#trolls val thundershock
broz0neglitters · 4 months
Sorry 'bout Grammy night
John Dory X Ex GF
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John Dory gave you everything that you could have wished for. He was so lucky to have met a girl like you. He never wanted to lose you; he would do everything to protect you. But over time, things changed between you both. You noticed how he would overwork his little brothers, boss them around, and spend less time with you. He also would ignore you, but things got bad, leading to your break up at Grammy night, which was hosted by the Classical Trolls.
-This was before Brozone broke up, and you guys soon saw each other again 20+ years later...-
-Grammy's Night-
You wear a lovely dress and even get your hair done when you arrive on the red carpet. You grab John's hands, but he looks back at you. "Be professional, babe," he says, walking away. It really hurt you, but you brush it off. "I'll hold your hands." Bitty B said cutely as you looked down at him. "Aww, thank you, you're so sweet." You said, holding his little hands
As John looks back, seeing you hold baby Branch's hands, he snaps at you, "Y/N, What are you doing holding Bitty B's hands? You should be holding mine." he snaps at you, "But John, he's just a baby anyone could grab him and plus he was kind enough to hold my hands unlike you." You said to him, "Whatever, hold my hand and act like we're in love." he said, smiling at the camera
As you held his hands, you wanted to cry as the camera flashed, and you put on a fake smile. As you two post for the camera, you both try your best to smile. "Can we get some with just the Brozone brothers?" the photographer said as John pushed you aside and grabbed all his brothers closer to him.
"You did not need to push your girlfriend like that. You could have told her to move aside nicely." spruce said, giving John the death stare. "Pfft, whatever she was getting in the way anyways, now smile, bros," he said
As you saw the brothers taking pictures, you cried at the Grammy. As the brothers were done, you quickly wiped your tears. "were you crying?" floyd asked. "What- No, it was just my lashes itching," you lied to him. "oh okay, I can never get with lashes," he said to himself
"Come on, bros, let's talk to the press." John said as you kept walking behind them, "Y/n, you don't have to keep letting John treat you this way. I know how you feel; I want to be taken seriously, too." Clay said, "I appreciate your help, but I should keep my mouth shut." You said you were afraid of speaking up against John because you know what he could do to you and you didn't want to ruin his Grammy night with his bro
As you pick Bitty B up so he doesn't get lost, you overhear John talking to the female troll interviewer, so you eavesdrop. "So, John Dory, how does it feel to date a normal troll?" "Ah, you know she's not that important right now. All that matters is that Brozone finally won a Grammy and made our grandma proud." John dory said
You wanted to cry again, but you couldn't cry in front of everyone, especially bitty B...
You all took your seats, still upset at what John Dory said about you, but you didn't let it get to you because you're stronger than this. You would not let some dude, not even your boyfriend, bring you down, especially not at Grammy night.
As they announced the best boy band of the year, John Dory crossed his fingers, hoping they would win. "And the best boy band music goes to..." as there were drum rolls and moments of silence, everyone's heart was racing. You could hear John Dory's heart beating.
"BROZONE WITH THEIR HIT SINGLE PERFECT!" The announcer said as the Brozone brothers cheered and hugged each other while their song Perfect played. You sat there cheering for them despite all the negative energy you received from John Dory the whole time, but again, you didn't care about your boyfriend's poor behavior. You were happy that they won...
As Brozone got on stage to accept their Grammy, John took the mind stand, "This is such an honor to be here making music with my brothers, and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for my amazing leadership skills and my brothers' hard work we put our hearts into this new late single, and we're so glad that the fans love it." John said As the brothers took a picture with their grammies and got off the stage
After the Grammys, you wanted to congratulate them. You walk up to your boyfriend and try to give him a kiss, but John Dory pushes you out of the way to take more photos when you have enough of his BS. "JOHN DORY, I'VE HAD IT WITH YOUR BEHAVIOR TONIGHT!" You shouted at him as he looked at you. "Baby, what are you talking about are you on your day?" he asked, brushing the situation off
Before John could speak, "Just forget, John Dory, we're over. Just so you know, I brought us a promise bracelet, which I will never get a chance to give you. I'm getting my money back." You said, running off crying
You ran off crying with the paparazzi chasing after you while your eyeliner was dripping, and you were a hot mess so, which ended your and John Dory's relationship...
