#trauma responses! gotta hate em!
astarab1aze · 6 months
Get to Know the Mun !
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ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
Well, it started with Kaede when I came back (and it was JJK that coaxed me out of retirement), but I took a three-year hiatus from roleplay et al. I didn't feel like I belonged anymore so, meh, left. Decided to focus on a fic (for Kaede ksjdhfs) during that time, some side projects too, but then the idea for the universe this blog focuses on came into being. At first, I just wanted to share it with the homies, but it was so unrefined yet so perfect for OCs, I had to expand and expand and expand - and then I thought, "Why not take it to tumblr, your natural habitat?" So here we are. All of the muses on this blog are rehashings of many many other muses I've had over the years, updated, changed as needed - I wanted to write the oldies without them being old, y'know? I missed them! So I combined some traits from some of them, new faces, etc. Threw 'em all in the pot and fleshed them out a liiiittle bit more through interactions, which only made me want to write them more and now I suffer endlessly (affectionate).
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
Aside from the obvious (graphic noncon, pedophilia, incest)? Not really, I'll write just about anything, even if I hate it. Like, I hate coffee shop AUs, but I'll write in one, y'know? I hate murder, but I'll write one. I hate angst, but I'll drown myself in it for free. I don't believe in limiting myself when authors like GRRM exist, and in order to be a well-rounded writer, imo, you gotta try things that disgust or terrify you (in writing). Research, getting into the heads of bad people to understand them so you can write a better villain or problematic 'good guy', further flesh out a life-changing experience for x character, etcetc. I'm just here to write and expand on established technique, style, storytelling ability, symbolism, stuff like that
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
It depends on some things, but I like to write stories and about characters who recognize the complications and hardships of life, be they with or without reason. Toxic relationships, smut, family life, monologues, horror when it suits me, dealing with trauma of any kind, romance at all, fantasy fantasy fantasy, etc. Can't think of anything super specific; It's really more about the themes I weave into everything. Growth, healing, wounding, what can make them worse, etc. It honestly goes the fuck on.
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
I get brainworms. Sometimes from single words, a visual, vague inspiration, video game lore - and I think about it forever until it becomes A Thing against my will ksjdhfs On occasion, I'll just have an idea ready to go, but will have to expand on it later
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
I write with music on. If I don't write with music playing, it's because I have to keep my eyes and ears open for the munchkin and puppies. But I have to have noise playing in the background somehow, somewhere, or I go crazy and get nothing done.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
I plan almost nothing. I like to have as organic a response as possible for my replies and asks, and developments.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
Oh yes, all the ships, give them to me. I love to ship, as long as the characters have chemistry and develop. I'll ship just about anything if the vibes are right.
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
Taro !
Over 25
October 27th
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
Every purple known to man, black, and teal
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
You cannot put me on the spot like this. I listen to way, way too much music and have lots of songs I listen to on repeat from trap to metal to dark country to instrumental to r&b, so on and so forth
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Pretty Things, which, uh, was fucking wild.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
The Witcher - literally do not @ me.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
Fight For Me, by AlicebanD
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
Potatoes :)
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
Spring and Fall and nothing else (i do not count the 87346823 other seasons in my state >:/)
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
I have a few tumblr besties! Particularly those I've been writing with for a literal decade, since I first started roleplaying on tumblr ( @elysiumtouched & @melancholymirth , and I love them immensely), but I've made other friends too, and sorta-friends, over the years and enjoy having them around, whether we write all the time and talk or not.
Tagged by: @origami-assassin (and others) ! <3 Tagging: anyone that hasn't done this yet!
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philosophicalparadox · 8 months
Some of my favorite quotes/phrases I’ve heard or invented (maybe for some of them) that I use all the time:
If you want to get out of the hole, you have to put down the shovel (reiteration of “stop digging your own grave”)
You can’t dance with the devil and wonder why you’re still in hell (my own way of saying “this person is bad for you, but you’re too blinded by -insert feeling- to see it”)
We’ll/I’ll burn that bridge after we/I cross it (we/I haven’t gotten to it yet, but I know once we/I do it won’t be worth dwelling on after it’s over)
I haven’t built that bridge yet so there’s no point in trying to cross it (in other words, I need space to deal with this issue and I’m not ready for it yet)
My cart sits in front of my horse because the only way I can see X thing clearly is by looking backwards (mostly I’ve said this in response to trying to explain trauma-related stuff)
If courage will kill you, then caution might not (when in a situation you’d like to fight, but can’t or it wouldn’t be wise; I said this to my brother often)
Fear is not a rational animal. The more you try to cage it, the more ferocious it becomes.
You can not reason yourself out of something you didn’t reason yourself into (actually said by my former therapist but I use this all the time)
You can not control how you feel, but you can control how you react to those feelings. (The one good thing my mother ever told me).
Don’t confuse my open hand for a clenched fist (one of two things depending on context: either don’t bite the hand that helps you or don’t confuse or conflate intent with effect; someone hurting or scaring you on accident isn’t the same as them hurting you on purpose)
The distance between hate and love can be as small as a single second (pretty sure that’s a Mercedes Lackey quote but I don’t know which book)
If you catch a viper by its tail you can’t blame it for biting you (in other words, you’re responsible for your own misfortune if you decide to push people too far, no matter your intentions. A viper you save from being hit by a car doesn’t know you’re trying to help it. Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try, but don’t then turn around and blame the thing for defending itself)
Fear the reaper and he will haunt you all your life (dunno where I heard that one but I like it)
Revenge is a two headed snake; whilst you poison your enemies you also poison yourself (odd little Japanese Buddhist proverb from the days of Samurai, to deter revenge killing. Dunno why I like it, maybe it’s the visual)
As many straight edges as a circle/ straight as a circle (my favorite way of indicating gayness)
Fit as a fine-tuned fiddle (usually said sarcastically)
Eat the golden apple, but spit out the seeds (when faced with an impossible choice or someone’s ultimatum, do the unexpected thing, but don’t let it poison you)
Often the only difference between what will kill you and what will cure you is the dose. (Literally and figuratively)
Codependency is not the same thing as compassion (actually a Naruto quote, said by Tenzou/Yamato)
The measure of a person’s cruelty can be found in their capacity for kindness (in specific reference to the fact that one requires a certain kind of empathy to be sadistic, in particular, or a bully; this is scientifically proven)
Sometimes you have to feed a fire in order to put it out (in reference to harmless impulses that are controlling your life; sometimes you gotta just let em happen)
That’s all I got for now.
Feel free to use or to remind me where I might’ve gotten one from in case I’ve forgotten.
Sometimes I just need a place to put my thoughts
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gay-hoodie-boy · 11 months
[luke generally dont like horror and neither do i so,,]
mjam: So Luke, u play horror games?
Upon receiving the ping in the server's general channel, Luke sighed. Fact was he hated horror games; they made him sick to his stomach withholding his trained fight response.
But Luke was also a veteran and a championship fighter. He had to answer in a way that wouldn't tarnish that reputation.
lukeoverhere: Not really. Nothin wrong with em, theyre just not my taste usually
mjam: wbu @/starprince?
"Jam what the fuck?" Prince asked aloud to himself as the highlighted message popped up on the screen. He'd been in servers with mjam before and knew they had a way of not minding their own business, but the blatant attempts at matchmaker were a whole new level that had been going on for a few months now. Prince wasn't sure what was worse- that they might succeed, or that they might scare Luke off for good.
starprince: not alone. I know a little fnaf lore tho
mjam: U guys r seeing each other in oct rite. U guys up for a halloween stream or smth?
What exactly was Jam trying to pull? A horror game stream when Prince visited would probably yield embarrassing results on both ends, Luke figured, especially with Prince's anxiety in play.
mjam: it can be like a movie nite for u guys and then the rest of the server can join on vc
...of course, there was the possibility of Prince needing someone to cling to during the scares. Luke would do anything to be that person (not that he'd had a chance to tell Prince).
lukeoverhere: What game?
mjam: yall play resident evil? Been meaning a 100% run of re4 so i can save it for then
Right, okay. This was already being planned, and Prince was too weak to contribute. He knew Luke would never force him to watch the stream, but Prince would have an obligation to force himself for Luke's sake; which would probably be a trauma response according to his therapist.
lukeoverhere: Sounds fun. You in, Prince?
starprince: yyeah, im down. Gotta love the spooky vibes anyway
Prince's favorite holiday was Halloween; Luke could never forget thay after seeing the amazing costumes everyone had posted on the subject. Prince made a very pretty Victorian ghost, and Luke had been complimented on his Frankenstein's monster costume. That was why it made sense for Prince to agree to this.
mjam: aight bet. I'll get the stream ready the day after Prince lands
September passed without a hitch, and so did the first week of October. That Saturday, Prince caught his flight and landed in Metro City, poked around while Luke was at work, then crashed at his apartment that night (Prince fell asleep almost as soon as he hit the couch. He was adorable). The following day came, and Luke went to work while Prince explored for himself a little more, and before either of them knew it, night had fallen.
It was time for Jam's stream, and Jam wasted no time pinging them to remind them of this.
"Never played Resident Evil," Prince commented quietly as he curled up on the couch a little.
Luke sat down a short distance away, tossing his jacket over the arm of the couch. "Neither have I. I hear they're good though, if you like first person."
"Or horror games," Prince chimed in, half joking.
A small chuckle escaped Luke's throat, which made Prince smile.
The Discord voice chat suddenly came to life with a cacophony of voices and background noise, and soon enough Jam had begun their stream.
"Is our mic muted?" Prince asked Luke, watching the screen.
Luke nodded. "They wouldn't be able to hear us from here anyway, without a headset there'd be an echo and all that."
Prince hummed softly and picked up his phone, opening the text chat just in case. "Fair."
The silence between them was awkward, filled only by the sounds from the stream and the occasional chatter of the voice chat. At some point, Luke noticed Prince had curled up very tightly, the grip on his sweater sleeves so tight his knuckles were pale.
"You okay, Princey?" Luke asked gently, disregarding his own discomfort for the moment.
"Mm, just a little stressed from the game, I guess," Prince muttered, brushing off the concern. "I'm used to like, holding a pillow or something when I watch stuff like this, so. Yeah."
This could be an opportunity. It had to be. "...you want me to hold you?"
Prince's face went red at the suggestion and he began stammering. "No! Uh. No, you don't have to- I mean, I appreciate the offer, and I totally would, but-"
"Princey, it's okay. If I weren't willing, I wouldn't offer. Honest."
...he still had to get used to that.
"Um... Well, if you say so..." With that, Prince stretched out a little, leaned over, and settled in Luke's waiting arms. Luke pulled Prince close to his side, and smiled at the sound of a small contented sigh.
"Mhm. Thanks Luke."
Maybe horror games are okay sometimes.
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I guess maybe cause we have a lot of the same issues & he was around recently before I started fronting, but I think about Loki a lot sometimes, n how drastically he changed during the time he was co-host.
How desperate for connection n approval he is, when like me he's also just. On a different wavelength than most people around us. Never could figure out the problem but he used to be so much more likely than the rest of us to try n take interest in other people's interests, to go out of his way to do things for em, but somehow just mostly got it wrong n was met with criticism instead. Or ignored, but that's also what happened when he (at least as far as we could tell) got it right. I'd get it if it caused more work for the people instead of being helpful, but it was always useless at worst?
Like idk maybe him pointing out the things came off as him...expecting praise for some very basic or low effort things he did or something? But it was never about that, he just wanted to be seen. He was just as if not more content seeing people even a little bit happy about it than he was being thanked. He just wanted the connection.
He burnt out n stopped trying pretty fast. He doesn't do things for others anymore. He might, if he's directly asked to n given enough info that he trusts he won't fuck it up somehow, but it goes to the absolute bottom of his priorities. He doesn't try to strike up conversation, definitely not about things he's not into but the other person at least was at some point. Just...doesn't try to connect. His life's on a parallel line to anyone else's n sometimes there might be a brief, coincidental overlap but it doesn't mean much anymore.
I more or less started out from that point. Maybe that's partially where this constant fucking feeling of isolation came from. I don't like being asked to do anything. I'm hyperaware of being ignored n what kinda topics that happens with. I face everything n everyone with the assumption they don't care about anythin I have to say unless it's in (the right kinda) response to what they're saying, though even then I need to learn to cut it off at one or two sentences. It's supposed to be a reply, not a conversation. That when people speak to me they want to talk to me, not with me. Acknowledge it to show you're listening n invested but don't take up time. Which...funnily enough is exactly what Val's always told me. I kinda hate how my ADHD tendency to ramble still gets out of hand all the damn time n I only catch it when it's too late, n how my natural way of processing things is by talkin about em.
I mean. I'm assuming there's gotta be somethin that I'm reading wrong in the situations. Somethin that makes what I say or do weird n I guess off-putting. It's not a new problem, it's (part of) why we never had that many friends n when we did they usually got sick of us after a couple of years. But no one will tell us what it is n after over 20 years of tryin to crack it we're just fucking tired. I know it's some kinda personality disorder + neurotype + trauma combo but it just doesn't feel worth it try anymore when it takes so fucking much energy to try n get it right just for the Russian roulette of havin either a genuine interaction or a new step in my downward spiral. I just got no way to know which one it's gonna be til it happens n a lot of the time I end up wishing I didn't take the risk. I'm too fucking fragile for it.
#with the exception of the partner system. in loki's case especially B in my case especially herald#like i know the feeling of disconnect n being somehow Inherently Different than everyone else is a trauma symptom#especially common with like. childhood emotional neglect#so it's probably not entirely reality based at this point#but for whatever reason it's like....sometime around the time cloud or loki started fronting it started gettin worse n worse#i know it's a schema or some shit but it's. constantly getting reaffirmed instead of us working through it#& i know it's somethin we should talk about in therapy more in depth but whenever we try we choke up so bad we can't make a sound#especially cause anytime we try to talk about it to anyone else than the bf we're pretty much told our perception must be wrong somehow#n it's not like i'm tryin to put blame on anyone or say it's some kinda intentional conspiracy against us?#the only common denominator is us so why would we try to pin it on someone else?#& if our perception is really that off then i mean that'd be the answer. there's something so severely wrong with our brain that we both#repeatedly don't see or hear it when we're being responded to and hallucinate people talkin when they actually don't#which i'm pretty sure would mean we need to be on antipsychotics like asap#this btw is an open invitation to let us know if we are legit reacting to interactions no one else can see or hear#cause the most i'm aware of is the way i sometimes ask people if they said somethin cause i thought i heard someone talk#n that's very much not it. but idk. it's kinda hellish to be an extrovert in a brain that's broken in this specific way.#spdrvent
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fallish · 3 years
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ptergwen · 4 years
every day
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w/c: 1.2k
warnings: little bits of angst
summary: you want to care for arvin the same way he does you
a/n: this came out of no where but i miss arvin for some reason so yeah here y’all go :D
you cup both of arvin’s cheeks as your lips dance across his. his hands stay on your hips, thumbs hooked in the waistband of your skirt while you kiss, brushing over your stomach. the feeling tickles and makes you giggle against him. arvin smirks and tilts his head to the side to catch your lips better. you’re on top of him while he lays on his bed. it’s small, but just big enough for the two of you.
his tongue pokes out, running across your lower lip. you hum and bring one hand down to his chest, holding him in place, starting to kiss off to his jawline. arvin groans at the lack of kisses on his mouth.
he’s always trying to get right into things instead of letting you take your time. you find it kind of sweet how into you and your body arvin is. in every way, not just when you’re straddling him. he likes to make sure you’re warm if you stay over, and he’ll cuddle you until you’re nice and toasty. he’ll keep you safe by his side on late night walks or drives to the lake.
arvin has lost so many people over the years, suffered so much heartbreak that he carries around and covers up with anger. he’d like to keep everyone around who’s still here, so he loves passionately, even though only a handful of people get to experience it. knowing that and all he’s been through, you do your best to stress to him you’re not going anywhere.
you want to care for him the same way he does you.
“think i like ‘em better up here,” arvin rasps, your lips now trailing down his neck. he feels you smiling while you pepper soft kisses across his skin. when you’re in the reversed position, he’s leaving marks. deep, purple marks. you’ve agreed to calling them love bites because that’s essentially what they are. they stick on you and say the words every time you peek at them.
“well, i’m doing something else right now,” you murmur back and punctuate it with a longer kiss to the side of his neck. “bein’ a creep, you mean?” arvin pokes your stomach to tease you. you’re grinning despite wanting to be serious. “no, arv.” “what, then?” he wonders, you just shrugging in response. your not saying anything worries him. he’s quick to worry about you, about anyone in his life.
his hands moving to your waist, he suddenly sits up. you stay in his lap, a frown setting on your face. “something bugging you, angel? ain’t gotta hide it from me,” arvin speaks quietly and holds you in his arms. you were supposed to be giving him the attention right now. “this,” you sigh out, gesturing to him coddling you.
it’s physically noticeable that his past trauma is kicking in. he gulps so hard you hear it, heart pounding hard in his chest at the mention of him being the problem. this sounded an awful lot like us to him. he’s scared. he’s terrified you’re over him, that you want to break up, which isn’t what you meant in the slightest.
reading his mind, you take his hands that rest on either of your hips. “that’s not what i meant, arvin. i love you so much, you know?” arvin looks down at your thumb running across the back of his hand and nods slowly. “i love you, sweetness,” he murmurs back, locking his fingers with yours. “not sure i follow what you’re on about, though.”
“i feel like...” you bring his hands up to your waist, letting out a breath. “i don’t do enough for you.” arvin dips his head down so you’ll meet his eyes. “that ain’t true, y/n/n. not one bit.” he pecks your lips in reassurance and lets his arms snake around you, you smiling sadly at the gesture. he’s rubbing your back, never once breaking eye contact. you grab onto his biceps.
“see, this is exactly what i’m talking about. you’re always making me feel good-“ “damn right i am,” arvin cuts in to lighten the mood. a quiet laugh escapes you, then you get back on track. you squeeze one of his arms lightly. “i’m just saying... i never really get to do the same thing.” he shakes his head with furrowed eyebrows. “you losin’ that pretty little mind of yours?” your gaze falls from his face and down.
arvin tucks a piece of hair framing your face so it’s behind your ear and presses a kiss to your temple. “y/n/n, you make me so happy. ain’t smiled in years ‘til i saw you,” he tells you lowly. “that’s everything. you don’t have to kiss on me like that to be doin’ enough. you already do just what i need.” his words paint a real grin across your whole face, you winding your arms around his neck. “though, i don’t mind it,” he adds.
“stop being fresh,” you laugh out, arvin hugging your waist with a chuckle. “you sound like grandma.” “she’s right. never been wrong a day in her life.” you kiss the corner of his lips lazily before he’s burying his face in the side of your neck. he leaves what feels like millions of kisses going down it. “i really make you that happy?” you wonder aloud. arvin hums in response. “course, angel. every day.”
you’re reminded all over again how kind of a soul he has, how lucky you are to be in his bed and in his entire life. he’s so open with you. he lets his vulnerable side show through, which is rare for most others, and you feel so connected to him because of it. you aren’t sure what it is about you that arvin loves so much or that brightens his world, but you’re glad something does.
he deserves only good things from now until the end of time.
most people don’t understand him. they make up stories and believe whatever lies they’re told, and don’t even give him the chance to prove them wrong. he tends to pay no mind because it doesn’t matter, anyway. as the girl who knows arvin better than practically anyone else, you can tell that’s not true. the nasty things he hears about himself around school or in town hurt, stab him deep.
that’s why you’re here to pick him back up when he plunges into a hole of self hate. you’ll tell him who he really is, erase their gross words with loving ones. you have no idea how much that means to him.
