twiafom · 2 years
Ok so I'm your full metal alchemist Au: hiccup is an alchemist. Jack is a homunculus. Valka was taken by the military to go commit war crimes. The dragons are homunculi. This all got me thinking that a) Valka wouldn't slap animals haphazardly together, she'd take her time to make sure these creatures can live full, happy lives this creating a new species. Also, what if Jack wasn't dead, but dying? So he AND hiccup do the transmutation together, and Jack is a bit weird because of it? Maybe it fucks with him and his alchemy. Idk. There's really no reason for him to suddenly gain ice magic other than him just giving. Unless hiccup tried to make him also a chimera by taking certain attributes of an animal that would cure whatever is wrong with jack a la taking the gene that codes for the synthesis of vitamin d and putting that in a human with scurvy, so they become immune to scurvy. It's kinda more genetics at that point, but would yield interesting yet subtle consequences.
🤔 lots going on here. so the dragons are both animals and homunculi? and if jack performed the transmutation while dying i don't think that would make him a homunculus, but if he no longer needs transmutation circles and already specialized in the alchemical change of water into ice then he could do that with no circle. i think the transmutation would probably be similar to how roy starts his fires just a little colder so to speak. chimera jack is also interesting but the gene replacement would depend on what was wrong with him i think 🤔
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geekeryisafoot · 5 months
Reading the summary of Marriage Toxin: huh ok a shonen jump manga where the main character's sister being a lesbian is foundational to the plot since their family is forcing at least one of the siblings to have kids and neither wants them. Intriguing...
Reading chapter 1: sure being a weirdo assassin who's convinced they're a terrible person would put a damper on finding a partner but honestly everything this MC is saying about romance just comes off as him being aroace, or gay, or SOMETHING not straight. But it's sooooooo obvious he's gonna end up with the marriage arranger girl. I mean he already proposed to her twice so these vibes will probably be disappointingly unintentional and abandoned :(
Reading the last page of chapter 1:
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starsspin · 1 year
but listen in the eragon series jeremy, ed, garrett and sienna all deserve to have goddamn cameos at most. and lbh jeremy deserves to reprise his role as brom. i don't care if he's too old now
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thatanimeramenchick · 4 months
Yandere Vox x Secretary Reader Pt. 2
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Eh, what have you guys done to me. I swear, we Vox fangirls are the thirstiest on the internet right now. Also, officially, I’m making this a three part series, but that’s it. So much for a oneshot. I'll make a title for this series, eventually. Also, if you want to be tagged, please put your age in your bio.
Part One - Part Three
Triggers: Dubcon-y vibes in scenes. Violence and threatening. Read responsibly, stuff is gonna get a little dark this chapter.
Word count: 3,142
Vox thought you looked perfect. For once, you were wearing something decent that he bought you instead of one of the plain outfits from before you had moved in. Somehow, you had been convinced to put on actual jewelry and makeup as well. The only flaw you held was the dirty look on your face, which you refused to face towards him directly, and it only got dirtier as you downed more and more wine.
“You know, you could at least attempt to have a good time after all the effort I put into this evening,” he said, “You haven’t even touched your food.”
“Not hungry,” you said, voice ice cold. It always was nowadays.
“If you’re not in the mood for dinner, we could watch a new production I oversaw,” he said, “I think you’d enjoy it.”
You snort at that.
“I’d rather listen to Alastor’s radio program than watch any of the hot trash your production company creates,” you said.
“I’m sorry? What was that?” he said, putting a warning hint into his tone.
“You heard me,” you said, “I’ve gotta say for someone supposedly so modern, you’re still just an old man. Alastor is what? Like twenty years older than you? And you think he’s elderly? You’re practically a decrepit bygone as well. You think anyone gives a shit about cable nowadays? At least Alastor has the decency to make stuff with class and not just forgettable, cheap cash grabs.”
Against his will, he felt a circuit spurt. His hand clenched around the glass and slammed it onto the table, causing you to jump. A small noise left your mouth, as panicked as the look in your eyes was now. You looked like you knew that you had pushed a little more than you probably should have.
“You know what?” he hissed, “You think you can just talk to me like that? Fine. You wanna play rough with me? Well guess what, I’m going to fuck that bad attitude right out of you!”
“Excuse me???”
You didn’t even look scared at that just shocked and baffled, as if that had been the last thing you had expected to hear.
“You heard me!” he grabbed you by your shoulders and shoved you flat onto the couch, “I’m sick of you fighting me. Well, you’re not going to after this.”
“W-wait, Vox, stop-”
He smashed his lips to yours, purposefully being harsh, biting you when you tried to keep your mouth closed. When you attempted to turn your face away, he grabbed your chin rough enough where he knew it would leave a mark before kissing you harder. You pounded your fist against his chest, but he ignored it, straddling you. He eventually used his other hand to grab your wrist and push it into the couch.
He didn’t know when it happened, but at some point in your struggle something shifted in the air. Changed. You had finally stopped fighting, slowly wrapping your arm around his neck, kissing him back. It was heavenly, you finally submitting to him. Yes, yes, yes… He paused to look you in the eyes, to see your timid gaze and red face. There was still a look of anger glazed across your features, but it was fading. He brought his hand up to play at the buttons on your blouse. You looked at each other for a second longer before you initiated a kiss for once, using the arm around his neck to pull him close. Your tongue felt so hot, so right, as if your body was as electric as his own and-
Vox gasped, a spark running through his head. He woke up alone in bed, a literal hot mess. He felt like his head was overheating, running a million miles a minute, despite the fact that he should feel cold from sleep. Mixing this with the slick sweat and fluid he was covered in, it was an uncomfortable feeling. Groping for the robe hanging next to his bed, he climbed out. What a dream. He needed a second to wire down from that before trying to go back to sleep.
He picked up his phone and opened it to check on you. The camera in your room showed you curled up on your mattress, blanket half off your body and arms wrapped around one of your pillows. It pressed into your dozing face, which held a peaceful, relaxed look that he rarely saw now that you had decided to go to war with him. His finger absently stroked your image on the screen.
Why did you have to be so difficult? He didn’t know what had been the powder keg that had kicked off your little rebellion, but whatever it was, all his attempts to nip it in the bud had made you more temperamental. Clearly his irritation with your behavior had seeped into his mind enough to create some… darker fantasies deep in his sleeping subconscious.
He shook his head. It was just a dream. It didn’t mean anything.
Besides, he already had been thinking about what to do next, to give you that little push you needed to be more agreeable.
Later that day he scoffed at how ridiculous his own morbid imagination was. The idea of you dressed all pimped up like one of Valentino’s whores. You barely got out of bed nowadays. If he was being honest, your imprisonment had caused your mood to swing between defiant temper tantrums and a hopelessly depressed sloth. Today, you were in the latter mood, still in pajamas that he swore you were wearing two days ago, lying on the couch and mindlessly eating as you watched some random reality show.
“Hello there, beautiful,” he said, trying to sound pleasant, “Looks like you’ve had a relaxing day.”
You glance at him for a second before looking back at the television. The blanket is pulled tighter around you, as if you were trying to hide any inch of yourself from him. Ever since his last attempt at showing his affection had ended in you headbutting him – hard – you had been particularly prickly at even the slightest hint that he might want to touch you.
“What do you want, asshole?” you said, voice lacking emotion.
Charming as always.
“Well, dearest, I was thinking. Now that you’ve had some time to think things over, I was hoping we could finally come to an agreement that would make us both happy,” he said.
“I highly doubt that’s possible,” you said.
He sat beside you, which caused you to curl your legs in tighter. You inch up on the arm a little, as if to sit as far away from him as possible without having to actually put any effort into getting up.
“We both have something that the other person wants, something that could be easily settled with a written contract,” Vox said, “You would like to be allowed to roam around this cesspool of a city and I-”
“Let me guess, it includes a whole paragraph about me never leaving your sight as well as a clause about how often you get to stick yourself in my various orifices?” you grumbled.
“You’re so melodramatic sometimes,” he said, “You always assuming the worst about people, F/N. Makes me wonder if you were double crossed a lot in your previous life.”
You don’t even respond to this, just continue to stare ahead. He’d noticed that lately you’ve been avoiding his gaze. He wasn’t sure how much you had figured out about his abilities, but you seemed to have pieced enough together that the more you avoided his eyes, the less direct influence he had on you at the moment. He was sure that it was one of the many reasons you were so moody lately; you stubbornly refused to be soothed by him. Regardless, whether you were trying to avoid his hypnotic gaze or not, it’s no matter. It’s not like you’re going to be able to avoid the overall influence he has over this city, especially if you spend your free time watching television he’s created.
“It’s rather tame, considering the situation you’re in. Contract or not, it’s not like you’re going to be going anywhere anytime soon,” he continued, “You’re lucky I care for you as much as I do, trying to work with you like this.”
“Hooray for me,” you said.
You really were a brat sometimes. Vox at times wondered if it was because he was too soft on you, and you didn’t realize the amount of actual power he held over you. Either that or you just didn’t care anymore. Whatever. It was all big talk because at the end of the day, you both knew you couldn’t do anything about your situation.
“You already have lots of benefits, which you would retain. Nice apartment, clothes, up to date tech. Besides that, you can come and go regularly, as long as you’re back here within twenty-four from when you last left. You can do whatever you want during that time. You also would be working for me a minimum of forty hours a week, with the occasional granted vacation at my discretion. That’s pretty much it, along with you occasionally being cooperative with my… desires,” he said, “So you’d have plenty of time to yourself. I didn’t put in anything that would force you to do anything too unsavory with me.”
Though he certainly would have liked to be more pushy in that department, he knew going too far could result in the kind of hate fueled relationship Valentino and Angel Dust shared. He honestly didn’t have the energy to have that much drama in his own life. Good night, he could hardly handle the drama that was in his life now. Besides, he was sure you’d come around willingly, even if it took a few centuries.
You glared at him as he finished speaking, as if to say, how generous of you.
From inside his vest, he pulls out the contract and holds it out to you.
“So, we have a deal?” he asked.
You sit up and take the paper, still avoiding his eyes. You seem to be reading it over, though your hold on it is lazy.
“… This still says you can fuck me at least once a week if you want to, or else I’m not allowed to leave the building,” you said, “Did you really think I wasn’t going to notice shit like that?”
He laughed a bit awkwardly.
“I mean, I did say I would like you to be at least a little cooperative,” he said, crossing his legs, “We could wait a little while if you’d like. I mean, you’d still have more freedom than you do now, even with that minuscule restriction. You should know by now that I’m a patient man.”
You stare at it again, forehead wrinkled.
“You know what… I see where you’re coming from,” you said, finally making eye contact, “Tic for tac, eh?”
“That’s a crude way for you to put it,” he said.
You shrug.
“Crude or not, it’s the truth,” you said, a sardonic smirk appearing on your face, “You want me to give a little to get a little.”
Before he could say anything you hold up your hands with more energy than he’s seen you have in days.
“No, no, no! I understand. I’ve been in hell long enough to know how people like you work. I get where you’re coming from, I really do. I’m not stupid! So trust me, I’m being completely serious when I say that I think you should take this lovely contract of yours and shove it up your glowing blue ass!” you ripped it in half on the last word, your smile still present but a nasty look in your eyes.
Vox felt his eye twitch as you continued to smirk at him, tossing the paper at him like you would throw trash across the room. You then lie back down and turn back to the TV, ignoring him again as if the last few minutes hadn’t even happened at all. Though you were attempting to pull your face back into the blank expression of earlier, he could see in your eyes a mixture of emotion, rage, yes, but also a certain smugness. What, did you really think you were tough shit for mouthing off to him like that?
He felt like his head was going to explode. Before he even registered how he was reacting, he had grabbed you by the hair and was pulled you back over.
“Ow! What the hell are you doing, Vox?” you yelled, the smug look gone from your eyes, “You’re hurting me!”
