professorlegaspi · 11 months
Celia calling Truno “a real gentleman” is such a cop-out. WHAT is Josh if not a gentleman? A rudeboy? Fuck off
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skinnyr4t · 3 months
Hejka, czy mogłabyś wstawić "słownik motylkowy" bardzo truno jest mi sie dokopać do znaczeń niektorych słów np sw i fw, jakbyś wstawiła wszystie te wyrazy i ich tlumaczenia bylabym bardzo wdzieczna<33
Ktoś już widziałam kilka razy robił taki słownik, ale postaram się wypisać wszystkie terminy jakie tylko znam-
(coś mi sie zesrało, przepraszam!!😭😭)
ana - anoreksja
mia - bulimia
betty - binge eating disorder
motylki - osoby zmagające się z anoreksją lub ogólnie ed, BĘDĄCE JEDNOCZEŚNIE CZĘŚCIĄ SPOŁECZNOŚCI MOTYLKOWEJ TUMBLRA- często mówi się, że to czy ktoś jest motylkiem bądź gąsieniczką zależy od wagi i tego jak dużo zostało do ugw ale w moim odczuciu to zależy bardziej od lat spędzonych w ed!! no i od miejsca bytowania
gąsieniczki - osoba mniej zaawansowana niż motylek, zaczynająca drogę z aną
gw - goal weight, czyli jeden z celów wagowych na naszej drodze- waga która może być dla nas akceptowalna, ale jeszcze nie tak jak ugw
ugw - wymarzona waga do której ktoś dąży
sw - waga startowa
cw - obecna waga
lw - najniższa waga
hw - najwyższa waga
fast - głodówka
binge - napad, wchłonięcie dużych ilości jedzenia i kalorii na raz
liquid fast - fast opierający się na przyjmowaniu płynnych kalorii, oczywiście z limitem
mono diet - dieta polegająca na jedzeniu jedynie jakiegoś konkretnego produktu, np jabłek
omad - jeden posiłek na dzień
twomad - dwa posiłki na dzień
wiead - po prostu co jadło sie w dniu ( what I eat in a day)
niestety nigdzie nie dokopałam się co oznacza fw, ale może ktoś wie😭
Znalazłam!! Fw- final weight
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lamyaasfaraini · 5 months
Saturday run n walk
Weekend udah janjian sama adik mau olga bareng cenah sekalian hunting sarapan biasalah. Adikku lg nginep di mertuanya jadi bisa deh city walk bareng, tadinya mau weekdays tp ngga memungkinkan jadi weekend aja, anak2 ttp dong dititip bapak2nya dulu baru nanti nyusul ke tempat sarapan. Rencananya mau ke djaya mandiri sederhana itu yg di jl. Nanas berarti kali ke 3 aku kesana, adik belom pernah nyoba yowes kesana aja. Trus nentuin rutenya gmn jl. Nanas terlalu jauh dari rumahku (biasanya start dari rumah kan) pas ku cek maps 6k lebih, wlpn aku mampu tp kan adik engga baiklah kita ambil jalan tengah aja aku mikir dulu, gmn kalo jalan dari RS sariningsih kayanya bisa lah 3k nyampe gt 5000 steps mah. Oke katanya deal~ adik mah dari rumah mertua ke sariningsih naik gojek kan. Kalo aku mending lari yakaaaan, deket jg. Yg aku malesin tuh kalo city run ya nyebrang2nya soalnya jl. Pajajaran itu sungguh ngga pewe buat lari malah bikin rudet. Tp yaudah hajar ajadeh, kalo walk doang berasa kureng. Aku prediksi ke sariningsih itu 3k.
Malemnya diskusi dulu sama suami nentuin rute yg minim nyebrang di kehectican jalanan, yaudah ttp kan ambil pajajaran, nyebrang ke belakang living plaza yg ruby hotel itu keluar dr. Cipto kita ambil kiri lurus cipto terus sampe rs. Melinda 3 baru ke bunderan radjiman, wastu aja lurus.. Nah ide bagussss lah itu rute!
