#trevor spengler x gn reader
embodyingchaos · 10 months
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❥ ofc i can! again, sorry this is so late! @user40724432sworld
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yandere trevor spengler headcanons warning: manipulation, possessive tyler, toxic tyler, gaslighting, basically psychological torture honestly(tyler is basically just constantly messing with reader's brain)
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trevor spengler, the man himself! after lucky had rejected him, he’d been down in the dumps before you came into his life
you, the sun that shone through his gloomy clouds, as cheesy as it sounds, he was enamoured with you, thought you were amazing and beautiful
it always starts the same, a small, little crush turning into a big, uncontrollable obsession
an obsession to stalk you, to “protect” you, to feel entitled to you as if you were some sort of prize, some sort of treasure
trevor was extremely jealous and possessive right off the bat when the two of you first started going out
he didn’t let you go out with your friends, or do anything without him, he was controlling and clingy and you hated it
there were some days where trevor would allow you to do anything you wanted, hang out with whoever you wanted, and it confused you
you didn’t know he was observing your every move, allowing you to do whatever you wanted to test you, he was like some kind of predator playing with his food
he gave you some sort of false sense of security, make you trust him, make him seem like he was at least a little bit normal
he would pay a bunch of guys to scare you before beating them up and “saving” you telling you that “what did i tell you? you need me. you can’t survive without me.” and all that gaslighting shit
he talks to you as though you’re a little kid at times, treating you like one too, he would scold you and lecture you as if he’s your father or something
you were stuck in this relationship, unable to judge for yourself whether trevor was a good person or not, whether you should stay or if you should go
after all he does give you the option to go, “you can leave me, darling, but you’ll always need me.” is what he’d say every time, and every time he did, you would hesitate to go
you were stuck in this never-ending loop of toxicity and psychological torture and who knew when you’d be able to get out of it
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
TREVOR SPENGLER ; you make loving fun
summary ; you, Trevor's first proper non-toxic partner shows him true love, and how great it really is when you find your person
warnings ; language, mentions of making out, talk about toxic people/exes, verbal abuse, and emotional neglect
disclaimers ; Trevor is described as bisexual, reader is a garbage fan (green flag)
word count ; 1k
I'm working on reqs rn dw guys 🙏
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Trevor knew that the second he'd met you, he'd fallen head over heels.
The only thing he was worried about, after being reassured by both his mom and Pheobe, was how you'd treat him. His last ex was terrible to him, and by that point, he felt like he was an abuse magnet.
Thankfully, nothing was ever physical, he thanked whoever or whatever was looking over him for that, even fate itself.
Talking about past exes, his last ex-boyfriend first, he'd essentially treat him like shit and try to hide their relationship. He'd use him for pleasure and attention and then ignore him and act like he didn't know him. Trevor was always there for him, but he was never once available for Trevor. That shit ended quickly thanks to his mom convincing him to end things, plus moving away again made it easy.
His ex-girlfriend was slightly the same way.
For context, Trevor was never popular, but he wasn't ignored or bullied in school either. He was attractive enough to be boasted about, I guess, but he wasn't gathering hoards of girls to swoon over him either.
She used him as popularity points, as she was one of the half-popular girls who wanted brownie points for dating someone on a lower social level than herself. Trevor never saw it and had to deal with the consequences. The fighting, the way she'd scream and yell and argue with him over the simplest things. She treated him like a charity case.
So, he was fairly afraid to hurt himself again. He wanted to pursue you, he did. He was just fucking scared.
But, with enough pressure and reassurance from Pheobe, his mom, and new friend Lucky, he gathered the courage to ask you out. During that process, he rambled about how smitten he was for you and had to genuinely stop himself as he realized he'd never felt like this for anyone before. You weren't someone he just wanted to occasionally hold hands with and kiss. He wanted a genuine, healthy relationship with you. He wanted to be treated right, just this once.
But you, knowing about his past relationships, knew what he needed. And you were dedicated to showing him what actual loved looked like, what a real relationship felt like.
From dates at the roller-rink, to movie nights inside, you showed him that you could love him like how he needed to be loved. He needed to be shown that what he went through before wasn't normal and that you would never think to hurt him like people in his past did.
You made loving fun for him, he'd never smiled and had so much fun with someone, ever.
He loved making out with you in his new bedroom at the firehouse, and your soft kisses of reassurance when he was upset or stressed. He'd always find his stomach and lungs genuinely in pain from how much he laughed with you. He was infatuated with you, with holding your hand and caressing said hand with his thumb, with wrapping his arms around you to just hold you like that in silence.
His photos app is filled with pictures of you, over 500 through the past year. His lockscreen? A picture of you two at the county fair under dark blue neon lights.
He watches you sitting in the window, your body barely fitting onto the ledge. Thank God for bay windows, but christ, the people who made this building over 120 years ago needed some better architectural design here. What was the bay window for if not to sit in it?
He'd only woken up a bit ago, having been in the shower as you entered his room, awaiting his arrival. His family thankfully loved you, and would let you in no matter what.
"You look nice today," He comments, running a hand through his hair.
You turn to face him, raising an eyebrow. "Do I not usually look nice?"
"No, no, I mean, yeah! You always look nice!" He quickly sputters, "I-I like your shirt. Garbage, they're cool"
You lightly smile, reassured in his loyalty and kind-heartedness by his answer. "You're fine, Trev, I'm playing" You chuckle, "You've never even listened to Garbage"
You pull the sleeves of your undershirt down, feeling a cool wave hit your body like the wave of water at the beach. Your baggy jeans cover you perfectly as the sun peaks out from the clouds.
"You don't know that!" He exclaims, crossing his arms, "All your Spotify playlists are public, I can listen to whatever you are with a couple clicks"
"Okay, bud" You throw your hands up in a sarcastic annoyance. "Whatever you say, pal. I guess we gotta break u-" You quickly stop yourself, looking up at Trevor with slightly widened eyes. "Holy shit, I'm so sorry"
You quickly hop off the ledge of the window, your hands clenched into fists as you stand in front of him awkwardly, awaiting his reaction.
"I'm so sorry, that was uncalled for, I didn't mean to say that-"
"It's fine, Y/n/n" Trevor looks at you with a confused yet laid back expression. "Why are you apologizing?" He catches himself, finding the answer on his own, "Oh, well... it's not that big of a deal, it's okay" He shrugs, "It's fine"
"Sorry, uhm-"
Trevor quickly wraps you in a hug, resting his arms over your shoulders. "I love you, okay? I've never loved anyone so fun and amazing to me, joking about shit is fine"
You nod into his shoulder, "Sorry"
"It's okay" He chuckles, rubbing a hand over your back. "You're fine, it's alright"
"You're the fun one, by the way" You mumble.
"You're the one who makes loving fun, Trev"
He silently smiles, his face flushing as he holds you a little tighter.
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asseenontv · 2 months
Are You Okay?!
Trevor Spengler x gn Reader fluff
Ghostbusters Afterlife
Warnings: swearing, no use of y/n
Summary: when Trevor, Phoebe and Podcast first catch Muncher you’re in the crossfire by being a bystander on the street while they try to trap it and you get hurt but Trevor checks on you after it’s all done
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You’re sitting on the curb outside on the street and scrolling on your phone mindlessly, either on TikTok, Twitter or Instagram when you hear the sound of a loud and obnoxious engine getting closer, you look up for a second and see this junkyard of a car speeding up the road with what looks like… A KID SITTING ON THE OUTSIDE OF IT?!