“You think you’re so smart, don’t you? I’m trying to be generous to you because I actually like you, but you know what? I’ve clearly spoiled you rotten already!” he fumed.
He was practically seeing red as he dragged you over, causing you to yelp. You try to kick him, but he only grabs onto your ankle and pulls you closer to him, spinning you around so that you were pressed against the back of the couch, his arms on either side of you. His fingers are still gripping your hair, forcing you to turn your head towards him.
“You know, you’re right, who needs a contract?” he said, “I can do whatever the hell I want with you, and what are you going to do about it?”
Your voice cracked as you attempted to speak, but he didn’t pay any attention to what you were trying to say. He could feel his systems overloading with the amount of rage he was feeling, shouting over you.
“I hope you like the view from up here, because you’re staying here for the rest of your miserable eternal exist. You can work and live here 24/7,” he said, “Anything else we should change in the arrangement? You didn’t like the idea of fucking me once a week? Fine by me. Why not once a day? Twice a day? Every hour? Would you like that better? Huh? Answer me!”
As he finished speaking, he finally heard what you were saying, “-m sorry! I’m sorry, please, stop!
As he heard your pleading, he felt himself being brought back down to earth. While his rage was still present, your begging brought him back to reality, and it was finally registering how upset you were. Hysterical. Terrified. You were sobbing, more afraid of him than he had ever seen you, even on the worst days of your fighting.
“D-d-don’t hurt me. I’m s-sorry, I’m sorry! Please, don’t hurt me!”
He released your hair with a rapid exhale, and you automatically moved your head away from him, arms shielding your face. Shaking, it was sinking in just emotionally distraught you were, as well as the damage he had done to the couch. He hadn’t even noticed he had been digging his claws into the polyester, a row of gnashes beside your head. The situation was completely getting out of control. He pushed himself off of you and turned away. He didn’t even say anything, just left the room and went through the wires to his office. His head was overheating, and he was going to crash at this rate if he didn’t calm down.
Damn it! He hated how out of control you made him feel. It was pathetic. There was only one other person he could think of that made him get near as frustrated as he was feeling with you at the moment. He wasn’t the kind to act out, and here he was acting almost as ridiculous as his business partner did. The only saving grace was that Vox at least tried to keep his infatuation as quiet and private as possible.
It was more than his emotional irregularity though. The fact that he felt this way at all about you was humiliating. Affection, fondness, it was a weakness, and he knew it. Valentino got away with just having simple lust and taking what he wanted, but genuine affection demanded gentleness and tenderness. It was beyond him just not being able to do as he pleased with you, he didn’t want to. He wanted you to come to him willingly. It was the thing holding him back from just hypnotizing you into his arms or using a “love” potion, and now he had probably set any progress towards your affection back significantly.
He rubbed his forehead, which was starting to cool down a little. What was going on up there? He was going to end up doing something rash, something he regretted, if he didn’t get things under control and under control fast. Something needed to be done, but he didn’t know what. Nothing had gone how he had wanted it to. He would need to rethink his approach.
You spent a long time shaking on the couch, arms and blanket wrapped around you, crying. You were an idiot. Clearly your brain was turning to mush just sitting around the house all day. Did you actually think you’d be able to get away with speaking like that to an Overlord of Hell?
There had to be a way out of this place. Had to. But the more you thought about it, the more impossible it felt. Even if you did manage to get out of the building in one piece, Vox had this entire city under constant watch. Every corner of Pentagram City was crawling with his tech and media. It would take minutes if not seconds for him to find you and bring you back by force. At this point, maybe you should just sign a contract with the douchebag. Surely, he’d get bored of you eventually, right? Maybe if you got lucky he’d even get killed off one of these days in an extermination, and you’d be off the hook completely.
But how long would that take? Decades? A century or two? What if he never tired of you? Eternal death or not, you didn’t want to spend that much time living and sleeping with some psycho you hated. No. That wasn’t an option. You weren’t going to do that. But what then? You had thought he was going to literally rip your head off just a few minutes ago for telling him no. You were pretty sure things weren’t going to get less volatile around here if you kept rejecting him.
You wiped at your tear soaked face with a tissue and tossed it across the room. It’s light material just sent it floating to the ground though. It looked as pathetic as you felt.
“Damn it,” you cursed, smashing your head into a throw pillow and lying back down, “I hate this fucking place.”
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ilovemilfsthings · 1 year
could you do something where ronaldo is your ex and you broke up because he cheated but he saw you with another man at a party and he got really jealous and tries to talk to uou ?? idk a lot of angst basically.
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IMAGINE ; cristiano ronaldo x fem! oc
plot: you met your ex boyfriend, but it’s not a nice meeting.
trigger warning: cheating, swearing, a lot of angst.
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IT WASN’T your first time, when you got cheated on. but this time it was completely different, than in previous relationships. after found out that the most important person in your life, found peace in the arms of his former love. you felt like half of your heart just died, this feeling is like a crumpled a piece of paper that someone has thrown in the trash. the feeling was even worse, when your partner knows about yours past and how badly insecure you were.
cristiano was your first real love, your best friend and soulmate. well, you thought like that for two years when you were the happiest person in the world. when you met him first time, you could tell that was love by first sight. of course, he was handsome, but especially he was very sweet, caring and family person. even if there was a slight age difference between you two, it didn’t bother you. you just knew that you wanted to start family with him ─ in fact you had a family with him because you treated cristiano jr. like your own son. ─ anyway, you thought you finally found a perfect partner, after that hell you went through. but life was never fair, and you knew it very good.
cristiano stared acting really weird and different. he wasn’t at home in time, he started to ignored your calls or messages etc. you felt like he didn’t treat you as his girlfriend, but only a roommate or even nanny for his son. you started to overthink your relationship with ronaldo, knew that he wasn’t has feelings for you anymore. as we know, overthinking is a bitch, but it always right, this time wasn’t different.
you were done and tired of your relationship and how it meant nothing for cristiano anymore. you conjectured that he had betrayed you all this time, but you need to see the proof. so without thinking, you grabbed cristano phone, when he was in the shower. you froze, when you find sweet messages he texted to georgina, his ex-girlfriend.
when you two stared dating, you was afraid he still had feelings for georgina. but every time you asked him about it, he guaranteed you that he hadn’t cared about her at all. and every time you were so naive and believed him without a word.
you remember how you burst into tears, not believed it happened to you again, like a never ending story. “why i am never enough” you asked yourself always when situations like that happens. the fight was blurred in your mind, you remember how he begged you to not leaving home, how he swore it wasn’t like this etc.
“y/n it wasn’t like this, you must misunderstand something. i swear i don’t cheat on you” he tried to stop you, as you goes to packed all of your things. “cristano maybe i was naive, but i am not stupid and i know what i see” you didn’t even looked at him, everything you wanted right now is exited this house and never see him again. he was dead to you.
six months have passed since then and you can say that now everything was fine. you stopped thinking about cristiano and stared to live your life. you even agreed to go to the party today, with your best friend. he comforted you after the whole situation, and he knew that you need to relax with him and glass of wine.
you wore black mini dress and basic black heels, you finally started to be confident, because you wanted to leave your past behind and wanted to be a person, that you wanted to be before your relationships’ story.
club, that martin chooses was a pretty big place with vip section, but you focused only on a bar and dancing floor and martin focused on pretty boys, hoping that he wouldn’t be a single anymore. you were a little bit tipsy, because of martin who bought you a lot of colourful drinks.
“isn’t it your ex?” he asked, pointing out the person that you didn’t want to see that night. cristiano was wearing a basic black shirt and black pants, but you can tell that he was looking fine. you locked eyes with him but quickly broke it.
you tried to focused on martin, but then you feel someone’s hand on your arm, you turn around to face your ex-boyfriend, raised brows.
“what do you want for me?” you asked him, after standing in silence for few seconds.
“can we talk?” he sighed. “face to face” he added, glanced martin. and you just looked at him pityingly.
“cristiano we don’t have anything to talk about” you were calmed, because you were sure, that you don’t had feelings for this man. you have forgiven him a long time ago, but you don’t let him warped you around his little finger.
“because what? because now you are busy with your new pathetic boyfriend?” when he said this, you can’t believe it and grabbed his arm, walked away from bar.
“what the fuck, cristiano? you can’t just shout at me in front of my friend!” you were angry at him, that he acted so childish in your eyes. “i thought i told you six months ago, that i don’t wanna see you in my life anymore”
”i know i fucked up y/n, but i can’t live without you” he tried to hold your hand, but you quickly push him back. “did you really choose that guy and not me?” you laughed at him, this man can’t be serious right now.
“he’s my best friend, but you don’t need to know it. you really forget what do you done to me?” you asked rhetorically. “can’t you see, you are dead to me, you don’t existed in my mind anymore”
“i did it because i wanted you to be jealous, it wasn’t anything serious” he said, sounds incredibly stupid.
“jealous? you must be kidding me” you shake your head, being proud of yourself that this man means nothing to you. “we are done, leave me alone and have a nice night” you said and walked away for him.
yes, he was definitely dead to you.
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sorry for any mistakes
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ghouhlish · 6 months
Dead Plate Wednesday AU
Chapter 1
Some explanations + the end of the first proper day. It’s on the shorter side.
Just some stuff to hype me for writing (I have a bit of block the last year and I also lost the password to my old acc…..)
Please excuse typos or misspelling!
CHARACTERS ARE OOC and tbh Enid is my fav Wednesday artist’s version.. kinda.
CHARACTERS ARE AGED UP! (Not for smut, just for plot. And you cannot pay me to write about school life in detail.)
Wednesday is Vince, obviously.
So that means Enid is Rody, working around the clock serving up the dishes Wednesday oversees are perfect.
She’s saving up for her loving boyfriend, Ajax! Sure he hasn’t showed for a while when he had promised, but he’s probably stoned, right?
They work at Jericho, it’s a restaurant like in the original, however they serve coffee with certain meals and they have special brewers in the kitchen.
Wednesday has ZERO taste, she drinks straight black coffee, she serves food bitter, sour, not particularly to Enid’s taste, but it’s not for her, until it is.
Enid packs away, she takes out the dirty plates, she passes her regards to the chefs, dishwashers, coffee makers, everyone.
She takes out the trash, she wipes down the tables, all with a wine bottle she’s gotten used to gripping tightly in her hand precent.
Wednesday watches her. Hawk eyes scorch the wolf’s oblivious brain. She’s checking for imperfections, quite simply. The dishes not being fully put away, a spec of dirt on the table.
Enid is different and she just doesn’t know why.. she needs to find out. She needs to know everything about herself and this waiter is just an anomaly in that confidence of self. She forms an idea.
Wednesday shows no sign of cracking the sick smile she wants to as she passes Enid a firmly wrapped plate.
“Enid.” The werewolf’s ears perk and she stiffly turns, bin bag in hand, thinking she’s at the very least in mild trouble for her shotty service. One table left and there was a critic, on her first day.. She swiftly walks over, small grimace on her face.
Wednesday holds out the plate. “Do you have somewhere to put this?” Enid’s head tilts. “It’s for you. Do you have anywhere to put it?”
Enid huffs, tension releasing. “Uhh..” she thinks for a second, finally putting down the wine. “No.”
Wednesday’s eyebrows raise, she’s waiting for something.
“Do you need a bag?”
“Yes, please” Enid flashes a crooked smile, eyes crinkling. The Raven pauses. She looks at both of Enid’s eyes, searching. Then the places the plate down and disappears into her office.
Enid holds the plate and looks at it. Ew. It looked fine, but it felt wrong. Certain things just feel wrong, like when you click a button but then you need to click it again so then it’s like it reset. This food cannot be reset.
She just looks down at it. She feels grateful, sure, but it just..
