#tristan farnon imagine
kate-bishops-waifu · 2 years
Could you please do a Tristan x reader?
Perhaps where the reader ran away from home and Darrowby took them in as a stray. They might act as a secretary for the practice and work under Mrs. Hall. And someone has just pointed out Tristan that he's in love with them and is now awkward and flustered.
Or something entirely different
a.n. So sorry this took so long! I've been busy and quite frankly unmotivated. But I hope you like it. Have a lovely day, and thanks for the request nonny.
Tristan x gn!Reader
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No I have not seen the '78 All Creatures.
Warnings: Like one swear? Tristan being an anxious boy. Siegfried.
Fluff. Friends to lovers. The slightest hint of angst.
word count: 2241
He/They pronouns for Tristan
Six months in Skeldale house had taught you how a somewhat more sane world operated. You had space to move about without bumping into machinery, you weren’t suffocating in what amounted to a tenement and you had a bed all to yourself. 
Tristan had compared your room to a broom closet, but you didn’t mind. No rats crawled over you, no bed bugs bit at you.
It was a palace to you. 
The tall ceilings, the stone walkway, the numerous alcoves you could just fit a small table
with a plant or picture in. You’d never been more comfortable in your whole life. But
you couldn’t entirely relax, could you? 
 The room sometimes suffocated you, the jobs were sometimes too clean and safe. It felt foreign. All you had to worry about was how dinner would be ready in time and if the
Bookkeeping was safe. And it was quiet. Not too quiet, especially on days the surgery was open, chickens, dogs, and all sorts came in on those days and you felt you could breathe a little easier. But every other day was quiet. Jess, the kindest most obedient pup you had met was so quiet that she merely tilted her head at the door when someone came in. She didn’t protest when you put her in the back, she just quietly went along like it was routine. And it was. 
You were in the grand kitchen with the fine wood table and window into that magnificently unkempt garden. Tristan was sitting on the counter, something they only ever did in your company. Siegfried or Mrs. Hall would let them have a piece of their mind. Say something about it being unsanitary, while Jame’s just sort of chuckled and went on with his day. 
You didn’t mind though. In fact you like Tristan’s company most. He had this relaxing attitude about life, and infectious joy you admired. You felt like a real person around him, unlike the rest of the village who seemed to find you a peculiarity. Something interesting to whisper about. 
You’d been long in thought. Tristan was going on about cricket, some fantastic feat was played the last time it was broadcast that he was still buzzing about. You wanted to pay attention, but you had been overtaken by that feeling again. Like you were living a dream about to wake up to a loud stuffy room with your parents arguing in the next as the never ending sound of machinery rumbled the weak walls. 
‘Y/N? Y/N are you alright? I think I lost you.’ Tristan was practically waving his hand in front of your face, leaning over to try and get your attention. 
‘What? Oh. Sorry, guess I zoned out. What were you saying?’ 
Tristan tilted his head at you and squinted like he was trying to read your thoughts. Which he was, but he wasn’t very successful. 
‘Alright, spill it. I’m not about to judge you, you know. Six months here; you’re practically part of the furniture.’ 
You shake your head, placing a plate on the drying rack and wiping your hands. ‘It’s going to sound strange. So don’t judge me.’ 
Tristan straightened up, to show you he was taking it seriously, grabbing to top of the side of the counter, he nodded. 
You rubbed your forehead with the heel of your palm, and chuckled at yourself. ‘It’s. . . Well it’s too quiet. Here. In the house. I constantly feel like something has gone wrong. You know the other week, that dog who wouldn’t stop howling?’ 
Tristan shuddered at the memory. 
‘That was, for whatever reason, the most relaxed I’ve been here. Like I’m looking forward to a busy surgery so things can be a bit more hectic.’ 
Tristan shook his head seriously. ‘You want me to start banging pots and pans every half hour?’ 
You breathed out a chuckle and tossed the towel at him. ‘I’m serious! It puts me on edge.’ 
Tristan dropped down from the counter, still chuckling at himself. ‘You want the radio?’ he asked, joyfully kissing the side of your head as he hopped over to the wood box on the other side of the dining table. 
‘That’s not what I meant, and you know it. But yes. If you wouldn’t mind.’ 
The radio sputtered on as you leaned back against the counter. You didn’t recognize it, but Tristan began to hum along. 
‘What is this?’ You asked. 
Tristan shrugged. ‘Don’t know the name. Heard it before. Goodman I think the chap’s name is?’ He ventured. 
‘Tristan!’ Came a recognisable belt from the back entrance. Siegfried charged in, a muddy white coat in his hands. ‘What on earth are you doing? I thought I told you do mix the-’ 
‘I know, I know. I already did it.’ Tristan interrupted.
‘Well did you organize them correctly? Last time I couldn't find the calcium injections.’ 
‘He was just keeping me company. He finished his duties.’ You said. ‘I made sure of it.’
Siegfried eyed the pair of you, eyes flicking back and forth. ‘Alright. Good.’ There came a loud barking from the other side of the house, and Siegfried squared his shoulders. 
