#tsubasa deserves good things!
completeoveranalysis · 5 months
Chapitre 214: The Last Chain
Like last time there's no cover page, and the first page of chapter seems to follow directly on from the last page we saw, so I'm just going to put them both here:
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The big gorgeous view of all the worlds in the shape of Sakura's wings is now shattering and breaking apart.
So, Evil Wolverine's plan is working! The universe is falling to pieces!
You can even see the background of reality falling away behind Kurogane and Fai, which is very cool and very menacing, and the crack even continues on directly below into the next panel! Even though it's a different location! So even the reality of the manga panels is breaking apart too how meta is that
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And I LOVE the effect they use here too! In the top right, with the cracks extending across multiple panels, and the pieces of those panels coming away and falling up the page??
Meanwhile Lava Lamp is still reaching towards Sakura!
No-one seems to be able to move and reality is falling apart around them BUT HE SURE IS TRYING!
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penultimate-step · 11 months
One thing that interests me about Koyomi and Tsubasa's relationship, especially early on, is the contrast between how much they care about each other and how little they really understand each other. From their first meeting, their relationship begins with a complete lack of understanding.
All through Bake, Hanekawa is talked up extremely highly by Koyomi. In his eyes, she's the one who knows everything, the one who is always right. Her own catchphrase might be "I just know what I know," but this is in response to Araragi complimenting her about knowing everything. He rarely thinks that she can possibly be wrong - which makes it almost funny in retrospect to realize that he holds this opinion of her despite the fact that one of the first inferences he every sees her make is massively misreading his own issues.
In Kizu, spurred by the day's sense of melancholy and the sudden absurdity of Hanekawa's skirt situation, Koyomi briefly opens up and is emotionally honest with Hanekawa. (Given that we as readers learn most about him from internal narration, this is bigger than it seems: this is one of the moments when he shares the most about himself out loud to others in the whole series.) It's not his whole deal, not by a long shot, but he gets across the basics: his strained concept of the value of friendship and human connections, his sense of nihilism, and his desire not to have to live as a human: "I want to become a plant," he tells her, "so that I wouldn't have to talk or walk." Honestly I'm not sure what a good response is to someone you are only now having a first conversation with telling you all about his depression, but Hanekawa chooses to reject it. She tells him that normally people would dream of becoming something like a rock, but in his case, since plants are a form of life, "You still want to be a living thing." Subtextually: "You don't really want to kill yourself. You aren't suicidal." To this, Koyomi basically thinks, Huh, never thought about it like that. Maybe you're right. and moves on.
….20 pages later, Koyomi chooses to kill himself for Kiss-Shot's sake, stating, "There isn't a single reason for me to bother staying alive." Kizumonogatari is in large part about Araragi's suicidal depression. Hanekawa, I love you, but you misjudged this one.
Even at this early stage of their relationship, Hanekawa thinks highly of Koyomi, much more than he deserves. As such, when confronted with something she considers a weakness, like his supremely low self-worth, she tries to justify why this isn't actually a trait he has.
Much later, by the time of Neko White, she's gotten a better chance to get to know him and become familiar with his him as a person, including his flaws, enough that she and Senjougahara can list them for hours. But that doesn't necessarily mean she understands him or his motivations - because she cares for him so much, she ends up idealizing his bad traits and his personal weaknesses into charm points and strengths. She says at the book's start that she admires him because of his confidence in his own identity, describing him as a person who doesn't hesitate over questions of who he is as a person or what he should be and do moving forward and comparing herself unfavorably to her own lack of sense of identity.
Readers, having read his narration in Kizu and Neko Black know this is far from true; that he spends a huge amount of page count trying to reflect on where he stands in life. The climaxes of both those books are great examples. In Kizu, Koyomi has a huge internal crisis after seeing the death of Guillotine Cutter. He tells Hanekawa that he is unsure if he is human or monster, worrying even that he'll eat her. He is unsure if he is going to oppose Kiss-Shot or not. And on top of that, his own guilt is eating him alive, causing him to question the worth of all his actions in the book so far. There's no way that this can be called a man sure of who he is, and it is Tsubasa herself who snaps him out of it. He relies on her presence as a guide to move forward. She has first hand experience seeing him experience deep uncertainty as to what kind of person he wants to be, but her narration in Neko White claims the opposite - that his consistency and surety is a trait she admires. A similar kind of struggle happens in Neko Black's ending, though given her own stresses and struggles at the time its very understandable that she didn't catch this one. Time after time Tsubasa is the one to see Koyomi's doubts and greatest moments of weakness, but rather than harm her view of Araragi, if anything it seems to have raised her opinion of him. In her Neko White letter, she admires what she calls "confronting his own weaknesses." She talks about falling in love with him when she saw that he was crying as he saved Kiss-Shot, comparing it negatively to how she showed no emotion and smiles through both suffering and aid. She basically says this outright in the letter: to her, all of Araragi's flaws becomes positive. Moments of self-doubt become moments of self honesty, to cry while acting is to remain true to oneself, and so forth.
Not that Koyomi is a genius at understanding her, either. While he admires her, for most of Kizu a lot of whats going on between them is going on in his head - he's projecting his own issues onto her and he deals with her more as what she represents to him than an equal friend, as he will come to treat her later in Bake and beyond. Neko Black, taking place between these two points, shows him in the middle of this transition.
I feel like there's less to say on his side though, just because Neko Black is much more explicit about Koyomi's failure to understand Tsubasa than Kizu is for the reverse. When she feels obligated by friendship to tell Araragi about her struggles with her family, in a reversal of their first conversation from the start of Kizu, he has this to say about it:
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Despite having been friends for a month by then he realizes he has still been seeing her more as an ideal than a person. However, his reaction here, in contrast to when the situation was flipped, also illustrates that his way of misunderstanding is subtly different from the way Hanekawa misunderstands him. Rather than a direct dismissal, Koyomi, while originally ignorant, does come around to understanding What Tsubasa will do. However, he does this while blocking out any understanding of Why she would act like this. He can grasp the actions and emotions, but not the underlying causes.
As an example, near the end of Neko Black, after Koyomi has had some time to internalize his new understanding of Hanekawa, he is able to predict her words to her father before Meme tells him, then later develops a plan to deal with the Cat based around predicting her actions well in advance, first luring her out and then baiting her into attacking him. However, despite all this, he seems to have no knowledge, or perhaps is intentionally blocking out, the motivations behind her actions. Theres a reason she calls him "the worst" when he offers to give his time and energy to deal with her stress. (And much like when he healed her injury earlier, this is him dealing with symptoms rather than the true problem.) Because he's totally misjudging what she actually wants.
A similar pattern can be seen in the Cat chapter of Bake, when he first sees the cat. He realizes this means she's stressed, and can guess at how this will make her act and that things might get dangerous, but has no idea what set her off this time, not until the Cat tells him outright why things got to this point.
Koyomi views Hanekawa so highly, almost like she is incapable of making mistakes, despite having personal experience from the get go that she is very capable of making mistakes and that sometimes her inferences are wrong, and that she is often wrong about him, specifically. Hanekawa is wrong about Koyomi because she does the same thing, and views him so highly that she dismisses and glosses over his faults that she has seen personally. Together, they both consistently fail to understand each other because they place the other on a pedestal without meaning to. And yet, the book is clear that despite this gap in understanding, the friendship is no less for it. The care between the two is real, as is the effort they take in each other's lives.
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danaty-consolation · 5 months
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Okay I am going to respond to this just once, so all the asks and comments about this topic will be ignored from now on.
Everyone is free to think, like and ship whatever they want, canon or fanon is there to make people happy, and everyone should respect each other opinions.
Now, I am going to be brutally honest here.
If we follow what you two say, that means Ryu is coded as bisexual, since she is attracted to women and men.
Ryu never had a positive male view in her life, Ataru, Mendou and her classmates? All perverts towards her. Her father? Had I even had to say how horrible he was in forcing his daughter to act and dress as a male just because his sick dream was having one?
Women are the only gender that see Ryu by who she is, a woman, not because of her body but also because of her as a person. They never tried to abuse her, they mostly showed her only kindness without any ulterior motives contrary to the men in her life.
So guess what? It makes sense for her to have her guard up with Nagisa after what he tried to do with her, even if he was pressured bc of a non-existent time limit it doesn't excuse his actions.
However later on, when they live together he is only respectful to her. No touching or hugging, the only time that that happens is because he is asleep, and he only has seen her changing or almost naked by accident.
But the thing here is that Nagisa is the one that tries to talk to her, and is only because Ryu is scared of him thanks to all the males in her life trying to use her in some way and Nagisa's past actions that make her wary of him. She thinks he is like other men and he deserves it because he acted like one of the men she knows.
Nevertheless, we see him actually being honest with her and respecting her wishes and feelings in the last scenes, ready to leave because he thought she hated him. Something that no men had done to her before.
The bar is in hell but at least Nagisa is trying and Ryu see's this.
He is already a better love interest that Konatsu and Tsubasa of Ukyo in Ranma 1/2.
Yes his introduction was late, but he at least received development with Ryu.
Canon or Fanon don't change a thing in fandoms, people love and support what they like.
And we should all respect each other opinions when they have valid arguments, being facts or preferences.
However, I did need to share my analysis because some people in the Urusei Yatsura fandom only saw the old anime and ova's without reading the manga so they may not know a lot of the context later on with Nagisa and Ryu. Heck, I didn't even expected for David pro to animate the one-night's battle chapters next week!
And if they still don't like it after reading my analysis, well good for them! It's totally understandable and I won't judge them or anything because we have different opinions!
The perfect character with flaws that follow the narrative most perfectly can have people who hate them! Some without reasons and some with valid reasons.
