#may update more and refine over time
hyper-pixels · 5 months
How to Grow Up
A guide on how to grow up. It was originally posted by @/friendliness but half the links were broken. So I took what links weren't broken and added other links and more things to know.
This is USA based resources
Reasons to Stay Alive – A Tumblr post of 116 reasons to stay alive by @/friendliness.
How to Get Better At Asking for Help – Website is Harvard Business Review. The article is “5 Ways to Get Better At Asking for Help” by Wayne Baker.
What to do if you Can’t Afford Therapy – Website is Psych Central and the article is by Steven Rowe.
How to Quit Smoking – “The 22 Best Ways to Quit Smoking” by Debra L. Gordon and David L. Katz M.D. from the Healthy Digest.
How to Legally Change your Name – Website is Forbes.
Wanna Learn Something New? – A Tumblr post made by @/hamletthedane with various new things to try from language learning to ballet.
Free Harvard Courses – Harvard University’s free online courses.
Getting a New Computer? – A quick and dirty comprehensive guide by WIRED on what to look for.
How to Sew – Website is Autodesk Indestructibles. The article is “How to Sew” by Jessyratfink. Having a small sewing kit (that you can pick up from nearly any craft store) is super handy and has saved my life and clothes.
What to Look For in Clothes A YouTube video by Alyssa Beltempo titled “How to Identify High Quality vs. Poor Quality Clothing | Slow Fashion”. Here’s a WikiHow [x] if a YouTube video isn’t your style.
Dealing with Executive Dysfunction – A Tumblr post made by @/compassionatereminders. It's a list to more links on how to deal with executive dysfunction.
Another List Like this One – A Tumblr post made by a now deactivated account. It's a list much like this one.
What’s a mortgage? – Website is realtor.com and the page is called “What is a Mortgage? Home Loan Basics Explained” by Cathie Ericson.
First Apartment Checklist – A checklist PDF. Here’s another link to a Tumblr checklist [x] 
What to Ask Landlords Before Renting? – “25 Questions To Ask a Landlord When Renting a Home” by Morgen Henderson.
What’s Renter’s Insurance? – Website is Forbes Advisor. The article is by Jason Metz and titled “How to Get Renters Insurance”.
Plant Care – A master list of how to care for plants made by @/difficults
Time Management – Website is Entrepenuer and has 10 time management tips. One I personally recommend is keeping a physical calendar book on hand. I keep mine in my bag with a designated pen.
Finding the right job – Website is The Muse and it has 13 free career assessment tests.
Make a resume – Website is Resume Now. Many hirers look at your name, the middle of the page (where your experience list is) and skim the rest.
Job Interview Tips – Website is Linkedin. The article is titled “10 Job Interview Tips to Land The Career of Your Dreams” by Caren Merrick.
How to Write a Cover Letter – Website is The Writing Center. University of Winsconsin, Madison. It’s titled “Writing Cover Letters” and I can’t find the author.
Couponing! – Website is Coupon Database :: Southern Savers. It has a list of mobile apps for coupons to places.
Call 211 for Help – the website leads to 211.org. It's anonymous and can help you get connected to food programs, paying bills and things like doctor appointments. Here’s a Tumblr post about it [x] by @/poessionisamyth
Groceries! – This is a Tumblr meme post, but scrolling through tags/reblogs/replies and there’s plenty of good tips. The post is by @/charlotten
What To Do if You Can’t Pay Your Bills – Website is Nolo. The article is “When You Can’t Pay Your Bills: Thiings To Know” that was updated by Amy Loftsgordon. 
Are You Paying Too Much for Your Phone Bill? – An article by Beht Beverman titled “How Much is Too Much to Pay for a Cell Phone Bill?”.
54 Ways to Save Money – Website is America Saves.
How to Do Taxes – Website is Wiki-How.
The 70/20/10 Method – Website is Business Insider. The Article is “A Beginners Guide to the 70-20–10 Budgeting Method” by Paul Kim.
Side Hustle Ideas – Website is Forbes. “30 Side Hustle Ideas To Make Extra Money In 2024” by Krista Fabregas.
Your Rights When a Cop Pulls you Over – Website is Business Insider. Cops are allowed to lie to you, and they will, so be careful.
Hotline List – The website is DoSomething.org. Depression/Suicide, domestic abuse, child abuse and runaway/homeless/and at-risk youth hotlines.
What to Keep in Your Car – Website is MentalFloss. I live in a snowy area that gets blizzards and bad ice. I keep blankets, water and other aids in my car as well as a knife and road flare. I also own a self jumping car battery and it has saved my ass more than once. Heimlich Maneuver – A one minute video by the Mayo Clinic.
The Heimlich Maneuver on Yourself – A one minute video by The List Show TV.
What to Keep in Your Wallet – Website is PureWow. The article is by Rachel Bowie. Keep your drivers license, medical insurance card, and an emergency contact in your card. If you have a pet home alone make sure that you have a card detailing this. Free printable one here [x]
Packing List – Website is Smarter Travel.
Traveling with Little to No Money – Website is Nomadic Matt.
How to Pack a Suitcase – Website is Real Simple. The article is by Thersa O’Rourke.
How to Apply for a Passport – Website is WikkiHow.
Making a Travel Budget – Website is Travel Made Simple. “How to Make a Travel Budget” by Ali Garland
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april · 6 months
TVs and monitors are separate species with common features, but which features these are have drastically changed over time. the two used to be similar sizes with very similar behaviour, and were differentiated primarily by which connection ports they had.
over time, their courses of evolution brought them closer together in that regard, with both species' survival becoming contingent on how well they could digest HDMI. as their analogue prey, such as VGA and Component, died out, the two display species were faced with the same choice: adapt, or die.
despite this newfound similarity, though, the two species still fill different ecological niches, and the way they adapted to these new environmental situations resulted in further physical distinction in other areas. for example, it is now almost impossible to find a modern TV that is a comparable size to a monitor; while the modern monitor is still limited in dimensions by the desktops where it prefers to nest, the modern TV has an almost unbounded adult size.
another strange new differentiation is that the TV seems to have developed a dependence on internet connectivity and software updates. while this benefits them in the short term, having more selling points than a monitor at first glance, it is working against them in the long-term, with each one's effective lifespan being cut dramatically.
the "dumb TV" that, quite intelligently, does not have any big software features, is nearing extinction, with very few members still producing offspring. and while we may feel sorrow for these displays, it is only natural that they are dying off - they are simply being outcompeted by the once-humble monitor. at the same size, and without the advantage of a wider variety of ports, the dumb TV cannot keep up with the monitor's much more refined adaptations for the same niche.
however, one mystery remains: why did the dumb TV never grow to the same impressive dimensions as its smart siblings? some observations suggests that the larger smart TVs have become overly territorial as a result of their decreased longevity, to the point that they will kill an infant dumb TV if they feel that it could grow to compete with them. it seems cruel to us, but in the wild, it's all a matter of survival. if you win the evolutionary race - you fight to keep first place.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 5 months
The PledgeManager has launched!
Thank you for bearing with us. We’re happy to say that, as promised, the PledgeManager has officially launched!
In case you missed it, we detailed earlier this week that the publication of the graphic novel has been pushed back from its original July 2024 estimate into Spring 2025 - you can read the full update here. We also want to take a moment to say that we have seen the outpouring of love and support on Kickstarter, and across various platforms, wishing Colleen well in her recovery and the time needed for the graphic novel - a huge thank you from all of the team for your understanding and patience, and for the genuine community and care we’ve seen these past few days. We appreciate you all.
With this in mind, we think it’s important to underline: though PledgeManager has launched, you do not need to pay for your shipping fees immediately.
The PledgeManager is there for those who missed the campaign to order the graphic novel, and indeed for any backers who would like to upgrade, get some other add-ons, or the new items. You, as a pre-existing backer, should receive an email with information via Kickstarter and/or PledgeManager to inform you that this is now open to you - note, these are sent in waves of smaller batches, so if you don't get yours immediately, don't panic! It will likely take between 12-18 hours to process all the backers.
You are, of course, welcome to pay your shipping right away if you'd like, however we completely understand that you may want to wait until closer to the fulfilment time, or when more solid dates are confirmed, before actioning this.
For this stage, we have compiled a quick FAQ below covering some key questions:
Will the whole project be moving from Kickstarter to PledgeManager? No. This is just for the fulfilment side and logistics - all updates will still remain here.  
Do PledgeManager backers get everything that Kickstarter backers do? No. While the remaining tiers will be made available for those who missed it, with certain stretch goals (e.g. additions to the book, loot boxes, etc), Kickstarter backers have a number of exclusives such as the Good Omens HQ discount code for when the store launches, and the backers only events.  
My PledgeManager address will be different to what is listed on my Kickstarter. Is that fine? Yes. We are handling all logistics through PledgeManager and, as such, that is the only place where we will need your address. If you move or need to change any details, that will be the place to do so.  
Can I change my address? Yes. You can update your address until we are at the shipping stage. We will keep this option open for as long as possible to ensure maximum flexibility around this.  
How are shipping fees calculated? It is based on both weight and the country it is being sent to. We have been working over the past months to streamline processes and bring the costs down from their original starting point.  
Do I have to pay just now? You do not need to pay immediately, but payment will need to be made prior to your items being shipped. You now have a bigger window during which you can make payment. As above, we will keep updating you on the progression of the publication schedule, should you be waiting for firmer dates before doing so.  
What about taxes and import duty? UK: VAT is included in the costs UK backers pay, there should be no extra tax charges. US: We believe (but cannot guarantee) that imports under $800USD in value should not attract import duty, those pledges above may be taxed at import. EU & REST OF THE WORLD: If taxes or duties apply to your pledge, these will need to be paid at time of import into your country. We’ve spent months trying to integrate the costs at this stage, but in having the project open across the globe, it has proven too complex to be able to fully refine and cover all instances and locations, and we’ve been advised that this is the best route forward.  We know a lot of international backers, particularly in the EU – for example – will already be used to this process, and we will keep you all updated on any developments on this front. For all of our backers, we are working hard to make labelling and declaring all of the contents of your pledges as transparent as possible, in order to make taxing and importing as easy and affordable as possible.  
I want to buy the new items, but am waiting to pay shipping. Are they limited? The pins, mugs, notebooks - all the new items specifically added to the PledgeManager are not limited and will be available regardless of whether you get them now, or months down the road. The only limited items are the remaining tiers that have moved over from the Kickstarter (e.g. the Obsidian Tier) that were limited to begin with, and a very limited run of the Alien Parking ticket. Everything else is fully available, in perpetuity.  
Will you be adding extra items to the PledgeManager? No. What is there at launch is all we plan to include at this point - any new items afterwards will instead originate via the Good Omens HQ store.  
Will Kickstarter backers get items first? Yes. We will have a staggered approach for fulfilment: Kickstarter backers, then PledgeManager, then everything that is moving to the Good Omens HQ store will subsequently be made available.
You can also view the more general PledgeManager FAQ at terrypratchett.com.
We will keep PledgeManager and logistical notes present in all the monthly updates going forward, but felt this warranted a dedicated one-off. 
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These are available as part of the PledgeManager. Another beauty from our pin designer, Carl Sutton.
Thanks again for your patience. Back in the April monthly update.
