#truer shit has never been spoken
trevorbabygirlism · 6 days
sooooooo much material on that one scene im so.
"Mikey, I mourned YOU."
"And, I missed you! But, I got a fucking family, Trevor."
these are such insane dialogues to be honest.
They both pull out their gun at the same moment and Michael goes ;
"I didn't want it to come to this."
"Yes, you did!" Grits out Trevor. "You just don't have the fucking balls to do it. But, I do!" Trevor taunts him.
"I've got more to lose than you." Michael's voice cracks, as he practically begs, and it almost makes Trevor snort. "Never a truer word has been spoken, brother." He nearly spits out.
this is so sad i'm literally destroyed every time i watch this scene. like... Trevor has nothing to lose anymore, since Michael got a fucking family, and Trevor has none. He has nothing... im so sad
"Now, pull the fucking trigger!" Trevor orders him, his voice firm despite the flicker of his gaze, hopeful Michael will and will not fire first, because Trevor won't, for sure. It's not that he doesn't have the balls to, he just doesn't have the heart.
For a while they stand still, inches from each other in the murdering cold of North Yankton, beside Michael's fake tombstone, their pistols aimed at each other uselessly, unable to make the next move. "You ain't got the guts." Trevor mutters, with all his might he tries to heat up Michael's ego, hurt him until he has to prove him wrong, and it doesn't work.
A crow cries in the dark night, and Michael yells. "Take the fucking shot!" Because despite having "a fucking family", he'd rather not kill Trevor, it seemed.
Both Trevor and Michael had like a LOT of time and opportunities to absolutely end each other. They also both have the balls to do it, despite how they keep on insisting the other doesn't, they just don't want to.
And then, they get interrupted, Trevor throws his own gun at Michael's face (why would he do that? to hurt him? okay. but wouldn't it be safer to keep his gun while his enemies are obviously searching for him?) and Michael finally fires in his direction, and misses, twice. (wow, Michael the pro is shit at aiming, it seems.)
Finally, my favorite part ;
"Get the boyfriend!"
"Boyfriend? Motherfucker."
Michael ending up getting kidnapped because Trevor's enemies think (know) he is Trevor's lover... do I need to say more...
It's almost as if Michael was offended to be called Trevor's boyfriend. like mind you they just had the most gutwrenching-anxiety-inducing-angsty face off a married couple could have... so, put some respect on the word HUSBAND. Or lover, works too. It seems.
(this is a screen record from a youtube video)
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pinkandpurple360 · 4 months
I think it's worth mentioning that if Stolas became mortal or lost his power: he'd hate it. I don't care what stans say, Stolas regardless of intentional or not treats everyone below him like shit and has no problem using his stasis to get what he wants. Not only that, him being Blue Blood gives him power over Blitzo and there's no doubt in my mind Stolas is gonna gaslight him into a relationship in the next episode and make it seem Blitzo is in the wrong because 'boo hoo I'm so sad' which is just...gross as fuck. And what happens after he loses that edge over Blitzo and doesn't have power over him anymore now that he's no longer a prince and mortal? He'll make Blitzo's life hell and honestly, I won't blame Blitzo if he kicks him out now the fact he doesn't have a way to threaten his lively hood.
At least Ozzie has positive qualities to him and can adapt if he chose to give it all up to be with Fizz (not saying that should happen or like the idea but I rather that than Fizz getting to live forever kind of thing if we MUST have the two being happily together in the end. Plus the whole 'jester to queen' thing you mentioned in your last ask gave me something to think more about because boy does it feel Viv sure enjoys taking away my gremlin's identity and agency). Stolas is everything Striker and Blitzo says he is and his actions show it. Doesn't matter how much you gaslight your audience Viv, you're running your show for this horrible ship and you have no one to blame but yourself if it keeps losing views.
Now if you excuse me, Trash Anon needs to write her self indulgent polycue fanfic before the Full Moon drops and have her true happy ending to the show.
Truer words have never been spoken Trash anon, can I call you TA?
He’ll absolutely hate it but at the same time, he loves being weak and pathetic enough to need Blitzøs attention. Like how he faked it in LooLoo Land and got really excited in Seeing Stars and Western Energy at the idea of being saved by him, it’s a glorified fetish. Plus the only reason I think Viv keeps weakening him is so we stop pointing out the weird coercive power dynamic that has not budged an inch, and will never move an inch while she claims it’s not a big issue. Despite it being the establishing scene of a character who was meant to be a villain until the end of season one, where the shipping art got really popular. Now any time someone brings up his behaviour in murder family, stolitz stans bring up The Circus, an entirely different set of events. Which, I will keep saying, doesn’t disprove anything or make the deal ok. Because once off of (guilt driven) “consent” by someone trapped in someone else’s bedroom, doesn’t include consent from then on or every month.
Not only gaslight him into a relationship, but move into his apartment, join his business, hell probably ask to watch when he’s using the shower. And given the leaks of Via abandoning stolas because of all of this, and stolas saying things to her like “you’ve been the one good thing in my life” and running away from Blitzø (only for him to follow up behind him, give him his jacket, and rest his head on his shoulders, like a pet) This is going to get so so ugly. And I feel like any decent writer would see this as the perfect trigger for stolas to become the Stella of Blitzøs life. Always tormenting him and reminding him of what he did. And stolas always abuses Millie Moxxie and doesn’t even know Loona exists (and if he treats imps this bad I can’t imagine hellhounds) so it’s an awful idea.
Everyone hated seeing stars, so they’re gonna make the entire show seeing stars from now on🫣 and I think Chai said the writing of the episode is even worse than that.
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tempest-talks · 3 months
irl quotes <3
hayyyyyy y’all, i’m back and if you want to see some of my irls here on tumblr C is @some-horse-gurl and Titi is @jarondont
one more thing, if you’ve read these before you’ll have seen E but she’s annoying and decided she will now be ‘slayer of dance’ so keep an eye out.
Me: “baby shot glass would murder the world” lady floutist: “i would thank it”
idk where the baby shot glass came from but i don’t trust it
C: “my beautiful water bottle i dropped down the stairs and hit two children”
C: *southern accent* C: “i don’t know what i did wrong to little Suzie”
C, who is Suzie? we don’t know one
lil miss muffin: “why do they have faces?”
C: “cause some of us aren’t creative” Me: “who’s some of us?” C: “me”
goth leaf: “dude is pizza real food?” lady floutist: “i don't know...i think pizza is just...pizzaaaa”
C: “that’s unfortunately my child” lady flouist: *offended* C: “i love you slightly less than my other child”
C: “i’m sorry but my other child makes my school papers look demonic.”
tomato: “tomatoes go on your shirt”
truer words have never been spoken
C: “what like .01% of the time?” slayer of dance: “No, no be nice” C: “I’m talking about myself” slayer of dance: “oh then carry on”
once again, i present, the ‘married’ couple
Me: “ew leap day” C: “lake be nice” Me: “the last one was in horror year i will not be nice”
C: “that’s too bad because you kiLLED EVERYBODY ELSE”
you believe me if i said this is about the oregon trail?
C: “have any of us died yet?”
again, oregon trail
lil miss muffin: “slayer of dance drowned” C: “YES”
still oregon trail
C: “that’s too bad because you kiLLED EVERYBODY ELSE”
oregon trail!
lil miss muffin: “C are you being greenist?”
watching the wizard of oz with your friends is fun, i promise.
C: “I hate when they describe a place like it’s so old and beat up” C: “I DONT GIVE A FUCK”
C: “my entire family has brown eyes including me, except for my dad like whAT DO YOU THINK MAKES YOU SPECIAL”
i don’t think she likes her dad much
C: “you can’t help people by bashing their head in”
slayer of dance stole C’s water bottle
slayer of dance: “i thought you were gonna say you can’t help people by bashing their head in” slayer of dance: *hits C* slayer of dance: “i think it’s working”
with a paper. i think.
Me: “… and you’ll die” C: “slay”
tomato: “why do i kinda want a lockdown to happen” Me: “because it would be exciting and you could possibly die” C: *gasp* C: “i wanna die”
we are very concerning
C: “when in doubt divorce it out”
Me: “i’m aliv-“ *coughs* *dies*
C: “kindness doesn’t matter” C: “Be a mean person”
lady floutist: “here C, try this” C: “HOLY SHIT”
istg lady floutist carries bricks in her backpack
C: “leave no space for other citizens”
Titi: “i am actually sobbing” Me: *doesn’t look up* Me: “are you sure? that doesn’t seem true” Titi: *offended* Titi: “i WAS sobbing”
she’s reading the oddest because she’s obsessed with Epic: the musical
C: “please just flip people off”
lady floutist: “what’s with all the ruffles this isn’t the 1800s, burn it like the witches that wore it”
goth leaf: “i love witchcraft”
i do too!!!
lovely, this was fun but i shall see you all again in the future, adieu!