Sabtu subuh dah siap2 tuh, kata adik dia pergi 6.30an baiklah berarti aku mulai lari jam 6an. Udah isi perut dikit bgt sama minum susu coklat, start aja lari dari rumah.. Enjoy bgt weekend emg jalanan lebih sepi yaa jam6 tuuh, kan pada libur ngga rush hour. Sesuai planning rutenya hasil diskusi sama suami semalam. Nyebrang2nya alhamdulillah lancar soalnya msh sepi jg, smpe pajajaran belom nemu runner nih.. Eh taunya ada pas di cipto dia udah duluan jauh, abistu ada lagi dkt rs melinda 3 dia nyusul aku wkwk. Udah aja ke wastu nyebrang2nya aman.. Lurus terus belom nemu runner2 kalo biker mah banyaaak. Belom 2k itu ke wastu tuh masih 1,5k tiba2 si telapak kaki kambuh lg pegel jd pace aku agak melambat euy, pas tanjakan menuju purnawarman mayan ituu hahehoh gara2 kaki pas kuliat jam belom jg 2k duhhh pas bgt per4an dago merdeka riau baru deh itu 2k yaa itu udah nyampe sariningsih dong aah. Dan adik pst msh belom jalan, yaudah aku belokin ke dago, naaaah baru tuh runner2 bertebaran banyaaaak bgt, ada yg sendiri, sama pasangan, sama kawan2, sama komunitas. Beuhh meni resep. Aku lari ke dago masih dibawah sih, nyebrang ke trunojoyo lari disitu sepiii enakeunnn, mentokin sampe truno ujung trus balik lagi ke dago lewatin sariningsih trus nyampe ke riju balik lg ke sariningsih trus finished aja daaah dan ttp adik belom nyampe wkwk. 5 menit kemudian baru nyampe deeeh..
Di strava segini, tersingkron dgn baik wlpn ttp ada bedanya sama huawei health. Beuuhh dikit lagi 4k tau gt lari lagi aja mayan 5 menit wkwk etapi emg ini kaki sakit agak mengganggu sih, duh knp ya pdhl udah gpp tp kalo dibawa lari sakit lg huft.
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Akhirnyaaaa bertemu adik, aku bawain running belt katanya mau pinjem jd drtd aku pake belt 2 cuy wkwk. Oke start aja dari sariningsih, jalan sepanjang riau sungguh enakeuuun sambil cerita2 sama adik ngalor ngidul, nyeritain jg tentang temen gengnya trainer poundfit udah bersertifikat, wanita karir tp sampingannya ituu, enjoy bgt sampe sibuk katanya. Tp adikku gapernah tertarik poundfit pdhl bestienya sendiri trainer, ah diamaaah mageran sih terlebih rumah di uber dan gabisa berkendaraan dah weh terjebak dirumah wkwk.
Pas nyampe taman pramuka kita belok kiri lurusss trus kanan lurus poto2 dulu dongss wkwkwk.
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Ini di bengawan, taman superhero ke kanan aja jl. Belimbing trus kiri Nanas deeeh nyampeeeyyyy..
Antrian mayan panjang tp cpt koo satset, dpt tempat duduk.. Eeh suami dan anakku dtg nyusul haha meni tanginas kirain nanti pas siangan. Kata suami takut kesiangan cenaaah, tp adik iparku dan njen ngga jadi ikut jadilah kita ber4 huhu..
Baru donlot strava adikku wkwk. Sarapan kita~
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Ternyata hampir 3k laaah dkt jg yah haha. Gaberasa udah nyampe lagi memang. Pacenya 15, katanya sih kalo jalan pace 10-12 bagusnya.. Ah gpp lah yaa.
Ternyata makanan kita kebanyakan jadi ada yg di takeaway. Abistu jam 9 lebih kita pulang deeehh~
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sweetymultifandom · 1 year
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Mesogog - Power Rangers Dino Thunder
I still remember coming home from school to see Power Rangers Dino Truno. But more than anything to see Mesogog.
I always remember that comic touch that they put on some previous villains, and I always felt that it took away that seriousness from his evil. On the other hand, with him it was always bad, serious and that tense air of what could happen later. No jokes and jokes, unless it's on the Rangers team itself.
Hasbro recently released a detailed figure of him. I already bought it in pre-sale and now I have to wait for it.
In my collection of random things, I still have the album of sheets of this generation (incomplete) and a figure of the yellow Dino Rangers. Also some McDonald's figures haha
PS: Years ago I had made a fanart of him, but now I feel that I drew him as I wanted without fail. 
Mesogog 2014
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jidaohuashi · 2 years
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Hope meets Star | Trunks&Noah
The brave and the priestess |勇者と巫女
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slowtovvn · 1 year
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dzisiejsza · 7 months
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Wpis . Nowenna pompejańska 13/54
Dzień 13y nowenny, był dla mnie dużą nauką, źle rozplanowałam dzień, tak że modlitwę zsusnełam na później...