In short: :)
The Good Omens Pledge Manager has launched:
those who missed the Graphic Novel Kickstarter: Now you can order the Graphic novel, not all things that were in the original Kicstarter are available but there is stil a lot of options and fuckton of lovely ineffable add-ons! :)<3
those who participated inthe original GO GN Kickstarter: you should an email (Dunmanifestin needs more information to fulfill your reward) with a link that logs you (if not log manually) into the pledgemanager and lets you edit the order (add new add ons) (yep, my wallet weeps :D<3)
The addons:
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I mean... how can one resist for example these I do not know... :D
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walnuthillfarm · 4 months
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Overrides, Eyelashes & More
A few months in the making!
Today, we're releasing our highly sought-after overrides - head, body, and hooves overrides for adult & elder horses only!
These are realistic overrides, so if you're more of a maxis-match player, these may not be your style.
Our overrides vs EA overrides:
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To go along with these, we've got new body overlays and a head overlay!
And now that these are all released, we can finally drop our eyes and eyelash styles (plus a feathering option we made out of boredom).
This post contains..
Head Override, Body Override, and Hooves Override WalnutHill_HeadOverride, WalnutHill_BodyOverride, and WalnutHill_HoovesOverride Realistic and what our sliders will work best with! A refined head, some major leg improvements, and beautiful hooves (not like those box hooves EA gave us).
NEW WalnutHill_HeadOverride_v2 and WalnutHill_BodyOverride_v2 This version fixes issues with the overrides not fitting SchrodCat's bridles well, as well as some small tweaks to the body.
NEW WalnutHill_HeadOverrideV2 and WalnutHill_BodyOverrideV2 This version fixes issues with the overrides not fitting SchrodCat's bridles well, as well as some small tweaks to the body. We've also tweaked the area where the neck meets the head to be thicker! This version may mix and match with other overrides better.
Baroque Body Overlay, Draft Body Overlay, Early Pregnancy Overlay, Late Pregnancy Overlay, Underweight Overlay, and Overweight Body Overlay These were all made before we even knew of MorphMaker being updated, but they took some time and could still come in handy! Hair and equipment does not morph with these, so keep this in mind. All of these come in four slot options - horn, feathers, hat, and tail.
Round Croup Body Overlay, Sloped Croup Body Overlay, and Arabian Croup Body Overlay Some temporary croup options whilst we wait for MorphMaker to be fixed! These will not work while using other body overlays, so keep this in mind. These are currently only horn slot options, but feather slot options will be added in the future.
Face Fix For Sliders A quick fix for the extreme deformity caused by the Nose Placement Slider. It's not perfect but it does help! Technically, it is a head overlay. This is a horn option.
Realistic Horse Eyes 2 Pt. 2 New eye styles! Heterochromia included. Non-replacer eyes. 48 swatches.
Eyelashes v1 and v2 Shorter and longer styles of eyelashes made specifically for our body overrides! Both of these come in two slot options - horn and feathers. 20 swatches each.
Spiked Feathers A new feathering option with just a little spike of hair! Perfect for those light Irish Draughts.
Foal overrides and eyelashes to come soon! We'll be making a post shortly detailing our CC plans over the Summer. <3
Updated: 17/05/2024 - fixed an issue with the v1 eyelashes in the horn slot not working.
Updated: 17/05/2024 - feather slot options added for the Arabian Croup, Round Croup, and Sloped Croup Body Overlays.
Updated: 35/05/2024 - HeadOverride_v2, BodyOverride_v2, HeadOverrideV2, BodyOverrideV2 added.
Please remember to remove any overrides you have in your Mods folder before installing ours! You'll know if you have any laying around if the head and top of the neck and the bottom of the legs and the hooves don't match up well.
Our body overlays are made for our overrides - you can use them with other overrides, but they will not line up correctly.
You cannot use our croup body overlays with our other body overlays.
Our old body overlays will not line up correctly with these overrides.
Our eyelashes are made for our overrides - you can use them with other overrides, but they will not line up correctly. They do morph with our sliders, however.
There may be issues with our sliders and the two new versions of our head and body override.
The body overlays will not fit well with the WalnutHill_HeadOverrideV2 and WalnutHill_BodyOverrideV2. We will not be rushing to create new versions that are compatible.
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Download - Patreon
P.S. If you're going to break my TOU by posting these files directly in your Discord server, please at least link my Tumblr or Patreon alongside it! It helps others keep up with my downloads. <3
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felmonth · 10 months
(Edited and slightly better developed! Will be updated until further notice)
Hey, neighbors! I am alive! XD
AAAAH! I finally managed to finish Tom's sheet, but for Au "Actors," the author of this AU is @frillsand. I've been wanting to create drawings related to this AU for a while now, and there are still comics that I want to share.
Wally won my heart -cries- 😭💘, of course, haha. I'll be sharing with you all the comics that come to mind regarding this AU.
WARNING: Before proceeding, this may contain sensitive content, you have been warned. I hope you enjoy the extended blog and the extra mini-comic to lighten the mood.
Well without anything else to say about it...let's start with Tom Unlucky, the stylist!!
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Tom Actor's Story:
In a town called "Titirilquén," Thompson (Tom) Lucky grew up alongside his mother and brother Jack Lucky. They depended on each other for everything. They didn't own a television, but they would find TVs on in stores where mostly there were news and interviews with celebrities. Both of them dreamed of becoming actors inspired by the experiences shared by those celebrities on television. Their school further fueled their interests, as it offered a theater subject and a variety of art-related courses.
At school, Jack exhibited a captivating personality in his school theater performances, earning admiration from everyone. However, Jack felt uncomfortable because nobody paid attention to his brother, who was also improving with each performance and costume. Therefore, Jack decided to involve his brother in everything to make him stand out just like himself...
Over time, the school grants Jack a special scholarship that involves working in one of the largest studios in Titirilquen despite being very young. This news greatly delights Jack, so he mentions it to his brother about this opportunity to become what they wanted to be at that time. Unfortunately, those who gave Jack the opportunity were very disappointed when he brought Tom to work with him, so they reluctantly accepted Tom only because Jack requested it.
When Jack was not around Tom, they assigned him different tasks than what an actor should do, completely deviating from the agenda that Tom had planned for the week. This led him to become overloaded with tasks, but he didn't complain because he thought it had to happen when living the life of an actor.
Jack and Tom were the first young actors in the Titirilquén studio. They initially performed in a few presentations for a museum, and then the director decided to create a program with them. Both did their best until they became somewhat more known thanks to the news in their town, and Tom was no longer as ignored as when he first joined. They reached a broader audience, leading them to want to learn more about the people in their town. So, they started learning sign language and refining their voices for musical sections to begin a small program aimed at families.
Both were directed by the same assistant, "Ron," but due to unforeseen circumstances, he had to retire because he had to move to another country for another job opportunity where he could earn more money to support his family. They had a new assistant, a woman named "Cherry," and from this moment, problems arose. The new assistant was serious and easily stressed when the director had to tell her what to do. As a result, she left the job of directing to the two young actors.
This assistant was starting to have too many problems with the brothers, she envied that both brothers mentioned the previous assistant's actions. However, they did not say this with bad intentions but rather so that he could do his job well, since the director was demanding regarding what should be on the schedule of both brothers. Over time, the work environment between them improved, but something was missing in the assistant's life, the brothers did not say many things to her or chat with her, but instead spoke only among themselves.
One day, Cherry overheard a conversation between the two brothers about the previous assistant. Cherry misinterpreted this as a threat to her job and felt worthless to both brothers. He decided to come up with a plan with his fellow students. The plan was to put one of the brothers in a problematic situation so that she could do something to help them and get recognition for it because according to her, the brothers did not value her.
The chosen target was Tom, as Cherry considered him weak and incapable. After finishing his singing section of the show, Tom left the studio to take a break and have a drink.
He noticed that his co-workers near a restaurant were calling him to chat, Tom without noticing any suspicion in them, approached them with great joy, because he admired what his co-workers were doing in the studio.
And being recognized and starting a conversation by them was a great joy for Tom, since he always lived underestimated as just a simple doll who cannot stand out among humans.
Unfortunately, there were ulterior motives. While they were talking to Tom normally, they took him behind the studio, which looked like an alley, and there a cruel scare developed. These coworkers mentioned negative things when they entered the alley and Tom felt uncomfortable by his coworkers' sudden mood swings. He tried to back away, but was easily caught. While saying negative things, they gradually destroyed parts of his body, including arms, legs, wrists, and fingers. They showed no concern for the little puppet's screams and fear because, to them, he was just a doll that couldn't feel pain, or so they claimed, they made fun of him for being too dramatic when he screamed.
When this situation came to an end, the group of companions left, leaving him alone, Tom remained on the ground, crying without understanding how the situation took such a sudden turn. Just a few moments ago everything was fine and now he was helpless on the ground, motionless. He could only see the cotton sticking out of his body and his limbs outside his body, he could only move his head at the moment, he felt completely useless. He prayed that his brother would find him and help him, but then Cherry appeared, pretending to be worried about Tom. She helped him in this terrible situation and took him to the emergency tailoring service.
Now, with Tom recovered, he was mentally depressed and shattered. He looked at his stitched-up body and felt very insecure about venturing into the streets inhabited by humans. He didn't want to go through a similar situation again, so his only support rested on Cherry.
Tom was immensely grateful to her for helping him in this terrible and stressful situation. After a few long minutes of silence, he told his assistant that he didn't want to continue his acting career. This surprised Cherry, but she said nothing and just listened, offering ideas. She felt quite good about helping Tom in these moments of stress. She informed the director about this decision, and of course, he was very concerned and saddened, especially when Tom requested not to inform his brother.
When Tom was discharged on the same day as the accident, he didn't want to go home because a thought crossed his mind: he had always depended on his brother and was only causing him problems. So, with a heavy heart, he decided to distance himself from his brother. The assistant supported all of Tom's ideas, including the idea of complete separation. She was happy that Tom depended on her, so she found him a job outside the country without consulting him.
From Jack's perspective, after the accident, he found it strange that his brother didn't appear on the show. He asked the director why there were sudden changes in the program and why his brother wasn't there. The director decided to be tough with him, saying they hired him and not his brother. He gave Jack new rules for the new direction of the show. Jack was devastated by this news. He considered quitting his job but thought better of it; he wanted to see his brother at home.
When he arrived home, there were no traces of his brother or his belongings. He tried calling him, but there was no phone coverage. In his desperation, he contacted the authorities to inquire about his brother, but they only started working after at least two days of being missing.
This situation was stressful for Jack and his mother. They were very worried and considered various possibilities of what might have happened. Tom decided not to tell them anything when offered a call by the authorities and declared that he wouldn't return home. His family was concerned because they heard a weak voice through the phone, but it was all they could do as the studio was too secretive with the information.
Both brothers remained separated for a long time. For Jack, nothing was the same without Tom, and the show looked depressing. Despite this, he maintained a forced smile for his audience. Children asked a lot about his brother, leading him into deep depression.
Tom, moved to another country, working in a new studio as a stylist. He adopted a fearful, anxious, and panicked attitude, afraid of everyone. To distract himself, he overloaded himself with work, trying to maintain composure by breathing deeply. He couldn't stop thinking about his family, and he knew what he was doing wasn't healthy, but he wanted to stay away for a while.
Well, that's roughly the story. It's long, but I feel that now it's better understood than before. Thanks for staying to read and loving Tom Actor! -cries-
Curious facts about Titirilquén today:
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Lately, I've been hooked on a series called "31 minutos," so I included some things from that series. I highly recommend it, it's in Spanish, but there are English subtitles available. Titirilquén is from that show.
