#tropism || answers
rosaceae-moving · 2 years
Suffocation. The air is so thick with smog, death, with acids and agony. You can feel them. The plants, the fauna all screaming, screaming, oh the NOISE. It's so loud. So achingly, agonizingly loud. You can't think. You can't hear. it's all so overwhelming.
Your skin turns a horrid, putrid brown as you feel the life of the planet rotting. Like a gangrenous disease, the entropy eats at your chlorophyl. The screaming stops as you feel your lungs deflate. The earth dies, and you with it.
Poison was not something Pamela had much experience with. The benefits of being a meta before the machinations of one Doctor Jason Woodrue. This... This though. This was different. It felt like drowning in a sea of screaming death. It felt like the air was being sucked right out of her lungs. This was poison. Nothing she could do would be able to compare to how vile this felt. This creeping rot. Could they not see what they were doing to her? Could they not see the Earth was dying? She opened her mouth to scream in pain as the poison of Man kills her and-
Pamela shoots awake, her mouth dry and skin sweaty. A nightmare, of course. She was okay, she was not dying. The Green was quiet, pained as it was, but quiet. And yet her safety brought little comfort.
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imanes · 10 months
Imane, hello! I hope you're having a wonderful day! My friend and I are coming to Brussels for two days and we were wondering if you have fav spots you could recommend - it could be anything from museums and parks to just your fav neighbourhood <3
omg hi sorry i completely forgot to reply to your message i hope you're still planning on coming and I'm not too late
my fave food spots:
brol coffee house
bark boy
gaston (it's an ice cream shop but they have delicious liège waffles)
sindibad (best shawarma)
caffe batavia
black & white burgers
for pasta: primo, sina pasta, basils liberté
for pizza: basils, la piola pizza
fanny thai
royal indian taste
museums, walks and parks:
galeries royales saint-hubert
musée magritte
musée des instruments de music (music instrument museum?)
mont des arts
colonne du congrès
horta museum (art nouveau)
egmont palace
place polaert
some interesting food courts
gare maritime
i'd say the most pleasant walk you can do is walk from grand place to mont des arts and then to the museum of royal arts and continue on that street until place polaert to watch the sunset! on the way there you can have a look at sablon and egmont palace. idk when you are coming but the Christmas market starts on the 24th of November! the prettiest things to see are the light shows in grande place and sainte Catherine but if you want to know where the good food is, it's on place de brouckère (you need to find the west African food stall if your schedule allows!!)
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simmyfrobby · 8 months
okay fic recs because i feel like you would also go insane about these (dont feel obligated to answer this ask)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/48218191 - one day we'll only be memories swaymark goalie magic fic ft past goalie starters
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49092343/chapters/123855424 - enough for a grave flowergeno centric sea horror fic
https://archiveofourown.org/works/50791294/chapters/128308087 - never can say goodbye mcstrome centric magic au fic where connor creates a reality where hockey doesnt exist
https://archiveofourown.org/works/46283449 - shipping out to boston bergy/marchy/tyler seguin fic where tyler gets traded back to boston
https://archiveofourown.org/works/52068586/chapters/131683960 - The Bartender’s Guide to Flirting or; Cocktails are our Love Language mattdrai restaurant au fic (part of the hamilton gastropub series)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/52434448/chapters/132647365 - The Server’s Guide For Falling in Love with A Regular or; Truffle Mushroom Pappardelle and Churros: A Love Story dumomoto restaurant au fic (part of the hamilton gastropub series)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/48402787 - closer than we've ever been before pens core fic where sid and geno finally get together and kris goes bonkers over it
https://archiveofourown.org/works/51917743 - december - christmas movies pens core + erik karlsson christmas fic
https://archiveofourown.org/works/45755656/chapters/115144468 - the loneliest job on the ice shesty centric fic where hes been stuck on the ice of the rink for his whole life (unfinished)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49560478 - geno vs sidney crosby's childhood sidgeno fic where sid gets turned into a little kid
https://archiveofourown.org/works/50690347 - vanished mcmattdrai fic where connor messes with black magic to try and win the cup
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18396548 - parenthesis all clicking shut john tavares centric fic set in a dystopian reality where robot players exist
https://archiveofourown.org/works/47750656 - tropism flowergeno hanahaki fic
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soulsoffairlight · 3 months
Do you have any info on what Radlynn is like in her monster mode? Does she still slip into it sometimes after the events?
Every time you ask me these questions just think of me seeing them as a happy little puppy dancing with joy because these questions really make me happy :)
Short answer: Yeah, she's still prone to slipping in it sometimes -- but it is rare. It seems to be a completely separate conscience and acts purely on emotional bursts, making it unpredictable and often dangerous.
Long answer:
Radlynn can go in and out of the "anthropomorphic" version of her radish-monster form at will, often doing so to take advantage of its size and abilities. However, one disadvantage, besides its exhausting size (8'2 ft), is its animalistic instincts. While not as bad as in the full beast form, these instincts make her act impulsively at times and overall weaken her reasoning.
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So of course... the full beast form is a huge force to be reckoned with.
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(This is an older drawing of it that I like better than the one on her current ref. It is slightly outdated)
She is almost twice her size in this form -- reaching 10 feet tall from the tip of her claws to the top of her head (leaves not included). As if going into the 8 foot anthropomorphic form isn't already exhausting enough, growing into this 10 foot form, not to mention the remainder of the body behind the front, is horribly disorienting -- perhaps even painful assuming she's wearing her blindfold. As a result, she will become very angry and even more unpredictable. With her large size and a lack of experience with it, she tends to be clumsy and accidentally destructive as a result. With its weight and usual strength combined, it is capable of breaking bones... which, one wrong move and that's sure to happen.
The weakest part of this creature is the roots around its neck, particularly the largest one, which is tucked beneath the outermost ring you see around her neck (and is poking out of the back.) Much like actual plants, it will use the tendrils to explore its surroundings in a more meaningful way, especially when blindfolded (though it has poor eyesight in general, something exclusive to this form.) However, this isn't its main form of observation. Much like Radley himself, it depends on a mix of gravi- and photo- tropism to 'see' ... which is something she has access to in all forms, giving them all the ability to navigate very efficiently while blindfolded. The only thing all forms have trouble with 'sight'-wise is color. This is ironic since she has inherited tritanopia (blue-yellow color blindness) from her biological father. Radley couldn't cure this when she cured her full blindness, nor is he aware of the fact that color blindness is even a thing.
It is purely instinct, pure feral animal. In this form, there is no Radlynn present. It's a humongous wild animal with hardly any control over its instinct. Thankfully, however, this means that it's vulnerable to being distracted. As a canine of sorts would, it constantly explores its surroundings when not occupied by a target. However, even when it's on the path of a target, throwing just about anything its way will cause it to stop and investigate. This is a powerful tool when it comes to cornering it.
