#treasure island the musical
chaotic-historian · 11 months
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It's time for more promo pics from Folketeatret's current (Nov. 2023) production of Treasure Island the Musical! Today featuring the skeleton (haha) crew of the Flying Dutchman boarding the Hispaniola during a very atmospheric blues song (titled The Flying Dutchman), to take the newly dead O'Brien with them. Israel Hands does the singing and the freaking out.
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sonchop · 9 months
The Odyssey // The Odyssey, if Odysseus' men hadn't opened the bag of winds
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I'm going a little nuts. I've just read the Odyssey (they only had me read the Iliad in high school, so I'm correcting that oversight, lol). I've looked at multiple different translations because the library/Guttenberg Project are free so comparing/contrasting is easy and fun! I've also listened to EPIC. And like... it's an adaptation with an obvious set of themes drawn from the original they want to explore over others more predominately present, so there will be differences. It's also a modern interpretation? So like... it's not going to 100% adhere to ancient Greek values? Like a modern audience is going to have some qualms about baby murder, so if you want to adapt it that's going to have to be addressed (if you don't take the coward's way out and just shove every war crime on Neoptolemus - or go the full historian route and fully write from an ancient Greek perspective which may alienate new readers but could also be dope? It's subjective).
Like, we all should know an adaptation (especially a modern one) is never a substitute for reading the original work. But adaptations can also bring new or expanded perspectives on the original work, expand on or address themes from the work in a new way, as well as inspire people to read the original. And honestly? A popular adaptation should motivate people to read/watch the original - this is exactly what kicked my ass in gear to read the Odyssey!
I'd also say don't hero-worship the original. Especially if you haven't read it in a while and have a knee-jerk negative reaction to any new adaptation. The original works should still be read but let people have fun! Don't criticize, just say if you want more content/context read the original! I would, for example, never criticize someone for loving Muppets Treasure Island or Treasure Planet even though they don't stick one to one on the original Treasure Island story - even though it was my favorite book growing up. I think they both are made with a love of the source material, but are changed for the medium + the specific themes they want to address.
I don't know. If an adaption makes a story (especially and old one) more accessible it should usually be celebrated and met with encouragement to look deeper into the source material instead of acting superior - especially if you haven't read the source material in a while either. Let people have fun and encourage them to explore! Don't shame them for liking an adaptation, especially when it's made to expand the reach of a wonderful work to a younger, wider audience.
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lichfucker · 5 days
The idea for me Max to be the “wife” in treasure island only works if they remain miserable and constantly wanting different people but also…the familiar company keeps them going. They will outlive everyone but they’ll stop wanting too. They both made the choices that lead them here and now they can only stare at each other knowing it didn’t have to end this way.
Like I don’t know if it’s mean, but sometimes I think it cheapens the tragedy if like…Max ends her life happy. Like if anything, she needs her Jim Hawkins to be a clear sign of change but she can’t do it. And in the end, her and silver are still stuck clawing at surviving.
I know this fandom isn’t a musical one. But Max and Silver reminded me a lot of the songs in “Lempicka” especially “Here it Comes” and “In the Blasted California Sun.”
oh for sure. that situation on nassau we leave max in is NOT a stable one, not by any means, and it's only a few years after the end of the series that jack gets executed and anne disappears. I imagine that that's probably when max finally pulls the plug and flees to bristol.
I don't know if I'd say the tragedy is cheapened by max having that smug power shot overlooking the tavern. I think the tragedy is complicated by it. a pyrrhic victory, of sorts. yes, she got the thing she claimed to have wanted-- the image of a little girl in the muck peering through the window at the safety and warmth afforded to people Not Like Her-- but look at all that had to be destroyed to achieve it. how long can it possibly last? even with the reinforced backing of colonial rule, not nearly so ephemeral as some independent pirate haven, this place is still just sand. it still cannot love her back. other people have articulated this point better than I can right now.
