#i hate him and i wish him a very Die
felixcosm · 7 months
Oh boy, he's. He's the worst. He's lame! I'm publically Anti-Rex, I hate him, I think he deserves NOTHING.
He started out as a virus (who everyone just calls Vir) that went around terrorizing the tsp roleplay community until I thought 'hm what if this guy used to be human'.
So I drew up the idea of Rex, a vile, nasty man who was created to showcase the worst of the worst, a man no one could love, a guy whose existence made the world around him a worse place to be in.
And as soon as I did, everyone started simping for him (which is one of the reasons I hate him /hj) and he ended up getting a lot of love and attention.
Both Vir and Rex took turns terrorizing Cas, except Rex actually ended up getting feelings for him.
Rex has a bunch of partners, including Raphael (who is @/carmenbathwater's oc), Mary Belle (who is @/sunnysynergy's oc), Cas (@/networksupported), and Austin (@/theyashirocommission). He also has three kids Coda and Seven (@/darkandlightsides) and Malachi (@/carmenbathwater).
He ended up getting his arm ripped off by darkandlightside's virus oc Loveletter, who is inspired by the ILOVEYOU virus, given a prosthetic arm which is now possessed by Eric (@/veracosmic's 432 oc).
Sometimes I like to send my other OCs to terrorize Rex, and he's had a nice peaceful run but he's probably going to return to his murder-spree ways soon and only part of that is inspired by the fact that he lost the title of Tumblr Sexyman to Cas.
His blog is @clickonmedotexe!
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batbrainrot · 2 days
guys please tell me those batman #148 leaks of jason dying again are fake. tell me they're fake right fucking now i can't fucking do this shit right now i'm off my meds
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sonknuxadow · 1 year
It's wild seeing how much disdain people have for Ian Flynn like my only beef with him is that he doesn't like dark sonic other than that he's okie 👍 yet some people are reaaaaaaaally reaching saying how he tarnished this series like that was a different Archie writer not Flynn lol
i dont care if people like ian flynn or not, or if they like the comics or not, i can think of some parts of both archie and idw that i dont really like, some of which ian flynn was responsible for. and also my opinions and taste in media are not universal. so people disliking idw sonic or ian flynns writing and criticizing it is fine. my problem is when people who clearly hate the comic and arent even having fun hatereading it just keep reading it and never shut up about it and find the tiniest things to get unreasonably mad over (like the art style being too cute or amy being strong or funny expressions being used or song lyric references in the dialogue. yes those are actual examples), flood the idw sonic tags with these kinds of posts, act like anyone who likes idw sonic and is tired of hearing from these types of people just has bad taste and cant handle hearing other peoples opinions (if anything the kinds of people im complaining about are the ones who cant handle hearing other peoples opinions), or they criticize the writers and artists in a way thats genuinely hateful like the person saying they hope ian flynn dies or whatever. like please just calm down and read something else
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torgawl · 6 months
a bit obsessed with the idea of kusakabe dying as a form of sacrifice to specifically protect/save somebody else. it's consistent enough with the theme of the past generation achieving no meaningful feats against significant threats but it's also ironic enough that someone without a technique and who claims their philosophy is primarily self-sacrificial - although he tends to stay from his own ideals in critical moments, proving he's not only brave when necessary but he does have a sense of responsabilty and guilt - ultimately redeems themselves through death resulting in the achievement of something his colleagues have failed to do. not that i'm wishing for him to die, i hope he doesn't. but it would also make a clear-cut distinction between him and a character like mei mei, who narratively serves a very similar purpose (besides her being a foil to nanami). to have someone be awarded by their selfishness just for it to not be worth much within a world and system that runs and sustains itself due to the sorcerer's labour power, whose only means of subsistence is to sell themselves away. a class of people who is doomed no matter what path they choose to take, as long as they do not break free from their duties and as long as the system doesn't collapse. a death that could serve as a symbol of punishment towards solidarity and altruism but a win for revolution.