Even with this being said, it does have a gentle side. While it can still be accidentally destructive, especially with its large, bulky tail, it shows affection to those Radlynn sees close, acting like an extremely large puppy of sorts. Its tail stalk and leaves are coated in soft fuzz, and it uses this as a sort of pillow when resting. However, it will pull people close with it and cuddle sometimes. :)
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blueiight · 1 year
wing has to answer for their sinophobic tropism w/ wufei
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quasi-normalcy · 4 years
So here’s a point that troubles me:
By logical extrapolation, we know that there must have been some point in history at which humans (or proto-humans, or whatever) as a species knew absolutely nothing about how the world worked. Evolution had left them with whatever tropisms and instinctual behaviours would be necessary for them to survive to a reproductive age, but as for actually understanding what was going on in the world around them, they basically didn’t. But then, at some point they became sapient; and, presumably, it was around that time that they started asking questions like: why is the sky blue? what makes the grass grow? what happens when you die? what happened before I was born? why aren’t rocks edible? etc., etc.
Right. So they investigated; and through hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of years of increasingly sophisticated trial and error, they eventually came up with some (mostly) consistent, empirically demonstrable answers to most of those questions: the body of knowledge that we today call science, which actually describes the observable universe with a fair degree of precision. And all of it began with a few big, simple questions, which eventually gave rise to many smaller and more complicated questions and so on down the line.
But what if there are questions that nothing human would ever even think to ask? I mean, we are demonstrably limited by our biology: even on Earth, we know that there are other species that must have languages of their own and yet we cannot even begin to decipher them. So if our brains so limit us in terms of how we think about language, why shouldn’t they limit us in terms of how we think about everything else? And if they do, does that mean that there are entire domains of knowledge to which we must be forbidden, no matter how many exotic places our game of questioning may lead us? And how would we ever know?
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wildscienceblog · 4 years
My unpopular opinion about popular science topics: A new study says that SARS-CoV-2 RNA may integrate into the human genome - DON’T PANIC, this is likely not the case and even if it was, would probably lack clinical relevance :) -
For a few days now, there has been an ongoing heated discussion on Academic Twitter and other scientific outreach outlets regarding a bioRxiv preprint titled “SARS-CoV-2 RNA reverse-transcribed and integrated into the human genome” (Zhang et al. bioRxiv, 2020). The study proposes that the sustained viral RNA shedding and recurrence of PCR positive testing after recovery might be due to retrointegration (in simple terms this is the insertion of DNA sequences into a host genome mediated by an RNA intermediate, the enzymes reverse-transcriptase and endonuclease and chaperone proteins) of SARS-CoV-2 into the DNA of patients (i.e. their nuclear DNA). The senior author is the renowned scientist Rudolf Jaenisch who together with Beatrice Mintz, produced the first-ever transgenic mammals by injecting retroviral DNA into early mice embryos. He is a professor of biology at MIT and his lab based in the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research works on epigenetics and epigenome editing and transgenic models to understand neurological disorders and cancer and has recently included research on SARS-CoV-2. This research focus is shared by his co-authors, who also are postdoctoral researchers at his lab. The first author, Liguo Zhang studies epigenetics and nuclear organization in the nervous system and how their misregulation leads to diseases, followed by Alexsia Richards who is currently examining the tropism and transcriptional response to SARS-CoV-2, Andrew Khalil focuses on understanding the role of the adaptive immune system in regulating metabolism, Emile Wogram combines stem cell technologies, genome engineering, biochemistry, and proteomics to study microglial phagocytosis, and Haiting Ma is concerned with studying signaling pathways and epigenetics of stems cells differentiation and maturation into functional lineages. Richard A. Young also a professor of biology at MIT and a member of the Whitehouse Institute pioneer in the systems biology of gene control in health and disease also participated in this research.
Nevertheless, these findings are raising many eyebrows among the scientific community, especially under the current climate where an mRNA-based vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 is already approved in some countries and another one to be soon authorized (see here and here if you want to learn more of the current status on vaccines’ roll out). Scientists from fields ranging from immunology to cancer biology to the closest it gets to the topics being addressed in the polemic study, mobile elements, transposons, and endogenous viruses as well as clinical virology, have sharply criticized the soundness of their conclusions and are calling for the retraction of the preprint.
A major concern is the adequacy of the experimental assays used to support the hypothesis of retrotransposition events. Zhang et al. (bioRxiv, 2020) report to have found chimeric transcripts of fused viral and cellular sequences in published data of cultured cells and primary cells of patients. They overexpressed human LINE-1 or HIV-1 reverse transcriptase in cells which were then infected with SARS-CoV-2 and applied a single-molecule RNA-FISH (i.e. an in situ hybridization method that uses probes of multiple oligonucleotides to detect individual  RNA molecules inside of single cells https://sites.google.com/site/singlemoleculernafish/home?authuser=0) to confirm that viral sequences were integrated and detected their transcription in the nucleus of the cells overexpressing LINE-1. They also analyzed published data on LINE-1 expression in cells infected with SARS-CoV-2 and chimeric read abundance and found a correlation between these two. Furthermore, they suggest a molecular mechanism by which LINE-1 expression can be stimulated under SARS-CoV-2 infection via cytokines. However, Cedric Feschotte a professor at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics in Cornell University with 20 years of experience studying mobile elements points out that these experimental approaches are insufficient to sustain an in vivo retrotransposition because they omit gold standard techniques such as isolating and reporting of “the sequence of the integrants along with flanking genomic regions (junction sequences spanning both viral and flanking DNA)” and fail to present hallmarks of the proposed LINE-1 dependent process (e.g. short direct repeats flanking integrant, integration at preferred L1 endonuclease cleavage site [TTTT/AA], polyA tail at the 3’ end or chimera with the 3’ end of endogenous L1/Alu). A generalized opinion among critics of Zhang et al. (bioRxiv, 2020) is that the chimeric reads are likely to be artifacts of library preparation or template-switching events and that their approach does not rule out these possibilities.
Aris Katzourakis, a professor of Evolution and Genomics at the University of Oxford whose research is centered in the study of ancient viruses and uses endogenous viral elements, including retroviruses tweeted: “ … genomic integration of coronaviral DNA is highly implausible, given there is not a single known genomic fossil of integrated coronaviruses in any know host genome that has ever been sequenced to date.” Which is a strong and educated argument (yet not a smoking gun) against the evidence presented by Zhang et al. (bioRxiv, 2020). Moreover, various academics argue that even if substantiated under experimental conditions, is a whole different thing to prove retrotransposition happening during natural infection with SARS-CoV-2. Clinical scientists draw attention that is definitely not unique to SARS-CoV-2 the persistency of viral debris in tissues of convalescent or recovered patients (even though its mechanism and clinical relevance remain subject to discussion e.g. see here). Altogether, they agree that its clinical relevance is far from proven and unlikely to exist.  