Maybe is because of the design? The personality? Something doesn't make people like them and that is okay!
People are free to block the users or tags, so they can still be happy and not ruin the fun of others.
I will keep loving Nagisa and shipping him with Ryu, because of the last analysis I made, some points I covered in this post, and because my opinion of them is really positive.
We are all grown-ups and if some are not, at least act as one for the fandom and to have a more healthy interaction and feed with everyone.
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naboman · 7 months
Chapter five: the uninvited. Description: The project is put into practice and, with it, some of the ghosts of the past reappear to torment the secretary. Warnings: None.
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A figure in the darkness, looking straight at me
"Did you really find Tokyo Manji?! Creepy!" Tsubasa disconnected from the computer just to listen to my account, wide-eyed, as if she were hearing the account of a supernatural event from Ed and Lorraine Warren, and being a cynic, I took advantage of the moment to gloat.
'I deserve a bit'. I think with satisfaction.
"I know, I know," I agreed proudly, crossing my legs and slipping my arms behind my neck.
"And what do they look like? Do they have war scars? Severed limbs? " The boy's glasses were crooked due to his bad posture in the chair, he stretched so much that he looked more like a meerkat snooping around outside his burrow.
"Tsu-kun, they're all students, not former war fighters!" I waved my hands, trying to appease the boy, with a sigh escaping my lungs, as I could never have thought that my co-writer would be such a fanatic about hooligan groups. "They're just a bunch of bums riding motorcycles and committing crimes, does that answer your question?"
"I think it will."
"Good." I concluded, stretching my arms lazily in an attempt to rouse my muscles, not very successfully, but it'll have to do.
"It's impressive, I have to admit…" The treasurer muttered quietly with some disbelief, walking away with some papers in his hands, and I still haven't asked him what the hell this bastard is doing in the journalism club room.
Then again, Yuuma wasn't used to paying me compliments, so that brief mutter in turn inflated my ego like never before.
"By the way, what did you come here for?" I blurted out as soon as the opportunity allowed, "don't say you came just to see me…" I let my evil smile slowly form.
"The President wants your report, incompetent," He replied with no patience whatsoever, the scowl on his face showing that he'd had a bad night's sleep or that Yuuma was just in a bad mood.
"Thank you in advance, now you can leave, I have things to sort out!" I waved my hand dismissing him, he just frowned and quickly left the room with heavy steps, closing the door harshly behind him "goodbye!"
"Rude, as usual," Tsubasa commented, opening the documents tab on the computer.
"That's very subjective" I retorted with gusto, approaching the boy to finally start the week's report. Miyura was in charge of printing the newspaper, so we'd have plenty of time before she came back with piles and piles of paper on our desk ready to be printed with the information and distributed like fallacious political propaganda throughout the corridors of this school "Well, let's get started!"
"Right," He began, filling in the title with a commonly used heading, then patiently skipping a few lines to make room for the first paragraph, "so?"
I slowly recalled the issues surrounding Tokyo Manji, along with what I had discovered about the world of delinquency in school environments. My notes on discursive topics prepared evenings before, together with the materials from my research, gave us great material to discuss.
As I explained to Tsubasa what to do, my mind crawled deeper and deeper, until it returned to the night before, where I experienced what a youth biker gang was like live and in color…
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19:20 AT NIGHT
"So you have a high position and you didn't even make a point of telling me? What a cruel thing to do…" I gave the boy a betrayed look, but used to my bad manners, Mitsuya quickly realized the sarcasm dripping from my voice like a mockery. "You know, I could never have noticed all your pomposity with my naked eyes."
"At least I can say that I do what my job requires," the young man retorted acidly, although there was a mean smile on his lips that made me clench my jaw rudely.
"What are you implying, sir?" I asked, looking at him minutely, with my arms crossed as I carefully stretched to look at his face properly.
"Nothing much, miss, nothing much… " He feigned naivety, averting his eyes, and yet the little smile gave him away.
I clenched my fists and sighed longingly.
"Imbecile, anyone can look after a bunch of useless if they handle them properly!" I grumbled loudly, "Don't think that what you do makes you a big shot."
"Your friendliness captivates me more and more, Miss [Name]" Mitsuya's smile disappeared at the onset of my unscrupulous arrogance.
We remained silent until the motorcycles stopped not far from us and a crowd of uniformed schoolboys, clad in black and gold, got off them. I didn't make any comment, and my muteness seemed to annoy Mitsuya, who glanced at me every now and then, as if he expected me to say something or at least show some reaction. But the only thing I kept on my countenance was a hard expression of lowered eyebrows and suspicion.
The headlights illuminated us in the darkness, and soon, with the light, we were easily identified near the temple. We were looking in opposite directions, so I can tell you that I was astonished when a very tall young man came up to Takashi with his arms open and a beaming smile, as if I hadn't seen him for ages. He had a shaved head and a design in the little that was left of his hair, if I may also add that the most distinctive thing about his appearance was certainly the cut on his lip.
It wasn't long before they were both greeting each other vigorously. I was a little surprised, I admit, because I had never seen Mitsuya with such a broad smile, like a child unwrapping a birthday present.
"You make it sound like you didn't see me the day before yesterday" My schoolmate laughed, numbed by the conversation.
"I'm just excited," the taller one retorted hurriedly, "it's been a while since we've kicked some ass together, huh, Taka-chan?" His laughter infected the lilac-haired boy.
For a moment, his friend's gaze landed on me, but fortunately no comment was made.
"Mitsuya!" I heard a shout, a little further away, a blond man in braids with his hands stuffed in his pockets next to another blond man, this one much smaller, however, "come here!"
"Right! I'm coming!" He shouted back eagerly, breaking away from the tall young next to him to put his hand on my shoulder; for a moment, I wondered if he was trying to reassure me, "Come on."
"As you wish," I said dismissively, raising my shoulders as I entwined our arms, something that surprised Mitsuya, making him jump in his composure, but he continued walking with our arms linked without saying anything.
Until, at a certain point in our walk, the delinquent approached me to whisper in my ear:
"You're acting strange, what's wrong with you?" He asked hurriedly.
"You need to be a bit more specific." I moaning quietly, making a fool of myself.
"Are you… Are you…" He searched for words as I gave him a questioning look "docile!"
"Your words hurt my little heart, I'm not a dog, 'Taka-chan'" I pretended blatantly and he was embarrassed at the sound of the nickname coming out of my mouth "But, if you must know, I'm only doing this because I don't want to get too close to your strange friends. So do me a favor and be helpful."
Mitsuya couldn't say that I was being indecent in my precautions, he knew that himself, so he just sighed and kept walking.
"You're awful," he muttered one last time, to which I just thanked him with a little smile.
A few steps back, my companion's old friend asked him what the scandalous whispering was about, to which he just casually replied that it was a school argument.
"What do you know…" The tall blond looked proud, looking us up and down "aren't you going to introduce your girl?"
"You didn't say you'd bring a girl," the shorter one promptly added, nibbling on a soft, pink candy.
I wrinkled my nose a little at the question, but Mitsuya quickly responded.
"It was last minute" The boy in the black uniform next to me cleared his throat before stepping forward to continue, dragging me along with him "this is Kawaguchi [Name], we're working in partnership, so I thought you could bring her here without any problems."
"Did you rehearse that or did you just improvise?" I asked quietly, and he just ignored my comment, turning his gaze to the blond, who was now going up on the stone steps of the temple, looking at us curiously.
"It doesn't look too bad," shrugged the little blond, getting up from his seat and receiving multiple glances, "at least Emma will have someone to talk to."
Incomprehensible murmurs drifted through the air at the end of his speech. Soon afterwards, I was invited to stay under the care of said 'Emma' so that I wouldn't be in the middle of the gang members, something I accepted without objection. The girl was a little too friendly with someone had just met. Her questions were predominantly about my relationship with the leader of the second division, something that made me feel like a Shinjuku prostitute.
In the end, I managed to gather a lot of information about the relationship between gang members and their peers. I wrote it all down and then put my little notepad away.
"But come on," Emma snapped me out of my reverie, coming close to my ear, "are you going to tell me that you don't have even a little crush on him? Not a bit?"
"Not a bit" I clicked my tongue playfully, allowing myself to see the hypothesis in a comical way "I would never feel anything for a little lawbreaker. These relationships are a waste of time."
"How pessimistic," Emma replied with disappointment in her voice.
"Maybe so, but my thoughts led me to where I am today," I retorted indifferently.
"Well…" Emma paused silently, as if thinking through what she wanted to say, linking her arms behind her back and staring at the starry sky above "they're good people, believe me, even if it's not romantically, I still hope you'll change your mind about Mitsuya-kun."
"At this point, I think that's impossible," I replied, looking down at my own feet with a forced smile.
Soon, the meeting was over and the members were all saying goodbye to each other. I stood there for a few seconds, watching the crowd gather and chatting contentedly, wondering how these people got along so well when they were so different; while I was a little red dot standing out among my own kind.
I sighed, letting the thought fade away. I gathered my belongings and started down the temple stairs alone. I dialed the number on my cell phone, preparing to leave as discreetly as possible.
The cold touched my shoulders and knees, then I shivered, shivered with cold because my own body heat wouldn't generate enough to warm me up. I was startled when I reached the last step, and minutes of distraction later the cold was replaced by the warmth of a soft fabric, the temperature and smell were familiar, nostalgic, although I didn't recognize where from, but I remained frozen in the same place, in complete shock.
Someone was behind me.
"You have the worst habits, you'll end up dying of hypothermia."
