1-marigold-1 · 5 months
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anyways this is how I'm coping with lack of Moonlight chapter 3, so have this non-canon scene of Martyn seeing Ren for the very first time
pssst psst Lamplight AU by @liloinkoink
And also Ren's design is heavily inspired by @unexpectedly-haunted 's official one
so yeah
read the fic if you haven't 🫵
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riacte · 1 year
All the routes Renchanting could go in Life Series 5:
(Self sabotage along the lines of Ren burning his tower in Last Life, swearing, angst with a happy ending, 2k)
Ren moves on, and Martyn pretends he moved on too, but he really never left. Ren forms a partnership with different people, he declares himself as best friends with someone, but when Martyn strays into his path, Ren can't help but take notice of him. Can't help but trust him once more, can't help but to offer him a deal, can't help himself.
Ren's a seasoned veteran now; he understands that war is inevitable and he has to keep his friends safe in an impenetrable fortress. He's not as naive as he was the first time, when he freely let people into his enchanting emporium. If Martyn offered to be his marketing manager this time round, Ren might not have let him (but deep down, he knows he'll always let him in). Maybe Martyn's the chink in Ren's armour. If that's the case, then so be it.
Martyn's not jealous. He's really not. Of course he's glad Ren's found new partnerships and new allies this time round. Of course he knows you can't repeat the past. He's just relieved that Ren is here this time, and he finds a little guidance in him. Something is better than nothing. Even though he has his allies, Martyn's still a wanderer, but he makes his rounds back to Ren periodically, in search for something that he's too scared to ask.
It's not his place anyway. Ren belongs somewhere. Martyn's not in the equation.
So Martyn patches up the fragments of his soul, tucks away his puns and oneliners, packs up his monologues and vows, carefully puts the memories of Third Life back in that little part of his heart, and continues to roam across the world. Walls, corners, edges. Nothing has changed.
(Still, when an unexpected mob strikes, Martyn grabs Ren in a panic, their hands find each other instinctively, they run and they run, and for a single precious moment, it's them against the world again.)
(And when Ren inevitably dies, Martyn stands and blankly stares at what's left of his not-ally, not-partner, not-king. He wonders if it would've been different if he was Ren's Hand again. Probably not. They're all doomed anyway.)
Ren and Martyn ally, hands shook in a new agreement. It's not Dogwarts, but it's something.
They have new allies and new enemies. They're close, but not too close. They have a learned sense of self preservation. They crack their jokes, tend to their crops, enchant their gear, but it's not serious, right? Treating it seriously only results in more pain later. No one wants that.
Ren understands nothing good comes out of declaring himself as king. He always gets overthrown, his beloved defenders always get killed by the masses, his kingdoms always go up in flames. It's best to keep a distance from everyone. It's for the greater good.
This is a temporary alliance. They are all temporary alliances. It's just for fun. Once the end is near, it's time for them to drift away. Ren can't bear getting people getting hurt for his sake.
"We used to be something, don't you think so?" Martyn once asks Ren.
They're both thinking about Dogwarts. About a life a long, long time ago. A doomed life. A beautiful, wonderful, yet catastrophically painful life.
Is it better to have loved and lost, or better to not have loved at all?
They seem to have came to the conclusion organically. It's out of self-preservation, after all. Don't get too close. The story of the King and his loyal Hand is over. Let the dust settle on their storybook. Let the pages turn yellow. Let it wither. Let it die.
It's awful, isn't it? How they've finally found each other, after trials and tribulations, but they're too scared to try again. Where's that defiance against fate? Where's "give me a shield and I'll follow you to the ends of the world"? Where's "this is us now, this is us"? Where's the passion, the reverence, the reckless devotion? What beat it out of them?
"... We could be something, don't you think so?" is Ren's reply.
But they don't. They don't try anymore. Too tired, too drained, too timid now.
Somehow this feels worse than being separated. Not trying at all.
Ren's not here.
Martyn builds his own walls, builds his own tower, wraps the tattered scarf around him once more, the Hand frozen in time, sits and stays right where he's been left. Third Life never ended for him.
Ren showed him life, didn't he? Where is he now? Where's the life he promised him?
Martyn dimly remembers Ren sitting himself on fire when he was lonely in Last Life. Back then, Martyn had dropped everything to rush to Ren's aid. Ren's the one inflicting damage on himself, the prince locking himself in his burning tower, and Martyn, ever the firefighter, puts out his flames with a bucket of water.