‘Surgeries open. Go on back to work.’ He directed,
Tristan hopped to it, turning back with a grin as he mouthed, ‘like that?’ motioning to the door where the infernal racket came from as people flowed in. 
You laughed, nodding in agreement as Tristan gave a self satisfied smile. 
Siegfried was still gazing between you with hooded eyes, like he was trying to decide something. 
‘Tea Mr. Farnon?’ 
‘I think so Y/N.’ He took a seat at the table, sighing comfortably as you put the kettle on. 
Siegfried Farnon was, to say the least: A lot. Six months as his employee and you'd seen his highs and lows and determined that he was overall a good man with well meaning. But he wasn’t always a kind man. Especially to Tristan who you always wanted to speak out in defense of. 
‘Where’s James?’ Mrs. Hall asked as she came through the same back door. 
Siegfried checked his watch, a mouth full of toast. ‘Should be at the Hanson’s.’ He guessed. 
Mrs.Hall nodded and hung up her coat. Dropping a bag of groceries on the counter. You poured the tea, watching as she went into the corridor. Not a minute passed before she was hurrying back, Tristan on her tail. 
‘Siegfried, I’m gonna need your help.’ Tristan announced from the doorway. 
Mr. Farnon looked at the tea in his hand dejectedly and stood up following his contemporary.
The air in the sterile operation room was mild. It wasn’t a particularly scary procedure, you just couldn’t do it alone. 
You made quick work of cleaning up, having a piece of toast for yourself, before going ahead to see what was happening. 
Tristan was examining the area of interest, taking a pair of scissors to the spot. His eyes kept darting up to the window through the makeshift waiting room. You were explaining something to one of the waiting customers who looked especially impatient. 
‘What’s that? Why are you so distracted?’ Siegfried asked, watching his little brother bemusedly. 
Tristan’s eyes darted back to the task at hand.
‘Nothing. Nothing at all.’ He lied. 
Siegfried sniffed at that. ‘You’ve been staring at Y/N like that for the past two weeks. You’re gonna bore a hole in the back of their head if you’re not careful.’ 
Tristan blushed, itching his forehead as an excuse to hide his face. ‘What do you mean? I haven’t.’ He shot back. 
Siegfried raised an eyebrow. ‘That was a bit quick off the mark.’ He observed. 
Tristan was blushing furiously. He hadn't even noticed he was doing it. It was annoying. A distraction, and shit. If he didn’t know what to think about this. It started to hit him like a wave. The only thing that had been on his mind for the past two months had been you or the patient. Often you took priority, as little as he’d like to admit it. 
‘Wait! Y/N. Wait up!’ Tristan called as he slung his sports coat over his shoulders and jogged to catch up with you. 
‘Damnit Siegfried.’ He muttered under his breath as they proceeded with the surgery. 
It was a cool spring day. The ground still wet from rain as you splashed against the cobble. 
‘I thought you weren’t coming?’ You said as he fell instep beside you. 
‘House was too quiet.’ He shrugged, which made you laugh. 
‘Now who’s the weirdo!’ You beamed in satisfaction. 
Tristan rolled his eyes and you made your way to the cafe. 
You sighed as you stepped in. It was so warm and smelled of pastries and good food. You took a table for two and settled in. ordering your food and drink fairly promptly. Most people were out working after the storm so it was considerably quiet. Tristan cleared his throat and took a sip of his tea. 
‘It’s funny. I was just thinking, Yknow. I know you pretty well, but I don’t know anything about where you came from. No offense but you seemed pretty desperate when you got here?’ 
You couldn’t help blushing, feeling a bit embarrassed. 
‘Sorry, I didn’t mean that in a bad way! I just wanted to know a bit more about you.’ He was the embarrassed one now. 
‘No. It’s alright. I uh, I came from a working family. We made fake flowers for crassages and dresses and stuff. Lots of industrial presses and big machinery. Constant hammering. Not much money in it. We had a little place made of Plywood out the back.’ You admitted.  
Tristan hummed in acknowledgement, taking a bite of his food, and sniffing when they couldn’t think of how to respond. 
‘Sorry that was a bit much wasn’t it? I shouldn’ have-’
‘No! No. Not at all. I just don’t know what’s right to say? I don’t think sympathy is the right way to go, and I want you to know that I understand and don’t pity you. I think it’s rather remarkable you left it all behind. Going up in the world as you are.’ Tristan hastened a speech, falling into a warm, slightly apologetic smile. 
You laughed. Properly laughed, full belly chuckle that Tristan wasn’t sure he had heard before. The sound took him by surprise and he felt his chest swell with fondness as you started to calm down. Wiping your tears away with your napkin. 
‘Oh don’t worry about it! I get very well confused sometimes too. But you should have seen your face!’ You chorkled, tossing your napkin on the table.
‘It’s any wonder Siegfried would suggest I have feelings for you; when you laugh at me when I try to have a serious conversation.’  The remark was an utterance. They were looking at their food. But Tristan spoke loud enough for you to hear and that made your heart sink. 
