#triumphant returns
akanemnon · 7 months
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Sorry, Noelle... They're a little slow on the uptake.
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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shallowseeker · 2 months
Cas discovers that when he buys Dean jewelry, Dean wears it.
An obsession ensues.
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thatmooncake · 8 months
what if spider moon and caged moon met each other? would they play and chase or hiss at each other?
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They would cause chaos the way only two Moons know how
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pluviatrix · 5 months
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ok for real this time. wyll's romance is still bugged so in protest we draw him done up all pretty
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justrustandstardust · 5 months
it's established that gojo's blindfold is a hallmark of his character. it's understood that the blindfold keeps things out; however, i also think there's something to be said about how it also keeps things in. despite the fact that there's already a lot of discourse regarding his blindfold, i think there's more to it than meets the eye (or doesn't, in the case of gojo).
this is going to be somewhat of a long post, but i promise that if you stick around, the end will make the journey worth it.
(this analysis is the lovechild of mine and @chiarrara, whose sexy big brain sponsored this whole thing).
as a character, gojo is unknowable without his eyes. it's very much proposed that gojo is his eyes; he's even repeatedly referred to as "the six-eyes brat". he's the strongest, and his eyes embody that status/symbol/role in the narrative. his eyes and his character are so intertwined that they almost become the same thing.
we are repeatedly reminded of his eyes throughout the story; they are perhaps his most distinct and identifiable feature. when we're shown the progression of gojo's life from birth to adolescence, we only see his eyes.
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during this scene when toji is remebering him, he repeatedly refers to him as the "six-eyes brat". he is his eyes, and nothing else. that's the only thing that toji knows about him because to the jujutsu world, that's all he is.
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however, when he's a teenager, although his eyes are more present than we've ever seen them throughout the series, they're noticeably un-glorified. they're undeniably present but they're unremarkable.
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they're less symbols of his power and more what they are, which are just eyes. we see glimpses of his eyes so often that we almost forget that they're special, until he steps into his role as the strongest and reminds us of them.
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it's important to note that what sets the depiction of his eyes apart here (versus when he's an adult) is the presence of geto. if you comb through every single scene with geto in hidden inventory, you will find that gojo's eyes are not the focal point of his character. they're backgrounded features; his eyes are either half-hidden or entirely obscured by his shades, and they rarely glow.
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his eyes make themselves known when geto is absent, like during gojo's fight with toji. in these moments, he is the strongest, invariably leaving room for nothing else. the only exception to this rule is when he's carrying riko's body, in which his eyes glow when he toes the line between human nature and godlike power. if we understand his eyes to be conduits of his power, then their noticeable downplaying can be understood as gojo leaving behind his title as the strongest and stepping into his humanity.
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when geto breaks up with gojo, his eyes are not only uncovered, they're un-emphasized. they're perhaps the dullest we've ever seen them, and their distinct, eye-catching blue is swallowed by the whites surrounding his irises. his strength and power don't matter in this moment, and his eyes reflect that. when he's losing geto, he is not the strongest; he is purely gojo satoru.
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the emphasis on his eyes in his youth makes their absence in his adulthood even more stark. we rarely see his eyes now, and it's only in the direst of circumstances.
everyone is familiar with the dictum '"the eyes are the window to the soul", which is true: eyes let people see into us. however, they function both ways; like a two-way mirror, they also let us see the world. eyes let people look in, but they also let their beholder look out.
there's a reason gojo only put on the blindfold after geto left. why didn't he wear it from the start? why did he start wearing it at all? all the credit to @hijinks-n-lowjinks for their masterful analysis that inspired this idea, which is as follows:
"....Gojo wants nothing more than to leave the memory of Geto unscathed....There's still a part of Geto's memory that's untarnished if he keeps it private instead of exposing the depth of Geto's crimes to the students, and I think that's what he's clinging onto."
gojo wears the blindfold for two reasons: one, to keep people out, and two, to keep geto in.
