#trevor yelling at everyone for falling on the ground lol
personinthepalace · 10 months
Peter Pan Goes Wrong West End Promo Photos!!
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from pangoeswrong instagram
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summary: Y/N is trying her hardest to get out of an abusive relationship without telling anyone. However, she can’t always hide the bruises, especially from her best friend since childhood, Ben Hardy. Once he finds out, he tries his best to help her out without her getting hurt.
a/n: whadduupppppp. ik i said i was gonna try and post yesterday but plans changed and i ended up hanging out with my best friend lol. this part is gonna be a little angsty, but it’s mostly a filler chapter ig??
warnings: implied physical/verbal abuse (no descriptions), yelling, cussing, alcohol, drinking, drugs (just implied use)
word count: 2,104 (she’s thiccc. i got carried away SKSKS)
You sighed deeply as you watched Ben’s car disappear into the night. Turning away from the window, you looked around in your empty flat. You stood in the middle of your living room, swaying your arms around. It was a bit weird not having someone over, granted that someone was chucking a beer bottle at your head. However, kinda felt strange, but felt relaxing as well.
With a shrug of your shoulders, you plopped on the couch and turned your TV on. A re-run of M*A*S*H was playing, a show you grew up watching with your mother. You sighed happily at the memories and with a quick snap of a finger, you were suddenly upset. You hadn’t talked to either your parents or twin brother. You haven’t spoken to your TWIN brother in months. Your actual other half, the person you loved more than anything, your built in best friend. Sure, Ben was your very best friend but twins always have a different connection.
Suddenly you found your eyes pricking with salty tears. How could you have let some drunken idiot control your life? You were so much smarter than that. For God’s sake, you graduated with the highest honors. You couldnt believe you found yourself in this situation.
You shook yourself out of your thoughts and slung yourself off the couch and into the kitchen, while phone in hand. Swiftly unlocking your phone, you went to your contacts. Your finger hovered over ‘twin bubba
“Son of a bitch, where are you Y/N?” Trevor slurred his words and walked into the kitchen. He snarled at you and took a step closer, causing you to back up into the counter.
“Make yourself presentable, we’re having guests over.”
“The hell we are! This is MY-”
You winced loudly as your cheek stung. You held your face, tears threatening to spill. At this point, you couldn’t argue anymore. You lost the courage you had earlier and couldn’t speak.
“Hurry the hell up, you look like shit.”
You pushed past him and ran upstairs. As soon as you spotted the familiar door, you hurried in and locked the door. Another night, another fucking party.
You only washed your hair and brushed your teeth. You didn’t want to bother with makeup, knowing it’d smudge throughout the night. You blew dried your hair and slid into your outfit. The outfit of which contained a simpled black and white striped v-neck, black holy jeans, a maroon cardigan and some random slip on shoes. You thought maybe if you’d 'behave’, you’d have less marks to cover up.
You sat on the couch, holding hands with Trevor, and a drink in your free hand. Trevor made you act like you actually loved him when his friends were around. You hated it so much and just wanted to leave it all, but something inside you just wouldn’t budge.
You diverted your attention towards some man walking into your home, wearing a black hoodie, some rugged jeans and some old worn out Van’s. In his hand he held a baggie full of weed and a white substance. Oh God.
Trevor waved him over, causing the unknown man to pull his hood down. Trevor let go of your hand and stood up, walking over to Mr. Unknown, handing him a wad of cash. You immediately shot up, speed walking towards the two men.
“Trevor, what in the hell are you doing?” You hissed under your breath. Trevor turned to you, his eyes going dark. “Get the hell away, go sit down.” He waved you off, clearly pissed off.
Soon enough, Trevor came back, holding a brown paper sack. He dumped it out on the table, causing everyone to cheer. Some of his friends pulled out lighters, papers, and some random credit card. You knew exactly what was about to happen which made your stomach do a million somersaults.
Trevor quickly rolled out a joint, lighting it up before you could even blink. He took a huge puff and started passing it around. When it made it your way, you politely declined and passed to someone else.
“Why didn’t you hit it?”
“Because I don’t want to, Trevor.”
Trevor’s nostrils flared, indicating that he was starting to get angry and embarrassed.