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satans-helper · 9 months
Reaching for Stardust - Part III
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Read Looking for Space here / RFS on wattpad / Playlist
Word Count: ~3000
Warnings: none
Domestic bliss with Josh is all I want <3
I had enough of a hangover the next day to almost cancel on my sister. Painting walls seemed like a really awful way to nurse my brain and body, but Josh was actually so insistent we still help out that I bucked up with some extra coffee and a Gatorade from the gas station and we were off, on the road again with Josh behind the wheel again. A couple stubborn pieces of glitter were stuck to his cheekbone and catching the sunlight as we drove, then my memory of the previous night was jogged even more at the sight of the violet-colored hickey on his neck.
“Shit,” I said upon noticing it, reaching over to touch as if I could make it disappear. “Sorry.”
Josh swatted my hand away. “Don’t be sorry, darling. You know how much I love it when you do that.”
I took his hand and held it as long as I could, until he needed both to make a sharp turn. “I love that you let me do it.”
“I love you.”
I smiled, leaning back against the seat and turning my head to look at him again. “I love you, too,” I said, and truer words really had never been spoken. 
Kirsti had already started by the time we got to her house, dressed in paint-smeared jeans and an old Detroit Tigers t-shirt and barefoot, holding a paint roller in her hand when she opened the door. “I won’t hug you,” she said, stepping back to let us in. “For obvious reasons. But I’m really glad you’re here. I could do it all myself but, wow, it’s taking a lot of time in between layers, y’know? At least now we can get more base coats done together.”
I was still a little groggy, unprepared for her bustling energy, but my eyes came to full alertness as I stepped completely inside the mudroom and could peer into the adjoining dining room and the living room on either side. “Wow,” I remarked, taken aback by how much progress she’d made making this place look like a real home. Like her home. I drifted into the living room, the chat between her and Josh disappearing into the background as I approached the big, black leather chair that had once been in our grandfather’s study. I knew she had it. I hadn’t been able to take it myself–there wasn’t enough room in mine and Josh’s apartment. But seeing it there still shook something inside me up and I couldn’t help but make a remark on it that came out with more envy than I’d intended. 
Kirsti was behind me then, and she ran the thankfully dry paint roller over my back. “Hey. You know a bunch of their other stuff is in storage, right? I won’t fight you for any of it. Except that painting grandma has. You know the one, with the birch trees.”
“Fine,” I resigned, cheeks hot. “I just wish we had the space for it all now.”
“You will.”
Josh appeared at my side then, holding a can of paint. “Are we doing one room each?”
“I gotta finish the kitchen today,” Kirsti said. “I spared you guys that. I’d really like to get the two bedrooms done, too.”
“Fancy living,” Josh said, stepping around, peeking at everything, and I found myself questioning again why he didn’t want to buy a house as badly as I did.
Regardless, Josh and I went upstairs to paint the bedrooms. Kirsti wanted the east-facing one painted a lavender so soft it was almost white and the other one that had windows to the west a subdued ochre. Josh took that one after he set up the spare portable speaker Kirsti had loaned us in the hallway, situated right in the middle, and I started on the east side. The bedrooms weren’t that much bigger than our own at home in our apartment, but big enough to notice. Beyond that, it was just the freedom of space and space to OWN that got me. But while I’d been browsing houses, Josh had apparently been browsing wedding rings and whatever else, which seemed like the most ridiculous contradiction ever. 
Through each rolling motion, looking over the smooth tracks of pale lavender, I kept imagining what my–our–dream house would look like. I’d seen many and none had ever stuck out as being the dream home, one that I couldn’t live without. But then again, how could any of them if Josh wasn’t completely on board with finding one? I could picture us in a shady bungalow surrounded by tons of greenery and flowers, tucked back on some cul-de-sac loop; I could also see more of a fixer-upper situation, like a rustic cabin on a couple of wooded acres that we could tend and build together; even something simpler, like a quaint ranch in the suburbs. I could see us anywhere, really, because whatever we got would be our own and we could make it exactly as we wanted. 
“I really don’t think this needs more than one layer,” Josh called out over the music, so I set my roller down into the tray and crossed through the hall to his side. Just like in the bedroom I was working on–Kirsti’s bedroom–the furniture was pushed to the center of the room and Josh was stepping back against the dresser, inspecting the walls.
“I don’t think so either,” I agreed. The warm ochre color was opaque already and catching the light coming through the open windows, the sun and breeze rolling through the screens. “She’ll check it out though, I’m sure.” I leaned back against the dresser too, next to Josh, and sighed. 
“Tired of painting already?” he asked, jostling my shoulder with his hand.
“Just thinking about how after this, we’re gonna go back to our boring white walls.”
“Oh, come on. Not for long,” Josh said, slinging his arm around me. “Let’s set a date.”
“For what? A house or marriage?”
“Both. Preferably marriage first.” 
“We’re not even engaged.”
Josh whirled around, positioning himself in front of me. “Want me to propose right now?”
I laughed, pushing him away. “No! That’d be so lame,” I said, and he grabbed my wrists and brought himself in close again, pressing his lips to mine for a brief moment. In the darkness behind my closed eyes, I saw the starry skies we’d both gazed upon together night after night. 
“Don’t worry, love,” Josh said, dark eyes like the umber earth beneath those skies. “I know exactly where I’m going to do it. It’s just a matter of time.” 
I looped my arms around his neck. “I’m sure. But I’m sure I’ll still be surprised.” I reached up to touch his hair, the long curls that still remained past the shaved sides. “So since you picked out the ring, can I pick out the house?” 
“Absolutely,” Josh told me, but something in his face changed just slightly, almost imperceptible, and I couldn’t read him clearly anymore. “We just have to figure out where that’ll be.”
“Here, obviously,” I said, punctuated with a helpless, nervous chuckle. “Where else?” 
Josh kissed my forehead then turned back to the walls, grabbing the paint roller. “Well, the world is our oyster, you know. We should keep our options open.”
I was tempted to pry into that thought. I opened my mouth again to do just that, but Kirsti’s footsteps ascended on the stairs and she popped in, hands on her hips as she looked over Josh’s work. 
“Looks good,” she said. “Yeah, I think this room only needs one layer. What about the other one?”
I felt cheated, even somewhat slighted, by Josh’s lack of transparency. But the moment was gone and that told me this wasn’t the time or place, so my sister and I drifted into her little world of pale lavender and faded sunlight instead.
For days I let it go. Work was always a distraction to a certain extent but more and more I found myself getting not lost in the research of other places because it was all a fantasy, but because it was a worry. Did Josh really want to maybe move somewhere else entirely? The only place that seemed reasonable to me was Detroit but, really, even with the boys being there, I didn’t think I truly wanted to live there. And anyway, if that was a place Josh was thinking of, I knew he’d come right out and say it. 
In an effort not to fixate on it any longer, I poured myself into birthday plans for Josh and Jake, at least until I learned that Jake, Sam and Danny would be out of town, playing another show, that whole weekend. That defeated me and I sat, deflated at my desk in front of my open laptop, all the potential plans seemingly moot now. It was the first birthday since I’d joined the clan that we’d all be apart. 
“Nothing wrong with just the two of us,” Josh said, coming up behind me. It was the next Friday and his day of teaching had ended at a reasonable hour, leaving both of us with a wide open evening and night, but I didn’t feel like doing our usual. Nothing seemed appetizing and I couldn’t wrap my head around a movie. 
I was stuck on too many things and yet nothing all at once. It really didn't matter that we’d all be apart for Josh and Jake’s birthday, but it felt like it mattered. It bothered me that Josh seemed to be unfazed, actually–why should I be the only one bummed about it? I shut my laptop and swiveled around in my chair, looking up at him: “I know. But it’s not gonna be the same.”