The voice left me static and incredulous, sending me back to the past in less than a second as the air carried its lazy, rebellious sound to my freezing ears. I was breathless, wondering if it was a haunting making me question my sanity, which was no longer exactly stable.
After a while, I finally caught sight of a strand dyed yellow, which blended in with the black hair, and I was greeted by bright yellow eyes that stared back at me. Like the abyss that faces a man when stared at for too long.
"What are you doing here… [Name]-chan?"
"I could ask you the same thing, Hanemiya."
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baileypie-writes · 2 months
~Ranking All Orange Fairies in Pretty Cure~
Disclaimer: These are all my opinions! If you don’t agree with them, that’s fine! Just don’t attack me or anything.
Also, the Fairy Tones aren’t included in any of these rankings. They’re just all the same to me, and don’t do much other than in the transformations and powers.
‼️Warning: Spoilers for Precure All Stars New Stage 2 and Hugtto Precure‼️
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~🐿️10 - Nuts🐿️~
(Yes! Precure 5)
Words cannot express how much I hate this stupid squirrel.
First of all, he’s a pedo. He has a crush on a 14 year old. I’m just glad that Toei didn’t make them get together.
Also, he’s just not nice. He’s unnecessarily rude and cold. There’s just no good points I can give this guy.
~🐹9 - Harry🐹~
((I know he’s technically red, but there weren’t enough red fairies to make their own ranking))
Yay! Another pedo!/j
Harry definitely had a thing for Cure Etoile. He may have rejected her, but it was just to be faithful to his girlfriend. But oh no! His girlfriend is also a minor! Even though he dates Hugtan in the future, it says that she’s still a teenager. I guess this hamster has a type…
But what puts him higher than Nuts is that he’s actually nice.
~🍃8 - Gureru🍃~
(Precure All Stars New Stage 2)
((Again, I know he’s not orange. But I had to squeeze him in here))
I didn’t like him. He’s an idiot and a jerk. He almost got every Pretty Cure killed too, just because he wanted to be a “hero”. But at least he got redeemed.
That’s all I gotta say for him.
~🦁7 - Kirarin Lion🦁~
I don’t know much about him personality wise to rank him higher, but I like him from what I do know!
He’s super cute and sweet! I do find it odd that his mane is just a ring of fur, and doesn’t cover the back of his head though…
~🔥6 - Pation🔥~
(Max Heart)
Again, I don’t know a lot about him. But I remember him being really cool! He’s super passionate, and he rides a pidgin. His design is pretty sick too.
~🦊5 - EnEn🦊~
(Precure All Stars New Stage 2)
He’s so precious! He really deserved better treatment from Gureru. But at least he’s a better friend now.
I was so proud of him when he helped the Pretty Cure, even though he would be turning on his friend. He knew the better choice.
~✉️4 - Syrup✉️~
(Yes! Precure 5 GoGo)
The only good fairy from Yes! Precure 5. He’s proof that it’s not hard to like someone who’s your age.
For most of the series, I found him pretty annoying. I’m not really a big fan of the whole “acting like a tough guy” thing. But he grew on me. His relationship with Urara was so cute! I was really bummed out when they didn’t get together in Otona Precure. Like, they made NozoCoco canon, but not them? Preposterous!
Lastly, it was super cool how he could turn into a giant bird-plane-thing.
~🔎3 - Seekun🔎~
(Max Heart)
From what I remember, Seekun was super useful to the Pretty Cure. I also don’t remember her being really annoying, so that’s good.
I don’t have any hateful feelings towards her, so that’s why she made it this high.
~📕2 - Pop📕~
I grew up with Pop, so of course he’d make it this high. I even got the pleasure of meeting his English voice actor, Todd Haberkorn! Even though I hate Glitter Force, I love him! He even voices other characters I like.
Anyways, Pop is so kind and caring, especially towards Candy. He’s such a good big brother. And he’s really responsible and useful.
~✈️1 - Tsubasa✈️~
(Hirogaru Sky)
I love Tsubasa so much. I already went into more detail about why I love him here, so I won’t do that in this post.
However, I’m still gonna show my appreciation. He’s such a great character. And it’s even better that he’s the first official boy Cure!
That’s all! Let me know what you think of my ranking, and how you would rank them yourself!
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andro-dino · 2 months
Since there has been a lot of Dan and Reiki posts recently, I am curious about what kind of things you think they were doing during Masters and Fury?
honestly? therapy mostly. I mean that post-fusion in general actually. yk sometimes I think a lot about how dan and reiki were there to see gan gan galaxy off with the rest of the group when they first left during masters. I think about that frequently.
The wbba-mandated dark nebula kid support group hc is still one that holds very firm in my head and I very much believe that it was beneficial for dan and reiki. Yk what else I think about? Dan and reiki have been at the dark nebula the longest compared to some of the other recruits (obviously sans Ryuga and probably Reiji) since their first appearance was early on in fusion while everyone else joined way later. You ever think about that? I think about that a lot. Can you tell I think about that a lot? Can you tell I think a lot about how much the dark nebula probably really fucked them up and how their main episode after their first appearance showed how desperate they were for doji’s approval and were willing to do like anything in order to win back his favor and prove their worth? Cuz I think about that a lot. And I definitely also think a lot about how much their conflict stems from the fact that the team battle dynamic that they have is clearly dysfunctional for them because despite how similar they are, they are so fundamentally different to the degree that having them control one bey is just setting themselves up for failure bc of how much their differences clash with each other but they don’t really get the opportunity to acknowledge that because they’re always seen as a team because they’re twins.
A lot of what I imagine them doing post-fusion is kinda working through all that, both their need for approval and validation from a higher figure but also acknowledging more of their individuality. That’s part of the reason why I draw them with different hairstyles. One reason is bc it’s more fun for me and I HATE drawing their canonical shaggy boy band cut, another is bc it makes it easier for other people to tell them apart, but the main reason is because I like it as a show of them becoming their own separate people and being able to individualize themselves more.
I also do like to think about their potential friendship dynamics with other characters. One that I’ve thought abt a little bit is I think they’d both be good friends with Tobio, and by extension they hang out with dss a lot, which I can only imagine would be the most chaotic matchup of people and they are probably banned from a lot of public spaces, but it’s a lot of fun. Tsubasa also I like to think of as one of their more voice of reason friends. The main reason they even hang around each other is bc of the whole support group thing but they enjoy Tsubasa’s company a lot and he checks up on them and introduces them to new people and I think that’s fun. Hyoma is one of the people I could see Tsubasa introducing them to which is also an extremely silly dynamic, and Hyoma then introduces them to Axyl, which is how gemios trio happens. They mean a lot to me, obviously <3 gemios trio is also how the idea of the twins and their beef/also extremely silly friendship with zhouxing came to be. I just think they’re funny I like them a lot. (I also. haven’t talked abt this ever. but the idea of crackshipping zhouxing and reiki has crossed my mind more than once. for reasons I think are obvious. but it’s very silly and I love them.)
In general I just enjoy pairing the twins up with a bunch of different characters, either together or individually, I like giving them friends and more character interactions because I think it’s fun and they deserve the world. But yeah that’s most of what their post-fusion shenanigans are in my head, individualizing themselves, exploring different hobbies and means of self-expression, unlearning their dark nebula trauma, and making friends and hanging out and being silly because they deserve it <3
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regallibellbright · 7 months
Some general thoughts on Precure All Stars F:
1) I knew it going in, but it really is delightful that the literal plot of this movie is some kind of all-powerful alien capable of destroying planets deciding after a fight to become the most powerful being in the universe: a magical girl. (Complete with mascot made of the weak and useless parts of yourself like compassion and a desire for friendship and ugh you’re not destroying things with our incredible cosmic power, get away from me.)
2) Laura: I’m looking for someone (my girlfriend.)
Mashiro: What a coincidence! I’m looking for my girlfriend too!
3) Love how StarTwi staff have said Lala’s “On my home planet I am TOTALLY AN ADULT” is a lie, but she still got grouped in on Team Adult… as the token kid.
4) I will say, the evil alien bunny girl does have a really good sense of style.
5) Tsubasa just fanboys every time he meets a princess, huh. What a dork. <3
6) I missed Manatsu and Laura so much. But you know who I missed more? Nodoka. Also love the inherent in-joke of Nodoka talking about how she misses and is looking for Rabirin to Mashiro, who shares a VA.
7) So yeah the train part made me go wibbly. Also, Nodoka took up running to build her stamina but still can’t run as fast as the others, none of whom are particularly athletic but also aren’t chronically ill. YES. (Laura trying to use her tail to bridge the gap was a nice touch.)
8) A tiny puppy reminds Yukari of her girlfriend, who is a dog.
9) The reunions were so cute, all times. Team Soaring Sky getting a group hug. Manatsu and Laura getting a HUGE hug while Yui and Amane and Nodoka and Asumi’s are a bit more restrained. So cute. (And then meanwhile, the adorable bunny mascot with Serious Trauma is having a very reasonable freakout. Poor Puca.)
10) Team Wing sees explosions in the castle and just vanishes for like five minutes only to reappear having already defeated Supreme’s “final boss.” High achievers, all of them.
11) Also La Mer getting to do her little “Victory!” jump and kick after her attack, even though they’re still running. So cute.
12) Reiterating what I said when Toei posted the first Big All-Precure Fight Scene: People were not kidding, Milky Rose looks dead there, and I’m not sure we actively see her get up later in the scene when everyone rallies? I… assume so? Looking forward to people uploading screenshots of a lot of the quick shot sequences to get a closer look (that one and the Cure Allies shots during All For One Forever, in particular.)
13) So the last couple movies hadn’t used Miracle Lights. Sure. But would it really be an All Stars movie - for a milestone anniversary, no less - without them? Of course not.
