#tsp love virus
voidsnarrator · 5 months
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Ohoho what's this? My favorite frame of my Lovebug AU Animation Meme?
It's my favorite bit!! Narry looks so cute! The pose is so cute! But because Stanley is sad it's also so ouch! I just love it a lot ;3;
Designs of my Narrator and Stanley for my AU “I see you, I hear you” :] (But Lovebug of course! Which I'll write eventually hehe)
Please reblog if you like it? 💜
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maiumeni · 3 months
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difference between 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓫𝓾𝓰 and ҉͓̽l͓̽҉҉͓̽o͓̽҉҉͓̽v͓̽҉҉͓̽e͓̽҉҉͓̽b͓̽҉҉͓̽u͓̽҉҉͓̽g
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lexumpysfunland · 3 months
I'm hella late because I had some issues yesterday but anyway- Happy late birthday @surinnit ! once again I've drawn your son... he's so cool once again-
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I hope you'll like it!
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snowed-leopard · 1 year
i love virused my man for the love virus roleplay, it took way too long but here he is
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version without glasses and the color filter under the cut!
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growth-residue · 1 year
haunted by visions of futures past
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vellichorom · 1 year
hey!! That Anon that’s new to the TSP & Narratorverse - thank you so much for explaining things! I’ve gone through the threads you’ve linked and looked at some of the creators connected to them. Also, I have another question (I hope I’m not intruding on your time, and you have no obligation to answer this), but what is the Lovebug sickness thing? I’ve also seen that around.
ok admittedly I actually don't think I'm as knowledgeable with the Lovebug Virus concept as I would be with Paraverse, but as I've actually been engaged with it a LOT as of late & at least understand the base concept ( I think? ), I'll try to relay ALL that I know to you, dear non! & i thoroughly encourage anyone who may know more to add onto my post!
TDLR; in essence an AU / trend begun by user @things1do that stems from the idea of The Stanley Parable, particularly Stan/Nar, getting infected by a particular love-virus! that's pretty much it I think. lovecore parable, baby!
SO - the " Lovebug AU, " also known as " the Love Virus " is a concept originated from the user mentioned above ( Bubo ) in which, if we're to take the tags from this original post to heart, the/their Narrator opened an email with a virus attached ( implied to be the infamous IRL computer worm ILOVEYOU / LOVE_LETTER_FOR_YOU.TXT.vbs or some variation of it? ) & ended up getting the game bugged.
rather than your standard computer bug effects though, said worm corrupts the parable & simply injects a lovecoric aesthetic into everything, which includes - of course, Stanley & the Narrator; shown through individual outfit, aesthetic, & personality shifts to befit. given their popularity as characters & as a couple, they're most often the characters you'll find if you search the AU anywhere, though I believe any character IN the parable can be lovebugged!
& beyond this concept, I don't think there's been much other story added to it? at least, not from Bubo, from what I can tell. truth be told, i think the concept of the Lovebug Virus is just a good, canonically appropriate excuse to draw Parablites in lovecoric outfits & doing shippy/affectionate things with one another!
...but that's not stopped some people.
given the rather open concept with no apparent set story beyond a simple shtick, people have taken it in NUMEROUS different directions with their respective Parable renditions & interpretations.
some stick with the simplicity of the original concept; some others decide to take it a bit further & really harp on the " virus " side of things, either turning it into a literal sickness on cold with a flu or some kind of unfavorable phenomenon in terms of bodily health or the game's code; some others make it a one-sided thing from either Stanley or the Narrator's POV, with the other trying to avoid or cure them- & on that note, I've even seen it translated as a sort of lovecoric zombie virus ( hi @blackkatdraws ); some take it in a more Visceral or thought-provokingly disturbing direction with the virus enhancing the affected's feelings to an obsessive / destructive degree; & then you've got some that take it as an excuse to depict stan/nar as more Lustful, with befitting, revealing / promiscuous clothes to boot. ( you know who you are & i know WHAT you are )
etc etc -- & to each their own, i suppose! it's a very loose, interpretation-based concept that you can really push & play & have fun with, so long as you stick to the main " hearts, pink & red, lovey " theme!