‘What’s that?’ you asked.
Tristan looked up at you slightly embarrassed. 
‘It’s nothing. Just something my brother said. You know. He’s always saying things about me.’ 
‘Is it true?’ Your voice had gone small 
‘Is it true what he said?’ 
Tristan started to wring his hands nervously. Internally hating himself for saying anything.
‘Well. I don’t know. I suppose there’s truth in it. Or else he wouldn’t say it would he? Or maybe he would, he’s been rather keen on stretching the truth lately how am I to know?’ 
‘It’s not for him to know. I think only you can say wether or no it’s true.’ You had to steady your voice. You were not expecting this conversation to take this turn and it was freaking you out. 
Tristan took a moment to think, playing idly with his food. ‘I suppose it is, isn't it?’ he seemed to be talking more to himself than to you. ‘That really mucks things up doesn’t it.’
‘Why? Why does it mess anything up?’ You pondered. 
Tristan looked up, but he wouldn’t look you in the face. His eyes darted about. ‘Because you’re out employee right? Well, Siegfried anyways. It doesn’t feel entirely ethical to put you in such a position. If something were to go wrong then, well, you probably wouldn’t want to stay would you, and you’d be out on the streets again.’
You nodded in understanding, then shook your head at the idea of never doing anything about it; and how hollow it made you feel. 
‘I can find other jobs. I’ve built up enough savings now. It could always go right.’ You said. 
Tristan looked at you with longing, dammit why did he have to have such a good ‘kicked puppy’ face? 
‘Stop being ridiculous Tristan. I can handle myself well enough. I figure it’s easier to just get to know each other instead of sitting on our hands and hurting ourselves.’ You blurted out. 
Tristan looked sympathetically at you. But you weren’t sure if the sympathy was for you or themself. But then you felt their hand brush against your own. The table was small so it was no reach. 
‘Really? Are you sure, because I really don’t want to put you in a position-’ 
You nodded your head vigorously and took hold of his hand, the warmth and softness nearly melting you. 
‘I like you a lot more than what’s usually considered ethical.’ Tristan beamed.
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avengersome · 8 months
Siegfried and Gerald
(Random thoughts on these two, including some s4 spoilers, below the cut)
Taking a general view, it’s hard to imagine two people less alike that Siegfried Farnon and Gerald Hammond. Siegfried is a loud vet with sporting inclinations, who thinks he’s good at DIY but isn’t. Gerald is an introverted seemingly unsporty man, who is great at hands on work but freaks out somewhat at things veterinary.
They do have similarities though.
The first is that their families mean the world to them. Gerald is happy to uproot to take care of his sister, and clearly worries greatly about her. Siegfried’s family may largely be found rather than blood, but he was willing to have his qualifications stripped to protect James, and proved he would do anything to look after Tristan.
The other, probably more clear, similarity is with Audrey. They are both clearly in love with her, and want her in their lives. But they were also both willing to let her go because they thought it was what she wanted. They both want to be with her, but they want her to be happy more.
It could also be argued that they’re both more interested in having her in their lives as a friend than they are at risking moving things forward romantically. Gerald tells her directly that he’s happy to be her friend, and he would never have made a move if she hadn’t. Siegfried admittedly is a little harder to read in this regard, because we haven’t got to a relationship (yet) between him and Audrey. But from Christmas 1938 it’s clear he’s starting to realise his feelings, and Christmas 1939 he may well have been about to tell her how he felt before she ran off. Siegfried is clearly a man who likes his routine and the status quo. We see that through his reaction to anybody new, and any changes to his house and business. So it’s fair to assume that if the status quo with Audrey is comfortable he might want to stick with it for as long as he can.
Where I am hoping they will now diverge with Audrey, is in making their true feelings known and fighting for her to stay with them. Gerald took a long time to really let her know how he felt, and he never really seemed to push forward at all with their relationship. She initiated the first two sets of kisses we see. He initiated the third, but only after she had made the decision to go with him, and he had asked her if that made them engaged. I would hope that, while being gentlemanly, Siegfried would be more of an initiator in their relationship, and he would make sure she knows how much he loves her throughout. I would also hope that when it comes to getting engaged he would make some decent effort in that regard, or at least make it romantic.
And then we come to Audrey’s reaction to both of them. She initiated the kisses with Gerald but very little else. She seems incapable of being straightforward and certain with him, whereas she can be easily with Siegfried. For example Gerald asks her if she’s sure about leaving, and she never answers him, whereas when Siegfried asks if she’s sure about staying she interrupts him in her eagerness to answer, and does so again when he asks if he’s taken her for granted.
The one time that really isn’t the case is with leaving them. She takes some considerable time, we can assume, before finally telling Siegfried she’s leaving, and even then she can’t tell him verbally. She writes it down and he guesses that she’s leaving him. But when she decides she can’t go with Gerald she seems to go straight to his door and tells him fairly easily.
She seems to accept Gerald’s statement that he and Rock will leave quickly, with very little concern beyond the immediate pang of sadness. However, when Siegfried does his best to make her feel like her leaving isn’t bothering him, that suggestion does seem to get to her.