“can i get back to what i was doing before?” you pull back so your legs are on either side of him, face inches from his. arvin quirks a curious eyebrow. “appreciating you,” you explain and steal a short kiss. he rests his arms behind his head, pursing his now swollen lips. “i won’t stop you.” your kisses resume at his chest as soon as you have permission, pushing up his old t-shirt while you go.
“if i can return the favor,” arvin says in a cocky way, his breath hitching when you put a hand on his thigh. “this is about you,” you drawl and continue dragging your lips across his bare skin. his eyes fluttering shut, he smiles to himself at the idea of being admired by you. “alright. i’ll leave you to it.”
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mediocre-writerr · 4 years
don’t blame me [emily prentiss]
emily prentiss x fem reader
requested: i have a emily prentiss request! reader and emily have been fighting and something happens to the both of them and they make up at the end
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“Emily please!” you placed your head in your hands as you were having yet another argument in your shared apartment.
You took a deep breath as she started yelling again, “What Y/N?! Are you cheating on me with Spencer?” 
“What?” you ask, giving her an incredulous look. 
“You two have been awfully close lately.” she points out.
Spencer has always been your best friend. Ever since you joined the BAU together and being the youngest out of the pack. The two of you grew an instant bond despite all of his annoying knowledge. 
“We’ve always been close Em! Do you really not trust me that much?” you ask, looking up at her. 
She just stood there unsure of what to say. But the silence said it all, she didn’t trust you. 
“We’ve been dating for almost a year now and you don’t trust me. Got it.” you whisper, getting up to pack an overnight bag. 
Emily didn’t say anything. She just stood there and watched. Tears stinging her eyes. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow at work. I’ll be at JJ’s.” you whisper, leaving the apartment.
Emily didn’t know what to say. She was running thoughts through her mind. She didn’t know what was wrong with her. This was the longest relationship she’s ever been in (Doyle does not count). 
I guess she was scared. She didn’t want to ruin it so she was self-exploding the relationship herself. Making Y/N hate her until she eventually runs off so she doesn’t have to deal with the pain of Y/N breaking up with her on her own.
You found yourself at JJ and Will’s house, knocking on their front door. 
JJ opened the door confused, but with a small smile on her face, “Y/N, what are you doing here? Is everything okay?” 
“Emily and I got into another fight. She thinks I’m cheating on her with Spence.” you say, “Can I stay here tonight?” 
“Of course. Come in, we can talk more about it here.” she whispers. 
Will comes down the stairs, “Hey Y/N, it’s nice to see you again...” 
He continued talking, but you couldn’t quite understand what he was saying. So you stuck with the pleasantries, “It’s good to see you too.” 
JJ poured the two of you a glass of wine as you curled up onto the couch. Henry came running into your lap when he saw you on the way to say goodnight to his mom. 
“Hey bud!” you say ruffling his blonde hair. 
“Hi.” he whispers meekly as you gave him a squeeze. 
You smile at the boy as he hugs his mom goodnight. 
You start to explain everything to her from the past week of the two of you just going at each other’s throats. And even though you were a part of the Behavioral Analysis Unit, you had a hard time reading Emily. 
Or anyone who wasn’t a killer/kidnapper/arsonist. 
“Y/N, remember that this is her first actual long-term relationship?” JJ says giving her a piece of the puzzle and you nod not understanding her point, “And you know that her relationships haven’t quite worked out in the past?”
“Mhm, I don’t see your point.” you say, completely clueless.
“You do work the BAU correct?” JJ asks laughing. 
You roll your eyes softly, “Duh.” 
“I think you should talk to her. Just ask her what’s going on and go from there.” she suggests and you nod, “Get some rest, we don’t know when Hotch is gonna call.” 
You didn’t understand what JJ was trying to get at. Emily was the best thing that ever happened to you and you would never break her heart in anyway. But the past few days she’s been breaking your heart.
Something she always promised she wouldn’t do.
As JJ expected not even three hours into your sleep, you were woken up by a phone call from Hotch talking about some unsub in Newport, Rhode Island. 
The two of you slowly got ready as the lack of sleep the two of you were experiencing was apparent. JJ drove you two to the BAU headquarters. As you exited the elevator Penelope held a drink carrier in her hand full of hot coffee.
“Thank you.” you whisper to Penelope, shooting her a grateful smile and patting her back. 
As you went into the briefing room, Emily was already sitting there next to Derek. Spencer was also sitting there across from Em with a small smile on his face. 
You walked around the table greeting everyone. You ruffled Spence’s shaggy hair, and fist bumped Derek. Purposefully, avoiding Emily. You didn’t want to talk to her if she doesn’t even trust you. You took the spot next to JJ as you waited for Hotch to come in to give the background. 
“Hello everyone, sorry about the lack of sleep tonight, but this is the fifth death this week.” Hotch says stifling his own yawn, “We have Peter Taylor, age 34, single with no kids. Blunt force trauma to the head before being shot in the heart.” 
Hotch goes over the rest of the victims going all the way to the very beginning. All of them had the same MO’s: blunt force trauma and being shot in the heart. They were also men around the same age. 
He was about to continue on as everyone pitched ideas for what kind of killer this unsub may be, but Hotch got a call. He stepped out of the room and as we waited, Spence kicked your leg softly from under the table. 
Sliding you a note from his notebook: Are you and Em okay?
You quickly wrote down a response: Honestly, no. 
That’s all you put. He read it trying to study, both you and her. Emily noticed the little exchange of notes that was passed. It was enough to make her feel insecure about her own state. Passing notes like they were back in elementary school. 
But maybe this was for the best, Emily thought. 
“Alright guys, we gotta go, there was another body found.” Hotch says, “Wheels up, like now.”
“His killing time is shortening which means he’s gonna go out of control.” Derek says and we all look at each other with determination in our eyes. 
All of you headed onto the plane in a flash. Every time you were on the plane you took the spot next to Emily. It was a little thing the two of you did, basking in the comfort and the safety of each other before going out into the dangerous field. 
Sort of like a good luck charm.
But this time was different. Emily waited for you expectedly to take the seat next to her, but you didn’t. You took a seat by yourself, away from the rest of the group. The entire team eyed each other, all of them concerned at the couple’s behavior recently.
You put your headphones drowning out the rest of the noise, trying to get much sleep as possible. 
When you arrived in Newport, the air was cool as the costal breeze hit your hair. The smell of the salty sea filling your nostrils. You loved being along the coast, it was one of your favorite things. 
It brought you calmness and peace. 
You and the rest of the team got to work as you reached the police station. Hotch paired the team off as per usual, pairing you and Em to go check out the most recent body. 
The two of you walked together in silence, neither of you knew what to say. It wasn’t the comfortable silence the two of you have while lying in bed watching whatever was on the TV. It was an awkward silence of you at your breaking point in the relationship, not understanding what’s wrong. 
“Blunt force to the head, shot to the heart. This is an act of our guy.” Emily says softly, the first time that you were speaking since last night. 
You looked down at the body and noticed a little paper sticking out of his pocket. Picking it up with your glove, you opened it as it read three simple words.
Don’t Blame Me
“Don’t blame me?” you say, more of a rhetorical question than anyone else. 
“What?” she asks.
You hand her the note, “It says don’t blame me.” I whisper.
The handwriting didn’t look a man’s handwriting. It was neat and polished. Men’s handwriting are usually messy and sometimes illegible. 
You start to walk away from the scene finished with the crime scene, leaving her behind. When Em notices you’re gone she immediately starts running after you.
“Y/N!” she yells, finally catching up to you and spinning you to face her, “What’s the matter with you?” she asks.
You scoff in response, “Tell me why.” 
“Why what?!” she asks, yelling, frustrated with how cold you’re being to her.
“Why don’t you trust me?”
“Y/N I-” she paused struggling for what else to say, but nothing was coming out.
She was left speechless, just like she was when you left the night before. 
You nod, “Never mind. Come talk to me when you’re ready.” you whisper, disappointedly. 
As the day went on you learned more and more about the unsub. The team gathered more clues and realized that all of the victims were connected to one women. 
Hayley Nolan, a bartender at the famous bar in town. She was 26 and very popular with the guys and gals around town. 
Whoever this unsub was targeted all of the men who flirted with her. She wasn’t married or had any kids. But she was in a relationship with a one Matthew Grimes. 
We interrogated Matthew, but checked all of his alibi’s that he was at work every night of the attacks. 
You and the team were in Hayley’s home, making sure to keep a cop with her at all times. When you took a look around the house as you watched the time go by, you realized that Matthew still wasn’t back yet.
“Hayley? Where did Matthew say he was going?” you ask as you entered the living room again. 
She shook her head trying to remember, “He said he was going to the gym, but that was a couple hours ago.”
All of you shared nervous glances as you realized that he was probably in danger right now. Reid and JJ come bursting into the room, “We found out who the unsub is.”
“Hayley, does the name Taylor Hunt ring a bell?” Reid asks as he sits down on one of the chairs in the living area. 
Hayley nods softly, “Yeah. She’s one of the regulars at the bars.”
“Does she ever seem protective when someone tries to flirt with you?” you ask.
“Yeah, all the time. I always thank her for it by giving her free drink. Why?” and then it all starts piecing together for her, “Oh my gosh. You don’t think she-” 
JJ squeezes her hand softly, “You see Taylor is living in her own little fantasy world. Making her believe that you’re flirting with her and want to be with her. When in reality you’re just being nice. So she kills off anyone who she thinks is a threat.” 
“We need to find Matthew now.” Derek says sternly. 
You and him run out of the house and into one of the vans. Driving your way as quickly as possible to the gym.
Your phone started to ring and you answered it, your eyes scanning the road you were driving on, “Police called and said they’re inside the gym. Hostage situation. Me and Prentiss are right behind you.” Hotch says. 
Making your way into the gym, the two of you noticed that you Hotch and Emily were already in there. Both of them had their guns away so both of you put your guns away. 
When Taylor saw us come into the room, she pointed her gun towards us. But Emily was quick to intervene.
“Hey, it’s okay. They won’t hurt you. I know how you feel.” Emily says softly, trying to get through to her. 
“You do?” Taylor asks.
Emily nods and you were intrigued at where she was going with this, “I know how it feels to love someone so much you’re scared everyday that you’re gonna lose them. Everyone is so intrigued by them and they’re so beautiful and funny that you can’t help but feel that she’ll choose someone else.”
Your tilt your head to the side as Emily makes a quick side glance to you.
“But the difference is that you’re stronger than me. You’re trying to protect what you have with Hayley. I tend to just cause useless fights because I’m scared that they’ll break my heart. So instead of being surprised by the heartbreak, I explode our relationship.” Emily adds on. 
And everything finally starts clicking. Everything JJ was trying to say, all of it.
“Now you don’t want to do that so if you really love Hayley, I need you to put the gun down. And let Matthew go.” she whispers.
Taylor lets out a quiet sob before putting down the gun and letting Matthew go. Em goes over to her and puts her hand behind her back, handcuffing her. Hotch takes her to the cop car while Morgan tends to Matthew’s wounds. 
You ran over to your girlfriend embracing her in a huge hug. She holds you close and tight, like she’s afraid that you might walk away again.
Taking your hand you place it underneath her chin to get her to look at you, “I love you. And I am never gonna break your heart. I promise.” 
364 notes · View notes
hargrove-mayfields · 3 years
Day five of Horror on Cherry Lane Challenge! Today’s prompt was monsters!
Little brat’s been in the school ten minutes after the bell.
After they both broke curfew, Max staying out late trick-or-treating and going to one of her little friends’ house to trade candy, and Billy crashing at the lingering party until he was sober enough to come home and not get his ass kicked, they were supposed to be straight home today. Used up all their free time for the week apparently.
Max knew that this morning, he already told her to forget about the damn AV club. If he had to cancel on whatever chick he was going to take out (was it Carol? No, Carol is Tommy’s girl. Fuck he doesn’t know anybody yet) Max had to give her shit up to.
He gets bored of waiting for the little twerp and tosses his cigarette to the ground, marching in there his damn self.
Only time he’s ever been in this building was to pick Max up from AV. His dad made him come all the way inside and give his assessment on the teacher. Asked (slapped him and demanded it) that he do so to check on Max. Just to be sure. Like he cares.
But it works out anyways that he knows the way now that Max has decided to disappear and it’s up to him to track her down. Only problem is he gets there, and the room is empty. Not even just that Max isn’t in there, there’s no damn kids or teacher or nothing. Just a knocked over lamp and some shit on the floor.
He ain’t trying to hunt her down, but he has to get her back home in like, the next half-hour, and she’s somewhere she ain’t supposed to be. The school isn’t very big, half the damn building is closed off for the school board to use, so there isn’t much ground to cover.
He’s not trying to get himself arrested either, so he makes quick work of the school, checking all the places Max might be. Still, he comes up empty, and he’s about to just give up and let whoever she was with keep her when he sees something scurrying across the floor out of the corner of his eye.
It’s not really any of his business whether or not the middle school is infested, but it catches his eye for the wrong reasons.
It’s a gnarly little thing, a cross between a frog and rat or some shit, but Billy’d recognize that thing anywhere. It’s a fucking monster, crawling around the halls of his sisters school.
Purely on instinct, he tracks the thing to where it cornered itself, taking advantage of the fact that it’s still small and growing into its demon teeth to stomp on the gross monster. He stops once he’s positive it’s dead and not just faking him out like they do sometimes, he’s not gross or something, but he nearly jumps out of his skin when behind him, Max shouts, “Billy!”
He turns, ignoring the pile of goop that was one of those things to face his, apparently, from the flush on her cheeks and the bitterness in her tone, “Jesus, shitbird. What is wrong with you?”
He’s hardly even got the question out before Max snaps at him, “Why would you kill it!”
“Do you even know what that thing is?” Billy raises eyebrows, no patience for Max telling him what to do, but she counters with something that surprises him, “It was Dustins, he discovered it, you jerk!”
“Yeah, no. These things’ve been around longer’n any of us have been alive. And I don't care who found it first. They’re fucking monsters.”
“How do you even know what he was? You killed him.”
“It. Not him. Don’t humanize them.” Billy hisses, warning Max, “And anyways, I seen some shit kid. Don’t ask. And don’t play around with anymore of these little fuckers. Give ‘im a day or two ‘n he’ll be the size of a gray wolf. Another month or so and he’s seven feet tall.”
“But what is he?” Max demands stubbornly.
Billy answers simply, “Something you don’t want anything to do with.”
By now, the rest of Max’s friends have followed the sound of her yelling to their little showdown, and it’s Dustin, the owner of this thing, that chimes in, “But wait, does that mean you know?”
“Know what?” Max huffs, but she gets ignored, Billy firing back at Dustin, “Do you?”
All four of the kids nod at once. Billy sighs deeply, “Jesus, how the fuck did a bunch of little kids get caught up in this bullshit?”
“How did you?” These kids aren’t very original coming back at him with his own questions like this.
Again Max interjects, being left out of the questioning just making her more confused. “Excuse me, but what exactly are we talking about?”
But again nobody acknowledges her, Billy busy answering the boys’ questions.
“Had a friend came from that lab. You know about that part too?” He clarifies, getting three attentive nods, and this time one disapproving scowl, as he explains, “Well the monsters followed ‘im. Through their portals and his head and shit, they were out in California too. That’s how I know I was right to kill that thing.”
There’s a moment of stunned silence before Mike insists, “I don’t believe you.”
“I don’t know, man. How else would he know about everything?” Lucas shrugs, exciting Dustin and promoting him to ask, “Do you think he knows about Eleven too?”
“I’m still here too you guys. What is going on?” Max interrupts, serving only as a reminder, Lucas turning the conversation back to Billy as he asks, “Why haven’t you told Max?”
Billy smugly tries their little deflecting shtick on them, “Could ask you the same. Why are you showing her the monsters if you ain’t gonna tell her jack about ‘em either? I was keeping her safe. You assholes were keeping her stupid.”
Max interjects, “Hey!”
“No, that’s not fair. We had to sign an NDA.” Dustin corrects, very matter of fact for a kid who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
“Yeah, me too kid. It wasn’t any secret that number six escaped. I’ve had those assholes watchin’ over my shoulder for years and I didn’t even do anythin’.” Billy feels like he’s having a trauma competition with a bunch of middle schoolers, and he hates it. His tone is harsh as he demands, “Which brings us into, what the hell did you do to get caught up in all this?”
“None of your business.” Mike spits, but for the first time in the conversation, Will chimes in, “I got taken. By the demogorgon.”
“Okay. What’s that got to do with this, kid?”
“The demogorgon is what we called the big one. Before El killed it.” Lucas explains.
“Look, I don’t know who El is, but believe me when I tell you, you brats don’t know nothing. There ain’t just one of those, you know. Every last one of those annoying little fuckers like the one I just squished’ll turned into a ‘big one’.” They all look collectively defeated by that, maybe because he knows more than they do, or maybe just because they didn’t want to admit it was that bad.
But none look more ghastly than Will, who barely manages to inform them, “That’s bad. Last night, I heard them while we were trick-or-treating. They were everywhere.”
“Then we’re gonna have to do something.” Dustin declares determinedly, but Billy shuts it down right away, “No. Seriously, what the hell? All you sorry little punks are going right the fuck back home and pretending none of this never happened. If you don’t provoke ‘em, they’ll stop.”
“But they weren’t provoked when they took Will.” One of then argues, but Billys ignoring them now, turning back to a no less calm Max, “I don’t care. I ain’t doing this shit all over again. Come on, Maxine. Gotta leave your little friends to their baby ‘demogorgon’ and their world saving bullshit.”
Max scrunches her face up and argues, “Um, did you forget that I still have no idea what the hell is going on?!”
“Honestly, yeah.” Billy admits, “But s’better if you don’t ask questions. Now if you please, we gotta go.”
“No. You’re being a jerk.” Max crosses her arms and glares at him, a clear sign shes refusing to leave with him.
Billy just shrugs, “M’always a jerk. Thought you’d know that by now.”
“I do. And that’s exactly why I’m not listening to you. If my friends are going to do something, I want in on it.”
“Look what you little fuckers did.” Billy grumbles at the boys before trying to reason with his sister again, “Max. We only got fifteen minutes out of an almost half hour drive to get home. Come on.”
“This is so much bigger than that! I don’t care what your stupid dad says, I want to do something!” Her attitude gets on Billy’s nerves. That’s definitely deliberate if the spite gleaming in her cold eyes is any indication.
“You don’t even know what it is!”
“Then I deserve to find out!”
Billy sighs deeply, done doing this with a bunch of little kids in over their heads, “You know what, fine, but we’re stoppin’ at a payphone and you’re gonna be the one to tell my old man I’m takin’ you out for.. I don’t know, fucking ice cream or some shit. And if we get in trouble, I’m blaming you. Deal?”
Max smiles to herself at having gotten one over on him, “Deal. Where are we going though?”
“I dunno. Ask your nerds. S’their big fucking idea.” Billy grumbles, matching Max’s bitterness.
“We’ll have to call a meeting.”
“Will my basement work?”
“No offense, but I don’t think he’s getting past your mom.” Dustin nods towards Billy, the older boy rolling his eyes even though he’s not wrong, then offers, “My mom doesn’t like visitors. Maybe Will’s?”
“Yeah, Mrs. Byers will let anybody come over.”
“And she already knows what’s going on.”
They all nod again, and Billy rolls his eyes at them again while Lucas relays their decision to Max, “Alright, meet us at Will’s in an hour.”
“Why that long though? We’re all here right now.”
“Gives us time to cover our tracks, shitbird.” Billy hums in response to Max, stepping forward and asking, “What’s the damn address?”