I WANT TO THANK YOU FOR ACTUALLY TAKING YOUR VALUABLE TIME TO LOOK THROUGH THE LAST POST & MAYBE EVEN THIS ONE; it makes me so very happy to know you took the time to look into my ( maybe needless ) ramble esp when i tried putting a lot of dedication in it, & i LOOOOVE to talk to excess & i love to be thorough about WHATEVER it is i'm explaining, so thank you forever & i'm so VERY VERY happy that hopefully it'll lead you to finding some TSP creators you may want to get into! this is going to be us if you keep that up
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kanrix · 1 year
i am Confused. What is the lovebug virus
(Ok so if I recall correctly it was made by @/things1do)
Basically the narrator opened a scam email and got a virus, love virus. If I remember the whole idea from the creator was to make tsp but lovecore(?)
There's no more explanation I can give to you jsnfinw other users have a lil fun with the concept and that's it
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felixcosm · 7 months
Oh boy, he's. He's the worst. He's lame! I'm publically Anti-Rex, I hate him, I think he deserves NOTHING.
He started out as a virus (who everyone just calls Vir) that went around terrorizing the tsp roleplay community until I thought 'hm what if this guy used to be human'.
So I drew up the idea of Rex, a vile, nasty man who was created to showcase the worst of the worst, a man no one could love, a guy whose existence made the world around him a worse place to be in.
And as soon as I did, everyone started simping for him (which is one of the reasons I hate him /hj) and he ended up getting a lot of love and attention.
Both Vir and Rex took turns terrorizing Cas, except Rex actually ended up getting feelings for him.
Rex has a bunch of partners, including Raphael (who is @/carmenbathwater's oc), Mary Belle (who is @/sunnysynergy's oc), Cas (@/networksupported), and Austin (@/theyashirocommission). He also has three kids Coda and Seven (@/darkandlightsides) and Malachi (@/carmenbathwater).
He ended up getting his arm ripped off by darkandlightside's virus oc Loveletter, who is inspired by the ILOVEYOU virus, given a prosthetic arm which is now possessed by Eric (@/veracosmic's 432 oc).
Sometimes I like to send my other OCs to terrorize Rex, and he's had a nice peaceful run but he's probably going to return to his murder-spree ways soon and only part of that is inspired by the fact that he lost the title of Tumblr Sexyman to Cas.
His blog is @clickonmedotexe!
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shortpirateking · 1 year
Thanks to running around looking at TSP love bug aus and losing my absolute mind over them, I just *had* to throw out an idea for it that popped into my head
(Quick warning for loss of self and prototype-esque consuming(aka absorbing others) and mention of character death).
So, the basics are the same- it's a virus or parasite or some entity that takes over the narrator and/or stanley- but the purpose? It's a *litttle* different. Taking inspiration from blacklight virus al la Alex Mercer, what if the virus doesn't *just* need to spread, but to *consume*?
I don't really know how to describe the idea, so please bear with me and my disjointed thoughts.
So, firstly virus doesn't have to be *just* a consuming one. It could spread normally.. but to grow stronger and more powerful, the 'host'(deemed as such by the lovebug itself) more or less requires to consume the person infected. This works best for a non human Narrator. It can be up to the person if this is a full moment where the victim and host more or less fuse into one like a more disturbing Steven universe, where the victim is still there and somewhat conscious, just now a part of the host... or a complete loss of self and character 'death' where they no longer exist anymore once absorbed.
If going with the first, that means it *can* be reversible- and the host can bring the narrator/stanley/self-insert out as a pawn, but still connected mentally - OR take their personality and form.
So umm yeah... I hope this makes sense!