In that life, Martyn leaped to Ren's defence. How could he not? Logically, Martyn should've left Ren. Stopped his damage from damaging Martyn himself. But Martyn's never been logical about Ren, has he?
Is Ren watching him, this time? Is his king out there, somewhere? Does he care? Does he care at all?
... Martyn reaches for the flint and steel.
(Someone— it does not matter who— knocks it out of his hand. It kicks Martyn out of his stupor. He blinks. His head hurts. What the heck is he doing there, mooning about a lost king? Why the fuck does he even care, when everyone moved on?
This has gone on for too long. If he can't pull himself up from the abyss, he'll have to go cold turkey. There's no other way. It's for his own good, Martyn convinces himself.
In a violent, swift move, Martyn rips off his scarf. He watches it burn.
... He swears he's only crying from the smoke.)
Martyn moves on. Ren thinks he moved on from Dogwarts and everything, but once he's back on the server, everything comes rushing back to him, as easy as running water.
He misses having a faction to protect. He misses being loyal to his people. He deeply misses his friends. He misses having Martyn by his side. He misses Martyn.
But Martyn's back to being a wanderer, cheerfully involving himself in everyone's business yet not staying with anyone, because he's permanently more selfish now, and nothing's going to stop Martyn once he's fallen off that edge. He's a cannonball, a tornado, a wild card. He's everywhere, but he's nowhere.
Martyn is cunning, devious, sharp as ever, still funny as fuck, but there's a wild look in his eyes now. He's untamed. He doesn't give a shit about anything. He lies. He backstabs. He's a nuisance. Thief. Plunderer. Shit-stirrer. And it's all for the heck of it.
Whatever happened to the loyal knight Ren once knew? Was Martyn always this way? Was Ren the only exception? Or has Limited Life broken him?
Ren still tries, with his kind smiles and elaborate gifts and offers of working with him, but Martyn seems to be avoiding him on purpose. What worked in Third Life doesn't work anymore.
Ren knows he should distance himself considering Martyn doesn't give a shit anymore, but a part of him can't help but look back. Maybe he can change Martyn. Show him life again. Maybe, maybe, just maybe.
("We can be allies again," he offers hopefully. Martyn laughs, and it's such a familiar sound that Ren can't help but perk up, but it's a harsh laugh. Twisted. Warped.
"No thank you," Martyn replies. Ren thinks Martyn's holding back calling him "boss" sarcastically. At least there's a line that he's not crossing.)
Ren knows he should let it go. It hurts, but dragging it only hurts more. Martyn doesn't want him, not even a little bit. His friends convince him. So Ren loyally sticks to his own circle of allies. He tries to forget about the permanent chink in his armour.
But when Ren carelessly steps into a trap, he thinks he hears an achingly familiar voice scream, "Ren! No!"
The world explodes in red and yellow. Fire. Dynamite. It's just like his first death, the one that turned him yellow the first time, the death that eventually led to his beheading, the one that started it all.
Now it ends. Now it all ends.
Ren's bleeding. He's on the ground. He thinks he hears Martyn's voice. That's nice. It's nice even if it's a hallucination. As his consciousness fades, he hears Martyn's voice,
"... If only you were there last time. If only I care about you as much as I did then. But the universe never lets it align, does it? You got over me when I didn't. Now I'm over you when you're not. I’m too early, you’re too late.”
Ren smiles. Oh, he sees through Martyn's facade. He sees it now. His lips part weakly.
"... Liar."
(Martyn's untamed. He doesn't give a shit about anything. He lies. He backstabs. He's a nuisance. Thief. Plunderer. Shit-stirrer. Liar. Liar.)
In response, Ren feels a squeeze on his hand. Comforting. Regretful. Apologizing.
"I don't deserve you. Don't forgive me, Ren."
I always do, Ren thinks. But by that time, he's already gone.
There is a simple rule to the Life series— everyone is doomed from the beginning. No matter who wins.
Ren is doomed. A kind, gentle man can't survive till the end. That's why Ren had to kill himself and let the Red King take over. Is that why Martyn won the season without Ren? Is that how Martyn won, without Ren holding him back, without Ren to guide him?
You either die a hero, or live long enough to be the villain.