Titirilquén doesn't have hospitals because literally no one gets sick there. However, there are places like Mrs. Juanita's service, who takes care of the damaged puppets in this town.
Titirilquén was a town of only puppets but tired of being anonymous and as an unknown town, they decided to include people in their town, building a civilization, the negative of the town only benefits the humans that its own puppet inhabitants.
Facts about Tom:
(Jack's data was deleted to create his respective sheet)
He is 27 years old now.
He speak spanish but he learned English thanks to Cherry.
He is very naive, and that works against him, as he decides to trust everyone.
He has a puppet friend in this studio and his name is Lulu but he affectionately calls him "Wolfy"
When he first arrived at the studio, the studio people confused him with Wally, so since that day, some just call him "Pink Wally." (This is due to his height, skin tone and hair shape, so Tom changed his look to messier hair to not look like Wally)
Tom is a very good worker, but he always hides after finishing his work and doesn't get distracted by anything while working. If a human talks to him, he ignores them, but if it's a puppet, he takes time to chat.
Despite hiding, he is found by children, most of whom are human.
He misses being an actor but is very afraid.
Alongside his brother, they worked on a children's educational program called "Sing until Counting to 3." They taught children songs that included sign language. However, when they leave, the program is completely forgotten by the director.
Tom and Jack are not the same height, Jack has to bend down to hug and talk to him.
Tom usually wears makeup, always in pink or fuchsia, which is his favorite color.
Tom often sees little due to his poor eyesight, so he sometimes needs glasses to see clearly, but he usually doesn't use them because he finds them unnecessary.
Tom has fallen in love with Cherry due to her concern for him (friend, realize...).
As you can see, Tom is afraid of humans, and you rarely find him crying in studio places where people don't live, or even paranoid. If you find him in this situation, make him feel comfortable because he is completely unstable at that moment.
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People consider him strange and curious because he often hides and is fearful, and they don't understand why he behaves like that. (It doesn't mean he avoids bad situations with the studio's humans; some of them respect the puppets, while others decide to hate them.)
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Tom in this Au has a human brother, in the style of muppet protagonists. His name is Jack Lucky and they are both very close and have achieved many things together by working as a team. Jack is very attentive to his puppet brother, caring for him and trying to understand him as best he can.
Will Tom manage to become an actor again? Will his life improve? Will his brother Jack locate him after a long time? Will Tom continue to call himself unfortunate? Find out in the next episode... *Felmonth bids farewell to the viewers watching the video.*
Title: "First unlucky day"
Reference movie: "White Chicks"
I don't know what Janet's design is like, I didn't find any reference, so I made it with what I found.
And well that was all, I hope you liked everything, I did the best I could and as always if there are questions ask without problems.
Bye byeeee!
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Extra: It is assumed that in this unplanned part, Wally told Tom "Consider yourself unlucky for working with me from now on." (No canon for me xD but extra)
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Bye uwu)/💐
731 notes · View notes
Quick world lore question; does the game ever specify what kind of potions/poisons exist in twst? Like, since it's technically a fantasy world, would things like health/stamina potions like you'd see in rpg's exist? Or would it be closer to reality, like home remedies and basic pharmaceutical stuff?
I'm only an EN player and I havent read all the pomfiore student's vignette's so if they answer this there then im sorry for the bother ; ;
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Potions aren't talked about in the only Pomefiore students' vignettes! (In fact, if we're talking just strictly Labwear vignettes... Vil and Rook's don't really focus on potions at all; only Epel's sort of does.) There isn't actually a ton of lore about potions, and in the times when they do become relevant, the writing tends to focus more on the ingredients and/or the preparation process rather than what kind of potion would be produced. For example, the entire Labwear series of vignettes frequently brings up rare or dangerous plants that require the application of magic in order to safely harvest, such as the mandrake and the lantern blossom.
I wasn't able to check all vignettes (since that would be like... what, probably a few hundred at this point? If not that, then at least over 100.), but there's definitely mentions of potions with various effects. From all lab vignettes alone and combing through the main story, here's what I could glean:
transformation/transmutation potions (prologue, book 2, Beans Day, book 6, etc; this is probably the most often mentioned type of potion)
voice-changing potions (Leona Labwear vignette)
color-changing potions (Epel Labwear voice line)
plant growth potions (Epel Labwear voice line)
sleeping potions (Silver Labwear vignette)
awakening potions (Silver Labwear vignette)
magic enhancing potions (book 2)
a potion that changes one part of your body to that of an animal's (book 3)
itch-relief potion (Lost in the Book with Stitch)
potion that heals burns instantly (Jamil Labwear vignette)
On the subject of poisons, no specific kinds are mentioned as far as I'm aware. There's a Poison Refining class (Cater Labwear vignettes), but we don't really get specifics. When poisons are talked about, it's usually in reference to the Fairest Queen or the Pomefiore dorm leader being skilled in making potent poisons, or it's Kalim talking about the many attempts on his life and unnamed poison antidotes. There may be more mentioned in other places, but at this time I don't have the capacity to check every single event and vignette. If you know of any more that aren’t listed here, please let me know and I can update the list!!
It should also be noted that "potions" can also be used for other purposes. This includes creating special effects for movies (mentioned in Vil's Labwear vignettes) and enhancing the effects of skincare (book 6, Azul Ceremonial Robes, etc.).
You'll notice that the effects of these potions can also be achieved via regular spellcasting. (In fact, we see Adeuce practicing color changing magic in Floyd's Labwear vignettes + Vil using color changing magic to help himself hide from paparazzi, etc., Jack's/Malleus's/Azul's UMs also allow them to do things without the help of potions.) Because of this, I believe that potions are meant to be an alternative way of spellcasting without actually needing to use magic. This makes already prepared potions usable by mages who don't want to expend energy/build blot as well as by NON-MAGES.
Within the world of TWST, there is an occupation known as the “medical mage”, who appear to combine magic and medicine into their practice. Furthermore, what is called “Potionology” in EN is written as 魔法薬学 (literally, "magic pharmaceuticals") in JP, implying that there is, in fact, an intersection between magic and medicine. This is similar to how "technomancy" is described to be the cross between magic and technology.
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In terms of a "healing potion", there are instances which show that a magic potion may heal or at least speed up the body's natural healing process. For example, in 7-68 of the main story, Baur gives Lilia something to drink to help him with the dire blow he just took. It doesn't appear to restore him to full health though, as Lilia states he still needs rest afterward. In EN, they use the term "potion" but in JP they use "薬" (kusuri), which is "medicine". Baur qualifies the character with "魔法" (maho), which is "magic", so the term he's using is "magic medicine". This is probably the closest thing to a "healing" potion that we know of in the TWST lore.
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So technically, yes, TWST has "healing potions". I wouldn’t say there is one blanket cure-all potion though; based on what we know of potionology and how it’s very similar to irl chemistry classes, we can assume that there are generalized “healing potions” but that there must also be far more specialized and targeted ones, similar to medicine irl or non-enchanted or non-magic infused medicine. This is supported by Riddle mentioning a potion that instantaneously heals burns, implying that there is no “cure-all”.
I would imagine that, like transformation potions, “healing potions” would have to be highly regulated since they’re basically a drug 💀 (There would probably be OTC types too, given proper governmental approval!)
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loveemagicpeace · 7 months
✨Planets & Energy✨
🐚On the 19th, the sun passes into the sign of pisces.
Pisces is a sign of spirituality, subconsciousness, dreaming, being in your own world, following the unknown and unconscious. Positive qualities: tender, emotional, loving,compassionate, kind, helpful, caring, sensitive, passive, indulgent, portly, creative, artistic, imaginative, dreamy, surreal,receptive, spiritual, pious, visionary. If Aries is the moment when we burst into the world, Pisces is the turning point, the sign with which we return to the eternal waters from which we came. Persons with an emphasis on Pisces in their birth chart can seem like old souls who have seen everything under the sun. They feel their way and may not always know where they are going, nor do they remember the journey. In the end, though they always find themselves in the right place! People born under this sign do not focus on something specific, but they perceive everything at the same time.
🦋The planetary rulers are assigned to Pisces Jupiter and Neptunes are concerned with finding meaning in the world and exploring the important questions of who we are and where we come from. During this time, we can learn about things that help us live better, meet people who show us the way and find something to which we are more emotionally committed. During this time, nature can change more and things become more dreamy or unrealistic.
🫧Mutable energy is adaptive energy. This energy helps you refine, improve, and adjust. Pisces season is an excellent time to meditate and connect with your inner guidance system to identify what is ready for adjustment. Pisces season brings us to the end of the astrological year. Celestial Pisces holds the wisdom of all the twelve signs and is ready to ascend to the next phase. This sign has full understanding of the earthly planes and can teach as abour the other realms the mystical, emotional, creative and intuitive, Throughout this Pisces season, ask yourself:What do you believe in? Do you give your physical body time to restore? Do you feel connected to your intuition?
🪐Sun Conjunction Saturn-This can be a time of great satisfaction, with achievements, recognition, and promotion.This can be a time of great satisfaction, with achievements, recognition, and promotion.So this is a good time to simplify and bring efficiency to your life. Unclutter your life and remove the deadwood to make your goals less complicated and easier to achieve.
🌬️Mercury , Venus & Mars are in Aquarius -so the energy will still be unpredictable and unexpected. Aquarius is a sign of innovation, sociability, vision, goals, dreams, friends, rebellion, doing things that are different, uniqueness. Connection with water is said to originate from the fact that in the ancient Mesopotamia The Sun traveled through Aquarius during the rainy season. Aquarius is known for doing things their own way. Although Aquarius respects the old traditions, wants to update them and bring about changes where they are needed. They may have trouble finding a company that really suits them. But when they find a community that advocates the same ideas as them, they bond strongly and get the feeling that they have finally arrived home.
Find your unique path. Show sides of yourself that are different from others. How are you different? Where you can find your uniqueness? Who you want to be?
Venus can bring new and unpredictable love. You can look for more uniqueness in love and actually spend time with people close to you. U can also meet someone new through you friends. Mars can bring more unique way of how u express yourself.
⚡️Sun Conj Mercury-puts the focus on your thinking and communications, and short-distance travel. It brings mental alertness, quick thinking, adaptability, and curiosity. Expect increased personal interaction in your neighborhood, with siblings, at schools, and over the internet.This is a good time for sharing ideas, making plans, buying and selling, negotiating, and meeting new people.
💘Venus conjunct Pluto transit dramatically increases your need for love and affection. You want to experience companionship at a deeper, more intense level. Other behaviors to beware of, not just in you but others, are possessiveness and jealousy. Infatuation is fine, and you may fall deeply in love now. A lot of transformation in relationships. If single, instant attraction could lead to a profound and karmic relationship. In both cases, openly giving love and affection without catches is the key to satisfaction.
🫧Mars Conjuction Pluto-This is an excellent time to work independently on something you are passionate about. You will have the endurance and strength to succeed at complex tasks. A burst of creativity can be used to make significant transformations in your life.
💕On February 23 Mercury moves into Pisces-this means that the communication will be more dreamy, confused and watery. You will feel things intuitively much more. Mercury in Pisces will make you find solutions from ends that you never thought of and regarded as a medium for solution. This can bring up thoughts that are beyond words, and the transmission of these ideas can result in a muddled expression, which increases the likelihood of miscommunication with others, difficulty staying in touch with the concerned topic, and the tendency to forget essential information or say things that do not connect well with the main topic. U can manifest more easily.