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digitalsavy15 · 2 months
10 Simple Whiskey Cocktail Recipes to Make at Home
Life isn't generally blushing however for however long there are great bourbon mixed drinks and extraordinary organization, there is a silver lining. What could be preferable over heavenly natively constructed bourbon mixed drinks to pour over ice and offer for an extraordinary night of visit in the nursery as the sun goes down? All things considered, the energy that goes into the creation of every one makes these minutes so unique.
WHICH Bourbon?
We suggest utilizing Bulleit Whiskey Outskirts Bourbon with its "extraordinary mix of rye, corn, and grain malt, alongside unique kinds of yeast and unadulterated Kentucky limestone separated water."
OUR 10 Inconceivably Simple Bourbon Mixed drinks
These 10 simple bourbon mixed drinks are a blend of exemplary bourbon mixed drinks and contemporary turns with a sprinkle of fruitiness or flavor contingent upon your taste. There could be no more excellent method for partaking in your late spring than for certain modern mixed drinks with bourbon, extraordinary organization and some place picturesque to watch the sun go down following a blistering day.
1. Outdated
Ageless and on the money, this is one for when a close buddy calls and some style is all together. Match its nuanced severe orangey notes with charcuterie, blue cheddar and a generous dinner with every one of the decorations.
2 tsp of your custom made sugar syrup
Sprinkle of water
60ml Bulleit Whiskey Bourbon
1-2 runs Angostura sharp flavoring
XL ice solid shape or circle
soft drink water (discretionary)
Orange cut or maraschino cherry to embellish.
Add the sugar syrup, sharp flavoring, and water in a tumbler and blend. Put the XL ice solid shape in the glass and mix in the bourbon. Add a sprinkle of pop water and blend.
2. Sweet Manhattan
Developed by Iain Marshall at the Manhattan Club in New York City during the 1870s, this scrumptiously sweet bend on the exemplary bourbon mixed drink utilizes maraschino cherry syrup. Match with Italian Pizzette, Pastasciutta, Grissini (breadsticks) and Po Young men's Sandwiches. Mix your basic syrup with maraschino cherries to get the full-bodied pleasantness.
50ml Bulleit Whiskey Boondocks Bourbon
25ml Vermouth Rosso
5ml maraschino cherry syrup
2 runs Angostura sharp flavoring
Mix the fixings with ice in a blending glass, then strain into a tumbler with our XL ice 3D shape. Decorate with a cherry and serve.
3. Corroded NAIL
Albeit this mixed drink began at the 1937 English Ventures Fair, it was anything but a hit until the 1950s once again introduced by Club 21 in New York and loved by the notable Rodent Pack. Our Corroded nail utilizes Irish Bourbon and Honey Alcohol rather than Drambuie to give it a smooth extravagance.
50 ml Bulleit Whiskey Bourbon
1 tbsp The Whistler Irish Bourbon and Honey Alcohol
Bit of lemon strip.
Place your XL ice circle in a tumbler and add the bourbon and bourbon alcohol and mix tenderly. Add the lemon curve to embellish.
From the Spanish Arabic, "julepe", and the Persian word گلاب (Golâb) meaning rosewater, the 'Julep' mixed drink was a mixture previously referenced in 1770. Initially, English juleps were somewhat alcoholic and restorative with the option of camphor before American partners later added mint to turn into the minty mixed drink we love today.
65 ml Bulleit Whiskey Bourbon
10/12 mint leaves
12.5ml 2 sections to 1 of your hand crafted sugar syrup
Squashed ice
Mint twig to embellish
Shake the fixings with ice and strain into a mint julep cup loaded up with squashed ice. Beat with a long-taken care of spoon and top with more squashed ice.
5. HOT Drink
First knew about in the seventeenth Hundred years, there are two questioned starting points for this beverage: India (from the Hindi, 'Taddy' meaning a beverage with matured palm sap, and Ireland (named after Specialist Robert Bentley Todd who suggested the hot. flavored cocktail as a virus fix). One way or the other, the hot bourbon is a helpful winter exemplary that warms the cockles of your heart. Extraordinary on a skiing outing or when you want a speedy and scrumptious heating up.
