#trollhunters dictatious
chaotic-deity · 1 year
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Hello again TOA fandom
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razieldraws · 4 months
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Some Trollhunters memes 'cause why not?
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spadenlionelnbee · 6 months
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iloveyousmmm · 3 months
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skyheachi · 22 days
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karmatastic · 2 months
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Dictatious kinda...
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yokuimmobylen · 3 months
Art trade with @alenchikova !
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It was very cool! Especially to draw a different vision of Kodanth than my own!
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lemonisntreal · 5 months
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I spent like 3 hours just drawing these guys and nothing else while I watched Trollhunters the other day. My computer's being stupid again so digital art's on hold but you know what I still have my fucking hands you can't stop me
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And Dictatious
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gaybabything · 5 months
Okay someone tell me if I'm going insane or not
In Trollhunters when Jim is imprisoned in the Darklands, I vividly remember Dictatious like straight up torturing him??? And he used these worms that latched onto Jim’s head and made him hallucinatate. I see this scene so clearly in my mind, but when I rewatched the show on Netflix it never came up??? I literally watched all the Darklands episodes twice cause I was SO sure I just missed it but nope, it doesn't exist in the Netflix series. I also swear that I've read a fanfic that references this scene. Is it part of one of the other series??? Was it in a fanfic and not actually canon??? Or did I just imagine the entire thing? Please someone tell me if it actually happened or not
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ckr0kmaster · 1 year
Blinky feeding Aaarrrgghh! his brothers books 📚
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Aaarrrgghh! looks like a puppy
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 2 months
I was reading your fic, the one with Jim traveling back in time (it's super amazing, by the way)
And I got curious with the part where Strickler found out about the teen center thing
So with considering that he and Blinky's brother are one of the a few trolls who stayed in Aracadia
Do you think they got on a fight or something (I mean Dictatious was with Gunmar during what happened to the changelings plus he isn't fully good like he literally joined them due to his valuable information about Gunmar who tried to execute him)
I was curious about them fighting due to their past working under Gunmar, but after reading your fic, I'm more interested in the possibility of a fight because of the massacre of the Janus Order
Ahh thank you!! 🥰
I assume you're talking about Challenging Destiny lol (and sorry for the late reply).
Yeah, I feel like the whole Janus Order being called a teen centre after the changelings were massacred was something I had to at least touch on. It will probably come back at some point, especially after Gunmar gets slain.
Yeah I think Strickler and Dictatious definitely fought with each other after season 3 of Trollhunters. Dictatious literally helped Gunmar, so also was responsible for poor treatment of the unpaired changelings in the Darklands. And Dictatious is racist too, which doesn't help. So yeah, I see them not getting along at ALL.
As for a fight over the massacre of the Janus Order, that depends on if Dictatious gets his memories of the past timeline. XD Either way, Strickler on default doesn't like him, because they might both have been put in a situation that forced them to work under Gunmar, but Dictatious liked it and Strickler hated it. Plus the fact Dictatious is a troll, and Strickler is a changeling. That makes a pretty big difference in how they're treated. I will likely have Dic and Walt interact in Challenging Destiny though!
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artistgem · 6 months
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New hyperfixation acquired so I made an OC and made them related to Dic and Blinky because I can cringe is dead The Galadrigal brothers, L to R:
Dictatious the Traitorous
Blinkous the Studious
Factious the Rebellious
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My top villains (from dumb to smart)
Warning: This post is not intended to offend anyone, the author is just sharing his observations
In this post, I decided to make up the top villains of trollhunters from the dumbest to the smartest (as for me, such tops are much more interesting than the placement of characters by strength, because in most cases you already know who will be in first place). The actions of villains from trollhunters only will be evaluated here.
10) Morgana:
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Her main problem is that she does using her arsenal of spells on maximum and instead of attacking with shots of magical energy from a safe distance, she creates small energy daggers and goes into close combat, although this makes no sense (it is as if gunmar, fighting with his sword, tried not to hit the opponent with a sharp blade, but tried to hit him with the hilt of the sword). Her second fatal mistake is that she gave Angor freedom and was genuinely surprised when he betrayed her and decided to take revenge for everything she did to him (What prevented her from taking Angor's soul again so that he would not betray her at the most crucial moment?). And can someone explain to me why she didn't kill Merlin at the end of the third season? That is, she just tossed him from side to side, throughout the series she said how she wanted to kill him, and then just left him alive and went to deal with the hunter?
9) Otto:
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For some reason, he sincerely believed that Gunmar cared about changelings and that Gunmar would lead them to a bright future. But what a surprise! It turns out Gunmar didn't care about changelings from the beginning, well, yes, he never hid his disdain for them. Someone will call it loyalty, but for me it's dibilism when you betray the current head of the Order of Janus and instead of taking the vacant throne yourself, you kindly waited for the tyrant who eventually used you.