-20 years later-
You haven't heard about Brozone besides their band break up, but you couldn't get a refund on your promise bracelets that you had made for you and John Dory despite you hating for how he had treated you that night, you miss him profoundly, but you can't seem to forgive him at all
You keep saying that you're alright, but every single night, you feel like crying cause every single night, you lock yourself in your room and cry for days. It has been 20 years since the breakup, and you're still crying over it
The breakup messed you up really bad to the point where you refused to date other trolls and trust other males, and you would lock yourself in your rooms for days. You wouldn't eat or drink but just sat there in darkness crying to yourself
As you saw the picture of you and John during the Grammy nights, the picture of you both was revolving in your mind. But then it turns to white. "Guess I'm going Blind," you said to yourself. You felt like crying all over again. You threw the picture across the room, and it cracked and broke as you walked over to see the picture glass shatter.
As you get a red marker and angrily cross out john dory picture and cry to yourself, "FUCK YOU, JOHN DORY, AND WHAT YOU DID TO ME!" You said, crying out of anger.....
-After Band Together-
You were chilling and doing much better when you saw Poppy and a few other friends. "Hey guys, we just returned from saving floyd from the twins!" Poppy said As you saw someone looking very familiar, but you couldn't get your eyes straight as you took a 2nd look "shit, is my ex." you said to yourself. "Wait- you're that girl who dated a biozone; remember John Dory? Why didn't you tell us, girl?" Val said, "I'd rather not talk about the past." You said
As Poppy came over to you, "Hey Y/N, This is bro zone." she said, "Yeah, I know. I happen to date one of them." you said, crossing your arms. "Wait- are you?" Branch said, "Yep, I'm that Bitch that john dory dumped over a Grammy." you growled, glaring at john dory
"Hey, how have you been? It has been 20 years. You still look nice." he said, cutting the subject. "Don't change the subject, asshole. You know what you did on Grammy night." You said
"Oh, so that was the girl you were talking about. How she took care of you when you were little." Poppy said, "Wait- branch, you're bitty B. How can I not remember you?" You said, "Uhh yeah, very long story, maybe some other time." the branch said
"Back to the subject, John, how could you treat me like that? You know what your actions did to me. It made me super depressed and heartbroken." you said
"I tried to text you hoping you could forgive me and all my crimes, but you left me on read but no reply." John said, "It was during the troll escape from Bgergans town. What did you expect John to give you a sigh." You said, "I thought you had got eaten by the bergan when I came back to look for you and my brothers, but no one was there." he said
As you turned your back to him, "Sorry I broke you down, Sorry I tore you down, and I'm also sorry about Grammy night." He said "I was totally in a a different place and Tortured and drifting by I didn't know that I hurted some one that I care about." He added as he put his hand on your shoulder, but you slapped it super hard, which stung his hands
your eyes were rolling back because you refused to listen to John Dory trying to apologize to you because you stopped trusting a single word he said ever since Grammy night and the break up. "Please, Hope I get one more chance, and I desperately Hope you can forgive me for the things I've done." John Dory said on his knees crying and begging for your forgiveness
His brother saw how super pathetic John Dory was to be on his knees 20 years later begging for your forgiveness when he should have been doing it in the first place instead of 20 years later, which was too late...
------------------ I won't be opening requests due to time conflicts with my real life. I also have to tackle two jobs, and they do take time to write, but if you want to ask me any questions, feel free to private message me. I will respond to them :). Hope you all have a great day/night wherever you are <3 Also, Happy Pride Month <3 --------------------- Like + Follow are very much appreciated!
