#transmages prompt fest
trans-mages · 3 years
The claiming period for the TRANSMAGES PROMPT FEST has officially started!!
Anyone can claim any prompts they want (yes, this includes cisgender people), and you can fill the prompts by any kind of fan creation: writing, drawing/painting, animating, recordings/podfics (with transcripts), whatever you want!
You can claim up to 5 prompts by filling out their information on the same form and in order of preference, from most to least preferred.
All the prompts are listed in this doc:
And then fill all the needed information in this bad boy:
Claiming period goes on until December 20th. If we have any leftover prompts, we will post them in a list for any late participants. All assignments will be sent out on December 25th-30th.
If you have any questions, or if something goes wrong, feel free to reach out to us via this post or DMs!
Since our posting period starts in January, if you have completed all your claimed prompts and want to make even more content for the fest (in which case, wow! you GO bestie), just let us know and we'll send out the leftover prompts!! <3
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wellbelesbian · 3 years
You Meet In A Tavern…
a fic and art for the @trans-mages prompt fest! the prompt was “the gang but it’s d&d” and “everyone’s nonbinary”, submitted by @punkjuliandiaz and with inspiration taken from this twitter thread. I hope you like it!
read the fic on ao3!
it isn’t super long or detailed, more of a set-up than anything. maybe i’ll come back to it and write a whole epic adventure with it at a later date, but right now i have a bit too much on my plate as it is 😂
art by my wonderful friend @justasfacelessasever! if you like marvel, go give her a follow, or if you like classics, check out her sideblog @dilfaeneas. i’m so grateful she agreed to help me and do some art for this piece, and i really love the incorporation of the nonbinary flag into their clothes.
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image descriptions below the cut!
three digital drawings of Carry On characters as Dungeons and Dragons players.
First image: Baz and Simon standing back to back. Baz is a tiefling with dark grey skin, long black hair, pointed ears, horns, fangs, and golden eyes. They are smiling cockily and brandishing a crossbow, dressed in fine clothes with a purple cape. Simon is a red dragonborn with golden hair, blue eyes and large red horns. Their forked tongue is sticking out as they look lovingly at Baz, and they hold a sword and shield. They are dressed in silver, gold and purple armour.
Second image: Agatha Wellbelove and Niamh Brody, Agatha is a half elf with pale skin, tousled blonde hair and pointed ears. They're dressed in silver, pink and purple clothes with a black and yellow cape and hold a shepherd's crook. Niamh is a half orc with green skin, short brown hair, blue eyes, pointed ears and tusks. They wear a pale yellow tank top and black pants, and have several weapons attached to purple belts. Niamh is crouched as Agatha cups their face and they look at one another lovingly.
Third image: Penelope Bunce and Shepard Love, Penelope is a dwarf with medium brown skin, curly purple hair and a beard, a wizard's hat and round glasses. They wear yellow and white armour, with a black and purple cape. Shepard is a gnome with dark brown skin, long pointed ears and round glasses. They wear a yellow tunic over a white shirt and are looking with excitement at a purple flame in their hand. Penelope leans an arm on Shepard's head and smiles, holding a book.
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nonbaznary · 3 years
make it last forever
Lucy Salisbury lives, trans family, baby dragon Simon Snow, Ebb x Lucy, a few swords and goats
For the @trans-mages prompt fest, also inspired by @carry-on-sapphic-week's prompts for day seven ("home" & "comfort")
Sometimes, Lucy still can't believe that she and Simon are actually safe. PROMPT: "after getting rid of the claws of the mage and exposing him to the world of the mages, Lucy falls in love with Ebb Petty, the goat hoarder of Watford. They eventually get married and raise Simon together (SIMON PETTY-SALISBURY!!!!!!!)" by @punkjuliandiaz / @aqueeriano
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click for quality! complete image description on ao3.
