#tsukiji sushi omakase
coles japan holiday pt2‼️‼️(chat im fluent in japense trust🙏🙏google translate can gently lick my giant cold sweaty balls🥳🙈😻)
i took lots of photos 2day but ill jst show the ones that r relevant enough
we went 2 shibuya sky observertary where i saw 2 ppl taking photos at the same time as me ( @garmaballs 4 reference,, if u call me a sitnky stalker creep radiohead weridou im gonna edit harumi BALD👹👹)
after that we went 2 teamlabs borderless exhibition in higiya or smt. its a digital art exhibition w projections nd art installations
there was a thingy where u could draw a sea creature nd it will appear on a big screen nd swim around. i made yaranaikafish, poufish, and aquatic cephalopod miku/hatsune mika,, yaranaikafish died bc of oan . miscarriage whichwas a bummer but yk wjts niot a bummer?!?!?! an irish guy named liam who is an animator‼️hes very skibidi sigma nd his eggmanfish drawing is so goatexd,, he sounds very familisr so if u guysz know an irish animstor named liam lmk
finally we had sushi in tsukiji nd i had to speak bad puking out both ends level japanese to translate 4 my mum i h8 it when im nervous bc i end up forgetting words (happens w eng asw tbh) its so 恥ずかしい >\\\< i wanted to go on the plane back immediately but never bsck down never what??? NEVER GIVE UP🤑🤑🤑 anyways it was so good we ate the omakase(nigiri plate) and fish rice bowl. owners r very whimsical+joyous SOMETIMES i h8 old ppl bc theyre weird and want to force me into the sewers of vietnam but old ppl r weird wjere im from,, the only thing thats mean abt these 2 is their sushi🤤🤤
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lagycart · 2 years
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tokyo tohoku trip - day 12.
starting the day at tsukiji outer market 築地場外市場, even though the fish market has moved to toyosu, this area remains very popular for fresh seafood and lots of other street food. we came here on a wednesday so a lot of stores are closed, it also means there should be less people, some stores are still super crowded though.
we walked around the market and tried a few street food, fresh sashimi from 築地 斉藤水産, the seafood variety here is plenty, you can ask them what is good for the day as well, everything looks super yummy. all the fish, prawn and sea urchin we ate was really good, very tasty and enjoyable. followed by grilled scallops from 築地うなぎ食堂, which also has grilled eel and other shellfish, another popular option among the crowd. last but not least, tamagoyaki from 築地 山長 is definitely a must-eat, especially for egg lovers like myself, it’s just so fluffy and i like to eat this while it’s freshly cooked.
for lunch, my friend and i went to shutoku 2nd store at tsukiji 秀徳2号店 for the omakase meal, we were served tamagoyaki, 10 pieces of sushi made from various local freshly caught fish, a handroll and miso soup. the chef prepared all the fishes and shell food first before starting to make the sushi. it’s a very enjoyable process to watch as the chef do wonders right in front of you. each fish is very fresh, has slight different texture and taste, and is complimented by various condiments which enhance the flavor. the meal was very satisfying and enjoyable, this was our second visit already.
we grab coffee after the meal at a rustic coffee store - yonemoto coffee 米本珈琲 本店, this store has so many different kind of coffee beans, and the coffee jelly i got is so yummy too. definitely a good place to visit for a great cuppa. after the coffee break, i head to shibuya on my own to continue my exploration, as shibuya has changed a lot recently.
i first did some stationery and souvenir shopping at loft, this is my favorite store to go to as it just has so many things to see and buy, and always something new to discover. they also offer duty free shopping which is very convenient too. after that, i went to shibuya scramble square, a new shopping mall that is super popular right now, to visit shibuya sky, the latest and hottest rooftop observation deck at the moment. i made reservation beforehand, so its very easy to get in with the QR code provided. they have lockers for visitors to store your things which is not allowed on the deck.
the deck is very spacious and windy, and there’s lots of tourists around, there’s also photography service which you can queue up for, otherwise you are free to roam around and take as many photos as you like, and stay as long as you wish to. as the sun goes down, the weather turns cold really quick though, but the sunset was very beautiful to watch. there’s some seating area and hammock and a helipad too. with a rooftop bar at one side which opens at night. it is definitely enjoyable to visit if you like the city view a lot and just wanna feel cool breeze.