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starfyhero2 · 6 months
I'm currently undergoing a bit of brainrot concerning a potential au idea involving either branch and the tribe ambassadors rescuing their kidnapped tribe leaders band together style or them somehow going on that journey to unite the tribes during world tour instead
But in either scenario can yall imagine how unhinged that group would be, like wt's scenarios being:
-dante and pennywise being the only ones left in symphonyville
-holly being chased out of lonesome flats with branch's group
-a weakened synth finding the future ambassadors' group just in time before collapsing
-val and/or demo running away because she didn't agree with the world tour
-lownote probably helping the funk twins escape or him finding the group earlier
-the fucking argument that can happen in place of the broppy one omg
The au would probably be called the ambassador tour for either main idea either way
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valsnonsense · 5 months
The HollyVal Family
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I redid this one like five times kkjhsakjdhakjhsdk
Also changed Holly’s lower half to match her upper body color more, instead of the blue. Still not drawing the Country Trolls with pants, I’m sorry I just can’t do it lskdfjsdkl
Okay story time. As anyone who’s watched Trollstopia, we know the relationship between Holly and Val is a close one. The two, alongside Poppy, become best friends over their time in Trollstopia.
Well, eventually, this friendship begins to turn into something more, at least on Val's side. Val begins to slowly fall for Holly, loving how caring, sweet, and attentive she was to everyone she knew. Especially with her and Poppy. At first, Val keeps these feelings locked deep down inside her, because despite how much she had grown to be honest with herself and her feelings, talking about crushes was NOT something she was willing to disclose with ANYONE!
Until Poppy found out.
Poppy didn't even need to ask her or have Val tell her. She figured it out on her own. When Val asks how the hell she did it, her only answer was, "I'm Poppy! I thought we established this?"
Well, Val caved and asked Poppy to help her ask out Holly, which the Pop Queen was MORE than happy to do so. The two began concocting elaborate scheme after elaborate scheme, each one more grandiose than the next. Val thought Holly was one of the most amazing Trolls she knew, she only deserved the best!
And when the moment came for Val to finally confess to Holly, the entire thing blew up in her face. Something about setting up an elaborate song performance with bright lights and giant speakers out in wild attracts wild animals or something. Making them destroy said equipment.
After putting out several fires and calming down a series of wild animals, Holly asks Val what she was trying to convey with all the lights and speakers. Val ends up nearly sobbing, saying how she wanted Holly to know her feelings, how she deserved only the best and biggest things in the world, and that any other method wouldn't be NEAR enough for a Troll like Holly! She needed to tell her how much she loved her and how she meant more to her than any other Troll in the world!
And before Val can start apologizing for the mess, Holly shuts her up by pulling her in for a kiss. That's you had to say, silly!
Holly and Val begin dating, and only a year or so after that, the two tied the knot.
The two moved to the main city of Trollstopia together and settled down, while still performing their duties as Councilors for Country Corral and Rock Hollow. Several years passed, and two decided they wanted to try for a family, after seeing all their friends start raising kits of their own.
Imagine their surprise when Val went to the doctor and found out she was carrying a whopping FOUR eggs.
Val and Holly were overjoyed at the news, and began preparing for their new babies. Since Val had four eggs, she lost a lot of energy to them, and was bed bound most of the incubation. Having so many eggs was considerably dangerous, and since both Rock and Country Troll eggs are naturally tougher to endure harsher environments, they took up a lot more energy then Val was exoecting. The incubation was a bit frightening since Val became very weak towards the end. But after a few months, their four little kits successfully hatched.
In present day, Holly and Val continue to raise their babies. With two having successful music careers, one pursuing a floral career, and their little free spirit, the two couldn't be prouder of their little herd. Knowing that their kits will be adults in a few years makes the both of them emotional, they're not ready for their babies to grow up yet!!
And that's the HollyVal fam!! Since none of their kids are adults and moved out, there's not much to describe about their present day lives xD
Also I added a little headcanon in there that depending on the environment, a Troll egg might take more energy to develop. Since Rock Trolls live in a fuckin volcano, Rock Trolls eggs have super thick shells, almost like rocks, to endure the intense heat. And since Country Trolls live in the desert/flat lands, their eggs are tougher to endure harash winds and heat. So put that together, and you've got eggs hard as steel that suck up a LOT of energy.
Will be starting the Lownote/Dante kids tomorrow (if I don't forget lol)
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funktrolls · 1 year
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[ January 2023 ] trolls art log
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sukiiwake · 2 months
Some Val shtuff💜
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koppaiterocker · 9 months
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Back by one (1) demand
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Trolls: Band Together TV Series (Idea)
Trolls: Family Harmony
Plot: Now that their siblings are back in their lives again, Poppy and Branch try to adjust to their new normal while also keeping up with their responsibilities in Trollstopia. Becoming one big family won’t be easy, but getting to know each other is sure to make for some interesting new adventures!
