#triple frontier with aliens
for-a-longlongtime · 6 months
Very Important News (well sorta)
First: yes - Pedro is Pedro, and not his characters. I think it's safe to say that most of us have no problem distinguishing this?
Can I have your attention for a moment.
Y'all know that Triple Frontier photoshoot (they only did one) where he's wearing that black with white thingies shirt, that has unofficially been dubbed 'Date Night Frankie'?
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Of course you know it.
And y'all know how the combo of the Alien cap and khakis/dressed down look and longer hair etc that Pedro's been rocking these past months has more than once given the whole 'Frankie coded vibes'?
Well. With that new pic getting shared today, I just realised the angle is exactly like as one of those shoot pictures, so I had to compare (hello shitty Paint copy paste job),
and I can confirm:
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The hair is now 100% Date Night Frankie style.
The EXACT same length in the back/at his neck. Same on top (obv the photoshoot look is properly styled though), the sides, even a bunch of the side whispies on the right.
No further questions, your honor - I rest my case.
cc to the Catfish Pond Degree Program folks, the Juice collective and some other Frankie folks/writers (I know I'm forgetting folks, sorry!): @imalrightllama @legendary-pink-dot @goodwithcheese @rifflovesjoey @morallyinept @sin-djarin @rhoorl @magpiepills @linzels-blog @maggiemayhemnj @avastrasposts @trulybetty @secretelephanttattoo @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @frenchiereading @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @nerdieforpedro @musings-of-a-rose @gemmahale @sp00kymulderr @ladybess-a03 @undercoverpena @laurfilijames @arcanefox207 @redhotkitchen @exquisiteserotonin @sparklefarts38 @pink-whiskey-woman @youandmeand5bucks @perotovar @ezrasbirdie @prolix-yuy @oonajaeadira @idolatrybarbie @swiftispunk @whatsnewalycat @penvisions @radiowallet
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pimosworld · 11 months
The story of us chapter 5
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Triple frontier boys x f!reader
Summary- Set before you and the boys are officially together and how you came to be.
Chapter summary- Frankie takes you flying and your relationship to new heights.
CW- 18+,MDNI, to avoid spoilers I will be posting a link for warnings. Link
Notes- See story Masterlist for full chapter notes. This chapter was so fun to write, my first time writing a solo Frankie. He starts off shy but quickly gains his confidence.
Not beta read
[Series Masterlist] [Main Masterlist]
Chapter V Flying without Falling
11:54 pm
  Frankie can’t sleep as he lies awake staring at the ceiling fan. Every creak and noise the house makes has him on edge. He shouldn’t care this much but it’s starting to get under his skin and root itself deep somewhere he dare not explore. Before he can fully run away with his intrusive thoughts he hears the front door open and close. He breathes a sigh of relief knowing Benny actually came home after your date. 
  Maybe Santi was right,he shouldn’t be this jealous of his best friends going on a date. But jealousy doesn’t seem like the right word either, he wants to be included, he couldn’t possibly go on as a spectator if you decided to have a relationship. It’s entirely too late for all these thoughts and he’s getting way ahead of himself.
  He would call you normally when his thoughts ran wild. Why would now be any different? The only difference now is that he knows you’ll pick up. Over the last several months that certainly wasn’t the case. Before he can second guess himself he picks up his phone and calls you. 
You’re seated on your couch staring at the blank screen of the tv replaying the night in your head. You really should go wash your face and get some sleep but you can’t stop thinking about that kiss. You can’t stop thinking about everything he did for you. The feeling was so alien being treated as if you were a Disney princess. Ben was always sweet but this was a side of him you’ve never seen. You could definitely get used to it. 
  Incoming call Francisco
  “Hey Frankie, is everything okay?” Your voice is laced with concern at this late hour he’s calling.
  “Ugh…ya I’m sorry I called so late.” I just wanted to hear your voice. “I just needed to talk to you about something.”
  “Okay.” At midnight? You wait patiently for his response. 
  “So how was your date?” Jesus Francisco you just couldn’t help yourself. He thinks you're silent for a little too long, maybe he can just hang up and pretend this never happened.
  “It was really nice actually, but is that why you called?” You don’t want to give too many details, it just seems odd to talk about with him right now. 
  “No…I guess I should just spit it out. I got my license back and I start in a few days but I’m nervous.” He has to hold the phone away from his ear before he goes deaf at your excited squeal. 
  “Frankie, that's amazing, how come you didn’t tell us yesterday?” You can hear indistinct rustling on the other end. 
  “I didn’t think it was appropriate with everything going on…last night didn’t exactly scream tell everyone your good news.”
  “That’s sweet of you but I would’ve genuinely been excited with all the drama that went on. Life doesn’t revolve around me and my shitty dating life.” It kind of pains you that he put off such a happy announcement to not take attention off you. You know how hard he’s been working to get his license back and this means everything to him. Losing his license was like stripping his identity from him.
  “Listen hermosa, I know it’s last minute but I remember you saying you have tomorrow off…would you be willing to be my first passenger. I don’t want to be rusty in front of the clients on my first day.” He knows you know he’s full of shit. He is the most competent pilot and there’s no way he’s rusty. You’ve seen him in the deadliest situations somehow be cool, calm and collected. 
  “Of course Frankie, I would love to.” You’re certain he doesn’t need any practice but you decide to play along, it’s adorable when he’s nervous. 
  “Meet me at our house around noon and I’ll drive us to the site.” 
  “That sounds like a plan…you should get some sleep if you’re gonna be flying us safely tomorrow.” A little teasing goes a long way with him and you just can’t help yourself. 
  “Very funny, I’ll see you tomorrow Honey good night.” 
  “Goodnight Francisco.” 
  Sleep would not come easily for either of you that night. 
  Frankie’s not sure how much sleep he got last night, tossing and turning thinking about you. Trying not to think about how his life ended up the way it did. It was hard not to be in his head about his setbacks and inadequacies. He’s a grown man living with his two best friends. He should be able to afford a place on his own and be more independent, but he managed to fuck that up with this coke charge and losing his license.
  He really needed to relax and not let his thoughts run away with him. It wouldn’t be any help today. 
  He rolls out of bed suddenly more aware of every ache and pain in his body, it’s hard to say when he noticed himself getting older. He’s been ready for some time to settle down but had all but given up on finding something worthwhile.
  He pads down the hallway already hearing  the clanking of dishes and the strong smell of coffee.
He enters the kitchen to see the two fit shirtless blondes, one more thing to be insecure about. 
   “Mornin’ Fish.” Will looks up at him from his seat at the table. Frankie gives him a half smile as he slides into the seat across from him. 
  “Rough night?” You could say that 
  “Ya, didn’t sleep much. I was up worried about today.” 
  “What’s happening today?” Benny joins at the table sliding a cup of coffee to him. He scrubs a hand behind his neck deciding what approach to take with the news. 
  “Well I’m flying today. I got my license back.” Will looks up from his phone wide eyed as Benny jumps up nearly knocking the table over.
  “Holy shit man that’s amazing, why didn’t you say anything?” 
  “I was afraid it might not happen so I wanted to wait…I found out Friday and ugh Saturday didn’t seem like the right time to mention it.” Ben and Will exchange glances, neither of them needing to say why.
  “So you start today,what’s your schedule like?” Will stands from the table to refill his coffee.
  “No…I start tomorrow. I’m taking Honey up today to practice.” Lies 
  “Bullshit.” Ben leans back in his chair crossing his arms as Will tries to contain his laughter. Frankie mimics Ben's posture as he stares him down. 
  “You and I both know you don’t need practice.I do have to admit though, a helicopter is a nice move.”
  Frankie relaxes a little at the teasing Ben gives him. The younger man is obviously not bothered by it, he almost seems happy for him. 
  “We’ll Benjamin we can’t all have rock hard abs, some of us have to pull out other means of flattery.” 
  “Well Fish I’m happy for you and I hope you enjoy your date.” There’s no tone of sarcasm or anything to suggest that he’s lying.
  Will stands there in awe and shock at the absurdity of it all. How could they possibly be this chill about dating the same woman let alone you?
  “Speaking of dates, how was yours?” He raises an eyebrow at him playfully. 