when the sky starts to turn dark, i decided to leave and went down the building, and by chance, i found tokyu hands ハンズ on the 10th floor, and did more shopping, this is also one of my favorite place to shop for japanese stationery and home and living items. and this new store at shibuya scramble square is well organized and easy to look around too.
my last stop before heading back home is visiting the mega donki Megaドン・キホーテ渋谷本店 to purchase some souvenirs for friends and family, as this stores is so big, they have anything and everything that you wanna buy at a rather competitive price. i bought quite a few japanese snacks here, the options are endless and it’s also very reasonably priced. only downside is the paying process is long and painful as there’s only limited staff working at the counters for duty free checkout.
for dinner, my friend has prepared a feast at home for the both of us, she bought so many fresh ingredients and cooked a delicious and heartwarming meal. there’s grilled fish, pumpkin, miso soup, fresh vegetables and more. everything is really yummy, and we had a great meal and it’s so just relaxing to be able to have a homecooked meal. our meal ends with the egg pudding i got from shimokitazawa a day before, which is so creamy and the egg taste is really fragrant and rich and not really sweet at all.
to be continued...
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Day 7: final full day in Japan.
Today I had considered going for a run, but it was just too hot. I think the weather is much hotter now than when I first got here. I slept in instead, which guess is not bad, I did run three times in the heat and also swam yesterday.
I went to the tsukiji outer market today. I think I’ve gone here each time I’ve been in Japan, so today was the 4th tine. I only had two goals, and since the market closes up after 2, I had to hurry. First I bought myself a nice sushi knife. The first one the shop showed me was 500 bucks! I settled on the cheapest one, at only 200. I figure I should get it since I rarely buy anything fancy on my trips as a memento. Mostly I just take photos and sometimes I make these blogs for memories. Since I am flying to China tomorrow I didn’t want to bring the knife with me, so I just mailed it from the shop. After that I wanted to grab some food.
I went to a good sushi place that I went to previously with my girlfriend last time we were here. I had the omakase 11 piece meal, and ordered 4 other items. Their sushi is so good, I guess it’s because the fish is so fresh and comes from the market next-door. But I don’t really understand why it’s so much better. The meat also didn’t seem like it was very cold, even though it was kept in a little fridge on the bar counter for they served it much better. The meat also didn’t seem like it was very cold, even though it was kept in a little fridge on the bar counter before they served it.
After having dinner, I decided to walk around the rest of the market and see what else was still open. I got myself some Matcha soft serve, and a cone, and then went over and had a mochi with strawberry. I was completely stuffed after that.
After that I decided I had had enough of the crazy hot weather and went back to my hotel room where it was nice and air-conditioned.
I started to pack up all of my stuff and then realized that I had an 8 AM flight and not noon. So that means I gotta wake up super early and then figure out if I should take the train or an Uber.
It’s been a lot of fun spending time here and having new experiences. I could definitely do this again. 
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jambolaja · 3 months
I woke up early and moved to fish market, Tsukiji. At 7am it was late for tuna selling but early enought o find sushi place. I paid 8630 JPY for omakase with soup and beer. Now I moved to Sumo stable Arashio-beya to see fighters practice. This one was free, but crowded in front of window. Met some serbians there. In between it was enough time to visit two tepmles, before moving with bus to…
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klanderson1335 · 7 months
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Linda and I are continuing to eat our way though Tokyo. We started off the day at Team Labs, an immersive art experience that provides extremely Instagrammable photographs. Then we went to Daiwa Sushi next to the new Tsukiji Fish Market (note to self, take the subway to U14, use the walkway to the stairway to the restaurant level). Reader, I have said this before and I will say it again, if you like sushi, then coming to Tokyo for omakase will change your life. Truly, there is nothing else like it in the world.
Next we went to Shibuya to see the famous crossing and went to look for another 3D billboard. This one was of a Inu dog who comes out to tell you the time.
Finally we met up with a former Harper mom, Hiroko Mathis, and had high tea at the Okura Hotel. Not only was it delicious, it came with an incredible view of this beautiful city.
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usamierina · 3 years
Tsukiji Sushi Omakase
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I made a reservation at and went to a sushi restaurant in Tsukiji that is reputed to be super-cosy. I had a plan to go to there, Tsukiji Sushi Omakase in Tsukiji.