in donning the blindfold, gojo seals geto in his mind and simultaneously seals himself off from the world. he holds geto inside of himself, rendering him (or gojo's construction of him) untouchable by anyone else. in order to achieve this, however, the practice necessitates that gojo keeps everyone else out, because they belong to a world without geto that gojo literally and figuratively refuses to see. the wall functions like eyes: twofold, both keeping in and keeping out.
geto can be understood as gojo's blindfold: he is the reason it exists and why gojo put it on the first place. the blindfold is an intractable element in how he (doesn't) navigate the world without geto, because geto's departure from his life catalyzed his withdrawal from the world, which is symbolized through the blindfold.
when geto was in his life, gojo let the world in because it had geto in it. after geto left, he wasn't there for gojo's eyes to find. the permanent blindfold operates like schrödinger's cat— instead of seeing a world without geto, gojo simply chooses to stop seeing.
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it's worth noting that the literal barrier pairs with the figurative barrier gojo puts up, which is in his disposition.
there's a reason that gojo's cocky, lighthearted persona comes out when he's wearing the blindfold. it's a figurative barrier that matches the literal one. like i said before, we only see his eyes in the direst of circumstances, and his goofy, cocksure demeanour is notably absent from these instances. i'm not saying it's fake, but the persona is a front, designed to keep people at a distance. he plays it up, and it feels even more distant because we can't see his eyes.
however, gojo isn't the only person with a barrier.
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after the breakup, we never see geto wear casual clothes. we always see him in his cult leader outfit, which is distinct and elaborate. geto knows it's a costume, evidenced by the way he even says it himself when someone asks why he's wearing the cult getup:
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we also see a notable shift in his persona, to a crazed and almost manic disposition that contrasts starkly with the gentle, kind nature he had in his youth. geto's literal barrier is found in his cult outfit, whereas his figurative one is in his disposition. although they present differently, gojo and geto's literal and figurative barriers mechanize the same modes of expression that seem to be at odds with one another.
gojo’s disposition is designed to counteract the loneliness that shapes his character (a loneliness that geto abetted in being his companion) and geto’s disposition is designed to push people away, because he decided no one could understand him (a role which was previously fulfilled by gojo).
gojo can read geto in a way that no one else can, and geto is gojo's counterpart in a way that no one else can be— they’re missing something only the other can provide and compensating with two dispositions at opposite ends of the emotional spectrum.
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when geto is dying, gojo drops the literal and figurative mask. he's almost unrecognizable; he's not laughing, he's not smiling, and he's not wearing the blindfold, because he doesn't need it anymore. the only person he wants to see, the only person he's ever wanted to see, is in front of him now.
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however, once again, he's not only one whose walls have come down.
geto drops the manic persona (although he retains the ideals) and he gently smiles in a way that's reminiscent of his youth. his cult leader outfit is also falling off, exposing him in more ways than one. he admits that he never had any hate for anyone at jujutsu tech, and in doing so, materializes the version of himself that lived in gojo's mind for a decade. that's why gojo doesn't bother with the blindfold; the geto in his mind and the geto in front of him are congruous and he's looking at the person he's been seeing inside his head all along.
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it's been established that we don't know what gojo says to geto. however, it is also absolutely key that we don't see gojo's eyes in this deeply intimate moment. his eyes, which are inextricably linked to his strength and his role. his eyes, which are the medium through which he limits his engagement with the world. his eyes, which he sealed after geto left and only brings out when he's tasked with fulfilling his role.
in this moment, he considers the question geto asked him during the breakup. "are you gojo satoru because you're the strongest? or are you the strongest because you're gojo satoru?"
and in shielding his eyes from us, gojo answers him.
"i'm gojo satoru because of you, suguru."
his eyes, as the windows to the soul and witnesses to the world, are looking at geto suguru not as the strongest but as gojo satoru, and they are meant for geto alone. yes, the eyes are the windows to the soul but they're also two-way mirror— gojo opens his eyes for geto to look into his soul because the material manifestation of his soul is dying in front of him right now. in baring his eyes, he bares his soul.
