
shiren - aroace free him from this hell
bonus eotms-
patri - elves dont have a concept of gender or sexuality but he likes william
rhya - see above (but he likes licht and tetia)
fana - you know the fucking drill but she likes girls
vetto - he's an elf and he's married to another elf (platonically)
rades - bi disaster
sally - pansexual mess
valtos - stupid bi hoe
other -
fuegoleon - he's gay and bigender lol
mereoleona - aro lesbian
leopold - he's a fruit
kahono - lesbian
kiato - gay as hell
morgen - aroace icon
ichika - LESBIAN
ciel - bisexual queen
kirsch - FRUIT
all of the ryuzen are some flavor of queer. ryu and yosuga are kissing lmao
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silverysnake · 1 year
the words i never got to say
Für @neverland-in-space ohne dich würde das hier nicht existieren :)
Vincent und Adam haben eine late night conversation auf dem WG Küchentisch und Vincent erzählt Adam etwas das ihm schon länger auf dem Herzen liegt.
(Ich hatte sehr viele Gedanken zu Vincent und Gender und wie ich das in diesem fic universum einbauen kann, das ist das Ergebnis)
Alternativ hier der ao3 link
Die WG Küche ist nur vom hellen Mondlicht erleuchtet das von draußen hereinscheint. Das blassweiße Licht lässt alles irgendwie unwirklich erscheinen, so als ob sie sich gerade in einer Art Parallelwelt befinden in der die Zeit still steht. 
Adam ist es ganz recht so wie es ist, wenn sich alles so anfühlt als würde es gerade nicht wirklich passieren ist es vielleicht leichter einfach mal komplett ehrlich zu sein. Er ist sich nicht ganz sicher wie sie überhaupt hier hingekommen sind, zu diesem Moment. Nach dem Abendessen, das sie gemeinsam gekocht haben, waren sie in Vincents Zimmer gegangen und haben dort auf seinem Bett sitzend gegessen und nebenbei irgendeinen Film auf Vincents Laptop geschaut. Adam ist sich garnicht mehr sicher was es war, weiß nur das Vincent den Film als DVD hat und sein steinalter Laptop erstmal ordentlich arbeiten musste um das ganze überhaupt abzuspielen. Aber das ist gerade garnicht wichtig. 
Wichtig ist, dass sie irgendwann in die Küche gegangen sind um sich was neues zu trinken zusammenzumischen. Wichtig ist, dass Vincent sich auf den Küchentisch gesetzt hat, Beine im Schneidersitz verschränkt, während Adam noch zwei Gläser mit leicht alkoholisiertem Cocktail zusammengekippt hat. Wichtig ist, dass er sich zu Vincent gesetzt und ihm sein Glas angereicht hat. Wichtig ist, dass Vincent ihm jetzt gegenübersitzt, zwei Uhr nachts auf dem Küchentisch, und nervös am Strohhalm in seinem Glas herumspielt. 
„Alles in Ordnung?”, fragt Adam schließlich, der vielleicht manchmal emotional etwas beschränkt ist aber trotzdem erkennen kann wenn sein bester Freund sich gerade über irgendetwas viel zu viele Gedanken macht. Und das ist auch was neues und wichtiges, dass er Vincent seinen besten Freund nennen kann. Vorher war das für eine lange Zeit niemand, dann war es Leo. Nur das es sich bei Leo irgendwann auch nicht mehr ganz richtig angefühlt hat weil er sich einfach gewünscht hat dass da irgendwann mehr ist. Es tut gut jemanden einfach so als besten Freund bezeichnen zu können, ohne das da irgendwelche unterdrückten Gefühle mitschwingen. Diese unterdrückten Gefühle konnte er zwar damals nicht benennen, aber das hat nie etwas daran geändert das sie trotzdem da waren.
Vincent antwortet nicht direkt auf seine Frage, stattdessen wandert sein Blick zum Fenster, wie er es so oft tut wenn Vincent über etwas nachdenkt. Adam weiß das es besser ist zu warten, deshalb sagt er nichts. Sein Blick wandert durch die fast dunkle Küche bis er wieder bei Vincent ankommt. Der hat mittlerweile seinen Blick vom Fenster gelöst und mustert Adam mit einem nachdenklichen Blick. Adam weiß nicht so ganz wie er diesen Blick interpretieren soll. 
