squirrellypoo · 1 year
I will be your blood loss consultant
Hey IWTV fic writers - want to ensure your character's blood loss feels realistic? Got a situation where a petit coup has gone too far, or a character got gravely injured? I've got a unique perspective to offer to the fandom - I've lived for extended periods of time with extremely low blood counts* and I'm happy for you to send me WIP snippets or to ask for advice on blood loss storylines.
To break it down a bit further, from my experience, how being low on the different types of blood feels/affects you:
Red blood cells - Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body, so if you're low on these, you're effectively low on oxygen in the blood. This is the most obvious, but you feel really sluggish, tired, and will be breathing heavily at the slightest physical exertion. Physically, it kinda feels like you're moving underwater, and your limbs feel heavy, and even short walks feel hard. (I went from running 10km 3x a week to getting out of breath just walking up stairs, for example). Cognition is fine, but frequent naps are a requirement.
Platelets - Platelets are what allow your blood to clot and heal cuts, so a lack of these means you bleed and bleed for a long time. But also you bruise super easily, and bruises last a really long time (weeks/months). You can also have spontaneous burst blood vessels in the whites of your eyes. Parts of your body that wouldn't normally bleed also do - like waking up to blood on the pillow because your gums bled overnight. The most unexpected part for me was having a constant background rushing sound in my ears - kinda like holding a seashell up, but all the time (until a transfusion).
White blood cells / neutrophils - A lack of these doesn't make you feel that different, tbh, but a lack of WBC means you can't fight off viruses so you pick up every single cough and cold, and have it for twice as long as normal people. A lack of neutrophils means you can't fight off bacteria, so your body's normal bacterial cohabitors cause problems that can really mess you up. So you've got to be insanely conscientious about what you eat (no runny eggs, unpasteurised cheeses, raw vegetables!), and brush your teeth and mouthwash after you ingest anything. You'll really only need to worry about these symptoms though if you've got low blood levels for an extended period of time (several weeks+).
Overall though, I've described the extreme examples. If your character is young and healthy, they will probably only experience the red blood loss symptoms (and possibly minor platelet symptoms) for a few days, depending on how much blood was lost. If they're in a situation where a hospital would give transfusions, be aware that you'll only ever be given enough to get you out of the dangerously low territory, never so much that you'd be "back to normal" counts after the transfusion(s). But transfusions do make you feel better almost instantly (better, but not good).
But again, feel free to message me with any specific questions (I can also tell you how chemo, meningitis, spinal taps, surgery w/o anaesthetic feels if that's of use!), I'm happy to talk about all this and I want to give back to this fandom and IWTV fanfic writers in particular to say thanks for the hundreds of hours of enjoyment you all have given me!
* I'm absolutely fine now! Over my lifetime, though, I've survived off the blood of literally hundreds of people. A bone marrow transplant saved my life 14 years ago and I run marathons now and am probably healthier than most 40-somethings, except I'm still Clinically Extremely Vulnerable to Covid and can't go into crowded places or unmask indoors. But my bloods have been fine for over a decade and this is in no way traumatic for me to talk about!
Please consider joining your country's bone marrow donor registry and/or donating blood regularly if you're able to! Both saved my life.
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Pain / Nagato x Orochimaru. I think it's an interesting concept. Anyone who also ships this or would like to discuss it ?
Nagato reacted to his friends' deaths and the world and war's shittiness by making it his mission to fix the world. He had low self esteem, ended up considering himself scum - a and killed himself to make up for his wrongs. He doesn't believe much in genetically predetermined personality and abilities - being a Rinnegan transplantee - and considers humans to be dynamic and capable of change - which is why he died, placing his trust in Naruto. 'If the world and most people suck, then change the world - you hate an immoral society anyways.'
Nagato believes life is worth living no matter how torturous one'a conditions are. However, his hatred of the world consumed him and his mission to die for a better world and erase evil dominated his will to live.
Orochimaru reacted to his loved ones' deaths and the horrors of war by distancing himself from humanity and attachments and becoming selfishly power - hungry to find a path to immortality. He believes personality is dictated by genes and hormones and biological frameworks mostly - a rather mechanical view of people. 'If the world is unfair, if people suck, then every man for himself - no use helping others.'
