#trans will byers my beloved
rainbownixie · 2 years
hi hello it's me again. sending another hc ask before i leave for vacation sob. do you have any trans will byers hcs?
every time i see your name in my inbox i smile and start kicking my feet <3 and YES i have trans will hcs because i'm sure he and jonathan are both trans and i've been thinking about it a lot! (no angst here lonnie doesn't exist he's inexistent don't even think about him getting close to trans will)
he realizes he's trans thanks to jonathan, ofc. little will byers saw who he thought was his sister actually be his brother and started to think about it a lot until one day he told jonathan
joyce is so so so supportive!!! she sells all of his feminine clothes and goes shopping for more masculine ones with tiny will and jonathan. even if they don't have enough money. my girl buys will all the clothes he needs.
all of this happened really early in his life, so mike is the only one who knew him before his transition. however, it's not like he can easily change his name and stuff (i don't know how it worked in the 70s/80s but i'm pretty sure it wasn't easy because it isn't now either) so people at school think he's a girl. well, the ones who go to his class and hear his deadname only, because everyone is sure about him being a boy when they first see him.
mike always defends will from bullies. he's his knight in shining armor tbh will always has to heal his wounds from him getting into fights he can't win (mike loves that)
he insists on wanting to learn more masculine things so he ends up learning stuff about cars and how to use guns. joyce tells him it isn't necessary but he finds it comforting somehow. although he never really uses guns or cars anyway (unless they're about to die but that happens later in his life)
dustin and lucas don't give a fuck tbh will told them to call him by his name instead of the one they heard in class and they went along with it. as years pass by i think they just forget sometimes that he's trans. when they suddenly remember they ask him how it feels to have boobs and they all make jokes about it (they make will feel better about himself it's not a problem)
when he feels dysphoric he borrows clothes from jonathan because those are bigger <3
(jumping suddenly to s4) el finds out about it when they have to change in the same room and she sees him naked and asks. he's nervous about it at first but she understands and accepts his brother pretty quickly ofc <3
when he's on his period suffering and wanting to die, mike is always there to hug him and give him comfort
he loves painting about his experience. he has a lot of art about him being trans and a boy and i'm sure they're the most beautiful paintings ever
max is trans too because i said so and she finds out about him being trans the first days of class together in s3 and they bond over that
he constantly says he hates his voice for being so delicate but mike, without even having to ask him, always says he loves it and that it is really handsome
this is really specific but mike gave him a mixtape with only love songs talking about boys because he didn't want will to think about himself as a girl, not even when listening to music
tbh i think i have more hcs but i'm pretty tired now! thanks for the ask bestie i hope your vacation goes great!!! <33
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autistic-ranpo · 2 years
currently drawing t4t byler bc they have consumed my brain
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ollsonline · 1 year
t4t byler
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I love picrew.me and so I made ST characters the way I see them in the fic I'm writing using this one: https://picrew.me/image_maker/626197
Pt 1 - the kids
(we should all pretend I didn't make Will's hair ginger because I forgot about the light brown option and I should have remade him and Jonathan but I didn't)
Side note: the "idiot" and "dumb" on Mike's are meant to be a joke where Max put that on the picture or something, I love the Wheeler kids
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hawkinsp0st · 2 years
Hope you are having a great day!! Remember to drink some water today !! Do you have some any Enby Mike headcannons? (Maybe also if you headcannon Will as trans too then some T4T headcannons of the two. no pressure tho if you don't)
omg thank you friend, i am going to start drinking water right now and take my meds as i haven’t yet ! <3
i hope you’re having a great day as well! 😌💛
omg t4t byler headcanons/thoughts YES………..
ok so this is trans will byers dating unlabeled (but def not cis or straight) mike wheeler:
• so will byers is such a good example of healthy masculinity (like think abt him being such a good brother to el!!! “we’ll fix it together” etc) and mike adores this about him……..so when will discloses that he’s trans, mike’s not even phased, he just stares at will like yeah and? ur still the cutest sweetest boy in the world, always have been? ur so handsome and resilient and and and
• in addition to the butterflies he gets as the boy of his dreams is confessing his feelings to him, will feels so euphoric about his gender when mike reveals his feelings and says “i think i like boys… well. especially a particular boy. you.”