This ‘meeting’ the twerps called was pretty much everyone in this hick town that knows the same dirty little secret as he does getting together in a tiny house and panicking. Billy and Max get fully interrogated like, a dozen times, once by the damned chief of police himself, all the while everyone is coming up with theories and plots and arguing. So much fucking arguing among this lot.
It gets to be too much pretty quickly, day five in this place and he’s already having to jump back into some of the worst things that ever happened to him. None of these people realize how big this is. Especially not the kids who just think it’s badass to fight monsters.
He leaves without telling anyone, or without anyone noticing among the chaos, to the back porch to light one up. There’re ashtrays all over the house he could use, but looming smoke in that cramped little kitchen wasn’t going to be any better than watching it curl upwards to the stars. So outside it was.
He leans against the wall, gaze fixing straight to what’s above him. He doesn’t notice the presence of another person until he hears them speak, startling slightly at the sound of a voice breaking the calm silence of a humid November night.
It’s Steve, sitting on a rusty and banged up glider at the opposite end on the porch, lit up just like he is. “So, uh. I guess you’re a part of this now?”
“I guess I am.”
Steve just nods and responds simply, effectively ending the conversation, “Right.”
But that’s not satisfying to Billy. He might appreciate peace more than what’s going on in that house, but he doesn’t like empty silence either. “What’re we all awkward like this for, Harrington? Spit out what you’re thinkin’.”
“I dunno, man.”
Billy frowns, prompting, “Come on. I know them gears are turnin’ over there. You've been quiet since we all got here.”
Steve looks away from him, but he does answer, “I dunno it’s just.. We’ve lost so much. People died because of this. People I knew. And I don’t like that anyone else is involved I guess.”
Billy scoffs, “Even me? You don’t even know me other than the asshole you met at the party last night.”
“So? What do you mean even you? I don’t want anyone anywhere near those fucking monsters. Could be my worst enemy and I’d still save them. I’d protect anyone from those things.” The haunted look behind his eyes, which seem so tired the longer Billy looks, tells Billy everything he needs to know.
He doesn’t mean to sound so soft when he asks, “What makes you so confident you can? Save ‘em I mean.”
“I fought a demogorgon myself. Well, not really by myself. Nancy and Jonathan were there. But I took a nail bat to its fucking face. Like hell I’d just let one of those things get anyone. Even you.” Steve
Billy flicks away his burnt out cigarette, sitting next to Steve on the old glider. “That’s real touching H, but I ain’t letting nobody sacrifice themselves for me. Need I remind you I’ve fought these assholes too.”
“But you told the kids you didn’t. Said it was all your friend.” Steve looks at him, sort of doubtful, but Billy blows off the remark, “No shit Sherlock. I ain’t airing all my business to any nosy brats like them.”
“I get that, but.. “ Hesitantly, he clarifies, “Is.. your friend, you know, even real?”
Billy must look at him like he grew a second head, “Shit, man, you think I’m one of those freaky experiments? No way. ‘Course he was real.”
“Oh. You said ‘was.’ Does that mean...” Steve’s voice trails off, sparing him hearing the words out loud.
“Don’t know. He got caught about two years back. Haven’t heard from him since. They might’a brought ‘im back here, they might’a killed him. I dunno.” Billy shrugs, picking at his nails while he talks so he doesn’t have to acknowledge Steve, or the fact that he’s even admitting this shit to him, “That’s why we’re here in Hawkins though. Susan’s got family over in Hope and a little ways up by Indie, so I suggested Hawkins. Just to come see where he came from. Get some closure I guess.”
“Guess he was really important to you then?” Steve smiles softly, but Billy only sighs through his nose, “You got no idea, Harrington.”
“Well, for what it’s worth, I’m sorry. I’m sure you’ll meet someone like him again.” He offers.
Somehow that sentiment immediately sets Billy on edge though, something about his tone implying that he knows, knows him and six were more than just friends, and Billy really doesn’t want to face that kind of monster tonight. He snaps, suddenly defensive, “What the hell’s that s’posed to mean?”
Steve’s face falls a little, evidently surprised by how upset Billy is, and he tries to fix it, “Oh I just thought that, the way you talked about him- and you look so sad when you do- that he was, you know, special to you.”
“So what? You gonna leave me to the monsters or some shit for that?” Billy growls, quickly warranting more defense from Steve, “What? No way. No I.. I get it, Billy. I do. More than you probably think I do.”
Billy half nods, his shoulders untensing as he slowly recognizes Steve’s genuinity. He mumbles eventually, working through what he needs to in his head to be comfortable talking openly with him again, “Didn’t expect to be getting relationship counseling too. That your assignment on the team, mister romance expert?”
“Shut up. You’ve never seen me swing a bat before.”
“Oh believe me, I cannot wait to.”
Steve’s smile returns, something Billy is personally glad for, though he might not be ready for that realization yet. He bumps their shoulders together, to hold Billy's attention and let him know he’s genuine, “Still, in all seriousness man, I hope you can find someone else like that for you. I know it’s not really easy pickings around here.”
This time, Billy’s tone is light, his features soft and vulnerable for the boy next to him, for the way he makes him feel less weighed down, less alone in this, “You got no idea, Harrington.”
19 notes · View notes
the-river-person · 3 years
Confidential Medical File
Patient Name: Sans Admission Date: 21st RESET, Year 2 of New Era. Doctor: Whimsol M.D., D.O. Recording Transcripts from Psychodynamic Therapy Session 8: Doctor Whimsol: You mentioned that you’ve been depressed and somewhat inactive because of it for some time. Sans: Yeah, Papyrus says I used to be more active. But..uh. The whole endless Reset thing kinda made that pointless. Doctor Whimsol: But you’re starting to be more active now? Sans: Its easier than sitting and thinking about everything. And if I’m going fast people don’t have time to treat me like glass or avoid me, I’m just in and out. They gotta get used to me. Doctor Whimsol: You want their company? Even if you don’t like the way they treat you? Sans: They don’t mean any harm, really. All they’re trying to do is show the Judge the proper respect. But... Doctor Whimsol: You don’t want to be the Judge? Sans: I never did want it. But a thing like that? You can’t really say no. Its a great honor to be asked at all. I guess I just wish it hadn’t been my responsibility. That I didn’t have to make a decision about whether or not to ask for help. I either risk everyone’s ignorance by telling them about all the murder and Resets, or just keep dealing with it myself, forever if I have to. And I could do it, I could be the one who judges and fights. If it meant keeping everyone happy despite what was going on, I could do it forever. But... I just... wanted to be normal. I wanted to be me. Doctor Whimsol: But you are you. You’re Sans the Skeleton. Sans: I don’t feel like a Sans. I feel more like a Walbaum or a Scala. Doctor Whimsol: Ah, Fonts. I’m afraid I’m not very familiar with the Skeleton Clan’s naming conventions. Can you explain what you mean? Sans: They’re used for newspapers. Big precise lines and practical attitudes. Modern and structured, but they have something of the old days about them too. Sometimes Scala can get a little fancy with the opening letter, I had a great Uncle, don’t remember him much now, but he used to be great at introductions. Got everyone’s attention and sounded really interesting and important. But after that he didn’t waste time and did everything the “right” way even if it was boring. Doctor Whimsol: I see. And Comic Sans? Sans: Supposed to be informal, friendly. A sort of jokey font for relaxed things. Good with kids, good for comics. Heh, I guess that’s why its called “Comic Sans”. Doctor Whimsol: You did mention in a previous session that you were having a harder time making puns. I didn’t realize it was such an important part of how you see yourself. Sans: It’s like all my life I had this knack for seeing all the little things in people’s words that made them unintentionally funny. With just a short quip I could make them see it too, make them laugh. Sometimes I’d prank or troll people, not in a mean way, just to catch ‘em off guard. My brother and I had this thing for doing jokes back and forth all the time. Doctor Whimsol: Really? I thought Papyrus hated your puns. You said he complained loudly every time you made one. Sans: Nah. Its because I purposely made bad jokes to annoy him. The same ones. All the time. For nearly a year. I had some original stuff too, but it was funnier to see him overreacting. He still jokes and puns more than even I do, but people assume its unintentional for some reason, he just likes to be high quality in everything he does. Its his charm. Doctor Whimsol: Overreacting? You don’t think he minds that much? Sans: He finds it a bit annoying, but that’s what older brothers are for. Mostly he’s just overreacting cause that makes it all so much funnier somehow. He does say that I could be less obvious about it though. Doctor Whimsol: And now you feel like you’re losing your sense of humor? That could be a sign of high anxiety or depression. Sans: No, I’m not losing my sense of humor. Exactly. When I hear the jokes or puns its still hilarious to me. But its like I’m losing my ability to come up with them, at least on the spot. Doctor Whimsol: That’s actually not that surprising. Sans: Really? Doctor Whimsol: From all you’ve told me, you and your brother moved to Snowdin the year before the Resets began. Though an adult, you’d just lost your parents to a tragedy at the edge of the Hotlands. Sans: *mumbling* the conveyor belt. Dad got his hand caught in the conveyor belt and mum was trying to help him get out. But the steam vents are on an automatic timer and they... didn’t make it. Doctor Whimsol: So it was just you and your brother. You left your job at the Hotland Labs. Especially since your old employer, ...Gaster! Your old employer, Doctor Gaster hadn’t recovered from his injuries in a few decades, and your coworker had been his replacement. Right? Sans:.... I... Yeah. Sure. Doctor Whimsol: And you just wanted to get away, so you moved out here where nobody knew you. Where you could “Just be you” again for a while. Sans: That didn’t last long. The King called on me, as the Judge. Doctor Whimsol: Before the Reset incident? Sans: He wanted me to judge his sins, to tell him to his face what he really was for caving to the pressure and for going through with his plan. So I did. Doctor Whimsol: That can’t have been easy on top of everything else. And then the human came and the Resets started. You said that it took a long time before you started remembering them, but when you did it was like waking up to a nightmare. Is that right? Sans: Yeah. Is this going anywhere? Or...? Doctor Whimsol: You were trapped in the same few weeks. Making the same jokes and doing the same puns. Not only had you lost your parents but you lost everyone else too multiple times only to have them spring back to life. The physical consequences gone, but not the trauma. In the end you got used to it, just  going through the same patterns like a script. Why would you even need new jokes? Nobody would remember them, and you had already fallen into the pattern of repeating bad jokes as a way to cope and interact with your brother. Sans: But when everyone started to remember I could still do some new stuff, and I had the occasional prank that no one had seen during all the Reset stuff. Doctor Whimsol: It would be impossible to go that long without ever thinking up something new. But I doubt you ever really had to come up with anything on the spot. It’s possible that you had somewhat of a backup of interpersonal and general knowledge enough to build some quick ones on the spot. But when that backup ran dry... Sans: I had no more material. No more instant jokes. Doctor Whimsol: When nothing changes for a long time, you start to exhaust the creative material you have. Plus you were using it as a coping mechanism, so its not surprising you burned yourself out. Sans: I guess its only jokes, its not a big deal. Doctor Whimsol: It is if its that big a part of how you see yourself. But you said you don’t really see yourself as Sans anymore. Do you like the Fonts you see in yourself? Sans: I guess I don’t mind being a bit more serious, but I dunno about being all precise and perfect all the time, you know? A little fancy, sure, that might even be fun. But I don’t want to be important. I don’t want to be headline news. Doctor Whimsol: You don’t have to be, if you don’t want to. The person who gets to decide what kind of person you are is you. Think about what it is you want to be. It doesn’t have to be Sans, or Scala, or Walbaum. It can be someone new, someone you feel comfortable being. Sans: I dunno. Doctor Whimsol: Take your time. There’s really no need to answer right away. I’ll check in again at our next session and see if anything has come to mind, but there’s no rush. Just focus on relaxing. Don’t be afraid to lean on your brother or your friends if you’re not feeling up to it. Trying to go it alone can be exhausting. Sans: Right. I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks Doc. Doctor Whimsol: I’m afraid that’s all we have time for today. But I think we made some progress. At least we helped to clear up a few things. I do want the chance to discuss the memory problems you’ve been mentioning, though. Next time. *End of recording* Notes: I feel that Sans has undergone a great deal of trauma. Despite appearances he is a very strong individual, especially to have held on this long without a breakdown. Most other monsters or humans would have begun to fall apart long before this. But even the strongest people can’t hold out forever. I wish he’d be more open with his brother and friends about his problems. I am sure it would be of great help. Another concern. While most everybody has that sensation of an invisible aura of rainbow color from the Solution, and most of us have grown so used to it that we forget that it’s there, Sans doesn’t seem to have it. I might not have noticed a year ago. I didn’t notice when I saw the trial on screen, and because we don’t have a means to keep the recordings past Resets I don’t have a way to go back and check. But at the time he seemed vibrant enough, the colorful Sans I’d heard about and seen. Serious for the role of Judge, yes. But was he ever as vibrant as everyone else has become? And what is this strange grey palour that seems to fall about him. When I look close there are nothing wrong with his colors. It’s more like he feels grey, like those with an aura feel colorful. It worries me. I want to check his medical records and see if there was anything strange about the Solution dose when he got it.
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solasan · 4 years
otp tag.
tagged by @masonsfreckles​​ and @impossible-rat-babies​​ and like definitely also someone else but my activity is super clogged up so i cant find who I’m Sorry 🥺 but thank u remus and owen mwah tagging: @denerims​​ @arlathen​​ @lvllns​​ @trvelyans​​ @lavellane​​ @chuckhansen​​ @rosebarsoap​​​ @cheydinhaal​​ @darksprawn​​ @deepspeech​​ @yennefre​​ and anyone else who wants to do it tbh
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who is more likely to raise their voice?
i mean both, probably? they’re both very passionate people
who threatens to leave but never actually does?
i’ll hesitantly say june but i dont think they’d reach that point
who actually keeps their word and leaves?
neither lmao
who trashes the house?
in day-to-day life, june; she’s very messy. in fights? neither bcos that’s messed up. the Most that’ll happen is adam cracking a piece of furniture in his fist by accident
do either of them get physical?
uhhh they’ll spar from time to time, but outside of that, never
how often do they argue/disagree?
in the beginning?? all the fucking time. every day. they butt heads like they were made to do it. further in, they argue much less, especially once june’s proved adam’s whole “humans are weak!!!” thing wrong
who is the first to apologize?
adam gets bullied into it by nate sometimes. june won’t apologise unless she’s absolutely certain she’s in the wrong, but it does happen. so i guess it depends on the argument
who is on top? who is on bottom?
i hate applying the top/bottom thing to m/f ships but adam’s A Top i guess. june is 100% a bottom. but when it comes to actual positioning they’ll change; adam likes missionary a lot, but june likes sitting in his lap and riding him, so
any kinks?
adam is lowkey lowkey very lowkey into orgasm control/denial im calling it. he just likes taking control, but not in an explicit bdsm sense??? june’s into dirty talk and does have a praise kink. she has to coax adam into talking in the beginning but when he gets into the swing of things he loves it
june used to be into getting tied up, but the whole murphy situation kinda fucked that for her
who has the strangest desires?
june probably wins this just purely based on the fact that she wants adam to bite her lmao. he would find that strange. but he would also be into it so
who’s dominant in bed?
adam !!! again not in the traditional like bdsm dominant sense but he takes charge of things
is head ever in the equation?
uhhh, yeah ??? all the time
if so, who is better at performing it?
look. june is very good. she is. but adam has 900 years on her and also more enthusiasm / touch starvation / desperation. adam is a pussy eating KING
ever had sex in public?
the most public they’ve gotten is fucking in the tech lab at the warehouse, that’s it
who moans the most?
both moan, but june’s louder. she’s freer ??? with it ??? but adam grunts and gasps and pants a lot, and when he’s abt to come he’ll groan out her name or a french curse so
who leaves the most marks?
june’s the one that goes out of her way to make marks, just bcos shes a lil sad they fade so quickly. adam leaves the most just bcos june doesn’t heal in the same way
who is the more experienced of the two?
adam might be 900 years old but we all know he’s not had many relationships. june’s more experienced bcos she has one-night stands in college before her and bobby got together
do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?
im so sorry but if u look at adam du mortain and think that he doesn’t make love 99% of the time, ur wrong. but sometimes they do get super passionate / desperate for each other, and then they’ll fuck
how long do they usually last?
in the beginning adam lasts like 2 seconds, no joke. that man sees even a hint of june’s coochie and he busts a nut. but further in he can last longer. unless june is being a shit and deliberately trying to get him to come, which she does do
rough or soft?
soft for the most part. if it ever is rough it’s like..... more bcos it’s intense, passionate, less bcos either of them is trying to make it rough. june has some sexual trauma too so really rough sex, like w choking for example, is out of the question (not that i think adam is into choking anyway)
is protection used?
it should be, and when they remember to they do use it. but also they forget a lot shdkshdkd does june look like the type of person to get pregnant on purpose??
does it ever get boring?
nah they keep it fresh. plus they love each other so much it’s just always so good to have each other ???? like after So Long Pining it’s just good idk bro shdjsjdk
where is the strangest place they’d have sex?
idk probably the tech lab like i said above ??? i dont think they fuck in many weird places — not bcos i dont think june would be into it, but more bcos i figure if they ever start getting freaky adam gets them into a bed / somewhere private STAT
do they plan on having children / do they have children?
yeah they vaguely want them in the future i guess. adam thinks abt june having his baby and has to lie down he 🥺 so hard
if so, how many children do they want/have?
their first kid — emma — is an accident born like a year after they get married, and then oliver comes along a year after that because june always said she didn’t want only one kid. she remembered how lonely she was as a kid :(((
who likes to cuddle?
both of them !!! adam is touch-starved and june is starved for affection !!! they cuddle all the time
who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?
june 100% no question. WHORE. adam is so done with her but he does always drag her off somewhere to Ravish her so rly who’s winning here
who struggles to keep their hands to themself?
shdkshdkskd both of them. june slightly more so tho
how long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?
uhhh i dont think it’s rly a matter of one getting uncomfortable, bcos they do love it. probably it’s just as long as they can hold out before 1) june has to pee, or 2) adam resolves to be productive
what is their favourite non-sexual activity?
adam would never admit it but he loves watching movies with june purely bcos she gets so cuddly and ALSO she gets so into them. she’s the type of person to yell at the screen and ask questions all the time. sometimes they’ll compete to see who can work out the plot / twist / mystery of a film first 
where is their favourite place to cuddle?
in bed !!!!! adam loves having her whole body pressed up against him, all small and soft and smelling like june, and june loves how he tucks her into his chest and makes her feel so safe and warm
who snores?
ahskhkdja june !!!
if both do, who snores the loudest?
adam doesn’t snore so june. but she doesn’t do it that loudly
do they share a bed or sleep separately?
they share a bed !!!! it’s adam’s way of making sure june does actually go to bed, for one, but also he doesn’t like to sleep without her
if they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?
cozy up together !!!!! adam’ll kiss her hair and tuck her head under his chin, and june’ll wrap her arms around his torso and kiss the hollow of his throat
what do they wear to bed?
june wears raggedy old band tees or oversized hoodies, boxer shorts, lots of comfy clothes. flannel pyjama trousers. sometimes she’ll sleep in adam’s shirts bcos they smell like him and she likes that, but when she does sleep in adam’s shirts they uhhh haha dont sleep for a while ;)))
are either of them insomniacs?
june is !!! i think around book 4, maybe 5, someone’s gonna talk her into seeing someone abt it — because she really doesn’t sleep a healthy amount, i’m talking 5-8 hours a week — and she’ll start taking sleeping pills, but for now she just drinks a fuckload of coffee and keeps herself busy.
