#trr writes
texanredrose · 6 months
Hey, so, if y'all haven't seen me losing my mind over on AO3, @kambiteydragon somehow infected me with brain worms and I've become slightly obsessed. Show's called Hazbin Hotel (it's on Prime, I think, but the music's on Spotify and banger) and this series was supposed to be an excuse for some smut fics but the murder angel decided she needed character development.
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tessa-liam · 19 days
Life Goes On
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Marabelle Series
Chapter 15 – Part 2
Choices – The Royal Romance, AU – (cross-over with Rules of Engagement)
Series Premise – An American teenager from New York City is introduced to the world of a small European country and its society of royalty, nobility, and commoners. How will her life story be transformed? Will this new adventure bring her happiness...or regret?
Marabelle Series Masterlist, My Complete Masterlist
Main Pairing – Crown Prince Liam Rys x F!OC Lady Sophia (Sophie) Taylor
Other Pairings – Maxwell Beaumont x M!OC Daniel (from NYC), Drake Walker x F!OC Melanie Smithson
Most characters belong to Choices/Pixelberry Studios
Series Rating – M*🔞Warnings: this series will have NSFW material, drinking, crude language & innuendo, gun violence
Many thanks to @selina012 for pre-reading.
Category – Alternate universe/on-going series/angst/fluff/cross-over with Choices Rules of Engagement
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Chapter Summary – Liam returns home to Cordonia to find Sophie and to address his nation about the university terror attack.
Music & Title Inspiration: Life Goes On, Ed Sheeran, Luke Combs; Run To You, Lucy Thomas
A/N1: Bethany Beaumont, Maxwell’s mother, is originally from the U.S. and is Barthelemy Beaumont’s second wife. Annabelle Beaumont (deceased) is Bertrand’s mother.
A/N2: ‘Social Season’ in this AU series refers to a traditional period in the spring/summer for royalty and members of the court to take part in Balls, dinner parties and charity events.
A/N3: Heartfelt thanks to @Selina012 for joining me in writing ideas and with dialogue/content for this chapter and series.
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Aboard the Royal jet, Rashad peered outside the window and took in the white sands of Cordonia's shores passing by. Suddenly his ears popped, and the pilot spoke over the intercom, announcing the estimated arrival time was in 5 minutes. He felt nervous and helpless and could not help but repeat his fears in his mind: ‘There hasn't been any good news’.
Drake watched Liam walk away from his seat, his hand curled around a glass tumbler filled with an expensive scotch. He wondered if they would hear news before they landed. Remembering his best friend's emotional spiral downward after the past assassination attempt three years ago at the palace; this had the makings of that same pattern. This time though, Drake was not going to leave Liam alone.
The dire problem of not having any clues where Sophie was at the moment was suffocating.
As they waited to land, the minutes seemed to draw out. There was not much he or any of Liam's guards could do but wait and prepare to offer the crown prince their full support.
Liam finished off his scotch, the fiery liquid barely registering, and tried to review the notes for his upcoming address to his nation in his head while stepping into his private suite onboard.
There had still been no update on his beloved Sophie's whereabouts or circumstances.
He took a deep, long breath and turned to Bastien walking next to him with unmistakable determination. "Bastien, contact the security team back home immediately. I need all the current details on the scene and an update on the rescue operations."
Bastien sprang into action, calling the security team leader and putting him on speakerphone so that Liam could hear the conversation in real time. Captain Sean Wilson answered the call.
"Captain, this is Crown Prince Liam Rys, requesting an update on the incident at the University of Cordonia." Liam's voice came through the phone speaker, clear and strong.
"Your Highness, the situation at the scene is complicated and we have deployed additional rescue teams to help facilitate the speedy rescue and recovery process.”
The captain’s voice was tired but remained professional. "We have confirmation that multiple students have been injured in the shooting. We have increased security three-fold around the campus and are working diligently to track down the suspects."
Liam's fists clenched involuntarily, but he remained stoic as he continued. "I need a complete list of all the known casualties. I want to know about each and every one."
"Your Highness, we have established a comprehensive emergency response mechanism. At present, we are compiling the information and rescue teams are working at full ability. The list of casualties is being urgently collated, and I will send it to you via encrypted channels as soon as it is completed."
Liam nodded, and though he could not be seen, there was an unmistakable insistence in his tone: "I need this completed as soon as possible. In addition, please continue to strengthen the search and rescue efforts to ensure the safety of all students. At the same time, increase the manpower to hunt down the suspects and I demand that they be brought to justice in the shortest possible time."
Shortly after hanging up, the sound of an encrypted email rang on Liam's tablet, which he quickly clicked on; and displayed a list of known casualties on the screen as asked. There were fourteen people in the column of the dead, and dozens of names in the column of the injured. Liam took a deep breath and began to go through the list of names, one by one, each name like a sharp blade, stabbing at his heart. He searched carefully, afraid to miss any possible detail. But until the end, he did not find Sophie's name.
Liam clenched his fists, his eyes shining with unshakeable determination. "Bastien, as soon as the jet lands, we will go to the scene and assess the situation personally.”
Bastien, at once responded: "Yes, Your Highness. I will ensure that everything is in place."
Liam turned his head to stare out the window at the clouds; his heart was in turmoil. Although Sophie's name did not appear on the list of casualties, his fears did not diminish. He knew that the lack of news did not mean that Sophie was necessarily safe. That she might still be struggling, or that for some reason she might not be able to communicate with the outside world. He had to ensure that Sophie was safe personally.
Thinking of this, he took out his phone and touched Sophie’s number with trembling fingers. But all he heard on the other end of the line was a cold, robotic voice: 'Sorry, the number you are trying to reach is unavailable.'
Sending a text, he carefully tapped every letter, as he expressed his worries and thoughts.
'Love, please call me as soon as you get this message. I'm worried about you.'
'Where are you? Are you safe? Why can't I reach you?'
'I'm already on my way back to Cordonia. Please wait for me. Please.'
As the minutes ticked by, the 'unread' message on the screen was an ironic and cruel reminder of the futility of all his efforts.
Frustrated, he then tried to call Sophie's aunt and then sent a text message to Maxwell. 'Max, are you okay? Where are you? Have you heard from Sophie?'
Shortly after, his phone vibrated and Liam checked the text immediately .... only to see Maxwell reply,
"Liam, me and Daniel are at the Malic Hotel now, we're all right. But Sophie got separated in the confusion!!!!😢 I have been trying to reach her without success. I'm really worried about her.'
Receiving this update, Liam, although still anxious, was also relieved that Maxwell felt safe. He immediately replied: "Max, good to hear you're okay. Please keep in touch, I'll be back as soon as I can, and we'll find Sophie together."
Liam then picked up his phone again and sent a text message to Sophie's Aunt Bethany:
'Duchess Bethany, this is Liam. How are you? Have you heard from Sophie? I am very concerned for her safety.'
A few minutes later, Bethany replied to his message: 'Your Highness, I'm fine, but Sophie hasn't been heard from since the ceremony. I am also anxiously awaiting her contact. Please try to not worry, I'm sure she will be all right'
Liam's heart sank to rock bottom as he closed his eyes, silently praying that she would be found safe and unharmed. At the same time, he also felt a deep sorrow for all the innocent victims of the attack. He understood as crown prince, he had the responsibility and obligation, along with his father, to ensure the security of the country and its people. This attack was an acute test of his leadership.
University of Cordonia, Capital
As Sophie wandered aimlessly through the maze of people, her eyes welled up. The adrenaline of an earlier escape from the auditorium faded and she felt more sadness, fear and heartache than she had ever felt before. For a moment, she could not control her emotions and tears ran down her cheeks. How she wished it all had been a bad dream, that she would wake up and find that it had all been a false alarm.
An hour later, Sophie and other surviving students and guests were evacuated in an orderly manner to a hotel outside of the campus, the Malic Hotel. The hotel was temporarily requisitioned as an emergency shelter and was surrounded by police and security personnel to ensure internal safety and order. But even so, there was an indescribable tension and unease still in the air.
Sophie had been assigned to room 302. The moment she stepped into her hotel room; Sophie could finally catch her breath. She sat wearily on the edge of the bed, looking out of the window with empty eyes, but her mood could not be calmed. She was eager to know more about what happened at the graduation, especially the mysterious men in black masks, their identity, purpose and why they were there; all of these became lingering questions in her mind.
She instinctively wanted to turn on her phone, hoping to find some clue or news report that would at least give her a sense of what had happened. But reality threw icy water at her - her phone screen was broken and riddled with cracks. She quickly pressed the power button, but the screen only flickered a few times, and then no longer responded. Sophie's eyes flashed with despair, as her contact with the outside world was completely cut off.
Thoughts came like a flood. She missed her Aunt Bethany, who supported her no matter what she was going through, who gave her endless warmth and encouragement, and who always made her feel at home in Cordonia. At the same time, she missed her horse, Marabelle. Every time she mounted Marabelle's back and galloped across the wide fields of Ramsford, all her troubles seemed to go away with the wind. Marabelle's eyes were always full of trust and loyalty, and there was a tacit understanding between them without words. How she wished now that she could feel the freedom and joy of running with Marabelle again.
But most of all, she missed Liam. In this unknown and dangerous moment, how she wished he could be with her, give her support and comfort. Liam, the man she was in love with, who gave her strength. She had never been so impatient to see him, to feel safe in his arms.
