#travelance insurance
pankajbhatiacanada · 7 months
Discover peace of mind with Pankaj Bhatia's Super Visa Insurance in Canada. Ensure a smooth and worry-free visit for your loved ones. Our comprehensive coverage guarantees financial security, meeting all requirements. Trust us for a seamless experience, making their stay memorable and stress-free. Plan ahead with confidence!
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hyper-pixels · 2 months
How to Grow Up
A guide on how to grow up. It was originally posted by @/friendliness but half the links were broken. So I took what links weren't broken and added other links and more things to know.
This is USA based resources
Reasons to Stay Alive – A Tumblr post of 116 reasons to stay alive by @/friendliness.
How to Get Better At Asking for Help – Website is Harvard Business Review. The article is “5 Ways to Get Better At Asking for Help” by Wayne Baker.
What to do if you Can’t Afford Therapy – Website is Psych Central and the article is by Steven Rowe.
How to Quit Smoking – “The 22 Best Ways to Quit Smoking” by Debra L. Gordon and David L. Katz M.D. from the Healthy Digest.
How to Legally Change your Name – Website is Forbes.
Wanna Learn Something New? – A Tumblr post made by @/hamletthedane with various new things to try from language learning to ballet.
Free Harvard Courses – Harvard University’s free online courses.
Getting a New Computer? – A quick and dirty comprehensive guide by WIRED on what to look for.
How to Sew – Website is Autodesk Indestructibles. The article is “How to Sew” by Jessyratfink. Having a small sewing kit (that you can pick up from nearly any craft store) is super handy and has saved my life and clothes.
What to Look For in Clothes – A YouTube video by Alyssa Beltempo titled “How to Identify High Quality vs. Poor Quality Clothing | Slow Fashion”. Here’s a WikiHow [x] if a YouTube video isn’t your style.
What’s a mortgage? – Website is realtor.com and the page is called “What is a Mortgage? Home Loan Basics Explained” by Cathie Ericson.
First Apartment Checklist – A checklist PDF. Here’s another link to a Tumblr checklist [x] 
What to Ask Landlords Before Renting? – “25 Questions To Ask a Landlord When Renting a Home” by Morgen Henderson.
What’s Renter’s Insurance? – Website is Forbes Advisor. The article is by Jason Metz and titled “How to Get Renters Insurance”.
Plant Care – A master list of how to care for plants made by @/difficults
Time Management – Website is Entrepenuer and has 10 time management tips. One I personally recommend is keeping a physical calendar book on hand. I keep mine in my bag with a designated pen.
Finding the right job – Website is The Muse and it has 13 free career assessment tests.
Make a resume – Website is Resume Now. Many hirers look at your name, the middle of the page (where your experience list is) and skim the rest.
Job Interview Tips – Website is Linkedin. The article is titled “10 Job Interview Tips to Land The Career of Your Dreams” by Caren Merrick.
How to Write a Cover Letter – Website is The Writing Center. University of Winsconsin, Madison. It’s titled “Writing Cover Letters” and I can’t find the author.
Couponing! – Website is Coupon Database :: Southern Savers. It has a list of mobile apps for coupons to places.
Call 211 for Help – the website leads to 211.org. It's anonymous and can help you get connected to food programs, paying bills and things like doctor appointments. Here’s a Tumblr post about it [x] by @/poessionisamyth
Groceries! – This is a Tumblr meme post, but scrolling through tags/reblogs/replies and there’s plenty of good tips. The post is by @/charlotten
What To Do if You Can’t Pay Your Bills – Website is Nolo. The article is “When You Can’t Pay Your Bills: Thiings To Know” that was updated by Amy Loftsgordon. 
Are You Paying Too Much for Your Phone Bill? – An article by Beht Beverman titled “How Much is Too Much to Pay for a Cell Phone Bill?”.
54 Ways to Save Money – Website is America Saves.
How to Do Taxes – Website is Wiki-How.
The 70/20/10 Method – Website is Business Insider. The Article is “A Beginners Guide to the 70-20–10 Budgeting Method” by Paul Kim.
Side Hustle Ideas – Website is Forbes. “30 Side Hustle Ideas To Make Extra Money In 2024” by Krista Fabregas.
Your Rights When a Cop Pulls you Over – Website is Business Insider. Cops are allowed to lie to you, and they will, so be careful.
Hotline List – The website is DoSomething.org. Depression/Suicide, domestic abuse, child abuse and runaway/homeless/and at-risk youth hotlines.
