shogoakuji · 2 years
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chestnut ( @transdankovsky ) and tuyana (mine!!) ice skating with each other :] twinsies
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✔👥 (i know nothing of dishonored so go nuts!)
👥 Do you have any OC(s) or fan characters? Talk about them a little! If you don’t, share a headcanon about your favorite character.
I kind of do? In that the OC exists but only sometimes for me. Her name is Ava and she feels very strongly about the whale oil industry that is rampant in DH1. I think she'd really like DH2's windmills in Karnaca for that reason. She's an apprentice to an artisan later on, and completes that between 1 and 2. Mostly she's there to think about all the cool powers and how someone who isn't interested in fighting but was in a position to be gifted with a mark or learn spellcraft. Of course, she lives in Dunwall, so that makes times interesting whether you have powers or not.
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inuhodo · 1 year
🧠👃 for friend?
🧠 : What is your OC’s most mentally attractive attribute?
her most mentally attractive attribute is her several diagnosable mental disorders. jokes aside shes incredibly perceptive (to a detrimental hyperperceptive degree) which lends her to being able to say the right thing at the right time (or a calculated out of pocket wrong thing at the right time). this perceptiveness makes her a pretty good tactician despite the fact that she much rather would follow orders than give them. it does mean that if she has your back in a fight you can rest assured that its well guarded
👃 : Does your OC smell good? Do they have a signature scent?
wow the nose emoji is weird. anyways. she does not necesarily smell Good. but she does not smell Bad either. having peasant swag means she didnt have the luxury of fun smelling soaps or anything like that but when she moved to hightown she was able to actually get some soaps. her "signature scent" is whatever perfume isabela is wearing because friend is always crawling on isabela like a weevil
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thefoulbeast · 1 year
🖋 :)
sorry for the sadness of this one but the vibes are what they are:
I hate that I wander, in my tender moments (between the droning panic and the anesthetic haze), into the headspace of some tender, base thing. Yearning for the fundamentals long deprived - an hour to rest, and food, and drink, perhaps a conversation without heavy terminology squeezing its tender veins shut like the mass effect from a tumor.
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adrianicsea · 1 year
Mark Hoffman 👁
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: peter strahm and that’s about it tbh!!
important friends: daniel rigg, allison kerry, adam faulkner-stanheight (in apprentice family/more lighthearted aus)
general opinions: i have a weird like-hate thing going on with hoffman’s character. i DEFINITELY don’t feel the attraction towards him or find him to be a star character the way so many other people in the fandom seem to, but the crumbs of his characterization that the lore has to offer ARE interesting! i guess i mostly just wish he had been written better in the movies (not to mention played by an actor who isn’t a shithead). he’s interesting to analyze and, i admit, fun to write, but at the end of the day he is no man of mine, just a necessary element to the overall narrative.
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shinyvibrava · 2 years
ghost town by shiny toy guns & the greatest show unearthed by creature feature & season of the witch by donovan for suggestions!!
first one knocked my tits CLEAN off, i love it!!!! the other two are perfect too!!
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uh--huh--yeah--sure · 2 years
Gay fight club? You mean fight club? the circle of suok
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silenthillmutual · 2 months
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hey. so. i'm sorry to constantly be doing this, but we are once again in danger of losing the car if we don't pay both the monthly and the car insurance. altogether that's ~$728, on top of needing to get meds, groceries, and pay rent. if i can get ~$340 that would take so much weight off my chest, though anything at all helps.
cshpp/vnm: transdankovsky; ask for pypl
update: we are set now, thank you so so much<3
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sneez · 2 years
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victor kain chronic pain nation rise up (credit to @transdankovsky for this idea :-D)
/ id: two digital drawings. the first image shows victor kain and daniil dankovsky sitting together; daniil is taking victor’s pulse. inside a speech bubble above victor’s head is a screenshot of a question from the duolingo russian course, in which the sentence ‘я – хороший пациент, у меня всегда всë болит’ is translated as ‘i am a good patient, i always have pain everywhere’. the second image shows daniil looking politely horrified. end id. /
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udurghsigil · 2 years
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commission for @transdankovsky of harry mason!! ^_^
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doomednarrative · 2 years
@transdankovsky tagged me to show off my lock screen (you get my home screen cause my lock screen doesnt show normally on this phone) + last song I listened to + last image I saved :)
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Lets see I'll tag @lunar-gltch @skajador @ghosttcryptids @ispyspookymansion @adrianicsea and @cat-appreciator :3
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shogoakuji · 2 years
13, 19, 20?