Now, however, she could only face all this alone; tears in her eyes had slipped down once again. In addition to missing Liam, Sophie's mind was filled with anxiety about the attack. She did not know how many people had been injured or even killed in the attack; whether Candy and Tom would get better, or what was going on with Maxwell and Daniel. They were her friends and family, and their safety stuck with her. She prayed silently that they would be safe.
Amidst this anxiety, there was so many questions. Who were those men in black at the graduation? Why would they target innocent students? What is the purpose behind this attack?
What puzzled her even more was the emblem of the earth and the baby. What does it mean? What has it got to do with the attack?
Her mind was full of confusion and uneasiness, questions swirled with no answers in sight, leaving her breathless. She tried to piece together every detail of the night in her mind, hoping to remember a clue or an answer. But the images were fragmented, leaving her unable to grasp and put together any useful information.
"Liam ..." Sophia muttered under her breath. She recalled what Liam had said about what he had experienced as a young prince and the memories of an assassination attempt that had fear cutting through his heart like a sharp blade.
Exhaustion came flooding in, overwhelming all her thoughts and feelings. Sophie lay in bed, breathing smoothly and deeply, and her body relaxed, as if all her worries and pain had been temporarily released at that moment. She drifted off to sleep with all her doubts, uneasiness, sadness, and longing for Liam.
The Royal Palace, Cordonia
The press was relentless. Inside the throne room, King Constantine stood stoically, as members of the press core demanded answers about the campus attack. Constantine cleared his throat and addressed the press directly and with the assurance of his years of reign and released a statement:
“At this dark hour, I stand before you with profound grief and pain in my heart. Like many of you, I am mourning the lives lost today, and we pray for the wounded to make a full recovery.
While we grieve the senseless violence that struck our country, we are also furious with the loss and sorrow brought on by those responsible for this evil act. We cannot and will not tolerate the murder and harming of innocent lives simply because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Those who commit such unspeakable acts will be held accountable and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the crown.”
Stepping down from the dais, Constantine was at once escorted by his royal guard out of the throne room. He looked visibly shaken and gripped his cane, trying to stand straight and upright.
Constantine's face was pale, and his eyes were filled with deep sorrow, his elderly face looked worn. But he refused to shed tears, still maintaining his dignified manner, while in public.
Lawrence, his personal guard, moved quickly to his side, “Your Majesty, the Royal jet has just landed with your son.”
Malic Motor Hotel, temporary safe house, University of Cordonia
The second group of surviving students were transported to the Malic hotel in orderly batches by the police in the pre-dawn night. The bright lights in the lobby could not hide the tension and in these in the air. Police officers, security personnel and medical staff were busy shuttling through the hallways to ensure that every student was properly accommodated.
The noise of footsteps and a murmur of conversation broke the sounds of the night. Sophie woke up, opened her eyes slightly, and through a gap in the half-closed curtains. She saw several figures hurrying along the corridor, as if new survivors had been brought in. She got up and dressed. Soon the door was gently opened, and a figure slowly entered the room. It was a girl about Sophie's age, a little wobbly in her step, visibly shaken by the night's horror and still reeling from the shock.
"Hey, um ... excuse me. I was assigned to this room. Is it okay if I come in?" The girl's voice was small and trembling, and her eyes were slightly timid.
Sophie at once stood up and smiled back, "Hello, come on in." The girl came closer, and Sophie could see her face. She had an East Asian face, long deep brown hair, and large black eyes full of fear and confusion, as if she had just woken up from a nightmare.
The girl said softly, "thank you, my name is Hana. What happened tonight was terrible ..."
Sophie took Hana's hand and sat her down on the edge of the bed. "Hi Hana, my name is Sophie. I know we have been through the same horror. But it is all right now. We can talk together and maybe it will make you feel better." Sophie tried to sound calm and friendly, hoping to bring some comfort to the girl.
Hana gave Sophie a grateful look, and took a deep breath. She began with great determination to recount her own experience at the graduation.
"I was with friends and all of a sudden the lights went out and they were gunshots ... I tried to run away, but there were screams and chaos all around me. I really don't know how I got out. I was taken to the stadium with some people and stayed there almost overnight until we were brought here. But I never saw my friends again. I got separated from them, I do not know what became of them..." Hana wiped tears from her eyes.
Sophie listened quietly, with a surge of sympathy and understanding. She thought of her friends Candy and Tom, and her cousin Maxwell and Daniel, and a pang of worry filled her heart.
"Hana, I've had my own friends injured and go missing too. Candy's arm was hit by shrapnel, Tom was shot in the shoulder, and they are both in the hospital; and Maxwell and Daniel got separated from me when they escaped. I am really worried about them. But I'm sure they will be all right. Your friends must have gotten out safely, too. You must believe that."
Hana's eyes flashed with emotion and trust as she listened to Sophie's words. "Sophie, you are such a strong person. If only I could be as brave as you."
Sophie patted Hana's arm gently and smiled wryly.
"Hana, it's normal to be afraid in this situation. In fact, I am also afraid, and all the people who have been through this attack."
Then Sophie's tone became a little heavier, and she decided to tell Hana what she had seen. With that, Sophie picked up the paper and pen on the table in the room and drew the sign from memory. Hana's face turned pale when she saw Sophie's drawing; her eyes widened, and she repeated in disbelief, "you saw this sign?"
Sophie nodded, her words unmistakable, "Yes, I'm sure. It was a very strange sign. I saw it clearly. They acted quickly and in an orderly manner. They were not ordinary thugs."
Hana held Sophie's hand tightly, her voice shaking slightly. "This sign, I have seen on the news, but with what specific event, I can't remember. However, it is definitely unusual and must be the hallmark of an organisation or group."
Sophie's eyes sharpened, and she frowned in thought. "This is no coincidence. The men in black were clearly prepared, and their attack may well have been targeted. We must tell the police about this as soon as possible.”
Hana shuddered, her voice filled with fear and worry. "But... will that put us in danger? If they are really that powerful, will they retaliate?"
Sophie's heartrate quickened. Of course she was afraid. The scene of Candy and Tom being shot and wounded replayed again before her eyes. The blood staining their shirts, the pain and helplessness weaving in their desperate eyes. These were images that she could never forget.
Then, in her mind, the panic of people running away, their faces showing fear and helplessness. Screams, cries, and pleas for help made up the most tragic symphony of the night. Fires were burning, the smoke was billowing, and the whole evening was enveloped in despair and confusion.
But thinking of the students who had been victimized, of Maxwell and Daniel who were still missing, and of Candy and Tom who were still in the hospital ... Sophie took a deep breath and quieted her heart. She could not let her fear consume her. She knew that her friends needed her. ... 'If you do not step up, Sophie, this kind of tragedy will happen again.'
Sophie stiffened her resolve, her voice was soft, yet powerful: "No, Hana, we cannot stay quiet. Candy, Tom, and your friends are just some of the many people who were hurt tonight. If we stay silent because we are afraid, more people will be hurt in the future. We can't let this continue to happen."
Hana's fear was replaced by a kind of courage as she listened to Sophie's words. "You're right, Sophie. I won't back down," She nodded firmly.
"Sophie, I'm so happy to meet you." Hana looked sheepishly at Sophie, blushing.
"If it wasn't for you, I don't know what I would have done."
She touched Hana's arm and smiled, "I know you have determination, too, Hana." Sophie was genuinely happy ... happy to be friends with Hana.
Sophie hesitated for a moment, then whispered to Hana, "Hana,can you show me the news? My phone broke during the attack." She pulled out her cracked cell phone.
Hana nodded, and picked up her phone from the nightstand to open the news app. Together, they stared at the small screen, searching for news related to last night's university shooting.
On the screen, several shocking reports soon came into view. The mass shooting at the University of Cordonia had attracted widespread attention from the national and international community. The report detailed the chaos and bloodshed of the night, but also said that the police were fully investigating the incident and promised to bring the perpetrators to justice as soon as possible. As she read, she felt mixed feelings.
Sophie continued browsing. Suddenly, a marked headline hit her eyes and made her heart beat faster. --
"Crown Prince Liam Rys urgently ends his visit to Italy and returns home to respond to the shooting incident at Cordonia University."
She tapped eagerly; the live broadcast of the news began automatically.
On the screen, Liam stood in the doorway of the familiar white, shadowy auditorium, behind which the smoke had not fully cleared and live images of ambulances and police cars could be seen. Liam's figure stood unwavering behind press microphones.. He wore a black suit, his eyes were slightly solemn, but his face was more resolute and decided, that could not be ignored.
Sophie stared intently at the screen, every subtle expression of Liam tugging at her heartstrings. His voice came clearly over the phone, calm and strong.
Sophie's eyes were red and brimmed with tears. Her heart was racing, as she felt Liam's deep emotion coming through the screen. And then Liam's words turned to unquestioning determination:
Sophie stared at the screen, her tears spilling onto her cheeks. The moment she heard him say the words, 'Our Cordonian family', her heart swelling with indescribable excitement and pride; she wanted to run to his side and face all of this with him. However, this emotion was quickly overcome by reason, knowing that she could not expose her relationship with Liam, especially when there were other people around watching. She gently turned down the volume on the phone for fear that Hana would notice her emotional reactions. She clutched the phone tightly, as if she could feel Liam's presence and power in her hand.
"Sophie, what's wrong?"