Orochimaru, as a Sannin, believed that the Ame orphans would suffer if alive and should be put out of their misery - he believes that under horrific living conditions, death is peace (which is something only selfish, uncaring, cowardly people who can't be bothered helping others overcome obstacles believe BTW. Only evil people have this philosophy re : others' lives). Therefore he has no regard for life and finds it easy to brutally kill others.
Nagato was overly honourable in the end - so he sacrificed himself. Orochimaru could've taught him to care more about himself and to not be consumed by his mission. If Nagato had more regard for his own life, he would have lived.
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randomnameless · 2 years
This is kind of random and I don’t know if anyones touched on it. I’m not deep in the discourse. I find it interesting that people criticize Rhea for “stopping the advancement of medicine” but the connection is never made that the only medical experiments we see in the current time in the game are done by slithers to give people two crests. In the past the medical experiments we see are people using the Nabateans to become superhuman. I don’t know if this is anything but it’s just something I’ve been thinking about.
Stopping the advancement of medicine is always a flanderized version of what the game gives us - what we know is the Central Church banned, for a time, autopsies.
Given what Rhea went through, and what the game suggests about, say, invasive surgeries (Uncle's science projects!) it's again a case of something looking shady - but ultimately her fears were founded because hey, as soon as people started to "open" bodies again, they performed human experimentation - and not the "heart transplant with consent given" kinds of experimentations, but the unethical ones that were done to create weapons, at the cost of many lives, without ever receiving consent from the transplantees (or the people giving their blood, tfw they're long dead!).
Just like the ICBMs and the "ban telescopes a long time ago", and such.
And like, I love to talk about this issue - should you give tech to people if you are afraid they will misuse it - because it's a staple in several sci-fi shows, and if I wasn't convinced by the futuristic approach Fodlan has (Mole People wise) this dilemna was a very interesting thing to tackle...
Except that FE16 and Nopes never tackled it, and instead we have people who do not understand what is a pincer attack think Manuela performed strip poker with Jerry's corpse to determine the cause of his death, because Rhea BaD and she banned autopsies.
Also, this argument is completely laughable when you consider that Fodlan is a Fire Emblem game, where people heal grievous wounds (1HP left) with a heal staff - hell, in Fodlan there are no staves, people can heal each other after attending the choral for one month!
So what "advancement of medicine" are we talking about, when Elixirs who can restore a unit to full HP already exist, and when Light Magic can heal every grievous wound?
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shaftking · 7 months
Personally speaking, I think it would be great if they found a way for transmen to be able to produce natural sperm in the future. I know that would do so much for a LOT of transmen who wish to give their wives and girlfriends kids naturally but can't and suffer because of that. No idea if that would ever even be possible but it does sound nice.
Maybe in the far off future where technology has advanced enough to grow wholesale transplantable organs that won’t reject from the body of the transplantee, but I’m not holding my breath for it in our lifetimes.
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slowitdownckd · 11 months
No Use Crying Over Spilled Milk, uh, I Mean Protein
A very active reader – who happens to be a transplantee – asked me to write about spilling protein. As a CKD patient, I’ve never been told I was doing that. However, one of my daughters was told she was spilling urine. She does not have chronic kidney disease. Hmmm. Way back in 2020, I became interested in proteinuria simply because, while I knew the meaning of the word, I didn’t really know…
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znewstech · 2 years
India's first pediatric liver transplantee now a doctor | India News - Times of India
India’s first pediatric liver transplantee now a doctor | India News – Times of India
NEW DELHI: On November 15, 1998, Sanjay Shakthy Kandaswamy, a one-and-a-half-year-old from Kanchipuram, became India’s first successful pediatric liver transplantee. Exactly 24 years on, Sanjay is now a doctor in Bengaluru. “I always wanted to be in the field of medical science since childhood,” Dr Kandaswamy tells TOI. He was born in 1997 with biliary atresia, a rare liver disorder that resulted…
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jewishdainix · 2 years
best thing about being a liver transplantee is that it's easy to get vaccines
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Ranboo is so right. Kids, dont drink. Just for the sake of your liver.