At 3 in the morning, the party had dispersed and it was only you and Trevor. You were cleaning up the living room when Trevor came in there, a beer bottle in one hand, and a clenched fist in the other.
“I can’t believe you fucking did that shit in front of my friends.”
“Did what? I did nothing.”
“You embarrassed me, dumb bitch!”
“My fucking bad I didn’t want to fucking get high and drink!”
“You’re so fucking embarrassing! Oh and that little stunt you pulled when my dealer came…”
Trevor took a huge step towards you, hand raised. You felt a stinging pain on your face, causing you to fall yo the ground. You wept and winced, holding your face tightly. Not even a moment later, you felt something break against your back. A beer bottle.
“You’re fucking lucky I’m leaving to go to another party. I’m not fucking bringing your dumbass.”
And with that he left, slamming the door behind him.
You finished cleaning the house and fell asleep on the couch. You woke up the next morning to your phone ringing. Squinting, you read the contact and answered with a groggy “Hello”.
“Hey love, Gwil is in town and wants us to meet up with him for brunch. You up for it?”
The thought of getting out of the house resulted in you to groan. It would be nice to get some actual food in your system instead of microwavable macaroni and cheese. However, the thought of getting up made you contemplate.
“Maybe another time Ben.”
“Please Y/N, Gwil is really excited to see us!”
You sighed and threw your head back onto the couch pillow, rubbing your eyes.
“Fine, what time?”
“I’ll pick you up at 10. Seen you soon!”
You said your goodbyes and hung up. Looking at the time, your eyes widened. Crap, it’s already 9:30.
You shot up from the couch, racing to your bedroom. Slipping out of the outfit from last night, you looked around for something to wear.
“Maybe this shirt?” You mumbled to yourself, looking at some random red shirt with a cute little floral pocket on the chest. Looking around, you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. A horrified look on your face as you saw a bruise on your eye. You slowly turned around and noticed a huge gash in hot back from last night’s events.
You couldnt go out like this. You look le you had just gotten your shit rocked, which you did. You grabbed a light blue jumper, some black leggings, and ran into the bathroom. You tried to cover up the bruise on your eye but it was no use.
Soon there was a knock at your door, causing you to jump up nine feet in the air. You tossed your hair into a low messy bun, pulling some pieces of baby hairs to style it and grabbed a pair of large sunglasses.
You frantically grabbed your phone, purse and keys. Turning off all the lights, you opened the door with a smile.
“Hello, Ben.” You greeted him as you stepped outside, locking the door and turning towards him. He pulled in for a tight with a huge grin on his face. You almost yelped as he patted your back, right where Trevor threw a beer bottle at.
Ben noticed and pulled away, brows furrowed. “Nothing, just sore from sleeping on the couch last night.” Ben shrugged and but still looked at you suspiciously as you walked towards his car.
After about a 30 minute drive, Ben pulled into this cute little cafe. You hopped out of the car and went around to walk with Ben. As y'all entered the little establishment, you were greeted by Gwil with a very tight “I’ve missed you” hug. His gripped was so tight, your back stung and resulted in you biting your lips harshly before you could yelp.
You hugged him back gently, patting his back. “Miss you too, Gwil.” You giggled and pulled away to look at him. He smiled brightly and planted peck on your cheek, a little greeting thing he did with his friends.
“Missed you tons, love!” Gwil smiled and made his way to Ben, embracing him in another one of his “I’ve missed you” hugs. Once finished, Gwil guided the two of you to a table he had reserved in a more private area of the cafe.
The three of you took a seat and began chatting. Gwil proudly announced he was engaged, which resulted in cheers from you and Ben. You three caught up quickly, which made your heart happy.
Without your realization, you had totally forgotten you were still wearing sunglasses in a building. Gwil noticed and gazed at you.
“Is it too sunny for you in here?” He joked. You were shocked when he had made you realize you still had sunnies on. You bit your lip and shrugged.
“I forgotten that I still had them on.” You giggled quietly and removed them. Boy were you very forgetful today, because you still had a bruise forming on your eye.
Ben looked over at you, his faces falling at the sight. His eyes widened and he nudged your shoulder.
“What in the hell is wrong with your eye?”