Hana's voice sounded softly, interrupting her thoughts. Sophie suddenly came back to herself with a disguised smile, trying to sound natural. "Oh, nothing, I just didn't expect Prince Liam to be back so soon, it's only been a few hours since the shooting."
There was a subtle tremor in Sophie's words, afraid that her mind would be read by Hana and cause unnecessary trouble for Liam. She knew that at this particular moment she had to be careful not to reveal her relationship with Liam.
"Hana, could I possibly use your phone again? I want to send a text to my family and tell them about my situation."
Hana heard her words, a flicker of concern in her eyes. She seemed aware of Sophie's inner struggle and longing, but out of respect and trust, she did not ask any more questions, just smiled and nodded, "Of course, Sophie." You can use it whenever you need."
Sophie gave Hana a grateful look, and a warm wave came through her heart. She quickly opened the text messages on the phone, her fingers jumping over the keyboard, as she sent two messages. The first one to Aunt Bethany and the second one to Maxwell. In the text messages, Sophie told them that she was doing well and that they should not worry. She expressed concern for Maxwell and Daniel and hoped they were safe.
After sending the two texts, Sophie took a deep breath and began her text to Liam. She edited the text carefully ...
"Hi, Li, this is Sophie.
I'm all right. I am in Room 302 at the Malic Hotel at the university.
There was a shooting at the graduation, and I was lucky to escape. My phone is broken, and now I'm texting you on my roommate, Hana's phone.
I know you must be terribly busy and worried at the moment, but please believe me, I am fine and safe.
Don't worry about me. Just focus on what's needed right in front of you. I love you and look forward to seeing you soon."
The message didn't mention Liam's real name, and Sophie was confident that he would get her message. After pressing the send button, the words "Delivered" appeared on the screen. Suppressing her feelings, she quickly removed the text message, making sure it left no trace.
It didn’t take long for Sophie to hear back from Maxwell and Aunt Bethany.
“Sophie, it’s so good to hear from you! Daniel and I are at the Malic Hotel too, and we are doing fine. We were looking for you, too. Just relieved to hear you are okay. We’ll talk more when we meet up.”
Aunt Bethany:
“Dear Sophie, I’m so happy to hear from you! Thank God you are okay. We are all so worried about you, but now we can relax. Be safe and we will see each other soon.”
After receiving notifications of incoming messages, the corners of her mouth cannot help but raise in a happy smile, a big stone in her heart finally fell to the ground. Sophie held the phone and re-read their loving words, feeling the warmth and support from her family.
A ray of sunlight penetrated a gap in the curtain and gently spilled into the hotel room, shining on Sophie's face. She gently closed her eyes, quietly feeling the warmth of the sun, the soft light made her very at ease, like a pair of warm hands, smoothing her fear and anxiety away. She was relieved that Maxwell and Daniel had escaped safely and that she could tell Aunt Bethany about herself.
And Liam will know that she's safe. Sophie found a trace of comfort and strength in reaching out to him.
"Thank you, Hana." Sophie smiled and handed the phone back to her new friend.
Hana took the phone and put it away, quietly watching it all, with a warm glow in her eyes. She may not know the story between Sophie and Liam, but she could sense that there was a deep emotion and connection with him in Sophie's heart. In this time of uncertainty, they were supporting each other and facing life's challenges together.
Cordonia International Airport
The Royal motorcade was situated on the tarmac in wait to take Liam and his men to the university.
Liam strode quickly and confidently to his SUV after his security detail had provided Liam with a report of all the victims and fatalities. Sophie's name was not listed, and Liam's heart remained uncertain, until he saw her with his own eyes.
His duty of keeping alert and informed for his country allowed Liam to control his fears of the possibility of seeing his beloved injured or worse. He fought against every fiber of his being to not burst through the chaos, with full disregard, to search for Sophie among the evacuated students. Liam, surrounded by his royal guard, Drake and Rashad, he walked onto the university grounds.
Drake, on the other hand, was not worried about propriety and cared for none of it. He rushed in and did not pay attention to anything but finding Sophie and Maxwell. He broke past some of the law enforcement and was met by a swarm of flashing cameras and press microphones.
"Back away!" He snapped, having to put his forearm up, and not relent. The flashing bulbs, whirring of camera lenses and questions being thrown at him was enough to drive any sane person mad.
"Don't you have decency? What type of scoundrels and fiends are you?"
An officer who recognized Drake, yelled, "settle down, everyone, he's an American friend of the prince's, stand down and don't crowd him."
On the campus of the University of Cordonia, even after several hours had passed, the chaos in the auditorium had not abated by a minute. Several police cars and ambulances, flashing their warning lights, stood by the side of the road at the ready. Police officers and ambulance workers were busy moving around the scene, serious and focused, although physically and mentally exhausted, but still stuck to their posts, to deal with the incident.
A police cordon has been placed around the scene to seal off the auditorium from the outside world. Liam saw the chaos and destruction ... and the despair of his people.
Liam took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, and walked resolutely into the crowd and up onto the raised dais. The crowd grew quiet, and all eyes turned to the crown prince.
" Last night, our university campus has experienced an unprecedented trauma. On behalf of the royal family of Cordonia, I extend my sincere comfort and deepest condolences to all those who have been hurt and who have been affected by this tragedy. Your pain is the pain of all Cordonia. We will do everything possible to provide the necessary support and needed assistance to make sure everyone gets through this."
At this point, Liam's eyes flashed a subtle tenderness, that is his endless miss and love for Sophie.
But Liam took a deep breath and condensed his emotions and anger into a powerful determination.
"We will not sit idly by and let go of any of these terrorists. I promise that the Crown will use all resources in its power to track down the attackers and punish those responsible for this tragedy. We will bring justice to the victims, and to our people, to our Cordonian family."
The sky in the east gradually lightened as the night slowly faded; like the tide falling, as if in response to his words. A ray of dawn pierced the darkness, and the sun rose at last. The golden light slowly and gently spread over the campus, silently dispelling the darkness and cold; to bring a touch of warmth to the morning. There was renewed trust and hope in the eyes of the crowd. At this moment, they are silently praying, their hearts are full of deep hope: may such a tragedy never be repeated, so that the dead can rest in peace, and so that the living can find the strength to move forward; In the hope that the murderer will be punished, and there will be no hiding places of any crimes and evils.
As the Royal guard escorted Liam from the stage, Bastien approached with Liam’s mobile phone in hand.
“Sir, Lady Sophia has left you a message.”
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Thanks for reading ❣️
📌tags in the comments, please let me know if you want to be added or removed.
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ragingadhd · 4 months
RA fans will cry that we ‘never’ got to see any lasting trauma in Will’s character regarding his time in the ward/when he was a slave, then turn around and hate on his breakdown in TRR. My brother in christ that was the lasting trauma.
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angelasscribbles · 7 months
Follower Appreciation Post
Okay, first of all.....
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I just want to take a moment to say how much I appreciate all my followers and all the friendships I've made here.
And to show my appreciation, I'm going to open my asks for a little drabble event. Here are the parameters:
You can ask me to write anything you want. So yes, @twinkleallnight, this means you can ask for Drake x Olivia 😆
I reserve the right to refuse to fulfill any request for any reason (I can't imagine a situation where this would happen, but I'm covering my bases)
I will endeavor to keep my responses to 500 words or less.
I will accept requests for this challenge through the end of next week. So March 22nd, 2024.
Requests can be for fics, or they can just be questions about any of my existing characters/pairings. In addition to the series on my primary master list, feel free to send asks for Cordonian Royal Airlines or Law's End.
Requests do not have to be TRR though that is the primary fandom I write for.
Just FYI, I likely will not start on these until April.
Choices fandoms I will take requests for:
The Royal Romance
Ride or Die
Queen B
Open Heart
Romance Club fandoms I will take requests for:
Heaven's Secret
Vying for Versailles
On Thin Ice
Tagging everyone on my "everything" master list under the cut.
@karahalloway, @harleybeaumont @alj4890 @aussiegurl1234 @nestledonthaveone
@walkerdrakewalker @kingliam2019 @bascmve01 @twinkleallnight
@lovingchoices14  @tinkie1973
@secretaryunpaid  @irishgrl2022
@kristinamae093 @tessa-liam
@gabesmommie1130 @queenmiarys
@differenttyphoonwerewolf  @jared2612  @belencha77
@dcbbw  @amandablink @indiacater
@bebepac @twinkle-320 @mattiematt1234
@emersyn-in-cordonia @lunaseasblog  
@hollygirl1269 @mainstreetreader
@ladyangel70 @ohmyeightpastlives  @gardeningourmet
@sillydg @phoenixrising0308
@3pawandme @21-wishes @73geenalove @jennieausten
@princessleac1 @kachrisberry @tornbetween2loves
@fangirling12566  @pinklipsandmasonjars @savannahdix
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Since the very first book, Kaitlyn’s always been kind of a wild card, but this, I think, is the exact moment her character took a turn for the worse and never recovered.
The gang puts up flyers all around campus for Kaitlyn’s band performances, cheers her on and encourages her when she performs for the first time, the MC helps her reinvent herself with a makeover to boost her confidence, and the gang all goes out of their way to attend Kaitlyn’s band performances even though Natasha and Rachel openly and repeatedly treat them badly just to support their friend.