Jak się trzymałam schematu (rano - cz radosna w godz. 7:00 - 8 :15, południe- cz. bolesna, popołudniu - cz. chwalebna) to było wszystko dobrze. A jak odłożyłam wczoraj cz, Bolesna to już było bardzo truno, zebrać się do modlitwy i po 22giej zaczęłam się modlić dwiema częściami (Bolesna i chwalebna) oczywiście usnęłam- (na 4tej tajemnicy bolesnej) obudzilam się następnego dnia. Po obudzeniu pomodliłam się brakującymi częściami (5 tajemnica Bolesna, i cz. chwalebna). Dokończę nowennę, choć po ludzku dziś powinnam zacząć od nowa. Dlatego zrobię tak : dotrę w modlitwie do 12 kwietnia - data konca tej Nowenny i dodam 13 dni. Wtedy będzie całą 54 dniowa nowenna (w dniu 23 kwietnia się kończąca). Tak będzie najuczciwiej.
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imthekillerinstab3 · 11 months
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from musical instruments and French forenames
Agpipe Ainess Alette Alieclan Aliel Aliencie Aliste Amicen Amurice Andrumpe Andrunone Anifertie Anlucie Annichorn Anniene Anonet Anoît Ariery Arinadia Arpes Arpette Audent Audette Aulia Aulis Auraymone Aureine Aurene Aurey Aurie Aurélia...
Bagaliane Bagpia Bastle Benne Bentitard Berick Berrenée Berry Boarce Boarle Bugue Béanny Béatror Camie Chard Charia Chartrum Chelia Cheline Chennic Chent Chloris Chordine Chpie Chricelle Chrie Chrin Chrine Chèle Claette Claine Clanne Clarp Claudrine Claura Claure Clavice Clémed Clémine Clérôme Colanne Colinaul Corecorn Corna Corne Cornt Cyriccorn Céatte Cécie Céciecore Cédéron Cédérèse Célinicks Célène Damaine Damuele Dandrum Danue Daviccole Davino Davionine Davièle Denniquel Dergelien Douilieu Douis Douitchar Dovine Drice Drunoît Dylaet Dylane Dylanicel Dylaptine Dyloïc Dylvalia Dylvince Elphelet Emarole Emathie Emmadel Emmadie Emmanny Emmarguit Emmaroret Emmarp Enrine Entis Estine Euphone Faber Fabine Fable Fabrine Flock Floïc Flucinema Fludrum Fralteele Frane Frannis Françoin Fraptice Fraymore Frégine Frélène Gabert Gango Ganmare Gaéta Gaétia Gaétine Genzo Georale Georn Gerry Gervérin Getterre Ghiel Ghienne Ghistit Gilie Gille Giongel Giongéran Gionie Gistia Glent Gloce Grémine Guilber Guilles Guissfluc Guiste Guitie Gérès Haméline Hanmic Hanniche Hanue Harce Harichrin Hartri Hence Henne Herguy Herier Hugelles Hugelyne Hugeora Huger Huget Huguy Hérand Héria Hérie Hérène Irgenne Istoine Jaccolebo Jaccolia Jaccolory Jaccorah Jaccord Jacque Jamenzo Jeand Jeande Jeandrie Jeandrégo Jeane Jeango Jeanie Jeanielle Jeanino Jeanis Jeanloé Jeano Jeanpiet Jeant Jeanta Jeanuer Jeançois Jocel Jockare Jockenie Jonier Jonne Joëlleno Juliené Julieu Juline Juste Jérieu Jérin Jérine Jérèse Karceline Karichon Kevièle Keybone Laine Lainne Landre Lango Lanoé Lanpaule Lascathéo Liennia Lincielie Liste Livid Lodid Lorguette Loris Lorne Louita Lucia Lucis Lumpe Lutert Lutine Lutis Lutohamed Lyrine Lémed Lérogeorn Magaline Magaétie Magaétine Magnès Magpie Maine Maire Mairhoran Manlude Manmandra Manne Marah Maric Marick Maril Mariola Maris Marole Marpe Matheel Mathérène Matte Maumpe Maxis Maxisèle Maxtubas Micharah Miciecorn Mickar Milia Mille Milles Millrornt Mohand Mongle Muette Mélaviel Mélie Méline Nadie Nathéo Niette Noéme Obble Oboart Ockaël Ockene Oline Pandrie Panick Passichan Passimba Pathie Pathine Patran Patricie Patrieu Patrole Patte Paudette Paudre Paulille Paurn Pautois Phone Phord Picel Picory Piele Pieline Pierine Pipes Pippet Psime Pstine Quelphaël Quetine Rannine Raphie Raymone Raymonine Reclémiet Rentarp Roaroloïc Robble Robon Rolie Roliquel Ronise Régin Régione Régiste Rélicory Rélienrie Rélin Rémiery Sabie Sabin Sabloé Sabric Sabrierry Sabristia Salette Saricolic Sarie Saxhord Saxopharc Saxophord Saxtubas Sephaël Sethone Simohanne Simonis Solaurice Sophiste Sophone Stale Stine Stéphoran Suzand Sylaptine Sylaud Séves Thaël Thele Thiervé Thine Thomanue Thone Thorn Thélaste Thélène Thérène Trino Tromart Trume Truno Tubascarc Tubassgue Tubastine Turin Valte Vandrien Vichlock Vicks Vientory Vincks Vinis Viole Violoé Vionium Virein Vièle Whelhorn Whiecory Whilien Wilbenzo Wobble Wobblen Wobbloce Woodin Woodine Yancile Yanlo Yanne Yverrenck Yvertia Yvone Yvonine Éliel Éline Élinette Élinès Éliquel Élouis Émenée Érarie Érianue Érôme Étalbette Étançoise Étiane Étine Étinia Évestin Évette
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professorlegaspi · 2 years
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lamyaasfaraini · 3 months
Monday long run?!