軽い雨の中、築地駅からテクテク。 築地本願寺は派手ですなあ。
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最初のお寿司は手巻きの「とろがっこ 山わさびがけ」。 マグロユッケといぶりがっこの手巻き鮨です。
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チャイロマルハタ、というハタ科の白身で、なんと19日熟成だそうです。 ねっとりした歯応えと、白身だけどしっかりとした旨味。
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交互って言いつつ、お寿司が連続することも。 お次は、熟成サメガレイ。上に乗っているのはエンガワの炙り。
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これ、色はかなりほうれん草で、最初は青っぽいクリームスープ的な感じかな?と思ったのですが、口に入れた瞬��に、もうトロットロにされた牡蠣の旨味がブワッと広がってめちゃめちゃ最高... 一滴たりとも残したくない、スプーンで側面の液体をこそげ回したいくらい美味しかったです。
最初の乾杯にはビールを頂いたのですが、順に日本酒に切り替えていきます。 これは...なんだったかな...
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日高見あたりだったかな...オンメニューの日本酒でした。 オンメニューのもの以外にも、季節のかなりいろんな銘柄があるので、あとで拝見させていただくことに。
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美しい、厚切り波切りの鮑と、この うまみしかない 緑の肝ソース...
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結構ネタ大きめ。オイチー 小肌とシャリの間には、大葉とガリが挟んであって、味わいにアクセントがあっておいしいです。(ちょっとだけ小肌の内側がパサついていた気がするけど)
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右端がピンと上がっているところがかわいいw 上に載っているソースは赤酢です。
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上は穴子の西京焼、左は赤かぶ、右はまじゃこ味噌。 実はこの右下のまじゃこ味噌が曲者で、味噌の中にふんわりと魚の甘味があって、ーー日本酒に...合う...!!!
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どれもおいしいのですが、じゃこ味噌の減り方が一番はやいw もちろん穴子の西京焼きもおいしいし、どしどし日本酒が進みます。あっという間になくなったので、おかわりさせていただきます。
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おつまみも少しずついろいろ出してくださるので、日本酒が進む! こちらは、大根の千枚漬け、甘エビと鯛の酒盗巻き。
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中のあん肝をほじくりながら、日本酒を飲みます。おいしい...! その前に出てきた千枚漬け巻きとも合わせて、本当に日本酒が進みます。
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/ぱかー\ ぱかーからのズームw
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しっとりした鯖に、綺麗なスモークの香りがついてておいしい♡ 5分待ってくださいね、ということだったので、開けた瞬間のスモークはあんまり強く残っていなかったのですが、ここでいただいた瞬間スモークより香りが強くなくて食べやすかったです。(あっちはあっちで美味しかったけどw)
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ここで、お酒がなくなったので次のを。メニューに載っている以外にもいろいろありますよ、ということで、出していただいて決めたのが、三重県の「作」SAKE NOUVEAU BY 2021。(私たちが座ったが、入り口横のカウンター端だったのですが、その後ろに日本酒がめっちゃいろいろ入っている冷蔵庫があって、その中から出していただきました)
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gastronomerr · 7 years
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We had the omakase set (¥4200) @ Ryu Sushi, Tsukiji market area, Tokyo Bill came to around 4500 yen per person
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travellingfoodie · 5 years
Omakase at Tsukiji Sushidai Honkan | WHERE TO EAT IN TOKYO
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dtphan824 · 8 years
“What restaurants did you go to in Tokyo?  How do you get there?  Places to visit in Tokyo?  Things to do in Tokyo?”  
My last and final blog post from Journey to Tokyo (2017)… maybe.  I’m currently packing for another trip en route to in Hong Kong / Taipei, but before leaving, I wanted had to finish up this post and catch up with stuff I’ve been doing before and after the trip…
A view of the rainbow bridge from the shore of Odaiba park / beach area.  You can find see the location HERE.
“What restaurants did you go to in Tokyo and how do you get there?” I’m not telling you guys these spots are a must go to place to eat, but I would definitely recommend it.  If you look on my itinerary from Part 1 of Journey to Tokyo (2017), you’ll find out where I ate and how long it took to get there from my last point of interest.   So lets begin…
1.  Sushi Dai –  Located in the Tsukiji fish market area, it’s known for their 2.5 hrs wait for 10 pieces of sushi selected by the chef and one of your choice.  This is called an omakase. The price of this omakase is 3900Y which is not bad (about $34USD at the time).  The real investment is the wait… people start lining up at 2:30AM.  Yes, AM.  My brother recommended me to do the same so Enrique, Joseph, and I woke up at 2:30AM and Uber-ed our way there.  We arrived at 2:45AM and there were about 10 people ahead of us.  This was in January early in the AM… so temperatures were in the sub 30F / -1C… some people thought we were crazy because what normal people wait outside 2.5-3 hrs for 11 pieces of sushi?  We fell into the food hype, but glad we did because it was a great omakase experience.