What to Keep in Your Car – Website is MentalFloss. I live in a snowy area that gets blizzards and bad ice. I keep blankets, water and other aids in my car as well as a knife and road flare. I also own a self jumping car battery and it has saved my ass more than once. Heimlich Maneuver – A one minute video by the Mayo Clinic.
The Heimlich Maneuver on Yourself – A one minute video by The List Show TV.
What to Keep in Your Wallet – Website is PureWow. The article is by Rachel Bowie. Keep your drivers license, medical insurance card, and an emergency contact in your card. If you have a pet home alone make sure that you have a card detailing this. Free printable one here [x]
Packing List – Website is Smarter Travel.
Traveling with Little to No Money – Website is Nomadic Matt.
How to Pack a Suitcase – Website is Real Simple. The article is by Thersa O’Rourke.
How to Apply for a Passport – Website is WikkiHow.
Making a Travel Budget – Website is Travel Made Simple. “How to Make a Travel Budget” by Ali Garland
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whippetcrimes · 2 months
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Always anxious about packing (even though she has literally always come with)
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ceasarslegion · 3 months
Followers who have connected flights to the states in pearson do you think a 1 hour and 10 minute layover is long enough to clear the border crossing checkpoint in that nightmarish airport if my employee pass gets me to the front of the lines and im flying air canada (satans airline)
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spherekuriboh · 7 months
the difference between the triumph in 'i found you!' and the shame in 'you've found me.' is proof enough!!!
#distext#i feel strongly enough abt this one to tag it#the silt verses#youve found me and the god i unwittingly fed-- it was never yours but it was mine and you stayed because you found me.#blah blah the narrative twists to incorporate the listener's hopes and desires for a happy ending blah blah#but the god is not capable of denying the rapture in the journey. it is in fact all it has to offer.#sebastian being unhappy *now* doesn't mean that the god is unfed. of course not. the journey is eternal.#but the lingering doubt would not have been centered upon his lifelong traveling companion. because that *spoils it!*#there is no journey in staying here. staying here is an ending. and the other narrative can't bloom with such a shadow hanging over it.#hope exists. of course it does. it must. but it isn't like. saccharine and revisionist.#not the decision to stay in the place of potential and never see and ending through.#dev calls him sebastian. whether it's an attention check (are you listening?) or a slipup back to formality it is a fuckup.#in much the same socially inept way that 'let's stay here' was such a desirable idea for your lover this morning you dont even consider NOW#elephant. elephant is what i meant.#anyway. meta fodder for the listener (i dont have the commentary but ive seen the phrase 'coin-flip') vs. watsonian social interactions.#........ frankly i dont think that sebastian gave enough of a fuck to pick a winner between hayward and carpenter either but that is just m#i think there's probably something smart to say about how moving forward this season involves nothing but uncertainty#where even following the cairn maiden to an assured ending leaves the pulsing question of when#but man im just upset. gay sex saved the day solved the mystery and now we're going back to get shotgun married to dodge the draft#if you dont have your own insurance plan your spouse's is fine.#sorry. what was i talking about?#right. there isn't a joy in this. there is no definite moment where the hurt- this trauma. the fog.- would pass and settle into comfort.#and among all of the promises and threats. it would only hurt for a moment.#nope! congrats. scarred for life you have to keep on living and difficult conversations you have to keep on having and continued awkwardnes#can't catch me suicide metaphor i'm gay as fuck. anyways#podcast tag#tsv spoilers
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eddiediaaz · 1 month
just realizing now there are only eleven days left before i leave for my trip holy shit??? first solo trip that is more than a couple days (i'm leaving for 15 days), first time in europe/outside of north america, first time without my cats for so long, it's gonna be fdslksdfjbdklfsjdfskjbd. i'm very excited and nervous and antsy!! i need to finalize all the planning omg.
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ungaroyals · 7 months
I’m leaving for vacation soon and everything has gone wrong. At this point the email saying ‘your flight has been delayed’ in inevitable 😭.
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pankajbhatiacanada · 7 months
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Explore Securely: Pankaj Bhatia's Travelance Insurance Unveils Globetrotter's Safety Net!
Embark on worry-free journeys with Pankaj Bhatia's Travelance Insurance. Safeguard your adventures, ensuring every step across the globe is backed by comprehensive protection. From unexpected cancellations to medical emergencies, travel with confidence. Your passport to peace of mind awaits!
#TravelWithTravelance #PankajBhatiaInsurance
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miabrown007 · 9 months
I'm curious, help me out with a little data?