🌙On February 24 there will be a full moon in virgo-The full moon is associated with the celebration of events, successes that have been achieved so far. In addition shows what we have to let go of and what we no longer need in our lives. Moon in Virgo will oppose the Sun in Pisces. Virgo teaches us that we are each here to give our talents in some way. The full moon in Virgo marks the full expression of your intuitive and spiritual journey. Take stock of your progress in this moon cycle or over the past year. If there is room for more growth, take action on it!
✨Now is the time to expand your mind. The Full Moon may bring up emotions that were not processed when they were first felt. Now is an opportunity to sit with these feelings and know that you don’t have to be perfect to be loved. As you journey through the full Moon in Virgo, ask yourself what you need to forgive. Do you need to forgive yourself for something or do you need to forgive someone else? Know that forgiving someone else doesn’t mean you have to let this person back into your life. We forgive other people for ourselves, not for them. Forgiveness is about you and your vibration—no one else.
🌙☀️Moon will be in opposition to the Sun- Virgo and Pisces offer us two different portals to the same energy of spirituality, healing, and service. Whereas Virgo is form, order, and refinement, Pisces is formless, chaotic, and all-encompassing. Pisces teaches us that we are all connected through consciousness. Virgo, however, demands that we stay within the boundaries of space, time, and our bodies. It asks us to define our energy and our world.Pisces teaches us that we are all connected through consciousness. Virgo reminds us that while trust and surrender are important, so are direction and guidance. The full Moon in Virgo is the perfect time to see yourself in a new light, one that recognizes your innate talents and knows they are enough. It’s also a time to receive praise for your work and know you deserve it. You do not need to compare your life to anyone else’s. Harness the energy of the full Moon in Virgo to forgive yourself, trust your path, and know that you are always co-creating your reality with the Universe.
If you want to know how Pluto in Aquarius and other Aquarius transits will affect you, you can book a reading with me🍀
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namidew · 2 months
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Updated Apollo and Artemis designs !! (Still subject to change and clothing changes)
Details below for design concept ramblings (not including a few details explained in prior posts) !!
Complementary Details - Apollo and Artemis are very similar in physical appearance, which is to show that they are close to each other. Not just as a design choice by me, but within the story they choose to look similar, as the gods can change their appearances. Apollo has gold (jewelry, eyes, and hair strands) and the sun halo for the domain of the sun, and Artemis has the silver (jewelry and eyes) and the moon halo(?) for the domain of the moon. They have a light-and-dark outfit contrast to highlight their different domains, such as Apollo’s domains of the sun and light, and Artemis’s domains of the moon and the wilderness. They both have green himations, with Artemis’s being “warmer” in tone and more earthy, while Apollo’s being “colder” and more “refined(?)” in a way while the two still match.
Apollo - Individually, his chiton now has faint yellow stripes shooting from the gold jewelry, in resemblance of the sun and its rays. His himation has lighter green lines, resembling a blank music score, to represent his domain of music. If drawn for a comic or an illustration, I like to imagine he’d have the melody of a related song on it.
Artemis - Her chiton is now a dark brown rather than the previous white, allowing her to blend in more within the woods at night. She has a deer pelt over her shoulders due to her domain of the hunt and her association with deer, as well as a more “woodsy” look. Her himation now has darker green details of leaves, also adding to her wilderness and nature theme.
Story Dynamic - They’re rather close siblings, always looking out for each other. I’d imagine they talk frequently but have the sort of relationship in which they can go a long time without talking and return to normal even after. I’d imagine Apollo to be pretty conflict avoidant and of the tendency to try to keep the peace, while Artemis may be more impulsive depending on the circumstance, as based on their domains. Not entirely sure about the next concept, but it would be interesting if Apollo, while rather amiable and within good graces with many, actually tells little about his personal details (as in the type of person who you think you know well until you try to recall anything about them personally) while Artemis is the opposite where she’s more of an open book so long as you start a good conversation, but it’s not a concrete idea. It would be an interesting concept though, given how the moon is physically closer to the earth than the sun.
Unrelated and Miscellaneous - First, I’m considering toning down the vibrancy of Aphrodite’s chiton and possibly Dionysus’s purple (grapes, eyes, himation) for the sake of more cohesive of a color palette (warm and earthy), but I plan on waiting until finishing all the Olympian designs to finalize that, given there’s a few others I plan on giving a more cool-toned color palette. Second, the next few Olympians are going to be a bit more difficult to design, for me it seems, so ideas are greatly appreciated ! Third and lastly, if I were to make this story more than an idea, it would likely be a non-linear slice of life “comic” series in which random drawings or scenes are posted in no real order. I’m not good at writing stories anyhow, and while a written story, actual comics, or animatics/animations would be very cool, I haven’t the skill for any of those.
Anyway, thank you very much if you read all these ramblings, and if you have any suggestions or ideas, I’d be happy to hear them !!
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wings-of-ink · 7 days
Looking for your Input for IF Patreon
Hello my friends and neighbors! I hope you are all safe and well. I had some things to share with you and I am once again fishing for thoughts and opinions.
Like many of us who create these IFs, I am strongly considering a Patreon. I have no plans to go exclusively to Patreon, so don't fret. I want to make extra content to go along with any IF I work on, and I'd like to be able to put more things into these projects such as real art (including character portraits), and not just the stuff I flounder through on Canva. I'd like to pay my artist a fair wage and devote more of my time to this. Getting some support would help me allocate even more to these projects and extras. I'm testing the waters here to see if it's sustainable for both myself and subscribers as well. I do not know what timeframe I'm looking at to start this either.
I only want to do this if it's worth the while for everybody, so I'm putting out feelers and asking for your input.
Most of all - I want to know what you want in a Patreon sub. I also want to know what you feel to be a fair sub price for different tiers. Over the years, when I have been able, I have subbed to help support my favorite creators at all different levels. So, I have some ideas on what I am looking for in a subscription, what keeps me coming back, and what prices are both fair for the effort of the creator as well as for my pocket. But, what suits me may not be what you want, so that's why I need some feedback.
Below, I have compiled my ideas, so far, for possible tiers. None of these are set in stone, just a framework to build on to see if I'm on the right track. At the bottom is a poll (of course, it's like my favorite thing), and is probably the first of a few about this topic I will use. I welcome comments and suggestions on this topic. Tell me what you are looking for in a Patreon. What do you want from one each month? What keeps you subscribed? Please feel free to comment below or to send comments and suggestions via the Ask inbox, especially if you prefer to be anon (do let me know if you do not want your response posted - I may post some that either have questions or that I find relevant to the conversation).
I still do not know for certain what the ultimate future of God-Cursed will look like (meaning when it is all finished). I've played with the idea of eventually refining it to sell on itch and/or Steam. I have to admit that being able to do so would really feel like a huge accomplishment to me. I've always had dreams of being published and such, and it feels like a part of that dream. I, personally, prefer to buy IFs through either platform whenever I can. It supports my favorite authors, shows my appreciation, it compiles my favorite stories into an easy-to-find library, and I can relive my favorite stories over and over easily. So, needless to say, this is calling to me more and more.
Anyway, what I have come up with so far for possible offerings are these. Please let me know if something like this would work for you or if you have any suggestions for improvement:
An appreciation/tip jar - if the other tiers aren't for you or you just want to give a little love. Subscribers could get updates and public posts, and participation in polls.
A "Supporter" level - all the other stuff plus GC demo releases 1 month (30 days) in advance. I debated about the time, but I want to really make the early access feel worth it. This level would also be privy to some "insider" info (things cut, character development, the egregious typos, etc…). Of course there would be some sort of dev-log to go with this as well.
A "Plus" tier - all the above plus early release of demos for other IFs, more "behind the scenes" type things, and I'm thinking some POVs and other extra content (some interactive) such as short stories. These extras need not be exclusive to IFs either if anyone is interested in other things I write.
"SMUT" or "Spicy" tier - (being very honest, I'd be the most excited for this tier, lol) all the above including all things smut for each IF. This will include interactive extras, short stories, and any other horny content we want. Likely will run some polls and take suggestions for the spice you desire each month.
"Smut plus" (lol) - all the above, PLUS a patreon-only IF that I will have in the works (so, access to 3 projects in total). I have an idea for an IF that will focus on 1 RO at a time (each with their own complete and unique story within the same world), and I am itching to write it even if updates for it will be a bit slow. It will be more like a traditional dating sim type thing and may comprise all sorts of genres. This may be one that would be good for just subscribing on months that will have updates, and that's something I would probably post about publicly so if you're just interested in getting access, you don't have to worry about staying subbed.
And finally a sort of "Power Supporter" tier - this may be like a limited number sort of thing and be a bit pricey (not sure yet how much). You'd get a custom interactive story set in whatever world of mine you want that can be spicey or not. You'd give me all your MC's details (mostly cannon things but some liberties could be taken), physical traits and personality, and pick your RO and/or other desired characters. I'd take prompts or ideas from you as well concerning what you'd like in the story. You want a sexcapade - you can have that. You want to have tea with Oswin and his weird twin sisters - you got it. The main limitations are spoilers, of course, especially for any mystery ROs depending on when and if this all comes to pass. There may be some subject-matter that I will not write about, but I'd let you know what is out of bounds for me.
Naturally, I would also pop your name in the credits, I just don't know which tier that should go on.
So, there you have it. This has been on my mind for a while and I've gotten some questions and messages asking about if I will do something like this, so I'd like to give it a go at least.
Looking forward to hearing your ideas and desires! ^_^
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stolasdearest · 5 months
Hey there!
Is it ok request an Alastor x overlord fic? Like Alastor made a deal with this demon(a goetia) and was to report to them every now and then. But, the fight happens and reader doesn’t hear from him for the 7 years, and when he dose see them, it’s because of that silly ad for the hotel, reader goes in and drags Alastor back to his house se where he teaches him a lesson on respect.
Thanks for reading my rant!
Alastor x Reader ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
ׂׂૢ Pairing : Alastor x Reader
ׂׂૢ cw : not Proofread
ׂׂૢ Reader is gender neutral
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
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Being a Goetia who happens to operate quite often in pride was not common, being seen as; odd for meddling with sinners. You already had power, what power trip were you feeling to associate with mortal souls? Your family couldn't help but side eye but you nonetheless continued with your business in the top Ring. Years before you however stumbled upon a refined new soul who was all too eager to ask for your assistance; even if it meant his soul was no longer his. Over the years he made his way to you to report important information within the ring, the other overlords were mostly what he spoke of.. However he suddenly went radio silent, with absolutely no updates— he wasn't even seen in the general public for nearing a full decade. But after another extermination you had noticed a certain someone at this so called "Hazbin Hotel" you sat and pondered why he'd waste his precious time there and even more why the overlord would risk his own life for something he clearly had shown no prior interest in. Hence why your hand is gently knocking on the now rebuilt hotel door, the creator of the hotel; Charlie Morningstar answered the door; almost instantaneously jumping back at what met her, a Goetia? Why were you here? You're not a sinner wh-
"Greetings, Morningstar! I have a friend here who I'd like to see!"
The princess looked around for a moment the uneasy expression evident on her paper white face; you had a feeling this had happened before
"sure! Who may I get for yo-".
