#ttte and among us
happyspookysteamer · 2 years
Among Us Featuring Leonhard and his Family
Leonhard: Leon
Erika: Skinny Aubergine
Christian: Flitzer
Annie: I'm O.k
Heidi: GOAT
Edith: Cherry
Josef: Boogie Pyjamas
(Hope everything is readable)
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Just for those that wanna know:)
Leonhard: Bavarian G5/5
Erika: Bavarian S2/6
Christian: InterCityExpress 4
Jannik: Bavarian Gts/ 2x3/3
Heidi: Modified Factory Number 1982 Drachenfelsbahn Lokomotive Number 1
Annie: Deutsche Bahn class 218
Opa Hartmut: Lokomotive Pegnitz Nürnberg-Fürth Bavarian Ludwigsbahn
Edith: Pfälzische L1
Josef: Virginian EL-C
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magentasky234 · 3 months
Meet Thomsus!
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A friend gave me a Thomas head a few years ago, and I've finally got around to doing something with it.
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old-square-wheels · 2 years
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Based on this v
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ghosthunter0904 · 1 year
Drawing my favorite fandom that i follow
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Ok, you may ask "what the oldest and the newest fandom that i follow ?" Right ? (Even i know no one will ask), well here are the list the fandom and when i start to follow :
MLP (Start follow at 2019)
BATIM (Start follow at 2019)
TTTE (Start follow at 2020)
Countryhuman (Start follow at 2020)
Creepypasta (Start follow at 2020)
Sonic (Start follow at 2021)
Among Us (Start follow at 2021)
Happy Tree Friend (Start follow at 2021)
Stumble Guy (Start follow at 2022)
Welcome Home (Start follow at 2023)
Welp, thats all for now, have nice day!
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fanficfish · 1 year
My ttte ranch Au but they're playing Among Us
or as I like to call it, virtual Knife Monopoly. Because it ruins friendships and lasts too long half the time and there's always one goo player who wins in like five seconds.
No they don't really have PCs in my AU but it was funny.
Thomas is the one accusing everyone. Usually whenever pisses him off first or annoyed him that day. It's usually James he targets. He also usually tries to kill James first, and is a terrible liar.
james in turn likes to kill Thomas first but goes for the stabby if he gets the chance. He rushes into his kills but often doesn't think them through. He always loudly defends himself, but often goes quiet if he's the imposter (he's getting better at that). He always choose red.
edward doesn't play much but when he does he likes to become a ghost so he can watch everyone. He finds it mildly amusing watching everyone shouting during the meetings. He's the one actually doing tasks and when he's imposter he's decent (not grea, he l's not the best with navigating)
henry is the one that plays as the engineer to confuse people on purpose. He likes being imposter so he can stab everyone (he watched too much How to Get Away with Murder)
gordon is the one with a level 60 character and has all the payable cosmetics. He's good because he practiced but prefers being a regular crew mate. Much less confusion.. He does like being an Angel though. He also likes the scientist role.
Percy always fights Henry for green. Luckily they added Like as a color so now Henry gets like or Cyan and Percy gets green. Percy is the one who can lie through his teeth and also likes to put Henry under the bus when he gets a chance. (Once he gave his crew mate a scarf and told Henry he "only had a short neck anyways, you wouldn't understand") when Henry complained that crew mates didn't need scarves)
toby plays as a shapeshifter whenever he gets the chance. He likes causing chaos. nuff said. Also he's good by luck and pure luck only
duck is naturally good. He sucks at lying but he's effective. He and Gordon are a terror duo and heaven forbid there are three imposters- they bad a round with Gordon, Duck, and Toby and all hell broke loose (the game was over in like a minute)
Donald and Douglas are also scary as a pair. They like to choosing matching colors (banana and yellow, coral and orange, etc) and often switch who's playing what to confused people. They've also named themselves something one of the others would name themselves and pretended to be them- basically shapeshifters but more confusing. Douglas likes being an Angel and Donald likes being a Scientist.
oliver likes to play it quiet and usually just floats around doing tasks. That makes him the scariest imposter- no one realizes when it's him because he's sneaky and stays quiet unless prompted. When Percy and Henry don't play, he and Duck take their colors.
Emily has figured out how to get Fontagreen as her color and no one knows how im but she has. She's not telling how (Toby knows) and the others are too afraid to ask. Especially when she's generally not the most tech smart.
sir Topham Hatt is actually quite good but decided to not telll his employees he played. Edward sometimes lets him play in his place and the two have a good laugh about it during their weekly afternoon teas
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meanscarletdeceiver · 4 months
was rereading some of your Ao3 work and had a thought, if Nobby, or any preserved engine for that matter went the way of "passing on" i.e the face fading away as mentioned in "Departure", do you reckon they'd be kept around, or would they be scrapped? I'm not majorly active on Tumblr so apologises if this has been answered somewhere that I've missed, but I was curious.
