Just realized that I've never posted Tuku baby 's pics before :3
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marttisdebolo · 1 year
G🤘😆🤘d morning my neighbooooooor
Tuku tuka tuka ta tuka ta🤘😯🤘
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hatutannews · 5 months
Komandu F-FDTL La Tolera Membru Ne’ebé “Tuku-Tebe” Ofisiál FC Laivai
Hatutan.com, (18 Dezembru 2023), Díli—Komandu FALINTIL Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), identifika ona no sei laiha tolensia ba oknum ne’ebé deskonfia baku-lisuk Domingos dos Santos, nu’udár ofisiál ida iha FC Laivai Afisafa, iha estádiu munisipál Dili, Sábadu (16/12/2023). Continue reading Untitled
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thisisgraeme · 7 months
Te Ao Māori AI in Education: Integrating Cultural Values Through a Wharenui Framework
Explore the integration of Te Ao Māori values into AI in education through a unique Wharenui Framework. Learn how principles like whanaungatanga and manaakitanga can enrich AI systems, making them more culturally sensitive and ethically robust
Setting the Stage: Considering how we integrate Te Ao Māori AI in Education In the rapidly evolving landscape of education, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a distant concept but a transformative force. While the integration of AI into educational systems offers unprecedented opportunities for personalised learning and administrative efficiency, it also raises complex ethical and…
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borobudurnews · 1 year
Program "Tuku Lemah Oleh Omah" DP 0 Rupiah Sudah Ratusan Unit di Jawa Tengah
Program “Tuku Lemah Oleh Omah” DP 0 Rupiah Sudah Ratusan Unit di Jawa Tengah
BNews–JATENG– Senyum bahagia mengembang di wajah para warga yang mendapat bantuan rumah dari Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Program ‘Tuku Lemah Oleh Omah’ yang digagas Gubernur Jawa Tengah, Ganjar Pranowo, karena mampu mewujudkan impian mereka untuk memiliki rumah tanpa uang muka dan tanpa angsuran. Sejak digulirkan tahun 2020, Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Tengah ini sudah memberikan ratusan rumah…
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sumerianlanguage · 16 days
Silim! I was wondering what some of the basic verbs would be in Sumerian, e.g: 'to be', 'to have', 'to do', etc.
Hello! This is a more complicated answer than you may have expected. As with many languages, the most common & frequently-used verbs are also the most irregular - think of how irregular "be/is/are/were/been", "do/does/did/done", and "go/went/gone" are in English.
Of these core verbs, the simplest in Sumerian is tuku "to have, hold, possess, get", which only has two roots - tuku in the past and tukutuku in the present. Example: Ngae dub ibtukutukun "I have a tablet."
There is no perfect match for "to do" in Sumerian, but the verb aka "to act, take action" covers a lot of the same semantic space. It's used in a lot of phrasal verbs, like kurum aka "to inspect" (i.e. "to do an inspection"), or sagaz aka "to do a robbery, to commit a murder". It's basically regular, appearing as ak or aka in all tenses, but in certain participles appears as just k- (as in kede "for the purpose of taking action.") Example: Zae ana ibakan? "What are you doing? What action are you taking?"
The verb "to say, speak" is also both common and irregular in Sumerian, with three different roots: dug is the dictionary entry, but is only used in the past-tense singular; in the plural or present tense it's e, and in all non-finite forms (like participles) it's di. (Aka and dug are the only verbs in Sumerian with a dedicated participle root.) Example: Ngae iben "I'm saying it", Ngae dug "I said it", Dide "for saying".
The verb for "to go" takes this one step further, in having four separate roots, the only verb in Sumerian with this many. In singular past it's ngen, plural past is ere, singular present is du and plural present is sub. So: Ngenen "I went", Erenden "we went", Dun "I go", Subenden "we go".
And finally there's "to be", which barely operates as a verb at all. Instead, it acts like a set of suffixes at the end of a sentence - so -men "I am", -(a)m "it is", etc. It also works only in linking two nouns/pronouns, as in Ngae lugalmen "I am the king", Lugal is'habam "The king is a villain." In English we often use "to be" to connect a noun to an adjective, as in "The king is beautiful", but in Sumerian such a construction would use a dedicated verb like sag "(to be) beautiful". Lugal sage is literally, "The king beautifuls".
I hope that's helpful! If you'd like any more example sentences translated using one or more of these verbs, let me know.
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kohoutek-lucni · 1 year
Vážení a milí obrozenští přátelé, jsem tu zas a se mnou veselá historka odehrávající se v naší české kotlině, se kterou můžete být divní na společenských akcích všemožného rázu.