„Ist irgendwas?”, fragt er deshalb nochmal, mit der Hoffnung das er vielleicht diesmal eine Antwort bekommt. 
Vincent zögert noch kurz, nimmt einen Schluck von seinem Drink, schaut nochmal kurz zum Fenster. Er räuspert sich kurz. 
„Also, du weißt ja das ich trans bin und hast da auch kein Problem damit aber…das ist nicht so ganz die Wahrheit?”, er hält wieder kurz inne, weicht Adams Blick aus. „Ich bin eigentlich genderfluid.”
Der letzte Satz verlässt so schnell Vincents Mund das Adam einen Moment braucht um die Bedeutung der Worte zu verarbeiten. Doch als er das geschafft hat hat er trotzdem weiterhin das Gefühl das er nicht verstanden hat was Vincent gesagt hat. Das liegt aber nicht an den Worten selbst sondern das er einfach mit dem Begriff selbst nichts anfangen kann. 
„Was heißt das?”, fragt er deshalb und hängt noch schnell an bevor Vincent ihn irgendwie falsch verstehen kann. „Also der Begriff. Ich hab da natürlich kein Problem mit, du bist du, aber das Wort hab ich noch nie gehört.“
Adam kann Vincent förmlich ansehen das er vor Erleichterung die wahrscheinlich angehaltene Luft ruckartig ausatmet und seine Schultern zurück in eine entspanntere Position fallen. Ihre Blicke treffen sich kurz und die Erleichterung steht Vincent ins Gesicht geschrieben. Es bricht Adam ein bisschen das Herz das Vincent auch nur für einen Moment darüber nachgedacht hat das Adam anders auf seine Worte reagieren könnte. 
„Genderfluid heißt ganz einfach erklärt das es sich immer mal verändert welchem Geschlecht, oder gender, ich mich gerade am meisten zuordnen kann.“
Adam nickt und denkt einen Moment über die Worte nach um sicherzugehen das er das auch wirklich richtig verstanden hat. „Also das du dich manchmal wie ein Mann fühlst, aber manchmal wie eine Frau?“, fragt er nochmal nach. Ihm ist sehr bewusst dass das Thema für Vincent wichtig ist und will deshalb sichergehen das er das alles richtig versteht. 
Vincent lächelt zaghaft, schüttelt aber den Kopf. „Nicht so ganz, das ist aber für jeden unterschiedlich. Weißt du was nonbinary bedeutet?“
Diesmal nickt Adam, wenigstens mit dem Wort kann er was anfangen. Vincent hat schon vor einer Weile eine Person erwähnt mit der er befreundet ist die sich so identifiziert, und auch da hat Adam nachgefragt was genau der Begriff bedeutet weil er das noch nie gehört hat. Irgendwie erinnert ihn dieser Moment an dieses kurze Gespräch das sie da hatten, nur das es sich diesmal sehr viel persönlicher anfühlt. 
Vincent nimmt noch einen Schluck von seinem Drink bevor er weiterredet. „Für mich ist es eher so das es zwischen Mann und nonbinary schwankt, früher hab ich da immer sehr viel drüber nachgedacht aber mittlerweile analysier ich das nichtmehr so sehr. Es ist halt mal so und mal so, nothing more.“
Adam nimmt auch endlich mal einen Schluck von seinem drink den er bis gerade vergessen hat und lässt die Worte erstmal sacken. Er ist sich ziemlich sicher das er das so verstanden hat wie Vincent es meint, aber was genau er mit dieser Info jetzt machen soll weiß er nicht so ganz. Vor allem ob er irgendwas an seinem Verhalten gegenüber Vincent ändern soll. Über Pronomen hatten die beiden beim letzten Mal schon geredet, wie genau Vincent das jetzt handhabt hat er aber bisher garnicht erwähnt. 
„Wie ist das mit Pronomen?“, fragt er deshalb. 
