#try learning to speak english dummy
dragynkeep · 1 year
Bitch stfu w that cringey ass reply u thought u ate that ik ur ass is chronically online tryna romanticize a crusty old ass man creeping up on a girl old enough to be his (triple) great granddaughter be so fucking fr right now. write a job application sis
anyways. glad i can count on you to be the first fan of the lolita ride i'm gonna drag these two fictional characters on specifically because it chaps your ass. 💖✨
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mysticfoxdesigns · 6 months
My drafts were being weird @skatermusic so here we are
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Heatwave headcanons
He was lower caste on Cybertron before coming to the Rescue Bots
This mf is shit at reading due to this, but he tries his best to hide it
His formal education is whatever they taught at the academy, and even then due to the age he was when he came in and his graduation year, his education level isn't as high as the others
He is street smart though, and has a basic understanding of things around him. He isn't stupid when you actually look into what he knows
Sometimes doubts his position as leader due to this. Majority of the team leaders have been fire bots, so he sometimes believes that is why he was chosen as Sigma 17's team leader
Doesn't help that their team's graduation was rushed. That part was never really explained to them
Out of all of the Sigma team he is closest to Chase, but isn't Amica level with him (that honor has been given to Blades)
Loves to lie to the humans about basic Cybertronian things. Things from how they sleep, refuel, if they can cry or not, all of that is fair game for him to lie about. Anything that can actually be useful for them to know, such as patching them up, he allows Blades to explain
Speaking of Blades, these two started to rough house more as Blade's confidence grew. The rest of the team likes to watch them wrestle with each other
Literally cannot tell if Quickshadow is either flirting with him or making fun of him. Blades does not make it any easier as well with his input
Blurr gets under his plating but most of that is due to him seeing a younger self in Blurr. He tries his best to guide Blurr away from making the same mistakes as him, but sometimes you just gotta let him learn the hard way
Will never admit it, but loves when Kade insists on them visiting different scenic areas of Griffin Rock. The scenery was one of the small things that made him want to stay
Speaking of these times, he will also never admit that he loves hearing the stories Kade tells him. When he isn't trying to pose up for others, Kade actually makes a good talking partner to the bot.
While he doesn't fully understand the whole Kaiju movie industry, he will admit that watching giant monsters beat the shit out of each other is entertaining. Kade has dragged him off to a Godzilla movie marathon
Cody throws off his guardian coding, especially with all of the danger he gets into
He teaches Cody with his holoform different self defense mechanisms, and sometimes drags Kade in to be the test dummy
Has broken his training dummy so many times that Boulder had refused to fix it for 2 solid months. After that they came to a conclusion to create a metal one
Will allow Chase to infodump about his detective movies and books, but if there were a test at the end, he would fail
Finds metal and punk music to be the most similar human music to his favorite Cybertronian genres of music
Use to follow Megatron's speeches due to his position in the lower caste, but gave up on him after the council meeting and the fall out after that
"Why the frag is half of this island brain dead?"
Has never killed a man or bot, but isn't opposed to it if he weren't a Rescue Bot and was under oath
Is very sassy after the bots are revealed to the community. Has ruined many of Huxley's clips by swearing in English
Swears the most in English, but Blades wins for Cybertronian swearing
Races Hightide in boat mode. Only won once because Hightide took pity
Would gladly fuck up MECH if they met
And those are some Heatwave headcanons! Hope you enjoy
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nanis4thewin · 9 months
Imagine Quackity with an s/o who speaks more than one language (I speak English and French fluently and I'm learning Spanish and asl)
he would ask u, what are some pick up lines and then after u tell him 5 minutes later he’d tell u the pick up line in (for example french) but with the most AMERICAN accent ever, so he sounds like a dummy 🫢🫢
he would stare at u in awh when u meet with QSMP members and he sees u talking to them with such ease. and like ur laughing and making others laugh. he doesnt jnow what ur saying but he thinks its so beautiful u know more than one language
if u have an accent and ur still working on learning a langauge , he’d be playful here and there- but if u do feel insecure about it- he’d tell u, he thinks its amazing that ur trying to learn a new language and he thinks ur accent is adorable
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transboysokka · 6 months
hey i just need to make this post so i can link to it as like an about me/faq
just so i can have some info about me that's not like all up in your face bc who cares honestly but also so that dummies can read about who i am before sending "dont post about autism if youre not autistic!!" messages, u feel?
not that i get them a lot but i would def get them a lot LESS if there was a post like this to refer to
okay hi lets see
i am gay
actually im on the ace spectrum if u must know, thank u so much antidepressants ive taken since i was 7 years old...
i am trans (ftm)
speaking of trans i am legally male but am not able to change my name and have not yet transitioned medically in any way despite having socially transitioned almost a decade ago
ive known i was a boy my whole life because thats another question people asked i just got Very Good at repressing it
i am white!
yes i am a whitey who lives in taiwan, that is because i am an immigrant!
i have lived in east asia since 2018 and plan to be in taiwan forever
i AM... originally... from the US.... ughhhh fuckkkk i know righttttt
i do not identify as american lolololol
actually i dont identify with american culture in general because i wasnt there for covid and life kind of carried on as normal over here during covid so there's like this huge cultural divide between me and other americans now
i mean i dont identify as taiwanese either lol bc that would be... wild...
ok anyway
i am autistic
what else have i been diagnosed with lol astigmatism i guess
i have clinical depression and anxiety lol love that for me
i am colorblind
i have fibromyalgia and occasionally use a cane
i have a bunch of other learning disabilities and a bleeding disorder but jesus christ you dont need my whole life story
ive had ARFID my whole life and it gets dangerously bad sometimes and im also recently "recovered" from anorexia lets hope it stays that way
i was raised evangelical christian but now i have Trauma about it
im still spiritual and am somewhat involved in buddhism
i have trauma about family issues like a shitty dad and fucked up siblings and parentification, all that jazz
i am fluent in english and spanish but my mandarin is actually not that good (like enough to get around obviously but i cant read and write like at all)
oh im a teacher and im trying to finish my masters #privilege
idk what else is interesting
i travel a lot ive been to 15 countries
i grew up between the US and guatemala, i lived for a bit in cuba as a student, and I lived a year in china before i came to Taiwan
ok bye have the day u deserve
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Random Oikage scenario (or au, idk)
Oikawa is a beauty guru/ influencer and has a rather large platform and tons of fans. He often does partnerships with makeup and fashion brands until he is basically the face of the beauty and makeup industry.
Kageyama has a hidden talent for makeup that went undiscovered until Yachi and Kiyoko were in the mall and saw him with his sister Miwa looking around in a cosmetic shop and decided to greet him (and find out who this lady that he was keeping secret was!) He was tossing a ball around in the air, not paying attention but staying in close proximity of his sister who sometimes asked for his input.
When he heard his name being exclaimed, he almost dropped the ball out of surprise. You know how mothers somehow end up in long conversations? Yeah, this was how the three began chatting whilst Kageyama was kinda left out, not that he cared too much, this meant he could continue playing with his ball until he heard Miwa invite them over this weekend to hangout with them both. He wasn't too against it but moreso confused as to why he had to be there. Did that mean he could invite Hinata too so they could play volleyball together?
Turns out he could, they just wouldn't be playing volleyball. Instead, they both got dragged into Miwa's room to become their makeup test dummies.
Cue Hinata trying to lick the foundation because it was liquid. Cue Kageyama yelling at him for being a dumbass and throwing a beauty blender at him and telling him to dab it on his face. Hinata also ends up somehow breaking a gigantic lip balm because it was in the shape of the ball and his excuse being he wanted to spike it. Kageyama goes off on him telling him how that cost $35. Kiyoko and Yachi both laugh and are in awe of his makeup knowledge and upon asking, realise Miwa was the cause, although he "rarely ever played around with it", as he put it. Miwa rubs off the makeup already caking Hinata's face and asks Kageyama to "experiment a look on him".
End result: drag Queen Hinata.
Top it off with Miwa bringing out a long orange wig and tying it up in a high ponytail. The three are officially in absolute disbelief and accuse him of hiding this from them, to which he vehemently denies it. Hinata is just looking at himself in the mirror like: 🤨😉🤯
Kiyoko posts Hinata on her Instagram (I don't really see her as a TikTok person) and It. Blows. Up.
Cue them all bugging (forcing) Kageyama to start an Instagram, TikTok and eventually a YouTube channel to show off, give tutorials and tips on his makeup masterpieces. He's quite a small makeup artist, garnering around 100,000 fans, most of which are from English speaking countries so he's not well known in Japan, forcing him to get better at learning English, although he talks very minimally in his videos anyways (it's very rare he'll even speak in his TikTok's and Instagram posts). His whole personality and awkward demeanor adds to why his fans love him; it's refreshing from the overly confident, borderline cocky and arrogant personality that's rife in the beauty community. And when he starts speaking a few English words and phrases they explode with happiness and makes him appear even more amazing and rather cute, showing he wants to bond with his fans.
Hinata obviously makes regular appearances in his videos, as well as Sugawara, Yachi, Nishinoya and Tanaka. Kiyoko, Miwa, Daichi, Ennoshita, Kinoshita and Narita are the camera crew. Coach Ukai often gets Kageyama some makeup products after doing some research which Kags is very thankful for (also pays him back by spending a little extra in his store which Ukai picks up on and reprimands him)
(Hinata often gets teased due to the volleyball team seeing his Drag look.
(I feel Yamaguchi and Hinata have both been in a video together where Kageyama is doing a simplistic as well as a very dramatic look (simplistic on Yams, dramatic on Hinata (Hinata is now The Drag Queen)) and Tsukishima is in the background with the camera crew just being so sarcastic and Kageyama is just insulting him right back which makes the viewers want Tsukki in more videos as it makes Kageyama talk more. Eventually Kageyama can't deal with his snarky bullshit (the remark being how "the glowy and pink shit is so prominent, it takes the attention away from the 6 year old skill-level). Kageyama spins around, makeup brush in one hand, some sort of liquid makeup in the other, points to Tsukki with the brush like "fishsticks you better shut up or you're my next victim". This is all live, by the way. Hinata is all like "salty fries is too much of a coward, he'll never do it!" and just riling Tsukishima up, knowing he's getting more and more irritated and wanting to prove him wrong. It doesn't help that Yams is like "that's not gonna happen. Tsukki would never". Everyone's stifling their laughter. What hits the nail on the coffin is when Kageyama is like "nah, you're just worried that even makeup won't make you look good". Needless to say Tsukki without glasses on, concealer under his eyes, wingliner, bit of blush on his cheeks and highlight on his nose with some tinted red lipbalm is just elite)).