Setelah weekend skip lari, senin di long-run-keun? Haha. Nemo libur 4 hari sampe bagi raport hari jumat, suamiku masuk kerjanya bisa agak nyantei katanya selepas ppdb, wlpn ttp aja kerjaan menumpuk keneh tp bisalah pergi agak siangan, krn di rumah jg blio galepas dr laptop MasyaAllah semoga lelahmu jadi lillah, menyalaaa suamikuuuu! Aamiin.
Tadinya mau kek biasa di paskal tp, dipikir2 nyobain city run aja gt mumpung wktnya bisa? Sebetulnya aku ngga berani city run sendiri gatau knp asa keueung aja gt, palingan kalo lari sendirian tuh yaa di paskal kalongga bolbal sekolah nemo-husein. Jrg pisan city run sendirian. Tapi untuk senin subuh ini aku beraniin wlpn ttp ada perasaan keueung wkwk. Pamit sama suami nnti plgnya minta jemput aah hehe. Start jam 6 kurang msh nyubuh bukaaann haha. Rute dari pasirkaliki lurus belok ke cipto trus abdul rivai wastu belok ke tamsar disini super ngos2an krn nanjak plus ada yg bakar sampah hih emosi, lg butuh asupan udara yg baik ini ngehirup asep laah. Lurussss belok aja ke sulanjana, turun ke dago weeeyy msh sepi dari ftg2 yg nongki, cuma ada 1 aja disana, runner2 jg msh ngga serame saat weekend at dat time. Baru papasan sm runner di dago bawah ada 2 org yg lari ke atas. Aku belok ke riau lanjut truno aloy lurussss terus sampe ujung arah ke gasibu, sengaja mau lari di gasibu abisan bingung rutenya kemana haaa. Lari aja ngeloop gasibu duh udah lama bgt ngga ke gasibu track favvv, pagi2 bgt jg udah penuh ajaa. Lucu bgt linenya dikasih tanda 1,2 utk pelari, sisanya untuk yg sambil ngobrol cenah wkwkwk. Ngga sadar ternyata udah brp loop ada ftg gening disana ada 2 org gatau pula dari mana gpp sugan nnti ada di fotoyu yakan haha. Pose2 sikitlaaah krn akupun ngga akan lama disana, udah sekitar 8 ke 9k keluar track tinggal menuntaskan 11 atau 12k, ambil ke arah ariajipang trus ktemu a irfan di angkot kawan suamiku mau kerja ke tempat traumatis dan toxic di jl. Cihampelas ituu huft. Turun lagi ke dago, paling enakeun lewat situ turunan bgt, lurussss sampe merdeka nyebrang ke deket balkot ke arah purnawarman baru aku finished. Di strava sih 12k, band ku sempet error di km 1, singkron ke strava cuma 6k laah cemanaa. Ke recordnya 9k plus 1k jd bisa hampir 11k kalo di huawei health. Baru deh nlp suamiku minta dijemput, aku blg posisinya di depan gramed, bec. Fiuuuhh alhamdulillah.. Oiya yg di fotoyu cuma ada yg di dago dan gasibu cuma ada 1 ftg aja, sbetulnya foto yg di dago banyak tp knp akunya asa kureng.. Pas liat yg gasibu yaudahlah leh uga skalian ganti latar yakan bosen di dago aja haha. Baru tau jg ada ftg2 di gasibu skrg, saingan di dago bnyk teuing mreun yah.
Senin, long run, sendirian. Tiba2 pose di track gasibu.. Sungguh random!
