#trying to capture this scene in the best way possible for you good people
A more colour accurate GIF of *THAT* airfield scene. (Dominion spoiler)
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I cannot wait for the movie to release in home media cause then we can have this fully HD
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macleod · 7 months
I've seen a number of people on here proclaim that you should not, under no circumstances, take photos at a protest, but: Sharing photos of protests is a great way to amplify the impact of collective action, raise awareness on important issues, and encourage more people to participate.
But: We also have to keep in mind that surveillance is on the rise, including the use of facial recognition tech, which can put people at risk.
So here is a quick basic guide, courtesy of DigitalRightsWatchAU, to protecting people's biometric data when posting protest photos:
Conceal or obscure people’s faces in photos 
Before you upload photos from protests to social media, remove biometric data by concealing or obscuring people’s faces and using proper communication channels.
Use Signal. 
Signal is a great encrypted messaging app that protects your communications. It also has an in-built feature to blur out people’s faces.
We strongly recommend using Signal to communicate with people white protesting (and anytime, really!), and this added feature makes it easy to protect the identities of people in your photos. 
Be selective – choose photos that don’t show people’s faces. 
With some careful photography and curation, you can upload photos that capture the scale and energy of a protest without revealing sensitive information — no need to edit them! 
Here are some ideas:
take photos at a distance, capturing the crowd rather than individual details of faces,
position yourself behind the march, showing only the backs of heads, 
focus on signs, flags and other details to emphasise the protest vibe without showing people’s faces. 
Remember it’s good practice to ask people before taking their photo whenever you can. You can also explain to them that you just want to get their sign or outfit but not their face – let them know you want to protect their privacy! 
Extra tips:
Doing this does not remove the metadata from your image. Image metadata is generated automatically and usually includes details including the time, date, and GPS location, and information about the type of phone used – this can be used to pinpoint where you were and when. To easily remove metadata, take a screenshot on your device and delete the original. 
For extra protection, delete the original photos that show people’s faces from your phone after you have made a version that obscures the faces. Even if you don’t intend to upload them online, if your device is compromised or unlocked and you have the originals sitting there, you’ve done all that work for nothing!    
What about videos? Videos are trickier to edit to hide people’s faces and may require additional time, effort and software – this isn’t always possible while you’re on the go! We suggest focusing on minimising capturing faces in the first place when recording video footage. 
Focus on harm minimisation rather than perfection. Taking protest photos without revealing people’s faces can be hard – there are a lot of people moving around which makes it difficult. The goal is to minimise sharing others’ biometric information as much as possible. Just try your best!   
When you want to capture details: recording incidents 
Recording incidents such as use of violence by law enforcement can be a powerful tool of accountability. It pays to be prepared. 
Here are some tips from Melbourne Activist Legal Support on observing police at protests:
Record in landscape mode. It captures more of the scene. 
Hold your device steady and move it slowly. Smooth, clear footage makes better evidence. 
If taking your phone to an action, make sure you don’t take sensitive data with you. 
Context is important. Recording moments before an arrest can be as important as the arrest itself. 
Try to take clear steady images that capture the police officer’s badge name or ID number. 
Don’t hinder an arrest when observing or you may end up arrested too.   
Try not to narrate. Your recording may not capture key information if you’re speaking over it. 
Police do not have the right to hinder you recording public interactions. 
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You can also check out the resources from Witness for in-depth guides to recording incidents to protect and uphold human rights. You can also get advice and tools from the National Justice Project’s CopWatch.
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a/n: This one shot-was inspired by this post from @j-u-u-z-o . I had so much fun writing it, although I feel bad for making Hinamori suffer but I couldn’t help it ^_^
Warnings: M/16+, nothing too explicit, but a smidge of light smut at the end. Angst! Pairing: Aizen X Y/n Word Count: 992
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It’s a relatively peaceful evening at Soul Society, a pleasant summer breeze blowing through the corridors. Hinamori walks cheerfully through the courtyard, humming to herself. She’d had a reasonably good day and somehow, wasn’t buried under paperwork. She skips along, thinking about how she could spend the rest of this lovely evening.
Hitsugaya was busy, he’d made that apparent while reprimanding Matsusomoto for not catching up on all the documents that had been stacking up on his desk. And she didn’t want to go to her quarters just yet, not when the weather was so warm and gentle. She wondered…would he mind if she visited him now? 
A lot of people didn’t approve of her visiting him so late. They told her it wasn’t a good look for her. But she knew him better. She knew he didn’t mistake her late night visits as anything more than just platonic. Besides, she wasn’t visiting him with any other intentions. People always assumed the worst in others. She makes up her mind, trying not to blush as she makes her way to his quarters.
In her mind, there could be no one else kinder, gentler, or more decent than him. He really was the best captain out of all of them. She senses his reiatsu as she gets closer to his quarters. However, when she’s within viewing distance of his door, she senses another unfamiliar presence. She frowns, not recognizing the stranger’s reiatsu signature. The only thing she could tell was that it was a woman’s. 
Hinamori lingers, wondering what a possible explanation could be. Perhaps a subordinate? Seemed unlikely they were from squad 5 since she knew everyone. From another squad? That just made less sense. Why would a subordinate from another squad be visiting him so late? Unable to contain her curiosity, she silently makes her way towards his quarters, concealing her reiatsu, seeing two figures lingering outside his door. She hides herself as best as she could in the bushes bordering the edges of the building. 
Aizen’s reiatsu is calm and relaxed, and he’s talking to a pretty woman she remembers seeing around the Seireitei before. The woman keeps smiling and putting her hand on his arm. She’s wearing a shinigami uniform that does not hide her beautiful form. Hinamori feels her stomach clench at the sight.
Who was this woman? Why is she behaving that way with him? Like she’s familiar with him?
Well at least Aizen didn’t seem to be engaging in any sort of questionable actions from Hinamori’s view. She knew he wouldn’t. He was too much of a gentleman. She smiled to herself and looks up…
What are they doing? What are they doing?! 
She covers her mouth with her hand to stop herself from making any audible noise. Aizen had suddenly put his large hands on the woman’s hips, drawing her closer to him. To her embarrassment, Hinamori can feel the changes in his reiatsu. She had never quite experienced it like this before. Was this…his desire? Her cheeks flush red, and she can’t stop herself from watching the scene unfolding in front of her. 
The woman chuckles, not resisting his advances. “Aizen taicho…” she purrs, wrapping her arms around his neck flirtatiously. “What would they say about you if they saw you like this?”
“I’m very good at not getting caught Y/n,” Aizen says in a husky voice. 
Y/n. Y/n. 
The name echoes in Hinamori’s ears, and for some reason she feels a swell of rage inside her. An unseated officer from God knows which division, cozying up to someone as brilliant as Aizen taicho? The nerve of this woman. Clearly she must be trying to get some sort of favor from him. Seducing her poor captain.
Y/n laughs at Aizen’s words and he grasps her chin in his hand. Without another word, his lips capture her mouth possessively. Y/n had clearly been expecting this, because she doesn’t pull away, instead pressing herself into Aizen’s broad chest, her hands tightening around his neck. 
Aizen’s grip on her hips tightens, dropping lower to cup her alluring bottom and press her lower body to his. Hinamori feels herself rooted to the spot in shock, like a deer in headlights. The kiss seems to go on forever. She can feel Aizen’s desire growing in his reiatsu, combining with the woman’s like a tainted cocktail.  
When they break apart, his voice is low and gravelly. “Let’s continue inside shall we?”
“Whatever you want taicho,” y/n giggles and she lets him lead her into his quarters. 
They disappear inside, leaving Hinamori alone with her thoughts, concealed from view. Hinamori bites her lip, feeling a mix of emotions welling up inside her and before she knew it, a quiet sob escapes her lips and hot tears form in her eyes. She felt so…betrayed.
Although she was Aizen’s lieutenant, there’s a feeling of inadequacy in her, as she remembers how beautiful Y/n was and how Aizen looked at her like a man desiring a woman…
Hinamori squeezes her eyes shut. She knows how young she appears to Aizen and that she lacked the voluptuousness that a feminine figure should have but…she couldn’t take it anymore.
She can still feel vestiges of Aizen’s reiatsu but it feels very different to how she remembers it. It’s heavy with lust and desire, and she could only imagine what they were doing. She slowly goes back to her own quarters, wiping tears on her sleeve.
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Aizen pauses, his lips resting on Y/n’s collarbone. He can feel Hinamori’s reiatsu slipping away, and it’s dripping with sadness and bitterness. He smirks, knowing he’s succeeded in fully pissing her off. 
“Taicho?” Y/n calls out seductively, her lovely body naked and on full display to his wandering eyes.
“It’s nothing.” Aizen continues running his tongue down her neck, coming to her breast and eliciting a moan from her. 
Absolutely nothing at all. 
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real-life-senshi · 5 months
I decided to sub the whole video, including Miyuu's message before and after the behind-the-scene clips because of how heartfelt and candidly hilarious she is when speaking about their group dynamic.
Some notes & disclaimer:
1. I’m not a fluent Japanese speaker, but I do know Hiragana, Katakana, basic Japanese grammar and kanji, and a few good tools to use for translation. All’s to say, all mistakes are mine. Sorry if there’s any!
2. I’m also not a professional translator. Due to the grammar differences between Japanese and English, some sentences will sound awkward in English for the conversation to make sense.
3. Miyuu's message post-video seems unscripted, so her sentences were quite choppy and sometimes she changed trajectory mid-way. I tried to capture the essence of her words as best as possible, but it was easier to replicate the gist of her message instead of translating word-for-word. Because of this, some nuances may seem mistranslated or lost in translation. Sorry!