(Anyways!!!!!) One day Oikawa is mindlessly scrolling through TikTok, being his ever so judgemental self when he comes across a makeup look that's... Dramatic and like a unicorn just threw up. He likes it, loves it in fact. He clicks onto the live and doesn't really recognise Yachi whose face is being used to model the look but he hears the infamous "DUMBASS!" Followed by, "did you just spray setting mist into your mouth?!!!!" In an oddly familiar voice. Camera turns to reveal kageyama stalking towards a VERY familiar tangerine who looks confused as fuck.
"It tastes like vinegar"
"Then why do you still have it lying around?!!"
"It was iN THE BIN!"
He's never clicked off of a live so fast in his life. His Tobio chan, former kohai, KNOWS HOW TO DO MAKEUP?!!!! Immediately clicks and scrolls through the entirety of Kageyama's account and what do you know, chibi chan looks decent in drag.
What really grinds his gears is how this is further proof that his former FUCKING KOHAI IS JUST FUCKING COPYING HIM!!! He sees that in Kageyama's TikTok bio he links a few accounts and the pinned videos on Yachi's reveal where it all began. She also recorded the first ever time Kageyama did makeup on Hinata, kick-starting his fame (and Hinata's ascent into drag). Okay so maybe his former kohai didn't necessarily copy him but Oikawa's still going to think that.
He decides to do a look almost identical to the one he saw on Kageyama's live and it goes viral, just like any other one of his looks. Iwaizumi just so happens to stumble upon it on his Instagram feed and goes into the comment section and after quite a lot of mindless scrolling (Oikawa doesn't get a lot of hate but the comments that do hate on him are the best roasts he's ever read) he stumbles upon a few comments which basically say "isn't this one of Kageyama's looks?" or "istg I've seen this on Tobio Kageyama's page!!" Eyebrows furrow at the mention of his former (would Kageyama be his kohai too???) teamate's name. He decides to check out Kageyama's account with surprisingly lots of makeup related posts. He goes onto TikTok as the look people were referring to wasn't on Instagram and low and behold he found a video of the near exact look. It was a snippet of the live and was posted about three weeks ago and since Oikawa's was posted within the last few days he realised that Shittykawa stole Kageyama's art, and pretty much got away with it since Kageyama was a tiny artist compared to Oikawa (also Kageyama is pretty clueless and doesn't really pay mind to other beauty artists).
Angry at his shitty friend, he confronts Oikawa and forces him to give Kageyama the credit he rightfully deserves in the post's caption as well as an apology video (that Kageyama will never actually see on his own). It was pretty half-assed and the word sorry never actually leaves his mouth but he does seem a little sheepish. Comments from his fans flood in with things like, "it's ok!!!", "Dont worry abt it", "at least u gave credit!" And "urs was much better anyways so u were basically critiquing it". Iwaizumi has none of it and responds with "the apology ain't for ya, your opinion doesn't matter and is invalid".
Eventually the Karasuno team sees the videos and jump into the comment section defending their king and battling it out with Oikawa's toxic fans (cough cough Tsukishima absolutely roasting them and saying things like how their king is just naturally gifted, and how Oikawa is basically a first draft and Kags being the finished product cough cough (obviously with fake accounts))
Kageyama's fans also get involved and tag him a bunch of times in the videos but he doesn't go onto his Instagram until the team and Miwa tell him to. He doesn't really care. However, he makes a remark in the identical makeup video saying 'ur going pretty far to try get my attention. Thx for the credit btw' without much thought to it. It makes steam pour out of Oikawa's ears when he randomly receives the notification during lunch causing iwaizumi to look over and choke on his food laughing. Since when did Kageyama develop a sense of humour????!???
Eventually the fans quite literally demand a collab after seeing the comment. It didn't help that Oikawa's volleyball team were relentless in teasing him about it and trying to push for the collaboration which Oikawa was vehemently against.
That was until a globally famous makeup brand asked for a partnership which included the two doing a collaboration. He hated the idea of working with his former kohai but this makeup brand was immensely popular that it could do absolute wonders to his future so he caved. He made iwaizumi write and send the message though (iwaizumi being super fucking cocky the entire time).
Kageyama receives the message and was just like: 😐 hm *shrugs shoulders and leaves him on read*. He wasn't intentionally being a prick, he just didn't care about makeup. He didn't even give it a second thought because it wasn't volleyball related. Iwaizumi cracks the fuck up to which Oikawa is kinda embarrassed but mainly pissed so he (RELUCTANTLY) spams chibi chan on Instagram about it who is also like: 😐 hm *shrugs shoulders and leaves him on read* Hinata definitely freaks out at first because the grand king contacted him!!! But his interest was fleeting because he also doesn't care if it's not volleyball related. Getting rather infuriated, he contacts Yachi on TikTok as a last resort.
Yachi freaks out, tells Kiyoko, Miwa and the boys who tell Kageyama, not realising he knew and he's like, "oh yeah, that. Meh". And they freak out, telling him how this will be amazing and he'll be working with a major makeup brand and then he's all like "do you guys wanna do it?" And they respond "Uhh YES?????" And then he says "oh, okay, cool, let's do it then" and goes back to the volleyball stuff with Hinata. It's then they realise he only ever really persued this for them and to find a bond with them outside of volleyball. He thinks of them all as a team and wanted them on board with it before going through with any decision (which is also why he ignored the message as it wasn't directed at all of them). It makes sense now why he uses them all as his models and credits them all. Cue to them definitely not feeling somewhat emotional at how considerate and compassionate their tyrant king has become.
Skip to collab. It's at Kageyama's house because Oikawa didn't really want him at his house but at the same time he didn't want to use Kags' setup but the Karasuno team got frustrated and told him to get his ass over to Kageyama's house.
He felt weird being there but maintained the facade (plus his cockiness). He's confused as to who Miwa is and how close she is to Kags (plus she uses his first name).
Jumps to the assumption that they're dating. A part of him is jealous, another part is like "how the fuck did he do that? How does he have a hot partner whilst I'm single?!!??"
Unfortunately Kageyama had to be in the video and had to put on makeup. HOWEVER they decided to spice it up by getting everyone else involved. They would blindfold the model and would use the makeup sent by the company to do a look on them and the person would guess who the artist was.
Oikawa couldn't believe it but he was actually?? Having?? Fun???
The fun was kinda ruined when Kageyama was doing the makeup on Miwa and had a small, genuine smile on his face whilst Miwa was making random comments (only the others were responding though). It was weird to Oikawa how Miwa immediately knew that Kageyama was her makeup artist so Oikawa leaned towards Mr Refreshing and asked him how long they've been dating? To which Suga furrows his brows and informs him that they're siblings.
Mild suprise takes over him, his kohai had a sibling? And did he just let out a sigh of relief????
Cue them fighting over a makeup brush because they both need it for their models. Cue them breaking it and having a mini argument over whose fault it was.
Oikawa 'accidentally' gets some mascara on Kageyama so he responds by squirting some lipstick onto Oikawa with the response "whoops, my bad" in the most monotonous, unapologetic tone ever (and is that a small smirk on his lips??) Oikawa gasps, followed by him whining at how his skin is very delicate and not prepped and how expensive his shirt was and how the lipstick may not come out and "TOBIO CHAN YOU DID NOT JUST ROLL YOUR EYES AT ME!!"
This was also on live.
The team literally have to force them to get back to their models who were both confused and entertained.
Eventually once everyone's all made up only Oikawa and Kageyama are left. They decide to do each others' makeup and Oikawa hates to admit it but his former kohai is kinda talented.
This is a once in a lifetime experience so he does Lolita makeup on Kageyama. Photos are being taken left, right and centre particularly by Tsukishima who was dying of laughter. Hinata is pissed, yelling about how Kags is trying to go after his crown (which is absurd and he's not even in drag this time but E-boy).
Kageyama decides to make Oikawa Goth who is mortified. He'll never wear it again but he's just checking himself out in the mirror. One minutes it's, "I can rock any look" the next "TOBIO CHAN WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS? HOW COULD YOU?!! AT LEAST I MADE YOU LOOK CUTE!!" and then it's back to "I'm so fucking hot, I was made for this!" Seijou is watching the live like: 🤣😑🙄😂🤣
Kageyama has enough of Oikawa's bipolar-ness and decides now would be a good time to test out the setting spray the company sent them. He sprays it all over Oikawa's makeup, essentially locking it in place. Apparently their new formula made it so that the makeup is unremovable for the next two hours. Oikawa rushes to grab the makeup wipes and makeup remover but to no avail. He's now beyond pissed. Seijou is fully enjoying this.
"I guess they weren't lying". Kageyama's comment sent Oikawa wrestling for the setting spray and spraying it all over Kageyama's face. The team is howling with laughter and not one tries stopping the pair.
They're both now stuck for the next two hours, however they get the idea that it's only fair the others are stuck too so they're going around trying to spray them. Items are thrown, Nishinoya and Hinata are used as shields which effectively starts more fights. It's not going good aND "WHY IS THE CAMERA STILL ON??!!"
It's every person for themselves until everyone has been sprayed. None of them think it's funny anymore. Asahi is shook up from the experience.
Miwa tries to fix it by suggesting playing a board game. Everyone ends up agreeing due to their competitive nature.
More chaos ensues. Chairs are thrown. Tears are spilled. And arguments are happening almost every other minute until no one is on civil terms with one another.
Daichi was out. Everyone watched on to see who would be left.
Oikawa wished he'd have left after the makeup. However it's him, his kohai and Nishinoya left and he refuses to lose.
Nishinoya was out. It was now him against Kageyama.
Before either of them could make a move, the board was thrown off the table, the pieces flying in all directions.
"I DEMAND A REMATCH YOU CHEATERS!!", is all he screeched back, fingers raised accusingly at Kageyama and Oikawa who were dumbfounded.