adam’s not rly an insomniac per se, but he doesn’t sleep as much as humans do, obviously
can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?
later in the series, yeah. i could see her being put on quetiapine bcos that’s what im on and that shit works
do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?
wrap their limbs around each other !!!! june’s like a cuddly octopus shdksjdl but adam loves it, honestly. he’ll often wrap his arms around her and put on of his hands up her shirt, over her spine, so he can have some nice skin-on-skin contact. yknow....... as a treat
who wakes up with bed hair?
both !!!! june’s is probably a bit worse bcos it’s longer ????
who wakes up first?
eh, depends. i’d say adam, bcos he’s More Responsible, but june really doesn’t sleep much, so it could go either way
who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?
neither ??? june doesn’t cook and adam’s not a good cook
what is their favourite sleeping position?
either adam on his back with june tucked into his chest, his arms around her, or both of them on their sides and adam spooning june. they love em !!!!
do they set an alarm each night?
they do. june has broken multiple alarm clocks, tho, so make of that what u will
who has nightmares?
both :((( june’s are more frequent, i think
can a television be found in their bedroom?
nah. adam wouldn’t want one, and june watches everything on her laptop
who has ridiculous dreams?
probably june. she’ll sleepily recount them to adam the next morning in bed and he’ll either hm? into her neck to show he’s listening or huff a laugh against her skin
who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?
june. adam has learned to accept this fact about her. usually he’ll just position her so that they’re both comfier when she does it, but he has been woken by her elbowing his side before
who makes the bed?
adam. june cba with that shit. she’s just gonna get back in it anyways !!!!
what time is bed time?
adam pushes june to go to bed by 11. sorry u gotta take care of ur stupid energiser bunny girlfriend, buddy
any routines/rituals before bed?
eh nothing in particular i dont think ??? nothing out of the standard brush teeth / clean face / get into pjs thing anyway
who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?
june is the GRUMPIEST. she’s not a morning person in the slightest
who is the busiest?
hmmmmm. they’re both probably equally busy ??? i mean adam’s the head of the unit so he probs has work he has to do, but then june’s basically the head of the department bcos the captain’s never around, so she has a lot of work. and she has to balance that work with the agency. maybe june’s slightly busier ???
who rakes in the highest income?
eh they’re probs around the same ???
are any of them unemployed?
who takes the most sick days?
june bcos adam doesn’t get sick. also sometimes she just wants A Personal Day and / or is hungover
what are their jobs?
he’s a commanding agent, she’s a liaison and also police detective
who sucks up to their boss?
haha adam’s technically june’s boss and she loves to suck badum tss
who is more likely to turn up late to work?
june shdjshdk girl is Bad at time management. sometimes tho they’ll both be late bcos a morning fuck went on too long. june is very smug on these days
who stresses the most?
uhhh both stress a lot ?? june has anxiety. but adam also is constantly on edge so ????
do they enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?
yeah they enjoy them i guess. adam definitely enjoys his. june is..... complicated. she doesn’t trust the agency and she doesn’t rly wanna be a cop, but she doesn’t know what else she could do so ???
are they financially stable?
yeah for the most part. the agency has good salaries
who does the washing?
i think maybe june does it more often just bcos as a human she....... probably ???? goes through more clothes ??? that makes sense to me ??? idk hsdk
who takes out the trash?
adam, usually. especially if it’s dark; june ain’t going nowhere at night
who does the ironing?
again, adam. just bcos he’s more likely to have clothes that need ironing. june has never touched an iron in her life
who does the cooking?
i mean june is notorious for not cooking but rather ordering takeout, so...... i mean i dont think adam is a bad cook but he can rly only cook rly bland, simple meals, and he obviously doesnt need to eat so. i guess if it’s one of them it’s june
who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?
yeah june sdhskdhksdk she just has a very short attention span bro idk what to tell u
who is messier?
yep june no question. adam’s a lil bit of a neat freak im calling it
who leaves the toilet roll empty?
who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?
yeah june. sometimes adam if he’s had a long day tho. or like if theyre getting Freaky and leaving clothes everywhere. but in general, june’s more likely
who forgets to flush the toilet?
ew gross people do that ?? neither
who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?
june shdjjsjdk
who answers the telephone?
uhh both ig ?? but they don’t have like a landline or anything they only have their cells
who mows the lawn?
adam, but only once they’ve moved out of june’s apartment after having the kids. june’s got a black thumb bro she’s not allowed near the garden on nate’s orders
who does the vacuuming?
both !!! they take turns
who does the groceries?
june 100% and she always ends up getting shit that wasn’t on the list shdjskdk. sometimes they’ll do it together tho
who takes the longest to shower?
uhhhh i mean. i think they shower together quite a lot so ???? both ???
who spends the most time in the bathroom?
like getting ready ???? uhh depends. if june’s doing makeup, her, but she doesn’t do it often
is money a problem?
nahhh the agency pays them well
how many cars do they own?
originally only june’s shitty little hatchback, but when the kids are born they get a second one. probably it is very pretty and fancy and expensive, because adam
what’s their song?
either dermot kennedy’s power over me, or fortress by bear’s den. like, seriously, look up the lyrics; they’re the ULTIMATE adamjune songs
do they live in the city or in the country?
does wayhaven count as a city, even if it’s like... a small town ??? idk
do they own their home or do they rent?
june’s renting her apartment currently, but when ollie and emma are born, they buy a place at the edge of town
do they enjoy their surroundings?
eh. neither of them are especially fond of wayhaven, but i think maybe it grows on them over time ??? june definitely in her current point in canon is only there bcos she doesn’t know where else to go
what do they do when they’re away from each other?
Yearn like fools. they miss each other shdjshdk they’ll call each other if adam is ever sent out on an assignment away from town or june has to take some kinda business trip. theyre always super happy to be reunited
where did they first meet?
at an abandoned warehouse in book 1. june shot him. it was great
who spends the most money when out shopping?
uhhhhhh bro i genuinely don’t know ??? adam and june both have terrible taste in clothes; he walks around in cargo pants half the time and she’s never not in something oversized and baggy and possibly falling apart ???
ig june spends a lot on technology ??? and on food ????
who’s more likely to flash their assets?
ok i mean adam has already in canon gotten shirtless and flashed his assets at june while convinced he feels nothing for her so. him. he’s a show-off we all know this
any mental issues?
yeah lmao. june already had ptsd before canon from being assaulted in college, and now it’s just worse bcos of everything with murphy and shit. she also has depression, because obviously, and anxiety. also adhd if that counts ??? it probably counts
i think adam’s got some ptsd too from that Terrible Fiery Scene Of Death we saw in the mirror from his past, and probably that’s compounded by experiences since he became a vampire too ??? possibly some depression as well just bcos i’m now considering his whole ‘numb for years’ thing and how that overlaps with depression ?? :/// idk
who finds it amusing when the other trips over?
adam doesn’t trip often but when he does june howls with laughter. usually if he’s tripping it’s bcos she’s done something Very Distracting. one time she took her shirt off in their living room when he wasnt expecting it and he walked into a wall
when june trips (which she often does) adam will sorta snort very quietly or his lips will twitch but he’ll always stabilise her quickly
who’s terrified of bugs?
yep june 100%
who kills the spiders around the house?
shsjdhskdjk ADAM. “june, it’s just an insect.” “um, untrue, it’s an arachnid, those are different fucking things—” “it’s miniscule. even more so than you are.” “okay, ha, ha, very funny, please kill it, adam i’m serious, kill it, it has eight legs, it’s waiting to murder me, fucking kill it!” “i’m killing it, calm down.”
do they have any fears for their future?
yeah. june’s worried she’s gonna get totally murdered lmao bcos odds are someone’s gonna try again. adam is also terrified abt this distinct possibility. he’s also scared that, like... she’ll live ??? as in ??? she won’t ever turn, she’ll stay mortal her whole life, and after waiting 900 years for her, he’ll only get a few decades with her before she dies.
that’s like not gonna happen she absolutely becomes a vampire after emma and ollie are born but still. he’s dramatic
their favourite place?
the warehouse, probably ??? it’s safe and secure and it’s comfortable ??? or else june’s apartment. i think june prefers her apartment just slightly
who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?
adam ??? but it’s more likely that they’d go out to a fancy dinner, rather than him cook one
who pays the bills?
they split them
who’s the tallest?
sndjhskdjkd adam. june hates and loves this fact in equal measure. adam is very smug abt how teeny tiny his girlfriend is shdkshdk he finds it very funny. also very sweet he loves it
who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?
both, honestly. theyre bad at keeping their hands off each other once they’re together. maybe june is ever so slightly more likely ?? idk
who wanders around in their underwear?
both. adam likes to distract june w his abs bro what can i say. june just is most comfortable walking around in a sports bra and briefs
who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?
june !!! and she’ll lean into his face and sing right at him with this big dumb grin too. adam will refuse to make eye contact but he’ll have this tiny lil smile on his face
what do they tease each other about?
everything. june roasts adam on the daily. adam will very dryly retort back every time. they were made for each other im telling u. 
june will sometimes bring up his whole humans are weak thing at the most ridiculous times. like, adam tries to get her to get out of bed in the morning and she’ll groan and start lamenting how weak and fragile she is, she couldn’t possibly get out of bed in this state, adam, i have glass bones and paper skin, don’t u love me ????
adam’s teasing is just dryly taking the piss out of dumb shit she says. she’ll talk abt a fight she had with someone and say she went “wa-pow!” when she hit them and he’ll just deadpan repeat, “wa-pow.” his face totally straight. i wuv themm
who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?
i mean neither they both have bad fashion taste. but also june hates the fucking cargo pants bruh
who crushed first?
adam did shdkshdk even if he didn’t realise. june didn’t figure out she liked him until the time between book 1 and book 2, because she missed him and she couldn’t figure out why
any alcohol or substance related problems?
uhhh no not rly. june has a history of using recreational drugs but that was in college and she doesn’t touch most of that shit these days
who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?
june probably shdjshdk she’ll have a girl’s night with farah, morgan, and tina, and just come home absolutely fucking twatted. adam always tucks her in
who swears the most?
yeah june. she swears in every other word. the first time she made adam curse is burned into her brain seriously she takes such pride in it
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flipomatic · 4 years
Internship Chapter 22: Day 19 - Edric
Author Note: This chapter is longer than usual and contains non graphic violence.
First Chapter Previous Chapter
As usual, Edric was walking with Frederick to go see the dispatcher. They would probably be sent on patrol today, since they spent most of the week training. Edric had the wood sword on his belt, as required by Frederick. He had tried to ditch it that morning, dropping it in the training hall before meeting up, but Frederick noticed and made him fetch it.
Now they were going to get their orders for the day. As usual, Frederick opened the door and entered once they arrived. Edric followed him in.
Unusually, the dispatcher was already talking to someone when they stepped in. He had his back to the door, and was looking at a small object mounted on the back wall. Edric couldn’t see it clearly without getting closer. The dispatcher was speaking to it in a confused tone, arms crossed over his chest.
“What’s with these orders?” He was asking the device. “This isn’t right.”
“You dare question orders from the Emperor?” That voice, high pitched and tinny through the device, that was a voice Edric knew. He had met her in this very building, on his first day of the internship. Kikimora sounded irritated, her voice carrying the sharp hint of a threat.
The dispatcher immediately recanted, bowing his head forward. “No, I’m not. I apologize.” Edric wondered what orders they were talking about; this was suspicious activity.
“Good.” Kikimora still didn’t sound pleased. “Now, you have visitors to attend to.”
The dispatcher looked over his shoulder, then quickly turned to face them. As he turned, Edric could see that the device behind him was a small mirror. It was empty now, but presumably had Kikimora’s image in it just a moment before.
“Sir, I apologize for keeping you waiting.” The dispatcher hurried back to his chair, sitting down and inspecting the papers on his desk.
Frederick didn’t comment on it. “Where are we headed today?” He got right to business.
“Let’s see.” The dispatcher picked up a piece of paper off the top. “You’re headed to the construction site on the west side of Bonesborough. One of the workers needs to be brought in for questioning. He’s suspected of murder, so be careful.” The dispatcher held the paper out to hand it to Frederick. “Here’s his profile.”
Frederick reached for it slowly, showing unexpected hesitance. “We’ll bring him in.” He said, looking down at the paper.
“You’ve been assigned a vehicle for transportation.” The dispatcher walked over to one of the walls, where he grabbed a set of keys off a rack. “Van number 2.” He said as he handed the keys to Frederick.
“Can I drive?” Edric asked with a smirk.
“No.” Frederick replied curtly as he turned to leave the room. Edric had expected that response, but he still felt disappointed.
They left the dispatcher’s office, walking towards the front of the jail. Edric still hadn’t seen where the vehicles were kept, so this was something new. The prospect of not having to walk was an exciting one; walking all day was one of his least favorite parts of this internship.
As it turned out, the cars were not stored in the Emperor’s Coven wing. Edric followed Frederick out and through the lobby, entering the other part of the jail. He hadn’t been back here before, but didn’t have time now to look around.
They weaved through a few hallways, until they emerged into a large garage like space. There were three vans inside, all labeled with a large number on the side.
Frederick approached van number 2, using the keys to unlock the passenger seat door before going to the driver’s side. Edric assumed that passenger door was for him, so he opened it and climbed in.
The inside of the van wasn’t anything special. There was just enough room for Edric’s legs so he didn’t feel cramped. The dash was a boring grey, not exciting at all. When he turned around, Edric could see that there was a barricade behind the front seats. He could see through a small vent that there were two benches lining the sides in the rear. The van was super plain; Edric had been hoping for more pizazz.
Frederick climbed in the driver side and used the key to start the vehicle. He placed the paper, which he’d carried all the way from the dispatcher’s office, onto the center module. The engine turned over a few times before roaring to life. Frederick then cast a spell to lift a large pull up door, which opened up to the street.
He drove the van out of the garage and cast the same spell to shut the door behind them. With that, they were on their way.
It wasn’t too far to the construction site in question, especially with a vehicle to get them there. Edric stared out the window and watched the world flash by. He almost never got to ride in one of these, as they were quite rare. They took a lot of stored magic to run too, so only the Emperor’s Coven used them on a regular basis.
“Take a look at the profile before we get there.” Frederick kept his eyes locked on the road as he spoke. Edric grabbed the paper to read it over.
The suspect was wanted for the murder of one of his cousins. The body had been found in a ditch last week. Cause of death was blunt trauma. Edric was glad that there wasn’t a picture. The forensic evidence pointed to a family member. Eye witness accounts had seen the suspect with the victim not long before he vanished. They were just bringing him in for question, but it all added up to a very suspicious image.
This seemed like a dangerous job, but Edric was sure Frederick could handle it if things got dicey.
Soon they reached the construction site. Frederick parked the van near the entrance and the two climbed out. Once Frederick had locked the doors, the walked in. There were a few warning signs about wearing a hard hat; Edric wondered if this was the same construction site that Em had gone to a couple weeks ago.
Whatever they were building was coming along well. The framework of a building was up, along with scaffolding to aid in reaching the upper levels. Construction witches were standing on various parts, working on building the structure.
Much to Edric’s surprise, he saw two familiar figures standing to the side of the construction site. Luz and Amity, the last two witches he expected to find here, were looking around at the building in progress.
Frederick didn’t pay them any mind as he walked straight to the foreman, a witch wearing a bright orange vest and carrying a clipboard. Edric parted from him, just for the moment, to go talk to them.
“Amity, Luz!” He called over to them.
Amity’s eyes widened as they jumped to him. “Edric?” She said his name as a question. Oh right, he was wearing a mask.
Edric stopped in front of them. “Yup.” He lifted his mask to show them his face. “It’s me.” He pushed down his hood and left the mask sitting on top of his head. It was a lot easier to talk like this.
“Hi Edric!” Luz waved enthusiastically.
Amity was frowning. “What are you doing here?” She was less enthused to see him.
Edric raised one eyebrow. “I should be asking you that.”
“We’re visiting the Construction Coven.” Luz answered the implied question, waving one hand to gesture at the whole construction site.
Amity nodded in agreement. “Em mentioned that there was a site here, so we wanted to check it out.”
“Why though?” Edric asked, looking for more details. He remembered that Amity had wanted to see the Emperor’s Coven and the Illusion Coven, but he thought that was just because her awesome older siblings were interning there.
Amity’s cheeks gained a pink tint as she cast her eyes away. “We’ve been learning about different covens, trying to figure out which one to join.” Oh, that was a much more logical explanation for her recent behavior.
“This one is cool too.” Luz had turned away to watch a construction witch hammer a joint together. “I love them all.”
“It’s a tough choice.” Edric commiserated. He had been forced into the Emperor’s Coven for the internship, when what he really wanted was to go to the Illusion Coven. It would be harder to know what he wanted if he liked or hated them both.
“Edric!” Frederick was calling for him, from over by the foreman. “Come here.”
“I gotta go.” Edric started walking backwards that way. “Watch out for falling objects.” Luz and Amity waved goodbye as he slid his mask back over his face, spinning to walk forwards.
“Do you know them?” Frederick asked as Edric reached him.
“That’s my sister and one of her friends.”
“Oh, I’ll have to introduce myself before we go.” Frederick was looking in their direction, though they were too far away to see well.
“If you want.” Edric shrugged. Amity would probably love to meet a patrol witch from the Emperor’s Coven.
Frederick nodded, and then turned to the foreman. “We’re ready now.” He said.
The foreman looked up at the half built building and called out, “Victor, these Emperor’s Coven witches want to speak with you.” Up in the building, on the third level, one of the construction witches froze in place. He turned slowly to look at them. He matched the description on the profile.
Edric expected him to climb down to talk with them, but instead he did the opposite. He turned and started to run, picking up speed towards the edge of the building.
Frederick was too fast though. He cast a quick spell that made him disappear and reappear up on top of the construction rig, right in the suspect’s path. The suspect was forced to stop running, and started firing spells at Fredrick.
Edric snapped himself out of staring and ran to one of the other corners of the structure. He started climbing the scaffolding to try and get up there to help. It took a lot of effort, and by the time he reached the level he was out of breath.
He had come up the right corner though, and saw that the suspect was now between him and Frederick. Edric even drew his wood sword, in case he needed to defend himself.
The suspect noticed his arrival, and turned to face him instead. He shot a fire spell his way, which Edric ducked to dodge. He had to be careful up here; a nasty fall could come with any misstep.
Now the suspect lunged towards Edric, with a small object in his hands. It looked to be a hammer of some kind, perhaps the blunt weapon used to commit the murder. All of the practice with the sword paid off, as Edric was barely able to block and deflect the blow. The suspect skittered back to the middle, where he dodged a spell from Frederick.
The suspect looked back and forth between them, and then dropped down off the beam. He landed on the ground roughly, knocking over one of the other construction members in his haste. Edric cursed that he had just climbed all the way up there just to have to climb back down.
The suspect started to run again, but found himself blocked by an abomination. Amity had cast one from the side, again stopping the suspect in his tracks. He fired a spell at it and tried to dodge around it, but an ice pillar from Luz again halted him.
This distraction had given Frederick the time he needed to reach the ground. He drew a sword, a real steel sword, and approached the suspect. The witch’s eyes were wide with desperation, but there was nowhere else to run.
He tried one last fire spell on Frederick, but he dodged past it to knock him out with the hilt of his sword. The suspect collapsed to the ground, unconscious. Frederick leaned over to handcuff him, finalizing an arrest.
Edric finally got his feet back on the ground as Luz and Amity ran over.
“Good job stopping him.” Edric said to them, glancing them over to make sure they hadn’t been hurt.
“This is a pretty dangerous internship.” Amity commented dryly in reply.