also when I said I like writing madi in bristol because I like tragedy and misery, that's not to say I think everyone would be fine and happy if max were there instead lmao. I just mean that the dynamic of two people who thought they loved each other once trying and failing to make a life in circumstances neither of them could ever have wanted is particularly compelling to me. like. for a few months in her mid-20s madi had Everything. she had a vision of the future that would see the world changed and her people freed; she had authority over a community who not just respected her but revered her; she had the good love of a good man. and ALL of that got eviscerated in an instant by that very same man, and now for the rest of her life if she wants to have a life at all she must be anchored to that man as she knows him less and less; is forced to leave her home and travel across an ocean where she scrapes a living servicing englishmen; will die long before the end of the transatlantic slave trade. how can she ever move on from silver's betrayal? how can she ever get over it? silver isn't over it. silver stays fixated on it for the rest of his life, too. silver names his parrot captain flint. silver goes back to skeleton island to find that fucking cache and when he finally gets his share he disappears just like he always dreamed of doing-- one big prize, and with it freedom-- and where does that leave madi? alone, in fucking bristol, running the spyglass, playing barmaid to white english sailors until she dies. and this, according to silver, is better than her having died in the war? what if her death had meant their victory? he still wants her to believe that THIS is preferable to that? that HE finds this preferable? still? does he even bother pretending he still loves her? does she believe he ever did anymore? did he ever tell her a single thing that's true? she cleans spilled beer off the floor. her father died a king. this is not what she wanted.
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nine-frames · 4 months
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""Take a cruise," you said. "See the world," you said. Now here we are, stuck on the front of this stupid ship." "Well, it could be worse. We could be stuck in the audience."
Muppet Treasure Island, 1996.
Dir. Brian Henson | Writ. Jerry Juhl, Kirk R. Thatcher & James V. Hart | DOP John Fenner
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starboltz · 8 months
The soundtrack to Muppets Treasure Island slaps so hard right now for some reason
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In 2022/2023 Ethan performed the role of Long John Silver in Schatzinsel (Treasure Island)
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whiteshipnightjar · 11 months
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cmonbartender · 9 months
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M.I.A. at Treasure Island Music Festival (2007)
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frogshunnedshadows · 1 year
Captured by Long John Silver and his men, Jim Hawkins calls them "nothing but murdering pirates." This is their reply.
From "Muppet Treasure Island," 1996, starring Tim Curry as Silver. Probably the most faithful adaptation.
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tuberosumtater · 1 year
Pet the Jimbo <3
*GIF Version:
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chaotic-historian · 10 months
Having just seen Treasure Island the Musical, I finally did something I've never done for any play I've ever attended (because I'm usually busy clapping); I filmed the initial applause.
The crew are, left to right in order of bow:
Rasmus Fruergaard (Israel Hands) & Ole Boisen (Billy Bones & George Merry)
Morten Lützhøft (Captain Smollett, Blind Pew & Captain Flint), Szhirley (Mrs Hawkins & very scary Flying Dutchman ghost) & Sofie Stougaard (Ben Gunn & Inspector Dance)
Kristian Boland (my comfort actor and LIVESEY!) & Christian Mosbæk (Trelawney)
Mathias Flint (Long John Silver)
Siw Ulrikke Maibom (Jim Hawkins)
Posting this mainly for @verecunda but the rest of you may enjoy it too!
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omegaremix · 2 months
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July Vintage.
Any producer, vinylist, or sample searcher will tell you that collecting is a never-ending habit. One recommendation leads to another and before you know it it’s off to the races to scour the racks for some obscure or ever-elusive finds. Of course, you could also stumble upon some groups where diggers are more than happy to give their finds to you. That was the case with Vinyle Archeology: Crate-Digging & Excavation. I’ve shopped for jazz / fusion, soul, and R&B vinyl since the turn of the millennium for the return ritual of keeping in touch with myself through the music. It’s visiting a world I’ve bypassed and have been chasing to fully connect since. Vinyle Archeology took it to the next level. Their diggers have introduced me to uncharted territory while keeping the theme and aesthetic that I’ve longed for and enjoyed through discovery. More than six months after founding Omega WUSB in Winter 2013, I had the idea to give back more of this sampling, vinyl, and crate-digging culture where available, and see if it would change my listeners as our hip-hop dee-jays did to me at the turn of the millennium. Those stories are very rare if anyone makes them. It seems like I’m the only one I know who does. Though Vinyle Archeology, I found things that went deeper, divergent, and more obscure; all while keeping the spirit that these vinyl finds had me connected to. Brazilian jazz. French jazz. Japanese pink records and Israeli finds. African funk. Prog-rock. De Wolfe, Themes International, Bruton. Religious music. Space rock. The overlooked, the under-rated, and all that’s released that we never knew existed. This was it.
