#trimester one
ezrasanimationblog · 1 year
Trimester one, Motion Graphics
This project started off with Sivan displaying some examples of what exactly a motion graphic is which was helpful as at first I'd been a little unsure. The project as a whole feels nostalgic, maybe I don't watch enough movies which I think I will aim to rectify but I haven't seen an opening credits like that in a while.
That is to say I'm intrigued by the possibilities in spite of the challenges. Last year I struggled heavily with using the software such as adobe after effects but I'm optimistic this year that I will figure things out. This year I aim to be less afraid of asking for help but also in challenging myself to do more difficult things.
While all of the stories seemed interesting, some of them being ones I'd heard of before such as 1984, I am hoping to get permission to use one of the stories I already know well. While I understand the importance of having enough relevant material to make a full video and that part of the challenge is in working with material you don't know so well (as is the case often for commissioned artists), I do think getting to choose a story I'm truly passionate about will help me stay dedicated to the project in spite of the troubles I might run into.
For now though I'll remain thoughtful of the differing ways I might be able to use text inorder to display an emotion as well as how that text might be delivered or displayed. I'll also be thinking of examples of powerful imagery and further watching more motion graphics inorder to get a better basis for what I want to achieve.
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into-the-feniverse · 1 year
Updated timeline!!!
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Fixed some things, made it easier to figure out the sub events, aaaand for anyone who wants a more detailed breakdown you can check out this spreadsheet
For more bnha creative resources (like maps, drawing templates, etc): bit.ly/bnhatemplates
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queerbauten · 8 months
There's this single-issue anti-abortion party in my province that's been putting up billboards recently about their website, which does feature images of "aborted" fetuses, and the worst part, to me, is knowing that at least some of those "abortions"—you know, the 20+ weeks ones—were probably stillbirths (or even live preemies) that the parent(s) didn't want to lose, and that these people are just... lying. They're lying about this horrible, horrible thing in order to advance their cause. It makes me sick.
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piosplayhouse · 1 year
Name Sim Lesbingqiu's child
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softpine · 2 years
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hacker voice we’re in
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madegeeky · 3 months
30 June: I get sick. Hacking cough, snotty nose, nausea, the works.
2 July: Mr. Geeky and Mars get sick. Both experience minor coughing. Mr. Geeky has some nausea.
5 July: Mr. Geeky and Mars are no longer sick.
7 July: I am still sick. No nausea but much snot and coughing and sinus pressure.
8 July: Mr. Geeky tells me that if I hadn't been sick first, his symptoms were so mild he wouldn't even have noticed that he was sick.
9 July: I murder my husband. It is difficult, what with all the snot and coughing, but it had to be done.
10 July: I am still sick.
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coochiequeens · 10 months
Surrogate parents are exploiting an egg donor, the woman who grows the fetus, and the woman who donates her milk.
CHICAGO, Nov. 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- ConceiveAbilities, a groundbreaking surrogacy agency dedicated to supporting individuals on the journey to building families, proudly announces the outstanding success of its Milk Bank Challenge. Surpassing an ambitious 2023 goal of 1 million ounces, due to the generosity of more than 1,000 lactating and giving women, the initiative has already achieved this remarkable milestone.
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The original target for 2023 was one million ounces of donated breast milk for local milk banks nationwide. Through the 2023 MilkBankChallenge, the contributions of 1,200 women resulted in a total donation of 1,064,000 ounces to over 50 local milk banks.
Founder Nazca Fontes expressed gratitude, stating, "When we set the goal of one million ounces, it seemed lofty, but I never doubted the generosity of these amazing women and their willingness to make such an impactful gift."
Since its launch in June 2022, the #MilkBankChallenge has inspired more than 1,800 women to donate an astonishing 1.7 million ounces of breast milk. ConceiveAbilities' team members, including Lacie Vigil who contributed 1,160 ounces, have also actively participated. Vigil adds, "Donating breast milk is something that I am so proud of. There is no better feeling than knowing that a baby was fed because of my decision to donate."
Lexi Berry, a three-time surrogate, shared her experience, "I just sent in my 43rd cooler to Preemies Milk Bank. Between both of my surro journeys, I have donated just about 34,000 ounces."
The #MilkBankChallenge was initiated by ConceiveAbilities to address the urgent need for milk banks to replenish their supply during the infant formula shortage that reached a crisis in 2022. The overwhelming success of the challenge prompted an elevation of the 2023 goal to one million ounces.
ConceiveAbilities sees lactation as an important component of its All-In Surrogate Care and Compensation Package, recognizing the significance of the fourth trimester in postpartum recovery. The #MilkBankChallenge aligns with the organization's commitment to sharing valuable information for women during their fourth trimester, including resources on lactation.