"nonsense! I'll find him myself"
Immediately after you pushed pass the princess and set off to find the deer. And soon enough you did; a immediate wave of displeasure,shock and fear apparent in his eyes, the Radio Demon instantly stood up and straightened himself out— words clearly trying to make their way out but nothing came out as he saw your demeanor almost immediately change, like you had locked in on him as if he were prey— which fairly speaking he was in this context.
"Do I have to drag you out by the ear?"
"of course not! I'll be right behind you"
He knew that face, that posture..that tone. He didn't need to explain his absence, nor reason why— that didn't matter to you; He disobeyed— he avoided you and he knows he'll get to know what it means to stray from you.
He knew what he was in for when they left the safety of the public eye and a part of him was thrilled about it.
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Authors note : AHHH I've been inactive for awhile I'm sossoosos sorry!!! Love you guys!!
Taglist : @anni1600 @d0nutsaur @ihavetoomanyfictionalcrushes @k1y0yo
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within-your-eyes-if · 10 months
Chapter Three: Part One Release Tomorrow
Chapter 3 Part One is coming tomorrow (11/22 for me)!
I feel it'd be prudent to share this now because I know some of you will be very eager to jump into the story but there are important details I want you to be aware of.
First and foremost: Starting over is HIGHLY suggested, as there have been significant changes to the code. Your old saves will not work properly. But this also works because of the following first point:
Narrative Enhancements: As the story has unfolded, I've realized that certain elements were somewhat weak and needed more refining, while others seemed a bit 'out-of-the-blue.' These points hadn't been fully explored yet, except maybe vaguely in the Codex. To address this, I've added more foreshadowing in previous chapters and expanded and edited some Codex entries. I hope these changes provide a clearer understanding of the world and its lore.
Codex Update: While some new entries were added and a few expanded upon, I will be adding more in a future update. I'm just very tired and need a short rest to recharge my brain. I hope you understand and I appreciate your patience on the matter!
Gabriel and Lee Poly Route: As we delve into the complexities of a polyamorous route with Gabriel and Lee, it's important to note that their relationship begins with some jealousy. They are still at the early stages of getting to know each other, and this emotion is a natural part of their dynamic at this stage. Without revealing too much, I believe it's essential to acknowledge this upfront so you are all aware.
Emotional Depths: This chapter continues to tread through emotional terrain, and while it may seem heavy at times, these feelings are pivotal. They echo the profound events that have irrevocably altered the MC's life, and it's crucial to portray these events with the gravity they deserve.
Mind the Trigger Warnings: As we venture deeper, some story elements may be challenging. I urge you to read the trigger warnings provided at the start of the chapter and proceed in a way that respects your comfort and boundaries.
Lastly, I wanted to touch on the results of the height poll. It turns out I had misremembered male Gabriel's height ─ a reminder to always double-check! The majority of you expressed a preference for female Gabriel to match male Gabriel’s height. As for male Xiao, opinions were divided: many prefer his current height, while a significant number would like him shorter. I'm going to give these results some more thought. Your input was helpful, and I'll be sure to keep it in mind as the story continues to evolve. Thank you for participating!
Your patience and engagement mean the world to me. I'm eager for you to experience Part One and I hope it resonates with you. Another big shout out and huge thanks to my testers for their hard work and assistance with ensuring this part is ready for release! Your input was invaluable ♥
Thank you so much!
Total Word Count: 277,298 (excluding Codex)
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demilypyro · 1 year
At what point in time did you see a giant hammer and go “yeah, that’s my main.”
Monster Hunter: World is a 2018 action role-playing game developed and published by Capcom. The fifth mainline installment in the Monster Hunter series, it was released worldwide for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in January 2018, with a Windows version following in August 2018. In the game, the player takes the role of a Hunter, tasked to hunt down and either kill or trap monsters that roam in one of several environmental spaces. If successful, the player is rewarded through loot consisting of parts from the monster and other elements that are used to craft weapons and armor, amongst other equipment. The game's core loop has the player crafting appropriate gear to be able to hunt down more difficult monsters, which in turn provide parts that lead to more powerful gear. Players may hunt alone or in a group of up to four players via the game's online multiplayer.
Announced at E3 2017, Monster Hunter: World adopts the series' standard formulas from its older home console roots and recent handheld games to take advantage of the higher processing power provided by modern consoles and computers. Changes made in Monster Hunter: World include creating environmental spaces that are fully connected and removing the "zones" that were necessary for the PlayStation 2 and handheld games, more advanced monster artificial intelligence and physics, a more persistent cooperative multiplayer experience, and a refinement of the game's tutorials and user interface to help with bringing new players into the series. These changes led Capcom to plan for the game's simultaneous release worldwide, since Monster Hunter as a series has generally languished outside of Japan partially due to disparate release schedules. Capcom also opted to support online play between these different geographic regions for similar reasons. The delay for the Windows release was attributed to Capcom seeking to make sure its first foray into the Windows market was optimized for players on computers. By April 2020, updates to the game were synchronized among all platforms.
Monster Hunter: World received critical acclaim upon release, with critics praising how Capcom was able to make the game more accessible to new players and to Western markets, without detracting from the series' core gameplay elements and enjoyable difficulty, and fully taking advantage of the computational capacity of modern consoles to create living ecosystems, with some even calling it the best in the franchise. Monster Hunter: World is the single highest-selling game in Capcom's history, with over 21 million copies shipped by July 2022. A DLC expansion pack, subtitled Iceborne, was released for home consoles in September 2019 and for Windows in January 2020, and reached 10 million sales by December 2022. The next mainline installment, Monster Hunter Rise, was co-developed alongside World and announced for a worldwide release on Nintendo Switch in March 2021, with a Windows version released the following year.
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TTD - Of hair and shadows
That brilliant one-liner uttered, Hero threw a tired glance at the text that has startled them awake, groaned, then buried their face into the pillow. They stayed a moment like that, letting their tired brain register what they had seen, then gasped and took a second look at the phone. It was really that late. To be fair, it had been a very long time since their last day off. Yawning, they slowly went to the door and stopped on the threshold.
The living room was an absolute mess. Everything was covered with sawdust. On a carpet, in the middle of a wood shaving nest, a dark silhouette was carving what had been a broken table leg, so focused on their task they hadn't noticed them. Hero crossed their arms, staring silently. For a moment, they wondered how Villain could have done that without any noisy tool, then shrugged this off. They were getting used to this. They were more concerned about the implication that their roommate had been awake all night.
Their stomach churned a little with guilt. In a wild turning of events, it had turned out that insisting on learning about Villain and Superhero's traumatic backstory had not, in fact, made things easier at all. Who could have predicted that, except anybody with a brain?
For a moment, they considered leaving them alone, but decided against it. The text had been from the agency, and Hero knew how careful they had to be with the deadlines.
They cleared their throat:
“Greetings, nemesis.”
Villain glanced at them and added:
“Disheveled nemesis.”
Hero frowned in return, but it wasn't the time to bicker.
“Look, I’m sorry to ask you that,” they said, “but the agency is updating your file. I need to take your picture.”
Villain shrugged, leaning again on their work:
“Do what you must.”
Hero bit their tongue and added as gently as they could:
“I need you out of your shadow. And you need to stop doing... whatever you’re doing for a couple of minutes.”
They waited for the answer, looking anywhere but at their interlocutor. They hated they had to ask them such a thing.
Their roommate groaned.
“May I remind you that I’m the one supposed to torture you? My nemesis you might be, but you should be the glowing light contrasting my sinful shadow, not a thorn in my side. Your excessive love for paperwork will be the end of us all.”
Hero nervously crossed their arms, looking for a comforting answer, but there was nothing good to say back. They pulled out their phone with an apologizing glance:
“Come on, it will take a minute. Put yourself against the wall. I take the picture, then I won’t bother you anymore.”
After some more protesting, Villain stood and went to the other side of the room. The shadow over their face melted, leaving their sulking in plain sight. They stared back at Hero, who had their phone raised, but didn't move. They were pondering. In fact, they pondered for so long Villain shifted uncomfortably.
“Are my smoldering orbs startling you?” they inquired.
“My smoldering emerald orbs that seem to gaze deep into your very soul ? Or my perfectly sculptured cheekbones that give me a melancholic, though refined appearance?”
“Oh, no. I’ve seen your file, I know you look like a starving cat who’s been mildly inconvenienced. But I didn’t realize you had-”
“How long your hair was.”
Villain looked at them with sudden, horrified comprehension. All embarrassment had disappeared from Hero’s face. In fact, it was replaced by a near maniacal glee.
“Oh no. You cannot mean-”
But their roommate was so excited they were rocking on their heels, their eyes glowing:
“Look, all I’m saying is that I’ve got a free afternoon for once-”
“You dare-”
“That I’ve got all the hair products in the world-”
“That I’ll give you, it’s an invasion-”
“They need to be taken care of.”
“You mean you need to play with them.”
“Same thing. Please?”
“But I’m brooding!”
“And I’m braiding.”
Villain looked at Hero with their jointed hands and their awkward grin, and groaned:
“You really are my nemesis. Fine.”
Hero beamed at them and took the photo. By the time Villain followed them in front of the dressing table, the shadow was back on their face. After a while, they sighed and accepted to show the back of their head. Grinning all they could, Hero gently let their fingers glide on the offered strands. Their roommate had beautiful hair, straight, shiny, and of course, raven-black. It also had all the knots in the world.
“The situation is dire. Pass me the spray.”
“You have more of them than a witch has bottles. I’m afraid you need to be more specific.”
“The green one.”
Villain handed it to them by the tip of their fingers. Hero took it, used it generously, then grabbed a brush. This was wonderful, but not as enjoyable as they thought it would be. Under the hair, the skinny shoulders were as tense as ever. No matter how soft they tried to be, Villain never relaxed a bit. Hero bit their lip, wondering how guilty they had to feel for that.
“Can I ask a question?” they said after a while. “Why do you cover yourself with your shadow all the time?”
“Because I’m dark and brooding and tormented.”
“Doesn’t that get exhausting, using your power constantly?”
Villain shrugged.
“At first it was. As the darkness grew in my heart, so did my shadow. Also I had a growing spur when I was fifteen. That helped.”
“I see.”
“Covering myself might seem impressive to you, it is but a little feat to me. I could plunge whole streets in the dark, should I wish so. No light could pierce through.”
“I know. You are incredibly powerful,” Hero smiled. “For a Twinkies thief.”
“You are never going to live that down, are you?”
Hero took several strands and began to braid them.
“What I meant was why?”
“I don’t see how that might preoccupy you.”
Hero keep their eyes on what they were doing, but their voice shivered slightly when they said:
“Maybe it’s none of my business, but sometimes I worry it’s because you never feel safe, even here. It must be exhausting, never lowering your guard.”
“How can I, when I live with my dreaded foe?”
The hands in Villain’s hair froze.
“Do you really dread me?”
Villain had their usual booming, contemptuous laugh, the one that the neighbors hated.
“I’m your nemesis. It will be a sad day when I fear you.”
“Good,” whispered Hero.
Leaving the braid, their right hand rubbed their neck:
“I’m working for Superhero, it’s true, and uh...all of this...the situation is...complex? I had no idea what happened between you two-”
“I'm aware-”
“But now I know and things are going to get more complicated, but I’m- All I want to say is- ugh, I’m so not good at this-”
“On that, we agree.”
Hero took a deep breath:
“Look, I’m nothing compared to Superhero. I don’t think I can do much. But I will do it. To keep you safe. I know that’s just words-”
“I believe you.”