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Recording hari senin yg sempet ilang lalu bisa diakalin dan muncul lagi haha
Dago masih sepi. Road-track-road
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Recording huawei health yg sempet kepotong..
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turisiancom · 1 year
TURISIAN.com - Prigen Pasuruan, Jawa Timur  tuh keren abis, guys! Pesona alamnya tuh nggak ada duanya. Dengan gunung-gunung yang bikin adem mata dan udaranya seger banget. Nah, di sini juga ada tempat nongkrong asyik yang pemandangannya nge-hits banget buat didatengin. Cocok banget buat kamu yang mau santai-santai sambil nikmatin view alam yang bikin speechless. Yuk, langsung cek beberapa rekomendasinya di bawah ini! Night Coffee Kakek Bodo Night Coffee Kakek Bodo ini beralamat di Semeru, Prigen, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur. Dan yang bikin seru, tempat ini buka 24 jam, guys! Cafe outdoor dengan view alam yang keren ini punya menu makanan dan minuman yang kece banget. Mulai dari Nasi Goreng Merah, Nasi Goreng Ikan Asin, sampe Capcay, semuanya ada dengan harga mulai dari Rp 12.000 - Rp 20.000. BACA JUGA: Kafe Baru di Stasiun BNI City ini, Tawarkan Tempat Nongkrong yang Berbeda Kalo kamu suka camilan, mereka juga punya pilihan camilan yang renyah abis, kayak Dimsum, Pisang Goreng Cokelat, dan Sosis Jumbo dengan harga mulai dari Rp 10.000 aja! ADA Coffee Terrace Kalo kamu mau ngopi atau makan enak sambil ngeliat gunung yang cantik, cobain deh ADA Coffee Terrace yang ada di Jalan Raya Tretes Nomor 2, Semeru, Prigen, Prigen, Pasuruan. Tempatnya buka dari pukul 10.00 WIB sampai pukul 10.00 WIB, jadi siang atau malam tetep bisa nongkrong di sini. Menu makanannya juga nggak kalah kece, ada Nasi Goreng, Mie Goreng, dan Roti Bakar yang bisa kamu pesen dengan harga mulai dari Rp 15.000 aja. Bihun Goreng Kuah Kedai Lali Djiwo Buat kamu yang suka makan enak, mampir ke Kedai Lali Djiwo yang ada di Unnamed Road, Semeru, Prigen, Pasuruan. Tempatnya buka dari pukul 09.00 WIB sampai pukul 11.00 WIB. Di sini ada menu Bihun Goreng Kuah, Bihun Kuah Seafood, Tahu Bumbu, Tahu Telor, Lontong Kikil, Bakmi Goreng, Pak Coy Telur yang bisa kamu nikmati dengan harga mulai dari Rp 15.000 - Rp 25.000 aja. BACA JUGA: Berkunjung ke Candi Gunung Gangsir di Kabupaten Pasuruan Kopi Kamaran Kopi Kamaran ini lokasinya ada di Jalan Taman Wisata Nomor 6, Semeru, Prigen, Pasuruan. Mereka buka dari pukul 15.00 WIB sampai pukul 00.00 WIB, jadi cocok buat hangout sore-sore atau malam-malam. Menu minumannya juga beragam, mulai dari Teh Tarik, Es Jeruk Manis, Es Soda Gembira, Kopi Hitam, Kopi Susu yang bisa kamu pesan dengan harga mulai dari Rp 7.000 - Rp 10.000 aja. Dan jangan lupa, mereka juga punya menu nasi babat Madura yang pedasnya dapet banget! BACA JUGA: Cafe Laut Semare, Wisata Lain Pasuruan Lewat Kelezatan Menu Seafood Forest Truno Cafe Buat kamu yang pengen nyari tempat ngopi asik, mampir deh ke Forest Truno Cafe yang ada di Jalan Putuk Truno, Prigen, Pasuruan. Tempatnya buka dari pukul 08.00 WIB sampai pukul 23.00 WIB. Di sini ada menu minuman yang seru banget, seperti Juice and Mix Juice, Es Kopi Coffee, Orange Squash, Mango Squash, Wedang Jahe, sampe Sogem dengan harga mulai dari Rp 10.000 - Rp 20.000. Kamu pasti betah banget ngopi di sini sambil menikmati suasana alam yang asyik! Itu dia beberapa rekomendasi cafe asyik di Prigen, Pasuruan yang bisa jadi tempat nongkrong kamu. Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? Ajak temen-temen kamu dan nikmati momen seru di Prigen! ***
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newcomers6 · 2 years
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. Rara tak sabar menunggu benda itu mengering, makanya ia taruh di jendela supaya terkena angin dan cahaya matahari. Pagi ini di sela-selanya melakukan bersih-bersih kamar, dirinya menemukan benda yang dahulu ia gunakan saat pelajaran seni musik di SMP. Seketika gadis itu ingat masa dimana sang guru mewajibkan muridnya memiliki alat musik untuk keperluan praktik. Waktu itu orang tuanya tak sanggup untuk membelikannya pianika layaknya teman-teman perempuan di sekolahnya. Padahal itu satu-satunya alat musik yang ia bisa pakai jika dibandingkan dengan recorder. Mau dikata apa lagi, pada saat itu pianika adalah benda yang tergolong mewah dan sudah