“The only thing I’m not looking forward to is Jake not being there for dinner with our parents,” Josh told me, taking a seat in the green faux-suede chair I’d sourced from Facebook marketplace across from me. It wasn’t nearly as well-built or as cool as my grandfather’s old chair. “I think they’re struggling with him being away from home so often more than we are. Sam too, of course.” With a little laugh, he added, “They might even miss Sam more than Jake.” 
“He’s easy to miss when you get so used to chaos.” 
Josh sighed, tilting his head back. “Maybe we should just become their roadies. I mean, what the hell–why not? We could be nomads.”
Even though it was silly, not totally serious talk, I could still see it. “Maybe. But then that would mean you got that master’s degree for nothing.” 
“Not necessarily. I could shoot their music videos.”
“That would be something,” I mused, looking over Josh’s toned down attire he wore to teach his classes. His longer academic journey hadn’t been easy–in fact, I’d never seen him so stressed out and there were times when I thought it might have been better for him just to drop it. I’d never imagined him working so behind the scenes, teaching people in such an ordinary way–working with film, yes, following his dream, of course. But he loved it, apparently. Loved the constant interaction with eager students, loved working with and learning newer and better equipment, loved seeing other people’s work and still having the time to do his own. His eccentricities followed him wherever he went. That was for sure. 
Josh was quiet when he turned his head, looking out the window at another blessed sky we had–cloudless, it was nothing but clear blue beyond the trees. Without turning back to look at me, he said, “Actually, I kind of anticipated this.”
“Anticipated what?”
“Jake–all of them–being gone. So I have a surprise,” Josh told me, looking at me again but without the glee and unraveling joy most people had to struggle to contain when they were revealing a surprise. “I got us plane tickets.”
I felt my brows furrow, face tightening. “Plane tickets to where?” 
“Savannah. Georgia,” Josh said, face brightening, cheeks turning pink. “I thought it’d be fun–a new place, new sights, new everything. I really could use a change of scenery and I know you could, too.” 
“Oh,” was all I managed to say at first, looking past Josh, taken aback by this abrupt reveal and how much planning must have gone into it and how none of it had involved me. When I realized that, I looked right at him, my words coming out in a way that sounded more suspicious than I wanted to let on: “I thought surprises were FOR whoever was having the birthday.”
“Traditionally, maybe. Have I ever been a man of tradition?”
“Not especially.”
“Exactly, darling.” Josh got up and approached me then, sitting down on the floor in front of me, his hands on my knees. “You’ve got all that PTO to use. I figured getting two days off, since it’ll be a Friday through Monday trip, wouldn’t be hard. I already got the Airbnb. Everything’s all set. Everything to make it the best birthday trip ever.”
“If you’d told me where you wanted to go, I could’ve planned it,” I said, not angry, not upset, just a little bewildered still. “I feel bad you had to do everything.” 
Josh waved that statement away. “Don’t feel bad. You’ve been frustrated with work lately and I know you’ve just been wishing to get away. So why don’t we? A little spontaneity never hurt anyone.”
“That’s so not true,” I replied, though I felt a smile making its way over my lips. Secretive or not, the more this idea sank into my mind, the more I was on board with it. Instead of wistfully pouring over pictures and articles on different places, Josh and I could really BE in one again. “But point taken. I’ll email my supervisor right now.” When I swiveled back around, I felt Josh standing behind me, his chin resting on top of my head and then his arms wrapped around me.
“Spectacular,” he commented, his soft graveled voice drifting into my ears. “The only thing that’s not spectacular about this is how early our flight leaves.”
I paused my typing. “How early?”
“5:40. Morning time.” 
I groaned. “Oh, god. Who’s gonna drive us?”
“My dad already volunteered.”
“Oh, so you told your parents about this trip first?” I shook my head, chuckling. “So rude, Josh.”
“Hey!” Josh chirped, bringing his face down to my shoulder, speaking against my neck. “I needed to secure a ride. And now we have one. Victory, darling.”
I giggled when his curls tickled my skin. “Victory indeed.” 
Whatever trepidation and suspicion I had initially felt was mostly gone after that conversation. I actually felt some admiration for Josh’s own determination–he knew where he wanted to go and that I’d want to go there too, seeing as how I’d pretty much go anywhere at this point, and took care of all the logistics to get it done to spare me some stress. I figured, as he did too, it would help to be somewhere else for his birthday anyway. It’d get our minds off being away from the boys again. Or rather, the boys being away from us. The only thing I couldn’t quite figure out completely was the place itself. As happy as I was to go to Savannah for the first time, it seemed so random. Josh had never really expressed much interest in going down south apart from maybe Nashville. So why wouldn’t we go there? Savannah, as far as I could tell from the internet, wasn’t even much of a sizable city. It was historic and beautiful looking, but didn’t appear to have the pizazz and glamor Josh often sought out. Nor was it wilderness, it wasn’t one of the state and national parks we both had on our lists. It felt obscure even with all of its appeal.
I woke up abruptly in the middle of the night, the twilight dark and gleaming outside. Josh was opposed to blackout curtains, always wanting the stars and moon to be able to shine light into our bedroom–the slight silver sheen from beyond the wispy blue curtains, the white blinds that came with the apartment and the windows laid slick over his skin when I looked at him. He was still sound asleep, face smushed into his pillow, lips parted. I could even see a spot of drool on the pillowcase. For such a vibrant extrovert in waking life, Josh was an exceptionally quiet and still sleeper–he didn’t snore, didn’t talk in his sleep, didn’t even really move much. 
I was able to easily slip out of bed and find my way in the dark hallway, through the small spaces beyond and out onto the balcony. A chill rippled through me from the brisk air and I stood there, hands on the banister, looking up at the waning moon. A layer of clouds masked the stars momentarily then passed, bringing them to light, and I felt anxiety pass through my chest in turn, which felt like a betrayal. Normally the night sky soothed any woes I had. The rapid turn of my heartbeat and tightness in my chest propelled me into full alertness. Too much alertness–I knew I wouldn’t be getting back to sleep anytime soon, but I didn’t want to stay awake in that state. I didn’t want to pontificate over that secrecy again or WHY Josh had chosen Savannah of all places. I didn’t want to think any longer about his aversion to creating a real home together. I didn’t want to bother myself with his endless desire to bring our names together before anything else. 
Unfortunately, no answer came from the moon or the stars. I let the thoughts roll through my brain one after the other and tried not to cling to any of them, instead staying focused on the night sky, inhaling cool air, finally bringing myself to sit down and bask in it more so than struggle through it. 
Tagging no one because RIP the 2018-2021 fandom LOL please let me know if you’d like to be tagged in this series or any other of my fics!
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liiilyevans · 1 year
For the unusual writer asks I would love a BTS for the newest addition to my “to-read” list, Uncharted Territory, please! 💛
BTS: I’ll write a DVD commentary about my personal favorite passage from Uncharted Territory
This was really hard to do because I have several scenes that I could consider my favorite in this fic. So I decided to go with the first one from chapter 2!
With a grimace, Angelina leaned forward. “I was thinking.” 
George raised his eyebrows. “Should I be scared?” 
Angelina used to say this to George/the twins all the time. They'd come up and tell her, 'We have an idea,' and her response was always, 'Should I be scared?' (They answer was usually most definitely.)
She rolled her eyes. “I like the name Frederick.” There was silence before she continued, George’s eyes fixed on the baby. “And I know you never suggested it, but I know that you wanted to name him after Fred. So, I thought maybe we’d put the two names together. It just felt right to me.” She bit her lip again. “As long as you know that this baby isn’t a replacement-”
This is really important to Angelina. She's been with George through his worst and having him hyperfixate on their son as a replacement for his twin would be a major regression in his healing journey. It's also something a younger, less mature George would have done.
“He could never be that, Angelina,” George interrupted, and no truer words could have been spoken. “No one could ever bring back what I felt for Fred. And . . . what I feel for him is nothing like what I felt for Fred.” 
He’d always thought of Fred has a part of himself, the other half to make him whole. They were a unit, perfectly in sync. Fred had been brash where he had been more reserved. Fred’s eyes sparkled with cruelty where George’s had glinted with a faint apology. Fred was captivated by the big picture while George focused on the intricate details. And then George had lost all that in one crushing moment that took him years to recover from. 
The contrast here is important. So many people think of Fred and George as the same person, but George knows better, knows the little things that make them completely separate people. When he was at his lowest, he would go out into the Muggle world, get drunk, and pretend to be Fred, but it never felt right. He could never quite convince himself that Fred was the one who was alive and he was in the grace. Then he always woke up feeling like shit the next morning. So George has to remember this, especially in a moment like this, and especially since they're considering the possibility of naming their son after his twin.