We woke up at 2:3oAM and took an Uber for about $25 USD.  You can also stay up late and be in the area or sleep at a manga cafe, but I would recommend taking a taxi or Uber if you don’t want to be dead tired by the time you get in…
Early AM, there’s no one really around…
This was the line for Sushi Dai…
The first few guys started lining up around 2:30AM…
Here you can see Joseph and Enrique in line…
It was -1.1C so I had to take a break from the queue to get some warm milk tea from Aiyo Coffee next door… I’m not sure if the tea tasted awesome because I was frozen but it was definitely warm and tasty.  I asked one of the owners how long they’ve been there, and I think since the 1800s… whoa.
It was 5AM and the first group of people went in… Enrique, Joseph, and I were in the second group and went in at 5:45AM so about 3 hrs from the time we started waiting… 
One of three sushi masters of Sushi Dai….
Is it worth waking up at 2:30AM and waiting in -1.1C for a 3,900Y omakase? If you’re a hype food beast kind of person, yes.  If not, I think you’d be fine with other places at Tsukiji.  I personally wouldn’t wait again, but if a friend who has never went and wanted to do it, I wouldn’t mind going again.  I do hear Sushi Daiwa is comparable to Sushi Dai with a shorter waiting time so I will probably hit up Sushi Daiwa next time.
2.  Gyukatsu Motomura –  I got this recommendation from a couple of friends that went before and looked really good.  They serve breaded beef cutlet… and not just any normal beef, but marbled graded beef.  It’s served raw and you’re able to cook it to your liking with the hot stone.  Because of their recent popularity, there may be a 30-60 minute wait time.  Reason for this is because there’s only 9 seats.  Enrique and I stopped by on a Monday at 3pM and the queue was about 45 minutes.  They told us there was another location in Dogenzaka, or next to SHIBUYA109, with no wait time so we headed there….
Definitely would recommend going here.  Price isn’t too bad either depending on the size of your meal. 
3.  Jiromaru –  A friend, Patrick Leong, who was there at the same time actually recommended this place to us.  It’s a small Yakiniku (Japanese meat grilling) restaurant located in the Shinjuku area.  Ste, Joseph, Enrique and I got there around 3:30PM and there wasn’t a long queue luckily.   They serve Grade A1 to A5 beef with vegetable condiments.  You can either have your own grill or 2 people to one grill.  Great place if you’re meeting someone for a quick yakiniku meeting after work or with a friend.
Somewhere in Shinjuku area…
  I was too busy to keep grilling to keep up with what beef cut was what…
Did I mention it’s a standing bar/grill….
So much marbling… it’s like eating butter…
Beef pron..
This was our bill for 2 people… not bad at all for an afternoon snack…
4.  7-Eleven, Family Mart, etc. –  If you’re in a rush, grab breakfast, lunch, or dinner from any of these convenience stores.  They have pastries, hot/cold beverages, energy jelly drinks (recommended!), and other candies/treats.
I think I grabbed a steamed pizza or pork bun every morning…
5.  Coco Curry Ichibanya –  If you’re a fan of curry, you should definitely try this place out.  It’s interior reminds you of Denny’s but they serve curry with pretty much anything.  There are a few in Japan and I definitely recommend it.
  I should’ve taken a photo prior to eating but forgot… but this was katsu curry with a fried egg…
6.  Dominique Ansel Bakery (Omotesando) –  Joseph’s friend actually recommended this place to us while we were in the Omotesando area.   It’s by the famous inventor of the cronut, Dominique Ansel.   There are other locations around the world and there was even one in the states, NYC to be exact.  We went around noon and it wasn’t packed at all.  The cronut was super crisp but hard af… not sure if that’s how they are supposed to be but after you’re able to cut them with the weak plastic knife, some jizz (not sure what it was), oozes out.  Hesitantly ate it and it was pretty good.