Episode Ideas:
Pilot: Poppy and Branch give their reunited siblings a tour of their home. Branch tries to keep his grey past a secret from his brothers while Poppy struggles to keep Viva from attacking her friends at random.
Dude, Where’s My Armadillo?: Rhonda goes missing after a wild party, so Branch, Floyd and a frantic John Dory try to track her down.
Adventures in Muppet-Sitting: Poppy volunteers to watch three of Bruce’s kids for him, bringing Holly and Val along for backup.
Bored Games: Branch and Clay try to find a hobby they both enjoy, and discover they both share a love of puzzles.
Tech-No-Pop: Stuck in the medical pod after a panic attack, Floyd forms an unexpected bond with Synth.
Three’s A Crowd: Peppy’s birthday rolls around, and he ends up giving Viva more attention than Poppy, so Branch gives his girlfriend a crash course in sibling jealousy.
Return Of The Switcher-Ruby: The day before BroZone’s first official concert in Trollstopia, Branch and Poppy accidentally come in contact with another Switcher-Ruby.
Long Time, No Sing: Branch discovers that John Dory used to date Delta Dawn, leader of the Country Western Trolls.
Bruc-andy: Bruce tells his brothers the story of how he came to Vacay Island and met his wife, Brandy.
Prank Day, BroZone Edition: Clay only lets his old “Fun Boy” persona out one day a year, turning Prank Day into a fight for survival.
Dance With Me: Synth wants to dance with Floyd at Dante’s dinner party, but finds his confidence falling every time he tries to ask him.
Moving Day: After learning that Clay and most of the Putt-Putt Trolls are moving to Trollstopia permanently, Viva must decide if she wants to return to her old home or make a new one with her family.
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in-correct-trolls · 9 months
branch, barb, val, and hickory: if my girlfriend thinks she can just bat her cute little eyes at me and get what she wants, she’s absolutely right
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sapphirepatch · 7 months
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🐙💘 ︴ Trolls are basically drugs at this point, we've seen it with the Bergens and with Velvet and Veneer, so what if there are certain trolls that have stronger effects? In this case, Branch is one of them, trolls can get a high off his singing voice alone and it's incredibly addicting. It also boosts the talent of anyone he sings with. Trolls like these are rare, but when one is found, no one can get enough. And a certain famous rock star needs his fix more than anything. ♥︎٭˙
Yayyy!!! Finally get to introduce my AU that's been cookin in head my head for a while. :DD Info dump below! :
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General/Story: 🌊✦˙
Trolls are much more interested in and obsessed with fame and celebrities in this AU. Everyone is trying to get famous, go out dancing at the clubs, or do absolutely anything to meet someone rich and famous. In Trolls Topia, it's all about your status. And about the parties, and the concerts, and the drugs, and the chaos of it all.
After the events of the first movie, Branch reunites with his old band, Kismet. When the band gets back together, they make it big almost immediately. All thanks to Branch and his voice. This catches catches the attention of Bad Hair Day's lead singer, Billy Reverb. Who becomes utterly obsessed. Though getting Branch to do just about anything for Billy isn't hard at all, not when he already idolizes him and is one of the biggest Bad Hair Day fans out there. It sure seems like Branch is living the high life, his band is the biggest pop sensation in all of Trolls Topia, his best friend is the queen, and his idol is spoiling him and giving him all the attention he could ever want. But it's a dark and dangerous path he's being lead down, and it seems that no one can save him.
About the Characters: 🌊✦˙
Poppy and Val Thundershock are both the queens of Trolls Topia, they're married and the biggest socialites among the pop and rock trolls. They're like early 2000's heiresses to me. // All of Kismet are around the same age and were child stars when they first debuted. After breaking up (when Branch stopped singing because of his grandma) they all stayed close friends up until their late teenage years. Branch was becoming more and more emotionally distant until he finally pushed them all away. // If it wasn't obvious, Billy Reverb is EVIL. Bro is practically a junckie and also very manipulative. He is doing anything and everything to keep Branch wrapped around his finger.