But this baby, he felt like something new — something so extraordinary that George didn’t even think his twin would understand if he were here. There was a fierce protectiveness in his chest, roaring like a lion. And he’d felt protective of Fred, too, but not like this. Never like this. The other part of him was overjoyed; so much joy that he thought he’d explode and confetti would rain down on Angelina and their baby. It was unlike anything he’d ever felt before. 
It's important here to see what exactly George feels, to see that his feelings for his son are different from those of his brother. It's also really important for him to make that distinction as well.
When he glanced back up at Angelina, she had a hard look in her eyes; pride, he thought, like when she’d won the Quidditch Cup against all odds in seventh year. She had never looked at him quite like that before. 
Unusual Fic-Specific Asks
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zot3-flopped · 9 months
I know we’re all just working off vibes here, but my impression is that louis’ days as an act are numbered. First he cannot surely go on bankrolling that festival, the 60%-full tour, and he can’t sink his cash into another film - maybe with merch sales he breaks even or something like that but otherwise Wtf is he doing with his money.
Second, more people seem to be on the cusp of realising he’s unpleasant. I see them half-laughing at the cigs/booze/the BAD attitude, but they are not enjoying this or celebrating it, they are currently pretending it’s funny, that’s all. To be successful you need to provoke real enjoyment, it’s not enough to make your audience a little uncomfortable.
Third that audience is pretending Louis is respectful of pride flags, a creative guy, a comforting presence, and the lack of evidence is picking them off one by one. He’s losing losing losing all the time. Name one thing where he has genuinely shown success or publicly shown he creates, engenders mutual respect?
Fourthly this thing where he’s photographed having his clothes ripped off by young women is going to bite him on the ass. He’s only happy on tour if he drinks and gets handled by women, and any idiot knows that eventually that’s a shitty combination, something will happen that the old guard will explain away but the younger ones, who have different boundaries because they’re taught more about abusive males, they will not stick by him.
Like none of this seems strange to us, we know how obvious it is that he’s a talentless goblin of a man who sponged off the others throughout 1D - but little by little it’s all working to lose him his following and I can see a crisis point coming when he fucks over some young woman, runs out of money, says something foul that gets caught on camera, and never forget that all of 1D’s business is still secret - there’s no way he was a good guy in that band. More like a pain in the ass, Zayn and Harry realised it earlier and when Liam realises he can get attention by airing out some of the past, Louis is going to look worse. Anyway I am here for it, bring it on!
👏👏👏👏 Agree that he is sailing close to the wind, and the only reason there hasn't been an outcry about him encouraging his young fans to grope him is because the mainstream media stopped following his career after Walls.
Like you, I believe Louis did some terrible things in 1d that Harry and Zayn won't forgive him for, and that extended beyond 1d to his behaviour towards the BBC and music journalists. He's a pariah and the music press won't touch him.
Remember this from a 2015 Sun article by their then showbiz editor, who had met the boys many times?
A source at music giant Sony said: "Frankly, Louis is a little shit who’s managed to annoy a lot of people over the last couple of years."
Never a truer word spoken.
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shesadollette · 1 year
❝ Between Fine Lines of Morality ❞
꒰ ⨾ ꒱ Total word count: 695
᪥⚘ Taglist: @raiha-storm65557
A glass was slammed down on the table followed by a noisy exhale and a groan. “I’d chase you until the very ends of the Earth if that means that I’ll be able to rip out your insides,” civilian slurred groggily.
“Oh, mi amor! That is so aggressive of you, I love it.” Their other partner growled through gritted teeth. “Come to think of it, no one has said something so gut-wrenchingly erotic. Pun intended, of course.”
They scoffed. “What’s wrong with you? People fear me, you know? They fear I might tear them or their family apart. They fear me for all the chaos and destruction that I’ve caused. They fear me for all the horrid things happening in the world. I am a villain, a person whom sinners would even avoid.”
Their partner hummed and took a short sip of their drink. “So, is that how you truly view yourself? Don’t you know that I’ve done a load of bad too, hm? No one here is truly good or evil. We’ve all got good and bad sides. Just like yin and yang; I make mistakes and I repent. Same goes for you. Don’t beat yourself up way too much.”
They stared into their glass and swirled it leisurely before taking another sip. “Villains and heroes are only for children who see the world in black and white. The more we grow up, the more we see how things are made to happen through cause and effect. Sometimes we benefit from the bad to get something good, and vice versa. By the end of the day, we’re just people who gotta get things done. Nothing in this world is truly pure.”
Both fell silent after the last words were uttered, the pause stretching thickly between them; a border separating two different ideologies and perspectives.
“I’ll take that,” civilian scoffed, picking up the drink from their partner’s hands. “You seem to be too busy spewing all that philosophical shit to even drink up. Better for me to finish it all up instead of wasting all that cash for nothing.”
“What’s your body count?” their partner spontaneously shot the question, barely making the glass in civilian's hand still.
Civilian choked on their saliva, coughing relentlessly. “I—I’m sorry, what?”
“What is your body count?” they pronounced each syllable tentatively.
“I uh… um… three? I guess, if that answers your question?”
“Wow… I mean, I’ve heard and seen superheroes and supervillains murdering people and stuff on the media but I thought it was just for comedic relief and not… really execute it in real life?”
“Oh wait, you mean murdering people and not the other… ah, nevermind. Zero it is, then. I’ve never taken a soul in my entire life. The furthest I’ve done is put them in a fatal accident but not to worry, they deserve it of course.”
“Ah, I see. It’s zero for me too. I wanna be able to execute my job as quietly and cleanly as possible. Whether or not the job is morally acceptable is up to society to judge. I just want to maintain the peace and balance in the world.”
“I like your way of thinking, partner. ‘Tis a shame really, that we can only share our ideologies and perspectives in the bar undercover without society judging us for it. It’s such a huge relief… to be able to talk to you casually without addressing you as a rival. Fuck society man, got me looking like a villain and you a hero when in reality, we all could be both simultaneously.”
They awed in admiration and cupped their face on their palm. “Truer words have never been spoken. I completely empathize from where you’re coming from which is also why I never addressed you as a so-called “villain” or “hero”. To me, you’re just you: a civilian who just wants to get things done.”
They giggled, giddy. Either from the alcohol, the compliment, or both. Society’s famous “villain” had never felt better after that one encounter with “hero”.
“You know what? I wish we could have had these pep-talks sooner than later… Same time next week?”
“Copy that, partner-in-crime. Until next week.”
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I am not having a good well not having a good time right now. Um.... what is it like when Estinien comforts Agni when she feels insecure about her weight ? ( I am sorry if my request is so angsty from what I usually ask )
(No worries <3)
When Estinien woke following a night of very passionate lovemaking with his lady, he expected to find her curled into him, still asleep. He did not expect to find himself alone in bed.
What's that? Crying? From the bathroom? Oh fucking hells. He rubbed his eyes and rose from the bed. As he went towards the bathroom, the crying became louder. Shit. Fuck. I wonder if she had a nightmare. Fuck. Must make her feel better. Must comfort her. "Agi? What's the matter?"
Startled, Agnes wiped her eyes quickly. "O-oh! Nothing, love. Everything's fine. Go back to sleep." She fumbled for her glasses on the sink and then they fell to the floor. Luckily they're quite sturdy.
"I'll get them." He mumbled, bending over to retrieve them. He offered her a warm smile when he handed them to her though whether she can see it is another story.
"Thanks. Everything is--"
"Not fine, clearly. What's wrong, sweet girl?" He moved behind Agnes and hugged her tightly. "Why are you crying?"
She choked out a sob. "Because look at me! I'm so fucking ugly! I feel like a giant useless blob! How can you love all of this?"
Oh Agi. Tis a bad day for you already, but I will try to make it better. He placed a few kisses on her neck. "You're not a giant useless blob. You're gorgeous, inside and out. I...I cannot explain why I love you, all of you. I simply do. In mine eyes, you are the most beautiful woman on the star." No one compares to you. Not a single person. You. Only you.
"Then your eyes need to be fucking checked." Agnes snorted, tears still falling down her pale cheeks.
Think, man. Think! Still holding her, Estinien's chin now rested on one of her shoulders as he looked into the mirror. "Agi, look in the mirror and tell me something you love about yourself."