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pinkieroy · 2 months
I had such a great time in therapy yesterday!! An adult wearing a Harry Potter shirt was telling me that after Hiroshima/Nagasaki, there was some sort of peace, and the wars we have in the world now are on a much smaller scale than WWII, and then when I tried to argue that that couldn't be considered true even when talking about the Cold War I was told that it was all just "localized conflicts"
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oatbugs · 7 months
had like 1 free day spent it hollow knighting and also applying for insurance and replacing card and getting new sim card. looked at the post i made abt like...research and stuff (the one w the video) and i literally do not recall writing it bc i was like blackout drunk when i made it. anyway im ok but i need to Do Things i want more time to Do Things !!
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thatrandombystander · 8 months
There is a really cool sounding 14-day Lord of the Rings tour in New Zealand, but there are a couple spots available in their December tour or it's BOOKED OUT UNTIL MID-2025
I don't think I quite have the money for it for this year but ooooohh maybe I'll look into this and book for 2025 (depending on their deposit and refund and payment situation. Cause if I can pay it off slowly over two years that's pretty ideal)
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msboutofcontext · 2 years
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finslayyy · 1 month
Travel Insurance
Experiential Travelers: Why You Need It and What to Look For
The allure of experiential travel is undeniable. More and more people are embarking on journeys inspired by their favorite movies, TV shows, and influencers. But as the excitement of setting foot in the locales of your beloved scenes beckons, have you considered how to safeguard your adventures against the unpredictable? This is where travel insurance becomes essential, especially for those venturing into unfamiliar territories. Let's dive deep into why experiential travelers should not skip on travel insurance and what they should look for when selecting a policy.
Introduction to Travel Insurance
Travel insurance acts like a safety net, catching you when unforeseen circumstances threaten to derail your plans. Whether it's a lost passport, a medical emergency, or a canceled flight, travel insurance can help manage the disruptions and financial implications of such events. But why is it particularly crucial for those who travel for the experience?
Why Experiential Travelers Need Insurance
Imagine you’re all set to recreate the iconic scene from your favorite film, only to find out that your flight has been canceled indefinitely. Or worse, you sustain an injury while on your adventure. Experiential travelers often find themselves in less-charted territories or engaging in activities outside their normal routine, increasing the risk of unexpected mishaps. Here, travel insurance steps in, offering:
Reimbursements for unexpected expenses: From non-refundable bookings to emergency purchases.
Support during medical emergencies: Avoiding the burden of exorbitant medical bills abroad.
Assistance with lost items: Whether it’s a stolen bag or a lost passport.
Key Coverages to Look For
When choosing a travel insurance policy, ensure it covers the essentials to fully protect your experiential journey. Here’s what you should look for:
Medical Emergencies: A Closer Look
Medical coverage is paramount. This should include hospital stays, treatment for injuries or illnesses, and importantly, medical evacuation if necessary. Consider policies that offer coverage for pre-existing conditions if relevant.
Coverage for Lost Items
Lost luggage or a stolen passport can turn an adventure into a nightmare. Look for policies that assist with replacing lost documents and compensate for the loss of personal belongings.
Handling Travel Disruptions
Trip cancellations or interruptions can not only disrupt your travel plans but also hurt financially. Insurance that covers these scenarios ensures that you're not left out of pocket.
Protecting Against Destination Risks
Traveling to areas prone to natural disasters or political instability requires extra precautions. Ensure your insurance policy covers such eventualities.
The Importance of Personal Liability
Accidents happen. If you inadvertently cause damage or injury while on your trip, personal liability coverage becomes essential.
How to Choose the Right Travel Insurance
Choosing the right travel insurance policy is like picking the perfect backpack for a long hike—it needs to fit well and carry everything you need. Consider the nature of your trip, destinations, planned activities, and what you realistically need coverage for. Consult with insurance providers and compare different plans.
Tips Before You Buy
Before purchasing travel insurance, read the fine print. Understand what is and isn’t covered and check for any exclusions. Also, consider buying insurance well in advance of your trip.
Common Pitfalls to Avoid
Avoid choosing a policy based solely on price. Cheaper policies may not provide adequate coverage. Additionally, failing to declare pre-existing conditions can invalidate your policy.
Conclusion: Travel with Peace of Mind
For experiential travelers, travel insurance offers more than just financial protection—it provides peace of mind. With the right coverage, you can immerse yourself in your adventurous narratives without worrying about what could go wrong.
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yugotrash · 1 month
pain on the left side n chills :/
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rohaantahirgill · 9 months
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According to Rohaan Gill Travel insurance is a crucial aspect of any journey, whether it's a weekend getaway or an international adventure. Understanding its importance and selecting the right coverage can make a significant difference in ensuring a smooth and worry-free trip.
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