“What- Oh my gosh, I totally forgot.”
You instantly covered your eye, playing it off as if you needed to rub it. Gwil looked up from his menu, shocked.
“Y/N, got a bit of a bruise there on your eye.”
“It’s nothing, don’t worry about me. Just clumsy.”
Luckily Gwil bought it and shrugged it off, turning his attention back to his menu. Ben, however, didn’t buy it for one bit.
“Bathroom. Now.”
Ben got up, a fake smile toying at his lips. He excused himself and walked off towards the men’s room. You looked down at your phone, acting as if someone was calling you.
“I hate to leave you alone, but work is calling.” You smiled sheepishly and got up from your seat. Gwil didn’t bother thinking about what had happened, he just continued scanning the menu.
You slipped your phone into the waistband of your leggings and knocked on the bathroom door. Ben opened it and pulled you in.
“Pull your jumper and leggings off. Now.”
“Ben what? Are you bonkers?”
“I’ve seen you in a bikini. Off, now.”
You groaned and slowly peeled off the articles of clothing. Thankfully, you were a sports bra and boy shorts underwear today, so nothing to intimate for Ben to see. You set the clothes on the counter, along with the sunglasses.
Ben gently touched your shoulder, spinning you around slowly. He heart dropped into the Earth’s mantle when he saw the gash on your back. He looked closely, seeing little shards of glass poking from your skin.
Tears sprung from your eyes as he whispered your name, so sadly. You spun around and looked at him, your face already red from crying.
“Apparently I had embarrassed him in front of his friends because I didnt want to drink or get fucking high.” You said through a choked sob.
“Oh, love. Why didn’t you call me?”
“I was so scared, Ben. I tried to 'behave’ so he wouldn’t hurt me so bad.”
“You shouldn’t have behave for your boyfriend, he’s not your dad.”
“I don’t know what to do anymore.”
“Come one.” Ben grabbed your clothes, gently helping you put them back on. Once they were on, he held onto you as you both stepped out of the bathroom, not caring about what people saw.
“Hey mate, mind if we take this brunch else where? Like my house or something?” Ben asked Gwil with soft ans sad eyes. Gwil caught on and stood up. Luckily he hadn’t ordered yet so it wouldn’t have been such a big deal.
“Of course, I’ll run by the market and grab snacks and stuff for a movie day. Sound good, Y/N?”
You just nodded slowly and leaned in towards Ben. He held you closely and guided you out the door, not before slipping your shades on.
You heard clicking noises, awful familiar to cameras, but you shrugged it off.
No big deal.
tag list: @benhardyisdaddy @monochromedeacon @queenbbarnes @haileylansley @onexlittlespark
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evenstevensranked · 7 years
#31: Season 1, Episode 2 - “Stevens Genes”
Louis makes the track team! Not only that, he’s poised to be the new star runner! The only problem is that Louis runs as slow as a sloth. Sound confusing? Well, it’s all part of Larry Beale’s plan to set him up for failure and humiliation. 
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It’s only the second episode of the entire series and things are already starting to pick up amazingly. This episode is packed with memorable and quotable lines, many of which I still use to this day. This one continues with the theme established from day one: Louis trying to discover something he’s good at. I love this theme. It makes for some awesome character growth and it works really well here! 
It opens with Coach Tugnut rallying up the boys in gym class, announcing that there’s an open spot on the track team. This of course, somehow segues into him worshiping Donnie Stevens and ranting about how much of a legend he is and what an asset he once was to the track team. Well, to every team actually. If Ren is the academic overachiever, Donnie is the athletic overachiever. Tugnut yells at the class army style to turn right and bow their heads. We then get a shot of this giant mural dedicated to Donnie excelling at every sport ever with patriotic music playing in the background. It’s incredible. It also includes one of the greatest unspoken quotes ever: 
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Donnie needs to give a TED Talk. Stat. 
While this Donnie praise is happening, they make a point to show Larry Beale -- who I’m assuming is Coach Tugnut’s assistant since he’s not in Grade 7, looking visibly disgusted. He mumbles “Donnie Stevens is over. It’s my turn now” to himself. Oh, boy. 
