#translucent rainbow sphere
wakamotogarou · 2 years
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olderthannetfic · 3 months
Bruh, I'm sorry but that reasoning does not hold up to any scrutiny if you even give a lick of care to learn the actual bullshit that goes on in queer sphere.
"(poc+trans) they’re marginalized even within the community,"
I'm a bisexual woman. I've been explicitly and blatantly excluded from queer and LGBT+ events when it came out I was 100% bisexual. Even at times where I had a woman as a partner. I've had to deal with accusations of being a predator from the lesbian community when dating lesbians, or "invading" lesbian spaces. I've dealt with accusations of transphobia for using the label bisexual, rather than "more inclusive" labels. I've been told to shut up when talking about my experiences as a bisexual woman, especially if it was me criticizing the behavior from the rest of queer spaces.
I've had to deal with being excluded from queer community events, helplines, or other resources for queer people because I was bisexual. Do not get me started on the times I was with a man, or male presenting partner. I've had to deal with people demanding that bisexuals get dropped from queer spaces, and that we should "choose a side" and that bisexuality doesn't exist.
And you know what? I know that the exact same shit happens to aces. In a slightly different coat of paint, but it nonetheless the same level of vitriol and exclusion happens on a constant basis. There's a reason why there's such a deep solidarity between aces and bis "It’s a flag that was created to draw attention to intra-community issues,"
It's a flag that pretends to draw attention to intra-community issues, but in reality only shines light on a tiny part, and in reality doesn't even do that well. I don't even think most people flying that flag have any idea as to the alleged specifics of why these designs were made. I've seen people throw out incredibly subjective and/or vague assumptions and assertions as to why they exist, while they're clearing doing guesswork.
It's not your accusation that people believe that the "progress pride flag is separating trans people and POC and acting like they weren’t previously included" it's that it feels incredibly shallow and ignorant of queer history, and queer POC history and racism-even from within queer POC spaces-.
It's the problem that people think that flying that flag while doing absolute fuck all to change the problems in queer communities is enough, intra-community also doesn't work if the communities represented don't also actively weed out their own problems. Don't add me I know about the NB-phobia, and inter-trans transphobia, "If you want to pass you're a traitor", dumbshit like "no rice or spice" shit from poc users on (certain) queer dating sites... That shit is and was never exclusive to white people.
The rainbow flag as a battleground for these issues feels cheap, shallow, and childish because it was never created to exclude or target a specific sexuality. It was always a symbol of togetherness and fighting for our rights and right to live. Then some people decided that the flag that always represented the message "We're standing together" suddenly doesn't represent that message anymore, not because the flag doesn't stand for togetherness or the message has changed. No, it's because some idiots completely unrelated to the flag and it's meaning are being terrible people. No, just because someone is queer doesn't mean they get to poison the well for all other queer people and rot the meaning of a flag that always was for everyone, or their actions suddenly get to smear that the meaning of the flag from the get go included everyone, black, white, asian, brown, fucking translucent, and was always meant to show solidarity between all the sexualities. We're standing together as queers, but that doesn't mean individual queers can't be shits all on their own.
At this point we should just slap a triangle on all the pride flags, the flags themselves have absolutely nothing to do with it, but at least we can pretend like it does something, because a few dingbats can't behave and happen to be #that-sexuality/genderID. Let's add a bi and ace triangle to the gay, lesbian and trans-flag. Add an extra trans triangle to the trans-flag, maybe the NB and bi flag as well.
You can have your progress pride flag. You can have your feel good messaging if that's what it takes. But for the love of the rainbow, stop pretending the flag is anything but a shallow way to show-off that you at least know the surface level issues in the queer community.
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scopostims · 2 years
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soap cutting stimboard but specifically the type that isn't crumbly :•]
[ID: A 3x3 stimboard themed made up of only soap cutting. Left to right, top to bottom, the GIFs show:
GIF 1: Layers being cut off a small purple sphere of soap.
GIF 2: Layers being cut off small, orange, heart-shaped, soap.
GIF 3: A single layer being cut off of a bar of black soap, revealing a pink and white wavy pattern inside.
GIF 4: Strips being cut off of a rectangular-shaped piece of soap that's a yellow to purple gradient with swirling designs.
GIF 5: A strip being cut off a translucent teal bar of soap with a bumpy texture on the top.
GIF 6: Strips being cut off of translucent, purple, heart-shaped soap with small, white, hearts inside of it.
GIF 7: Strips being cut off of translucent, pale purple, heart-shaped soap.
GIF 8: Strips being cut off of a bar of soap that has distinct layers in a rainbow pattern.
GIF 9: Layers being cut off of small, pale purple, heart-shaped, soap.
End ID]
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tabletoptrinketsbyjj · 8 months
Trinkets, Rings, 5: Enough rings and bands to wear three on every finger and toe while still having dozens to spare. Rings, especially magic rings are a very common item of jewelry in fiction and roleplaying. From a basic ring of protection, to the life saving ring of regeneration, the ring of the Nibelungs, the rings of the lantern corps, the ring of Gyges, any wedding ring ever depicted, the ring of Solomon, Sir Perceval’s ring, Aladdin’s genie housing ring, the nine rings of mortal men and the precious one ring of power, these small circular pieces of gems, metal, wood or bone always add more to the story than the sum of their parts. None of these rings are intensely magical in their own right but can serve as basis for a magical or plot relevant ring. When a DM rolls a d100, the bog standard ring of protection +1 they were going to give out now has a unique look and personality rather than just a mechanical benefit.
A ring that resembles the scales of justice bent in a circle. When worn it tends the focus the wielder’s judgment into a stark sense of good and evil.
A wide ring whose metal is streaked with a rainbow pattern that shimmers and shifts around constantly.
A simple silver ring that is set, not with a gem, but a bright white sphere of arcane force.
A finger-ring of translucent, deep green jade, carved to resemble a twisting vine of ivy.
A platinum finger-ring of a winged serpent devouring its own tail.
A set of four ivory finger-rings, the bands inlaid with a continuous mosaic of emerald, ruby and sapphire.
A tungsten ring painstakingly crafted to look like a centipede curled around the finger.
A jade signet ring depicting a raven with an arrow through its neck. Any dwarf who sees the emblem will develop an intense migraine for as long as they observe it.
A gaudy golden ring topped with an obviously fake ruby. The faint, ghost‐like face of a middle aged gnome floats in the ring’s phony jewel. He is smiling, but when he notices someone is looking at him, he winks!
Ring of Unspeakable Power: A small golden ring with a beautiful gem set in IT, it is a good looking ring, and IS definitely not CURSED, and whoever is wearing has no need to TAKE IT OFF. What silly person would think a ring could DO SOMETHING like that? It’s not like IT HAS any POWER THAT IS CORRUPTING YOU or anything, and though your friends are crying and begging for you to TAKE IT OFF RIGHT NOW, they probably just want to wear it themselves. After all, who wouldn’t? It is a very nice looking ring, after all. Anyone who isn’t wearing the ring believes it is cursed and a dangerously corrupting force that is causing the wearer to become evil, and anyone who wears it believes it’s just a nice looking ring, and the people telling them to take it off are just jealous. It was created by an enchantress with a love for practical jokes. The ring does not compel people to act against their alignment nor does it actually impose any sort of actual detriment, although it does detect as an evil, unhallowed and cursed object for curse detecting and breaking abilities and spells.
—Click Here to be directed to the Hotlinks To All Tables post, which provides (As you might have guessed) convenient links to all of the loot and resource tables this blog has.
—Note: The previous 10 items are repeated for easier rolling on a d100.
A ring that resembles the scales of justice bent in a circle. When worn it tends the focus the wielder’s judgment into a stark sense of good and evil.
A wide ring whose metal is streaked with a rainbow pattern that shimmers and shifts around constantly.
A simple silver ring that is set, not with a gem, but a bright white sphere of arcane force.
A finger-ring of translucent, deep green jade, carved to resemble a twisting vine of ivy.
A platinum finger-ring of a winged serpent devouring its own tail.
A set of four ivory finger-rings, the bands inlaid with a continuous mosaic of emerald, ruby and sapphire.
A tungsten ring painstakingly crafted to look like a centipede curled around the finger.
A jade signet ring depicting a raven with an arrow through its neck. Any dwarf who sees the emblem will develop an intense migraine for as long as they observe it.
A gaudy golden ring topped with an obviously fake ruby. The faint, ghost‐like face of a middle aged gnome floats in the ring’s phony jewel. He is smiling, but when he notices someone is looking at him, he winks!
Ring of Unspeakable Power: A small golden ring with a beautiful gem set in IT, it is a good looking ring, and IS definitely not CURSED, and whoever is wearing has no need to TAKE IT OFF. What silly person would think a ring could DO SOMETHING like that? It’s not like IT HAS any POWER THAT IS CORRUPTING YOU or anything, and though your friends are crying and begging for you to TAKE IT OFF RIGHT NOW, they probably just want to wear it themselves. After all, who wouldn’t? It is a very nice looking ring, after all. Anyone who isn’t wearing the ring believes it is cursed and a dangerously corrupting force that is causing the wearer to become evil, and anyone who wears it believes it’s just a nice looking ring, and the people telling them to take it off are just jealous. It was created by an enchantress with a love for practical jokes. The ring does not compel people to act against their alignment nor does it actually impose any sort of actual detriment, although it does detect as an evil, unhallowed and cursed object for curse detecting and breaking abilities and spells.
A lacquered wooden ring polished to a bright gleam. Suspended in the ring's setting is a single raindrop infused with primordial power.
A ring of brambles with a sphere of jade carved into the shape of a viper's head set in its center
A Randomly Coloured ceramic ring that when worn, changes the colour of the bearer’s eyes to match that colour.
A venerable stone ring engraved with Primordial runes.
A golden ring emblazoned with a sun-like jewel.
A ring whose setting is a deep milky onyx. Staring into the gem gives a feeling of awe due to the similarity to the night sky.
A ring embedded with four small gemstones, each with their own special gleam that helps to calm the bearer. The gems are a breathtaking ruby, deep blue sapphire, a crystalline citrine and an earthen quartz
A simplistic rose gold ring that looks beautiful and makes the bearer feel all warm and fuzzy inside. While wearing this ring, the bearer is unable to think that is anything is negative and puts a positive spin on everything they do.
A breathtaking ring with bands of platinum and amber swirling around the silver base.
A ring made from a multitude of insect carapaces, each with varying hues and textures.
A ring quite strange in its make. It appears to be a wooden band with a square piece of glass for a setting. Nonetheless, it is still a beautiful looking piece of jewellery.
A ring made of an oily dark metal covered in many rubies that seem to glint like the eyes of dozens of small predators.
A wax sealing ring bearing the insignia of a long dead thief.
A heavy signet ring of bloodstone bearing the crest of a recent usurper of the kingdom.
A food taster's ring, heavy bronze sporting a bezel made from an arc sliced from an alicorn.
An emerald finger ring with silky inclusions, set with rows of seed pearls and golden granulation.
A ring consisting of a band of gold set with an impressive tiger-eye.
A ring consisting of a band of polished gold set with two rubies of equal size and color.
A white jade ring, carved to depict tiger kittens at play.
A quartz ring carved to depict a flight of swallows.
A rings crafted from an alloy of adamantine and copper set with a black opal.
A plain brass ring of minimum value. Designed to draw as little attention as possible, the band’s only adornment is a tiny relief carving of a lightning blasted tree stump and the words “Even the mighty are destined to fall” engraved upon the ring’s surface.
A steel ring that has been heat-colored to portray flames along the length of the ring.
A silver band with an inlaid deep blue sapphire, surrounded by small, engraved runes.
A ring consisting of three intertwined bands of copper, silver, and iron.
A simple charm ring made from bone, carved to resemble a lizard set with hematite eyes biting its own tail.
A ring that appears to be made of ivory, but actually has a fleshy texture. It is warm to the touch and slowly pulses as if it possesses a heartbeat.
An iron ring etched with silver runes. When first donned, the hand on which the ring is placed tingles, as if being lightly shocked.
