#tuli life
heartmaxxing · 2 years
emotional healing through laying down and doing nothing and writing when i feel like it and listening to reggae and reggaeton
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“Arguing with the Ghost of Peter Laughner About His Coney Island Baby Review”, The Mountain Goats // Nona the Ninth, Tamsyn Muir
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shiroi---kumo · 4 months
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- Sitriini Sinfonia -
♫ The Symphonic Soul ♫
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⋯✧・♪♫♪・✧⋯ Sitriini Sinfonia is Prince Usva's Music Instructor but also the most famous musician Misterica has ever known - setting right up in the ranks with his mother Palava Tuli. His music is widely loved and cherished and commissioned by the church often but due to a wrist injury when he was 20, Sinfonia was forced to set down his violin far more than he cares for.
He plays very little in comparison to his youth and has turned to teaching Prince Usva in place of continuing his career as a musician. He was raised in the palace along side Lord Aurinko, as his mother Tuli is one of Aurinko's soul binds and taught the young king music herself. With Aurinko only being 3 years older than Aurinko, Sinfonia sees him more as his older brother than any form of authority figure.
He's a complicated man that is basically adoptive family to the Royal Family. The King being his brother and the prince's his nephews. So it was a well kept secret for many years when Sinfonia soul bound to Prince Usva to take his position as one of his instructors. It wasn't so much against the rules because he wasn't blood but still would have been highly frowned upon and Aurinko might have been accused of favoritism should it have spread too far by the wrong people.
The wrong people being Smaragdin Syksy who found out about this little secret and used it to blackmail Sinfonia into bending to her will. She also was one of Prince Usva's instructors and didn't care for the special treatment Prince Pilvi got as the Child of White. So she blackmailed Sinfonia into "conforming" to the disparaging ways of herself and her views towards how the princes should be handled, including that of their respective soul binds.
It created a rift between himself and his youngest nephew that he fears can't ever be repaired, even when his medical complications came to light after passing out in the palace halls one day due to his heart condition, but with so much going on, it all would come to a head eventually - wouldn't it?
Once Aqua Sielu became involved it seemed his life would change forever.
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jalopeura · 1 month
minä: proaktiivisesti soitan energiyhtiölleni ja teen uuden sähkösopimuksen uuteen asuntoon, kaikki on perfect
energiayhtiö seuraavana päivänä: soittaa mulle ja yrittää myydä sähkösopimuksen koska ne oli nähny muuttoilmoituspalvelussa että olen muuttamassa. tuntuu vähän tyhmältä mut ymmärränhän mä niiden myyntitarpeen, ok, whatever.
energiayhtiö sitä seuraavana päivänä: lähettää viestin 7:30 aamulla että 'hei me soitetaan sulle sähkösopimuksesta tänään' koska ne oli nähny että tein muuttoilmotuksen. tämän päivän fiilis on että mieluummin tappasin linjan toisessa päässä olevan ihmisen kuin vastaisin puhelimeen (en ole nukkunut enkä syönyt ruokaa saattaa vaikuttaa tähän fiilikseen myös :thinking:)
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thatcharmingjerk · 10 months
Kaiken muun päälle ahdistaa etten oo kunnon taiteilija, ja ku en tiiä mittää tai kettään ku olin reipas työmies ja kävin koulut eri alalla ku luovalla ja nyt oon ihan yksin kaiken kanssa ja kukaan ei ees tajua miten vähän tiiän ja hahmotan ja 🙃
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etelectromexa · 2 years
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kristopherbiernat · 4 months
06/07/2024 (five beautiful things on a beautiful friday)
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cnnmairoll · 2 months
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The Last Braid
contains: brother! Kita Shinsuke, mentions of suna x reader genre: fluff, comfort synopsis: You're getting married, and the nervousness washes over you. As you prepare for the big day, your brother Shinsuke steps in to braid your hair one last time. a/n: very old and I had to label the doc 'wajib tulis bego' which means you better write it you incompetent piece of shit 😞
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"Y/N," your brother, Shinsuke, called out as you turned away from the mirror and faced him at the door. The bridesmaid sensed the need for privacy and excused herself, leaving just the two of you in the room. Shinsuke took a step closer to you.
