#travel trunk
byrdblood · 12 days
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nimh (f) (Irish; genitive singular nimhe) - poison; venom, virulence, bitterness, animosity
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steampunktendencies · 15 days
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A metal and leather straight-back dresser trunk from around 1890. Designed with the savvy traveler in mind, this trunk converted from a standard steamer trunk into a functional dresser, meaning you didn't have to unpack your belongings during your journey.
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stone-cold-groove · 6 months
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Seward Trunk & Bag Company 1937-1938 catalog.
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illustratus · 2 months
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Childhood Friends by Carl Spitzweg
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secretsofdbz · 4 months
Alright, timelines. (link to my old post)
Today I'm going to walk you through the cluster fuck of Toriyama not paying attention to what he writes from the Trunks arc to the epilogue of the Perfect Cell arc.
Reminder that I divide the "Android Saga" in 4 arcs:
Trunks arc (arrival of Frieza to 3yg training),
Android arc (until the time machine is discovered)
Imperfect Cell arc (until Cell absorbs 18)
Perfect Cell arc (+ epilogue of Trunks killing imperfect Cell)
I will also pull Toei and Daizenshu content if needed just to show how bad it gets, BUT that's just to enhance my argument. Everything here is manga-deductible without extra context or content.
As I've shown in the link above, the manga implies 4 timelines:
Forgotten timeline (Cell kills Trunks and steals his time machine),
Lost timeline (the timeline that dead!Trunks traveled to, which did not have a Cell pop in the middle of its Android Saga, otherwise Trunks would've known about Cell),
Future Timeline (the one we know and see, Trunks traveled to a uni where Cell traveled to first, so there's changes and Cell pops up in the Android saga),
Main Timeline (the one we know and follow, to which Cell and Trunks traveled to),
Let's go into details about dates and math and everything first. (under the read more because LONG)
When Future Trunks discovers dead!Trunks' time machine, he states that it comes from age 788, which is 3 years from where he comes from (which means he comes from 785), and that the Machine landed here "4 years ago". 4 years ago was about one year before Trunks first came (aka one year before Meca Frieza stuff).
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During the first trip, Trunks states he comes from 20 years into the future.
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That means during his first trip, he went from 784/785 to 764.
We also know he's 17 at this point and "will be born in 2 and a half years"
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(Baby Trunks is supposed to be ~6 months old by May 12th, 767, so "I warn in 764, I'll be born in 2.5 years, so I was born in 766" works. Ignoring the wikis about Trunks' birthday being June and Future Trunks' birthday being in November, it doesn't matter here, we just need the years))
For Trunks to be 17 during his first trip, he needs to travel from 784 (before his 18th birthday). So by the time he comes back the second time, it needs to be in 785 (so he is 18!); since it takes 8 months to charge the machine (Trunks the Story manga chapter), that works out.
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So in terms of trips, we have:
Trunks (both versions) : (early-mid) 784 to 764
Trunks (both versions): (early-ish) 785 to May 12th 767
Cell: 788 to 763
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(handy recap sheet)
At the time, for Toei, there were only two Timelines (aka it was both multiverse theory AND dynamic time travel theory, because Trunks becoming aware of Cell who killed him means Trunks isn't killed by Cell... yeah it's all sorts of EHH ??):
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Anyway, you'd think this would be fine right? The image of Cell killing Trunks while he still had his sword (which he shouldn't since he broke it on 18's arm he never used it again in canon) is anime filler, we're all good.
Except... no. This fucking panel right here. Cell explains "(the machine/bots collecting dna) could've gotten Trunks cells but didn't because we had enough Saiyan cells".
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Cell supposedly comes from a timeline where GOKU killed Frieza and Cold. But this god forsaken panel contradicts that. (of course it's just that Tori forgot, but we are DB fans, we take things seriously and word of god of the manga is supreme and can't be wrong)
This means that THIS particular version of Cell doesn't come from the Forgotten Timeline.
The Cell we know and love/hate comes from a timeline in which a future Trunks killed Frieza and Cold, BUT everything still went to shit (Goku + gang dying, dead!Trunks traveling to the past, and coming back to destroy the Androids).
In this timeline, Bulma met Future Trunks (who killed Cold and Frieza) in 764, presumably the gang got all the warnings like in the main timeline, but everyone STILL died. So she invented the Time Machine to send her Trunks to the past (perhaps with different instructions so as to not repeat the mistakes of the Future Trunks she saw 20 years prior).
Here's the thing. There is a way for this timeline to exist. You "just" gotta work on the postulate that "each time there's a time travel to the past, a new branch is created". And "if the time machine travels back in time a second time, it lands in the timeline it first branched out unless it travels back further in time". Rephrased: The "784 to 764" trip created a new branch in 764. The "785 to 767" trip landed in that new 764 branch. However the "788 to 763" trip created a whole new branch in 763.