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goldstarsfortulip · 5 years
A: Last night I was guided along a path of videos about “Hypergamy” and I’m not sure how I got there? Also, apparently I am a “MASCULINE WOMAN”. Like. Okay.
B: Claire in The Breakfast Club eats sushi for lunch. That would have been sitting in her bag for anywhere between 2-4 hours. IT’S JUST IN A PLASTIC BENTO BOX THING. NO COOLED INSULATION. THAT’S FUCKING RICE, CLAIRE, JAYSUS.
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kenzie-blackheart · 3 years
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Yellow there!! There is a brand new episode of ‘The Queens Speak’ available for you to listen to! This week, @sharcooterie and I are joined by our fellow HotHaus Drag cast member, transplantee and all around fabulous @lamourlemonde !!! Listen at the link below, or simply search for ‘The Queens Speak’ wherever you listen to your podcasts! https://anchor.fm/thequeensspeak/episodes/LAmour-Le-Monde-e13ll9u #drag #dragqueen #dragartist #ukdrag #essexdrag #londondrag #makeup #hair #comedy #gay #pride #lgbtq https://www.instagram.com/p/CRBQn9hAs3a/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ahkaraii · 6 years
'headcanon rant for another day' oh please when its another day tell me :DDD
HEE okay, the comparative biologist in me that I truncated when I deviated towards medicine is excited af about Naruto world genetics and how the heck chakra works in the human body.
If you look cross-sectionally at the expression of chakra in all the existing dojutsu (ex. Uchiha’s sharingan, Hyuuga’s byakugan; possibly the Yamanaka’s characteristic generation-spanning pupil-less eyes that may facilitate their mind-share technique) and genkai kekkei (Yamato and Hashirama’s Wood style release, Haku’s ice mirrors, etc), there’s definitely an emphasis on certain powers being strictly genetic, not something you can learn. Like, you literally express it uncontrollably after a certain trigger (epigenetics yo!!! gotta modify those histones to activate the genetic expression), and only then train it once its manifest.
You can, however, “transplant” body parts that contain the style -- like Kakashi with Obito’s sharingan, or Yamato being genetically modified with Hashirama’s cells as an infant -- and bypass that required pedigree. You just have to work super hard to “master” it, and it will be taxing to your body that wasn’t born to express that technique. (In fact, I like to believe these transplantees are more prone to autoimmune diseases and/or infections due to graft-versus-host disease).
Canonically there are others that are explicitly stated to be learned techniques that are simply “secretly” passed down generation to generation and have little to do with your genes (the “Hiden” techniques, like the Nara shadow stitching), but we never really see any non-clan characters learning techniques from other clans, so it’s hard to say. I think there’s a specific chakra pathway you must be born with to learn specific Hiden techniques. Like, Nara are genetically predisposed to have chakra pathways that facilitate their shadow stitching. So while a random stranger could theoretically learn after years and years of practicing, some -- like our chakra-less Lee -- would simply fail no matter how hard they try because they don’t have the proper chakra setup.
This all got me thinking about the clanless/bloodline limit-lacking characters that look phenotypically similar to clans or characters possessing dojutsu and/or genkai kekkei. Folks like Anko, who has the characteristic Yamanaka pupilless eyes but instead of pale green they’re brown, suggesting she’s a Yamanaka mutt-mix that, due to a combination of a poor genetic lottery and no teacher, failed to develop the Yamanaka mind share technique entirely. She’s still a Torture and Interrogation nin tho, suggesting she was either raised around the Yamanaka (who all ultimately seem to end up doing jobs in T&I lol), or was taken pity by a Yamanaka in T&I who realized she was probably of their blood and never claimed and gave her a decent job. We all know how Konoha treats their clanless orphans, yeah? :(
I like to think certain “mixes” are unviable (else there’d already exist characters with it in canon, yanno?), or just a really bad idea (congenital defects-wise). Like Hyuuga and Uchiha. The Hyuuga academy teacher I doodled in my comic is an OC of mine whose backstory is she -- scandalously! -- had a kid with an Uchiha and their kid was born with a lot of genetic defects centering around the face and eyes (specifically holoprosencepahly).