But then the MC gets knocked down in the mosh pit, Zig leaps to her defense, and then violence erupts all around her and the rest of the gang, through no fault of her own. And what’s Kaitlyn’s first concern after things get violent? Not the safety of the MC or her other friends, but the fact that her band might get blacklisted from the venue because of the fighting.
And then, she even goes so far as to accuse the MC of egging Zig on to get back at her because of the fight she and Abbie had…the fight that stemmed from Kaitlyn’s lack of receptiveness to the concerns Abbie expressed about her skipping classes after late nights with her band.
But somehow…the MC has never been interested in supporting her with the band. Right.
There are definitely worse characters out there…but shit, Kaitlyn grinds my gears like you wouldn’t believe.
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residentrioters · 14 days
He said, "Oh Artemis, contrary, how does your garden grow? Come with me and you'll be the seventh maid in a row." My answer was laughter, soft as I lowered my head. "You're too late, I'm afraid this flower's already dead."
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bebepac · 9 months
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This is a special holiday edition of School Dayz. To catch up on the series in general please click School Dayz
I am participating in @choicesdecember2023 for Christmas
I am also participating in @choicesprompts holiday rewrite challenge in which I used the candy cane gram scene from Mean Girls.
I am also participating in @choicesflashfics christmas prompt # 59: "Ice-skating? Do you seriously trust me with knives on my feet?" will appear in bold. I also used a previous prompt as well Are you seeing this too or am I having a stroke?
Series: School Dayz
The Book: TRR (no royals)
The Pairings: Liam x Riley
Word Count: 1464
Warnings and Ratings: None. This is for anyone who has eyes. A total fluff piece.
Original post: 12/31/23 at 7:15PM EST.
Science class was different for me now that I no longer sat next to Liam, and shared a table with my sister, since Mrs. Barbour decided to make the class sit in alphabetical order, which I think the only reason for the change was to make taking roll easier. I glanced across the room to Liam whose partner was now Rashad.
My adorkable boyfriend who caught me watching him, smiled and held up his hot cocoa cup to toast me from across the room. Liam was the sweetest boyfriend and stopped by the local coffee shop Brew Bros and always got hot chocolate every morning the way that I liked it.
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So I smiled while holding up my cup.
“Oh my God, can you two be any more nerdy?” Taylor asked.
“He’s nice, and you reap the benefits of it too. My boyfriend brings us both hot chocolate, or in your case a coffee drink you like every day without us asking.”
Taylor cocked her head to the side and air toasted Liam, taking a sip from her drink when the door opened.
“Ho , Ho, Ho!!!!! Candy Cane Grams, sponsored by the National Honor Society.”
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“Make it quick, Santa.” There was a hint of sarcasm in Mrs. Barbour’s voice as she went to sit at her desk for a moment.
“And his lovely assistant Max Noel!”
“Wait… a sec… Are you seeing this too or am I having a stroke?”
Taylor doubled over in laughter “It is!!!! It’s Drake Walker-Claus.”
Taylor’s laugh seemed to antagonize Drake for a second, but good thing he had his assistant Maxwell. His brooding mood was offset by Max Noel making the class laugh with his dance versions of Christmas music as he followed around the room behind him.
“Hana Lee one for you.”
“Chris Powell four for you, you go Chris Powell!”
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“Do we have a Riley Brooks here?”
“That’s her Max Noel. She’s Riley Brooks and looks nothing like the girl sitting next to her. Those two can’t possibly be related.”
“Riley Brooks here you go, one for you.”
“Thank you Santa.”
“And nothing at all for Taylor Brooks, not even coal or black licorice, bye.”
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Drake and Max ran out of the room.
Taylor looked at me with curious eyes at the candy cane gram in my hand.
“Who’s that from?”
It wasn’t any of her business. I opened the envelope and read silently to myself.
Liam’s sweet words made me smile, and I didn’t have to answer her, and I looked at him from across the room.
“Oh my god. You guys are too much.”
Taylor looked upset, even though she shrugged it off. Later I found out why at her locker.
“I told you to get me a candy cane gram Nico!!!!”
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“Well you telling me to do it, takes the surprise out of it. Me not doing it, guess what you were surprised weren’t you?”
My sister who was always loud looked at him and said nothing.
Before I knew it the words flew out of my mouth.
“Wow, you’re a really bad boyfriend Nico, my sister deserves better than you.”
I slammed my locker walking away from the two of them. I found out later that day, my sister broke up with him, in front of everyone in true dramatic Taylor fashion. I was proud of her.
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Christmas Eve
Everyone had come over and was enjoying mom’s Christmas cookies and snacks. My dad brought in a big box sitting it down on the floor.
“I want to thank everyone for coming over tonight to spend time with our family. Our children picked people they care about to spend this time together with you. Ren and I are happy to have you in our home. We both grew up in the foster care system, and learned early in life, sometimes the people that care about you most, are not your blood relatives. So we try to celebrate that.”
“And when we had the opportunity to open our home up to two adorable identical twin girls, we couldn’t say no.” My mother chimed in.
“It’s the best decision they ever made. I went to sleep one night wishing I had a little sister. The next morning I woke up with two.” Jaiden spoke up.
“And we know what it’s like to be alone on Christmas, or missing someone special on Christmas that you were once close to. So we wanted to do something special. Liam would you mind sharing the Christmas Eve tradition you had that you told me about?”
“Christmas was my Mom’s favorite holiday. Every Christmas Eve that I can remember she’d dress us up in these ugly Christmas sweaters
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and we would go ice skating on Lake Pine. She loved to ice skate. Then she’d make us take these dorky pictures in our Christmas sweaters that matched. I miss her a lot.”
“I miss her too. I’m not adopted, but Liam’s Mom always made me feel like I was her son too. So I really get what you’re saying about family not always being blood related. She was my mom too.”
Liam hugged his brother.
My dad opened the box.
“With a little help from Riley I found some what I would think are hideously awesome ugly Christmas sweaters, and am secretly happy for your love of Star Trek too. I’m sorry Liam, you can’t be the Captain, this is mine. But this one is yours.”
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“Well if I can’t be Captain, being the science officer is the next best and most logical choice.” Liam took his blue sweater graciously.
“That’s what I said! Dad please say you got me a blue sweater too.”
“I did.”
After all the sweaters were handed out, there was still one left in the box.
“Guess you guys bought this before I broke up with Nico. No big deal.”
Once everyone was dressed, they headed out to the vehicles, and Liam stuffed the extra shirt into Leo’s trunk.
“I really don’t know how this is going to go Liam.”
“What do you mean?”
“Ice skating? Do you seriously trust me with knives on my feet?”
“Well good thing you’re not just Riley Brooks today, you’re the science officer for the USS Enterprise. Live long and prosper.”
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Liam expected Riley to be as horrible on ice skates as she had been on roller skates, but Riley amazingly was incredibly balanced.
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“Have you ice skated before?”
“No! I don’t know how I'm good at this! I usually have no natural balance.”
“You’re a natural at skating…”
“Ice skating. Let's clarify that.”
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Taylor was still sitting on the bench watching the couples skate by. “She still hasn’t gotten out on the ice yet. I think she’s feeling lonely and the extra shirt probably made her think of Nico.”
Liam’s phone beeped. “Why don’t you go sit with her for a little bit, and I’ll be back in a few with some hot cocoas for us all.”
“Is cocoa your favorite drink?”
“Yes, and my mom used to always say your heart won’t feel cold if you always have a nice warm cup of cocoa. It always makes me feel better.”
I went to sit with Taylor and Liam continued walking toward the concessions stand.
“You okay?” I asked Taylor.
“I just don’t feel like skating, and look over there.”
Nico was there, with another girl on his arm.
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“To be honest I never liked him Taylor. He called you T, like you were a drink or a shirt or something. He wasn’t even really that nice. Good riddance, I say.”
“I never thanked you for standing up for me that day Riley. It really meant a lot.”
“You’re my sister Taylor. I will always have your back, even when you pull me into a tornado.”
“Not on purpose!” She laughed.
“Oh it never is.” I remarked pulling Taylor closer to me in a hug. After a few seconds she pulled away from me.
“What are you doing here?”
“Helping Liam deliver hot cocoa. This one is yours.
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I don’t like all the extra stuff in mine.”
Drake handed Taylor her cocoa, as he sat down next to her.
“Just hot and cocoa pretty much then right?”
“Exactly. I’m not that difficult to understand.”
“Do you like to ice skate, Drake?”
“Like it? It’s okay, but I can. Would you like to skate Taylor?”
Drake took off his coat wearing the remaining ugly sweater.
“Okay.” Taylor said in a nonchalant voice.
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Taylor’s mood picked up immediately as she skated around with Drake on the ice. She never once glanced in Nico’s direction.
“That was really nice of you to do Liam.”
“He really does like her, you know. Maybe now she can finally see him with Nico out the way.”
“You’re so adorkably sweet Liam.”
“I know Riley, I know.”
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Sometimes I will discover that a thing I read in TRR (solaris' version) was in fact canon and you just smoothly added it in there in your own writing style, and then both my canon-fanon world get's rocked (THIS REALLY HAPPENED?? vs WDYM THIS IS NOT AUTISTIC!HALT) ánd I am just baffled at your skill of mixing fanon and canon in both writing style and story line to the point that I am truly delusional and no longer know what's real or not. (Halt refusing to call Duncan 'highness' in trr) Very impressive as always ~ Bubs
Ahahahaha I'm glad you think so :'D
tbh sometimes I forget something is canon too and then second-guess myself so that goes both ways lol
on that note, something I've considered doing a few times is making a list of everything in TRR or TWG that's canon and what I made up (bc at this point a few people have said they can't sort out what's flanny's canon and what i wrote anymore) - would people find that useful/want to see that?