A ring crafted to resemble a falcon, head cocked to the side and wings outstretched around the finger. The eye is set with a blue diamond.
A ring made of woven bands of silver with a milky white opal affixed to it.
A gem with the emblem of a divine light etched into it is cradled in a golden ring, crafted with utmost love and attention. It seems to radiate a divine heat to it, making it warm to the touch. Knowledgeable PC’s know that those who typically wear such rings are devoted to the holy cause of The Church of the Silver Flame
A ring of mottled green and brown stone that always appears to be wet.
A thick granite ring set with a jacinth of inestimable beauty.
A ring composed of three separate bands; two emerald bands, and one glass band which contains a small amount of quicksilver that can be seen sloshing around within the glass band.
A glass ring decorated with fairy wings made of amber.
A jade ring inscribed with the name of a green dragon.
A large tarnished ring with an embedded compass.
A ring of twine that twists and winds when worn, digging into flesh.
An iron ring set with two wolf heads, one bulbous and one withered.
A ring of etched sunstone, on which is written prayers for good weather.
An iron signet ring of a vanished monarchy.
A plain brass ring of exquisite craftsmanship.
A thin platinum ring set with a perfect moonstone.
A large and finely wrought middle ring of unusual workmanship.
An elegant electrum ring with a clear blue crystal set into its center. Its shanks and gallery are fashioned to resemble gusts of wind.
An adamantine ring with a distinctive signet that is clearly recognizable as those worn by the sworn members of the Paladins of the Adamite Tower. These unique bands are made through an intense trial and are impossible to counterfeit. Wearing this under false pretenses gains the wearer the enmity of the Paladins. Otherwise, it signifies to anyone that the bearer is part of the well respected and widely liked paladin order and would impact a significant level of prestige and respect to the wielder and his companions.
A ring crafted of iron and brass and set with four gems. A pentagram is inscribed on its face, along with runes that are said to spell out the true name of the Lord of Hosts.
An ancient ring, cut and polished from a single agate, is engraved with the petroglyphs for "GOOD JOB."
A small Tabasheer toe ring.
A thin gold ring delicately engraved with sigils of loves. When gently caressed, the bearer begins spontaneously weeping.
An electrum ring with an opal that seems to harmonize with music being played or performed nearby.
A ring made of white metal with a name in Auran inscribed on the inside.
An antiqued ring with a protruding spike made of a demon’s claw.
A ring with a gilded band mounted with a cluster of lapis lazuli.
A gear-shaped ring made of an unknown but durable material.
A thick gold ring with inset obsidian cut to depict a soldier’s helmet.
A large gold ring with an opal gem in a clawed setting.
A signet ring, bearing the crest of a well-known noble family from a couple of provinces away.
A jewelled ring, with a hidden panel concealed beneath the jewel, on which is painted the personal coat of arms of the reigning monarch.
A thin silver ring with a round centre stone that you can change the colour of by rotating the ring around your finger once.
A silver ring engraved with roses.
A gold engagement ring with the center stone missing.
A ring carved from black volcanic rock with small rubies all along its outside. It is warm to the touch and sparkles more than usual when reflecting firelight.
A ring of gold and silver twirled together, with a single large sapphire set in the centre.
A blue-gray metal ring bearing an engraved snowflake is cold to the touch.
A ring whose band of beaten copper sports a hint of green oxidation that marks it as unremarkable.
A dented gold ring, covered in scratches and blemishes. When someone tries to put it around their finger, the ring shrinks so that it cannot fit.
A bejeweled golden ring, with emeralds, sapphires and rubies set into the band. Concentrating on the ring causes the gems to glow brilliantly.
A simple steel ring inscribed with the phrase "Victory or Death" in runic script.
A brass signet ring bearing the sigil of a noble house that fell into exile a generation ago. The crest has nearly been scratched off.
A gold ring with script along the outside in a strange language.
Ring of Boundless Visions: A silver ring bearing a repeating pattern of open eyes along the inner and outer bands. When the bearer of this ring sleeps, deeply realistic and uncontrollable visions come upon them. The visions feel as if they are actually taking place, and the bearer is likely to react as if they were truly experiencing the events, interacting with nearby objects as if they were the items witnessed in the visions. Often, the bearer's visions will be nonsensical, containing impossible events, or confluences of recent events with fanciful imaginings. Sometimes, however, exact repeats of recent events will occur, or the vision will eerily resemble events of the near future. However, upon waking, the bearer will remember very little of the vision, if at all.
A tarnished ring bearing the signet of deposed royalty.
A handsome men’s ring plated in lustrous gold with silver-toned accents. The face of the ring features a rich onyx centre stone set with a grid of four diamonds. A key pattern, symbolizing unity and the eternal flow of life, borders the face of the ring. For a perfect finishing touch, an additional diamond adorns each side of the ring, for a total of six radiant stones.
An exceptional ring that features three proud lions plated in gold, standing out from their bold and regal blue hand-enamelled background. This band is also plated in gold and each of the shoulders is set with an ice-white diamond.
A slim silvery ring with a shiny, well cut, emerald set into it.
An intricately-carved, but otherwise plain red-gold ring.
A plain iron ring set with three small rubies. When held in total darkness, the rubies glow like faint embers.
A dark iron ring set with a piece of amethyst that never quite seems to be well-lit, even in direct sunlight. Tendrils of smoke and darkness seem to twirl in the crevices of this crude stone.
An ancestral ring, set with a gem of deep, sanguine claret. Knowledgeable PC’s can recognize the heraldry of the Von Carsteins along the band, a noble house infamous for possessing the dark gift of everlasting undeath.
A thick ring of oathgold, created using words of fury once spoken by Grimnir himself.
A band smelted from a fallen star found on the snowy steppes, the metal of this ring is dark and cold.
An ivory ring set with a mauve stone of this ring that flashes and sends a delicious tingle to the wearer's very core in the presence of hostile magics.
A small silver ring, with a ruby gripped between two silver claws that grow out of the band.
A ring made of cold steel with several sharp barbs protruding from it. It is crafted in the shape of a monstrous spiked eel whose mouth can open and close.
A ring of golden oak engraved with the image of a tree with nine branches.
A silver and copper wire ring set with a large cracked and dimpled opal. In sunlight, the opal slowly shrinks, the setting shrinking with it; in moonlight, it expands.
A thick copper ring studded with tiny mageglass daggers, the sharp facets stained red.
A thick ring made of smoothly polished granite and topped with an ironoak relief of the watchful moon at its zenith over a berry bush. It smells of crushed raspberries.
A gold ring with a thin band engraved with arcane symbols. It is set with a large and flawless ruby that glows with a faint red light. The gemstone is cut in a hexagonal shape and set in a complex metal framework that resembles a cage. The ring radiates a subtle aura of magic and intelligence.
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archivist-crow · 4 months
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On this day:
On the afternoon of May 16, 1808, in Biskopsberga, Sweden, the sun went dim, and millions of spheres emerged from the western horizon and traveled through the sky, apparently blown into existence by the wind. Passing beneath the sun, the balls turned black, remained briefly suspended, and then continued in a direct line before disappearing over the eastern horizon. No sound accompanied them. Occasionally up to eight of the balls linked up, like a chain; they seemed to be joined by thin bands. After separating, the spheres had impermanent tails approximately twenty feet long. At times the balls fell to earth. K. G. Wettermark of the Swedish Academy observed that they would lose their dark color and became like soap bubbles, rainbow translucent. Upon landing, they dried up and disintegrated. The phenomenon lasted over two hours.
In 1883, at the Zacatecas Observatory in Mexico, Jose Bonilla photographed a tiny body, followed by numerous others, singly or in groups of up to twenty, crossing the sun. Over two hours, Bonilla counted 283 bodies. He reported that they appeared black against the sun, but threw out "brilliant trains of light." The following morning he recorded another 116 of the spheres. Bonilla believed that they were "traveling in space near the earth but not so far as the moon."
In 1880, in Kattenau, Germany, at dawn, numerous luminous spheres traveled in a band across the sky from east to west, shining brightly. In 1849, in Switzerland, many thousands of radiant white "snowflakes" hung suspended in a clear sky for nearly half an hour.
In 1566, in Basel, Switzerland, "many large, black globes were seen in the air, moving before the sun at great speed and turning against each other as if fighting. Some of them became red and fiery and afterwards faded and went out."
Text from: Almanac of the Infamous, the Incredible, and the Ignored by Juanita Rose Violins, published by Weiser Books, 2009
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fowardfashionfindz · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Rare Rainbow Lavender Amethyst Sphere, 28 mm.
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Would you be willing to do a walk through on how you color skin? It looks so lovely and glowey they way you do it, and I have a hard time with making skin shading look not drab :/
hmmm i’ve never done a walkthrough before and not so sure how i feel about it but i’ve been wanting to do a speedpaint or something like that. the way i shade skin though is doing a flat layer of the base color, a little lighter than if it was a flat color drawing since i add a lot of shading, and then use a darker pink tinted color for the next layer, and then a saturated indigo, and then sometimes black shading on a translucent layer. i think this is what makes it look glowey, just trying to shade with tints of the rainbow added
also when i shade i think of it as like sculpting? i don’t know if this makes sense.... just trying to make everything look very rounded. like everything is one sphere in shading with a minimal color pallet
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reddpenn · 5 years
Hey, does anybody want to see some more of my cool rocks?
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This one looks like a painting, doesn’t it?  This Cool Rock is polychrome jasper.  When I look at this rock, I feel like I’m standing at the bottom of a canyon in the desert, staring up at the blue sky.
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That flaky texture, cranberry color, and pearlescent shine make lepidolite look like a sugarcoated dessert.  Here’s something cool about lepidolite:  its crystals are a little bit elastic, so they can bend without breaking, and they’ll snap back into shape when you let go!  (I’ve gotta stop peeling crystals off of my specimen to play with them, or eventually I won’t have any lepidolite left…)
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These little blue cubes are fluorite, which is my state mineral!  Fluorite comes in so many different colors, I hope to have a collection of lots of them someday.
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Wanna see some BIG CUBES?  Check it out:  the Most Beautiful Pyrite in the World.
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This Cool Rock is called Puddingstone, and it deserves more love.  It’s a conglomerate of pebbles that can be anything from jasper to granite, mixed together in a silica matrix to create these cool spots!  My puddingstone has a really pretty peachy-pink matrix, with a lot of different colors inside it!
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I think my last Cool Rocks post gave the impression that I don’t like amethyst, which couldn’t be further from the truth.  Look at this slice of amethyst stalactite!  This rock is one of my absolute favorites.  That green core is made of agate, and makes the whole thing look like a flower that got suddenly turned to crystal.
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Here’s another flower: a Desert Rose!  This huge red rose is made of barite, but selenite can form little white roses too.  Maybe I should get this barite a selenite friend?
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What’s hiding inside this ordinary rock?  It’s a bunch of tiny spheres of wavellite!  Hi little guys!  You’re looking very green today.
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Slipping in an edit here:  initially I had ID’d this one as turgite, but after a little more research I’m not sure that’s the case.  This little handful of rainbows and glitter is just a particularly iridescent piece of hematite!  How cool is it that even regular hematite can be so colorful?
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What’s so special about this boring old rock, I ask, rhetorically, having never been so wrong about anything ever.  This is ulexite, also known as TV rock!  Take a look at what it can do.
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It’s hard to capture the full effect in a photo, but we’re not just seeing through a clear piece of rock.  Ulexite’s crystal structure is a natural fiber optics cable.  Any image at the back surface of the rock gets projected onto the front!  Science!!
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This is prehnite, and there’s not much to say about its loveliness that you can’t see for yourself.  A translucent green beauty.
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This is the most valuable rock I own!  I saved up for a long time to buy the specimen I had my eye on, always worried it would be sold before I could afford it.  Lo and behold, here it is!  Rutilated quartz!!!  It’s an ordinary colorless quartz crystal, with amazing hair-thin veins of golden rutile shooting through it and sparkling.
But wait, there’s one more Cool Rock I must show you.