Cronuts were 600Y each… 
Other pastries…
7.  Ichiran Ramen –  Any chance I get, I will visit Ichiran Ramen.  They’re coin machine operated with private eating stalls located all over Japan.  Also open 24 hrs.
Things to do and places to visit in Tokyo 1.  Tsukiji Fish Market –  I know I’ve already mentioned this but I’ll just mention it again.  Lots of great photo opps and lots of places to eat.  I went twice on this trip…
2.  Random Roof Tops –  Don’t get caught going up to a roof top illegally.   You will be arrested and detained lol.  It’s cool if you can find access to some.
3.  Shibuya Crossing –  A definite must do if you’ve never been.
4.  Odaiba –  Diver City, Gundam, Toyota Megaweb, Rainbow bridge view, Sega Arcades, etc.  You can spend a full day site seeing here.
5.  Harajuku / Ometasando–  Fashion district for teens.  A few cafes here and there. Takeashita street is the place to google for.
6.  Akihabara –  Known for their electronic shops and toys for otakus, there are lots of stores around here if you need to shop for souvenirs.
7.  Shinjuku –  Check out the Red Light district at night but stay away from the Nigerian guys that lead you into bars.
I’m probably leaving a bunch more places out but these are the places I recently went on this trip.  Check out the itinerary on Part 1 and make your own accordingly.   Below are random photos from the trip.  Cheers!
35mm Life……
After Sushi Dai, we walked around…
It was early morning so people were still getting their fish ready…
Patrick and Steven went to Sushi Daiwa and we caught up with them afterwards…
Enrique staying warm as possible…
Paul was part of the Sushi Daiwa crew with Patrick and Steven… Paul doesn’t look cold at all…
Early mornings at Tsukiji Fish Market…
The scenery before consumers and tourists take over…
Our roof top view at our Airbnb in Akasaka…
Joseph roof top shooting…
I was super tired from Sushi Dai so I slept for a few hours…
Afterwards, I met up with Enrique and we headed to Odaiba…
We originally went for Toyota Megaweb….
But they were closed -_- 
So we went to check out the Gundam one last time before they take it down in March…
Lots of older tourists were there… I don’t think they knew what they were taking photos of…
Then we headed over to Aqua City… 
A beautiful vew of Rainbow Bridge… 
  iphone Life…
That’s pretty much it for Journey to Tokyo (2017).  Will there be another Japan series this year?  Hard to say but anything is possible.   Thanks for reading and checking out the blog as usual.  If you have any suggestions of your own or corrections to my post, please comment!
http://www.danhphan.com http://www.danhphanphoto.wordpress.com http://www.instagram.com/dtphan
Gear: Nikon D750 Sigma 35mm f1.4 Iphone 6
  Journey to Tokyo (2017): Part 6 – Recommended Places to Eat and Visit "What restaurants did you go to in Tokyo?  How do you get there?  Places to visit in Tokyo?  
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takohikisushi · 2 years
World’s Best Sushi Restaurants outside Japan that you must visit
Sushi is not merely a dish but an addiction that has conquered the whole globe in the last 50 years. It is an incredibly great refined food that has a lot to choose from. It has taken Japan by storm with the elevating reminiscence. Here is the list of the top 15 sushi restaurants across the world. 
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New York 
Bar Masa 
The main restaurant named Masa across the whole globe is one of the most incredible restaurants. Though it has a hefty price tag for the full menu say USD 450, it is better to visit omakase for the same if you want a budgeted sushi treat for yourself of the same quality. 
Sushi Yasuda
Offering you a choice between seven grades to tuna fattiness, Sushi Yasuda is one of the purest sushi bars with bamboo, wood, and whatnot. It endows the customers with delectable seafood being the best place for a sushi lunch in Manhattan’s midtown. It is similar to Belgium Sushi Restaurant Tako Hiki which is another wonder a sushi restaurant should explore. 
San Francisco
When you visit San Francisco, go for Akiko without any second thought. The seafood they offer to your table always comes from the local fishermen. The second source of their seafood ingredients is the Tsukiji fish market in Tokyo. Do not stuff your tummy with nigiri only however you should try their famous rolls named negitoro with tuna belly, sesame, pickled, and spring onion.
Dinings SW 3 
You will find delectable wonders made with the hands of Chef Sugisaki including fatty tuna, black cod, Cornish lobster, and whatnot. Grab a six-place sushi counter and reserve your seats there to relish the incredible culinary wonders that I have found at this Sushi Restaurant Near Me.