Banket ve velrybě, rok 1892.
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Léta páně 1885 si v jisté norské zátoce s čímsi pohrávají mořské vlny. Ukáže se, že se jedná o nebývale velkou mrtvou samici plejtváka myšoka. Lidé v té době měli jeden primární instinkt při spatření mrtvé velryby - zpracovat a zpeněžit! A tak se také stalo. Kostí se ujal badatel, zoolog, diplomat, politik a budoucí nositel Nobelovky za mír Fridtjof Nansen, pod jeho dohledem byly vypreparovány a následně se do novin mezi inzeráty koupím/prodám vetřel jeden: "hoši, kupte fakt velkou velrybu". Stála v přepočtu na dnešní korunu asi 200 000. Jednou tedy (nejspíš) do hospody U Gebauerů při posezení společnosti Jour Fixe vrazil Vojta Náprstek, praštil o stůl srolovanýma novinama a pěstí a padlo rozhodnutí, že budem ti hoši, co budou mít v muzeu fakt velkou velrybu. Pánové rozbili prasátka a hej bude velryba bude viset na stropě bude to popiči a kdo to má a co se může pokazit. A tak ji fakt dovezli. Do budoucího Národního muzea. Muzeum ještě nebylo postavený. Ubytovali ji tedy v Náprstkově Průmyslovém muzeu, kde jim díky mohutné reklamě na vstupném vrátila všechny peníze, co stála, a ještě vydělala. Protože hej, ta velryba je fakt že velká!!! Zůstala tam čtyři roky a její odchod nostalgicky oželeli asi všichni kromě nebohý paní Náprstkový, která nejspíš jako jediná musela čichat ten smrad a vytírat ten tuk, co z ní kapal. (Sajrajt z ní kapal až do 60. let, kdy byla odmaštěna profesionálními prostředky. Od té doby je, nepřekvapivě, hrozně křehká. Pokud jsou vaši rodiče ročník 67, můžete jim položit záludnou otázku: víte, co se stalo v rok vašeho narození? Myli velrybu jarem asi nebo já nevim co s ní dělali) Aby se s ní před její cestou do muzea rozloučili, Jour Fixe uspořádala u Náprstkových banket ve velrybě. Osobně si myslím, že čumblr potřebuje nějaký obskurní svátek.
Banket ve velrybě bude 26. 5. 2023 slavit své 131. narozeniny. Dělejte si s tou informací co chcete. Ale já to dětský šáňo u nahrávky velrybího houkání rozhodně otevřu. A možná si do něj dám i deštníček. Kterej tam rozhodně nebude pro symboliku toho kapajícího tuku.
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uispeccoll · 9 months
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Happy Māori Language Week from Special Collections & Archives!
Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, Maori Language Week, is celebrated annually the week of September 14th to commemorate Te Wā Tuku Reo Māori, the Maori Language Moment, which stamps the presentation of the Maori Language Petition in New Zealand at 12 pm on September 14, 1972.
Te Reo Māori is the language of New Zealand's Indigenous Maori people. It is a part of the Austronesian language family and shares its roots with other island languages including Tahitian and Hawaiian. The celebration of Te Wiki is rooted deeply in efforts to revitalize the Māori language after years of the speaking and use of te reo was banned in schools. Today, te reo Māori is the official language of New Zealand, or Aotearoa as it is called by the Indigenous people. It has become increasingly used in New Zealand society, culture, and professional institutions. The Māori language has also become something of global interest, with the popularization of the language through its presence in music, film, television, and sports commentary.
In the United States, Polynesians as a whole make up less than half of a percent of the American population, with Māori people as one of the smallest migrant populations. Still, for those living abroad or interested in learning the language from afar, the language revitalization movement has certainly spread to the United States, along with its learning materials and resources.
There is a Māori proverb that reads ahakoa he iti he pounamu, "although it is small, it is greenstone." This refers to the importance of things small but precious, such as these miniatures!
The Reeds' Lilliput Māori dictionary and Reeds' Lilliput Māori proverbs live in Special Collections as part of the Smith Miniature Book Collection. These 5cm tall miniature books were published by A.W. Reed in the early 1960s, the dictionary in 1960 as part of a collection of miniature dictionaries made popular by other global publishers. The book of whakatauki, Māori proverbs, joined the mini-dictionary in 1964. Other language dictionaries include Spanish, French, and Romanian. Due to their size, it is likely that these books were made to entertain more so than educate. Still, they are certainly one of the many taonga, treasures, of Special Collections.
Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2023 begins Monday, September 11, and concludes Sunday, September 17. Celebrate through songs, stories, conversations, or by learning some library-related Māori vocabulary! You can also visit the University of Iowa LibGuide on learning beginner's te reo Māori.
pukapuka book
pūranga archive
whakaputunga collection
kaitiaki pukapuka librarian
wāhi tuku pukapuka reference desk
pānui to read
ako to learn
--From M Clark, Instruction GA
Reeds' proverbs (SMITH PL6465.Z77 .R44 1964) and Reeds' dictionary (SMITH PL6465.Z5 .R44 1960)
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whoregaylorenzo · 5 months
Hiii!! I'm new to this fandom and I'm also a sucker for good sibling relationships
Do you know where I would be able to watch the videos Alex and Marc did together?? I did a generic search but to no avail 😭
Thank you so much!;!!!
welcome to the fandom anon!! so glad to have you!!! <3
okay so I'm not sure if you're looking for specific videos or anything but I'll compile a few links to the challenge videos here :) tell me if you meant sth else
¿Quién sabe más? ¿Marc de Alex o Alex de Marc? (one of my fav comfort videos, literally 15min of two brothers being silly answering questions about eachother)
whisper challenge (if you are like me and don't speak spanish you won't understand them but if you are really like me you will just enjoy them speaking words and cracking eachother up)
5 second rule challenge (this whole video feels like one big inside joke between those two they are just cracking up the whole time, very nice show of their dynamic tbh, also you will learn why alex does not have a gf lmao)
Who said it? (cute, thats all I can say)
What´s in the box? (I think about "el tuku tuku" every day, big rec this one)
fishing (listen I wanna talk to whoever at motogp thought up this content cause it cracks me up they really sent these two dudes fishing, looking so out of place, weirdly calm?? and then they haul this massive fucking fish?? the heck?? love it tho)
and then they did this interview afterwards (or before idk I found it randomly) basically talking about cohabitation and living with their parents, its cute edit: lol I forgot this is also where the interviewer asks when marc took the valentino posters down
making their own hand sanitizer (during the pandemic obv, they make them mix a bunch of stuff to make hand sanitizer and surprisingly they managed it, plus marc being a star pupil knowing all the pandemic rules)
there's other people in this fandom who have been around muuch longer so anyone is welcome to add to this!!
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qadmonster · 1 year
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lugal-anna udug-hul 
lu-ni-tuku la-ru-us
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hatutannews · 7 months
Pessoál STAE Taka Portaun Iha Tuku 15:00, Eleitór Barak La Vota
Hatutan.com, (28 Outubru 2023), Díli— Primeira vez akontese tanba eleisaun suku iha sentru votasaun eskola 5 Maiu, aldeia 30 Agostu, Suku Comoro, postu Administrativu Dom Aleixo, munisípiu Díli, iha tuku 15:00 otl, pessoál Sekretariadu Tékniku Administrasaun Eleitorál (STAE) orienta membru Polísia Nasionál Timor Leste (PNTL) destakadu hodi taka odamatan boot eskola nian atu sidadaun sira ne’ebé…
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borobudurnews · 1 year
Intip Rumah Bantuan Tuku Lemah Oleh Omah, Hanya Bayar Rp355.000 per Bulan Di Magelang
Intip Rumah Bantuan Tuku Lemah Oleh Omah, Hanya Bayar Rp355.000 per Bulan Di Magelang
BNews–MAGELANG--Ridwan (42), selalu mengucap kalimat syukur karena impiannya memiliki rumah telah terwujud. Pria yang sehari-hari bekerja sebagai sekuriti itu terlihat bahagia hidup bersama istri dan ketiga anaknya di rumah bantuan “Tuku Lemah Oleh Omah” dari Gubernur Jateng Ganjar Pranowo. Bantuan rumah bersistem panel dengan menggunakan sambungan baut itu ada 18 unit. Dan, berdiri di satu…
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takovanormalnielie · 2 months
Začínám naplno zaučovat kolegu na svojí pozici. Naštěstí je to bystrej a kluk a učí se rychle. Akorát je trochu netahavej a chybí mu tempo. Ono ho to donutí. Já tam denně nachodím 15km a přeházím 2t materiálu po 30 kg. Popravdě to začíná bejt problém s mým podvyživeným BMI. Všechny stopy po svalech mizí a já si poprvý připadám hezká. Pár lidí už má o mě obavy, jestli nemám problémy s jídlem. No asi trochu mám. Jídlo mě nebaví a navíc chci dostat dolu co nejvíc před zahájením HRT, ale já věřím, že se to pak zlomí a budu se snažit zas o opak. Přecejenom nemůže proběhnout redistribuce tuku, když žádnej mít nebudu a ten uloženej už zůstane, kde je. Musím prostě začít na čistým plátně a mám tendence věci trochu přemyslovat. Jakože líbí se mi plný holky, ale budu tak hezká já? Nedovedu si to představit. Celej život se mi lidi akorát smějou, že jsem moc hubená. Teď, když jsem se s tím konečně srovnala, tak mám strach vypadat jinak.