"Shin? What are you doing here?" you asked, puzzled. "Shouldn't you be in Rin's room right now?"
"Why would I be there when my sister is here? I'm the one who will be walking you down the aisle, after all. And also..." He guided you toward the vanity, pulling out a chair for you to sit. "I'll do your hair one last time before Suna takes over that role," he chuckled. "Do you have any specific requests?" he asked, gently brushing your hair.
"Anything will do, Shin. I trust you," you replied, smiling at the reflection before you, reminiscing about the days when he used to style your hair daily.
"Are you nervous?" Shinsuke asked as he began dividing your hair into sections.
"A little bit. I mean, it's normal to feel nervous on your wedding day, right?" you responded, fidgeting with your fingers. While Shinsuke focused on his task, he picked up on your nervous habit. He knew something was bothering you.
"You know, the best way to overcome that nervous feeling is to talk about it," Shinsuke remarked, recognizing that you had something on your mind. You took a deep breath and started sharing your worries.
"It's just... what if I'm not good enough for him? What if I'm not ready for this huge step?" you confessed, your voice trembling slightly.
Shinsuke paused for a moment, then resumed braiding your hair, his movements gentle and soothing. "Y/N, you've always been enough. Suna knows that, and that's why he chose you. And as for being ready, no one ever feels completely prepared for big life changes. It's okay to be nervous."
"But what if I mess up?" you asked, your eyes meeting his in the mirror.
"Then you mess up. And you learn from it. But you won't be alone. You'll have him, and you'll always have me," Shinsuke reassured you, finishing the braid and securing it with a delicate pin.
You felt a wave of calm wash over you, the familiar sensation of your brother's support grounding you. "Thanks, Shin. I needed that."
Shinsuke smiled warmly, placing a gentle kiss on the top of your head. "Anytime, Y/N. Now, let's get you married."
With a final look in the mirror, you stood up and took a deep breath, feeling more confident and ready for the big moment. As you linked your arm with Shinsuke's, you felt a lump form in your throat. The reality of the day hit you—you were leaving the home you had always known, and the brother who had been your rock.
"Shin... I’m going to miss living with you," you admitted, your voice breaking slightly.
Shinsuke’s expression softened, and he squeezed your hand reassuringly. "And I’ll miss having you around, Y/N. But this isn’t goodbye. You’re starting a new chapter with Suna, and that’s something to be excited about. I’ll always be here for you, no matter what."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you hugged him tightly. "Thank you for everything, Shin. I love you."
"I love you too, Y/N," Shinsuke whispered, his voice filled with emotion. "Now, let’s go make some beautiful memories today."
Together, you stepped out into the hallway, ready to embrace the future and the new life that awaited you with Suna, while carrying the unwavering support of your beloved brother in your heart.
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q-ueen-potato · 1 month
Me and @crazysaru99 were talking and made a new au.
Using some infos of the games is know the fairies had a king and queen but they are just figureheads while the fairy council are the real rules...so of course we made a whole au about this. Basically this King and Queen are put on this status by the council.
The original royal family was the Cosma Family.
Gonzo Cosma was the last fairy king of the Cosma family. He was a good ruler and had a son but sadly he was deposed after the great war against the anti-fairies and because of everything that happened he became senile.
The Fairy Council took over the government of the Fairy World and the Seelie Court was practically dissolved (om this au the nobility was what formed the seelie court)
The fairy council also chose two fairies to be the new King and Queen as figurehead while they rule behind it(Kimg Oberon and Queen Titania)
Cosmo Sr.(Papa Cosmo) was raised in a humble life by his mother who had to also took care of her husband who was going more and more senile. Eventually he met Tuli Von Strangle (Mama Cosma) whom he married. Tuli has always been very controlling and manipulative
The Von Strangle family took over the leadership of practically the entire Fairy World and eventually the fairies forgot about the Cosma family as their rulers.
