#troy and abed being boyfriends!
trobedarchive · 2 years
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me talking to someone who doesn’t ship trobed
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defectivegembrain · 2 months
I know we joke around about "guys being bros" and all that, but love the fact that even within the fucked up study group, who will constantly mix family terms with romantic entanglements, it is never suggested in the show itself that Troy and Abed are like brothers. Like they can get called boyfriends and barely react at all, but I think if either ever actually tried to call the other bro they'd have a shared identity crisis
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dump-troy-marry-me · 11 months
obsessed with the fact that Troy immediately calls Abed's name when hes being choked out by pierce in Basic Rocket Science like. babygirl. he is miles away. what is your boyfriend gonna do from greendale
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constable-rohza · 6 months
when Troy's on that boat with LeVar Burton, they don't have much to talk about, so obviously Troy talks about Abed. but just imagine Troy telling LeVar how awesome Abed is and how much he loves him, and LeVar being like "wait, is this your boyfriend or your husband?"
of course Troy says "oh no we're just friends" but then LeVar would straight up reply "no, you are not"
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lost-in-ace · 19 days
What your favorite Community Ship says about you:
(This is a long homage to Doubleca5t’s well known Favorite Ship series on YouTube . I in no way endorse or ship all of these ships, nor claim any sense of morality or custody over the people who ship them. This is just a silly post, going over pretty much every Community ship I could think of. Please don’t fight in the comments 🤗)
• Your ideal relationship dynamic is team mom/team dad, but specifically the kind that have been divorced and remarried like twice now
• You believe in the inherent eroticism of being narrative foils
• You believe in the inherent eroticism of doing long and convoluted bits that nobody else cares about.
• You believe in the inherent eroticism of MEN 👏GETTING👏PEGGED👏
• If you’re a girl, you want to fix that broken old man so so so badly. If you’re a guy… [FBI OPEN UP sound bite]
• You need everyone on this show to calm down like a WHOLE skosh, but not too much because you still want to talk shit about them.
• You disagree when people say there’s too much bickering in the study group. As far as you’re concerned, there’s not ENOUGH.
• You believe wholeheartedly in the delayed gratification of former high school crushes coming to fruition years later.
• Your ideal date is a night of wild and wacky hijinks, after which hilarity ensues.
• You just want good things for Annie. And honestly?? Who wouldn’t.
• When you see a fic tagged Abed Nadir x Female Reader, your eyes go wide, because you KNOW what you’re going to be doing until 3am tonight.
• You… are in the wrong fandom. But you’re real as hell and I respect you.
Annie/Annie Kim
• This is the same joke as Annie/Rachel, but with the smug superiority of knowing you’re smarter than everyone else.
• You’ve called a childless 30-something woman a MILF unironically.
• You’re a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of a one-sided rivalry
• Your ideal relationship dynamic is a gorgeous goddess, and her little gremlin boyfriend she has to stop from getting in trouble.
• Your favorite trope is “It is rotten work. Especially to me and especially if its you. But I’ll do it”
• You believe in the inherent eroticism of elaborate ruses that end in failure.
• You want a daddy, but not the sexual kind; you just wish your own father hugged you more.
• You wish Frankie had been on the show from the beginning.
• You’re tired of trying to fix that man. You want an older woman to come fix YOU.
• You believe in the inherent eroticism of being strange and misunderstood together.
• You want a daddy, and yes, this time the sexual kind.