Yet, none of it is pointless. The seasons are filled with joy, laughter, genuine connections are formed, and while it can be tragic, it can also be soul-shatteringly beautiful.
It's worth it. It's always worth it.
Once, Ren showed Martyn life. Because all Martyn knew back then was how to survive, not how to live.
But now, Martyn doesn't just want to survive. He wants to thrive. What good is surviving if everyone dies at the end, including his king? What good it is anyway, when Martyn ends up falling and falling again? What good is conquering the world when every tiny bit of it reminds him of Ren?
So when the new season dawns, Martyn decides to throw all of it away. His angst, his inhibitions, his self-pity. Sure, everything goes up in flames anyway, and this fragile world is temporary, but is that any way to live? To live without living, to live without trying at all?
They're all at spawn. Everyone's enthusiastically greeting each other and Martyn does the same, but he's frantically searching for someone, eyes wide. He's waited months and months for this. He can't take it anymore.
And then—
(A familiar chuckle, a flash of brown hair, eyes turning to meet his—)
Martyn remembers the precious vow they made in a parallel universe, under the moonlit sky, blood splattered on the altar, those bygone years and bygone lives, and he runs—
"REN!" Martyn screams like he's never screamed before.
Martyn's hands reach out. He doesn't care if Ren has moved on, doesn't care if Ren doesn't want him anymore. He only cares that Ren is here. Alive. In front of him.
And so he embraces Ren tightly, so very tightly.
"Martyn!" Ren sounds surprised by the intensity. "Dude! I missed you!"
And with those simple words, the shattered pieces of his world start falling into place again. Martyn laughs, a pure, genuine laugh from his heart. Everything's alright now. They can begin again.
"Welcome back, my liege."
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tonia-aaaaa · 3 months
just wanna let u know i got an email notification that you left kudos on my treebark fic and i got jumpscared because i love your art a very normal amount
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plumadot · 8 months
treebark does that to a guy 👍 embrace it we're all insane over here
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treebark 👍
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treebarkweek · 7 months
what is treebark?? not a term ive heard before, though i am new to the fandom
It's the ship name for Ren and Martyn! It's derived from littlewood (tree) and rendog (bark), and was created by @strifesolution 👍
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Treebark 👍
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liauditore · 1 year
aight i think i'll be releasing all my whumptober drabbles whenever i finish all the prompts (cus i am NOT finishing on time lmao) on AO3 as a collection but until then have this 👍👍
limlife martyn hurt/comfort with some treebark/solidwood/zombiewood if you squint (not explicitly romantic, just very affectionate, u can read it however u'd like)
// detailed violence, character death, light gore, implied insanity, implied mind break, swearing, hallucinations
The first thing Martyn knew was that it burned. The second thing was that he should’ve been dead.
As he dragged himself across the gravel, leaving a trail of red behind him like paint off a paintbrush, he wished he was.
His legs had given up on him, that much was clear. He was almost thankful he couldn’t feel them, if the splitting pain that ran down his torso from chest to stomach was any indication of what they would feel like right now. Not that there was much left of them anyway.
He grits his teeth, squeezes his eyes shut and claws himself forward another few inches, dragging the rest of his body behind him. The gravel scrapes at his exposed skin, leaving long, raw scratches running down his forearms. A hundred tiny needles digging into his fingertips.
He does it again.
And again.
And again.
Involuntary grunts escape from his lungs. He yanks himself forward. Something sharp cuts into his side. He yelps. His arms give in, his form falling down onto the coarse earth with an unceremonious thud. Forehead pressed against the coarse earth, Martyn chokes out something between laughter and sobs.
God, where the fuck was he even trying to go?
He remembers now. The game, the timers, the way Scott looked at him as he pulled the sword back through his ribs. He finds it funny now, thinking back, how fast he got to die. Martyn had won.
He remembers now. The moments after he killed Impulse. The clarity returning to his mind, the smell of blood and sea water in the breeze. The fact that nothing happened at all.
Whoever had Watched them, made them fight to the death in this sick game, didn’t offer any congratulations or reward for Martyn after his victory. He got nothing. Nothing but the continued beeping on his bracelet as the seconds continued to tick down.
He’s… Not sure what happened after that. There was an hour and more left on his timer. Then there was suddenly less. And it hurt. A lot. But whatever it was, it didn’t manage to finish him off.