4. If you have a YouTube account, please give your Likes and Comments to Miyuu and subscribe to her channel, not this video or my channel! I have no wish to piggyback on Miyuu's hard work, I merely want more people to understand and appreciate what she shared!
As much as I enjoyed and laughed when I watched and subbed the TV program because of what they said, seeing the ladies goofing around in the behind-the-scene clip made me involuntarily smile with warmth in my heart. <3 And it's absolutely crazy how tough of a time they had trying to take a group selfie, despite the many photos they've taken already from their Senshi Reunions. lol
The video is again Unlisted, so can only be accessed via the proper link.
To watch the fansubbed version of the Alumni Reunion program itself, please see here.
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sarnai4 · 1 month
Butt of the Joke
Something I enjoy in stories is when you can laugh at and with a character. To me, it keeps them from seeming too "important" or flawless. We all make mistakes and being able to laugh at ourselves is nice. That's why I like when they do this with Dagur, but the method is very different from what's done to Snotlout. Something I will probably always be grateful for is that Dagur is a show character and not a movie character. Those in the movies (the rest of the Riders anyway in my opinion) had their development stunted. I'm convinced that the first movie didn't expect the franchise to get as big as it did and just needed some other people to fill out the cast. Unfortunately, they also didn't expect the shows to be super popular. So, Snotlout in HTTYD 3 is still immature enough to flirt with the widowed mom of one of his best friends when RTTE Snotlout would understand how inappropriate that is. All that's to say that the jokes for Snotlout are often at the expense of his character because he still has to end up at whatever point he's at in the movies.
I believe it's in "Shell-Shocked" that there's a joke about Snotlout suggesting they all leave the Edge and run, leaving it for the Hunters. Okay, yes, I chuckled too because it is funny to have a character be so openly fearful. Yet, this doesn't make sense for him at this point. We're on the season 4 finale of a show that happened 2 seasons after the first series. Snotlout should know by now that leaving the same Hunters who had been willing to kill them and a ship of innocent people with a disease can't be left to their own devices. Why wouldn't he want to stay and fight? Even if it's dangerous, of course the villains are going to keep coming for them. Hiccup rightfully points out that they'll just go on to Berk, but why did he have to say this? Snotlout should have known, but the joke was made without considering how much he'd grown and his own bravery and intelligence.
There seems to be a thing about Snotlout being cowardly, but I really don't think he is. In "Gold Rush," there's a wordless joke where he's just screaming his lungs out after getting captured. Not saying he hasn't shrieked when plummeting to what could be death and that's totally fine, but here? Eh, I don't think so. I feel like there would be enough bad blood between him and the Hunters by now so that he wouldn't want to give them the satisfaction of knowing how scared he is. It's also horribly futile. He's gone to save Fishlegs, the twins, and Astrid before. He knows the Hunters won't release them and nothing is even happening besides his cage being moved. I'm probably overthinking these moments, but they annoy me since they paint Snotlout as pathetic when we then see him enter a 21 vs 2 fight in "Something Rotten on Berserker Island" fearlessly. Is he a scaredy cat or not? I just want some consistency, then I'd accept whatever fit with the character I'd been shown.
Dagur's saved from this since all his development is in the show. He's not held back by the movies. So, when there's a joke at his expense, it doesn't contradict anything. I'll try to make the examples as similar as possible for comparability. Dagur's got a joke involving saying the wrong thing and it was in "Mi Amore Wing." He's proposing to have Hiccup be his best man. Yes, this is clearly a unique way to ask someone, but it's also not contradicting anything about Dagur. He's got 0 skills with picking up on social cues and responding to things the way other Vikings generally would. It's also very possible that he's never seen anyone be asked to become a best man before, so he's doing what he thinks is a good way to show he's sincere and would really be happy. I don't leave the scene thinking, "Now, why would he say that, though?" Because he's Dagur. That's enough of a reason.
Dagur's got a scared joke too in "Enemy of My Enemy." When he was on Toothless's saddle, he was terrified and the scream made it pretty clear. This made sense because there was something happening at that moment. It wasn't Dagur letting his enemies see his weakness. It was him being on a dragon for the first time, going very quickly, and not knowing what he was doing. He's even thrown off the saddle as soon as Toothless lands in another moment I thought was funny. It doesn't make him look bad, but we can still laugh at his incompetency in this area.
Both of these characters have several physical gags too where one of them gets hurt and I will admit that those always get me to laugh. It's just times like those I've mentioned for Snotty that disappoint me. I really like him too. I think if he were allowed to be a more respectable character, it would be great. Dagur proves the writers know how to do that. We can laugh at him without him doing anything that opposes what they've set up. On the other side of this, Snotlout will act one way, then contradict the very personality we just saw him develop. I can't think of a single time when I couldn't explain one of Dagur's actions through use of his personality. I think that's how it should be. If it's in-character, then it makes sense. If not, then maybe the scene should be worked on a bit longer for this to be fixed.
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wen-kexing-apologist · 8 months
WKA, in your infinite wisdom, please tell us who has done the very best hand work in bl this year
Ok first of all, I asked for nice questions, SHAN. NOT evil, personal attack, make me choose questions.
There have been many many many great hands in BL this year, and my categorization for them depends on what exactly we are looking for within them.
I wrote the most essays about hands for La Pluie, who I do think did hands extremely well when it comes to demonstrating character's. Patts changes in pressure and sensation versus Tai's fingers being stiff in their first make out session, and then Tai changing it up a bit in their sex scene now that he's had some practice. Patts' thumb wiping cum from Tai's lips, etc. and that wasn't a show that I would say had heavy focus on hands, just good work that I noticed mostly going on in the background.
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gif from @wanderlust-in-my-soul
In terms of some of the best subtle ones, I would say Sing My Crush, which had some excellent hand work, and precisely a million screen captures, but were ones I didn't really notice while I was watching it.
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gif by @wanderlust-in-my-soul
In terms of shows that have had a hand focus, the fucking oil scene from I Feel You Linger in the Air was a perfect demonstration of hand work. There are so many shots of hands in this show and every last one of them is absolutely stunning. Removing Yai's tie, massaging Jom's eyebrows, the way the lesbians hold hands, it's all incredible.
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gif from @pharawee (using the only hand moment in the oil scene that will most likely not get this post flagged mature lmfao)
And then I will give a shout out to Moonlight Chicken, both for the absolutely beautifully shot scene of Heart and Li Ming's hands climbing up each other, thumb to pointer finger. But also because sign language is a language of hand movement, and sign language is such a vital part of the story.
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gif by @firstkhao
Another currently airing one that I think uses hands well is Only Friends, which similar to La Pluie doesn't feel like it is actively trying to do a ton of hand close ups, but whose use of hands is brilliant for how it demonstrates character. For example, how often Boston points directly at people because he's fucking rude, but Mew can't point directly at Top when he's fighting with him.
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gif by @btwinlines [i know objectively this is not as strong of a hands gif as the others in this set, but I legitimately cannot find any other gifsets that shows Mew fighting with Top, and this gif does show that Mew points down and to the side of Top, which I love for Mew still not being able to be fully rude.]
Finally, special shout out to Man Trisanu in Step by Step for possibly my favorite hand moment of 2023, which happens in Ep 7, Pat is crying and Jeng starts to reach out to comfort him, realizes that touching Pat is not appropraite, and pulls his hand back.
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gif by @pharawee
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gif by @forcebook
And if you wanna know what hands I thought were the hottest this year from a show I'm not even watching.
Love in Translation
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gif by @aejeonghae
Like, excuse me?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
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princeescaluswords · 3 months
Scott Isn't Danny and Aren't You Glad?
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Someone brought to my attention a post in the #scott mccall tag that I hadn't seen because the OP had the courtesy to use a tag I block, #anti-scott-mccall, on it. (Though I question the wisdom of including both.) It proposed a version of Teen Wolf where Danny was bitten instead of Scott. They believed it would change the story significantly.
You bet it would.
They imagined that Jackson would play the role of 'best friend' and help Danny through his werewolf problem. Scott would grow 'distant' from Stiles because he was dating Allison, and somehow Stiles would become Jackson and Danny's friend, and Danny would tease Stiles about his attraction to Derek. The implication is that Danny would cooperate with Derek when Scott didn't.
I agree that the story would change, but not in the way that the OP considered:
Stiles wouldn't be involved much at all, because as repeated scenes indicated, Danny didn't like Stiles. Danny didn't like that Stiles had no boundaries. He didn't react well to Stiles's personality. Danny was never mean to Stiles, but he clearly wanted to avoid him. Why would that change because Danny became a werewolf? In addition, Stiles only interacted with Derek because Derek was focused on the werewolf Laura's murderer turned. As the sheriff's son and a boy whom the teenager the alpha bit didn't like, Derek would want to avoid Stiles as much as possible.
Derek, by the way, would still go to jail, but initially not for Laura's murder. When Derek broke into Danny's house and threw him up against the wall to demand he not play lacrosse or Derek would kill him -- sorry to say, guys, but lacrosse was very important to Danny since it was one of the few times he stood up to Jackson -- Danny would agree until Derek left the house and then Danny would call the damn police. He would tell the sheriff that Derek Hale broke into his house and threatened to kill him, and no amount of wolf hair would get Derek Hale out of that jail cell. Danny is clever, and, recognizing that Derek wanted to keep werewolves a secret, wouldn't say anything about them because he knew that Derek wouldn't.
Which would be good for Derek, because being in jail would prevent him from dying or losing an arm. Danny wouldn't have any ability to get into the Argent home, but, more importantly, Danny wouldn't go find the Magic Bullet. Derek would no doubt show up asking for help and Danny would say "You want me to find a poison bullet designed to kill werewolves in a house full of werewolf hunters? Pass."