So in conclusion to this long rambling diatribe, which may or may not make any sense, Siegfried and Gerald have their close similarities and stark differences. Both want Audrey to be happy, whether they end up happy themselves or not. But only one of them, when all is said and done, seems to make her truly contented.
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smallpotato80 · 8 months
I think we need an origins episode in series 5. One that tells the story of Mrs. Hall's arrival to Skeldale. Helen could feature as she told Audrey she remembers the days when it was just Siegfried and Mrs. Hall. Tris would be gone off to school and we could see Helen dropping by to pay a bill. We know Siegfried was "a mess" and Mrs. Hall was dealing with the fallout of her marriage breaking up and her son being sent away. Mrs. Hall said it "were chaos" but we know she was a "stalwart" and she completely understood Siegfried was grieving Evelyn. He may have been prickly, but she knew he was a good man. I would imagine seeing how much he loved his wife meant a great deal to Mrs. Hall. His struggles with trying to parent Tristan? She could relate to that as well due to her struggles with Edward. Perhaps we would see the fallout of an assistant that did not work out. It could be really, really good. Imagine if it played out that the tale was being told to baby James by either Siegfried or Audrey...or both as they sat for him.
I have to say, I would very much like to see the first time Audrey helped Mr. Farnon get ready for a dance at Pumphrey Manor. I want her breath to catch a bit when she sees him in his tails for the first time. Kind of like his breath was taken away when he saw her in the fancy dress on Christmas Even 1938.
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mrs-remarkable · 2 years
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↳ Tristan Farnon x Siegfried Farnon x Audrey Hall.
co-parenting: the sharing of responsibility for raising a child, often between people who do not live together as a couple or when one person is not the biological parent of the child.
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marshmelonlover · 3 years
If they don't play a slowed piano version of the ACGAS theme as the camera pans over each of the characters in the ACGAS series finale then I don't want it.
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edgeofthedales · 6 years
Fanfic list
By now, I’ve written quite a bit of ACGaS fanfic, so I thought maybe I should gather it all in one place.
Some of my fics were posted here before being archived on AO3, but the ones on AO3 are the most current, updated versions. All fics listed are finished unless otherwise noted. Also, I’ll have them listed in chronological order in relation to the characters’ time-lines. 
So here’s my list. This will be updated periodically and will be linked onto my main blog page.
Pre-Canon Stories
-End of a Season
Growing up, Siegfried Farnon had almost everything he wanted....except a little brother.....
Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three
-From Loss
The hardest step to take is the one that starts from loss....
Chapter One
Tristan goes on holiday and Siegfried realizes that things just aren’t the same when little brother isn’t around.
Chapter One, Chapter Two
-Nine Times Out of Ten
Nine times out of ten, late night calls only tested Siegfried’s long suffering patience.
Chapter One
During Canon
-Spur of the Moment
Life as a country vet sometimes mean less than perfect birthdays for Siegfried. Written for @the-scenic-route-stories
Chapter One
-Ignis Aurum Probat (in progress)
An accident traps Siegfried and Tristan in the middle of nowhere. But that is only the beginning of their problems....
Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five Chapter Six, Chapter Seven, Chapter Eight, Chapter Nine, Chapter Ten
-Thicker Than Water
Tristan gets injured while out on a job which leads to Siegfried hiring a temporary assistant and Tristan worrying about his future in the practice.
Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three
-All the World’s a Stage
Tristan joins a local theatre troupe and manages to get Siegfried involved as well. He ends up getting far more than he bargained for....
Chapter One, Chapter Two
-Conscious Dreamer (in progress)
Siegfried discovers a secret hobby of Tristan's that reveals a side of his little brother that he never knew.
Chapter One, Chapter Two
-Ceteris Paribus
Siegfried knew that there were many ways to be somebody's brother. Including some he didn't like to think about.
Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three
-Temet Nosce
Deidre makes her choice with Calum and Tristan has to find a way to move on.
Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three
-Closed Chapters
After resigning from the Ministry of Agriculture, Tristan prepares to move back to Darrowby and Skeldale House. 
Chapter One, Chapter Two. Chapter Three
-Two of a Kind
An unwelcome guest makes herself at home on Biggins’ farm.... Written for @the-scenic-route-stories
Chapter One.
Mixed Pre-Canon and Canon era
These ones have chapters that take place before and during canon. 
-Like Glass
For years, Siegfried and Tristan's lives had been shaped by what they had lost. The trick was not allowing loss to define them.
Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three
-In Loco Parentis (on-going short fic collection)
Being a brother is never easy, but some times are much more difficult than others.... A continuing series of one-shot and short fics.
Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven
A collection of Inktober For Writers prompt fics for October 2018. 
Link to post containing all of the chapter links.
All Creatures Great and Small/Doctor Who crossover stories
These stories will feature the Fifth Doctor and/or his companions visiting Skeldale House in the 1930s. Some of these stories will be based off my own AU imaginings and others will be from @the-scenic-route-stories lovely version of this AU.