• You… Are Dan Harmon
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khruschevshoe · 4 months
*slams open the door and dives on top of your sheets* Hey. Hey. I know people hate season 4 of Community and I might be losing it but do you ever think about the Inspecticon episode and go just a little bit feral? Like, the ENTIRE EPISODE A PLOT revolves around Troy and Abed's relationship with multiple references to them being boyfriends. Troy's girlfriend casually refers to Abed as his boyfriend. Troy is jealous about Abed ending up with someone else who he is afraid might be better suited to Abed but no one could be, because two Inspectors wouldn't work out because you need a logical Inspector and an emotional constable and Toby can't handle that fact because he doesn't have someone to balance him out so he's too emotional and he locks Abed in that phone box like his bullies once did but "for once in my long history of getting locked inside of things, I knew someone would come get me" and Troy and Abed doing their high-five and getting their gluon photo is the most romantic thing this show ever did (well, tied with like five other Trobed moments) and it's basically canon poly and I know I'm unhinged about it but who wouldn't be-
Oh, you have work in the morning? Whoops. Anyway I also think it's hilarious that Matt Lucas plays the evil parody Doctor Who fan who is too obsessed with the Inspector when like three years later he'd become Nardole, an official companion (aka the Constable Reggie stand-in)-
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superbluebirdgirl · 2 months
Imagining Abed's dad meeting Troy in a "meeting your kid's new boyfriend" scenario is really funny because I imagine him being really glad that his son is dating someone who's so kind to him, but also VERY concerned at all the weird shenanigans Troy tells him about. Like imagine hearing that your son got into a college-wide pillow fight with his boyfriend, like yeah you're still happy for him but wtf.
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“how do you know troy and britta getting together wouldn’t destroy everything” “you don’t see me saying anything about troy and abed’s weird little relationship” “you’re a very attractive young man” “the other day I thought he was trying to hold my hand but he had just mistaken me for abed” “your entire identity is defined by your relationship with another man” “for the first time in my long history of being locked inside things, I knew someone would come” “abed is a magical elf-like man who makes all of us more magical by being around us” “I haven’t exactly been a whirlwind of entertainment since troy left” “I miss abed so much” “you went all psycho girlfriend on abed didn’t you” “you might want to tell your boyfriend’s boyfriend” “I’m sorry I got overprotective of abed” “you’re worried you’ll go crazy without troy”
that’s ENOUGH
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doppel-dean-er · 10 months
unpopular opinion that might go against everything I've expressed up to this point: idk if I want Trobed to be canon in the movie.
like yeah, queer representation would be amazing, and if it ends with them in any other relationship I will sue for emotional damages, but like..... part of the fun of shipping is that it's fandom-made. I think the argument that Trobed is queerbaiting mostly gets caught up on season 4, with all the boyfriend jokes, the dick checking, etc. but we also have to acknowledge that season 4 was made by the same people who made Aliens In America, obviously that doesn't speak for the writers specifically but it does give you a significant insight into the thought process behind the increase in gay jokes.
at the same time, idk how it would handle that relationship. we've seen every explicit relationship in the show go south within ten episodes and I just idk. like, they only have to handle it for two hours at most, but there are too many variables it's so iffy and aurgh, I don't know if I trust the writers to give us this one solid.
I just don't think it's very likely to happen. but if it does, if they kiss on screen and/or explicitly state "yes, we are in a relationship, and we are in love" I will bake a cake, a whole cake, with a cup and a half extra of salt. the cake will be inedible and I will eat an entire slice on camera as proof. i'll also decorate it with an apology for being wrong, this is a dead serious promise because I know for a fact it won't be canon (like 99.7% sure).
i've been consuming so much explicitly queer media recently that I regularly just forget that Troy and Abed aren't canonically together. if push comes to shove, and they aren't canon in the movie, we can always just convince each other that it is :]
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lesbianwithchainsaws · 8 months
Fun fact: Troy and Abed are kissing and being boyfriends right this second
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trobedarchive · 2 years
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is this trobed or what
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stardustto-dust · 1 year
Why you should vote Abed Nadir in the 2023 autism swag summit
I've seen people do this for other polls and it is vital that Abed Nadir from the 2009-2015 NBC comedy Community wins this one.
Vote him round one here.
Does he fit the first part of the statement? Yes, Abed is canonically autistic.
When he realised autistic fans related to him, creator Dan Harmon did as much research as he possibly could into autism as to not let those fans down.
While doing said research, Harmon realised himself was likely on the spectrum. Meaning that Abed is a canon autistic character created by an autistic person. How often does that happen?
Due to the above facts, he is a very well researched and developed autistic character, with both traits more commonly shown in the media, such as blunted affect and difficulties reading faces and less commonly shown traits, such as hyperempathy and sensory issues.