Wednesday holds out the bag and Enid almost jumps, just settling for blinking multiple times at the girl, then quickly putting the plate into the bag and taking it from her. Silent.
The ride home felt wrong. The bag swayed on the handle whenever the bike turned or whenever Enid’s knee hit off of the plate.
It was a normal bag, plain white. Like a bag you would get after going to a high end restaurant.
It was quickly shoved into the fridge, the bottom shelf, and forgot about.
She picks up the phone and begins, from heart, to dial up Ajax, tell him about her weird Co worker, how she gave her food and how off it felt, how much she misses him,
how it doesn’t matter how long they haven’t seen each other because they can make it through anything,
How much she’s saving up for him,
how she will take him somewhere nice,
How she will be nice..
The line cuts. Guess he’s stoned again.
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yes-divine-ruler · 2 years
Stan Bowes (Evan Peters in Pose) x Fem!Reader Smut - “Daddy Issues” (18+)
CW: oral (both receiving), unprotected penetrative sex, daddy kink, affair
Words: 1647
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Nobody would be on your side if you told them you were in love with a married man. All you were to everyone else was a home-wrecker, a naive child who didn’t know the damage she was doing.
Yet you stood in the apartment he bought you, making a meal with the groceries he paid for, drinking a glass of fine wine that he had brought to you a week ago. You could never do all this on your own. You did feel bad for his wife and children, but you’d feel worse if you never saw him again, and maybe you were selfish for that. Something about Stan Bowes was extraordinary, his handsome face and his toned, sculpted body, the way he treated you was not like any man your age would or could. He sent fresh flowers to your door every morning, and made sure he’d call you if he didn’t have time to come and see you, most of the time.
Being Stan Bowes’ little secret was the best thing in the world, until it wasn’t. You had to share the man of your dreams with a part of his life you weren’t apart of. The part of his life where he was a father, a husband, a son. Where he had responsibilities and priorities.
You waited patiently by your kitchen counter for the door bell to ring, tapping your acrylic nails on the marble until it drove you crazy. Stan was half an hour late already, the dinner you’d made him beginning to go cold. Sighing to yourself, you took your glass of red to the sofa and sunk down on it. You pulled out your mobile phone, tempted to send yet another message asking where he was, and when he’d be here.
When an hour passed, you gave up, tears welling in your eyes as you stared at your sad dinner arrangement, the tea lights in the centre of the table burnt to the end of their wicks, your wine bottle now empty. You threw your phone across the room, and let out an angry scream. This was the third night in a row he’d made arrangements to come and see you and didn’t show up.
You start to circle your apartment, pushing the plates off the dining table and onto the floor, tearing the sheer curtains off the curtain rods. You hit the mirror in the bathroom, causing it to shatter, your knuckles bloodied from the sharp glass. Were you really that unimportant that he’d forgotten about you three nights in a row?
That’s when the door bell rang and you hurried out of the bathroom to answer it, fixing your hair and dusting off your silk slip dress like nothing happened as you opened the door. Stan stood there, his face nothing short of apologetic as he pulled you in for a tight hug. You hugged him back, melting into the scent of his expensive cologne, running a hand through his short hair.
“Baby I’m so sorry, I got caught up at work,” he mumbled into your hair as he pulled away to look at you.
“Are you okay? What the fuck happened?”he grabbed onto your bloodied hands, his eyes darting behind you at your trashed apartment.
“Nothing,” you hiccuped, the wine suddenly rushing to your head as Stan looked at you with a look of horror.
“Y/N, what the fuck happened?” He repeated himself slowly, pushing passed you and entering the apartment. You sighed and closed the door behind you, watching as he stepped over cracked porcelain plates and spilled Alfredo with his polished dress shoes.
“Did someone break in?”
He turned to look at you, your face stained with guilt.
“I’m sorry Stan, I got angry, I thought you weren’t coming again,” you bit your lip as his face twisted in anger.
“You can’t just fucking trash the apartment every-time I don’t come and see you, I have a fucking family Y/N, and they come first I told you that,” he ran a hand through his hair as a salty tear trailed down your cheek.
“But Stan-”
“Do you not realise everything I fucking do for you? You’re such an ungrateful brat,” he seethed, walking passed you to the front door and grabbing his coat on the way out.
“Stan please don’t go I’ll fix this I promise,” you begged, grabbing onto his arm before he left your apartment, “I’m so sorry daddy.”
He turned to you, his eyes still filled with rage but totally captivated by his pet name. It rung in his ears like sweet honey, the blood rushing straight to his cock as it came out your pretty lips.
You noticed Stan standing there frozen, and knew you’d said the right thing to make him stay.
“Come on, I’ll make it up to you, I’m so sorry,” you said just above a whisper, coming into his chest and loosening his red striped tie with your fingers, “you just need some loving right now.”
You shut the door behind Stan with your foot as he took a step back into your apartment. You pulled on the collar of his shirt and connected your lips. He fed on your seduction shamelessly, his fingernails clawing into your hips through your silk dress as he pulled you closer. Your tongue entered his warm mouth, tugging on his hair as his hands lifted up your dress.
You broke the kiss for a moment, Stan’s eyes shut firmly as he felt your body, “come to bed, daddy,”
You took his hand and pulled him to your bedroom, pushing him down on the bed as soon as you entered. He laid there, mesmerised by his mistress, as you slipped off the thin straps of your dress to reveal your bare breasts. He moaned as you straddled his lap, unbuttoning each of the buttons on his dress shirt agonisingly slow.
You leaned down to suck on the skin of his neck, your hands working at the zipper of his slacks and pulling it down. You palmed him through his underwear, not surprised to feel a wet patch of pre cum at the tip of his rock hard erection.
“M’gonna suck daddy’s cock, I’ll show you I’m a good girl,” you purred, kissing down to his stomach and then to the front of his underwear. His bottom lip wedged between his teeth as he watched you pull out his cock and lick a stripe from the base to the tip. He couldn’t hold it in anymore, letting out a loud moan as his eyes closed from the pleasure he was receiving.
You took his erection in your mouth, holding the base with your hand as they worked together in synchronicity on his shaft. His cock was covered in your saliva as you pushed your head down to take his whole length. He moaned as you gagged on it, before pulling up for a breath.
“Come here,” he muttered, motioning you over with his fingers. You came up off his cock, and inched your face closer to his. He kissed you, his hands slipping up your dress again to grip onto your bare ass.
“Sit on daddy’s face,” he breathed out, lifting up your dress for you and pulling it over your head. He almost came just from seeing you naked. You obliged, straddling his head with your thighs as you felt his tongue slip between your wet folds. He took your clit in your mouth, the action causing you to let out a small whimper, his hands still cupping the soft skin on your ass. He continued his sensual assault between your legs, his tongue lapping at your arousal as you started to grind on his face. He dipped his tongue into your entrance, his nose pressing up against your clit as you felt your orgasm approaching.
“Daddy you’re gonna make me cum!” You squealed, as you finally felt your release, grinding on Stan’s face as he pleasures you through your climax.
He pressed a few gentle kisses to your heat before you climbed off his face, his chin covered in your juices and his own saliva.
You stuck out your tongue, and licked from his chin to his mouth, tasting yourself on his face.
“You’re such a naughty fucking girl,” he growled, his cock almost weeping against his stomach and begging to be paid attention to.
“Only for you,” you cooed back, pressing your wet entrance against his cock and slicking it with your arousal. He gripped onto your hips again, pulling you up so he could slide his cock in.
When you felt it, you almost came again there and then. He stretched you out with his impressive length, your cunt eating up his cock hungrily, the tip almost hitting your cervix.
You began to bounce on his cock, throwing your head back as he marvelled at your breasts, your nipples hard from excitement and titillation.
“My god, you ride my cock like such a little slut,” he praised, as his cock entered you again and again.
“Is daddy gonna cum for his little slut?” You replied, biting on your lip as he grabbed onto your breasts, circling his thumb and pointer finger around your nipples.
“Holy shit baby, fuck-” his eyes screwed shut as his lips parted, letting out words of profanity and low moans as he came inside you. You rode him until he gripped your hips to stop, and then leaned down to his face again.
You kissed him softly, as he hummed in content from your prior activities.
“You, little miss, are paying for those repairs, I hope it teaches you a lesson,” he said with a small smile, as you got off him to lay at his side.
“Yes daddy I’m sorry,” you pout, as he laughs and kisses your head softly.
Taglist: @v-love @evanpetersfav @demxnicprxncess @kitwalkersgfff
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phillippadgettwrites · 9 months
I love jealousy stories! Can you give us some good jealous Scully? Maybe it’s been stewing a long time or maybe Mulder got tired of her turning him down for dates and starts stating someone else. Just make her seethe with jealousy please???
One for The Road
Rated X / 3429 words / Posted on AO3 / Tagging @today-in-fic
Scully dials the number for the house phone from memory, then takes a big gulp of her wine. She listens to it ring once, twice, three times, four. She knows the machine will pick up after the fifth ring, and she prepares to hang up before she hears the outgoing message. Either she’ll hear her own voice, which will make her sad because he still hasn’t changed it, or she’ll hear his voice, which will make her sad because he has. She’s halfway through the fifth ring, about to pull the phone away from her ear, when he finally answers. 
“Hello?” he says breathlessly, like he was running for the phone.
She opens her mouth, but nothing comes out right away. She closes her eyes and forces herself to speak before either he hangs up, or she loses her nerve completely. “Mulder, it’s me.”
There’s a pause that’s a bit too long for her liking. Longer than a “shocked but happy to hear from you” pause. More of a “shocked and wondering why I’m hearing from you” pause. 
“Scully,” he finally says, her name leaving his mouth on a blustering breath. “It’s been a while. Are you okay?”
A little pang of something painful and beautiful spikes in her chest. He still cares about her. At least there’s that. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she reassures him. “How are you doing?”
She closes her eyes as she waits for his answer, unsure how explicit it might be. She wants to know, but she also vehemently doesn’t. If only there were some way to have both at once. Shroedinger’s knowledge of your ex’s love life. 
“I’m good,” he says, a polite non-answer. The kind you give to the checker at the grocery store or the coworker you don’t really like. The kind you give to your former partner who cut contact with you months ago to preserve her own sanity. 
“That’s good,” she says, disgusted by their milquetoast small talk. They used to talk about everything, and now they don’t talk at all. She takes another gulp of her wine.
He waits for her to explain why she called, and she waits for him to ask. 
“Did you need something?” he says when the silence becomes unbearable. 
I need you to wait patiently for me forever, she thinks. I need you to never, ever love anyone else. 
“I found some things of yours,” she says tightly, then clears her throat. “I must have accidentally packed them. I thought maybe you’d like to come by and get them.”
She already hates herself for being so petty. So immature. It’s really not like her, but then again she’s never loved anyone in her life the way she loves him. She’s never lost someone it hurts this much to lose. 
Mulder makes a little curious sound, and she feels hopeful that her plan will work. 
“What things?” he asks. 
“Um, some knick knacks,” she says, glancing at the pile of junk she managed to assemble. “A couple things you used to keep on your desk at the Hoover. Odds and ends. Sentimental things.”
Mulder has become increasingly sentimental with age. Year over year she continued to find little treasures tucked away around the house that looked to her like trash, but that he begged her not to throw out. She wasn’t sure whether to be touched or horrified when she found out he’d stashed the panties she was wearing the first time they had sex in a shoebox next to a set of tickets from a Knicks game he took her to—their first “real” date. 
“I hadn’t noticed they were missing, so I guess I don’t really need them,” he says, and she can picture him running his hand over the back of his neck as he’s prone to doing when he’s debating something. “You can keep them or throw them out, whatever you want.”
Her heart sinks. She was fairly certain he’d take the bait. Things he kept on his desk at the Hoover. That should have been irresistible.  