The seelie court used to be formed by the strongest fairy families in the fairy world like the Cupid, the Von Strangle, the Cosma obviously and others
Her eis a few drawings @crazysaru99 did for this au
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The former Royal Family: King Gonzo, Queen Stella and Prince Cosmo.
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Here is Cosmo Sr. As King after his status is restored(what will eventually happen)
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And here is the special crowns the royal family have.
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mcytmultilingualbb · 3 months
Team name: Finnish 1
Writer: @tinjap
Artist: @chillingxy
Title: Merirosvoilua
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56987725/chapters/144919147
Ratings/Warnings: no warnings, for all ages
Characters: Martyn is the main character! Everyone in 3rd life either appears or is mentioned
Martynin ja Bigbiin kaveri Grian tuli merirosvon kidnappaamaksi ja nyt heidän täytyy lähteä seikkailulle hänen peräänsä pelastaakseen hänet! Onneksi he pääsevät kapteeni Renin kyytiin ja saavat uusia ystäviäkin matkan varrelta.
Martyn's and Bigb's friend Grian gets kidnapped by a pirate and now they have to go to an adventure after him to save him! Luckily They get to go with captain Ren and even get new friends during the journey.
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heartmaxxing · 2 years
doing laundry with blankets takes the absolute piss out of me i wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy except for my ex best friend from senior year. fuck that guy
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varahai · 1 year
Kärnä on jo parodia itsestään
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shiroi---kumo · 6 months
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Palava Tuli is one of the kingdom's most talented musicians. She was a resident of the palace far longer than she was a bind to Lord Aurinko as she was good friends with Aurinko's father Lord Huippu. She became a bind to Aurinko when he was 6 years old to teach him music. Three years prior she gave birth to her son, Sitriini Sinfonia and was pleased to see that her son and her liege had bonded like brothers.
When Aurinko took the throne after the untimely death of Lord Huippu, she went from being his teacher to his advisor and took over the department of festival and ritual planning. She's helped guide Sinfonia on his career to become a highly skilled musician in the kingdom.
Tuli is extremely close to Aurinko, her fellow binds and the royal family as she lost her husband to the war with Windaria. She thinks of Aurinko's children, Punainen Usva and Valkoinen Pilvi like her grand children, even though they both call her "Täti Tuli." (Aunt Tuli)
Of all of Aurinko's binds, she is the closest to Sininen Taivas.
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jalopeura · 5 days
im intending on going to helsinki in december for the first time since 2019 and im like. sitting here making a spreadsheet of the stores i wanna visit and the optimal routes to take to them and also trying to figure out what kind of a budget im gonna impose on myself (itll be december so everything i buy will count as a christmas present to myself so the budget will be somewhat larger than it otherwise might be, i think)
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fifteenth-entity · 1 year
Surprised no one is talking about Tulin
Or at least not that I have seen, because just Rito village as a whole was so depressing to me, and I just feel the overwhelming urge to talk about it.
This is obviously for pre-Colgera stuff, but let me tell you, as someone who did all of the other main quests before Rito village and left it for last (cuz it's usually my favorite to do cuz I like flying and archery), going to Rito village was so horrifying at first.
It's the only place so far in TotK that I feel mimicked the feeling of desolation and abandonment as well as BotW did, because in BotW, the Rito are all so friendly to you and while they live in fear of Vah Medoh, they're not in immediate danger, which makes Rito village as a whole quite sunny and enjoyable to be around, that alongside the fact that it's a relatively easy to traverse landscape and the Rito aren't needlessly cruel to you, just rather dismissive. And then in TotK, you enter, expecting the sunniness (in attitude at least) of Rito village, only to be met with a silent, snow-capped landscape with zero life in sight.
And then you go to the market and you see it's being manned by a child. And then the only demographic you see manning the village is children. And then you realize all the adults have abandoned ship while they wait for you to come help and the children had to step up to the plate of supporting the village.
And then you meet Tulin.
In the beginning, I was slightly relieved to see Tulin be with Teba - finally, I thought, a supervised child, a child that doesn't have to take up the mantel of being an adult to survive.