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...And it’s not really a rock at all.  Elegant element 83, a strange and spiraling eldritch beauty, an alien-looking crystal of pure metal, rainbow and mildly radioactive...   You know her name; it’s Bismuth!
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 Weird and wonderful bismuth!  Colorful, coiling bismuth!  What a wonderful crystal to see!  Metallic, magical, magnificent bismuth!  What a wonderful crystal to be!
(You can see more of my rocks over here!)
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goldbellychateau · 3 years
Welcome to my Chateau!
A couple of purple haired women can be seen sitting a table eating completely over flowing with plates of succulent ham, potatoes, stuffing, pork gravy, and yams. When suddenly a cheesy jaunty midi tune starts to blare in the background. Suddenly a humongous purple haired woman flies across the screen crashes in front of the camera. She lands with a mighty quake causing the couple to bounce into the air! Everything then crashes onto the floor as Purple haired woman stands up right. The couple stands up and we see the humongous woman towering over them!
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“Hello! My name is Abigail Gains!”
She lifts her meaty arms into the air, quickly spreading her arms wide! Thier fat ripples throughout t her entire body causing her bingo wings to succumb to gravity The fat flowing from her arms like ivy growing off of a tree branch. 
“And welcome to my restaurant!” She Smiles.
“I’m a 27 year old restaurateur;Who’s fed up with the paltry portions offered by most eateries! Though, I can appreciate how spaces are rather”cozy” those spaces can be.”
“Most establishments push their ability to supply proper accommodations and amenities, for all the ever-increasing demands, of customers of increasing real estate.” Abigail begins rubbing her belly in full circles. She coos and smiles wryly at the camera.
“And while this is admirable, it seems like an endeavor of both futile effort and fleeting interest. So I decided to open up “The Gold Butterfly Château!”.”
The camera pans out to reveal a beautiful and mammoth proportioned Restaurant interior. A vast array of translucent rainbow colored curtain seem to hang from an unseen ceiling.
“The Gold Butterfly Château specializes in satisfying clients with advanced appetites. A restaurant specifically designed to provide a space where an ever expanding and growing clientele can eat in both style and comfort!”  
Abigail walks to the side revealing a single purple cushioned chair, scaled perfectly for her size.  She hops onto it, drops all her weight down on a cushioned purple chair.It doesn’t even buckle.She leans backwards revealing her titanic sphere of her belly cresting almost out frame. This action reveals the chair to actually be a recliner with a separate extended paddle that’s lifting her bellies.
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Three other  purple hared women emerges dragging  a wide, 7ft tall cask of root beer one placing a clear  hose into mouth.
“Would you like your belly rubbed while you drink?” The other two ask.
“YES! PLEASE!” Abigail beamed.
The two other women begin massaging the flanks of her bellies imposing walls. The Goliath Goddess’ belly grows out of and heavier while she continues to drink until the casks are drained into Abigail’s audibly groaning belly. Abigail sits up the chairs paddle maneuvering it’s massive payload to the ground “Ugh..I drank to fast.” Abigail middle continues to swell! tries to belch but cant.
One of her personal masseuses climbs on top and she begin pushing their entire body weight into Abigail’s giant orb. “I can feel it in their, but it won’t come out! We need more pressure! “
Abigail bellows.”Please bring me one of my bottomless FREE *wink wink!* Refills! as Wells as my Usual!” The camera pans to the side as focusing on the crest  Another cask alongside a table with a large clock in the middle of it it with cycling Conveyor belt  is brought out immediately. entire serving trays stuffed with food.
Abigail looks shocked! “Steak, potatoes, cakes, pies, pasta, lasagna, Burritos, Fajitas, egg rolls, french fries, and MORE!?! the list goes on!”
“Lets dig in!” The footage speeds up rapidly as the clock spins super fast! entire chafing-dishes are cleared by purple blurs as Abi’s Gut visually swell bigger and bigger as more hands can be seen joining in, oiling and polishing Abigail”s belly like a sacred idol! Widening, stretching and dominating the screen! The hour hand spins around the clockface until the hour hand completely encircles itself.
Tumblr media
“Ugh! So Good!” Abigial’s faceis  flush beet red, wider, and with another chin beginning to form. Her breathing deeper voice a few measures deeper
 “Is their anything else you would like OH Valued Customer?
Yes..DESSERT!♥” Abigail announces with excitement!
Gold shimering letters cross the screen. A soft voice narrates.
The Gold Butterfly Chataeu.
Where our customers are worth more than their weight in gold♥!
(keep reading for lewd)
She leans back into her recliner and clenches her hips twice in quick succession! Their chair and paddle begins to vibrate causing their Belly to quake and shake uncontrollably. The other girls drag in a large 10 layer cake to her and start feeding her.
The camera drifts out to full view Abigail her stomach almost meeting her eye line. It pans outward as Abigail’s belly clenches suddenly.
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realityhelixcreates · 3 years
Dance of the Spheres Chapter 5: Martian March
Chapters: 5/?
Fandom:  Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: PG 13
Warnings: drugging, kidnapping, forced marriage
Characters: Loki(Marvel),
Additional Tags:  Loki Goes Overboard, But When Doesn’t Loki go Overboard, Mature Reader, Disabled Reader, Political Intrigue
I'm going back to Saturn where the rings all glow
Rainbow, moonbeams, and orange snow
On Saturn, people live to be two hundred and five
Going back to Saturn where the people smile.
                                              Saturn-Stevie Wonder
our rooms glittered. They were faced in massive scale pietra dura stone patterns from floor to ceiling. Gray, black, and white dominated, with a surprising amount of green mixed in, as well as startling pops of orange-red, blue, yellow, purple, and bright pink.
The designs were large and geometric, almost a sister style to the classic Art Deco that you saw on the older buildings downtown, mixed in among the flavorless glass towers and Brutalist boxes that defined the 'modern' era.
This main room housed a delicately carved stone couch and chairs, around a low stone table, and several stone shelves and storage boxes. These were all made of a black stone that held numerous yellowish-green crystals in their matrix, all polished so that the crystals shimmered.
This same stone appeared in the patterns on the walls and floor, as very thin panes on a pale backing, highlighting the colors of their crystals. This, along with a similar black stone with reddish-orange crystals, and a dark gray, large-grained stone that sparkled at any angle, was contrasted against the now familiar creamy white and pale orange. Here and there, inlays of silvery wire brought organic shapes to the mix.
The cloudy crystal made a reappearance in a round, well-lit, domed room Loki described as a 'Solar', even though no sun could reach this place. Instead, the clearest of the crystal had been set into the dome, all of it covering the mysterious lights, creating a bright light source that illuminated the room to something close to midday. The walls were covered in the cloudy crystal, which, in the bright light, shone with veils and flashes of iridescent blue.
On one wall there was a subtle inlay of  translucent gray stone, in the shape of clouds, that shone in splashes of blue and purple. Cleverly inlaid within them were specific pieces of the same type of stone, in the shape of lightning bolts that sparked yellow when viewed at the right angle, but were invisible from others.
He showed you the antechamber that connected your rooms and his, all in black and green. Even the lights were covered in thin panes of green crystals thickly packed in black matrix, casting a dim, viridian light over the whole chamber.
You decided that room was extremely creepy, and you never wanted to be in it.
The bath room was much better, ridiculously large, with a shower just out in the open, a wide counter with a mirror of polished metal, a huge tub carved right into a semi-finished block of stone, and a strange toilet tucked away in a stall in the corner. It was all big enough for you to move around in easily, though you mentioned that you would need a chair for the shower. Loki vowed to have one brought immediately.
But your bedroom was the obvious jewel. Loki puffed up with pride as he showed it off, as if he were the one who designed it. There were jewels in here, bright, bubblegum pink, golden yellow, and apple green in elaborate platinum settings, affixed to the walls. There was more cloudy gray and white crystal in here, with their blue and purple, pink and yellow flashes. The lights were clustered around the ceiling like stars, and the bed was another of the precious rare wooden objects, a four poster canopy bed, draped with a gauzy veil.
Most surprising of all, the bedroom had a window-or rather, a doorway out to a semi-circular balcony that overlooked what must be the main palace courtyard and entrance. When you stepped out onto it, you could see lines of guards-more people than you'd seen in one place since you'd been here. They framed the long, rectangular space every ten feet or so, in bright, brassy armor and sunny yellow capes.
This was clearly a cape kind of place.
It was very strange. You could have sworn you hadn't climbed any ramps, and you certainly hadn't gone up any stairs, but here you were, at least six stories up, and there were more stories above you.
“You must be clever builders.” you said without thinking about it.
“Our engineering capabilities are the envy of the galaxy, it's true.” Loki boasted. You believed him. All around the courtyard more balconies jutted out. Several dozen feet to the side of yours, the balcony you assumed must belong to Loki was connected to another large balcony on the opposite side by an elegant walkway, supported by slender pillars. There was a round platform in the center, and red curtains obscured the balcony on the other side.
“We can address large crowds from there, or call emergency meetings of the guards, or the other high nobles.” Loki said, following your gaze. “That's who lives on this floor. Myself, my brother, all of the most important Asgardians, and now you.”
But not for long, if you had any opportunity. “Uh, I'm honored.”
“How do you like them, though?” he pressed, “Is the décor to your liking? The size? We've been working on it for months, but we can still change things if you need.”
“Months?” you gasped, shocked. “You guys did all this in just months?”
Asgard had come to Earth a little under two years ago, decimated and begging for assistance. Thor led them, but no one knew Loki had come along. Thor himself served as his own liaison to the United Nations, bringing his case before the leaders of Earth, to secure a place for his people.
Obviously, it had worked. Thor's reputation and high-profile friends, as well as his surprisingly diplomatic and optimistic outlook had both charmed and discombobulated most people who spoke to him. People liked and respected him, but no one expected him to be savvy.
It had worked out very well for him and his people. They had secured some secret land that the entire U.N. had remained tight-lipped about. Then, a few months in, Thor had stopped making appearances, leaving Earth-Asgard relations to his advisors; an abrasive, undiplomatic woman whom you loved to watch, and a stoic and imposing man with unsettling eyes. Rumors flew for a while, but you hadn't paid much attention. There had been so much to fight for at home.
Did anyone even know you were gone? You were supposed to attend a march tonight. Or last night? You didn't know how long you had been asleep. Surely someone noticed you were missing.
But if they did, how would you even know?
“-harness the sun's energy over the long rotation period so that we can build even more efficiently.” Loki was saying. “We've done an admirable job for such a reduced population, but there is so much more to do.”
“And you took them away from that to build this for me?”
“I took them away from this to build special chambers for the princess of Asgard.” Loki corrected, “It was not a waste, nor was it superfluous. It was for someone important.”
“I'm not.” you insisted, “I'm just some rando they snatched up and tossed at you. I'm not princess material.”
“I will find out what is behind this.” he said, “But until I can, I want you to feel comfortable here. This is all yours now, and more.”
You couldn't, you couldn't allow yourself. You weren't supposed to be here. It was only a matter of time before this mix up was discovered, and a swap was arranged. You'd go home, and some other woman would take your place.
How horrible.
“But is everything to your liking? Do you need more light? More space? Is the bed all right for your leg? A good height?”
You were more than a little wary about getting into bed with him here, but as you hobbled over to it, he remained at a distance. You sank onto the plush mattress, with it's silky green sheets and thick comforter. It was very nice, soft and smooth, and warm, despite being placed on solid stone. Hopefully the blanket would ward off the slight chill that followed everywhere you had been so far.
“It's a good height,” you said, “especially if I get a new cane.”
“Excellent. Would you like to see my quarters?' he asked, “You may come and go between them as you please.”
Which meant that he could too. You didn't find that reassuring.
“Uh...isn't that, um, inappropriate?” you asked, casting about for any reason to refuse. “We haven't even, um, there hasn't even been a wedding!”
He paused, then his face broke into a beautiful, glowing smile. “Of course. I understand. You want that big celebration, naturally. Well, it is only fair, isn't it?” He sat down on the floor next to your bed, as if forgetting that he was a prince and a god, a powerful figure, abandoning his dignity to sit on the floor like a child.