“Will you please come get them?” she says in a low, melancholy voice. “I don’t think I can bring myself to throw them out, but having them here is…It’s still difficult, Mulder.”
She’s not really putting on an act as much as she’s dropping it, but the impact is the same. He hears the hurt in her voice, the acknowledgement that she misses him and mourns their ruined relationship, and even if he’s no longer moved by her ten year old panties, he’s moved by her. 
He’s quiet for a few beats, and when he says, “Yeah, okay,” she has to suppress a victorious whoop. “Can I come by now? I can be there in half an hour.”
“Okay,” she says quickly, “Thank you. I’ll see you soon.”
As soon as she hangs up, she drains her glass and pours another, then hurries to her bedroom to get dressed. She needs something sexy, but casual enough that it won’t look like she’s trying too hard. And she needs her water bra. 
This is all very much beneath her, she’s marginally aware of that. It’s quite pathetic, actually, and she should probably be ashamed of herself, but she’s not. She just has a very deeply held conviction that Mulder belongs with her, and thus any other woman who weasels her way into his life is encroaching on Scully’s territory. She doesn’t think this consciously—that would be far too catty and anti-feminist. But clearly that’s how she feels, given the way she’s responding to the news that Mulder has a girlfriend. 
She hasn’t spoken to him in months, not since the night that she tearfully told him she’s afraid she’ll spend the rest of her life mourning the loss of him if she doesn’t get some space from it. And space he has given her: complete radio silence. She was starting to think she was doing much better, maybe even truly moving on, but then she ran into Debra Kaufman at the Shop N Save and nearly dropped an entire carton of eggs on the floor when Debra asked her if she’d, “Met Fox’s new thing.”
“I’m sorry?” she’d said stupidly, open carton of eggs in hand, waiting to be examined for cracks. 
“Oh, I figured you’d have met her since I see you over there all the time. You still drive the gray Explorer?” Debra had asked, one hand on her rounded hip. 
Scully felt heat rise to her cheeks at the realization that her Wednesday night drive-bys weren’t as covert as she’d thought they were. 
“Yes, but I haven’t had the pleasure,” she said blandly. “How long has he…” she started, then caught herself. Gossiping in the grocery aisle is hardly her style. 
Debra layed a sympathetic hand on Scully’s forearm and smiled at her sadly, which made Scully’s eyes immediately well with tears. 
“A couple months,” Debra said gently. “She’s a nice gal, but not nearly as pretty as you.”
Scully stands in her walk-in closet, wine in hand, and flips through skirts and dresses, slim-fitting slacks and casual sweaters. She’s not totally sure what her goal is, she just knows that if Mulder is dating, he must be doing much better. And if he’s doing that much better, maybe when he looks at her there will be something behind his eyes again. And maybe if he sees her, and if he feels that thing he forgot how to feel, and if she sees him feeling it, then maybe there’s still hope. 
She picks up something she bought on a whim but has never worn: a black velour jumpsuit with a deep neckline and three-quarter sleeves. When she tried it on in the fitting room she felt bold and sexy, but outside of her fantasies she rarely has occasion for either boldness or sexiness these days. When she imagines Mulder seeing her in it she feels excited, and so the choice is made. 
She puts on heels and his favorite perfume, and decides that if he comments on her appearance she’ll tell him she’s going out tonight. Maybe she’ll let him think she has a date, depending how things go. She’s examining herself in the full length mirror, admiring the way the jumpsuit hugs her ass, when she hears the doorbell. She pulls the door open prepared to put on an air of sexy aloofness, but the second she lays eyes on him her unaffected facade crumbles. 
He looks good. Really good. He’s wearing faded blue jeans and a fitted white T-shirt, and his face is clean-shaven. She can already smell his cologne, the one he used to wear before William, and between the reaction from her heart and her cunt she’s disoriented and lovesick. 
Realizing that she’s staring, she snaps her eyes up to his face to find him taking similar stock of her body, his eyes lingering on the deep V of her jumpsuit where she’s pushed as much of her cleavage as possible to center stage. She pulls in a deep breath and he clears his throat, averting his eyes to the door jam and then back to her face. 
“Hey,” he says with a bob of his head, stuffing his hands in his pants pockets. 
“Hi,” she says back, trying to regain composure. “Please, come in.”
He hesitates, giving her a quick head-to-toe glance before he steps through the threshold. Scully walks down the hall toward the living room and he follows behind her, so she makes a point of switching her hips. 
“Can I get you something to drink?” she calls over her shoulder, then bends down to pick up a small box full of the items she used to lure him here. 
“Uh, no, that’s okay,” he says haltingly. She looks over her shoulder and catches him staring at her ass. “I have somewhere to be.”
She stands up and turns around, propping the box on her hip. She hadn’t planned to ask about her, but it just comes out. 
“Plans with your girlfriend?” she says tartly, and she gets some satisfaction from the panicked look on his face. He doesn’t want her to know, which she takes to mean something. 
But then the panic fades into irritation. His jaw shifts and eyes harden a little. 
“You’re the one who wanted out, Scully,” he says, indignant, “not me.”
It hits her like a slap in the face. She never wanted out. In her experience, it was him who left her, mentally and emotionally if not physically. 
“Well,” she says tightly, handing him the box, “it seems like you’re doing much better than you were before.”
“I am,” he says. “But I seem to recall some stipulation about sticking around for better or for worse. I don’t think you’re supposed to pick and choose.”
Her throat is becoming too tight, warning her of impending tears. He’s being uncharacteristically mean, and she doesn’t understand why. 
“I tried, Mulder,” she squeaks, then swallows against the lump in her throat. “I held on as long as I could.”
His shoulders drop and his face falls. He shifts the box to his other arm, and she can tell that he’s debating hugging her. 
“I know,” he says instead. “I’m sorry.” He looks at his watch and clucks his tongue. “I have to get going. Sorry I can’t stay longer.”
She nods and follows him back to the door, and then out into the driveway. He unlocks his car and then leans across the driver’s seat to set the box on the passenger side, and Scully takes the opportunity to both admire his ass and scan the interior of the car for any feminine looking items. Mulder rights himself and turns around, leaning against the open door frame. 
“It was good to see you,” he says earnestly. His eyes flash over her body so quickly she could have blinked and missed it. “You look good,” he adds. 
Scully looks down at her own outfit, smoothing her hands over her hips. 
“Thank you,” she says quietly. “You do, too.”
“I’ve been running again,” he says. “I’m training for a half-marathon, actually.”
This makes her smile. 
“That’s good, Mulder,” she says. “I’m really glad that you’re doing well.”
He smiles back, nods. There’s a little beat of hesitation before he steps forward and opens his arms, and she falls against his chest with a heavy sigh. Her arms wind around his rib cage and she squeezes him tight. He smells like home, feels like safety. She doesn’t ever want to let go.  But she feels him loosen his grip on her, so she does the same, leaning away a little until she can see his face. He looks right into her eyes, really sees her, for the first time in a long time, and she’s missed him so, so terribly much. She remembers his girlfriend, some nameless, faceless woman who wasn’t there for all the hard parts, but is getting the best version of him now, and it makes her angry. It’s not fair. This isn’t how it was supposed to happen. He was supposed to get better and come back to her.
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kitshune · 9 months
A Piece of you (Chp 3)
Pairing: Void Archive/Welt Yang
Morning arrived or at least that was what the Express clock system indicated. They open their eyes to the sight of a shorter brunette man right beside him, curls and holding onto their arm as he peacefully sleeps. It was…undeniably cute. Actually it’s extremely cute. They want to take a photo of it but damn they don't have their phone with them right now. Their phone was placed inconveniently on the far side of the table. Curses! Oh well at least they could save the memory as much as they can within themselves because they are quite literally an archive. 
The man had snuggle on their arm and showed no sign of letting go as Void attempted to pull away only to be met with Welt snuggle closer to said arm. They didn’t take account of the man's super strength also since the man is extremely strong for an ordinary human. Then again, he isn’t exactly one to begin with. So pulling away isn’t an option right now. Void has no clue what to do at that moment so they resign their fate as a body pillow for the sleeping man. Not that they are going to complain as the brunette does look awfully adorable for his own good. Makes them want to bite him. 
Heaving out a sigh. They lay back down facing toward the other man. They examine every bit of the brunette features. Admiring every single part that makes up the other’s facial. Even with the sight of wrinkles due to ageing on the man’s face, he still looks handsome. Talk about ageing like fine wine. Literally. His whole face looks softer as they are less strain currently rather than during his waking hour. Ah, Void felt like they could admire the brunette’s features for hours if they could. Maybe they should forfeit the self-organise mode to admire the man’s face each time he sleeps. Well that is if they were allowed to enter his room again. They aren’t sure if they are actually welcome in the other’s room. They kinda just barge in since they were bored and snooping around the brunette’s room is the only thing they could do for the time being. Of course there are other passenger’s rooms but they don’t think they should since both of the rooms belong to the girls and the data bank room is just an archive. Despite also being the raven hair’s and one of the trailblazers shared bedroom. They understand making the archive their space as Void is the same minus the fact that Void is the archive itself and not someone who lives in one. They were somewhat confused on why the twin trailblazers only have one room though. They understand that both are somewhat like twins even if they don’t admit to it, they require some sort of physical touch between each other if the express don’t want to deal with an anxious trailblazer. Void had ventured to their shared room of course and it’s only filled with their so-called ‘treasures’ which are trinkets they dug from a trash can and unopened package. Uninterested to them really. 
Back to the slumbering man next to them, they moved their free arm to caress the brunette cheeks. Moving some strands of hair away from his face so they could get a better look. The white streak on his hair does look good on him, Void thought. Everything about the man intrigues him from the moment they met him till now. Someone who isn’t afraid to stand against them despite knowing their nature and what they are but also still somehow treats them as an equal and as a living human being. Not as a weapon like the rest did and not as a clone of the tyrant with the same face. But an equal. They wonder if Welt does treat Otto as an equal despite being enemies. Should they ask why? No, it’s a stupid question but Void was sure that Welt would answer them sincerely like he always does. The man is really good at giving confirmation,doesn’t he? What the hell.
Unbeknownst to them, Welt has slowly woken up from his slumber. The brunette opened his eyes to the blonde’s face as they were deep in thought. Welt blinked a few times before realising they were too close to each other and he was hugging the blonde’s arm. Yet he doesn’t pull away. He simply continues to lay there while hugging said arm. Slowly drifting back to sleep as he melts back onto his bed. It was incredibly nice. He hadn’t slept this well in years. Not to mention no nightmares! He felt well rested. Would Void allow him to use his arm again on a later night? It feels wonderful knowing that he could sleep this well just from having the other man with him. Though it might be a bit strain with their previous topic causing him to break all his walls in front of them but he knows as much as them. They couldn’t harm him even if they wanted to. And so, he will use the fact that they needed Welt for their plan as a leverage for his own gain. Even if that means his own mental state is in shambles. At least he could sleep well. 
“...What are you thinking about?” He asked groggily, still half asleep. The sudden question made them jolted before meeting the sleepy man’s eyes staring back at him. It felt like they were caught doing something. “...n-nothing”. They answer with hesitation. “If it’s nothing, why did you stutter?” Welt chuckled as he watched the man slowly turn red from embarrassment. How amusing, he could cause this type of reaction from the blonde.”You!”. Welt laugh while snuggling closer to the blonde’s arm. Clinging to it and bringing his face to nuzzle against it. 
Void couldn’t get mad with how the brunette suddenly laughed and snuggled closer to them. They decide to reciprocate the act instead rather than trying to find a comeback seeing how the brunette is somewhat half asleep. They wrap their free arm around Welt and pull him closer to his chest. “You’re not going to get up? It’s already morning”. The question goes unanswered as the brunette has already fallen back into slumber. They huffed before pulling the blanket to cover both of them. Void makes sure Welt is comfortable before pulling him closer until there is no gap between them. They went back to comb his hair softly before slipping away into his archive to find a book to read mentally while still keeping an eye on the man resting against his chest. 