You have barely anytime to react when you see this huge beam of light rapidly and uncontrollably whip around everywhere as it tries to grab a ghost-like thing, suddenly it loses control and goes straight for you in a flash of light.
The beam shoots at you and grazes your ankle, in turn, burning your shoes and pants (or leggings/stockings). You quickly splash your drink on your leg in hopes it would put out the small fire that was on your clothes and it does. You look at the car speeding down the street once again to see the small girl turn around and glance at you with a sorry expression.
A couple minutes later you see the car once again speed up the street to you except this time the little girl isn’t outside. It stops abruptly on the road and out jumps the girl, a boy around her age and a teenage guy around your own. The teenage boy turns to the girl and says to her, quietly yelling,
“You should’ve been more careful with that thing!” He says in an annoyed tone
“You know It cant be controlled easily, Trevor!” She tells him
“Well you almost killed them!” He says gesturing towards you
“You know what? Just go sit back in the car, I’ll deal with this and hopefully not get us sued” he tells both the boy and the girl
Once the younger ones sit back in the car and close the door, the teenager looks down at you and then sits on the curb next to you
“Does that hurt? Did it burn you? I can get something cold to put on it” he says in order to try and make things right, he talks in kind of an awkward tone as well
“Yeah it does hurt a bit, it would be nice to get some ice or something” you say while checking the damage again and then looking up at him, he was quite tall even when sitting down
“Yeah okay, sure let me get you something” he says and hops up and walks to a shop next door
He comes out a minute later with a canned drink in hand and gives it to you
“Sorry they don’t have much for a burn, it’s cold enough though, right? He asks while sitting down again
“It’s fine, I’ll ice it when I get home” you say putting the can on your burn and looking down again
“I’m Trevor, the two kids with me are Phoebe and Podcast” he says raising his hand awkwardly for you to shake
You shake his hand slowly “Podcast?” You ask in confusion and with a small smile
“I don’t know, he calls himself that”
“Okayyy…” you say awkwardly
“Also are you gonna tell me what the fuck that was you shot me with?” You say looking back at him
“I didn’t shoot you?” He says with a fake offended tone “also I barely understand so I can’t explain much”
A small silence happens after until you interrupt it by saying your name to him and he smiles at you
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
You guys talk for a couple minutes, laughing about stuff and it turns out you guys have a lot in common, music, movies and interests in general
“Well look at that” the little girl from earlier steps out of the car and stands infront of it to which you and Trevor look at her
“Looks like you finally got a partner so you don’t have to act all weird at that job anymore” she says in a rather dry and sarcastic attitude
“Shut up Phoebe!” Trevor yells back at her
“We have to go home anyways, Podcast needs to go home as well” she says gesturing for him to get back inside the car
Trevor sighs and stands up but before getting in he says “oh, can I get your number? I wanna hang out because you seem actually cool”
“Yeah sure” you take his phone and put your number in
“Thanks” he says with a smile and hops inside the car and speeds off down the road
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Later that night when you’re laying down in bed you get a text
“ Hey i was wondering if you wanted to hang out tmr? “
It Was Trevor
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Hi this is my first fic in a long time! Let me know if you wanna see more of something :)
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goddessofmischief · 2 years
hello !! may i request some Trevor Spengler x gn!reader headcanons ?
i dont know if you do those and if you dont you can just ignore this
A/N: I love doing headcanons! More requests for headcanons, please!
Dating Trevor Spengler Would Include..
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So, you'd definitely meet Trevor at the diner.
He'd attempt to keep the whole 'Ghostbuster' thing secret.
And he'd be successful at it, for a while. Even after you start dating and you're over at his house, he manages to convince you that Stantz, Venkman and Zeddemore are just his crazy uncles. Even Phoebe manages to keep it secret.
Until, of course, some major, ghost-related disaster happens, and Trevor ends up going out to New York with Stantz, Zeddemore, Venkman and Phoebe - and they all end up on the news.
He would be freaking out when he found out.
You'd call Trevor immediately, and the two of you would talk about it when he got back.
Of course, you'd be the most supportive partner ever.
After awhile, Venkman even decides to teach you about how to be a Ghostbuster (despite Trevor's best wishes.)
You'd love it immediately.
Long drives out in the Ectomobile.
Going through drive-thrus with the Ectomobile.
Watching the sunset in the Ectomobile.
Being an adopted big sibling to Phoebe, including helping her with homework (which Trevor is useless at.)
Stantz making you your own Ghostbuster suit.
You and Trevor swapping Ghostbuster suits on accident.
Not minding being called 'Spengler' when you wear his suit.
You and Trevor taking jobs as Ghostbusters after high school.
Being the Ghostbusters secretary on slow days.
You actually befriending Muncher.
Trevor hating that you befriended Muncher.
You and Venkman teasing him together.
Knitting with Stantz on slow days.
Zeddemore teaching you how to run the business, promising to leave it to you someday.
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
Platonic Phoebe and Trevor x Gary Grooberson’s teen kid reader and adjusting to being stepsiblings?
OH MY GOD YES BRO RJSKDMSNSN ; I did my best pls bare w this 💀💀💀
SPENGLER SIBLINGS ; stepsiblings
summary ; youre Gary's kid and you have to adjust with two new stepsiblings
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; your mom is nonexistent/Gary adopted you. it's not a topic brought up at all I don't think but you can choose, ik some people don't like kid of ___ reader or ____ sibling reader so beware lol, takes place between afterlife and frozen empire so no spoilers for anyone who hasn't watched gbfe yet, reader can drive/is around Trevor's age
word count ; 675
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it's so awkward at first
especially since you've never had siblings before so it's like they're teenage roommates
like okay your parents are dating or whatever but like, ew?
except you're living with them, not the other way around
both gary and callie are trying to urge you to interact but it's just not happening
you're not really a ghostbuster either, you aren't smart in the sciences and aren't into the whole ghost thing anyways
you're more into traditional ghosts anyways, not the ones that show up in broad daylight and need to be trapped by proton barriers
it's very rough at first
you connect with phoebe first, as a once in a blue moon experience happened, she wanted to act like a normal 14yo and go get ice cream
Callie couldn't take her because she was busy helping trevor with work stuff and told her to ask you
she was like 🤨 and like... "okay?-"
she asks and you look at her like 🤨😊
you guys go get ice cream and she tells you all about the shit you pass on the way there and back home
you surprisingly end up bonding over the struggle of talking to others like normal people and being well reserved with little to no friends
then comes the bonding over a certain book you both liked
the whole car ride home is oasis on the radio and chatter about this book, and going the longest possible way home because you didn't want this bonding moment to end
you sat in the car after phoebe got out, just sitting in silence
you were kind of in awe yet saddened the moment had ended because you were bonding so well
after that she clearly sees you in a new light and looks to you for your wisdom and clear view of the world when she's wrapped in her own madness and needs untangled
you were the trusting older sibling she needed since trevor never really understood the proper being there for your sister thing
they're proper siblings and whatnot but it's not like they go to each other if it's not to shit talk people
you're like their mediator and therapist sibling
getting through to trevor was much harder
you ended up finding him a job and he was like 🤨😒 when you showed him
"oh- uhm, sorry. I was just trying to be nice" and you quickly scramble away
he's just confused cause like ??? you never talked, he didn't even know how you knew he was looking for a job
he comes into your room a couple hours later like "Hey sorry I acted all weird, thanks"
and that's it
bonding with him is so hard, and Gary and Callie are like "okay go fucking do something"
you're all (spengler-groobersons + podcast bc phoebe needed a friend her age) out at an amusement park, and these mfs ditched yall at the carousel next to the bathrooms
and they weren't picking up their phones
you were basically forced to interact now, which was much less awkward in an amusement park
you guys ride some rides and get some food as you frequently call your parents
you finally find them, phew
but you two obviously made a little friendship and had fun together
took a little longer to get used to each other but you're fine now
awkward teenager shit yk?