Nishinoya then throws cushions at the two who immediately pair together to attack back. A pillow fight breaks out and surprisingly Oikawa and Kags decide to remain a pair to fight against the others (whilst also fighting each other every now and then). However this is Kageyama and I doubt this would interest him enough unless it meant beating Hinata (who just so happened to pair up with Miwa, Sugawara and Daichi) (Asahi has stayed out of this) so the two quickly forgot about Nishinoya and work on getting Hinata's group to surrender. Somehow they end up getting almost everyone to surrender; These are the two kings after all and they're a deadly force.
Miwa welcomes everyone to spend the night.
Although it was fun Oikawa instantly rejects to which Kags is relieved (both of them secretly a little disappointed by the others response).
From then on it's like an enemies to lovers but having to keep up the enemies facade only they're not at the same time. On Kageyama's end he's just apathetic and it doesn't occur to him to tell anyone about their progressing relationship. No one takes Oikawa's flirting and lovesick nicknames seriously because it's Oikawa and it only just fuels their competitiveness with each other when on court.
I wholeheartedly believe that if they were to get married, that's how everyone would find out they were in a relationship to begin with (minus Iwaizumi because I feel Oikawa would just talk nonstop about being in a relationship). They'd just receive a wedding invitation mailed to them and it's all like: !!!!!! 😱🤯🤯??!??!!
Anyways this was rather long. I would have loved to add more but if any stories are like this or anyone decides to write a story based off of anything from here, please tag me; I'd love to read them!!
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mistuhnice · 11 months
I'm mistuhnice and can be called Mr.NiceGuy or Dummi.
[[I only tell close friends my actual name.]]
My pronouns are anything I don't mind.
I'm a minor [14]. My bday is 2/18.
I speak English. [No other language.]
I'm serious sometimes but i mostly joke around a lot..
I might consider myself as a furry but I'm not sure, I'm also not judgemental, you're safe to tell me anything, and i promise not to tell anyone about your secrets. [Who would i even tell anyway??]
I'm into Wander Over Yonder and my favorite character's are Commander Peepers, Lord Hater, Sylvia, Wander and Westley.
I'm into more Fandoms but ehhh..
I also love to be friend's with anyone, I'm really lonely.
I draw also [you can see-], not the best and not the worst, I'm still trying to learn but i just have this cartoony art style-
I also roleplay [WHEN I WANT TO. >:( ] and i own Junior The Watchdog if anyone's wondering. idk what else to write it's like 2AM and there's blood in my throat because I'm sick grr
[only simple one's. I don't like drawing characters with a billion accessories on them.]
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Also.... i forgot what i was gonna type here
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nemobeatrice · 1 year
Thank you for tagging me @itspvg
Tea, coffee, or soda? Coffee because I drink that the most than the other two. I don't drink it every day, though. Pumpkin spice coffee and Frappuccinos are my favorite.
Dogs or cats? Cats. I just think they're easier to take care of.
Can you play an instrument? It's been a while. I used to play piano and the recorder, but it's been a while.
What's your sun sign? I had to Google search this. That's basically Zodiac, right? Virgo.
First song lyrics that pop into your head? Poppy is your mommy. - Voicemail by Poppy.
Do you have any tattoos? No, I don't know what to get. Also, I have no money.
Favorite place you traveled? Seattle. I've been there a lot. There's a lot of buildings I want to go into. Oh, and food. I want to go to Biscuit Bitch. There's also this ice cream store, but I don't remember the name.
What's the last movie you watched? Shrek 2, and it was with my cat. I watch that movie a lot because it's my favorite.
What languages do you speak? I can speak English and a little bit of French and German. I'm trying to learn Japanese, though.
Do you have any hobbies? Gaming, streaming, reading, and writing. Also drawing, but I rarely do that.
You can hang out with one fictional character for an hour, who do you choose? Doppio from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. He's cute, and I want to steal his clothes.
Compliment yourself: Wow, you're dummy thicc. 💕
Tagging: @diokiraceo @viibarbatos and anyone else who wants to do this. :)
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thatsmytrunks · 1 year
Fred Wood’s Game of the Year 2022 List
Here’s an organized list of my games of the year, 2022. The rules are simple: I must have completed the meat of the game for the first time in 2022. Release date doesn't matter to me. Nothing matters. Time is made up. We’re posting this on Tumblr in 2023. Nothing could possibly matter anymore.
Chaos;Head NOAH
I adore the Steins;Gate series and have picked up and supported every english release of every Science;Adventure visual novel that has released since. Chaos;Head NOAH is the first game that has completely disappointed me, and I’m not totally sure who’s fault that is. From what I understand the localization team on this release did some work to try and make the game more palatable to unfamiliar audiences, trying to make the main character less of a piece of shit than in the original release. Well, they failed. He sucks bad, and I’m not sure I can endure revisiting it again to find the other endings/routes, no matter how much better they make the story.
AI The Somnium Files: Nirvana Initiative
AI The Somnium Files: Nirvana Initiative is a sequel to AI The Somnium files, and is not as good. It tries to do some really wild things with its narrative and mostly succeeds, but they tried to make the game stand alone for folks who didn’t pick up the original, and I think that fear made it much less impactful. The inclusion of an Easy Mode for folks who want to binge the story and not deal as much with the clever puzzles made it much more pleasant for this dummy to enjoy.
13 Sentinels Aegis Rim (Nintendo Switch)
In 2019 13 Sentinels dropped on PS4 and I tried to play it and kept thinking “I wish I could play this on a handheld”, so I never finished it. This year I did, and while I was not as in love with it as all the folks in 2019 who extolled its virtues, I will say this is a very wild game that tells a wild story using a wild structure that seems incomprehensible until it clicks. And I think it clicks really, really well.
AI The Somnium Files
This game was the first new big drop from the creator of The Nonary Games series. I first played it a little on Switch when it first came out thanks to a review code, but the graphics were so bad and the beginning was so slow that I put it down and never picked it back up. When the sequel, Nirvana Initiatve came out, and friends started speaking so highly about it, I gave the original another try, this time on XBox Series X via GamePass. Instead of being a garbled mess, it was a gorgeous video game that held a great series of mysteries with a cast of characters I learned to love. The only mark against the game is it’s a bit hard. The puzzles in the game are based on dream logic, and dream logic is pretty subjective, so I kept failing and getting frustrated. The sequel mitigates this with lots of difficulty options and making it easier to retry. For this one I mitigated the difficulty by using a walkthrough when I got stuck. The game’s a real 9/10, though, highly recommended.
Undertale: No Mercy
Undertale came out in 2015, and here in 2022/2023 I’m working for Toby Fox on Deltarune, so take everything I have to say with a healthy amount of bias.
I played Undertale in 2015 the week it came out for a few minutes and thought it was cool and didn’t pick it back up until Thanksgiving. By that point the game had absolutely changed the internet forever and it was getting real hard not to get spoiled, so I played the game like I think most uninformed players do. I loaded up the game, thought it was neat, killed the really nice goat lady, learned that I did not have to kill goat mom, restarted the game, got a “pacifist ending”, then got a “true pacifist ending”. I had always heard about the other major route, but never really thought it would be my bag.
This year, after having talked to a lot of people and being pretty bad at the Undertale and Deltarune danmaku bullet patterns, I wanted to go and see the rest of what one of my favorite games of all time had to offer. I did it on a couple of Live Streams where I struggeled a lot, but ultimately won the battle against a true hero. I pushed on to give the friendly skeleton fight a few honest tries, before giving up and resorting to cheat engine.
Just like everyone else has said over the last seven years, it’s amazing how Toby was able to tell another very powerful and very memorable story by reusing places, characters, and battles. It’s wild how the most famous track in the game takes place in a battle that most players will never experience on their own. It reminds me of how the best part of Drakengard is hidden away after having to do a bunch of really horrible and actively unfun things, but that wild alternate route resulted in NieR.
I will probably never beat the friendly skeleton battle at the end of the game legitimately. I don’t have the kind of reflexes and memory to learn every single one of the attacks and pull them off, but having gotten there on my own and trying it a few times, I sure as hell understand and appreciate it.
The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe
Many years ago I played a game that told the story of a man named Stanley. While The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe is not quite a sequel (though it also very much is), it was wonderful to revisit one of my favorite indie games of all time with a fresh coat of paint on modern consoles. The new stuff was wonderfully meta and hilarious, and there was enough of it to justify the double dip. The extra nice thing was playing it with my wife this time, so I got to see bits of the game through fresh eyes.
Sonic Frontiers
Who would have thought that Breath of the Wild meets Death Stranding would make for a surprisingly competent open world Sonic the Hedgehog video game. I really liked running around each of the “open zones”, pulling off tricks and goin’ fast. The combat was repetitive, and the bosses weren’t terribly fun, but the moment to moment controlling the blue attitude man felt really great. Also the game has simultaneously some of the best music in the series (the early cyber zones) and the absolute worst (every single boss battle, don’t @ me).
Sonic Origins
I was so excited in 2021 when they announced that the Christian Whitehead ports of Sonic 1 2 and CD were coming to modern platforms, as well as some sort of re-release of Sonic 3 & Knuckles. What we got was a very buggy mess of these games that had some really glaring issues that made it impossible to recommend, especially at its $40-$45 price tag.
Now with a little bit of time and a few sales, the game can be found for around $20 with its most glaring bugs patched out. Now we have a modern version of the mainline Sonic the Hedgehog games I grew up with, they have widescreen, and they have the ability to retry special stages. They also have fully and wonderfully animated sequences between each game connecting them to one another, and a full 4K upscale of each of the Sonic CD animations with tremendous care and attention.
This year I beat Sonic 1,2,CD, and 3K 100% with all chaos emeralds (something I’d never done in CD), and it was an absolute delight. And playing on the Switch OLED in handheld mode is an absolute delight. If you’re playing on PC, there’s wonderful mods that replace all the music in the game with uncompressed versions of all the original music, there’s fixes for small issues with the dropdash, and there’s a nice and quick fix to remove the weird bilinear filter on the games. It’s easy to recommend for me, now.
This would probably have been higher up my list if not for the miserable state it released in and the $40 price tag.