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nonbaznary · 3 years
i loved writing paper airplanes so much, i just had to make this to go with it 💌
also because i wanted to play with lucy's hair a little bit, lol
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a little late for @carry-on-sapphic-week 😅 but then again, posting this for the @trans-mages prompt fest:
#27 Lucy and Mitali are trans and in love. that’s it. that’s the prompt. (fluffy and WAFFy. happy trans sapphics y’all.)
this is also a redraw of this piece from 2020! fluffy mitlucy has been living rent free in my brain since then. also i wanted to give them skirts >:)
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trans-mages · 3 years
💫 Prompting for the TRANSMAGES PROMPT FEST is OPEN! 💫
Check our guidelines here!
You may submit your prompts through HERE!
Prompts that were already sent to us and added to the previous prompt list can be found here. Feel free to use them as inspiration!
Rating preferences: Gen, Teen and Up, Mature, Explicit or no preference Featured trans* themes: the main focus of your prompt (a specific headcanon, a trans* trope, etc) Main character(s) / pairing(s): the main characters of your prompt, if any (not all of them have to be trans*) Your prompt: your chosen scenario/setting/story inspiration Themes and triggers to avoid (optional, self explanatory) Optional additional information or requests: items/concepts to include in the fanwork Optional crediting information (include your user)
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If you want to submit multiple ideas, please submit each prompt separately through the form!
To self-prompt, submit your prompt during prompting period and claim your own prompt later.
Anyone can submit prompts! You don't have to be a creator for the event to submit prompts <3
Any prompts that don't feature any trans*-related themes and/or trans* headcanons will be deleted (or modified)
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wellbelesbian · 3 years
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Liar, Liar
for the @trans-mages prompt fest! prompt: Fiona, Ebb and Nicodemus cause a big fuzz during class because a teacher refuses to get their pronouns right. They end up in the headmistresses office - and Natasha kicks some transphobic ass.
i’m also gonna go ahead and count this as a late submission for @carry-on-sapphic-week since there’s a little bit of Ebbiona. it’s not super prominent, but whose gonna stop me? not the mod for sapphic week, that’s for sure.
read on ao3 or under the cut:
“Well,” Nico says, leaning back in their chair and fishing a cigarette out of their pocket, “I think that went pretty well, all things considered.”
“Shut up, Nico.” Fiona growls, standing up and beginning to pace up and down the short hallway.
“And put that away before Mrs Pitch sees you.” Ebb adds. The trio are sitting outside Headmistress Pitch’s office, waiting to plead their case, but first she’s in a meeting with the teacher who sent them to her office in the first place.
“She’s still with Mr Elatus, chill out.” Nico summons a small flame and lights the cigarette, but has barely raised it to their lips before Fiona reaches over and snatches it, taking a long draw while they object. Ebb can feel a headache building behind their eyes.
‘We’re gonna be in so much trouble.”
“Since when have you cared?” Nico asks, trying to take back the cigarette and getting burned for their efforts. Fiona sniggers as they swear, but then hands it back and shoots off a healing spell when they begin to pout.
“Since I realised we’re actually gonna have to grow up and get good grades.” Ebb retorts. “And picking fights with teachers isn’t going to help our case!”
“He deserved it!” Fiona yells, kicking the wall.
“Growing up.” Nico blows a disdainful raspberry. “Who needs good grades when we have magic?”
“Magic doesn’t bring in money.”
“I think you’ll find that there are many spells that do exactly that.” Nico scoffs, but they lean forward in their seat. “Why is this suddenly worrying you, anyway? You were more fun when you were planning pranks, not the future.”
“Oh, that is so typical-”
“Alright, give it a rest, the both of you.” Fiona snaps, sitting back down between them. “Nico, stop being an arse. Ebb, babe, relax. Okay? We need to be united here.”
The twins murmur their assent. Fiona reaches out both hands, and they each take one, squeezing them in reassurance.
