#tt drama
hl-obsessed · 11 months
Hi! No hate, just curious what you think Louis meant with that reply. I’m feeling kind of hurt and would love a different interpretation. Thanks!
Ok so this is long one, anon.
An this is my letter of complain to the fandom. I'm disappointed in you guys.
(this might be a little chaotic but bare with me)
Louis isn't stupid - that's first of all. He knows damn good what he's doing.
Second - we actually know shit. We have no idea what he was actually talking about.
But if we taking this as Larry and Parma ham thing and clearly denying this, then here we go:
You talking about how weird it was that he told us day before that he's going to be on for a chat.
Especially when he spent time on social medias yesterday liking and commenting on posts. He could have just start replying to the questions on tt because there are hundreds everyday just waiting for him, and fandom would catch on him being online in seconds and would start asking things immediately. There wasn't actually reason for this unless... it been step up.
Set up that someone form above could monitor things, his every step, every move.
There probably was sheet ready with questions he had to answer. Babygate, denying Larry, usual shit.
Maybe there was one answer for one song he pulled out on tour.
One for 505, one for 7, one for HIM in Back To You. Or one for songs and another ones for lights, one for blue and green, other for rainbow ones.
We think he just did that because he could and wanted to. What if he went for an agreement, that he can do this but he will have to make some comments denying all this in the future.
1 for us and 1 for antis and all the aprrences that they are keeping of him for years.
And you're treating him like he isn't the first victim in all of this. He was put in the closet, he had to sign off contract for kid to protect everything what's important to him and hid it even deeper.
You all getting pissed like he killed your mothers, and you fucking forget that's it's not about you. Larry is him, it's them. It thier lives. He can say whatever shit he wants because it is about him.
And break up with ealnor? You thought this wouldn't have consequences? Third question is maybe exactly for that.
He can do so much that is screaming Larry over and over again, for weeks on tour, and you hanging him for one comment.
True that people only see you mistakes, no matter how much good you do.
You all thinking he's stupid and he get mad to the point he didn't even saw he answered to the wrong tweet.
No one fucking thinks he did it on purpose?
Chicken in parma ham is so important, it always was. What if they made him answer Larry question and he answered wrong one on purpose, because he knew it will get enough or even more attention that way. The Above will check it out on thier list and move on, but he known real fans will know the truth.
That he didn't actually write it under right question on purpose, that he didn't actually mess with original meaning of this.
Great to see that you all are turing against him instead of thinking what he could mean by that.
I was searching for this quote when he said the fans can listen to what he's truly saying between the lines.
He doing so much cryptic shit and you are getting hung up on one fucking thing he said. Thing he probably HAD TO say.
I'll be up for the chat was a warning. I'll be up under supervision. I might say things you don't like but i had to say it. You know me, i know you, and i know you lot know how to read between the lines.
And you're giving him what for that?
There is that saying that there's no difference how they're talking about you, what's important is that they are talking.
Another box checked, Louis is trending on twitter.
You often say how brilliant his mind is and how you love the way he's thinking.
And now what, you think he just straight away get pissed, went stupid with it, and shoot rude comment at one of his fans because of what?
He's public person. He has to keep appearances. He's forced to keep an image they where building for years.
He often says how important we are to him. He wouldn't just lasched out like that on the fan, to silence stupid theories. Especially when this never works.
From time to time there is some comment that seems to be harsh. But you don't just hate him for that, especially when he does so much loud things that says otherwise.
He's tying to protect this. Them. Us. With keeping both sides happy. Can't you see that?
I'm so pissed at you guys right now.
And i'm going to protect this boy to the grave, at all costs.
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buckymilf · 2 years
Saw that comment on Twitter about that actress being the female bucky, like.. bitch she wishes she had Sebastian's range 🤣
maybe if she at least knew how to act and have an emotional range maybe i could see her as a female bucky, but no, some ppl in hollywood can't act for shit and are not deserved to play my fem bucky 😔
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cirkkaa · 2 years
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learn to trust
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bu99erfly · 11 months
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lessenedhope · 1 month
I think I downloaded the wrong game chat
what is this😂😂👎👎👎
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style change lmao
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au by @geoffparty uhrr
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angel1tez · 6 months
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I make content for the target audience of myself
Varigo -> Alenoah au. i actually have a whole tangled x td au which maybe I’ll post more of
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toad-games · 8 days
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Discord sillies prompted further fanart.