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before geto dies, we see him the same way gojo does. he seems bashful, almost shy, even mirthful; all traits that are antithetical to the crazed front he put up earlier. conversely, gojo is the most solemn we've ever seen him. in this moment, we see them both for who they really are, because they literally and figuratively only reveal themselves to each other.
after they part ways in shinjuku, geto and gojo embody the same barriers through identical mechanisms: fabric and persona. these barriers function to do the same thing, which is to keep people at a distance in order to leave space for the one person noticeably absent from their lives. it's very fitting that their walls come down as they meet for the last time, because the only people who could've torn them down are the same people for whom they put them up in the first place— nobody else but each other.
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romanovanatalia · 9 months
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twojamie + letterboxd reviews
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ellstersmash · 2 months
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Indomitable Focus
Redraw of these (x x x) and continuation of the series.
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thepajamamen · 2 months
❄️ zane-is-my-wife
pretty sure I just saw the red ninja at home depot.. I've never seen one man hold that many cans of petrol at once without dropping any
❄️ zane-is-my-wife
nevermind I just heard a really loud crash from a few aisles over
❄️ zane-is-my-wife
...yeah I can smell gas I should leave. New lightbulbs can wait until Friday I think
❄️ zane-is-my-wife
saw a fire truck pull in as I was leaving the parking lot something definitely just happened
🔥 realredninja
hey can you delete this post. right now
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lurkamargarine · 27 days
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phoenix-clan · 4 months
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During the night, as Smallpaw heals from his injuries, Slightstar makes small talk about Blazepaw.
Smallpaw can't hide his infatuation with Blazepaw, and quickly becomes embarrassed. Slight comforts him, assuring him that his feelings aren't bad; she asks him what it is about Blazepaw that catches his eye.
Smallpaw explains that, as an outsider to the clans, he was always outcast from the clan save for the few cats that survived the flames.
Blazepaw bravely led the HawkClan survivors out of the flames, leaving Smallpaw in awe over his courage.
Slight encourages Smallpaw to tell Blazepaw how he feels, and he considers it before sleeping for the night.
Hours later, Blazepaw wakes Smallpaw up to change his bandaging. Feeling a new sense of courage, Smallpaw begins to tell Blazepaw how he feels.
Blazepaw informs Smallpaw that he always knew, and admits he shares his feelings. The two share in a moment of joy as they agree to become mates.
Slight, seeing Blazepaw leaving the medicine den, asks him how Smallpaw is. Blazepaw admits that the both of them are doing wonderfully. Slight congratulates them.
happy pride! i didn't plan the timing out but it worked out lol sorry this one took so long to come out! i was burnt out a bit. i'm feeling a new kick of artistic inspiration though, so i went for it :) it might just be a regular thing that the art style changes xD
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angelxd-3303 · 1 year
Who was the first person to find out about Luigi and Bowsers relationship?
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He's working on his third bottle of wine since Luigi arrived. Someone help this lizard wizard, he's too old for this.
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an-albino-pinetree · 9 months
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*Distant squeaking of clown shoes*
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m3rricat · 3 months
headcanon that when Astarion drinks a whole lot of blood he gets a bit of a tummy and has to go sleep it off like the ferocious apex predator he is
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There's something kinda poetic about Number One, a character that was a high ranking woman on a 60s tv show who was removed from the story because the network said "no" to a female first officer, getting the storyline she is today. The trial is an allegory for a lot of things, but seeing Number One go through what she has in canon and regain her rightful place on the bridge has a poetic resonance to it, considering the real life bts things happening over the last 60 years. Ad Astra per Aspera indeed, Ma'am.
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happy yaoi day ❤️
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wolfes · 9 months
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BREAKING BAD: 2.08 'Better Call Saul'
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