Another character that looks Yamanaka-like and actually manifests Yamanaka-like chakra techniques is Tsunade’s old boyfriend Dan Kato. His power is the power to astrally project himself -- much like the Yamanaka! -- and possess others -- very much like the Yamanaka. Now, of course, one could butt in and say the Yamanaka mind body technique is probably a Hiden technique, not a bloodline limit, and thus Dan is entirely capable of learning it despite not belonging to the clan, but I like the chakra genetics headcanon and I’m sticking to it, so the Kato clan is an offshoot of some branch Yamanaka that specialized in the mind-body technique since the mind-share technique is probably only taught to the Main House.
Unlike the Hyuuga, whose Main and Branch houses take the toxic hierarchy to its extreme, the Yamanaka are more chill with their families expanding and marrying whoever they want, so not everyone has the Yamanaka last name. The Ino-Shika-Chou formation ensures that at least one kid is born and raised to have all their desired techniques, so the rest of the family’s kids can be born doing whatever. Presumably they gotta learn about the Yamanaka family history and all that pizzazz, but they aren’t enslaved to the family like the Hyuuga (or arguably the Uchiha).
That’s why Shizune Kato canonically uses poisons and healing techniques, and has no ability in the astral projection her uncle Dan so famously had. She just wasn’t born with the chakra pathways for it, and that’s okay. She’s not gonna get kicked out of the family for it like other characters are (like my Hyuuga OC, who never manifested the Byakugan, or her husband, who never manifested the sharingan. It’s why their baby managed to be born at all and not entirely stillborn -- neither of them were *rolls eyes* ““pureblood””).
Other clanless characters I think are probably mutts are:
- Ebisu, whose use of sunglasses suggest to me he’s a main branch Aburame bastard who was never implanted with bugs (I hc most if not all Aburame have severely impaired vision, hence the sunglasses -- they use their bugs to “see”) but was raised knowing it, so that’s why he’s a snooty asshole about Clans and gets to train the Hokage’s grandchild and other high ranking kids. He can’t inherit the title of Aburame Clan Head because he doesn’t have bugs, but he does get a cozy high ranking job without having to really work for it.
- Aoba, whose sunglasses and liberal use of fire techniques and crows could mean he’s got Aburame and/or Uchiha blood in him. 
I definitely think the Naruto world’s necessary emphasis on genetics and purity of blood for the sake of your bloodline limit expression has damaging effects on people’s health, congenital defects wise. For example: I headcanon Hayate Gekko has cystic fibrosis! It’s why he’s always coughing and sick. The Senju clan has a defect in a tumor-suppressing gene, which explains why they were of the few clans to have multiple kids (Hashirama had 3 brothers! how rare in the naruto world of being single children or having only a single sibling! lol) and yet the entire freaking clan was reduced to only Tsunade in three generations of peace. Let’s face it: Hashirama absolutely died of some form of cancer -- Hashirama cells are Naruto world’s HeLa cells, after all. Plus, it would explain why only he could do the wood release and no other person until yamato has managed it -- you HAVE to have a defect in a tumor suppressing gene, and to wood release you have to selectively induce a second insult to cause your cells to divide like crazy. But you also have to have the ability to combine earth and water release, and also chakra mold, and also a bunch of other crazy shit which made it super hard for Orochimaru to re-create it. It’s a miracle Hashirama didn’t die earlier, tbh.
I headcanon Tsunade totally got uterine cancer (she can’t have kids) and breast cancer (her breasts are so large because they are fake :V) and it’s why she’s the only Senju alive -- she has kept herself alive using her insanely OP healing skills. Its how she knows how to keep herself young-looking, too -- she was always replenishing her cells. I HC her brother Nawaki had leucemia and it was only sheer chance that a landmine got to him first before his own sickness did. That’s why Orochimaru is so knowledgeable about Hashirama’s cells in the first place, to the point where he was recruited to ROOT! Orochimaru was Nawaki’s sensei and was actively helping Tsunade find a cure for the Senju Clan’s propensity to develop cancer to save Nawaki and the Senju line as a whole. After Nawaki’s passing, Orochimaru kind of went crazy and decided instead to focus on curing death....