Martyn laughs til his throat could take no more.
All of it. Everything he did. For this?
The least they could do was kill him right.
Martyn stops trying to move. His breath weakens and shallows.
Maybe if he manages to stop thinking, he’ll be okay.
Time passed.
The waves kept crashing.
The birds kept singing.
The leaves rustled in the breeze.
Something crunched, far off in the distance.
The ocean sung.
A dull noise sounded somewhere far off.
Blades of grass brushed up against each other, propelled by the winds.
Another crunch. Closer.
A larger wave crashed, the very edge of it brushing up against Martyn’s hand.
The crunches speed up. Closer. Closer. Closer.
That noise again. But clearer. Closer.
“Dude, hey!” it was a voice. Martyn’s eyes re-focused.
“Dude, are-are you okay?! Oh, jeez…” the voice was right next to him now. If he rolled his eyes all the way up, he could make out the bottom of the person’s boots.
This was… Impossible.
It can’t be him.
“Come on, babe,” the voice spoke. “Let’s get you someplace safe.”
The man lifts Martyn up into his arms, resting his head on his chest. Suspenders, Martyn noticed, as he nuzzled up to his mystery saviour.
“Eager there, lad!” the voice chuckled softy. Martyn doesn’t have the energy to smile back, but something about the way this guy is trying to brighten him up… Feels right. Familiar. He lets his weight sink completely into the man’s arms. Warm.
He doesn’t know when the tears began or when the wet splotch on Ren’s shoulder formed, but he didn’t care. He doesn’t know how Ren is even here. Or why he’s helping him. Or if he remembers him. But he doesn’t care.
“That’s right, there you go,” Ren whispered as he carried Martyn… Somewhere. “You can sleep if you want, my dude.”
Martyn woke up in a bed with way too many pillows.
“R-Ren!” he shot up to a sitting position, taking in his surroundings.
He looked down on his legs. Wriggled his toes. He was… fine. It didn’t hurt anymore. The bracelet with the timer on it was gone.
He was… in his usual t-shirt and shorts, not that gaudy outfit with the broken buttons.
Not Ren’s voice. Pitch was higher, accent was different, but familiar-- he knew this voice.
“Jimmy?!” Martyn’s eyes went wide, his breath hitched.
“Martyn, are you—”
He dived out of bed, tackling his former friend a little bit too hard. He squeezes him, burying his face into Jimmy’s chest.
“M-Martyn, jeez!” Jimmy exclaimed, a half-laugh accompanying his words. “Not that hard, jeez! Let go!”
He tried to kill Timmy. Martyn remembered. He set up that trap, he was so mad at him for… Everything.
He watched him die.
Babbling resembling apologies started to escape between gasps for air, incoherent yet visceral.
“You should be dead,” Martyn whimpered. “I watched you die, I would’ve killed you, you—”
“Martyn,” Jimmy sighed. “It’s-- It’s not-- I’m not mad, Martyn.”
Another figure approached, Martyn could feel the presence behind them.
“Oh, someone’s up!” Ren exclaimed. The dog-man squatted down. “Martyn, was it?”
Martyn just stared, unsure of what to do or say.
“You’ve, uh… Been through a lot, haven’t you?” Ren tilted his head. “You’ve probably got a million questions, huh?”
Martyn nodded, looking back and forth between Jimmy and Ren.
“I don’t… really understand what’s happening either,” Ren said. “But, uh, couldn’t just leave you there, y’know?”
“Ren,” Jimmy spoke up, still holding Martyn close. “I think… I think you should grab Cleo.”
“Right, right!” Ren bounced back up. He looked Martyn in the eye, grinning. “You should’ve seen the look on her face when I took you home, dude! I don’t know what you did to her but-- Sheesh!”
Cleo. Cleo was here too?
Martyn didn’t catch the rest of what Jimmy and Ren said. His head spun. Wooden floors, he noticed, and a huge window on the side of the house. Sunlight beamed down on a cute little dining table, littered with crumbs and dirty plates. It must’ve been lunchtime not too long before he woke up. This was… a house. That much was sure. A home, even. Multiple rooms. Bedrooms. Lived in. Ren and Jimmy, did they live here? With Cleo too? For how long?
Could he… stay here with them? Forever?