14) I am always a sucker for a good memory montage featuring the power of love. And oh, that was a good one. Not sure my favorite: Manatsu and Laura and Yui and Amane reacting to their shared memories are both fantastic, but so’s Yukari just standing by the wall as her memory plays out, and of course they pick That Scene from Healin’ Good for Rabirin and Nodoka’s maximum emotional impact.
15) That said: Distinctly NOT a fan of Supreme’s design featuring a darker skin tone once she goes evil and only when she goes evil, even though she keeps the black costume change in the ending.
16) I was admittedly a LITTLE disappointed when I got the soundtrack to realize they weren’t repeating All Stars Memories with a like twelve-minute fight scene track that was a medley of the theme songs. I do love the eight-minute medley track. All For One Forever is more than acceptable as a substitute, though.
17) We finally get the Delicious Party/Kirakira a la mode teamup we all wanted and deserved. Plus, bonus food-themed Cures adding their own powers to the mix! The ULTIMATE battle cake.
18) Also great: Laura and Minami’s “did we just become best friends?” attack. (All the thematic combos were delightful but seriously La Mer and Mermaid just seeing each other and going “let’s do a combo” is PERFECT.)
19) Yukari and Akira trying to act cool once they’re reunited, like Yukari hasn’t been utterly miserable all movie because her girlfriend is gone. Lala wiping out some cannon fodder so Yukari can have a moment with her girlfriend. (Lala understands. Her girlfriend was past the cutoff for getting two major cast members this movie. Probably because Nodoka and Rabirin with Team Prism had thematic purpose and a sequence break would look seriously weird - Hikaru seems like a shoo-in for Team Sky’s Goofball Energy And Preme.)
20) Cure Puca, like Ellee, gets the benefits of being a Precure seemingly requiring you to be a humanoid teenager/whatever’s going on with Cure Earth Who Is At Least This Tall Unless You’re A Mascot: being able to give a heroic speech.
21) Things I’m remembering last-minute I enjoyed: Sora showing the others her Hero Diary and being sad when she sees the “We Are Pretty Cure” page of her and Prism holding hands. Sora incorporating Yui’s and Manatsu’s mottos into her own. The lead Cures during the Portals Sequence all being like “yeah we don’t really know what’s going on here but we’ve all been in an All Stars movie or several before, we can handle this, sure.” The emphasis on hand-holding in general, particularly that FLASH of the battle they lost and Precious that Sora gets the first time she takes Yui’s hand and the vaguer one for Manatsu’s. And in a “this amused me” way, the way everyone getting lined up for the battle before the Requisite Explosion Jump is just them floating in space like a bunch of dolls on invisible shelves because it’s the only way to manage this all, there’s like 80 of them, it is SO MANY PRECURE.
So yeah, solid movie, I enjoyed it greatly. Probably gonna give it a minute until I finally watch the Healin’ Good one.
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lady-lazagna · 1 year
hello tumblr user lady-lazagna.
what are your current tsubasa thoughts?
i know you like to think about him so i'm putting him in your head
Hello tumblr user fullcaps-ethan.
It is true, I do like to have him in my head. I keep him in a little cage up there. Don't worry about it, he has a hamster wheel, a water bottle, and some grain to nibble on👍 While he's up there, I like to do a little Angsty Projection.
The main projection point came from the "outsider looking in" feeling. I had already had this portrayal of him in my mind for a while, but after Metal Fury and the Legendary Bladers debacle, it solidified.
Almost all of the bladers in Fury are hoping that they were chosen to have star fragments, unaware that this was mostly predetermined by ancestors. And when they're told about this, and how the remaining chosen blader has to fit into the specific category of Winter constellations, hope is lost for a lot of them- Tsubasa included.
The show doesn't dwell too much on this for him, since the "not feeling worthy" storyline is given to Masamune (for good reason, that storyline fucked💚❤), but I like to dive into how my main boy Tsoobs feels about this (because I need his perspective in every situation, because I am sick and unwell).
A fun little tidbit about Tsubasa's constellation, Aquila, is that it's mainly a Summer constellation (appears between June and October, and is a point in the Summer triangle). And who ends up being chosen as the legendary blader of Summer? His absolute favourite guy on the planet, Ryuga.
That has got to be salt in the wound of not being chosen; to have the guy who not only tried to destroy the world and hurt all your friends in the process, but hurt you specifically in a deeply personal and traumatising way, be chosen as some kind of hero destined to save the world from the ultimate evil. And he doesn't even do it! He fucks up Zeus's Barrier and then dies because he was too prideful to work with the team. How unbelievably insulting to every other blader on the planet who would've been 100 times more worthy.
Tsubasa spent the whole of Masters learning to rely on and work with his friends. He knows he never would've fucked up like Ryuga did because he doesn't have a problem working with the team. But instead, Ryuga got the power, wasted it, and traumatised yet another one of Tsubasa's friends in the only selfless act he'd ever committed. Dying was the only good thing he'd ever done, Tsubasa would think, spitefully.
But oh my god he absolutely Cannot say that in front of any of his friends; they all admired and respected him as a true blader, no matter what he'd done! So he must keep all these feelings to himself, or they'll all think he's a terrible person with no compassion. Just continue to say nothing, and you'll keep the peace. Besides, the legendary blader of Summer is someone who deserves it now, right? Why continue to be angry?
The legendary bladers are the saviours of the planet. Even though every other blader in the world contributed to taking down Nemesis, they were the ones that assembled and fought the villains all the way through. Everyone around them fades into the background. Tsubasa wishes he could fade like that too, and be able to do his own thing without having to stand beside people far superior to him every second of the day. But for some reason, Director Ryo just won't let him. He continues to drag him to the forefront of every issue alongside the legendary bladers, so he's always feeling like he's working with people who don't need him. What is being a trained spy to having the power of a star, anyway?
So there he stays, bitter and utterly inferior with a pointless existence. Maybe if he bothered to communicate any of his feelings to his non-legendary friends, he could get some support- or maybe he'd just make them feel worse as well. Who's to say?
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izartn · 2 years
The thing with DouWata in Holic is that it would be bittersweet either way because of two reasons, even discounting Watnuki choosing to stay forever on the shop bc he's waiting for Yuuko in a kind of sunk cost fallacy way by the end of it.
1. Watanuki origins as O!Syaoran of Tsubasa substitute/not-exactly-a-clone in their world, which also means sharing the price for getting C!SyoSaku feathers out of that void he ends up with O!Syaoran at the end of Tsubasa, and paying for his anomaly continued existence. Syaoran has to keep jumping between worlds for an indefinite mount of time, and Watanuki also has to stay in one place for the same time.
Now, by Rei(I think it was Rei? Could been Rou who knows) we discover that the price was too heavy bc Watanuki was baby wish shopkeeper (and also a masochist who believes he doesn't deserve to have happiness or have a right to exist deep down), and that at some point he grows powerful enough that his existence is no longer so precarious he needs the shop interdimensional stability.
This means at the end of Holic he would have had to enter the shop as essentially a prisoner anyway; Yuuko did the most to bring his power up and to give him connections with the living world so he would keep going on, but she did set Watanuki as her successor bc it was necessary for his continued existence.
And this brings us to...
2. Watanuki grew powerful enough to physically the shop without repercussion (his dream-wandering doesn't count bc his body is anclated on reality I guess) about 100 years after entering it. By then our Doumeki has been dead for at least a decade or two minimum, if we think he lived a long life.
By being the wish-shopkeeper he has enough power he can slow down his aging to the point he's frozen in time a la Eriol of Cardcaptor. And that's when he just took the role at the end of Holic.
And given Eriol is half of Clow's soul and powers and still ridiculously powerful and Yuuko was said to be almost as good, good enough to keep up with whole Clow Reed and Watanuki is her heir and of the line of Clow himself, and his parents did something to make him look more like Clow and not like SyoSaku which may had implied effects on his metaphysical existence bc Tsubasa and Holic go on ridiculous paradox territory...
Watanuki is the kind of powerful magician who, in just being heir to Yuuko's shop, without needing to tie himself to it to the point he cannot go out like in canon, (which meant he needed to develop his power a huge amount just to be able to exist as a paradox bc Fei Wang Reed) would have outlived Doumeki by a large large large amount of years anyways. Think of Fai "has lived already many times your lifespan" Flourite re: Kurogane.
The point of Fai keeping the vampire blood and prey bond with Kurogane, even after he gets his eye back from C!Syaoran and his magic suppresses his bloodlust (bc vampirism isn't the only thing keeping his old ass going anymore lol) is that Kurogane now gets to live the long long lifespan of Fai's life with him, bc otherwise he would have died in a fraction of the amount of time of Fai's existence.
Doumeki and Watanuki don't have that kind of plot handed pass to long-lived married bliss. Which sound pretty 'wtf' bc KuroFai lives were terrible (specially Fai's) in a way DouWata backstories don't go near bc they're more grounded on modern Japan, ghost, witches and wish-shops included. But they get to be together for the next centuries or so they have left.
At best, DouWata could have kind of the Wish deal of Kohaku finding again Kudou after he keeps reincarnation, which the end of Rou plays with anyways, only we know Haruka and Shizuka weren't the same soul, and so Sayaka is just the next link of weird generation xeroxes of the Doumeki family...
Going back to the start of this post. Holic would have had a bittersweet kinda ending regardless of if Watanuki keep on wishing to see Yuuko again and so keeping himself trapped on the shop (and that's just tragic not bittersweet bc even Watanuki must know by then, 100 years after everything, that's kinda impossible) bc:
1. Tsubasa's plot being intertwined with Holic demanded Watanuki to pay a price for a wish, and that made him sacrifice his ability to move out the shop and into the world.