8) Bular:
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As for me, Bular is one of the most impulsive characters in the whole series. The most striking example is when in the second series, literally in the middle of the day, in a place where there could be unwanted witnesses, he decided to attack a new hunter and, as expected, was defeated. He also continues to underestimate his opponent, even when Jim killed stalking, it is not surprising that with such disregard for the enemy, he died before all the antagonists.
7) Goblin from the episode about creepslayerz:
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He appeared relatively little on the screen compared to other villains, but during this time he, firstly, set Steve and Eli on Jim, and secondly, led the Creepslayerz on a false trail, thereby preventing them from finding out about their plans ahead of time.
6) Gunmar:
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My main problem with Gunmar is that without asking for any proof, he believed all the nonsense that the Dictatus told him. I also think that Gunmar should be aware of the technical superiority of people (at least from Strickler's presentation) and that is why, instead of sending changelings to intercept at least a couple of warheads, he arranges their genocide. It's really funny that in the end Morgana needed a changeling to free him, and I'm just wondering what he would have done if Nomura and Strickler hadn't been in town? (I think he would catch a random person on the street and give him free troll language lessons)
5) Nomura:
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She doesn't rank higher in the rankings just because she underestimated Jim in the first season. To be honest, I can't remember if she has had similar mistakes before, and compared to previous places, she is much less impulsive.
4) Angor:
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As for me, Angor from the first season is a reference villain, almost all of whose actions are thoughtful and balanced decisions, for example, he reasonably did not trust Strickler and his promise that he would let him go as soon as trollhunter will die, so he did not immediately kill Jim, but only intimidated him so that our troll hunter had more reasons to make a deal with Angor and steal infernacopula. Well, the most striking example is that Angor will first study his enemy, and only then go into battle. if they hadn't made a cartoon villain out of him at the end of the first season, who, instead of immediately stabbing his defeated opponent, rolls up a long monologue about how weak our new hunter is without his friends, then in this top you Angor would have stood much higher (but despite this, he is still one of my favorite characters).
3) Usurna:
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You might reasonably ask why she stands so high in the top if she supported Gunmar on an equal footing with Otto? To which I will answer that unlike Otto, who was looking forward to the return of the cruel lord, Usurna tried her best not to let Gunmar escape from the dark lands and joined him only when she knew for sure that he had returned, in fact, she simply chose the strongest, and therefore the winning side. And I think it's worth admitting that no matter how mean a bitch she is, she can reasonably reason that by sacrificing a pair of cubs of Kruber, she will thereby delay Gunmar's desire to attack her people for a sufficiently long time, and if the dark lord still falls, she can say that her children were simply kidnapped (which was common at that time (if we recall the background of the creation of changelings) so no matter how you look at it, in any case, it remains a winner.
2) Strickler:
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(who could doubt that he would be so high in the ranking) I am still sure that he helped in the liberation of Gunmar only out of fear of Bular, because as soon as Bular fell, Strickler immediately took the vacant throne, leaving Gunmar in the dark lands. Strickler, as well as Angor, will not be the first to rush into battle, he will most likely just shift all the dangerous and dirty work to someone else, since the status allows. Also, he always plans an escape plan if something goes wrong, if he hadn't created a magical connection with Barbara then he wouldn't have had any leverage on Jim and therefore the hunter wouldn't have had any reason to protect Strickler from Angor. He is not in the first place only because instead of hiring a hired sniper who would quickly kill a young hunter and left, no! instead, he awakens an ancient killer who, if he can take the ring, will kill his unfortunate master first thing. Although if he also awakened Angor in order to strengthen his status as the head of the Order, then there are no complaints, but due to the fact that in the series itself Strickler said that he brought Angor only to kill Jim, then alas it was too unjustified a risk
1) Dictatious:
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To begin with, he was able to survive in the dark lands for several centuries, so he was also able to become the right hand of Gunmar himself, who clearly respects only the strong, and the Dictatus, to put it mildly, is a so-so warrior. Further, after the Dictatus lost his sight and became virtually useless to Gunmar, he was still able to remain his most trusted subordinate (yes, this whole topic with Morgan's visions looks ridiculous to me, given that the Dictatus had no evidence of the truthfulness of his words, but most importantly, it worked). Also, the Dictatus has never had an insane devotion to Gunmar, he joined him only because otherwise he would not have survived, which is why he so easily switches to the side of the hunter and at the end of the series remains to chill in Toby's house.
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aupermittymeowmeow · 2 years
attacks you
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iloveyousmmm · 1 month
heh...heres some more😈😈
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im cooked
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skyheachi · 3 months
Baby Blinky and Trolls human form
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