As dull as it is for me, I am merely a spectator here since, despite my keen curiosity for genetic mobile elements, I have very limited first-hand experience on these subjects. I do think that a take-home message is that probably many features described as novel or unique to SARS-CoV-2 (which sometimes alarm scientists and the general public alike) might be in fact more ubiquitous than the flood of SARS-CoV-2 scientific papers would have us believe. In my opinion, the reason being that the acuteness and the timing in terms of technology and communications of this pandemic have powered studies at scales that have not been possible to conduct in other disease outbreaks. In other words, we are looking too much, too close, and perhaps missing a bigger picture (I have seen a strikingly low number of papers building upon previous knowledge on other coronaviruses, especially at the clinical level). Whether or not SARS-CoV-2 integrates into our genomes and if so, whether this has clinical implications, is definitely something that cannot yet and should not be answered based on the findings by Zhang et al. (bioRxiv, 2020). It is also safe to say, that whereas the semantics can be confusing for the general public, even if retrotransposition is later proven to occur in vivo during natural infections, there is still a long shot from there to assert that this implies a direct risk for mRNA vaccines to integrate into our genomes because they are designed such that they do not interact with our DNA (they do not go inside the nucleus, you can read more about the different vaccines and their mechanisms here). Having said that, clinical usage of mRNA vaccines is new, and we will be confirming and learning more about how they (hopefully well!) work soon.
Lastly, I want to share that my motivation to write this piece was not so much the hot topic that SARS-CoV-2 is but rather the atmosphere that this paper as others in various fields which present (seemingly) premature conclusions and bold takes have triggered. This paper has the feature of being presented as a preprint. Preprints have the goal of allowing the scientific audience “to see, discuss, and comment on the findings immediately” before peer-review is completed. Therefore, while I find most critiques to this paper very compelling and I strongly agree that when a bias or unsubstantiated evidence is identified, this should be acknowledged and corrected, I consider a poor scientific practice to demand a retraction of a publication at a stage that has precisely the aim of calling for discussion. I am talking now of a number of papers I have seen being targeted by similar reactions. The intentions of authors cannot be, of course, inferred, so why not waiting for them to take part in the discussion before deploying what seems like attempts to bowdlerize rather than enriching, correcting, or helping improve. Has not this been the case of most wondrous and prodigious scientific findings and technological advances? In the past, findings that were about to change the world but too odd for their surrounding context (please let me be clear that I am not referring to any particular paper that I believe to have such potential, but rather to a general attitude towards outliers of the mainstream) were met by generalized disbelief and mockery. I thought that we have already moved away from the practices that discourage sharing surprising results. Of course, there is a thin line between sharing to prompt healthy discussions and incurring unethical practices, but where are going to end up if we try to ban everything that does not comply with our preconceptions? And even if claims end up being wrong, how are we supposed to ensure that they are corrected if we promote distrust and an unwelcoming arena. Is this a retrogression powered by a more than ever intolerant society? or it never left and is it just becoming evident as communications allow it? I think we should do better.
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senadimell · 4 years
On human existence
Now isn’t that a nice pretentious title for a first post?
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater."
I can't help but be reminded of this snippet from Beowulf:
"The man who takes joy in the world for any length of time in these present days of struggle must live through much that he loves and much that he hates."
Considering he specialized in this kind of history and translated Beowulf at one point in time, I know he must have been familiar with this sentiment. Perhaps it resounded because of his own experience; certainly war brought much sorrow into his life.
The triumph mingled with tragedy that characterizes The Lord of the Rings affects me deeply, more so than any other work of fiction. I believe it's because the consequences strike me deeply. That seems ironic at first; Tolkien is discussed comparatively to more recent authors' works as an author who dwells less on consequences; he does not dwell often in blood and aftermath. However, there is a deep well of sorrow written in the books, and I feel he elevates such emotions in an epic way.
To describe what I mean, I'd like to slightly misapply a passage--the passage in question is from Tobias Wolff's book Old School--about poetry. While Tolkien's' books are not written in verse (though there's a fair bit of it!), they do have an elegance of language, and the emotions associated with war--grief, anger, triumph, defeat--are stylized, so that they become symbolic in nature. Archetypal, if you will.
(In this scene, the poet Robert Frost is a guest speaker at an all-boys prep school, being interviewed by one of the teachers, Mr. Ramsey, who is the initial speaker of the passage)
"....is...such a rigidly formal arrangement of language...adequate to express the modern consciousness[?] That is, should form give way to more spontaneous modes of expression, even at the cost of a certain disorder?"
"Modern consciousness," Frost said. "What's that?"
"Ah! Good question, sir. Well--very roughly speaking, I would describe it as the mind's response to industrialization, the saturation of propaganda of governments and advertisers, two world wars, the concentration camps, the dimming of faith by science, and of course the constant threat of nuclear annihilation. Surely these things have had an effect on us. Surely they have changed our thinking."
"Surely nothing." Frost stared down at Mr. Ramsey.
If this had been Last Judgement, Mr. Ramsey and his modern conciousness would've been in for a hot time of it. He couldn't have looked more alone, standing there.
"Don't tell me about science," Frost said. "I'm something of a scientist myself. Bet you didn't know that. Botany. You boys know what tropism is, it's what makes a plant grow toward the light. Everything aspires to the light. You don't have to chase down a fly to get rid of it--you just darken the room, leave a crack of light in a window, and out he goes. Works every time. We all have that instinct, that aspiration. Science can't--what was your word? dim?--science can't dim that. All science can do is turn out the false lights so that the true can get us home."
Mr. Ramsey began to say something, but Frost kept going.
"So, don't tell me about science, and don't tell me about war. I lost my nearest friend in the one they call the Great War. So did Achilles lose his friend in war, and Homer did no injustice to his grief by writing about it in dactylic hexameters. There've always been wars, and they've always been as foul as we could make them. It is very fine and pleasant to think of ourselves as the most put upon folk in history--but then everyone has thought that from the beginning. It makes a grand excuse for all manner of laziness. But about my friend. I wrote a poem for him. I still write poems for him. Would you honor your own friend by putting words down anyhow, just as they come to you--with no thought for the sound they make, the meaning of their sound, the sound of their meaning? Would that give a true account of the loss?"
Frost had been looking right at Mr. Ramsey as he spoke. Now he broke off and let his eyes roam over the room.
"I am thinking of Achilles' grief, he said. That famous, terrible, grief. Let me tell you something boys. Such grief can only be told in form. Maybe it only really exists in form. Form is everything. Without it you've got nothing but a stubbed-toe cry--sincere, maybe, for what it's worth, but with no depth or carry. No echo. You may have a grievance but you do not have grief, and grievances are for petitions, not poetry. Does that answer you question?"
"I'm not sure, but thank you for having a go at it. "
Perhaps that's why of the Valar, I'm most drawn to Nienna.
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Yellow Flame Tree Copper Rod
Copperpod IP provides technical analysis solutions for certain legal cases and documentation. We accompany significant law workplaces across the US, EU, and APAC to create a strategy technology income generating & legal cases and help assurance better outcomes for our clients. We provide clients with the 'right answers' at the 'right time' so that they can make the 'right decisions' to create and power their IP strategy. Copperpod IP's experts and experts have helped clients generate over $1 billion money dollars in income through legal cases and documentation. Hotel Copper Pod is a two-star budget hotel located opposite Nehru Park in the premier areas of the garden city Bengaluru (formerly known as Bangalore. With shopping malls and commercial venues falling under close peripheries of the hotel, it is ideal for the leisure tourist and the business traveler to easily access shopping arcades and business offices. With contemporary amenities and hospitable service Copper Pod provides all the comfort levels required for a pleasurable stay. Facts, Use of plant, and What it needs The common name of this plant is the Copper Pod. The scientific name of the plant is Peltophorum Pterocarpum. And the native locations are South Eastern Asia and Northern Australia. Reproductive System and Tropisms The plants only needs soil (or clay) and the sun to grow. Water isn't really necessary if the soil is already moist. The Copper Pod is used for shade because of its crown like shape. And also used for cabinet making.