From the time Abed first appeared on screen to the present day, there have been many blog posts, magazine articles and even scholarly articles written about how good rep he is. I have seen him on many a neurodiversity advocacy Instagram account. (If you want me to link some I will!)
OK, we have established the autism. What about the swag? Well, first of all, as Donald Glover summarised it "Abed fucks". There is a whole episode dedicated to his friends trying to get him a girlfriend and worrying about his self-esteem and in the end it turns out he gets plenty of girls and, as he says, he has "self-esteem falling out (his) butthole." He also gets guys hitting on him. And how can we mention Abed without his boyfriend soulmate best friend Troy. who canonically wants to have his "gentle and mysterious" "other half"'s children. In short, bisexual king.
Of course, swag is not limited to just sexual and romantic prowess, as the amount of aroace people I know with limitless swag testifies to. Swag can also be measured by commitment to the bit, for example. And, boy, is Abed known for his commitment to the bit.
Abed is Batman, Han Solo and Jesus. He is a mafia boss. He is a cartoon man discovering the meaning of Christmas. He is the narrator and the cameraman. Like, not metaphorically or in archetype. He realises a need for these characters in the story and becomes them.
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[GIF- Abed as Batman, applying lip balm, possessing undeniable amounts of swag]
9. "How does he realise the need for the these things in the story?" you may ask. Well, his special interest is film and TV. He is a filmmaker. Thus, he frames his life in terms of genre, often seeming aware of the fact he is in a sitcom. However, this often changes, and, the show branches off into completely different genres, which Abed points out. These shifts in genre explore character dynamics and also are super awesome. Abed is so genre-aware, he changes the entire genre of the show. That is swag.
10. The Community fandom here on Tumblr.com, and throughout the web, is quite small. It will make us very happy. Plus, for the first time in 8 years, there likely will be new Abed content this year, due to the release of the movie. (Due to one of Abed's many catchphrases "Six seasons and a movie!")
11. Please please please please I love him so much and i am very cool you should listen to me please please please.
So yeah, that's it! If you have anything to add, please do!
Click below for some Abed gifs.
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[GIF- "Evil Abed" (Abed with a goatee and sunglasses) walking through his college being evil. He hangs up someone's payphone call, pops a girls balloon with his cigarette and then dumps said cigarette into a woman's coffee]
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[GIF- Two gifs. One is of Troy, topless, leaning out of an airvent. He looks down and says "I love you". Next is of Abed, looking up at him. He says "I know", before being grabbed by a zombie in a kilt]
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[GIF- Abed, wearing sunglasses, saying "movie reference". Jeff is there too and also wearing sunglasses]
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[GIF- Abed saying "Cool. Cool cool cool"]
Ok there are so many more GIFs I want to put but I kinda have work soon lol. You get the gist, he is amazing. Vote Abed!
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defectivegembrain · 5 months
Does Rachel even know who Troy is? I mean, the study group is well known at Greendale and Troy and Abed are known for being a duo right? She must've at least heard something second hand. But she has never canonically met him. Imagine. Imagine you flirt with a guy at a dance who is known for being incredibly close with this other guy and then he just never calls you. And the next time you see him by chance, he wants to get together with you properly. It just so happens the other guy is gone now. But there sure are a lot of pictures of them together around his apartment. In so many weird outfits. He will probably not explain.
He insists you're now super close, your relationship should move really fast, he wants you to move in, but you still don't know anything about this guy he clearly loves very deeply, beyond a bunch of wild rumours. You look at the pictures of this man when you are sitting with your boyfriend, and you feel insecure in a way that you cannot begin to articulate. You're also a little afraid of his remaining roommate.
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confused-much · 5 months
So, I started rewatching Community after a year or two and wow, I forgot so many things about this show:
Jeffannie started in season 1 during that debate episode and this makes me feel even more icky. Somehow I thought that this ship started at the end of season 1/beginning of season 2.