That's an interesting question (though repeats are fine, dw)! My fics are never necessarily in the same universe unless noted, and for the Nobbyverse in particular I really did remake my mental image of the TTTE world from the ground up - I've never considered 'departure' in the context of that series (excepting only that I supposed poor 115's spirit would have passed on after being buried and abandoned) - so for me this is a new angle to examine.
And I'm cackling a little up my sleeve, because this actually sounds like a great plot set-up… if you own a preserved engine and its spirit has 'passes on,' you've probably fucked up, and very publicly too.
A preserved engine whose animation faded away would lose a great deal of its appeal for the public. I generally suppose that engine sapience has become rarer and rarer over the years of mass-production and cheap-ass maintenance, so in-universe part of the glamour associated with 'the old days' is that people yearn for the times when trains were alive. You go to a transport museum in part to show your kids what a talking vehicle is like because most kids don't meet them anywhere else.
Furthermore, although the general public could certainly get used to visiting 'dead' engines, just like seeing dinosaur skeletons... they aren't used to it because unalive preserved engines are almost unheard-of. Engine spirits 'depart', not out of any old unhappiness but specifically because they believe that they are no longer needed in this world. An engine who knows that they are being preserved for posterity is wildly unlikely to believe that.
But I'm sure it happens, especially for the sort of engines sitting in storage for years on end, waiting for some sort of overhaul or opportunity. However even in those cases it really doesn't take that much care to avoid a 'departure' - machines are like camels when it comes to attention! They are hugely inclined to err on the side of believing they matter to humans. So long as someone visits them regularly with assurance and keeps 'em clean and dry, they are capable of waiting in readiness for quite a long time.
So the norm is that engines are preserved alive and stay alive. Any 'departure' is so abnormal that rail enthusiasts would be pissed. Questions Will Be Asked. Either some heads or gonna roll, or the owning institution's name is going to be mud among railfans.
Thus, if I'm in charge of the York Railway Museum and my staff reports one morning that Coppernob's soul seems to have 'passed on' in the night, I'm gonna be in panic mode.
Which, even as I type this and you read it, we both know means that Nobby has definitely faked them out at some point or another.
If an engine has really 'departed,' however, I expect they're immediately tarp'd ("she's, errm - she's having a nap! 🙃 ") and moved into storage a.s.a.p., where either attempts are made to coax their spirit back, or else the owners hope that the public eventually forgets about them. There are still people who would be interested even in the lifeless body, but too bad for them, they will have a hell of a time ever seeing it now because things will usually be so lock-and-key.
And that brings us to Boxhill, maybe… (? 🤔)
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mintydeluxes-blog · 7 months
Man to Engine
The story is that both controllers of northern railways suddenly became engines. With no knowledge of how to change back Decide to keep it a secret in hope they figure out how until then, they now live their lives with their engine, but controlling over the railway isn't the same a riding among it rails ( Please note this is mostly from the tv series)
Bertrem the Stanier black 5 aka Sir Topem Hat: When he turned into an engine, he'd definitely freaked out. Especially since he's a lot bigger than he ever was as a human.
But once he calmed down, he looked at things from a logical standpoint and used the opportunity to work with his engine he is strict but funny and fair. He cares for his engines like his own kids. Normally, he's also their authority figure, but the engine see him as a bossy boiler. Regardless, He doesn't stand bullies and is more willing to face anyone if anything happens to his engines
He can be forgetful at times if not a bit hasty, but he knows better than to cause confusion and delay
Peregrine the narrow gauge engine, aka Mr. Percival: When he woke up, he was literally screaming. because he was blind as a bat and can't feel his arms. It wasn't until Sir handel found him in an abandoned shed. Once he's calmed down and realized that he became an engine, well, he was pretty hesitant but willing to work. He is a lot like sir topem hat As he also see the engines as his sons. But he remains Stern and focuses on the job ahead, yet he is worried about who is taking his place at the moment.
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anonymousboxcar · 1 year
TTTE Headcanon: Duke Makes A Friend
CW: references to past abandonment
As Duke undergoes a restoration/rebuild at Crovan’s Gate Works following his 1969 rescue, I like to think his granchuffs visit him when they can, as well as the other SR engines. But they can’t always be there. And after years of isolation, I think Duke could be a bit sensitive to this. What if he’s feeling a little lonely?