2. He was powerful from the start but the way he needed to learnt how to use his powers so spirit's wouldn't follow him and reality itself wouldn't erase him, which meant, learning how to be Yuuko's successor made him measure his lifespan on centuries anyways.
I think he maybe could have capitalized on his fated (hitsuzen) connection with Doumeki, and the way they exchanged eyes and blood, etc, so if Doumeki made a wish to link his lifespan to Watanuki in a less tragic version of Holic where Wata learnt some healthy selfishness and wasn't keen on waiting forever for Yuuko trapped on the shop (that is, where he wasn't exactly Watanuki lol) it could been possible for these two to have a happy-ish ending.
The price would have been something awful or heavy, maybe both of them are trapped on the shop until Doumeki mortal family is dead bc he's severing his mortal links to follow weird powerful Watanuki to the sobrenatural so he's giving up any chance on a mortal life?? and he also takes on a bit of wata's existence price by result of the link?? So they may get out earlier than 100 years but not by much I think...
Watanuki in canon would never see the above as possible, bc he doesn't see it as worthy, himself as worthy, and also its pretty fucked up anyways bc Doumeki would be giving up almost everything. But Holic has always been about obsession, and the way Doumeki dedicates his life and family line to Watanuki amounts to the same in the end I think. I have a feeling Doumeki would make that bargain gladly if he could stay with Watanuki for the rest of their (now long long) lives.
It would also tie back to the "sharing burdens" (and thus wishes' prices) theme DouWata have going on until Watanuki pulls his, "I'm now alone and the shopkeeper and I must pay alone, and goodbye to any hope of a normal life, bc the only motherly-ish protector-type person I've loved who loved me back has left me all alone, and my existence was a failure of the universe bc space-time shaneaningans."
But yeah DouWata had no chance from the start on an uncomplicated happy ending, and it irks me when people point to Watanuki as the only architect of his misfortune. Like. NO. They would been fucked some way or another in the end. The two asholes don't make it better on themselves, and bear some responsibility for how they end up tragically star-crossed without making a fucking move, but they were doomed from the start.
You could say it was..
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pleathewrites · 6 months
bellow the fire into my deadened lungs
chapter 5 excerpt — class 1a resigns + ua traitor reveal read full story here
Out of the Top 100 Heroes in Japan, over half of them resigned in solidarity. 
The ones who don’t will be remembered as the ones who failed the oath they had taken when accepting their role in a society that is ready to move on from needing them. The large handful of those Dabi had laid out crimes against in his video reveal and interrogation will sit in their jail cells awaiting their court hearings with the only thoughts of, ‘where did I go wrong?’
To everyone’s surprise, it is Bakugou Katsuki who walks up to take the microphone from the last resigning Pro-Hero. 
He scans millions of eyes and takes the plunge. 
“Most of you who know me probably only have shit things to say about me,” He starts, and the image of his homeroom teacher pinching the bridge of his nose brings out a snort that reverberates a bit too loudly through the various speakers connected to the microphone, “And to be honest, there’s probably a whole lotta truth in there.”
Katsuki tunes out the questioning murmurs of the crowd and only looks for the one person he’d never answered.
“A really good guy asked me recently if I still wanted to be a hero after a lecture Aizawa-sensei had given about the shitty truth of how criminals are created.” 
Eijirou’s wide eyes and ungelled hair give Katsuki the strength he’s been lacking for so long. 
“I used to idolize All Might — Yagi-san — because he was the best. I used to believe that being the best meant I had to do everything possible to get that place. I used to believe that being the best meant I could behave in any way I wanted — that I earned it, and thus, I deserved it. The guy we’re all here for saw that.”
Katsuki remembers wanting to murder Dabi at one point, for all the ugly truths patchwork lips had spit at him.
“The memories I have of Dabi — Todoroki Touya — they’re all over the place, honestly,” Katsuki looks at the grieving mother of the man who’d kidnapped him, haunted him for months, and then forgave him. He wonders who he would have been with a mother like that — wonders what kind of man Touya could have become under a woman with so much love held in her eyes, the kind of love Katsuki had craved the minute he was born.
“I think your son might have saved my life, Himura-san,” He tells her honestly, and bows. 
When he rises, his eyes catch a poster that stops his heart. Kemuri Hashiga and Nagai Tesaki hold a large smiling picture of Tsubasa flying — dragon wings that contrast brightly against the springtime sky hold his round little body over their middle school playground. Kemuri’s sharp grin rivals Eijirou’s proudest one and Nagai’s eyes shine with a fierce glint Katsuki hasn’t seen on the boy in such a long time. 
He nods to them and holds Tsubasa in his heart when he turns back to the warmth of Eijirou’s gaze, “I have my answer for you now. I don’t wanna be a hero, because I don’t like what the idea of it brought out of me. But I wanna do good, and I’m gonna be the best at it,” He grins at the pair of toothy laughter he can only faintly hear from how far he stands from it, “I resign from bein’ a hero, or whatever. But, that doesn’t mean you won’t see me around. Y’here that! To all the villains who came out today,” He raises his hand to point to the crowd and sees Eijirou start to run towards him, “I’m gonna take care of y’all till you bleed!”  
“Okay!” Eijirou grabs the microphone out of Katsuki’s hands, eyes wide and frantic before he sends a sheepish grin to the slightly frightened crowd, “He means that in a totally, non-violent, metaphoric–metaphorical? way,” and sends a stern look to Katsuki that says, ‘we’ve talked about this, man,’ but the smile can’t seem to be swiped off his face.
The crowd seems to get it, though, because there’s laughter in the air for the first time. Even their homeroom teacher seems to be suspiciously hiding a fond smile behind his signature scarf.
“Um,” Eijirou starts, his insecurities bubbling up inside his chest as he takes in the waiting eyes of the crowd. He can’t believe the myriad of unique faces he’s seen today — quirks of all kinds, people of all kinds. The gratitude he feels in being able to witness the bravery of such people takes the heat off the moment, simmers the voice in his head that tries to convince him he’s not good enough, and stops it from boiling over. 
The scent of caramel tickles his nose before Katsuki’s warm hand settles over his shoulder. When Eijirou turns his head to see Katsuki’s encouraging smile, he holds his hand out and waits for nitrogen palms to wrap around his own.
“Bakugou doesn’t talk very nicely about himself,” He tells the crowd, “but he always makes sure I do. He’s the manliest dude I know — he’s kind, and determined, and he’s definitely the reason half our class is passing,” The crowd laughs and Katsuki squeezes his hand in appreciation, “I trust him with my life, and you can trust him to care about yours.”
“Tell us about yours!” Someone deep in the crowd shouts.
He didn’t expect to be put on the spot like this, he really just wanted to save Katsuki from being misunderstood. However, he cannot deny how fast his heart beats at his friend’s — ‘maybe more, one day.’ — bravery. Katsuki is always so damn inspiring.
“Oh, um, well,” Eijirou laughs nervously, “I, uh… Heh. Well, I used to believe that because I didn’t have a flashy quirk, I wasn’t worthy of having a place in this society. But when my friend saved me from an attack, she inspired me.”
Mina sends him a proud smile from where she’s pushed through the crowd to stand before him. The whole class of 1A has come close to the front.
Eijirou straightens his spine, “I started to research heroes and found out about Crimson Riot, who had a similar quirk to mine. He quickly became my idol. Through my hero identity, I’ve tried to pay tribute to him. I reinvented myself — started dying my hair and even chose a hero name close to his. I am extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to attend UA and meet some really manly people along the way.”
There are some confused, high-pitched responses of, ‘manly?’
“Tch,” Katsuki leans in to speak into the microphone, “It’s a gender-neutral term of all things good for the idiot,” but his fond smile doesn’t cause any further confusion for the crowd.
“Yeah,” Eijirou giggles, “But, yeah, anyways… I think surrounding myself with so many amazing heroes made me blind to everyone else. Somewhere along the way, I think I convinced myself that being a good hero was equal to being a good person — a good man.
“Crimson Riot said that chivalry is all about living with no regrets. And I don’t want to regret this moment, and so, I don’t think I’ll regret my decision to resign from my dream of being a hero — figuring out who Kirishima Eijirou is, outside of Red Riot. And even though he’s gone, I think Crimson would’ve called this day the manliest moment in history.”
The applause brings a — ‘very manly!’ — tear to Eijrou’s eyes. 
One by one, the entire class of 1A resigns their status as hero students with the promise to strive towards social reform. 
Yaoyorozu Momo — “I actually wanted to be an engineer when my quirk manifested, but my parents always viewed hero-work to be more rewarding. However, I’m thankful I attended UA because I wouldn’t have met all the wonderful people who put their trust in me to lead them. But I cannot lie — being a female hero under the male-gaze… I hate it. I guess I just never felt like I had the ‘right’ to. I used to be a tom-boy, would you believe that?”
Ojiro Mashirao — “It kinda sucks, bein’ a heteromorph. People always tryin’ to touch my tail and askin’ me what I can do with it. Makes a guy wanna prove somethin’, y’know? So, I guess… When I saw the kinda life heteromorphic heroes led, the respect on their name, I got envious. I still wanna work in rescue, though — natural disasters, I’m hopin’ after today.” 
Jirou Kyouka — “Ever since I was a kid, I saw how my family was often ridiculed for pursuing music. We struggled a lot, but they… They would sing me to sleep and, uhm, teach me whatever instrument I wanted to know. I used to hide it, thought it had nothing to do with heroism and so it wasn’t important, but my classmates — Bakugou mostly, if you’d believe it — encouraged me. There’s a lot of power in music. Therapeutic. I think I wanna share that the most with the world.” 