One of the oldest family restaurants in London, Kiku is situated in the middle of Mayfair. This restaurant offers 29 various types of nigiri right from razor clam to abalone. The bonus point here is that you get every dish under 100 pounds. Avail of their thirteen courses and enjoy the luxury dining. 
Tako Hiki
Situated in the heart of Aarschot, Tako Hiki delivers the Best Sushi in Belgium. Right from Dim sums to Belgium Sushi Bar, this restaurant offers the best Japanese delicacies across the globe. They endow the customers with immense satisfaction with loads of choices available at their doors. It is worth having a bite at a table reserved at Tako Hiki, the most incredible Belgium Sushi Restaurant. 
Sushi B
If you are seeking to dine in a sophisticated place in Paris, nothing can be a better place than Sushi B. It serves the customers with a lot of variety while being a serene place that has a minimalistic atmosphere, zen décor, and impeccable dining. Get everything from sushi to crockery at this impeccable restaurant. 
Sushi Okuda
Chef Okuda got his training from Koju which is a lavish sushi place to visit in Tokyo. You can taste the magic of his hands at his restaurant. Tasting the authenticity in food here will take you one step closer to the roots of Japan. Not merely food, but this restaurant has also imitated Japanese flowers, textiles, plants, and architecture too. 
If intimacy and quality are on top of your priorities list when choosing a sushi restaurant in Berlin, you must head to this sushi studio. It is situated in Prenzlauer Berg which is too awesome to be visited. Pay a visit to this restaurant and relish the best taste. 
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Visiting any of these restaurants will need to follow three simple rules listed below. 
Either eat with fingers or go for chopsticks, don’t cut a piece into bites. 
Don’t dip sushi in soy sauce and wasabi rather add some drops of it on the fishy side. 
Greet the chef in a friendly manner and pay respect to that culinary artist. 
Tako Hiki Sushi Sashimi Bar Bogaardenstraat 22, 3200 Aarschot, Belgium +32 16 90 44 72
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rfung8 · 6 years
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Taiwan’s “Tsukiji” Market . Addiction Aquatic Develpment is what I imagine the next itineration of Japan’s famed Tsukiji Fish Market to be like . Clean, modern, and very tourist-friendly, Addiction Aquatic Seafood is best known for their live seafood, take-out sushi bento boxes, and their standing bar sushi area . The standing bar area gets very busy, but a battalion of sushi chefs prepare orders with expertise . 📷 Live Sashimi and Sushi Nigiri Set . Presentation is a 10, but prices can add up, its cash only and quality is a step below Japan or other top tier dedicated omakase restaurants you’ve been . #instafood #foodstagram #foodspotting #yelp #yelptaipei #eater #eatertaipei #eatfamous #bestfoodbayarea #topcitybites #topfoodnews #tastethisnext #addictionaquaticdevelopment #omakase #fishmarket #sushi #sashimi #🍣 #nigiri #seafood #taiwaneats #taipeieats #taiwanesefood #feedfeed #eeeeeats #foodie #foodporn #foodpics #foodgasm #travel (at Addiction Aquatic Development)
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cheftomica · 5 years
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Sushi bar practice day at Tokyo Sushi Academy. Such a fun day practicing being a sushi chef. Learned so much at the Academy and after the exams starting to be more confident doing the sushi 🍣 @tokyosushiacademy #tokyosushiacademy #tokyo #japan #sushiclass #sushichef #japanesecuisine #japanesefood #sushi #omakase #chefslife (at Tokyo Sushi Academy Tsukiji Branch) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5IJo-QJz3F/?igshid=1kyczi1hv10ul
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isushipr · 6 years
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Since #isushipr offers the freshest #sushi #sashimi and #omakase well #beyond the quality of any other restaurant in all of #puertorico with #freshfish from #tsukiji #japan we are now pleased to offer the pinnacle of all sake.... #dassaibeyond - in our @isushipr #condado #sanjuan location, we also have #dassai #dassai23 and #dassai50 (at ISushi Asian Bistro)
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thisgirlabroad · 7 years
Sushi Katsura: Where you should be eating at the Tsukiji Fish Market
Sushi Katsura: Where you should be eating at the Tsukiji Fish Market [REVIEW]
I was told to get to the Tsukiji Fish Market early (like, 5:00 am early), so that we could queue up for one of the sushi bars for breakfast. The two restaurants that were recommended to me were Sushi Dai and Daiwa Sushi. After doing a bit more research and reading nightmare reviews of people queuing for up to four hours for an overly priced, mediocre omakase sushi breakfast, there was no way I…
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kteatstheworld · 8 years
Iwasa Sushi, Tsukiji Fish Market (岩佐寿し)
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Tsukiji Market is home to some of the freshest sushi in Tokyo, with a huge range of restaurants to dine at. Some of the more popular ones have queues with more than a couple hours wait, due to their limited seats.