-A Moment’s Fancy
Siegfried was used to his little brother's carelessness causing problems. Although, usually not with such bizarre results....  Written for @the-scenic-route-stories
Chapter One
All Creatures Great and Small: The Alternate Seasons
These stories will feature an AU of the post-war era seasons of ACGaS. Some events will follow canon while others will introduce new characters and events that were not in seasons four through seven of the show.
-Bringing in the New
It's Christmas Eve at Skeldale House with Tristan trimming a tree and Diane getting into the spirit of things. Written for @the-scenic-route-stories
Chapter One
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darrowbyeightfive · 6 years
Marble Halls, Part 4
The next instalment of the as-yet-unnamed story (I really need to think of a title for this soon.) I finally managed to merge all my random plot threads together, yay! The downside is that this is getting really REALLY long...
EDIT: It now has a name, too! Yay!
James was surprised to see a young woman following the Doctor into the Skeldale living-room.
"Siegfried, would you mind very much if my young friend joins us for lunch? Her name's Vera Wilkinson. Perhaps you saw her yesterday – she's Mr Partridge's niece. We've both been working hard this morning and I'm afraid we quite lost track of time"
"Certainly, Doctor," said Siegfried. "A pleasure to meet you, my dear," he said to Vera, taking her hand and giving her his most charming smile. “Tristan seems to have been held up at Micklethwaites', so you can have his place.”
James had listened patiently that morning as Tristan had told him,  enthusiastically and at length, about this new object of his affections. Business as usual, he had thought, trying conscientiously to nod in the right places and make encouraging comments even though he had heard it all so many times before. This time, of course, it was different; it was true love. As it had been all the other times. Tristan, for all his laziness in other aspects, seemed to live his emotional life with an intensity that James, even as a passive observer, found exhausting. Nonetheless, it would be a shame for poor Triss if Siegfried did his usual trick of turning his nonchalant charm onto this girl and making her fall for him instead. It had happened several times before, and although Siegfried had sometimes deployed his attractions deliberately, much of the time he had appeared oblivious to his effect on the female of the species. With the usual sort of girl who went to dances with Tristan, it probably wouldn't have mattered all that much; he seemed to have an endless supply of nurses from up at the hospital and Siegfried was not usually especially interested in any of them. But this girl did seem a little different, and according to what Tristan had told him, things had already progressed rather well between the two of them.
"Pleased to meet you, Mr Farnon," said Vera. "My uncle and your brother have been telling me about your practice here." She didn't look or sound to James as if she had become an immediate victim of Siegfried's powers of attraction, the usual symptoms being blushing, simpering and a sudden onset of inarticulacy. Instead, her tone seemed pleasantly interested and businesslike. Perhaps Triss still had a chance, after all.
As the meal went on, James began to feel less confident on behalf of his friend. When the Doctor was talking about some of his past adventures, Vera listened to him with what looked to James like rapt attention and deep admiration. Poor old Tristan – when it wasn't his own brother who was upstaging him, it was a traveller from outer space who looked like his more dashing but otherwise identical twin and who had no interest whatsoever, as far as James could tell, in acquiring admirers. The Doctor, with his gentle, polite manners and friendly enthusiasm was almost impossible to dislike, unless you were one of the cosmic tyrants whose dastardly schemes he regularly thwarted. From what James had heard of his adventures, it seemed as if he had a tendency to pick up around him a small group of orphaned or otherwise bereft young people from various corners of the universe, caring for them with a kind of disinterested benevolence. James really couldn't imagine him engaging in anything as self-indulgent as a love-affair, although he could quite easily imagine him unwittingly and entirely innocently leaving a trail of unrequited admirers behind him.
Much as he enjoyed the Doctor's company, James had begun to feel that it would be best for Tristan if he were to resume his travels in space and time. Quite apart from any adverse effects on Tristan's romantic prospects, James had also noticed that Siegfried had begun to treat the Doctor in a friendly, fraternal sort of way, but with the respect that he usually didn't extend to his brother. It seemed only a matter of time until Siegfried made an overtly unfavourable comparison between his brother and the Doctor and provoked an unpleasant episode.
It was at this point that Tristan entered the room, his face and clothes liberally smeared with some brownish-green and unpleasant-smelling substance. James could see him running through various deductive processes after noticing that Vera was sitting at the table.
“Umm, hello, Vera. I'm afraid you don't really see me to my best advantage. I've just had a rather difficult time with a sow...”
“Tristan! What is that dreadful stench? Clear out of here and clean yourself up! Can't you see that we have a lady visitor?” said Siegfried.
Vera looked up from the table and directly at Tristan. “I suppose that anyone living with veterinary surgeons has to get used to a wide range of interesting fragrances. Hasn't that been your experience, Doctor?”
“Indeed,” said the Doctor, “although I have to say that after some of the species I have experienced on my travels, the substances and smells produced by the animals in Yorkshire seem very innocuous in comparison.”