in general, the three of you now are super close
trevor is your hype man when it comes to talking to people or doing something out of your comfort zone
phoebe is your hype man when you talk to her about maybe wanting to be a ghostbuster / study ghosts
you're the driver for the three of you, callie doesn't trust Trevor with driving, considering how he was driving the ecto1 when he first got it usable again, and obviously, phoebe can't drive
after a few years you're basically just like normal siblings
you three have a sibling group chat and it's 90% you sending memes, Trevor sending random tik tok links and phoebe begging you two to stop blowing up her phone
spenglerson siblings 🔛🔝
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
Trevor Spengler dating headcanons?? With a paranormal enthusiast?
YESYESYESYES FINALLY TREV REQUESTS OMG YEAHHAHAHSHAH ; thank you for requesting!! hope you enjoy :)
TREVOR SPENGLER ; dating headcanons
summary ; dating stuff w trev
warnings ; language
word count ; 539
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he's literally obsessed with you
always talking & thinking about you
he's got over 500 pictures of you too
his lockscreen is a picture of you two together as well, so he's constantly opening his phone to see it
he's got a couple widgets that are just you as well 💀🙏 it's all nice and themed bc you showed him how to do it
probably picks up editing for you
surprisingly a great editor, he's 100% into shake and transition edits, no matter how long they take
your contact name is probably "y/n/n 😈🔥" because he's a teenage boy.
you can't tell me he doesn't frequently use 😈🔥🗣⁉️🤞👍💪💀 etc
he isn't big on physical affection (mostly pda) but he has his moments. he's much more into physical affection when you're completely alone or just w pheobe or lucky tho
likes slinging an arm around your shoulder or giving/relieving reassuring and comforting hugs, or some hand holding
he doesn't like feeling like he needs to prove to people that you're together or anything which you 100% understand
his love language is quality time
always watching movies, driving around together, playing video games, etc
he's not great with his words but when he says he loves you and cares about you, he's being completely, truthfully honest
you guys discuss drama and make fun of fake bitches together, in and out of school
watching those tik tok storytime slides shows and they're WILD. you're cackling and confused at the same time
go watch derrick branch to see what I mean cause holy shit those storytimes r wild
he loves teaching you all about the ghostbuster gear
and also about ghosts, their spirits, haunted objects, etc
uses big words like protons and neutrons to try and impress you and sound smart
thinks you look cute in the ghostbuster suit
you guys play around with the proton packs and play with them like nerf guns (off of course)
custom ghostbuster patches on your backpacks/special jackets
you make a drawing of him and slimer together LMFAO
trev is all miserable and hunched over like 🧍‍♂️😒 and slimer is like floating above him a bit like 😊👍
he loves it, it's on his wall
always going on adventures together
you teach him stuff about your hobbies, and he teaches you stuff about his
sharing spotify playlists>>>
making food together is like a shared couples hobby
collecting plushies because why not
matching clothes galore
and stealing clothing out of each other's closets
ruffling his hair (and washing it when he's lazy/has no motivation to do it himself)
randomly sending each other memes/gifs/emojis
sharing an umbrella
pressing your foreheads together and sitting in silence
pushing his hair behind his ears randomly to get a better look at his face
remembering little things about each other
facetiming even to just sit in silence and do your own thing
conspiracy theory dumping on him
working at the lab with lucky to understand Ghosts better
buzzfeed unsolved with Ryan and Shane 24/7. you guys (you) geek out over that shit
your first time ghostbusting, you literally just watched in awe
like ghosts are actually real?? omg
you ranting about how you wanna be a professional ghost hunter
figuring out new info on ghosts, how they function, how it all works etc
you're like a little scientist
he thinks it's so cute
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
hiii!! you are literally blessing tumblr rn with your trevor fics omg... anyways!! i was wondering if i could request a trevor spengler x fem!reader in which reader comes in with a ghost issue and the ghostbusters have to help her and almost immediately trevor wants to impress her with his "skills"... i think that would be super cute!! just her explaining the situation with the ghost and trevor is trying to act all cool and collected.. i hope that makes sense!!! thank you so much!
awe thank you!! glad to be serving you guys ; and yeah ofc ! only thing is I only write gn readers so I apologize for that, but I don't think I referenced pronouns or anything referring to gender at all so 👍 ; thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy
TREVOR SPENGLER ; impression
summary ; Trevor trying to win you over with his "skills" and knowledge of being a ghostbuster
warnings ; language
word count ; 665
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"It's in the kitchen" You say, leaning against the door as you close it behind Trevor and Phoebe. Callie and Gary look to the kids, silently asking if they could do it on their own.
The pair nod, letting the adults sit on the stairs in front of the door. You lead the teens into the kitchen, showing them Slimer, eating everything out of your fridge.
"Fourth time this month. It stayed long enough for me to able to call" You inform quietly, watching Trevor beside you nod, Phoebe looking on with a bit of disgust and confusion. "He's a nice little guy, but I can't afford it in this economy"
"Yeah, we can take care of that for you," the boy replies, a quiet tone shaping his words so as not to scare the ghoulish creature raiding your fridge. He looks over at you, clearly a look in his eyes like he wanted to impress you for some reason.
Phoebe rolls her eyes and grabs a trap off the side of her proton pack, handing it to Trevor. "Go on, impress them"
"I'm not-" Trevor quickly speaks, then sighs, "Whatever"
He quietly sets up the trap, avoiding Slimer, now sitting on the floor, infecting the floorboards with its green goop. He stands back, crouched down in the doorway, foot on the lever of the trap. The proton thrower rests in his arms, finger on the trigger as he tries to lure Slimer toward the trap, hidden behind the doorway.
Unfortunately, the plan didn't work how Trevor wanted, now covered in green slime.
"Shit" He mumbles, wiping the goo off of his face.
You chuckle with a little smile, looking to Phoebe who gave you that "make him stop" look.
"Sorry, uh.." Trevor awkwardly says, gathering the trap to hand it back to Phoebe. "That obviously didn't go how it was intended"
"It was still impressive, I've never seen someone with so much patience try to do this before" You say, purposefully trying to boost his ego.
He smiles, "Yeah, uh, well... I'll clean all this up for you." He wipes some more slime off of himself, trying to move it to the floor for easier cleaning. "Uh, where's your mop?"
You point to a closet in the hallway, leading him to the cleaning supplies. Phoebe pulls you away, telling Trevor that you needed to speak with Callie and Gary for a moment.
"You've got an impressive son out there, ma'am," you say with a smile, quickly catching focus of her kind and comforting presence. "He's a real gem"
"Oh, yeah" She smiles, "He's a special one. Kind boy, I swear"
Phoebe looks at her mom with the same look. "Are you trying to wingman for Trevor?"