Blinking, she looks like she's short-circuited like one of those Garlond machines. "I...well...my tits are great."
A truer statement has never been spoken. "Aye. They're so soft and pretty...and fit perfectly in my hands and mouth. Go on, another thing."
Agnes rolled her eyes. "Love, please..."
"Humor me, my lady. Tell me something else you love about yourself." Please Agi. I know you can do this. I know you can.
"Alright, alright. I like that I'm tall."
"Aye, my love. So tall and so beautiful." You're easily the tallest hyur woman I've ever met. His hands began to roam under her t-shirt, making her gasp a little.
"Ah...yes...I also like...my smile...my face isn't--"
Estinien kissed her neck. "No, no. Only good things." There's some blush on her cheeks now. And no more fresh tears. I think this is working...helping...I hope so. I hate seeing her cry. It breaks my heart each time I see her cry.
"I like...my hips. I think they're very sexy." Her whole face has turned red. Such a lovely sight, my sweet sausage roll is. Agnes was now panting softly as his calloused hands continued to touch her. "'Stinien...naughty man...I'm doing what you told me to do and you're distracting me..." She teased and turned her head to kiss him.
"Heh, a welcome distraction I hope?" He chuckled and kissed her again. Fury take me, I love kissing her. Touching. Everything. Anything. Her. I love her so damn much.
Her expression changed to something Estinien read as a mix of sadness and wistfulness. "Maybe someday, I'll see myself as you see me."
Shaking his head, he gave her a squeeze. "No. See yourself as beautiful in your own eyes, Agi. You must find that in you, not through me." He then smiled. "And I know you will."
She doesn't look convinced, but I will still hope.
Agnes left his embrace and shrugged. "Perhaps, love. But onto something more pleasant...breakfast? Or would you like something else first?" She pulled off her t-shirt and then yanked his face to hers, kissing him soundly. "Because I would." She whispered wickedly like the wicked witch she is! "I love you so much, my grumpy dragon...pray show me how much you love me..."
Summoning Nidhogg's aether, Estinien growled and lifted a smiling Agnes, carrying her bridal style. "My lady, my love, my goddess, I'll do much more than that."
One day you'll see yourself as the beautiful woman you are. One day.
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
Fate S02E02
Oh, Flora is here. I have to say that I absolutely dread what is gonna happen with her because the trailer made it look like they're gonna try to make her edgy and apparently she's gonna date Riven???? What?
"He's like a giant red flag." Truer words have never been spoken about Riven. But I'd like to add that he needs to have his mouth permanently taped.
Why did they just namedrop the Company of Light, the Army of Darkness and Marion? Also, what do you mean she vowed she'd summon a shadow power? Don't tell me Marion is the one who created the Burned Ones and that's why Bloom has to go in the Darkness Dimension to lock it or whatever.
"Valtor" "watch[es] a ton of 90s sitcoms and [is] pretty sure [he] know[s] how families work". Just kill me already.
The Wildest Dreams horse ride was kinda weird (and seriously, why didn't they get the book first and send it to Sebastian and ride horses later while he works?) but it was also kinda cute. Sure wasn't in line with the edgy and dark shit they are almost constantly trying to pull on us so I'm counting it as a good thing because of that.
Flora is already exhausting and so is Grey.
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girl4pay · 2 years
scream that supernatural gif set like does it not make you want to bark at passing cars though like the first one’s season two the second one’s season THIRTEEN!!! and he’s REGRESSED!!! and they do this on SO many themes but the whole ‘not human is inherently evil’ thing is the one that makes my head want to do a 360 the most they’ll give you one episode that ends in a convo like that where they’re like ‘what if the incredibly black and white conceptions of good and evil we’ve been raised with and upon which the show largely operates… were nuanced?’ and then NEVER MENTION IT AGAIN or even worse have the exact same conversation in like four seasons time as if we’ve forgotten we had this conversation before and then immediately going straight back to ignoring all of the most THEMATICALLY INTERESTING STUFF WE COULD BE EXPLORING IN THIS SHOW like it’s a show about BROTHERS who hunt MONSTERS and one of them is the ANTICHRIST and you’re NOT GONNA INTERROGATE THE NATURE OF GOOD AND EVIL?!?! and like… i suppose in a way there’s probably something very realistic about the fact that every few years dean’s like ‘maybe… dad wasn’t perfect? maybe dad… wasn’t right always about everything?’ and then immediately shoves that revelation back into the Things We Don’t Think About cupboard and ignores it but that’s no fun to watch in a show!!! you Can’t Do fifteen seasons of two guys repeatedly ALMOST coming to the same understandings and then just not! for FIFTEEN YEARS! and especially frustrating because you can feel the hand of the writers so clearly through it like if it was intricate character design that’d be one thing but it’s not it’s the writers repeatedly waving at the opportunity to contend with interesting existential ideas as they sail by it makes me want to chew through my own teeth anyway ANYWAY what i really want is the first five seasons of supernatural but As Written And Directed By Angel if you got to like swoop back in time and be In Charge what would those seasons look like what would Angel’s supernatural be??? i’m still deeply deeply haunted by you saying the only way the gender dynamics could have gotten worse would be if they had an older sister and literally never have truer words been spoken and i know it like wouldn’t have been good it just would have been physically unbearable to watch but also i know if the winchesters had had an older sister i would not have given a single shit about any other character in the show i’d have gone full on ‘the writers don’t get her, i do though’ like it would have done things to my brain i would never have recovered from but it would have been my whole life
oh my god i think the thing that drives me so so crazy about that specific gifset is like. in a sense in season 2 dean is reckoning with his father having taken home something evil until he can figure out how to end it. like exactly what dean says in the last gif in the later seasons ep that's john over sam and dean's whole childhood! he can't leave sam to be in danger or to be a danger. he can't ignore it and settle down. he can't not love sam. he can't love sam. he can't let dean love sam, he can't let dean not love sam. like everything about dean is about sam but in a different way everything about john is about sam and then to intentionally or accidentally just cycle dean into that position and to have sam like hangdog next to him trying to defend jack but at least in that scene being essentially ineffectual vs deans anger in s2 at being unable to reply to john and not even knowing what he would say bcus what if sam IS evil bcus it's not even about sam being evil or not it's about dean being weak or not because john has made himself invulnerable by passing every responsibility and consequence to dean and the way that gets mirrored in sam and dean's relationship....i haven't seen s13 so i cant say how intentional it is but that's why that gifset specifically made me so fucking crazy. as for what i would do with spn i feel like my biggest complaint consistently is they pull in random new characters instead of using the potential of what they already have. like jess could be meg and it would be more impactful mary could overtake adam and it would be more impactful etc etc. and then also timing like the last half of season 2 is so pointless and stretched out and weird bcus i think they were trying to not like? give away too much of the finale? but the finale could easily have been five or six episodes if you structured it differently so yeah i think thematically a lot would stay the same bcus i really do love s1+2 so much...i think the biggest change i would do is deans deal. i think the one year deadline was so weird and like clearly just so they could have this season long story of will they wont they but the they is dean/eternal damnation. i think after spending a whole season establishing that sam is often the moral compass and advocate for compassion it would be SO interesting to drop the double bomb of sam came back wrong/sam doesn't have dean bcus then you really get to like delve into guilt and trauma and human nature yadda yadda and i think it would have been more interesting to actually see sam's time without dean not in flashbacks but also i get why they didn't do that bcus thats basically putting jensen ackles on the unemployment line if you leave hell as it is. if you DON'T if you commit to developing lilith as a character and hell as a location then i think the stakes of sam becoming more demonic really hit harder bcus it's not just oh this is wrong bcus Morality it's like really deeply horrifying to see not just bcus dean is saying it over and over but bcus you see this side by side storylines of dean living hell/sam bringing himself closer to hell trying to save dean. so yeah i think i would have dean get dragged to hell in ahblpt2. i also would nix the whole consenting vessel storyline bcus that came out of nowhere and literally just felt like an excuse to have 20 episodes of back and forth i think it would be fun to frame it more like possession is show on the exorcist on fox of this like relational experience that ebbs and wanes. also in general i really deeply am annoyed by how they just cherrypick names from religion and mythology but create characters that have nothing to do w the traditions associated w those names like i'm always going to be annoyed about lilith just being a Creepy Horror Movie Kid/Hot Blonde and g*briel. like just make original characters lmao