The door to the office opens, and Mr Elatus stands in the doorway, red faced and scowling. From over his shoulder they can see Headmistress Pitch, who beckons them in with a small tilt of her head. Nico shoulders past the teacher, and all three file in, glaring at him as they go. With a kick of satisfaction, Ebb notes that his trousers are quite badly burned.
“Wait outside please, Mr Elatus. I may need to call you back in.” Ebb slams the door closed behind them as Headmistress Pitch stands behind her desk, arms crossed. “Sit down.”
All three of them had intended to stand, giving as little ground as they could, but the sharpness of her voice has them scrambling into the seats lined up in front of her desk.
She looks at each of them, one by one, settling on Fiona last with a stony expression.
“Care to explain what that was about?”
There’s a long stretch of silence, broken only by the impatient tapping of Natasha’s foot against the tile floor, and Fiona begins to squirm under her gaze.
“We were defending ourselves.” Ebb pipes up.
“Mr Elatus says you caused a scene, cast liar, liar, pants on fire on him,” Nico grins wolfishly at that, he came up with the spell and is inordinately proud of it, “and attempted to undermine his authority over grammar.”
“More of a success than an attempt, really.”
“He was misgendering us, alright?” They slump back in their seat, arms crossed over their chest.
That seems to take her aback. She looks towards the door, then back at her students, eyes wide.
“Yeah.” Nico says. Ebb nods.
“And when we tried to politely correct him, he said it wasn’t grammatically correct. And when we tried to explain that it was, he got angry and called us… Called us attention seekers, who just want to feel special.”
“I set him on fire after he insisted ‘they’ is solely plural.” Fiona finishes. “Maybe I went too far, but Nat, you’ve always told me not to let people talk down to me or disrespect my identity, so I stood up for myself!”
Natasha nods, and slowly takes a seat. Ebb, Nico and Fiona look between each other as she sits, eyes closed and forefingers pressed to her lips.
“Fiona, Ebb, you;’re non-binary, coreect?”
“Yes, miss.”
“And Nico?”
“I’m genderqueer.”
“Alright.” She nods, and continues to think.
“Could one of you let Mr Elatus back in?” She asks eventually, opening her eyes. There’s the slightest waver to her voice.
Ebb gets the door, and he sweeps back in, looking smug. “Mr Elatus.” Natasha, voice and expression unreadable again, picks up a scarf from a hook on her wall before striding over to him. “A student left this here earlier, I can’t recall who. Could you find the owner, and ensure they get their scarf back?”
“Of course.” He says, looking slightly confused. Natasha drops the scarf into his hands and squares her shoulders.
“Great. You have no objection to that?”
“Nothing to comment on?” A shake of the head. “No constructive criticism about my grammar?”
“I don’t-” He flounders as Natasha tits her head at him, expression expectant. “What is happening?”
“I just used ‘they’ and ‘their’ singularly, and you said you had no objections. So you agree, it can be used to refer to a sole individual?”
Mr Elatus’ attention snaps to the trio, furious, then back to Natasha.
“I-!” He schools his expression and lowers his voice. “I’m sorry, Mrs Pitch, I simply misheard you.” Fiona wants to knock his simpering smile right off his face.
“Hm.” She turns on her heel to face Nico, a small smile playing on her lips.
“Mx Petty, what was that excellent spell you said you used earlier?”
They all grin.
Once Mr Elatus has been thoroughly put out with a glass half full and told to look for a new position elsewhere, Natasha addresses her pupils.
“If this happens again, you come to me before starting any fires, okay?”
“Why, so you can set them on fire yourself?” Fiona jokes.
“I never did that.” She sniffs. “The way I heard it, some wayward troublemakers did it, and it was very fortunate I was there to put the fire out.” She winks. “And that’s what everybody else will hear as well. Got it?”
“Happy to take the credit, miss.” Nico says.
“You’re not getting all the credit, I cast the spell!” Ebb interjects.
“Make sure they know what he did to deserve it, too.” Natasha adds. “I won’t accept transphobia in my school. I took this position to make sure nobody else has to put up with the shit I did at your age.”