pasti tidak masuk prioritas pengeluaran di keluarganya. Namun seakan alam semesta mengetahui keadaannya, Rara tak sengaja melihat sebuah recorder usang berwarna krem teronggok di sudut ruangan saat dirinya berkunjung ke rumah kakek. Nenek bilang itu dahulu milik bulik (adiknya ibu), dipakai saat masih SMA. Tak ingin mendapatkan nilai praktik yang jeblok, sontak dia merengek pada sang nenek untuk membawanya pulang. Wanita tua itu pun tidak bisa bilang tidak pada cucu tersayangnya. Ah, masa lalu memang nikmat untuk dikenang. Setelah dirasa kering, Rara merakit kembali kepala, badan dan kaki recordernya. Kurang bersih apa lagi coba? Sehabis dicuci dengan sabun, gadis itu masih mengelapnya dengan tisu basah sebelum menempelkannya ke mulut. Dirinya sedikit gerogi, sudah berselang sekian tahun sejak ia masih lancar memainkan jarinya di atas lubang-lubang recorder itu. Lagipula guru seni musiknya hanya mengajari lagu daerah dan lagu nasional. Pengetahuan musiknya begitu sempit. Masih mending daripada tidak sama sekali. Rara mulai mempersiapkan diri mengambil napas panjang-panjang sembari memanggil potongan-potongan not yang tersimpan dalam almari otaknya sewindu ke belakang. Berikutnya terdengar alunan lembut nan pelan dari lagu Mengheningkan Cipta karya Truno Prawit. Itu yang paling dia hafal sebab sering diminta menjadi petugas pengiring lagu sewaktu upacara. Saking asyik ia memainkan recorder tuanya, tak sadar bila ada kuping lain yang ikut menikmati irama lagu yang khidmat dan sakral itu. #30hbc2306 #30hbc23 #recorder https://www.instagram.com/p/CnD1AQEJxPG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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imr-riya · 2 years
Self-Checkout Systems Market: Global Industry Analysis and Forecast 2022 – 2028
Global Self-Checkout System Market was valued at USD 3.89 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 8.13 billion by the year 2028, at a CAGR of 11.1%.
Self-checkouts (SCOs), also called assisted checkouts (ACOs) or self-service checkouts, are machines that impart a mechanism for customers to complete their transaction from a retailer without requiring a traditional staffed checkout. Successful application of a self-checkout system can transform a retailer from competitors, improve the checkout process, and attract more customers. The self-checkout system has been major to retail success for years, primarily for grocery stores and supermarkets. Still, it might be a challenge to decide what self-checkout system to choose. When comparing self-checkout systems, the main aspects that should take into account are the cost of space, their efficiency, and the customer experience they generate. Moreover, digitalization has created people mobile-friendly which resulted in the application of online payments and checkouts. Whether it's booking flight tickets or spending for food delivery, whether it's going to a movie or any other event every transaction nowadays is being done online. For instance, India is the country where maximum UPIs, wallet payments are done. Augmentation in online payment has produced new options for QR payments, UPIs, wallet payments. Additionally, key players are heavily funding in R&Ds to improvise and introduce novel products concerning financial transactions.
The research goes into detail on the elements that drive market growth, including significant opportunities, growth drivers, as well as opportunities. Furthermore, it builds on previous data and the present business environment to forecast the industry's performance from 2020 to 2025. The study includes an extensive analysis of the workings of this business industry at regional and country levels in order to assess the industry size at a global level. Further, the study literature examines the dominating actors and assesses the techniques they use to maintain their position in the competitive arena. The present and predicted impact of the Covid-19 epidemic has also been considered, with a particular focus on income-generating opportunities and techniques to deal with the shifting situation.
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Key Industry Players in Self-Checkout Systems Market:
·         IBM Corporation
·         Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions
·         365 Retail Markets
·         Advantech Co.Ltd.