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sumerianlanguage · 28 days
I would love have the text of " i give reverance (or thanks) to my creators" in Sumerian script please
Hi! This is actually a pretty tough one to answer, because there's no word for "thanks" or "gratitude" that I know of in Sumerian. (See this prior post on the lack of "thank you".) There is a verb phrase for "to revere, have reverence for", which is the same as the one meaning "to fear, hold in awe" - ni tuku 𒉎 𒌇, literally "have fear".
I've previously answered about "creator" - here I'll use badim 𒁀𒁶. "My creators" would be badimngune 𒁀𒁶𒈬𒉈, and "to/for my creator(s)" would be the dative case form badimnguner, which is written the same as the base form (without a sign for the final -r).
The verb form for "I have it (fear) for them" is muneabtukutukun 𒈬𒉈𒀊𒌇𒌇𒌦, assuming the creators are physically present; if they aren't, it'd be eneabtukutukun 𒂊𒉈𒀊𒌇𒌇𒌦. This breaks down into the "to/for them" element (munea- or enea-), plus the conjugation b-[root]-n on the present-tense root tukutuku.
So, putting it all together, our sentences would be Badimnguner ni muneabtukutukun 𒁀𒁶𒈬𒉈 𒉎 𒈬𒉈𒀊𒌇𒌇𒌦 or Badimnguner ni eneabtukutukun 𒁀𒁶𒈬𒉈 𒉎 𒂊𒉈𒀊𒌇𒌇𒌦, again depending whether the creators in question are physically present or not. Each one would mean literally "I have fear for my creators", or by extension "I have reverence for my creators". I hope that's helpful!
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nije-mi-nista · 1 year
Nešto što ne bi trebala biti ni misaona radnja, dogodila se juče. Ranim jutrom, umesto da se sumiraju utisci nakon kraćeg odmora, tragedija. Odličan učenik, miran i povučen dečak koji samo što je zagazio u tinejdžersko doba, to jutro došao je u školu sa namerom da ubije. Devetoro mrtvih, sedmoro povređenih, stotine preplašenih, hiljade ogorčenih, milijardu ožalošćenih.
Bruji Srbija, pita ko je kriv? Da li su krivi učenici, koji su mu se podsmevali? Da li je kriva škola, koja nije reagovala na problem? Da li su krivi roditelji, koji se nisu posvetili svom detetu? Da li je kriva država, koja promoviše nasilje? Ili je krivo dete, koje je zločin počinilo?
Odgovor, možda nikada i ne dobijemo, jedino što znamo jeste, da moramo da se menjamo. Recite deci, da nisu "carevi", ako se zbog njih neko drugi oseća loše. Naučite već jednom da nije sramota osećati, kao što nije ni sramota potražiti pomoć. Shvatite da ćutanjem, potiskivanjem i "guranjem pod tepih", nećete učiniti da problem nestane, štaviše samo ćete ga povećati. Roditelji, trgnite se i budite idoli svojoj deci, zar ne znate da su oni vaše ogledalo. Vratite u medije PRAVE programe zabavnog karaktera, emisije edukativnog karaktera, a ne emisije pune ubica, kriminalaca i promiskuiteta. Sve dok se pažnja bude pridavala takvoj sferi osoba, kojima "niko ne sme ništa"; sve dok se bude gledalo kroz prste, jer je to "mamin i tatin sin"; sve dok se nevaspitanje toleriše, a "dobar dan komšija" više ne postoji; sve dok je dozvoljeno da učenici izmaknu učiteljici stolicu i da ne budu kažnjeni; sve dok nam zdravstvene radnike tuku po dolasku na intervenciju; sve dok je tako, cilj će biti da se postane kriminalac, a ne doktor, ili profesor.