25ml Irish/Bulleit Whiskey Bourbon
100ml bubbling water
1 tsp honey
half cinnamon stick
1 lemon, half squeezed and half cut
2 or 3 cloves
On the off chance that it's a non heat evidence glass, pre-heat the glass by placing a metal spoon in it and pouring in bubbling water, after it's warmed, toss out the water. You can likewise utilize a glass still hot from the dishwasher. Cut a cut of lemon and drive the cloves into it.
Put a teaspoon of honey into the glass followed by a fix of Irish bourbon or Bulleit Whiskey, mix until smooth. Add the cinnamon and lemon with cloves, top up with bubbling water and mix. Envelop the glass by a cloth serviette and leave to imbue briefly, tenderly taste.
6.BOULEVARDIER Mixed drink
This exemplary bourbon mixed drink was developed by the essayist Erskine Gwynne, organizer behind Boulevardier magazine in Paris from 1927 to 1932. A bend on the Negroni, it replaces gin with bourbon.
25ml Bulleit Whiskey Bourbon
25ml sweet vermouth
25ml Campari
Orange bend, to decorate
Blend the Bulleit Whiskey Bourbon, Campari and sweet vermouth in a blending glass in with ice and mix until very much chilled. Strain into a tumbler over our XL ice shape.
First referenced in the Wisconsin paper, Waukesha Plain Vendor, in 1870, Elliott Stubb clearly made the "whisky sharp" in Iquique in 1872.
This mixed drink has no doubt been guzzled for many years as the base alcohols gin and bourbon alongwith lemon were utilized as the remedy for a typical sailor's hardship at that point, scurvy.
50ml Bulleit Whiskey Bourbon
35ml newly crushed lemon juice
12½ml 2:1 your custom made sugar syrup
2 runs Angostura sharp flavoring
½ new egg white
XL ice shape
Lemon twisting to decorate
Fill a shaker with ice, add Bulleit Whiskey Bourbon, lemon juice, sugar syrup, egg white and 3 smidgens of Angostura sharp flavoring.
Shake and strain into a tumbler with a XL ice 3D square.
Made well known during the 1970s when mixed drinks were better and supposedly named after the screen character played Marlon Brando, this smooth, rich mixed drink is devilishly simple to make with just two fixings. This is a complex after-supper mixed drink with traces of almond.
50 ml Bulleit Whiskey Bourbon
25 ml Disaronno
XL ice 3D square
Orange winding to embellish
Empty the whisky and amaretto into a blending glass or container and add ice, mix until the beyond the glass is chilled. Place your XL ice 3D square in a tumbler and strain into the glass.
9. PENICILLIN Mixed drink
This contemporary mixed drink, made by the Australian Sam Ross during the 2000s, at the unbelievable Milk and Honey bar, New York is a delightfully sweet and hot riff on the Bourbon Harsh. Our own is made with a Whiskey wind as opposed to Scotch.
59 ml Bulleit Whiskey Bourbon
22ml new lemon juice
22ml honey/ginger syrup*
Sugar-coated ginger to embellish
Shake all fixings with ice and strain over our XL ice block in a tumbler
Float the bar spoon of Islay on top and enhance with candy-coated ginger.
10. WINTER Bourbon Acrid
This scrumptiously rich and sweet citrus-forward mixed drink is a turn on the exemplary Sharp with the expansion of orange and sugar to taste. Albeit extraordinary in winter it can really be partaken in any time.
squashed ice
50ml Bulleit Whiskey Bourbon
1 tbsp new lemon juice
tbsp new squeezed orange
½ tbsp sugar syrup
2 cups of orange to embellish.
Brush the edge of your tumblers with honey and add our XL ice 3D shape. Shake the bourbon with the lemon juice, squeezed orange, and sugar syrup.