“And it's not just veterinary practice. Anyone who wanted to throw his lot in with me would probably have to be able to tolerate the smell of turpentine and linseed oil.” She smiled at Tristan, who had still not cleared out of there.
“Ah, linseed oil,” said the Doctor. “A delightful aroma. Redolent of cricket matches on long summer evenings.”
“I suppose I could make accommodations for someone with a very sensitive sense of smell, and paint only in watercolours.”
“If I've understood the culture of the current era correctly, that would be perceived as being a very ladylike pursuit,” said the Doctor, “but perhaps not as cutting-edge and avant-garde as painting in certain other media.”
“I've never really aspired to be terribly cutting-edge,” said Vera.
“Novelty for its own sake is, in my opinion, rather overrated,” said the Doctor.
James grinned, realising that this double-act was being performed for Tristan's benefit.
“Tristan,” said the Doctor, “do go and clean up and join us! Although I've dealt with far worse smells in the past, I'd much rather talk to you here at the table. The repairs to the TARDIS really are almost finished now, and I'd like to tell you about my plans for our test flight!”
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gmendel72 · 6 years
The Fifth Doctor
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I’ll be honest. Ever since I started my quest to watch all the Classic Doctor Who episodes, a small part of me has been looking forward to the Peter Davison era.
I grew up watching All Creatures Great and Small, with Mr. Davison as Tristan Farnon, so I eagerly anticipated seeing him as the Doctor. So far, so good.
I can imagine he had big shoes to fill, stepping into the role after everyone’s…
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smallpotato80 · 2 years
Thoughts on 3x04
- Really like Tristan/Flo  Don’t know if it’s long-term, but I think it’s important growth for Tris.  They were sweet and fun! ... Oh, boy. Can we imagine a Pandhi /Farnon gathering? Christmas?  Audrey will be sticking the pipe in Siegfried’s mouth or grabbing his hand  under the table to help him keep his foot out of his mouth.
- Helen and Jim are a great team/love.  Supportive, loving... lovely to see.  
-  Poor Siegfried is having hard time letting his boy go.... When he talked about wanting to give Tris his first car and regretting how that had gone.  Remember, at that time, Siegfried said his father had given him his first and he realized Tris wouldn’t have that... I thought it was about honoring their father, but I think it’s really about Siegfried seeing Tris as his boy.  Good thing Trickie was there for him to smother with attention.  
- Siegfried trying to protect Jim... Siegfried IS in charge of Skeldale, even though he trusts Mrs. Hall to take the reigns on a lot, it is still his show in that he does care for everyone there. After seeing his military experience as a Captain, we know Siegfried is a strong leader.  More than the business though, they’ve become his family.   Can Siegfried really keep Jim home? Tris?  He’s trying but I don’t know. 
-  I’ve already posted this but, Audrey’s scars run deep.  Don’t know if I’m ready for 3x05 and how Audrey comes away from that.... I did not get a good feeling from why she said she wants things to remain the same.  Sorry, I didn’t.   She’s in arrested development.  It also makes the S2CS really sad too...  She put on that pretty dress with a lot of confidence and then decided, what?, nope. Can’t do it. Can’t risk what I have in this safe environment. She decided to forge ahead w/friendship only w/Gerald, only Gerald hoped for more.  Diana gets to move on.  Siegfried gets to move on.  But not Audrey.... And, again, not saying Gerald is her ideal....it’s just sad.   Anyone thinking that this just applies to Gerald may be wrong.  Her “safe” explanation played into what Sam said recently about Audrey’s place being safe at Skeldale during the war.   He also said everything is on the table, but that they are too wise to mess with what works. That’s vague. I do know that I’m not sure Gerald is done.... Tris told Gerald Audrey is family.... Would Siegfried tell Audrey that her place at Skeldale is safe, that she is free to be happy and that means she can pursue life outside of Skeldale?  I actually can. 
- Really don’t know what to say about Siegfried’s reaction  to Audrey/Gerald. I saw it as teasing a bit.  No line between employer/employee there.   I WILL say that I feel we saw more of a reaction from Audrey when Diana was introduced and when Siegfried showed interest in Dorothy.  Was it fear of things changing in her safe space?  He DID react when she came home early though... He was concerned. He had to turn his attention to Helen so....we didn’t see that play out.   What if she came home happy? Honestly, I think he would have been okay.   Him inviting her to go on the car ride with Tris was nice and I’m glad she went along.  
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smallpotato80 · 1 year
After seeing Siegfried's reaction to the kiss in the S2CS, I look back at the scene in S3E2 where Gerald and Audrey are on a walk, and S3E4 on their picnic differently. Like, imagine Siegfried coming upon those scenes....I see him creeping in the bushes peering out. Siegfried wearing his tweed hat and looking on curiously to see what is up between Mrs. Hall and her "gentleman friend". Siegfried was definitely aware of Gerald and teased Mrs. Hall about him, but I think he really did have to see that kiss to get a clue. My guess is he never saw Mrs. Hall being serious due to her "religiosity" and being married...though he did seem curious or interested in her answer about what Gerald's status really was, even going back to S2E4 when he asked if she had someone to "make up the numbers" for Tristan's birthday dinner, and that was after Gerald had made an appearance. Now, true, everyone under Skeldale House's roof is "under Siegfried's care", but I would say he had a keen interest in who was in Mrs. Hall's orbit. I just so want to see Siegfried Farnon being an absolute "ridiculous creature" when it comes to Audrey and Gerald. Mrs. Hall was a trooper when it came to Dorothy and Siegfried and then later Siegfried and Diana but I imagine Siegfried may take a different approach.