Vincent sieht erst ziemlich verwirrt aus, nach einem kurzen Moment breitet sich aber ein glückliches Lächeln auf seinem Gesicht aus. „Du hast ja doch richtig zugehört als ich dir das erklärt hab.“
Und klar, Adam hätte damit rechnen müssen das Vincent die Chance nutzt um einen Witz zu machen und damit die Stimmung wieder etwas aufzulockern, auch wenn der Witz nur auf seine Kosten funktioniert. Adam hätte an seiner Stelle wahrscheinlich genau das gleiche gemacht. 
„Ich hab da kein großes Problem mit wenn Leute er/ihn Pronomen für mich benutzen, so kennen mich die meisten ja auch.“
Adam kann bei der Aussage ein ganz klares ///aber/// hören. „Aber?“
„Meistens fühl ich mich mit dey/dem etwas wohler aber ich kann voll verstehen wenn das etwas zu viel ist, das musst du nicht wenn du nicht möchtest.“
Und das bricht Adam schon wieder das Herz, er wüsste so gerne wer Vincent hat glauben lassen dass das etwas ist worauf er nicht bestehen muss, dass das etwas ist wo er immer zurückstecken muss, damit er diese Person (oder Personen) einmal gut durchschütteln kann. Er weiß dass das gerade nicht der richtige Moment für sowas ist, deshalb übergeht er die Aussage erstmal und fokussiert sich auf einen anderen Teil. 
„Wie ist es jetzt gerade?“
Vincents Blick war mittlerweile wieder zum Fenster gewandert aber jetzt schaut er Adam etwas verwirrt an. „Was meinst du?“
„Du hast gesagt das es immer schwankt, welche Pronomen sind dir gerade lieber?“
Vincent wendet den Blick von Adam ab bevor er antwortet. „Du musst wirklich nicht-“
Adam unterbricht ihn bevor er den Satz zu ende führen kann. 
„Ich will aber, okay, du musst nicht zurückstecken nur weil das was ist was für mich neu ist. Ich möchte wissen wie ich es besser machen kann.“
Vincent nickt nur, antwortet aber nicht. Adam befürchtet für einen Moment schon das er vielleicht zu weit gegangen ist, bis ihm auffällt das sich im schummrigen Licht kaum erkennbare Tränen in Vincents Augen gesammelt haben. Vorsichtig rückt Adam ein Stück näher an ihn heran und legt seine Hand vorsichtig unter Vincent Kinn damit der ihn bei seinen nächsten Worten auch wirklich ansieht. 
„Mir ist das wirklich nicht egal, okay? Ich versprechs.“
Vincent nickt, scheint aber immer noch keine Worte formen zu können. Ohne weiter darüber nachzudenken nimmt Adam ihn einfach in den Arm. Vincent Gesicht findet direkt seine Halsbeuge und Adam kann die Tränen spüren denen Vincent jetzt freien lauf lässt. Er drückt ihn einfach nur noch etwas fester. 
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Happy Pride!
it's been a while since I've done a headcanons post so here's some of my own sexuality headcanons for some Royal Tutor characters that I've been thinking of sharing for a while
Hetero or possibly comphet. He's always bragging about being popular with the ladies but as the series goes on there's really not much to back up this claim. I once saw a headcanon that he might have had a little bit of a crush on Maximilian from back when they were living in town. It's not a headcanon I share but I thought that was interesting
I don't know and he probably also doesn't know. Maybe he'll figure it out one day, but it's not important to him right now. He'll like who he likes, it doesn't matter as long as they get along and can have fun together. If I were to give a label I think aromantic pan demisexual could fit
Similar to Leonhard, I don't know and I think he has not stopped to consider it because he's too occupied with other things. He'll probably like someone who shares his academic interests, and he probably thinks it's a given that he'd marry a princess for practical diplomatic reasons. I like the idea of him developing some sort of relationship with Smerdyakov but I'm not sure how old he is so I haven't given it much thought. I'm not sure if sapiosexual (or sapioromantic??) is an ok thing to call him, so if I were to give a label I like greyromantic demisexual
Aroace with strong aesthetic and sensual attraction to any gender. I'm not sure if this makes him very compatible with Beatrix's expectations (and I think she also might be comphet) but I think they would be quite understanding of each other and able to work something out
🩵Eins🩵 (WARNING spoilers for vol. 15!!)