The distant sound of waves crashing ashore could be heard, a little more violent, a little angrier.
But Martyn felt safe.
And as his body finally grew cold, as his heart couldn’t keep up any longer, his entire body went numb.
Waves. Crashing.
The moon rose, full and bright and beautiful on the shore.
This is okay, he’s okay.
He’s going to go home.
A wave crashes over his body, dragging it towards the ocean’s jaws. He doesn’t even feel it.
As he dies, as the last beeps on his timer sound, his mind is not alone, cold with mangled legs on that deserted shoreline with the bodies of his former friends just metres away. He is having freshly baked carrot cake with people who care for him, hold him, love him around that tiny dining table in that cabin off by the cliff side.
Even as his body is carried off to be washed ashore someplace far off in the future.
Inthelittlewood fell out of the world.
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izzuvvu · 9 months
VOTE TREEBARK & SEND ME CONFIRMATION & I'LL MAKE A SHITTY TREEBARK SKETCH FOR YOU ANYTHING YOU LIKE JUST FOR YOU IF YOU VOTE TREEBARK!! dont get me wrong I Love gempearL but treebark Is aLways gonna be the one In my heart <3
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exampLe of how It'LL Look kInd of 👍 VOTE TREEBARK 👍👍👍👍👍
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sleepsart · 1 year
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This is treebark, don't maintag it please. Anyway, happy belated birthday to the idea of TBUH 👍 i liked writing it a lot
Rb if you like, thanks !
[ ID: A drawing of Ren and Martyn from To Bring Us Home. They're curled up in a corner of a building, asleep. Both of their faces are mostly obscured aside from Ren's smile. They're using backpacks as pillows and sharing a blanket. Ren has one arm sticking out of the blanket above his head, bandaged. End ID ]
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transfemzedaph · 3 months
any chance you'll post the names of those treebark fics? mobiles fucky and won't show me the fics once I open in browser
the first one is called nothing’s wrong when nothing’s true
second one is total eclipse of the heart
theyre both anon authors 👍
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riacte · 10 months
Space Opera AU dashboard simulator round 3 (but it gets a bit unhinged 😳) (post 1 and post 2)
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🗣️ bisexual-minerals-deactivated3467821
so there's this pretty lumian girl in my class. she's usually quiet and unassuming, but everyone knows she has an incredibly handsome lykos guy picking her up after class in his stupid scrappy clothes and blue sunglasses in his roaring glider and they run away to do whatever. void i wish that were me. what would i give to have the freedom to zoom in a sickass glider with a hot boy/girlfriend. i am absolutely sickkkkkkkkk with want. i want her life sooo bad i'm going crazy i'm going to thrwo up
🗣️ bisexual-minerals-deactivated3467821
why is this old post gaining notes. and why did my highschool groupchat explode with 564 notifications overnight
🗣️ bisexual-minerals-deactivated3467821
🗣️ bisexual-minerals-deactivated3467821
wow 👍
🍃 frogottenlands Follow
seeing this post is like seeing a soldier in the trenches during the 4th intergalactic war. first bisexual casualty of the combined power of queen of hearts and red king. it was so much that it deactivated op. i hope op is doing good these days
🪓 handoftheking
I mean, I totally get it. I would also be sick with want
#et1 #et1blr #dogwarts racing team #i can hear everyone screaming at me in the notes already #by the way: queen of hearts >>>>>>> red king. sorry ren
5,498 notes
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🚀 renthepilot
Hello good people of Sunblr! <3 <3 do girls find it attractive if I can count to twenty in different languages >.> RD
❤️ falsewell
🚀 renthepilot
Stranger, this is immensely rude!! Please #GetOff my post. Your opinion is not welcomed. RD
🚀 renthepilot
❤️ falsewell
lol it's good
i'm throwing you in jail for one thousand years. byeeeeee ren
🚀 renthepilot
🥺🥺🥺??????!?!?!?!! you LEAVE me?? FOREVER!?!??!!? OUTRAGEOUS!!!!!