Vampire Survivors
Vampire Survivors is a game that deserves to be game of the year on someone’s list, but isn’t quite on mine. I love incremental power fantasy roguelikes like Risk of Rain, and at first blush, this seemed to be the idle game version of that. Functionally you can move freely around a big open space, your character will attack every couple of seconds, and a horde of enemies comes at you. The first few minutes of the first few games are pretty boring, but as time goes on you kill enemies, gain xp, and start to build up your character with buffs and new weapons, making you an incredibly powerful killing machine by the end of your run, which at the start is capped at 30 minutes. I spent 30 hours with this game in the first two weeks of playing it, and it was a wildly powerful tool for making time disappear. I’d boot it up, unlock a bunch of new characters and perks, and then say “yeah, one more game”. As I sit here writing this on a 13 hour flight on Tokyo, I’m excited to say I’m going to use its magical time erasing capability to make this trip all the faster.
Also the game’s less than five bucks which is insane for how much fun I’ve had with it.
Judgment is an open world beat ‘em up RPG in the vein of Yakuza by the creators of Yakuza taking place in the town of Kamurocho from the Yakuza series. You play as a private detective who is disgraced for getting a murderer acquitted who was then quickly re-arrested for the crime of super murdering his girlfriend. The story of Judgment isn’t about that case, but you can sure as hell bet you’re going to be relitigating that case while you solve a rash of cases involving a serial killer referred to as the mole (for some reason I never fully understood). I picked up Judgment when it came out on PS4, again when it came out on Stadia while I was on vacation away from home, and then again on XBox Series X when I decided I wanted to see the graphics much better. Each time I’d start the game, get to the arcade, play some Virtua Fighter and the claw machines, and then forget to pick it back up.
This year they finally released Judgment and Lost Judgment (the sequel I have yet to finish) on PC via Steam. It was a perfect release for me to enjoy on my very nice computer and TV, then pop over to the Steam Deck and play the side missions that Studio Ryu Ga Gotoku is so known for.
Judgment is somewhere firmly planted in my top 3 Yakuza games, and I mean that with the absolute highest possible praise. It’s a great game and a wonderful introduction to this studio’s work. Y’all should play it.
Destiny 2: The Witch Queen
The Witch Queen is the latest expansion in Destiny 2, and is likely the best one we’ve gotten. There are all sorts of incremental improvements to the game’s economy and the loot pool, but the biggest and most exciting change was the addition of a “Legendary” difficulty for the game’s campaign, which made it a challenge for once, like the Halo series Bungie was known for. It felt like a real accomplishment finishing this game’s story, and the legitimate twist at the end of the game is spectacular. 
It’s more Destiny and I like Destiny and they did this Destiny really well so it goes on the list.
I played Inscryption in January of 2022 so I really don’t remember it very well – which is exciting as hell because I’d love to replay it. It starts as a pretty simple and very fun card game with some creepy stuff that expands into a different kind of card game with other kinds of creepy stuff, and eventually tells a really cool and wild story. Telling you much about that story would spoil it, so I’ll shut up here and just say that Inscryption is spectacular.
Neon White
Soundtrack of the Year winner Neon White is a first person platforming shooter where you have cards that are guns but also special abilities. I adored the world of Neon White and most of its characters, though it’s hard to go wrong with a protagonist voiced by Steve Blum doing his best Spike Spiegel recap. Most of the story fails to land, but the gameplay, soundtrack, and replayability made it a hell of a game. I hope they make a silly expansion for it, because I just want more.
Dicey Dungeons
Dicey Dungeons has been on my game of the year list before, but this is its final resting place. This year they ported Dicey Dungeons as well as all its many bonus chapters to iOS and Android, and there’s no better place to play it. Dicey Dungeons is a card-based deck builder where you have skills that requrie different numerical requirements that you meet using dice. It’s got many characters to play as, many tweaked versions of the game, and an incredible soundtrack by Chipzel. It’s a must buy.
Elden Ring
Oh, Elden Ring. The only reasons you're not my Game of the Year is because I'm not good enough to meet your challenges. I was playing the game my way -- offline, single player, with an ultrawide hack and a 120fps patch, without looking up any guides and without watching videos about how to build out my character effectively. This means that before I could get into the dope castle area, I had to defeat the Draconic Sentinel, and no matter how many times I got ‘em down to a sliver of health, they’d ruin me.
The sense of exploration in Elden Ring is unparalleled. I went down an elevator that just kept going and going, then came out to an underground cavern that was so big that it had a sky. I went through a portal in a chest that dumped me into a battle with a dude straight out of Shadow of the Colossus overlooking a massive castle town. I went to hell, I think. Every time I went to some new place, I was blown away. Each place felt unique and compelling, and I just wanted to explore every nook and cranny.
I think I’m going to go back to Elden Ring, but I need time. Hopefully when I do there will be some sort of official PC patch that completely gets rid of the baffling stuttering issues I was having on a 3090. Hopefully they’ve embraced an unlocked framerate and don’t require me to go use tools that would get me banned from playing the multiplayer experience to get the most out of my time with it. And hopefully I’ll have a controller that can withstand the few times I quit the game in furious anger. I really do want to see all that Elden Ring has to offer, because I know that it’s a lot.
Fortnite went from a joke of a game that was never coming out to a game that ripped off a popular new video game to one of the biggest gaming sensations in the world. In 2021 when matchmaking for Halo Infinite broke, the folks I was playing that with pivoted to Fortnite. While Halo Infinite's back and better than ever -- we're still playing Fortnite. Gunplay has gotten better, the sandbox has grown immensely, and they introduced a No Build mode which removes the pesky ability to build fortifications -- something I'm bad at and refuse to get good at. I've had so much unironic fun playing Fortnite with friends, won many, many games (and lost many many more), and I've spent money on cosmetics. There's something incredible about John Cena riding in on a boar with a cape on his back, dropping a dude with a shotgun, and then doing Gangnam Style in front of him while he bleeds out.
Also, as of writing, they just added a bunch of incredible visual tech from Unreal Engine 5.1 which has made the game become a baffling technological showcase.
Have you heard of this one? Way back in 1995 my friend Thomas and I went to the local Blockbuster and rented a game with a huge box for the SNES. It was a weird and wild RPG about a kid who got chosen by a bee to go and save the world from some sort of weird existential threat. I did not understand it back then, but I thought it was fascinating. I didn't have a SNES nor the money to rent the game again, so I didn't play it again.
In 2012 at the Portland Retro Game Expo I was across from a booth selling a complete in box copy of the game in poor condition for $250. Someone wrote the name Shawn Rogers (probably a person named Shawn Rogers) on the front of the box, destroying its value. I spent the money on it, excited to finally have enough money to own this fascinating game I'd tried emulating a couple times since, and called myself a real EarthBound fan. Later that year I brought an SNES with the game to my friend Levi's house and played it for 3 hours. It was rad, and I decided that I should finish Mother before I finally gave EarthBound its due, and so I did in a weekend long live stream. I burned out while playing EarthBound when I got to Fourside for the first time, and decided to call it quits.
In 2021 I picked up a dirt cheap XBox Series S right before a trip to my inlaws in Arkansas, and got RetroArch running on it. I had initially intended to play Halo Infinite (my 2021 game of the year), but the input latency on the TV made it impossible to play the game -- so I tried a fresh playthrough of EarthBound using the "New Controls" hack. I ended up having a lot of free time during that trip, so I divided it up between Destiny 2 via Stadia on my phone and revisiting this aging RPG.
EarthBound is magnificent and deserves all the praise it gets. It has heart, it's earnest, it's weird, it's quirky, and it's not afraid. The story of the young chosen one Ness is simple and unoriginal, but the characters, places, and troubles you get into are unforgettable. The last two hours of that game (The Place and The Final Boss) are filled with some of the most memorable imagery and soundscape in a video game. I don't want to spoil anything for those who really don't know about it, because it's really special.
I'm so glad the game's finally out on Switch as part of Nintendo Switch Online, because the barrier to entry is now just subscribing to a $20 a year plan on a console that most gamers have. There's other ways of playing it that don't cost $250 for a boxed copy (or the $2800 they go for now, sheesh), so I'd really recommend it. It's the second best game I played this year.
Tunic's the best game of 2022, and one of the best games I've played in a long time. It's one of those kind of games where if you try to explain what makes it good, you ruin it for someone who hasn't played it. So let me dance around that.
Tunic is a game that looks like a Zelda game, has combat like a Dark Souls game, and has another layer to it. Over the course of the game you learn that if you do one thing it unlocks a whole new ability, or you learn to read a symbol that opens a whole bunch of new opportunities, and culminates in the biggest "I can't believe they did this, that they'd expect someone to figure that out, and I can't believe I figured that out" moment I've ever had with a piece of interactive media. Really just a triumph all around.
The game is hard as nails, sometimes downright unfair, but the game's completely guilt-less accessibility options (infinite stamina, invincibility) make the hardest fights possible and trivial, while letting you get back to the big brain moments. Also it's on XBox Game Pass, which lowers the barrier to entry to an outrageous extent.
Tunic's my game of the year because of how it made my brain feel, and nothing comes close.
Games I didn't finish that deserve to be played:
When LIVE A LIVE got announced, we had a team meeting where everyone talked about how good and important LIVE A LIVE is, and two people suggested I started on the prehistoric storyline. That was probably a mistake for me, as it was really slow and not very fun, but also had the mega hit Megalomania for the end boss of that chapter. I started up the ninja’s storyline and was much more into it, but I think I might wait for the inevitable PC port. The loading times on switch were attrocious, and that HD2D style would look much better in HD.
Cursed to Golf
The folks at Chuhai Games are new friends to me, and Cursed to Golf is a fantastic golf-based rougelike that they’ve made. It’s incredibly fun and the story is goofy and wonderful and I need to find more time to play it.
Lost Judgment
Lemme be honest, the story in Lost Judgment so far is a snooze fest. All this stuff in the highschool is starting to burn me out, but I’ve been told that it gets much better. So I’m gonna stick with it. Not every game can be as good as Judgment was, anyways.