I think he also hasn't given it much thought because he's always just assumed he would marry a princess and that's the set path for him in life. But Princess Matilda meant a lot to him after he got to know her, so I think he could be demi hetero
Definitely definitely gay for Eins I could almost say this is canon and the tragedy is delicious
💜Herr Mitter-Meyer (aka Felix Sommer)💜
I find it funny to think what if he was straight and just has no time to date, but I also like to think that he and his bartender/manager friend Herman Koenig have something going on, and he did seem very focused on Viktor's looks the first time they met. Actually I have no headcanons for this I just wanted to put this here
Biromantic and possibly also bisexual
Demiromantic gay ace (possibly greysexual) with strong aesthetic attraction regardless of gender. Maybe this isn't super related but I also headcanon that his favourite thing to read during his free time is girl-meets-guy romance novels varying from the cheesy type to Jane Austen. I also like the idea that he's trans but I'm not sure if I would call it a headcanon for me
These are just my headcanons for fiction, based on what I can remember about the characters right now and I feel like I've forgotten a lot, so they can change any time and for any reason, and also sometimes I have multiple different headcanons existing at the same time
I'm probably also projecting somewhat and I'm not super well versed in all the ways we can identify, so I'm curious to know if anyone else also shares these headcanons. I've seen some pretty nice ones out there, let me know what's yours!
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Leo und Adam komplett in Strobo-Licht in trans-Farben auf der Party... könnte nichts heißen.
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rjthirsty · 2 months
Introducing RJ!
Hi, y'all. I'm RJ, and I guess an idea of what I talk about typically goes in these posts. You'll find an extreme thirst for 2D men, my abnormal life, art I enjoy, and some of my writing. This is an adult blog, so expect everything to be M-rated and higher.
About me
I go by RJ Mercy on Twitch, Twitter, itch.io, ko-fi, and the coolest website that I'm part of Sweet & Spicy. On Ao3 and tumblr, I'm RJ Thirsty. Get it? I thought it was funny.
I'm just your neurospicy NB aromantic friend who thirsts, streams, and writes fanfic and other otome-related content.
I'm chronically ill, which I forget new people don't know, but after 4 years, it's just something you live with at this point. Sometimes I'll talk about it, so don't freak out if I say I'm sick. It's normal.
I play mainly otome games. I play mainly on mobile, but also on Switch and PC.
I'm obsessed with the Ikemen Series.
If you're interested in what's in the mind of a simp, or maybe you want a rambling request, send me an ask and I'll do my best to answer.
If you like what I do, maybe send me a kofi. I've started a membership system on there, and commissions will be listed there first.
#rjhyperfixate - my screenshots + rambles about otome
#rjthirsty fanfic - my fanfics + rambles
#rjthirsty characters - my OCs + ideas
#rjthirsty deceit and decay - A Gilbert-centric dark fic I'm working on
Master List
Deceit & Decay - Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven, Chapter Eight
Memento (Gilbert/Reader) - NSFW
Submission (Licht/Dahlia [oc]) - NSFW
Request (Chevalier/Dahlia [oc]) - NSFW
Incomparable (Licht/Dahlia/Nokto) - NSFW
Deepthroat (Chevalier/Gilbert) - NSFW
Bound Together (Gilbert/Reader, Roderic/Reader) - NSFW
Premature Awakenings (Roderic/Gilbert) - NSFW
Swapping Clothes (Nokto&Licht AU) - Trans themes
Bouquet of Obsession (Nicola/Lili - Piofiore) - NSFW Commission
Shackled to You (Nicola/Lili - Piofiore) - NSFW Commission
Put Together (Gilbert/Genderless Self-insert) - Writing Challenge
To Be Understood (Chevalier/Genderless Self-insert) - Writing Challenge
The Problem with Pet Names (Silvio/Yves) - Drabble
Kinktober2023 - Dubcon (Chevalier/Dahlia [oc]) - NSFW
Angst Prompt (Chevalier & Gilbert) - Drabble
Angst Prompt (Jin/Dahlia [oc]) - Drabble
Angst Prompt (Leon/MC, Leon & Jin) - Drabble
Angst Lovers Prompt (Silvio/Nokto) - Drabble
Masturbation Headcanon (All Ikepri/Reader) - NSFW
Impromptu Throne Smut (Chevalier/MC) - NSFW
Impromptu Chevbert BL (Chevalier/Gilbert) - Mature
Pregnant with IkePri (WIP All LIs/Reader) - No Keith, Licht, or Luke
The Mistress (WIP All IkePri/Reader) - NSFW - Chevalier & Licht atm
Currently Playing & Completed
Ikemen Prince - All Main Routes - Chevalier Sequel - Leon Sequel
Ikemen Sengoku - All Main Routes (Except Keiji) - Nobunaga & Hideyoshi Eternal - Hideyoshi Sequel
Ikemen Villains - William Mad Love - Elbert Main Route
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neferess · 1 year
I wish to study Licht. Seriously, I'm just really curious about him and want to ask a few questions about the man. What's his relationship like with the Prime Assets and Easterman? What rig does he use? Does anybody know he's missing? Was he close to anyone before the Trials? Sorry if this is a lot; he's just peaked my curiosity 
i'm so glad you want to study licht ; _ ; he's my scrunkly, my wet rat! as for your questions: 1. What's his relationship like with the Prime Assets and Easterman?