Jeffannie is so uncomfortable for me to watch. Not only is the age gap creepy, Annie is presented as this innocent girl while Jeff is Jeff. And yeah, as the series progresses, Annie matures but she's still so young and has her whole life ahead while Jeff is 40 and stuck at Greendale
Britta in season one was the best because she wasn't dumbed down and exaggerated. She had the same flaws as in later seasons (like her lack of real activism, terrible choice of boyfriends, being uncool etc.) but those flaws were believable and toned down to fit the rest of characters. I miss Britta
I forgot that they made Pierce horrible in season 2 onwards so it was a shock. In season one he has more redemptive moments
I miss season one and two of community the most. The show was still somewhat grounded and it made me think of my own college experiences (anthropology as shown in community was basically 80% of my real classes)
Senior Chang > any other Chang BUT that one episode of Guard Change is top ten for me ("Arizona backwards is Arizona!")
Abed was terrible to Troy in some episodes in season 3 (Blanket fort episode, stars doppelgangers episode) and doesn't face consequences/learn a lesson/start to appreciate Troy more. I like Abed but it still pisses me off
I feel that as the show progressed it was less about the main 7 and more about Annie and Jeff which sucks and I hate it
Also, Jeffbritta was the best. Are they toxic? Yes. Do they understand each other on a deep level and always help each other when needed? Also yes. I loved their bickering in the show and I always liked their little moments.
I forgot that Dean's Dalmatian fetish started in season one and progressed throughout the story
Paintball episodes are meh for me. Yes, all of them
"If loving worms is stupid then I don't want to be smart!" "It is and you can't!" I love this little exchange.
Idk, I noticed that sometimes some characters from main 7 appeared for like 1 minute in the whole episode. I know that you can't always have episode with all of them equally on the screen but idk it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Like the election episode which is basically all about Jeff and Annie. Pierce has like 5 lines and all are horrible, Troy and Abed are reduced to being announcers, Britta and Shirley basically don't exist (Britta also goes on stage and is ridiculed)
Idk they could have done more with Shirley
I also like the friendship between Britta and Shirley, the anarchist and atheist being friends with devoted Christian has so much potential
I was never fan of Troy and Britta together
Idk, on one hand Trobed is fine, but on the other hand showing a deep and profound friendship like that is also fine. I'm ok with both
Ass crack bandit song slaps and I love it
Out of all of the main seven, I don't like Annie the most (after season 2 onwards Pierce ofc). And I honestly can't tell if I don't like her that much because of the personality or because of her ship with Jeff
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findafight · 10 months
Can interest you in a potentially controversial Stobin headcanon in what sounds like a trying time?
If so; Steve and Robin share girlfriend at some point.
Not in the “turns out that time we were both dating girls named Crystal? We were in fact dating one girl named Crystal. Who *somehow* never put it together that my Steve and the Steve she was two-timing me with were in fact the person!”
(This does in fact happen - I’m thinking when Robin’s in college and has met like, three different Crystals (one of whom has parents that lived in the same commune as Robin’s! Such a shame girls named Crystal have been *ruined forever*).
It’s a pretty surreal break up for Crystal; not only are her boyfriend and girlfriend turn out to be actually best friends (in her defence, Robin has taken to calling him “Stevie” at this point and the way she talks about him really conjures the image of a standard preppy bitch who’s been Robin’s best friend since kindergarten, and Steve (in retaliation) tends to use “Rob” and “Robbie”, leading Crystal to believe his Robin is male), and seem almost as angry about this as they are about the infidelity.
Crystal’s attempts at explaining herself and apologising result in Steve retorting that he’s not even mad that she’d want to date Robin - Robin’s fucking amazing! If Crystal had just told him that was what he wanted, he probably would have been okay with it - which Crystal takes as Steve being a bitch, but is something Robin will point later as her realising that this is something she might be okay with.)
Anyway, I figure this is something that would happen when they’re in their 20s and/or their 50s. They’re either approached by a woman who thinks they’re a couple (“does it make our marriage more or less of a sham if we’re sharing a mistress?”) or they approach someone they both have a crush on a la Troy & Abed asking out the librarian.
I don’t think either of them would identify as poly, per se - it’s very much “if it’s you, it’s okay”, and if the girlfriend breaks up with one of them, it’s assumed she’s breaking up with both of them.