#okay gege came for me when i said i didn't like kusakabe and now i'm thinking so much about him and his purpose in the story#why would he go against his own ideal and what is his purpose besides introducing questions like 'is self sacrifice noble?' you know?#so that got me thinking about him dying or suffering a big loss and how that would consolidate his character in my eyes#unless his purpose is completely different and i'm just deeply misreading the situation#if his purpose is to simply highlight personal choices and free will vs his generation's dogma#then i suppose him dying could serve no purpose but i'm not finding that side of the coin very straightforward or totally compelling#but again i feel like i'm failing to read him so maybe it is skill issue#anyway obsessed with kusakabe today awkkajwkaj feeling personally attacked by this twisted chain of events#gege really came for my ass after i was vocal about my kusakabe hate (which i feel like is dead at this point rip 🕊️)#which by the way is so mean. god forbid a bisexual do anything 😔 why can't i be a hater man?#also don't take this post seriously it's more about my mediocre reading of his character and my headcanons/wishes than a theory#i'm not trying to imply he will die or that there is narrative purpose in that#just that it makes sense in my brain if that's the case and the plan gege has for his character#but also he's literally the info dumpster gege probably wouldn't kill him because who will explain things to us 😂#he's like our amateur narrator i bet that gives him total plot armour#ps. maybe this is just my zero braincells moment#i just hate that i don't get it like i want to understand why he exists#but i'm aware that maybe this is a me thing and maybe everyone else just get it#and that makes me feel like that meme#let me iiiinnnn#okay bye
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viiridiangreen · 10 months
sure it’s a lil awkward for me to have Gone Off abt brachyocephalic breeds being inhumane next to my partner’s cousin’s girlfriend who is A Pug Person & bought a puppy sometime last year
but in my defense my partner started it & neither they nor i remembered the existence of their pets at the time
& it’s also True so....
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wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
listen i don’t get to drink very often. my tolerance isn’t super high. im by no means over the top drunk but i was not expecting twisted teas to really do anything and i was very wrong
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pepprs · 2 years
ppl are being so fucking mean in the notes of this one wc post abt the new excerpt like. don’t get me wrong i think redacted is a deeply flawed character and i share everyone’s anger and frustration in his storyline being so badly written and lazily thought out and a perfect example of the misogyny in wc like that’s part of why i stopped reading the books bc they kind of fucking suck. but ppl in the notes are saying he’s a loser and should die over… resenting that he is the last person picked for the team? like is that not a universal experience. have we not all been through that. idk. like i know that’s not the most important aspect of this conversation and at the end of the day it’s a fictional character but also it’s like… lol
#purrs#ppl saying he should die over resenting his mom too when like. idk. i get it and i know talking abt these aspects is like unhelpfully#detracting from what the conversation is actually about but like. i think even if his reasons to hate his mom and feel distanced from her#are immature and selfish and he’s needlessly cruel (not to mention the personalities of well established (FEMALE!) characters are literally#being bent into unrecognition narratively to prove him right which i fucking hate) and i think it’s dumb that they didn’t go w his mom for t#this storyline when it was the obvious choice. but also like. the mom stuff is so real. the scene with him and his mom and sister (sorry im#vaguing bc i don’t want this in the search lol) just like wrenched my guts bc that’s what it’s like w me and my mom and my sister. i don’t c#care about the character i don’t even really like him that much and i skim his parts but i think the mom drama storyline is important and#the whole warped view of the world