Luz was still excited though. “We did great! Three cheers for teamwork!” She cheered all on her own. Edric was too tired and prideful to join in.
Frederick had picked up the suspect and was now carrying him. He approached the three teens. “Thanks for your help kids. Couldn’t have done it without you.” Edric knew he was strong, but it still surprised him to see Fredrick carrying a witch under just one arm.
“Happy to help.” Amity was smiling, looking at Frederick with wide eyed admiration.
“Let’s go Edric, we have to escort the suspect back to base.” Frederick shifted his grip on the suspect; perhaps he wasn’t as easy to carry as Frederick made it look.
“I’m coming.” Edric quickly said goodbye to Luz and Amity, then followed Frederick back to the van.
Frederick unlocked the back door, opening it to reveal the space Edric had seen from the front. He stepped and laid the suspect on the ground, before locking him inside. He then unlocked the front doors of the van so the pair could get inside, and soon they were driving back towards the jail.
They rode in silence for a few minutes. Frederick’s hands were tense on the wheel, Edric watched out of the corner of his eye as they tightened and loosened. The left arm of Frederick’s shirt was singed, the skin below it bright red.
Finally, Frederick spoke. “Good work with the sword today.” That wasn’t quite what Edric was expecting. “Your block was excellent.” He paused between sentences, as if he were choosing his words carefully.
“I had a good teacher.” Edric said that only partly as a joke. He didn’t really like this moody Frederick.
Frederick chuckled, the sound low and forced. “I still have a lot more to teach you.”
Silence returned to the van, remaining for the rest of the drive.
When they arrived at the jail, they pulled back into the garage. Frederick fetched the suspect and released him to another coven member. He explained that he had tried to run and been aggressive, and said a full written report would be coming later.
Frederick then told Edric to come with him, and they headed back into the Emperor’s Coven wing of the building. When they reached the intersection, Edric expected Frederick to turn towards the locker room. He didn’t.
Frederick turned down the hallway that led to the dispatcher. He was walking quickly, hands tense at his sides. When he reached the dispatchers office, he opened the door without knocking.
As Edric entered behind him, he watched as Fredrick practically slammed the van keys down on the dispatcher’s table.
“I don’t know what you’re playing at, but it has to stop.” Frederick spoke in a low, threatening tone.
The dispatcher looked him over, pausing on his arm before looking over at Edric. “What do you mean?” He asked, though his tone was weak as if he already knew.
“Sending the intern on such dangerous work. Lilith never would’ve tolerated that, and neither will I.” Frederick leaned over the dispatcher as he spoke. It did seem like they were arguing now about his presence on the arrest today, but Edric’s interest was more piqued at the name; Lilith had been the previous coven leader.
“As far as I’m aware, today’s orders came from the Emperor.” The dispatcher rose to his feet, his voice stronger than before.
Edric wondered how true that statement was; it didn’t seem likely that the Emperor would have time for little things like assigning coven members to make arrests.
Frederick seemed to believe it, since he sighed and pulled back, taking half a step away. “I see. I apologize.” He spun on one heel and Edric wished he could see his face.
The dispatcher didn’t say anything as they left his office.
Frederick led the way across the building, this time actually going to the locker room. Usually Edric would part from him there, but today he followed him in. The witch was still acting strangely.
Once inside, Frederick sat down on one of the benches and took off his mask. He looked somber, a prominent frown on his face. He brought one hand up to cast a healing spell, finally starting to heal his burn.
“I’ll take the sword home and train over the weekend.” Edric broke the silence, placing a hand on the hilt of the wood sword. It wasn’t entirely a lie.
Frederick’s frown softened slightly. “Good.”
Edric soon left, lost in thought as he walked home. Today had been strange, very strange. He wondered what was going on behind the scenes.
Perhaps he could find out.
Next Chapter
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Survey #304
“she’s got a hold on me  /  maybe she is just what they want me to be”
How many foreign friends do you have? Only one that I know of that actually immigrated into America in their life. I think. In which countries do they live? She was born in Asia, either China or Japan. What was your dream birthday party as a kid? I either wanted to go to the skating rink or Chuck E. Cheese. Have you ever come up with your own game? As a kid, definitely. Whose hand did you hold last? Probably my niece's or nephew's if they were taking me somewhere. What was the last thing you planted? Habaneros, I think. Do you have a green thumb or are you all thumbs with plants? I don't really try with plants because I'm not interested in the maintenance. What or who was the last thing you gossiped about? Does telling your therapist about another person and what they do to stress you out count? lol Any books on your night stand? Wings of Fire: The Brightest Night. Would you ever consider going vegetarian? I was briefly one, but I had to introduce meat back into my diet because I just hate too many foods needed to keep me healthy without meat. I would love love LOVE to go vegan, but I just can't. When's the last time you helped a senior citizen somehow? Probably holding open a door for someone in a wheelchair. What's the most selfless act you have done? I don't know... Maybe letting my mother use all my Christmas and birthday money (which was a lot) to take care of bills to keep us from being evicted and losing the car. She was going to pay me back, but then cancer happened. Have you ever intentionally fed a house spider? No. What makes you feel lucky? The fact I have a roof over my head, food on the table, access to water... That kind of stuff. Never take it for granted. How many Lidls are there in your town? One. Last time you went to Ikea, what did you buy? I don't believe we've ever bought anything from there? But I wouldn't really know. How do you like your favorite beverage? Really cold in a can, heeeeell yeah. What's your big family secret? We don't really have one. What did you think you were good at, until you saw someone else do it? I remember thinking I was the "gifted" artist in school until I met my acquaintance Cailin in the 5th grade, lol. She is SO talented. What is something nice going on in your life right now? My partial hospitalization program is going well. I'm getting more comfortable with talking via things like Zoom, it's a good opportunity for me to socialize with like-minded people almost every day, and I ADORE one of the teachers so much so that I want him to be my normal therapist. I have never in the entirety of my life felt less judged and more cared for from any therapist before him, and it's almost supernatural how easily this man reads people. You could twitch a certain way and he picks it up. I'm ready for him to teach more of the sessions. What was the pinnacle of wealth to you as a child? The idea of owning one of those toy crane machines, haha. If I saw one in a store, I would like beeeeg for it. I remember I cried once when I came across one I adored, it was just too expensive, lol. I did eventually get a little one, I think. What's something that you hate, but can't live without? My meds. What skill do you not talk about, because you feel it sounds like bragging? I don't really brag about anything I think I'm good at because I feel bad about it and don't wanna emit a "better than you" vibe. Who's the worst person you've encountered on the Internet? Ahhh, a lovely "friend" nicknamed Shakes. God she hated me. If death wasn't a consequence, what would you try? Probably ride a motorcycle. I'm too scared to risk the possibility of crashing, and those wrecks are nasty. What's the dumbest thing you've heard someone say? There's this one video of a TV show host thinking the moon was a planet and it was just- What is the worst smell you can remember? This smell was forever branded into my memory as if it was fuckin trauma. When my late dog Teddy had a massive, infected cyst near his ~you know~ and also wore diapers because of incontinence with his age (also keep in mind he had a UTI we couldn't afford to fix, and that smells bad enough), changing the diaper he would wear overnight could, swear to God, be enough to make you puke. It literally came to a point that I personally could no longer do it. It sounds so so bad and selfish, and it probably is, but Mom had to do it before she left and came home from work; she's way less fazed by stuff like that than me. Yes, when we had the money, we got the cyst removed. What song gets better the louder it gets? Only like, every song I enjoy. The louder the better until it becomes obnoxious to others. What's the biggest inconvenience that does NOT ruin your day? Having to pee at like an unnatural frequency? haha What's something everybody should know how to do? Cook... which I don't know how to do. What is a great movie no one knows about? I'unno. I don't really know the success level of most movies unless you see stuff about it everywhere. What type of person could the world use less of? Rapists, pedophiles, monsters like that. What makes you tingle? I have this odd reaction to rubbing my hand while someone is holding it???? idk why????? What’s the best Wi-Fi name you’ve seen? Oh MAN, I wish I could remember 'em all. I've seen some goodies. What's easy to learn, but hard to master? God, it's pathetic that my immediate response is related to a video game, haha. Then again it's such a common idea that it's basically a meme in the World of Warcraft community. So, playing hunters in the game. They're argued to be one of the - if not the - easiest classes in the game that requires little to no skill, while as a hunter main, I disagree with the second part firmly. I don't know about the other specializations because I don't play them, but at least in beast mastery, it takes focus and thinking ahead to master your rotation for optimal damage and just to generally be a skilled player of the class. Not to mention you need to watch your pet(s), too. What's something you've changed your opinion on? Wow, LOTS. Tons of political ideas, like my stance on gay rights, transgender folks, etc... If you had a refilling bowl, what would you want it to contain? For some reason my mind immediately jumped to fresh strawberries. I'm picky with the firmness of fruit, so I won't eat them if they're older because ew. If your bedroom had three portals to anywhere, where would they lead? I mean this in the least creepy way possible, but Sara's house so we could actually hang out, Dad's house so I could see him more, and then uhhh South Africa to regularly see meerkitties. You can ask any author one question about their story. What do you ask? Oh, I dunno. I've got some for writers of other media, but I guess by "author," you mean this is for books exclusively. If you have caffeine late in the day, does it cause you to struggle with your sleep? Shit, I wouldn't even know because I essentially always have caffeine in my system. I don't believe it affects me. When you struggle to sleep, what do you do instead? Keep trying to sleep, or more common than not, I do exactly what you shouldn't do and get back on the laptop for a while. Who was the last person you spoke to for the first time? How did you come to speak to this person? My most recent therapist in the PHP. I love love love him. The therapists rotate the days they teach, and he was the last one I met. Are there any TV shows from your childhood that you still watch today? I'm not opposed to it if I actually watched television. Do you enjoy buying gifts for other people, or do you never know what to buy them? If I actually have the money to, omg yes. I honestly do think I create or buy very thoughtful gifts, and I just really enjoy reminding other people that I love and think about them. Who were you with the last time you went out for a meal? My sisters, Mom, and I went to the Cheesecake Factory for my birthday dinner. That place has come to oust Olive Garden as my favorite restaurant, haha. What’s the last thing you watched on TV? Is this a programme you watch regularly? I believe it was this amateur cooking show called Nailed It!, I think it was, with my mom when I sat in the living room with her for dinner one night. Do you have a favorite documentary subject (eg. nature, celebrities, history, crime)? Absolutely animals. Does having to wear a mask stop you from doing anything, just because you dislike them or find them uncomfortable? Do not fucking talk to me if you're anti-mask. If I set foot in public, I'm wearing a mask like a goddamn considerate human being. Do you prefer zip-up or overhead hoodies? Overhead. I really dislike the appearance of zippers on them. If you have a yard or garden, how much time do you spend out there? N/A When was the last time someone bought you flowers? What was the occasion? I think it was the first time Tyler came to my house. This was quite a few years ago. When was the last time you stayed overnight away from home? Was this with friends, family or in a hotel somewhere? What was the occasion? Hell, I'm pretty sure I haven't slept over anywhere since the last time I was visiting Sara, which was like, two years ago. What’s your favorite period to learn about in history? What got you interested in this particular era? The Renaissance; I always found it to be an attractive subject, art being in its "glory days" and all. My Art History course in college really hooked me in. What is the smallest thing you lose your temper over instantly? Homophobic bullshit. What's a job that doesn't get enough respect? As others have said before me, teachers might just top the list. The shit they gotta put up with for so little pay... What did you take for granted until you visited another country? I've never left America, so I wouldn't know. Who is your favorite scientist and why? I don't have a favorite; I don't know nearly enough about any. Do you prefer emoticons or emoji? I'm from the emoticons era, so I'm biased, haha. How did you meet your pet? Roman was the kitten of one of my sister's mother-in-law's females. They have quite a cat problem and wanted to adopt the kittens out, and Mom knew I desperately wanted a cat, so there we go. One day when we were over there, she showed me the kittens, and Roman caught my eye instantly with his beautiful blue eyes. Venus, I "met" via the Morph Market, a reptile hub website for selling, as the name implies, reptiles that are generally morphs of their species. I was clicking through the genes, keeping my price ceiling in mind, and really fell in love with champagnes, and I thought Venus in specific was just absolutely beautiful. I officially met her as a little thing mailed to me, and she was and still is just the sweetest. I wanna point out that when I chose Venus, I hadn't the slightest idea that champagnes harbored "the spider gene," as otherwise I would have avoided adopting her and feeding the market. Regardless, I love her to death and wouldn't trade her out. Did/Do you have any PEZ dispensers? I did as a kiddo, yeah. Do you enjoy erotic stories? If so, do you read them or write them? No; they make me really uncomfortable. When writing RP, some scenes can get sexual, but I have my limits for sure and know when to stop writing and just time-skip. If you had to choose, which one would you rather have: a pet or a baby? Keep the baby away from me. Gimme a plains hognose or tarantula, please. ^Why did you choose the one you chose? I don't want kids at all but would love the mentioned animals as pets. Do you live with your parents or on your own/with a partner? I live with my mother. What's the car of your dreams? I don't have a "dream car." Have you ever witnessed something or someone die? Animals, yes. Has anyone ever told you that you snore or talk in your sleep? I don't snore, but I talk a LOT. Do you have any houseplants? No. Are you more on a laptop or a desktop computer? I only have a laptop, and I prefer them for portability's sake. If you could do absolutely anything, what would you like to do the most? Entirely leave behind my anxiety, probably. Or PTSD. Do you think your parents raised you well? Yeah. Dad didn't really take much part in "raising" us/enforcing rules and stuff, but hey, my sisters and I wound up being good people. Do you have a Facebook? Yeah. Do you know any of your neighbors? Definitely not well. We haven't lived here long at all. Does/did any of your relatives have an interesting, nowadays unusual job? I'm sure somebody does. Have you met your ideal partner yet? I think so. Have you had a serious relationship yet? If so, how many? Yeah, two. Do you enjoy books, magazines or comic books the most? Books. Are your parents old-fashioned or up-to-date about certain things? Dad is more old-fashioned I think, while Mom is pretty up-to-date. Do you or did you at some point keep a diary? I very briefly did on a few occasions. I always had a journal I wrote in during all my hospital stays. Have you ever upcycled trash into useful items? I remember I once followed this craft idea on Animal Planet where you turn a milk jug into a bird house. We never got any birds in it, though. Which color Skittle do you like best? The only right answer is red. What’s your favorite element? Of the classic four, fire. If you had your own radio show, what would it be like? YIKES, I don't want one. Don't make me talk in front of (through a radio or not) people. What has been the biggest surprise you’ve ever gotten? An "impossible" breakup over Facebook Messenger lmaoooo. Is there a holiday you can’t stand at all? There aren't any that I "can't stand," but I do hold at least some degree of dislike of ones bastardized by religion. It's disrespectful as fuck. Who is your favorite person in the whole world? My mom. Has there ever been an activity you became obsessed with? I was definitely obsessed with RPing in my early teens. Like, I ALWAYS wanted to be writing it. What has been the strangest place you ran into someone from your past? I can't think of an occurance. What is something people tend to come to you about? Anything related to English and grammar. If applicable, what's the furthest you've traveled because of a hobby? For purely a hobby, definitely not very far, partially because I can't drive or afford travelling via plane or whatever. Do you have souvenirs from other countries? If so, what and from where? N/A What do you do when someone is talking to you about something you don't care about? Pretend to be interested to avoid being rude. Do you have Photoshop installed on your computer? Yeah. Do you put lotion on after you get out of the shower? No, but I need to. Has anyone ever given you a promise ring? No. Do you have any bruises on you? Yeah, on my shin. When getting in Ash's van the other day, I hit it against the thing that helps you step up into the vehicle. Because of my muscle atrophy, I, and I am not kidding, can barely manage to absolutely yank myself up there. And mind you, her van isn't even very high up at all. My legs are just that damn weak. Any changes in appearance lately? Gaining weight is fucking lovely. Who was the last person to call you babe or baby? Probably a gal friend commenting on a selfie or something on Facebook. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for? Sometimes. Do you actually care about other's problems? Probably too much for my own good. Have you ever gotten a teddy bear from someone? Besides my mom, I don't think so.
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ficstogo · 5 years
This Part in Life
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Summary: Being a stripper was hard but you had people to back you up. You didn’t think that part of your life would ever be brought up again, especially in times like these
Word Count: 5613
Warnings: Language, Suggestive themes,
A/N: I was working on another Daryl fic and thought that that one would take long to write, so I decided to work on this one which in actuality turned out longer, both in length and time, into writing.
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Your family knew of what you’ve done before the turn and they were understanding and accepting of it. You were all too busy trying to survive to go around judging each others pasts. You were grateful for it. They didn’t see you any less, if anything, they saw you as an important part of them that they need to survive as you were their go-to for defense. You needed them and they needed you and that was that.
But when Daryl found out what you have done, it was different. He couldn’t look you in the eyes, he talked to you less than before and he didn’t talk to you all that much from the start. You got sick of it and so when you two were partnered up for a run it was an awkward silence all the way there and it got on your last nerve.
“Is there anything bothering you, Daryl?” You asked in a mocked curiosity.
“The hell you talkin’ ‘bout?” He said pretending to be vigilant and safe as he looked straight ahead at the road.
“I’m sorry, I meant to say is there’s something bothering me, Daryl, and I feel like I gotta share.” You turned to him with squinted eyes that were ready to stare at him into oblivion.
“Well, it can wait when we get back, alright.”
“No no no no no. Because by the time we get home, you’re gonna avoid me as much as possible and because of that, we won’t talk about what’s bothering me. So you either let me share my feelings or I swear, I’ll knock the hell outta of ya.”
“Dammit, woman, ya gotta be so violent all the time?” He yapped back in equal attitude. If you two weren’t so hot headed and stubborn you would’ve gotten along just fine.
“Well I gotta with the way things are now and I had to with me as a stripper.” you said casually looking back at the road and then back at Daryl as you tried to bait him. There. That’s it. You can see Daryl get rigid and you knew that you weren’t imagining it. He definitely didn’t like the stripper bit.
You let out a huff and went back to giving him furrow brows and eyes that could slaughter a man. “Oh my god…” He only takes a quick peek at you as he continues to drive on. “Do actually have a problem with me being a stripper back then?!”
“Then why the hell can’t you look me in the eyes?” You see him lick his lips and his eyes bop back and forth like a match of ping pong. “Are you that much of an asshole that what you know now has lost your respect for me?” It hurt. Usually it didn’t but this time it did and it was because this man, who was now your family, didn’t see you as the strong woman that you see yourself as.
“That ain’t it.” He responded firmly.
“Then what is it?” You ask in a calmer tone.
“It’s cause I’m trying to show you respect.”
“By not talking to me? By not looking at me as a person?”
He took a moment to think up how to word his response. “Yes. I thought if I did, I’d be invading your bubble. That I’d be invading you as a person.” That’s when you understood. He didn’t treat you that way because he lost his respect for you but because he had no idea how to interact with women like that. He was like a little boy that was caught with something naughty and was showing his mom he was a good boy. He was just showing that he was a good guy and he was trying his hardest not to make you uncomfortable.
You looked back at the road ahead and processed what he said. “Well, you’re doing a real shit job of it…” Daryl took a small peek at you as he felt his mood change. He was trying and somehow it still wasn’t good enough. What was he supposed to do now? “I know you’re a good guy Daryl and I know you wouldn’t do anything to make me feel off. I mean, you’ve never given me a reason to be nervous or cautious around you. If anything, I feel safer around you, even if I can hold my own. You’re better than the guys I use to handle and trust me, if I handled you, you’d know you’ve done something wrong.” He peeked at you once more and then nodded his head, his hand moving up to cover his mouth. He was glad that you didn’t feel threatened by him because he wanted to take care of his family and he couldn’t risk having someone run off whenever they’re stuck with him or in this case, he didn’t want to have you hate his guts especially when he was trying to make you as comfortable as possible.