What if a certain LNWR Large Bloomer class engine, rescued in the early ‘70s, arrives for his own restoration?
We don’t know the exact date of Bloomer’s rescue, but “early ‘70s” doesn’t rule out 1971 or 1972. And since Duke was in his shed for 22 years, I think his restoration could take a year or more. The timelines match up well enough for this to be feasible, in my opinion.
And feasibility aside, I think this idea is fun. I like to imagine Bloomer as someone who talks your ear off at the market, but also helps you haggle better prices with a wink and a smile. That sort of personality rubbing up against Duke could make for interesting interactions.
The way I see it, Duke is a little overwhelmed by his sudden re-exposure to the world. He’s still himself, but a bit more withdrawn. He’s trying to take it all in, trying to catch up in peace and quiet. And then Bloomer shows up.
(Sir Handel stops by, only to find Bloomer rambling about the weather. He retreats before Duke’s glazed-over stare turns to him.)
Once Duke recovers from his Bloomer-sized jolt, he grows annoyed. He almost snaps at Bloomer. In addition, he hasn’t been around an engine close to his age since his early MSR days. Mentoring comes easily to Duke, but he’s unsure and even a little afraid here.
But as they spend more time together, Duke realizes that Bloomer is also overwhelmed. He’s talking so much because he’s trying to push past his own feelings of disorientation and falling behind. He too is craving company, an equal peer and friend, after years of isolation. He was in a shed for even longer than 22 years.
So Duke softens towards Bloomer, beginning to engage with him. (At least, when he can get in a word edgewise.) He offers stories from his old railway and they discuss “the old days.” He finds they have a similar sense of humor, laughing with him over their little practical jokes on younger engines.
The two prove to be — despite the betting pool among the repair crews — balancing influences. Duke allows himself to befriend (not mentor or parent, but befriend) engines of his age and experience. Bloomer finds he doesn’t have to rush things, that he can live at a slower pace and not miss out on life.
Duke’s restoration is complete before Bloomer’s, but he makes a point of visiting Bloomer when he can. In turn, Bloomer writes to him once he’s taking his easygoing special trains, sending his correspondence on the most outlandish postcards he can find.
They get connecting trains with each other every now and then, happy to chat and tease the uppity young engines around them.
(Sir Handel doesn’t notice Peter Sam’s frantic cutting looks, nor the shadow falling over him. “And what good is that old dawdler, anyways? I say he’s corrupting Grandpuff.”
“Nah,” Bloomer says on the other side of the platform.
He jumps, jolting back on his rails. “What — but you’re supposed—”
“To not be here? Some of us endeavor to arrive early when we can,” Duke says, right behind him. “You should try it sometime.”
Sir Handel shoots forward with a strangled yelp.
“Ah, Duke! Thanks for your tips on this part of the island. It was a grand help.”
“It was the least I could to repay your advice about quiet running.”
Peter Sam chokes back a laugh, looking as though he’s trying to hold a frog in his mouth.)
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whumpster-fire · 2 years
Headcanons about RWS/TTTE characters' idea of geographic identity, inspired by an earlier thread about engines identifying with their class vs railway vs works location vs country or state.
Thomas I think sees himself as a Sudrian engine through and through. Whatever interesting circumstances brought him to the NWR by accident, they happened very early in his life, and the best I can tell it seems like he's a weird experimental E2 with a shortened wheelbase or something? So possibly he was always intended to be shipped off somewhere else for the war effort. Instead he found himself on a railway full of leased engines and ones inherited from the railways merged into the NWR.
Edward was built in Scotland, but if you asked him I think he'd say he was a Furness Railway engine, and he supposed English if it came down to it - not necessarily out of any stigma against being Scottish but because of a sense that his home was more important than his birthplace. However looking at the roster of F.R. Engines... jeez, there's a lot of Sharp, Stewart, and Co. and North British Locomotive Company engines. Makes me think maybe the F.R. had more Scottish influence than Edward ever realized because he went from Glasgow to a railway full of other Glasgow-built engines from the same works as him. He's an engine of the NWR now, but Edward had to watch his railway slowly die to grouping from right next door, and he certainly considers the few other surviving Furness engines family.
Henry, like Thomas, uhh... doesn't feel much connection to his roots. He was a one-off, and given that whoever built him was using stolen Gresley plans but due to some combination of being built from drawings that weren't built by Gresley for a reason and his builders changing things to make it less obvious that they ripped off Gresley without knowing what they were doing, they messed him up. I imagine there was some... secrecy around his construction and he was not really socialized with other engines at whatever sketchy shop built him or on any railway, until they managed to offload him to some desperate sucker in a top hat who'd take any cheap engine.