“Do you want to plan it, or leave it to the advisors? Asgard is very good at grand weddings, but if you've had some specific plan for it, I'm sure we can accommodate it.”
“Uh...” This would be the perfect opportunity to stall. You could buy so much time with this! “I would like to plan it. There's things I've been wanting to do since I was a little girl. It would be a dream come true, to plan my own wedding.”
Not strictly true. Certainly, as a little girl you had contemplated flowers and a dress. There being a groom was far less important.
“Then begin any time you like.” Loki said warmly. “I'll have notebooks brought to you, and you can plan out whatever you want. Whatever it is, we can do it for you.”
You almost felt bad for what you were going to do, but on the other hand, you didn't trust him and his terrifying adoration, and horrible power over your life and safety. You'd make as many impossible demands and take up as much time as you possibly could. If it kept you safe. If it kept you from the nightmare scenario.
“I will have your bathing chair brought. You seem tired; shall I have dinner brought to you? We can dine in your audience room. We can have you measured for a new prosthetic, and for a new cane as well. The artificers will set to work on them immediately.”
“Um, sure. That sounds fine.” Dinner would be welcome, after only one apple and one cup of water. And a new, higher tech leg and cane might help you escape faster. You should take every opportunity available to you.
Loki helped you out to the largest room, with it's bookshelves and seating, and saw that you were comfortable. Then he bid you stay put and wait for a bit, while he got everything set up. You were in no shape to try for an escape right now; you would just bide your time.
You waited patiently, taking in the details of the beautifully precise stonework that made up your new-temporary-living quarters. What incredible workmanship. Shame it had been wasted on you.
Maybe someone else would have been thrilled. To have wealth and power, security and luxury, a handsome prince just handed to them with no effort on their part at all. That wasn't what you wanted though; you didn't want to join the lucky ones. You didn't want to be lifted out of your hardships and set above your peers, you wanted those hardships to be eliminated for everybody. You didn't want to be a social climber, you wanted a more equitable society. This fantasy was worthless to you. It had all been done without your consent.
A quiet knock on the door grabbed your attention. You didn't answer immediately, and the knock was hesitantly repeated.
“Um, come in?” you called.
The two adolescents you had run off before cracked the door open and peeked their heads in.
“Your highness?” the girl asked.
“May we enter?” the boy finished.
“Yeah, come in. I'm in a better mood now.” you said calmly. No need to be rude to them now that she knew what was going on. If Loki hadn't even known about the kidnapping, there was no way these kids were in on it.
“We were sent here to get measurements?” the boy-Andvarri wasn't it-asked shyly. “For a prosthetic leg, and a cane?”
“Yes, I was told you might be coming. I'm sorry about earlier: I was very disoriented and confused.”
“No harm done, your highness. This won't take long.”
The girl-Bjarkehilde-helped you stand as Andvarri took several measurements and asked about your preferences in weight and materials, flexibility and points of articulation, even colors and decorations.
They were going to put in a lot of effort to help you escape. A fine efficient leg, a sturdy lightweight cane, and Bjarkehilde even asked about what kinds of medication you needed, and for what.
Bjarkehild was surprisingly close to your height and build as well. That stayed in the back of your mind for a while after the two of them left.
As the minutes passed, you began to realize that you were going to need some kind of clock. You had no idea what time it was. There was no visible sunlight, the lights in your rooms hadn't changed at all, and no one had mentioned it at all. How did the Asgardians know? Was some kind of internal timekeeping part of their natural abilities?
Maybe it was the nebulous grasp of time, maybe it was the fading adrenaline and setting in of weariness, maybe it was residual drugs working their way out of your systems, but you began to feel strange as you waited for Loki to return. Either you felt hot, or the slight chill that was prevalent in this place was getting worse. Perhaps you had been staring at the artistic walls for too long, because the colors seemed to be vacillating between painfully saturated, and fuzzy at the edges.
It seemed to take forever for Loki to return, carrying a tray of food and drink. This he set on the lovely stone table before you, and then took a seat in a nearby chair.
“You must be ravenous by now.” he said, and you were. You leaned forward to inspect the offerings. The metal tray was filled with small stone bowls and plates, and two small cups of liquid. Was this how meals were traditionally served in Asgard? A great variety of small portions?
One of the cups turned out to be orange drink, from powder. You recognized that taste from your childhood. The dry air had made your tongue rough, and the acidic flavor was a blast on your tastebuds, as bright as the colors on the walls. The second cup was some kind of brown broth, possibly also from powder, as it got thicker at the bottom of the cup. There were dried apricots, soaked in honey, and dates, a barley porridge with a swirl of honey and a dash of cinnamon. There were common Saltine-type crackers that went with a very strange stew that looked like it was made, not just with re-hydrated vegetables, but re-hydrated meat as well. It tasted fine, but the texture left something to be desired.
You barely noticed. You wolfed it all down as Loki just sat and watched, having brought nothing for himself.
“I see you needed the fuel.” he commented, after every bite was gone. “Yes, I think you will need it. Beloved, I must tell you something about that apple you ate earlier. I can see it's effects are starting to take hold. Like I said earlier, I had thought to feed it to you slowly.”
“The apple? What...what's it doing to me?” Beloved? He was taking things a bit far, wasn't he? But you definitely were feeling weird. Uncomfortable. “I had just woken up and I didn't know where I was, or what was going to happen. I didn't know where my next meal was coming from.”
“And I understand that now, as I did not then, or I would have refrained from putting it out at all. But it's too late now. For several things. We will simply have to adapt and endure.”
“I will not leave your side, you may count on that.” He promised. “But that was a special apple. Its tree came from a cutting, taken from a remnant grove in Vanir territory, as part of their peace treaty with us. A sacred tree whose fruits provided the Vanir with ageless warriors. For us, they heal terrible wounds and sickness. But for you, they are known as the Apples of Immortality, and they confer a great gift indeed. But it is not without price.”
You doubled over in pain.
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captainpufferfish · 4 years
Hurts More Than Just a Memory
(logan’s birthday fic!!)
Logan's got a lot of memories.
Not all of them are good.
(tws for unsympathetic patton, misgendering, gaslighting, emotional manipulation, memory alteration, arguing, ask to tag for anything else!!)
Logan cursed. That was quite out of character for them, but seeing as they had been trying to clear out Thomas’s long term memory and had actually done... this, they felt that it was warranted.
Thomas’s long term memory needed to be cleared out once per year, so that he could get rid of memories that he didn’t need and recover the ones that he did. As Thomas’s brain, it was Logan’s job to do this.
Usually, Patton helped them, because they both shared the concept of memories- Patton usually foresaw the more sentimental and nostalgic side, while they were in charge of the memory itself- but since the Moral side was currently out in the imagination with everyone else, they had to do it alone.
Which wasn’t pleasant.
The way that Long Term worked was most accurately depicted in the movie Inside Out, except the memories weren’t conveniently color-coded, were far heavier and the shelves were more like the kind you would find in a bowling alley. The way the movie showed it was also heavily simplified- not only was there Thomas’s Long Term, but each of the sides as well.
They had a library, of sorts, but with the same shelves as Thomas’s space, and each of them had their own shelves. Everyone’s memories could only be touched or viewed by the person that they belonged to, but because cataloging them was Logan’s (and up till recently Patton’s) job, they had access to everything.
So obviously they ended up fucking it up.
They had nearly finished organizing their own shelf, the final shelf they had to do, but they had reached up to rub their aching shoulder and one of the memories (a particularly heavy one, judging by the thud it made when it hit the ground) slipped out of their grasp and rolled away from them. They had chased after it and had of course forgotten about the other ones they were holding, which of course fell to the ground, rolling in the same direction. (They really wished that they had fixed the slight angle of the floor at that moment.)
They ran down the aisle, losing sight of them as they rolled under Virgil’s shelf and towards the clearing.
And froze as they realized where they were.
The viewing room.
They cursed every small inconvenience that caused them to be standing in that doorway, watching as the grey, faded memories teetered on the edge of the podium, about to fall into the dusty old pipe that would broadcast them throughout the mind palace. Because today couldn’t get any worse.
They stepped closer.
Wrong choice.
The last thing they heard was the orbs crashing into the pipe, and then everything went black.
Curiosity ran down the hallway that connected Fear's room to everyone else's. They were visibly smaller, almost a child, and instead of their usual outfit, they were wearing an oversized blue sweater, jeans, and a giant lab coat that dragged along the floor behind them. They were looking back at someone, laughing slightly as they burst through the door.
“Hi Fear! You’re not gonna believe what happened!”
Fear looked down from where he was sitting on a shelf, a small smile on his face as he listened to Curiosity ramble.
“Lies told me and Creativity that we could eat bugs and then we searched it online and the computer said that we could so Creativity made bug candy but then I tried to eat it but the bug was alive so I spat the bug out and the other Creativity screamed so Lies screamed so I screamed and then Joy smashed the bug with a broom because he doesn’t like spiders and so I took a closer look at the spider guts and now I have a pot full of spider guts!”
“...Nice! Please don’t show me!”
Curiosity giggled and climbed onto the desk, nearly falling as they sat on the shelf next to Fear. “You’re really cool, Spooks! You’re my favorite brother!”
“Thanks, Asteroid.” He shrugged and hid his smile behind his hoodie paws.
The two creativities ran in, matching shocked looks on their faces as they made various noises of protest, “We thought we were your favorite brothers!”
“Great, it’s Thing One and Thing Two.”
The two Creativities dissolved into an argument about who was Thing One and who was Thing Two, and as Fear broke up the argument by saying that Green was Thing One and Red was Thing Two, (because stupid, immature humor came before butterflies and rainbows, apparently) Curiosity grinned. There was no place they would rather be.
  Curiosity huddled under their blanket, tears spilling down their face as they listened to the argument happening outside.  
“You can’t stay here, Fear. Listen, I’m sorry, but Thomas needs to be good, and your Paranoia doesn’t help him.  Neither do Lies or Green! You’re making him...you’re making him a b̪͇̣̘̳̝̎͜ḁ̡̻̘ͦ͆ͅd͑͏̝̙̥̻̝͎ ̫͓͖͇ͣ̔̆̚͠p̻͎̯̙̖̾ͯ̍͢e̡̘̲̳͕̊̿rͤ͏̙̗̙̰̰s̵̻̙̒ͣö̥̞̬̲́̉̐̒͠n̻̥̺͉̦͍͍̒̐͌͘!”
“Joy, please! I can help them, we can help them get better! And what about your “Good Sides”? This will destroy Curio, you know they spend all of their time with Lies! And Red loves his brother! You’re just being s̆ͬ͗͑҉̘̣͖̮̬̮̥ͅe̛̞̤̩ͪ̄̄l̮͙̜̟̮̯̗̋͞f̷̞̘͚̥̭ͣ͊į̙̠̦̥̳̟̎͐ͫ̈́s̖̣͍͎̠͛ͯ͌͡ḧ̯̙̖̘ͪ͛ͬ͜ !”
“So I’m the one who’s being   s̆ͬ͗͑҉̘̣͖̮̬̮̥ͅe̛̞̤̩ͪ̄̄l̮͙̜̟̮̯̗̋͞f̷̞̘͚̥̭ͣ͊į̙̠̦̥̳̟̎͐ͫ̈́s̖̣͍͎̠͛ͯ͌͡ḧ̯̙̖̘ͪ͛ͬ͜? At least I’m doing what’s best for T̎ͥ͏͇̬h͉̗̰̲̬̹̽͑̊̉͝ȯ͇̪m̡̭̯̥͒ͫ̽a̤̱͔̜̐̊͞s̛̬̣̲͆͛̎! You’re just  m̛̭͍͔͍̈̀o̵̺̩̣̭̹͚̱͂ñ̰̹ͧ͡s̵̟̪̱̟͉͇̦̎t̩̟͔̯̗̥͋̋̽ͭ͝e̲̘͚ͩ̽͟r̵̲̭͚͎̳͋̒͋  !”
“At least I’m not hurting anyone!”