If Derek somehow survived Magic Bullet, he would be dead as a door nail in Formality, because Danny would certainly listen to Jackson telling him to let the Argents use Derek to capture Peter.
I could go on. The truth is that Scott McCall being the one who was bitten was very good for Derek Hale. Even if Danny had the strength of will not to collapse in the face of Peter Hale's physical and mental violations, he wouldn't risk his life (or Jackson's life) to help a stranger who stalked and attacked him. The people who Scott felt impelled to save -- Derek, Stiles, Isaac, Boyd, Erica, etc., etc., ETC. -- would not be saved. This isn't saying that Danny is a bad person. He's a normal person. There was no scene which indicated that he would step up and risk everything for other people. In fact, the scene at the end of 3B, the breakup with Ethan, showed very deliberately that he would choose not to do that, and that's okay!
By the way, that original post is racist. Of course, it is. We've seen this before in the fandom so many times: parts of the fandom try to argue that things would be better if Stiles had been bitten, or Jackson was the "Teen Wolf," or if Scott didn't even exist, or any variation where Scott's story is taken away from him and given to a white male character. You can tell because "Sterek happens" is somehow a consequence. In the end, this is a clever attempt to label Danny as a 'model minority.' He's not like that stubborn, sexually-obsessed moron, Scott McCall. Danny would see the Argents as enemies immediately. Danny would set his own wants to the side for the good of the Hales! The implication is that Danny would do what Stiles told him or Jackson told him or Derek told him. Their Danny would never have the unmitigated gall to attempt to be the main character in his own story.
Except Danny, as characterized, definitely would insist on having control of his own life. The actual Danny was a hacker at the age of 13, possessing a fake I.D., socially confident to do what he wants and with whom. He wouldn't be willing to have his trauma used to designate him as a loyal beta, that is, supporting character.
The ultimate crime of Scott McCall, and why people like the OP mistakenly think that Danny would be a better option, is that he had the nerve to make decisions about his own life and to act in accordance with his own principles, even when those principles conflicted with white male character with whom they sympathize. They see Danny as more pliable and less stubborn, but they have misjudged his character. Danny wouldn't spend three seasons cleaning up the Hale-Argent mess, even as bodies hit the floor. He wouldn't take responsibility for other people's mistakes; being Jackson's friend was about as far as he would go. It was Scott McCall's combination of strength of will and depth of compassion that made Teen Wolf what it was, and that is what makes it a better story.
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Hello bees! I hope the month has started well for you all. This week, we have ten different fics that feature various rarepairs which include everyone's favorite little blue tiefling, Jester Lavorre! As always, you can find them below the cut and if you check any of them out, I encourage you to leave kudoes and comments to spread the rarepair love 💕
Wildflowers Treat #1 (for Capitola) by Demenior (8,827 words, Explicit) Pairing: Artagan/Fjord/Jester Lavorre Warnings: None
Fjord, Artagan, and Jester have ritualized sex together where they roleplay Jester is a goddess.
Reccer Says: Equally sexy and funny with fantastic characterization and interesting implications (spoilers!). Make sure to check the tags to see if it's something you're interested in.
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all actions and reactions by grayintogreen (2,879 words, General) Pairing: Astrid Beck/Jester Lavorre (Jestrid) Warnings: None
Astrid sets out on a quest to find who is buying all of her favorite pastries. This is a normal thing to want and possible to achieve.
Reccer Says: Very cute and fun!
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Not In All My Dreams by sociallychallengednerd (4,503 words, Teen) Pairing: Jester Lavorre/Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast (Widojessek) Warnings: None
Caleb meets established Essek/Jester as a repairman. The three crush on each other and we see their relationship develop over real and fake emergencies.
Reccer Says: Very cute - ADORABLE even!
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all's well that ends well (to end up with you) by pigflight (2,891 words, General) Pairing: Jester Lavorre/Beauregard Lionett (Beaujes) Warnings: None
Beau and Jester talk about Reani, and Reani and Beau's relationship. A getting together fic!
Reccer Says: Cute!
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the little death, or, the skipping of a heartbeat when you smile by celebreultimaverba (2,802 words, Teen) Pairing: Jester Lavorre/Caleb Widogast (Widojes) Warnings: None
Jester keeps trying to seduce Caleb, but they laugh together too much to actually have sex. Jester is determined to find a way to sleep with him.
Reccer Says: This is very sweet and made me laugh as well! The relationship is so fulfilling and fantastic.
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young blood, stand and deliver by thatsparrow (2,175 words, General) Pairing: Jester Lavorre/Beauregard Lionett (Beaujes) Warnings: None
Beau goes to R.A.!Dairon for advice about her crush on her roommate, Jester. The fic only has a few sentences of Jester, but Beau's crush on Jester rings throughout the fic.
Reccer Says: Such good voices of Beau and Dairon! Also the internalized guilt of being a woman loving a woman is addressed really well while still being completely in character. I love how the environment feels true to the characters as well.
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could it be wrong, when she's just so nice to look at? by exhaustedwerewolf (2,423 words, General) Pairing: Calianna/Jester Lavorre Warnings: None
Suffering from definitely-not-art-block, Jester makes a trip to the museum looking for inspiration, and finds it- but not amongst the paintings on the walls.
Reccer Says: Jester's inner voice is so fun and perfect for her! References to stories, fast paced, capturing little details and how beautiful things are and her sense of humor - it's amazing! It's also very sweet and cute! It feels like warmth and poetry!
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So Your Girlfriend and Her Girlfriend Who is Also Your Crush Went to the Gym by LeanMeanSaltineMachine (1,503 words, Teen) Pairing: Calianna/Jester Lavorre/Beauregard Lionett Warnings: Possible Triggers re: Disordered Eating*
Beau does her best to take care of her girlfriend and Calianna after the two go to the gym. She might be having a minor gay crisis. Established Beau/Jester and Jester/Calianna, pre-relationship Beau/Cali.
Reccer Says: Cute!
*Beau mentions how important it is to refill on calories/energy after working out, and there is a scene with Beau making snacks. This may be triggering for people recovering from or with disordered eating.
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I usually run when the world starts ending by grayintogreen (4,515 words, General) Pairing: Artagan/Jester Lavorre (Artajes) Warnings: None
Artagan struggles with falling in love and getting complicated.
Reccer Says: A whimsical, yet tragic, take on a fey being uselessly in love with his charge with excellent prose and characterization.
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a sapphire's desire by breitweisergallery (16,810 words, Mature) Pairing: Jester Lavorre/Caleb Widogast (Widojes) Warnings: None
jester pines for archmage caleb while he tries to navigate the war and the mighty nein.
Reccer Says: I enjoyed it!
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Thank you for joining us this week’s recc list! All the love to everyone who submitted a fic 💕 All enclosed recommendations were submitted by the community via our submissions form, which you can find here. All fic information is as it was provided by the reccer, so it may not be accurate to the author’s intent or the precise contents of the fic itself. Please assume good intent from all parties 💕
Submissions for next week’s list are already open! We’ll be featuring Alternate Universes. If you have any you’d like to highlight, you can send them in here. The week after that, the theme is Hurt/Comfort and the weeks after that we’re taking recommendations for PC x NPC and Proposals & Marriages! Submissions for all of these themes are currently open.
If you want more rarepair fic, check out @cr-summer-wildflowers and their event collections on ao3! If you want some friendship after all this romance, take a look at @critter-genfic-events and their recc lists! And if you’re interested in everyone’s favorite wizards, you can’t go wrong with the lists at @aeor-is-for-reccing !
Thanks all and have a lovely day/night/timezone! 💕
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sweetvixen1996 · 9 months
ok, i never read manga or watched anime, but i see arlong park being mentioned in context of nami, so i wanted to know what was it about? do you mind spoiling me? 😂
as a new live action zinami shipper i just hope for any possible zonami crumbs in the future 😂😂
Oh boy, that is a BIG QUESTION. But I'll do my best to answer
Arlong Park is both an arc, a place, and an important moment in the sorta Meta of One Piece.
As an arc, is serves as very much the climax of the East Blue Saga. It has the biggest fights, the most elaborate backstory (so far), and is an event that leads to Luffy getting his first bounty.
For Nami, in particular, it is Her Arc. It is the one where her backstory, motivations, dreams, fears, and psyche are most explored. The long and sort is that the villain, Arlong, killed Nami's mother and enslaved Nami to make him maps. With the promise that if she gathered enough money, Nami could buy her and her village's freedom. For course, he's a filthy liar, and Luffy and the others need to help step to unleash some well-deserved beatdowns.
As a location, Arlong Park is where Arlong and his crew of fishmen (and Nami) live. It is a repurposed marine base and, as we learn much later, redesigned and renamed to look like the theme park that Arlong and his friends were unable to go to as children due to prejudice against fishmen. This all factors into the much large story about cycles of hatred that exist within the large story of OP that I don't have time to get into here.
But the important thing is that it serves as a great location for the final fights of the arc, giving three different environments to use and different ways to play to the different fighters' strengths. And, considering it served as Nami's prison for so many years, seeing it get destroyed is immensely cathartic.
Now, for the meta angle... When fans of OP are trying to get others into the series, we often say, "If you get to the end of Arlong Park and still don't like it, One Piece is probably not the series for you."
This is because Arlong Park is when the series really BECOMES One Piece. It's where all the elements of the story that make it great -the characters, the fights, the backstories, the worldbuilding- really come together in full force. That's not to say the previous arcs are bad, but rather that each did a few things very well while Arlong Park did EVERYTHING well.