·         Bayscan Technologies
·         ECR Software (ECRS) Corporation
·         Hisense Intelligent Commercial System Co. Ltd.
·         Mashgin
·         NCR Corporation
·         Shelfx Inc.
·         Pan-Oston
·         Truno Retail Technology Solutions
·         Versatile Credit Inc.
·         Olea Kiosks Inc.
·         Fujitsu Limited
·         Elastic Path Software Inc.
·         Crane Payment Innovations and ot
Self-checkout systems are automated systems deployed across retail, grocery stores, and hospitality industries to help the customer in checkout and self-order without the help of any employees. The earlier self-checkout systems included separate, off-the-shelve components and occupied a large storage area. On the contrary, the current self-checkout systems are re-engineered and manufactured as per demand to suit the store structure and improve functionalities, costs, form factors, and reliability.
Segmentation Analysis Includes,
By Type:
·         Cash
·         Cashless
By Component:
·         Systems
·         Services
By Application:
·         Supermarkets & Hypermarkets
·         Department Stores
·         Convenience Stores
·         Others
By Region:
·         North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
·         Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Europe)
·         Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of APAC)
·         Middle East & Africa (Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran, UAE, Africa, Rest of MEA)
·         South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of SA)
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Table of Content:
Chapter 1: Introduction
 1.1 Research Objectives
 1.2 Research Methodology
 1.3 Research Process
 1.4 Scope and Coverage
  1.4.1 Market Definition
  1.4.2 Key Questions Answered
 1.5 Market Segmentation
Chapter 2: Executive Summary
Chapter 3: Growth Opportunities By Segment
 3.1 By Type
 3.2 By Component
 3.3 By Application
Chapter 4: Market Landscape
 4.1 Porter's Five Forces Analysis
  4.1.1 Bargaining Power of Supplier
  4.1.2 Threat of New Entrants
  4.1.3 Threat of Substitutes
  4.1.4 Competitive Rivalry
  4.1.5 Bargaining Power Among Buyers
 4.2 Industry Value Chain Analysis
 4.3 Market Dynamics
  4.3.1 Drivers
  4.3.2 Restraints
  4.3.3 Opportunities
  4.5.4 Challenges
 4.4 Pestle Analysis
 4.5 Technological Roadmap
 4.6 Regulatory Landscape
 4.7 SWOT Analysis
 4.8 Price Trend Analysis
 4.9 Patent Analysis
Connectivity, Digitization, and data are vital factors that propel digital transformation. To enhance customer satisfaction, businesses adopt digitalization to produce new products and services. Self-checkout solutions assist customers with shopping and facilitate digital and contactless payments without needing retail staff. The adoption of cashless payment methods has increased the demand for checkout systems. These checkout systems are deployed to reduce wait time and provide an innovative shopping experience to customers. Furthermore, there is a rapid rise in electronic payment transactions globally, owing to increasing use of smartphones.
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Self-checkout systems offer various benefits including greater accuracy, reduced labor cost, and better in–store optimization. It improves the customer experience as they can be served in less time, effectively reducing long queues, and waiting periods. Market players are designing systems that are smaller in size than standard checkout terminals, allowing businesses to integrate more checkout stations in a limited area.
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Introspective Market Research (introspectivemarketresearch.com) is a visionary research consulting firm dedicated to assisting our clients to grow and have a successful impact on the market. Our team at IMR is ready to assist our clients to flourish their business by offering strategies to gain success and monopoly in their respective fields. We are a global market research company, that specializes in using big data and advanced analytics to show the bigger picture of the market trends. We help our clients to think differently and build better tomorrow for all of us. We are a technology-driven research company, we analyze extremely large sets of data to discover deeper insights and provide conclusive consulting. We not only provide intelligence solutions, but we help our clients in how they can achieve their goals.
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themarketinsights · 2 years
Retail POS Software Market to Develop New Growth Story | ShopKeep, Lightspeed, Crimson Solutions, Verifone
The latest study released on the Global Retail POS Software Market by AMA Research evaluates market size, trend, and forecast to 2027. The Retail POS Software market study covers significant research data and proofs to be a handy resource document for managers, analysts, industry experts and other key people to have ready-to-access and self-analyzed study to help understand market trends, growth drivers, opportunities and upcoming challenges and about the competitors.