Attempt our exceptional pre-blended mixed drinks
Assuming you are as of now depleted simply learning about how to make these mixed drinks, why not go to our menu and attempt our 6 premium premixed bourbon mixed drinks: Bourbon Acrid, Boulevardier, Dated, Manhattan. Earthy colored Gold and Kurayoshi Legacy. prepared to tear, pour over ice and taste without wasting time with purchasing fixings and all the readiness.
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voidsnarrator · 5 months
WARNINGS: Flashing Images! Glitching Images!
I made another animation meme :'D Love Like Mine - Lovebug AU!
Again it's the designs for Stanley and the Narrator from my FanFiction Series “I see you, I hear you”, which you can read here: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3887746 But this time with a Lovebug Twist! (Which I'll write eventually 💜)
Please reblog if you like? 💜
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pocket-watch-world · 7 months
Okay so…i’m gonna just like, drop some facts and some changes to my tsp au “seeing blue” since it feels slightly empty and kinda doesn’t make sense.
Change no.1: the time until a victim will mutate and lose control has been shortened from 24 hours to 5 hours. because 24 hours felt like too much time.
(Oh and also as a sign they like got infected they could like randomly throw up a strange blue liquid.)
Fact no.1: if a victim infected by the bsod disease doesn’t mutate, they will end up just going insane and go on an endless killing spree until their force fed their medication or just permanently crash (basically they die.)
Fact no.2: if the lovebug virus and the bsod disease are on a victim at the same time they could either be like super loving or hostile in their mutated form. (Also if a person does get infected by a lovebug/bsod hybrid they’ll get either the lovebug virus first, the bsod disease first or both at the same time.)
Fact no.3: the bsod monsters are super fond of laser pointers and chase the laser around like a cat. (Perfect distraction tactic.)
Fact no.4: the bsod monsters can purr when they’re happy, they can also growl or snarl as a warning to not come near them, And they can make a loud roar or screech as like a call for backup from other bsod monsters nearby or as a sign they’re about to attack.
Fact no.5: a victim can be infected if they, 1. Get bitten or scratched by a bsod monster, 2. Contract it from an infected person (like getting coughed or sneezed on.
And thats about it. I hope these facts and changes were interesting and really cool.
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lexumpysfunland · 3 months
After looking at all the Narrators I got I kinda had to pick from all of them- I'm sorry if your Narrator isn't on the list of those I've drawn ;-;
besides that, I had to make sketches for all of those I've drawn : D
Start with @bugenthusiast0 's Narrator... better have the notif to see it because your Narrator looks adorable... I want to hug him
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Next, have @finnleywiththesillys 's fun Narrator.
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Next, we have @jestie-bestie , they look so nice??? I want to enjoy some tea with them!
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Next, it's @employee052 turn, I made him look disgusted x'D he probably is disgusted to know I'm drawing him-
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Next... probably the one that started my obsession with TSP really- it's @squarratorsideblog Virus Narrator... I mean... can you blame me for loving this guy? Just look at him!? will probably draw him again
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next is @aiberry I find his design really cool- yes, I put something in his screen as a 'placeholder' kind of... forgive me for doing that ;-;
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Next is @mariade11art . I really like the way he looks! so for me, it's a win! also... can I hug him?
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Next is @lazy-b1rdy . he looks really cute~ I don't know if I'll give him back though /j
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Next is @coralkrill 's Narrator. he looks adorable, I do want to hug this silly guy~
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Next, we have... @ihazmunchies91 ... can I say how WONDERFUL he is? looks evil and I love that- I love him may draw him in the future again
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Next is @semisocialporcupine . I can say that now that I saw how he looked in human form I can die happy.
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Then it's @xandyprojects 's turn with a very interesting design I admit! it reminded me of Garnet from Steven Universe... somehow? but anyway, I like it!
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and we finish with @juaneloriginal ! the fluffy Narrator that I see everywhere. he is cute though so yeah he deserves it...
