#transport accidents
cursedtrekedits · 1 year
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intruder alert
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bodykitmarketmehmet · 2 years
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starry-bi-sky · 5 months
more clone^2 memes because i think they're funny
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#dpxdc#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#dpxdc crossover#dpdc#clone^2#danny fenton is not the ghost king#so canon to clone^2 and clone damian the portal that ends up transporting damian to amity park is left pr ambiguous#so really how he got there could be one of many things whether it be through divine intervention or clockwork's doing or hell#it could've also been quite literally the 1 in 1 millionth chance that a natural portal opened up beneath him and sent him to amity#and was a happy accident#but the idea that the laz pits or another adjacent such entity heard damian wanting an older brother (he meant og damian but oops never-#specified) and then sends him to the one person who could fulfill that wish and make him happy at the same time.#was really funny to me within the context of the lilo and stitch meme. the meme can also be seen the other way around with danny as lilo#and damian as stitch. but danny being stitch was infinitely funnier and ~technically~ more accurate imo#danny technically IS a nice angel but also. he's a developing menace to society (just ask wes) and he's going to make damian one too#danny being from the midwest means he has a midwestern accent and thats not something the bats know how to handle when they finally meet hi#hey look at that! my meme making skills are steadily improving. im no longer making the same joke six different times in different formats#those first two images i made a few days ago the rest i made in the last thirty minutes in a spur of clone^2 induced inspiration#and procrastination of writing the cfau rewrite of the first post. we are 10k words deep folks and just barely got past the 1st gala reunio#dunking on the giw is a god-given right and danny WILL pass it down to damian
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liquidatorbruntfca · 5 months
i’m currently rewatching TNG, and i completely forgot that in s2 e7 “Unnatural Selection”, picard takes over the transport controls from o’brien to beam pulaski back from darwin station, as to spare miles if anything were to go wrong.
if only picard knew the horrors miles would face on ds9 :)
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aquamonstra · 6 months
"I'm going to try a skeletal lock" is the MOST TERRIFYING SENTENCE I HAVE EVER HEARD IN STAR TREK. "I'm going to lock onto their bones" ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME B'ELANNA???
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charliejaneanders · 11 months
We have a death cult in this country. It's horrifying and should be a major scandal. Every candidate for federal elected office should be asked about this constantly.
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Lena as a woman struggling with a medical illness or condition that requires frequent emergency medical care and ambulance rides to the hospital. Kara as the EMT who responds to those calls at Lena's homd most frequently. Kara is charming and helps keep Lena calm and they strike up a rapport, maybe even a little bit of flirting. Definitely a lot of trust, which builds each time Lena sees Kara bending over her to evaluate her.
Then one night Lena gets in a nasty car accident (not her fault), suffering severe life threatening injury, and lo and behold, the EMT who responds is none other than Kara. This time, when Lena gazes up at her, Kara's features are grim and edging on desperate, contrasting sharply with her usual easy humor.
When Lena mutters Kara's name, Kara looks down and sees her awake. She forces a smile.
"Well, well, well, out in the wild this time," she tries to joke, but there's no mirth in her eyes.
Still, Lena feels relief. She knows Kara. She knows Kara will keep her alive, just as she's done countless times before.
"Glad you're... here," Lena murmurs, already fading again.
"No, no, no, Lena you need to keep your eyes open. Just keep your eyes on me, okay?" She calls for a cervical collar and something else over her shoulder.
Lena tries to obey-- she could stare at Kara all day every day given the chance-- but her body betrays her. Still, she drifts off knowing that if she has any chance at all of waking up again, it will be because of the woman kneeling over her.
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scribefindegil · 5 months
I'm not big into de-aging plotlines generally but the TNG episode was unparalleled. It's got everything. Ferengi. Heists straight out of a children's chapter book. Weaponized technobabble. The single most excruciatingly awkward hug ever committed to film.
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xxweyussyenjoyerxx · 7 months
Who all up
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It’s pin the tail on the Vorta hours.
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stargatebarbie · 29 days
✍ for divorce and 😡 for sinkhole!
happy wip wednesday!
okay guess im starting the divorce fic today akfjhlkdafj. thanks for this honestly bc I have been throwing dot points and vibes at the wall for this one for ages and wasn't able to get a single word of actual fic down until now and I'm not supposed to be bitching about this one I'm bitching about the other one oops. I kind of got distracted and wrote over 400 words for this which hell yeah but then I forgot to answer your ask sorry 😶 in compensation, have my last couple paragraphs
John waved his hand over the panel outside the transporter, opening the door on… two McKays. Huh. Before he’d even had time to develop any inappropriate fantasies, one of them was sneering at him, a look of genuine contempt on his face. It was an expression John was familiar with, but one he wasn’t usually on the receiving end of. It stung, and not a small amount if he was being honest. “Oh, and you’re here too. Brilliant.”
and now i get to bitch! i am trying to wrap up the sinkhole fic but 1) I hate finishing things and 2) I hate coming up with titles. every time I try and write the last few hundred words I remember that I still don't have a real title and I can't post it as "the sinkhole fic" bc that just does not have the correct vibes and it's pissing me off. I'm thinking 36 Questions to Fall (in a Hole) but idk everything i try sounds gross somehow? titling is my least favourite part of writing by far. I've been procrastinating by drawing caves instead lmao
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Captain Janevok is ready and willing to die for her crew. It’s the logical thing to do, he insists.