My first finds of this calibre? James Mason, Geoffrey Stoner, Sunburst, and Tarika Blue to start. Never heard of them until now. All artists should’ve been bigger names but for what reason didn’t. Now they’re given a second chance in the eyes of collectors and producers. (A Band Called) Death, however, did get a real second chance and now they’re in the history books. You never heard of Manzel, not by any shot, but you certainly heard of their drum break sampled for Cypress Hill’s “How I Could Just Kill A Man”. Almost unknowns in Smoke, Mighty Ryeders, Arawak, and Cortex. I never heard of them until Vinyle Archeologie. Have you? I never heard of Frank Ricotti and Francis Monkman either until I came across the Bruton music library compilations. Some really good bullseyes in T.S.U. Tornadoes and Chick Carlton & Mesmeriah whom not many people know about. Sounds from Mort Garson’s “Walk In Space” and a true oddball from Dick Hyman, “Give It Up Or Turn It Loose”, are timestamps of even a specific time gone and written. 7”’s and 45’s no one knew even existed until now. Then The Blackbyrds and Herbie Hancock, maybe even Flora Purim, are all-too-familiar names people know about. What do they all have in common? They’re connected to my Brooklyn youth, no matter how obvious or nebulous, that connects me to this very day. Find any record in a certain era, no matter how similar or disparate it is from the others around it, and they’ll share that certain quality, note, or feel that equates to a time and place that’s I’m still trying to grasp. To this day, I’m treading and discovering uncharted territory that people once visited before but have left for good. Only a few days after joining Vinyle Archologie, I had enough finds to assemble what would be its’ first bonus broadcast of its’ kind during Omega WUSB’s Year One. While it’s unfolding, these finds would also help paint another picture of a very specific moment of time not long ago.
July was one of the most pivotal months for both Cath- and I after three months of seeing each other. Our second chance became a reality for both of us. The night before we met after six years of absence (April Fool’s Day) she confessed that she made the wrong decision. She confessed that she should’ve chosen me all along instead of some random stranger who ended up becoming her first boyfriend. He was the one who got her drunk, introduced her to heroin, took her V-card, and ended up spending the night with her. He was one of the reasons why I didn’t see her for six years. Whether she could’ve avoided her addiction is up for debate. Some say she choose to get involved. Others say it was in her waiting to be unlocked. Who knows if I could’ve swayed her from signing an opiate contract with a full needle. I am only one person out of many who could’ve influenced her otherwise and every day I tried like a greyhound chasing that electric rabbit lure. But here we were now. After all of her arrests, blown plans, strange encounters, revenge-fucking and one-night-stands who bailed out on her, she’s here with me again.
Cath- and I decided on a locale to go to and Babylon Town Hall Park it was. I never been there but I assumed it was closer to her jealous boyfriend Smith’s house in Massapequa. It’s a sweltering July day. Hot, stifling mid-Eighties. Hazy, overcast, blinding white skies and unbearable humidity. Wednesday was heavily distorted and everyone was dying like dogs. I eventually pulled up right beside Cath- with our windows down and heard her say “hi” to me in a dull sullen manner. She was feeling down as usual. What else is new?
We got out of our cars and started walking around to shoot the shit since we last met. We veered off the beaten path and ended up getting lost in-between the town hall buildings with no one around and encountered the outdoor benches and tables, commenting on how sweltry the evening air was. Cath’s silly playful self layed down flat on the table, never offering a moment of pause during our conversations. Then her phone rang…
It was Smith. He’s at his neighborhood 7-11 and saw an underage girl all slutted up as he waited in line for his snacks. He was so shocked by what he saw that he had to call Cath- to tell her the news. Wow, you don’t say, Smith? I was so relieved that he didn’t call her up about how infuriated he was when I bought her tickets to see Nine Inch Nails with me or how he assumed that she was with me to fuck me. He knew who I was and I never met him. I wouldn’t allow my presence to be near any fucking minus sign. She didn’t tell him who she was really with though. That was a good five minutes lost for nothing. I shook my head and told her not to pick up the phone again. But that’s the power of mere mentions. Cath- was real thirsty. Who wouldn’t in this insufferable weather? We left the park and drove to the 7-11 a mile west on the highway for some drinks. A mind trick if Smith ever invoked one on us. We loaded up on some of that sweet stuff as she asked me how tall I was. What prompted her to ask was beyond me. “Five-five-and-a-half” I said. She had the idea of turning around and putting her back against mine, put her hand on her head, then mine, and proceeded to trade notes. “Five-six!” No surprise. She told the entire world this on her social media account once up on a time. We set our ice drinks up on the counter. I ponied up the receipt for both of us and we left. We drove back to the park and stayed for good this time.