Specifically, the famous 'Luffy... Help me' scene has become an iconic moment in anime in general. Many OP fans (myself included) cite it as the scene that made them fall in love with the series. When watching reaction videos and people reach that moment, I can sometimes even see some 'click' in their eyes. It's the moment they GET IT!
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All these years later, and this moment still makes me tear up.
As for Nami & Zoro... This is definitely an important arc to their relationship.
Zoro has spent the previous arc being rather wary of Nami (and not without cause) but when Luffy orders Zoro to bring her back, he is determined to do it -even if it gets him captured. A fan-favorite moment occurs when a captive Zoro is brought before Arlong and Nami. Despite Nami herself and Arlong swearing that this cold-hearted person is Nami's True Self, Zoro decides to go with his gut and test her.
He throws himself into the water, still tied up, and banks on Nami to save him. And she does, even though it makes Arlong suspicious. Especially after Nami frees Zoro and gives him his swords back so he can escape.
(I'm really sad we don't get this moment in the live-action series)
This has Zoro convinced she's a good person in a bad situation, yet later, when it appears Nami has killed Usopp, Zoro is once again confused about her character. It's only when Usopp turns back up and explains what happens that Zoro fully throws his swords in Nami's corner. He even sleeps through her backstory because, by this point, he knows she is good.
Hope this all helps but honestly you should just go experience it yourself because I can't do the arc justice.
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ecargmura · 10 months
Pokemon Horizons Episode 18 Review - A Flashback Masterpiece
I’m sorry, Episode 16, you just got dethroned after two weeks of reign. Episode 18 is now the best episode of this anime by far. It’s just an origin story, but the animation and storytelling are so immaculate. It’s almost perfection in a way. It feels like a good closure to the first arc and the beginning to the next possible arc in the Rising Volt Tacklers’ journey.
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Liko and Roy are curious about how Captain Pikachu is able to fly in the air, so they team up with Dot to ask Friede about Cap’s origins. He avoids the topic, but with the help of Orla meddling, Friede finally reveals his past with Cap. Once a promising Professor, Friede starts his story jobless and listless. He had no motivation and no drive to do anything after quitting; he spends his days fishing with Ludlow and that didn’t excite him either. One day, he gets a phone call from his old teacher, Lucca (Liko’s mother), who he hasn’t seen since his student days at the Kanto region. Lucca moved to Paldea from Kanto after getting married to Alex. She wonders why he quit his job at the lab. Friede says that he knows everything there is to know about Pokemon, but Lucca sees through his front and points out that he lost his drive. She then asks him to meet up with him the next day at dawn where he is introduced to the Pikachu that will one day become Captain Pikachu. At first, Friede didn’t want to bother with a Pikachu, but after seeing how Cap used Volt Tackle to make a vortex into the sky, he became interested in it. He spends his next days trying to observe and theorize Pikachu’s goals and actions. After befriending him, Friede and Pikachu become partners and the Rising Volt Tacklers came to be.
First off, this backstory was amazing. It played out like a movie! I do like how Friede quitting his job and losing his drive is parallel to a lot of adults trying to find their place in life in the real world. People say that Pokemon is childish or for a general children’s audience (which it is), but having Friede and the Rising Volt Tacklers be adults and have mature motives for their path in life shows that Pokemon isn’t afraid to bring in an older audience as well. It’s like Mollie’s backstory that was told in episode 11 where she quit her job at the Pokemon Center because working there wasn’t fulfilling for her. Friede quit his job because it wasn’t fulfilling for him. I’m sure there are a lot of adults who relate to this; I relate to this myself!
I like how Pikachu was very hostile towards Friede in the beginning of their encounter. It shows off how much of a wild Pokemon he was back then. He was annoyed with Friede and kept tackling him. I think my favorite part of this episode was Pikachu gathering berries and then rushing off to eat them. I think this is one of the rare moments we see Pikachu behave very animal-like. We never saw Ash’s Pikachu as a wild Pokemon as much since most of his screen time was being a captured Pokemon and a pet of sorts. Seeing how Pikachu respected Friede towards the end of the flashback felt realistic because Pikachu knew Friede was always there and it even saved him from falling. In turn, Friede finding drive in Pikachu was understandable. Life is always full of mysteries and finding that one fateful moment can lead to a myriad of opportunities. Pikachu was definitely Friede’s muse in a way.
The animation was very smooth. The scene where Friede and Charizard flew up to the skies next to Pikachu’s vortex flabbergasted me. I never knew OLM Studio could animate this beautifully. This definitely looks like something shown in a Pokemon film or in a smaller mini-series like Twilight Wings. The way everything kept moving throughout the scene, taking a break when they looked beyond the horizon, and then moving again once Pikachu fell was breathtaking. I may not be an animator, but I can see good animation quality!
I do like how Lucca was the reason why Pikachu and Friede got together. Lucca is also the reason why Liko met the Rising Volt Tacklers. The theme of connection is very prevalent for this anime as it is a bond that expands beyond horizons. I cooed over seeing baby Liko in the episode; she’s so cute. I deduce that the flashback might have occurred at least five or six years ago since Liko is most likely ten or eleven at most. The fact that a mere glimpse of seeing Friede over a video call was the stepping stone of her current life is pretty fascinating in itself.
I also liked learning more about the Rising Volt Tacklers. It turns out that Ludlow and Friede were already acquainted with each other. Orla and Friede are also childhood friends with them both being Kantonians but Orla moved to Hoenn. The fact that Friede was requesting Orla to build an airship from Ludlow’s ship meant that he and Ludlow sailed all the way to the Hoenn region from Paldea. That’s determination right there. The fact that Friede, Cap, Orla and Ludlow were the starting members of the Rising Volt Tacklers seems meaningful now.
I love the little cameo of Larry in the restaurant, showing the game canon of him being a regular at that restaurant. Since this was a few years back, I do wonder if Larry is still a Gym Leader five or six years later and still working overtime. Anyways, I do like that this episode had the opening song play towards the end, signifying the closure of one chapter and the start of a new one. There hasn’t been talks or announcements of a new opening or ending song, so I do wonder where the show will go from here. I think this episode was flawless, but what about you? What do you think about this episode?
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Playing Hogwarts Legacy as an adult, a different POV. (Possible SPOILERS ahead, please beware)
Okay, hear me out:
When the game was announced I was super excited about the Dark Arts path, so of course as soon as I was able to play I immediately headed for that route.
But then that scene where you have to duel Sebastian happened and I thought "damn, OC is an insane duelist!" soooo... I guess my mind kind of spiraled from there because I somehow got this headcanon that OC was actually undercover at Hogwarts.
Oddly got their letter at a later age, mad skillz™️, really polite and mature... Makes sense, right?
But I don't want to be an Auror. I want to be EVIL!
So, how about an Ashwinder? Victor Rookwood is a pretty cool villain: charismatic af, kinda good looking; I can see us chilling while watching dragons fight- no wait, I hate poachers with a passion. I love magical beasts. No way my OC would ever harm one or stand by and watch as one gets hurt.
And theeeeennnnn... I met professor Aesop Sharp. 10/10 "your daughter/son/adultchild calls me daddy too". I'd like to say it was love at first sight but it was the whole "acknowledging responsibility" speech that got me.
And before you call me weird... I'm in my twenties and as much as I love the "companions" that the game lets you have, I can't physically bring myself to ship my OC with a teenager. Big no no. Weirds me the f out.
So behold, the ultimate headcanon that has been living rent free in my head since the release:
OC is a rogue ashwinder who betrayed the - organisation? Cult? Club? Ah whatever you get it - and somehow found a way to disguise themselves as a student to avoid repercussions. After all, hogwarts is a pretty safe place. They could easily stay under the radar until things had calmed down a bit.
Unless... Unless some students decided they were tired of poachers and ashwinders and decided to take the matter into their own hands. So what was oc supposed to do? Just look the other way and hide while kids got slaughtered?
Nope. Their conscience was screaming enough as it was, they couldn't let it get any louder. So they help Poppy and Nat and try their best to keep Sebastian safe while he dabbles in the dark arts (after all, they know first hand how futile it is to try and smother that fire. You need to get burnt to learn.).
Until they go too far, they become a problem. Rookwood is pissed. Avada Kedavra pissed. Life or death. Their young and foolish friends or them.
It's an easy choice, really.
They drop the spell/potion/ancient magic/whatever that made them seem younger, so the focus is on them. Rookwood's rage is on them.
The shock, the drama.
Your trusted hogwarts companion was an Ashwinder all along. Former ashwinder, but does it really matter to a teenager who only sees the world as black and white?
Would it matter to the professor OC fell for? To the other professor, the one who guided them through the keepers' trials? Or to sweet professors Weasley and Garlick, who went above and beyond to teach them everything they knew?
Would it matter to the aurors who would eventually capture them?
Ladies, gentlemen and fine people, this is my headcanon. This would be my OC (if I was a skilled modder).
Thank you for coming to my -delirious- TED talk.
(and if you have similar or opposite headcanon, please drop them below. I would love to read them!)
Edit: I actually wrote a fic inspired by this! It's gender neutral (You POV) and I had a lot of fun with it!
Here's the link:
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kuma829 · 11 months
Adonis FS2- Let my voice reach for you Chapter Two
Did you struggle… To be found by someone…
Cast: Adonis, Souma
Author: Suika
Season: Winter
Location: Beach
Proofed by: ketsuinoyaiba
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Adonis: Huh, you just got here, Anzu? I just arrived too. It seems Kanzaki arrived a little bit earlier, it looks like he’s gazing over at the sea.
Souma: Hmm… It seems as though there are no drastic changes; that puts me at ease.