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marisolmanfredi · 3 years
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tropism on sciences and high technologies.
global and systemic approach -no era sistemical? ah perche era political-
talks the man on the screen. he is sweet. the image is glitch, i see like he has some blue make up in the eyes so cute.
anyways, in the last day of classes of epog+, he appears in the middle, to keep on talking about the industrial police.
but like its devides. like as a mean. you get it? i hope so,
answer to my last class was amazing im so happy i new it and i answered it / -
the tone of the guy when he says german is super funny. he is sweet again. however, he asked us for our super attention on the third part of the class, and tbh, im super tired (super), and i need to rest maybe for some minutes, even some mates. im also peeing. so lets see what keeps on happening this night. im going to write me because this is the healthiest tool i ever found of subjective wellbeing. a deeper spiritual hippie but analyzed, questioned, anyways.
what can i do with a sentimental heart?
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/the-final-biden-trump-presidential-debate-our-panelistsverdict-the-guardian/
The final Biden-Trump presidential debate: our panelists' verdict - The Guardian
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Jill Filipovic: ‘Trump has given up trying to articulate a plan’
If one single thing shone through in Thursday’s debate, it was that Donald Trump has absolutely nothing to say. He has no agenda. He has no plan. He has no ideals or hopes or purpose. All he has is the raw pursuit of power – for his own benefit, no one else’s.
Trump failed to put forward even one specific policy he will push in his second term. He offered some vague hand-waving – he (or the US supreme court) will get rid of Obamacare and he’ll replace it with something better, no you haven’t seen his plan, even though he’s had four years to create it, but he’s working on it, it’s almost done, he swears – but gave Americans no vision for a second-term Trump presidency. Instead, he was purely reactive. Joe Biden would put forward an idea, and Trump’s response was: “Well why didn’t you do that when you were in office?”
Trump is in office, and while a lot has changed in four years, there’s little he can be proud of. More than 220,000 Americans are dead from a disease that has also tanked the economy and pushed thousands of American families to the brink. America is notorious the world over for ripping children from their parents and putting them in cages; more than 500 of those children are still not reunited with their parents, a human rights catastrophe. The US is increasingly a pariah state, having alienated our allies. The president lies with abandon and leads a party that has increasingly moved to the fringes, its followers and even candidates embracing obscene conspiracy theories.
This is Donald Trump’s America. It’s no wonder he doesn’t want to answer for it. What’s stunning, though, is the degree to which he has simply given up on articulating any plan for the future – and that he’s so sure voters won’t care.
Art Cullen: ‘Trump needed a big win. He didn’t get one’
He bulled over the moderator, he sucked up the time, spread scurrilous claims, said he did more for black people than anyone since President Lincoln, and that those children in cages were well cared for. He was Donald Trump back from Covid as bellicose as ever during Thursday’s debate, a failing candidate on a flailing campaign. “He’s flat-out lying,” Joe Biden declared. “You know who he is. Look at him. And you know you I am.”
Biden holds the lead. Trump shouting down the questions was not what he needed to score an upset and make up lost ground in the final debate. Dredging up Rudy Giuliani’s escapades trying to dig dirt on Biden’s family isn’t selling with the public. Trump failed to slow down Biden just days before the election. The president needed a big win, but Biden maintained his ground with that one statement, looking straight into the camera: “You know who he is.”
Art Cullen is editor of the Storm Lake Times in north-west Iowa, where he won the Pulitzer prize for editorial writing. He is a Guardian US columnist and author of the book, Storm Lake: Change, Resilience, and Hope in America’s Heartland
Trump and Biden clash on coronavirus during final presidential debate – video
Lloyd Green: ‘Trump spoke to his base, Biden spoke to the country’
On Thursday, the interruptions that marred their first debate were gone. In the end, the American public, Joe Biden, and Kristen Welker, the moderator, emerged as the ultimate winners.
The president’s answers were cliched and Biden’s responses were detailed. He successfully demonstrated his capacity to parry Trump’s attacks. The notion that Biden was less than sentient was left in tatters.
Four years ago, Trump’s mantra was tailored to US workers. Now he sounds like a pitchman for the donor class
Trump’s tropism toward paying taxes in China and his failure to release his tax returns was put front and center with less than two weeks before election day, not exactly great timing for a candidate down by nearly 10 points. Likewise, the president proclaiming “I have many bank accounts … and they are all over the place” sounded tone deaf.
More than 220,000 Americans are dead and the economy lurches. The stock market is clearly not the measure of all things. Four years ago, Trump’s mantra was tailored to US workers. Now, the president sounds like a pitchman for the donor class. When Trump says “I’m the least racist person in this room”, you have to roll your eyes.
Both men had their share of missteps. Trump again predicted the end of Covid and bragged of an imaginarily low mortality rate. Biden attacked the oil industry. The president did nothing to endear himself to seniors, Biden may have lost Texas.
By the end of the evening, Biden had reinforced his middle-class message: Medicare, check; social security, check; compassion, check. The president engaged his base. Biden spoke to a country.
Malaika Jabali: ‘A frustrating debate that ignored big issues’
With the final chance to make an impression on the electorate before election day, Thursday’s debate was short on forward-looking policy and more about complaints and past controversies. There was mud-slinging about who was getting paid by which Russians, whose racist rhetoric and policies were worst, and when businesses should have been shut down because of Covid-19, among other fodder you can find in your average Facebook comment section.
Yet, for all the talk about Covid-19 that opened the debate, it took 45 minutes to address healthcare, and it took an hour to talk about an economic stimulus. Less than 10 minutes were dedicated to race. This is an indictment of the framing of the debate itself as much as it is the candidates. The foreign disputes that entice legacy media editors probably make most Americans’ eyes glaze over when eviction, homelessness and economic strife have either arrived for millions of Americans or they’re on the horizon.
Sorely lacking was the sense that either of these men have bold ideas to respond to the biggest social justice movement in US history and a transformative plan to help people recover from the health and economic impacts of a pandemic. There was the usual delusional grandstanding from Trump about being (maybe) better for Black Americans than Abraham Lincoln and Joe Biden stating that his response to Covid-19 would be to tell people to wear a mask. There was no discussion about potential domestic voter suppression, less than two weeks before the election. Nothing about far-right white supremacists, who pose the deadliest terror threat in the country. Nothing about policies to reduce racial disparities in unemployment, essential work, Covid-19 deaths and cases, or small business closures.
There was little in this debate to give Americans a substantial sense of security and financial solvency. Apart from the possibility of ridding America of a Trump presidency, that can apply to the election in general.
Malaika Jabali is a Guardian US columnist
Legendary Watergate reporter Bob Woodward will discuss the Trump presidency at a Guardian Live online event on Tuesday 27 October, 7pm GMT. Book tickets here
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innonurse · 5 years
The roots of the hospital crisis
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-  By Laurent Chambaud , The Conversation  -
Are our French hospitals sick? Is there, as some suggest, a deliberate plan to break the hospital? Or, as others claim, are we witnessing the beginning of a necessary transformation of the role and place of the hospital?