"This is the power level indicator, and that's the intensification button, to like, up the anti, yknow?" Trevor explains, showing you how the proton thrower worked, trying to find any sense of interest in your eyes.
Luckily, your facial expression showed that clearly, as you were actually paying attention to him and the explanation of how his gear worked. You nod in response to him, trying to think of a question to ask to not make things weird.
"So, like, what do protons do? Like, to ghosts?"
"Oh!" He smiles, thanking whatever force was out there that you asked a question he could answer. "Basically-"
"Basically, he wants to go on a date with you" Phoebe quickly buts in, walking past with a smug smile for Trevor.
He quickly looks back to you, eyes widened. "Uh, don't listen to her!"
"I mean, I'd like that," you shrugged. "I'm impressed. That's what you wanted, right? I'll go out with you"
He blinks a few times, trying to make sure he'd heard you correctly. "Uh, oh my God, uhm, okay!" He nods. "Did I actually impress you?"
You smile and nod, giving him the answer he wanted, and you knew was the truth.
"You owe me twenty dollars, Phoebe!"
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
Trevor Spengler meeting a ghost his age that is stuck as a ghost because they doesn’t remember their surname or how they died or where they used to live? Like all the ‘important info’ from their memories is gone? Headcanons or one shot? Maybe he was called to “evict” them from a residence and took them home to try to help them?
oh em gee YESSS YESYESYES I love the gbfandom cause yall r so creative ; also this sounds very familiar to frozen empire LMAO ; dw melody kinda slayed ; phoebe is definitely gay idc ; reader knows how they died but not much else, but dw it's for the plot. it's alright let me go by summerdrive is literally the final part of this lol ; also this is super long compared to my other works. I think its good though lol
summary ; youre a lost ghost with no way around the new way of life you'd found yourself in, and trevor is intrigued by you, and decides to try and help you out
warnings ; language, talk about car crashes/death due to car accidents
disclaimers ; set post-frozen empire, me not knowing wtf mannhattan looks like. there's a hilly kind of area near lincoln park bc I said so
word count ; 2.4k
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The day progressed as usual for Trevor. Wake up, eat, chill out, wait for someone to call, go bust ghosts, come home, eat, sleep and then repeat it all again. Currently, stage five was in progress.
He sits behind Gary in the driver's seat, Phoebe at his side, and his mom in clear view in the front passenger seat. There was no speeding or heavy fight scene, just a calm drive out to a house just outside the main city.
Someone had called in a ghost, I mean, more like a haunting in Trevor's eyes. Nothing was being destroyed, but a very, very apparent ghost had spent the past week sobbing in the attic and banging on the walls.
As he lays eyes on them, he's mesmerized. Their aura is a light blue, contrasting the dark green, brown, and black hues surrounding the attic. They were like a match in the dark. He was attracted to them like a moth to a flame.
He stands on one side of the attic entrance, them on the other. He had to basically turn around to see them on the opposite side of the attic.
He awkwardly and shyly waves, seeing them look back at him, their face contorted to one of discomfort and shock. Tears drip down their cheeks and down onto their neck, scratches and bruises covering their opaque arms, legs and face. A light flickering movement trails down their arms and onto their shoulders and neck, resembling fire.
"Who are you?" They ask, a harsh tone in their voice. Their hands are balled into fists, hanging at their sides.
"Uh, my name's Trevor" He says, showing his empty hands for you, to get some sense that he wasn't here to hurt you. "I'm a Ghostbuster, we got a call that you've been banging walls and stuff..."
They look at him up and down, still thinking this Trevor guy wasn't very trustworthy.
"I just wanna help, okay? What does it take to get you somewhere safer and away from this house?" He asks.
They shrug, unable to hold eye contact. "I don't know why I'm here. I don't know how I'm supposed to move on, I just wanna see my dad again"
Trevor's face quickly morphs into one of solem, feeling the same way as you right now. "I can try and help you move on" He suggests, "Do you know how you... died?"
"Car accident" You answer.
His eyes slightly widened for a moment before answering. "Would you like to come with me? So we can help you move on? We have a lab not to far away, we can try and help you find your way to continue on"
Phoebe, who'd been listening in from downstairs, having been holding the ladder before, speaks up. "We can help you break the fabric and space in time!"
They slightly jump back a bit, not having known that Trevor had guests.
"That's my sister!" He quickly explains, shooting a glare down the ladder towards her. "It's okay, we aren't here to hurt you."
They step forward a bit, the two separated by the hole in the attic floor. They peek down at Phoebe, who gives them a little wave and smile. They look back up at Trevor, who gives them a reassuring yet unsure look, silently urging them to come with him.
"Fine. But not to be experimented on. I just want to see my dad again, okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, that's okay!"
Forty-four days that the lonely ghost had been staying at a lab where the somberly walked around, trying to remember anything other than their death. What were they meant to do?
They and Trevor had grown close, though.
He'd been working with them one-on-one nearly everyday, trying to figure out who they were, when they died, where they died. They'd grown accustomed to this talk, having it not make them grow sad or angry anymore. They became numb to it, they just wanted to move on.
Trevor made their time here worth it though. He understood them more than anyone else. They wouldn't even work with Lars or Lucky if he wasn't around. Lars would scold them and reinform that if they didn't cooperate that it would only take longer, but they didn't mind at this point. They'd like to stay and hang out with Trevor some more.
The same ripped jeans and sweatshirt they wore when they passed never grew any more deteriorated than it already was, strings and rips never mending themselves. They were still comfortable though, physically and mentally. That last day they spent with their father, they didn't know much about it, but their insides grew warm when they thought about or tried to remember it.
Hours and hours of work was rewarded with Trevor taking them out on a walk through the city and showing them the sights. They enjoyed it quite a lot, and didn't mind any stares or looks, just enjoying the time they were able to spend with the boy.
On one of these walks, Trevor brought up some good news. "I think we found your case, Y/n"
They look over at him, an eyebrow raised.
"We found the newspaper caption of the day after you died, it all matches up." He explains, pulling out his phone to show you a picture. "Car flips over gaurd rail near Lincoln Park, one dead, one in critical condition"
They nod, looking back up at Trevor. "I'm guessing I'm the one who died?"
He nods. "In the article it says your name, and your dad's" He hands the phone over to them, pointing the location as they zoom in.
"Y/n L/n" They whisper. "L/n"
He slows down the pace, seeing the look of pain in their eyes.
"What about my dad? Did he die too?"
He nervously shrugs, not having a definitive answer. They nod, handing the phone back.
"That's a great lead though, we can find out where he is. And maybe that can help us get you into the next realm, or whatever it is" Trevor speaks with reassurance. "I will get you there, I swear that on my life, okay?"
The two stand in front of each other on the empty sidewalk, surrounded by trees and cars passing by. He looks up at them, truth behind his dark eyes.
They chew at the inside of their cheek with a nod, wishing they could just hug him right now.
"Can we go visit where...." They speak softly, trying to ask a bit of a heavy question. That question should've been heavy for them, not him of all people.
He nods with a little smile, planning to go after they went out to eat, or, he did. Ghosts of their kind thankfully didn't need food, just being floating spirits trying to find their escape.
The dusk had turned to night, the sun having set not long ago, the streets lit up by lights and the moon. The walk towards the crash site was silent while Y/n looked over the newspaper pictures a few times.