“It’s just, this thing that you’re doing right now, doesn’t make me feel all that great. I feel like…one of them, like something lower than dirt and that’s not how I want to be treated.” This time Daryl fully turns his head to look at you, giving you a closer look. Of course you don’t want to feel like that and he should know better.
The rest of the ride was quiet but the atmosphere has shifted. It was better. It felt as if there was improvement.
“So why’d you try so hard to make me feel all comfy and whatever?” You asked as you scouted behind Daryl for any danger coming your way. “I mean, there’s Carol and that whole thing at the farm, Carl and Rick with Lori, Glenn, Maggie, Beth, Hershell…There are plenty of people that could use your sweet Dixon comfort.”
He shrugs his shoulders as he continues to walk ahead with his crossbow aimed in front. You had a jovial tone when asking your question so you were more or less expecting him to tease back a bit but he seemed to want to be sheltered from the question, that is until he finally answered. “I dunno know, guess ‘cause it’s probably something you dealt with for a long while, unlike the others.” It made sense now that he said it. You were ready to take his answer as is until he went further into it.
“Meryl use to make me go to the strip club with ‘im. Not really my kinda place but he used to love to pick up women there. They were okay with it but there were times I’d seen other guys get handsy with ‘em and…” He paused as he looked around the corner of the building making sure not to get ahead of himself as he went down memory lane. “It made feel weird all over seein’ ‘em bein’ treated like that ya know?” You just smiled to yourself as your assumption of Daryl were correct. He is a good guy, just the way he was talking about it was proof enough to you.
And Daryl felt he owes you an explanation. Usually he wouldn’t try but the look in your eyes when you explained how he made you feel was enough to apologize to you in that way. He understood how you felt and he didn’t need anyone else feeling that way.
“I get it. I mean, a job’s a job but I did make a few friends from it and everytime I see a guy asking them to sit on their lap when they tell them they don’t want to or how they touch them when they’re strictly not allowed too, it really does boil my blood. I’d do the kicking to the curb but then again I needed the job. So yeah, I get how it feels sometimes to stand around and do nothing.”  
It goes silent again as Daryl processes what you say. That’s what it is, wasn’t it? That he just let them rough up those girls and he didn’t bother to do anything? Because he didn’t want to ruin Merle’s fun? Or maybe because he was that much of bitch back then to try. He didn’t know exactly but he understood another bit of himself right now. All thanks to you.
After arriving to the convenient store that you both planned to scope out, killing the only two walkers that were in there, Daryl only had one question. He didn’t know why he needed to know the answer to it  but he wanted to ask either way. He just hoped you wouldn’t snap at him for letting his curiosity take over. “I noticed that whenever Merle brought them over, they always left with some extra cash….Did you ever use ta, ya know…”
“Hell no, I mean, I knew I was in hard times but I didn’t want to give myself up like that, especially to men that don’t deserve it.” He looks at you as you cross the room to look through the shelves, you not noticing his wandering eyes. For some reason there was a smirk on his face. Maybe it was the fact that you were so strong now that he wanted to know if you were the same back then. It was nice to know that even after all of the world was down the drain, some people haven’t changed themselves or their principles.
“I already gave myself up to all of them on a pole, they don’t need to take another part of me after the show.” You can feel him being shoulder to shoulder with you as you looked towards him for what he wanted.
“I don’t think any less of you. I just didn’t want to be the reason for making you weak.” This time you nodded your head and gave him a small smile. As brief as he reasoning was, it was something that got the point across. It explained and answered all the questions you had on Daryl’s intentions and although you wouldn’t admit it, it was flattering to see Dixon trying to be all sweet, caring, and shy around you.
“Thank you. I…appreciate how much you care about this little bit of me.” He only nodded having reached his limit of sharing today. You both were now solid and by the time you two got back to the prison, the laws of nature on how yourself and a Dixon were to act had now changed.
From then on, you and Daryl understood each other to a level that the others couldn’t have reached with the both of you. Neither of you had even expected that to happen but it did and you both were fairly satisfied at the dynamic shift. The both of you understood the meaning of “rough” and therefore, there wasn’t a moment where you doubted each other’s understanding of feelings and past traumas. Not only that but you two felt as if you were each other’s equals and right now, those were hard to come by.
Although you two didn’t show how close you were or talk like friends would, you both know what you have and at the moment, you were fine how things are. You didn’t care what it was or what could be because you were living in the now and whatever happens in the now, happens. Darly didn’t mind it either. He understood what the two of you have and he rather not mess it up. It was some unspoken understanding that you two had each other and whenever one of you were overflowing with pain and emotion the other was there whether they wanted to talk about it or just be in the others company and usually it was the latter.
The move to Alexandria was strange. None of them fully understood what was going on out there and therefore they didn’t understand what was at risk. You didn’t bother trying to get to know any of them, right now, your family came first in this new environment. After Woodbury, the prison, Terminus, there was no time to get all comfortable. They were inviting and kind but you’ve seen that act before and It looked safe, sure, but for how long? You understood why you were all cautious but the people of Alexandria didn’t.
Eventually though, all of you calmed your jitters down for a bit and began to adjust the way Alexandria is. You all worked your assigned jobs and soon enough it started to feel like a place to really thrive. To really protect. It started to feel normal and as of now, you were in between on either feeling ok with it or not. At the moment you were heading back from the pantry in order to make yourself and the rest of your roommates dinner for the evening, carrying a small basket in one hand.
“Hey Y/N!” You stopped and turned around to the source of the unfamiliar voice with a curious frown on your face. There came a man jogging up to you as he tried to catch up. Now looking at him, you can tell he was definitely not familiar to you. “Glad I caught you there!”
“Yyyeah,” You looked him up and down with your brows continuing its downward voyage on your face. “I’m sorry but who are you?”
“We never were fully introduced. I’m Colby. I, uh, meant to try and come by and talk to you back at Deanna’s party but you left before I had the chance.” Seems right. You only stayed there for a few minutes as you still weren’t sure about Alexandria. Crowds weren’t your thing so you left as soon as no one noticed, at least, that’s what you thought. After that, Daryl was right out front and once he knew who it was who came out, you two headed for home together until Aaron offered dinner.
He stuck his hand out for you to shake as you only looked down and then back up at him. You slowly placed your hand on his to return the gesture, not taking the cautious look away from your face. He could feel the tension that you were emitting and nervously took his hand back.
“Right…Nice to meet you…” You say in an unimpressed tone. You already didn’t like him. He struck you as a prick but you knew better than to judge anyone instantly. It was a terrible habit of yours but it did prove to be a useful skill whenever you all ran into a stranger. Somehow you were always right of their character. “Listen, I gotta get back home and start dinner, so if you don’t mind…” You say wanting to cut your chat short as you didn’t want to spend anymore time trying to make small talk with someone you obviously didn’t sit well with.
Before you go any further, Colby grabs ahold of your wrist to turn you back to look at him. You only roll your eyes to see what lame discussion he desperately wanted to let out. “Um, ok,” He lets out a nervous airy chuckle. “Let me be honest, I think you’re gorgeous and I only wanted to ask if maybe you had a boyfriend or something before I, you know…” he shrugs. You give him an incredulous look as the notion shocked you. That’s it. Time to shut this down.
“No, I don’t have a boyfriend and to be honest, I’d rather you not try to do anything to change that.” Pulling your wrist back to your side you walked to the direction of your shared home with a huff. There you go being right again.
“Right, sorry! I guess hot flings are more than what you’re used to!” He shouted from behind you as you can hear the smirk in his voice. Stopping in your tracks, you took a moment to process what he had just said. Tilting your head to the side, you processed that that was an insult.
You put the basket down by your feet, stood back up and then turned around to face him. You walked towards him with a bit more stomp in your feet. You smirked back at his pompous face playing along with what he was getting at and asked, “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Well I figured that since you used to be a stripper, you might just want one night stands. I knew a couple of strippers that were into that. I mean, obviously money’s useless now but I don’t mind just giving you a good time whenever you like.” You only smiled looking down at the ground and then back up to him as a laugh was released from you.
You stood back biting your lip with crossed arms. “Is that right?”
“Yeah. Dancing on a pole, you must be good in bed and I even bet they tipped you extra for it.” Your heart beat rapidly as you felt his hands land on your hips as he leaned in to whisper in your ear. “Olivia will do anything for me and I promise if you show me a good time, that dinner at your place would be like going to a five star restaurant.” That’s when he went to squeeze your ass with both his hands.
Your hands when to his shoulders to slowly push him away in order to  give him a flirtatious look. He only looked at you with such assurance as if he knew how this would play out.
Colby fell to the ground the second your knee came in contact with his crotch and once he landed hard on the pavement you went right on top of him, giving him punch after punch. How dare he think of you in that way. How dare that he thought you were easy pickings. He reminded you of all the men in those clubs, the ones who bothered you, who bothered your friends. He reminded you of all the men you try to start a relationship with and the moment you disclosed that part of your life, they thought you would be a piece of cake. Colby reminded you of all the people that ever looked at you differently, that talked to you differently, that wouldn’t ever give you a second chance or even chance to start with. With each time your fist came in contact with him, you let out all the years of pain and anger that you kept in you as you never were able to let it out in the old world. Right now, Colby’s face was going to be the nice little outlet for your feelings.
You didn’t realize that Colby’s cries for help went deaf in your ears and the next thing  you knew, there were strong arms wrapped around your waist and pulling you away. You thrashed and tried to fight your way back to him but as soon as sound was traveling back to your ears, you realized that it was Rick pulling you back and telling you that it was only him. He continued his hold until you were a good distance away from the crowd that you didn’t realize had circled around you two. From there, Rick told you to wait inside of the house while he try and calm everyone down.
Unlike you, Daryl was on high alert once he heard Colby’s cries. He instantly thought that a walker found their way inside but once he turned his head to the direction of the cries he noticed a crowd and he already knew what that meant. He and Merle had their fair share of fights so he went to see who the troublemakers were. Jogging over to who it was his sight caught Carl who was standing a good distance away from the commotion. “Hey, what’s goin’ on?” Carl whipped his head with startled eyes and opened his mouth to answer but before he could his father beat him to it as Daryl witnessed Rick pulling you away with limbs flying like a feral animal. Daryl instantly went to protective mode as he pushed his way through. There were people helping Colby pull himself up. A black eye, some bruises and blood coming from his nose as well as a couple of cuts to adorn his face.
“What’d you do!?” Daryl said with his chest puffed out and a shove to greet Colby. The anger was burning behind his eyes as he huffed out some air like a raging bull ready to advance.
“What did I do!? Don’t you mean what did she do!? Did you not see how she just attacked me! Look at my damn face!” He exclaimed as he pointed to it to make sure Daryl was actually looking.
“Nah, she wouldn’t do shit like that unless she had too! You done somethin’ to her, now what the hell was it!?” His fingers tightly gripped the front of Colby’s shirt as he pulled him close to his face, letting him know he wasn’t playing any games.
“The damn bitch flipped! I only asked if she wanted to hook up!”
“And?! Listen man, I don’t know if you heard the news but she was a stripper and God knows I wasn’t gonna let that slip by! I just offered her more rations as compensation!” Down the ground Colby went as Daryl delivered a right hook directly on his black eye. He goes at him for a bit until he pulls him back up “with his face up close to his and then gives another punch to his gut.
“She don’t owe you shit and she don’t need shit from you neither! You ever come near her again, yer walker bait!”
“Daryl!” There was a hand on his shoulder and he knew it was Rick trying to break up another fight. “Daryl! Put him down, he’s already been through the ringer once. Come on, man, let me handle this.” The only sound left was Daryl’s heavy breathing and his eyes destroying the confidence Colby once had. His fingers relaxed and his knuckles returned to their normal color once he dropped Colby to the ground.
He gives a pointed finger to Colby. “You ain’t shit. Yer just an asshole lookin’ for an easy target.” As soon as those left his lips, he spat at the ground near him. Stomping away, he picked up the basket that was left on the ground and headed towards the shared house.
Inside you were there pacing back and forth in the kitchen unaware of Daryl entering and placing your items on the counter. He didn’t announce his presence at first, he only watched you to see how you were doing and right now you seemed a lot more calmer than before. He walked up to you and placed a hand on your shoulder. You jumped slightly as you thought you were alone but calmed down once you knew it was just Daryl.
You looked down with your hands on your hips with the both of you standing in silence as Daryl decided to let you straighten up your thoughts. “How badly beaten is he?”
“Don’t think he’ll be seein’ too good outta his left eye for awhile.” He smirked. “How you feelin’?”
You shrugged and took a peek out the window. “Still feel like beating the shit out of him. For fun this time.”
“A violent woman you are…” You laughed looking down at the floor and then taking notice of Daryl’s right hand. It was slightly bruised with some small specks of blood on it.
You grabbed ahold of his hand inspecting his knuckles a little more. You only smiled as your thumbs rubbed softly against them, some of the blood smudging against his skin. You looked back up at him biting your bottom lip to hide your obvious joy. “Me? You went ahead to beat a man when he’s down.”
“So? He had it comin’ fer messin’ with ya.” He hid his eyes under his hair as you went back to soothing his knuckles with your fingers.
“Aw, you looking out for me…?” you teased.
“I am so sorry Y/N!” was the next thing you heard before Daryl had the chance to respond with both your eyes turning to a distraught Carl. You instantly let go of Daryl’s hand and took a step towards the boy scared of what exactly he was sorry for. “I swear I didn’t mean to just say whatever. I was just hanging out with the other kids and we were talking about what everyone did and I just thought that if I told them who we use to be, they wouldn’t be so scared of us and I guess Ron went and told-”
“Carl! Carl! It’s alright! I’m not mad because he knew who I used to be. I was mad because he knew what I use be and thought he could get something out of it. You didn’t do anything wrong.” You place a hand on Carl’s shoulder to comfort him. “I don’t care who else knows, If they start judging me well, it’s gonna be tough luck for them later on. You don’t have anything to worry about. Besides, I think all of Alexandria knows not to mess around with me on that.” You smirked. Carl let out the air that he was holding in as he nodded his head in understanding, his blue eyes turning from worry to calm waves in that moment.
“I’m still sorry. That was your story to tell to whoever you decide you want to talk to about it.” You only pull Carl in for a hug, upset that he worked himself up about it but happy to see that he was growing into an honest and brave man, something to definitely be proud of.
“It’s alright Carl. It’s fine.” Pulling away, you go ahead and tell him to hang out more with his friends, that dinner would be ready in a bit. He takes his leave and you stand there watching him go.
“You sure it’s fine?” Daryl asks as he watched the exchange happen in the background.
You snap out of it and turn around to face him. “Yeah. It’s fine. I’m gonna get dinner started. I’ll let you know when it’s done.” You give him a small smile. Despite your words and your movements, Daryl only thinks otherwise. You have things you still want to let out but he knew better than to push and pry, so he leaves you be with your distraction. Maybe you’ll come out with what you want to say when you’re ready.
Dinner was made, dinner was eaten, everyone had their downtime and off to their own rooms. Everyone found out what happened earlier in the afternoon and they didn’t know whether or not to bring it up and discuss but you looked to be in a better mood and in result, have simultaneously decided to not talk about it at all.
You were only in your room preparing yourself for bed but you couldn’t help but sit on the mattress and look out the window. For some reason, you thought you were okay after all that happened today. You kept telling yourself that. You even tried to forget that it happened at all but once you were finally alone with your thoughts on your bed, the facade finally came down.
It hurt. For some reason it still hurts even after all this time, even after all that’s happened. You didn’t even realized that you had tears streaking your cheeks until you heard a knock on the door. You scrambled to wipe your face clean, clearing your throat and then responding for them to enter.
You had your head away from noticing where your hands were. Daryl stepped in closing the door behind him softly. He only stood there not really knowing what to do. He never knew but it was you. And you don’t cry often but seeing you like this and knowing what it was about, it didn’t sit well with him to leave you like this. He walked up to where you sat but stayed at a distance to where you had your own space.
You looked up at him and he could see that you have definitely been crying. You just looked down in shame feeling ridiculous at how emotional you’re being. You could feel your bed dip down to the side slowly knowing that Daryl took a seat next to you with his hands clasped and his elbows resting on his knees. You only went on crying until you didn’t have anymore tears left and your sniffling subsiding.
Once the room went quiet with your crying ceased, Daryl was the first to speak up. “Feelin’ like shit, aren’t ya?”
“Was it obvious?” You said with a small chuckle as you wiped the remaining tears.
“Nah, just took a guess.” You only bumped shoulders with him so he would know you got his joke. All went silent again as you tried to gather your thoughts. You tried to pinpoint what the exact thought in your head caused you to fall apart.
“It still hurts. I mean, it’s bullshit to cry about because there are a lot more worse things that we gotta figure out but…I don’t know…it’s stupid…”
“Nah, it ain’t. You got every right to be upset. It’s been somethin’ you’ve dealin’ with for a better part of your life. I mean, I don’t know if you ever gave yourself some time to let it out but if you gotta, you gotta. It ain’t stupid, Y/N.” You only rested your head against his built shoulder, feel at ease from his words. Being the man that never really shared his thoughts and feelings as often as he should, the thought of him seeing you like this gave you the idea that he probably thought you were weak.
“I just…I don’t get it with other people….”
“Me neither.” You slithered your arm through Daryl’s, comforting yourself with his warmth. For some reason Daryl didn’t think anything of the contact like he usually would. He would usually flinch or pull away but he only melted when you touched him. He guessed it was because he knew deep in his subconcious that you wouldn’t do anything to harm him. He also took a guess to think that if he did, you would’ve taken it the wrong way and the last thing you need was having your friend wriggle his way out if your grip.
The both of you only sat there in each others comfort for a bit. Other good friends would actually talk things through but you and Daryl only needed each others company to get whatever it is you have off your chest.
“You always looking out for me?”
Daryl didn’t feel uncomfortable at the question like he did earlier. He only took a moment to think on how to answer it before he responded. His hand found yours and soon his fingers entangled with yours, gripping it tight.
“‘Course. Always have, always will. Too good to let anyone treat like shit. You deserve better,” You looked at his shy blue eyes while he looked back at yours. “Even if you think ya don’t.”
He wasn’t nervous. It was strange because he should have been. It was in his nature to be uncomfortable with affection as he never grew up with an affectionate family to teach him it was okay to display it but he wasn’t. He only felt the will and need to do so. He leaned with both of your foreheads touching and then his nose rubbing gently against yours. You didn’t realize your other hand went to rest on his cheek as your hot breath hit against his lips. And then a small peck was given to test the waters. You didn’t pull away so Daryl went in for another and then another until he left his lips against yours for much longer. You caved to this weakness and did what he couldn’t do soon enough and actually kiss him with your head tilted and taking more from him than what you thought he wasn’t able to give.
When you both pulled away, there was a sense of resistance. Neither of you wanted to back away because for some reason you felt that you both weren’t ready for the immediate aftermath. The afterthoughts. Daryl was worried he took advantage of you in your moment of weakness while you worried that you he kissed you because you looked like a kicked puppy that he needs to take care of.
At first you couldn’t look at each other in the eyes but it was too much pain in not knowing how the other was feeling, so you were the first to look up and he looked down at you. Daryl could feel your thumb rubbing against his cheek and though he couldn’t find the words to express how he felt, he simply placed his hand on top of yours, keeping you in place. You only closed your eyes not wanting this feeling to go away.