However, Henry then ended up around Gordon, who's a proud Gresley Doncaster Engine, and probably a bunch of the early-NWR loaners had siblings they were built alongside back on their home lines. Pre-rebuild I imagine he felt like he was missing out on that sense of belonging and missed being a proper brother to Gordon. So aside from physically being healed by his Crewe rebuild, I think Henry really liked having a proper "Works Family," and would have stayed in touch with them. Sadly I'm not sure who among those are still around - it looks like while a bunch of Black 5s were preserved the only Crewe one not built in the 1940s was No. 5000, who was built in March 1935 and would probably have been out the door very shortly after Henry arrived.
Gordon is the one out of the first six NWR engines who feels the strongest connection with his Works. Gordon takes his "family name" and heritage quite seriously, not just out of gloryhound tendencies but because he was a prototype who was never given a proper number on his railway and essentially used for testing, but he was there for a couple years and got to interact with his siblings before going to Sodor.
James on the other hand, despite having like a decade-long career on the LY&R and then a couple years on the LMS, really doesn't feel connected to it or the Works that built him. James was an experimental prototype like Henry, Gordon, and Thomas, that was offloaded to the NWR for cheap, but James is a deeply insecure and status-conscious engine, and even if I think he was in denial that his design was deemed unsuccessful and the LMS didn't want him for a long, long time, he subconsciously knew. He's an engine who really wanted individuality but was treated like a bog-standard goods engine. Then he got a rebuild that made him "special" and "improved," but instead of being treated like that he was painted black (i.e. the cheapest paint color and the one that dirt doesn't show up on so you don't have to clean an engine as often) and given wooden brake blocks. Honestly the more I think about his pre-Sodor history the more I'm convinced that so much of what's wrong with James is trauma-related. He's desperate to be one of the "important" engines and to be valued and cared about, and I'm suspicious that it's in large part because he was not worth maintaining properly to his previous owners.
And the thing is, James is an engine who reacts to any slight against his ego with defensiveness and anger. I think out of anyone in the main NWR fleet James would feel resentment towards his old railway and builders, and if pressed say they didn't deserve to have his name associated with them.
Percy is the weird little industrial franken-engine who was sold and modified and rebuilt so many times that he doesn't know what he is anymore. I think before Sodor he didn't really have enough of a connection with anywhere to think of it as "home," and he had friends at his various old workplaces but no real family until he came to Sodor.
Then I think there's kind of a cultural divide, where in one way or another most of the early-NWR engines acquired pre-nationalization other than perhaps Edward think of themselves kind of like adopted children - whether they were given up at "birth" like Thomas or Henry, at an early age like Gordon, bounced around like Percy or were tossed aside like James. But post-nationalization they started getting steam engines who'd had much longer careers and had a home railway, and felt more like immigrants or refugees from somewhere else.
Toby I think still identifies with the tramway and harbor where he used to work with his siblings, and out of anyone on the NWR he might be most likely to refer to himself as English.
Duck is, of course, Great Western. He at the very least, even if this isn't universal GWR Culture, believes Railway is more important than Works or Country to an engine's identity, and would strongly discourage making distinctions between the many batches of 5700-Class engines based on whether they were built at Swindon or somewhere else. He became even more of a GWR Patriot after Nationalization, and in his mind if he resents anyone it's the British Rail "outsiders" who took over and messed up his perfectly good railway.
Donald and Douglas are, of course, Scottish. Not Caledonian Railway, even though that was their origin, Scottish. Which kinda makes sense because even if they originated on the Caledonian Railway and were part of it for over a decade, most of their 50-year pre-Sodor lives were spent Post-Grouping on the LMS, and then on the Scottish Region of British Rail.
Oliver is also Great Western, but I agree with others who've said he seems less attached to that identity than Duck, possibly due in part to another decade of being on BR and being officially withdrawn and marked for scrap. Like, he enjoys having the Little Western, but if Duck wasn't on the NWR or he'd escaped to some other heritage line where he was the sole ex-GWR engine I think he might have just gone "I'm part of your railway now."
But what about the diesels? Uhh... I think post-Nationalization because classes of engines were built in multiple locations and sent all over BR, and many classes were big, there was much less regional or railway or even in some cases class identity. Engines from smaller classes might consider all their classmates siblings, but larger classes such as the Class 08s might not. I don't know if Diesel or Mavis would consider a Class 08 or Class 04 built in a different batch at a different works to be family.
...and then there's America, and uhh, I think locational/cultural/regional identity in the US would be at just as much of a clusterfuck for American locomotives as for humans.
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littlewestern · 1 year
✨ pilot and mate, the silver duo, for ship bingo ✨
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Oh boy!