After walking around the main area, I found this restaurant just off the side street, with a very small line, so thought I’d go for it.
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The staff and diners were all Japanese, with the bare minimum spoken english. There wasn’t even an english menu, but it wasn’t necessary as I had already decided to have their Omakase set menu.
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Being bench seats surrounding the chef's 'kitchen', the dining space you have is limited. I don't know what else was on their menu, but I don't think anyone would be ordering more than one dish!
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The miso soup had little pipis in it, adding an interesting flavour to the broth. It was odd, but nice.
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I don’t know what I was served, but all the different pieces were unique in flavours and quite tasty. I had trouble holding the nigiri with my chopstick, and the gentleman next to me assured (using hand gestures) that using my fingers was perfectly okay!
The only other issue I had, was that there was far too much wasabi on each piece - at least, for me anyway! The chef and other diners around me did get a chuckle out of every time I scrunched my nose from the intense wasabi heat. 
The atmosphere was bustling and while it felt a little rushed at times, the staff and diners were very casual and laid-back.
Iwasa Sushi (岩佐寿し) 5 Chome-2-1 Tsukiji, Chuo, Tokyo 104-0045, Japan +81 3-3544-1755 Website / Facebook
Hours: Monday - Friday // 5:30am - 2:30pm Saturday // 5:30am - 3:00pm Sunday // CLOSED
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savetopnow · 7 years
2018-03-16 05 FOOD now
Ask Culinary
What kind of pan for Oven-proof frying?
layer cake - make 2 cakes, or make 1 and cut it?
When mixing a waffle batter, how do you tell that you mixed it to perfection? How do you avoid overmixing?
Need help with pickled green chillies recipe
I'm making homemade manicotti tonight, filling question.
Belly Over Mind
Soba Noodles With Maple Carrot Dressing and Grapefruit
Flourless White Chocolate and Hazelnut Cake
Homemade Ginger Beer
Sukeli and Kakvi Banana Bread
Harissa Ragu With Garlicky Tomatoes and Crispy Green Chickpeas
Binging with Babish
Bar Essentials | Basics with Babish
Binging with Babish: Pineapple-Curry Fried Rice from Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma
Binging with Babish: Clementine Cake from The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Eggs | Basics with Babish
Binging with Babish: Tamales from Coco
Food Porn
[OC] A Smashburger [640x800]
Tagliatelle with Chicken and Mushrooms with a creamy sauce and truffle oil[1982x2643]
[I Ate] 5 different types of tuna sushi. Tsukiji Market, Tokyo, Japan. [OC] [2560x1440]
Magnificent Belgian waffles with ice cream, almond flakes, raspberry and chocolate [960x1280]
Uni and sweet shrimp on rice with gold flakes. One of the top Omakase experiences I’ve had [3024x4032]
Gordon Ramsay
Hypocritical Owner Tries to Criticise Gordon Ramsay For Swearing! | Hotel Hell
Even The Owners Hate The Food! | Hotel Hell
Gordon Finds a Cheesecake That "Looks Like a LANDMINE" | Hotel Hell
Gordon Ramsay Finds DRIED BLOOD On His Bed Sheet | Hotel Hell
Gordon Ramsay Storms Out After Having Enough of Delusional Owner | Hotel Hell
Reddit Food
[I ate] fried chicken, cheese, bacon, and maple syrup on a donut bun.
[homemade] I made a few 40oz prime tomahawks.
[I ate] Wafels with nutella, caramel and pecans
[Homemade] Mini Egg Cake
[Homemade] Hasselback chicken with spinach and goat cheese accompanied by fried green tomatoes and a tomato dill bechamel
Tending the Table
Epic Savory Breakfast Bowl
Palm Springs
Millet Polenta with Spring Vegetables and Greens from Simply Vibrant
Horchata Mocha Latte
Chyawanprash Pecan Butter Bites
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