“Thanks, Nat.” Fiona murmurs. Natasha smiles at them.
“You’re welcome. Now go do your homework.”
They all groan as they leave, but Natasha only smiles. Once the door closes behind them, it slips a little, and she looks to the portrait of herself above the door.
It’s a start. But she has to do better, for her little sibling, for all these kids, and for herself, fourteen years old and nervous, asking her teachers to call her ‘she’ for the first time. She sets her jaw. For all of them, she will do better.
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nonbaznary · 3 years
masterlist - 🌸 Carry-on sapphic week & Transmages Prompt fest 🏳️‍⚧️
yup, its finally here! whew! wanted to get this done before i posted the official @trans-mages prompt fest masterlist. here we go then!
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🌸 Day 1 • PROMPTS: coming out
mordelia coming out to baz meme sketch lol
posted on day 4; meme inspired by my nonbinary lesbian mordelia coming out fic 🏳️‍⚧️
🌸 Day 2 • PROMPTS: first / quiet
she's making me feel like this, 1K (T for language)
watford era ebbiona, feelings realization, Nicodemus & Fiona friendship (ao3 only)
+ bonus ebbiona art (also on ao3)
🌸 Day 3 • PROMPTS: pride / warmth
'fuck off homophobes' Fiona sketch
kerixie 'dressing up' art (also on ao3)
🌸 Day 5 • PROMPTS: watford / sentimental
paper airplanes, 2/2 chapters, 3.4K (Gen)
🏳️‍⚧️ watford era mitlucy, anonymous letters + secret admirer AU, trans best friends to lovers (ao3 only)
brobelove / brodylove watford goat art (also on ao3)
🌸 Day 6 • PROMPTS: gift / history (applied very loosely, i must say!)
the person of my dreams, 1/2 chapters, 1.4K (Gen)
Natasha x Daphne, wedding proposals, marriage magic, side ebbiona and Mitali x Lucy (ao3 only) (i'm working on ch2 i promise!! hah)
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🏳️‍⚧️ bonus watford era t4t mitlucy art (also on ao3)
🌸 inspired by @carry-on-sapphic-week Day 5 • PROMPTS: watford / sentimental
🏳️‍⚧️ make it last forever, 705 words (Gen) + art
🌸 Day 7 • PROMPTS: home / comfort
Ebb x Lucy, warm and fuzzy feelings, baby dragon Simon Snow Salisbury playing with the winged watford goats because I CAN, domestic bliss, fuck the mage (ao3 only) prompt by @punkjuliandiaz / @aqueeriano
🏳️‍⚧️ bloody hell (genderqueer Nicodemus + t4t ebbiona)
content warning: mentions of dysphoria and menstruation (also on ao3)
i also have three WIPs that will be posted during transmagesweek since i couldn't get them all finished for the prompt fest! felt like including them here as a preview:
["TBA"] (aforementioned "mordelia coming out" fic)
🌸 inspired by @carry-on-sapphic-week Day 4 • PROMPTS: family / storm
teen nonbinary lesbian Mordelia navigating her first relationship (and its problems), exploring her gender identity, and having issues with coming out 🏳️‍⚧️
"i like your chest..."
Baz comforts Simon when he's feeling dysphoric about his chest.
they/them genderqueer Baz, he/him & zie/zir nonbinary transmasc Simon 🏳️‍⚧️
content warning: general mentions of dysphoria and b00biez
Fastidious and precise (wanna try?)
for @aroace-genderfluid-sheep's prompt <3
Baz and Simon take an evening off to treat themselves. Make-up shenanigans and confessions ensue.
they/them nonbinary Baz, he/him genderfluid Simon 🏳️‍⚧️
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nonbaznary · 3 years
Wip Wednesday
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for a second, i legit forgot about this 🥲 but it is time !!! for wip stuff !!!!!