Before being able to commit to answering these questions, and in order to overcome the debate, it is probably useful to recall certain facts in order to put the situation of the French hospital into perspective.
A situation that is not only French
In the UK, the National Health Service (or NHS, the state-funded national health system for England), has been in turmoil for several years. Its future has become a major issue around Brexit, with in particular the fear of its privatization for the benefit of big American pharma. In Sweden, waiting in the emergency room is now an electoral issue and health, like in France, is a priority for citizens. In several Canadian provinces (in Quebec a few years ago, in Ontario this year, etc.) major reforms have been proposed to deal with the difficulties encountered in accessing healthcare. And this list is far from exhaustive. “When I look at myself, I feel sorry when I compare myself I console myself” said Talleyrand! (Ed Note: Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord, 1st Duke of Talleyrand. A famous French politician and diplomat who lived in the 1900s).
First of all, it should be stressed that the situation in France is far from being unique: the health systems of other countries are also currently undergoing strong questioning.
Why such a situation in all these countries? The answer is consensus: most of these health systems were designed and developed at the end of the Second World War, when the hospital was the cornerstone of a medical offer faced with acute illnesses, often of infectious origin. But since then, around the world - including in developing countries, the situation has changed. Societies are now facing multiple transitions that are changing the nature of the problems and needs faced by their health systems.
Among the most obvious are the epidemiological transition, which is reflected in particular by the increasing weight of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancers or metabolic diseases, or the demographic transition, due to the aging of populations. But other transitions, less explored, also require an in-depth rethinking of our practices and our organizations. These are, for example, transitions linked to the emergence of new technologies, changes in the modes of professional practice or new relationships between caregivers and patients, such as the emergence of the concept of patient-partner, which implies a relationship of cooperation between the patient, his relatives and health professionals.
These developments crystallize the difficulties: increased tensions at the level of emergencies, longer waiting times for scheduled or unscheduled activities, crumbling and lack of visibility of the healthcare system, geographic inequalities in the distribution of healthcare professionals. But what about in concrete terms in our country?
Redefining the role of the hospital: the shift to ambulatory care
Is it for this reason that urban care, characterized by a strong liberal activity, has become the primary factor of growth in health spending? Is this a simple financial and business "transfer" between these two sectors? Not so straightforward indeed.
Our health system, heir to the 1958 Debré reform, is highly hospital-centered. The figures confirm our hospital tropism: With 41% of individual expenditure in 2015, the share of expenditure that France spends on hospitals was three points above the average for the countries of the European Union (38%).
However, for several years, strong economic pressure has been felt in order to limit hospital spending, in an explicit context of transformation of our health system. In this perspective, the public authorities advocate an "ambulatory shift", an approach reinforced by the presidential program "My health 2022". It is a question of “refocusing the hospital on its acute care activities and its technical expertise” by favoring in particular home hospitalization, ambulatory surgery, by better coordinating “the interventions of the various health and social professionals, both in city ​​than in a health facility ”.
Paradoxical injunctions
If we actually see that ambulatory resources are gradually evolving towards more collegial modes (multidisciplinary health centers, health centers), this very gradual transformation is more the result of young professionals who only want more isolated exercise a true vision of the organization of this level, yet essential in the architecture of our health system. Meanwhile, the medical deserts remain.
In addition, healthcare establishments are faced with paradoxical injunctions: they must respond to the needs of the populations linked to chronic pathologies that can cause loss of autonomy and, at the same time, find an economic model centered on user fees. activity. They must develop a logic of territory through, in particular, Hospital Groupings of Territories (Ed Note: Approximate English translation of “Groupements Hospitaliers de Territoires”), but these cover neither the ambulatory supply, nor the private establishments and very few medico-social establishments. They have to prepare for the challenges of new technologies, but very often their capacity to invest is weak or even zero.
However, for people seeking care, these developments remain invisible. In search of an immediate and quality response to their difficulties, they find either areas where it is increasingly difficult to find a treating doctor, or healthcare establishments which are facing difficulties in recruiting certain specialists. or paramedics. And finally see only one thing: the ever-increasing lengthening of waiting times. With a dimension of impatience which, more and more often, turns into violence.
This situation also causes a form of loss of meaning for the staff. What do we expect from our health system? How to resolve increasingly complex situations, where the health and social situation are more and more entangled? How to grasp this vague notion of "journey" to better meet the needs of people? The recent establishment, in July 2018, of a National Observatory for the quality of working life of health and medico-social professionals signals recognition of this situation.
A fragmented and compartmentalized, administratively expensive system
The predilection for a logic of structure rather than a logic of integrated services, the confrontation of skills, the dissociation of social intervention responsibilities (devolved to local authorities) from those of health intervention (government competence) are so many organizational choices that sealed the partitioning of our health system. Economic constraints have also played a role in this operation in silos, fee-for-service or activity pricing does not encourage collective and continuous work.
To try to make the system more fluid, for years, the keyword has been "coordination". Coordination bodies multiply, intersect, overlap. In recent times, the professional regional health communities have had the mandate to facilitate the implementation of a new concept, very specific to our country: the patient care pathway. However, it probably would have been better to speak more about continuity of supply, asking those responsible for our system to ensure the integration of people-centered care and services.
The establishment and operation of these bodies comes at a cost which is added to the already high cost of administration of the French health system.
France, as we know, spends a lot on its health system. It devotes 11.2% of its gross domestic product towards it, which places it in the leading rankings of European countries. What is less known is that our country is just behind the United States in terms of administrative expenses for this system. We devote 5.7% of our health spending to this, when Belgium is 3.4%, the Netherlands 3.9% and Sweden 1.7%.
Even if we know that "insurance" systems involve more administrative expenditure than those based on a national health service, there is much to think about in order to find the room for maneuver necessary for a profound transformation of our system. Because this necessary evolution must be able to be accompanied, in terms of training, research, organizational innovation.
Getting away from an essentially curative approach could also be a way out of the current crisis.
Focusing on prevention
Health promotion and prevention are a major focus of the 2018-2022 national health strategy. A “prevention priority” roadmap was also adopted in March 2018 by the government. This is in line with the speeches and public positions taken in recent years, arguing the need to restore balance with prevention in a health system dominated by the curative approach.
However, the developments have been very timid. The share of prevention in health spending has stagnated for several years at around 2% (whereas it is 3.1% on average in the European Union). These efforts are therefore very modest, as the European Commission very recently underlined.
This lack of recognition of the importance of preventive measures is certainly one of the crux of the problem. In fact, our society and our health system will only be able to face the challenges of the current transitions if we resolutely opt for a preventive approach, both inside and outside the healthcare system. Because as the saying goes, "prevention is better than cure".
Laurent Chambaud, Doctor of Public Health, École des hautes études en santé publique (EHESP) – USPC
This article is a translation of “Les racines de la crise de l’hôpital” which was published on The Conversation on December 18, 2019. The author has given us his permission towards this derivative work.