ANYWAY I could keep going but I’ve lost track of what I was originally answering lmfao. I have too many headcanons XD;;;;;
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Tim Phizackerley - Britain's Fastest Hypnotist from Freedom Talk Radio ONLINE on Vimeo.
britainsfastesthypnotist.com/ "Tim Phizackerley is a UK based hypnotherapist, teacher of hypnotism and hypnotherapy and also a mind coach with an international client list.
He adverrtises as being britains fastest hypnotist, has a diploma with distinction in clinical hypnotherapy, has worked with the occasional celebrity and has also been featured in the national press and media.
He does rapid interventions to help people with serious problems. His interest in hypnosis happened completely by accident and it has its origins with his wife who was struggling with a terminal illness. Twenty years on she is now a multiple transplantee but also a survivor of three terminal illnesses. As a hypnotist and therapist he likes to specialise in problems that other therapists either don't want to work on or have otherwise failed with.
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janes-tech-review · 6 years
Organ transplantation is a miracle of modern science. However, it has one big pipeline problem: roughly 20 people die every day in the United States alone while waiting for an organ transplant. Scientists at Harvard Medical School think they can solve that downside by sprucing up old organs from pigs and animals, giving the organs and their new owners alike a brand new lease on life.
Surgeon Dr. Harald Ott and his research lab have developed a technique that strips animal organs of their cells by washing them in detergent, leaving behind a tissue scaffold that can then be seeded with human stem cells from the patient in need. This could prevent a patient’s body from rejecting the organ, and mean that transplantees wouldn’t have to spend their lives on anti-rejection medication. Because the cells grow on this scaffold, the lab uses a bioreactor that pumps the organ, maintaining its health by stimulating it in the same way it might move in the body.
The process begins by hooking the circulatory system of an animal organ, e.g in this case a pig lung, to a pump that sends detergent through the organ.
They have also used the same process to successfully remove cells from human lungs for use as scaffolds, as shown here.
The research team has successfully refurbished hearts, kidneys, lungs, and portions of intestines from pigs and rats to make them human-donor suitable, and then transplanted these organs back into animals. Although the human cells in these transplanted organs made them incompatible with the pigs’ and rats’ bodies, the organs worked — exhibiting significant promise for future human trials. The lab also successfully re-grew muscle inside human cadaver hearts that had been similarly stripped of their original cells.
A ‘refurbished’ human heart partially re-seeded with human stem cells being cultured in a bioreactor. Picture credit: Bernhard Jank, Ott Lab, Center for Regenerative Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital
“Your iPhone breaks, your battery breaks, you switch it out. Medicine, in some ways, is possibly shifting in that direction… I could measure you up, basically, take an organ off a shelf, ideally make it personalised so that your body wouldn’t reject it, and then I would implant it into you.” Ott told the Wall Street Journal.
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Nonetheless, Ott estimates will probably be at least a decade before these organs might be ready for clinical trials in humans. In the meanwhile, Ott is amongst a large group of scientists in search of improving the transplantation process. From gene editing pig organs for humans to better methods of preserving donor organs, to even bio-printing and growing human organs in the lab, the period of patients waiting endlessly on transplant lists might possibly be coming to an end.
The post Refurbishing Organs Might Save Millions of People appeared first on GadgTecs.
via GadgTecs
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kidneystories2013 · 5 years
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Star Trek and Kidney Transplantee Aron Eisenberg has died https://comicbook.com/startrek/2019/09/22/aron-eisenberg-death-nog-star-trek-deep-space-nine/ (at Hammond, Indiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2vQGvyg70o/?igshid=qk6bot5fs2n3
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scriptflorist · 7 years
Hello! ^^ I'm writing a story where one of my characters well... they cut his heart out and replace it with flowers. He is really helpless and in love with the leader character and i was wondering if you could recommend me some flowers for a boquet which means "you broke my heart"?