2021. That wasn't that long ago, yet it seemed like an eternity.
They approach the dented gaurd rail, right where the car must've flipped. Trevor hangs back, putting his phone back in his pocket after they gave it back. They look down the hill, seeing scraps of metal and tire rubber still laying at the bottom.
Their heart sank as they saw it.
Pieces of the scrap were clearly melted or burned, same with a few trees around the area, the bark charred black from whatever fire must've occurred. That had to have explained the fire on their arms, though they never remembered a fire. They must've died on impact.
Trev stands a few feet away, keeping quiet as he sees them just stare into nothing. Maybe they were recollecting memories or maybe their death or anything else in their life was coming back to them. He didn't want to disturb.
They look at the gaurd rail, sunken down to the ground. Some blood splatters still painted the backside, a little pool of blood staining the concrete.
They, with a smooth pace, walk back to Trevor, holding back tears.
"I want to find my dad. I want to know if he lived or not" They speak, pointing down at the blood. "Please, Trevor. I can't wait around any longer."
He nods. He nearly opens his arms for a hug but stops himself, remembering that he couldn't make physical contact with him.
"I'll come down to the lab tomorrow morning and we'll get to work, okay?"
The sounds of clicks and keyboard taps echo through the lab. Trevor sits in front of the computer, typing all sorts of variations of their father's name and the city, date, etc into the Google search bar. Y/n stands behind him, watching with caution.
Thank God for True People Search.
F/n L/n, Age 55 - Lives in Manhattan, NY (917)-123-4567.
"Holy shit" The two whisper in unison. They both lightly smile, quickly getting back to the mission at hand.
Trevor clicks on the website, instantly greeted by a picture of Y/n's father. Underneath was his full name, age, date of birth, phone number, and city and state of current residence. Below was more info, like his current address, past and current phone numbers, email addresses, possible relatives, etcetera.
The second person below the possible relatives was a familiar name and age. Y/n L/n, age 17.
"Holy shit, that's you" Trevor states, moving the mouse towards the name. "He's- He's not dead"
They're silent now, staring down at the computer screen.
"What the fuck? I spent all these years thinking he was dead!" They say, slowly backing away from the computer and Trevor, hands on their head as they try and not freak out. "What the hell?"
Trevor quickly stands up, proposing an idea. "What if we call him, and get him to come here and see you?"
They're quiet for a moment.
"I'm scared"
"I'll be right here"
"I think this is what will make you be able to move on, Y/n"
They're quiet again, then they nod slowly, taking a little deep breath.
Y/n sits in the chair Trevor was sitting in before, leg bouncing like crazy due to nerves. The curly haired boy, who thankfully grew out his hair some, was speaking words of reassurance to them. It was already four in the afternoon, the days passing on and blending into each other for poor Y/n.
They couldn't even remember how many days ago it was that The Possessor scared the shit out of them with a chair.
Finally, there's a knock on the door, which Trevoe quickly walks over to answer. They felt like they were going to vomit, if they even could.
They quickly look up, hearing the familiar voice calling their name. They'd never felt or heard something so familiar that it instantly warmed up their heart.
Their father stands in the doorway, Trevor in front of him as he walks toward them.
The man walks with a limp, carrying his 200 pound body down the hallway. A bushy beard covered the bottom half of his face, grey hairs peaking out between it. He wore a baseball cap, hiding whatever grey hairs he had up there as well.
Y/n quickly stands up, laying eyes on their father after all this time. They felt their whole core begin to burn as they saw him again.
He smiles, opening his arms. "Y/n"
They quickly run to him, then almost through him, forgetting they were a ghost. They wrap their arms around him, knowing the couldn't make physical contact. He does the same, arms stiffly heald around each other.
"I missed you so much" They cry, looking up at him. "I thought you died"
The two pull their arms away from each other. Trevor watches a few feet away with a smile.
The older man smiles somberly, "I almost did, Y/n/n"
"Are you okay?" They quickly ask, looking at him up and down.
He sighs and shrugs, "I don't think there's been a day where I've been okay without you"
The burning only became worse, nearly hurting them. They didn't know if it was good or bad but you wanted to enjoy this.
"I love you, Dad"
"I love you too. I'm sorry I failed you" He speaks, tears falling down his cheeks. "I'm sorry for everything"
"It's okay" They lightly smile with a chuckle, the action performed by their surprise, shock and happiness of the situation. "I'm okay. Trevor has been helping me try to find you"
He looks back at Trevor who gives him a warm smile and nod, then back to them. They were beginning the process to fade away. Tiny, microscopic pieces of them began drifting away like leaves against the wind. They look down at themselves, feeling the fading and numbing sensation.
Their father nods, seeing the look of 'I need to speak to Trevor' and 'I love you' mixed in their eyes.
They quickly walk over to Trevor, wrapping their arms around him, still stiffly holding them over his shoulders.
"Thank you, so much. I can't thank you enough, Trev"
He smiles, wrapping his arms around them. "Thank you for trusting me, Y/n/n"
They can feel their body trembling, feeling themselves fade into nothing. They hear and feel Trevor crying a bit, trying to hide it.
"Hey, it's alright, I'll be okay" They chuckle, seeing the boy wipe his tears away as they're no longer halfway-hugging.
"I know" He nods, "Have fun moving on"
They lightly smile, and look back at their father. They hold onto whatever memories they had with both him and Trevor, waving goodbye to both of them as they fade into the oxygen around them.
Y/n's father wipes his tears, looking at Trevor now that they're completely gone, for good this time.
"Thank you for bringing me back to my child. Even if it was only for a moment. I can't find the words to express how much I thank you for that"
Trevor nods, "It's okay. Thank you for bringing such a kind soul into the world, Mr. L/n"
"You can call me F/n, son"
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
can i request some trevor spengler with a medium s/o?? like they’ve been seeing and talking with ghosts their entire life and are so used to seeing them it doesn’t phase s/o anymore?
ooooo okay okay ; thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!!! ; sorry this is so short, I just didn't have many ideas but I made sure to give you something lol
summary ; youre a medium, and it worries trevor a bit that you're 100% used to talking to ghosts and ghouls
warnings ; language
word count ; 313
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"Oooo, that's cool! What else?" You ask the ghost in front of you, watching the little girl talk about stories from her living childhood.
Trevor runs into your room, then stops himself, hand still on the door handle as he lays his eyes on you, then the ghost.
You quickly turn your head to look at him. "Oh, hey, what's up Trev?"
He's silent, looking between you and the little ghost girl.
"Oh, uh, sorry"
You quickly stand up and take Trevor into the hallway.
"Everything okay?"