Cath- wore her white woven dress with matching white stockings like I’ve seen her weeks prior. A blue-and-white-laced bra strap slipped out of sync with her dress and off her shoulder. It was enough of a nuisance that she kindly asked me to help put it back on with all the respect in the world for her. Good thing that was taken care of. Her phone rings again. It’s Smith again for fuck’s sake. I told her not to pick it up but she did it anyway. This time he wasn’t outraged about another random underage’s dress code. It’s about a fix he’s setting up for the both of them. She has her side to me while she asked a bevy of questions. “Who’s delivering?”, “How much?”, “When’s it getting there?”, “What time you want me there?” That’s another ten minutes of me standing there while she inquired about another batch to save her from those disgusting withdrawals. The day wasn’t getting any cooler by any means and I wasn’t getting any younger, but the phone’s down. We finally had the moment to sit.
Cath and I sat next to each other, her to the left of me, on a metal grated bench doing what we did best; talking, asking, listening to each other to the fullest of our abilities. Good news: we each make progress finding second jobs. Cath- nabbed both a position at a hamburger place and an office-supply store because she was weary of being jobless and broke and was scratching to move on with her life. I got my foot into a big-box electronics store while the other still stalled at food service. It took me five years to finally get an out and my manager was absolutely livid to see me go. I was super fortunate that for those five dreadful years that not one of my co-workers or his son’s friends happened to discover her through stalking my Facebook and tossing her name around the boy’s club like the wind-up merchants that they were. She knew all too well of the crayons, finger-painting, and building-block free-for-alls that I dealt for so long.
I noticed that two or three times our hands brushed up against each other’s with no objection or notice as we still kept the discussion going. We continued shuffling categories and traded questions for answers; answers that should’ve been easy solutions to what had become a crippling difficult situation for Cath- to untangle. It veered towards herself as usual: how she felt like garbage for the last eight years of her life with all of the wasted potential she’s thrown out, the unusual predicaments she found herself in and the results bestowed. She was still conflicted even though she was making moves. She was still without money. Her ma’ simplified everything to a nice and clean compartmental image for all who inquired to protect her family image. Dad showed tough love denying her tax refund checks and dishing daily personal attacks towards her in an attempt for her to wake up. Not I. There was nothing sanitized and Disney’ed about her addiction. No need for name-calling, criticism, belittling, or forcing the obvious. I heard it all. I seen the worst she’s posted. I understood, even if it was hard to take.
She stood up, stretched a little from being sore of sitting, then proceeded to walk a few feet towards the water. I slowly got up and trailed her while she was talking to me about her recent down moment. She stepped up on the rocks at the edge of the water where several other patrons stood. I stepped up and stood next to her. I put my arm around her waist and she leaned into me. Time slowed down.
I consoled her as she stood silent, listening to the encouragement I’d gave her. All the families and siblings of two, three, and four were pre-occupying themselves chit-chatting with each other, running around while they admired the water beside us. For a few minutes, we brought ourselves down to a personal hushed level. I didn’t know what she was thinking other than stopping to realize that maybe this was the moment she needed.
We came down from standing on the rocks and slowly walked back to the bench. We both sat back down together and leaned into each other. My arm once again around Cath- as we both held hands. Time stood still. We were in our own world unaffected by the voices of families and their small excited children playing together, the cheers from the coaches and the impact of aluminum bats coming from the field as the orange sun descended down the gray skies. Only the two of us mattered now. All her eyes could do was look down while we spoke as she took in the moment.