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winderlylandchime · 8 months
3x11 1/2: i would just like you to know that when we finished this ep, my neighbor sent me a text to ask if all is good cause he was screaming about Britin ‘Ohhh are they gonna do some vigilante shit again? Why are they in a truc- oh Brian this sad. This is so sad. How fucked up that they had to go home to fuck. One thing you can count on besides my undying love for Brian, is his love for messing with Justins hair. I like how in the beginning the bedroom light was blue because its more cold and now he’s all in love and shit and the light is orange. I’m a fucking genius when it comes to this show’ ‘I am so mad that Brian looks so fucking hot while in a room with this fucking pig! He wants to put him in the Gay and Lesbian center? Brian, I thought we were past this bullshit?’ THE GLC SCENE IS UP!! ‘Every gay person here needs to get their membership card revoked! Immediately. BLONDIE. Whos Marga- OH FUCK. Oh shit OH FUCK. DID YOU SEE THAT?! Wait rewind time bitch!Look at Brian’s death stare and how he squeezes his hand tight as fuck when my girl Jen mentions prom. He is sick to his stomach right now. Wait did he..did he plan this out? How dare he look at my blondie? Keep walking bitch.’ ‘Ted, please what the fuck is going on with you? THAT GUY IS GONNA KILL HIM!’ ‘I love blondie but this has Bri Bri written all over it, how can they not realize it? OH DEBBIE KNOWS! So if she knows why is she acting dumb about brian? What do I have to do for Debbie to lay off of Brian for one second?‘ Michael just told Brian that he’s lucky about the parents thing ‘HE DID NOT. Dude. BRIANS PARENTS SUCK ASS WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? And you know that! So not cool’ ‘TED NO. TED WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? HE IS AN ACTUAL DRUG ADDICT. Fucking hell, this hurts to watch’ the scene with Justin waiting for Brian with a poster is happening *jumps up and shakes his hands* ‘ I FUCKING KNEW IT! WHAT DID I FUCKING SAY?! HE HELPED! MY BOY GOT HIS HEAD OUT OF HIS ASS!’ *loud groan bc stockwell is on tv* there is literally no fucking escape from this fucker. fuck, fuck fuck HE KNOWS ABOUT BRIAN. Well shit, is Trumpy wannabe gonna try and play Brian back? (Cuts to Britin) HELL YEAH BACK TO THE IMPORTANT SHIT! Words cant explain how much i missed them. Brian! Be careful because the dude knows but please continue my dudes. (Cuts to Stockwell) *groans*oh come on. BECAUSE HES A WHAT NOW?! YOU SLEAZY MOTHERFUCKER! HOW DARE YOU CALL HIM THAT WORD (cuts to britin again) my dudes can we just stay here because that other guy fucking sucks. OH MY GOD HAS BRIAN BEEN PLANNING THIS SINCE THAT SHOUT OUT? Not them fucking on the posters, that is beyond hilarious..WHO THE HELL KEEPS KNOCKING AT HIS PLACE THIS LATE? Dude just ignore it, its probably mike or some shit. Keep fucking. *jaw hits the floor* OH MY FUCKING GOD. OH MY GOD. OH MY FUCKING- OH SHIT. I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING. HE IT BOOTY DICK NAKED FUCKING THE INTERN ON FUCK YOU POSTERS. ICONIC.’ ‘Wait, so are we not gonna get Hunter pills for hiv? Oh wait Hunter might actually make me like Mike. Nice. I knew there was hope for him, maybe this is foreshadowing that he wont suck as a dad with that baby’ He is now on the edge of the couch watching Brian about to get fired ‘BRIAN IS STANDING UP FOR HIMSELF! THATS RIGHT HE WOULDNT UNDERSTAND! EXACTLY BRIAN! Oh damn that means i also don’t understand, whatever. GO BRIAN! I KNEW YOU HAD A SPINE!’ ‘Oh poor Emmett. Ted, i am so angry at you right now. Fuck you for hurting my baby boy! TED STOLE THE MONEY?! What the actual fucking hell is going on with him? Ted you are officially on my shit list. I feel bad for you but i am PISSED OFF!’
Your neighbor is going to be so grateful when QAF is over.
“One thing you can count on besides my undying love for Brian, is his love for messing with Justin’s hair.” TRUER WORDS HAVE NEVER BEEN SPOKEN
Brian’s death stare and squeezing his hand when Jen mentions prom. Good noticing brother! Brian is still fucked up over it (of course).
Who keeps showing up? One could ask why people in QAF show up at people’s doors instead of calling on the phone? Why QAF?
YES the line when Brian says Vance wouldn’t understand is so iconic. It feels so good for him to stand up for himself.
I think QAF takes place / was filmed before they automatically put people on HIV drugs. It used to be that they waited until T cells dropped below a certain number before starting meds because there was worry (I think) about developing resistance to the medication. Now we know that doesn’t happen which is why we have PrEP so they might not have started Hunter on meds right away.
Oh we are deep into Ted’s downfall. Ugh. It’s so painful to watch.
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viteliveyourlife · 10 months
Here we are
Welp, here we are. Still confused about my friendships. More have been added to the waste bin. I'm coming more to terms with it all. I constantly have to remind myself that I am enough. I am fun. I am worthy of putting in effort and wanting to keep a connection alive.
I do stand by how I've dealt with what felt like a massive blindsiding betrayal. I think in the continued space, I've realized there were bigger cracks in the foundation than I had imagined. But then why feed me fluff about wanting to keep me around and keep in touch... just not close enough to actually give a shit.
We haven't spoken since our chat about 6 months ago. She's not once checked in to see how I was doing. Couldn't even touch base about RSVPing to her wedding. It's truly unreal how fast we became nothing. I have no interest in putting any energy in. Maybe that will change, but for now, I have to focus on repairing myself.
There are wounds. Wounds from these misplaced friendships. I can't doubt myself anymore. I have to work on finding myself again and being my authentic self again. I'm worth that. I'm also worth taking a chance on new friendships and maybe opening myself up to truer, more real friends. Friends that may be the soul sisters I've been hoping for.
I am happy with where I'm at now. I'm more settled and my new friends do bring out a really childlike enjoyment. Life is more fun and less serious and I love the nerdy parts of it. I feel like I'm a teenager again and fueling the younger parts of me. I do hope they remain in my life. I do hope the friendship grows. I know I'm different now and connections are different now, but I hope we can all stay close.
Now for the not so good. It's been a few days... we really haven't spoken. Today was more social and felt more at ease, but the more I think about the outcome, the more I can't breathe.
I have so many thoughts, concerns, and doubts. How can I plan a future with someone who hasn't invested in a future with me? He's been lying for months and hasn't told me what was going on. Lied to me and misled me to believe things were above water. He has no savings. 0 money to contribute to the future.
I don't know what I'm hoping for. Either our therapists will have really helpful advice for him to try to grow his wealth back up, or maybe they'll say this is always going to be an issue and better get out now.
Part of me is almost relived. Like I've had these doubts in my head and have been unsure and this is the moment. That doesn't feel like the right feelings to have before marrying someone. I've been battling with these anxieties and thoughts and ignoring them. Maybe we've never been on the same page. How did he not know I'd want to pick out the ring and talk about our future and get on the same page? I think I feel deeply that he doesn't really know me.
Maybe he just wants what I want to make me happy, but he can't give me what I want, so he's been lying. How can that work? I can't even think about the end. I'm in my rational mind and I am happy for that.
I don't think I really know me now and maybe I need to invest in myself and find some answers on my own.
I can see the future with us. We've gotten so used to each other and comfortable. But maybe there's something better. Maybe I'm better, just me.