However, Shinkai-dono, too, would probably be more relieved if he sees for himself. Let’s take a picture with this “smartphone.”
“Press here to take a photo,” but why is my face on the screen? I do not wish to take a “selfie,” I wish to take a picture of the sea!
Hah?! What happened… The screen’s completely different now…?
Adonis: Calm down, Kanzaki. Let me take a look at it.
Looks like you’re on video mode, if you press here you’ll be on photo mode.
…? Huh…? Wasn’t it here?
Souma: Adonis-dono, it looks nothing like the other screen we saw. Is it possible to take a photo with this still?
Adonis: Give me a minute… I don’t know how to use smartphones that well either, so I’m a bit confused.
Souma: Aaah, that’s right! I must apologise! I am so sorry for rushing you!
…Hm…? It looks like it’s fixed?
Adonis: No, that’s not this phone. Look over there, Anzu is taking pictures of us.
Souma: Oh, that’s right… Anzu-dono is here to take photos for the “pamphlet.” I must apologise for all the ruckus.
You don’t mind? When Adonis-dono is with me, you get to see a different side of him? I’m happy to be of use.
Adonis: Alright, you should be able to take pictures of the sea now, Kanzaki. I want you to try it out now.
Souma: Aah, thank you.
Mhm! The ocean was captured in all its glory! ♪
Adonis: Hmm, thinking about it now, I’m pretty sure I’ve been to the beach with Anzu before.
But that was a foreign sea, the atmosphere was completely different—but the sea is as beautiful as ever.
Souma: Of course, the weather is good today, so the sea’s surface is shining ever-so brightly under the sun.
The ocean’s charm is that it changes depending on the weather and the ocean currents.
It is especially beautiful in this season, particularly in the early mornings, when the sky turns to white. And when snow falls, it’s a perfect scene! It reminds me of a saying, “early mornings in winter are the best.”
Adonis: I think I’ve heard about that before, wasn’t it related to an old Japanese book?
Souma: I expect nothing less of you, Adonis-dono! Your diligence is admirable; you are truly wonderful ♪
Adonis: No, I’m pretty sure you told me before.
You teach me a lot of things I do not know about this country, Kanzaki—not just you, Kanzaki, but Anzu and Oogami too.
This is the sea’s edge. I came from a land far from here, but you all accepted me all the same. I have a lot of good friends, and that makes me happy.
…I’m sorry. When I see the sea, it reminds me of my hometown. 
Souma: There’s no need to worry. Many people come to the sea to reflect on themselves. It allows us to accept our thoughts and emotions in its gentle embrace.
Moreover, if you can find your true feelings about your “feature live,” then it would all be worth reflecting here.
Adonis: Thank you… For Anzu and Kanzaki… And for my own sake, I hope I can get something out of this.
(I’m able to continue my idol activities in this foreign land alongside my friends. I think I have learned many things compared to when I first came here).
(Am I getting closer to my dream?)
Souma: Are you alright, Adonis-dono?
Adonis: The sand between my feet is moving…
…! Kanzaki, there’s a tiny creature that jumped out of the sand!?
Souma: Calm yourself… Hmm, looks like it is taking a rest. What a rare occurrence in a place like this.
Adonis: Is it rare for hermit crabs to be near the sea…?
Souma: No, I didn't mean it in that way. Shinkai-dono told me that hermit crabs are usually found on the sea shore this time of year, so I was taken aback to see one beneath the sand. 
Adonis-dono, let’s take the hermit crab over there.
Adonis: Are you sure I’m the right person for the job…? Wouldn’t they get hurt by my touch?
Souma: There is nothing to be afraid of. Someone as kind-hearted as the Adonis-dono I know would only make a creature feel at ease. Hold it just as you usually do, in your gentle grasp. 
Adonis: Anzu, you also think it’s fine? Understood, I’ll try it.
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Oooh… Such a small creature is moving in the palm of my hand…
Look over here, Anzu. Isn’t it cute? I could end up staring at it forever.
Souma: You scooped it up perfectly. Let’s take it over to the shoreline over there. Are you comfortable doing so?
Adonis: Aah, don’t you worry. I would never even dream of dropping it.
Hmph, the wind is strong. With the way things are going, the hermit crab will end up getting blown away…!?
Oh, is the wind slowing? Will the hermit crab be safe…?
Looks like it’s taking cover in its shell. I’m glad; it looks like you can protect yourself. Allow me to take you to the shore before the wind starts coming down again.
I’m sorry if you felt scared with me. Please go back to your friends now.
Heh… —Anzu? You’re surprised I noticed the hermit crab?
The sand was moving strangely, so it wasn’t too hard to figure out what was going on.
Kanzaki, I should also thank you. I could find hermit crabs by myself, but I would have never thought to bring them to shore.
Souma: I didn’t help too much, I just gave you some knowledge I had.
I do not know what happened with the hermit crab exactly, but it likely got swept away by the waves from the shore onto the sand.
I am sure it was desperately trying to get back to the shore once more.
I am sure that it felt like begging people to find it on this large beach, and its patience finally paid off when you found it, Adonis-dono.
I am certain the hermit crab appreciated it.
Adonis: Did you struggle… To be found by someone…
Souma: What did you say?
Adonis: It’s nothing… I just thought the hermit crab was like me.
I’ve been singing for a long time too, for songs are a way to express your wishes and your feelings.
This is what I cherish most as Otogari Adonis of UNDEAD. I hope my voice can bring someone peace, even if only for a moment.
I want my voice to be echoed around the world, and I want you to know… I am here.
I have been trying my best to have my dream be heard. That’s what I want for my “feature live.”
Could you consider taking the pamphlet into that direction…?
Souma: So you want to tell the world, then? …Fufu, what a lovely “thought,” it is just like you, Adonis-dono. I cannot wait to see the end result of the “pamphlet.”
Adonis: Ah, then I will be sure to meet the expectations of those who are looking forward to my “feature live.”
No matter where I am in this world, I will be sure to send my voice across the oceans.
Chapter One
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faithinlouisfuture · 5 months
Louies' 2023 Wrapped Tag Game
(Rules: Answer the questions below and tag at least 3 people!)
Thank you bestie @berlinini for tagging me 🤍 sorry i’m so late on this, work’s been kicking my ass, here we go though!
favorite walls song: this year; don’t let it break your heart
favorite fitf song: impossible to pick just one but right now; holding on to heartache (which is funny considering my fav off of Walls this year)
most played song on Spotify by Louis: Written All Over Your Face (ok whore)
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favorite louis lyrics: that’s actually an impossible task because there’s WAY too many! but “there’s endless versions of the thing that keeps me drifting back to darkness” hits home in a way that i can’t explain in words
louis life lesson: it always remains the same; picking yourself back up after facing hardships, seeing the possibilities and positives in a difficult situation; basically strength & resilience
favorite louis outfit: oh that’s unfair, my little fashionista kills it 99% of the time so i have a list of favorite 50 outfits from 2023 but for the purpose of this game we’ll narrow it down to three (and it’s not even top three just three that i loved)
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favorite tour show: there were so many good ones this year (Phoenix, Austin, Houston, LA, Philly, New York, Bologna, Paris, Antwerp, Vienna, Łódź, Sheffield, Cardiff, London) but the way that I felt physically ill after fitfwt: Columbus might need to be studied for science; the whiplash from the stark difference of him during the show and him post show was entirely TOO MUCH
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favorite public appearance: has to be the RS Awards; the slutty custom-made fit, the main character energy throughout, the confidence, the glow, the ever present eloquence with which he spoke about his work and his successful af year, just him him him <3
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favorite AOTV scene: once again there’s so many; that scene where louis’ recording Saturdays and we get some insight into his thinking and his process, the montage of louis with band and crew having an absolute blast while All This Time plays in the background, that one scene where JD is helping him put his hoodie on after he broke his elbow 👀 the last few minutes of the movie where we hear him say the words “i do feel like i deserve this” 🫶🏽🥹 and so so many more actually
favorite band or crew member: favorite three :p are Krystle, Steve & Joshua! special shout out to Joshua for going above and beyond this year honestly! that man carried lthq on his back!
favorite picture: another unfair question but i won’t cheat and post one of my absolute most favorites from this year because it’s like the energy of his shows captured in one moment (i found out on twitter that the hand in his hair belongs to a desi louie which was like the cherry on top)
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something that you are looking forward to in 2024: the fitfwt latam shows!!! there is nothing else like the energy the latam crowds bring, which in turn brings out the absolute best (and most unhinged) in louis and his band too, so definitely looking forward to that! and the festivals!!! can’t wait to see him shine in front of the world <3 hope against hope to be a part of it if things work out 🤞🏽🕯️
one wish for Louis (or Louies) for 2024: 🍑🐧🎧 sighting! kidding (not really)! honestly though, growth
growth in this fandom’s level of maturity (with the addition of lots more people who are here for louis’ art and not his personal life), growth in the markets he’s able to capture, growth in the places he’s able and willing to tour *cough*ASIA*cough*, growth in the ability of his teams especially his social media and PR teams, growth from Louis himself in regards to him being open to trying new things
i don’t know who all has done this! but i’ll tag some people just in case (no pressure) @noraincsl @timidlouie @poekitty2020 @stormyhale @louveyous
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sadcat5544 · 2 years
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“I know you better than you think.”Jinx x General Neutral reader.
This is a rough draft. I wanted to post another post anyway and practice my writing a bit more. So this scene takes place in the long-awaited season two. Your character (along with the entire main cast) has managed to capture Jinx and have her held prisoner awaiting trial possibly being sent to death. You believe she can be changed and deep down still has feelings for you, so you do whatever it takes to save her, even if it means your own death.