  “I know you’ve been dying to ask. It was great, we saw a movie and went to the diner for burgers and shakes and then I dropped her off at home.” He’s not sure if he should include the last part. The conversations have been going well so far. 
  “What a modern day romance and you even had her home by curfew.” Ben flips him off as he stands from the table. 
  “I was gonna let you off easy but since you want to tease, I did get a good night kiss.” Will grabs his chest in fake shock. 
  “Good for you bud.” Frankie pays him on the shoulder as he stands. He can’t help but grin thinking about what he heard when you were in the shower. A sudden burst of confidence flows through his veins. 
  “As much as I’d love to watch this sad pissing contest, we need to get to the gym Ben.” 
  “Alright coach.” He pulls Frankie into a hug before heading down the hallway. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” He calls out from over his shoulder. 
  Will just rolls his eyes as Frankie retreats back to his room on the opposite end of the house. 
  Maybe this could work out after all. 
  Here you are again, tossing clothes about your room undecided on what to wear. This is supposed to be a casual day with Frankie and you can’t seem to get your head on straight. Let’s not add to the fact that you can’t be late. 
  It’s a beautiful sunny day in Florida so you decide to throw on some jean shorts, your army tank top and some black slip on vans. There’s no time to overthink this as you run out to the door to head to their house. You left yourself enough time to stop and grab something for Frankie, you were technically celebrating getting his license back and you wanted to surprise him.
  You pull up to the pristine suburban home they all share, you know Will had every attention to detail to keep the Miller family home in great condition. You have a slight panic when you see that Ben's truck is still in the driveway, you weren’t quite ready to confront what it is you were doing. To be honest you weren’t entirely sure if you knew yourself. 
  Frankie sees you pull up, he’s been pacing around the living room unable to relax. The excited nervous energy coursing through his veins at the thought of flying again and seeing you. 
  You can see Frankie leaning in the doorway with his arms crossed, he has a well fitted black shirt and blue jeans with his signature cap on. He’s just smiling at you as you make your way up the path to their house. 
  “I’m not that late am I?” You’re swinging the small gift bag back and forth on your finger as you hold it out to him. 
  “No but I saw you pull up and got excited.” He’s practically beaming at you. The happiest you’ve seen him in a long time. “I hope whatever’s in that bag is not for me.”
  “You’ll just have to open it and find out.” He grabs the bag from you slowly peeking inside, a medium size black box reveals some brand new aviator sunglasses. 
  “You didn’t have to do this.” You can hear the slight quiver in his voice and you’re so happy with your choice. 
  “I’m getting a free tour in the sky, it’s the least I could do.” He pulls you into a tight hug and you inhale his fresh woodsy scent, you recognize it as the body wash you bought him because you insisted he stop using the 3in1 crap that Ben used. 
  You’re standing in the doorway, neither of you wanting to break the hug, you lightly scratch your nails as you rub his back and a low growl emits from his chest on your cheek. 
  “We need to go before I change my mind.” He grabs your hand and places a kiss on your fingers before turning around to lock up. 
  Ben must not be home, thankfully you can deal with that later and just enjoy your afternoon with the old Frankie who seems to be making an appearance. 
  Frankie jogs ahead of you when you head towards his truck to open the door, he already has his sunglasses on and you curse under your breath a little at the sight. You’ve inadvertently made this day even harder for yourself now that you have to try not to ogle him, but the way his muscles flex in his shirt and the way his jeans are fitting you find your resolve breaking little by little. 
  You hop in the front seat and just before he closes the door he stops and stares at you. “I forgot to tell you how good you look today.” Fuck you’re not gonna make it. 
  The ride to the airfield is mostly spent in comfortable silence as you both trade glances at each other, it was so easy with him to just be. No expectations or insecurities. You often wondered how women didn’t realize what a catch he was, you’re glad in this moment no one has stuck around long enough to see what a massive failure it was to let this man go. 
  You were making it so hard for him to focus as you made your way to the chopper he was using for the day. The army tank top and short shorts doing nothing to hide your curves. 
  He could tell you were carrying yourself differently than the other day. A part of him was grateful for your date with Benny that seemed to bring some peace to your otherwise chaotic weekend. 
  A helicopter used to bring the sight of hell for the both of you, going on missions unsure if you would make it out alive, but now the way you turn and smile at him, practically bouncing with excited energy he thinks it may be heaven. 
  “We’ll see if I remember how to fly one of these.” You can almost see the faint wink behind his aviators as he holds the door open for you and you climb into the comfy leather seat. He buckles you in tugging on the straps to make sure they’re secure. He’s desperately trying to keep this as professional as possible but he sees the way you’re looking at him and he just wants to lean in and kiss you. He tears himself away closing the door behind him before he loses all form of concentration. 
  You wanted him too, and he almost did but you know he needs to focus. Even though he’s flown much larger aircrafts than this countless times, he still doesn’t want to jeopardize his second chance at life. And if you’re correct about your assumption there would be plenty of time for that. 
  “You know I have strapped myself in a few times.” He’s focused on the task at hand but you can see him smirking as he flips to switches and waits for the all clear to take off. 
  “I know you have hermosa but I’m supposed to be practicing so just pretend you’re a passenger. 
  What is it with these boys and pretending? You’ll play along since it worked out in your benefit the last time.
  He hands you a headset before doing a final once over and you can feel that familiar drop in your stomach as you lift up. The thrum of the blades all you can hear at the moment. He always made it look so easy and he’s all but confirmed how little practice he actually needed. 
  Something about finally being in the sky again has his confidence soaring. He can feel it in his bones, the man he used to be trying to make an appearance. He’s trying to focus but he can’t stop looking at the way you smile when you see something you like. He misses seeing you like this, happy to be in the air. Although he doesn’t miss the reasons why you used to be in a helicopter.
  You’re trying to take in the sights, but you can’t help but stare at Frankie. The way he’s controlling this massive machine with ease. You can see it in the way he relaxes. His shoulders seem less tense. That smile you loved so much has returned without the slight underlying sadness. It’s intoxicating seeing him like this.
  “I missed seeing you in that seat next to me.” He glances over in enough time to notice you smile to yourself.
  You fly for a while just taking in the sight below, this was a version of your city you’ve never seen before and it’s truly mesmerizing. It breaks your heart knowing what he had to go through to get back to this place. Everyone has dealt with their demons in their own way. His demons almost took the most important things in his life away from him. 
  He doesn’t think he’s been this happy flying, seeing your face light up when you spot something you recognize or the fact that you so willingly agreed to come with him and make this day as special as possible. 
  “You’re pretty good with your hands Mr. Morales.” He raises an eyebrow at you wondering if the altitude has gone to your head. He needs to be safely on the ground if you’re going to call him that again.
  “I’m a pretend passenger, remember.”
  “My real passenger is an 80 year old man, I hope he doesn’t comment on how good I am with my hands.” You snort into the headset before erupting into full blown laughter and there it is again, that laugh that would bring any man to his knees.
  “You mean to tell me you’ve never flirted with a passenger?” He glances at you nervously playing with your straps over your chest as you look out below.
  “There was one time.” 
  “Well I hope it ended well for you.” You can see you’re almost back to the airfield and your heart drops a little at the day coming to an end.
  Let’s hope it does end well for me. 
  “So,what are your plans for the rest of the day?” He didn’t want to assume as he awaits your answer, suddenly so focused on the road as you make your way back to their house. 
  “I don’t have anything planned, I wasn’t sure if you had things you needed to take care of for tomorrow?” He looks a little confused and you can’t help but laugh at the deep crease in his brow. 
  “You know your first day back at work.” 
  “Oh, everything is all squared away. Although I was hoping you might want to stay a little while, I can make us lunch.” He sounds a little timid again but when you grab his hand not placed on the steering wheel and kiss his palm all his worries are washed away. 
  “I would say these hands have done enough today but I would be stupid if I said no to anything you cook.” He has other plans for you and his hands but he needs to focus on one thing at a time first lunch. 
  He already had a full plan for lunch that would’ve turned into Will and Bennys dinner if you decided not to stay. The conversation flowed easy as you both enjoyed grilled shrimp tacos and homemade ceviche. You hadn’t spent this much time together in months, it seemed you had a lot to catch up on. 
  You both confided in each other, it was so easy to talk about life and issues without being judged. The more Mike pulled you away left a gaping hole in both of your lives. You couldn’t possibly go back to that again. 