Kouda Kouji — “Hi… Is there a deaf-and-mute translator? Ah, thank you! ‘Animals are my favorite creatures to speak with — birds and foxes especially! They have so much to say, I think it’s because they see so much of our lives. Humans, though… They used to run away from me. I think it’s because of how I look. I don’t understand how, in a quirk-society like this, we still have so many biases based on looks alone. I hate violence, and so far, heroism has felt like nothing but. I think… from now on though — witnessing this turn-out — I’d like to start working with humans again. Talking like this, peaceful and honest. I want to live in a world that works with nature instead of domineering over it.’”
Ashido Mina — “I used to think being a hero was all about hiding your anxieties — show no fear and slap on a smile for the cameras, for the kids, for everyone else just as scared as you. I think… When you’re so used to masking your own fears, you forget everyone else’s. I used to believe villains weren’t capable of fear, but now… I think I’m starting to get it — that it’s their ignored fear that creates them, pushes them to that point of villainy. I honestly need to think about what I’m gonna do from now on, but I have a feeling a lot of opportunities are gonna pop up in the next few years, and I don’t see myself picking just one. And to quote Blasty, I’m gonna kick ass doin’ it!”
Kaminari Denki — “Sensei gave us some homework a few days ago to write a reflection about the ways we can work towards villain prevention and, like, rehabilitation. I, uh, heh, think mine might’ve been the shortest paper. Every time I use my quirk into overload, a bit of my brain kinda fwoomps away and… makes things harder and harder to read and concentrate on. I used to think it was worth it, y’know, like — ‘who needs a workin’ brain when you’re riskin’ your life to save people?’ But, uh… obviously, it scares me now to think that was a standard I put on myself.”
Uraraka Ochako — “Admittedly, I wanted to make a lot’a money — guess that’s normal for people who don’t grow up havin’ any. Makin’ money isn’t really gonna help other kids who have none, though. I never thought a girl like me would learn to fight the way I can now, and it kills me to think about all the girls and women who cannot fight for themselves, who work like hell to survive cycles of abuse ‘n poverty… And! That’s where I wanna put my efforts!”
Satou Rikidou — “I’m a baker’s boy at heart. My classmates actually, heh, set ‘round a time each week for me to bake ‘em somethin’ new — call it ‘Sugar Time’. Funny ‘cause I actually need sugar to survive — a lot of it. Parents learned how to bake early on because the store-bought sweets’re too expensive. In class, Aizawa-sensei brought up how the things we need to live ain’t free, ‘n it made me think about what kinda life I would’a had if I didn’t have parents who were able t’bake for me, or didn’t have parents at all… Mama, Baba, I’m real thankful for everythin’ you’ve done for me t’get me here, but I just can’t stop thinkin’ about those kids…”
Asui Tsuyu — “I’m going to miss it, the hero-life. But, honestly, I think that’s for the better. I want a safer world for my siblings. When we were really young — Satsuki-chan, I don’t even know if you remember this, but… A burglar came into our home. I remember I hid you and Samidare-chan under my bed and left to call the police, who called a Hero. And that hero… bulldozed into our house, right through the wall of my bedroom, and all I could think about was that you two — your tiny little bodies — were right there, and by the luck of the universe, my quirk manifested, and when I cried out, my tongue became the hand the hero had no intention of reaching out, and I was able to pull you both out just a second before the ceiling caved in and smashed my bed to pieces. The hero caught the burglar, but I left that night thinking things like, ‘Was all that really necessary?’ and ‘What would have happened if I was quirkless?’”
Aoyama Yuuga — “I was born quirkless, and let me tell you — the French do not take kindly to those who are. I talk like them and I look like them — well, that’s a lie, I am much more gorgeous! But alas, we live in a world where our quirks are as good as currency. I’m still getting the hang of how fast word travels in Japan, but my peers at UA know my parents asked All for One to grant me the quirk I have today, and when my parents refused to let me carry their debt to him, he killed them. I am a hero solely out of revenge, and that’s not very heroic. My Papa used to tell me that I was meant to sparkle, and I can’t do that covered in red.”
Tokoyami Fumikage — “People are not born bad, only make bad decisions. But each bad decision is not held to the same weight for each and every individual — and for our society today, that is bad. I’m quite fond of darkness and prone to all things of the night, but I was lucky enough to be raised by a family that guided me with light. That said, I am…  honestly looking forward to getting to know the villains who’ve come out today. There aren’t too many heroes with the Devil in them, and Dark Shadow is practically itching to bond with people more like me — I think he’s getting tired of fighting all the time.”
Hagakure Touru — “My whole life, I’ve not only been invisible but felt so. I think the only times I’ve been given any sort of attention is being the butt of a joke — I’ve heard way too many one-liners over the fact that I have to fight naked, and it doesn’t matter how cleverly you think you twisted it, it’s still not funny to me. However… UA helped me shine, literally. I think it’s really important for kids to feel that — without having to spend a boatload of money or kill your childhood for a scholarship that essentially turns you into a child soldier.” 
Shouji Mezou  — “I learned to cover my face at a young age because I scare people. It’s not right to say, but whenever I used to see villains, like Dabi-san, show off their unconventional appearances so freely, with so much pride… It somehow equated in my mind that I need to cover up, to show society that I’m not like them — I’m not something to be feared because I display shame in the way I look. Preconceived notions, stereotypes, we all fall prey to them. Late at night, though, I’d think to myself that maybe villains just want to be seen. And now, seeing everyone who’s attended — your wonderful, unique, and brave faces — I don’t think I’ll ever be comfortable labeling anyone as a villain ever again. I don’t want to wear this mask anymore, and I don’t want anyone else to ever feel like they have to as well.”
Ida Tenya — “In one of the readings Aizawa-sensei assigned to us, an activist said: ‘Police and heroes are doing what nobody should be doing — enforcing laws that criminalize poverty and addiction, arresting people instead of issuing citations, writing tickets to raise revenue rather than protect the public, and using armored vehicles to evict women and children from a home they have occupied to protest homelessness.’ And I agree! We cannot continue on like this, and I thank all the heroes today who have resigned from participating in this kind of system. You have given me the strength to do so as well!”
Midorya Izuku has the hardest time of it, cries and sniffles through the whole thing, but ends with a wobbly tenacious smile and a promise of “Plus Ultra!” that makes Yagi gather the young boy — and equally tearful mother — into his frail arms. 
Only Sero Hanta is left to say his piece. 
He feels like he wants to vomit and he knows the crowd can tell, “Someone I care about very much pointed out that I never talk about m’personal life. And, well, that’s because it doesn’t make for a very good story. But that person’s life story has been the highlight of every news station in Japan for the last week, so I figured I might give it a shot.”
Shouto’s reddened eyes widen and practically beg Hanta to shut up, but Hanta remembers the boy making a comment not too long ago about how Hanta doesn’t really know when to do that. 
“Five years ago, my home was destroyed by what the police had called, ‘a villain attack’. My parents were killed by the rubble caused by a hero chasin’ after a kid a lil’ older than I am now with a scary quirk for stealin’ a woman’s purse. After that, I was sent to a foster home that looked more like a crackhouse,” Gasps and horrified murmurs ripple across the crowd, “Don’t worry too much ‘bout that though, I wasn’t there fer’long. Sold off for my foster parents' next fix. Managed to get away though.”
The League push their way into the front of the crowd, which fortunately opens right up out of fear, or common decency, Hanta doesn’t really know yet.
It’s actually kind of funny how Tomura looks at Hanta with his hands out and his eyes wide, like, ‘what the fuck’re you doin’?’
Hanta barrels on though, “I was around ten years old when Dabi had found me, half-dead’a hypothermia ‘n starvation. He took me in, and man, was he a mother hen. Makes so much sense now that he grew up an older brother,” He laughs wetly, and from his peripheral vision, it looks like Touya’s mother does the same. 
“At this point, I was used t’people kickin’ me outta restaurants ‘n stealin’ my clothes when I wasn’t lookin’. But Dabi — sorry, Touya, my bad, I’ve been callin’ him ‘Dabi’ for so long now, but I wanna use the name his brother calls him. Touya would sneak me into whatever shelter he’d find willin’ to hold a stray. He’d get me all kinda books, most of ‘em interesting but some were complicated as hell.”
Hanta’s voice starts to betray him, threatening to cut off completely as the memories flood through.
“He’d tell me to read while he’s out workin’,” Tears finally start to fall and, for once, Hanta welcomes the burning trails down his cheeks, “He’d come back tired as hell, every day with new scars, ‘n even then, he’d make me somethin’ to eat, even if it meant he wouldn’t for days. 
“He always offered to take me to a safehouse — a place for children like me. He’d say things like, ‘You should be playin’ ‘round with other kids yer age,’ and I’d just make fun’a’him for bein’ an old man. But the truth is, I didn’t wanna leave him. He was the only person who made me feel safe in a world that turned me away.”
His eyes roam over and connect with every present member of the League. Himiko is crying into Jin’s chest.
“And around a year ago, he let me come with him to join the League,” Hanta cannot bear to face the betrayal he knows paints every single face of his classmates, so he doesn’t, “I thought I wanted revenge, at first. But lookin’ back, I think I just wanted to help Touya’s dream of a better world come true. Pay ‘im back for everythin’ he’d done f’me. ‘N so, when the League asked me to be their spy, I agreed.
“But,” Hanta starts to shake, “When I got to UA — well, you’ve all seen it, everybody is so fuckin’ good. After my classmate was kidnapped, after I saw what it had done to him, I regretted my decision so much.”