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They head out to the track to do some timed sprints. Of course, Larry is the one with the stopwatch. Larry’s sort of taunting all the kids trying to motivate them to run faster. When it’s Louis’ turn we get a line that always gets a laugh out of me: 
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The thought of Louis “running” slow enough to take days to reach point B is great. Gotta love his self-awareness.
To everyone’s surprise, Louis is extremely fast. Even faster than Donnie’s best time. Could this be Louis’ “thing” he’s good at?! Don’t get your hopes up. Larry purposely clocked his time in at 18.25 seconds... which is probably a good 8-10 seconds before Louis actually finished lol. Tugnut is shocked and gives Louis the vacant spot on the team immediately. 
Tugnut is totally kissing Louis’ butt now because he thinks he’s carrying on the Stevens Dynasty. Louis is seriously amazed that he’s so fast!! “I always knew you had it in you!!” Tugnut tells him. And then we get yet another line I love: 
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Legendary save, Tugnut. Legendary save. I literally use this quote whenever the opportunity arises.
Louis starts hanging out with Donnie more to get some sports advice. Donnie suggests the most ridiculous things like putting mousse in your hair for aerodynamic-ness and shaving your legs to run like the wind. Which results in a line you’ve undoubtedly heard: “Donnie, I’m running track -- not modeling pantyhose.” 
We see that Ren has been assigned to cover sports for the school newspaper. She discovers that Louis made the track team, and is immediately suspicious. I’d be too, tbh. I mean, this is the same kid who gets cramped up and winded just from tying his shoes. Louis is pretty excited about this new-found talent, though. He’s finally starting to feel like a true member of the Stevens family. Naturally, this goes to his head and he’s already dreaming of becoming a multimillionaire Olympic athlete:
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Do athletes just stand in the middle of a packed arena and get handed giant checks for 40 mil? Like... is that a thing? Not to mention, the check is from “Hoop Stars” and clearly shows a basketball player logo. Okay. 
Around this point, we start to see Louis succumbing to peer pressure a bit. This happens a few more times throughout the series. Yet another symptom of desperately wanting to fit into his family. He ditches Tawny and Twitty at lunch to hang out with Larry and the popular jocks. 
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Larry is so fake. Louis is so pure. I’m so sad. 
Ren stops by to get a quote from Louis about the big meet against Rockport and he gives the most awkwardly ridiculous and overdramatic statement. That patriotic music we heard earlier kicks in again. It’s great. The cherry on top is when he mispronounces Rockport “Rock-a-por.”
Later that day before practice, Louis takes Donnie’s mousse advice a little too far:
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You’ve probably seen gifs from this scene. (Especially the gif version of the photo I chose for the cover picture.) 
He shows up to practice feelin’ all suave with his moussed-to-death hair. There’s a “Staying Alive” knock-off playing as he walks towards the track. I actually love that this show basically never got the rights to use the legitimate songs. It sort of makes everything funnier, imo. That, and Disney Channel is cheap apparently and don’t permanently pay for the rights to popular songs. Dunno if I mentioned this before, but Lizzie McGuire was pretty much the channel’s most popular show and was super trendy/caught up in Early 00′s pop culture. Therefore, that show used SO MANY official songs. 16 years later, almost all of those songs are missing in the reruns and replaced with terrible stock music. An iconic scene like the “Us Against The World” music video is not nearly as impactful or nostalgic because they’re dancing to generic techno music now. It SUCKS. So, thank god Even Stevens never used any. Their stock music sort of works subconsciously. The song used here is totally not “Staying Alive” -- but it’s juuust close enough that it triggers your brain and you remember it as “Staying Alive.” Kinda cool. 
Side note: It’s so difficult to not quote almost every line of this episode. There are so many good ones, I have to keep stopping myself from typing out a freaking transcript. 
Anyway, Ren observes Louis and Larry practicing and it’s crystal clear that Larry is holding back for whatever reason. 
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Be a little less obvious, Larry. Also, sorry for all the gifs. I can’t help myself. 