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kate-bishops-waifu · 3 years
I couldn’t get this out of my head so here are some All Creatures Great and Small baking Headcanons:
Audrey is very particular about her baking, things need to be done to her specifications and in the order she likes. She will pull out her families massive recipe book, follow it for approximately two minutes before going off on her own, with you, trying to catch up to what she’s coming up with. In the end you and she decorate it, Audrey doing her best to relax and not take over to do it just the way she wants it.
Siegfried forgot you were baking and went out on an arrand. You wait around for a while, then decide to bake it yourself. He comes back later oblivious, arms full of medicine. “Have I missed something?”
Tristan keeps getting so distracted. He will constantly poke at you and lick the batter. He ends up flicking flower at your face and you fall into an all out food war. Soon James is dragged in and Jess starts barking. In the end you end up with a couple of cookies, a bull full of eaten cookie dough, and a very disgruntled Audrey.
James isn’t too interested in baking, but for you he gives it a go. He’ll mostly stay on recipe, and gets panicky if you start to veer off even slightly. He’ll start to get distracted midway through, probably by the thought of an animal he’s been treating, and leave you with most of the work.
Helen isn’t the best baker. She doesn’t really trust herself so she stands off to the side, afraid if she touches it it’ll burn her. She mostly does the mixing as you measure things out and set the oven. She’ll keep checking in with you to make sure her mixing is alright, and that she’s using the right tools.
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edgeofthedales · 6 years
For whatever reason, Breath Of Life never was on my list of episodes that I re-watched all that often, unlike say, Cats and Dogs, Calf Love, Brink of Disaster or Merry Gentlemen. However, much like another one of my recent live blog projects, Tricks of the Trade, it definitely deserves another look and benefits from such a careful watching like this one.
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If I were to pick a MVP for this episode, it would be Christopher Timothy, without question. I don’t always agree with the decision to play Herriot with that suppressed, but noticeable annoyance and snark as is often done on the show and feel it makes him a touch less sympathetic than James is in the books.
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Here, however, Timothy gave James just the right combination of humor, diffidence and yet firm conviction tinged with occasional frustration that I always got from the books. It’s very easy to see here why Alf Wight felt Timothy embodied the character of himself that he tried to write in his stories. In this episode, it really does feel like we are experiencing this fictional/biographical world from James’ perspective and Timothy makes it a very enjoyable experience.
It also showed that Timothy could take the lead even while sandwiched in-between the always charismatic Farnon brothers with some wit and humor of his own. Even the way he interacted with them felt more authentic with the books as James and Tris seemed much more like best friends in this one as opposed to James acting as a second older brother to Tris as often became the case in the series.
Of course, there were other strengths too such as moments of humor like Tristan’s Very Dramatic Calving Technique which were skillfully balanced with the drama provided by the potential foot-and-mouth outbreak and Penny’s continued issues.
Still, as strong as this episode was, there were some flaws. That comment made about Helen potentially not getting along with Mrs. Flaxton simply because of the “nature of women” was rather off-putting. Tristan’s prank on Siegfried still doesn’t entirely make sense to me, a feeling that only grows the more I think about it....
But perhaps the one that really felt like a misstep was tacking on Skipton and his ancient horses at the very end. It didn’t really add anything to the episode and it feels like a waste of a lovely animal story that could have been better used elsewhere. It reminded me too much of a common problem in seasons five and six. 
Overall though, Breath of Life was a very solid way to end the first season and I can easily see why it would have left audiences longing for more. And I imagine it will probably make my repeat watching list more often now.
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edgeofthedales · 6 years
You know, what Tristan did setting up all those women to tempt Siegfried out of quarantine does sound like the sort of elaborate prank that a Farnon would pull on his brother. 
Problem is, it seems like the elaborate pranks never work out nearly as well as imagined in the end...
Although, it looks like Siegfried is not the only one who expresses an intrusive interest on his brother’s love life. XD
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darrowbyeightfive · 6 years
Marble Halls, Part 1
The beginning of a sequel to “The Scenic Route”, “Lost The Plot” etc. I’m still not entirely sure where this is going, but let’s see...
Siegfried, Tristan and the Doctor were at the breakfast table when James came back from an early-morning calving.
“I've just seen Roly Partridge out for a walk with Percy and a young woman,” he said. “I always saw him as rather a loner, and can't really imagine him keeping company with women, especially not young ones.”
“Perhaps a late-blooming romance,” said Siegfried. “On his part, at least. I can imagine a certain sort of young woman being attracted to the artistic type.”