firstly, as i am obsessed, let's talk a little about a Natasha-centered fic im working on for @carry-on-sapphic-week (its a daphne x natasha fic but it includes most of the other older women – as in fiona, ebb, lucy, mitali, etc, and they're all sapphic as well 🥰)
its kind of hard to write Natasha for me. because she's a legend, because she's a total badass, because she's a Pitch; so most likely she's completely amazing in some aspects but kind of a dick in others. just like with Nicodemus for this ebbiona oneshot, i struggled a bit to keep the ass part as well as the good friend (in Nico's character) or awesome hero and powerful figure who we all cry over (for Natasha's), but i think i kind of found what i was looking for. here's a snippet of conversation between her and Fiona
— I meant- Mitali Bunce. Is she going by Salisbury these days? I don’t know, but anyhow-
— Even if she isn’t going by Salisbury, which would be ideal in this situation, you could just call her Mitali. Bunce is the least magickal name in the Realm, poor woman. She’s a well respected magickal historian, for Morgana’s sake-
— Okay, Tasha, you’re missing the point. [...] [...] She knew a bunch of shit on marriage and family magic. I don’t know if it was her or this Martin dud who was obsessed with rites, but she knows a lot about those. Lucy Salisbury and her are bound together in, like, eight dimensions or something.
i love mitali and lucy as a couple excuse me while i cry
also since its GETTING HERE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 im working on some things for the @trans-mages prompt fest as well!!!!! i dont think i have anything solid-but-also-non-spoiler-y enough to show, but i just wanted to say im doing it lol 🥲🥲 and just to share something- simon is getting a LOT of kisses (i treat him right
tagging @dreamingkc @wellbelesbian/@nausikaaa @sharing-a-room-with-an-open-fire @angelsfalling16 if you want to share something!
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trans-mages · 3 years
Transmages Prompt Fest
Get ready! Now it's the time to let your imagination run wild and allow yourself to indulge your and others' transgender dreams <3
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[ IDs: the transgender, nonbinary, and genderqueer flags ]
If you're not aware: in a Prompt Fest, people provide prompts (in our case, trans-related prompts and heacanons!) and creators claim those, filling the requests with fic or art. We'll open a form so you can submit as many prompts as you want, and later we'll make those public, so everyone interested in being a creator can fill another form claiming the prompts they want to fill! (You don't have to participate as a creator to submit prompts, and vice versa)
This is a trans-headcanon centered event, but everyone can participate as a prompter or a creator, including cis people!
Our new schedule is:
PROMPTING: November 15th to November 30th
CLAIMING: December 1st to December 20th Late claims go on until the 29th!
Assignments sent on: December 25th-30th Check-in: January 10th 2022
POSTING: January 20th - January 31st 2022 (late entries will come out at least until February 7th!)
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trans-mages · 3 years
Hey everyone! Guess what?
We're officially in the TRANS AWARENESS WEEK (Nov 13-19), an event to help raise the visibility about transgender people and address issues members of the community face!
This is a moment when transgender people and allies take action to bring attention to the community and educate the public.
The main themes go around who transgender people are, sharing stories and experiences, and advancing advocacy around the issues of prejudice, discrimination, and violence that affect our community.
And right by the end of this week we have the Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR), on November 20th. It's a day that honors the memory of the transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence. (This goes to you allies: learn about them. Learn their names, and their stories. Be aware of how trans people are treated in your country, and what you can do to help the community.)
Anyway, this is our quick reminder for you to check these tags and be present in this year's trans awareness event. We need all sorts of help, everywhere, and in any way you can.
Support trans people! As an ally, be vocal, and be active.
We're a fandom-centered account, so in this context: listen to trans people and be sure to welcome them in fandom spaces! Create safe spaces and be sure to work on being inclusive! Support trans* content creators (including fan creators!), and ask yourself if the canon and fan content you consume is inclusive, or cisnormative and exclusionary, if not all the way to explicitly transphobic. Question those things you take for granted, and take some time to learn about transgender experiences in fandom!