“You’re not hurting anyone? Oh, right, anyone except T̎ͥ͏͇̬h͉̗̰̲̬̹̽͑̊̉͝ȯ͇̪m̡̭̯̥͒ͫ̽a̤̱͔̜̐̊͞s̛̬̣̲͆͛̎  !”
“I’m not hurting T̎ͥ͏͇̬h͉̗̰̲̬̹̽͑̊̉͝ȯ͇̪m̡̭̯̥͒ͫ̽a̤̱͔̜̐̊͞s̛̬̣̲͆͛̎, I’m helping him, you’re just so close-minded that anything you think is bad has to be gotten rid of! You’re the V̡͈̖̮̰͚̥̂ͭi̵̺͎̠͐̓͑ͯl̢̮͉̗͕̽ͮ̌l̿͑͏̺̙̪̗̙a̡͔̮̦̳̤̠͈ͬ͆̄ị͚̳͈̙̻͊̽͘n̜̩͛̀̄ͅ here!”
“I’m the V̡͈̖̮̰͚̥̂ͭi̵̺͎̠͐̓͑ͯl̢̮͉̗͕̽ͮ̌l̿͑͏̺̙̪̗̙a̡͔̮̦̳̤̠͈ͬ͆̄ị͚̳͈̙̻͊̽͘n̜̩͛̀̄ͅ? At least you look the part!”
They breathed out a small sob, curling in closer to the others. They were all in similar states: Lies was curled up next to them, swiping furiously at his tears with his beanie and muttering angrily, quietly enough that Joy and Fear couldn’t hear him. Green and Red were whispering reassurances as they listened to the second-youngest and the oldest tear apart their family.
It was later that night when Curio heard something. Red had told them that only him, Curio, Lies, and Green knew about the room. But they were all in the room.
So the door shouldn’t be opening.
They stifled a small gasp and slowly, trying to remain in the darkness of the corner, slid under the cabinet, brushing aside all of the fairy lights and blankets they had stored under there. (They were the only one small enough to fit underneath, seeing as the only other one who theoretically could get in presumably didn’t have access to the room.)  
They watched in silent horror as the small figure, one who would have been indiscernible if not for the shine that reflected off the lenses of polka-dotted glasses and the faint pale blue aura that surrounded him, crept towards the pile their brothers were sleeping.  
They watched as the figure leaned in closer to the sides, placing his hands on each of their foreheads.  
They watched as the figure pulled away with four translucent spheres, each of which faintly glowed a bluish-purple color.  
They watched as Patton sent to memories where only he and Curio could- Memory Dump. (Turns out, a few years later Inside Out got the right idea, just made it ten times flashier.)
They watched as Green and Lies were taken.
“Why am I here? What’s going on? Where’s Lies and Green? Where’s Fear?
“Logic, stop it. You aren’t Curiosity anymore, act like it.”
“Just one visit? Please?”
“Logic, I’ve told you time and time again, you can’t visit them! They’ll hurt you, okay? Dark Sides are bad.”
“Please, just. Just leave me alone!”
“Come on Logic, you know that you’re not supposed to act like this. Good children do what they’re told, and besides! You wouldn’t want me to leave, would you? At least I listen.”
“Moral- Dad. Could you please just use my correct pronouns? Once?”
“Oh, of course! You’re such a cool guy, Logic!”
“I’m not a guy.”
“That’s not the point though! You’re so silly, Lolo!”
“I know that we’re getting closer to the other sides, okay Logan? But just remember. I left you with the memories of before for a reason. If you tell anyone else, I’ll take them away. Permanently. Now go bother Virgil.”
“Patton? Virgil? Roman? Do you remember what day it is?”
“Oh, Lolo! Is it clearout day today? I’m so sorry, I promised Roman I would go into the Imagination with him today!”
“O-Of course. That’s all that’s happening today. Yes. I’m going to leave now.”
“Wow, he seemed stressed. Are we sure that we aren’t missing anything? November Third isn’t an important day for anyone, right?”
“I’m sure he’s fine, Virgil. Let’s go.”
Six sides woke up from being knocked out, four with tears in their eyes. One of the other two was faking.
The other stayed asleep, trying desperately to avoid the conversation that was inevitably going to happen.
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Fantastic Flora/Fauna for D&D
D&D games don’t have nearly enough mundane fantasy creatures. Everything needs to either be useful or dangerous for people to care about it! To remedy this, I've created a bunch of fantasy creatures and plants that sprinkle into your campaign to create amazing and slightly alien environments. 
These are inspired by settings like Pandora in Avatar, or the world of the Dark Crystal, where everything seems to teem with movement and sound and luminescence. Most of these creatures and plants are almost entirely harmless but can make a setting unique by inserting just one or two into your world.
Feel free to steal these or let them inspire you to create your own wacky or weird minor plants and animals.
Fantasy Fauna
Balloonfrogs: These frogs inflate pouches in their bodies with air, making themselves rather buoyant. They then leap from trees and spread their large webbed legs and toes to glide through the air. They usually come in bright colors to look like other poisonous frogs, but are actually harmless. Their ability to quickly escape danger is their primary means of avoiding predation.
Cave Barnacle: Cave barnacles can be found in neglected dungeons filled with moisture. They resemble regular barnacles in most ways; clinging to walls and ceilings protected with a hard shell 1-2 inches in diameter. This shell is wider than it is tall and spirals inward towards a central node covered in a hard membrane. The barnacles feed on many things that are considered poisonous or toxic to other creatures. When such a substance floats nearby, they open up their central node and unfurl a frilled fan that twitches in the air to gather the nutrients. Wary adventurers know when cave barnacles are waving their fan it means something dangerous could be in the air. The barnacle’s fan is rather beautiful and comes in bright colors often not visible in the darkness of its home. Some varieties of cave barnacle have a glowing fan.
Floraflies: These insects have many wings and false wings that give them the appearance of a large orchid or other such showy and colorful flower. While at rest, it is nearly indistinguishable from a flower but its true nature can be determined with careful inspection or knowledge of the true flower it mimics. There are many different types of floraflies, each looking like a different flower. Some use their feature to hide from predators while others use it to hide and wait for a pollinating bug to come by. Such floraflies will ambush their prey this way and lay their eggs in them; a gruesome tactic for such a beautiful creature.
Ganglers: These creatures look like large long-leg spiders, but with only three limbs protruding from their fist-sized body. With their legs, they are about 3 feet in diameter when viewed from above. They can climb some sheer walls, but are clumsy and have a hard time on ceilings. Their uneven number of limbs makes them move awkwardly as they scramble away from predators. Despite their slightly scary appearance, they are herbivores and only feed on plants that are common underground and in swamps. They are easily startled by light and will scuttle away from torches or magical light that finds its way into their habitat. The creatures are far from solitary and often gather in colonies ranging from 20 to 100 creatures.
Giant Glow Worm: Like a regular glow worm, these creatures create strands of sticky silk covered in glowing beads of saliva to entrance and ensnare prey. These worms can grow up to one foot in length compared to their smaller counterparts. They feed on Tiny creatures like bats and birds that they catch on their strands, in addition to insects. If a Small or larger creature is caught on a strand, it will usually snap and just stick to the creature causing a mild annoyance. Even if the strand doesn’t break, the worm will know if a creature is too big for it to eat by the vibrations on the silk, and will stay put if it’s too large.
Lightsteel Mites: These insects are very tiny, enough to drift through the air on the slightest breeze. They cling to dungeon and cave walls and eat dust particles. They are a relatively unassuming creature until they come into contact with metals. The mites produce a natural light when touched by a conductor. This light comes in a variety of colors but tends to be one color in particular regions. The mites are only really noticeable when they gather in large colonies and drift onto creatures to feast on the dust covering them. Creatures wearing armor or wielding unsheathed weapons while covered in large numbers of lightsteel mites shed dim light in a 10-foot radius. Trying to wipe away the mites squishes them and spreads their light-shedding blood over the surface they were on. This doesn’t put out the light. The only sure way to get them off and prevent their light is by washing them off with water.
Magma Slug: This 8-10 inch creature looks like a sea slug glowing orange like a candle. It has red frilly feelers going down its back that seem to sway back and forth as it creeps its way along. It can cling to sheer surfaces unless they are slippery with liquid like water or oil. The slug eats iron that it heats up within its body, giving off its orange glow. When frightened, it expels the smelted contents of its stomach quickly, leaving a small red-hot ingot of steel behind. While its predators go after the glowing iron waste, it crawls away, no longer glowing until it eats more iron to digest. The slug dwells in subterranean areas and can survive in an around volcanoes. The creature is immune to fire damage and touching one deals 1 fire damage with each round of contact. Magma slugs do not gather in large groups unless it has no natural predators nearby. Salamanders and other fire creatures prefer their taste.
Marble Glob: These 2-foot diameter oozes look like they are made of polished marble with shifting veins of color including black, white, gray, red, or gray-green depending on its diet. That diet consists of stone and minerals that it breaks down with its unique acid. This acid does not harm organic material, but it is so weak that the glob has little use for industrious creatures. It takes days to eat through even an inch of stone. The glob is harmless and slow-moving, but many of them beneath a foundation can serve a threat to its structure.
Mortar Worm: A mortar worm is an 8-inch long worm only an inch in diameter. It isn’t a particularly remarkable creature, only colored in russet brown. However, it creates spectacular designs. The mortar worm feeds on stone and excretes a natural mortar as waste. As it travels along cavern and dungeon walls, floors, and ceilings, it creates tunnels and ribs in the stone. With enough worms and enough time, the area can take on the porous looking texture of sponge or dried coral, despite actually being made of natural cement.
Prismapods: These creatures look like enlarged pill bugs, about one foot in length. They have the distinctive feature of changing the color of the exoskeleton on their back to match their surroundings. When frightened or when trying to attract a mate, the isopods instead create vibrant colors that alternate down their back segments like a rainbow. These colors glow, producing dim light out to a mere 5 feet. Prismapods live in woodlands in and around fallen trees; the bigger the better. They eat the wood as it decays, leaving trails in the wood that look like they could have been caused by worms.
Skyswimmer Eels: Often found in jungles with moist and warm climates, skyswimmer eels look like flat wavy ribbons undulating up and down as they fly through the trees below the canopy. They range from white to pale blue in color and can reach up to 10 feet long. Their main body is about 4 inches wide and 1 inch high, with the rest of their apparent form comprised of 2 fins that span their body’s length, each extending out to 10 inches. At rest, they cling to trees with their bodies spiraling down the trunk’s length. Some varieties can change color to blend in with trees and leaves, and others have spined rays on their fins. Jungle denizens hunt these beautiful creatures and adorn their clothes with their colorful fins. Other cultures consider the creatures sacred and consider slaying them taboo.
Sleep Geckos: This tiny pink and purple gecko’s skin is poisonous to smaller predators, but to humanoids it is not potent enough to cause harm. However, the poison is a mild anesthetic for them, and can cause mild numbness and drowsiness in Small or Medium creatures. Those that are aware of these properties can gain advantage on Wisdom (Medicine) checks to treat painful wounds. Those who come into contact with the poison must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or gain disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks for 10 minutes. Tiny or smaller creatures that fail this saving throw instead take 2d4 poison damage and fall unconscious for 1 hour.
Spectral Terrazoa: This creature looks like a translucent, glowing hydrozoa about the size of one’s fist that roams dark wilderness regions rather than the water. Although called spectral, the terrazoa are quite corporeal albeit ghostly-looking. The creature feeds on airborne nutrients spread by other plants, using its thin tendrils to draw them into its mouth. Spectral terrazoa gather in clusters wherever the air is dense with pollen or fertile scents, slowly climbing trees and boulders to get the best position. They do have a poisonous sting, so they are not entirely harmless, but it only deals 1 poison damage to creatures that touch it. Spectral terrazoa shed dim light out to 10 feet.
Starbugs: These beetles create globes of saliva that they fill with air, then they seal them off and get carried away by the slightest breeze. Starbugs are far from subtle. They can also glow like a firefly. This gives off some heat and lets their saliva-sphere float with a bit of control. The light fills the globe like a lantern, making it seem like a will-o-the-wisp from afar. These creatures inhabit dusky swamps and use their odd form of locomotion to find suitable mates and avoid waterborne predators in the swampy waters where they lay eggs.