Picross 3D
Every year or two I delete my Picross 3D save file and start from scratch. I love me some nonograms, and taking them to an extra dimension is a delight. It’s criminal that we’ve only gotten two of these games, and none of them on the Switch. There are some perfectly acceptable clones out there on Steam and Mobile, but none of them match the charm of the Picross 3D series from Nintendo.
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stobotnik-forever · 2 years
Soulmate AU Chapter 1
Side note: I know the prologue didn't have any Stobotnik in it BUUUUUT in this chapter you'll find out who Stone's soulmate is:D I bet you guys already have a pretty good guess on who Stone's soulmate is~
The move to Afghanistan was hectic, though his mother took it the hardest, saying her goodbyes to all her neighborhood friends(Aban had lost count after 27), reminiscing about all the good times while packing up what little their family had, and having one hell of a struggle trying to catch the family dog, a fierce looking Rottweiler a young(er) Stone named Pablo, to get him into the truck because as his father said every time they moved, 'No dog left behind'.
Now Aban was out and about on the street, free from the burden of unpacking boxes all thanks to his mom who insisted he get out and meet some people. The town had such an American feel to it Stone hardly even remembered he was cruising down the road in Afghanistan as he sang Call me Maybe! Then something caught his eye. It was a mall with giant glass windows and a big glittery red sign that was just bound to catch the attention of anyone who happened to pass by. I should get something for my soulmate here, Stone told himself with the biggest grin on his face as he turned into the parking lot.
The mall was just as big as it was on the outside as it was on the inside with a food court, a photobooth, and all sorts of different little shops popping up around each corner. Stone stopped to look at some nail polish, eyeing up all the different colors. Black would be a good color for me, he thought to himself, reaching for the nail polish. Stone stopped mid grab, No I'm shopping for my soulmate not me. And besides father would lose his shit if he saw me wearing this.
The 18 year old sighed and walked away, continuing his search for the perfect gift to give his soulmate. And that's when he saw it. A plain white mug with the words 'World's Greatest Soulmate' written in big black bold letters. It was cliche, it was a little cheesy, and yet Stone bought it anyway. Lots of people love coffee, I love coffee, so why wouldn't my soulmate? Speaking of coffee...I think I saw someone selling some back at the food court. And maybe I could get a job there, we do need the extra money..., he thought to himself.
In the end Stone came home with a mug but no coffee and no job, greatful the woman who sold him the mug spoke English and not so grateful the man at the coffee shop only spoke Dari. He'd have to pick up a book on Dari or get a translator or something otherwise he'd never get through school tomorrow. His father on the other hand had apparently used his downtime in the hospital to learn Dari which made Stone wonder just how long his father had known about this mission in advance...maybe I'll ask him about it sometime, he thought as he walked to his bedroom.
Aban immediately sent the mug to his soulmate, even though he'd never gotten a gift back, he kept sending them, confident there was some reason his soulmate didn't send him gifts. He'd thought up countless reasons over the years like they're just afraid they'll accidentally send me something I don't like, maybe they don't know how to send gifts or-"How was it," his mother asked. "It was...interesting," Aban answered. "Well maybe it'll be more interesting if we learn their language," she told him, holding out a book to him. It was titled Dari for Dummies. He almost laughed at that then motioned for his mom to sit down so they could learn together.
Robotnik was working at his desk when suddenly something appeared right in front of him! He screamed before realizing it was just a simple coffee mug. But it was too late, the scream had triggered his badniks' defense system and alerted his new bodyguard who came running in with his gun drawn. "Where's the danger," the military moron asked, looking around wildly, completely unaware of the red dots aimed at his chest.
Robotnik spun around in his chair to face him, pressing buttons on his gloves to disarm his babies before they could fire. "The only danger here is your own stupidity," the doctor spat.
"But I thought-Who said you were allowed to think," Robotnik interrupted.
"Well...no one but-Shh-I heard-Zip it-you scream," the other man finished.
The evil genius let out an irritated sigh through grit teeth and started to speak in a dangerously calm tone laced with hidden venom, "I did not scream. In fact there was no scream at all." "Now," he continued, getting out of his chair and inching closer to the other man, his voice rising in volume with each step. "If you have even half a brain in that thick, thick, thick skull of yours," Robotnik growled, emphasizing the word thick by flicking the imbecile's forehead. "YOU'LL GO STAND OUTSIDE THE DOOR LIKE A GOOD LITTLE GUARD DOG AND STOP POSIONING MY AIR WITH YOUR INFERIORITY," he boomed. The other man scowled, glaring at the scientist with all the hate he could summon but did exactly as he was told...
Robotnik sat down, spun back around in his chair, ready to dive back into his work when he noticed the cup was still sitting there. Menacingly. He hated the idea of having a soulmate, the doctor didn't believe that there was some halfwit out there just destined to be with him, he knew that there was no human on this planet who would tolerate him, much less love him. Still he was thankful he wouldn't receive another gift until next year.
The evil genius picked the mug up, taking a moment to read the lettering. Robotnik's face contorted into a disgusted, sour expression that made him look like he'd just bit into the world's sourest lemon. Then he made a quick grab for a red marker, effectively crossing out the word soulmate and writing genius over it. Now it read World's Greatest Genius. Robotnik's lips twitched into something almost like a smile as he stared at the mug. Now that's much better...
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dwaeki · 3 years
beomgyu as ur bf ! (random headcanons)
pairing: beomgyu x gn!reader
genre: fluff, comedy
warnings: none other than poorly written fluff, intended lower case and maybe some spelling errors :D
a/n: YET AGAIN I WENT WITH THE FLOW SO SORRY IF IT'S KINDA BAD- keep in mind that english isnt my first language thank you <3
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another one of my ults nfakjnglkejngr
you're dating a clown-
honestly, how do u even survive because he's actually so annoying
but he loves you though, i promise <3
an actual brat.
teases you a LOT !!! but never in a mean way.
if you trip over your own feet and fall, he's probably going to laugh at you, offering his hand to help you up but then quickly pulling it back to mess with you!
or if you accidentally drop your phone, spill some water on yourself, etc. he's going to tease you,
"y/n, what are you? a 3 year old?? you can't even walk without tripping, HAH, DUMMY!!!!"
loves to push your buttons to get different reactions out of you :D
he's quite empathetic though, so it's never his intention to hurt your feelings by poking fun at you.
if he notices that his teasing is making you uncomfortable or insecure he will not hesitate to stop,
making you feel loved and appreciated is his number one priority <3
he's determined to make you laugh, because when he hears you giggle... phew he's on cloud 9,
knowing the fact that he's the reason you're grinning from ear to ear is just such an ego boost :(
he will do anything to make you smile and i mean anything...
even if it results in him looking like a fool 😞
you two go grocery shopping together <3
honestly, he sometimes embarrasses you to the point where you regret bringing him with you in the first place 😐
like you've literally just entered the store and he's already whining, asking if you're done yet so you can finally go home and cuddle at once !! :/
it's usually just you doing all the shopping while he follows you around,
he's just there to assist you when you can't reach the high shelves‼️
the store you go to is pretty small and very close to your neighborhood, so you're basically familiar with everyone who visits it.
there's this one sweet lady with a kid around the age of 10, and beomgyu swears that "the child is a devil!!"
he has already made enemies... with a 10 year old-
you had to apologize to his mom multiple times because your 20 year old boyfriend couldn't stop bickering with her son.
he also helps you do your chores !!
he's very playful, hence anything can be fun if beomgyu's around :D even boring things like washing the dishes or cleaning your room (no offense to whoever likes it)
he turns everything into a game, a competition to be more precise...
"whoever finishes washing the dishes last has to buy the winner their favorite snack 😋😋"
even if he wins, he still ends up buying you the food of your choice, not letting you spend a single penny on him!!
he competes with you just to rile you up, making bets such as the one mentioned above to keep you determined, not because he actually wants you to do anything for him.
except giving him your undying love and affection of course :D
he's literally so clingy
you usually visit him at the dorms when he's not busy
the second he hears you knock on the door he's quite literally sprinting towards you
you can hear the members complain that he almost pushed them over
once your boyfriend opens the door, he engulfs you in a tight, bear hug™, picking you up and spinning you around, making sure he crushed every single bone in your body <3
the others just watch you get the air knocked out of your lungs in amusement.
speaking of the members, beomgyu always dreamed of you getting along with his best friends,
but once his dream came true he kinda wished it never did </3
you get along a little too well for his liking :/
how come you just laughed at one of yeonjun's jokes right in front of your toddler boyfriend?!?!??!
the entire night he either tries to crack as many jokes as possible to "redeem himself", glaring at an oblivious (and also mildly concerned) yeonjun from time to time
or he starts being poutier and clingier than usual, asking for a kiss every 5 minutes or straight up just dragging you to his bedroom and not letting you go until you cuddle for at least an hour
but in all honesty, he's so relieved that you and the boys are bonding !!
you having a good relationship with his friends is very important to him <3
he's not jealous at all because he knows that you love him and him only :)
he babies you to no end !! (even if you're older than him)
you do something as simple as drink water and he just coos at you
"AWW !!! you look so cute when you drink water like that :("
your number one fan!!!!!
hypes you up and brags about you to everyone <3
if you're wearing a new outfit he will notice right away and just stare at you in awe the second he sees you, won't forget to comment on how gorgeous/handsome you look ;)
also likes it when u compliment him back, it really means a lot <3
please keep feeding his ego he loves it when you notice small details, it makes his heart flutter
you two nap together a lot
if you're not the one for naps you just lay there, next to him, his arms wrapped around your frame tightly as he nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck, sleeping peacefully.
he looks so peaceful and cute when he's not annoying the hell out of you <333
you sometimes snap pictures of his sleeping state and then set it as your wallpaper/lockscreen :D
once gyu found out about your little antics he got extremely cocky
if you ever changed your lock screen to anything but him, he'd get all whiney, begging for you to change it back
also snaps a few pics of you sleeping/just existing peacefully and puts it as his so you two can have "matching wallpapers" <33
he also lends you his jacket if you're ever feeling cold
lives for how cute you look basically buried in his jacket, sighing in content as you're finally warming up a little
if you get tired from walking he's going to give you a piggyback ride <333
laughs and giggles as he lifts you up from the ground, your chest flushed against his back as he carries you to your destination :)
if you did something that upset him and he's scolding you he's just gonna:
"y/n, you're such a dummy!" *holds your hand* "that was very careless of you," *kisses your forehead* "i want you to know that i am very angry at you." *cuddles you aggressively*
while most of your dates are at home,
amusement park dates are very common as well :D
you go on various roller coasters, circular rides, take a few breaks in between and get ice cream or cotton candy
but your favorite ride by far are the bumper cars!