“You do?”
Green eyes emerged from Villain’s shadow to meet Hero’s gaze on the mirror:
“You’re a dreadful liar. I know when you lie.”
“For example, when you said that today was a holiday you’ve taken long ago, you couldn’t look at me.”
“Ah. Yes. I’m sorry. I just- I wanted to spend the day with you to make sure that-”
“-that I was unharmed so we could keep our endless dueling, for such is the destiny of nemeses.”
“Err, sure. Something like that. We...we’re good then?”
“No, I’m very evil. But I think we’ve understood each other.”
Check the These Two Dorks Masterlist or Tag for more snippets with this Hero and Villain. This is how they met and now they’re roommates.
Or back to Hero x Villain Masterlist.
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jalenay · 5 months
Nothing's Wrong with Dale - Publishing Update May 4 2024
So my work work is starting to relax - it'll be 'normal' working hours after May 15, but i'm manifesting some early additional free time (by ignoring some of the things i still have left to do) and i thought i'd give an update on my current NWWD plan to fill you guys in (if anyone wants to know) and to motivate myself to, you know, do it.
let me know what you think and if you have any questions! or if there's anything else you want to know!
So the overall plan is as follows:
First Rough Edit - this is basically just changing the POV from 2nd POV to 3rd POV. This is very tedious and currently what I'm doing right now. I'm also making a list as I go for high level updates/changes i want to make. Just thinking about the story as a whole and what tweaks i want to make now that the whole thing is finally done (primarily moving exposition around, if there's anything extra i can remove, timing of when certain things are discussed, and so on).
My Main Edit - this will be more time consuming but probably more fun as i do my main revise and edit of the story as a whole. i'll likely print the entire story out, make edits on hard copy, and then type up all the edits. I will also probably be sending the updated chapters to my main beta, for her opinion. (this would be the person i first texted about Dale in Dec 2021, she deserves first look lol)
Editor - After I'm happy with what I've done, i'll send the entire thing over to my editors, the main ones who worked on DSM. This will likely take a good amount of time (DSM took one month) but in many ways involves less effort from me lol. Just nerves.
Cover, Self-publishing Details - while my editors have the manuscript, I'll be narrowing down what I want the cover to look like and hiring a cover artist. (i've got a short list of artists right now, but i'll probably continue to refine that). I'm bad a visualizing covers and so this will be hard for me, although i have some basic ideas. i'll need to gather reference photos too and then work with the artist. I also want to publish more widely than just Amazon and will hopefully get DSM out to other places as well as a test run before NWWD. Look into more marketing? This is the most miscellaneous of the steps.
Process Edits - actually go through all the edits and notes given to me by my editor. This takes a lot of time (and is mentally taxing - no one likes to read pages of people telling you what you need to fix about what you wrote even if its overall extremely helpful and necessary)
Finalizing - I'll send the edited version to my first beta and another ARC reader/friend. I'll work on the formatting for the book. Coordinating where it will be published and when.
This is a loose list of steps that I mostly defined right now, but are similar to what i did with DSM. As i said, I'm in step one, currently just finished Chapter 25 of 36 of that rough edit.
I'll try to provide some updates on the process at it moves along, if people are interested in hearing about that. I'll most likely keep those updates on this blog, along with any other publishing specific commentary. if any one has any questions or thoughts on the whole thing, please feel free to send them to this blog or comment on this post.
I'm very excited to really dig into publishing NWWD and looking forward to sharing it with you!
Thanks to everyone for all their support - I wouldn't even be considering this (i probably wouldn't have even had a finished draft) with you!
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pawborough · 3 months
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Below the cut is our extensive FAQ! If you have a question, check here first!
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How long has PawBorough been in development?
PawBorough has been in development since the summer of 2021.
When will PawBorough be playable?
PawBorough will enter closed Beta for Kickstarter backers this summer of 2024. Open Beta will proceed to allow entry of non-backer users afterwards.  Our current timeline projects either a full launch in 2024, or an extended period of open Beta for new users to join in 2024, depending on how many features need tweaking and to what extent. No matter what, expect open playability in 2024! 
Will PawBorough be free to play? Yes. PawBorough will have premium features, but will not be “pay to play.” 
Where do I download PawBorough?
PawBorough is a browser game with no need for download. However, we are working on an application for mobile devices which will be available to download in the future. There is not currently a timeline for this development. 
Will PawBorough be mobile friendly?
Yes. We are dedicated to mobile usability. Our development of an application is intended to enhance the mobile experience. 
Will you have a suggestions page?
Once we have the game refined and populated, we will be opening a forum for suggestions to improve the user experience. 
Is PawBorough accepting artist applications?
Currently PawBorough is accepting artist applications. If you would like to work as a visual artist on The PawBorough Team, please send your resume and portfolio to [email protected]
Is PawBorough accepting developer applications?
PawBorough is not in need of developers at this time. 
Can I volunteer for PawBorough work?
For the majority of work, we do not accept volunteer applications. We periodically open volunteer applications for early feature testing. For notifications on when these applications open, keep up with our Kickstarter updates!
What timezone will PawBorough be in? 
PawBorough will function in EST/ET! 
How can I reach out directly to the team?
Please email us at [email protected]. All other methods to contact us may not reach us. 
Will you keep the official Discord open after the full launch of PawBorough?
No. After PawBorough launches officially, we will be shutting down our Discord. It is not in our best interest to rely on third party software for communication with our community. Already, this is an issue we take responsibility for perpetuating. We want to ensure all information is sourced to and on our website in a single space. Players are welcome to create their own, unofficial spaces however! 
How can I support the development of PawBorough right now?
We take donations from our PayPal. All donations will go towards our continued development.  You can also support us by spreading the word! Tell your friends about our project, keep informed on our updates, and join the site when we’re live!
Will you have dark mode?
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Will there be more breeds/patterns?
PawBorough will continue to add more content over the span of its lifetime.  We have currently committed to 21 breeds in total, but new patterns may be added in perpetuity as the game ages. 
Can cats die? Is there a way to remove them from the game?
Cats do not die from play. The only way to remove a cat from the game is to voluntarily retire the cat. 
What are mystic and domestic breeds? 
PawBorough features seven Boroughs that a player may join. A Borough is a culturally unique location in the world of the game. Each Borough has at least two breeds of origin: a domestic breed and a mystic breed. These breeds come in “pairs.” For every domestic cat, there is a mystical, magical counterpart. We call these pairs an “origin set” or “origin pair.”  In lore, this is explained as normal cat breeds being magically, genetically altered over hundreds of years. As a player, you will be able to switch between mystic and domestic breeds instantly. 
What are the mystic and domestic pairs? What are the origin Boroughs of every breed?
Here are all origin pairs that we have showcased in updates thus far.  Shorthair / Bovine = Harvest Prowler / Thumper = Harvest Ragdoll / Fyret = The Metropolis Longhair / Moontail = Luna Snowfoot / Prancer = Sol Wolf / ??? = Cogwheel Littlefang / Stonehide = ???
Can Domestic Breeds be turned into Mystic Breeds (and vice versa)?
Yes. Here is a graphic of the system we are testing, which incorporates Borough origin: 
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Why not just have separate items for every breed? Why the pairs?
This choice was intended to unilaterally flatten the rarity between mystic and domestic breeds, and instead determine rarity by origin set. With an item for every breed, seeding the items would inevitably become imbalanced in some way. This way, Shorthair and Bovines, for example, are equal opportunity for the player.  We did not want to, as a game, incentivize collecting mystic breeds over domestic breeds, thus viewing domestic breeds as a contextually “lesser” option. That has just never been our vision! 
Will some Breeds/Patterns/Colors be more rare than others?
Yes.  Breed rarity will be dependent on the origin pair. Bovines and Shorthairs may be more common than Longhairs and Moontails, for example.  Patterns will have breed and drop rarity.  Colors will be dependent on breeding outcomes. You may use our live kit predictor on our website to view how two colors interact. A brief write-up on how color outcomes for kits are calculated is located here!
How much can you customize your two Founder cats?
You will be able to fully customize the colors and sex of your Founders. You will also be able to select from a pre-selected pool of patterns and breeds, which will be changeable for all cats via items. We are currently working on adding the ability to fully customize white coverage for Founders. The only thing you will not be able to change is the Borough birthplace (eye color.)  We are also considering adding the ability to freely re-access the creator and change your founders at any time. As a general note, your Founders will be incredibly customizable! 
Will kits be able to wear accessories?
Yes! We love that we can do this! This does mean our accessory pool will be more limited. However, kits will be fully customizable!
How will players obtain "Generation 1" cats?
Generation 1 cats are cats which are not born from cats already on the site (i.e “offspring.”) There are several methods to obtain a generation 1 cat, however most notably an item called “incense” can be used to immediately spawn a random generation 1 cat into your camp.  Each Borough will have an incense item which spawns a cat with the eyes of said Borough.  Incense is obtained via crafting. 
Will new colors be added to the demo?
Currently, there are no plans to add new colors, but this possibility is not off the table. 
Will you have feathers behind the ear as an accessory?
No. We are aware that, historically, media with anthropomorphized cats has a history of anti-indigenous themes.  In the interest of respecting indigenous populations, we will not be illustrating any feather-themed accessories without indigenous sensitivity consultation.
Will I be able to attach tags to my cats? Such as #kit?
Yes, we will be implementing a tagging system! 
Will multiple cats be able to have the same species of Fauna companion?
Will there be a way to make my cat stay as a kit forever?
Yes. We will be adding perma-kits as a feature. 
Can you add a nonbinary/third gender pose to the cats?
We would love to, but we’re a small indie team with limited resources. Three poses with full accessory and pattern functionality is already quite a bit of effort for us, especially with the demand of the art style we are committed to!  However, we consider the Mars and Venus poses to be, for all intents and purposes, genderless. The purpose of two adult poses is simply to explore the designs. You will be able to switch between both adult poses at any time via a switch on the cat’s customize page. 
Will there be a pronouns section for a cat's page?
We were asked to add this feature quite a bit, and we did add it! We are currently testing a system which may allow custom pronouns (such as neopronouns) that the game will recognize and use in narration and dialogue. This will help aid our initial reservation to the concept. 
Will there be a way to change a cat's eye type?
Yes, and eye palette too! The only thing you cannot change is the birth Borough (Borough eye color.)
What's the difference between an Accessory and Decor item?
Accessories are pieces of clothing tailored to layer on each cat pose. They cannot be moved from where they sit on the cat. They can only be shifted above or below other Accessories layered onto the cat.  In comparison, Decor items are items which can be shifted, rotated, and resized around the cat. Decor and Backdrop items come together to create a scene! 
Can we change a cat's birth Borough/eye color?
To what extent will you feature violence or adult content?
PawBorough is for teens and older. Users must be 13 and up to play. This means that we will feature minor use of moderately strong language, mentions of alcohol, and the allowance of art with cartoon blood and violence.  However, photorealistic blood or gore will not be allowed, and we allow absolutely no sexually suggestive content whatsoever. 
Will you have a custom system? How will it work?
This question refers to the concept of allowing custom, user-uploaded art to be created into items and imposed over a cat.  Yes, we will have a system for this. Our custom cat items are called “pelts.”  “Unclipped pelts” will allow for users to draw over the lines of the cat.  “Clipped pelts” will go under the lines of a cat, and be easier to work with Accessories.  Both will be a premium feature, and come with limitations and restrictions to help maintain the visual identity of the game. We will also be implementing a less complex pelt system for Fauna! 