Ren puts the pieces together and figures out what Larry is up to. His plan is to set Louis up to fail big time at the meet. That way when he beats Louis, he’ll be able to gloat about beating “the fastest Stevens of all!” Makes sense. Ren tries telling Louis, but of course, he doesn’t believe her........ WE GO THROUGH THIS AGAIN ONE EPISODE LATER IN WHAT’LL IDOL DO, JUST REVERSED. God. Siblings not believing each other drives me insaaaane. I understand where Louis’ unwillingness to believe is coming from though. He insists that Larry is Ren’s enemy, not his, and he’s just so excited to finally have something to be good at. It breaks my heart. 
Ren later apologizes and tells Louis that she’s proud of him. Louis rants again about everyone in the family having their “thing” and now that he’s found his he’s not gonna let anyone take it away. But, Ren tells him “You HAVE your thing. You’re... funny.” *Cue the emotional piano. Literally.* You can tell those words really mean a lot to him. 
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We’ve made it to the big track meet. Coach Tugnut gives the guys possibly the greatest motivational words ever: “Remember, it’s not whether you win or lose -- as long as you come in first.” Perfect. There’s also a great bit here where Donnie is stretching Louis’ leg and asks him when the last time he stretched was. Louis is clearly in pain and says “I don’t have a schedule with me right now... but if I were to guess..... uhh.... NEVER?!” - This is so me. I’ve also used that quote before. 
We learn that Louis’ main rival is some dude Trevor Dunn. As the runners take off, both Trevor and Larry dramatically fall halfway to the finish line. Victory is within Louis’ reach... If he just keeps running, he’ll totally win! But what does he do?! He runs over to help them instead. The sucky thing is, Larry faked his injury and pulls Louis to the ground like “lol got ya” and wins the race. Louis stays behind and comforts Trevor, who has an actual sprained ankle. What a sweetheart. Louis is cracking jokes (”Talk about the agony of da-feet. Please, no standing ovations.”) and making Trevor laugh pretty hard. So, Trevor casually says “You’re funny.” :’) This time it means so much more coming from someone who’s not his sister. 
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Even though Larry won, the entire crowd is cheering “LOUIS, LOUIS!” for his good deed. Larry is fuming. 
The final scene is a sweet mirror talk. I think I’ve mentioned enough how much I love and miss these. This one is a favorite of mine: 
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"The best thing that happened to me today? A kid called me funny. And as much as I like being on the track team and hanging out with my brother... I like being funny more."
This is so heartwarming. Because it’s obvious that comedy is truly his "thing." It’s nice to see him accept that. (Even though he still struggles later on.) This is another parallel with Shia, I think. He has suuuch a natural gift for comedy. I want him to embrace it more these days!!! *sigh* Plz god.
Louis also ends up getting Student of the Month and his picture is adorable lol
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I really, really like this episode. 
I feel like most people remember this one pretty well. If you watched Disney Channel during Even Stevens’ original run, then you most definitely remember a slew of quotes. Its quotability is the main reason I’ve ranked this towards the higher end of the list. I also have a soft spot for this episode in general and there’s some nice character development as well.
Like I’ve mentioned before, Disney hammers the first few episodes of a show into the freaking ground. I swear I’ve seen the same few episodes of Andi Mack and Raven’s Home on TV every single day since they premiered. That’s basically what they did with Even Stevens, too. It’s part of what makes Season 1 particularly memorable at times. There really isn’t much that I dislike about this one. Like most S1 episodes, it’s just a little slower. Since it’s super early in the series, the overall plot feels very Late 90′s Disney Channel. Similar to All About Yvette. (I feel like I bring that episode up constantly lol) There’s just a certain pure, old school, generic quality to it that simply cannot be accurately explained and somehow makes me feel a little neutral about it.
That being said, this is only EPISODE 2!!!! Considering that, it’s top-notch honestly. Right out the gate, we’re getting to see more sides to Louis Stevens. Naïve, arrogant/head in the clouds, caring, funny. And of course, we ultimately see what a good kid at heart he is. And boy, do I love to see that. :D
Thanks fo’ readin. 
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kyloscomet · 7 years
Everything || Negan
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Summary: Lucille was Negan’s everything... it has taken death for him to realize that.