All the cards were on the table. For the next 45 minutes we opened up to each other. Our first time meeting each other on that freezing cold day in Lake Grove. Why I chose not to move on away from her after she disclosed her struggles to me. When she first rejected me over a night of ice cream. Our spring day taking the train to New York City and back. The meaning and symbolism of Diamond-suited playing cards. All that we messaged each other over the last three months we now said in person. She wanted to hear it. She had to hear it. The close, caring contact. The compassion, time, and proper attention and respect she needed, wanted, deserved. These were things Smith never gave her. She shared it now with someone rational. Someone reasonable to hear her out. As it always had, is, and should be. All without judgment. While we spoke about finding time to see each other in-between both of us working two jobs or our next stage of plans towards her recovery, I mentioned that I had two dreams of her. Once I was in a classroom that was held in the second floor in a small house in the Hamptons. During our mid-break, I stepped out to the upstairs balcony to find her there, smoking a cigarette without a care in the world while going over what the fuck our professor taught us. The second was when I came home from working at a Huntington clothing store but stopped by at a bakery the size of a very small Chinese takeout that was open at midnight. I brought something home to my old house in Brentwood, went straight downstairs to find the entire basement stuffed with stacks and stacks and bundles of old donated clothes from the opposite side of the wall coming in. Cath- was sleeping in five layers of thick blankets on an old red felt couch I used to have in reality, with whatever narrow space there was left to navigate as I greeted her with a box of cookies. But the most important questions I had to ask were if Smith knew about us, what would he say? Did he know about how close we were? How would I have to confront him not if, but when, there’d were any issues raised between us? And how would ma-, dad, and her sis- Cheree receive the news that we were becoming something? I wouldn’t know, at least not yet, because Smith was calling. That’s fucking it.
Cath- got up to excuse herself to take the call. No arguing or yelling this time, but he had her attention for a good ten minutes again as I sat there impatiently waiting for her to hang up, preferably in mid-conversation. I was itching to resume the evening with her. I got up arms folded, walked up behind her with an impatient mood in my eyes and pressed her to end the call, which she finally did ten minute later. She turned to me in an apologetic manner and said sorry to me for interrupting our zen to take his phone call as she hugged me hard for a good 30 seconds. By then it was 8:15 PM. The orange sun was getting dimmer and the voices around us started to wind down. So was our day. We finished up our conversation as we walked back to our cars to end the night.
She hugged me one last time and thanked me for seeing her again before giving me a light kiss on the lips goodbye, a nice touch to end the night. I promised I’d call her when I got home. We got in our cars and drove our separate ways home.
All I could think about during the drive home was how Wednesday unfolded. How could a straight-edge person like myself who has never smoked a single cigarette, who’s never downed any alcohol, or done any illicit drugs sought out to be with someone like Cath- who’s done it all? She’s abused her body in ways I never would…someone who’s cut herself, abused pills, got blacked-out drunk, suffered from anorexia and bi-polarity, and was wasting her true potential on heroin while she gave herself away to some of Long Island’s undeserving scum of the Earth who never deserved to put their grubby hands on her; all because of a poor social life in high-school that never panned out? Simple: I only sought the good in her while acknowledging the bad. From the moment I learned she was hurting herself, I stayed. I never backed down. They say you shouldn’t fall into someone with a labyrinth of problems, nor you should save them. But what was I to do? Leave her behind? That’s what anyone else would do. Not me. I hung in there because I seen and experienced something different from her than anyone else I met at this point. When the ones closest to me are in such dire straits, I help them out as much as I could.
I drove east through Route 27A thinking that my relationship with her was now a lock. For once in my life here was someone whom I really wanted to be with, not the long line of pitiful arms-down-to-their-sides undesirables who wanted me that I had absolutely no interest in. Not Molina who forcefully kept pushing her gifts and i.l.y.’s on me that I didn’t want, or Melissa who kept guilting me with meaningless conversations that went nowhere and makeshift “friends forever” greeting-card moments that I had to take part of or else.
“Hope I didn’t freak you out.”
Cath-’s message waited for me once I arrived home. I should’ve asked her that. We didn’t plan on what we just had. She was concerned that the unexpected would be a wrench that would cost us everything, but her slight uncertainty asked anyway. That ended right after our war of re-assurance that we were on the right path. We both felt the same for each other.