• one day mike asks will “how did you know you were… different?” “oh, when i realized i was gay? that’s easy—“ “um, actually. when did you. like. realize you are a boy? only if you’re comfortable talking about it, obviously.”
will blinks, not expecting the question, but wanting to answer—he always enjoys talking about this with mike, who makes him feel warm and affirmed.
“well, i think i always knew… but not everyone is like me. sometimes people realize later in life. it all depends.” “what does it depend on?” “hmm… lots of factors. like, maybe someone didn’t even realize being… different was an option, but then they find out about the concept, and it clicks. i read a book about a guy who was like that—lived as a woman until he was 35 and then woke up one day and went ‘shit, i’ve been a guy this whole time.’”
mike still looks a little nervous, so will gently continues, wanting his boyfriend to know he’s right here and not going anywhere. “do you… know someone who’s feeling this way? who needs someone to talk to?”
mike takes a deep breath—it’s so easy to open up to will. “i think… well, i’ve been thinking a lot, and i’ve always known i’m not a girl.”
will can’t help but let out a little giggle at mike’s willingness to jump right into the topic and his assertion that he’s most certainly not a lady, and mike laughs back. “yeah, same,” will smiles fondly.
“but… sometimes i don’t… totally feel like a boy, either?”
oh, will thinks, that’s neat. he’d read about people who felt that way, but didn’t know much. “that’s really cool, mike.”
“it is?”
“yeah, totally. lots of people feel that way.”
“they do?” mike’s shoulders drop in relief as he looks at will.
“yeah, i mean, i haven’t met anyone like that before—till now? but it totally makes sense. like, how can we expect everyone on the planet to fit into one of two categories?”
mike smiles softly. “yeah. yeah, you’re so right.”
• it gets brought up again a few days later, during a movie date in mike’s basement. in the film they’re watching, someone is putting on eyeliner. mike pauses the movie and just points at the screen, shouting, “that’s it! i just remembered!”
will giggles. “what’s it?”
“eddie—before he passed. he would bring around this friend sometimes, crystal? and she was like… well, i don’t know if i should even say ‘she’... or ‘he’? but crystal was so cool, always had like—blue eyeliner on—gosh, i loved that so much. i’d never seen someone who looks like that before—“
will watches in awe as mike rambles. he could watch his boyfriend go on about any topic for hours, but seeing mike’s eyes light up with self-acceptance and discovery makes this an especially happy moment.
“—and i don’t mean that in a weird way! like, i wasn’t attracted to crystal or anything. i just mean—“
will cuts him off with a kiss, smiling into it. “mike, it’s okay. tell me all about her.”
mike looks like he can’t believe he’s got permission to go on, but of course he does, because it’s will, and will never fails to take all the messy parts of him and arrange them into something pretty. mike’s smile is bright.
“when i saw crystal, that was the first time i felt this, like, consciously. about… maybe not being a boy. or a girl. or anything.” he’s talking fast with his hands. “and then i came to california and saw you, and i thought, ‘wow, i have a girlfriend but wow, boys are beautiful—i mean, this boy is beautiful,’ and i started to think that maybe i don’t want words for who i am. i don’t know. is that weird?”
mike’s eyes are starting to water, and will feels himself get choked up, too. the joy of the moment and how absolutely stunning mike looks when he’s this happy and comfortable makes will forget to respond.
“it’s not that—i mean, it’s great to have words!” mike rushes, thinking maybe he’s offended will by mistake. “like, you’re a guy and that’s so true! i’m not against… labels, i just think—“
will places a hand on mike’s face. “no, i get it. i totally get it. and no matter what you call yourself—or don’t—i love you. i really, really love you.” mike just blinks. “this isn’t going to change anything. i promise.”
mike immediately turns to fully face will & pulls him close. “i love you too, will.” in between kisses, mike murmurs, “i’m just happy i realized i like boys.” will laughs, about to tackle this ridiculous person he calls the love of his life.