I'll be posting more art and info over time. There's a lot more redesigns and OCs that need to be posted. If you have questions, hit up my askbox. I'd love to get deep into the lore with anyone who's interested.
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froggieskonnies · 7 months
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I made some human trolls designs!!! this is going to be a little series of mine, i have so many good design ideas for some specific characters:))
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lesbiandardevil · 9 months
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troodles .. save me rock troll whose name i don't know save me .. (rewatched the trolls holiday specials to feel something)
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broz0neglitters · 5 months
𝙵𝚞𝚌𝚔 𝚒𝚝 𝙸 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚈𝚘𝚞 💜💖
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Poppy x Val Dating Headcanons
warning: Cussing
Blogger notes: I know you all are probably sick of reading my SMUT and NSFW but I'm giving that a break anyways I decide to write some fluff and non smut for poppy and val in trollstopia I personally ship them they are total girlfriends haha anyways I feel like poppy can both date branch and val at the same time so I'll probably write a poly relationship w poppy,branch and val I'll even do a smut one in the future but in the mean time here's some fluff and non-smut for you all while I take a break enjoy <3
-Poppy Knows that her girlfriend Val loves her but she wouldn’t admit that Val loves her intentionally
-Val is shy about telling poppy how she feels such as "I love you." and stuff
-Val isn't much of a PDA But she'll only let poppy hold her hands/link arms with her that its much like branch she would rather keep that PDA Private or when she's alone
-Poppy and Val has a whole playlist of songs that they will listen to when they hangout or do stuff together etc
-Val isn't big on going out on a date but she'll definitely take poppy on a date once a week but it usally something that val would do rather than what poppy would do poppy was hoping that her rockstar Gf would take her on a picnic date
-Val is overprotective of poppy she won't let any trolls near poppy not even branch or her father...
"Uhh, Vals Can I please just talk to my dad please you know him he would never hurt me." Poppy said
"Oh, Sorry poppy I'll put him down." Val said
-Val was deadass afraid that poppy father would think bad about her because she made a bad first impression
-Poppy Would drag Val to a taylor swift concert
-Val and Poppy had taylor swift friendship Bracelets <3
-Val Loves it when poppy hugs her and flirt w her it makes her blush she won’t admit that
-They have matching phone case and everything Holly wasn't jealous she knew that poppy and Val are dating so she doesn’t mind
-They have nicknames for each-other but Val allowed poppy to call her nickname when they are alone
-During their alone time Val and Poppy would lay on top of each-other the couch while Val Combed her soft fingers through poppy hair Val likes how soft poppy hair were
-Val would watch what ever poppy watches but sooner she would beg poppy to let her pick a movie/show
"Okay, if I let you watch your show/Movie if I get scared promise me you'll hold me?" Poppy said giving her that puppy eye
As Val groans "Okay, fine pop squeaks" (I think I spelled that wrong)
-Val Would let poppy play,style her hair
-Val usally spends the weekends with poppy meaning that they have sleepovers
-Poppy would be the one to wake Val up cause Val likes to sleep in
-Val don’t mind hugging other trolls but she will and can hug poppy for hours even days even til death due them apart
-Val Loves brushing poppy soft hair even if poppy did or didn't ask Val would still brush poppy hair because Val loves how soft her hair was so Val desperately ask poppy for a hair care routine
-Poppy try to get Val to say I love you to her so poppy would have to force it on Val so she and Val would watch a romantic movie together
"So Val, Is there somthing you wanna say to me?" Poppy asked teasing her
"Uh, no poppy I clearly don't and why are we watching this romance movie anyways is making me feel weird." Val said looking away you can tell she's blushing
-At the end of the movie she would give val a kiss on the cheek "Thanks for watching a movie with me I love you do you love me?" poppy asked teasing Val again knowing that she was feeling weird and she was blushing the whole time
-Val was so annoyed by her GF so she was even blushing harder "Okay fine Poppy since you want to hear it Fuck it I love you okay happy." Val said crossing her arm looking away blushing....