Welt woke up first this time. He was surrounded by odd warmth. Who would think a clone is warm? Then again he never knew much about soulium body to begin with. Welt did his best to detangle his body from Void. Carefully not to wake the man up. He propped his body up as best as he could. He watches the other man ‘sleeps’. Not exactly sure how but this felt more different than their usual self organising mode. This time it feels like they are actually sleeping. He was tempted to poke the other man's face as they were peacefully ‘sleeping’. 
This man… looks different don’t they? How come? Their hair is spikier? And more fluff? Than the original. They have somewhat the same speaking manners but most of that have to do with their own imprisonment. His sense of clothing is also somewhat the same. Quite flamboyant actually. They are more childish than they like to lead on. It’s amusing how much Welt could do or say to get an interesting reaction out of the man. Do they know that Welt finds them extremely amusing? Welt thinks they would get offended if they knew what Welt thought of them.
This temporary companion of his is very interesting to him. Would they allow him to poke him around? Maybe have them do some sort of favour perhaps? Would they mind if he asked something about the archive? Maybe not. He shouldn’t really entertain that idea really if he doesn’t want to be tormented by the blonde. Knowing his behaviour. He sighs before looking back at the blonde only to be met with a pair of green eyes. “...Is there something you want to ask?” He tilted his head, questioning the blonde looking at him. The taller man yawned before patting his head. “Mm…nothing. What’s with you?” Void stretch their body a little before sitting up. Welt watches the man stretch before sitting up himself. He took a moment before facing Void once more. He breathed in as much air as he could before pushing it out. 
“It was the only thing I have that gave me comfort’. Welt started. He crawled across Void to reach towards the other side table. Pulling on the drawers knob and retrieving the glove within before settling back to his original spot. He holds the glove near to his face before continuing. “You left the glove as a joke but truly, I don’t really see it as a joke. And I do in fact use it as a source of comfort. I had longed for my home ever since. Of course I enjoy each and every adventure the Express has given me but it won’t help with the loneliness and longing of comfort from what I call home. It would be a lie to say I miss my family, my son, everything. It would be a lie Void. And this glove right here” He holds the glove up towards Void. “This glove. The glove you jokingly gave while we spend most of our days stranded, is the one thing I found comfort in. Oddly enough. I’m not sure why of all things it was yours that gave comfort but it is and I have no proper reason to reject as much as I would like it.” With that, he ended. He let out a sigh of relief. He knows the others don’t really need to know but at the same time he knows them well enough that they would question it for a long while before they could let it go. Blame it on the extreme curiosity and their thirst to fill said curiosity.
They sat in silence for a moment. Welt cradling the glove toward his chest. Void Archive does not show any sign of emotion whatsoever for the time being. Welt let out a sigh. If the other isn’t responding he might as well get ready for the day. Though there isn’t much he can do since Himeko had forced him to take it easy for a couple of days as he had been stressing out about the kids being in danger again. Maybe he could catch up on his reading he had left yesterday. 
Just as he was about to leave he pulled back toward the bed and was pinned down once more. Doesn’t he have enough getting pin down already? Void looming above him. Watching for any reaction that the brunette gave out. Yet there isn’t. His expression was soft and calm as he looked back into those green eyes. He still held the glove in his hand, not letting it go. Before Welt could say anything, Void linked both of their hands together effectively pushing the glove out of Welt’s hand before guiding Welt’s lips to theirs by the chin with his free hand. Slowly connecting their lips together. They expect Welt to push them back for the sudden act. They however did not expect the brunette to reciprocate. Welt is kissing them back. Soft lips touching theirs. The grip on their hand increases as the kiss deepens. Welt broke the kiss first for air only to be pulled back in roughly into another one. As a normal kiss deepens their tongue starts to intertwine with each other. Fighting for dominance in one another’s mouth. 
When Void pulls back leaving a string of saliva connecting between two mouths, they caress the other man’s lip as they watch him trying to catch his breath after a heated kiss. And oh his expression is something Void would love to see more of. An expression of Welt’s face that they wished they knew long before. Such an adorable expression. Void wants more and Welt will have to give them more.  
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Abbott Elementary S03E04 thoughts
SABRINA sorry Jessca. I was shook when I saw sabrina in the promo but so excited and she delivered! Loved her performance, LOVED HER ‘oh!’ Although I do fear she is the most ‘me’ of any abbott character and maybe I need to reflect on that
“One wiff and im 14 again…waiting a couple of years” 😭
Melissa and Burt Hummel the fireman… what are we thinking? There’s clearly vibes there, I mean they showed in one exchange quite how little chemistry she had with Gary (which I always knew). Look since she just came out a relationship I doubt they’d put her straight into one - if they wanted her coupled up they could’ve kept her with Gary (no they couldn’t, the chemistry was so non existent). I feel like there’s lots of ways for this to go so I’m intrigued, and given the actual chemistry this time, not mad at it. Maybe (hopefully) it’s the start of Melissa’s slut era - her truest version of herself
This whole teacher’s lounge scene was 10/10 absolute ART
“I do not want to live in a world where white people explain dance moves to me” CRYING
I want to know if saltburn was an ava jacob trip or a whole group trip or what
Janine smoking weed shocked me
Does melissa talking about barb drinking chardonnay mean barlissa wine nights are canon
How did Barb out run melissa to the student
“Then why didn’t anybody laugh?” “Cause janine isnt funny” LMAO the avanine banter is killer this season (I don’t ship it but I get it)
Barlissa holding onto each other 🥺🥺 ok married
“Mrs howard is that pino grigio” 😨 her reaction pleaseeee
FADE not as good without tariq, but the reactions made up for it
“Thats fine your mom has herpes” 😭😭😭😭😭 now why would she say that 😭
“As a former child smoker” is it controversial to say melissa hasnt felt as melissa-y this season? She feels softer, but child smoking tracks so maybe it was just a getting into the swing of it thing
“Is everything ok? Because i know you love to return a wave” god I love Barbara and Janine
“Er no bc that interferes with my perception of reality” ok me
Ok overall LOVED that it was all the crew working on one story, same vibe as candy zombies.
I was laughing so much it took me ages to finish breakfast
Such such suchhhh a good ep
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evilwriter37 · 11 months
Hiccup is starving and Viggo feeds him spicy food, then doesn’t give him water
I was discussing this one with @trash-aged-like-fine-wine! It sounds silly, but is honestly such a whumpy idea. Like, Hiccup is dying for food, Viggo gives him some and he thinks it's release from this pain. Instead it's more pain, and Viggo doesn't give him anything to relieve it.
So yes, sounds like crack, but really isn't.
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charmedtodeath · 1 year
These Traps We Fall Into | Robert Stahl/fem character (Part 2)
TW/CW: stalking, obsession, obsessive behavior, abuse of authority, abuse of power, possessive behavior, inappropriate behavior, general creepiness, age gap
Part 1
The sun rises over the city that never sleeps, and Special Agent Stahl must get to work again. He's usually awake by 6:30am, lately spending a few extra minutes before getting up looking at photos of the girl he's newly smitten with. Oh, how it would be so wonderful to see her in bed next to him, comfortably curled up against his side. His dreams have been full of her the past few nights. The obsession has already been spilling into his sleep. Stahl often dreams of rescuing her from horrible situations and holding her close to him. He wants her to be as happy to see him in real life as she is in his dreams. What is it going to take for her to realize that he should be the only man in her life?
He showers and gets dressed while he waits for the coffeemaker to finish, images of her still pasted behind his eyelids. Stahl is going to have to plan how to worm his way into her life, but he needs to make it look like it's her idea. It'll take some time to figure out how to do that without scaring her away. The biggest obstacle so far is her father; he would never approve of his daughter being with Stahl. It wouldn't be the most difficult thing in the world to plant some evidence and send him to prison. He deserves it, anyway. That would be 8-10 years of incarceration, and plenty of time to build a life together.
The second major obstacle in the way is the age difference. Fifteen years isn't much of a big deal to Stahl, but it might be to her. He'd have to work on her profile in his spare time to determine what type of men she's interested in. She could always surprise him by having an affinity for fine aged wines.
It looks like she's on first shift today, and he watches her progress as she gets closer to the EMS station while he sips his coffee. In case her boot tracker fails or she gets a new pair, he's managed to tap into the location services of her phone. Now he wishes he had bugged her room just to hear her voice more often. Maybe she sings along to music in the shower. There's a purple bluetooth speaker that is sometimes left on the bathroom counter, often accompanying the lingering scent of tangerine shampoo. Stahl smiles to himself at the thought of hearing her sing, wondering if she would do it for him.
He gives himself one last look in the mirror and makes sure every hair is in place before straightening his tie and heading out to go to the office. Real work is getting in the way of his plan, but somebody has to take this corruption problem into their hands, and it might as well be Stahl.
As he's on his way into Manhattan, he tries to think of things that could get her attention. Sending her flowers or other gifts as a secret admirer probably won't work. She'd likely think it was coming from a former patient and they'd end up in the trash. No, she's too smart for that. Her father must have taught her to be cautious about those types of things. But maybe she's on one of those dating apps. He'd of course have to put the effort into crafting the perfect profile to get her to notice him, but that would all be in vain if she isn't interested in older guys. He'll have to figure out her preferences before going forward.
Stahl checks in with his favorite girl periodically, wondering how her day is going and imagining conversations with her. He would love to be able to cook her dinner after a long day and feel her melt into him as she talks about her shift before falling asleep in his arms. He hopes he can realize this dream sooner rather than later. She will be his Belle, and he her Beast. Safe and protected where nobody else can get to her.
It's a hot one today, and the young paramedic finds herself ready for a nap by the time the clock hits 10am. Her fingers quickly become prunes under her gloves from the all the heat and humidity, and she's itchy from the dried sweat stuck to her skin. Getting home in the afternoon would give her enough time to sneak in a cat nap before she goes to meet a friend from college later tonight. She doesn't really feel like going out since that requires both being in a good mood and spending money, but she doesn't want to seem antisocial and ditch the plans altogether.
Stahl has no idea about this evening's plans, yet. He's been busy trying to get his asset to flip on the lieutenant. Immunity should sound far better than years in prison to pretty much anyone, so he's not sure why this is taking so long. It should have been an easy, open and shut case. A conviction, a promotion, and maybe a corner office with a nice view to go with it.
"Do you think your cousin would consider being my student mentor? I know third years are ridiculously busy, but I could really use someone to help me navigate things. I'm already so nervous and I still have over two months before orientation."
"She'd jump at any chance to pad her residency applications. I can give her your number so you guys can connect, if you want."
"Yeah, that would be awesome." As it turns out, the new trainee has a cousin who's about to start her third year in NYU's MD program; a perfect opportunity for the paramedic to befriend someone who knows their way around the school.
"So, what field are you thinking about specializing in?"
"Oh, I'm sure I'll change my mind a thousand times. Emergency medicine has a special place in my heart, obviously, but I've been thinking about critical care and trauma surgery lately. We always get to see what's going on with people before we bring them in, but not after. I want to take care of the worst of the worst."
"I don't think I could ever work in the ICU," her partner chimes in. "Just knowing a lot of them are going to end up dying makes me feel awful."
"I get that, but I think it's worth it for all the success stories. You know, someone who's looked death in the face and comes back from it. Not to mention I'm less likely to get punched by a patient if they're comatose."
Her partner and trainee laugh and agree that yes, a perk of working with very sick people is that they are not as likely to attack you or ask for your phone number. The impromptu Q&A session is soon interrupted by a call for someone with heat stroke a few blocks away.
She's sporting a bruise on her hip from the stretcher by 1pm and wonders if it's even worth going out tonight. Maybe she should reschedule her plans and hang out with her dad at home. With their crazy variations in work hours, there's been no time for small talk or anything but leftovers and microwavable meals.