  Frankie’s washing the dishes, your plates having been completely cleared and has to stop what he’s doing at the sound of your obscenely loud yawn. He can’t help but laugh at your wide eyed expression, you obviously just as surprised by it as he was. 
  “I’m sorry, I’m just so content after that meal and honestly I got no sleep last night.” He dries his hands and makes his way over to you seated at the kitchen island. A mischievous glint in his eye. 
  “I have a bizarre request and you can say no if you want to. Seeing as though we both got zero sleep last night, do you want to take a nap?”
  “Yes!” You groan internally at your enthusiastic response. 
  He had a surge of confidence at your response as he got impossibly closer, stepping between your legs as he rubbed his hands up and down your thighs in a soothing motion. He leans in and you close your eyes bracing yourself for a kiss when you suddenly feel his lips brush your ear. 
  “Bed or couch?” You’re not certain you can breathe with the way his voice drops to a low register. His hands are like fire on your exposed thighs so close to where you want him to touch you. 
  “Couch?” It comes out in a breathy whisper as you attempt to clear your throat. “I think the couch is safer.” 
  He hasn’t so much as moved an inch and with his close proximity you’re afraid he can hear your heart beating out of your chest. 
  “Couch it is, but I’m not sure if it’s safer.” He takes your hand and guides you off the stool and it feels like you’re floating as you make your way to the living room. He sits in the corner, defaulting to his favorite spot despite having a choice of anywhere. He practically pulls you down with him as you settle in facing him with your head resting on his extended arm. Many a movie night you’ve fallen asleep in this exact position, but this feels different. 
  He pulls the blanket off the back of the couch to cover you as sleep already threatens to claim you. The sound of his steady heartbeat and the smell that you could only describe as him lulling you to sleep. 
  He doesn’t even think you realize you’re rubbing his back as you muzzle deeper into his chest, the feeling so domestic it makes his chest hurt a little. It’s like a knot that’s formed over time trying to loosen itself the further into sleep he goes. He only remembers the smell of your shampoo and your slow breaths before exhaustion takes him under. 
  The house is quiet…so quiet that he knows Ben and Will definitely aren’t home yet. The sun is still up but casting the orange hue that tells him it’s late in the afternoon. He doesn’t want to move too much because you’re still sleeping so peacefully. He is aware however that you have moved in your sleep, draping your leg over him like he’s a human body pillow. 
  Perhaps it’s a wicked Pavlovian response that his body betrays him in the moment as you're pinned against him. He’s growing harder in his jeans and every attempt to move you only causes you to stir further, involuntarily grinding your hips into him in a steady slow motion. 
  You’re having that dream again but this time it feels so real, too real as you feel the hard press of Frankie’s cock against your core. This time when you wake it’s not like a bucket of cold water being thrown on you. It’s softer, more intentional. 
  “Honey….honey?” It’s a little disorienting, but you can still smell him and see the light coming through the windows. You must not have slept for very long. You can feel his thumb tracing lines across your cheek and slowly register him saying your name. The sensation you were feeling in your dream hasn’t dissipated and you don’t dare look down as your haze begins to lift. 
  “I think you were having a dream.” His sleepy voice barely above a whisper. “You kept saying my name.” It seems you’re both in a predicament, him more so than you since he’s not actually in your head and you can feel evidently what’s pressed against you. 
  You hope maybe a change in subject will make him drop it or at the very least get the hint. It didn’t seem like the appropriate time to tell him that you can’t stop having sex dreams about your best friends. 
  “You know…you didn’t seem like you needed any practice today.” You shift on the couch to look up at him.
  “Maybe I told a little white lie.” He’s staring at you, a question hanging in the air of do you want this? He hasn’t moved his hand from your face as he slowly tilts it up further and leans in for a tender kiss. He’s been waiting all day, resisting the urge to kiss you the moment he opened his gift. 
  He’s waiting for you to pull away or say you don’t want this but that moment never comes as the soft kiss turns into a fight to get impossibly closer. His patience wore thin at the way you were saying his name in your sleep. Your hands are in his hair as he deepens this kiss, both of you trading moans in between breathing. He grips the thigh that’s slung over his hip as he pins you beneath him, the heavy comfortable weight of him grinding you into the couch. 
  You hate your brain for making you aware of your dry humping session being in the shared residence of the man you were also dating?
  “Wait…wait, I have a confession.” He stops suddenly hoping he hadn’t totally fucked this up by going to far. The moment feels like an eternity as he lets you catch your breath. 
  “I kissed Benny.” You’re bracing yourself for the moment he rolls off you and asks you to leave but he drops his head to your shoulder as he chuckles in your ear. 
  “Well just consider it even, since I’ve kissed Benny too.” Oh now he wants to make jokes. 
  “Yes I’m aware but it wasn’t less than 24 hours ago.” He raises an eyebrow at you and you silently curse yourself for assuming. “Unless it was…”
  “I’m just kidding, I had to mess with you a little.” You swat his chest playfully and breathe a sigh of relief. “Let’s just say Benny and I have come to a friendly agreement. 
  You’re not entirely sure what that means but you couldn’t care less as long as they know what’s going on even if you didn’t. 
  You try to pull him towards you again but he braces his right arm beside your head to stay upright, his left hand not having left your thigh throughout the interaction. 
  “I suppose if we’re being honest…I have a confession.” His tongue peeks out on his bottom lip as he mulls over how to approach, he has no idea how tempting it looks. 
  “I was going to wake you up yesterday but you were already in the shower.” Your throat is suddenly dry and your shoulders tense. “ I thought you were crying so I hesitated and then…I heard you say my name.” 
  There was no playing this off, not like your dream where he knew you were sleeping. This was perhaps the most mortified you’ve ever been. You wish you were anywhere but pinned under his literal and figurative gaze. 
  “I can explain.” No you can’t 
  “Tell me.” You try to move out from underneath him but he doesn’t budge. 
  “Frankie this isn’t fair.” 
  “No hermosa, you know what’s not fair.” His hand is slowly making its way up your thigh and your breathing is ragged. 
  “You had to take care of yourself when the hands you wanted to touch you were just on the other side of the door.” You don’t know when you lost control of the situation but here you are, stuck under him. He’s waiting for you to tell him to stop but your body has other plans and your lips won’t move.
  “Now tell me.” It’s not a question and this side of him has you faltering. 
  “Tell you what?” He leans down to kiss your lips but pulls away just as fast. 
  “What you were doing when you said my name.” He can’t be serious
  He’s searching your eyes for any sign you want this to stop but all he finds are your lust blown pupils. He decides upon seeing your excitement to try a different approach. 
  “Show me.” He waits to see if he made the right choice and you slowly move your hand from around his neck. No one has ever made you this nervous and excited at the same time. His confidence awakened something in you that you didn’t know existed. You slowly start to unbutton your shorts, never breaking eye contact. You can see his chest rising and falling, his resolve breaking a little spurring you on. 
  You dip your hand under the waistband of your lace panties, thanking yourself for being a little too optimistic about where the afternoon might lead. His eyes trail down your front as he battles with watching your face and watching where your hand has disappeared. He shifts to the side to give you room as you  slowly circle your clit with your middle finger. A small whimper escapes your lips and any embarrassment has been replaced with chasing this high. 
  You drag your finger through your slit as you dip a finger in trying to reach that spot at this awkward angle, you whine in frustration because your fingers aren’t enough with the way he’s been subtly working you up all afternoon. 
  He grabs your wrist and gently pulls your hand out of your shorts, you're wrapped in his every movement as he brings your fingers to his mouth to lick and suck every last drop from them. 
  “Let me show you.” His hands seem so much larger than yours as they make their way down your breast and across your abdomen, his trail painstakingly slow but you wouldn’t dare rush this moment. 
  He dips his hand into your shorts, dragging his fingers across your soft lace panties. “Frankie please…” You're hanging on by a thread and you need him to stop teasing you. 
  “You’re so sensitive, I’ve barely touched you.” You’re having deja because he’s said that before…or was that your dream. He dips one finger into your entrance as you arch your back. It’s too much and not enough as if he senses your frustration he plunges a second finger in slowly pumping in and out. 