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uselessgay10101 · 5 months
I literally got nothing for #hanaleeappreciationweek (Very shameful of me ik)
So! I give to you, dearest readers, my top 5 hc for Mc x Hana! that are mostly Hana, but Mc kinda had to give that push for her to do.. Anyway!
1. Hana loves watching cheesy lesbian rom-coms
She always loved rom-coms! buuuut they were always your everyday straight ones. Until Mc asked if she wanted to see a Lesbian Rom-com! Hana, of course, was flustered but said yes, and now she has to binge watch a few everu few weeks while hiding her face during the extra cheesy parts
2. Mc was the one who took her to her first pride parade after some convincing
Mc knew Hana had never been to a parade, BUT what she didn't know was Hana WANTED to. To say Hana loved it is an understatement. She was never allowed to think of being anything other than the typical "House Wife." Always be ready for her husband regardless of everything. To think it was 100% okay to be herslef and explore outside of that was..amazing. she could be herslef and be proud. She cried every 15 minutes, and yet she's never felt happier
3. She has a personal goal to make Mc smile as many times as she can
Growing up she never received the attention and love she needed so she'll make sure everyone around her know they are loved. Especially Mc. She has so much love to give and Mc telling her her cheeks hurts from smiling so much when they're together is one of her favorite things to hear
4. Hana confidentiality shows her compedive side after years of hearing Mc fawn over it
Hana has had a comprehensive side since the moment she was born. However, she was never encouraged to let it out much since her parents would say it was "Unlady like." But she now had Mc who would go crazy for it, and that resulted in Hana becoming more assertive in her commpetivenes
5. Mc totally convinced Hana to cut her hair after mentioning she wanted to
Having been told short hair isn't for a girl her entire life, Hana would never have thought she would do it. Thankfully for her, she had Mc who convinced her to after weeks of saying, "But YOU want to!" And "I'll fight anyone who says anything!" So she did. She's never felt so light
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TRR book 2 end of Chapter 19: Assassins attack the Homecoming Ball
[For those new to my blog, I headcanon twin mcs, Riley and Raelyn in this AU. Riley is the more typical mc that closely matches canon mc that travels to Cordonia to compete for the hand of the Prince while her twin Raelyn tags along and ends up falling for Hana Lee]
Tw: bullying, transphobia, and gun violence.
Raelyn couldn't help smiling so hard their cheeks felt like it would split. The way Liam was looking at their sister Riley with so much starstruck awe and love, they knew Riley had truly found someone worthy of her. Saw her as the queen Raelyn always knew her to be.
"Ha! Made it before you!" Six year old Riley cheered as she climbed on top of the highest branch that was strong enough to take the twins weight. "I'm queen of the world!!"
"You usually do." Raelyn says struggling behind Riley. Riley reached out to help them up beside her.
"Don't worry Rae, you can be a queen too! We can be queens together!" Riley says smiling a toothy grin looking out across their grandparents backyard, missing the uncomfortable look on Raelyn's face as they frowned.
"I think I'd rather be a wizard or a-a sorerer" they say mispronouncing sorcerer. Riley turns back with wide eyes.
"Ooo that would be cool! Yeah I'll be a queen and you can be my wizard, casting spells and tricks!"
"Yeah?" Raelyn asks hopefully.
"Yess! As long as we're together Rae-Rae. You can be whatever you want to be!" Riley says hugging Raelyn tightly.
"Together forever." Raelyn says in Riley's unruly mane of hair.
"Introducing Duchess Riley, future queen of Cordonia." Liam says holding out a hand to Riley who took a step in his direction until suddenly the lights went out. Raelyn could feel Hana's hand that they were already holding tighten and her other hand grasp their bicep. Popping flew through the air.
"What is that? More fireworks?" Penelope's voice filtered through the crowd's uneasy murmur.
"No! Gunshots! Run!" Justin hollers and several women screamed. Someone bumped Raelyn and for a second they slipped out of Hana's grasp before she reeled them back into her arms.
"Raelyn!" Hana says into their neck. Then the lights came back on to reveal utter chaos. Liam and his guards were fighting off masked men, nobles ran as gunshots rang through the air but when one of the masked men pointed a gun at Riley, Raelyn felt as if a bucket of ice water had been poured down their spine.
"RIIIILLLEEEYYY!!" A primal scream tore through Raelyn's throat and they started to bolt towards their twin.
"Raelyn! No!" Hana says leaping in front of them, desperate to keep her fiancé from attracting the attention of the gunmen.
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[Beautiful commission done by the very talented @sazanes 😁😁😁]
Raelyn's view of their twin was hidden from them by a crowd of panicking nobles and when a gunshot rang out, they had no idea that Drake had taken the shot for Riley. As the gunshot rang through the air, Raelyn just stopped. Stopped struggling, stopped moving, stopped breathing, stopped thinking, stopped...existing. Tears ran down their face and they retreated deep in their mind.
"Freak! Loser!" A handful of 13 year old bullies chanted circling Raelyn on their bikes. Tears welled in their eyes.
"Aww, look she's about to cry! Are you going to cry little girl?"
"S-stop c-calling me that! I'm-I'm not a g-girl!" Raelyn says stuttering. They fell, scraping their knees and the palm of their hands when a bully kicked the back of their knees out from under them.
"Actually you're half right...you're a f-f-freak girl!" The ringleader of the bullies mocked their speech impediment before grabbing the front of their shirt. "Since you're not a girl, then I guess I can punch you all I want right?" He says before raising his fist, Raelyn flinched back. Suddenly a scream of anger rang out and several of the bullies scrambled away.
"You get your grubby hands off my sibling before I kick your ass into the next week!" Riley storms towards them, righteous fury on her face, Raelyn had never seen their sister this angry before. The bully, Michael? Mikey? Mike? let go of Raelyn to smirk at Riley.
"Well well well. Miss. Softball Star here to fight her sister's battles for her again-" Riley cuts him off by punching him in the face than in the stomach. As he laid on the pavement groaning, Riley raised her voice to the other bullies and the ones standing by gawking at the scene.
"If anyone touches my twin again, I'm beating your ass into the ground, do you understand me?!?" Riley says glaring angrily before offering Raelyn her hand and helping them back up on their feet.
"Are you hurt? Are you okay?" Riley says worriedly, Raelyn shakes their head in the negative.
"N-no I'm f-fine." They say sniffling. Riley frowns at her twin's stutter. It only came out when they were upset or scared.
"Well let's get the hell out of here." Riley says adjusting her backpack.
"R-Riley! Language!" Raelyn says shocked, Riley laughs and wraps an arm around their shoulders, leading them off the schoolyard.
"I've got your back Rae. No one is ever going to hurt you while I'm around." Riley says squeezing Raelyn tighter against her in a hug.
"I've got your back too Riley." Their reply muffled in Riley's shoulder.
"Raelyn baby, please!" Hana sobs as she tries to get a response from her catatonic fiancé. She cups Raelyn's face in her hands. "Please come back to me. I need you with me." Hana begs.
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Tonight had been going so well. Riley had cleared her name and Liam had proposed to her in New York and was well on her way to becoming Cordonia's future queen. Liam had made Hana and the twins duchesses and she proposed to Raelyn just mere hours ago. Now, now Liam was fighting for his life, Hana's future sister-in-law's wellbeing in question and her fiancé unresponsive to Hana's pleading.
"It's going to be okay, baby, it's going to be okay." Hana repeats like a mantra, trying to get not only Raelyn to believe it but herself as well. Her forehead pressed against Raelyn's, she stared in their eyes willing them to come back to her. The couple still as statues while chaos rained all around them. Then somehow life flickered back in Raelyn's eyes.
"H-Hana?" Raelyn whispers. With a sob, Hana nods.
"Yes! Please Rae! We have to get out of here!" Hana begs pushing Raelyn back, trying to steer them to an exit.
"Hana! Raelyn! We gotta go!" Maxwell suddenly appears besides them with Chance in his arms. He shoves the corgi in Raelyn's arms and a whimpering Chance licks Raelyn's cheek. With Maxwell's help, Hana is able to guide Raelyn out of the palace and into one of the guards' armored cars.
As the car zooms off, Hana looks back at the palace biting her lip. Please be okay Riley. I don't think Raelyn could handle it otherwise. Hana thinks before pulling her lover into her arms.
Omg! It's been awhile since I made myself cry writing something! Big big thanks to @sazanes for doing this more angsty commission for me. Despite all the angst, we know the twins and the friend group will be fine but I thought it would be neat to see Raelyn's reaction to seeing their twin in danger, and we got to see a little babies and preteen Riley and Raelyn! Thank you so much @sazanes! You're amazing! 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽
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deb-1106 · 1 year
Part 3
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Written for @choicesflashfics - Week 33
Prompt 3  — “Say that again … I don’t think I heard you right the first time.”
Pairings: Drake Walker x Ava Matheson, Bryce Lahela x Charlie Hawkins
Word count: 2500
Rating: M
TW: Profanity, Suggestive language
A/N: This is a collaboration between myself and @walkerismychoice using the weekly prompts provided by @choicesflashfics As always if you want on or off the tag list, just let me know.