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verbo-s-e · 11 months
july 8, 2023 11:27 pm
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rereading these entries back to myself i realize that i need to clarify some things. i’ll do my best to be concise.
i think it’s a solid 50/50 split that my pain/upset is half from being gas lit and treated like shit for years and half wishing that we could just get things right. right being us being end game.
i worked really hard to compartmentalize my ‘feelings’. i decided a long time ago that id rather have you as a friend and in my life than not at all. but we couldn’t even get that right.
what are my feelings? honestly, i couldn’t even tell you. i don’t know. what i do know? we were made for one another, whatever that means. and i don’t even mean that in necessarily a romantic way. i mean it in a, ‘lady, we are cut from the very same cloth’ kind of way. in the duration of the before, aka the last almost five years, i don’t think there’s a time in which if you had actually asked me to be your girlfriend, i would’ve said yes. even if i wanted it badly enough. i think deep down, i’ve always known we’re just not there. there’s peace in that. but god, when i would look at you or be in your company, i’ve never felt so still. so safe. so at home. i look at you and i feel home. cheesier than a box of kraft mac and cheese, i know. but there’s something there. there always has been. there’s a stillness inside of me that when we’re together, i don’t find anywhere else or with anyone else. its peace. it’s calm. i’m calm. and lord knows i am not a person who is calm. queen over thinker, you once called me. truer words have never been spoken.
when we’re synced up in ways that only you and i really truly know, it’s that same stillness but with a buzz of electricity. it’s power. in the most literal and figurative way possible. it’s a symbiotic pulse racing through our blood streams. i can hear my heart beating in my fingertips. yours too. it’s everything, everywhere, all. at. once. it’s the epitome of love and magic. no labels, no boxes — nothing. it’s lawless and true. there’s freedom in a way that makes me want to take your hand and run off into the sunset. i’d go anywhere with you, do anything. make no mistake: this isn’t the dopamine rush you get from a crush and it’s not equatable to doing drugs. i’ve done my share and it’s not like that. the duality of electricity and stillness tells me so! you’re not insane, i remind myself. no. no i’m not.
but you made me think and feel like i was. that this was all in my head. what is all of this if not sexual chemistry to it’s core? bodily energy entangling with one another, clawing at the doors we’ve (you’ve) nailed shut. my naivety is not a white rose to pick flower petals off in a game of ‘he loves me, he loves me not’. trust me, i tried. i’ve always led with my heart and can often be seen as being a pushover or naive and i’m just not. maybe once upon a time when i was little cinderella, banished in the castle basement. but not now. no no. no.
my verbosity and sensitivity are my two greatest strengths. something i felt you saw and once admired even. but now — i’m realizing that that was only when it was self serving for you. and, in actuality, it was an inconvenience or imposition. when i gave in a way of some loving act, you evened the scales by paying with empty words you didn’t mean. talk is cheap when you don’t have to be the one paying the ultimate price of heartbreak.
put a price on emotion, looking for something to buy.
so much of what i feel can’t be explained with logic or articulated in words. it’s a feeling. a deep knowing beyond the realm in which we exist and operate. honestly, it’s inherently inside but completely and wholly outside of us. it’s the most insane thing i’ve ever witnessed but i feel it all to be so, so true. i can feel when we step into misalignment and when you’re running or hiding a/the truth. when they say that ignorance is bliss, the mean it. i wish i could close my eyes and not know what i know or feel what i feel. which is why i think above all else, the biggest emotion i feel in our dynamic is confusion. not including the gas lighting or anything else, this all by itself acts as a mighty fine stick to muddy the waters in my mind. add in everything else — well, i’ll never see clear water again it seems. and therein lies the real tragedy of it all. we can never come to resolution because we can never have clarity. thus: we can never be friends. we can never be the end game i thought we’d eventually always be. without even the tiniest willingness to accept and look in the mirror, ie., me to recognize there is SOMETHING between us — there will never be any kind of forward movement, just dusty circles. i can’t go in circles anymore.
so what am i saying here? i don’t know. there’s too much and it’s hard to sort. but i’m trying. i’m really fucking trying and that’s more than you could ever say.
if clarity’s in death than why won’t this die?
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alwaysthesitter · 11 months
Horror starter for @evolvingheartisms Inspired by Child's Play
"Dude, seriously, that doll has got to be the creepiest thing I have ever seen in my life. And trust me, I've seen some shit." He wrinkled his nose, staring at the ginger doll that Stiles had apparently decided to buy at a local garage sale. For what, shits and giggles? He didn't really know, but Steve was going to add 'dolls' to the top of the things that freaked him out. Right after spiders, and free-falling. Just the wide blue eyes of the thing, painted with the fake eyelashes. The freckles that were far too frequent dotting its plastic cheeks.
And then there were the overalls, the little blue things with the enscrypted 'Good Guys' logo on it. "Doesn't look like much of a good guy to me. Looks like it's something that's going to come to life and murder you in the night." He laughed softly, taking his gaze away to look back at Stiles. "Why did you get that thing anyways, man? It isn't like you have a younger sibling to give it to. And even if you did, I'd probably keep that thing far away from them. For all you know, it's cursed." Truer words had never been spoken, but Steve wouldn't know that until much later.
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"Either way, keep it away from me. Like any time I come over, I insist that you hide it." He snorted, not wanting to seem less than manly for being scared of something as simple as a doll, but its eyes were haunting. Plus he got a weird vibe from it that he really didn't like overall.
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bradenthompson · 1 year
Insurgent (2015) notes
Give Divergent (2014) this: I did immediately put on the sequel.
>iirc, I bought a ticket to this movie opening weekend, for the purposes of sneaking into a screening of Kingsman: the Secret Service. So I'm partly implicit in this movie being #1 at that weekend's box office.
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>by 2015, Lionsgate had acquired Summit Entertainment, further consolidating their power in the bloody history of YA Movie Feudalism. This is important because at the top of Insurgent is a splash logo for Summit subsidiary International Distribution Company LLC, touters of maybe the worst splash logo of all time. Looks like a PS2 game, but like, the ones made when the PS3 was already out.
>also producing is one Red Wagon Entertainment, the production name for one Douglas Wick, producer for all three Divergent movies as well as 2005's Jarhead and Memoirs of a Geisha. So if you want someone to blame for these movies never concluding, well, he's a name that's public.
>Winslet says "...by dividing people based on personality and aptitude..." which goes against what I understood Faction Society to be. Citizens self-select their factions, don't they? Or is forced division a new thing since the Great Beatrice Crisis
>It'd be really funny if Kate Winslet is only seen on computer screens for the entirety of this movie. Just rolled up to the bluescreen studio and knocked out her role in one day
>I miss Jai Courtney. Haven't seen him in a movie for a while. Bro wasn't phoning it in, unlike some of this cast
>New director for this one! Robert Schwentke, also responsible for RED, R.I.P.D., the yet to be seen Allegiant, and Snake Eyes: GI Joe Origins (a movie that--get ready for this--I've seen)
>lil pissbaby Ansel doesn't get a cool Dauntless jacket lol get fukked bud
>Katniss also started her sequel with the lingering consequences of taking a life, Beatrice. One of you is gonna have to change
>ain't no goddamn way they filmed Divergent 2 with the IMAX cameras
>too many movies feed teenagers the lie of chopping your own hair and having it come out salon-layered and photogenic.
>am I supposed to call him Four or Tobias, because the former is funnier
>"How long do we have to stay here" Bea are you for real
>aw dammit Winslet's in the flesh
>secret box, secret box, secret box, secret box
>gonna start making guesses at what's in the box now and pray they reveal it before the end of this movie a. letter from the founders saying factions are a load of bullshit b. key to door that will be opened in Divergent 3 c. contract buyouts for the whole cast when this series fails to conclude
>"I really don't know how much longer I can do this whole peace and love thing." Truer words wrt Beatrice have never been spoken. She pops more heads in one movie than most YA girls do in a trilogy of books
>Miles Teller is silly now.
>"wait, we're fugitives?" Ansel, what the fuck did you think was happening here?
>"we need to find out what happened to the other Dauntless" presumably stayed in the city, Four, you beautiful cinder block of a man. They certainly didn't run off with you--I would know, I just watched the first movie like two hours ago
>"we need to kill Jeannine" TALK YOUR SHIT BEA
>lmaoo Miles Teller is such a dick, Beatrice is a psycho, this movie's gonna rule ass
>love how Amity has roads but the villain trucks just run over the fences anyway
>the dominant trait of Amity is politeness, which I feel runs counter to what's historically known about the agricultural complex
>hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (people who have seen Insurgent know what I'm talking about)
>save money on set design with a little bit of the ol' RUNNING👏THROUGH👏FORESTS👏
>do you think Ansel was directed to run like a geek or is that just how he is
>man I hope Veronica Roth eventually got to jump on a moving train irl. Seems like a big fantasy of hers, next to sharing needles (incidentally, injection count's still at zero)
>who could ever dislike Beatrice. She breaks arms. She kicks women out of trains to be crushed under the wheels. She bites hands and doesn't afraid of anything
>Four's mom lives in a haunted house lol
>shut up Ansel (I've said this out loud four times, we're thirty minutes in)
>Divergents fit into every faction, like a faction avatar of sorts, and by that token the factionless don't fit into any faction, ergo they are the worst people. With you so far, movie
>hey what's the absolute weirdest thing a mother can say to her son's girlfriend. Because that's what Four's mom just said
>hey what's the second weirdest thing a mother can say to her son's girlfriend. Because that's what Four's mom just said
>we have just received mention of administering a truth system, bringing our injection counter dubiously up to one
>so every faction can hold their own trials? Is that what Four's talking about? Is the Dauntless trial just Thunderdome?