*Poppy was blushing nonstop since then* ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
/) /) ପ(˶•-•˶)ଓ ♡ /づ づ (puff puff) Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed it anyways fill free to request me at anytime :^) *it might take a while to get back to you as I mentioned before I would just write it on my own without any requests plus I've school and real life stuff so be patient with your request your requested are heard loud and clear <3 ---------------------- Like + Follow are very much appreciated! *Blush*
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gummysharkzz · 9 months
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Various trolls (mostly trollstopia) doodles! Big fan of these guys :]
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sidneypoindexter · 1 year
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pixel ambassadors
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funktrolls · 1 year
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[ February 2023 ] trolls art log
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vacayisland · 9 months
@!; New Years Eve Imma try something a little different! Who's included?: Poppy, Viva, JD, Bruce, Clay, Floyd, Branch, Creek, Barb, Val, Veneer, Velvet, Delta, Hickory, Holly, Trollex, Synth, Lownote, Prince D, Tresillo !! all seperate!
"Tag List"! @storydays @chamille-trash @valvalentine69 @starzwithapen @ykvlanq @apieceofcathair3 @kitthefanfickat @cyb3r-st4r @esterphobic @nevaeh-jasso
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ꨄ︎. WAITING (impatient, “speed this up, pls”)
You were standing outside the pod, watching as the little kids ran around and played amongst themselves. From what you caught, they were playing freeze tag, yet with some sort of infecting twist. It was entertaining to say the least, especially when one of the younger ones ran over to the nearest group of adults (where you happened to be standing) and ran around you guys to only get caught. It was both entertaining to watch and entertaining to listen to the others having to quickly change their conversations because the little kids were now here. “Looove,” But, there is always one baby that can’t seem to entertain themselves. You would stifle a chuckle as you felt them slug over, wrapping their arms around your waist and resting their head atop of yours. It had only been two hours, the two of you having gotten here since the sun went down, but you could already tell that they will be bothering you for the next half an hour to make the ‘clock go by faster’. “It’s not time yet.” You would simply tell them, leaning back into the hug as you messed with the straw in your drink. Again, you had to suppress a chuckle because of the groan you got. For the past two hours you’ve been sending them on meaningless tasks to get them to do something, or else they’ll be up your butt until the fireworks went off, but you couldn’t think of anything for them to do right now. Maybe you should send them off to play with the kids.
JD, SYNTH, Velvet, BARB, Val, branch, Tresillo
ꨄ︎. WAITING (impatient, “bouncing off the walls”)
“And that’s when I said, nu-uh he better not!” You were talking to your little friend group in the kitchen, as one of them was trying to make Flan and the others decided to just migrate with them into the kitchen. You tagged along. Sure, you wanted to stay outside to keep an eye on the kids, yet you were reassured that they were in good hands no matter what. But hey, at least it was more quiet inside since all the speakers blasting music were outside. That was a big relief. “He did not, did he?” Another one of your friends asked as you took a sip of your drink, glancing outside the door to notice your love rushing in with some of the kids. They were all giggling and rushing around, pushing the couch forward to hide behind it, hiding inside the pantry, bathroom, etc. Before you could ask any questions about what they were doing, you assumed playing hide and seek, your lover rushed over to you in a fury. They pecked your forehead, “Love you, Dove, don’t rat any of us out! Melody is it.” And they rushed off again, scrambling to find somewhere to hide despite being a little too grown to shove their way into cabinets, like some of the other kids were doing. Well, someone’s excited for the fireworks!... that or they were doing this to get on your family’s good side… or the kids kidnapped them into playing this.
BRUCE, POPPY, VIVA, val, barb, veneer, Holly, TROLLEX, SYNTH, Lownote
ꨄ︎.WAITING (patient)
Having come early to help with the party, it was a good few hours until midnight and the New Year. The family and friends invited to the small event had been slowly showing up, some even offering to help up with the final little details and some just placing down the food they brought before going to socialize. The kids were put into the gaming room, for now to keep them all entertained, and the adults were all socializing either outside or in the living room. Hours flew by and you found yourself standing outside with your lover, their arm around your waist to hold you close. All the adults were laughing and chattering and having been kicked outside of the house since the kids took up the living room to play their games. Your smile wobbled a little as you glanced up at your lover, and you couldn’t help but whisper to them: “Hey, sorry we had to be here so early. Thanks for being so patient.” Which caught your lovers attention instantly, as they glanced down at you with a curious look before smiling. They would lean down, placing a rather sweet kiss on your lips. “Anything for you, love.”