“So you’re laying out clothes for me now?”  Drake eyed the crisp, white button down shirt and freshly pressed tan pants that had magically appeared on the bed while he was in the shower.
Ava gave him a dazzling smile.  “Just a suggestion.  But if you’d rather wear a pair of your ratty old jeans and one of those sad, threadbare flannel shirts you love so much…I can’t stop you.”
“My clothes have been good enough for dinner with the fucking King and Queen…” He muttered under his breath, “but I guess they don’t quite cut it for dinner with Ken and Barbie.” 
He picked up the shirt and inspected the tag. 
Fucking Armani. She wasn’t messing around tonight.
Ava poked her head out of the bathroom, eyeliner pencil still in hand, “Did you say something?” 
“Just wondering why we have to get so dressed up for a casual dinner date with your new bestie and her boy toy.” 
Ava rolled her eyes.  “First…he’s not some boy toy.  He’s a very accomplished surgeon who just saved your life.” She chided gently, “So maybe keep that in mind before mocking him. Second, it’s just a new shirt and a pair of pants for goodness sake.” She flashed him a cheeky smile, “I’m saving the tuxedo I bought you for our second dinner date with them.
“Assuming there IS one, you better be kidding.”
Ava shrugged before ducking back into the bathroom.
“I still think this is fucking weird.”  He shouted to her retreating back, “Who the hell makes friends with their doctor for fuck sake?  Isn’t that some kind of HIPAA violation?”
Silence from the bathroom.  Ava either didn’t hear him, or she was pretending she didn’t.
“Swear to God…” Drake grumbled, “if he mentions how good-looking he is even once tonight, I’ll show him my surgical skills…with a fucking butter knife.”  
Drake grabbed a pair of boxer briefs out of his top drawer and slid them on before getting dressed.
He glanced into the mirror and nodded. He hated to admit it, but he looked pretty damn good in designer duds, if he did say so himself.  
Leaning in closer, he raked his damp hair back and fleetingly wished he’d gotten it cut this afternoon.
Just then, Ava emerged through the bathroom door.
Their eyes met in the mirror and she smiled.  Drake felt his stomach do a little flip as he watched her cross the room toward him, her pale yellow sundress floating around her legs, her ponytail brushing the tops of her tanned shoulders and the alluring scent of fresh Gardenia perfuming the air with every step she took.
She’s a goddamn Goddess.  How did I get so lucky? 
Ava sidled up behind him, sliding her arms around his waist.
“See.” She cooed, as her admiring gaze traveled over him from head to toe. She pressed into him, the heat of her breath on his ear making the hairs on the back of Drake’s neck stand to attention as the sensation of her breasts rubbing against his back made other parts of his body do the same. 
“You look hot.” She whispered in his ear.
“You think so?” He turned around and pulled her into his arms, making sure she could feel what she’d just done to him.  “Am I as hot as pretty boy?”
Ava bit back a smile as she reached out to smooth the fabric of Drake's shirt over his broad shoulders, and down his tightly muscled arms, being mindful not to jostle his injured arm too much.
“Not gonna lie… Bryce is reeaaally attractive.”
Drake’s brow furrowed. “Say that again … I don’t think I heard you right the first time.”
Ava smirked. “Oh, I think you heard me…I mean, did you see that smile…” 
“Yeah.  I’m pretty sure NASA classified it as a new constellation.” Drake unwrapped her arms from his waist. “Actually, if this whole surgeon thing doesn’t work out, he could always get a job as a lighthouse.”
Ava laughed and grabbed his wrists, pulling him back to her.  She leaned into his chest, savoring the heat of his skin through the light fabric. She let out a soft sigh as she tilted her head up to meet his eyes. 
“You’re no pretty boy, Drake Walker. ” She murmured, as she ran her hands over his chest, biting her lip seductively. “You're my rugged, sexy, gorgeous, hunk of a man that I love with every fiber of my being.” She looped one arm around his neck, pulling him down for a lingering kiss laced with promise. “And if you behave yourself … when we get home tonight, I’ll show you just how irresistible I find you.”
“Yeah?” One corner of Drake’s mouth curled upward.  “Out of curiosity, just how well-behaved are we talking here? Like, for instance…if I were to casually mention you’re in the market for a stripper for your bachelorette party and ask if he’d consider dusting off his banana hammock for one last grind against the pole…would you consider that bad behavior, or simply a friendly exchange of lighthearted banter between friends?”
“You wouldn’t DARE.”
 Drake gave her a slow, panty-dropping grin. “New plan.  How about you ensure my good behavior at dinner, by skipping straight to the ‘not being able to resist me’ portion of the night?”
Ava smiled up at him, momentarily losing herself in the burning intensity of his gaze before getting a hold of herself and gently pushing him away.
“No can do, Loverboy. We’re running late as it is.  They’re probably already at the restaurant waiting for us.”
Drake sighed and grabbed his keys off the dresser. “Come on, then.   The sooner we get there, the sooner we can get home and finish what you started.”
Bryce rushed through his and Charlie’s apartment door, unsurprisingly late after a complicated surgery. The best thing about being with another hospital physician was that they just got it. He knew Charlie wouldn't be upset that he didn’t get home when expected, although he did get five text requests for a status update in the last hour or so. 
Bryce could hear the shower running in the master bath as he approached. As tempting as it was to hop in and join Charlie, he'd already taken a shower after changing out of his surgical scrubs. He slowly and quietly pushed open the bathroom door, leaning against the frame to watch and thinking he should be thankful the landlords chose glass shower doors over a curtain. Bryce knew Charlie could be self-conscious about her body, what with growing up surrounded by people who could afford to buy the body they desired if they couldn’t attain it naturally, but to him, she was perfection. Her well-proportioned curves were in all the right places, and what Charlie described as an average body was anything but. He tried to keep his arousal at bay as her soapy hands skimmed over her ample breasts and then down and around to her flawless backside. Soft and round, yet firm at the same time, Charlie’s ass was Bryce’s favorite part, but before he could dwell on it, she turned to grab her conditioner.
“Ahhh!” Charlie screamed as the bottle slipped and crashed to the shower floor. “You scared me! Why didn’t you say you were here instead of just gawking at me like an idiot?”
Bryce shrugged. “It’s a better show when you don’t know I’m watching.”
“Well, show’s over, pal. If you want a chance to see any more of this…” Charlie waved a hand over her body, “you better get ready so we’re not late for dinner.”
Bryce chuckled as he headed to his walk-in closet. Charlie was by no means high-maintenance, but she also wasn’t the jump out of the shower and go type either. He’d be dressed and ready to go long before she had her hair and makeup done. He threw on a nicer pair of dark jeans and a lightweight gray pullover he thought would be fitting for the venue. Although Ava and Drake associated with royals, they, or more specifically Drake, didn't seem like the type to be impressed by fancy dinners and material things. Not that he cared much about impressing Drake anyway with as unpleasant as he'd been in the hospital. However, Charlie really liked Ava, and judging someone solely based on their disposition after a traumatic gunshot wound wasn't completely fair. Plus Bryce had been somewhat of a cocky asshole in defense, so he probably owed Drake another chance.
Inspecting his defined jawline in the mirror, Bryce determined his five o’clock stubble to be more sexy-casual than unkempt mess and didn’t bother shaving. He ran a little pomade through his hair with his fingers and it magically fell into place like it always seemed to do. In the span of no more than five minutes, he was ready, and Charlie was just barely out of the shower.
The hum of the hair dryer told Bryce he still had plenty of time, so he powered-up his playstation to relax for a bit. Engrossed in his game, he had no idea how much time had passed when Charlie emerged from the bedroom.
“Hurry up!” She snapped. “We need to leave now!”
“Just let me save this.” Bryce powered down the machine and glanced up at Charlie which rendered him momentarily speechless. Yes, they’d been dating close to two years, but it seemed most of that time was in hospital scrubs. Seeing her dressed up always felt like the first time, and today, with her loose curls, flowy white floral mini dress, and strappy heels, was no exception.
"Come here." Bryce stood and pulled Charlie in by the waist. "Are you sure you don't want to cancel on them and order in?" He lightly trailed a finger up her inner thigh.
She pushed him away and laughed. "Stop trying to seduce me. You're too damn good at it. You're even wearing that cologne that reminds me of…you know. You really aren't playing fair, but I shall resist. She plucked the keys off the hook by the door and tossed them to Bryce. "Let's go!"
Thanks to Drake’s lead foot and aptitude for navigating the serpentine back roads of Cordonia, they arrived at the restaurant right on time.  Drake was surprised - pleasantly surprised by the choice.  Rather than a pretentious fine-dining establishment, which Drake presumed would appeal to the young successful doctors, they had instead chosen a quaint, unassuming tavern.  
As Ava predicted, Charlie and Bryce were seated at a table, waiting for them.  Ava squeezed Drake’s hand.  “Remember. Play nice.” 
“I know the stakes.” He gave her his most disarming smile. “Now let's go break bread with our new best friends.”  
As they approached the table, Bryce rose from his seat.  As Charlie and Ava embraced and began gushing over each other's outfits, Bryce turned to Drake with that big, goofy grin of his and offered his hand.
His handshake was surprisingly firm, Drake noted with satisfaction. Nothing he hated more than a limp handshake.  
So at least there was that.
Once the girls broke apart, Charlie smiled warmly at Drake and he smiled back. “Nice to see you again, Charlie.” 