The Time Machine that was piloted by dead!Trunks actually "traveled further back in time", creating an earlier "branch"... which is why Trunks noticed changes, including Goku's late arrival (or Frieza's earlier arrival, we don't know).
Yes, because Future Goku did not use Instant Transmission to fight Frieza and Cold. We know he didn't because Future Bulma had the coordinates where Goku landed, which is how Future Trunks got said coordinates. If Goku had IT to fight Frieza and Cold, Bulma wouldn't have known where the pod was going to land 3 hours later.
So timelines and where does Cell come from? Well you need a timeline from the Branch that started in 764 (with a Future Trunks' arrival to kill Frieza and Cold) but in which everyone died to the Androids, and in which, when Trunks traveled back home, he was able to destroy the Androids...
Anyway here's my final recap of all the timelines in Z, in which "one time travel is one interference creating a new branch". And this is how we can see where Cell comes from :D
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This opens a realm of possibilities!!
Did a version of Trunks stay in the past, during his first trip and got a wish to Shenron to have a way to destroy his androids, so he didn't come back in 767 and didn't grow strong at all? Did the future trunks that warned against the Androids but that timeline still went to shit approached the problem differently?? who knows! Time for fanfics and doujins I guess :D
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lizpaige · 12 days
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Mister Impossible, chapter ten
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viagginterstellari · 8 months
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Tree trunks - Mekong river, 2015
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birf · 8 months
I made over 40 candy goodie bags last year with full size candy bars and everything and had only like 10 kids show up and it was the saddest thing but this year I ain’t backing down I’m still making them but only 20
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life-spire · 2 years
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@ Mason Field
See more like this.
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herbalnature · 3 months
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Gaze over the panoramic view of Trunk Bay in St. John USVI, where the turquoise waters meet the vibrant greenery. It's a serene escape that feels like a slice of paradise on earth.
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loneranger0369 · 1 year
I don't know how many here are fans of Dragon Ball Z and other Dragon Ball Sagas...
This is a long one and probably messed up...
Very confusing, maybe...
I haven't seen Episodes of Dragon Ball Series in a long time, but some time ago, something strange occured to me....
The Device, invented by the Capsule Corporation or by Bulma, which is intended to be a Time Travel Device, is actually a Device that can jump between two different points of Time, BUT, between 2 specific Realities.... I think...
1) Trunks comes from a Future, where there is Chaos due to the Androids (17 & 18?). He comes to save Goku, from some Virus with help of some Antidote, so that the Future (where Trunks is from) will have no Androids.. Goku is saved. Androids seem to be a smaller problem till Cell appears... This Cell travelled from (some) Future, using the Time Travel Device of Capsule Corp. after absorbing Trunks in some Timeline. This has to be another Reality, because in the original Timeline and Reality, the Z Warriors find Dr.Gero's (Zero's?) Lab and destroy it, with Cell still being in development.... So... Cell, whose Origin is in this Reality, is gone....
2) Trunks goes back to his Timeline (or Reality) in a much stronger and improved Condition, then singlehandedly defeats the Androids, only to face Cell (whose Origin is in that Reality or Timeline) and kills him too, which prevented Cell from absorbing Trunks and travelling to the Past (of some other Reality), resulting in no Cell-Saga (of some Reality...).
3) In Dragon Ball Super(?) where Zamasu somehow becomes Goku Black, Trunks comes from another Future (or Reality), to kill Goku Black and prevent the Dark Future where he is from... This Trunks has to be one from another Reality, but not the one who fought alongside the Z Warriors during the Cell-Saga, as he did not seem to know the Goodness of Goku (?).... On realizing the Events of that particular Future (or Reality) where Trunks is from, Beerus destroys Zamasu of this Reality (or present timeline). Zamasu of this Timelime/Reality is now gone. Trunks and Gang return to Trunks' original Timeline/Reality to face Goku Black. Things happen and with help of Zeno Sama, the World/Universe that is poisoned by the undying Zamasu is... ended.. Then they return to the original Timeline (or Reality) of the Z Warriors...
All Time Travel Devices are linked to this Reality (or Timeline), because everything happens here... I think.. Maybe this Timeline is the basic Timeline or Reality....
Maybe others already knew this and I realized it only now...
I don't know....
Just.... I have no one to talk to regarding this... Maybe someone here could tell me if I am correct or mindnumbingly stupid....
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msterpicasso · 2 years
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fanfic-lover-girl · 7 months
DBZ Thoughts: Time Machine & The Afterlife
When Future Trunks died in the main timeline, which afterlife did he go to?