you just race, crash into each other at full speed or get into the same car and absolutely destroy your competition !! (the competition in question are just a bunch of 7 year old kids trying to have fun)
he seranades you :(
learns a bunch of love songs that remind him of you on guitar and sings them to you whenever you're able to hang out <3
he has a playlist full of love songs dedicated to you
offers to give you some free guitar lessons, if you ever want to learn how to play yourself :)
you both also have a collaborative playlist on spotify, along with playlists for each other you update regularly <33
when he's sleepy he's so soft with you :(
he's looking at you with hooded eyes full of love and adoration, you can tell that he's trying his best to stay awake for a little longer, but his eyelids are getting heavier by the second, his voice lower than before
"hey, y/n... you know i love you right? i love you so much that my heart aches whenever i look at you..."
pulls you in closer, if that's even possible, and holds you gently as if you were going to break if he wasn't careful enough,
probably leaves feather kisses all over your collarbone before whispering a one last "i love you" for the night and falls asleep.
yeah... thoughts are being thunk right now y'all-
he really loves you to the moon and back :(
overall your relationship is very chaotic and just.. weird in general.
good luck dealing w/his bs <3
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tabitha2 · 2 years
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Me as a pudgy bunny dummy— the big grade-school dropout Cock-lover i was supposed to be… maybe in another country ??? born straight fat and dumb for all those Guys to fuck & use… obese and proud of it… thick thighs thick mind thick Dicks in my slits as this fuckbody fat girl… omigawd i luv it !!! talking bad porn sext English speak like i never lernd to read… stuff my piggy face with food and my holes with Cock… can’t stop the feeling… love to bake… love Men… live for Men… hate school reading thinking books learning trying to learn trying to think too hard too much or at all… love being dumb & fat & so pretty… need Men to want me, Him to take me
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strictlytmnt · 3 years
Ciao amico! Can I please request headcanons for the bayverse turtles with a friend or crush who speaks fluent Italian and uses it in their day to day life?
Ciao!, Sorry for the late reply!...Better late than never
You were currently playing your Nintendo Switch
Leo was a few feet from you c.eaning his kata
When you suddenly screeched...
"Odio questa cosa stupida!."
He stopped for a moment, Looking over at you curiously
"What was that?."
"Oh, That was Italian, You haven't heard me speak it before?."
"No, I don't think so."
"I speak it fluently, I use it everyday, Especially when I'm frustrated."
"I think it's beautiful."
You blushed a little bit, It meant a lot coming from Leo
You had a huge crush on him
"Grazie, penso che tu sia bellissima."
Leo smiled at you, You could tell he deduced what you were saying
"Grazie amore mio."
You were surprised, This whole time he could understand you
It was your turn to blush, He is one suave turtle
Hanging out in the Dojo with Raph
You were reading a book and he was shredding this dummy apart
A really good part came up, You excitedly jumped up and shouted...
"Sono finalmente insieme!."
Raph stopped suddenly
"In my book!, They're finally together!."
"What language was that?."
"No!, What was the language you were speaking before."
"Oh!, That was Italian, I'm surprised you haven't heard me speak it around the Lair before."
He scratched his head trying to think of when he would've heard you
"Sorry if I hadn't, I love it though."
"Grazie, grande rosso."
You were sitting behind Donnie while he was working on his next project
Looking through your phone you found an article on turtles
Finally reaching the end where it talks about how they have sex
You giggled out...
"È incredibilmente divertente."
"What is?."
"What's incredibly funny?."
"You understood that?."
He smiled and nodded
"Soooo...You've understood everything that I've been saying."
"Uh...Yeah, I've learned a few languages, Italian is my favorite by far."
"Show me what you got."
"Sei assolutamente sbalorditiva con quel prendisole che indossi."
You blushed and looked away
"You flatter me."
Watching this sad movie was a bad idea
You and Mikey were both a blubbering mess
The sadness of the movie overwhelmed you, You bellowed out...
"Come ha potuto farle questo!?."
"Woah dudette!."
"I've never heard you speak like that before!."
"I speak Italian all the time down here."
"Huh, Weird, I thought you were just speaking gibberish."
You laughed, Mikey was such a dork
"You're laugh is so cute Y/N."
Butterflies in your stomach
"Il tuo è."
Both of you were flirting for most of the night
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catasstrophui · 3 years
About the pronunciation guide in the MXTX official EN books
I'm still staving off my knee jerk reaction, but I managed to gather my thoughts about the pronunciation guide in the MXTX official EN books. How it's going to go is disclaimer > what happened > is it that bad > how I feel > what else can be done.
I'll do my best to be nuanced and neutral-ish about it, but seeing as this is relatively personal I'm also going to make sure I don't minimize myself and how I feel. Idk why you'd be looking for nuance on social media, but I do think there's a certain degree of responsibility that we have over the things we say in public. 
This isn't meant to denigrate the team of people who worked on the EN official translation or the people who have bought/are planning to buy the books, I'm not looking to yuck your yum. Please enjoy the things that make you happy, especially during the holiday season! 
I'm mostly neutral about the books, actually. Since I have the good fortune to be fluent in CN and as CN diaspora living in an Asian majority country, I have access to the traditional CN and simplified CN versions. CN people and diaspora are not a monolith as they are diverse with vastly different perspectives, so my experience is most likely not universal and I'm not trying to speak on behalf of anyone. 
What happened
So if you or your friends bought a copy of the MXTX EN official translation, you'll notice that the book contains a pronunciation guide so we can learn how to say the names of our favorite characters and places. They use English sounds and words to describe how these words should be pronounced, which at best is a fair approximation of the actual pronunciation, and at worst is unfortunately wrong. 
I have seen pronunciation guides like these in books like English fantasy novels and if I remember correctly [Language] for Dummies books, and I do think that they do serve the purpose they were written for, but I am curious why alternatives such as hanyu pinyin, the standardized romanization system I personally learned when I went to a Chinese medium school, bopomofo (zhuyin/kaopu I think?) which is another common CN learning system medium that uses symbols, or even the International Phonetic Alphabet (or other pronunciation guides like Wades-Giles) were not used. 
Is it that bad? 
Of course, EN and CN are vastly different languages and in many cases you'd be hard pressed to find the equivalent sound of a word in another language. It would be difficult for a non native speaker to pronounce sounds if they're not familiar with it or if they haven't encountered it before. It's normal to want to be able to say the names of people and places right, and fans of the work will be referring to the pronunciation guide to be able to do so. 
Unfortunately, some of it is wrong, and that means that people who are trying to learn will be relying on a source that isn't exactly correct. I do think it's a good thing to help people learn, and I think putting in effort is better than no effort at all, but does this approximation of pronunciation actually help, or does it spread misinformation that causes more harm than good? 
How I feel
For a lot of CN diaspora (I use this here because I am CN diaspora) the pronunciation of names is a sensitive, personal topic. I have an English name, a Chinese surname and a Chinese given name with two syllables, and some of my earliest memories involve me just not bothering to introduce myself with my Chinese name because I didn't think they would be able to pronounce it correctly, and I didn't think they would bother trying to do so in the first place. 
In fact, I've had my name made fun of or just dismissed outright because it was too much to deal with, and that did make me wonder why more difficult (to my younger self) names like Siobhan and Sean and Dean and Blaiyyid were pronounced correctly, but not mine. Am I not worthy of personhood too? 
Combine that with the complicated feelings surrounding knowing English because I come from a country colonized by British rule for centuries and being told that the English that I know is less than simply because I don't come from Australia, the US or the UK, and well. That knowledge that I am seen to be less than just because I don't fit into this specific niche box does kind of hurt. 
I haven't made fun of the pronunciation guide and I just don't really want to interact with the books in any way right now because my feelings are still too raw about it, but I do know people who make fun of the guide as a way to cope. If I don't laugh about it or maintain some distance in some way, I'll cry, actually, so I'm off social media for a bit until the book hype dies down. It would help a lot if there's a specific tag for the MXTX EN translation of the books, actually!
I do think that making fun of the guide feels different when it comes from a person who is CN or CN diaspora versus from a person who isn't - the thing is that this name issue is something that a lot of people live with, and it's not something I can step away from whenever it's convenient for me, and it doesn't feel great to have something that I can't and don't want to change about myself be made fun of. It's only funny when we're laughing together, and frankly, the pronunciation guide was actually pretty offensive and reminiscent of a lifetime of microaggressions stacked on top of each other for me. 
If you're making light of the situation, I do think it is your right to, but if you could spare a moment to consider how your friends feel about it, just to hold space for them if they need it, that would be really great, especially if you're non-CN. It's also perfectly valid to just not deal with it at all!
What else can be done
The thing is, I'm kind of baffled that this was the route chosen when there were serviceable alternatives like an introduction to pinyin or a QR code leading to an audio pronunciation guide. This pronunciation guide could have been left out and the readers who were invested would have found a way to find the correct pronunciation, since these works have live actions, donghua, audio dramas and a robust fan base to draw from. Google also has an audio pronunciation aid. 
I guess how I feel about this is that it's not enough to just have the intention not to offend - hurt is still hurt and harm is still harm, whether it's the feelings of people who have had their names erased and made fun of, or the feelings of people who rely on this guide to do better but unfortunately fall short through no fault of their own. 
For the record and just to cover all my bases, it doesn't make a difference to me if the pronunciation guide was okayed by the translator team or if it was written by someone who's CN or CN diaspora, this is just meant to be me getting how I feel out into the void - I'm not particularly interested in debating any of the points I've made here, but please be at least civil in the replies etc and keep in mind that CN people aren't a monolith and that they can and do disagree with each other.
I'd like to think that this pronunciation guide was well intentioned and done out of ignorance, probably because the alternative makes me really sad, but now that I've said it and it's out there, I think we can do better, even if it's not that deep for some of us.