Will you have breeds that resemble big cats?
We will not be featuring any breeds from the Panthera order. This includes lions, jaguars, leopards, tigers, and snow leopards. We also will not be adding cheetahs, due to their cultural association with big cats. In the lore of PawBorough, big cats (and cheetahs) are mythical depictions akin to humans imagining elves!  All other breeds from the Felidae family are on the table. This does include wildcats. 
Will you add more white coverage possibilities?
Uncertain at this time. The idea is on the table, however we’re currently focused on illustrating for all the planned breeds! 
Do you have a “basic” pattern?
No. We do have a pattern called “solid” that may aesthetically resemble a more basic patterning, but we do not have a base-level pattern that users build up from. Instead, all patterns have some degree of rarity and detail. 
Is there a way to change a cat's colors?
Yes. Users will have access to items which randomize a single cat’s colors. 
Can I rename my cats?
Yes! Much like changing the pose, renaming a cat is able to be done anytime via the customization page. 
How will line breaking accents be handled? Won't they clash with apparel?
For those who are unaware, PawBorough features accent genes which may break the silhouette.  The answer to this is: yes, they will! We deliberated over this for some time. However, we are treating line-breaking accents much like other accessories. It will be on the onus of the player to prevent clipping with any other accessories, just as accessories can and will clip with one another.  Line breaking accents will be layerable among accessories, so users can adjust the layering how they like.  From a design standpoint, line-breaking accents will only include biological body modifications. This includes, but is not limited to, horns, teeth, scales, claws, fur, and anything else which would grow from the cat itself. This therefore excludes these attributes from accessories.  Overgrowth is an exception to this rule, due to its inception before the restriction was in place. In lore, Overgrowth is explained as a benign, parasitic, magic-touched plant which lives in cat fur and is easily passed to children of infected parents while nesting. 
Can accents be in any slot? Can I have the same accent in both slots?
All accent genes can be in either slot! However, you may not have the same accent in both slots. Both slots are able to lack an accent at the same time, however. 
What are the default patterns and breeds I can pick for my Founders?
You may create your Founders starting with: Solid Tiger Tuxedo Blotches This list is subject to change. No accent genes will be available for Founders to start with. 
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How does breeding work?
Breeding is available between two compatible cats. Users will choose to start a nest with two cats. Users will then babysit the nest until the new kits are ready to enter the User’s camp. Kits will inherit colors and patterns based on the parents. Testing of this mechanic is available on our website!
Can players cancel unwanted nests? Is it possible to accidentally lose a nest?
Nests can be reversed via a Bitter Root item. This is an active choice that the player must click several times to confirm.  Otherwise, nests remain until the player interacts with them and do not expire. 
Can Domestic and Mystic Breeds produce offspring?
Yes! All cats can breed with one another. 
How will Paw Borough prevent inbreeding regarding the cats?
Currently, cats which are related via 5 generations apart cannot breed together. 
Will cats ever be too old to breed?
We have no intention for a feature like this at this time. 
Can cats have multiple mates?
How does white coverage work for breeding?
Random coverage spots are chosen for each kit, with dominant spots passed down and recessive spots having a lower chance of showing. The coverage amount is chosen via the algorithm below. none x none => 90% none, 10% low full x none => 5% full, 10% high, 50% medium, 20% low, 5% none full x full => 90% full, 10% high full x medium => 50% full, 10% high, 40% medium full x high => 90% full, 10% high full x low => 25% full, 25% high, 25% medium, 25% small medium x medium => 5% full, 10% high, 50% medium, 20% low, 5% chance of none high x high => 15% full, 20% medium, 65% high, 10% low high x none => 30% none, 30% high, 25% medium, 15% small high x medium => 10% full, 10% small, 40% high, 40% medium high x low => 60% small, 20% medium, 20% high
How many cats are in a litter?
This is subject to change, but a cat can have between 1-4 kits in a single litter. 
Can I breed my cats to have different eye colors than my borough?
Can I breed my cats with other users?
Yes! We have a system for cross-account nests which will allow two users to both care for a nest and then divide the kits. 
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Is there a cap on how much regular currency a player can obtain every day?
There will likely be a cap, but questions like these have become difficult to give concrete answers on until we can simulate the economy in closed Beta!
Will there be events during the game?
Yes! PawBorough will have an onsite story which will be told through events, in addition to holiday events which will give users seasonal item rotations. 
If I miss story events, how can I catch up?
All real-time story events will be documented in an onsite archive which users can visit and read at any time. Campaign events which surround Guild play will be re-playable, which new users can play at any time. 
Will the game have achievements?
Yes. PawBorough will feature a badge and reward system. 
Will there be side/minigames?
At this time, we are focused on a closed gameplay loop which is fun, satisfying, and rewarding without the need for an abundance of generalized minigame designs. We may incorporate unique, one-off minigames for immersion in the future. But it is our hope that they won’t be necessary for an enjoyable game. We would much rather focus our resources towards buffing out the gameplay loop, and accommodating several play styles with it! 
Are there any plans for a battling system for cats?
Yes! PawBorough will feature teams which may register at the Guild. Users will be able to go on missions with their cats and earn rewards, leveling up their team and earning exclusive items in the process. What stats does a cat have? What are they used for?
Cats feature seven statistics: Stamina, Strength, Sense, Smarts, Speed, Savvy, and Sorcery.  A cat's base stat number is divided among these categories. Leveling a cat up will allow the player to build out any given statistical category. Statistics are used for different dynamics in combat (mele, range, healing, dodging, etc.) as well as helping to calculate different daily item yields. Cats can be leveled up both by participating in Guild play and by yielding items.  Each cat also has a Fortune and Doom statistic, which affects good luck and bad luck in RNG and general combat. These two stats cannot be changed. 
Are base stats completely randomized?
Yes, but there is a cap and a weighted bell curve. All Founders start with the same base stat. 
Can I read official lore of the game?
As of right now, we are working on an updated lore page with a more interactive presentation and more meat than our previous iteration. We will notify all social media when we have a new page live. 
How will recolors of accessories work?
PawBorough features a dye system. All items will come in 12 standard colors and may be dyed to any of the 12 colors. Dyes are obtained via crafting.  “Special dyes,” as they are currently called, will feature more unique coloring from the standard item, such as holographic, polka-dot, or pastel. Special dyes will only be applicable to certain compatible items. (And in all cases, a special dye will only work on an item that the standard doesn’t already apply to. For example, if a shirt is polka-dot by default, there is no reason for the shirt to be compatible with the polka-dot special dye.) 
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Can I be an Alpha tester? Is Alpha open? 
Alpha applications are available here. If this form is closed, it means applications are no longer accepted.  Alpha is not open as of June 12th, 2024. We will keep active communication and announce when Alpha opens. Applicants who are chosen will receive emails with the appropriate steps. 
If I am chosen as an alpha tester, do I have to sign an NDA?
How will data wipes happen during the closed Beta?
For context, a data wipe consists of removal of all cats, items, currency, and user content.  A data wipe will NOT wipe the following:  Your account, including your username, credentials, and ID number.  Credit for any money previously spent on your account.  Closed Beta will feature at least one data wipe as the test comes to a close. However, closed Beta will feature as many data wipes as we the developers deem necessary for testing important game dynamics. As an example, we need to test economic balance, and will wipe as necessary to test new pricing and currency distribution. 
Is there a limit to how many Beta Testers there will be?
Closed Beta is limited to the number of Beta Keys sold on our Kickstarter. Population reports put this number at over 1600 keys. 
How much earlier do Early Bird tier codes get into the closed Beta?
Early bird codes allow 3 days of early access! 
Will Luna Stones be tradeable or will they be locked to your account?
All Kickstarter items will be tradeable. 
Are Moontail wings randomly chosen when using a Luna Stone on a cat? What about when you breed a Moontail?
Wing types are random when using a Luna Stone. To change a Moontail’s wing type, an item will be easily available. When breeding, the wing type of the parent will pass down. 
I am a backer. How will I receive my Kickstarter rewards?
With the email you used to back, you will be emailed a code for your beta key(s) and a reward code which will be redeemable onsite for your tier rewards/add-ons. Can I still pledge to the Kickstarter?
Are the Kickstarter items obtainable since the campaign ended?
No, and yes. We will not be distributing these items again. They are retired. However, when the site is live, you may trade with backers for Kickstarter items. 
Will I lose my Kickstarter rewards after a Beta wipe?
Any redeemable item codes will become redeemable again after a data wipe. 
Can two or more people share an account?
No. We limit the game to one account per user. If you are caught sharing your account with another person, you may have your account frozen. All items you may lose by choosing to share your account are at your own risk. 
Can system members have individual accounts?
When we say one account per User, we mean User. This means that systems with individual users may have separate accounts. However, any evidence of “funneling,” daily yield transfer, or frequent and egregious transfer of cats or resources which would give a User identifiable advantage over other Users will result in consequences, including but not limited to removal of the aforementioned resources and termination of one or both accounts. 
Can you change your Borough after choosing one at signup?
Can you change your username? Will multiple people be allowed to have the same username?
Your username will be changeable. No two accounts may share a username. 
Am I allowed to have a "side" account?
Accounts are limited to one per user. Evidence of frequent cross-account trading which implies the existence of a side account will result in investigation and consequence. 
What is the character limit on usernames?
18. It is the same for cat names. 
Will I get my account banned if a housemate and I both play PawBorough, and you recognize the same IP address?
No. In fact, we are rather lenient and understanding of this. We only will take administrative action if the cross-account activity is egregiously imbalanced and rewards one player with a clear, identifiable advantage over other players. 
Can players terminate their own account?
How many accounts will be reserved for staff use?
The first 10 account IDs will be reserved for staff use. This number may be subject to change. 
Is there a referral system? Are there any rewards for referring people?
We are developing a referral system in tandem with our badge system. Our system will reward referring players with a payout every time their referee(s) completes an achievement and earns a badge. 
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Can I use a cat I made in PawBorough as an original character / purchase commissioned art of this character?
Yes, we love it! However, no content featuring our doll art may be used commercially. You may not profit off of our exact images. We also require that any public use of our art or designs be credited back to our website.
Can I use cats in offsite roleplay? Do I need to give credit? Can I go make my own story out of my PawBorough characters?
Yes. Credit requirement largely depends. If you use an image from the site, you must credit us. If you’re using a mystic design of ours, those creature designs are owned by us. We would prefer if you did not completely divorce them from our game and give us credit for the creature design. Under no circumstances may you use any mystic designs in commercial content.  However, we don’t own the concept of a generic cat character. If you create and name a domestic cat in our game, you’re welcome to take it elsewhere and do anything you damn well please with it! Again, so long as you credit any use of our images, and use none of our images commercially!  Also, for clarity, we don’t own the concept of moth cats or cow cats, but our specific design elements in tandem with the breed titles are attributed to us. You’re totally free to make a moth cat design for your own use! 
Are we allowed to trade art for beta keys with other users?
Is offsite trading allowed?
For beta keys, yes, but at your own risk. Note that many games of our genre disallow cross-site trading with games in development, or altogether. We do not allow nor endorse disregarding the TOS of other games.  We are considering an embargo on cross-site trading of cats, items, and site currency both during Beta and for a brief initial launch period. This is to help preserve the microcosm of our onsite economy and grow it to a healthy, prosperous size before introducing the possibility of cross-site scalping. We hope you understand this decision. We’ll keep forefront communication with Users on these policies during the game’s lifespan. 