Likely he went to the afterlife in the main timeline. But that would mean that Future Bulma made a machine that truly eclipses the powers of gods. Due to her time machine, there are now multiple versions of the kais and other supreme beings which is mind-boggling given that these people control the pillars of reality such as death.
In theory, how would King Yemma judge Trunks? Let's say that in his timeline he was a villain but when he time travelled, he was a good person. Would Yemma just judge him on his deeds in the timeline that he died in? How would Yemma know about Trunks' history in the other timeline? There would be no record of Trunks existing in the timeline before he time travelled after all. Therefore, theoretically, you can escape judgment by time travelling too. That's wild.
Anyway, part of me hopes that Future Trunks went to his afterlife so he could see Gohan one last time :')
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mostbrilliantidiot · 28 days
"You want the steamer trunk for decor right?"
"No. For luggage."
"it's huge! "
"I know. That's the appeal. It's going in the back of my car."
"You'll have to take it out of the car to open it though--"
"... Okay? That's literally fine. And also I probably won't."
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madwheelerz · 1 year
Manifestation Theory Supplement - What happened to Will + the Beginning
So, what happened to Will in season one exactly? Well, I think in the first timeline that Will died. As in he was murdered. Now you might be wondering who would murder Will like that and well season one certainly stresses the existence of as a very negative force in Will’s life.
Someone who knew he had just died. Someone who knew that his death occurred at the quarry and was ruled a suicide despite supposedly being in the city. Who other than Lonnie Byers. Lonnie who showed up just in time for the money and let’s say we’re in the one, the one being the timeline where Will is alive then the other 99…
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This is where it gets me. That first DnD game is so important because in the initial timeline it would’ve been the last time Mike saw Will alive and happy so it’s something like a save point. Karen stops the game at 8:15 hence the importance of that time. So, Will goes home and Lonnie kills him. I’m not sure I can decode the specifics of how, but anyway Will dies.  
I think Mike’s main power up until this point was probably time manipulation/travel. A bit like El’s telekinesis it’s the first stage of said powers. After Will’s death Mike tries to rewind the timeline and completely override the first one except, he doesn’t necessarily fail, but he doesn’t succeed either instead we get whatever in the loony tunes is going on right now and why you might ask?
Because Mike most likely damaged his brain by attempting to rewind time like that. He most likely had some semblance of control over time before hand seeing as according to Dustin-
We learn that Mike is very good with time. Then we get to see Mike always seeming to lose track of his time. Later from El we see that pushing your power to the limit can damage your brain and cause amnesia.
So let’s say Mike rewinds time to his save point which would be 8:15, the time where he could consider things would’ve gone wrong because his mom stopped the game. Mike is twelve. He would not have had the power level necessary to pull that off and most definitely would’ve pushed way past his limit.
When El pushed past her limit she opened a gate. If Mike had reached a point where he pushed past his limit trying to destroy a timeline he considers failed and given himself brain damage, it’s possible that the manifestations started then. That would’ve been the perfect time for it to begin as a sort of consequence of time travel.
El, HNL, the upside-down, the Russian subplot, and more are products of this. They keep reflecting Mike too closely to be a complete coincidence. Mike just randomly starting to create things out of the blue without rhyme or reason doesn’t make sense, however, him trying to do something else and being met with a consequence because he released a large amount of energy does.
This would be the balance. Mike’s powers aren’t going to completely evil, but they aren’t going to be completely good either. It would force Mike to reconsider his black and white view of things because surely the thing that saved Will can’t be completely evil, but the things the came after can’t be completely good either.
Mike’s relationship with time is very peculiar. He’s got curfews, he’s being told to stop his games at specific times, his watch being such an important item that it’s one of the view to be on the right hand.
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Both times when Mr. Clarke is talking about parallel universes and the vale, which we later refer to as the upside-down, Mike is just randomly in frame despite not really contributing to the conversation. This is similar to what happens when Dustin narrates what the “Vale of Shadows” is.
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Will having died explains why all the Will-alikes keep dying despite Will dying at the end making no sense at all. Rather it’s a way to tell us that Will died, and his death is significant to the plot. Also, Billy being referred to as another him, so the other him dying and even having a grave.
Okay so, Mike isn’t necessarily manifesting on purpose, but beings keep escaping from his subconscious and as he grows older this power grows stronger. This is why Mike is the only one who seems to be able to become fully attuned to the motivations of places such as the upside-down or HNL.
They aren’t real. They’re a part of him and the only person who’s going to understand that in all it’s capacity is going to be him. Mike is the one who will be able understand the way he thinks the best. Now I don’t think that necessarily means he’ll be kind considering how much Mike likes to beat himself up.
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El says she found the source followed by a picture of a rather intense closeup to Mike.
On that note they really kept pushing the idea that Lonnie killed Will only for it to be a fake out, but Lonnie is definitely still suspicious.
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