Warnings: blood, guts, cursing, anger, sadness
Words: 1538
Note: so, the other day I was writing for my fic (the one i have yet to finish and post lol) and I got this sudden idea for a Negan one shot! I decided to write it because my ass needed a break from all the other stuff I was writing. I tagged the people who liked and/or reblogged the post because I figured you guys might be interested in reading the one shot idea in full (I’m sorry if you didn’t.). much love to everyone and I hope you guys enjoy!
Tags: @jasoncrouse @gerard-butler @i-am-negan-trash @ceecaw @puma67 @ladyynegan @lone-emo-wolf @trevor-philips-incorp @roguesandsaviors @justsomefalsehope @negans-network @hawtdiggitynegan @milarca 
P.S.: many of the lines included below are from the beginning comics of “Here’s Negan” so, if you’ve read them, you’ll recognize them. I changed some of them up a bit so that people who haven’t read the comics could still understand what happened pre-apocalypse. anything said in italics in the story is all in Negan’s head, just so you know! ok I’m done talking, enjoy!
Negan’s lungs burned and his arms pumped as fast as they could. He could feel his heart beating through every vein in his body, his feet smashing onto the concrete ground as he ran. He grabbed tightly to his wooden weapon, his backpack swinging at his sides with every step he took.
“Negan, honey, the lemonade’s done!”
He looked behind him to see a herd, 30 deep, on his tail, each of them dripping from the mouth and snarling like dogs.
“How about you boys come inside and-- where’d they go?”
Negan smashed his body into a fence, his fingers gripping on the holes as he quickly looked through. There were only three that he could see, and a building on the inside. A couple cars were there, dusty, with deflated tires. He looked back again. Behind him the herd drew closer, the more they walked, the more roamers joined them.
Negan took a deep breath and threw his bat over the fence, then started his climb, the heat of the sun beaming on his neck.
“What the fuck, Negan?! You can’t cuss kids out like that!”
Negan landed on the floor of the lot, his hands burning as they scraped the floor. The three roamers turned their bodies and walked towards him, smelling his fear.
“Lucille?” he asked. He scrambled frantically, looking for his bat. When he saw her by a pile of tires, he quickly stood and ran. He reached for her.
“Their parents are calling me now, that’s just great!”
Negan felt a pair of cold hands grab his shoulders and he quickly spun, kicking the dead body from him. He then raised his bat and brought it down on the next rotter that came up to him, it’s voice crackling. He grunted loudly as the next one lunged at his arms.
“Goddamit, Negan, have you lost your fucking mind? The school is going to fire you!”
He shook it off and swung, blood and a jaw flying to a car window. The fence started jolting and scraping as the weight of the herd came down on it. Negan let out a yell as he kicked the last roamer once more, it’s body flying into the pile of tires. He then bolted to the door of the building, and it swung open, dust flying in his face. Negan shut the door behind him, just as the fence gave out. He held his back on the door and breathed before seeing a large cabinet right ahead of him.
“Fuck, Negan, I know the kids say worse things but they’re n-nn-nnn-not--”
Negan’s legs and arms throbbed as he pushed the cabinet against the door, it’s metal legs scraping the ground under him. He could feel his sweat dripping down his face, the cuts from his fall began to sting. He grunted one last time as he gave a final push. The cabinet tipped backwards and landed, its top against the door.
He looked around him and saw a series of big windows, suddenly being clouded by blood and puss, rotting hands and broken faces. Holding Lucille, he took a step back, his chest rising and falling with each breath.
“C’mon,” he said, under his breath, scowling at the enemies on the other side.
“C’mon, you bastards!” he yelled, picking up a mug from the counter and throwing it at the ground.
“Call nine-one-one! She’s unconscious! Don’t worry, baby, I’m getting help.”
Negan grunted and smashed Lucille onto the counter of the shop, the glass smashing beneath her. The room filled with the air with the smell of stale candies and old paper. Negan then went to the cash register and swung his bat to it’s side, causing the bottom drawer to fly open. He picked it up and in a fit of rage threw it to the wall, causing coins and cash to fly all around him. Stomping to magazine stand by a waiting area, he dropped Lucille and picked it up, throwing it across the room.