He extended his hand toward her, with every intention of giving her a friendly handshake, but as he watched  Dr. Touchy McFeely pull Ava into a tight hug,  his and Charlie’s handshake somehow morphed into a half shake, half hug that was fully awkward as fuck.
Drake sighed and sat down, only to feel like even more of an ass as Bryce pulled out Ava’s chair for her.
Shit.  I guess bailing on those stupid ‘comportment’ lessons all those years ago is finally biting me in the ass.
He met Ava’s eyes across the table and she gave him a sweet smile before turning her full attention to Charlie.
Drake scanned the room, trying to catch the eye of a server.  He needed a drink STAT.
 “So Drake.” Bryce’s cheerful voice momentarily pulled Drake's attention from his search.  “How’s the shoulder?”
“Huh?” Drake just caught sight of a waiter passing by with a tray full of drinks.
“The shoulder.” Bryce repeated, tapping a long slender finger against his own scapula, “How’s it feeling?  Any residual pain?”
“No.” Drake shook his head slowly, “Nope. No pain.  All good.” 
“Good.” Bryce nodded. “Yeah, well … glad to hear it.”
The two men sat in an awkward silence as the girls chatted away, oblivious to the tension on the other side of the table.
“So …uh…” Drake cleared his throat, “You like being a doctor?”
Even as the question left his lips, he recognized how idiotic it was.  Thankfully their server chose that moment to materialize, saving Bryce from having to answer.
“Good Evening, I’m Brian and I'll be your server tonight.”
Drake opened his mouth, but before he could utter a word, Brian placed a tumbler of amber liquid in front of him, and another in front of Bryce.
“Now ladies, can I get you started with a beverage?”
“Charlie said you were a whiskey man.” Bryce explained, “So I took the liberty…I hope you don’t mind.”
Mind? Drake thought to himself, Hell, right now I want to kiss you right on that pretty little mouth of yours.
But what he actually said was… “Thanks man.  Appreciate it.”
Drake took a deep swallow, savoring the deep oaky flavor and subtle heat as it hit the back of his throat.
Suddenly, his brow shot up in surprise. “Wait.  Is this…” “Macallan 15." Bryce supplied helpfully, “I wasn’t sure what you drank, but this has always been one of my favorites.” He paused, “Actually, I prefer the 18 year, but this was what they had so…”
“No. This is great.” Drake said quickly, giving Bryce his first true smile of the evening, “You can’t ever go wrong with Macallan.”
Bryce grinned back at him.  “Cheers to that!”
They both raised their glasses.
“So Bryce.” Drake leaned back in his chair, having decided that this night might not be a total bust afterall, “Ava tells me you play a bit of Basketball."
Bryce took a sip of whiskey and nodded, “Yeah, I played some in college, but now I play just for fun.  Do you play?”
“Yeah, I mean, not in college.  Soccer was my game back then.  But we have an indoor court at the palace and that's what we do to unwind between shifts.” 
“Between shifts?  You work at the palace?  I thought you just lived there.”
“Yeah. I uh…” Drake hesitated, not sure how much he really wanted to divulge.  Talking about his job didn’t usually make for light-hearted dinner conversation.
But Bryce asked…
“I’m not actually living there at the moment.” Drake confessed, “Things with Liam are a little…uh…strained right now.” without thinking, he sent a cautious look in Ava’s direction, “But I do still work there.  I’m Kingsguard.”
“Kingsguard.” Bryce repeated before letting out a low whistle and leaning back in his chair.  “So throwing yourself in front of bullets is all in a day's work for you.” 
“Hardly.” Drake chuckled as he finished off his glass.  Bryce immediately signaled for two more. “But if it meant saving her…” Drake glanced over at Ava, and as if sensing his eyes on her, she looked up and smiled. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to protect her.”
"Aww!" Charlie interjected, although Drake wondered how she managed to overhear when neither woman even paused to take a breath in their own conversation. "I think this one's a keeper, Ava."
Ava reached her left hand across the table to squeeze Drake’s. "He is." 
Charlie's eyes went wide. "Ava!" She grasped Ava's hand and pulled it closer to inspect. "Is this ring what I think it is?"
Ava beamed and glanced at Drake before turning back to Charlie. "We wanted to tell you and Bryce together in person, but yes it is. We're engaged!"
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tessa-liam · 1 month
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Liam, Riley & William...
Are in Greece 🏖 for Daniel & Matteo's wedding🥂!
Turning the Page Series, Chapter 14 ....coming this week!
Catch up!
Thank you /@Ainna for the beautiful commission 🥰♥️🤗...
I have been sitting on this commission for a while😬! I have a few more coming...😂...soon😁!
📌tagging my lists in the comments✨️
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tgr-2x5-roleswap-au · 3 months
You've Got Mail - Chapter 2
Chapter 2 - The Other Victorian
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Paint Pots and Queens - Season 4 Episode 23
Word Count: 1,191
Fought with my sanity with this chapter smh. i blame the original idea i had. it just wasn't working or reasonable to have
“There you go, dear! A perfect spot for a Victorian like you.”
Edward agreed as he mused over his temporary environment and the volunteers left, whispering about.
For one, it was far away from Old Coppernob. The copper firebox was smack dab in the center of the facility. The Larger Seagull could still see him but, thankfully, Coppernob couldn't, facing the opposite direction.
But what he was more pleased about was that he was surrounded by other engines from his era, from his time. From the older Victorians to the ones built around the turn of the century, he figured he could socialize with them. Maybe it'll be easier mingling with those from his time.
It was not.
Once the volunteers left, the four surrounding engines greeted him. Voices ranged from high-pitched but slow to soft yet bubbly. Despite their politeness, FR 21 was overwhelmed. It didn't help that he was placed between two of them, one in the front and another in the back, right next to a wall.
“Who are you?” One of them asked once the quick greetings stopped. They were green, a similar shade to the other three, but their shape was drastically different. Their cylinders were outside and connected to their smokebox, powering a massive single pair of drivers.
This must be the Stirling Single! She looked similar to the one from the North Western Railway. “Furness Railway Twenty-Ane,” the Larger Seagull quickly stammered, just so he wouldn't overthink such a simple question. “Edward, as well.”
“Ah, you have a name! Well, then, I'm the old Great Northern Railway Number One,” she beamed, her wrinkles and dimples becoming prominent. “But you may call me, Esmeralda. It's lovely to see another pre-grouping engine survive. Not many are around, you know?”
The Furness red engine hummed, agreeing.
“Oh, don’t be shy!” exclaimed the single non-green engine of the group, unaware of startling Edward. He was ochre yellow with white and bronze accents. “Gladstone! A pleasure to meet you, lad!”
“N-Nice tae meet ye, too!”
“I'm the North Eastern's number fourteen-sixty-three!” piped up the NER E5 class.
“And I'm their number sixteen-twenty-one. Oh! Same numbers!” The NER M class giggled. “What a coincidence.”
“B-But-” Oh wait- “Nevermind,” mumbled the FR 21 class. They meant the last two. They're being literal. 
“Now, don't overwhelm the poor thing!” Edward almost scoffed. ‘Poor thing?’ He wasn't a newly built engine. He's over half a century old! But a quick look over at the ones in his range of vision changed his mind as they seemed older. “How about you tell us a little about yourself, hm?” suggested Gladstone.
“Och- well- I'm frae the Furness Railway…” His train of thought froze. What else was he supposed to say? He wasn't sure he wanted to tell them about his time in the forest. Being a part of the Scottish greenery in a territory far away from home… The critters, the twigs…
The rust…
He was glad no one mentioned it. It must not be as noticeable as he thought.
The thought soothed him. Yet he realized how hypocritical he was being. Just days ago, he told another engine he'd just met. It was someone who initially didn't take a liking to him. Edward was engrossed in the conversation that day. He felt comfortable sharing with someone who understood—to some degree—how he felt. 
“Edward?” FR 21 perked up. “Is everything alright?”
Edward hummed. “Aye. It’s awrite.”
“Mmm, if you say so.”
Silence followed for a bit. The occasional clank of metal was heard as volunteers wandered around, checking up on the engines. There seemed to be another conversation happening elsewhere but it could barely be heard. They were either whispering or just far away. No one from the group could tell.
“So,” squeaked the M class, “how was the Railway Show? We heard you won!”
“Oh, yes, please tell!” Excitement creaked from Esmeralda.
“Och, well-” Easy enough! “Twis’ nice.”
“Nice? It was a close finish! That must've been exciting!”
“It- uh-” The clear memory of the Canadian Pacific running across the track, nearly knocking off the poor, little diesel into the pit of a turntable, came back. “It wis.”
“Weren't there preserved engines?” asked the E5. “Estelle said they'd go there.”
Edward frowned, confused. “...Who?” I don’t remember hearing an “Estelle.”
NER 1463 gasped. “Goodness, my apologies! The Caledonian Single! A blue single with white lining.”
Lips pursed, and then a bell rang. “Och, them!” Ah, the other single he spoke to. They were sweet, but they didn't speak much. It was comforting yet odd.
“Is something the matter? Did Estelle say something?” NER 1463 glanced at Esmeralda.
And before they could continue, the green single fumed, “Don't you start!”
“Esmeralda!” scolded Gladstone.
“You know it’s her fault!” Her face wrinkled as fury covered it.