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and it's all I did... I kinda need a break for a bit since I have a fun headache coming hahah
but for all those who discovered a Narrator or just a new artist you like, go give these people some love! they all deserve it !!
thank you everyone for giving me your designs so I can draw them! I hope you all like it ;-;
I want to say sorry for those I wasn't able to draw... they're all really cool and if I had more motivation I would've drawn them. but hey I'll probably do that again so maybe next time!
on that note, I'll ... try to get some rest maybe... even if I feel like Walter is going to be jealous because I haven't drawn him today /j
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herbwicc · 4 years
Protection Garlic Knots (for the Lazy Witch) 
Made these for my family in these scary times, in about 15 minutes. One or more knots can be eaten by, or for/in representation of the person you are wanting to send protective energy to. The original recipe is not mine, but I decided to add correspondences and intent to it. This is not gluten-free or dairy-free, and it does contain soy products, so please change this as needed! 
Pillsbury canned buttermilk biscuits (the one I got came with 5, but there’s one that comes with 8).  It is made with wheat flour (abundance, prosperity, protection), Water (cleansing, purification, healing, harmony), Palm Oil (healing), Soybean Oil (protection), and Salt (protection, purification, healing, cleansing). 
1 tsp Garlic Powder- protection, banishing/ warding off negativity and evil, cleansing, healing, home blessings. 
1/2 tsp Dried Oregano- protection, banishing/warding off negativity, healing, joy, harmony and peace in the home.  
1/2 tsp Dried Parsley- protection, purification, cleansing.  
4 tbsp Melted Butter-  calming and nurturing energy, healing, increased tenacity to life changes and struggles, peace, richness in quality of life. 
2 tbsp grated Parmesan Cheese- fruition, positive energy, happiness, richness in quality of life. 
1. First, as always, cleanse your space. You don’t want any lingering energy to interfere with your outcome. Make sure to start with a kitchen that is clean both physically and energetically. 
2. Figure out what “protective” intention you have, meaning who you’re wanting to protect and what you’re wanting to protect from. I made one for each member of my family and my friends, to protect against illness during this virus hysteria and to keep the energy of the home happy, calm, and positive during quarantine. 
3. As the video shows, you’re gonna split each biscuit in half and roll them into workable strands. As you roll the dough, keep your intention in mind! 
4. Tie the dough strands into knots. Knotted and braided breads are generally used for protection, and with visualization your intention can be woven into the knot easily! 
5. In a bowl, mix your other ingredients into your melted butter. Stir the ingredients counterclockwise as you banish what you are protecting against. Stir clockwise as you envision and invite protection, peace, happiness, etc. 
6. Coat your bread knots in this mixture generously and with love. 
7. The biscuit container comes with instructions to bake, but as they are cut in half they won’t need to be in the oven as long. I used a conventional oven, and set it to 300°F, they were done in about 8 minutes (when they’re golden). 
8. Use any leftover butter mix to give them a fresh wet coat while they’re cooling, and serve them nice and warm! 
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silentlyawkard · 4 years
Day 1
Height & Weight: 157 cm, 102 lbs
Food log
Breakfast: 2 tsp instant coffee+hot water
Lunch (12pm): 1 sweet potato, 2 Saba banana
Snack (2:30pm): 1 small apple
Early dinner(4:45pm): 30 pc of grapes, 1 sweet potato, 1 Saba banana, 1 small glass of soy milk
Morning (10:30am):
1. April Han's Love Handle & Muffin Top
2. April Han's Toned and Slim Thighs in 7 Days
3. Muscle Watching Arm workout
4. Body Project Low Impact 30 Minute Cardio
Afternoon (3:15pm)
1. Fitness Blender's 10 Minute Abs
2. Muscle Watching's The best slender waist routine
3. Muscle Watching's Get Slim Lower Body with Double Speed
4. Muscle Watching's Easy Stretch that Tightens Upper Arms
3000 ml
-a little disclaimer:
I usually do intermittent fasting even when I'm not restricting. I'm not working and always inside the house (mostly because of the virus) so the only thing that makes me active are my workouts. I also make sure that I always have enough sleep, the latest will be 11:30 pm. I wake up early in the morning, around 6am. Also, when I wake up I make sure to drink a glass of warm water.