And then Teba talks about the Stormwind Ark's song, a song originally sung to children, who by the way still believe in the existence of the Stormwind Ark, and how all the adults believe that the Stormwind Ark exists. And Tulin dismisses it as just a fairytale.
That crushed me. Of course Tulin has grown up, he's not the same fledgling he was in Breath of the Wild, he can hold his own. He doesn't need fairytales anymore. But even Genli, who looks to be around the same age as Tulin, believes in the Stormwind Ark. Every child and every adult believes in the Stormwind Ark, except for Tulin. This child has had to take his role as protector of the village so seriously that it has disillusioned him. Disillusionment isn't a good feeling even as an adult, but a child should not have to be disillusioned, especially when it comes to a higher protecting force like the Stormwind Ark is supposed to be. Tulin should still be allowed to believe in the existence of a Stormwind Ark. But he doesn't, and he speaks about its nonexistence with such conviction, with such confidence, that it's depressing.
Which, then, puts into context why Tulin was so dismissive of Teba's tutelage. Teba still believes that there is someone who will come save them, so the man who taught Tulin to take initiative and fight for the village's safety, isn't doing anything to help the village. Instead, Tulin's tutor sits around and waits for a saving grace that, in Tulin's eyes, is not real and will not come to save them (because why wouldn't it have come already if it were real?). So, when Teba is stressing the importance of stuff such as training and teamwork, Tulin is quick to dismiss him - Teba believes in something as fake as the Stormwind Ark, why wouldn't he believe in other fake concepts? (Yes, this mindset is extremely juvenile, but Tulin can't be more than 12.)
Link doesn't start out the BotW/TotK duology as an adult but when he joined Tulin, I was so relieved that someone more experienced would be there to take some of the burden off of Tulin. And when he got the secret stone and had to vow to help Link save Hyrule, that pained me. I didn't want to have a child accompanying me in a mission to save the world because no child should have to do that (Riju included, honestly, but Gerudo values muddle that conversation a little bit). And then I remembered it's only a ghost of Tulin that follows Link, not Tulin himself, and I felt slightly better about it.
But when you look at the wider picture, pre or post Colgera, Tulin is a child soldier, essentially, and I'm surprised I haven't seen people talk about him more as a character. When people call into question how dark TotK is, I just... immediately think of Tulin. This kid is forced to live in a dark and disillusioned reality because of the wider circumstances, and he's conditioned by those circumstances to be alright with that. I don't know if this was intentional or not, but that's quite dark on Nintendo's behalf.
And when I put it this way, there's also some parallels to draw between Tulin and Link here, but that's a different conversation for another day.
I just think this part of the story is depressing, and Tulin is my favorite character. And just to reiterate the title of the post - I'm surprised I'm the first person I've seen bring it up. I don't know if this is a bigger conversation, but if anyone has anything to add, I'd love to hear it because, owch :")
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I just wanted to inform you that the new Part 5 Volume 12 cover was shown, it's similar to Part 1 Volume 1 and some goods have been posted too (like an illust of the outfits from the Engagement ceremony and Drama CD 10 cover) I think you should post them. They were posted like yesterday, so no rush.
Thanks for the links!
As, these are kinda spoilers... I posted the pervious cover and someone commented about spoilers... so
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Ah, Rozemyne overlooking her new city / providence from her new dream library I assume. This is the most content and serene I think she has ever looked, she has earned her dream life!
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I really love this drama CD cover! Kamil really does look like young Myne (maybe it is the side part). Everyone is so grown up now, Bookworm spans 10 years, it is hard to believe we started with a 5 year old Myne and Lutz and 6 year old Tuli.
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It feels bittersweet to see all of these images... am I greedy for wanting the story to continue... I just love all these characters and don't mind reading about them even after all the 'excitement' has ended... I would love a 10 years later special novel at the very least!!
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Rosemyne and Ferdinand's engagement ceremony... all that is missing is Elvira crying in the crowd, lol
I have loved all the art by You Shiina, she has a prefect art style for Bookworm, soft and cute, lots of beautiful attention to details and colors.
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