  You drop your head onto the pillow as you softly moan his name. You can feel his cock grinding into your hip as he picks up the pace. He swallows your moans with his lips on yours. His name has never sounded sweeter than it does now as you chant his name. You’re ratcheted too tight as you feel the coil build, his fingers press down on the soft bundle of nerves and your toes curl in a blinding orgasm. You’re not sure when you gripped his hair like a lifeline as you slowly untangle your fingers while you come down from your high. 
  “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the way you said my name.” He’s placing soft kisses on your neck as he removes his hand, you’re suddenly feeling a little bold as you can feel how patient he was being. You palm his bulge through his jeans and he bucks his hip, groaning your name. 
  The sound of car doors slamming have you both looking at each other wide eyed. He grabs your hand and places it around his waist. “I need you to pretend to be asleep.” You open your mouth to speak but he shushes you with a kiss as he flings the blanket back over you both. Your pants are still unbuckled and he’s still very hard but right now as the keys jingle in the door you figure you can deal with it later. 
  The front door opens and you bury your face into his chest to hide your laughter at having to pretend once again. Ben’s yelling about something per usual as you hear Will shush him. 
  “Awww they look so peaceful.” You can feel Frankie squeeze your hip and it’s taking everything to calm your breathing. His chest is rising and falling steadily as he squeaks out a fake snore. He may seem peaceful but you can feel his rapid heartbeat against your cheek. 
  You hear footsteps getting further away and voices trailing as they make their way to the kitchen. Frankie can hear the fridge open and close and the sound of the water in the sink running. 
  “Can you button your shorts without moving too much?” He whispers into your temple. You nod your head as you slowly move your hand down to button them again, you try your best to avoid his problem that seems to be less obvious. When you’re finally decent you sit up peeking over the back of the couch. You signal for him to sit up and he hears footsteps approaching. He raises his arms above his head dramatically, stretching as you do your best-I just woke up eyes. It’s all ridiculously hilarious 
  “Good evening sleepyheads.” Ben plops down next to you on the couch and you sit up fully now in the middle of both men. 
  “Do you ugh…want some water?” Frankie’s standing to stretch now, his little belly exposed as his shirt lifts and you notice he’s still got a slight bulge but nothing that couldn’t be explained by how close you were sleeping. 
  “Yes please.” Your voice is a little hoarse from your nap or moaning Frankie’s name for too long. 
  He leaves you two on the couch and heads to the kitchen as Benny pulls you into his side and places a kiss on your temple. This has to be a record for times getting deja vu in one day. 
  “How was your date?” So they must’ve come to an agreement like Frankie said because he just called it a date without any malice in his tone. Just genuine curiosity and care. 
  “It was great actually.” Frankie returns with your water and sits back down next to you on the opposite side. He doesn’t seem bothered at all by you cuddling up with Ben and it’s bizarre territory you’re wading into. 
  “Well I hope you showed our girl a good time.” You’re sputtering your water as Frankie hides his amused face behind his hand. Ben is patting your back as Will enters the living room with beers in hand. 
  “Are you okay?” He hands the beers around as he tries to offer you one but you wave him off. 
  “I’m fine…but I really should be going. I have work early tomorrow and I really should get some sleep.” You all stand from the couch unsure of how to say goodbye. 
  Frankie pulls you into a hug and places a kiss on your forehead. “At least you got a nap today.” He winks at you and you pinch his side knowing he can’t make a sound. 
  “Don’t hog her, she was with you all day.” Ben picks you up as you yelp, he couldn’t resist that sound. He carefully sets you down and leans in to kiss your cheek. 
  You turn to see Will in the loveseat sipping his beer with an amused smirk on his face. “I swear to god Will.” He holds his hands up in mock surrender as both men are snickering beside you. 
  “I didn’t say anything sweetheart.” You make your way towards the door to grab your bag off the hook and you can feel all eyes on you. “ I’ll see you Friday to fix that hole in your wall.” 
  “Don’t argue with him, it'll only make your life harder.” Ben knows his brother all too well so you decide to take his advice and drop it. 
  “Fine, I’ll call you later.”
  “Okay.” They all say in unison and erupt in laughter. 
  As you close the door behind you still hearing the faint sounds of your boys you realize how completely and utterly fucked you truly are.
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated  
@luciferiorbxtch @alwaysdjarin @meveispunk @casa-boiardi @evyiione @littlenosoul @quijana5702 @shesa-riott @the-fox-den @saturn-rings-writes @romanarose @spngingerbread21 @spookyxsam @summer-may @imonmykneessir
Tagged a few extra who might be interested.
191 notes · View notes
marisferasiop · 5 months
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Pedro Pascal character masterlist:
All my fics are EXPLICIT unless stated otherwise! MINORS DNI
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Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) : [pairing: dincobb unless stated otherwise]
Starving, Darling: DinCobb (rewrite of most of s3 replacing Bo with Cobb): ao3
It Could Be This Easy: DinCobb (extremely fluffy domestic morning with Din and Cobb): ao3
Sunshine: DinCobb (Din is hired by Boba to take care of the last local slave compound, which is where Cobb grew up. SoulmateAU feat protective, possessive Din): ao3
Spurs and Spikes: DinCobb (very fluffy cafe owner and cowboy AU): ao3
Take You to See the Stars: DinCobb (Din lures CObb offworld for some adventuring during a bounty hunt, feat. Hoth and swimming on Takodana): ao3
Sand, Salt, Savoring (you): DinCobb (Din returns to Tatooine to visit his crush): ao3
Fuse (Ezra x Din x you) (Din picks up a bounty for a man slipping on investment debts for prospecting. he finds an injured man and girl and while taking him back for Core Justice, the three of you are dosed with a pollination spice. Sex Pollen Crossover AU): ao3 / Tumblr
Paklalat (Din x Ezra x You - continuation of Fuse, domesticity ensues as you and your boys settle into a relationship): ao3 / tumblr
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Ezra (Prospect, 2018) :
Fuse (Ezra x Din x you) (Din picks up a bounty for a man slipping on investment debts for prospecting. he finds an injured man and girl and while taking him back for Core Justice, the three of you are dosed with a pollination spice. Sex Pollen Crossover AU): ao3 / Tumblr
Paklalat (Din x Ezra x You - continuation of Fuse, domesticity ensues as you and your boys settle into a relationship): ao3 / tumblr
Transplant: (Joel / you / Ezra; poly dynamics. Ezra is brought in badly hurt by the patrol; you are a sweetheart and the only doctor in Jackson, and in a confounding "situationship" with the town scrooge, Joel Miller. You patch Ezra up and grow close to him. Poly dynamics ensue, feat. Joel's trademark insecurities and a developing relationship between Cee and Ellie): ao3 / Tumblr
Interloper: (Joel/ you/ Ezra; poly dynamics, set in the Transplant universe- short/continuation to the core story): ao3 / Tumblr
Sanguine: (cryptid!Ezra/afab Vampire!Reader): ao3 /tumblr
Peg that Middle Aged Man Campaign 2024 entry: Prospecting (Ezra/ reader - pegging) : ao3 / Tumblr
Ahórcame, Papí (Joel/ Ezra/ Frankie) poly bdsm relationship, long term chastity play, Daddy/littles: ao3 / Tumblr
Tootsie (Ezra/Seth) prospect/ deadwood dincobb adjacent pairing. When Ezra gets shot, Seth takes it personal. Ezra tries to console his man by playing up his foot fetish.