You approached the jail cell, alone in the dark, wet silent dungeon. Despite Piltover having a bright and beautiful future, their prison system was still shit. The cell was dark and cold, with very little light to shine through. A figure sat in the middle of the darkness with its knees to its chest, two bloodshot pink eyes staring back at you between the bars, like a monster in the darkness.
“Come to throw peanuts at the monkey like the rest of the zookeepers?” The figure asked in a raspy voice.
“I just want to talk.”
The figure scoffed, stood up, and walked slowly over to the cell door. Blue and pink fingernails interlocked between the bars and she pressed her face against the opening, not once ever taking her eyes off of you. You stood strong with your arms by your side and your head held high. Jinx looked at you with a small malicious smirk. “How's your side holding up? Still a little sore are we?”
You subconsciously reach over to your scar. A flashback plays in your head to you backing up from a hug. After releasing her from a hug you heard a loud popping sound and stepped back. Looking down to your stomach, you see a red hole and blood began to form and pour from it. your wound.
“So you came to try and talk some “sense” into me huh?” she air quoted while chuckling softly.
“No, just to talk.”
“Whatever you’d like..”
She tilted her head and sneered. “What if I don’t want to talk?”
You placed your hands in your pockets and walked slowly over to the cell. Despite your outside demeanor, you will always have that need for comfort. Deep down you want to believe she can change. You long for the old Jinx, the beautiful, crazy girl who taught you how to shoot and advance your mechanic skills. That was your jinx, the one you knew. You long for the jinx that you love. The person in the cell with pink eyes and a malicious smile is not her.
“I'm not going to force you to,” you look around the jail hallway. “Despite how things seem right now, I promise I'm not your enemy. I want to help you.”
A sad smile formed on her lips and her eyes took a kinder appearance. In a twisted way, she almost looked like the old Jinx. The person you love.
“Same old (Y/N), always looking out for the little people.” her small smile turned back to a smirk. “If you think I'm going to stand here and listen to your bullshit, You know Silco was right, in the end, everyone betrayed us. I'm alone.”
“I'm trying to help you, Jinx.” you pleaded.
“Really? I don't see you in a cell.” she scoffed while lazily rolling between the bars.
“I was trying to save the city, not burn it to the ground!” you retorted. She giggled while glaring at you.
“That's rich! Judging by such a good job you've done, I’d even go as far as to say that you’re a class act!” she said snickering. You lowered your gaze and you tightened your arms closer to your body.
“I've made my mistakes, I'm not going to deny it. But what I've done has been to help people to the best of my ability.”
“Spoken like a true hero (Y/N).”
“Please sweets I-”
She slammed her hands against the bars, causing you to flinch slightly. “Do. Not. Call. Me. That.” she seethed slowly. Her grip around the bars tightened making her already pale knuckles turn stark white. “You lost the right to, the minute you betrayed me.” Her anger grew. “You’re no hero, you’re a failure. You failed to save Piltover, you failed to stop the movement of shimmer and you failed to save me.”
Tears welled up in your eyes. How did things come to this? Why does she insist on hurting you like this? You turned away slightly and quickly wiped away your tears. No matter how much she treated you like this, you refused to have anyone see you as such. Not for being seen as weak, you already had enough of that going around. You hated when people you love or care for saw you break down. You didn't see it with your back turned, Jinx’s anger had died down her expression faltered to a mixture of regret and sadness. Slowly she lessened her grip on the bars of the cell and reached out for you partially, pulling her hand back through and back onto the bars.
“They want to execute you, you know?” you said still facing the other direction.
“And I guess I'm supposed to thank you for not allowing that to happen?” she asked.
Sighing you turn back around. “They don't know I'm here right now.” she narrowed her eyes a bit.
“So what's your point?”
You step forward cautiously. “The citizens of Piltover and Zaun don’t know you as I do. They see you as this vile, horrible, bomb-toting psycho who will kill anyone in her way no matter what the cost. They see you as a monster Jinx.” you say sadly.
“Well, they’re right.” she smiled. This made your heart drop down to hell.
“You are not a monster Jinx.”
“Yes, I am. I’ve accepted it, why haven't you?” she spat.
“Really? Ok, prove it.” She eyes you up and down as you walk toward her cell door and unlock it. You pull open the door and step back. “You're free to leave.”
Jinx looked up at you and smirked with her devilishly pink eyes trained on you. “Oh really?” she giggled. Like a cat, she leaped off her cot and strutted towards the open cell door, and stopped at the entrance.
You don't answer her, you look away from her predatory gaze and glance at the floor.
“For a smart guy, this was an incredibly stupid move (Y/N).” she giggles, baring her teeth like a predator. Crossing her arms she continues to look at you, you can feel her gaze burning into your soul. “What’s the catch toots?” she asked.
“Like I said you are free to leave, but to do so, you have to kill me.”
Her smile widens. “Is that all? Really?” she steps out of the cell and invades your personal space immediately. Your gaze meets hers unwavering. You stare into her pink eyes looking to see if you even see a fraction of the person. That once was. “You want to fight, is that it?” she asked smiling widely and unervingly.
“No, I don't want to fight you, Jinx. Like I said you can leave, but you have to kill me first.”
“Don’t think I won’t,” she warns. As soon as she moves, you pull her pistol out and aim it at her as quickly as you can. She runs almost directly into the barrel of the gun and holds her hands up. Her eyes were wide as saucers and shocked as all can be. She smiles and backs up slowly, putting on a pouty, almost innocent expression. “Oh no, (Y/N) you wouldn't shoot little ole me now would you?” she mocked.
You lower put the safety on and twirl the pistol around your finger until the barrel is facing downwards and you raise it to her. She looks at you confused and then snatches the gun away with annoyance added to her voice “, That's no fun, at least make it a challenge toots.”
“I told you I'm not going to fight you.”
She smiles and slowly walks toward you. “Maybe I should shoot you again, remind you that I'm not that person anymore. That jinx that you loved? She’s gone. I'm all that remains.”
“Good, then this should be easy for you.” You say. She looks down at the gun and back at you. Her grip tightened around the handle. “What are you waiting for?” you ask. She turns her gaze back onto you, glaring at you. “Here, let me make it easier for you.” you grab her hand with the gun and you raise it to your forehead, and place the barrel between your eyes. Her eyes widen and her hand starts to shake a little bit.
“What's the big deal?” You ask. “You’re the big bad villain everyone says you are right? This is what they do! They kill their friends and family.” she lowers her gaze a bit. “Their loved ones,” you say quietly. “They do whatever is necessary to get what they want right?...RIGHT?!” you say sharply, yanking her arm harshly. A scowl grows on her face and her jaw tightens. “Come on, Sweets, kill me.”
She raises the gun and cocks the hammer back. Her arm shaking like a leaf and her eyes glaring into yours. A silence fell over the both of you. A few seconds roll by as they seem like hours. She tightens her grip on the gun and growls. Still nothing. “You can’t do it, can you?” you ask. You reach out slowly and push the barrel down towards the floor. “No matter what you tell yourself or what others may say, you still care. Otherwise, you would have killed me that night.”
“I missed.” she scoffed.
“No. You missed it because you chose to. I've seen you shoot before and not once have you ever missed a shot. Even when you are distracted you always hit your target. You wouldn't have missed it unless you had meant to.” you say. “Underneath all that hate and shimmer is still the Jinx I fell in love with. It's still you and I’ll never give up on you, no matter what happens.”
Tears fell from her cheeks. She let go of the gun and it clattered to the floor. She wiped the tears as they fell and you walked closer to her and lightly wrapped your arms around her. She flinched at the tender touch at first but then slowly melted into your hug and cried Into your chest. Her sobs were muffled by your jacket. You wrapped around her tightly and lowered your jaw on the top of her head. You closed your eyes as a few tears of your own slowly fell from your cheeks.
“It's going to be ok, I’m going to get you out of here,” you said.
I hoped you guys enjoyed it. Please let me know if you want me to try and write any particular ones you would like to see, I'm trying to practice my writing and that should include any genre. Thank you for reading.
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morning-sun-brah · 5 months
Okay so I've just GOTTA know... how the hell do you write the way you do?? I haven't been able to get sucked into any written work since high school, trauma brain and all. I used to live in books so it's been hell, but your writing got me back into reading, and makes it so I can get lost into that little world again, which I've craved but been able to have for like... so long. Writing is something I've always been into, but I let my fear of failure and need for perfection stop me. Just... do you have any advice for beginners?? It would mean the world to me, but I understand if it's an annoying ask! Thanks for reading no matter what!
Well I am just a mess reading this (in the best way possible).
First of all, thank you so much omfg. And of COURSE it isn't annoying! This is so flattering I'm about to cry my dude.
As far as tips on writing, I feel like I am not the person to ask because I'm just this little weirdo on the internet who likes turtles lol. But!! In an attempt to try and give real advice here is my response... and it got a little wordy so it's all under the break lmaoooo.
~Gin's rambling attempt to give writing advice~
Practice! Literally the only reason I can string coherent words together is because I've been doing this as a hobby for like two whole decades.
Also!! Read! Consuming other fics and books really helps. Sometimes you find a way of saying something that sticks with you. Sometimes you sit and think "I would have done it this way/said it this way." Sometimes you come out on the other end and go "Wow I am a hack that was amazing." Sometimes you finish something and go "Wow that was fucking terrible I'm amazing." Sometimes you read something and it fires off your brain, and you are left itching to write your own story. But however you feel, it's all GOOD FOR WRITING. It helps you grow! It literally helps you find your voice!