From this Twitter thread
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ambertea · 3 years
Read on AO3
She’s six years old and she’s just won a certificate for Maths.
Her mum’s sitting at the back of the assembly, exchanging whispers to the single dad sitting next to her. Rose keeps looking back, trying to catch her eye, but instead watches her mother’s hand sneaking up a strange man’s thigh.
The headmaster smiles at her strangely, in a way she will later define as ‘condescending’ but in the moment she can’t wrap her head around.
“Well done, you clever girl.” He says, and Rose hates it. His clammy hand engulfs hers and Rose just blinks as he shakes it up and down.
The school claps dutifully and her mum is still not looking at her.
She’s eleven years old and she hates everyone in her class. They tease her in the playground, mock her in the classroom and the only safe haven is the tiny library. The librarian is old and odd, and she strokes Rose’s hair like she’s nothing more than a tiny doll.
“Don’t try so hard to be clever,” she tells her. “They’ll leave you alone.”
Rose leaves the library and never comes back.
She’s fifteen years old and GCSEs are utter bullocks. Mickey has already failed them all, already told her they don’t matter in the real world. She stays behind after school to sit in empty classrooms to figure out algebra and tells her mum she still does gymnastics.
She gets her results in a thick brown envelope and takes a quick glance at a long list of A’s before she chucks it in the bin.
“Pure shit.” She tells her mum. “Didn’t even try, anyway. I’m just not clever enough.”
Her mum throws her a party regardless, and Rose ignores the ache in her chest.
She’s seventeen and he’s fucking hot.
She’s told her mum she’s doing A-levels because she hasn’t figured out if she wants to do hairdressing or childcare. Instead, she doodles equations on the back of English papers whilst she waits for everyone else to finish.
She meets Jimmy outside the school gates and he’s smoking cigarettes and the smell gets right into the back of her throat. She tells him that it’s bad for him, and he tells her he could be bad for her. He’s right.
She drops out of school and her mother approves because it was giving her airs and graces. What her mother does not approve of is the filthy bedsit she moves into, where she cries as her boyfriend screams at her.
“You think you’re clever, do you?” he yells, and she shakes her head and whispers no, no, never.
She’s nineteen, fucking shop window dummies are after her, and a strange man is standing with her in the lift.
“’Cos to get that many people dressed up and being silly, they got to be students.”
“Good point. Well done.”
She’s wrong, but the praise bounces around her brain.
She runs off with him because apparently, that’s just what she does. Runs off with charismatic men, leaves her mother worried sick, because she is Rose, and Rose is not clever.
This man, however, is no Jimmy. He’s smart – so smart, any small attempts at intelligence still leave her feeling dumb. This is a comfort. She argues with him, thinks around him, and starts to feel a bit better about herself.
He’s sweet as well, and kind, and doesn't care when she asks too many questions. He shows her how to strip wires and repair parts of his precious ship, and they tinker away together in comfortable silences. Now and then, she properly impresses him, and he ignores the beauties of the universe and beams at her instead. It’s strange and wonderful and she tries her best not to disappoint him.
Then she is sent away, he is trapped, and it’s time for her to use her bloody brains only she’s not sure they even work anymore. He is dying, far in the future, but still dying, and she is watching her mum scoff down chips. She doesn’t want to go back to her old life, doesn’t want to play stupid anymore.
“Why, because you’re better than us?”
No, because she has learned what life is like when she tries, and she is not yet ready to stop.
She makes it back, using her brain and a fucking massive truck, and it is worth it if just for the way he is looking at her. He tells her she is fantastic and then explodes into a whole new man, with a lankier frame and wilder hair. He takes a long nap, and she is left to be useless once more.
She stands up in front of actual, breathing monsters and tries to copy words she’s heard, but her voice shakes, and her hands are trembling. They laugh at her, and she is eleven again, being teased by the nasty girls in her class.
He saves the day, because that’s just what he does, and she runs off with him again because his smile is still kind and their hands fit nicely. Cassandra sits inside her brain and hums with curiosity, poking around her mind like it’s a mildly interesting boutique.
“Not as thick as you seem, are you?” She whispers into Rose’s mind.
She’s inside some sort of spaceship and he is gushing over the accomplishments of Reinette de Pompadour. She already knows all this, knows who she is, but he is enjoying the sound of his own voice, so she keeps quiet.
She watches him carefully, notices the lipstick marks around his face and the ridiculous angle of his collar, and stamps down the familiar feelings of jealousy rising within her chest.
It had felt like they were growing closer. Their hugs had been lingering, hands held tightly at any available moment. She had thought something was growing, something small and precious and good. Clearly, she was wrong.
Reinette dies, and Rose isn’t glad, not really, but she watches him carefully afterward and wonders. Wonders why he keeps her around if he even wants her there. She tries to ask, but the words die on her tongue.
She has almost let the feeling go when she meets her father, a man who does not know her and apparently does not care to. She calls him dad and he runs, leaving her crying and shaking and so very vulnerable. She wonders, afterward, why. Why no one has ever wanted her properly, why it feels like no one has even met her in the first place. She sobs into her mum’s shoulder and wishes she had told her about the GCSE results.
Maybe it’s a good thing, she thinks later, that she’s alone. She has no real connections that make her want to stay at home, no real relationships that don’t leave her mentally exhausted. He is her grounding point, her focus, and he doesn’t think she’s stupid, not really, but he doesn’t think she’s clever either.
She knows she loves him; knows she will spend the rest of her life pining for him. It aches, having so much unspent emotion coursing under her skin. Feels like she could explode and implode simultaneously. But his eyes are so soft, and he is so worth it.
“We’ll always be alright, me and you.” She tells him. He just stares into the sky glumly.
“There’s a storm approaching.”
She hopes for a bit of rain but instead gets a fucking earthquake.
She’s twenty-one, she’s in a different universe, and she’s absolutely fine.
“How are you doing?”
“Are you okay?”
“Speak to me, Rose, please.”
She doesn’t speak to anyone. Doesn’t even look in the mirror.
It’s hard to assign blame on a talking pepper pot, so instead, she blames herself. If she’d been stronger. Tried harder. Been cleverer.
She tells her mum this over a bottle of wine, and she just laughs.
“People like us aren’t clever, Rose. We’re survivors.”
She doesn’t want to be a survivor anymore.
She starts working at Torchwood. Starts sleeping at Torchwood as well. Pete gives her the job out of pity but is quickly astonished by the scale of the work she’s doing.
“You’re brilliant.” He tells her one night. Jackie scoffs.
“Brilliant? Hark at her.”
Rose ignores her. It doesn’t matter.
She sits through A-levels, and then university lectures, and then physics conventions with groups of boring boys who follow her like a bizarre squadron. She has a brother now, a tiny boy with eyes just like hers, and when she tucks him into bed, she whispers stories of the stars.
She creates a dimension cannon and brings it home to show Pete. He marvels over it whilst Jackie sniffs like she’s got a nasty cold.
“Just glorified jewelry. Face it, sweetheart. You’re stuck here with the rest of us. It’s time to get used to it.”
“Shut up,” Rose says, and she can feel her pulse banging away in her ears like a marching parade.
Jackie is spluttering, Pete’s eyes are wide, and Rose isn’t quite sure what she’s doing but she’s doing it anyway.
“I can do this. I am going to do this. So just shut up.”
She does do it. She flits around universes like students backpack around Europe, and it’s strangely healing to spend so much time by herself.
She meets tiny aliens made of glass who kiss through the refractions of light and hugs ginormous bear-like creatures who are surprisingly friendly and incredibly soft.
She searches for him, and it hurts and it’s hard but it’s also fantastic.
She gets through finally to a universe that should be right but is oh so very wrong. A red-haired woman screams at her, and Rose is finding it difficult to breathe.
“I'm nothing special. I'm a temp. I'm not even that. I'm nothing.”
“Donna Noble, you are the most important woman in the whole of creation!”
“Oh, don't. Just don't.”
She tells her mum about her GCSE results because she can’t stop thinking about it. Her mum stares at her for a long while and then looks down at her hands. Rose has never seen her mum speechless before, doesn’t like it, so she just nods and leaves.
She finds him, and the feeling rushes right from her toes to the top of her head. She has done it. After all the effort and pain, she has found him, and the uncurling pride is like nothing she’s ever felt before.
He gets shot and utterly ruins it, but the feeling lingers.
Her mum shows up at the worst possible time, but she is there, and she is looking at Rose so fiercely. When the situation calms down and they are safe, she pulls Rose into a tight hug and rubs her hands in circles across the small of her back.
“I’m so proud of you, sweetheart.” She whispers, and Rose quickly wipes her eyes on her shoulders.
She is dumped on the same beach she has had nightmares about for the last five years. She is left again, but this time she is left with a familiar man who whispers promises into her ear and holds her like she is something important.
He is looking at her like he’s hoping she might lead the way, and she knows how to do this now, knows how to think and plan and strategize. She kisses him on the cheek, watches the blush that spreads across his cheek, takes his hand, and leads him back to England.
She doesn’t take him straight back to the mansion, hates the idea of speech and silence in equal measure. Instead, she takes him to her lab, and he stares at her designs through startled eyes and stolen glasses. She fidgets in the corner of the room, and wraps her arms around her waist, waiting for his verdict.
He turns to her, whips the glasses off of his face and a look of quiet wonder spreads across his face.
“You’re brilliant.”
She squirms under his gaze, picks off an invisible bit of fluff from her jacket. He is still looking at her, and she tries her best to smile.
“No, seriously. These are so impressive.”
She’s still not sure what to do with the praise, but it warms her and fills all the cracked pieces of her soul with new and growing tissue. She kisses him, both because she’s not sure what else to do, and because she can, and he smiles against her lips. They break apart and he runs his fingers over her work, his eyes soft and curious.
“How did you do this?” He whispers, and something tender and precious burns gently in her chest.
“I guess I’m just clever.”