Toss after toss and hit after hit, the once quiet and untouched shop was now a tsunami a paper and glass. The couches and chairs were flipped and the dark wooden walls contained holes that could fit whole basketballs inside of them. Catalogs and books filled with records became unreadable as they were ripped to shreds, the vending machines were ransacked and the plants were nothing but a mess of soil and leaves. Negan was breathing heavily, his eyes welling with tears.
“Sir, I’m afraid that there’s no easy way to say this, but, your wife… it’s not looking good.”
Negan looked up, looking across the room and to his Lucille, lying under a pile of papers and magazines in the pit of the counter. He took in a deep breath and closed his eyes. Outside, the crackling of the monsters continued, their pounding against his door immense. Negan tried to swallow the painful ball in his throat as he took small steps to her.
“Cancer, sir, it’s a rare form. There’s no treatment but, chemo could give her some more time.”
The glass and paper crushed underneath his feet as he walked, slightly limping. The fall took more out of him then he remembered. His eyes, blurry, looked up at the wall of windows. Spiderwebbed cracks covered them from corner to corner as the roamers beat their fists. They were going to make it in.
Negan then walked behind the counter, closing the small gate behind him. He looked down at Lucille, downcast by his grief. Falling to his knees, Negan let the glass pierce through his jeans and into his skin. With both hands, bloodied and scarred, he picked up his wood and wire.
“Negan, you cheated and now… now you want me? Why’d you pick the sick one?”
Negan sighed and tears rolled down his eyes, their droplets leaving streaks of salty sadness on his cheeks. He could hear the shattering of the windows, the gurgling of the monsters, the stomping of their feet. Negan slowly took Lucille to his chest, holding the bat dearly.
“I just want you. I just want us to be together. No more her, no more leaving, just me and you. Right here, right now.”
Negan sighed one last time, before clearing the space in front of him. His hands moved aside all the useless money, magazines, glass, and paper. Above him, black hands and rotting arms reached towards him, itching for a taste of his fresh flesh and warm blood. Their teeth gnawed together, their feet continued to walk all though they were all standing in place. Negan swallowed deeply and laid on his back, releasing a breath. Lucille laid across his chest, her wire piercing his heart.
“I need you to know that you are everything to me.”
“You… are… everything.”
As Negan said those words, he closed his eyes, his mind slipping further and further away from the reality around him. His hands became limp, his legs resting. He felt the glass under him slowly enter his skin, his blood feeling hotter as it spilled to the floor. His breathing became constant as he rested there, the fear no longer holding his hand.
He remembered the walks in the park, the ice cream on the benches, and the health ninjas that he was certain would save the day.
“You’re going to fucking beat this, okay? You’re not giving up!”
Booms and cracks resounded in his ears, echoing as they came and gone. The sun and wind started to pierce through the bodies. Negan felt splashes of cold blood cover his face, the monsters quickly collapsing. Negan scrunched his eyebrows as he heard voices, real voices, bellowing through his darkness. He opened his eyes.
Men with weapons were surrounding him, each of them following the orders of one man who wielded a sharp weapon. Limbs and body parts, blood and guts, flew all around him. He blinked a few times and took in a deep breath.
A man with a dark mustache used a machete to take one last hit on one last roamer. It’s body fell to the ground with a thud, as he pulled out the weapon. Negan’s heart began to beat hard all over again as the man flicked the blood from his weapon. The room grew silent and all he could hear was the sound of the living catching their breaths. The man in charge released a grunt and cocked his head back, twirling his machete.
“Man, oh man! Good job, boys! Now, let us see our prize!”
He looked down at Negan who was laying on the ground, Lucille still across his chest. The man with the dark mustache put jumped across the counter and landed back on the ground, his feet crushing more glass under him. He took big steps towards Negan, his machete out in front of him.
Negan put his hands at his sides and quickly started to sit up.
“Nuh uh,” said the man, “You stay right there.”
The tip of the large knife came nose to nose with Negan, it’s sharp edge glistening. Negan’s breath picked up as Lucille rolled off of him.
“I’m Simon, I run this who-haw. Who the fuck are you?”