bc of your mom drama storyline is also important and i just don’t like seeing ppl bash him for those#aspects bc… a lot of people out there do that and have that and it doesn’t make them bad people. idk maybe im just defensive and butthurt or#whatever bc it’s making me think abt how maybe how i treat my mom / react to her emotionally neglecting me (and even PERCEIVE it as neglect)#is unfair and flawed and whatever but like. idk. i just think it’s unfair to want him to die for struggling w that and i think that aspect#of it is written in a very real way that i appreciate a lot in a vacuum / detached from the context of the character. and i wish ppl were#focusing their anger towards the erins for choosing him and warping the storyline more than they are taking issue with the actual like.#conflict and emotion in it because yeah i do think that redacted is justified in feeling how he feels in some ways. idk#it’s been pissing me off all night. like ppl are allowed to say die and kys and explode etc i do it all the time but also.. for that#specific thing it doesn’t feel fair. and it’s embarrassing to say that but im saying it. lol#delete later#like the reason he hates his mom isn’t because he hates women it’s because she abandoned him and couldn’t be a mother to him (for extremely#justifiable reasons but still) and even though it’s justifiable that is also like.. real. and it impacts you for life. lol! 🤸🏻‍♀️
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malepresentingleg · 1 year
Can someone just give this man a hug please??😭
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prodkeiji · 1 year
ep 9 is a lot to process uhm
#well yang kindaaa went batshit crazy (only bc of that fucking cat whos the real antagonist all along) but im glad she still got herself tgt#ruby is obviously gonna live i think. but yea its implied but idt shes gna use cresent rose anymore 💔💔 LIKE NOOO CRESENT ROSE WAS SO OG#also what the actual fuck is going on w the fight scene like????#okay i get why neo has no reason to return anymore BUT JAUNE FALLING?#LITERALLY WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ROOSTER TEETH IS HE DEAD DONT YOU DARE KILL HIM OFF I FUCKING SWEAR#i hate that fucking cat so much bro hes so annoying i want him DEAD by next week once the final ep drops#but if he dies ... does that mean neo will die to since shes the vessel :(#as much as i hope thats not gna be the case it's a bitttt inevitable? pls let me have my delusions of neo having her redemption arc pleasee#anyways go ruby do what makes u happy 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 as much as i love cresent rose if not using her anymore is what makes u heal +#+ happy i will have no complaints do whats best for you baby 🥹 ueueue i love her sm#no but what if she just uses summers weapons to kill off that cat#and then when they go back to remnant it's back to cresent rose (im delusional)#it's very impossible looking at rubys situation now but hey one can dream yk#SPEAKING OF SUMMER I WAS VERY SURPRISED WHEN I SAW HER IN THE FIRST BIT#i wish they showed her face like cmon why is rt acting like we didnt see her face in that one season like?? 🙁 let me see the pretty mother#AGAIN WHAT THE FUCK IS RWBY V9 EP 9 it felt like some type of filler ep 💀 not that i hate it but it was kinda short to me#season finale next week better be good or else im gna be so mad like we did not just see neo getting POSSESSED all 4 a bad ending 4 the szn#on a side note: i hope we get to see the others again pls pls pls i NEED renora development 😣😣 my og childhood bffs to lovers 40k words +#+ mutual pining and slowburn romance (it took them 8 seasons to kiss)#rwby v9 spoilers#this was so long to break down damn sorry for the typos i am not redoing all of these tags just to correct them
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ruusverd · 2 years
One of my supposed friends betrayed me so viciously as to subscribe my email address to Dave fucking Ramsey's email newsletters, knowing as they must that the mere mention of that shitstain's name is enough to send me into boiling rage. I know it was a friend because it had to be someone who both has my personal email and knows I loathe Dave Ramsey from the very bottom of my withered heart. I must discover the traitor. I will never recover from such a heartbreaking betrayal.