Silver Mate is Silver Pilot’s paired B-unit. He gets a brief mention in the letters, but for the uninitiated: Many of the E5s came in A-B pairs, one cab (A) unit and one cabless (B) unit that was just an engine, no crew compartment or driving cab.
E5-Bs were underpowered compared to their A counterparts and couldn’t really function without help. As you can imagine, when you have a set of engines like this– where one is entirely dependent on the other to work and drive and be Useful– you’ve got a dynamic that’s potentially very interesting!
In the canon of the letter-verse (and it *is* different from ttte despite their similar premises), engine behavior is dictated by your Railway and the way they want to do business, but it’s also codified through continued production. The more of one type of engine that is made, the more your operators learn about how best to handle you. Pilot and Mate are starting behind the eight ball in that regard.
The E5s were the only Es that ever had booster units, and there were only 16 of them ever made. Of those, Pilot and Mate were among the earliest. Their only examples to follow were the single A-B pair that came before them, and those guys are their own stainless steel can of worms.
There is no manual on how to act with an engine that’s really only half an engine, and having no examples to follow means it's your responsibility to make that relationship up as you go along. Too, it has to be amicable enough that your Railway can rely on both of you to be Useful and not constantly be squabbling over the power imbalance inherent in the dynamic. It’s a tough situation to throw a pair of new engines into!
Being quite conflict-avoidant, Pilot’s solution was to just… Treat Mate like he would any other engine. If he’d been paired up with a more domineering B, this might have been a problem, but Mate just wasn’t that guy. When they worked together, they were more or less equals, and Mate liked that just fine. Other Es might have found this relationship strange or even kind of objectionable, but it worked for them.
Mate was a good match for Pilot in that– while Pilot could be something of a doormat the way conflict-avoidant people sometimes are– Mate did not put up with any shit. If you were acting out on his train, he would not hesitate to set you to rights. If he’d treated Mate like just another piece of stock, the cars wouldn’t have listened to him, and that would have eliminated the other benefit of having a B-unit: An engine that watches your back when you need to keep your focus on the tracks.
So suffice to say, they were very close! Pilot was (and still is) a serial complimenter and was not shy about saying nice things to and about his best friend, a position Mate occupied by being hard-working because of the freedom that trust afforded him. Mate played his cards a little closer to the chest, but it would have been obvious to anyone who saw them working together that Mate was quite fond of his A and admired him a lot.
That said… I know you sent me this because what you actually want from me is my bonkers-insane humanized headcanon shipping. And, like Pilot, I can’t stand the thought of disappointing anyone.
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Pilot loves Mate. Of course he does. They’re best friends, they get along like a house on fire, and  they already do everything else together. “It could be so easy,” Pilot thinks. “We could just keep doing this, but more!”
But Mate’s not so easily satisfied. He has it rough, to be fair. For as much freedom as Pilot gives him, no one mistakes who’s the A and who’s the B when they see them together, and other engines aren’t interested in hooking up with the backup unit. It’s annoying when your best friend is facilitating your work life *and* your hookups. So he made it clear to Pilot that there had to be a separation, thin as it was, and Pilot respected that. It was the one thing Mate had control over, so he took it all the way to the smelters.
But wrecked cars have been rebuilt before. Who’s to say engines couldn’t be as well?
In a scenario where the museum opts to rebuild their star attraction a replica B-unit, and miraculously that rebuilt B comes back whole, with all his memories intact… Maybe Newbuild Mate feels a little differently about it now. After all, Pilot’s the reason he’s here. And it turns out Pilot hasn’t really changed that much at all in the intervening 50 years. He’s still this handsome, funny, sweet guy who loved Mate so much and so hard that he brought him back from the dead. A guy could fall in love with an engine like that. And now they’ve got all the time in the world to do it. It’s perfect! Except–
Except Pilot’s got a real boyfriend now. Pilot, the lucky bastard, managed to land himself The Pioneer Zephyr, and it turns out they’re perfect for each other. Fucking hell, Mate thinks. How am I supposed to compete with that? There’s no way… right?
Well. Engines pull consists in all kinds of configurations, and Pioneer knows these guys have history. And when he gets to know him better, Pioneer finds that learning about Mate is essential to understanding the things he likes about Pilot. So Pioneer suggests that it doesn’t have to be one or the other, that Mate’s more than welcome to join them, both of them.
Basically: Everyone gets two boyfriends! :D 
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TTTE First Impressions: S6 Eps 2 and 4
Hello Train Fans of the Internet!