Zar je bilo potrebno ovako nešto, da bi se narod trgao, da bi se okruženje menjalo, da bismo se mi sami menjali? I zapamtite, deca se ne rađaju puna mržnje i želje za osvetom, deca to uče.
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endless-bunny · 9 months
Pathfinder Iconics Comparison Part 1: Classes with Different Iconics
[Part 2: Core Classes] [Part 3: The Remaining PF2 Classes] [Part 4: Classes Who Got Demoted] [Part 5: Prestige Classes] [Part 6: Who's left?]
Paizo hit upon a really clever bit of design when they came up with the idea of "Iconic" characters.* Unlike some other role-playing games, which have illustrations full of generic characters and scenarios, each character class in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is illustrated with an Iconic character. These are fleshed-out characters in their own right, and in addition to appearing in illustrations throughout the books, they're used for novels and comics and fiction of all sorts. Some of them appear as party members in Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous. *Note: I have since come to learn that the character illustrations in the Player's Handbook for the third edition of Dungeons & Dragons were considered Iconic. The characters for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game therefore represent a continuity of that concept rather than something Paizo came up with. However, I think Pathfinder does it really well, and it's something that is sorely lacking from the fifth edition of Dungeons & Dragons.
Between the first and second editions of Pathfinder, some of the Iconics got swapped out, while others stayed the same but got updated outfits. See below the cut for comparisons between the classes that got swapped, and I'll make separate post for classes which stayed the same.
Note about the artwork: We have the absolute shining star Wayne Reynolds to thank for most of these. He's genuinely my favourite fantasy illustrator. Unless noted otherwise, all illustrations in this post are by him (and all are © Paizo). Paizo credits all the interior artists at the front of each book but finding out which specific artist did each specific piece is a bit tricky. Thankfully, not only does Wayne sign is artwork, he has such a distinctive style, so he's easy to recognise.
We'll start off with the characters who are completely different.
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Damiel (PF1, he/him, Elf) and Fumbus (PF2, he/him, Goblin)
Pathfinder 2e has promoted Goblins to a core ancestry, so they wanted one of the new iconics to show it off. Goblins often have a fondness for things blowing up, so alchemist seemed like a perfect choice. Fumbus has already had his own solo adventure in a comic book, while Damiel was featured in Hollow Mountain.
The Alchemist appears in Advanced Players Guide for PF1 and Core Rulebook for PF2.
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Lirianne (PF1, she/her, Half-Elf) and Nhalmika (PF2, she/her, Dwarf)
These ladies are both very cool in their own ways. Lirianne has that sort of Clint Eastwood vibe, peeking out from under her hat. Nhalmika is a real Mama Bear, and it's quite rare to see a mother going adventuring.
The Gunslinger appears in Ultimate Combat for PF1 and Guns & Gears for PF2.
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Alahazra (PF1, she/her, Human [Garundi]) and Korakai (PF2, he/him, Tengu)
Like goblins, tengu are now more available to player characters in PF2, and Korakai was brought in to demonstrate that.
Lest you worry that Alahazra might have been forgotten, she does appear in the PF2 Advanced Player's Guide as one of the Oracle "quick builds", the Flame Augur. She also continues to appear in scene artwork in the books.
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Illus. TBD, it's not Wayne.
The Oracle appears in Advanced Player's Guide for PF1 and Advanced Player's Guide for PF2.
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Rivani (PF1, she/her, Human [Vudrani]) and Thaleon (PF2, he/him, Elf [Vourinoi])
I love Rivani's outfit, and there is something to be said for completely invisible magic, but the splashes of colour in Thaleon's key art just make it so dynamic I can't help but love it.
The Psychic appears in Occult Adventures for PF1 and in Dark Archive for PF2.
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Balazar & Padrig (PF1, he/him, Gnome) and Ija & Tuku (PF2, she/her, Human [Bonuwat])
The Summoner is the Pet Class in PF2. It lacks a lot of the granular customisation of the class in PF1, but in exchange the class works in sync with its pet in a way that the Ranger and Druid can only envy.
On a side note, it seems unlikely we'll get the Spiritualist in PF2 given that the Summoner can take an Undead Eidolon and cast Divine spells if she so chooses, so as a bonus, here's Estra (she/her, Human).
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The Summoner is found in Advanced Player's Guide in PF1 (with a revised version appearing in Pathfinder Unchained) and in Secrets of Magic in PF2. The Spiritualist is found in Occult Adventures in PF1.
So that's your lot. All five of the classes that got a new Iconic between editions. If I remember, I'll update this post with links to the others once I make them.
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