The Lovers, Reversed (Ezra/Dieter Bravo) written for the @dieterbravobrainrotclub May challenge prompt: "do you believe in aliens?" And "meet cute"
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Joel Miller (The Last of Us- HBO) :
Transplant: (Joel / you / Ezra; poly dynamics. Ezra is brought in badly hurt by the patrol; you are a sweetheart and the only doctor in Jackson, and in a confounding "situationship" with the town scrooge, Joel Miller. You patch Ezra up and grow close to him. Poly dynamics ensue, feat. Joel's trademark insecurities and a developing relationship between Cee and Ellie): ao3 / tumblr
Interloper: (Joel/ you/ Ezra; poly dynamics, set in the Transplant universe- short/continuation to the core story): ao3 / Tumblr
Comfort, Despite the Storm: (Joel/ afab!reader, no y/n) you're Joel's neighbor in Jackson and, after bringing him a birthday present, he finds you riding out a storm on your porch. You suck his dick and ride him on your couch. Pwp : Tumblr / ao3
Ahórcame, Papí: (Joel/ Ezra/ Frankie) poly bdsm relationship, long term chastity play, Daddy/littles: ao3 / Tumblr
Rosemary by the Garden Gate: (Tim & Joel twins!au x Shane "Dio" Morissey); detective & mob / sex trafficking ring au, v explicit and dark, release: Tumblr / ao3
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Frankie Morales (Triple Frontier):
Santi/Frankie/reader: Cock Pit (bi threesome, cucking and chastity play) ao3 / tumblr
Ahórcame, Papí (Joel/ Ezra/ Frankie) poly bdsm relationship, long term chastity play, Daddy/littles: ao3 / Tumblr
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Dieter Bravo (The Bubble) :
Dieter/ Cecil/ Reader: Eyes on Me (bi throuple on the red carpet and afterwards) ao3 / tumblr
Joel/ you/ Ezra: Transplant: ao3 / Tumblr
Joel/ you/ Ezra: Interloper: ao3 / Tumblr
Din Djarin/ you/ Ezra: Fuse: ao3 / Tumblr
Din Djarin/ you/ Ezra: Paklalat (part 2 of Fuse): ao3 / tumblr
Dieter/ Cecil/ Reader: Eyes on Me (bi throuple on the red carpet and afterward) ao3 / Tumblr
Ahórcame, Papí (Joel/ Ezra/ Frankie) poly bdsm relationship, long term chastity play, Daddy/littles: ao3 / Tumblr
Tootsie (Ezra/Seth) prospect/ deadwood dincobb adjacent pairing. When Ezra gets shot, Seth takes it personal. Ezra tries to console his man by playing up his foot fetish.
The Lovers, Reversed (Ezra/Dieter Bravo) written for the @dieterbravobrainrotclub May challenge prompt: "do you believe in aliens?" And "meet cute"
Rosemary by the Garden Gate: Tim & Joel twins!au x Shane "Dio" Morissey; detective & mob / sex trafficking ring au, v explicit and dark, release: Tumblr / ao3
Ezra x plus size!sex worker!OFC - "striking the vein" working title, explicit, release: tbd
DinCobb Nevarro slice of life, mature/explicit, very fluffy, unnamed, release: tbd
31 notes · View notes
mandowifey · 1 year
Character Masterlist.
Note: This list will be updated regularly when I get a new blorbo.
● ● ●
Ethan Hawke:
James Sandin (The Purge)
Russel Millings (Adopt a Highway)
Arthur Harrow (Moon Knight)
Edward Dalton (Daybreakers)
Ellison Oswalt (Sinister)
Albert Shaw/The Grabber (The Black Phone)
Ray Harris (Raymond and Ray)
Ernst Toller (First Reformed)
Lars Nystrom (Stockholm)
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The Boys Universe:
William/Billy Butcher
Ben/Soldier Boy
● ● ●
Stephen Lang:
Norman Nordstrom/Blindman (Don't Breathe)
Commander Nathaniel Taylor (Tera Nova)
Colonel Miles Quaritch- Human & Na'vi (Avatar)
John Korver (Gridlocked)
● ● ●
Hamish Linklater:
Father Paul Hill/John Pruitt (Midnight Mass)
John Tyler (Tell Me Your Secrets)
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Oscar Isaac:
Santiago "Pope" Garcia (Triple Frontier)
Marc/Steven/Jake (Moon Knight)
Kane Double (Annihilation 2018)
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Pedro Pascal:
Din Djarin/Mando (The Mandalorian)
Joel Miller (The Last of Us)
Frankie 'Catfish' Morales (Triple Frontier)
Deiter Bravo (The Bubble)
Javi G (Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent)
Max Phillips (Blood Sucking Bastards)
Maxwell Lord (Wonder Woman 88)
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John Krasinski:
Lee Abbott (A Quiet Place)
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Patrick Wilson:
Ed Warren (The Conjuring)
Orm Marius (Aquaman)
Josh Lambert (Insidious)
Daniel Dreiberg/Nite Owl (Watchmen)
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Jensen Ackles:
Tom Hanniger (My Bloody Valentine)
Soldier Boy (The Boys)
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Tony Dalton:
Lalo Salamanca (Better Call Saul)
Jack Duquesne (Hawkeye)
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Michael Fassbender:
Erik Lehnsherr (X-Men)
David / Walter (Alien Covenant/Prometheus)
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Karl Urban:
Commander Vaako (Riddick)
Billy Butcher (The Boys)
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Jon Bernthal:
Frank Castle (The Punisher)
Shane Walsh (The Walking Dead)
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Jason Bateman:
Marty Byrd (Ozark)
Michael Bluth (Arrested Development)
● ● ●
Patrick Fabian
Howard Hamlin (Better Call Saul)
Cotton Marcus (The Last Exorcism)
● ● ●
Peter B Parker
Miguel O'Hara
● ● ●
Jake Gyllenhaal
Detective Loki (Prisoners)
Quentin Beck/Mysterio (Spiderman: FFH)
Danny Sharp (Ambulance)
Other Chars (Unsorted)
● ● ●
Soldier 76/Jack
Hanzo Shimada
Genji Shimada
● ● ●
Critical Role (S1)
● ● ●
Baldur's Gate 3
Enver Gortash
Gale Dekarios
Cazador Szarr
● ● ●
Negan Smith (Walking Dead)
Rick Grimes (Walking Dead)
Daryl Dixon (Walking Dead)
Jamie Lannister (Game of Thrones)
Captain Rex (Star Wars)
Boba Fett (Star Wars)
Kylo Ren (Star Wars)
Saul Goodman/Jimmy McGill (BCS/BB)
Barry Berkman (Barry HBO)
77 notes · View notes
garbage--account · 4 months
Random opinion #7 :
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I can explain.
Ngl, the match ended up being .... bizarre. Actually, i am living for how weird it ended up to be !
Ares itself is a season who is, more or less, a copycat of season 1 but with other protagonists (thanks god, the new kid aren't ersatz of Endou, Gouenji and Kidou, and it is more an aftertaste than a fact). It was a normal Football Frontier.
Spoiler alert : the new main team, Inakuni Raimon, wins the tournament, what a shocking plotwist...
My point is that Ares is predictable and not very original, and some of the most interesting ideas have been mishandled. It is the most normal IE can get. (Wtf, IE being "normal", the same IE where you sakka with dinosaurs against aliens and communists to save the Earth by time-travelling ?)
And then, comes the match against Hakuren.
Where to even begin ?
Both teams have similar situations : they are both participating for the first time, and very surprisigly got far (very powerful opponents from last year were also here), both are from the country, both are supposedly underdogs, both have a " unsufferable ace striker" and "sponsor" problem, both uses weird tactics, and in the 2 cases, only 1/3 of the team pull their weight. I can go on, but it will be long.
The development during the match : this match has its moments, its "plotwists". It begins with Hakuren having the upper hand, Atsuya dominating Inakuni physically and psychologically (he insults your dad). Then, Asuto makes Inakuni to gather their shit together in the 2nd half, but it actually makes Shirou and Atsuya playing even more serious. Someoka (hey he's here!) makes Nae the new recruit come on the field. Turns out she sucks at sakka. But also is supersonic. And she befriends with Norika the Inakuni goalie because why not. The hakuren coach makes his team to do weird tactics to accomodate Nae, communicating with weird hand sign with the public and the team, and it works, Inakuni is confused. Hattori, a Inakuni defender, is a ninja wannabe so he can understand weird hand sign, and makes Inakuni have the upper hand for once. But, after a father-daughter drama (Nae is the coach's daughter, who is also the sponsor), they stop using hand sign but the Hakuren tactic still works, so Hattori is confused but there is little time left. Shirou, Atsuya and Nae goes to execute Triple Blizzard but it is countered by Counter Drive, by Asuto and Kozomarou (it comes from nowhere), and they goal and win. This is so wtf, i love it. Literally what is going on in this match lmao
The element of surprise : refer to the previous point (and i haven't told everything). This match is the absolute chaos no one saw coming. Everything was unexpected. Even the fraud Counter Drive that comes from nowhere is actually brilliant : Hakuren dominated this match because their main assets were unpredicable (and powerful), but it backfired at them. I used to hate it, but now i know it is chief's kiss.