Other little things; When I write, I truly immerse myself. I am playing out in cinema format what is happening in the "scene." How is this person reacting? How do they look- down to facial expressions. How are they feeling? Is this something they would say? (would they fucking say that??? is something I think to myself every time I open a doc) And when I write it all down, I try my very best to convey that "scene" that played out in my head. I try to capture that character's voice, their mannerisms, their habits.
Does this even make sense? I sure hope so.
Also, flow. Make sure we're moving right along. Keep track of where hands, legs, and torsos are. If they were sitting when the scene started, and you need them standing to kiss or fight or do a thumb war, at some point you need to make sure you say they stood up. If a hand was on a cheek, it can't suddenly be on an ankle without telling the reader what happened.
I also just think adding little details helps with immersion. When we talk to people, we don't just stand around. We fidget. We pick our nails or scratch our arms or shuffle our feet. All those little details can add to that immersion (or I think so, I'm no expert). "He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck before saying..." - Wow, what an awkward little shit. "They scrunched their nose and gave a near-violent eye-roll" - Oh ok they are annoyed! "She shifted her feet and replied"- cool she's being a person, I shift my feet too, neato.
Anyway, nothing I wrote 20 years ago is as good as it is now. I'm highly convinced that I'll think the same thing in another 10 years, about anything I've published recently. But it is getting better, and it's because I keep at it. Having friends in the fandom and beta readers really helps. Make sure you find someone who you know will be positive but honest. And remember, YOU are always going to be your own worst critic.
God why did anyone ever let me have access to a computer. Why the FUCK is this so long? Does it even make sense? Jfc, I'm going to post it and eat a fucking cookie.
I believe in you anon. Also, I love you and thank you so much for making my whole week. I'm going to be so obnoxious about this shit, everyone expect to hear from my ass an annoying amount (kidding, but seriously I'm so fucking flattered thank you so much. This kind of shit makes me wonder what the fuck you're all reading because I swear I am just a silly gal with seasonal depression who needs a haircut).
((Also, anon, I wish you nothing but the best. Take care of yourself, be kind to yourself, and know that I am sending you like a million hugs))
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wen-kexing-apologist · 10 months
Body Language in La Pluie Ep 12
I told @bengiyo the other day that I didn’t know that I had much more to say on La Pluie, because I thought the show was perfect and when it’s perfect I don’t have a lot fo analysis to write up at the very end. 
“For you, Captain Hands, who writes 20,000 word essays, that is unacceptable” 
But I was truly at a loss for what I could talk about because this whole show was phenomenal and I was seeing such good meta coming out from so many other people, I felt like most of it was covered. So I consulted the clowns and they were like “baby you’re a one trick pony, you know what you need to write about…body language,” and I went ‘oh yeah you’re right!” 
So here is a breakdown of the body language in the two confession scenes in Episode 12: Tien and Lomfon, Tai and Patts. 
Tien and Lomfon 
Judging for the sheer number of gifs of this moment, it appears Tien and Lomfon’s reconciliation and kiss was universally beloved in the fandom. And I can understand why because it is 
Because Suar is 
And because Copter is delivering his best performance of the show. 
So let’s just jump right in, I want to start at the very beginning of this confession because there is a lot happening in the classroom itself. The scene opens with the film teacher calling Lomfon’s name, and asking if he is ready to present. The camera cuts to a semi-close up of Lomfon’s face:
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Now, generally speaking, I think Copter has a long way to go in his acting, particularly around how mobile he makes the lower half of his face, because he rarely tends to move it. But it cannot and will not be denied, that Copter has some truly expressive eyes and Lomfon’s anxious energy does bleed through in the way he sets his jaw, his shoulders, how his eyes are shining. Up until this point, Lomfon has approached almost every single possible romantic moment completely wrong, and fucked with the lives of Tien, Tai, and Patts for the sake of better understanding his own feelings. He realizes that he likes Tien, he knows Tien likes him, or that he did at one point and that he may have fucked that up. So he has absolutely no idea what this is going to do, if it will help or hurt, but he has to try it anyway, so the movie starts to play. 
Tien, notably, is very intentionally looking at the ground. He will not meet Lomfon’s eye, he will not seem interested in the film, he will not give Lomfon the time of day. Lomfon blew up three people’s lives, and didn’t seem all that remorseful about it. The film starts, and a compilation of Tien’s radiant smile graces the scene, and Tien is for the first few moments, completely unaware. That is, until the rest of the class starts visibly, physically reacting to what is airing on screen. At which point Tien risks a tentative glance towards the screen…
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And sees himself over and over and over again, in so many private little moments that Lomfon has captured. And where first his eyes were transfixed on the floor, they are now transfixed on the screen. Everyone in the entire classroom has turned their eyes away from the screen and straight towards Tien, and Tien and Lomfon become the only two people in the room that are watching the movie. 
The film continues, unrelenting clips of Tien as seen through Lomfon’s eyes, and though Lomfon told Tien he would show him he cares through his actions, that is not what Tien needs. And there is a moment, though it is small, where you can see Tien’s anger/frustration click in to place. 
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It’s right here, in the inhale, in the setting of his jaw, slightly crooked as he continues to process exactly what he is seeing, exactly what Lomfon has done. And he pries his eyes away from the screen, slowly meets Lomfon’s eye for the first time since their fight, and does not break eye contact until his friend leans over and asks the question “Tien, how come you’re the thing from Lomfon’s heart?” at which point the spell is broken, the anger boils over, and Tien, being the third child who has his head on straight and is used to suppressing his own emotional state, rockets out of the room with a bitter, half-assed “I have to use the bathroom” excuse everyone can see through. 
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This is not the reaction that Lomfon was expecting based on the way his body is turned to face Tien, the way his jaw has dropped just a touch, the way his eyes are glued to Tien and following him out the door. Lomfon is clearly surprised and slightly distressed to see Tien flee the room like that, clearly upset, and he is up and running after him within a few seconds, determination setting in his face. 
Tien is hustling, even as Lomfon is running after, even as Lomfon is calling his name hurried and slightly panicked. It is not until Lomfon calls out “Don’t go” that Tien stops, but not for long. He pauses just long enough to decide whether or not he is going to read Lomfon the riot act, or just walk away and hope that ends the conversation forever. Tien spins on his heel and starts swinging right out of the gate. 
“Why did you do that?” and his weight shifts a lot as he settles into place, and Lomfon matches his energy, also shifting around a lot as he grinds to a halt. 
“That’s the topic ‘A message from the heart’”
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Tien is pissed now, like well and truly pissed. Even in the rain, even after Lomfon blew apart his brother’s life, Tien was calm, even-keeled, almost withdrawn when it came to his own pain. He was loud and aggressive, and very clearly livid when it came to what Lomfon did to Tai and Patts, but when Lomfon shouted in his face “I want to know my heart. I want to know who I like, what does that have to do with you?” his disappointment was palpable, but he responds in the softest voice ever.
Here though, it is time for him to be mad on his own behalf:  “Then why was I in your video? What are you going to say?” 
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And Lomfon does look upset, and slightly vulnerable in this moment in the way his mouth is open, in the way his eyes are laser focused on Tien, in the way his eyebrows are slightly crooked like he is furrowing his brow: “I already told you, I would show you with my actions” because that is supposed to be obvious. I mean, Lomfon blatantly told Tien this before he ever showed the film. 
But that is the wrong answer. Tien, frustrated, turns back around to storm off because as @neuroticbookworm has already discussed, conversation is what needs to happen, not grand gestures. Grand gestures from Lomfon are what got everyone in to the messes they are in, grand gestures are not what is going to get him out. Tien will not entertain grand gestures in the slightest. 
“I did this because I like you!��� Lomfon shouts to Tien’s back, and that’s what gets him to pause. 
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And my refusal to learn how to make gifs bites me in the ass because Suar absolutely demolishes a micro-expressive face journey in this scene, there are at least four internal monologues Tien is cycling through as he listens to Lomfon’s speech. There is surprise, suspicion, annoyance, and slowly, slowly he begins to soften, and soften, and soften as Lomfon continues to say the right things. Like, legitimately, seriously I feel like I can tell when Tien’s stomach twists and heart picks up from the way Suar is moving his face. 
Which leads us to the best bit of acting that Copter has done the entire show: 
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“I know that I like you. I like you very much. I like you so much that I don’t know what to do. I like you so much that I think if I don’t tell my feelings to you, I will regret it for the rest of my life” and he says the whole thing in tears. His face crumpling, his lip trembling, his eyes red. Tien’s back is turned throughout the monologue but he too is fighting back tears, because he can hear Lomfon’s voice, he can hear it waver and crack, he can hear Lomfon sniffling. And the camera reinforces that by cutting to Tien’s turned back twice during the monologue, his face moving almost imperceptibly as he listens, really listens to what Lomfon has to say. 
And when Lomfon falls silent, Tien turns to face him. 
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I think it was @kyr-kun-chan who said “I like that when Tien turns around I can’t tell if he is going to kiss Lomfon or punch him” and honestly same. Like, looking at Tien’s face here, his eyes don’t match his mouth. His mouth is soft, slightly open, willing to forgive Lomfon, but his eyes don’t have their typical shine. There is a seriousness in them we haven’t seen that often. Tien is thinking, he is processing, he is calculating, and then the camera pans out to a wide shot.
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Which makes me crazy over the costuming and positionality. Tien and Lomfon stand in completely the opposite places as where they sit in the classroom. Tien stands so that his entire chest is exposed to the audience, but closed off to Lomfon. Lomfon stands so that his whole chest is exposed to Tien, but closed off from the audience because Lomfon is pouring his heart out to Tien, and Tien is keeping his own reactions to Lomfon’s confession to himself. 
Tien’s face crumples and he barrels towards Lomfon, and similar to @kyr-kun-chan, Lomfon does not seem particularly certain whether he is about to have lips or a fist planted on him. 