He nods, "Yeah, uh, just wanted to see if you wanted to get lunch with me"
"Oh, yeah, sure"
literally will never catch him off gaurd when you're talking to ghosts
or when you're trying to calm ghosts down and trust you to come with you guys or make it easier to trap them
you feel bad if you're trapping them tho cause like all that trust for what
ghost animals :(
you talked to his childhood cat once because its been following the spenglers around and he started BAWLING when he saw
you didn't know it was his cat until you saw him standing in the door watching you. after that you both cried together and played with the cat
so there's a sweet little ghost cat haunting the firestation now
you'll see ghosts that others can't see on the streets and just kinda try to figure out what time period they're from and shit
when it comes to ghouls, you normally just play with them because they want attention and that's why they wreak havoc, they just don't understand the consequences to their actions
trevor thinks it's super cool that you talk to ghosts and shit tho
he asks a lot of questions about your childhood and stuff cause he's curious
introduces you like "this is y/n, they're like a medium and can talk to ghosts and stuff"
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
summary ; it's hot out and you've retreated inside with trevor, who pulls a 2019 youtubecore prank on you
warnings ; language
word count ; 389
next post in the morning will be requests, I got this done last night and I just wanna post it
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Trevor lays sprawled out on the hardwood floor of his bedroom, trying to cool down as he had the windows open and the ceiling fan on the highest speed. You're sprawled out next to him, laying on your stomach. You lay your forehead on top of your arms, groaning as you feel beads of sweat moisten your forehead, cheeks, and back.
"There is actually no good reason it needs to be so hot today." Trevor says, pulling the collar of his shirt back and forth to create a little more air on his chest.
"Thank global warming," you reply, moving your arms to lay face down on the floor. You lightly touch your head down to the wooden floor, feeling a little coolness touch your face before fading away.
You hear him shuffle and move, then glide across the floor in his socks towards the door. His 'I'm 18 now, I'm a grown man' attitude was never being taken seriously around you. Hopefully, he'd be back with some popsicles or ice cream to cool you both down.
Sadly, Pheobe, his mom, Gary, and even Podcast didn't have to suffer with you two, having gone out for Ghostbuster stuff a half hour ago. They'd left you two here to watch over the firehouse, which, comically, had felt like it had been on fire all day. Apparently 18 year old duties came with having to stay back on adventures and laze around in your own sweat.
You hear him walk back into the room, by now, you'd found a comfortable position to lay in where you were getting enough air and were also comfortable.
He smirks, quietly creeping towards you, a steady stride carrying him across the room. He quickly lifts the back of your shirt up at the collar, and pours a cup of ice on your back.
You quickly jump up and empty your shirt out, the ice cubes falling onto the floor with hard plunks. You look up at him, eyes slightly widened, your face painted by playful annoyance.
"Why would you do that?" You ask, lightly shoving his shoulder, a smile tugging at your lips.
He shrugs with a little chuckle, "You're the one complaining about being too hot"
"You were complaining too" You say, crossing your arms.
"You're hot physically and metaphorically"
"Shut the fuck up"
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
Heyy, Ghostbusters preference- when they get jealous?
ooo okay ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy!
includes ; trevor, phoebe, podcast & lucky
warnings ; language
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he's so awkward about it
he doesn't even know what to do at first like... fuck you want him to do??
he doesn't even realize someone's trying to hit on you til you give him the most pleading look of all time
and he literally has to run every scenario through his brain to figure out what to do without getting sucker punched
he's just not a jealous person in general either, half of its obliviousness, half of its just the trust he has in you because he knows you aren't gonna leave him. maybe
if it's going on to long he'll slide in, introduce himself as "Trevor Spengler, one of the Ghostbusters" and hopes it'll impress the other person enough to just leave you alone
90% of the time they just leave because Trev is too awkward to just say "Hey I'm their boyfriend, leave them alone please" lmaoo
she literally doesn't know what to do bro
like on one hand maybe she's being dramatic but on the other why the hell is someone else talking to you like that???
she's autistic and it's very obvious (this isn't even a hc I'm pretty sure it's actually canon + her being queer yipee) and can sometimes be very blunt or awkward
"can you stop talking to them like that? thank you." while she's got this serious bitch face on
the person quickly scurries away and you're just relieved while she's like confused and a bit upset but doesn't know how to explain it
"pheebs, I'm not leaving you, don't worry. thank you though, i didn't know how to get them to go away"
she gives you a little hug to just silently tell you "Okay, thank you, I'm sorry"
just kinda stands there like 🧍‍♂️
kinda tries to sling his arm around your shoulders and signal that you were not up to hang out later
and somehow the person just doesn't get it!!
"Okay, uh, they have a boyfriend! they don't wanna hang out with you, please listen to them, thanks"
the person scrambles and he's just like "what the fuck I thought you loved me" in a joking manner
you both go get some candy down the street because that was awful for both of you LMFAO
she's a confident bad bitch okay...
hugs you from behind, arms around your waist and her head resting on top of yours/your shoulder
"Hey, please listen to people when they say they don't want to talk to you, take a hint. they have a girlfriend"
literally a life saver
lucky domingo is a mindset
"I don't understand, why can't people just listen??"
honestly same girl
she's always coming in clutch tho, ain't no way she's letting someone bother you, especially when she's jealous of the fact you're giving them attention
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
Platonic Ghostbusters x social media manager! Reader?
oooo hell yeah!! ; thanks for requesting and I hope u enjoy :)
GHOSTBUSTERS ; social media manager
summary ; you run the official ghostbusters social media platforms
warnings ; language
word count ; 746
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Podcast wanted to run the official Ghostbuster social media's but was quickly turned down at that. They needed someone who could actually be on top of that kind of stuff and whatnot. So, Stanz made a deal with Podcast that they'd get a social media manager, and he could act as their teammate with that, basically. Giving them ideas, giving them video clips and extra details, etcetera.
Most of the others didn't see a real reason for a social media manager, but as long as it wasn't their money.
Trevor offered to just do everything himself, but that was obviously turned down as well. The teens all agreed not to let the adults run the account either. They didn't need millennial - Gen X / Boomer humor flooding the whole account and making them look bad.
And that's where you came in.
surprisingly, Pheobe was the one to find you. she's seriously the most chronically offline person ever so the fact she ever opened Instagram was a miracle in itself
lots of talking back and forth and meeting the original four three ghostbusters to get input, then meeting callie & garry and the teenagers
you actually figured out that you used to be friends with Lucky as well, damn
you had managed social media accounts before, but you'd recently quit a few of those because of labor laws being broken so, yknow
you quickly formed a bond with Lucky, Trevor, and Podcast. you were kind of close in age to all three of them and they were all invested in the public image for the brand
setting the Instagram up was genuinely the funnest thing ever
the four of you were chilling in the living room in the firehouse (since sleepover stuff, pheobe was in her room reading) and you had your laptop in your lap and the three of them over your shoulders
the amount of laughing and cackling got some scolding from callie upstairs
it took everything out of you to not make the first post a video of trevor being soaked in Slimer's slime (which had been recorded by Lucky just by coincidence as they were investigating the attic again)
the first three posts, which were pinned, all lined up to be like a banner kind of logo with the theme song in the back, and they all played the same video, clips of the og ghostbusters and how they grew and then the new ghostbusters
the tiktok is its own thing, you allowed trev, lucky, podcast (and pheobe) to run it, but everything had to be ran by you first because pr shit
but thankfully no boomer humor or slang is ever being put on those accounts
most of those people don't even know wtf the internet is anyways lol
stanz has a personal vendetta against you /hj after you posted a .5 of him for relatable promo. he had no idea what you were doing but it was criminal that you made his forehead look so much more bigger than it already was
Winston gives you a bunch of old pics to post to trending angst sounds as well LOL
let's not talk about that tiktok where you, lucky, and trevor dance to/remake submissive and breedable by smosh ft bbno$, okay?