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
Jackdaw for sure LOL all that idiot does is cause trouble
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
Hmmm probably Rose or Scully. Mostly bc they're my longest running really fleshed out ocs so I just have a big fondness for them
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
Rose does! Mostly old hymns or nursery rhymes when she's scribbling in her notebook. Her voice is quiet and kinda deep? Very soothing, kinda eerie if it echoes
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abominableastronaut · 2 years
☕ transhumanism?
Hmmm, complicated I guess? I like that we can use technology to help us improve our quality of life, but it does come with its caveats and flaws. It's also something I didn't really consider on more than a casual level until recent years.
This is difficult to phrase in an ask answer bc I like to ramble but I tried to keep it consise! These are a few topics I've seen come up in discussions that I have thoughts about.
On the assistive tech side, I'm pretty sceptical of any improvement that has not taken into account the opinions and desires of its intended users, and I think that the intended audience of any improvements should be heavily involved in development. Also, who can afford this? Who can use it? How practical is it? What are the costs, as well as the benefits? Anything we make is going to be imperfect, so what flaws do we consider acceptable? What does ethical testing look like?
On the pursuit of immortality/extension of life, hell yeah in theory but in practice can we support an ageing population? Are other technologies able to help people have fulfilling later lives? Some people at 80-90 are active and comfortable, and some are in pain. What does combatting ageing look like and do we expect people to work 9-5 (or more) to afford to live, forever? I'll stop here bc I could ramble on about stuff only vaguely related to the topic for a while. :)
There's also stuff with genetic enhancement and focus on human biology where the eugenecists like to creep in and I'm beating them back with a stick. Reproductive technology is a wild field.
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inuhodo · 1 year
i do not think andrey and daniil were Friends in college or whatever like they Knew of eachother due to one or another circumstance once, sure, but the Friends part is completely fanon. and also daniil would not be doing coke in the bathroom i think if he did that hed like die for real which is the opposite of what he wants
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thefoulbeast · 1 year
Thank you for the ask! <3
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing!
I'm pretty good at getting a vibe across vividly - setting the atmosphere so to say, be it with dialogue or surroundings description or my choice of metaphors/phrases.
🧿what steps do you take to not take things personally if a fic doesn't do well, or if your writing/posting/sharing experience isn't going how you'd like it to?
The thing here is that I've had like. One fic in all my writing experience do really well. The rest are, well - they get some views, they get some kudos, maybe even a comment. But I get my satisfaction mostly by showing fics to my friends who help hype me up - be it when i show them snippets or just talk about it.
There's always going to be this little voice in my head when I post something publically going "this is gonna be it - your breakthrough" and then... it never is! So I go back and say "at least i had fun writing this" or "at least my friends like it" (and note here it can be like. one or two friends, doesn't have to be a lot).
you can't control the reader, and the current trend in culture is less and less interaction with the writer. so i try to take solace that the journey made the destination worth it, even if that can have a bad aftertaste sometimes.
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
well!! today i talked with a friend a lot about a pathologic roadside picnic/stalker au and it has me giggling foolishly! the main idea is that stalkers artemy and rubin help daniil the scientist go into the zone and look for a specific artefact... it's very much in the worldbuilding stage so far, and im only daydreaming (tho i have written a drabble) but maybe ill write something serious again if thesis work doesn't get me too down. but daydreaming about it is so exciting and fun heehee... i has me grinning like a fool!
other than that im still working on my poetry book! i think i might actually publish it and that has me very excited indeed.... >:3
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adrianicsea · 2 years
HELLO i'm so sorry for getting to this so late!!
do you prefer to write short fics or long fics? multichapter or one-shots? why? - this is going to sound real rich coming from the Really Really Long Chainshipping Fic Guy, but i actually do prefer to write shorter stories! i've accepted that i tend to go deep with my writing and rack up a wordcount, but when you get into really, really long stuff, things like continuity and keeping up motivation/morale start to become WAY more of a factor, and that's not necessarily something i always wanna deal with when i'm writing fanfic! ideally, i would say that my "sweet spot" for writing a singular fanfic would be 15-25k. (this is not to say that i haven't enjoyed working on sleeping with ghosts, but i also can't see myself doing All This for a similarly-sized story anytime soon, unless it was my own completely original work.)
in terms of chapters vs oneshots, i think that varies more based on the story at hand. sometimes a oneshot just suits the story better than chapters do, and sometimes it's the other way around. i feel like my fics usually tell me which they want to be early on in the drafting process
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