>injection counter now decisively up to 1
>the Divergent series doesn't have a love triangle and thus doesn't have any teams other than Team Four but I'm gonna be Team Miles Teller just to be a pissant
>injection counter: 2
>Candor man asks "did you harm anyone" to which Beatrice, under the effects of truth serum, says "my mom," which literally is not true. Then again, maybe the truth isn't a divine thing, rather whatever the serumee believes to be true. Beatrice could be telling the truth as she believes--ie. putting her mom in the position to be shot is as good as killing her herself. So could a totally delusional person invalidate the serum by just believing incorrect things? Discuss with your table.
>Maybe Beatrice should've objected to Four's "neither of us have secrets worth hiding" thing
>"people get hurt when they get close to me" objection, your honor?? Conjecture???? why is truth serum making her say this????????? Again, I think truth serum has a big flaw someone should reformulate
>what's in the box? d. a ceremonial dagger whose holder gets to be King of Earth e. map to the rest of civilization f. the Allegiant book ie. the scene in Spaceballs where they fastforward the movie
>Divergents are special, but some Divergents are more special-er than others. What the fuck does that mean
>Four has a way of flying in from offscreen for stealth attacks. Refuse to believe he's capable of this. Giant, pretty tree, him. Ain't creepin up on nobody
>Jai Courtney we hardly knew Yai Courtney🙏
>what a fool I was to attempt an injection counter when I should've been doing a popped collar counter
>Beatrice wearing a tactical vest and nothing else; I like her style
>"I'm gonna kill Miles Teller!" "okay" lmao
>nine injections in one scene, talk about a buzzer beater
>back to the simulation fakeouts. Still momentarily fun
>still don't think admitting to insecurities should count as Candor. If anything that should be Dauntless
>Beatrice realizing Four's not actually there by him referencing a line from a scene he wasn't in? Cool idea. Don't think Beatrice had to reiterate that, but it's cool
>women in movies love taking showers while holding some random step of the Macarena
>shut up Ansel
>injection count: 12 (I'm counting all the simulation probes separately) (btw: injection count 21)
>good on them for keeping the "breaking glass barriers" motif for all the big "she's a Divergent" moments. Someone on the storyboard team wants senpai to notice. And I did
>so... am I to understand that Kwinslet unknowngly shut herself out of the box by putting Beatrice in a position where she can't act on her Amity-worthy kindness? I'm not ruling out this scene possibly being a longform fakeout. These movies have set a precedent
>Miles Teller Best Character
>injection count: 30. Allegiant's gonna need a miracle to beat this record
>I did predict Beatrice eventually scrapping with a shadow clone by means of self-discovery. Did not predict the video game graphics.
>Beatrice The Cooler Beatrice
>Beatrice should try the ducking in the corner trick, bug out Evil Beatrice's AI
>taking one more guess at what's in the box, for ol' times sake g. incomplete coordinates. Allegiant is about getting the rest of the coordinates, we never find out because they never finished these movies
>okay I was... almost correct? first answer was almost correct. It's a message from outside the city. If I have this right, the whole Faction Society was just a prank bro a social experiment with the goal of creating Divergents, and their greater purpose will be revealed in the next movie, or maybe not because they didn't finish them
>approximately how much time passed between movies? Kwinslet still has a bandage from Beatrice stabbing her hand. Has it been a week? I'm gonna imagine both movies are set over a week.
>Four's mom taking a little too much credit for this
>if Beatrice and Kwinslet don't get their ultimate deathmatch by the end of these I'm eternal sunshining this series from my head
>Faction Society only needed one "you guys can leave" message and everyone packs their bags, lmao. Solid as a rock
I'm clapping folks, I'm sitting at my desk and clapping. That was way better than the first movie, wtf is imdb talking about. We got Punished Venom Beatrice, Miles Teller talkin his shit, the number one cause of death is shooting in the head, YA Sequel Haircuts, Royal Blood at the end which isn't a great band but they bring some much needed oomph to this soundtrack. You'll take Veronica Roth's needles and jumping on trains from her cold dead hands. What is it with 2010s YA trilogies and the second movie being the best one, and why am I the only one who holds this obviously correct opinion? Glad I bought a ticket to this movie in 2015 and didn't watch it for eight years. Bring on movie three, I crave that total deflation.
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aliulo · 1 year
(SPOILERS) Starlight Celebration 2022 Notes
SPOILERS FOR Starlight Celebration 2022 (I guess)
- marks a new thought. ! marks what I felt was important. + marks new section
+"Reindeer Fame" -Oh boy! It's (not) Christmas! -Amh Garanjy; Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre, New Gridania -Shorthanded for the TRULY extraordinary festivities -By the Twelve, a RABBIT PERSON; Amh is a Celebrant? Wow, I didn't think I was working with the Zerg -Associate Professor Laurenssen of the Studium of Sharlayan, Faculty of Folklore; ha, NERD -I'm gonna help this guy !What creature symbolizes the Starlight Celebration?; Reindeer, obviously, but I really want to shout yah-YEEET -Everything to do with Starlight has a reindeer -When did Starlight start to use the reindeer?; Reindeer aren't present in the original tale -Book from Ishgard, a magic reindeer that entertained children -Blitzen; WOW a celebrity; That's a straight up reindeer -"Reindeer magicks" Do you think reindeer is an elemental aspect? !This dude can cast fireballs. Or at least illusions; Laurenssen thinks Blitzen is a descendant of the original magic reindeer, and wants him to do magic but he will nae -I guess we're getting a reindeer to cast magic missle into the candy store, HERE WE GO; I'm on child collection duty, obviously to feed to the deer to power his Christmas Spirit, and then go to Apkallu Falls -Off to the markets -Bright-eyed Boy; Has to put up decorations -Cautious Child; Has to "buy a cake"; I don't think anyone wants to watch a magic reindeer -Lively Lad; Woah, he actually wantsta go -I acquired a single child -This is embarrassing !The deer won't magic -Gods, this Laurenssen dude is such a NERD; He's off to sulk in the Greatloam Growery !Beefy legs -Why you sulk so? -"The children of Gridania are insufficient" OH MY GOD YOU ARE INSUFFERABLE YOU'RE TRYING TO FORCE CHEER YOU DINGUS -Ah, of course, going to Ishgard will solve everything !So whatsabout Blitzen? He's gone -I can't believe Blitzen's heckin' dead, dude
+"The Ghost of Starlight Present" -He's freakin' out, gotta give him a foot massage -Off to find supper. I mean our friend. Off to the amphitheatre! -Happy Holidaymaker; Deer was dashing through the snow -Charmed Citizen; He kept going -Frost Fanatic; This dude loves him some snow, didn't see Blitzen, but may have heard him going by -Found him, all the way at the aetheryte plaza -Whatsa matter, Blitzen? -"Gwoooaaahhh!" Truer words have never been spoken !Ho ho ho!; Ah shit it's Godbert. Or, "Saint of Nymeia", here to teach us how to Christmas -Yeah, because he's not here to spread joy, just to do nerd stuff !The Starlight Celebration is held for the benefit of the children; Blitzen refused to act because it was all about the nerd stuff, not the kids -You got this, nerdbunny -Later, Godbert; Celebration time! -Tearful Tot; Sounds like we got a missing child -"How do we figure out what ails her?" I mean, she's alone and crying for her mother, it's pretty obvious !REINDEER MAGIC -Got separated from her mother on the way to the markets -Holy heck, you suck at this Laurenssen; It worked, I guess -You deed eet, Laurenssen; Back to Amh Garanjy -Job dern -Eh, Godbert would've snapped you out of it even if I weren't here, I trust that guy -"Blitzen's ancestors conjured magic in response to feelings of love and kindness" -Reindeer used to be plentiful, and even used as domesticated animals, but are now declining in number; That's not, uh... good -The final mission: Spread joy
Mewwy Chwissmass :3
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