Now that I have this blog, I want to try and make it a habit of recording my thoughts about each episode I watch. From what I've observed, I feel like a lot of the TTTE fandom is composed of people who grew up with the show and/or continued to keep up with it until the end. And while I did watch the model series growing up, I actually don't remember anything that happened. 😅 Re-watching it now feels like watching it for the first time. And so I hope that sharing my thoughts here would provide a new perspective (or at least some entertainment).
First Episode for Discussion: Season 6 Episode 2 "Harvey to the Rescue"
This episode introduces Harvey the Crane Engine! And can I just say, I really like how Harvey's prop looks! Like, I look at him and I just want to pick him up like
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I also like how they gave him more of a round, chubby face. I think it makes him look cute and distinguishes him from the others (outside of the fact that he has a crane on his boiler, but you know)
I really liked the scene where Harvey rescues Percy in the end. That was also really neat. It was cool to watch the crane move and the chains go down and the gears turning. Like, I just think it's really cool! Practical effects rule!
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The one thing I found really odd about this episode is that Edward is... weirdly out of character? They have Edward among the other engines who are judging Harvey for looking weird. And I get that they're going for the whole aesop of "being different makes you special". But like, since when was Edward judgmental? He's one of the nicest engines on this railway! And yet here he's making the comment of "he doesn't even look like an engine". And like, THIS COMING FROM THE GUY WHO RESCUED TREVOR THE TRACTION ENGINE?! WHO DON'T EVEN USE RAILS?
Like I get it that it's a kids' show and you gotta get your aesop in there. But I think you can do it without making characters out-of-character. I think there are ways you could potentially have Edward be suspicious of Harvey without being outright judgy. But that's just my take.
Anyway, we also get another entry for the Jameward Relationship Timeline!
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Look at them with their berths in the shed next to each other! They're so married ❤💙
Next Episode for Discussion: Season 6 Episode 4 "A Bad Day for Harold"
You might be asking me, "Why did you skip episode 3?" I didn't. Amazon's just weird about how they published the episodes. So "No Sleep for Cranky" was published as episode 1 when really it's episode 3, and I watched it thinking it was episode 1 and "Salty's Secret" was episode 2 until I looked up the TvTropes recap.
Anyway, I liked this episode. I love Percy and Harold's dynamic and it's always a treat seeing them together. I know Percy and Thomas are the ones remembered as the Iconic Besties(tm). But in my opinion, I actually think Percy, Toby, and Harold have the most fun and interesting dynamic with each other. Particularly with Percy and Harold, I love how they're the kind of friends who will continuously butt heads and tease each other, but you know that when it comes down to it they'll have each other's backs. And that shows here in this episode too.
I like how Harold asked them to load all the mail in his net so he's "not slow like Percy". It's a neat little callback to that one time Harold roasted him and was like "you're so slow, you should give everyone their stamps back" (which, by the way, is one of my favorite roasts in the whole show so far XD).
Also I think this is Harold's first crash? I watched Seasons 1 - 5 kind of fast so if I missed one previously, feel free to correct me.
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I like the little detail of Harold hovering in close to Percy to thank him. That was a nice touch.
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One last thought, as much as I've been enjoying Alec Baldwin's narration so far, I do REALLY miss the buttery voice George Carlin gave to Harold. Carlin's Harold voice is so needlessly zesty and it adds so much extra flavor to his character. Kinda wish Baldwin kept going in the same direction, but I respect him doing his own thing (at least he gave us Fruity James 💅)
That's all for now! 'Til next time,
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thatcheeseycandle · 6 months
..Sigh.... I have another AU idea.
blame Falcon for the among us brainrot /JOKE /DO NOT ATTACK PEOPLE-
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penname-artist · 1 year
For your "send me stuff" post
Saw your post and since I have been a lurker of your blog for a while, decided to send in a ask. So, in your honest opinion, do you think that somewhere in the Cars/Planes universe, there is a place in the world that is very similar to TTTE? Like an entire area/island/part of the world that's all about trains and their history and is a great historical attraction for the non-rail vehicles.
Oh definitely! I think trains (as well as other machines, boats and I'm sure construction equipment too) kinda have their own "side of the world [of cars]" as it were, so they'd have their own train-oriented cities, communities, and automobile specialties. I imagine a lot of what we see in the World of Cars films of their trains is only the portions that are train-accessible in a non-train-oriented part of their globe. The closer you are to Illinois, however, the heavier the population of trains are, thus the heavier the culture of said trains appears. (Also I know I'm only talking US regions at the moment, but this is definitely also a thing in every other area of the world heavily vested with locomotives)
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And like the parts of the world that we know that have train-access to them, train-oriented cities are likely the same way toward other vehicle types that pass through. Their major attractions especially would have the most vehicle-diversity access built in, for all rumbles of life to visit.