The team co-op : the actual theme of the episodes. When you think in outer code 1, it was established Hakuren had co-op problems because of Atsuya, and then the match comes and it's perfect, makes me think that we, the audience, has been gaslighted to think they was a problem lol. And let's enjoy the coordination between Shirou and Atsuya + at the end of the match, with all hakuren
Shirou and Atsuya, my babies, my blorbos, my fave. If they are in the episode, you know it will be a good time. It was more focused on Atsuya than Shirou, but i don't hate it since he was goated in this match.
I actually like Nae, their new recruit. Yes, she can be annoying but idk, she's funny. I like the sibling relationship she has with Atsuya and the friendship with Norika. Not the most meaningful things Ares had to offer, but it was nice ! :)
The fact that, upon witnessing this match, Haizaki "has seen the light" where he was at this worst. Like, his team is disqualified, he got beat up by thugs without reason, but then he sees Asuto playing in this match, and suddenly things seems to improve. Truly a Haizaki x Asuto moment. Asuto is Jesus to Haizaki lmao
The Atsuya meme : look at this beauty (unfortunatly, this is also here areorion goes downhill visually but fucking worth it)
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Conclusion :
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imaswellkid · 1 year
Expose your fictional crushes!
tagged by @frannyzooey my love 🧡
rules: post 9 of your favourite characters and let people guess your type
I feel like I can’t really play because I know what your type is, but I still laughed, until I started assembling mine…
I limited myself to movies/series characters (no books/fanfic characters), and to one P boy (what do you mean I put two? Javi P, and Din should be there too).
Francisco Catfish Morales (Triple Frontier), Richard Harrow (Boardwalk Empire), Ezra (Prospect), Kyle Reese (The Terminator 1984, please), Leia Organa (Star Wars), Ellen Ripley (Alien, all of them), Dracula (Bram Stoker's Dracula), Ethan Chandler (Penny Dreadful), Cassian Andor (Rogue One/Andor)
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NP tag: @dreamymyrrh @fuckyeahdindjarin @julesonrecord @psychedelic-ink
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imthefailedartist · 1 year
Things I'm interested in reading
A bank heist with hostages
People trapped in space.
Black horror books. No ghosts or spirits.
Books set in Sealabs, space stations, icelabs. Basically, isolation from normal life. I'm not looking for creature features but will accept them. I'm mostly interested in a mystery or romance that takes place in these settings. Think The Thing. Dire situation made more dire.
Books about a cult. Fictional.
Black sci-fi that is on earth. No aliens. I will accept aliens if they are in space only.
Train robber, bandit, gunslinger romances.
People stranded on a deserted island. Romance or thriller, genre fiction, literary fiction.
A book that feels like Triple Frontier.
This child is not okay. (Horror or thriller, no supernatural hokey pokey)
Something is amiss in this perfect neighborhood
Utopia goes wrong.
If you have a reccy, drop it.
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whump-collector · 2 years
All movies/shows on this blog (so far):
Search for the movie/show or use this link and add the tag you're looking for https://whump-collector.tumblr.com/tagged/
I use the tag compilation for posts with gifs from several movies/shows.
#: the 100 - 15 streets - 1899 - 21 - 3:10 to yuma - 90210 - 911
a: agents of shield - the alienist - altered carbon - andor - ariza - around the world in 80 days - arrow - the a-team - avengers: infinity war - awake
b: bad turn worse - die bergretter - big fish - black death - black sails - the blacklist - blindspot - blood & treasure - body guard - bones- the boys - bravo two zero - buried in barstow - burn notice - the fall of sam axe
c: capatain america: civil war - caravaggio - the card counter - centurion - chambers - charmed - the clinic - the control room - cowboy bebop - cowboys and aliens - criminal minds - crimson peak - csi:vegas
d: the da vinci code - da vinci's demons - daredevil - dark - the dark valley - dear john - designated survivor - deutschland 83 - deutschland 86 - deutschland 89 - doctor who - dominion - don't say a word - dragonheart 3: the sorcerer's curse
e: eden lake - enola holmes 2 - the expanse
f: the fall - fantastic beasts: the secrets of dumbledore - fatmagul - fbi - fire country - firefly - the following - fringe
g: general hospital - gladiator - glitch - gotham - gran hotel - grosse pointe blank
h: halo - hanna - hannibal - hawaii five 0 - heaven's burning - helstrom - hercules: the legendary journeys - hitman's wife's bodyguard - horizon line - house of the dragon - how i became a superhero - hudson & rex
i: inside man - iron man
j: jack irish - jessica jones - jesus cries
k: kholop/the serf -killerman - killjoys - kung fu
l: la brea - law & order - legacy - lethal weapon 2 - the level - lie to me - a life less ordinary - the lord of the rings: the return of the king - the lord of the rings: the rings of power - lucifer
m: m*a*s*h* - macgyver (2016) - the man in the high castle - mayans m. c. - the mentalist - merlin - les miserables - moon knight - a mother's instinct - mr. robot - ms. marvel - murdoch mysteries
n: ncis - ncis los angeles - the next three days - no time to die - nypd blue
o: obi-wan kenobi - once upon a time - the order
p: patient zero - patrick melrose - the patriot - peacemaker - pennyworth - pirates of the caribbean: at world's end - pompeii - preacher -prodigal son - the professionals - proof of life - the proposition - the punisher
q: quantico - the quick and the dead
r: the raid: redemption - the recruit - the recruit (2003) - reign - remainder - reservoir dogs - the resident - rizzoli & isles - romeo + juliet - room for rent - roswell new mexico - the ruins
s: salvation - the sandman - savasci - second chance - seventh son - shadow and bone - sharpe's battle - sharpe's challenge - sharpe's eagle - sharpe's honour - sharpe's peril - sherlock - sherlock holmes: a game of shadows - the silencing - skymed - snake eyes - soko köln - spider-man 2 - spider-man: homecoming - spooks - stargate atlantis - stargate sg1 - star trek - star trek: discovery - star wars - star wars: episode vii - the force awakens - station 19 - stormy monday - stranger things - strike back - supernatural
t: tatort - teen wolf - terminator: the sarah connor chronicles - time after time - timeless - the trial - triple frontier
u: the ultimate goal - underworld: rise of the lycans
v: the vampire diaries - virgin river
w: walker - war pigs - warehouse 13 - wedding season - wednesday - werewolf by night - white collar - the white tiger - the winchesters
x: x-men: apocalypse - x-men: dark phoenix
y: young wallander
z: zoo
11 notes · View notes
salemoleander · 1 year
Like. "... it jettisons the object into an abominable real, inaccessible except through jouissancey. It follows that jouissance alone causes the abject to exist as such. One does not know it, one does not desire it, one joys in it [on enjouit]. Violently and painfully. A passion.
And... the abject... is simply a frontier, a repulsive gift that the Other, having become alter ego, drops so that "I" does not disappear in it but finds, in that sublime alienation, a forfeited existence. Hence a jouissance in which the subject is swallowed up but in which the Other, in return, keeps the subject from foundering by making it repugnant. One thus understands why so many victims of the abject are its fascinated victims—if not its submissive and willing ones."
The triple (quadruple?) entrendre of jouissance meaning merriment and pleasure and orgasm, and deriving from jouer, to play. You can't un-become you, you can't (briefly) entertain the existence of someone wholly unlike you, without diving into the disgusting and violent realm of the abject - and those who do become fascinated & drawn back to that abjection. AGH.
The violence makes it work! The friendship makes it work! Is this intelligible to people who are not me!
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
Thank you @drabbles-mc 😁 (original post)
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I have sent the message to 5 others via message 💕Okay, these are always hard for me to narrow down, I can give you 10 😂. Let’s see- off the top of my head…just picking 5…
* complete | ^ in progress
Loud Silence *
Javier Peña x ofc (narcos)
On assignment in Colombia, Ana Sofia Davis gets in over her head.
Opia *
Ezra x ofc (prospect)
Daya finds herself in route to an alien moon and encounters a man named Ezra on the way.