To the trans* people following us and in the Simon Snow fandom in general, we invite you to share your experiences and talk to us about how you think fandom spaces can correlate with trans issues- or just chat! If you're a trans creator, you can also go all self-promo and drop your content in the replies / reblogs, you deserve it!
As always, feel free to talk to us about your trans headcanons and fanwork, or to be part of our current ongoing event! Prompting for the first Transmages Prompt Fest is now officially open :)
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trans-mages · 3 years
The check-ins for the Transmages Prompt Fest go out tomorrow!
Be sure to answer it by the end of the week (the 17th)
Our posting period officially starts on Wednesday, the 20th! We do take early posts as well as the usual late posts, so if you want to share your piece(s) earlier be sure to fill out the check-in before you post!
Also, tomorrow is the first day of the first ever @carry-on-sapphic-week ! 🌸
If you haven't checked it out already, be sure to give it a look and maybe even submit something during the week!
*Also, Alex and I have talked and if your claimed prompt fits this idea, feel free to submit any trans sapphic stuff for both the prompt fest, and the sapphic week as it goes! I sure will lol 😋
Edit: quick update; now our blog's description has the idealized dates for this year's transmages events! once the Prompt Fest is over, we'll make a post about the new schedule, as well as a post on the transmagesweek 2022!
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trans-mages · 3 years
Prompt #02
Baz in drag performing (maybe dancing or playing music?) in a club. Normal au where he and Simon don’t know each other, Simon goes to the club to pick up Agatha who works there, and falls for Baz.
🏳️‍⚧️ Themes: Drag, genderqueer character
Rating: Teen and Up / Mature
No: prejudice based violence (attacks based on gender identity, sexuality, race etc) and self harm
Additional info / Requests: genderqueer Baz, unlabeled Simon, transfem Agatha. Agatha & Baz friendship bc i love that, it’d also be neat if Niamh appeared/was mentioned.
prompt by your beloved mod renée themselves (@punkjuliandiaz / @aqueeriano)
to use for the transmagesweek event, reblog with "claimed"
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trans-mages · 3 years
Baz and Agatha are trans and friends! They can bond over their trans experiences, having dated the disaster that is Simon Snow, and/or just being bad bitches, idk I just want them to hang out and be friends.
🏳️‍⚧️ Themes: finding queer/trans friends
Rating: No preferences
Request: transfem Baz, trans woman Agatha
Additional info: Maybe they try new fancy restaurants together. Maybe they go out for drinks every Friday. Maybe they go on double dates. Could be a Normals AU, but doesn't have to be
sent by an anonymous collaborator
to use for the transmagesweek event, reblog with "claimed"
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trans-mages · 3 years
The Transmages Prompt Fest posting period has officially started!! 💫💫
We're so excited to see what everyone is going to share!!! 💖💙🤍💜💚
Tagging submissions with #prompt fest entry! Check those out ✨
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trans-mages · 3 years
hey y'all, Sword here! i've been trying to use the tumblr chat in this acc to contact people about their prompts but i guess it isn't possible, so i'll just DM you from my main (@nonbaznary)
if you need anything, just DM me there or send an ask to @trans-mages and i'll get back to you!
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trans-mages · 3 years
Because of availability issues, the TRANSMAGES PROMPT FEST is going to be reescheduled to later this year (posting period being postponed to January 2022, which, fun fact, is trans month of visibility in Brasil!)
We'll restart the whole thing, opening up prompting again in a few months and then the claiming period. We'll keep the prompts from this round, since we already have all the information and add to the list with the later ones.
If you have filled out our claiming forms and wish to keep your prompt(s), you can tell us so via DMs or when you fill out your the forms again once we post the updated version!
We're very sorry we couldn't go through with it right now, BUT there are a lot of fandom events happening during these and in the next few weeks and you can check those out!!
Thank you everyone who helped with prompting and who signed up! We'll see you soon <3
Signed, your (overworked) mods
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