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mako-neexu · 1 year
#i try not to be surprised by the trash fgo gives me in gacha but i cant help but still be upset XD i hate it here. i wish i can stop playing#but i also hate missing events and log in bonuses....im only moving forward because of#story i love the characters but this game is just :)))))))#this is my 49053806th complaint about this game why am i not leaving indeed#i mean i took hiatus one time and it was freeing to forget about the fate series lol#but i got sucked into a black hole and now im struggling to get away from it kdfbhliwefb#ive cried over not getting merlin every banner he got....its just sad that everyone i know has him#meanwhile its taking me literal years to get him#i hate the dont worry youll get him soon! phrases...yes well im jealous and youre not frustrated#as i am#i hate hate hate hate spending money on anything gambling related but uhhhhh shrugs#i wish gacha a very die out soon please#everytime i realize im spending money on voiced jpegs its funny but then theres the serious matter for my psychological needs and stability#to keep me sane haha#i hate it here its not healthy for me its a toxic relationship between me and this game and i need out...#but romani and the story.... i love them too much to leave....#what to do...#i kind of hate talking to friends who whale too and yes im a hypocrite but wow you whale at least you get him meanwhile i spend dollars#on trash and useless crap thanks#[oh dont worry youll get him soon] then they add a smiley face i just wanna wrap my#fingers around my neck and end it allllllllllllllll
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cryolyst · 2 years
#screaming crying punching the air bc i found out one of my fave artists made limited edition komori motoya stickers#and i missed out bc twitter never showed me their post about them!!!!!!!! aaaughhhgghgh#*through gritted teeth* oh well. there will be other komori motoya merch.#i wish i knew how to shop on the internet. i've spent maybe 400 dollars total my entire lifetime through online merchants.#600 if you include digital goods ive gotten with gift cards and such. and about 300 of that 600 total was spent this year. lol...#i got other tech literacy skills fine. i can find and watch media on. very legal and safe websites.#i can navigate this shitass hellsite better than the average user. i have a more than basic grasp of search engines and local file storage.#but brother if you ask me how to find a fucking product?? on the web??? i would die.#literally all but a few pieces of my fanmerch is from physical cons/ physical stores or gotten from online by friends and then gifted to me#ive been looking at that komori mochi mascot plush for 3 months and if i understood how to buy him i would have gotten him. but alas.#anyways. this still means that whenever someone suggests i start using google wallet or samsung pay i still want to shoot them with a laser#i am willing to adopt online shopping but if having your phone hold all your personal financial info is necessary to stay with the times#well then i am simply going to shrink into a computer and then explode inside it. <3#they speak!#i hate google wallet i hate samsung and apple pay i hate google wallet i hate samsung and apple pay i hate google wallet i hate samsung and
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jupitervega · 2 years
if you put frank iero in the ray toro tag without a good fucken reason yr dead to me
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babybarbies · 22 hours
been texting my parents all day
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ofyorkshire · 2 months
GOSH. goooooooosh. watching an ep of ozark and i take it back. bj would trust ruth. and he would love her oh.
oh is it weird i see a lot of them in each other. she's much more ready to use her teeth but bj admires it. doesn't really... agree with what she does, a lot of the time, but he gets it.
the leniency he gives for people just trying to survive, man. bj would get it, and he would not hold it against her or think any less of her for it. even if he's at a point where he's trying to keep his nose clean, he'd look the other way for her. might even help her, a little, as long as it was something he believed would be a one-off and wouldn't keep him in trouble.
#the female characters in this show are actually SO good. most of the characters in this show are done very well. bj'd not like most of them.#i think. he'd dislike marty actually. he'd think he's Fine but oh my lord. this dude. he is a calculator skdgshdjgk#bj gets that too but i think his one trackedness about business would irritate him. he's not a ''bad'' man but he uhhh#he lacks.... he does lack a little humanity sometimes. in bj's pov. lacks some empathy that i think makes him kind of an asshole.#he'd hate petty more than he'd hate the snells though sgjsdkgljsdklg#am i projecting? perhaps. petty sucks though. he's such a good antagonist but i have rarely actually hated a character and wanted them dead#like. skdghsjgks i don't.#i have had characters that i have not cared lived or died. but petty? i am rooting for him to die. LOL#anyway i'm rambling in the tags and this doesn't even really belong here. i just. i really wish there were ozark rp blogs bc i'd love#to write with them. esp ruth or jonah. love them.#UGH petty is on screen again. i hate him. i feel like i need a shower just looking at him. what a scumball. boo agent petty.#the actor and writing did such a good job at making him so enraging and disgusting. props to them.#....eugh petty would hire him and bj would say yes and then he'd gossip about what a scumball he is to everyone. screw that he's fbi lmao#...and then petty would have something on bj and twist his arm and bj would end up working for him neck deep in trouble u_u#but i'd have fun with it#out of fairy tales [ooc];
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voulezloux · 3 months
if i could gatekeep the way barbers and hairstylists do videos on the process of their services i would in a HEARTBEAT
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