licht hates coyle due to the man being the reason he has his scars. he hates coyle because the cop has a weird fixation on him and almost always forsakes other reagents if he knows licht is in the same trial. the executives and people managing the trials know of this and does nothing to stop it. licht wants nothing more than for coyle to keel over and rot
licht and gooseberry is a different story. he's doesn't per say like what she does, knows her role and what it entails, and still he projects a childhood crush on her. he used to watch her show when he could catch it, and then stopped once he got scouted into working for murkoff. in the trials she is often more lenient with him because she can see that he's smitten, but that also often means she has high expectations for him. licht sees his trials with gooseberry as a nice reprieve from his usual torment in the police station, even if it means he is of little help to his fellow reagents licht can not stand easterman. he used to have a lot of respect for the man as that was his boss, the man he worked for, and didn't question anything that was said and done and took easterman's words at face value. he now knows different and as such scorns both easterman as well as himself for the work he's done for murkoff and for project lathe
2. What rig does he use?
the stun rig! he helped develop it with cornelius noakes
3. Does anybody know he's missing?
none at all. he's completely estranged from his family; his father died when licht was 17-ish and his mother never truly accepted him after coming out as a trans man. his mother, the only one left of his family, has simply accepted that licht has moved on
4. Was he close to anyone before the Trials?
he used to be really close to his dad! licht and his father were thick as thieves and licht had always been curious about his father's inventions. other than that he's always been a rather secretive and private person, preferring his own company as he deems many other people exhausting and tedious
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revoleotion · 11 months
Dawn meeting Licht: thank fuck there's another trans person here
Dawn: oh thank fuck all my problems have been solved
the bg3 gang: ?? what about the tadpole?
Dawn: oh sorry. I meant all my RELEVANT problems have been solved
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herzlak · 2 years
Polizeiruf 110: Daniel A.
I've had Daniel for two minutes now, but if anything happened to him, I'd kill everyone in this room and then myself
Scones zum Einstand...? I weiß ja ned
Ja Mensch Alex, musst echt nicht immer der letzte sein!
"Ich komme in Frieden und ich bringe Kuchenbrötchen."
Omg er arbeitet im Kindergarten :3
Ich mag den Daniel sehr, ja
Und er hat ne schöne Stimme
Jahaaa tschüss jetzt verpiss dich mal
Okay ich glaub ich könnt die zwei zusammen mögen... so xhaotic platonic wlw solidarity, das passt besser als mit nem Bukow drin, sorry
"Ne." - "Dooooch!" - "Eh, ne!"
Auch die zwei Typen da, das passt auch super schön
Ich mag die ganzen Dynamiken und die Figuren bisher einfach voll heute
Er vermutet gar nix, weil er is progressive™
But your face was the same, Schnucki
Der Autoschrauber ist bestimmt auch trans
Böwe wird noch in Königs Büro migrieren, ich merk das schon
Boah don't be a bitch Katrin
Ich nehm alles zurück, ich lieb sie dafür
"Was geht ab, Diggi?" @ your fucking child
"Wir sind ne ganz normale Familie!!!" - *snacks in disagreement*
Oha das Lied ist voll schön??