DELTA, Trollex, BRANCH, Tresillo, barb, HICKORY, holly, Viva, CLAY, FLOYD, CREEK, LOWNOTE, PRINCE D
“HAPPY NEW YEARS!” The shouts of many filled the small house just as the counting that took place earlier, as big grins spread upon people’s faces and couples paired up to kiss one another. Some of the kids would recoil and yell yuck, grabbing a cup of candy or grapes before giggling and rushing away outside to get the firework show started! They knew that someone had to follow them outside or else there would be a repeat of last year; There would be no fireworks to set off because someone doused them in water! You were laughing, about to follow the kids out with a shout, “Wait up you buggers!” Yet before you could exit the door an arm snaked around your waist and pulled you back. You would let out a yelp, not having expected it, nor having expected to be twirled around and dipped. Your lover would chuckle seeing your flushed face staring right back up at them, they just couldn’t help it! You look all too cute being so flustered. “Did you forget you got someone to kiss now on New Years, love?” They would tease, the biggest snicker upon their face. You wouldn’t even get a chance to respond before their lips met yours, in an oddly steamy yet enjoyable kiss; Even if most of the kids were shouting in disgust in the background.
HICKORY!!!, CREEK, TROLLEX, JD, Branch, Velvet, DELTA, Barb, lownote, TRESILLO, clay, Viva
“Three!” You and the others would count down, watching the closet clock that had been brought out for this exact purpose. Your love was standing right next to you, counting down just as excitedly with you. It was going to be a new year and no way were they going to be anywhere other than your side tonight! The kids were bouncing excitedly, basically off the walls, and some adults were two as the next two numbers were called: “Two!- oNE! HAPPY NEW YEARS!!” We did it, another year around the sun was completed and a New Year had started. Cheers and applause erupted from everyone as couples kissed their lovers and some tried eating their cup of grapes for good luck that year. You couldn’t help but giggle, noticing how your lover was glancing over at you with expected eyes. They were too cute! So, before they could make a move to meet your lips, you would cup their cheeks within your hands, squishing them together, before you pull them down to meet your lips. You didn’t realize how shocked they were at first, though you couldn’t help but giggle at this fact as they soon melted into the kiss and accepted it, hugging your waist with their arms to pull you closer.
Creek, TROLLEX, FLOYD, BRANCH, Clay, barb, Hickory, POPPY, VIVA, PRINCE D., Lownote, Veener
ꨄ︎. MIDNIGHT KISSES (fucked up)
You were trying to hold back your laughter, turning your head away from your lover as they held you firmly within your arms. It was 12:01 o’clock in the morning, a minute into the New Year, and you were already denying your lover the kiss they wanted badly! You could hear the others call for the children to be rounded up so they could launch fireworks while others laughed, playfully, at your lover’s misfortune. “I was a minute late, babe, please!” They would beg, looking at you with the biggest puppy eyes they could manage. You swore if there weren't any other people around that your lover would be on their knees, begging for you to spare them one kiss. “A minute!” You protested, biting back your giggle, “A minute! And I was calling you to come here because we were going down. I called you when there were ten, eight, five, two, and one minute left but you were too busy outside!” Your tone was playful, your lover knew you were slightly upset with them but still couldn’t help but be amused at their antics. “Then I’m just going to have to take it from you!”
CREEK, JD, trollex, Barb, anyone else you think fits here?
“Be careful!” You would shout to your lover, standing off to the side with the rest of the family; You weren’t sure exactly how this happened, your lover being voted as the one to light the fireworks, but it happened. At first you had tried to tell everyone that it wouldn’t be a good idea to let them do such a task, pointing out a few things but they were confident enough to tell you: “Don’t worry, love, I got this!” Before rushing over to help light the fireworks. Honestly, you were a little surprised at this fact, even more surprised that the family was able to step away from the big gathering to be able to have a small celebration of their own. But now, you were thinking you would rather take the crowd than this. Especially since you knew- “OW! OW, OW.” There it was, your lover shouting because they burnt themselves on the lighter while trying to light fireworks. You honestly expected some bigger freak accident, like them getting hit by a firework or something like that, but you were glad that didn’t happen. You didn’t need a trip to the ER today, no matter if this came about due to their own stupidity. Either way, you rushed inside to grab them mustard and ice to hopefully quell the burn. (You also weren’t surprised to hear the laughter of others as you left.)