After restocking the ambulance for the next crew and finishing up shift reports, she leaves for the day and starts on her way home. Her skin glistens from the thin sheen of sweat on her face, and a phone call distracts her from the achey hip and toe blisters.
"Hi, Dad. I'm just on my way home now. What's up?"
"Hey, kid. I'm gonna have to stay late tonight. I have a lot to finish up here so I probably won't be home until after you're asleep." Now she'll have to decide between being alone at home or going out.
"Alright, no big. Thanks for letting me know. Do you want me to pick you up anything for dinner?"
"I'm all set for tonight."
"Okay. Be safe, Dad. Love you."
"Love you, too. Bye."
The call foils her plans of staying in with her father tonight. She sighs and picks up the pace a little, wanting to get out of the muggy heat and into the shower as fast as possible. Meanwhile, Stahl is doing his best to push his investigation along.
"You can't keep dodging my calls and giving me non-answers, Detective. Your immunity agreement states that you need to give me real evidence linking Wozniak to the payoff money. I can't do that if you keep messing around." Stahl slaps his hand against the table in frustration, knowing his asset is holding out on him.
"I don't know what to tell you, Stahl. It's not like we go around discussing that type of thing out of the blue. If I try to push Wozniak, he's gonna know I'm the rat. He's already suspicious of me." The detective leans back against the booth, putting distance between the two of them. He lies to Stahl again and again. Wozniak is suspicious of him being the informant, but he's been lying to Woz, too. All of that deception adds up over time.
"I don't care what you have to do. I need something real on Lieutenant Wozniak. This does not bode well for you if you don't give me what I need." Stahl has fire in his eyes and steady hands as they go back and forth. He knows if the detective doesn't pay up, he'll be going to jail and his daughter will be all alone. It's a win-win for him.
"Why aren't you going after cops that are an actual problem in the city? Drugs and guns are away from schools and kids. Crime in this precinct is down. You're wasting your time on us. This unit is doing good police work."
"By taking payoffs? You know, I'm sure your darling daughter would love to know that Daddy's one of those bad apples you're referring to. Corruption is corruption, Detective."
"You leave her out of this. She has nothing to do with it and you know that. She doesn't need any more stress in her life. All I've ever tried to do is give her what I never had."
"Well, if I were her, I'd be pretty stressed out if all those years of lying to protect me ended in you going to prison. You're running out of time. Get me that evidence, or you're going to be enjoying an orange jumpsuit and instant coffee every morning."
The detective doesn't put up a fight and simply walks out of the diner where they were meeting. Stahl counts intimidation as a win.
Once the clock strikes 7, there's hair to finish styling, makeup to be perfected, and an outfit to be chosen. Trying to find something comfortable but nice to wear in the summer heat is more challenging than she thought it would be. She has to meet her friend in an hour, so it's time to get a move on.
Stahl sits in his car and checks her location every ten minutes. So far, so good. She hasn't gone anywhere since she got home a few hours ago and at this rate she's probably in for the night. He praises himself for finally being able to track her phone's location, making it far easier to see where she is at any time of day.
As she finishes the last few swipes of mascara, she wonders if she should go for wedges or flat sandals. Her feet will hurt after walking no matter which ones she chooses, but she decides she might as well add a few inches and goes for the heels. Locking up at home, she dons a small bag on her shoulder and starts to walk the ten blocks to the agreed upon place. Her friend is almost always late, anyway, so it's okay if she takes her time.
When Stahl checks in again, he finds his darling girl has left home unexpectedly. This is unacceptable. Is she going on a date? He needs to figure out where she's going so he can keep an eye on her. He can't imagine how he'd feel if he saw her out with another man. She is supposed to be his and his alone.
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Les Trois Mousquetaires, Chapter 27
It's Athos turn, but, poignantly, this chapter is titled "La femme d'Athos."
It's a long chapter, and one of my favorites. I've always had a soft spot for Athos and his tragic backstory. It gives the book real depth and umph and also some darkness in all that harebrained swashbuckling. So let's dive into it, shall we? *rubs hands*
D'Artagnan and Aramis mount their horses to go looking for Athos, but it turns out that Aramis is continuing the Musketeer tradition of being "fine" when he isn't. He’s still too sore from flogging himself 😵 and he almost falls from his horse. D'Artagnan practically carries him back to bed and leaves without him.
(They're all idiots.)
At least Aramis is determined to spend his recovery time well from now on - by writing poetry aka love letters.
While riding, d'Artagnan muses about Athos - the one of the three he feels most drawn to, in spite of their age difference. There are several paragraphs of descriptions of Athos' physique, his manners, his behaviour, his skill set, his education and his character, in sum showing him as the contradictory, fascinating, mysterious, noble and emotionally baggaged creature millions of readers have fallen in love with - including me. (This is an Athos stan blog, in case you haven't noticed.)
Here's my favorite paragraph:
L'air noble et distingué d'Athos, ces éclairs de grandeur qui jaillissaient de temps en temps de l'ombre où il se tenait volontairement enfermé, cette inaltérable égalité d'humeur qui en faisait le plus facile compagnon de la terre, cette gaieté forcée et mordante, cette bravoure qu'on eût appelée aveugle si elle n'eût été le résultat du plus rare sang-froid, tant de qualités attiraient plus que l'estime, plus qu l'amitié de d'Artagnan, elles attiraient son admiration.
(Athos' noble and distinguished air, those flashes of greatness that sometimes leapt from the shadows in which he voluntarily dwelt, that unalterable stoicism which made him the best companion in the world, that forced and biting gaiety, that bravery one could've called blind if it weren't the result of the rarest cold-bloodedness - so many qualities attracted not only d'Artagnan's esteem or friendship but most of all his admiration.)
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D'Artagnan also muses about Athos' melancholy, his drinking and his reasons behind it. We learn that "Athos alone drank for four", and "June and July were the most terrible months".
Pour le présent, il n'avait pas de chagrin, il haussait les épaules quand on lui parlait de l'avenir; son secret était donc dans le passé.
(He had no qualms with the present, he shrugged his shoulders if one spoke to him about the future; his secret must therefore lie in the past.)
Clever boy, our d'Artagnan.
My favorite quote from this chapter may be this one:
Athos, dans ses heures de privation, et ces heures étaient fréquentes, s'étaignait dans toute sa partie lumineuse, e son côté brillant disparaissait comme dans une profonde nuit.
(During his binges - and those were frequent - all the luminous parts in him were extinguished and his brilliant side disappeared into a profound night. )
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D'Artagnan finally arrives at the inn in Amiens where he'd left Athos behind. When he asks the disgruntled innkeeper, he learns that Athos is, in fact, still there - barricaded in the wine cellar with Mousqueton. He'd retreated there during the sword fight and refused to come out ever since, and behaves "like the devil himself" whenever anyone tries to get him out.
Unfortunately for the innkeeper, the cellar holds all wine and food supplies, so he hasn't been able to serve any of his guests, and his business is about to go belly up.
After a tussle and some back-and-forth with two hungry and thirsty Englishmen, d'Artagnan finally manages to coax Athos out of the cellar, pale and severely drunk, claiming he must have drunk 150 bottles of wine in the past 15 days.
(Someone call UNOS for a liver transplant, STAT!)
The whole cellar is a trashed. Broken bottles, emptied barrels, leftover bones from eaten hams and broken furniture that was used as a barricade.
To pay the innkeeper off, d'Artagnan sells Athos' old horse and gives him the money. (After all, he brought a new, better ride with him.)
Athos and d'Artagnan sit down for some wine (10 additional idiot points each) and ham, and Athos, drunk as he is, finally tells d'Artagnan his story (all the while claiming he's talking about some guy calle Comte de Berry, but he isn't fooling anyone at his point anymore but himself.)
This is the short of it:
As a 25yo he'd fallen in love with a 16yo woman girl who had been living with her brother, a pastor, both newly arrived, nobody knew where from. Athos, deeply infatuated, had married her.
One day, during a hunt, she'd fallen off her horse, and when he'd cut her dress open to give her some air, he'd found a branding on her - a fleur-de-lis, the mark of a criminal. Shocked, distraught and enraged, Athos had executed his rights as a noble landowner - and executed her by hanging her from a tree.😳
D'Artagnan is as appalled as you are, dear reader! He exclaims: "Ciel! Athos! Un meurtre!" (Athos! Heavens! A murder!)
Athos' answer: He grabs a bottle and empties it in one go.
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Cheers, mate.
D'Artagnan can no longer listen to Athos' ramblings, thinking he'd go mad. He hides his face in his hands and pretends to fall asleep.
Athos, very morose: "The young ones no longer know how to drink. Although this one's one of the best."
Ha. Haha.
A brilliant chapter! Dumas walks a very fine line here between hysterical humor and a shocking revelation. Athos, raving mad, dropping insanely funny remarks and then slipping into deep, dark melancholy during his ‘confession’ makes us choke on our laughter. There’s a slippery slope from comedy to tragedy, and Dumas masters it with finesse. All the kudos, Alexandre!
PS: We will have to talk about the “I hung her from a tree” part, though. But I’ll leave that particular discussion for another day.
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shayshaybiscuit25 · 6 months
The fact CE is not aging like fine wine more grandpa his youth is gone is getting sucked by alba. And the fact he doesnt make sense at all. Like whats wrong with him kept on flashing his ring, talking abt his dog. Fact his Instagram got cleaned to delete all of BLM, Women talks. The fact he wasnt interested in ASP chat. If Chris Evans image now gone in trash. The fact his films are not lined up red one will release next year. And so what he will do with his life sell dog food, promote dog food. Be all lazy. Play video games. Drink beer. Smoke joint. People speculating Alba maybe pregnant honestly she doesnt look pregnant.. because they have no affection to each other. The fact no one care if they got married. They both are lazy. Theyre truth coming out day by day like no one is interested in alba or chris evans.
Maybe they should get fake divorce as well because seems like they are not meant to be, also both are problematic. He should have just remained single then being so called marrriage.
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lyranova · 11 months
Children of the Future: Shadows of the Past
Chapter 7: Coincidence
Hiya guys! I'm trying my best to keep my once a week schedule, but it might slack off a bit as I try to catch up on other things (like my event, requests, and other series), also I apologize that I haven't answered messages, Dms, Comments, or anything like that I'm just not doing to well right now, and usually I say 'but it'll get better!' but sadly I don't foresee that happening anytime soon. But I'll try and answer everything soon, and I hope you all enjoy 🥰!
Ace and Josslyn don't belong to me, they belong to @crazyclownthanos and Cory and Chenille belong to @hybridanafrost
Word Count: 4,436
Warnings: Parents arguing, some name calling between children.
The Next Morning, After the Party was Over
Finral just stared at the mess that was in the Hideout’s common area and dining room, it looked like a tornado had gone through! There was trash and empty glasses everywhere, some leftover food crumbs, and even some scorch marks from Luck and Magna’s brawl! Finral groaned before he slumped forward in defeat, where did he even begin?!
Usually Asta was the one who cleaned the Hideout after parties, gatherings, or on just any given day. But now that he was gone, the cleaning was left to Finral, and sometimes Ezio.
Finral walked around the room, grumbling about how everyone was adults, and so they should be able to clean up after themselves now, when he suddenly heard soft snoring from the couch. He turned to see who was snoring, and a soft smile appeared on his face.
Laying on the couch, an empty wine bottle in her arms, was his wife Vanessa, and on the floor in front of the couch was their son Ezio. Finral walked over to them and crouched down, apparently the two hadn’t stopped partying even after everyone went to sleep. The two were surprisingly similar when it came to partying and having fun, although Ezio was a little more…cautious than his mother. He would party and have fun, but at the same time made sure everyone was safe and cared for. He would go around and scold people who were being too rowdy, but wouldn’t take it too far.