Tristan was intrigued by this, as by any local gossip and goings-on. He was determined to investigate what the 'certain sort of young woman' who took up with Roly might be like.
Siegfried went on to explain to the Doctor that Roly was an artist (“rather avant-garde, probably a little too much for a place like Darrowby, really”). The Doctor, now fully recovered, had so quickly become a fixture at Skeldale that Siegfried kept forgetting that he hadn't always been part of the household. Often, the Doctor's lively intelligence, honed by years of working out the sociodynamics of alien civilisations, pieced together what was going on before Siegfried had even realised that an explanation was required.
Breakfast over, the Doctor and Tristan went out to the paddock to continue their repairs on the TARDIS. Tristan managed to find a number of pressing reasons – tea-breaks, toilet-breaks, an apparent conviction that he was the only one in the household capable of correctly answering the telephone – to go around the side of the house, from which he had a clear view of Roly's cottage. The Doctor continued his maintenance work without commenting on the frequency of these absences. Eventually, Tristan's persistence was rewarded. Roly came out of the house, together with his small white terrier Percy and the mysterious woman.
“Hello, Mr. Partridge! Good to see you,” said Tristan, crossing over to greet them.
“Hello, Mr Farnon This is my niece, Vera. She's studying at art school down in London, but has come up here to work with me during her summer vacation. Vera, this is Tristan Farnon, a final-year veterinary student who works at his brother's practice across the road.” Roly had the tact not to mention for exactly how many years Tristan had been a final-year student.
“Following in your uncle's footsteps, then,” said Tristan, even more intrigued now that it was clear that the young woman was not in a romantic relationship with the artist. He gave her the most charming smile in his arsenal and looked at her for as long as politeness allowed. Vera bore a certain family resemblance to Roly, including the round, wire-rimmed glasses (he laughed at himself for the thought that wire-rimmed glasses could run in families), but her hair was darker than Roly's and gathered up in a loose bun.
“Yes, despite everyone's best efforts to discourage me,” she said. “They've been trying to convince me that sewing, typing or cooking would be a safer bet, and they may well be right, but I thought that I had to give it a try. I work evenings at a Lyon's Corner House waiting on and cleaning, and they've said that they will take me on full-time if art school doesn't work out.”  She spoke with what had once been a northern accent that had been schooled by years of education into some approximation to received pronunciation.
“What sort of things do you paint?” asked Tristan, wishing for the first time in his life that he knew more about art. “Are you interested in abstract art and that sort of thing?”
“Oh, no,” laughed Vera. “I'm actually very conventional. Landscapes, portraits. I don't go quite as far as to paint kittens and roses for chocolate-boxes, but I am planning to do a series of views of the Dales.”
“Well, I often have to drive out there on calls, so if you need a lift to some scenic spot, do let me know and I'd be happy to oblige,” said Tristan. It would be interesting to spend time with someone so different from the usual nurses and farmers' daughters – someone, perhaps, more bohemian. (Tristan wasn't entirely sure what being 'bohemian' entailed, but had a vague impression of late nights, loose-fitting clothes and unconventional domestic arrangements.)
“That would be very kind, wouldn’t it, Uncle?” said Vera, giving Tristan the most charming smile in her arsenal.
It was then that the Doctor came around the side of the house at a jog. “Tristan!” he called, “Could you come and help me with something?” He showed absolutely no surprise at finding Tristan in conversation with two people who were clearly the older man and younger woman alluded to at breakfast.
“Is this your twin brother?” asked Vera. Roly, who knew that Tristan had no twin brother, just stared, forgetting his manners in his shock.
“Umm, no, it's a little more complicated than that,” said Tristan, wondering where to start with the explanation.
“Hello, how do you do,” said the Doctor, who had now reached the little group. He held out his hand to Vera. “I'm the Doctor.”
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edgeofthedales · 6 years
“I did my pre-clinical sciences at Cambridge..”
Ok, that’s interesting. I was thinking that vet students didn’t always go to university before going to veterinary college back then. I don’t think Alf Wight did. Although, I am pretty sure that is the norm now....
Also, the fact that Siegfried went to Cambridge...and I imagine Tristan probably went to a similar sort of university too in this TV Show verse...certainly furthers the idea that the Farnons were from a family with some means....
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edgeofthedales · 6 years
There is a little parallel here between the Farnons where Siegfried is so eager to do anything and everything he can think of to help James in his awful situation with Andrew Vine: offering him a drink, reminding him that it’s not his fault if Andrew destroys himself, offering to deal with Andrew himself instead of having James do it, encouraging James that there might be something he could do.
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Siegfried is searching for anything to make things better for James and will just keep throwing stuff against the wall until he finds it. 
It’s really not unlike how it’s driving Tristan crazy that he can’t do anything to help his family and friends around the practice. Instead he has to watch them do extra work because he’s become persona non grata and it’s upsetting him deeply. 
Which is how I imagine Siegfried would feel if couldn’t find anything to help James....
It’s a reminder that the two of them are really not so dissimilar after all....
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