^podcast and pheobe were behind the camera cackling the whole time
lots of random pic posts on the insta as well because why not (most of them are the teens looking awkward, callie, gary & lars trying to look like cool scientists, or venkman, stanz, zeddemore & melnitz being classic, sassy old people)
the socials are never professional whatsoever, it's fun but it's not heavily controversial or obvious that you're there as a pr manager basically or just to manage the socials
like man they don't have the time to look at all the comments, take all the advice, reply to fans, etc
I mean that wage ain't that bad either LMAO
trevor is always bitching about how you make more money than he does /lh
you're not just a representative to them, you're actually family. you're just cool like that
"bro y/n is such a mc I hate them" and you'll reply on your personal w a "says you, reality shifter" or smthn LMAO idfk
always reposting ghostbuster edits / fanart etc because fandom culture 🙏
also I can't get over the fact the ghostbuster theme song is canon now either. yk damn well that shit is plastered everywhere thanks to you 💀
"do the ghostbusters respond??" "stanz said he loves your dog" "HELP HSEIJDLAKE"
10/10 experience
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lowkeyrobin · 1 month
Hi, could I request a Trevor Spengler x reader where they meet at Ray's Occult Books? Maybe he was on his way to Occult Books (for whatever reason lol) and driving the Ecto-1 and almost ran them over and then they meet again in the actual bookstore? Thanks!
yeah sure!! ; sorry this took so long to get out, lots of procrastination and writers block lmaooo ; I apologize for this being so short as well lol ; thanks for requesting! hope you enjoy ; anon if you didn't see me respond to ur apology you're totally fine! sorry if I sounded mean or anything lol
TREVOR SPENGLER ; vehicular manslaughter
summary ; Trevor's dumbass almost runs you over
warnings ; language, near death experience, corny ending
word count ; 486
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Your lonely yet calm walk down to Ray's Occult Books couldn't have gone worse.
You were listening to Remy through your wired earbuds, enjoying the sunny weather in the city. You carry about fifty dollars in your wallet, wanting to spend it on some of the books at the shop. Ray always had the weirdest but most intriguing selection, it was impossible to not stop by every here and there once you finished up another novel.
You turn to cross the street, jaywalking, perhaps. In truth and in your defense, there was no one at that night until that stupid asshole showed up. Why he was driving like a maniac at top speed was beyond you, but luckily for your quick reflexes, you'd lived to see another day. You watch as the car speeds away, tire marks staining the concrete road.
You gasped for air, having felt like you'd nearly thrown up your heart and stomach. You throw your middle finger up, a look of frustration on your face. You turn back, continuing your walk down to your location.
As you enter the building, the doorbell jingles, causing Ray and Podcast to look up and at you.
"Hey Y/n!" Podcast smiles, "What's new?"
"Almost got ran over out there" You joke, "What's up, Ray?"
"Here for books?"
"Y'know it, old man"
"Christ, I'm not that old"
You make your way back to the bookshelves, scanning the spines of them for any interesting titles that would entice you. You hear a car motor outside, and they end up parking on the curb like they were in some sort of hurry.
The driver rushes in, nearly in a panic as he looks between Ray and Podcast.
"Do you guys know where Phoebe is?"
"No, why?"
You look at the car outside, identifying it as the one that had nearly ran you over minutes prior. You pull your earbuds out of your ears, and your eyes land on the boy who was driving.
"You're the asshole who almost killed me!"
Trevor's eyes widen, looking between you and the other two. "What?"
"You almost fucking killed me, like, three minutes ago" You restate, crossing your arms with furrowed brows. "What're you in such a rush for? Are you trying to commit vehicular manslaughter?"
Podcast stands between you two, trying to diffuse the situation. "Trevor, this is Y/n, Y/n this is Trevor-"
"I don't care?"
"Shush, Pod"
He quickly quiets himself.
"You're an ass, learn how to drive"
"Learn how to not jaywalk!"
He had you there.
Ray snickers, finding the bickering amusing. "Trevor, go find your sister. I better not get a call from your mother tonight wondering where she is"
"Damnit" He grumbles, glaring at you as he leaves the shop.
You watch him leave and speed away, then turn back to Podcast and Ray.
"He's kinda cute"
"I thought he almost killed you?"
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
hii! what the ghostbusters love languages are, preference thing please?
ooo sure! ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy :)
GHOSTBUSTERS ; love languages
includes ; trevor, phoebe, podcast, and lucky
warnings ; language
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either quality time or physical touch
he's not the greatest with his words
he just likes spending time with you and soaking in your presence
you're literally the only person who can make him shut up
he gives little spoon vibes...
he just likes spending time with you in any way possible, especially if ur cuddling or just holding hands
it makes him forget about everything bad in his life and shit
like if it's just playing video games, soaking in each other's presence or even ghostbusting, he'll find a way to make it quality time with you
"we're literally just working, trev"
"Yeah, but like, I love you! and I love spending time with you and stuff, like..."
acts of service
she'll do anything and everything to make you happy
like from simple things to getting you another glass of water or to cleaning your room for you when you're struggling
she doesn't even like cleaning but if it's for/with you, sign her up
she'll happily do anything for you, you don't even have to ask
she's just one of those people who feels like an act of something solidifies her love, no matter how much you tell her that you know she loves you lol
quality time
like trevor, being with you makes him forget about any stress or worry in his life
one of his favorite things with anyone is just spending time with them, so obviously that rubs off 10x as much with you iykwim
you got him an actual video camera for his birthday and he uses it religiously to just film his loved ones
75% of them are just you 💀
he can just soak in your presence so easily and so happily, like just being around you makes him giddy
"whatre you doing, pod?"
"just taking a picture of you"
words of affirmation
your personal hype-woman
whether it's soft reassurance to hyping you up about something, she's the one in charge of it
you need some confidence? bam! she's there
you need a little help with yourself? boom! she's there lmfao
always reassuring how much she cares about you and how much she loves you
"I love you I love you I love you!!!"
"I love you too!!!!"
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
Trevor Spengler x reader where reader has a job being a singer in an oldies style restaurant? Where they sing and play guitar on the stage while the customers eat?
And they make mashups of more modern songs (mainly rock and pop) in their spare time? Like a music prodigy of sorts
Or Generally cover-artist reader x Trevor Spengler?
this is me in every desired reality/self insert fixation I have LMAOOO I got you ; thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy !! ; post writing robin here, sorry this is so short I had no idea what I was doing
TREVOR SPENGLER ; cover artist
summary ; Trevor develops a crush on the kid who covers songs in the local diner
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; gotta admit I was listening to bailey zimmerman so I apologize if this is has a very country-angst vibe. I see the color orange and go back to Leave The Light On idfk I apologize. i had to restrict myself. I'm not too caught up in popular modern music so bare with me 🙏 ; okay post me here, only the first part is but this whole thing kinda sucks so I'm sorry
word count ; 808
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You sit at your wooden barstool, strumming the strings of your guitar as you try and retune it.
Working in an oldies style restaurant wasn't the most fun nor best paying job, but you needed the money, and you needed something to do with your talent and time. You had enough hardships to overcome in life and enough passion to sing up on a stage how you did, even for patrons at a cheap restaurant. You found fun and therapy in your music, so it didn't make it that bad to sit on that barstool all evening after school.
You strum the strings again, finding the right sound for your instrument as you clear your throat. You typically ignore when people watch or look at you, imagining you were the only one in the room. This time though, as you begin plucking at the strings, you can feel someone looking at you.
You could always feel that feeling, but this time around, it was different.