Queen of Poisons ^
Werewolf! Ezra x Huntress! ofc (prospect)
Ezra and Nyx team up and become unlikely allies. Over the course of the partnership, Nyx manages to dance around his advances while battling with her own desires.
The world we no longer know *
Shane Walsh x ofc (TWD) (via my Sideblog and A03)
After two months of hiding out in the overrun city, Ophelia heads toward the country and encounters someone from her past. The chance encounter leads to more surprises and revelations along the way as the group tries to survive.
Damage Control ^
Private security Frankie & ofc (triple frontier / og story mash up)
About: It was just a job. Security and protection. Frankie could handle working for some asshole he didn’t like, but everything changes when he starts to care for the family and grows attached to his boss’s wife and kids.
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Rachel Mathison
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Name: Rachel Mathison. Gender/Pronouns: Female; She/Her. Age: 41. Birthday: January 2nd. Nationality: American. Birthplace: New York, New York. Current Residence: Lakeland, Florida. Occupation: Lawyer. Height: 5 ft. 2 in. Sexuality: Heterosexual. Fandom: Triple Frontier. FC: Rachael Leigh Cook.
Brief Background: Rachel is the only child of Meghan Mathison; her father is unknown. She had a very close relationship with her mother, and while it had its challenges being raised by a single parent, Rachel had a good childhood. Unfortunately, her mother died from complications with pneumonia when she was twelve, and after that, she moved down to Lakeland, Florida to be raised by her Uncle Paul. It was a major adjustment for Rachel, she was angry for many years, but her Uncle Paul thankfully got her seeing a good therapist and was patient with her. Paul became the father she never had.
After graduating from high school, Rachel pursued her dreams of attending college and law school in New York, preferring the hustle and bustle of the large city over the quietness of the suburbs. Still, she would visit her beloved uncle every year for the holidays, and he would visit at least once during the summer.
However, during her early 30's, her uncle developed some health hardships due to his diabetes, so Rachel moved back down to Florida to be closer to him. Once she was settled in Florida, she gained employment at a law firm in Tampa. She typically works with civil cases, particularly going into family law cases, and due to her uncle being a Vietnam War vet, she does handle a lot of local veteran advocacy cases.
Personality: Sarcastic, dedicated, strong moral compass, stubborn, intelligent, career-driven, assertive, organized.
Likes: Horror books and movies (Not slashers, though); Classical jazz and 80's/90's pop music; Running; Freshly baked blueberry bagel with cinnamon sugar cream cheese spread; Old fashions and espresso martinis; Planning ahead so she does not need to stress at the last minute; Happy endings, even if she acts very cynical at times.
Dislikes: Overly sappy Hallmark movies; People who cannot take a hint or handle rejection well; Plagiarizers, rely on others to do the work for them then taking credit; Loud techno/dance music; Soy cheese (It is a texture thing for her); Being late or others being late; Surprises.
Random Headcanons: -She is a vegetarian. She has been since she was thirteen. She tried veganism for about three weeks, but she missed cheese too much. -Her favorite movie growing up was Aliens. Ripley was hero. -Her favorite Halloween costume was when she was 16 and went to a party as bloodied Carrie. -Although she is not a gamer or a fan of creepypastas, she watches a lot YouTube content involving the SCP, Bloodborne, and season one of Marble Hornets. -She has dinner with her Uncle Paul every week, at least once during the week, usually on Saturday's.
[Other established verses below cut]
Instead of moving down to Florida, Rachel stays in New York after graduating from Columbia Law School. She goes to work for the Attorney General's office to handle DFCS cases. She is known best for working with single parents so long as they are not physically abusing the child(ren). She also does veteran advocacy cases and IP law. She still visits her uncle twice a year at least, and she video chats with him at least once a week.
0 notes
meenazl · 2 years
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“Galactic Shield #1 is finally here!! I’m so thrilled to read it! Exciting new series from USA Today Bestselling Authors J.N. Chaney @jn_chaney and Scott Moon @scottmoonwriter -Available at Amazon. -Also in KU. -BLURB- Benjamin Wrath is among the first officers to get sent to the Andromeda Galaxy. As part of the Sentient Crime Division, millions of light years from Earth, Wrath's precinct is in charge of maintaining order in a chaotic new frontier, tasked with protecting the rights of all sentient beings. But that's only the beginning. While investigating a triple homicide, he'll also have to prevent more killings, stand against internal corruption, and stop a war that threatens to unravel an empire. With clashing alien cultures and tension on both sides, his task isn't easy, especially out here where the only person you can rely on is yourself . . . and backup isn't coming. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cld9RTyLetm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
scared-reader · 2 years
I am 24 years old
Let me thirst in peace, plz. 
Also: AFAB non-binary, they/them but am experimenting with adding he/him pronouns.
Side-note: I’m a probably-autistic individual (can’t get diagnosed without any hope of my chronic pain being treated seriously being crushed), and I don’t know social etiquette of blog spaces very well since they vary so wildly between blogs. But each and every story I reblog here made me happy and was something I thoroughly enjoyed. Even if I don’t add tags or comments, I want to ensure that the authors know that I loved them dearly, even for just the amount of time it took for me to read them. This is basically my dragon hoard of horny stories (the SFW ones without yandere go to my other blog @scared-reader-electric-boogaloo). Generally, I like a post with my main account and then reblog it here with tags!
Fandoms I read:
Avatar (the blue aliens) (Blame makoodles)
COD (some fave authors: 391780, charliemwrites, peachesofteal, gatorlovebot)
Resident Evil (fave authors: tulipsbymybed and lipglossanon )
Triple frontier (Frankie Morales really)
Moon knight
Genshin impact
Twisted wonderland
Obey me shall we date
The last of us
Naruto (but mainly Sakura x characters)
BNHA (old fixation but may come back ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
Mystic messenger
0 notes
mainshard · 2 years
Skate 3 pc standalone port
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Skate 3 pc standalone port movie#
Skate 3 pc standalone port full#
Skate 3 pc standalone port movie#
With Avatar 2 finally on the horizon (scheduled to hit movie theaters Dec. It feels incredibly risky to imply that a new entry in James Cameron’s Avatar saga will release on time, but publisher Ubisoft and developer Massive Entertainment ( Tom Clancy’s The Division) still have Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora on their schedule for 2022. Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Image: Ubisoft
Skate 3 pc standalone port full#
13, 2022 in early access, with a full release expected later this year. Developed by Stray Bombay (ex-Valve developer Chet Faliszek’s new studio), The Anacrusis will be available Jan. In a year already stuffed with Left 4 Dead-likes, how does The Anacrusis stand out? Well, it’s set on a funky retro-futuristic space cruiser, it features fantastical sci-fi weapons like a laser rifle and time-stopping grenades, it has a very weird collection of angry aliens, and it will launch in early access on Steam and Xbox Series X so its player base can help shape its development. But as of now, here are the 50 games (listed alphabetically) that point to a brighter year. There are many games coming in 2022 that have yet to be announced, or that have not been given a release window. There are also smaller but still exciting games, like Somerville and Cursed to Golf, to watch out for. In fact, many of the games on Polygon’s 2022 most-anticipated games list were delayed from 2021 - and games like Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2, which appeared on last year’s list, aren’t on this year’s list due to even more extensive delays. The 2022 calendar is already jam-packed with big, blockbuster, triple-A game releases, including long-awaited titles like God of War Ragnarok, Starfield, Bayonetta 3, and the aforementioned Elden Ring. There were a few surprises along the way, including Inscryption and another journey in the strange solar system of Outer Wilds. While there were many, many delays - it was a year without an Elden Ring or a sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - we took comfort in colorful stories like Chicory and Psychonauts 2, and enjoyed the spooks and scares of Resident Evil Village and Metroid Dread. While 2021 was another rough year for just about everything and everyone, many of us found refuge in games. It certainly wasn’t easy, but some of 2021’s best games helped us get through another 365 days of ups and downs. If you’re reading this, congratulations: You made it to 2022.
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0 notes
brandyllyn · 3 years
Frontier 👾 One
A lot of fucking money
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Co-written by @brandyllyn​ and @blueeyesatnight
Rated: Mature for language and FUCKING ALIENS MAN.