Hanta can’t stop crying.
“Kirishima said he doesn’t wanna live a life with regrets, ‘n I know that’s only possible for me if-if I confess, because I know Touya refused t’give me up when he’d turned himself in, otherwise I wouldn’t be here.”
Hanta covers his shame with his arm and hopes his bulky elbows give him enough cover to break down. 
“But I’ll never regret staying with Touya! Because without him, I-I never really would’ve believed society could actually change, until today.”
He doesn’t know when the League had actually run up to him. He only feels the cold metal of Mr. C’s prosthetic catching him before he falls to his knees, only registers the worn cashmere of Himiko’s sweater against his cheek, only hears the thud, whine, and scramble of Tomura picking up the fallen microphone and yelling out, “None’a you get to judge Hanta!”
And through the blubber of Hanta’s wailing sobs, Hanta hears the unimaginable. 
“We don’t — ”
“ — Monsieur, were you not listening — ”
“ — ‘re doing the right thing now, we’d never — ”
“ — we’re still your friends Hanta! — ”
“ — I forgive you! — ”
“ — it’s ok, dude, I understand! — ”
“ — confession was totally manly! — ” 
“ — et the fuck up, Tape Face, ‘n apologize to my face like a man! Geeze, you were only doin’ what you thought was right, or whatever — ”
In less than a minute, Hanta is engulfed by the arms of his classmates, their tearful smiles and too-empathetic eyes filling his vision and stunning his burning shame to a halt. 
Cold and hot hands cup his face, Shouto’s puffy eyes staring at him wondrously.
“Why…?” Hanta doesn’t understand.
“Don’t you see how much we love you, Hanta? Don’t you trust us to see how much pain you’ve been in, and not punish you for it?” 
Hanta’s chest aches with something that blooms to life instead of the anticipated shrivel of the death of one he’s grown to love.
He sighs, resting his forehead against Shouto’s, “I’m so sorry, Shou…” 
Shouto’s headshake jostles Hanta slightly and he tearfully whispers, “I’m sorry, too. You’ve suffered the same loss I have, and have been going through it alone.”
The students of Class 1A quiet down when their homeroom teacher steps through and pulls Hanta up with an offering hand.
Hanta has always found his sensei so hard to read, “Wha-what’r’you gonna do t’me, Sensei?”
And his teacher only smiles and tips his head to his family — to the League that hadn’t left Hanta’s side under the swarm of — ex — hero students.
“Weren’t you paying attention? There are no punishments for what is said and done today.”  
When the League, his teacher, and his classmates walk Hanta away from the area that holds the lone microphone, there is only the noise of respected cheers and applause at the sight of opposing sides holding the boy who’d played both — and it feels like a win. 
read full story here
my other works
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noa-ciharu · 2 years
Ship ask: favorite canon moment of kurofai
Tough question since there are alot of top tier kurofai moments. But this particular scene stands out
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Yes, the whole sequence.
Because as countless people said before - tsubasa found family journey is sort of allegory for therapy. Crowd of deeply troubled individuals all with their fair share of issues and traumas got paired up together and started bonding over time - and helping each other in process.
However there were countless ups and downs, and that's what relationship between Kurogane and Fai was always like prior to this moment. They couldn't interact truly openly because barrier was always present. Both Fai's (past, false identity, planned betrayal, deep self hatred, avoidance, emotional distance and so on) and Kurogane's (viewing physical strength as priority, subsequently emotionalism and escapism as weakness, and probably some more)
All the unspoken and Kurogane's progress of getting to reach through Fai's iron self-protection walls reached culmination in acid Tokyo - however Fai was still not ready to accept how close he got to Kurogane (and rest of the crew). Emotional tension between them from infamous Good morning Kurogane scene to Celes arc was off charts. With good reason tho, because they were almost like on checkmate position when neither can move forward nor backwards. Kurogane can't do a thing because Fai is one holding the card but similarly Fai belives he truly has no power over his fate because once Ashura awakens it'll all start crumbling. He believes he's living on borrowed time and that he did something he shouldn't have - gotten to close
He thinks he doesn't deserve to be cared for.
And then Celes angst rolls and Kurogane sacrifices what was considered most important to him (strength and power to protect) so Fai could live.
Ofc that was one of major factors (combined with somewhat karmic pain of having someone you love be self sacrificial and you having no say in it and no way to help them - bet feeling was a bit sobering), but that's not all- for the first time in his life Fai knew he wasn't living a life worth expiration date. He was free
Also Kurogane has come full circle, both literally returning to birth place and changing perspective 180° degrees. When he left nihon he was power hungry basically, speaking power out of fear of powerlessness to prevent tragedies. But now he purposely cut own arm so he could protect those he cared about. I probs should add more here but it's rly late
And ofc - Fai hitting Kurogane as payback and calling him by nicknames again 🥺🙏 little gesture that means alot when their whole background is taken into consideration. They're finally able to meet face to face and have a honest healing relationship without any hints of pretense or tension
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Phoenix Wright conditioning is a hell of a thing
No-one is safe
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I gotta say
Despite everything
Lava Lamp just full on face planting from twenty feet in the air is the perfect comedic timing 
IVE could never
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Oh! Did Syaoran follow them in?
Did he jump into the gaping hole to chase down Kyle Rondary? Off screen?
Will Kyle Rondary be murdered in the formless void between worlds?
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Sensitive Boy
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Sensitive Boy is a newer series delving into a bit of a taboo subject. The MC was raped in middle school by a female teacher. There is a certain stigma around this subject as some people think it’s not possible for a male to be raped by a female. Tho of course it does happen, it’s just not something that people really talk about or gets portrayed much in media.
As mentioned the MC of this series, Kaede, was raped by a female teacher in middle school before the start of the series. As a result, he has PTSD from the incident, having panic attacks revolving around females in certain situations. Such as when a girl accidentally fell on top of him. On the other hand, we have Tsubasa, a love interest, who is a romantic at heart and dreams of having a relationship like those in the shojo manga she read. Of course, those idealized romances don’t usually play out in real life. 
Kaede's first attempt to tell her about the incident in his past didn’t go well as the Tsubasa mistook it as just groping. But in a recent chapter, she realizes she misunderstood the situation and asks him what really happened, to which he explained everything.
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I’m interested to see how Tsubasa handles this because she has such an innocent idealized view of romance. So far it’s not looking good, as she seems to find herself sick by this, focusing on the fact that he’s had sex (even tho it was non-consensual). Tho we also see that she’s having an internal debate about this. She’s disgusted that he’s not “innocent” but at the same time, she keeps reminding herself that it wasn’t his choice. I’m curious to see how this goes, will she be able to continue with this relationship? Or will she end things? 
Spoilers for the most recent chapter, ch. 16. 
This is a hard chapter to read. We see Tsubasa let out everything in front of Kaede. Telling him how she doesn’t know how to handle all this and asking could him if he really could have been raped by a female. Why didn’t he just fight back? Personally, this part made me pissed, he told her everything and then she has the nerve to question him if it really happened. I don’t think she and Kaede are a good match. She is far too innocent and filled with too many ideal fantasies to be with him. He deserves someone better. After she asks him if it was really against his will we see Kaede tell her to stop and says she doesn’t understand since she didn’t experience it. He breaks down apologizing for everything, crying and Tsubasa runs off leaving him alone. 
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The sad thing about this situation is that people truly do think that. There is a misconception people have that men can’t be raped by women.  And in my opinion, it doesn’t help that we don’t talk about this topic much. We see plenty of media dealing with a female being raped by a male but almost never the other way around. I think this is why this series is important, it brings up this topic that people don’t want to talk about.
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All Kaede wants to do is live a "normal" life. He wants a girlfriend, he wants to be like the guys his age and date, but it's not that easy for him sadly. As much as he wants a gf, his trauma isn't going to make it easy for him.
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(Screenshots are from fan scans via Tanzanite Scans)
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saffronapplemanga · 2 years
Anime/Manga Recommendation Round Up
Anime and manga recommendation thread of things I’ve been enjoying in recent years~ 
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~I’ll link any dedicated posts I have to these~
~Links to my other manga posts here~
My personal favs/ones I super enjoyed will have a ✨ on them :)
(Some of these might not have official EN translations since any physical manga I read are JP copies. I guess if any sound interesting, ask publishers to license them!)
I won’t get too much into what they’re about because I think finding out is part of the fun. I’ll mostly list the genres and a little blurb. Some of these I feel like I rarely hear anyone talk about so it would be cool to see people try these :) 
✨The Summer Hikaru Died by Mokumoku Ren 
(4 volumes, ongoing)
Available in English
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Picked it up earlier this year up knowing nothing but was immediately gripped by the eerie mood. Takes place in the country side where mysterious things have been happening. My friend couldn’t stop reading when I recommended it.
✨Banana Fish by Yoshida Akimi
(19 volumes + side stories, completed)
It’s getting reprinted in English, so what are you waiting for!
Anime - yes and it’s so good…
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The manga is from the 80’s-90’s but the anime updated it in 2018.
Without giving too much away, it takes place in NY where our characters are trying to break out of the vicious cycle of violence and figure out a mystery that’s also connected to a conspiracy. Lovable cast, keeps you on the edge of your seat. I’m obsessed.
Lovers’ Kiss by Yoshida Akimi
(2 volumes, completed)
JP only
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A short story where high schoolers are just trying to figure life out. Yoshida-sensei has this way of writing human stories and melancholy/tragedy while still leaving a glimmer of hope.
✨Mushishi by Urushibara Yuki
(10 volumes, complete)
I think the physicals are out of print but you can read it on bookwalker. It deserves a reprint!!!