You ignore it, continuing on with your six hour long show, trying to please the audience that wasn't even paying attention to you. The place was shaped like a bar, with you stuck in the corner on a little stage, just doing your thing. Tonight was more of a calm, well-deserved night for something relaxing. There were only a few booths taken up. There was no need to put up a big show for the two dozen people in the building.
Across the room, a curly haired boy was staring you down, receiving a glare from his little sister. She was no good at social cues or social interaction, but she knew damn well that her brother was being weird. He snaps out of it, shyly looking away from you.
"...bittersweet October, and I'm headed for the Northern pines. Well, this autumn fall feels empty, black and white leaves touch the ground. You're the only color I've got left, and it's slowly fading out"
The boy looks back up at you again, his fingers tapping off the wooden table to the rythym. He can't help but watch your every move, every strum beneath your fingers, every movement your lips and the front of your throat made to create the beautiful sound of the lyrics with your voice. He was encapsulated.
He rests his chin on his hand, perched on the table at an angle. A soft smile rests on his face, eyes heavy like he was ready to fall asleep.
"Trevor, stop staring at them!"
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A few weeks later, the same boy sat down at the same booth as before, this time not occumpanied by his family. He ordered some food so as not to look like a creep, but he was more focused on listening to you than enjoying said food.
He'd been here since to see you, always sitting in the same booth. Maybe he saw it as a free concert.
You didn't mind. Maybe he was trying to recognize your face from somewhere, or was developing a hallway, or diner, crush on you, who knew.
As you pause to catch your breath after playing Back To December by Taylor Swift, you see the boy stand up. He's making his way toward you.
At least you had time to chat, as it wasn't rush hour, merely 2pm on a random Saturday.
He awkwardly stands in front of you as you gulp down the liquid in your water bottle and set it back down on the floor. You turn to him with a welcoming smile, assuming he was here to ask a question or give a compliment.
"Uh, hi." He begins, a nervous smile painting his face. "I just, I've been seeing you play here for a while, and like, I think you're super cool"
You smile, resting your arms over your guitar. "Thank you, I appreciate that"
"Uhm," He runs a hand through his curls, clearly nervous yet trying to hide it somehow. "Could I maybe give you my number? If you wanted to hang out sometime? I can play guitar as well"
You lightly chuckle, "Yeah, sure. You got something to write on?" You ask him, seeing him looking around for a pen and paper.
He quickly scrambles towards one of the waitresses, kindly asking if he can use one of the bill papers and pen really quickly. He returns to you, handing you the folded up paper.
"Thank you." You both speak in unison. Both of your faces flush in embarrassment and the flustering of the situation.
"Uhm, I'll see you around?" You speak, strumming the strings of your guitar to make sure it was still tuned out of habit.
He nods, "Yeah, I'll see you around. Oh, my name's Trevor, by the way"
"Y/n" You reply, waving as he walks away, silently cheering himself on.
"Bye, Y/n!"
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
Hiiiiii just wanted to put in a request of Trevor Spangler x reader angst where reader is trapped with a hostile ghost, just in the mood for some angst 🤭
ooooo okay okay I see the vision ; thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy! I need gbfe to release on digital bc I'm in desperate need to get new banners/headers. sigh ; post writing robin here, I missed the whole angst bit somehow bc idek how to write good angst so I apologize
TREVOR SPENGLER ; hostile ghost exposure therapy
summary ; youre a scientist in the making working with the ghostbusters squad and expose hostile ghosts and ghouls to human kind. sometimes it can be rough, though
warnings ; language, choking, weird ghost shit
disclaimers ; ik ghostbusters usually focuses on the ghouley types of ghosts but standard ghosts were the idea for this lol. I've been watching The Boys explore haunted places all day so what can I say
word count ; 783
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Proton barriers this, ghost containment that. Whatever Lars was speaking about didn't matter to you at this moment. What did matter was trying to help this new, very hostile, ghost adjust to being in the presence of a human.
The barrier quickly slips down, then right back up once you step inside the room. Glass surrounds the exterior, then Lars steps away, leaving you to do your thing. Lucky waves a few feet away, wishing you a silent good luck before getting back to work.
Trevor and Phoebe talk about with Lucky, Lars, and Podcast, testing out one of the newer machines in the lab. You face the approximate direction of the ghost, not exactly able to see it without its permission.
You carefully sit down in a chair across from the one left empty from it, bathing in the silence before speaking.
"My name's Y/n, what's yours?" You ask, not really expecting an answer. Thank God this was a standard ghost and not a ghoul. You didn't think you had the patience for that today. "It's alright if you don't want to tell me. I just want to know why you're so hostile to make you that way. I'm not here to judge, I have good intentions. I promise you that"
Step one, build trust and rapport.
You internally nod, moving your legs in a criss-cross manner to get a little more comfortable. Apparently, the ghost didn't like this silence and chucked a ceramic vase, which sat on the coffee table between the chairs, towards you. It just barely misses you and breaks on impact with the wall behind you, causing you to flinch a bit. The dusty, broken ceramic clatters onto the floor, creating a million pieces out of the used-to-be one-piece vase.
You keep your composure, not giving the undead the attention that she wanted. You sit in silence, a clear look of 'not taking shit' on your face.
"Stupid bitch" It whispers into your ear, catching you off gaurd. You feel a shiver run down your spine as a wave of coolness washes over you.
You lightly sigh, "We can sit here and insult each other all you want. I'm just here to help" You speak, leaning back in your chair.
Over the course of the next ten or so minutes, you hear petty insult after insult, like this ghost was trying to dig into your skin and was just miserably failing. You'd gotten used to this long ago. When would they ever learn?
Suddenly, you feel a tight sensation around your throat, which you nearly panic at feeling, considering you can feel the air suddenly leaving you. You grab at your throat, choking and gasping for air, trying to get whatever hands were on you off out of pure human instinct.
This has happened a few times, where the ghosts will put hands on you. It's never escalated to immediate choking, though, which was why it worried you so much. This was a very hostile ghost. It wasn't just going to stop. It wanted to hurt.
"Get off of me!" You joke, instinctively kicking out towards the ghost, who's obviously unable to feel it. "I want to help you!"
You feel your face grow cold, and your eyes become heavy. The transparent figure now becomes slightly visible, still very much opaque as it stands in front of you, arms stretched out to squeeze down on your throat.
You hear some muffled shouting outside, then a lot of mechanical wirring and beeping. Lars and Trevor came to your rescue, the older man cautiously pulling down the proton fields while the teenage boy ran in to help you.
You don't know exactly what happened within the next few seconds, but the forceful grip on your throat was pushed away, and you were quickly ushered past the proton barrier again.
Trevor holds you up as you choke and gasp for air, already feeling your throat begin to bruise.
"Holy shit, are you okay?" He quickly asks, sitting you down on the floor.
You nod and cough some more, trying to regulate the amount of air swarming to your lungs. You pound on your chest like you were choking on an actual something, wanting the painful choking to stop.
Once it does end, Trev quickly wraps you in a hug, trying to make sure you were okay.
"I'm okay, I'm fine. Just fucking hurt" You nod
"Are you sure? Phoebe, go get them some water." He quickly speaks, turning back to Phoebe, Podcast, and Lucky, who were concerningly watching from afar. Phoebe nods and quickly jogs out to the kitchen/lunchroom area.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I'm okay. Thank you"
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