Note: so, umm... part two? - vee
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trashboiiz · 7 years
The Office Plague (Part 2/2) - Feat. the Cow Chop Crew
(A/N: This was a fun lil fic to write. There were some parts that could’ve turned into ships and such but I don’t really care for those. This is just a sweet and funny lil fic. Also it seems like I only post fics at like 3am lol whoops)
For the past two days Trevors been at home recovering from the flu, which he diagnosed with after Brett forced him to go to the doctor. Since he wasn’t at the office to edit or film the others have been working a little more to make up for the lacking manpower. Everyone hoped Trevor would feel better soon, not just because they didn’t want to work longer, but because they cared about him, obviously. However, Trevor was still feeling the same as the day he vomited in the office, which means he’ll probably be sick for at least another week. Brett wasn’t happy about this.
“Okay everyone. Since Trevor isn’t here we’re going to have to delay the Smash gambling series” Brett announces, hearing a loud groan from the back of the room.
“But Brett, I need it” James whines.
“For fucks sake James, go see a therapist for your gambling addiction”
James sinks into his chair, mumbling about how he can stop at anytime.
“We need some ideas for what can be put up in it’s place. If you guys have any ideas you know where to find me” Brett returns to his office and let’s everyone get back to editing.
Aleks finished editing his video faster than usual but wasn’t going to let Brett dump Trevor’s work on him. Instead of helping out he dicks around on the internet, though he quickly gives up on that after seeing post after post about his absence from Twitch and Youtube. Since he has nothing else to do, other than editing, Aleks decides to get a snack. As he stands up, he becomes lightheaded and grabs onto his desk to keep his balance.
“You okay, Aleks?” James asks, noticing Aleks’ unsteadiness.
“Yea, I think I’m fine” Aleks says unconvincingly.
James watches as Aleks walks over to the snack cabinet, his balance still wobbly. Right when he reaches up to grab some chips, he sneezes so violently he falls to the floor.
“Aleks!” James rushes over to the blonde boy bewildered on the ground.
“I don’t know what happened” Aleks looks down, noticing the mess on the floor, “No my chips!”
“Aleks who gives a shit, are you okay?”
“I’m dizzy and I need to sneeze.”
“Maybe you should rest for a bit” James leads Aleks to the couch, helping him lay down, “I’ll drive you home if you need me to”.
“Thanks” Aleks manages to say before sneezing again.
James gets back to work, now another man down. While Aleks naps, the rest of Cow Chop film some bits, until they need the couch for some gameplay.
“Hey,” Brett pushes Aleks, “you need to get up so we can make a vid”
Aleks groans and rolls over. Brett sighs then scoops him up and carries him over to the couch near the entrance.
“Stay here, don’t die”
Aleks grumbles in response.
When Brett returns to the main area of the warehouse he sees Jakob running to the bathroom and Joe frantically looking for tissues.
“What the fuck is going on here” Brett yells.
Lindsey looks up from her desk,  “They’re both sick”
“With what?”
“I dunno, probably the same thing as Trevor.”
Then it hits him; it’s an epidemic. Brett runs to the prop bins, grabbing a face mask and gloves. After eyeballing the office he sees a fire extinguisher and takes that too.
“Ok everyone!” Brett booms, “We are now on lockdown. Everyone who is not sick please grab some masks and cleaning supplies and all those sick meet at the entrance.”
“Brett wha-”
“No arguing James! We have a business to run and no one else can get sick.”
Begrudgingly, James, Asher, Anna, and Lindsey search for supplies while Brett helps Jakob and Joe to the front of the warehouse.
“Here’s whats going to happen” Brett yells, loud enough so everyone can hear, “I will sacrifice my health to take these unclean boys home while the rest clean the office.”
Aleks reaches up to Brett, but Brett points the fire extinguisher at him.
“Rule one, no touching”
Aleks sneezes and lets his arm plop down beside him. Jakob and Joe are sitting in the chairs next to him, looking almost as worse as Aleks. They’re all getting paler at a remarkable rate and look like they could pass out at any minute.
“You’re all going to pile into my care and I’ll drop you all off. I even think about coming back to work until you’ve seen a doctor and you’re better.”
Everyone warily nods in agreement and slowly shuffles to Bretts car. Brett gives them all a plastic bag and hangs up a little car air freshener. As he turns on the car, Jakob immediately vomits.
Brett groans, “I’m going to kill Trevor”.
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