❤️ falsewell
nah probably not forever. maybe like twelve years. ten if you behave
🚀 renthepilot
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
👗 takenbyrk Follow
OMGGGGG RK'S ACTUAL SUNBLR?? hiiiiiiiiiii rk you're attractive no matter what you say you're so handsome and gorgeous kyaaaaa~~ please be my boyfriend uwu >.<
#rklove #rkboyfriend #et1 #💞 #🐶
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💙 saltair Follow
It's so cute how H and Fruit helped QoH and RK win their first GPs and now they're coaching them back 🥺💙🦇 they've really came full circle
💙 saltair Follow
It's so cute how H and Fruit helped QoH and RK win their first GPs and now they're coaching them back 🥺💙🦇 the tables have turned fr
💙 saltair Follow
It's so wholesome how H and Fruit helped QoH and RK win their first GPs and now they're coaching them back 🥺💙🦇 they've came full circle fr
🎀 pinkjupiter Follow
girl help. i think one of my mutual's been stuck in a time loop for almost a year now. the only thing she's been posting ever since she went to the red desert is that blue bats gp from forever ago. come back from the war bestie, we miss you so much <3 <3
🎀 pinkjupiter Follow
oh nvm. i hope you stay in that timeloop forever. is the timeloop fun. i really hope it's fun bc it's fucking awful out here
#a bit of lighthearted humour in these times #also of all ages to get stuck at in a loop, it HAD to be 17. truly one of the worst ages #i hope she's doing okay #i hope i won't be old and wrinkly when you finally escape from the timeloop #we promised to watch the star knights trilogy finale... and now they're making a fifth movie #at least your ship became canon in the fourth movie lol
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🐬 everytimewetouch Follow
Hi Orbitors! Welcome to Sunblr! Hope you find a nice place to stay after the great Orbit blackout :)
🔺dancefloortwink917 Follow
Just arrived here... there's more treebark truthing than I expected 😂😅
🪩 cuntymirrorball Follow
Doesn't Orbit have that totally disrespectful conspiracy theory about the Blue Stalker over at o/bluestalkertruth? Pot calling kettle back huh
🔺dancefloortwink917 Follow
Well well well. 😇
And all of it happened before your cringe yaoi boys could even kiss each other on the cheek COMMON L
#get wrecked treebark truthers! #big W for us orbitors #who's in copium hell now huh? #:)
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🏎️ overtakes Follow
my only wish for the new et1 season is that et1twt learns to make their own gifs instead of stealing from sunblr
🏎️ overtakes Follow
still relevant 10 years later lol
🍋 lemonadesyrup Follow
holy crap it's THE overtakes?? we all thought you were dead?? like the streets were saying you were last seen at a distant fuel station in sector 451 and then you vanished from all social media
🏎️ overtakes Follow
lmao are y'all still believing my ex-cousin and her fake stories? i didn't die. i never died
🍋 lemonadesyrup Follow
i'm glad you're safe but i'm still very confused
🏎️ overtakes Follow
it's not confusing! death is merely a social construct ^_^
#but you can imagine i resurrected myself after hearing people on et1twt were reposting my gifs without credit #im putting an ugly watermark over everything now
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tonia-aaaaa · 25 days
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Why is everyone drawing treebark as worms??? Did i miss something??????
Anyways. Here's treebark as worms👍
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ilexdiapason · 2 months
oh! I see! I figured something positive might be better for her after today so I was gonna ask to hear more about the girlfriend and kitty rofl
her girlfriend sent her a parcel that is waiting for its time to be unboxed however we had to get out the other side of a life crisis before we could put ms deep-lasting-trauma back in charge and i think we still have a couple days on that. ninjaposting has helped avoid the woes. and her cat is supposed to get to hang out with her soon but idk when soon will be because they have a family holiday and then treebark have a gay holiday and then we'll be doing getting into university stuff. luckily our new planner arrived today so we can plan in it 👍👍👍
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yutarts · 1 year
I would love to do Treebark week again this year but i am currently being plagued by bone lesbians and i don't think about anything else soo 😁👍
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strifesolution · 3 years
do u have a spotify? potentially w playlists? asking this to feed my ll and 3l obssession that is rearing its head rn 👍
damn right i do! it's spirittamer
MX.SINISTER - last life
GAME OF LIFE - producer grian
CRAZY = GENIUS - monopoly mountain
THE BIDDING - 3L/LL/yogs martyn
loosing dogs - 3rd life treebark
make up your mind - last life treebark
COMMUNITY GARDENS - mcyt corruption arcs
GODHUNTER - eli (curse of strahd character based off of 3L martyn)
hope you enjoy! :)
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