• they talk for hours about mike’s labels and lack thereof, and settle on “boyfriend” and “mike” because, in mike’s words, “i definitely want everyone to know i’m your boyfriend. and i’m definitely, ya know. mike.” mike wiggles his eyebrows and nudges will gently in the ribs.
will rolls his eyes and pinches mike in the side. “yeah, asshole, evidently that’s never going to change.” and suddenly here will byers was, at 16, with the love he never thought he’d get to have.
so yeah in conclusion trans will byers and unlabeled mike wheeler are so in love :-)
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roosterbox · 8 months
More Stranger Things/Steddie fanfic tropes I love
When Steve comes out to Eddie as… well, Not Cis (sometimes she’s trans, sometimes they’re gender-fluid, doesn’t matter to me. In this house, we love Steve Harrington and gender fuckery, and every combination thereof), and Eddie is practically exploding with support, love, and admiration for him. Even if they’re not together yet.
The repeating of Steve and Robin’s “Oh.” “Yeah, oh.” exchange, but this time Steve’s the one coming out.
Wayne seeing Steve and Eddie interact exactly ONE TIME post-Vecna and immediately clocking how they feel about each other, and also damn right he ships it.
Wayne in general. The greatest man the world has ever known, or ever will know.
Wayne being Best Grandpa Ever to the Steddie baby. Seriously, every time there’s a baby (whether mpreg or otherwise), Wayne is the ultimate grandpa to that child. I cry every time, lol.
Wayne bonding with Steve. Just, Wayne bonding with Steve. Gets me every single time, dang it. When Wayne refers to both Eddie and Steve as his boys, or his sons, I am GONE.
Dustin’s reaction to finding out about Steddie. He’s always supportive, of course, but sometimes he’s more blasé (“You and Eddie? Well, duh! I knew that!”), other times he’s more blindsided (“Steve? And Eddie?? Are DATING???”), but I always love seeing how he reacts.
Any time there’s trouble in Steddie paradise, and the boys are being dumb, and someone (usually Dustin) threatens to sic Erica on them if they don’t work things out. It’s only happened in a couple fics, but I have the same exact reaction every time (“DO IT DO IT DO IT”)
Erica and Max. My duel badass queens, who I’d love to see interact in fic more. There would be no survivors.
Speaking of Max, any time she and Steve have a very sibling-like relationship. Those two need each other.
Will coming out to Steve (preferably before Steve has done so himself), and immediately being hugged, and reassured that this changes nothing. That Steve will always be there for him. The Byers Coming Out works with Eddie too, but I like it best when it’s Steve. Something about their relationship just makes it so heartwarming to me.
When Eddie does something that hurts Steve emotionally (perhaps not on purpose, but they’re still young - it’s gonna happen), and Robin swoops in (bird puns, lol) to take care of her best friend. To the point where she’s probably about 0.5 seconds away from punching Eddie right in the dick. I adore a feral, protective Robin so much. Steve deserves to have that kind of fierce love in his life.
As far as AUs are concerned, I will never not love a good pre-season 4 Steddie interaction. Especially if it’s in Season 3. Scoops Steddie my beloved, the love of my life.
I know there are plenty more, but these are just a handful of my favorites, lol. This fandom has all sorts of good stuff.
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quinnick · 2 years
nb el cause she thinks gender is stupid
transmasc will
he/they lucas
heteroromantic ace dustin
unlabled mike
el will and dusting forming the aspec squad
jonathan getting will his first binder
mike cut wills hari when they were younger with safety scissor
robin acting like everyones mum
when mike comes out to nancy she starts crying and tells him that shes bi (WHEELER SIBLING BONDING)
ALSO t4t jancy. no i will not elaborate.
will found out he was trans bc when he was younger and making d&d characters he would always make himself a boy (and never thought anything of it) until jonathan asked why and he was like 'idk itd be so nice to be a boy but like im not so :/'
then jonathan explained trans people and will was like 'OOOH THATS ME!!'
the first time will sees mike in a skirt he just about faints
mike and el have very funky wardrobes bc they fuck around with gender a lot
the result is androgynous-style clothing that shatters gender stereotypes
(I can't find my phone so retyping up a response)
AHFDGHJF yes !! Yes the most valid ever !! I love trans byers boys <3 I LOVE TRANS WHEELER SIBLINGS. I only experience joy towards these hc
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lawlessfm · 9 months
Could I get some more African American wfc, 35+ , suggested pleasee
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hilplusterrorss · 2 years
4, 6, 26? (for pride asks)
4: past labels you've used?