To continue this impactful journey until December 31, 2023, the community is urged to share this link on #GivingTuesday, encouraging lactating women to join in donating their breast milk surplus to support infants in need.
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llama--plumbobsims · 2 months
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tomarang - day 9
aspiration progress:
Cook Tomarani Cuisine 3 Times
Buy a Shirt from the Night Market
Buy Food at the Night Market
Prepare 2 Recipes Using a Pressure Cooker
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ezrasanimationblog · 1 year
Trimester one, Character Design
This monday we began work on a two week character design assignment in which I will need to eventually create a portrait, turn around and comic orientated around the character I come up with.
Initially the assignment started off with picking traits for a character from a series of hats. I got willowy, rebellious and Flander's renaissance.
In basic my process so far has taken into account lectures on shape language and inspiration for my design. I have not only made a mindmap about the historical setting but also set up a pinterest board featuring fashion and paintings from the time period. I have already firmly decided to create a painter and so I followed that up with a small mindmap dissecting the symbolism behind many pieces of art created at the time including themes such as beauty, power and religion.
When first beginning to draw my character I have made a large effort to use pointy, sharp shapes for features such as the hair, nose and chin inorder to feed into the idea of 'rebellious' and its associated synonyms including dangerous and sharp.
Additionally I have looked at images of characters describe as willowy, creating a stronger understanding of what that sort of character may look like. Coming to the conclusion that these characters are often tall, lanky, dour and skinny, I've made the choice to create a teenager as I feel those proportions suit well the idea of a moody, rebellious teenager not entirely grown into themselves.
With this basis in mind I will explore more fashion, poses and expressions so that I can use them to better express the character's internal attitudes. My observational drawing work will help with this as I have practiced motion and balance within poses hopefully enabling me to deliver a better sense of weight (something I struggled with last year).
Additionally I will continue to work on my character's purpose and the meaning behind his story, I think this will help providing more clues as to his personality over the upcoming week.
All in all I am excited for this project.
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isdalinarhot · 11 months
dalinar and sadeas. press their coochies together and frot/scissor with such a fucking vengeance. like the thrill is glowing in their eyes. and the end result is a little coupon that says. dalinar you are so good at being an absent father. sadeas you are a bonus code but maybe just maybe you can be an absent father too. depending on how things work out. god imagine if adolin and renarin were sadalinar kids and they had to deal with 2 absent fathers and 0 mothers growing up. theyd be so fucked up
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thunderheadfred · 10 months
lotta stress this last week or so. trying hard not to be a boob about it. but lord, I am just. so very tired of feeling THIS crappy, nonstop. I am assured by all that this too shall pass, but alas, my impatience doesn't care. grahh
family drama, 18 credits worth of finals looming, first ultrasound appointment on friday has me panicked that something must be wrong even though every single sign has been good so far but the not knowing scares me so bad, I just want a window, a porthole, to know is the alien bean okay in there
there is no reasoning with me. my brain is just like, the most hormonal and exhausted and overwhelmed it has ever been, where I'm nauseated on a near-constant basis, happy-crying every time I see a particularly beautiful leaf, sobbing uncontrollably over world events, and also completely incapable of focusing on any task. at all.
and I have a lot of tasks on my plate
so liek.k..akeflakjf;alskfjla;skfjdlasdkjfl;sakfjals;j
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aemondsbabygirl · 10 months
Pre ordered these two lil guys 😍
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also I KNOW that all my college and high school friends are not actually announcing pregnancies or births at a higher rate than usual I’m just more hypersensitive/attuned to this kind of news than usual but also sometimes I feel an uncontrollable rage in my heart towards these people who are 1) getting pregnant for free and 2) getting pregnant, period. I recognize this as an irrational and unfair emotional reaction! it’s not like these people can help being straight and/or having uncomplicated pregnancies! but also I can burn with suppressed rage and grief about it!!!
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icybevybev · 1 year
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Finally hit third trimester &stress and anxiety is through the roof💫
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devsbian · 5 months
did go tour a rental house today. did tell the realestate agent about my. about my pants ripping at work. “that’s my worst nightmare” he says. “yeah.” i said. “now my biggest fear is it happening again. everyone will think i buy terrible pants.” i said. he still sent me the rental app like right away so. perhaps my ripped pants charm will persuade him.
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nyrarachelle-plays · 5 months
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Krystle went home to freshen up, before reclining on the bed with this look on her face. Finally alone with her thoughts after today's events, I know her mind is racing.
Previously. ("No, No! You Stay.") | Next. (On His Own...)
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