This original article in French was published under a Creative Commons license. Read it here.
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Solution Manual for Biology Laboratory Manual 10th Edition by Vodopich
Solution Manual for Biology Laboratory Manual 10th Edition by Vodopich
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Link view sample: https://testbankservice.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Solution-Manual-for-Biology-Laboratory-Manual-10th-Edition-by-Vodopich.pdf
Product description
The Biology Laboratory Manual by Vodopich and Moore was designed for an introductory biology course with a broad survey of basic laboratory techniques. The experiments and procedures are simple, safe, easy to perform, and especially appropriate for large classes. Few experiments require more than one class meeting to complete the procedure. Each exercise includes many photographs, traditional topics, and experiments that help students learn about life. Procedures within each exercise are numerous and discrete so that an exercise can be tailored to the needs of the students, the style of the instructor, and the facilities available
Table of contents
Exercise 1  Scientific Method: The Process of Science Exercise 2  Measurements in Biology: The Metric System and Data Analysis Exercise 3  The Microscope: Basic Skills of Light Microscopy Exercise 4  The Cell: Structure and Function Exercise 5  Solutions, Acids, and Bases: The pH Scale Exercise 6  Biologically Important Molecules: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, and Nucleic Acids Exercise 7  Separating Organic Compounds: Column Chromatography, Paper Chromatography, and Gel Electrophoresis Exercise 8  Spectrophotometry: Identifying Solutes and Determining Their Concentration Exercise 9  Diffusion and Osmosis: Passive Movement of Molecules in Biological Systems Exercise 10 Cellular Membranes: Effects of Physical and Chemical Stress Exercise 11  Enzymes: Factors Affecting the Rate of Activity Exercise 12 Respiration: Aerobic and Anaerobic Oxidation of Organic Molecules Exercise 13  Photosynthesis: Pigment Separation, Starch Production, and CO2 Uptake Exercise 14  Mitosis: Replication of Eukaryotic Cells Exercise 15  Meiosis: Reduction Division and Gametogenesis Exercise 16  Molecular Biology and Biotechnology: DNA Isolation and Genetic Transformation Exercise 17  Genetics: The Principles of Mendel Exercise 18  Evolution: Natural Selection and Morphological Change in Green Algae Exercise 19  Human Evolution: Skull Examination Exercise 20  Ecology: Diversity and Interaction in Plant Communities Exercise 21  Community Succession Exercise 22  Population Growth: Limitations of the Environment Exercise 23  Pollution: The Effects of Chemical, Thermal, and Acidic Pollution Exercise 24   Survey of Prokaryotes: Kingdoms Archaebacteria and Bacteria Exercise 25  Survey of Protists: The Algae Exercise 26  Survey of Protists: Protozoa and Slime Molds Exercise 27  Survey of the Kingdom Fungi: Molds, Sac Fungi, Mushrooms, and Lichens Exercise 28  Survey of the Plant Kingdom: Liverworts, Mosses, and Hornworts of Phyla Hepaticophyta, Bryophyta, and Anthocerophyta Exercise 29  Survey of the Plant Kingdom: Seedless Vascular Plants of Phyla Pterophyta and Lycophyta Exercise 30  Survey of the Plant Kingdom: Gymnosperms of Phyla Cycadophyta, Ginkgophyta, Coniferophyta, and Gnetophyta Exercise 31  Survey of the Plant Kingdom: Angiosperms Exercise 32  Plant Anatomy: Vegetative Structure of Vascular Plants Exercise 33  Plant Physiology: Transpiration Exercise 34  Physiology: Tropisms, Nutrition, and Growth Regulators Exercise 35  Bioassay: Measuring Physiologically Active Substances Exercise 36  Survey of the Animal Kingdom: Phyla Porifera and Cnidaria Exercise 37  Survey of the Animal Kingdom: Phyla Platyhelminthes and Nematoda Exercise 38  Survey of the Animal Kingdom: Phyla Mollusca and Annelida Exercise 39  Survey of the Animal Kingdom: Phylum Arthropoda Exercise 40  Survey of the Animal Kingdom: Phyla Echinodermata and Chordata Exercise 41  Vertebrate Animal Tissues: Epithelial, Connective, Muscular, and Nervous Tissues Exercise 42  Human Biology: The Human Skeletal System Exercise 43  Human Biology: Muscles and Muscle Contraction Exercise 44  Human Biology: Breathing Exercise 45  Human Biology: Circulation and Blood Pressure Exercise 46  Human Biology: Sensory Perception Exercise 47  Vertebrate Anatomy: External Features and Skeletal System of the Rat Exercise 48  Vertebrate Anatomy: Muscles and Internal Organs of the Rat Exercise 49  Vertebrate Anatomy: Urogenital and Circulatory Systems of the Rat Exercise 50  Embryology: Comparative Morphologies and Strategies of Development Exercise 51  Animal Behavior: Taxis, Kinesis, and Agonistic Behavior
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language: English ISBN-13: 978-0073532257 ISBN-10: 0073532258
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Solution Manual for Biology Laboratory Manual 10th Edition by Vodopich
This is link full of Solution Manual for Biology Laboratory Manual 10th Edition by Vodopich
Product description
The Biology Laboratory Manual by Vodopich and Moore was designed for an introductory biology course with a broad survey of basic laboratory techniques. The experiments and procedures are simple, safe, easy to perform, and especially appropriate for large classes. Few experiments require more than one class meeting to complete the procedure. Each exercise includes many photographs, traditional topics, and experiments that help students learn about life. Procedures within each exercise are numerous and discrete so that an exercise can be tailored to the needs of the students, the style of the instructor, and the facilities available
Link download full: https://getbooksolutions.com/download/solution-manual-for-biology-laboratory-manual-10th-edition-by-vodopich/
Table of contents
Exercise 1  Scientific Method: The Process of Science Exercise 2  Measurements in Biology: The Metric System and Data Analysis Exercise 3  The Microscope: Basic Skills of Light Microscopy Exercise 4  The Cell: Structure and Function Exercise 5  Solutions, Acids, and Bases: The pH Scale Exercise 6  Biologically Important Molecules: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, and Nucleic Acids Exercise 7  Separating Organic Compounds: Column Chromatography, Paper Chromatography, and Gel Electrophoresis Exercise 8  Spectrophotometry: Identifying Solutes and Determining Their Concentration Exercise 9  Diffusion and Osmosis: Passive Movement of Molecules in Biological Systems Exercise 10 Cellular Membranes: Effects of Physical and Chemical Stress Exercise 11  Enzymes: Factors Affecting the Rate of Activity Exercise 12 Respiration: Aerobic and Anaerobic Oxidation of Organic Molecules Exercise 13  Photosynthesis: Pigment Separation, Starch Production, and CO2 Uptake Exercise 14  Mitosis: Replication of Eukaryotic Cells Exercise 15  Meiosis: Reduction Division and Gametogenesis Exercise 16  Molecular Biology and Biotechnology: DNA Isolation and Genetic Transformation Exercise 17  Genetics: The Principles of Mendel Exercise 18  Evolution: Natural Selection and Morphological Change in Green Algae Exercise 19  Human Evolution: Skull Examination Exercise 20  Ecology: Diversity and Interaction in Plant Communities Exercise 21  Community Succession Exercise 22  Population Growth: Limitations of the Environment Exercise 23  Pollution: The Effects of Chemical, Thermal, and Acidic Pollution Exercise 24   Survey of Prokaryotes: Kingdoms Archaebacteria and Bacteria Exercise 25  Survey of Protists: The Algae Exercise 26  Survey of Protists: Protozoa and Slime Molds Exercise 27  Survey of the Kingdom Fungi: Molds, Sac Fungi, Mushrooms, and Lichens Exercise 28  Survey of the Plant Kingdom: Liverworts, Mosses, and Hornworts of Phyla Hepaticophyta, Bryophyta, and Anthocerophyta Exercise 29  Survey of the Plant Kingdom: Seedless Vascular Plants of Phyla Pterophyta and Lycophyta Exercise 30  Survey of the Plant Kingdom: Gymnosperms of Phyla Cycadophyta, Ginkgophyta, Coniferophyta, and Gnetophyta Exercise 31  Survey of the Plant Kingdom: Angiosperms Exercise 32  Plant Anatomy: Vegetative Structure of Vascular Plants Exercise 33  Plant Physiology: Transpiration Exercise 34  Physiology: Tropisms, Nutrition, and Growth Regulators Exercise 35  Bioassay: Measuring Physiologically Active Substances Exercise 36  Survey of the Animal Kingdom: Phyla Porifera and Cnidaria Exercise 37  Survey of the Animal Kingdom: Phyla Platyhelminthes and Nematoda Exercise 38  Survey of the Animal Kingdom: Phyla Mollusca and Annelida Exercise 39  Survey of the Animal Kingdom: Phylum Arthropoda Exercise 40  Survey of the Animal Kingdom: Phyla Echinodermata and Chordata Exercise 41  Vertebrate Animal Tissues: Epithelial, Connective, Muscular, and Nervous Tissues Exercise 42  Human Biology: The Human Skeletal System Exercise 43  Human Biology: Muscles and Muscle Contraction Exercise 44  Human Biology: Breathing Exercise 45  Human Biology: Circulation and Blood Pressure Exercise 46  Human Biology: Sensory Perception Exercise 47  Vertebrate Anatomy: External Features and Skeletal System of the Rat Exercise 48  Vertebrate Anatomy: Muscles and Internal Organs of the Rat Exercise 49  Vertebrate Anatomy: Urogenital and Circulatory Systems of the Rat Exercise 50  Embryology: Comparative Morphologies and Strategies of Development Exercise 51  Animal Behavior: Taxis, Kinesis, and Agonistic Behavior
Product detail
language: English ISBN-13: 978-0073532257 ISBN-10: 0073532258
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Public Schools in Need of Prayer and Missionaries
"I am much afraid that schools will prove to be the great gates of hell unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures, engraving them in the hearts of youth. I advise no one to place his child where the scriptures do not reign paramount. Every institution in which men are not increasingly occupied with the Word of God must become corrupt." - Martin Luther
1. In Need of Prayer
Since 1962 the Supreme Court is heading down this culturally corrosive anti-prayer path. Among others, the High School sports events have been on target. Those events usually start with the national anthem and then a prayer that goes over the loudspeakers. These invocations to Almighty God often include a supplication for fair sportsmanship. This truly is needed in today's corrupt, money-mad world of sports.
The author gladly remembers a High School football game in Westmoreland, TN. It was the first football game I ever attended. It was a wonderful thing and, most of all, I appreciate that they still kept praying. My spirit was moved when I heard people pray and saw the football players bow their head. This is the way it ought to be. NO PRAY, NO PLAY!
The hypocrisy of the Supreme Court's anti-prayer obsession becomes apparent when it is compared to the court's approval of many anti-biblical and morally depraved school policies. That point was underscored on September 1st when, prior to the school's first home football game of the season, Principal Jody McLoud of ROANE COUNTY PRIMARY AND HIGH SCHOOL in KINGSTON, TENNESSEE, read a brief statement over the public address system. Here is what he had to say:
"It has always been the custom at Roane County High School football games to say a prayer and play the National Anthem to honor God and Country. Due to a recent ruling by the Supreme Court, I am told that saying a prayer is a violation of Federal Case Law. As I understand the law at this time, I can use this public facility to approve of sexual perversion and call it an alternate lifestyle and if someone is offended, that's okay. I can use it to condone sexual promiscuity by dispensing condoms and call it safe sex. If someone is offended, that's okay. I can even use this public facility to present the merits of killing an unborn baby as a viable means of birth control. If someone is offended, no problem. I can designate a school day as earth day and involve students in activities to religiously worship and praise the goddess, Mother Earth, and call it ecology. I can use literature, videos and presentations in the classrooms that depict people with strong, traditional, Christian convictions as simple-minded and ignorant and call it enlightenment. However, if anyone uses this facility to honor God and ask Him to bless this event with safety and good sportsmanship, Federal Case Law is violated/ This appears to be at best, inconsistent and at worst, hypocritical. Apparently, we are to be tolerant of everything and everyone except God and His Commandments. Nevertheless, as a school principal, I frequently ask staff and students to abide by rules with which they do not necessarily agree. For me to do otherwise would be, at best, inconsistent and at worst, hypocritical. I suffer from that affliction enough unintentionally. I certainly do not need to add an intentional transgression. For this reason, I shall, "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's," and refrain from praying at this time. However, if you feel inspired to honor, praise and thank God, and ask Him in the name of Jesus to bless this event, please feel free to do so. As far as I know, that's not against the law yet."
Principal McLoud aptly summarized the dilemma that he and other educators face as they strive to cope with the increasingly anti-Christian tropism of our government schools. Asked about the response to his comments, he said that most of those in attendance, including members of both teams, "were appreciative, and... responded with applause." Asked if there were any boos, he recalled, "No. None whatsoever," adding that the "responses that I've gotten from all over the country... have been overwhelmingly positive." Indeed, of the 300-500 communications he had received, only four or five were negative in tone..
The New School Prayer
Now I sit me down in school where praying is against the rule. For this great nation under God finds mention of Him very odd. If Scripture now the class recites, it violates the Bill of Rights. And anytime my head I bow becomes a Federal matter now. Our hair can be purple, orange or green, that's no offense; it's a freedom scene. The law is specific, the law is precise. Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice. For praying in a public hall, might offend someone with no faith at all. In silence alone we must meditate, God's name is prohibited by the state. We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks, and pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks. They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible. To quote the Good Book makes me liable. We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen, and the 'unwed daddy' our Senior King. It's "inappropriate" to teach right from wrong. We're taught that such "judgments" do not belong. We can get our condoms and birth control, study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles. But the Ten Commandments are not allowed, it's scary here I must confess, when chaos reigns the school's a mess. So, Lord, this silent plea I make: Should I be shot; My soul please take! Amen!
Author Unknown
2. In Need of Missionaries
If God calls missionaries to far away countries, do you think He is unable to send a missionary to a public school in the US? I would like to ask every Christian school student: Have you been born again? If you have been born again, has the Lord ever put on your heart to take a stand for Him at school? Is the Lord calling you to be an ambassador for Christ at your school?