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Eyes transfixed on Tien’s face, eyebrows furrowed as he tries to decipher the look on Tien’s face, eyes still red cause he’s been crying, and then BOOM:
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I am sure everyone has seen this kiss scene a million times, either rewatching the scene or reblogging the gifs, so I am not going to talk about the kiss, BUT I WILL TALK ABOUT THE HANDS BECAUSE I AM SO INTRIGUED BY HOW THEY HANDLED THE HANDS IN THIS KISS. 
So obviously, we start with the moment above, where the kiss itself is the center/focal point, but Tien’s hand is completely visible. His fingers comfortable and curled, and digging in to Lomfon’s neck to stabilize him from the force of the kiss. Tien sinks lower, because he is shorter, and his hand helps keep Lomfon pressed against him as he settles. And that is all well and good, and I love the shape Tien’s fingers make here. But then we get to some shots that are truly a marvel to me, they confused the hell out of me in the best possible way, in the way that makes me want to question the cinematographer because the next time the camera focuses on something other than the actual kiss, we get close ups, but these close ups are of a shoulder and a back. The only thing truly interesting to look at in those shots, to me at least, is the hands. But the hands are cut off. We don’t see Lomfon’s fingers at all, we don’t see precisely the way that he is holding Tien in the way that we see how Tien is holding Lomfon.
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And it is fascinating to me, that the close ups cut off Tien’s fingers, like we see his thumb stroke Lomfon’s back a little, we see Tien’s hand move up Lomfon’s shoulder and further out of frame. And it intrigues me so much, because when Tai and Patts have their kisses, their hands are constantly visible, you can see it when Tai squeezes Patts’ back, you can see it when Patts scratches Tai’s back, you can see it when Patts is grabbing at whatever piece of skin he can so he can steady Tai on his lap while he kisses down his chest. But here, Tien and Lomfon’s hands are rarely completely visible. In fact, when never see Lomfon’s entire hand during the kiss, one is out of frame for most of it, with his fingers flat and therefore barely visible across Tien’s shoulder blade, the other buried in Tien’s hair so deep you can’t see anything.
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And Tien’s hand(s) are only completely visible when the camera pans out on the kiss, rather than when it pushes in on their bodies. 
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Which works so well for me, because it is so counter to Tai and Patts. As I said, when Patts and Tai make out, their hands are always visible, the camera pushes out to a wide shot and their bodies are making beautiful shapes. But that isn’t happening here, when the camera does a wide shot, Tien and Lom are standing pretty straight, with some distance between their bodies. They aren’t playing around too much with sensation, and with the reveal at the end of a possible sequel, it makes sense that we wouldn’t see a fully formed picture of what intimacy between Lomfon and Tien looks like. 
What we do get to see, however, is how Tien and Lomfon are personally impacted by this kiss, by this confirmation of their mutual interest in one another:
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gif by @piningintrovert
GOD I WILL NEVER GET OVER THE LOOK ON TIEN’S FACE WHEN THEY FINALLY PART. The way his eyebrows furrow, the bliss on his face, that Oh. moment when Tien realizes how good it felt. The way Lomfon smiles and the way Tien beams and how Lomfon, having learned his lesson, tells Tien that he’s happy, tells Tien he will have to get used to him smiling, tells Tien he will see that smile every day. You know communicates. 
In summary, this is a beautifully handled, beautifully performed scene and I want to give mad props to Suar and Copter for how they navigated this moment. 
Tai and Patts
Now let’s talk Title and Pee, or rather Tai and Patts during Tai’s confession, which was another beautiful performance by our two leads. A truly underrated moment that I don’t see getting enough love from the fandom considering I have seen a total of one gifset of it, and because it is the most perfect confession Tai could ever give to Patts. 
After spending multiple days looking all over Chang Mai for his boyfriend, Tai finally spots him giving a little girl her kitten back and calls after him. And the look in Tai’s eyes, the way his mouth is agape, Tai looks like he’s seeing a ghost, like he scarcely believes that what he is seeing is real, that Patts is really here, that Tai has really found him. 
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And because they are perfect for each other, Patts looks…exactly the same. Just, much more haggard like he has not slept well the entire time he and Tai have been separated. Patts, respectfully, looks like shit. 
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As he should because he is fucking heartbroken. Tai approaches slowly, tentatively, like he doesn’t know what to expect, like he is no longer certain of his place in Patts’ life. And even though Tai is moving slowly, Patts is still not fully processing what is happening. Tai approaches and Patts stays firmly rooted in place, but he is leaning slightly away from Tai, like he still isn’t sure this is real, like he needs to get a better look at Tai to be certain. 
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When Patts sees Tai his eyes go wide, he blinks, he swallows like he isn’t sure of his place in Tai’s life anymore. He is paralyzed trying to figure out what Tai is doing here, if he’s about to have his heart healed or broken further. 
Tai, of course, immediately bursts in to tears, as is his god given right. And good golly miss molly, Title is fantastic at getting Tai’s tears off the ground. He looks at Patts, the man he loves, the man he has failed, the man he has hurt, his eyes start to well, his nostrils flare, his lip trembles and he starts his confession. 
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“You know what? For these past few days I have been looking for you. I’m so terrified that I can’t see you again. I’m terrified you don’t want to meet me anymore.” 
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And, I mean, props to Tai for being honest, but goddamn, Patts is already Straight Up Not Having a Good Time Right Now and telling him you were worried that he wouldn’t ever want to see you again has got to feel like a knife is being twisted to him, knowing how much Patts loves Tai. Seeing how haggard he is from being away from Tai for only a few weeks, how close to tears he is just from seeing Tai’s face. 
“You don’t have to say anything,” Tai continues, which is wonderful, because Patts has always been the person to reach out. The first to use the soul mate link, the only one to talk through it for the first two years, Patts was the one who approached Tai in the coffee shop, Patts initiated and stopped their first intimate moments, Patts is the one who tried to face their problems head on after the fight with Lomfon, and to follow up after their fight over how Patts handled the Lomfon situation. But Patts is in so much shock from seeing Tai here, where he thought he couldn’t be found that he hasn’t said a word anyway. 
“This time, please let me say it. I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I acted stupid, I was selfish, I was too emotional. I didn’t talk to you well, I let it slide until it’s bad like now.” he says through shaky breath. 
And then Tai looks down, gathering his strength, gathering his words, but bearing the weight of the shame and sadness he feels for how his failure to properly communicate has hurt Patts.
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“You know, I had not idea that the sound of rain could be so hurtful and lonely,” and I love that when Tai says “the sound of rain” he looks up at the sky. Like he is looking for rain clouds, like he is expecting rain.
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“As for all of the soulmate things I was curious about, I know that through myself, Lomfon, my parents. I know that now. Love is about two people, it doesn’t need destiny to pave. I don’t care whether you are my soulmate or not. The most important thing is our feelings.”
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Patts nods slightly, and bites his lip. Now, there are a number of ways I think it is possible to read Patts’ face in the next couple of close ups, but I personally read them very much as Patts steeling himself to be officially broken up with. 
“What’s most important is our feelings” Tai says, Patts braces himself to hear that Tai does not feel love for him anymore. 
“Do you remember? There was a time when you asked me whether saying “I love you” was hard?”
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gif by @liyazaki
“No Patts, it’s not hard,” and Patt’s face falls, his lip starts to tremble. “So I kept asking myself how I feel about you. My feelings have not changed at all.” 
And once again, Patts nods slightly, swallows hard, and his face falls even more, he’s closer to tears.
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“I love you Patts, I don’t care if it rains or not. I do love you, no matter what happens” and before Tai can say anything else, Patts is rushing to embrace him in a hug. Because he finally knows, for certain, for real, straight out of Tai’s mouth, that Tai loves him. That Tai has always loved him, and that Tai will continue to love him. 
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And, going back to my conversation around Lom and Tien’s hands and how they differ from Patts and Tai, we get So Much Hand in the hug between Patts and Tai. And you can see how tightly Tai is squeezing Patts, how deep he is burying his head in Patts’ shoulder. Patts is wrapping Tai up as much as he can, he is touching Tai in as many places as he can. Patts’ hand on Tai’s shoulder, in his hair, across his back
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On his elbow when they kiss.
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gif by @liyazaki
And their kiss is slow and tentative, both certain and uncertain, like they need to re-establish where they are and where they have been. LIke they need to check in with each other and make sure that this level of intimacy after such a strenuous fight and break up is okay with both of them. 
I don’t have any impassioned speeches to give at the end of all of this, Patts and Tai are together, they are happy, we leave them where they always should be, happy in each other’s arms. Tai had some major growth at the end of La Pluie, getting called out by his brother, introspecting and realizing that Tai was handling the conflict with Patts like his mother has handled conflicts with him. Realizing how lonely the silence is, and understanding that the way he feels about only ever having silence in his head is horrible and that he left Patts to feel that way for years. Understanding now, why Patts could not bear Tai’s silence when he was upset at the way Patts handled Lomfon kissing him. 
La Pluie is one of the best written shows I have seen. The script is so smart, it understands the realities of relationships, highlights the importance of communication, gives proper consequences for ill-advised actions, and subverts the traditional soulmate trope by having the soulmate connection only ever act as a barrier between Patts and Tai getting together. It has truly been and honor and a blessing to clown with all of you about this show, it made me so happy to see more and more people getting in to this show, and more and more people writing about this show. It may have taken me a couple episodes to get in to the story, but looking back on it, I have loved every minute. Thanks for reading and I look forward to (hopefully) doing this all again for season 2. 
(tagging @lurkingshan cause she asked me to)
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