Anime - yes, it’s a whole vibe please watch it
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I watched S1 ages ago but never got to the rest until recently. Recently picked up the manga and plan to read it eventually. Another top fav of all time. Amazing atmosphere. We see the daily life of mushi expert Ginko deal with mysterious phenomenon mushi cause.
✨Yotsuba&! by Azuma Kiyohiko
(15 volumes, ongoing)
Available in English
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This series is super cute, wholesome, and hilarious! Yotsuba is honestly a delight, and following her daily life as she befriends her new neighbors is just a good time. Yet another fav of all time.
✨Blue Period by Yamaguchi Tsubasa
(15 volumes, ongoing)
Available in English
Anime - yes, but… listen I’ve never said “don’t watch the anime” because everyone can enjoy stuff however they want but... don’t watch the anime… I’ve never been so offended by an adaption ;_;
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After discovering something he’s passionate about for the first time, Yatora navigates the art world despite his fears and being a complete newcomer. This series made me cry so much, I love it… please
In the Clear Moonlight Dusk by Yamamori Mika
(7 volumes, ongoing)
Available in English
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Blind-bought this a while ago. Yoi is dubbed “Prince” by her classmates for her cool demeanor, but she’s not the only one.
MARRIAGETOXIN by Joumyaku and Yoda Mizuki
(3 volumes, ongoing)
Available for free on Shueisha’s mangaplus site
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Assassin Gero needs to produce an heir so his sister can stay with her gf, but the social skills he needs to win a girl over need some help. This series is so funny and wholesome, all around a good time!
✨Yona of the Dawn by Kusanagi Mizuho
(44 volumes, ongoing)
Available in English
Anime - yes, but I haven’t seen it yet so idk
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I’m not very far in this one yet, but I’m having a great time. Love the friendship, the found family vibes. Seeing Yona acknowledge that she is naive and then stepping up is awesome.
idk how I slept on this for so long since it seems like something right up my alley. Literally picked up a lot of all the 39 currently out volumes (it came with the light novel too), no questions asked. I’m only a few volumes in, but I’m enjoying it a lot. It’s giving me Ertugrul vibes (the historical Turkish drama). No, I won’t expand on that point, go watch Ertugrul!
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I’m committed apparently...
A Sign of Affection by Morishita Suu
(10 volumes, ongoing)
Available in English
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Blind-buy. A cute romance between a deaf girl and a well-traveled guy.
✨Ascendance of a Bookworm by Kazuki Miya and Shiina You
(3 seasons, ongoing)
Available in English - originally a light novel
Anime - yes, I’ve been watching this not reading it yet
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Listen, isekai just don’t ever click with me, but this one does. There’s political drama and we get to learn about the culture and daily lives of people living in this world.
Our mc is reincarnated into a medieval fantasy world where access to books is limited, making it her personal hell. But don’t worry, she gonna do something about it! This series is so interesting and I love the character dynamics. Even if isekai aren’t your thing, try this!
✨Requiem of the Rose King by Kanno Aya
(17 volumes, complete)
Available in English
It has an anime but I heard fans were really mad at the adaption. I haven’t seen it so I can’t comment.
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Normally not the kind of thing I would go for, but this series has me constantly screaming. IT’S SO MESSY, but the good kind of messy. It takes every fiber in my body to contain myself when reading in public. It features an mc who was born intersex and a battle for the crown of England.
My Broken Mariko by Hirako Waka
(one shot)
Available in English
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Saw this at the bookstore and I looked at the cover like “wow, she looks like she’s really going through it…and she’s carrying someone’s ashes, oh no…” Didn’t know anything else about it but, oof, it’s a heavy one…
Look Back and ✨Goodbye Eri by Fujimoto Tatsuki
(one shots)
Available in English - also on the Jump app
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While Fujimoto-sensei’s more well-known work wasn’t 100% clicking with me, I tried his one shots and really enjoyed them. I particularly liked the cinematic feeling and environmental storytelling.
Maybe when I’m up to it, I’ll do posts on some of these that go into a little more detail on how I felt about them idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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invisiblegarters · 2 years
My Top 5 BLs of 2022
5. Choco Milk Shake
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I would say it should have been poly but I can’t say that without including Uncle Coffeeshop, since he and Milk sort of stole the show for me. A fun, heartwarming, sometimes unexpectedly emotionally taxing story, it would be higher but the end sort of fell apart for me for reasons I can’t really explain. Still, highly enjoyable. Overall rating 8/10.
4. Kabe Koji
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Zany fun except for when it really wasn’t, this drama sort of took me by surprise. Episode 7 in particular elevated it for me by giving me a wholly unexpected depiction of what self-loathing and depression does to both the person feeling it and their relationships. I never found Nekoyashiki so relatable as I did in that episode - it hit me right in the gut, because it was uncomfortably familiar. That episode was the one that made me really sit up and take notice of this show - late in the game, sure, but who cares? 
Aside from that, really enjoyed Tsubasa’s everything, Issei’s whole “super sunny but I will also cut you” thing, and Nekoyashiki’s hair. I loved the character but that hair is glorious and deserves a mention. 9/10
3. Old Fashion Cupcake
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Aaaah, that that thumb bite. A gif of that was the entire reason I watched this drama, and I was happy I did. It’s a slick, well-done drama that deals with getting older and feeling like you’re past your prime, office romances, age gap romances, and lovely, epic pining. The thirst in this one is A+. Also I want pretty much every single dessert that they eat. It’s just very well done. 9.5/10.
2. Semantic Error
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Oh, this drama. I love this drama so very much. It is an example of just how good Korea can be - and showcases that yes, actually, it can serve good kiss. Shots are gorgeous, colors are gorgeous - I love the way they play with red and blue and shades of purple and what these colors represent about the relationship between Jaeyoung and Sangwoo. I love the hyungs and what they say about their relationship. Hell, even the names they give each other on their phones says a lot about where they are. The chemistry is excellent and very shallowly, both of the Parks are gorgeous. And it also features this glorious woman:
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who I adore. Honestly everything just came together for this drama, I’ve watched it too many times. 10/10 and would be number one if not for
1. Eternal Yesterday
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If you’ve even glanced at my blog, this one should come as no surprise. I love it, love it, love it. Everything about it was perfect to me - yes, even the story, tragic ending and all. The meditation on grief and loss was painful as hell but excellent, and I really felt like I was going through the grieving process along with Mitsuru. Soundtrack is most excellent, even if currently I am still unable to listen to either the beginning or ending songs without bursting into tears. Mitsuru is exactly my kind of character, too - the reticent, reserved character who opens up to one person and loves so fiercely that it’s almost palpable. And I can never ever get enough of the way Koichi looks at him, or the sweet, tender way they are with each other. The yearning with this one is strong; even when they’re together you can feel the loss coming, and their every embrace is so full of aching tenderness and the knowledge of that loss, even when Mitsuru is doing his best to pretend otherwise. 
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I fully, one hundred percent buy that these two adore each other beyond all reason, and what’s more, that they want each other, too, which is not something I often get out of JBL. Too often one is selling the romance while the other seems reluctant at best, but not here, and I think that’s what makes it work so well. The heart of this drama is really Mitsuru and Koichi’s love for each other, and if they both weren’t pulling it off it would have fallen flat. Japan really went and gave us some of the best chemistry with the saddest premise, huh? Perhaps the biggest tragedy of this drama is that we’ll never get to see these two star in another BL together, this time with a happy ending (frankly, I’ll be very surprised if we see either of them in another BL again, full stop). 10/10 with the highest possible recommendation (if you can stand the pain).
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cure-mango · 5 months
Some stuff about the Precure x MLP world because I just got out of the shower and had ideas
Siren feeds off love just like changelings in mlp do. She mostly feeds off random townfolk but if she can't find any good sources she will feed of the trio de minor (who are just regular ponies).
Everybody knows Hime is a princess because she doesn't hide the fact that she's an alicorn. She's too proud.
Hime being an alicorn is another thing that Iona finds problem with because alicorns are supposed to be stronger than normal ponies, which Hime isn't. Iona doesn't think Hime deserves to be an alicorn.
When Kotoha grows up, she can change into a stronger form that looks a pony with breezie wings. This is the pony equivalent of her human form.
Ruru has artificial magic cells so she can use magic but she can't use any magic after leaving the Criasu corporation due to insufficient power.
Lala looks like a normal earth pony at first glace but if you look longer than a few seconds you can see some obvious differences.
Somebody on my first post inspired me. Yuni looks like an anthro cat but more alien. She still has the transformation perfume and all her alter egos are either more alien or more pony.
(Hopefully this one isn't offensive) Some of the aliens who are less exposed to earth think that Elena came from a different planet than Hikaru and Madoka.
In Tropical Rouge, the seaponies forgot all about hippogriffs due to the memory machine.
Everybody from Skyland is a pegasus except the royal family who are alicorns.
Tsubasa came from an entire village of flightless pegasi.
(I actually created an entire story for the village of flightless pegasi even though canon only gave us one sentence about their origin. The village was once known for it's beautiful and breathtaking artwork, made by the members of the village. But overtime, the pegasi of the village stopped creating art and the village started falling into obscurity. A group from the village who refused to let that happen set out in search for a powerful unicorn. They eventually found the unicorn and asked them to restore the villages creativity and love for art. The unicorn agreed but the pegasi had to give something in return. The only thing of value that the pegasi could think to offer them were their wings so that's what the unicorn took. The unicorn asked the pegasi to lead them back to the village and the unicorn cast a spell. After, all the pegasi of the village found their motivation to create art returning but found that they had lost their ability to fly. Even after generations, the pegasi of the village never regained their ability to fly.)
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