uzitracy · 14 days
>:3 Hihi
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kevinfedworld · 15 days
Happy 18th Birthday Jayden!!
Buon 18esimo Compleanno Jayden!!
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andrea-non-sa-tornare · 2 months
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elenitrack · 8 months
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Lauren Trumble (Vermont)
2017 America East Cross Country Championships
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starryaike · 2 months
Had a revelation today. Anyways
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absxntdream · 2 months
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crimsonkingart · 5 months
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That moment when you just want to draw grass 🪄🪄
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worksiren · 9 months
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Remember them??
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That's them now...
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tjkl895 · 5 months
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Kyle Snyder and Isaac Trumble (https://tonyrotundo.smugmug.com/WRESTLERS-ARE-WARRIORS/Open-Wrestling/US-WORLD-TEAM-TRIALS/24-OLYMPIC-TEAM-TRIALS/24-OTT-FINALS-ALL-STYLE/24-OTT-FINALS-MF/i-LzrQzT8)
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apelcini · 2 years
running into an unforeseen problem with my small town monster comedy where my largely urban audience doesn’t understand why my characters make the decisions they do. how am i supposed to hammer home how small this place is. the largest place in the entire county is the county seat of Crow Tree with a whopping 14,718 residents (which is pretty damn small for a county seat) and it’s the only place in the county to have more than 10,000 people. the largest town in the school district the story takes place in is Brigadoon, with 1.029 residents.
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uzitracy · 14 days
Dlaczego ja to zjadłam?
Czuję się Grubo
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mako-mermaids2021 · 4 months
question. How would ya'll feel about a Rita/Rob/Lauren fic? Might be E rated...
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gonna start a list of ghost town names that i want to name street names after in the normal school, everyone help me think of street suffixes. so far we got Possum Trot, Missouri and Bloodland, Missouri. also an honorable mention to Nodaway County, Missouri
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Mako Mermaids Femslash Feb Day 5
I've done two for today. This one was a request from @mako-mermaids2021
 Day 5 Mystery Rita/Trumble, 814 words, Rating T
She was always a fan of a good mystery novel, a handsome detective and a good intriguing plot. Always made better with a warm cup of tea and a blanket over her feet. Now in real life mystery was fascinating but there was always something irritating about it. She liked having a sense of control over her life. She set her class schedule, the current principal was a useless old man more than happy to be relieved of any work, she set her class curriculum and she was the next in line to receive that promotion to become Principal Barbara Trumble. She was very certain of that last fact. Who else would it be? No one else even matched her calibre. 
So imagine her surprise when the next principal was announced. It was that new teacher, Rita Santos. A young graduate not long out of university. Sure she seemed a decently hard worker but then the male students always performed well for a pretty, young face. She’d seen it before, a fresh young teacher not afraid to have a few buttons undone on her top and every male fawned over them. 
There was something undeniably drawing about the woman though. She presented normal enough but there was just something different, some mystery just underneath the surface, something almost ethereal. 
The thought stopped her mid sentence of her book. What an odd, odd thought. Ethereal. That’s a word you used for things otherworldly. Not your colleague who stole your job right out from under you. 
She set her bookmark on her page, a plain wooden one she’d bought years ago on a holiday to New Zealand, and closed the book over the top.
The next morning played out in the same way it did every morning, the same routine every day, the same drive, the same walk from car park to school. Her current novel tucked away in her bag for a little lunch time reading. 
The walk from the entrance to the staffroom was interrupted by Dr Blakely and the newly anointed Principal Santos walking down the hall. The woman had already traded the more relaxed blouse and loose trousers of her normal attire for a tight tan pencil skirt and dark flowery blouse. Her dark red hair was pinned up in bun, two curls left framing her face in front of her ears rather than the usual ponytails or half updos the woman sported just last week. 
The sun shining into the open hall shone off her hair, it burned like fire in the light. Eternal flames. And there was always this sort of glow to her, it seemed more radiated today. The power of her new position must have lit some sort of internal flame. What a little validation does to a young woman. 
The conversation passed quickly and Dr Blakely left. Barbara found herself walking with the newly appointed principal, who seemed almost anxious in her presence. The halls grew emptier as they walked towards the staff room and Rita’s office. 
She took the chance to try and pry some information from the woman, she wasn’t expecting anything huge like admitting to sleeping her way to the new position like a very popular rumour would suggest but she took anything to lessen the irritating mystery that was somehow drawing her to the younger woman. 
Even basic questions seemed to make Rita cagey but she managed to draw out two facts - one, the woman was currently single; and two she had no family in the area. Both facts didn’t do anything to dispel the feeling, it just made Barbara even more intrigued.
“Unusual that a woman your age with no connections or no family would be granted such an elusive position in such a high quality educational establishment.”
“Are you insinuating something Ms Trumble?”
“Of course not Rita. I’m merely stating it was just usual is all.”
“I do not need to prove I am worth this position to anyone, I applied and I was given it. The school board obviously considered me to be suitable and that is the end of the matter.”
“You know there is more than one rumour circulating that someone like you must have slept her way up the ladder.”
Rita laughed. Actually laughed.
“They are old men and married men. I have no interest in any of them, even if it would ‘advance my career.’ I was given this job and I intend to do it well. No matter what the rest of the staff, or you, think
“We’ll see.”
“Indeed we will.”
Rita went to turn away and Barbara managed to catch her wrist and back the woman against the wall, arm held above her head. Any complaints the woman was about to make were stifled by Barbara pressing her lips against Rita’s a in deep kiss that the other woman seemed to eagerly return. 
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calvincell · 2 years
Genuinely expect to be late to the party on this but a fantastic ~15 minute animated Batman fan project popped up in my YT recommendation feed from Stephen Trumble Animation: BATMAN: Broken Promise. It was uploaded mid-2022 which is why I feel like I might have missed the hype bus around this but I was so blown away & had to at least make a fawning post for my own satisfaction. Excellent Writing, Terrific VA & Stellar Animation with equally Incredible Choreography make up a fanmade Batman media gem that would have joined The Batman (2022) & Batman Unburied as my favorite media of the franchise in 2022 outside of the comics themselves. This is the type of stuff that makes you furious at how much talent goes unnoticed outside of the walls of massive media studios:
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absxntdream · 1 month
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