Tile Scuttler: Tile scuttlers are land-dwelling crustaceans or possibly insects that dig beneath tiles and stones in subterranean dungeons, hiding beneath them much like a hermit crab hides in a discarded shell. Tile scuttlers can get fairly large, about 5-6 feet in width and length but only about 2 feet tall. They have many powerful legs to hold up the stone that rests on its back, and usually the weight of a Medium creature that stands upon it. Their claws and mouth are too small to do significant damage, using them to feed on insects, small particles, or even tiny vermin. The scuttlers can feel creatures approaching using tremorsense, out to about 15 feet. It tries to hide form larger creatures, but if someone steps on it the scuttler will lift it up and try to move away. In moist places with lots of nutrients, a whole colony can gather in a dungeon’s room, causing an unsettling but usually harmless encounter for adventurers.
Fantasy Flora
Brushgrass: Brushgrass looks like natural grass with frilled tips that grow up to 4 feet in height. They have a peculiar tendency to be attracted to movement and will brush up onto creatures moving near it. Some believe it is to help spread their seeds or to pick up pollen from passing creatures. It is otherwise harmless.
Coilies: This plant looks like a simple, albeit large, teal fern that curls up when creatures come within 5 feet of them. They stay coiled for about 30 minutes, making it easy to tell if a creature has passed by recently.
Dancing Lilies: These white flowers dangle from thin vines that hang from tall trees. Their petals are narrow then fan outward and flop under their weight. The lilies compress their vines to rise and fall to catch sun peeking through the canopy, which often gives them the appearance of dancing.
Dice Plant: The dice plant is an unassuming leafy weed that creates a large, translucent blue seed pod filled largely with air and large loose seeds. When creatures come close to it, the plant shakes to rattle the pod to scare them away, making a sound like dice being shaken in a cup. The plant is otherwise unremarkable.
Fairy Nest: This large flower is about 6 inches in diameter and has yellow or white petals with dark speckles. Its unusual feature is the translucent bright vermilion spheres at the center of the flower that it holds like a cup. These spheres are as small as beads and resemble caviar. The flower is named for these “fairy eggs,” despite the fact that no known fey actually lays eggs. The spheres contain seeds, and creatures that eat them are sure to spread them somewhere. The spheres are rubbery and both taste and smell awful. Strangely enough, orc and half-orc pallets actually enjoy the stuff.
Filigree Plant: The filigree plant has evolved to look like stone, steel, or precious metals despite being as soft and delicate as a regular flowers and leaves. They do so mainly to avoid notice by herbivores that wish to end their long lives. They tend to thrive in man-made dungeons where they simply look like a part of the architecture. When they need to spread seeds, they produce brightly colored fruit that eventually drops to the ground to be eaten by creatures. The fruit is not poisonous and is considered a rare delicacy, so adventurers that find a piece of floral masonry sprouting fruit would best grab it and sell it to the local fruit merchant.
Fountain Coral: This coral has evolved to survive on coasts and strangely above the water. Although made of a colony of hundreds of smaller yellow and pink creatures, its main structure looks like a cluster of seven or so 3-4 foot tubes standing vertically out of the water. As long as it rises out from a reliable source of water filled with nutrients, it can survive by drawing the water up through its tubed form and squirting it out the top of its tube. This method of feeding gives the fountain coral its name. Some are constantly spitting water, while others do so intermittently. Dead fountain coral no longer does squirts water and turns white and hard as stone. Some intelligent creatures use dead fountain coral as natural tubing over short distances.
Rolling Mossball: This creature ranges from 3 to 6 inches in diameter and is made of soft green scraggly plantlife. The mossball’s main form of locomotion is rolling by spinning a water-filled plant organ in the center of its form. It tumbles along the ground, seeking puddles or other bodies of water to rest in or deposit seeds. It is easily startled and its first instinct is to flee. Dead mossballs turn brown and dry out, and are often picked up by gusts of wind.
Shy Ladies: These large plants have giant, 4-foot petals that come in reds, pinks, and violets. When a creature comes within 20 feet of the plant, it curls up its petals into a 4-foot tall, half-foot thin green-white column curving under its own weight. Fey creatures seem to be able to not cause shy ladies to hide their petals, so sprites and other small fey tend to hide their treasures within their petals.
Windstrands: This plant is a vine with red arrowhead-shaped leaves that are always twisted and wavy. Windstrands grow on trees and boulders in hilly or mountainous regions where it can get lots of wind at its height. Without sensing any wind, its seeds simply refuse to grow. The reason for this is how it spreads its seeds: the vine grows several maroon pods that burst in autumn. Inside the pod is a thin, 2-foot long black strand with white puffs at regular intervals. The puffs are like dandelion seeds and separate from the strand when caught by a strong enough wind. Then they float away to grow elsewhere. When the season is right, these puffed strands can be seen waving off of the vines while more white puffs linger in the winds like cherry blossoms.
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namelists · 5 years
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a list of names inspired by: gemstones & crystals
this list includes gemstone names, jewel-inspired names, and the symbolism and meaning behind each one
Amber: honey-coloured fossilized tree resin, known once as drops of the sun
option: Ambra
Amethyst: deep violet birthstone for February, known for providing protection and clear-headedness
option: Ametista
Ametrine: a mix of amethyst and citrine, balances masculine/feminine energy
options: Ametrina, Ametri
Ammolite: opalescent shells of marine fossils, known to bring luck and prosperity
options: Ammolita, Amoli
Aquamarine: the birthstone for March, clear blue stone, once known as the treasure of mermaids, protects those who travel by water
Aventurine: a soothing deep green quartz, translucent and shimmering with deposits of mica
option: Aventura, Venturina
Azurite: vibrant, lustrous deep blue, used in many cultures as a potent psychic stone
options: Azurita, Azure
Beryl: a rare ice-blue crystal, inspired the word ‘brilliance’
options: Berilo, Berylla
Carnelian: bright, optimistic orange, known to enhance expression and creativity
option: Carneline, Karneol
Chalcedony: a dark smoky blue stone, instills feelings of benevolence and brotherhood
options: Chalcedon, Calcendonia, Calcedonio
Chrysocolla: an opaque stone in the colours of a tropical ocean, known to enhance analytical thinking and communication
Citrine: a birthstone option for November, sparkling yellow crystal, from the french word for ‘lemon’, emanates positivity and joy
options: Citrina, Citrino
Crystal: derived from the Greek word for ‘ice’, inspires healing and clarity
Diamond: April’s birthstone, a brilliant, dazzling stone known for its beauty and strength
Emerald: birthstone for May, a bright, joyful green gem known as ‘the stone of successful love’
options: Emeraude, Esmeralda
Garnet: the birthstone of January, found in a rainbow of colours, known to promote safety and strength
Gemma: a precious stone, a jewel
Jade: a pale green stone, promotes loving heart energy
options: Giada, Jada, Jaden
Jasper: a smooth, warm-coloured gem, enhances energy, stamina and endurance
Jewel: a precious stone, a gem
options: Bijou (french), Gioiello (italian), Jóia (portuguese), Vito (swahili)
Kyanite: a pale grey-blue crystal known to enhance truth-telling, communication and clarity
options: Kya, Kyan
Larimar: soft, soothing blue and white stone, represents peace and harmony
options: Larima, Lorimara
Lazuli: deep, celestial blue stone, a symbol of royalty and honor, gods and power, spirit and vision
Malachite: deep green stone of transformation, manifestation and intention:
option: Malachi
Onyx: a powerful protection stone, black onyx absorbs and transforms negative energy
Opal: October’s birthstone, called the ‘eye stone’, looks like lightning hit a rainbow, brilliant and magical
Pearl: lustrous white spheres, the birthstone for June, name is synonymous with great rarity and worth
options: Perla (spanish), Margarita (latin), Rita
Peridot: August birthstone, an olivine crystal of positive power
options: Perrie, Dot
Ruby: a perfect-red crystal, the stone of love, energy, passion, power, and a zest for life
option: Rubino
Sapphire: the birthstone of September, known as the wisdom stone
options: Zafiro (spanish), Sapphira
Trystine:  a mix of amethyst and citrine, balances masculine/feminine energy
options: Trystin, Trystina
Topaz: the birthstone of November, a symbol of love and affection, and has been said to be an aid to ones sweetness and disposition
Tourmaline: another October birthstone, ranging from black to green and pink, was thought to bring healing powers to a shaman or medicine man
options: Tourmalina (italian), Tourmali
Zircon: a misunderstood gemstone, a birthstone option for December, found in a variety of colours, known to purify negative energy and bring happiness
option: Zirconia, Circonia (spanish)
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ohvalleyofplentyyy · 5 years
Life, Death, and Between
100 Followers Celebration One-Shot
A/N: Thank you so much for the love and support! I will be posting chapters to Chamomile and Merlin’s Blood soon but wanted to make something special for this milestone :) 
p.s, i’ve linked specific words like flowers and outfits so you can see what i was picturing if you want or if you don't know what a specific flower is :)
male reader insert here!
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Life, Death and Between
“Jasky Baby! Geraaaaaaaaaaalt! Get up!” 
You yelled running up the stairs of your cottage with a newfound spring in your step. The boys were both snug in the two beds you had set up in the attic once you figured they would be staying for a while.
You lived right at the bottom of a huge mountain that was surrounded by a very dense forest, how these two idiots were able to stumble upon your home in the middle of the night three years ago still befuddled you.  
You pulled the blankets off the musician first, then the giant monster hunter and finally ripped open the curtains, letting light stream in.
 Jaskier moaned and put his pillow over his head to shield his eyes. “Y/N, why are you doing this to me?!” He whined.
“Come on! You have to get out of bed and see this!” You said excitedly. Geralt slowly sat up and watched as you ran amok through the room, throwing clothes at them trying to speed up the process.
He chuckled and eventually got out of bed, grabbing the pillow off of Jaskier and whacking him with it. “Come on, we better go before she decides to roll  you out of bed through the window.”
Once the boys were fully dressed (though Jaskier’s shirt was buttoned through the wrong holes making it crumple a bit at the bottom) you ran down the staircase and zipped out the door. “What’s up with her?” The bard mumbled, trying to tame the creature that was his hair.
They came ou the front door and you appeared in front of them wearing a flower crown made up of daisies, baby’s breath, and pink kinnikinnick.
 In your hands were two extra flower crowns that you quickly placed on the boy’s heads and then motioned for them to follow. The two followed you until you stopped at a small body of water that a waterfall ran into from the mountain.
It was a sight to behold.
The water was a serene blue, and the light danced upon it like stars in the night sky. Small water Nymphs skittered on the surface, moving what appeared to be small boats to the center of the pond. These boats were made of wood branches, large leaves and some were mushrooms flipped over.
 But the best part about them was the fairies sitting in them.
All at once, fairies seemed to appear at the pond. So many colors and types, some wore petal clothes and others wore nothing. Wings varied in size, ranging from the size of Geralt’s hand to nail on your pinky.
The three of you watched in awe as a special ceremony was performed on the water. The fairies lined up in two rows on each side, making a pathway from the edge of the pond to the center. In the center, the boats had been enchanted and now floated in the air, sparkles of the pixie dust making them shimmer in the light.
Then all the chattering from the fairies ceased and they turned to the water's edge and watched the treeline as something emerged. It appeared to be a floating carriage made from an old bird nest and flowers. Sitting in this carriage was the most ethereal fairy you had ever seen. She had long flowing lilac hair that flowers were embedded into.
Her dress was made of rose petals, mostly white, sans the bottom hem that was purple tulip petals. It trailed over the carriage side it was so long, making it appear like a wedding veil, floating behind a bride.
 Her wings though were the most gorgeous you had ever laid eyes on, they weren’t very large, about the length of your palm to your index finger. But they seemed to be translucent, the only way you would know they were there is if the light reflected through them, creating a small rainbow effect on the other side.