DAS IST VON RY X (Oceans - RY X, Olafur Arnalds)
Ich mag die Folge echt so sehr, goddammit
Ach shit der ist auch nicht vor seiner Schwester geoutet? Uff
Ja dann jetzt aber fix unter die Dusche, Madam, man geht nicht verschwitzt in ein Gotteshaus!
Glaub ich jedenfalls, ich bin selbst ernanntes Teilzeit Heidenkind
"Sie suchen nicht Daniela, sie suchen Dich."
Dass Dürbeck & Dohmen die Musik machen, ist auch wieder so ein Griff in die Goldkiste <3
Minuspunkt für den Chor, ich hasse sowas
"Furchtbar" ja find ich auch
Es ist nicht Günther :/
Knall ihn einfach ab, Spatzi, mach dir dein Leben leichter
*shoves ranzige Pommes in your mouth*
Och die arme Maus :(
Maaaan die beiden >:(
Hihi wie sie winkt
Slayyyy wie sie die Tür eintritt
Jetzt knüpft der sich auf, ich fass es nicht
Jetzt spielen die Billie Eilish, I-
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ikeprincest · 3 months
Hi, I'm just curious, what made you ship the princes with each other? This trope is usually frowned upon and is considered taboo, but I just want to know what attracted you to incest
:O *excited noises* Thanks for the kind phrasing, anon! Also thanks for the chance to walk you through my feelings on the ships
First off, it's just a bad(?) habit of mine to ship the love interests together in otomes. (Might be because I'm a trans guy, tbh. I have no issue playing as a girl if it's my only option, and in fact some of my favorite visual novels are otomes) Also, really, incest shipping isn't an issue to me, since it's fiction, but I also don't seek out incestuous ships intentionally - the characters have to have good chemistry, related or not.
It started with goddamn Yves and Licht. Yves' fussing over Licht that could be seen in some scenes really had me in a headlock, and for a while they were my only real ship in IkePri.
Then, though, I started imagining other ships. For instance Nokto and Sariel (not the same thing as pairing the princes together, but I love them) are a duo I imagine hand-in-hand with Yves and Licht (world's most awkward double date. Your twin and your half-brother, vs you and a guy who used to babysit all of you). I also thought that Clavis/Chevalier would be interesting since I already enjoy what little parts of their dynamic I see now (haven't gotten around to playing either of their routes, but I think Clavis might be next) and it'd be funny to see either Clavis' teasing/jokes turning more flirtatious to a deadpan Chevalier, or Chevalier just bluntly returning those comments in a way that has Clavis turning beet red somehow
("Clavis, why do you want to switch to the Domestic Faction?"
"Because my alternative is to tell Chevalier I want him to step on me next time he calls me a fool."
"I said none of your business.")
My decision to make this blog, and the interactive fic series, didn't really solidify until recently. When the Yves & Licht & Nokto collection event was up and running was around the time I was toying with letting them be an OT3 in my head, which I basically took as a sign from the universe to be a 'go-ahead' in that area.
At some point, then, I was noticing other ships I liked. Leon/Luke was one that I toyed with after reading a spoiler about the former's route (the prince who's not a prince vs the prince who didn't know he was a prince) and plan on including in the initial release of the main interactive fic. Jin/Luke I started giving eyeball emojis to as I got further into Luke's route, and I feel like Clavis/Nokto would bang if they thought it'd piss off the right person/thought it'd just be fun in some way.
This isn't my first time doing something like this, though it is the first time doing it outside of my main gamedev account. But I have a rule I stick to: Even if I don't particularly care for a ship, if I make it a public project and I know there's people who'd want to see the ship, I will put the ship in. So not all of the ships I'll include in either the main or side stories are one I might care for a whole lot, but I'll include them because of that rule. I do my best to keep them up to par with the ones I like, though - I've actually been told before that my writing for ships I don't care much for sometimes turns out better, which is weird to think about.
...TL;DR: I don't actually ship all the princes with each other. But the ones I do, it's because of chemistry, or because I like the way they interact, or even just because I like imagining how they'd get together/be as a couple. Really, that's all it is - that's the same way I end up shipping all my ships.
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