Key Players in This Report Include: Vend Limited (New Zealand), Epos Now (United Kingdom), ShopKeep (United States), TRUNO (United States), Lightspeed (Canada), Revel Systems (United States), Crimson Solutions, LLC (POS Nation) (United States), Square, Inc. (United States) , Verifone (United States), NCR Corporation (United States), Heartland Payment Systems (United States), Cegid (France), AccuPOS (United States) Download Sample Report PDF (Including Full TOC, Table & Figures) @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/75404-global-retail-pos-software-market#utm_source=OpenPRVinay
Definition: Retail POS software helps retailers in providing a user-friendly interface to offer a better retail experience. The software allows the retailer to manage the daily business operation with the utmost efficiency and effectiveness. It also provides accurate insight and analytics avoiding the paperwork and hence reducing human errors. It can be operated on mobile and desktop both with equal ease along with delivering the transaction updates and customer feedbacks and other notifications.
Market Drivers: • Demand for the Automation in the Retail Operations • Need for Efficient and Effective Transactions
Market Trend: • Increasing Use of Retail POS Software in the Mobile • Technological Advancement in the Retail POS Software
Market Opportunities: • Rising Retail Industry will Boost the Retail POS Software • Changing Customer Need and Requirements in the Retail Experience
The Global Retail POS Software Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below: by Application (Supermarkets/Hypermarkets, Retail Stores, Specialty Stores, Other), Platform (Windows, Linux, Mac OS, Android, IOS), Industry Verticals (Restaurants, Hospitality, Healthcare, Others), Device (PC, Laptops, Mobile, Tablets), Deployment (On-premise, Cloud-based)
Global Retail POS Software market report highlights information regarding the current and future industry trends, growth patterns, as well as it offers business strategies to help the stakeholders in making sound decisions that may help to ensure the profit trajectory over the forecast years.
Have a query? Market an enquiry before purchase @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/75404-global-retail-pos-software-market#utm_source=OpenPRVinay
Geographically, the detailed analysis of consumption, revenue, market share, and growth rate of the following regions: • The Middle East and Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Israel, Egypt, etc.) • North America (United States, Mexico & Canada) • South America (Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, etc.) • Europe (Turkey, Spain, Turkey, Netherlands Denmark, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Russia UK, Italy, France, etc.) • Asia-Pacific (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Australia).
Objectives of the Report • -To carefully analyze and forecast the size of the Retail POS Software market by value and volume. • -To estimate the market shares of major segments of the Retail POS Software • -To showcase the development of the Retail POS Software market in different parts of the world. • -To analyze and study micro-markets in terms of their contributions to the Retail POS Software market, their prospects, and individual growth trends. • -To offer precise and useful details about factors affecting the growth of the Retail POS Software • -To provide a meticulous assessment of crucial business strategies used by leading companies operating in the Retail POS Software market, which include research and development, collaborations, agreements, partnerships, acquisitions, mergers, new developments, and product launches.
Buy Complete Assessment of Retail POS Software market Now @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/buy-now?format=1&report=75404#utm_source=OpenPRVinay
Major highlights from Table of Contents: Retail POS Software Market Study Coverage: • It includes major manufacturers, emerging player's growth story, and major business segments of Retail POS Software market, years considered, and research objectives. Additionally, segmentation on the basis of the type of product, application, and technology. • Retail POS Software Market Executive Summary: It gives a summary of overall studies, growth rate, available market, competitive landscape, market drivers, trends, and issues, and macroscopic indicators. • Retail POS Software Market Production by Region Retail POS Software Market Profile of Manufacturers-players are studied on the basis of SWOT, their products, production, value, financials, and other vital factors. • Key Points Covered in Retail POS Software Market Report: • Retail POS Software Overview, Definition and Classification Market drivers and barriers • Retail POS Software Market Competition by Manufacturers • Impact Analysis of COVID-19 on Retail POS Software Market • Retail POS Software Capacity, Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2021-2027) • Retail POS Software Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Region (2021-2027) • Retail POS Software Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type {Payment Gateway, Merchant Account, Subscription Management,} • Retail POS Software Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis Retail POS Software Manufacturing Cost Analysis, Industrial/Supply Chain Analysis, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers, Marketing • Strategy by Key Manufacturers/Players, Connected Distributors/Traders Standardization, Regulatory and collaborative initiatives, Industry road map and value chain Market Effect Factors Analysis.
Browse Complete Summary and Table of Content @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/reports/75404-global-retail-pos-software-market#utm_source=OpenPRVinay
Key questions answered • How feasible is Retail POS Software market for long-term investment? • What are influencing factors driving the demand for Retail POS Software near future? • What is the impact analysis of various factors in the Global Retail POS Software market growth? • What are the recent trends in the regional market and how successful they are?
Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Middle East, Africa, Europe or LATAM, Southeast Asia.
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youwearthecrown · 5 years
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A barn find Truno I recently purchased.
Photo credit Mikey 2019
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