While many Christian families homeschool their children, there are still many Christian students in public school. Those should think of themselves as "Missionaries to the Public School Systems". They can use class discussions to proclaim Biblical views. They can use debate classes to speak up for Christ, for the word of God, etc. That what Apollos did in Acts 18:24-28. They can use writing assignments to research subjects according to the Bible and back it up with data from Christian publications, organizations, etc. If you are a student at a public school, have you ever prayed and asked the Lord for wisdom how to turn a situation in school into a witnessing opportunity? You can witness in so many ways! Here are some suggestions:
Modest apparel.
You can already witness for Christ with the way you dress. In schools many teenagers dress in very worldly and lust-provoking ways. They are addicted to brand-name clothes. Their hair looks untidy and weird. If you, as a child of God, come to school in a clean and modest appearance, they will know the difference. Click here to read up on modest apparel. It doesn't matter whether your school has a dress code or not. The Bible has a dress code. As a guideline I give you the dress code of a church camp. "No shorts anytime. Boys must wear decent pants and shirts. Girls must wear modest dresses or skirts (below the knee). No sleeveless tops, no jeans, no inappropriate slits, no tight fits. For appropriate activities, boys may wear sweatpants and girls may wear below the knee culottes, capris, or wind pants."
Teach your teacher!
Public schools are full of wrong or antichristian teachings. As a Christian you know that you don't really have to pay attention to evolution, sex education or attempts to rewrite America's history and strip it from Christian heritage. First of all, when it comes to sex education, try to leave the class. Walk out. It is offensive, wicked, opposed to your belief in chastity, temperance and marriage. Provide other students with tracts or information material that gives the Biblical perspective on that issue. Be prepared to stand up and tell your teacher that you disagree with him. Be ready to give him an answer. Read 1 Peter 3:15! Yes, you can teach your teacher. The teacher is not an all-wise god. He is only human. Modern public school teachers are often leaning toward the left, toward liberalism and through the NEA they are indoctrinated in radical antichristian thought.
Assignment: Read Psalm 119:97-104. Question: What does it say about your teacher when it comes to Bible issues?
Your answer: ________________________________
Here is a situation I faced in my school. The teacher gave us a text with a news report. The news report was about a conservative politician who compared the number of abortions with the Holocaust. As a politically correct teacher he was outraged by the article and our homework was to write a comment about the politician's "inappropriate" statement. So when I was home I grabbed some pro-life literature I got earlier from a Christian ministry and wrote an essay that gives the exact numbers of aborted babies in the US since 1973. I described the brutal procedure of abortions in detail. I added pictures of aborted babies. I closed with the statement that I fully support the politician's statement because of the evidence I provided. I gave a short statement about legislative work to put an end to legalized abortion on demand. The number of US abortions outreach the number of Holocaust victims by far. I got to read my homework in school. The teacher was outraged and flabbergasted because I presented the Christian pro-life perspective. I backed it up with scripture, evidence and photos! That was powerful! I hope you get many opportunities like that!
Exposing Evolution
You can really start teaching your teacher and classmates when it comes to evolution. If you are saved and live a Christian life, you have come to believe in the Biblical account of creation. No amount of public school teaching can change you, influence you or get you to change your mind. Your primary allegiance is to Jesus Christ. Not to public school. You have come to put more confidence in your pastor than in your teacher. I was really blessed by a gospel tract that tells about a professor who thought we came from monkeys, until a student proved evolution was a lie. That student can be YOU. That tract is available here: Big Daddy, Jack Chick.
Here are some other suggestions for student missionaries to public schools:
Invite students to meetings at your church.
Give students and teachers gospel tracts.
Stay away from bad people. Turn away. Don't listen to them.
Don't be forced into a clique. Resist group or peer pressure. Be independent. Dare to be different. As Christians we are separated.
Stay away from the drug, rock and rap subculture. Iwould rather listen to the roar of a jet engine than worldly music. If someone were to offer me drugs, I'd turn the person immediately over to the police. I never had one desirem craving or not the least thought of getting into that. I just said NO just like former President Reagan suggested.
Refuse to participate in occult activities such as meditation, yoga, etc.
Make your local church a priority. Not school clubs, associations, etc. All this is for selfish vainglory anyway.
Christians do not participate nor endorse such foolish school activities such as dance, cheerleading, dating, making an idol out of sports, etc. That's not what it's about. You live for Jesus and all you do at school is learn. The rest is a waste of time.
When students can suggest what kind of books can be read during lessons, suggest Christian books. Same goes for music!
If you can, eat breakfast & lunch at home. We don't need to be locked up in a school compound all day like a bunker.
When you can choose a destination for a field trip, suggest a Christian monument or historic site.
Tell other students or teachers about this website.
Remember the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22,23. Let the other students pick some fruit off you. The fruit of the Spirit are not only for you to enjoy, but mainly for the Lord and for others around you.
If you are not busy (maybe because a class was cancelled) use the time to study your Bible.
Use writing assignments to refine your Christian writing skills. Use your pen as a sharp sword of truth. Eph. 6:18. If you have to make a speech, speak up for Jesus.
In history classes, try to point to quotes from America's founders that profess faith in God.
Join the work of Child Evangelism Fellowship or Good News Club and other school based discipleship groups.
Create a demand for righteousness. Bringing prayer and Bible reading is not a demand of right-wing politicians. You the student must demand it urgently and persistenly and consistently. You want to see fellow students saved and get out of the worldliness. You demand school prayer. You demand creation. You demand intelligent design. You demand abstinence education. It's a marketplace of ideas controlled by supply and demand. Are you demanding the things of God?
And if you ever need to use a Webster's dictionary at school, I suggest you use the original Noah Webster's 1828 Dictionary which has its definitions taken from a Biblical worldview. Today's dictionaries are from a humanistic standpoint. It really helps define words for their real meaning. That might be crucial in school. Try to get this dictionary: Webster's 1828 dictionary.
These are just a few suggestions of what a missionary to the public schools can do. If you are prayerful, you might find many, many more suggestions. Parents, churches and Christian organizations and ministries try to change schools, but as of now there is an antichristian onslaught in America's public schools. The examples are too numerous to mention. The free expression of faith is being suppressed. But the real key to impacting the schools for Christ is the student. The Christian student who will no longer compromise. The Christian student who will take a stand. The Christian student who wants to be a warrior for Christ rather than a wimp. The Christian student who will say goodbye to dead Sunday-morning churchianity, but will rather live for the Lord seriously 24/7 with the word of God as his final authority. The Christian student who will not allow himself to be brought under the power of liberal lies, secularism, humanistic deception and wicked peer pressure. It's all about putting Christ first!
Dear Christian student,
is the Lord calling you to the mission field of America's public school system? If Christ really lives within you, then He goes with you when you go to school every morning. Go into all the world and preach the gospel unto every creature. Have you ever prayed for the mission field of the public schools? You don't have to go to China, India or Malawi. You might have to go to your school and introduce Christ to the multitudes of the lost students and teachers. Rescue the perishing! How will you answer the call?
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5786013
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