Daryl leaned his forehead against yours once more and both just closed your eyes enjoying the company that you two were in. He only gave you another small peck and then pulled you in for a well deserved hug. You held onto each other like this for awhile until you both fell asleep with yourselves still intertwined to each other.
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spirit-of-the-void · 5 years
Ebony and Ivory (V x Reader Fanfic) Chapter 27
Author’s notes: This chapter is interesting to be sure, let’s keep it rolling kids! Gonna see a lot more of other point of views this time around.
Chapter 27
(Griffon  POV)
Bad, this was bad.
You had been out like a light for a while now. As soon as Nightmare wrapped you up in his strong, demonic arms your eyes closed and you lost all consciousness. It was for the best, but the bird wasn’t anticipating just how far down they would have to go. The tree was collapsing, making for treacherous travel, a lot of climbing and maneuvering, two things Nightmare was really shitty at. They were doing their best, but they were running out of Vergil’s residual energy. Which was the bad part. Everything had turned into a race against the clock, trying to get you somewhere safe to heal and recover before they had to return to your form.
Griffon had vaguely noted the silver cane that V formerly used before they set out. Dante had walked right past it, leaving it glinting in the sun with nowhere to go. He didn’t know why, but the bird grabbed it, swooping over quickly and returning back with it clutched in his talons. Any reminders of the poet would hurt you, that was obvious, but...he felt like it belonged to you now. After all, it was what V used to command them in the first place. So he chucked it into Nightmare’s swirling form, letting the bigger familiar absorb it into himself and making a mental note to tell you about it at some point. You deserved to have something left from him at least.
Griffon was still trying to process it all--being inside the body and mind of someone new was strange. And when it came to you, he was learning a lot more and realizing things he wish he’d known earlier. Christ, you were a fucking mess. Just as bad as Shakespeare was. Hell, you were almost worse, there was so many things to unpack about your trauma and body, he wasn’t sure where to start. There was this underlying feeling of pain constantly radiating in your limbs, that swirling Void power always leaving a dull ache in your stomach and chest. Was this how it felt for you all the time? Just how long did you suffer in pain? It never showed, save for the occasional wince or hand to your temple.
Fuck, he felt bad. You were such a cheerful thing before, but underneath was a storm of bullshit he didn’t know how to help. This whole situation had just fucked you up more. He should have been honest with you from the beginning, but what the hell would that have changed?
Regardless, that didn’t matter now. Getting you to the van did. But it looked like that wasn’t going to happen. They made it about halfway down before Nightmare’s steps started to slow, as if the tar-like substance that made up his body was sticking to the floor. Griffon was feeling fatigued himself, but they couldn’t afford to stop now, not being so high up. If the tree went down, you would get hurt badly--not to mention the threat of demons still crawling around.
“Come on, you big lug!” Griffon squawked at the giant moving ever so slowly along. But he was panting, exhaustion in his tone just from flapping his wings, “Get a move on, no time to rest now…! Gotta get her to the bottom at least!”
Nightmare’s eye rolled eerily over to look at him, conveying every ounce of annoyance he felt for his avian companion. Yeah, he got it loud and clear. Mouth shut, eyes forward. Couldn’t make what was impossible, possible. To be completely honest, Griffon was expecting them to kill Dante or at least die trying, then fade into nothing like Vergil wanted them to. You had never been a part of the equation, and if you had...he wouldn’t have wasted so much energy trying to blast away the idiotic demon hunter. He would have waited, so they could get you down the stupid fucking tree without so much issue.
Yeah. Planning ahead wasn’t his best feature.
It was an unfortunate trait that he began to regret more and more, finally coming to an ultimate wall when Nightmare stopped entirely, falling to his knees still holding you. Fuck, that wasn’t good--they were never going to make it down the tree at that rate, leaving you exposed and in danger up on a goddamn ledge. Griffon panted heavily, landing on the ground next to Nightmare as he sat you gently down, your head lolling to the side in your unconsciousness. The bird felt a pang of guilt as he stared at your face, taking in the dark circles under your eyes and the pallid color of your skin. You looked like hell and then some, the days events showing on you and taking their toll. Griffon felt awful. The look you wore when he saw you standing there, watching them fight…
Damn it, he didn’t like feeling this guilty. What was he supposed to do? They had fucked up, all of them including the poet. Griffon had been concerned all along that this would happen, encouraging it in the beginning but...he didn’t know then. How could the bird have imagined just how close you and V would become? At first it seemed amusing, an attempt to get V laid and loosened up a bit. But getting to know you, seeing how you interacted with him made the bird realize just how dangerous it could get. Love was never part of the plan. But V still never stopped, he went through with it despite his guilt and reservations. And that...fucking sucked.
“Shit, fuck,” Griffon panted, nosing your face with his beak and trying to will you awake, “Up and at em’, toots! We can’t go any further, you gotta pause that nap for a little bit…!”
You gave no sign of stirring, so deep under now that any and all chances of waking you were slim to none. Griffon looked up anxiously at Nightmare, meeting his glowing eye and letting out a light trill. What the hell were they supposed to do? Even the giant was at a loss, sitting back on his ass with a heavy thud and closing that eye of his. He had no juice left either. Griffon grunted lightly, trying to latch his claws onto you and hoist your body up, but he had no energy left either. You were heavier than Shakespeare--the man was a twig and you were healthy and having more...er...filled out areas.
“We’re so fucked,” Griffon groaned, slumping over your form and pressing his head to your hair, “We tried, but we’re still useless. God damn  it!”
There was no response from the other familiar, which was typical. Wouldn’t stop Griffon from muttering to himself.
“We fucked up big time,” He continued to grunt, ruffling his feathers and staring ahead while he talked to no one in particular, “Could have told her in the beginning, could have saved her from all this bad shit. But no. Had to be as dumb as Shakespeare--bonus points for being an even bigger dumbass earlier.”
Nightmare made no sound, but Griffon could feel the exasperation coming from him. The bird was fighting the urge to absorb back into your body, debating if maybe Shadow could come out and drag you a bit further at the very least. But that could be a waste of energy better suited for protecting you where the other two couldn’t, Shadow being the only one who stayed in your body while they traveled downwards. The mighty cat materialized as soon as the thought popped into his skull, landing on their paws in a cloud of black dust. As much as he hated it, they would be forced to summon back for at least a little while, leaving Shadow to make sure no baddies tried to come at you.
“Stay with her for a bit,” Griffon told the cat, exhaustion in his tone from blasting so may demons on the way down. Shadow blinked their red eyes, sitting back and listening attentively to the bird as he continued, “If we play our cards right...we can move her down in bursts. Just...just gotta catch our breath.”
Shadow bowed their head, understanding flickering along the connection they shared as the cat settled along your form. Providing warmth, ears flickering as they watched over the ledge and incline downwards. Griffon knew they could last for an hour at least, providing cover and protection while Nightmare and Griffon recharged a bit. That is...unless they wouldn’t be able to--you were so injured, tank running on empty and healing on top of all of it. If you were still weak, they couldn’t very well get energy from you. It was his last thought when he and Nightmare finally succumbed to the need, turning into dust once more and taking their place under your skin.
They would reach that hurdle when it came. But if not...well. Griffon could pray for a miracle, right?
(Vergil POV)
Well. To say that Vergil’s day had been strange would be far understating the true gravity of it all.
His memories were spotty, fuzzy. A whirlwind of things from the past, the present, and things that didn’t even seem like he lived through them at all. Upon reawakening as his full, revived self his skull had rattled with things that were definitely unfamiliar to the elder son of Sparda. It was disorienting, strange, unsettling. He felt far more whole and complete than ever before, and yet...there was a sense of being disjointed, unsure of himself. He felt different, changed, unlike who he was before separating man from demon but still retaining all his base personality and desires.
Vergil still carried his mistrust of Dante, the resentment. Though it was changed now, mellowed and quiet in comparison to how he was before. It would be fair to say Vergil himself felt a lot more in control of himself compared to when he stabbed his form with the Yamato, body no longer damaged and his nightmares remaining from being Nelo Angelo seemingly...gone. But that wasn’t to say things weren’t growing more hectic and confusing by the second, mind struggling to keep up with it all whilst maintaining his usual demeanor. Those defense mechanisms were kicking in, the ones Vergil was reluctant to admit he had at all.
For one, he had memories from his demonic half. The more unsettling ones, memories of erecting the tree and the death of so many human beings. Vergil was not a man easily made uncomfortable, or guilty for that matter...but such sensations existed, and they irritated him on top of tugging at the edges of his thoughts. The memories were in his head, but they didn’t feel like his. Disjointed, the actions beyond his will and plans when he used the Yamato on himself--to be completely honest, he had not anticipated that when he did such a thing it would literally separate his two halfs entirely. The son of Sparda had convinced himself that it would merely cast away his humanity, leaving him with the same consciousness but a stronger, less brittle form. To make him wholly and completely demonic in nature.
He was not so lucky. Such actions had caused him to stumble around in two, separate forms for a while. And one cause so much death and destruction on the city Vergil wasn’t sure how to process it.
His mind focused on what it knew in an attempt to defend itself from the guilt. Dante was here, and he wanted to fight. That provided normalcy, amusement. That was something Vergil knew, remembered, and understood. A deep, burning need to defeat his brother, to prove himself stronger. It was something to root himself in reality, and he kept to that while his mind allowed it, fighting his brother like old times and reveling in his newfound strength. Vague memories of taking a bite out of the forbidden, powerful fruit lingered on the edges of his memory, explaining why he felt so spry and alive. But...it didn’t make a difference.
Dante still held his own. As always.
Why was he so strong, so powerful? He still had strength, enough so that Vergil found himself toe to toe with his brother, the one who didn’t eat the fruit at all. Maybe it was due to Vergil being distracted...he had a lot on his mind. First of all being the revelation of his son--Nero. Finding out he had spawned a child down the line was...staggering to say the least. Vergil was reluctant to admit he didn’t know when he went to get his sword back that Nero was his son, but it was pretty easy to guess in retrospect. Had he not been so broken then, sickly and dying...he could have figured it out. But he hadn’t, and he ripped off Nero’s arm without a second thought.
Did he feel guilty? He wanted to say no, mind not really dwelling on any of it too long. But...there was a twinge of something he tried to ignore. Focus on the fight, focus on beating Dante. A son is of little consequence. Right? He tried and tried not to think about it, but the knowledge was now a burden on his mind, so loud among the already chaotic thoughts and memories. He didn’t like having so much confusion, so much to worry about and that stupid, foolish guilt. That had to be why he lost to Dante, surely. All these new, chaotic thoughts had to have made him sloppy, giving his brother and edge he wouldn’t otherwise have.
And amidst all those chaotic thoughts...was you.
You were the most confusing of all the memories, Vergil unable to comprehend just what to think in regards to them. Upon waking up again, he couldn’t understand the images floating around in his consciousness, fuzzy and both familiar and unfamiliar. It was…curious. Strange. He was certain he had never met you before, but...he knew you. There was a familiarity there that he didn’t understand, so many tangling emotions pushing against his skull and only seeming to complicate things more.
Why? Why did he feel that hard ache in his chest when he saw your face? That horrified, broken expression you wore while staring at his newly awakened form. The shock, the remembrance when you attacked him--usually he would have simply pulled out his sword and struck you down. You were volatile, easily defeated in such a weak, collapsing state as you were. But he found hesitation there when he stared into your black eyes, a dull throbbing in his chest as he took in the blue streaks staining your cheeks, your lips. Why was that look you wore so upsetting? Those eyes, hollow and shattered as you begged him for answers, lips trembling and body pushing you far too much.
His first thought should have been “who is this girl? How pitiful”. But instead, he found his mind snapping to attention, realizing how much you were damaging yourself and...worrying? Surely not, but it was there. It was so perplexing to Vergil, mind reeling and trying to process even while his mouth spouted the first things he could think of.
Calling you the only name that came to mind. Sparrow. The look you wore when that name was uttered on his lips was seared into his brain--like he had slapped you across the face without realizing it. There was opportunity in such a distraction, but Vergil felt like it was a hollow victory. Like kicking a puppy.
Even after fighting Dante, then Nero in turn he couldn’t shake it. The way your tone cracked, voice wavering painfully as you asked him “why?”. Your black eyes, filling with tears and lips trembling as blow-tinted tears rolled down your cheeks.
He didn’t like that, didn’t like the thoughts and emotions he couldn’t seem so shake. Especially more intimate ones, things he surely should not have. Of cupping your cheeks, stroking your hair and touching your lips. Of you underneath him, eyes staring at him in adoration as his tattooed finger slipped over your mouth…
Such a memory was dangerous, threatening to make him falter when he should otherwise focus.
What in the world was happening to him? Those were not his hands. He bore no black tattoos, but...he remembered times where he had. Of the familiars he commanded, the manifestation of his nightmares made real. These were the memories of his human half, of that he was able to figure out fairly quickly. And that was...alarming. Why was he seeing all of these things, these images and thoughts mingled with the demonic ones as well? It left him questioning so much, torn between feeling the emotions and images as his own and like they belonged to someone else.
That was him, a part of him. He felt both connected and not.
How unbelievably confusing--Vergil was just barely able to cope with it all, maintaining himself through the fight with Nero. And that, too, lead to defeat. Why was his son so strong? He had a strange power, a curious one, holding his own perfectly fine against his father despite his diluted demonic blood. The fact that Nero came to stop the fighting at all was so perplexing to him, since he clearly meant nothing to the boy after not knowing him his whole life. Why was he so determined to try, to get between Vergil and Dante in their fights? It was irritating, but even Vergil knew when he was beat.
He tried to tell himself it was due to him fighting Dante earlier. Maybe.
But he stopped when Nero asked of it, deciding that taking down the Qliphoth was more important than defeating his brother at that moment. He wanted to be done with the tree--maybe cutting it down would cut away some of that stupid, nagging guilt pinching the back of his skull? Such thoughts made Vergil scowl, but he bit back the annoyance and settled on letting Dante come with him despite his reservations. The annoying, white-haired sibling provided a distraction that Vergil felt he needed with everything going on.
Nero also asked about you, like he expected you to already be up with the other two when he arrived. That made Vergil both surprised and uneasy, the idea of seeing you again was...a strange one. Dante explained to the worried boy that he had sent you back down the tree, but didn’t elaborate in the slightest bit. They had a job to do, a tree to cut down in the underworld.
As for Nero, he wasn’t allowed to come. A single, hard placed fist to the face from the brothers sent him flying back, sprawling on his ass several feet away. Vergil admired his dedication, but he was another thing the cold man really didn’t want to think about while they cut down the damned tree. Besides, he had things to take care of on the surface and had no place in hell like the rest of them. He was filled with that humanity Vergil didn’t care for, emotional and brash through the entire fight and filled to the brim with resentment. He wanted to prove himself, with Vergil didn’t have the patience for.
“Take care, Nero,” Dante said with a smile and a salute, stepping back while the boy sat up and stared at them both with annoyance, “Adios.”
He leapt off the side of the Qliphoth, turning into his Sin Devil Trigger form and gliding down toward where the portal opened below. Vergil lingered for a moment, meeting Nero’s eyes and sizing him up one more time. He did certainly look like him, there in that furrowed brow and in his eyes and lips. But his attitude and emotions were very reminiscent of Dante, who definitely had a hand in shaping who Nero had become. Vergil let out a low hum of amusement, a bit of a smirk curving his lips as he pulled out the book he acquired as a child.
“I won’t lose next time,” He promised, tone full of cold challenge as he tossed the leather-bound novel onto the floor in front of his son, “Hold onto that until then.”
It was a declaration, and also...a reassurance. That he and Dante would return, despite how cut and dry things seemed. And he would come back--there was a score to settle now. He wanted to see just how powerful his son could be, a rematch after he wasn’t so scattered in the head. Distracted. That was what he blamed for so many losses after another--surely he would do better if he didn’t have so many confusions and concerns.
Vergil turned, sparing Nero one last glance before he launched himself up, turning into his own blue Sin Devil Trigger form and diving in the direction Dante had taken. The rush of air past his armored body felt good after the stagnant heat of the Qliphoth, wings gliding him quickly downward to reach the portal he had caused. Up in the air, the destruction was plain to see--the Earth cracked, buildings ruined, broken roots lining the streets down below that were now empty of human life. The tree itself was ugly, an annoying eyesore despite the fact that it had lead to Vergil gaining more power, devouring its fruit and regaining his vitality. And what good that did him--he still lost to the other two. Still lacking, it would seem.
And what an annoying thought that was. The fact that despite all his efforts, he was still lacking the necessary strength to fight his brother. So many failed attempts had only ended in ruin, and now several deaths added to the price paid for the sake of power. Vergil was...tired. Too tired at that moment to maintain the level of anger he needed to keep his drive. The events of the month or so had left him different, and he needed to figure out whether he embraced the changes or not. It seemed like something worth thinking about briefly as he followed Dante’s path.
Vergil’s eyes scanned the tree on his way down, taking in the curling roots, the way it curved into the sky. It definitely needed to be destroyed, it served no purpose now but to be a reminder for how much things had gone poorly. It was already on the verge of dying, grey and turning brittle now that the fruit was--
He saw something that made him halt.
His wings pounded hard, sending up gusts of wind as he stopped his velocity in its tracks. In this form, his eyes were sharper, so he definitely wasn’t mistaking what he was seeing. There, on a ledge halfway down the tree. You were unmistakable--body prone on its side and the familiar form of Shadow curled protectively around you. Vergil hovered in the air, staring at you lying there unconscious with that nagging sensation pressing on the edges of his skull again. What the hell were you doing laying there? Dante claimed he had sent you back down, but it would seem you didn’t make it all the way. Something about that annoyed him--why would Dante send you back down in such a state?
She reached her limit, his mind thought on its own, it’s dangerous there. It came without him even thinking, the nagging voice in his brain urging him to help you. Instinctive. His clawed fingers clenched into fists, a low growl emanating from his glowing chest cavity as he trying to decide what to do. He had a job to do, a task to focus on that didn’t involve you in the slightest bit.
But...there was that feeling again, pressing to his chest at the sight of you lying there. Looking broken and tired, body curled up next to his former nightmare and not moving. And what was that about? Why was Shadow still around, the manifestation of his abominable thoughts sitting with you like a protective house cat? Dante failed to mention that you were being helped down by them, but it seemed to not be working out to begin with. Foolish. Vergil would have scowled if this form allowed it, his eyes narrowing slightly as he debated for a few more seconds what to do. That sensation grew, moving him closer without thinking so he could see your face, the way your hair pooled around your head. You looked exhausted, you looked...not like yourself.
God damn it.
Vergil growled again, wishing he could even remotely understand what he was feeling. He felt like a fool, body moving on its own and flying over to your ledge. Shadow looked up at the sound of beating wings, eyes narrowing and baring their teeth at the demonic male. He saw them jolt in the next instant, recognition flashing in those bright red eyes as they realized just who he was. How absurd it had to be, to see the very person that they once used to be a part of. Vergil landed, not breaking eye contact with the glorified house cat and watching how their pelt rippled warily with glowing patterns, ears flat against their skull. No friendliness left for their former master, it would seem. They certainly didn’t look happy to see him, curling around you more and lip curling up in warning.
Vergil tilted his gaze to you, making Shadow leap up and snarl loudly in threat, back arched and claws scraping against the greying ground. Vergil wasn’t fazed--Shadow was the manifestation of bad thoughts, made into a demon that he could easily defeat. But he took in your form, realizing by the changes he saw that the familiars now had to be yours. Tattoos lined your arms, a single part of your hair now black as it draped over your face. He remembered then, a brief few flashes of images that made him lose focus for a moment. Images of you with Griffon on your shoulders, laughing and grinning. Of you teary eyed, beaming as you kissed the top of Shadow’s head like they were a big, fluffy cat. Charming his nightmares like it was nothing, loving them despite what they were.