I'm still on my period and experiencing bloating.
This is just my "diet log". This is not the way to have a perfect body. I'm only self-experimenting and also trying to get back to a plant-based diet.
Keep safe guys. Please do eat fruits and veggies or whatever available. Nourish your body, drink lots of water and have enough sleep ❤️
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pennysalcedo · 4 years
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WHO has advised the best way to stop CoronaVirusN2019 is to be hygienic and boost up your immune system. Here are some tips on how we can protect our loved ones and ourselves!! (Please feel free to share this with your families and friends.)
First things first, just to remind everybody this is a VIRUS, not a bacterial infection. Viruses only respond to our immune system, so taking unnecessary course of antibiotics WILL NOT help, but can actually harm - as antibiotics can lower your immune response by affecting the stomach! The following tips are also helpful as the world enters the (normal) flu season!!
Start taking:
High levels of Vitamin C – viruses CANNOT survive in an environment high in Vitamin C. Take 2000 to 3000mg a day (for the whole family! If anybody gets an upset tummy, just reduce its dose!) FOODS HIGH IN VIT C – Thyme, cabbage, parsley, onions, lemons, limes and oranges.
Zinc – children up to 12 years - 8mg, Adults – 15mg. FOODS HIGH IN ZINC – Ginger, Pumpkin Seeds, Meat ( good quality), Lentils.
Vitamin D3 – 2- 4000iu’s (less for children higher for adults) and get out into the sun!!
Probiotics (multi strain) – 10-50 Billion cells a day (Strong stomach strong = strong immune system!!)
Manuka Honey (UMF +15) – 2 tsp a day – one teaspoon in the morning and one teaspoon at night
Essential oils - EOs are excellent to start burning in your room and in your homes!! Our first point of contact for viruses is our nose. If you are burning antiviral essential oils around you this will kill off the virus before it enters your system.
Also doing inhalations with the oils is a great way to make sure that if there is any virus lurking in your nose, you kill it before it has a chance!!
WHICH OILS? - Tea Tree, Lavender, Clove Bud, Lemon, Ravensara and Eucalyptus Globulus - use all or choose three from this list – diffuse in your house, spray into the rooms with a spray bottle and make your own mix (1 Tablespoon of base oil – Olive, Sunflower, Almond – add in a mix of up to 10 drops of the above oils).
Rub your mix daily on the spine and the soles of your feet. Concentrating at the top of the spine, behind the back of your head, on the ‘Big Bone (those who have my book it’s acupressure point, Du16 point).
Other herbal tinctures you might want to get and start giving your family-
Oregano oil (5- 10 drops a day if you have the pure oil – be careful it is super strong!! I would suggest 5 drops in the morning and 5 drops in the evening! OR if you have the pills 500mg 2 x a day)
Echinacea – 500mg a day
Drink lots good quality water!!! Water is crucial for everything but especially to help flush things out of our body!!
Keep good hygiene – washing hands after you have been out and wearing a mask if you are going to crowded places!
Juice of one Lemon
1 Handful of fresh Thyme or 1 Tablespoon dried thyme
2 inches of ginger (pounded so juices are released)
Manuka honey +15 (to taste but I recommend 2 teaspoons for therapeutic value)
1-Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar
1 clove of fresh garlic – (I add this in at night so I don’t smell of garlic all day!!)
Put the Thyme into a cup or teapot poor hot boiling water on top and let the Thyme sit for 15 minutes. Remove the Thyme after it has infused into the water, then add in all the rest of the ingredients. Crush the whole clove of garlic at the end and leave all the bits in. You can double to recipe and drink throughout the day.
LASTLY – please DO NOT PANIC– stress lowers our immunity! And not every fever or flu like symptoms is the coronavirus! It is also flu season so be vigilant and smart but don’t panic!
Be safe, everyone 😷
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