Ezio was like the perfect combination of them.
Vanessa suddenly stretched her arms before throwing one around her son's shoulder, he watched her smile as though she recognized that, and she suddenly squeezed him close.
“ Geez, even when you’re sleeping, you’re still clingy,” Finral muttered with a chuckle as he stroked his wife’s face and patted his son's head. “ But then again, I already knew that,”
“ Morning, Uncle Finral!” Brielle Silva, daughter of Asta and Noelle, suddenly shouted loudly. Causing him to jump.
“ By the gods!” He shouted in fright as he suddenly turned around to look at the young girl with wide and fearful eyes. “ Don’t just shout like that, Brielle, you could’ve given me a heart attack!”
“ Sorry, Uncle Finral, I forget you’re at the age where you can have a heart attack at any little sudden noise!” Brielle said with a nervous laugh as she rubbed her head sheepishly, Finral glared at the girl.
“ Seriously? How old do you think I am?!” Finral shouted, but she ignored him.
“ Do you want me to help you clean up? I usually help papa around the house and in his office!” Brielle asked after she took a look around the room, Finral suddenly felt his annoyance dissipate and tears well up in his eyes at her offer.
“ That would be wonderful.” He sniffled as he watched the girl nod before reached over and grabbing a rag and tying it around her head.
" Alright, let’s do this!”
As the Spatial mage watched her shout and clean the dining area, he couldn’t help but watch her with a fond smile, she acted so much like her father it was almost uncanny. He had been a little concerned though when Noelle had called them last night and told them to watch the girls for a few days, she had said everything was fine but, it didn’t sound that way. But the girls seemed very happy to be back at the Bulls, and admittedly the Bulls were all happy to have them there as well. Finral turned to give his wife and son one last warm look before he stood up and helped Brielle clean.
Later that morning, the other Bulls and their families awoke and headed to the dining room, where Charmy and Lovely were making breakfast.
“ Morning Captain Yami” and “ Morning Papa” rang out as Yami walked into the room with a loud yawn. He waved in greeting to them before he walked over and kissed his wife on the cheek, and his children on the tops of their heads.
“ Morning brats,” He said as he sat down across from his wife and beside Hikari.
“ So, what’s on the agenda today?’’ Charlotte asked everyone as she took a sip of her tea, the Bulls all made humming noises.
“ Well, I plan on sparring with Magna if there isn’t any missions!” Luck said with a laugh, Magna snorted.
“ You’d better hope there’s a mission, otherwise this time I’m really going to kick your ass, you punk!” Magna said before he looked at Charlotte. “ Chenille and Cory are going with Eirwen to the sewing shop, so it’ll be a pretty boring day.”
The other Bulls went through their list of activities that they were going to do for the day, and finally Charlotte looked at her own children.
“ Hana, Einar, Hikari. What do you all plan on doing today?” She asked curiously.
“ I plan on playing with Maelie and maybe Thomas too!” Einar said brightly as he ate a spoonful of his breakfast, Hana shrugged.
“ I don't know, I’ll probably just stay in and read. Maybe I’ll practice some magic.” Hana said softly as she took a sip of her water, then all eyes fell on Hikari.
“ Well, I’m probably gonna train with Papa unless a mission comes up.” Hikari said as she put a thoughtful hand under her chin, that was what she almost always did; she would either go see Alistar and train with him, or she would train with her parents, but no matter what she was always training.
“ Why don’t you take a break from training today and come with me to the Blue Rose Knights? I haven’t seen them in a while, and neither have you, so we should go see them together.” Charlotte suggested as she looked at her eldest daughter, the dark haired girl looked hesitant for a moment before she looked at her father.
“ Go ahead, we can train when we both get back,” Yami said as he took a sip of his coffee, Charlotte frowned.
“ Where are you going?” She asked her husband curiously.
“ I’m gonna go see if Braid Boy and the Sleeping Witch have any leads about the Cerberus group,” Yami said as he looked over at her. “ It shouldn’t take too long, and since Asta’s gone for a while, we won’t be able to have an official meeting about it until he gets back. And I don’t feel like waiting.”
Charlotte nodded, this whole Cerberus thing had Yami antsy, that she could easily see.
Soon all the Bulls finished their breakfast and went their separate ways, leaving only Finral, Ezio, and Vanessa in the Hideout.
“ Looks like I’m on clean-up duty…again!”
Meanwhile, in the Spade Kingdom
 Yuno stood at the end of the large king-sized bed that was in his and Neva’s master bedroom, his eyes never leaving the figures lying in it. His youngest daughter, Kya, still hadn't woken up even though it had been a little over 12 hours, and her fever showed no signs of breaking. Neva, his wife, laid in the bed beside her and held her close. Neva hadn’t muttered so much as a word since they had found her, and the look in her purple eyes told Yuno that she had put that diamond wall up again.
That diamond wall he had broken down many years ago, he silently hoped that it was only temporary.
“ Sir? Are you listening?” He heard from beside him as he was pulled out of his thoughts. Yuno blinked a bit before he turned to look at the head Healer.
“ I’m sorry, what were you saying?”
“ I said we’ve done everything we could, so now it’s up to the Princess whether she wakes up or not.” The healer said softly and in a regrettable tone.
“ She’ll wake up. She has the strength and tenacity of her mother, so I have zero doubt that she won’t wake up.” He said softly but with a firm voice that left no room for argument. The healer looked over at Ralph for a moment before he nodded and excused himself from the room.
“ Sir,” Ralph said softly as he put his hand on his shoulder. “ Lady Miku and Lord Kito are outside, the Queen Dowager tried to stop them, but…they inherited your stubbornness.” Ralph continued, trying to make a more light-hearted comment towards the end. Yuno blinked a moment, ah, that was right, their other children were probably scared and confused about all the chaos in the Castle.
“ I see, I’ll go talk to them.” Yuno said before he walked towards Neva, and he placed a hand on her back as he bent down a bit.
“ I’m going to go outside for a minute to tell Kito and Miku what’s going on, Ralph will be here the entire time, so if something happens tell him and he’ll come get me. Okay?” Yuno asked softly as he used his other hand to move a piece of her long platinum-blonde hair out of her face. Neva just nodded as her eyes didn’t leave her daughter's face. Yuno kissed the top of her and Kya’s heads before walking out.
As soon as he opened the bedroom door, he was greeted by Miku’s bright purple eyes, he blinked for a moment. When did she grow nearly as tall as him? His amber eyes traveled further down and saw that Kito was on all fours and Miku was standing on his back.
“ What…are you two doing?” Yuno asked in confusion, but there was also a hint of amusement in his voice.
“ We were trying to see if we could hear your voices better,” Kito said as he appeared to be struggling to hold his older sister up. “ But I don’t think it worked!”
“ It didn’t,” Miku said bluntly as she looked down at Kito. “ If you had stayed still, maybe I could’ve heard them better.”
“ Well, if you didn’t weigh as much as a flaming boar, then I wouldn’t be shaking!”
“ Do you even know how much a flaming boar weighs?” Miku asked with a quirked brow, looking nearly identical to her father and mother.
“ No! But I do know they weigh a ton, like you!” Kito shouted in anger, suddenly the two children felt weightless as their bodies were lifted into the air by Yuno’s wind magic. Their father didn’t look annoyed like he normally did when they bickered, instead, he looked…amused.
He set his children back onto the ground gently before he chuckled and pulled them into a warm embrace. He really needed a laugh right now, and leave it to his children to provide it unintentionally. Miku and Kito looked at each other in a mixture of worry and confusion.
“ Father, are you okay?” Miku asked after a minute. Yuno pulled away from his children and looked at them seriously before he nodded.
“ I’m better now, but Momma and Kya aren’t doing too good right now,” Yuno admitted gently, both the children looked at each other before looking back at him.
“ What’s wrong? Are they sick?” Kito asked in concern as his eyes went back to the closed door behind his father, Yuno placed a hand on his son's head to calm him down.
“ Kya…Kya is very sick right now,” Yuno admitted, he was never one to lie, and he wasn’t about to start with his children. “ And momma’s sick because she’s worried about her.”
“ Is there anything we can do that’ll help them?” Miku asked softly as she began to shuffle her feet back and forth, Yuno smiled before he patted her hair.
“ The Healers are doing everything they can to help Kya get better, and I think momma will feel a lot better once she sees you.” Yuno said as he looked from his daughter to his son. “ Do you want to see her?”
The children eagerly nodded, but Yuno held a hand up before they could walk past him.
“ But firstly, you guys need to promise to behave and to not bother your sister. She’s asleep right now and is running a fever, and don’t give your mother too hard of a time, she already has enough to deal with.” He told them seriously but in a light-hearted manner, the children nodded before he stood up and opened the door. He watched them walk inside before he heard footsteps approach him.
“ Hey Yuno, I didn’t expect to see you again so soon!” Asta shouted with a bright smile, Yuno’s eyes widened as he watched his childhood best friend and his wife approach.
“ Asta? What’re you doing here?” Yuno asked as they eventually stood in front of him.
“ Queen Ciel told us that Kya was missing, so of course I was gonna drop everything to help you find her!” Asta said as though it were obvious, and Yuno couldn’t help but smile at him. He was very lucky, and grateful, to have a brother like him.
“ And I came too because I couldn’t let BakAsta come here by himself,” Noelle said as she tossed her hair over her shoulder. Yuno rolled his eyes, but knew deep down that she actually came because she was worried about Kya as well.
“ Thank you both, but you’re a little too late. We found her late last night.” Yuno said, and he watched relief wash over the pair.
“ That’s a relief, who knows what would have happened to her if you guys didn’t find her so quickly.” Noelle said as she placed a hand on her chest.
“ That’s great, Yuno! I’m glad she’s safe!” Asta said before he tilted his head. “ But why do you look like something's wrong? Was she hurt?”
“ Not…exactly,” Yuno sighed as he looked towards the door. “ She’s running a fever, and she’s been unconscious since we found her. The healer said they’ve done everything they could, and now it’s up to her.” He added softly.
“ She’ll wake up! There’s no way in hell that Kya won’t beat this and wake up!” Asta shouted firmly, causing Noelle and Yuno to both jump. “ I mean, her parents are two of the strongest mages I’ve ever seen, so it’ll take a lot more than this to keep her down!”
Yuno stared at his brother, how could he always remain so positive, even when things seemed so bleak? His positivity was contagious, and Yuno couldn’t help but smirk.
“ Well, you’re not wrong, Neva and I are both a lot stronger than you,” Yuno said as he crossed his arms.
“ That’s the part you decide to focus on?!” Asta shouted with irritation, causing the other man to chuckle. Noelle sighed and walked towards the door.
“ It’s okay if I go inside, right? While you two sit out here and bicker?” She asked with a raised brow, when Yuno nodded, she opened the door and walked inside before closing it behind her.
“ Hey Asta,” Yuno said suddenly as he stopped him from entering the room. “ Can I ask your opinion on something?”
“ What’s up?”
“ Follow me, it’s better if I show you.”
The two walked out of the Castle, walked through the ankle deep snow, through the woods that surrounded the Castle, until they came to the place where they found Kya.
Asta crossed his arms and frowned as he stared at the trees, it was weird, there was no way these trees formed like this naturally. Asta took a deep breath and closed his eyes. While he couldn’t sense mana like all the other mages, he could sense Ki, and so far? The Ki he was feeling was bad, very bad.
“ What is this place?” Asta finally asked as he opened his eyes, Yuno shrugged as he walked closer to the center where Asta was standing.
“ I don’t know, I’ve never seen it before. It looks like it was made just recently,” Yuno turned. “ I was hoping Liebe would know.”
“ How the hell would I know?” Liebe asked as he appeared on Asta’s shoulder. “ It doesn’t look like something a devil would do, usually when we leave the underworld we just…leave. It’s when you humans want something that we get summoned into circles like this!”