Hi kissmeorkillmebecauseisaidit!
Sure thing! Here you go:
adonis (flos) - sorrowful remembrance, painful recollections, sad memories
agnus castus - coldness, indifference
basil - hatred
eglantine - poetry, I wound to heal
fumitory - gall, spleen, hatred
geranium (fish) - disappointed expectation
helenium - tears
hortensia - you are cold, carelessness   
lavender - distrust, mistrust, love, devotion, acknowledgement   
lettuce - coldness, coldhearted(ness)
pheasant’s eye - (painful/sorrowful) remembrance   
pink (variegated) - refusal   
rose (yellow) - the decrease of love on better acquaintance, infidelity, decrease of love, jealousy, unfaithfulness   
scabiosa - unfortunate love/attachment, I have lost all
straw (a single, broken) - rupture of a broken contract, dissension,     broken contract
syringa (carolina) - memory, disappointment
windflower - frailty, abandonment, sincerity, symbol of love
Your ask actually makes me think of the human tree from Hannibal, which made me consider a few more details about the situation your character is in. The probably most obvious thing first: Flowers need water. The ones who plant the flowery heart should consider picking the flowers like two or three days early and having them soak in water till the deed happens. That way the flowers would be in their best shape.
If they just stick the flowers into his body where once his heart was they should be aware that the cut flowers will start soaking up the blood. It’s what plants do, they soak up liquids and while blood isn’t going to be a plant’s nutrient of choice, it will at the very least keep it turgescent. (Full of fluid and seemingly in good shape.) However I wouldn’t give the flowers more than a day to last solely on blood, and some varieties might last longer than others by a margin. But without water cut flowers usually don’t last longer than three hours, and while the blood might extend that time frame for a little while it is no proper substitute for water from the get-go. All the plants would do is soak it up, but without anything to keep the blood flowing, nothing more than that would happen.
I am actually not sure if your character is supposed to live or die, but let’s say he dies, that would mean the blood flow stops and the blood sinks down because of gravity. Which might also deprive the flowers of the blood they’ve been drinking. On another note, they could use floral water vials, which are little plastic tubes that can be filled with water and cut flowers stuck into. It’s only a small water supply so it won’t last for forever either, but if your characters don’t want the flowers to soak up blood it’s an alternative to consider. There is a chance it dyes the flowers in question.
Let’s be real, cut flowers make an aesthetic replacement for a heart but no more, they can’t be a heart. So on the off chance that this character is going to live you’ve crossed a few lines too many and broke reality which means you can basically do what you want. I’d still like you to consider that plants really, actually can’t pump blood. It’s just not how they work. (None of our real-life plants anyway.)
On the off chance that your characters won’t use cut flowers but potted plants, here’s a tiny recommendation if the transplantee is supposed to live: Have them get rid of the soil before they put anything into his body. For one that’s because nobody wants dirty clogging their veins, and two, the roots would try to attach to the body anyway if the plant magically stays alive. And while soil is good for plants it’s not good for the human body. Soil also doesn’t combine very well with blood because of microorganisms and cause a chemical imbalance causing ultimately either a surplus or a deficiency in nutrients. Potted shouldn’t dye either from being watered with blood.
Note that everything that includes your character living through having his heart replaced with a plant can only take place in fiction. It breaks reality, it’s not possible in real life. He’s dead otherwise.
- Mod Jana
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petemckee · 7 years
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The Doctor asked if I'd had me meat n two veg, I Said steady on, I only had me stitches out last week!
In the first few months after the transplant the Liver team keep a close eye on you, which means weekly visits back to the hospital for blood tests and measurements etc. As well as the vital necessity of making sure your Liver and the rest of your internal workings are living in harmony with each other, the trips to the hospital are a great opportunity to have a chinwag with fellow Transplantees and find out the ins and outs of living day to day with a transplanted organ, from the minor to the major issues we face. Its also really great to see patients who were on the ward at the same time as me and see how brilliantly they are doing.
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