JD, BRUCE, POPPY, Barb, SYNTH, Velvet, val.
The kids waved around their sparklers and ran around the yard, which was clear of any of the bigger fireworks, waiting anxiously. There were three adults helping set up the fireworks and, thankfully, your lover wasn’t one of them. Nope, thankfully, they stood next to you with one hand in their pocket and the other around your waist, holding you close. It was really moments like these that made your heart beat, moments that were peaceful and just pure loving. “Alright everyone, stand back!” The shout was given from one of the three in the front as a lighter was sparked. Not even a few seconds later did they all rush back from the igniting fireworks as kids gathered around in front of their parents to watch the spectacle. Your lover would place his pocketed hand on top of your kid’s head, holding you ever so closer, as one of the fireworks shooted towards the sky and exploded in a colorful burrage. After the first one, everything else seemed to go off in a slightly chaotic but systematic rhythm, allowing their color to paint the skies in ways you never knew you missed until this time of year rolled around again. Yet, what you didn’t notice is that your lover would barely catch the fireworks with their own eyes, as they would much rather watch them through yours; You and your lovely face, oh they could just smooch you right now!
BRUCE, FLOYD, CLAY, Creek, veneer (watching the fireworks), Prince D., Lownote, DELTA, Barb, val, VIVA, poppy (also watching the fireworks then notices your face), BRANCH!!! (has the most puppy-love look ever), jd (ig /j), TROLLEX (AND NO ONE CAN CHANGE MY DAMN MIND!!), Synth.
You were standing outside with your kids, holding them close in a big hug while you guys watched the fireworks together. Your lover had been stuck in the restroom, saying that they had to have eaten something bad to upset their stomach so much. You had offered to stay with them, saying how one of your siblings would watch the kids so they could experience the fireworks, yet they told you to go on without them. To enjoy the fireworks with the kids even if they couldn’t be there. So you did, leaving your lover with a glass of water and medication for their ill stomach, and went to watch the fireworks with the kids. When it was over, you would give then a kiss before playfully shooing them off to your siblings before you would rush into the house to check on your lover. They were still in the bathroom. You gave two gentle knocks. “Honey?” You would hear a groan of pain, to which you had to suppress a small giggle. “Yes, Love?” You playfully asked back. You couldn’t miss the complete devastation that rang from their voice moments later, “I missed the fireworks, didn’t I?” As you turned your face away, the smell from inside slowly hit you like a stink bomb. “Yes.. but maybe now you’ll listen to me when I say you shouldn’t have eaten all those burritos my aunt cooked.” “But they were so good!”
JD (and you cannot change my mind, yes this is slander /j), SYNTH, hickory, BARB, Val, JD (saying this again to DRIVE THE POINT HOME), branch (I see it).
“Love?” You called out before you entered the home, looking around for your lover. They had told you they were going to go lay on the couch inside, claiming that they needed a little rest before the fireworks due to the kids running them ragged. They had told you they would be outside in time for the fireworks, so you guys could watch them together! But they weren’t outside, nor did they seem to be making their way outside. You had asked one of the kids where they were and all they did was giggle, so you had to go investigate on your own. Upon walking inside, not even ten steps in, did you see your lover asleep on the couch. And upon walking closer to them, did you notice why all the kids had been giggling when you asked; There were marks in bright, colorful markers and glitter glue all over their face! Well, if they didn’t wake up to that, you guessed that they really needed the sleep. You couldn’t help but giggle a little though, taking a picture of the scene before walking off to get some baby wipes. You were cruel enough to take a photo of the moment, not cruel enough to leave them like that.
JD, Bruce (on accident), synth (on accident), HICKORY (on accident, or someone spiked his drink), val, creek
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