“And you play right along…”
“Just who does-”
“This normal?” Edward whispered.
“‘Fraid so,” replied NER 1621.
“-she think she is? I was elated to know, to see that singles would come back, and she had the nerve to disrespect a pioneer-!”
“-As such, I’m here to straighten your behavior.” The eldest of the Seagulls strolled closer to the side of the oldest Larger Seagull. The Seagull was smaller, but 21 felt like a cornered mouse. “If you don’t listen, then say goodbye to your sisters. Leaving them behind because of your selfish behavior! So unlike an eldest.”
“You'll burst your valve-” continued Gladstone. The engines remained unaware of Edward's jolt.
“I'm not even in steam!” Esmeralda protested.
“Mmm, you'd be surprised…” Gladstone sighed as Esmeralda continued, bringing the attention back to the newcomer. “What were we on about?”
“...The railway show?”
“Ah, yes. Estelle, we speak of.” He cleared his pipes. “Did something happen?”
“Nothin’… They were quiet.”
Amused, Gladstone pressed on. “Have you met them before?”
“Noo…” Edward squinted. “Just seemit…” He stopped. He was one to speak. He himself was quiet these days since… that, so he shouldn't be judging. “Never mind.”
“Odd?” Gladstone hummed. “Estelle has changed since they were preserved. It's nothing out of the ordinary… It happens to everyone.”
As soon as those words came out, the atmosphere changed. The group made no noise, so quiet that a pen dropping from the opposite side of the building could be heard. Even the voices from the other group went quiet.
I've hit a sore spot. “S-Sorry… I-”
“Haven't you been to the show before?” piped Gladstone. “I do remember hearing the volunteers make a mention of such.”
“Och, yes.” The guilt of ruining the atmosphere bubbled within. “I huv.”
“Do tell. You've yet to fully introduce yourself, mate.”
“Well…” He might as well. It seemed that they wanted to move on from it as if it never happened. Edward could do that, so from there, Edward told Gladstone about the time he went to the Great Railway at the turn of the 20th century. His sentences weren't complete, his words were jumbled about, and he refused to make eye contact, but that didn't push away the other engines from tuning in. The little tale was a welcome starter to a new and comforting conversation.
if you're looking to find the table of contents of all the chapters, i made a page on the desktop version with all of the chapters, including the ones for this story!
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Otherwise, here's the link! (TGR 2x5 Roleswap AU - Table of Contents)
And here's the first batch of new characters!
GNR 1 "Esmeralda" - GNR No 1 (GNR A1 class"Stirling Single")
NER 1463 - NER E5 class
NER 1621 - NER D17 class
LBSCR 214 Gladstone - LBSCR B1 class
Edward going to the Great Railway Show before this one was part of the original plot of "TGR but There's a Roleswap - Chapter 7: The Furness Railway 21" but I scrapped it, along with other revelations that just didn't make sense.
EDIT 09/01/2024: Fixed the links!
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lolablackwrites · 10 months
Guarded Hearts - Full Series
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What if The Royal Romance MC met Bastien the night before she met Liam?
Guarded Hearts Series
Part 1: The night before Liam’s bachelor party, MC (Alice) meets someone else from Cordonia. (NSFW)
Part 2: Alice ends up joining Liam’s bachelor party in New York, but her thoughts are elsewhere.
Part 3: Alice and Bastien spend what they think will be their last night together and Maxwell makes a surprising proposition to Alice. (NSFW)
Part 4: Alice flies to Cordonia with Maxwell before preparing for the masquerade ball.
Part 5: At the masquerade ball, Alice sees someone unexpected.
Part 6: Alice does her best at the masquerade and learns the truth about the stakes.
Part 7: Bastien and Alice celebrate her arrival in Cordonia. (NSFW)
Part 8: Alice gets a crash course in decorum and is off to the races.
Part 9: Alice attends the derby and meets the queen–and a possible new adversary.
Part 10: Croquet, cronuts, and smut, oh my! (NSFW)
Part 11: Alice and the others arrive in Lythikos and take a turn around the frozen lake.
Part 12: Alice skis the deck in Lythikos, learns more about Drake’s family, and has a private dance lesson with Bastien.
Part 13: Alice attends the ball at Lythikos, finds a private moment with Bastien, and babysits a drunk friend. (NSFW)
Part 14: Alice asks Bastien about the bachelor party photos and prepares to race in the regatta after a surprising announcement.
Part 15: Alice competes in the Royal Regatta and enjoys the beach party, but someone else might be planning something…
Part 16: The Apple Blossom Festival begins and later, Alice and the others head out to celebrate Drake’s birthday.
Part 17: The competition is on for the title of Apple Queen, but others are conspiring.
Part 18: Alice comes clean to Liam and attends the royal hunt.
Part 19: Bastien meets with the king and Alice has an unwanted visitor.
Part 20: Alice deals with the morning after.
Part 21: Alice helps the Beaumonts prepare for the upcoming party and receives a surprise visitor.
Part 22: It’s the night of the big Beaumont bash!
Part 23: It’s the night of the coronation and secrets come to light.
Part 24: At the airport and about to leave Cordonia forever, someone stops Alice from getting on her flight.
Part 25: Alice deals with some of her issues and heads to Fydelia with the Beaumonts.
Part 26: Alice talks with Liam and returns to Applewood Manor.
Part 27: Alice meets her new press secretary, attends the barn raising, and visits the spa with her friends.
Part 28: Alice attends the picnic and learns a disturbing truth.
Part 29: Alice attends the dinner with the statesman in Italy and tracks down the photographer before learning of a betrayal close to home.
Part 30: Alice attends Madeleine’s bachelorette party and secrets come to light.
Part 31: Alice and Bastien tell their friends the truth about the plot against her and they all attend the fashion show in Paris.
Part 32: Alice helps Drake solve another mystery while she tries to settle into some normalcy with Bastien.
Part 33: Alice attends Liam’s second bachelor party in Paris, but the party doesn’t go as planned.
Part 34: Alice and Bastien confront her trauma and find a way to spend some time alone before Regina arrives to attend the opera.
Part 35: The Cordonian Court arrives in Shanghai, Liam reveals his plan to deal with Constantine and Regina, and Alice and Bastien fully reunite. (NSFW)
Part 36: Alice attends a tea ceremony with the Cordonian court and supports Hana during a big moment.
Part 37: The engagement tour arrives in New York, Alice and Bastien make some big choices, and new information is revealed.
Part 38: Bastien goes to LA to retrieve Tariq while Alice tries to distract herself back in New York…and someone decides to take matters into their own hands.
Part 39: The nobles return to Cordonia, Liam makes Alice an offer, and Alice moves in with Bastien. (NSFW)
Part 40: The Homecoming Ball! 
Part 41: The aftermath of the Homecoming Ball.
Part 42: When Bastien is discharged from the the hospital, he and Alice return to the palace in time for the Five Kingdoms Festival.
Part 43: The Unity Tour arrives in Fydelia and Alice must play peacekeeper between Adelaide and Godfrey. (NSFW)
Part 44: The Unity Tour arrives in Portavira and Alice and the others participate in a celebrity polo match for charity. (slightly NSFW)
Part 45: The Unity Tour makes an unscheduled stop in Applewood and Alice is forced to revisit the past. (NSFW)
Part 46: The Unity Tour arrives at Kiara’s family’s estate in Castelsarreillan and Alice and the others sample wines from the vineyard.
Part 47: It’s the day of the art festival, with both tragedies and fond memories.
Part 48: The Unity Tour returns to the palace for the Costume Gala, with duels and disasters and the arrival of a mysterious figure.
Part 49: The tour arrives in Lythikos with unexpected guests and a rendezvous at an ice palace. (NSFW)
Part 50: It’s time for the Winter Festival in Lythikos! MC (Alice) is willing to use herself to lure out their attackers, but if she’s not careful, someone might just take the bait…
Part 51: After a harrowing escape from the Nevrakis vault, the Unity Tour finally arrives at Valtoria.
Part 52: It’s the night of the Lantern Festival (as well as Bastien and Alice’s wedding) at Valtoria!
Part 53: Everyone is headed to Vegas for Olivia and Liam’s stag/hen do–but Alice and Bastien still find time to celebrate their honeymoon. (NSFW)
Part 54: Back in Cordonia, MC (Alice) helps plan the royal wedding.
Part 55: An attack in town leads to new information and an intimate talk between MC (Alice) and Bastien (NSFW).
Part 56: After a serene morning spent with the wedding party, the afternoon devolves into chaos.
Part 57: MC (Alice), Olivia, and Hana are under siege at the bridal boutique. Will they make it to the wedding–or even out alive?
Part 58: They’ve reached the wedding reception, but someone has one more fight left in them…
Part 59: Before leaving on their honeymoon, there are a few more surprises in store for MC (Alice) and Bastien.
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harbingerofdespair · 7 months
Believe it or not....between all three villainous valentines chapters Olivia absolutely had the "worst". It just seemed like something was missing or like it wasn't enough. I might be dragging it a little but this is why I said she should've been an official LI. I'm glad we got this though because I was actually about to go insane
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residentrioters · 4 months
Okay, time to promote our fanfiction to tumblr i guess haha
Atlas' Denial
TW for: major character death, corpses, puppeting of corpses, bugs + corpses, and Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.
Read the tags on this one!
What if everything after TSE was in Soul's imagination after he killed them? What if their concord was all play-pretend?
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