I may have also put this in a previous post or 'Tidbit' recently, but I believe that of all the machinefolk that we know exist, trains are among the oldest (particularly for land-bearing machines), as well as the longest living. Because of how large and heavy they are, they just have a vastly longer lifespan, and likewise seem to live in an entirely alternate realm of time to other vehicles (think the sloths in Zootopia, as an example). Their history would undoubtably be both incredibly long and intricate, as well as mysterious and somewhat mystical. Though their general disposition gives them the advantage of incredible memory, even they are without answers as to who built their first railroads and why. Scientists are fully certain that something other than trains built traintracks, but if trains were the oldest known beings on land, who built the tracks before them? (mm I am loving me some fun train-world lore here XP)
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ghosthunter0904 · 3 months
Hello there, i am hunter and i am new here. Well, i am a student also an artist. Here some of about me ヾ(^-^)ノ
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Here are some OC i made from many fandom:
TTTE: Mikado, Boni and Bobo, Sun, Jaladara, Mak Itam.
Among Us: Azure, Bourbon, Mango, Grape, Olivine, Rose, Seafoam.
Happy Tree Friend:
Stumble Guy:
Welcome Home:
Cookie Run: Lemon Tart Cookie, Red Currant Cookie, Juniper Berry Cookie, Canistel Cookie, Sugar Apple Cookie, Sea Salt Cookie, Sarsaparilla Cookie, Gaharu Tea Cookie, Lavender Honey Cookie, Olong Tea Cookie, The Commander Gang (Bourbon Vanilla Cookie, Rum Maple Cookie, Salted Caramel Cookie, and Blue Wine Cookie).
And here some of my account with some of my OC i have made:
@mysticblogs0942 : For my main story, The Mystical Trains.
@twistedandgore : For my gore and twisted account.
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fanficfish · 1 year
Ttte ranch au but its mdoern
im bored and listened to too much of the Peoclaimers again. Oops.
Main Post
None of this is canon to my au btw its all for funsies. Basically this is if the au was set in a time with like. Computers and cellphones and whatever.
Donald and Douglas have had "I'm Gonna Walk 500 Miles" throb at them so many times by both the other ranch hands (back when they first joined officially) and by visitors who heard their stories (later on). They don't mind, since they get to sing a good excuse to break out into song.
Theyre also the ones who own a shelf full of records and CDs and have a Spotify playlist for everything. They have one made for each person on the ranch that they interact with on a semi regular basis.
duck is into those true crime podcasts. Oliver is mildly terrified for his well-being but can't say anything when he himself has spent hours consumed by the Lords of the Ring. Yes he can speak Elvish, no he doesn't want to talk about if he can remeciste half the books by memory or not.
Gordon FaceTimes his brother, and even some of his cousins, all the tiem. Scott always shows off wherever he is in the world and Gordon grumbles wheneve this phone dies halfway through a call.
James has a tiktok. Undoetunatley.
Edward watches so much Maaterpiece. He's also watched Once Upon a Time. He sometimes even manages to con the others into joining him, and both Gordon and Henry hate that they somewhat enjoyed some of the series. Edward noticed and now there's three people running around on the ranch arguing over Game of Thromes and Downtown Abbey. Good times.
Tony loves monopoly. Especially with Thomas and Percy, with Daisy and Mavis for spice.
thomas has a mild kbsession with chocolate, as does Percy. On Easter and Halloween they can be found logging out kn candy. Toby enables them.
james got a tindr account and made a fiver sometime not long after his TikTok blew up. He defintiely gets small modelling jobs in his spare time, and gets it as a good chance for free cosmetic items.
Duck watches a lot of The Food Network, and some he, Percy, and Thomas have food network marathons. Duck loves Maaterchef, Perfy likes the Great British Baking Show, and Thomas thinks Chooped or Who Beat Bobby Flay are the best. (Man how did I not absorb any info when I watched so much food network? Huh....wild..-)
Duncan is a gamer and he, Rusty. peter Sam, and Sir Handel have some royal Mario kart tournaments. Compete with saltiness and a lot of swearing from certain parties when Rusty beats them all. Fred videos it and laughs.
Among Us
Henry is low-key considering becoming a park ranger. He settles for junior ranger books and the ranch life.
Someone turned the barn into both a wifi hotspot and a Pokémon go stop and everyone is denying this. Especially Donald and Douglas.