Lucy may be a vampire now, but she’d still like to finish her degree. Even if that means doing a group project with her bodyguard situationship and a prolific vampire hunter.
“I am not going to do a group project with you,” whispered Nathan, his scowl so deep it created two furrows bracketing his nose.
“Then you shouldn’t have followed me to class,” she hissed, “how long have you been stalking me?”
Nathan looked away, and for a moment she thought she saw a flash of guilt in his dark eyes. “I thought you were feeding on students here.”
“You’d probably get a good caffeine buzz if you did,” said Iliya conversationally, “and I have my suspicions about that one,” he nodded towards a boy who was talking animatedly to the girl next to him. His rapid steam of consciousness seemed interesting enough, judging by the girl’s expression, though his eyes were half lidded and red rimmed.
“If we snacked on him we’d be in for a very good time,” said Iliya with a toothy grin.
“And why are you here, exactly?” Demanded Nathan, “are you also enrolled in Introduction to Poetry?”
“I go where Lady Blackwell goes. Besides I do not need a class to enjoy poetry,” said Iliya, reclining in the cheaply upholstered seat with his arms behind his head, “but if I was, I would get A for sure.”
Anyway go play Thicker Than by @barbwritesstuff
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varidoodle · 3 months
An Au where the Dark Kingdom never fell but its Brotherhood! Varian x Theif!Hugo
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Thinking thoughts….so many thoughts.
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maturing is realizing that chef is prolly the most underrated gen 1 character lol
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oufrelou · 11 months
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st4rstudent · 2 months
Will we ever meet Bobby JR in Person?
Because I have no Idea how to draw him since I don't know how tall he is or how old he is.
Like is he a 5 or 6 Year Old Kid?
Is he born just a Regular Child or born a Prodigy?
And will he like Bear Toons? Since he Love anything related to Bears?
Like he will go crazy that any Products like Food and Toys including Clothing that has a Bear on it.
I can't properly answer any of these, since I'm not apart of the team or anything, so everything I say after this is purely speculation and/or just random thoughts. I assume that, even if Bobby Jr is not added physically into the game, he'll be mentioned plenty of times (especially around April Toons with Thomas's dialogues). Especially if Crystalline is added to the game, since it's been established that the entire Cyger family has some issues going on. As for height, you can kind of estimate his height based on this photocard of him and the Chairman. He's shorter than the Chairman (who has an ingame model that can be compared to other managers). I assume he's at most half of Chairmans height. Do NOT leave him outside with a giant hawk. He's very obviously a child, I always imagine an age that's somewhere in the early-middle of elementary school, like maybe 7 or 8? Truthfully I only assign age ranges to characters, not specific numbers, makes it easier. Either way, I can't see him being in middle school yet.
I think the idea of him seeing a bear toon and getting really excited would be kind of funny. He ends up having to be dragged away by Robert.
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totaltrauma · 10 months
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this one gets its own post because i like the art a lot. tagging as a spoiler just in case.
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aliciasinferno · 5 months
Here's something for the Tangled and the Vat7k fandom
Stop dumping hate on ships you don't like
There are so many great ships with Varian
Cassarian, Varipunzel, Eugerian, Varalina, Varigo and a LOT more
Let people write and draw what they want
And when you don't like it, block the tags, nothing is forcing you to look at it
Stop the toxicity
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emmstdi · 7 months
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pspspspsp tumblr, hey, i’m not dead papapsps
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winterdusktales · 1 year
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koo junhoe debuts as an actor as yang jinho in true to love (bora! deborah)
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wahgifs · 2 years
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i can't hear your voice in this song. i want to hear what you're really into. — my school president (2022) | episode nine
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