Once at the edge of the pond, faint music started to play, you looked over to the source and saw several fairies with miniature versions of violins, lutes, and a flute. As the queen of the fairies crossed over the water, the others started to bow as she passed. You immediately did as well when she glanced over to the three of you. Geralt slowly bowed his head and Jaskier did a full bow when you tugged on his tunic.
The band of fairies died out as the queen flew up from the carriage. In a somber voice, you heard her speak.
“Thank you all for coming today, this ceremony has been long overdue since many have treated our kind unfairly, we have had no reason to have it. But now, a true friend has stepped forward and offered their unconditional love to us. It is with great honor that I present our new Guardian of the Forest.”
Jaskier whispered to Geralt, “Do you know who it is?” With a small smile, Geralt answered. “Yes, I do.”
 This greatly intrigued you, so you bent over, “Who is it then?” Geralt made a motion to look forward.
There were two small fairies in front of you, one of them lime green and the other an ivory color. They both wore white tulip tunics and were holding a long shawl out. It was very thin and resembled the queen’s wings. There were small symbols etched into the edge all around it with pixie dust.
“It’s you.”
You watched in awe as the fairies draped the shawl over your shoulders and led you to the edge of the water where the pathway of fairies floated. You took a step into the water, the sweet cold tickling your bare feet and soaking the bottom of your skirt. But it did not matter, as you walked down the path of magical creatures.
You noticed others that had come to watch the ceremony. Some deer with on the opposite side of the pond, small hummingbirds flitted to a branch overlooking the water. Even butterflies flew around, watching the scene unfold.
Once at the center of the pond, the queen flew down to you and bowed her head.
“Thank you for always doing what is best for the forest. Your caring nature has shown us that there are still humans worthy of knowing our powers. You shower us with loyalty and never ask for anything in return, only a friendship. Now that you have proven yourself to be a true friend, it is with great honor that I bestow you, Guardian of the Forest and Creatures.”
With a wave of her hand, a flower crown made of twine, lavender, baby’s breath, poppies, and everlasting floated over and took the place of your other crown that two fairies took off your head. Then, with a kiss to your forehead, magic flourished.
You fell into a small slumber as Geralt and Jaskier watched in awe as you were lifted by magic from the water. The fairies flew upwards and circled around you, dancing and singing a magical chant.
Oh, our Guardian,
Protector of all
Loves and cherishes
Anything big or small.
Oh, our Guardian
Whom we adore
Let us celebrate
This moment they are reborn.
As they sang, the water rose from the pond and encased you in a sphere of magic. Lights flashed through it and sparks of pixie dust sprinkled down from the circle. It was like fireworks were going off inside this magical womb made from the water. 
The faires chanted and sang until the water started to tremor and then bursted out in every direction.
Light flooded the area, coming from you then simmered down. Gently, you were lowered down to the pond’s surface, only this time, you were able to stand on the top and not sink through. Your once wet clothing was now replaced with a new outfit.
The fabric flowed down your body like ripples of water. It was a white dress that had puffed flowing long sleeves that stopped at your wrist and moved in the wind. The bodice came up and around your neck, various designs in lace and jewels coating the front. It went down from your waist to the water, the trail behind it sitting atop the water just as you were.
You now had small baby’s breath woven into the braided crown of hair. The braids seemed to hold with no ties or lacing, only the sparkle of magic showed beneath the sun's rays.
But was most awe-inspiring, were the new wings that adorned your back.
Beautiful blue morpho wings now fluttered out from behind you, stretching and glistening in the light. It was surreal, you touched the wings as they curled around you, now another piece of your body and mind. 
The queen smiled at you. “Thank you so much for trusting in me.” You said to her. You brought your hand up to her and she hugged it, making you grin.
“Y/N!!! Y/N!!” When you turned, you saw Jaskier jumping up and down on the side of the water, Geralt smacking him up the back of the head when heads turned to see the commotion as the bard quite reasonably freaked out.
“You may go to them, you are now the bridge between the fae world and humans.” With one last smile to the queen, you walked on the water’s surface until you stepped foot on land. Jaskier bounded over to you followed by a fast walking Geralt.
You floated a few feet off the ground and spun for them. “Well, what do you think?” The bard gasped, “You, you! You’re a spirit now! You, you, you have wings!!!!!” He spoke very quickly, trying to process his thoughts and emotions on what had just conspired.
As you lowered to the floor, Geralt took your hand and gave it a small kiss on the back of it and then did an elegant bow in front of you. “She’s the Guardian of the Forest, not a spirit you idiot. We wouldn’t be able to see her if she was.”
You chuckled, “I can see so many things now that the human eye cannot, the world is so beautiful! There are so many lives that we cannot see with the naked eyes, it’s amazing.”
Jaskier walked around you and trailed a finger down your left wing, “Well, if anyone was going to watch over the forest it would definitely be you. You spend every day tending to nature and it’s inhabitants.”
 “Including us.” Geralt added, leaning against a tree.
With a wave of your hand, the train of the dress hooked to the back of your waist and you took each of your friend’s hands, walking back to the cottage.
 As you walked, Jaskier asked questions. “Will this change everything? Will you leave and live in the forest? What happens now?”
“Oh Jaskier, I’m not going anywhere. I’m the bridge between fae creatures and humans remember? I’ll always be here for you, now I just have a broader approach to the world around us and some added abilities. I understand that I will have to live up to my title as Guardian and sometimes leave to protect the creatures I love, but I’ll never be gone forever. I’ll always come back to my dearest friends... if they want me too.”
Geralt put an arm around you, “Of course we want you to.” 
You gasped, “Is the great Geralt of Rivia saying that he wants me around? Gee Jasky, did he wake up this morning feeling ill? This is very peculiar for a Witcher…”
Jaskier threw back his head and laughed, Geralt just shook his and smiled.
Then you got a bright idea, “Hey, now that I’m not just another damsel in distress for Geralt to protect on journeys like Jaskier—“ “Hey!” “—maybe I can come with you guys when you leave for adventures!”
“Are you sure that would be safe Y/N?” The Witcher asked. You nodded, “I think that maybe the fates led us to each other because they knew we would be able to help each other. It’s destiny!” Geralt groaned, “Don't say that word.”
You nudged him with your shoulder, “I’m not such a bad destiny to have am I?”
“No Y/N, you’re the best destiny to have.”
With that, the three friends walked through the forest, back to your cottage. 
Some say that many songs were created that day, the day Life and Death and Between came to be friends for eternity.
Toss a coin to your Witcher
O’Valley of Plenty
O’Valley of Plenty
The tales of three are whispered
In the dead of night
As Life and Death, became friends
And joined the quest to fight.
To save mankind from its horrid greed
Greatest of friends, and seldom foes
A human also accompanied thee.
Toss a coin to your Witcher
O’Valley of Plenty
O’Valley of Plenty
And a friend to the Guardian of humanity.
tag yourself for future writings here
tags: @stretchkingblog97​  @alienemilyyyy​  @angelic-kisses13​  @alwayshave-faith​  @holyhumorliteraturelight​  @emilyhuynhhh @holychic​ 
bolded are tags that didn’t work.
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Trinkets, 35: Interesting baubles, semi magical objects and items touched by mystery.
A mostly full bottle of whisky on which the label has been crossed out with ink and under it is scrawled “Potion of Emotional Healing”.
A silver pocket watch as thick and round as a pomegranate that makes a sound like a bag of coins when moved. The delicate crystal face is shattered, and tiny gears and wheels skitter and jumble randomly within the interior.  
A masterfully executed painting depicting the aftermath of a horrific battle; pain and fear radiates from every living face. In the lower left corner is a familiar signature.
A strange, tiny inkwell, barely large enough to contain more than a few drops of ink, with a pointed, small-diameter needle protruding from its bottom. The needle, if embedded in one's flesh, causes the pot to well with waiting red.
A steel collar set with a coin sized medallion of rare, red flecked obsidian at the front of it. The stone is inscribe with a Necromantic rebuke.
A set of bongos made of elephant hide stretched over alder.
A scrap of paper that says, “Thank you for dealing with this ‘person.’ For a reward, please visit the Dancing Diva Festhall.” Under those words is a smudged, bright red lip imprint.
A marvelous lute of light, tastefully inlaid wood with a slender, engraved neck. The instrument's wood seems to sing on its own, its strings almost alive with wonderful tonality.
A pair of earrings, with red garnet cabochons, rounded on one side, flat on the other, shining prettily.
A hawthorn walking stick. The end stained with mud, and worn from use from walking through cities, deserts, moors, up mountains, and from being used to pry open many windows, and doors.
—Keep reading for 90 more trinkets.
—Note: The previous 10 items are repeated for easier rolling on a d100.
A mostly full bottle of whisky on which the label has been crossed out with ink and under it is scrawled “Potion of Emotional Healing”.
A silver pocket watch as thick and round as a pomegranate that makes a sound like a bag of coins when moved. The delicate crystal face is shattered, and tiny gears and wheels skitter and jumble randomly within the interior.  
A masterfully executed painting depicting the aftermath of a horrific battle; pain and fear radiates from every living face. In the lower left corner is a familiar signature.
A strange, tiny inkpot, barely large enough to contain more than a few drops of ink, with a pointed, small-diameter needle protruding from its bottom. The needle, if embedded in one's flesh, causes the pot to well with waiting red.
A steel collar set with a coin sized medallion of rare, red flecked obsidian at the front of it. The stone is inscribe with a Necromantic rebuke.
A set of bongos made of elephant hide stretched over alder.
A scrap of paper that says, “Thank you for dealing with this ‘person.’ For a reward, please visit the Dancing Diva Festhall.” Under those words is a smudged, bright red lip imprint.
A marvellous lute of light, tastefully inlaid wood with a slender, engraved neck. The instrument's wood seems to sing on its own, its strings almost alive with wonderful tonality.
A pair of earrings, with red garnet cabochons, rounded on one side, flat on the other, shining prettily.
A hawthorn walking stick. The end stained with mud, and worn from use from walking through cities, deserts, moors, up mountains, and from being used to pry open many windows, and doors.
A beautifully polished obsidian carving shaped into a jaguar skull. Those that touch it feel a deep connection to the animal world and the earth itself.
A palm-sized gem wrapped in rune-embroidered cloth that glows with an inner radiance.
A small sliver of crystal that is completely translucent, although it flickers with a weak glow when held by a living creature.
Reveler's mug: A large horn mug that cannot be turned upside down while containing liquid. If one attempts to do so, the mug changes shape in their hands so that it does not spill.
A razor sharp hunting knife with a gut hook.
Beauticians clippers: Once per day the bearer can use the clippers to cause finger or toenails grow as if a month had gone by allowing damaged nails to be trimmed and cleaned much easier.
A pair of padded greaves, back-stitched in a diamond pattern that provides maximum flexibility without diminishing the effectiveness of the leg protection. A pair of buckled straps on the back side fasten the padded greaves while allowing some adjustment of the fit.
A broken lump of dark gray rock that shimmers like a rainbow along its jagged surfaces. Knowledgeable PC's can identify the mineral as titanium quartz.
A palm-sized stone, flat and ellipsoidal, made from roughly hewn marble. In the centre is a slight indentation, polished mirror smooth from countless thumbs rubbing circles over the years. Some creatures who uses the worry stone claim that catching their own reflection in this divot brings a sense of serenity and peace of mind.
A fist sized glass orb filled with scintillating colours and pinpoints of light swirling in a nebula.
A well-made backpack that appears to be well used, and quite ordinary. It is constructed of finely tanned leather, and the straps have brass hardware and buckles. It has two side pouches, each of which appears large enough to hold about a quart of material.
A vibrantly coloured mask, made from the feathers of a variety of rare and beautiful songbirds.
A scroll case containing a scroll scribed with an unfinished spell.
A broken sword hilt with strange runes on the remains of the blade.
A small piece of fabric that holds the scent of a lost love.
A rock with a patch of curious purple moss that occasionally puffs out hallucinogenic spores.
A rough bone carving of a golden dragon and a kobold, etched into the bottom is a name in Draconic: ''Vimrul''.