Football night is game night on the ranch and nothings stopping it from Happening, ever. Gordon's express doesn't run starting from the last minutes of the pregame show to the next afternoon, mail is delivered by either anyone not watching (usually Emily, she isn't as interested just opinionated on the matter), or alternate transport. Bertie the bus driver has his happiest and fulelst load days on these weekends.
Sir Topham Hatt joins in on the Super Bowl weekend fun too btw. If the team you cheer for wins and it's one he's cheering for, you get free rounds (read: he'll buy you abStarbucks drink.)
edward, Toby, and Duke all invest too much in Starbucks. (Adaptation of @weirdowithaquill 's thing in the ERS with engines and teabags)
Bill and Ben have too many whopper cushions and other prank items in their arsenal.
I'll add more if I think of any.
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neutrallyobsessed · 2 years
òwô what's this?? some info dumping bout my ttte stand user au?
....or stand au, cause the humanized versions are the stands but that's besides the point buT YEAHHH not everything is complete, but that's the fun about it, i just want you to read some of my thought process and maybe you can help me fill some blanks x3
General Info About The Stands:
The locomotives and other vehicles are alive! i don't know why (yet?), so moving on. All of them can manifest a human form called Stand, they are shaped like that because engines always think on what could be the most useful. Engines and Stands co-exist so we can have double the blorbos! Two of Them™ :D! They work togheter and are either a good moral compass that helps their desicion making for what would be best or enablers agents of chaos, it depends of the mood, circumstances, if they've been bothered by another engine, etc.
Stands may look human but they're definitely not humans. The grey skin is the first giveaway; then there's the fact that they can hover, basically float like a couple of cms off the air and be (almost) as fast (also strong) as their locomotive counterparts so they can follow them as they steam along the railway~. Tho they usually just sit on the boiler, another thing a human couldn't do, plus they control their tangibility at will, so waist-down can be tangible to sit on top of the train while leaving the rest of the body untangible thus unnaffected by the wind caused by the high speeds.
I'm not thinking too deeply about their digestive systems but they can eat pretty much everything... as long as it can be easily destroyed by fire. So apart from being able to consume their fuel by mouth they can enjoy "human food" if they so desire. Among... other things.
I haven't decided on distance ranges but they do differ depending on the type of ability or lack thereof
「STAND NAME」: Ride The Blue Limbo
Ability: Shadow Travelling. He can enter a shadow and come out of a different one. He's invisible and bidimensional during the travelling but one can see the movement around, like if he is going through a path with rocks you'd see the rocks moving, just not who is moving them.
He doesn't have an ability besides the human form, but some people say that its a lack of aging. Will expand on the character sheet coming this millenium A
「STAND NAME」: Niwashi King
Ability: Botanokinesis. Can creat and manipulate fertile soil and the plants that can grow out of it, including concrete. The speed on which the grow depends on the final size (ie. grass grows in an instant but a tree could only spark a small branch look in a minute).
Ability: Fast Travelling. It kinda looks like teleportation, with the way he stands in one place and then he is 100mts away but it is just running/hovering really fast 'cause it can be caught on camera.
Ability: Red Glitter. He can produce glitter out of his hands which not only makes him sparkle and look even more dashing as he goes by but also can be a great distraction weapon. Imagine getting that shit in your eyes. Terrible! It dissapears after 30 mins.
「STAND NAME」: Fly Away
Ability: Flying. xd.
「STAND NAME」: Caramell (yes THAT Caramell xd)
Ability: Much like a cat, he can fit his body in very small things, as long as his head fits. Very flexible the old champ
「STAND MASTER」: Donald/Douglas
「STAND NAME」: [name of vinyl record] Side A/B
Ability: Foresight/Hindsight. Whoever is the funni one has the foresight of 10 seconds, so it's usually used like this. The sane one has the hindsight ability which is mostly him saying "you shouldn't have done that" ............ i don't know which is which i am a dissapointment to this fandom i'll try to do better ówò
「STAND NAME」: Mr. Worldwide
Ability: Multilanguage understanding. Another fact of locomotives and stands is that since they don't have ears, spoken communication is done by feeling vibrations and lip-reading. So Oliver's ability consists in being able to understand the lip movements and vibrations of all other languages
「STAND NAME」: Plastic Beach
Ability: Circular Saws she can summon at will replacing her hands or feet. They have a radius of her forearms.
Ability: Creating chairs (one at a time) or any sitting furniture she can lift. They can be used for anything she wants, but they are usually used as throwing weapons
aaaand that's all i have for the moment. like,, i do have some other design for other characters but when it comes to their abilties, that's about it, anyways thanks for reading and i'll be listening to your song recs (and they better be good because i am extremely picky and super annoying about music, i love and hate everything at the same time, you could say im a neutral extremist :v)
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