I just kind of like the combination of Robin and Steve as Platonic Life Partners, trying to figure out polyamory and just how absolutely Buckwild (Robin’s Wrestler name!) it would be for their [potential] girlfriends and anyone on the outside of the situation. Jon and Eddie just sat there, listening to Steve ramble about the situation bc it’s Robin’s date night and just…bluescreening. Argyle smiling and nodding “happy for you, man. I mean, sucks you’re off the market, but glad you’ve found something that works”.
one yes always interested in controversial takes tbh. two. omg yes exactly you are so smart anon
The Crystal situation!! so true this is absolutely something that would happen to stobin (also true I know a few queer women called crystal). bad luck in love that's them!!
I think Steve is like. mostly monogamous...unless his gf/partner is also dating Robin. like it would make sense to him I think. He'd be like well. this way we don't have to worry you things being weird about my Very Normal Friendship With Robin That Some People Thing Is Weird!
I think I've mentioned before the funny scenario of stobin going "hey me and my platonic life partner saw you across the bar and liked your vibes" and I stand by that.
But also funny is that Steve or Robin's girlfriend being absorbed into their dynamic and realizing that she is..... sort of dating both of them? And her being the one to bring up dating the other and Robin and steve going well how would that change things? and everyone realizing that it would probably only change the amount of kisses gf gets and going well that sounds cool let's try it!
Maybe in their 20s it doesn't work out but they try again in their 50s and they go wow! this was a great idea we were just young and it just didn't work out.
that's so fun. I want them to have crazy dating stories. I want Jonathan and Eddie to sit there going what the hell are these two doing? because the complexities of stobin's dating lives have always confused them even before the poly V started, and argyle just vibing listening to the double date night shenanigans he's being told.
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peach-pot · 10 months
something I’m so fascinated by is when tv show/movie writers want to include jokes at a groups expensive, but don’t make a decision on whether they want just the audience to be laughing at them or the other characters as well, and end up in this weird space where they are both… canonically unserious and serious. here it’s better to just give examples:
(gonna talk about fatphobia and homophobia typical of 2000s comedies for a sec)
in pitch perfect they have jokes about fat amy where what she says/believes is meant to conflict with what’s true in universe. she sings for the first time for chloe and aubrey and the joke is meant to be that what she’s doing is embarrassing, even though she’s trying to show off. a lot of her jokes with bumper boil down to her thinking she’s attractive, when he thinks she’s not. so these jokes are meant to be funny to us, because she thinks she’s talented/attractive/etc., when everyone around her sees she’s not. but they also include jokes where the audience is supposed to laugh because she IS actually these things, and it’s meant to be unexpected/unrealistic to reality. the big example that comes to mind is when she gets a phone call over a school break and we see that she’s actually hanging out at a pool with a few attractive guys around her, calling back to a joke where she referred to multiple boyfriends of hers. the first time it was meant to be funny because the audience would assume she was lying, the second time it’s meant to be funny because it goes against the audience’s expectations… but now all those jokes that rely on fat amy being unattractive within the pitch perfect universe don’t work. because they just told us that she is.
and then in community, there’s troy and abed, who have jokes where everyone around them thinks they’re gay, but they turn out not to be. a clear example of this is when troy’s textbook has a romantic drawing of abed in it that shirley thinks he drew, but it turns out to be a used textbook that came that way. but there are also jokes where the audience is meant to laugh about troy and abed doing something gay together. for example, there’s a joke where annie says she thought troy was trying to hold her hand, but he had actually just confused her for abed. these jokes, unlike the ones where the characters are in on it to a greater extent, don’t offer any explanation for why troy and abed are doing something gay, and end up just… making them gay. so troy and abed both aren’t actually gay (and the joke is that their peers keep assuming they are) and ARE actually gay (which is meant to be inherently funny to the audience because it’s 2009)
idk, i just think it’s interesting to see the ways in which creators kind of forget to keep things consistent when they have the opportunity to make jokes about a marginalized group. like it doesn’t matter if they make a firm call on whether or not amy is actually attractive or if they always remember to give an in universe explanation for why troy and abed are doing something seen as gay if they aren’t gay. no one will notice if it changes joke to joke as long as the jokes are funny.
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