A curved warhorn bearing engravings of armed men on horseback, charging into battle.
An elaborately braided bicorne made of rich blue felt, embroidered with golden thread. It has a showy badge called a cockade, proclaiming nationality, faith, family crest, and the like.
A small, elaborately carved silver tube is designed to hold a single piece of chalk.
A translucent and oddly shaped prism that seems to fade in and out of existence when seen in daylight.
A black silk robe embroidered with adamantine thread in an elegant waterfall pattern.
A fancy choker made of barbs and black webbing, with nine gray spheres depending from it. Knowledgeable PC's are aware that the decoration is considered high fashion for drow priestesses.
A small wooden case containing a gaming set known as Mazes & Manticores. Inside is a wide variety of items. Maps of made-up continents and cities, sets of polyhedral dice in a variety of colours, quill pens, "Character Sheets", and a set of large books talking about "XP" and "Levels".
A glassy charm in the shape of a moon, with many claw and tooth marks.
An intricately made harp, inlaid with several glassy gray gemstones of various types.
An ivory disk engraved with an image of a grinning skull and inlaid with black enamel to form a shield-shaped background.
A scarlet sash woven of fine red thread and delicate gold wire.
An elaborate, high-necked bustier laced and lined with black silk and adorned with sapphires and beljurils.
A mask, made of a beaten copper-mithril alloy and set with a constellation of seven variegated semi-previous stones, is made to cover the right half on an individual's face. A set of three chains circle round the back of the head and fasten the mask by resting over the cheekbone, the bridge of the nose, and the chin. Any creature wearing the mask feels a sleight tingling sensation in the skin it touches, and has the sensation that he sees sharper, more precise details with the eye looking through the eye hole.
A finger-sized shard of blue crystal that's constantly shedding flakes and chips of crystal without ever getting smaller.
A curved staff made of coiled brass and glass wire.
A cluster of translucent green roughly hexagonal crystals covering the surface of a dark green speckled stone. Knowledgeable PC's can identify the mineral as emerald.
A joyfully coloured terracotta rattle with a skull motif subtly woven into the pattern of hues.
A rattle shaped like the skull of a horned creature. Dried blood adds a macabre touch to the horns.
A small and lightweight wooden whistle. Lazily carved, the instrument features a single finger hole to alter its pitch. A childlike carving of a bird has been hewn heavy-handedly into the whistle’s foot. When putting the reed to your lips and forcing a small puff of air through it, a tuneless squawk sets everyone on edge.
A silken veil that glistens in strange colours, like oil on water.
A transparent glass polyhedron about the size of a human fist. Light passing through it tends to blend into white, and to magnify, so that when in the open it glows with pure white bubbles of light.
A three foot tall chalice carved in the shape of an open mawed dragon resting on its curled tail. It is made from petrified dragon bone of mottled purple and blood red hues. It is worked with sharp, horny and scaly looking protrusions that one can quite easily cut themselves on.
A half-mask like one worn to a masquerade party, but the bottom edge has numerous sharp-looking catlike teeth.
A wax paper packet filled with dried rose petals.
A glass hookah with a cap made of gold, its hose of tightly woven silk, and its mouth piece is cunningly carved from a piece of amber that contains an entire tiny scorpion. Even when the hookah is not lit, the interior of its glass body is hazy, as if with smoke.
A flask made of a metal that resembles a light gold with a curious dark iridescence tinting its lustre. The container is cast with a face on four sides, each bearing a different expression. Their eyes glow with a bloody purple light.
A swirling purple gem that if pressed against the forehead and held there for a few seconds, will then float in front of the bearer’s forehead until he is slain or removes it. While the gems floats around the head, the bearer feels a sense of clarity and foresight.
A forgery kit that contains a variety of papers, parchments, pens and inks, seals, sealing wax, gold and silver leaf, and other supplies necessary to create convincing forgeries of physical documents.
A forest of tiny bright red crystals emerging from an uneven brown stone that resembles soil. Knowledgeable PC's can identify the mineral as crocoite.
A crude wicker doll whose bead eyes glitter in any available light.
A polished marble model of a human heart, nearly the size of a human heart. Although it looks like a single solid piece, it weighs next to nothing.
A convoluted system of brass tubes and dials containing several lenses and polished mirrors. Peering into one end reveals that the entire system does nothing to change what you see through the tube.
A small, inverted L-shaped machine with a hand crank on one end. The crank seems to power a rather intricate system on the other end consisting of several delicate metal plates and a tiny needle.
A shimmering, clean yellow robe made of the lightest silk. Runes skitter across it and vanish. It smells of musk and roses.
A simple razor blade, used for shaving, resting on a pile of ash. A single drop of fresh blood marrs the perfect sheen of the blade.
A damaged ebony case containing a masterful set of pearl and onyx engraving tools in extreme disrepair.
An intricately articulated wooden figure of a multi-headed dog covered in a mouldy gray fur.
An extraordinarily fine miniature saddle, as though for a small dog, worked in supple leather and decorated with gold and silver thread.
A once-beautiful golden clasp, as for a ladies’ travelling cloak. The shape has been bent and distorted and now resembles a sneering face.
A pale gray, formless sculpture. While nothing about the piece gives the impression of movement, you get the vague impression that it has shifted every time you look away.
A small blue glass butterfly attached to a barrette. When the clip is opened, the butterfly stirs and gently flaps its wings.
A plain iron goblet with a cracked rim. It is filled to the brim with a frothy, clear amber substance that resembles a freshly poured lager frozen in place.
A set of fancifully etched translucent yellow wineglasses that flash brilliant fluorescent green when they catch the sun.
A truly ancient clay jug, stoppered with cork and wax. The lower half is caked with dried mud and the upper half is covered in salt and barnacles.
A glass globe that has a winged being dancing on the head of a pin within it.
A padded metal case filled with a hundred tiny figurines depicting warriors of various races, all obviously hand assembled and painted with great care. A half-painted kobold figure on top is especially well-sculpted.
A tortoise shell table snuff-box set with six crow feet.
A funeral urn made of fine porcelain some two feet high.
A slim, blown-glass bottle filled with a shimmering golden liquid. The bottle is sealed with a cork and wax, and the label is hand-written in a language you do not recognize. The fraction 1/500 is neatly penned in the bottom right corner.
A teak camphor chest with grinning, demented angelic handles.
A large stone needle carved with figures running from a pyramid with a single eye floating above it; the eye is made from obsidian and set with a ruby centre.
A funeral urn sealed with a stopper depicting a golden-haired jackal.
An ebony statuette of a sphinx with three faces.
A matte black sphere studded with a thousand tiny gemstones, many of them in the shape of recognizable constellations in reverse. The entire thing twinkles as though it contains a small flame.
A sun token made of pure gold with dried leather headdress fittings still hanging from it.  
An ankh made of carved human bone.
A bronze incense burner with an ibex figure with a human female body.
A single gold earring fashioned to represent a man being eaten by a crocodile.
A travel pouch made of an elephant’s ear.
A shoulder bag of great age with ornate decorations made from human finger bones.
A collection of human lower jaws made into bracelets.
A deeply flawed, translucent blood red cube buried deep within a black stone covered in white calcification that vaguely resemble snowflakes. Knowledgeable PC's can identify the mineral as garnet.
A set of juggling balls made from dried lamb heads.
A pair of fancy earrings in the shape of swarming hornets.
A tin case containing a dozen small purple sugar balls that taste like the hottest and sweetest bit of delight you’ve ever had.
A hand fan made of stretched aquatic elf skin decorated in horn and painted with animal scenes of hunger.
A bone and silver corkscrew on a leather thong hung with rabbit’s feet.
Automatic Whetstone: A small  unremarkable whetstone that never wears out and when touched to a dull edge and let go, starts sharpening it automatically. The whetstone stops and falls to the ground when the edge has been sharpened to perfection.
A piece of cloth written with a short prophecy.
A ludicrously flamboyant, oversized hat with a dull metal disk affixed to the front. The hat reads the wearer's emotional state and displays images on the disk to match; an exclamation mark when surprised, a smiling face when happy, a frowning face when angry, and so forth. When the wearer is really angry or frustrated, in addition to displaying an appropriate face on the disk, the hat causes jets of steam to issue from the wearer's ears, accompanied by a whistling noise.
A battered old longcoat that reeks of alcohol and ash.
A clear glass hemisphere containing an arrangement of perfectly preserved rose petals in the shape of a heart.
A leather wallet containing a full set of certified identification papers denoting that the bearer is a monk of a local monastery who has taken a vow of silence. The papers also include a list of questions people typically ask along with the answers for them so the bearer does not have to speak while still remaining polite. The section containing the monk's physical description (Height, weight, sex, race, eye, skin and hair colour) is completely blank and could be filled in by anyone with half decent handwriting.
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wisdomfish · 4 years
The Leibnizian Cosmological Argument.” Premise number 1...
1- Everything that exists has an explanation of its existence — either in the necessity of its own nature or in an external cause.
What about the first premise? Is it true or probably true?
Some committed atheists contend that while this is true of everything else, the universe is different. They go on to deny this first premise by saying things like, “the universe just exists without an explanation and there is no explanation needed!”
William Lane Craig offers a fantastic thought experiment demonstrating the absurdity of such a response. Imagine that you are on a hiking trip in the Colorado Rocky Mountains with a friend who happens to be a scientist. While on your journey you look at the trees, the rushing river, and the mountain peaks. You survey the boulders along the trail, the chipmunks scurrying by your hiking boots, and the birds soaring high above. You marvel at the mist in the air and the colorful rainbows stretched throughout the canvas of the sky. You feel the warmth of the sunlight on your face as it shines through breaks in the clouds.
Your hiking buddy is a scientist and can provide an explanation to everything you observe and empirically experience through your five senses. You are grateful for your scientifically-minded friend and you love learning from him.
But then, out of the corner of your eye, you spot a translucent and shiny spherical object (the size of a volleyball) similar to the Palantír “crystal ball” in the Lord of the Rings, but also unlike anything you have ever seen or imagined! You are enthralled by its majesty and you look forward to hearing your friend provide an explanation as to why this mesmerizing spherical object exists.
To your surprise, your hiking buddy suddenly changes his tune. He says, “Oh don’t worry about that stupid round thing; it just exists inexplicably!”
When you press him as to why he seeks to find — and loves to share — explanations for everything else that exists, but dismisses an explanation for the shiny sphere, he provides nothing but arbitrary words. He simply asserts, without any reason at all: “That’s the one thing that does NOT have an explanation of its existence so stop asking about it. Just ignore it and let’s keep hiking!”
When you realize he is opposed to the sphere having an explanation because it would destroy his assumed worldview, it is easy to see that his response is guilty of what has come to be known as “the Taxi Cab Fallacy.” This logical error occurs when one hops in the “taxi-cab” and assumes a certain worldview attempting to make particular points but then jumps out of the system of thought when it goes against a certain presupposition they blindly support. In this case, the hiking buddy seems to be assuming that everything that exists always has an explanation — except for the one thing that would destroy his worldview of atheism. Thus, he dives out of the taxi-cab before reaching its logical destination. You know his response is insufficient. Not only is it arbitrary, it is given without any reason at all; thus, it is unreasonable.
One might contend that the universe is exempt from the first premise of Leibniz’s argument because it is so unfathomably huge! However, size does not matter? Consider the shiny sphere once again. I noted that it was approximately the size of a volleyball in the thought experiment. It is insufficient to arbitrarily assert that everything has an explanation of its existence except for shiny crystal ball type things that are roughly the size of a volleyball. Well, if that is not a valid response, does anything change if the size of the shiny sphere is increased to the size of a basketball? What about the size of a sphere comparable to that of a car, a house, a small moon, a Death Star, a planet, or a galaxy?
No, just because the size of a thing gets bigger, and bigger, there is no reason to suddenly think that an explanation is no longer required once it reaches a certain size. From this it follows that if the sphere were increased to the size of the universe, it still demands an explanation. This is true not only of things the size of our universe, but it is true of the universe itself. There must be an explanation as to WHY it exists.
~ Tim Stratton
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