I mean, other than when i thought i was straight? Just that i was solidly aro, not somewhere in the middle of the spectrum like I'm pretty sure i am now
6: what made you realize your current label fit you?
Basically when i was sixteen I'd been hearing about asexuality and it was starting to make more and more sense. I was thoroughly convinced i was straight though, so i didn't really realize that i was ace until i learned that someone could be ace and alloromantic at the same time. Then, learning about aro labels started making me question if i was het at all, and i realized i was probably aro when i heard the label cupio-
However, dating b last year and p this year and having confusing feelings about multiple people has started to get me wondering, so I'm loosely settling somewhere on the aro spectrum but also biromantic, because I'm pretty sure gender isn't a factor in who i like
26: some characters you headcanon as LGBT+?
Oh man, so many. Every character in Voltron of course. Bi king Lance, gay Keith, pan Hunk and Allura, trans ace lesbian Pidge (trans Keith and trans Lance and grab everyone are also wonderful hcs! I don't usually hc them as trans but anyone who says they are is right!), canon gay Shiro my beloved, gay Coran. All the main characters in avatar too, sorry i don't make the rules. Will Byers from stranger things is definitely gay or aroace (I've only seen the first ep of the new season, so idk if that's been confirmed yet, but i bet i would have heard about it if it was so I'm betting not yet). Literally Every character in Jujutsu Kaisen, there's not a single cishet in that entire cast there's no way. Listen. Trans Yuuji, trans Suguru, trans Yuuta. I'm stopping now but you see where I'm going with this
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hawkinsp0st · 2 years
hi hi hi congrats on 1k!!!!!!!!! 💖💖💖
hmmm….. i had to bring him up!!!!!! they/he mike (my beloved). so real. so canon. so true.
do you have other headcanons about any other characters pronouns and/or gender identities??? it’s all i can think about rn
thank you dearest mutual!!! 🥺💗🥳 i love seeing you in my notifs, your Takes in the tags etc are immaculate !!!!
oh i could talk about this all day.
first of all, they/he mike wheeler my beloved. you are a saint for asking me about them. he is my king.
while we’re talking abt mike, i wanna say will byers gives me strong transmasc energy :) i love the concept of will being trans bc he’s such a soft lil guy, so he’d really be out here saying fuck off to all of the masculine gender expectations by being a sweet artsy dude <3 plus i think will exhibits incredibly healthy masculinity and it’s cool to think abt him developing that as a trans guy! it fits into his arc in my mind!
i’m so happy you asked abt the others!!!!! omg this is fun i’m gonna try to branch out a bit and think to myself: if these characters truly had the opportunity to explore, how would they identify?
• max mayfield is a demigirl. end of story! she’s giving they/she! i love their style, it’s unlike any other fem presenting person we see on the show.
• lucas sinclair gives me agender vibes. like his gender is giving “idc” and i love him for that /pos
• el hopper. el hopper. i think about my hcs for her all the time bc whatever gender she’s got going on, it’s super comforting to me (kinda the fem version of how they/he mike is comforting to me). i think she’s nonbinary, and would be comfy w any pronouns :-) ugh she’s so gender. i die.
• robin buckley is giving nonbinary lesbian vibes straight out the gate. everybody say amen.
• nancy wheeler……i was originally gonna say she’s cis but she gives me a lil……idk……..a lil splash of she/him vibes. since nancy’s character is all about subverting those gender expectations for women, perhaps she’s genderfluid like me!
• jonathan byers - i saw someone say he gives nonbinary vibes one time and i can’t unsee it. he’s giving demiguy and i love that for him! i love whatever his Brand of masculinity is!!
hmmm those are all the ones off the top of my head but if u have other specific characters ur curious abt pls lmk :-)
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