Asta and Yuno nodded, he had a point.
“ I don’t believe this was made entirely by humans, though,” Asta said as he looked around. “ This place just feels…dark and evil, like a devils been here.”
“ You don’t think…humans and devils made this together, do you?” Yuno asked, his voice soft, and Asta shrugged.
“ I’m not 100% sure, I would have to get Nero to come and check it out, but I wouldn’t be surprised.” Asta said. “ I wonder if they’re connected somehow…” He muttered under his breath, and Yuno quirked a brow.
“ What’s connected?”
Asta looked over at his brother and sighed before he began to explain everything about Cerberus and how they’re a bunch of former Magic Knights that were attacking villages but once caught would kill themselves. Yuno put a hand under his chin as he hummed in thought.
“ It wouldn’t be the first time devils and humans worked together,” Yuno said. “ But I don’t understand why they would jump from robbing a village to kidnapping a Princess, and in such a short period of time.”
“ I don’t either, but it can’t just be a coincidence that we find out this group exists and the next week a Princess of Spade goes missing.” Asta said, and the other man nodded in agreement.
“ Actually, Kya isn’t the first person to go missing in Spade,” Asta frowned a bit. “ We’ve been having merchants disappear, too, and at an alarming rate.”
Asta suddenly felt a deep ball of worry form in his gut and become heavier and heavier as Yuno spoke. Just what the hell was going on? This all couldn’t be a coincidence, it was all just too sudden, and all too similar. And if his gut feeling was right, this was going to be bad, very bad.
“ Keep me in the loop on those merchants. Something tells me they’re an important piece to all of this.” Asta muttered and Yuno nodded in agreement.
“ As long as you keep in the loop about Cerberus.”
The ash-blonde haired man nodded before he and his brother walked quietly back to the Castle.
Back in Clover
Yami rubbed his face in aggravation as he sat outside the Hideout, he had gone up to the Headquarters to see if Nozel and Dorothy had found out anything. But he was once again disappointed.
“ We found a few more members, but,” Nozel said with a regrettable look on his face. “ They killed themselves, again.”
“ Didn’t you guys search them?” Yami had asked, irritation lacing his voice.
“ We searched them, but those jerks must’ve had a few hidden in their cheeks.” Dorothy said with a nervous laugh. “ But we brought their bodies back for an autopsy like Lord Asta asked, so maybe that’ll provide us with some answers.” Dorothy shrugged as Yami sighed.
“ It’s like we’re running forward but keep hitting dead ends,” Yami muttered as he rubbed the back of his head.
“ Well, I’m gonna go to the Forest of Witches and see if I can find anything there,” Dorothy said as she began to walk away. “ Maybe the Witch Queen will have some useful info!”
“ Aren’t you the Witch Queen?’ Nozel asked as he watched her walk away, Dorothy laughed again.
“ Ah, you’re right, I meant the former Witch Queen. Anyway, I’ll see you two when I get back~!”
And that was it.
“ Nothing but damned dead ends,” Yami muttered before he sensed his wife’s Ki behind him.
“ At least know you have confirmation that it’s a group of people, and not only that, but they’re spread out through the entire Kingdom.” Charlotte said as she sat down beside him.
“ That’s true,” Yami agreed with a small nod. “ I just wish we could keep one of them alive long enough to question them.”
“ You’ll find one,” Charlotte said firmly. “ It may take a while, but you’ll find one who will give us all the answers we need.”
“ I sure as hell hope so, maybe the kid will have some answers when he gets back from wherever the hell he’s at.” Yami muttered, referring to Asta. Charlotte chuckled and shook her head.
“ He just might, Asta tends to be full of surprises.”
The couple fell into a calm silence as they sat together and watched the leaves in the trees move as a gust of wind swept through.
“ Did Hikari enjoy seeing the Blue Roses?” Yami asked curiously, he knew his eldest daughter loved her mother's former squad mates as though they were family. But she, just, preferred the Black Bulls, they felt more like family, she had said.
“ She did, and then started asking her if she was seeing anyone or if she had anyone she liked, but of course she said ‘no’ and that she ‘wasn’t interested in dating yet’. One of the girls even asked if she was interested in Alistar, and she just laughed her off saying ‘he’s my best friend, nothing more, nothing less.’,” Charlotte told him with a chuckle and Yami snorted.
That was his girl.
The couple turned as they heard bickering and shouting from inside the Hideout, the voices didn’t belong to any of the kids, it belonged to one of the kids parents;
Zora and Nebra.
“ I don’t understand why you think it’s a good idea to let her lead a mission all on her own, and especially one that’s so far away!” Nebra shouted as Yami and Charlotte walked back inside.
“ It isn’t exactly my call now, is it? I’m not her senior or her Captain!”
“ No, but you are her father! You should go over there and tell them that you won’t allow it, use the Silva name if you must!” Nebra watched her husband laugh.
“ Right, like they’re really gonna listen to me,” Zora said with a humorless chuckle. “ Besides, Josslyn said she wants to go, so even if you try to stop her, she isn’t going to listen!” Zora shouted.
“ She will listen to me, because I’m her mother-!” Zora cut her off.
“ Yeah, and you haven’t been a very good one, have you?” Zora asked and Nebra scoffed.
“ Oh, and like you’ve been father-of-the-year?” Nebra asked with a laugh.
“ What is going on?” Yami asked, his tone not very loud, and yet it fell heavily across the room. Nebra and Zora looked at Yami before they looked away in shame.
“ Nothing,” They muttered in unison, and Yami raised a brow.
“ Didn’t sound like nothing to me,” Yami said seriously as he walked over to the two. “ Aren’t you two a little too old to be bickering like this, and in front of your kid no less?”
Zora and Nebra blinked for a moment before they saw Ace standing partially behind a wall, instantly Yami could see the regret and hurt appear on the couple's faces.
“ Oh, Ace, I’m so sorry,” Nebra said as she walked towards her son and scooped him up into a hug.
“ I’m sorry too, kid,” Zora muttered as he rubbed the back of his head, and Yami sighed behind them before he walked away.
“ You two need to grow up, and stop fighting in front of your kids, otherwise you’ll damage them for life.” He muttered as he went upstairs to his room, with Charlotte following behind him.
There was fighting outside his squad, inside his squad, he was just surrounded by it!
The Next Day
Yami walked down the halls of the Headquarters silently until he reached the meeting room. William had called them all using a communication device and told them that Asta returned and requested their immediate presence.
Yami silently hoped that meant he had found something.
He walked into the meeting room and saw that he was the last Captain to arrive, he nodded at everyone before he sat down in his usual chair. He took a look around the room and noticed William’s son Alistar sitting there. The kid moved around almost uncomfortably in his chair, well, his father's chair. He kept shifting around, crossing and uncrossing his legs, until eventually Yami had enough.
“ Hey Pretty boy,” Yami called out, making the younger man's head snap in his direction. “ Knock it off, will ya? You’re making us all nervous.”
Alistar blinked before he saw all the other Captains nod in agreement, he suddenly blushed and tried to give them his usual smile.
“ I’m sorry, I’ll stop, or at least try to.” Alistar muttered apologetically as he bowed his head at all the others.
“ It’s first Captain's meeting jitters,” Nozel said as he crossed his arms and closed. “ Everyone gets them, well, almost everyone.” He added as he looked towards Jack, Yami, Rill, and Sol.
“ Was that meant for us?” Rill asked in confusion, Nozel shook his head, refusing to answer.
But before anything else could be said, the doors opened and Asta and William walked inside. The Captain’s saluted as usual, Alistar’s movements a little more stiff and nervous than the others. But Asta quickly waved them away as he sat down.
“ Sorry I called you all here so suddenly,” Asta said with a laugh as he rubbed his head nervously. “ But I have something to ask you all,”
“ Have any of you gotten a lot of missing persons reports lately? Like, for example; 20 missing people in a two week timespan?”
The Captain’s all looked at each other in confusion before they shook their heads.
“ No, unless the mass exodus of Magic Knights count, why?”
“ What about some strange circles in the woods? Like trees that were intentionally placed surrounding a certain area in the woods?” Asta asked, the Captain's confusion only grew as they shook their heads.
“ What’s going on, kid?” Yami asked, he watched a slight hesitation in Asta’s green eyes.
“ I don’t really know, but I think we’re dealing with more than just Magic Knights here,” Asta said slowly. “ I think we’re dealing with Magic Knights and devils.”
“ But I thought we wiped out all the devils?” Sol asked with a frown.
“ But then Herz appeared,” Asta pointed out as he referred to his eldest daughters, devil. “ So if Herz managed to survive, maybe some other devils did too.”
The Captain’s all looked at each other for a moment as the weight of Asta’s words sank in. If  they devils were indeed back, and were about to cause some trouble again, then that meant the Kingdom was in very big trouble.
Unless they stopped them first.
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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kurocatsstuff · 11 months
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PITTERxPATTER_music club!
“Ugh…. Maybe I stayed up too late.” You looked up at your computer screen, Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun still playing. You turn off your computer as you clumsily stepped to your bed, your eyes glance at your alarm clock. “Damn, 1:03? And I have to wake up at 5:30.. fuck.” Your eyes return to the ceiling above you..
Your alarm clock goes off. “Mm..? “ you lazily turn “6:45?!” You bolt out of bed and ran to go get ready you even had to skip breakfast but oh well… you ran to your bike already out of breath.. fortunately you made it to the first class… “Woah [name]! You look like you’ve haven’t slept in ages!” A painfully familiar voice called out, your short childhood friend. Venti, Venti was kinda your only friend in a way.. but he was very annoying!.. “Shut up Venti..” you responded softly as class begun…
A few classes pass by..
“[name]! [name]! Wake up!! You’re gonna miss lunch!” You slowly woke up, a bit drowsy.. “I don’t really care..” “YEAH! But you’re going to!” Venti called out, he stomped his foot. “Ok.. fine… geez, plus. I didn’t even bring some lunch anyways so you just woke me up for nothing! And I’m broke..” you yawn “ok then, you can share with me!” he was really confident. “Who made it?” You sit up. “Uhm… me?” Your face turns into a scowl “your cooking is trash, Venti.” “come on!! Oh, I was thinking of joining the baking club! Or…food club..?” You deadpan. “Oh my god… and, are you trying to poison the school?” Venti frowns. “At least I socialize~ ehe. Have you even tried to join a club yet?” “Uh? No. Is it a requirement? No? Oh. Ok.” The boy puffs up his face. “Hey you didn’t even let me talk! And, I don’t wanna be friends with a weeb! Like you..”
“Excuse me?” You pinch his cheek “don’t call me a weeb. And also, didn’t you already join a club? If so then are you even still allowed to join another club?” “Uhhh…uhhh… UHHHHH-“ you flick his forehead. “Ow! What was that for?” “For being annoying-. Oh.. lunch is over.” Your reaction was blank while Venti was absolutely horrified. “WHAT?! Awww… [name]! I’m putting my wine on your name!” Your eyes widen “wha-“ Venti ran away giggling.. “Oh god.-“
After that conversation ended you knew your wallet was going to be on life support by the end of school.. fortunately. Venti returned after the bell rang. “Heyyyyyy…. You know what I said earlier… forget it-“ “what’s with this?” You eyed him suspiciously.. “look.. I really want you to join my club as a pianist since you’re so good at typing fast!!” He bowed. “Uhh.. you don’t have to be so formal about it. And I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works.” You say as warm colors start to fill the sky, to the classroom. “Oh c’mon! Here, I’ll introduce you to our members!” He grabbed your arm and dragged you out of the classroom as you stumbled along as you try to keep up with venti.
“H-hey! Where are you even taking me?!” Venti’s sly grin over took his face. Cluttered sounds of shoes filled the empty hallway. “To the music room of course!~”
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