Part One 👾 Part Two Series Masterlist
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Outside Weyland-Yutani Hub, Core Worlds
🎶Take a look to the sky just before you die, It's the last time you will, Blackened roar, massive roar fills the crumbling sky, Shattered goal fills his soul with a ruthless cry🎶
Santiago had always been a fan of classical music. It wasn’t the ruthless techno beats that kids seemed to favor today.
🎶Stranger now are his eyes to this mystery, Hears the silence so loud, Crack of dawn, all is gone except the will to be, Now they see what will be, blinded eyes to see🎶
There was just no poetry to modern music.
Across the table at the dim bar, Will is perusing the datapad Santi had handed him.
“A recce. Simple enough. Company is sending us in to see what’s up with the comm system.”
Will glances up. “They need our skills for a recce?”
“Dunno,” Santi shrugs. “Tom is the one talking to the company. He’s got the actual specs.”
“What company?” Benny asks, sliding into the booth next to his brother.
“Weyland Yutani.”
Will’s eyes go wide and Benny curses.
“Lot of fucking money in WeyYu.”
“They’re kitting us out back to front. Only problem is… I need a company trained pilot.”
As one they turn to look at Frankie standing by the pool table.
“Hasn’t piloted in the deep since he had that bust,” Will points out.
“Company doesn’t care. Just need someone who can pilot the drop ship.”
“He’s supposed to be saving up, doing landside runs, so he can move out with the fam.”
“Wait til you hear how much money they’re offering.”
Benny's brows go up, "Yeah? What's the job? It pays money not credit right?"
Pope smirked, "See Will? That kind of enthusiasm is what we're looking for."
“How much money?” Will presses.
Santi names a number that makes Benny choke.
“Even shares?” Will prods.
Now it’s Will’s turn to choke.
“You guys alright?” Frankie asks, motioning for Santiago to move over. “Can’t hold your liquor anymore?”
“How much money you need Fish?” Benny asks without preamble.
“Uh… I’m good.”
"Ellie still on you about savings?"
Frankie shrugs, "I mean it is what it is, the works the work, the pays the pay...she misses the family being together, I get that. She's functionally a single mom out there. Last transmission I got she said kidlet tried to build a rocket for her dolls and accidentally made a small bomb."
Frankie smirks, "Kids got moxie."
Pope smacks his shoulder, "She still have my eyes?"
Frankie slaps his cheek-- playfully but still, "Cut that shit out."
Pope laughs it off, "Nah man. Ellie only has eyes for you even though I am right here."
Benny shakes his head and leans over the table. “How much before you can move out there with them?”
“Another few months. Maybe a year.”
Benny gestures Frankie forward and whispers a number in his ear that makes Fish’s eyes go wide as data units.
“Are you fucking shitting me?” He looks at the other men. “What government are we overthrowing?”
Santi laughs and takes a drink. “Not that complex. Just a simple recce. Take some parts out to resupply a WeyYu colony.”
Frankie’s brows draw together. “Which one?”
Frankie breathes a sigh of relief. “Never heard of it.”
“Me neither,” Santi offers. “But they’re mining hydrogen and the Company is willing to pay major money to be sure the colony keeps operating. So, you in?”
Frankie looks around the table, ignoring the hopeful look on Benny’s face and focusing on Will. “You think this is a good idea?”
“I looked it over. Established colony, probably just lost their comm system. Sucks for them but should be a quick in and out.”
"Those comm systems are always crapping out…" he considers it, then Frankie nods once and Benny lets out a hoot, leaving the table with a “Next round on me.”
“Can he even cover that?” Santi asks.
Will sighs and pushes away from the table. “No.”
Santi watches them leave and then settles his gaze on Frankie. “You sure you’re good for this?”
“Haven’t seen my baby in over a year,” Frankie sighs. “Yeah, I’m good for it.”
Santi nods and turns his attention to the bar where Will is exasperatedly stopping Benny from offering the whole bar a round.
“You ever miss it?”
“Miss what?” Frankie asks, staring into his beer.
“The fight. Getting out there on a mission and just fucking wrecking something.”
Frankie shrugs. “Nah. I’m happy without the constant threat of dying, thanks.”
“Well if you ever wanna get back out there let me know. I got a couple of missions lined up after this one if you want to see some action.”
“Nah,” Frankie shakes his head. “A nice recce for some rich guys is exactly what I need. In and out, no muss no fuss.”
“No muss no fuss.”
Part 2 : Moon Beats Asteroid
Taglist form. I've tagged all our previous AU lovelies. If you want to be tagged going forward please fill out the new form. We will not inflict crackfic non consensually.
Taglist for this
@seasonschange-butpeopledont, @practicalghost, @mishasminion360, @fantasticcopeaglepasta, @221bshrlocked, @absurdthirst, @codenamewife, @phoenixhalliwell, @radiowallet, @amneris21, @boliv_jenta, @kirsteng42, @chickadee-djarin,
Previous Taglist (won't be tagged going forward)
@amneris21, @rosequartzwriting, @felteppsters, @wild-at-heart-kept-in-cage, @voteforpedro09, @tenderwhat, @thirstworldproblemss, @ikinmahlen, @quietpainter, @dihra-vesa, @lawfulgranola, @hello-mooi, @grippleback-galaxy, @riddikulus-obsessions, , @seasonschange-butpeopledont, @ew-erin, @cannedsoupsucks, @clearlybeffuddled, @fictionalbitch, @mindidjarin, @eri16, @chattychell, @petersunderoos96, @beautyagegoodnesssize, @recklessfangirl-blog, @elisabethbathgate, @alm0501, @sarahmilesbendrix, @ezrasbirdie, @elephants-are-a-thing, @codenamewife, @danniburgh, @mylittlesenaar, @missminkylove, @hopeamarsu , @allmahfeels , @pugrad2020 , @elegantduckturtle , @Glitterygothapricotoperator , @chickadee-djarin , @pintsizemama , @phoenixhalliwell , @lorecraft , @leannawithacapitala , @clumsy_stormtrooper , @rayslittlekitten , @a-bang-for-your-bucky , @the-feckless-wonder , @hdghty , @skvatnavle , @radiowallet , @itishda , @andyl394 , @words-way-of-life , @absurdthirst , @beskarprincessjenny , @amillcitygirl , @you-got-me-starry-eyed , @mandocrasis , @faithkeeper81 , @captain-of-the-forest , @prositute-robot-from-the-future, @demeterl , @kesskirata , @artemiseamoon , @Azibear , @sammysandy, @pancakefancake , @thirdtimesthecharm , @jupitersmoon167 , @raisuniverse , @levillama , @adriiibell, @chronnies , @Boliv-Jenta , @justanotherblonde23 , @jettia , @clydesducktape , @jefferson-in-the-tardis , @meanperegrine , @littlebopper96 , @prettylilhalforc , @practicalghost , @miraclesabound , @ladylothlorien , @luxmundee , @just-here-for-the-moment , @castiel-barnes , @flameo-h0tman , @mishasminion360 , @clearlybefuddled , @prostitute-robot-from-the-future , @shadowolf993 , @youngkenobilove , @polaroidpimp , @lil-frenchfri77
@inkededucatednnerdy, @lorecraft, @amneris21, @samanthaisnthome, @luxmundee, @miraclesabound, @chickadee-djarin, @seasonschange-butpeopledont, @itspdameronthings, @prideandpascal, @dihra-vesa, @practicalghost, @giselatropicana, @mindidjarin, @one-hell-of-a-disappointment, @aellynera, @missminkylove, @magikfanatic, @kirsteng42, @wild-at-heart-kept-in-cage, @sequere-mei-callipygian
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imaswellkid · 9 months
characters that I think are very me-coded.... but I can't possibly explain how (tag game)
Thanks for the tag @pedrit0-pascalit0 @nicolethered and @yourcoolauntie 🧡 I love these, and loved discovering yours 🧡
(I cheated because I can explain why most of these characters are me-coded) (please note the central figure LOL)
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Bastian (The NeverEnding Story), Leslie Knope (Parks and Recreation), Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Lelaina Pierce (Reality Bites), Francisco Morales (Triple Frontier), Ellen Ripley (Alien), Mickey Walsh (The Goonies), Joyce Byers (Stranger Things), Mina Murray (Bram Stoker's Dracula).
Bonus: who I want to be
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NP tags: @frannyzooey @dreamymyrrh @fuckyeahdindjarin
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