“I was always afraid to pursue anything because I didn’t want to lose our friendship. You are definitely someone I don’t want to ever lose. What we already have I’d never want to ruin and I want to work to make it the best it can be. I think it’s rare what we have you can’t get it all the time and I don’t want to throw it away. You’ve always been there and not many guys I’ve been around respect my views or opinions. I love that the most.”
There’s moments where some people see the clarity and appreciation through the distorted drug hazes, pop, and smoke from years of substance abuse. It took a lot, but Cath- grasped it. Our moment was the zenith that stood out above all the other objects in the sky. It was a lot of time and work to get here, but here’s the results we knew we wanted. I now had ten straight days of work to contend with in-between two jobs, but we’re going to make the time and effort to make it happen. I couldn’t wait to see her again.
Monday midnight was approaching. Kim of Purple Starlight asked me to take over her three-hour slot. It was the first of countless Sunday / Monday slots I’d vacate and still do to this day. We were still broadcasting at the old WUSB studios housed into the old Union building which was erected in the md-Sixties. Both spaces retained the original feel and architecture of the era without much change. A true relic of its’ time. Original egg-crate ceilings and that text-book smell of old books pressed of Helvetica titles. Solid-color embossed signs that haven’t been replaced since then. Thick doors, unpainted walls, old non-functioning call boxes with black Otis elevator buttons, and push-button locks still installed on our studio doors. Through out the journey I could smell the apple-cinnamon scent-of-the-month aerating the stairs up from Lord knows where it transcended but forever reminds me of this specific time of doing those three-hour bonus broadcasts.
The studio itself was never an equivalent angel itself. Our Dymo-labeled boards were made in the same era as the building. Switches broken. The original foam on the walls has decayed. Disused reel-to-reel machines. Non-functioning square-foot cut-outs where the turntables used to be with non-working solid-color buttons. The carpet was atrocious-looking and hasn’t been replaced since the Seventies. Elbow microphones out of operation. Random finds of single-spindled cassette cartridges, non-working solid-state PCBs, and flat-boxes of blank reel-to-reel tapes with disued reel-to-reel machines all over. A small production space no more than six-by-six feet used to be a news booth but housed a stack of old Scotch reels, a musty stack of outdated papers, and a wide dot-matrix printer. All this was the perfect setting of what I was about to play for the next three hours.
These jazz / fusion cuts played on that Monday and discovered via Vinyle Archeologie master these moments like pressing plants master their vinyl with the music they press on. Who knows if any of the sounds I showcased on that overnight were played before within these walls of the old studios; vintage equipment intact, even. But any reach of these finds makes it feel like it all happened yesterday. It’s 2020. Cath- is no longer in my life but the music sure is. Very much so. That July Wednesday which I’ll always remember is brought up as much as the finds I go back to. The sounds born from a totally distant time which defined an era it sprung from can also define new ones and personal memories decades into the future, at least for me personally.
Flora Purim “Angels”
James Mason “I Want Your Love”
Chick Carlton & Mesmeriah “One More Time With Feeling”
(A Band Called) DeathSpiritual Mental Physical
T.S.U. Tornadoes “Got To Get You Through”
Tarika Blue “Dreamflower”
Blackbyrds, The “Love Is Love”
Grover Washington, Jr. “Black Frost”
Los Chobros “El Sonido Cano Roto”
Frank Ricotti “Vibes”
Rufus Harley “Crack”
Smoke “Shelda”
Geoffrey Stoner “Bend Your Head Low”
Manzel “Midnight Theme”
Minnie Riperton “Les Fleur”
Scope “Big Ferro”
Joe Simon “It Be’s That Way Sometimes”
Jacky Giordano “Train”
Mighty Ryeders “Evil Vibrations”
Francis Monkman “Getting Ready”
Herbie Hancock “Butterfly”
Big Barney “The Whole Darn Thing”
Joachim Sherylee “Iceberg”
Arawak “Accadde A Bali”
Sunburst “Mysterious Vibes”
Tom Scott “Shadows”
Black Merda “Cynthy Ruth”
Benoit Hutin & Joachim Sherylee “Spot”
Cortex “Huit Octobre”
Dick Hyman “Give It Up Or Turn It Loose”
Mort Garson “Walking In Space”
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cool-as-steel · 2 years
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afterartist · 1 year
I accidentally got the lead role in a musical help-
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bonbonvr · 2 months
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