God damn it.
“If she stays here,” He said to the growling demon, tone warped and demonic as his wings folded against his body, “She will die. With her this weak, you won’t be able to sustain yourself for long.”
Shadow’s ears pressed tighter to their skull, eyes glaring daggers at him as another growl burst forth. That spoke their message loud and clear.
Vergil clicked his tongue, half turning away from the cat as he replied coldly, “If you wish for her to die, then so be it.” He didn’t have the patience for this, but...his feet felt rooted to the spot.
I can’t just leave her there.
But why?
Shadow let out a low, distressed sound, gently lapping at one of your cheeks in an attempt to wake you up. For a moment, Vergil felt a twinge of concern that you may be dead. But your chest was rising and falling, eyelashes twitching against your cheeks as you slept away all the pain. Your breaths were short and pained, he saw you wince occasionally and curl up on yourself more. His fingers twitched at his side, Vergil clenching his jaw when he realized he had to physically push down the urge to stroke one of your cheeks. What was happening to him? And why?
But Shadow seemed to sense his confusion, staring at him with red eyes far too knowing as he struggled with himself. Even in this form, they were able to read his expression, bowing their head to him for a moment before raising it again. There was a warning in that sharp gaze, one that clearly said if anything would happen to you Shadow would tear him to pieces. Or at least...they would try. The mighty cat then turned into swirling dust, absorbing back into your tattoos and making them darker now on the one side. Home, it would seem.
Vergil didn’t want to waste any more time, walking slowly closer to you and crouching down next to your body. Inside he was a storm of emotions and confusion, unable to understand his own thoughts and instincts anymore. What had become of him when he split himself in two? His human half was far more busy than he had ever thought capable...far stronger now. These emotions definitely felt human in nature. There was no mistaking that.
He pushed back his reservations, sliding his clawed hands under you and lifting you up into his arms. You were so light, body curling up against his hard chest and still out like a light. Something about this felt...Vergil couldn’t place his finger on the term. He resisted the urge to hold you closer, to press his face to your hair and inhale. He could smell it, the faintest hint of apples from you. Foolish, he told himself harshly, turning and launching himself off the edge again with those mighty wings. The movement jostled you, but there was no sign of waking. Only a soft whimper of pain, one that started that dull ache in his chest again as he carried himself swiftly upward again.
He couldn’t just take you down below and deposit you on the street. That was equally, if not more dangerous. Vergil could not see the van either, his best other option was to leave you with the only person he knew would take care of you. The thought triggered another memory, one of you walking and talking with Nero, smiling warmily as he talked about his fiance at home. The boy was your friend, wasn’t he? Vergil swallowed his pride and annoyance, knowing full well the best course of action would to hand you off to Nero before heading back down. Dante could wait and wonder where he was for a few more moments.
Vergil wasn’t shocked when he saw Nero still standing where he left him, staring at the book and flipping through the pages. He looked annoyed, an expression that morphed to shock when Vergil crested over the ledge and into sight. Nero was by far the easiest person to read that Vergil had ever known. His face went through several emotions as he registered that his father had returned moments later. First being shock, then aggravation, then more shock when he saw you, landing on relief and worry.
He will take care of you. Of that, there was no doubt.
“Y/N!” Nero exclaimed, rushing forward when Vergil landed and tucking the book into his jacket. The demonic male held out his arms automatically for the boy to take you, but it felt...stiff. Like his body didn’t want to let you go. He tried to keep his expression in this form neutral, but his eyes lingered on your sleeping face as it moved away, now resting against Nero as the boy continued on, “Where the fuck did you find her?! I thought Dante said she was making her way down…!”
Vergil snorted, turning away with a growled, “She made it halfway down. The familiars couldn’t carry her the full way.”
“The familiars?” Nero blinked, taking in all of your new tattoos with even more shock as he settled your limp body more steadily, “What the...hey!” He protested when Vergil started walking back to the edge, the sound of his footsteps sounding as he followed behind, “Wait a goddamn second!”
Vergil didn’t slow, eager to get away and back on task. No more distractions. But Nero had other plans, one of his ghost-arms whipping out to grab Vergil by the shoulder, forcing him to halt in place. The older male turned, face conveying a barely-veiled threat as his firey gaze met Nero’s. The boy wasn’t fazed by his anger in the slightest bit, which was either courageous or absolutely foolish on his part. He was certainly a lot like Dante. Vergil’s other hand twitched, resisting the urge to summon the Yamato and whack at his wrist with the sheath--remind him of who took his old arm to begin with.
Nero’s eyes were sharp, staring him down with intensity as he held you firmly in his arms. Vergil tried to focus on his face instead of yours. He was speaking, after all.
“You remember her, don’t you?” It was just too bad that what Nero was saying turned out to be exactly the conversation he didn’t want to have. Vergil felt his hand twitch again, resisting the urge to just fight again so he could move the topic onto something else, or at least distract Nero long enough to make his way back to the portal.
“...Get her back to the van,” He replied coldly, turning his eyes forward again as he continued, “I have things to do, and no time to waste on this.”
Nero scoffed, hand still firmly clamped on his arm as he replied, “Yeah? Yet you took the time to bring her up to me, could have left her behind. I could have seen her on my way down, but you didn’t want to take the chance did y--”
Vergil let out a low growl, summoning the Yamato and whipping its sheath around at Nero. It startled the boy enough to let go, using that arm to block the blow as he leapt back with you in his arms. The movement barely jostled you, your head resting calmly against his shoulder and eyes still closed. Vergil spared that one last glance, loathing the feeling that the sight of you brought before he turned away, starting forward again with purposeful footsteps. This had wasted time he should have spent focusing on his task, and that alone spoke volumes to how messed up his head had to be. Before all of this, he would have sailed right by you on that ledge, without a single care. But…
Those times were gone.
Nero let out an annoyed growl as he walked, rasping under his breath, “You really are a bastard, you know that?” He straightened up, glaring holes into Vergil’s back as he made his way for the edge again, “She really cared about V, and you’re just gonna walk away from all of that?”
Vergil paused again, tips of his demonic feet touching the very edge of the precipice. Something about Nero’s words made him...irritated. Hearing that name, “V”, and hearing about how much you cared. It didn’t feel right, but it didn’t feel wrong either. All it served to do was kick up that nagging guilt again, the one that made that part of his chest ache incessantly. His teeth grouns slightly, the sensation strange in this form that was so far from human. It wasn’t like him, so different from how he was before that he didn’t know how to process who he was becoming. To focus on anything but the tasks at hand was so out of character, shocking to even he, the one who prided himself on his focus.
“There is nothing to walk away from,” He said coldly, not sparing a glance back as his hand clenched into a fist, “Her feelings for a man that doesn’t exist anymore have nothing to do with me.”
With that, he took a step off the edge, hearing Nero growl in annoyance as he did so. The rush of air past his body felt a lot less soothing now, the roar filling his ears as his wings unfurled to glide him back down. That ache refused to leave, no matter how much distance he put between himself and you. It felt like something was pushing forward on his consciousness, loud and furious about the blatant lie he had told Nero about you. It urged him to turn around, to make sure you got to your destination safe. Apologize. It made him want to punch the nearest object, which if he played his cards right would soon be Dante waiting down below.
Don’t leave her again, That voice in the back of his head whispered, Look how much damage I caused. Fix it. You have to fix this.
He couldn’t turn around. There was so much to do, so many things to fix and a tree to cut down. He continued downward, trying to ignore that sensation looming over him like a persistent rain cloud. Like hands trying to pull him back, following him down as the portal loomed ever closer. Crackling, glowing purple and glowing with demonic energy. Focus, he needed to keep his eyes on the task. He would join in his brother in hell, setting about destroying the roots of the Qliphoth and dealing the portal to hell. But after that…
After that, he would be forced to address these new, persistent thoughts.
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death-himself · 5 years
Could You Meet Me Beyond the Grave?—Chapter 1
(previously known as Willow!Virgil)
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(oh thank god we’re actually starting the story now)
Summary: Virgil, Dee, Remy, and Emile meet Roman
Pairings: Eventual LAMP/CALM, Remile, QPR RED
Word Count: 1,551
Warnings: Shoplifting (more-so robbery but ya know), nervousness, death mentions, eye trauma mentions,Deceit, Virgil being an awkward boi
(anything else you need tagged, let me know)
I double-checked the sunglasses covering my eyes and the scarf covering my cheeks before running down the hall towards Remy and Emile's room. "Are you guys ready yet? We've been waiting for like an hour!" Emile giggled, and I heard his footsteps pad over to me. "Yeah, Remy's not getting up. I think he died again." I blinked, processing that for a moment.
"Did he use his sleeping gas on himself again?"
"Pretty sure."
"Oh for the love of—" I walked over to their bed and felt around for a moment, locating Remy's cold body and shoving him off onto the even colder, unforgiving floor. His yelp of surprise turned into a whine of pain in seconds. "Come on, Rem. We gotta restock, and we need you there." Remy groaned. "Lemme just say, that was not cool of you babe. Not cool at all." I nudged him with my foot, forcing him to roll away.
"Would you rather have me shock you?" I asked with a grin. That got him up.
"Fine, fine. I'm going. I'll meet you downstairs in a few, alright, babe?" I waited a few moments, making sure I heard him actually getting ready, before walking out and down the staircase. Dee smelled like he was waiting by the doorway. "Virgil, finally. Where are Emy and Rem?"
"Remy slept in and Emile let him." Dee took a deep breath. "I suppose we aren't really dealing with a time constraint for now." He spoke loud enough to be heard throughout the tower. One minute later, Remy and Emile were practically falling down the stairs. "Hey, Dee-Dee! Sorry we're late!" Emile said with a laugh.
"Yeah, it was all Virgey's fault, babe. You see he—" I tapped at Remy's arm, sending a light electrical current through him. "Choose your next words wisely, Sleeping Beauty." I could practically feel Remy's pout.
We walked down the street, sunglasses hiding our torn open eye sockets and scarves hiding mine and Dee's torn up cheeks, our canes leading the way to the store we often restocked (or rather, robbed) from. I heard Dee, Emile, and Remy begin a conversation, one that I could tell was meant solely for the three soulmates, so I reached into my pocket and pulled out some earbuds, hooking them up to my phone and using the text-to-speech to text my boyfriends. Dee had advised against me doing such a thing, worried that I might give away something about us, but after a bit of time, I had convinced him it was safe enough for me to talk to them.
The three of them had met on their own, and had expressed their desire to meet me in person. I had told them I wasn't ready yet, over and over. After a while, they moved in with each other, happily living together. While I was waiting for them to die. My fingers twitched just thinking about it. I hated it.
Logan sent some kind of grocery list in the group chat. Looks like they were going shopping, too. Except they had actual money to buy this stuff. And they were buying actual food, like any normal human would. Dee plucked out one of my earbuds. "Your soulmates are still human, I suppose?" I gulped.
"Yeah." He hesitated, before letting out a hum and saying, "Give it a bit more time."
We had reached the store, deciding to split off. Dee went with Emile, and I went with Remy. Once we were no longer able to smell or hear Dee, Remy grabbed me by the elbow and pulled me with him to some unknown location.
"Wha—Remy! Let go!"
"Calm down, Virgey! I just wanna get some perfume, then we can get the stuff Dee wants us to!" As we turned a corner into a new aisle, my nose wrinkled as it was assaulted by several different scents of flowers, vanilla, and cinnamon. "Ugh...Remy, why are you buying this shit? It's so...strong." Now I was relying solely on my cane and hearing, my nose completely out of commission. Remy snickered evilly.
"You wanna know why I like this? Cuz it confuses the living hell outta Deespacito over there. I wear some perfume, and he has no idea what's going on. He relies so much on his sense of smell, it's ridiculous." I heard a light clink of bottles hitting each other as Remy searched through them, trying to find one he might like. I huffed, walking down the aisle, running a hand across the bottles as I passed by.
"Hey, Rem? I'm gonna check out the next aisle." I heard a hum of disinterest, so I took that as a "go ahead". I turned the corner into the next aisle, and immediately collided harshly with someone. I heard a shatter of glass as the two of us fell, the scent of perfume growing even stronger. "Ow! Watch where you're going!" The stranger whined. I hissed in response.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll definitely look where I'm going next time. Oh, wait! There's one problem! Can your thick skull figure it out?" My panicking mind registered the fact that my scarf had slipped down below my nose. I quickly readjusted, hoping to whatever god was up there that no one saw the torn open skin. I felt the stranger studying me, before I heard him shift and say, "Wait...I'd know that voice anywhere." I gulped, taking in the smooth tone, the very slight British accent, and matching it to a certain human I had heard over the phone many times before. "R-Roman?" I screeched, my throat tightening. "Ah, Virgil, my love! It appears we have finally met!"
I started searching around for my cane, realizing I had likely flung it at Roman in a form of self-defense, before a hand grabbed mine. "Careful! The perfume bottle shattered everywhere. What do you need?"
"C-Cane." I mumbled out. I heard him shift, grabbing it and placing it gently in my hands. I held it to myself like a child holds their teddy bear. His eyes were on me again.
"Why are you all covered up like that? The sunglasses, I think I can understand. Logan's gone on rants explaining how some blind people are sensitive to light. But the scarf? It's like a million degrees out there! What is wrong with you?" I laughed awkwardly, answering, "A lot of things."
He shifted again, before I heard what sounded like him standing up. "Here. Allow me to help you up, Stormcloud. I'll pay for the broken bottle." I tentatively held my hand out, feeling his warm, lively hands wrap around my cold-as-death counterpart. It was such a strange feeling. The only warmth I ever got from people were from my victims, who would die soon after and begin to lose their warmth. I blinked rapidly, forcing myself not to compare Roman of all people to one of my victims.
"So...now that we're here together...why don't you come with me? I could take you to Logan and Patton, we could get some coffee and—" I heard three sets of footsteps walk down the aisle Remy had been in. "Virgil!" I flinched at the sound of Dee's voice. Him, Emile, and Remy came over, Dee's hand grabbing tightly onto mine. "This is one of your soulmates, I presume?"
"...Yeah." Dee sighed, tugging lightly on my arm. "I'm sorry, truly, I am. But we have to leave now. Isn't that right, Virgil?" I nodded.
"Yeah. M-Maybe some other time, Ro." After you've died. I smiled at Roman. "See you later, Princey." He hesitated.
"Alright. I understand." He spoke surprisingly quiet, before changing into his fake bravado. "Farewell, Virgil! I'll make sure to tell the others just how handsome you are!" I felt a smile directed back at me, a warm, yet empty feeling growing in my stomach. Dee led me down the aisle away from Roman.
"Sorry, Virge. I overheard you talking to that guy, and I realized he was your soulmate, so I got excited and told Dee and Em. Kinda forgot about the whole "human" thing." I hummed quietly.
"It's fine. I...didn't really wanna stay there, either. Too much of a risk."
We finished up our "shopping", stuffing things like a lighter, some instant coffee, knives, and other useful items into our backpacks, until Dee told us we were done. We ran out the door, security guards chasing us and one of the clerks calling the police. I grabbed the humans closer to us and sent a strong volt through each of them, while Remy took care of the ones farther away, sending blasts of knock-out gas out at them.
We reached the tower safely, Remy and I collapsing onto the couch while Emile and Dee took care of our supplies. It was silent for a moment, before Remy piped up, saying, "Well, at least if we see your soulmate again, you'll know it's him without even needing to hear him, right?" I was about to answer, when I realized:
I had never gotten a good fix on what his scent was. I was too caught up in the moment, and the perfume had masked anything strong.
The only thing I had learned from that experience was how nice it felt to touch a living human being.
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hellyeahrpmemes · 5 years
starters from julien’s video i tried making that terrible banana peel pulled pork sandwich ! feel free to change pronouns/names/etc !
“Welcome back to my kitchen.”
“I feel the need to apologize before anything begins here today.”
“I would love to come to an understanding that sometimes you make mistakes.”
“Sometimes, you make mistakes, okay? And I think today, I’m gonna make one.”
“I’m, like, 95% sure that today, a big mistake will take place literally right here.”
“That leaves a small chance that we have the weirdest success I’ve ever had.”
“How can I fight a recipe?”
“Are you holding any hot coffee?”
“Maybe try sitting down before I say this next part.”
“You may be asking yourself: that’s disgusting. Well, yourself would be right.”
“It is disgusting.”
“The recipe is banana peel pulled pork.”
“Again, my deepest apologies to everybody.”
“You know what? Sometimes, you’ve gotta take a risk.”
“You’ve got to try something that’s a little bit crazy.”
“Pretty sure this is gonna be bad.”
“After I’m done throwing this up, I’m gonna want some nutrients in my body.”
“Then, you’re gonna say you’re sorry, and move on with your life.”
“I opened the dishwasher too soon.”
“Don’t waste this.”
“There needs to be some good that comes of this.”
“You want it to be as bland as possible.”
“Extra apologies to you.”
“I normally don’t make recipes that are this… dumb.”
“Even you guys aren’t gonna be interested in what I’m cooking today.”
“Okay, well, that’s too late.”
“Does this look appetizing to you?”
“I’m sorry to betray you like this.”
“Oh my god, what am I doing?”
“Just to think, two perfectly good bananas had to go through trauma because I just wanted to make a shitpost recipe.”
“I feel guilty.”
“When I was a kid, you know, I’d eat orange peel for a dare.”
“No one dared me to do this…!”
“I’m not surrounded by peer pressure, I’m doing this on my own free will.”
“It is so vile-looking.”
“Everything smells really delicious now but don’t let that fool you.”
“I’m actually gonna let that sit for a second and think about what it’s done.”
“This is a recipe I found, and it should be fine.”
“There is cabbage all over my kitchen.”
“What the fuck!?”
“I can’t even eat it…!”
“Oh my god, it’s exactly what I thought it was gonna taste like…!”
“That was not even edible.”
“As much as I’m shitting on this recipe, I am taking it seriously. I am fully following every single step to make sure that, if this is actually good, I’m gonna try it, and it’s gonna be good.”
“That was horrible.”
“You know what’s nasty?”
“I tried it. It’s as bad as it looks.”
“No, it’s basically not…!”
“I hate you…”
“Actually, the truth is, I really, really didn’t have to do this to ‘em.”
“Choose your fighter. Plot twist: they’re both the same fighter, and they’re both bad.”
“I guess, at this point, I have to take a bite of this sandwich.”
“Okay. That is the most foul thing I have ever put in my mouth.”
“How is that a recipe!?”
“I feel stupid for giving that a try.”
“It is just as bitter as you think a banana peel would taste.”
“Oh… no no no no no.”
“‘How can I fight a recipe’ is an accurate response to this.”
“I’m being honest; I would be the first to debunk how bad this recipe was if it actually tasted good.”
“That was revolting.”
“I’m still tasting it.”
“Get away from me.”
“Thank you, but I did not like this.”
“I will pay the full price so I can leave and never come back.”
“I feel so let down by myself.”
“Two poor bananas had to die for that shitty recipe.”
“I hope you got what you came for, because I sure as fuck did, and it’s disgusting.”
“I’m gonna be going back to cooking mac and cheese and things that I know will not betray me next time.”
“This was something I do not want to relive.”
“That’s it. That’s… that’s it.”
“I need to go brush my teeth or something.”
“Thank you so much. You mean the world.”
“I don’t have any answers right now, so if you could just give me some space…”
“Fuck… it was so bad…”
“If you want me to rate that out of ten, negative one hundred. Do not make this. Do not make this.”
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