Can I sell my Kickstarter rewards for real-life currency?
No. This will never be allowed. 
Can I trade my Kickstarter rewards for digital or physical art?
Yes. Art as a traded good would not be counted under the cross-site embargo. If any cross-site content is included in conditions of the trade, it would be considered illegal. 
Will there be a safe way to exchange premium currency for regular currency with other players?
Two-step cross-account trading will be in place. Both players will have to approve a supposed trade before it will activate. 
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softshrimpy · 10 months
How To Woo A Hot Principal
Step 17: Oh Gods, She's Wearing Pants (NSFW)
Summary: Working at the Weathervane was exactly what you needed. The routine, the people, your co-workers. It certainly helped that a certain tall, blonde, fucking gorgeous woman happened to frequent the cafe. Now some may call hopelessly flirting with your customers inappropriate behavior.
But truly, when it came to Larissa Weems, who could blame you?
I'm backkkk! Sorry this update took so long, I started a new job a few weeks ago and it has been a hugeee adjustment. But have some smut from this lil shrimp 🦐✨
Tags: @variant-2402 @the-bagel24 @autumn-leaves-chasing-breeze @kimiinou @muffintopxs @h-doodles @bbykens @lilfartbox1 @bigolgay @winterfireblond @gela123 @i-like-reading @hopelessly-sapphic @alder-saan @im-a-carnivorous-plant @weemssapphic @barbarasstar
(pls let me know if you want to be tagged/ I missed you!)
Chapter 16
Cross Posted on AO3 Here
HWTAHP Masterlist
Life was actually looking up. You had been seeing Dr. Kinbott every other week to help work through the plethora of issues you had. On top of that Vlad was still getting you moving every day (you low-key hated him for it). He had also taken it upon himself to teach you everything he knew of vampire history. Sometimes you weren’t sure whether he was embellishing some of the stories or if vampire history was that insane.
Sometimes Yoko would tag along, more often than not to help him teach you how to use some of your vampire powers. You snorted the first time Vlad referred to them as that and then nearly died when he moved from one end of the room to right in front of you in the blink of an eye to glare down at you.
The one ‘vampire power’ you had the most control over was your sudden acquisition of fuckin epic strength. And by most control you mean you had to learn super quickly how not to rip every door you opened off its hinges.
Your other abilities weren’t anywhere near refined. Yoko had been trying to teach you how to use your enhanced speed which you had managed once before ending up smashing into a wall. You were fine, the wall however did suffer. (yet another wall that is a victim of your new powers. Rip.)
Since you didn’t know who your family was or where you came from both Vlad and Yoko had explained that you may have other abilities if you came from what they called a Legacy family. Apparently, they can have some super sick extra powers like hypnosis or transformation and the like. You were sure you were just a regular vampire, the odds of you having any extra powers were so slim you didn’t need to worry.
On top of that things between you and Larissa were better than ever. You spent every evening together, often ending with you staying the night in her quarters. And fucking hell was waking up to her almost every morning a gift from the gods.
On the nights when you’d stay with her, you’d help her with her evening routine, always ecstatic she let you help her. You’d help remove the pins from her hair, brushing it out for her as she removes her makeup. You always press kisses into her hair afterwards, your heart skipping a beat and the small soft smile on her face at your actions.
You’d both then change into pyjamas, hers always sinfully attractive on her. Then you spend the evening having dinner and cuddling on her couch. Sometimes she’d tell your stories of her day or about her past. you loved listening to her speak, you could quite literally do it for hours.
This morning you were lucky enough to wake up in her arms once again. You took a deep breath, inhaling the smell of her and feeling a smile creep across your face. You bury your head into her neck, sighing happily. You feel her stir a few moments later, her arm tightening around your waist. She lets out her own content sigh before pressing a kiss to your head.
“Mmm…good morning my darling,” she hums, her voice still raspy from sleep.
“Good morning pretty lady,” you hum back, leaning up to kiss her chastely.
The two of you stay like that for a little while, Larissa laying on her back with her eyes closed, one arm wrapped around your waist. You grinning up at her, bringing your hand up to trace the lines of her face. These moments with her, where the two of you are simply existing together, are your favourite moments in the world.
Eventually, though Larissa has to get up and get dressed, she does have a school to run after all. You love watching her get ready for the day. She always wears such gorgeous outfits, always looks so elegant and-
Oh, holy fuck she’s wearing pants today.
She so rarely wears pants, usually opting for skirts or dresses. So when she slips on a pair of form-hugging pants with a chunky belt and white sweater you almost choke on air and feel your face heat up. She bends over to pick up a pair of heels and you absolutely stare shamelessly at her ass.
You must have let out some noise, probably a rather gay sound with the way Larissa turns and looks at you. She grins smugly as she toes on her heels. She pulls on a blazer to complete the look before leaning over to press a kiss to your cheek.
“I’ll see you later darling,” she all but purrs and you have to resist every urge to pull her into the bed and ravish her right then and there.
“I-you- have a good day m’love,” you manage, ogling her as she all but saunters away.
You spend the rest of the day catching glimpses of the white-haired beauty every hour or so. She seems to be moving around campus far more than usual. Not that you’re complaining. When she does come around, nine times out of ten you get so distracted you walk into or drop something.
On top of that, sometimes when she appeared she would shoot you these looks. You couldn’t explain it but you swear the woman was trying to kill you. Gods, you wanted to climb her like a tree.
So after a lunch filled with you all but drooling over her and a couple of hours afterwards daydreaming about her and her stupid sexy legs and hands and face…where were you again? You finally decided to say fuck it and made your way to her office in record time. Vlad and his lessons could wait, you had a far more important task to do.
You entered her office quietly, not wanting to disturb her if she was in a meeting. The sight that greeted you made you actually choke on air. There she was sitting at her desk as usual. But she had discarded her blazer on the back of her chair and rolled up the sleeves of her sweater. She was typing furiously on her laptop, as usual, frowning at the screen from behind her glasses.
You locked the door behind you before striding purposefully over to her desk. By the time she glanced up at you, you were already rounding her desk to get to her.
“Darling? Is everything alri-oh!” She yelps as you pull her up from her chair into your arms.
You press a kiss to her very gorgeous lips and reach around her to shut her laptop and move it aside. You lift her up onto her desk, not once removing your mouth from hers. She lets out the cutest noise at that, hands moving to clutch your shoulders before she tangles them in your hair, tugging on it slightly. You groan into her mouth, teeth scraping against her lip. The room feels impossibly hot and she is wearing far too many clothes. As much as you like her pants they need to come off. Now.
Your hands make their way down her body, slipping under her sweater to caress the skin of her stomach. You preen at the hum she lets out, your hands becoming more daring. Your fingers slip under her bra, trailing gently over the underside of her breasts. She gasps, her mouth disconnecting from yours when your thumbs brush over her nipples.
You press kisses to her neck as you do your best to unclasp her bra. It does take a fair bit of fumbling and a few curses muttered to get there. Larissa lets out a breathy chuckle as she scratches the back of your neck. When you finally manage to get rid of the offending item you make quick work of removing it along with her sweater.
You press your lips to her collarbone, nipping at the soft skin just above her breasts. Her grip on your hair tightens, her hands attempting to move your attention where she wants it. Instead of giving her what she wants you graze your teeth along to underside of her breast, grinning at the way her breath stutters.
You decide your desire to tease her is not as strong as your need to please her and take one of her nipples into your mouth, lathing your tongue over it. The strangled moan she lets out makes your heart skip a beat. You nip at the pert bud, your other hand groping at her free breast. She lets out the most sinful sounds, your whole body heating more and more with each one.
Your hands travel down to the waistband of her pants, fingers quickly undoing the button and unzipping the zipper. You pull them and her panties down her legs after she lifts herself off the desk for a moment. She starts tugging on the hem of your shirt, trying to get you to take it off. You pull back from kissing her chest and take her hands in yours, moving them back to sit on the desk.
“Nu-uh honey, tonight I’m in charge,” you hum, delighting in the way her whole face turns red.
“So you just keep those lovely hands of yours right here. Can you do that for me, my love?”
“I- yes. Yes,” She breathes.
“Good girl,” you purr.
You get down on your knees, looping your arms under her thighs. You pepper kisses from her knee to the top of her thigh, stopping just before her soaking cunt. You repeat the action on the other side before gently pulling her thighs apart. You take in the sight of her glistening folds, feeling your mouth water at the sight.
“Is this all for me Rissa?”
“Mmm, only for you baby…” she moans.
You press one final kiss to the inside of her thigh before licking at her cunt. You lap at her slit, moaning at the taste of her. You’re certain this is what heaven is like, the way she tastes like the sweetest ambrosia.
You eat her out as though you were starved. You alternate between flicking your tongue over her clit and lapping at her entrance. Her moans and whimpers are like music to your ears, the sexiest symphony you’ve ever heard.
“Oh fuck, darling. Please-I’m-I’m so close-“ she pants.
You feel her thighs begin to tremble on either side of your head. She lets out a string of curses interspersed with cries of your name. You double your efforts, hands pinning her to her desk as she bucks and writhes.
“Fuck!” She cries.
Her back arches as she throws her head back, letting out a choked moan. Her whole body stiffens, thighs clamping shut around your head. You keep licking and sucking at her clit, only stopping when she gently pushes you away. You press one last kiss to her inner thigh before standing and wrapping your arms around her waist.
She truly looks ethereal in this moment. She’s leaning back on her hands, chest heaving and flushed. Her eyes are closed, breath coming out of her lips in pants. She’s glowing in the low light of her office. Her hair is slightly mussed, falling out of her elegant hairstyle in places.
You cup her cheek, heart-melting when she nuzzles into your hand and presses a kiss to your palm. You almost want to cry, luckily you don’t. You lean forward and press a kiss to her forehead, hearing her hum happily in response. You bury your face in her neck, enjoying having her in your arms.
“Darling,” she sighs happily, “not to sound ungrateful because that was truly wonderful, but what on earth brought this on?”
“Pants.” You mumble into her neck.
You lean back, idly tracing shapes into her collarbone. “You were uhm, you wore pants today. You don’t often you know wear ‘em. And you just. I mean you have such gorgeous legs and the most earth-shatteringly sexy ass I’ve ever seen-“
She bursts into laughter at your admission, cheeks flushing.
“It’s true!! You have no idea how hot you are Rissa. Like…I don’t know how I get anything done when you’re here looking like you stepped out of heaven every single day.”
“But the pants do something for you hm?” She chuckles.
“Mmm, they just tipped the scales of my already incredibly inappropriate thoughts about you,” you grin.
“Well, darling,” she purrs, slipping off her desk and sauntering in the direction of her bedroom while pulling you along, “I hope you had no intentions of returning to your rooms tonight.”
You stare far too shamelessly at her ass as she drags you into her room. You were so focused on watching her that when she spins you around and all but pushes you onto the bed, you can only stare up at her, eyes wide and incredibly turned on.
She straddles your waist, smirking down at you in a way that makes heat pool between your thighs. She slips her hands beneath your shirt, leaning down to hover close enough to your face that you can feel her breath on your lips.
“Now then,” she hums, “let’s get you out of these clothes hm? The evenings only just started, and I’m nowhere near done with you.”
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