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coldmilkcreamery · 3 years
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awkward liaisons
𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: osaki shotaro x male reader 🌹💋
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 1290
𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: both shotaro and y/n are set to debut soon, but neither of them speak korean. they decide to help each other learn korean—and things get spicy.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴/𝘀: none
𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗯𝘆 🌙
𝗮/𝗻: omg first of all, even before you start the fic i am warning u that it’s CRINGY !! that’s why it’s called awkward liaisons LMAO and also,,, hibiscus is korea’s national flower 😋 you’ll see why 👀 also i’m so fucking sorry this took so long, day by day i’m just losing motivation. i am so so so so so sorry and will make it up to all of you !! thank you for requesting anon!
> 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 <
Being a trainee in SM is tough.
Being a foreigner in SM is tough.
Being able to only speak a morsel of Korean is tough.
But being a foreign trainee in SM, almost unable to speak Korean is even tougher than anything imaginable.
So, when Y/N, 19, a trainee of SM entertainment—fluent in English but illiterate in Korean—is set to join NCT in a few months’ time, all hell breaks loose. In his mind, at least.
“So…” Jaehyun says, confused, “you’ve been training for 2 years but can't speak Korean?”
“And you're set to debut as a new member of NCT in a few months.” Jaehyun continues, cutting him off. “Sorry man, but who in SM actually thought you were ready enough to debut?”
Admittedly, Y/N was a little bruised by the words hurled at him. And admittedly, Jaehyun was right. And with that in mind, all Y/N could do was drill holes on the floor.
Jaehyun scoffs as he makes a 180° and turns his back from the mess that is Y/N.
Unable to walk away, speak even, Y/N leans on the wall, slowly sliding down with his hands on his face, groaning. He feels like shit, and being the naive trainee he is, he believes that he does deserve what he’s feeling.
“Hey,” Y/N looks up, feeling a warm hand on his shoulder, “are you okay?” Y/N is met with one of the most beautiful faces he’s ever been graced with, and much like when Jaehyun broke him down just a few minutes ago, he froze.
“I— uh” The mystery boy says, stammering, “I’m a trainee too and uh, I think—wait, you’re Y/N right? If you are then uh, I think we’re gonna be NCT’s new members… Along with Sungchan of course!”
Y/N doesn’t even know this boy’s name and he’s already met with yet another name, Sungchan. His memory is terrible. Which is also probably why he hasn’t learned Korean yet.
Breaking free from his icy restraints, he speaks up. “I— yeah, I’m Y/N, nice to meet you..?” He questions, raising his palm for the boy to grab.
“Shotaro.” Y/N nods, shaking his hand, “Osaki Shotaro.”
The sound of machines whirring and stirring filled the café’s cold air, only adding to the shop’s aesthetique. The smell of coffee beans lingered and entered Y/N’s nostrils as he heard a name being called. “Two Pumpkin Spice Lattes for Shotaro!” The barista says in Korean, Y/N only catching the word ‘Shotaro��. He mutters a ‘thank you’ in Korean as he holds the beverage carrier tightly, walking out the retro shop, careful not to spill them.
“Pumpkin Spice Lattes? Seriously?” Shotaro asks, more amused than disappointed.
“What?” Y/N says, not looking at the boy as he sets both cups on the table, laying the tray on the wooden bench beside him. “It’s fall! You gotta have one of these.”
“You sound like a white girl.” Shotaro chuckles, earning a scoff back. A swift gust of wind blows the tissue paper away from the top of their to-go-cups, landing the thin sheets on the floor, which, Shotaro stoops over to retrieve.
“Well this white girl has you bending over.”
“Wait… what?” Shotaro says, fluttered.
“Cuz you…” Y/N says, surprised at himself, “The tissue… and… oh my god never mind, I’m sorry”
Sitting in silence, the awkwardness in the air is so suffocating to the point that Shotaro actually starts coughing, Y/N still cringing, thinking to himself that nothing could get even more awkward than this.
Boy, was he wrong.
“Well…” Shotaro says, a tiny idea popping into his mind, slowly manifesting into a plan, “Why don’t we… help each other?”
“Excuse me?” Y/N says, looking around the empty bedroom, then back at Shotaro, who, didn’t immediately notice the sexual innuendo he came up with.
Upon realizing, he stutters. “Oh. Oh! Oh my god, no.” Shotaro says, burying his face in his hands. “I meant,” He continues, voice muffled from his sweater paws, “You said a while ago that you needed help learning Korean… and so do I.” He unburies his face and locks eyes with Y/N once again, “So… I thought we could help each other.” He says, not forgetting the key word, “Learn. Of course.”
“I- uh, yeah, sure, I guess.”
With only a week or two left before their debut, both Shotaro and Y/N have been working diligently trying to learn Korean. There have been ups and downs, some waves of laziness hitting them here and there, but just like Gloria Gaynor said in 1978, they would survive.
“Wait… so 입술 means nose… right?” Shotaro asks, confused.
“No, you dummy.” Y/N says, lightly smacking the other with the thin language book, “It means lips.”
“Oh. Well, 너의 입술 너무 예뻐.” Shotaro says, boldly.
“Dude.” Y/N half chuckles, half blushes, “My lips are not pretty.”
“They are.” Shotaro replies, nonchalantly.
“Prove it then. Kiss me.”
“What?” he replies, chalantly this time.
Y/N chuckles. “That’s what I thought.” He says, turning away from him and facing the creme-colored pages of the Korean book he held. “So, 입술 means lips but the root word ‘입’ means mouth. So when we p—“
His words get cut off as he feels the older’s hand snake up his shoulder, elevating itself until it grazes his cheek. Y/N, surprised, looks to his side as Shotaro leans in and plants him a kiss, right on his lips. Startled, Y/N stays frozen for a second or two before his brain finally registers the fact that Shotaro was kissing him.
Osaki Shotaro was fucking kissing him.
Shotaro’s lips were ecstasy. It tasted sweet, like pure, thick nectar oozing from his mouth—couldn’t get enough. As they made out, it felt as if the gods above have answered their prayers, as if Venus shone her light on them. And as Shotaro pulled away, Y/N found himself leaning towards him too, indirectly indicating that he wanted more.
Both of them sat there, staring at each other, the feeling of blankets and comforters wrapped around their legs. Y/N felt like he was sinking, being sucked in the bed frame, the soft mattress pulling him in.
“I…” Y/N says, slowly, “didn’t… expect you to actually…”
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now.”
Y/N locks eyes with him, frozen, his mouth slightly agape once again. “Then…” He says, the syrupy taste of Shotaro’s saliva on his lips, “Do it again.”
The feeling of sugar glacé hit his lips once again, Shotaro closing the gap between them. His lips were addicting, like a dirty sin he couldn’t stop himself from committing, like he was Eve and Shotaro’s lips were the apple from the Garden. It was inevitable.
And with the sounds of wet kisses filling the quiet room, both of them wondered if they would ever even debut properly, not being able to fluently speak Korean. But they weren’t even studying it. Rather, they were studying each other’s lips. And to be honest, it excited both of them even more so.
But they did. They ended up debuting, along with Sungchan. Of course, their Korean wasn’t as great as the latter. There, but very weak. There were even times in their careers when they questioned if they would’ve learned Korean faster if they weren’t distracted during their study sessions.
When they first started helping each other out, they thought they had planted just one, single hibiscus seed, which bloomed, giving them the ability to learn Korean.
But maybe that wasn’t the only thing that blossomed. Maybe something else had sprouted from their awkward liasons.
𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙙: 01.23.21
𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙: 02.04.21
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cigardadmasterdj · 3 years
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“You’re going to do everything I tell you to do, Dipshit. You owe me a lot of money.”
“Look…” You utter, trying to summon the courage to speak to me. “I…I…t-t-tried to g-g-get the money.”
I laugh at you and your pathetic stutter. God, you’re so weak. I decide to mock you.
“I t-t-tried because I’m a f-f-fag,” I do my little impression of you and then laugh. “You owe me 10K, dummy. For your business that went under.”
“But…covid and…the shutdown.”
“Not my fucking problem, bitch. And you know what I do to people that let me down. I shoot them in the fuckin’ head. Now, you aren’t a problem yet. I like to work things out.”
“Thank you.” You breathe a sigh of relief.
“But you are gonna do everything I say from here on out. Like we talked about.”
“Isn’t there another way?”
“No, Fag. There isn’t another way. You’re a fuckin’ loser and I told you the terms before I gave you the money. I like weak little fags like you to suck me off and make me real comfortable.” I rub your body. It pleases me. You’re a sexy, but tiny little man. Perfect for me to boss around all the time.
“But what…how…?”
“You’ll move in with me. You’ll do everything I tell you to do and be my housefag. You’re going to be my fag wife, my bitch. I’ll tell people you’re my boyfriend and score some woke points. I’m going in for a conference meeting and you know they love us gay men now. All those dumb woke bitches are gonna be putty in my hand. I’m making so much money that 10K is like a drop in the fucking bucket. That isn’t what I ever wanted from you. I want you to be my cocksucker fag bitch. And honestly, your life is pathetic. What do you have going on? A failed business? You’re pathetic. You couldn’t manage to save your life. You let people walk all over you. BECAUSE YOU’RE WEAK, YOU DUMB FAG. ALL THOSE PEOPLE WALKED ALL OVER YOU. YOU’RE A FUCKING DOORMAT AND YOU KNOW IT. SO NOW YOU’RE GOING TO BE MY DOORMAT. AM I CLEAR, STUPID?”
“Y-y-yes, I will d-d-do what you w-w-want.”
“Try to learn English, dummy. You s-s-suck my d-d-dick because you’re a f-f-faggot.” I laugh some more at you. “I like bullying you. I like bullying anyone I can get away with bullying. It’s fun. It’s fun to see you squirm and accept the knowledge that you deserve to be treated like a piece of shit. Of course, I knew that you were submissive as soon as I met you. It wasn’t hard to convince you to take the loan from me. I’m so suave and you’re just a big pile of dog shit in comparison to me. Now, your promise. You promised to be my sex slave. Didn’t you?”
“Yes what, Dummy?” I smack you across the cheek, enough for it to smart. It’s a little harder than you expect, but I want you to get used to my touch, and fearing my displeasure. “ALWAYS reply with “Yes, SIR” or “Yes, MASTER!” you dumb sack of crap.”
“I’m sorry. I’m s-s-sorry, Sir. Master.” You look exhausted and we’re just getting started
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