Janevok’s personality is sarcastic and wry and he usually isn’t smiling. When she does smile it’s a smirk. Makes jokes but you can only tell they’re jokes from the sparkle in her eye. Difficult to tell if she’s amused by you in a companiable way or not. Works as many hours as they can before /having/ to eat and drink and rest. Wants to get Tuvok and Janeway separated as soon as possible so the crew has them back. Has no qualms about his own death. Uninterested in exploring ‘self’ as ‘person’. Incredibly incredibly self confident. Has a vaguely parental vibe but like, SO intimidating. Like, you don’t want to ask him about anything but you want her to be proud of you. So intimidating in fact that he only really talks with Chakotay and the Doctor (various other characters try to speak to her and get scared off) Janevok: -walking- You are following me. Chakotay: That’s right. Janevok: Why? Chakotay: We’re having dinner. Or we were. Have plans changed? Janevok: No, but are you certain? People seem to find me...intimidating. Chakotay looks at the person beside him, nearly his height. It’s difficult to tell if she finds the situation upsetting or grimly amusing.  Chakotay: You don’t look so scary to me. Janevok: The worst ones never do. ^ Tuvok’s security brain + Janeway’s theatric speech. Are they flirting?? Janevok is just a very intense, headstrong and lonely person. If you talk to her for long enough you get the feeling there’s so much there, so many depths, but you’ll never get close enough to reach them. Seems sad when he’s not focusing on something.
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itstimeforstarwars · 4 months
I need everyone to start moving their shit by train for at least 90% of the journey again specifically because semi truck traffic is making it impossible for me to enjoy sitting outside on my front porch.
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10001gecs · 7 months
What’s your current workout schedule?
basically whenever i feel like it i work out until exhaustion. i would not say its a particularly sophisticated schedule
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demadogs · 25 days
sooo how long after crashing your car do you feel normal again emotionally… how many business days.
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georgefairbrother · 2 years
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In the early evening of December 4th, 1951, 52 Royal Marine cadets, aged between nine and 13, were being marched the short distance from their own barracks to the Chatham Naval Barracks, via Dock Road, to watch a boxing match. They were marching three abreast, actually on the roadway owing to the narrowness of the footpath which abutted a high wall, and with the traffic. They had no torches or safety lighting, other than what was provided by the overhead streetlamps. The cadets were under the supervision of a regular Royal Marines Officer, Lieutenant Clarence Carter.
Just before six pm, in conditions of poor visibility worsened by fog and defective streetlighting, a double decker bus operated by the Chatham and District Traction Company hit the marching column from behind. Twenty four cadets were killed and a further 18 were injured, at that point the highest loss of life in a road traffic accident in the UK.
The bus was being driven by an experienced and highly regarded driver, 57 year old John Samson, who had worked for the company for 40 years and was about to be officially commended for his safety record, long service and good conduct. He stated that he did not see the cadets ahead of him prior to the collision. He was driving using sidelights only, despite the poor visibility, which was common practice at the time. Estimations of the speed of the bus by witnesses varied between 20 and 40 mph. There was no mention of any passengers aboard, it appears that the bus was returning to depot.
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There was some thinking at the time that using sidelights only under street lighting reduced dangerous glare for other traffic. It was also to save power, as batteries under load could drain even when mobile.
Accounts of the accident and immediate aftermath are, not surprisingly, horrific. The conductor, Dorothy Dunster, initially thought the bus had run over a pile of ‘loose rocks’. The dead and injured were, according to witnesses, 'spread out from one side of the road to the other'. Several cadets were trapped beneath the bus and died before they could be rescued. Lieutenant Carter, who had attempted to marshal the cadets toward the side of the road upon hearing the bus approaching, was struck and injured, although it would appear not seriously. A number of cadets died in the arms of three Royal Navy sailors who had rushed to the scene having heard the cries and screams of the injured cadets.
Mr Samson was present for the Coroner’s inquest which was held at the Royal Naval Hospital, Chatham, during which parents had to sign off on the identification of their deceased sons, but he collapsed after the final identification was complete. The Coroner recorded verdicts of Accident Death, however Samson was charged with dangerous driving, fined 20 pounds at the Old Bailey, and was disqualified from driving for three years.
There was considerable sympathy for Mr Samson at the time and for many years afterwards. The jury, upon finding him guilty, urged the judge to show as much leniency as possible. The judge noted that no amount of punishment could be worse than Samson's own utter devastation at what had happened.
A number of injured cadets, recovering in hospital, organised a whip-round to buy Samson some chocolates to cheer him up. He continued to live locally, never spoke publicly, and was shielded by friends and neighbours whenever media interest in the crash rekindled from time to time.
According to the website of Historic Medway;
"...A huge amount of money was collected by public appeals after the crash. Some was spent on memorials for the boys who died, and some was spent on the boys who were disabled. The mayors, who were looking after the money, could not agree what to do with the rest and, after a court case, it was decreed that as it could not be returned to the donors (a lot of it was collected on the streets) it had to be kept in an account. It wasn't until the 1990s that some of the money was spent restoring the cadets' graves..."
Sources include: Websites of Kent Online and Historic Medway, archived Time Magazine, The Chatham Bus Disaster (YouTube) by Raven's Eye
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Conspiracy theory: Transporter Chief Kyle is a shapeshifter.
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